HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2008.12.11 - 9422MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 008 166 December 11, 2008 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, MIKE Ro=s, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET - FISCAL YEAR 2008 YEAR-END REPORT AND BUDGET AMENDMENTS TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS all accounts have been posted and final adjustments made for Fiscal Year (FY) 2006; and WHEREAS Statement #1 of the Governmental Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting Standards requires that encumbrances be treated as a designated fund balance at the year-end and that such amounts be re -appropriated in the subsequent year in order to be available for expenditure; and WHEREAS the results of operations after coneideration of expenditures, accruals, encumbrances, appropriations carried forward, transfers, adjustments, and closing entries was a favorable variance of total resources over total expenditures as reflected in the attached schedule; and WHEREAS FY 2008 General Fund actual revenue was less than budgeted revenue by ($16,746,659.16); and WHEREAS FY 2008 General Fund actual operating expenditures and transfers were less than budgeted operating expenditures sac eransfers by $22,082,013.07 rendering overall operating expenditures less than expend:tures for FY 2008 by $5,335,353.89; and WHEREAS the followine reserves have been created: • $133,678.16 to cover pre -payments, $267,215.00 for payroll and petty cash; and WHEREAS $157,827.32 for General Fund/General Purpose operations to cover encumbrances obligated through the end of FY 2008 has been designated and; WHEREAS a designated fund balance, in the amount of $9,000,000 has been created in order to meet future capital facility needs of the County; and WHEREAS due to recent economic conditions which may lead to increased appeals of property assessments, a designated fund balance of $2,000,000 has been established to cover expenses related to Tax Tribunal appeals; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the events of Septembee . 11, 2001, the Administration reviewed the security of County facilities and operations and a designated fund balance of $2,965,000 has been established to continue funding anticipated improvements recommended as a result of the study; anc', WHEREAS the rates charged by the Information Technology fund do not include an amount required to replace fully depreciated equipment, and $5,000,000 has been designated to continua to build e replacement fund for future technology replacements; and WHEREAS, pursuant to M.R. #692e3, the Board of Commiasioners established a Designated Fund for Operational Improvements, which makes available a source of funds departments can use to support innovative programs, providing the Board approves the use of the fund balaece and the requesting department commits to a pay-back within six (6) years of the original allocaticn. The designated fund balance of $3,000,000 is restored from current year favorability, resulting from efficiencies achieved due to implementation of approved projects; and WHEREAS $2,633,867.39 of previously budgeted but unspent funds, designated for carry forwards in the General Fund/General Purpose is requested to be appropriated to departments for use, as reviewed and recommended by the Department of Management and Budget; and WHEREAS a $250,000 desiceated fund balance has been created for the Board of Commissioners to utilize for special projects; and WHEREAS the Ecualization Division and Purchasing Division have participated in the Cost Reduction Incentive Management Program (CRIMP); e designated fund balance of $38,522 is required to provide the incentive commitment to these divisions based on verified annual savings; and WHEREAS, due to the increase in the number of data security threats, a designated fund balance has been continued at $1,500,000 to fund the technology necessary to protect data privacy and security; and WHEREAS efforts are continuing to seek cut new grants to assist Oakland County with enhancing operations and new programs, a designated fund balance has been set aside for new grant opportunities in the emount of $200,000; and FINANCE COMMITTEE Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Potter, Coulter, WoOdOgard and Greimel absent. WHEREAS a designated fund balance of $2,805,4C0 is established for general system enhancements for county computing systemz to replace Legacy systems and current systems to be reviewed and appropriated as specifie projects in the future; and WHEREAS a designated fund balance, in the amount of $250,000, has been created to cover anticipated Human Resources - Legal Expenses, including actuary costs and expert witness fees associated with union grievances and Sheriff's Deputy Public Act 312 process; and WHEREAS a designated fund balance, in the amount of $500,000, has been created for the Human Resources Department to conduct a County-wide salary structure study and workforce planning; and WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners has established a Criminal Justice Coordinating Unit, and $500,000 has been designated no fund the collection of data and various new programs; and WHEREAS a designation of $'10,000,000 has been established for FY 2005 and $10,000,000 for FY 2010, to cover potential increases in the Annual Required Contribution (ARC) in the event that the County's actuary determines an increase must be made to the VEBA fund as a result from inclusion of currently unsettled unions; and • WHEREAS a designated fund balance, in the amount of $600,000, has been continued to fund the development of alternative programs related to reducing jail population in Oakland County; and WHEREAS in the event of a Public Healtn outbreak or disaster such as the Avian Flu, the County has taken a proactive approach by establishing a designated fund balance, in the amount of $1,189,000, for response to such an occurrence; and WHEREAS $500,000 is being designated in anticipation of future mileage rate increases which could be approved by the Internal Revenue Service and possible increase in fuel costs for buildings, vehicles, etc.; ant WHEREAS as a result of the County's Business Continuity Planning Process, each department has identified additional supplies that must be procured in the event of an emergency, and a $311 3,000 designation is created to procure these supplies; and WHEREAS the Drain Commissioner's Office received a planning grant on behalf of the Strategic Water Initiative, and if the plan is not implemented then the grant must be repaid, and a designated fund. balance is established for $475,000 in the event that the grant must be repaid; and WHEREAS based on a study by the Department of Human Resources, an additional $320,000 is designated to cover- emergency salary costs for FY 2009; and WHEREAS $1,500,000 is designated to expicre "Jle development of a 311 Contact Center project; and WHEREAS $50,000 is designated to continue the Fire Records Management System which provides for tracking Emergency Service information; and WHEREAS a designation of $300,000 is created to fund various County events and provide quality of life initiatives to attract new businesses; and WHEREAS a designated fund balance in the amount of $54,800 is created to purchase marriage license software for the County Clerk Division to provide online applications for marriage licenses; and WHEREAS Circuit Court received funding for an e-filing system per M.R. 110706l to allow the courts, attorneys and pro Sc lininants to file and serve court documents electronically via the internet, and a designation of $50,000 ia created to purchase software as part of this effort for County Clerk's Office; and WHEREAS it is anticipated a significant amount of property taxes will be uncollectible and the General Ennd may need to reimburse tne DTRF for its share of uncollected taxes, and a designation of $1,500,000 is created for this purpose; and WHEREAS $25,000 is designated for Emergency Response and Preparedness backup system; and WHEREAS due to the historic voter turnout for nne November 4, 2008 General Election, additional time and expenses may be required to canvass the results of the election and $60,000 is designated for the Clerk's Office; and WHEREAS $350,000 is designated to update Sheriff's call taking equipment; and WHEREAS $2,091,151 is designated to cover potential shortfall in State reimbursements; and . WHEREAS $1,000,000 is designated for PeopleSoft upgrades and for the Human Resources Department to implement an e-Ferformance modulo for managers/supervisors to complete performance evaluations online to save time and increase the number of completed evaluations; and WHEREAS per M.R. #03043 a Budget Transition Account was created to account for appropriation reductions and revenue enhancements implemented in FY 2003 and FY 2004, to mitigate the severity of budget reductions required to balance the County's budget, and it is recommended this be continued for FY 2010 and beyond; the designated fund balance has been updated to reflect the balance of funds available for future years $19,800,570 as follows Budget Transition - County Executive $1,2C3,989.00 Budget Transition - Circuit Court 6,733.00 Budget Transition - District Court 5,075.00 Budget Transition - Probate Court 0.00 Budget Transition - Sheriff 242,012.00 Budget Transition - Prosecuting Attorney 8,278.0G - Budget Transition - BOO 0.00 Budget Transition - Drain 74,337,00 Budget Transition - Ceo 88.00 Budget Transition - Treasurer 7,469.00 Budget Transition - General 18,252,589.00; and WHEREAS it recommended the designation of ';,350,000 to update the Sheriff's call taking equipment (GL # 371540)be appropriated for transfer to the Radio Communications Fund (453600) to begin the purchasing process for the equipment; and WHEREAS in reviewing the fringe benefit costs for the Sheriff's Office at year end closing, Hospitalization was unfavorable $2,020,254, as it was determined the budget did not include sufficient funds cover the increase in hospitalization costs for FY 2008, and a budget amendment is recommended to transfer funds from Fringe Benefit Fund (46730)to offset this expense; and WHEREAS the Sheriff's Office has incurred significant overtime in the amount of $263,115 to implement the IMACS System .Wail Management System), used to track inmates, and funds are available in the Sheriff's .3ooking Fee Training Deferred Revenue Account (GL Account #222450) to offset cost to implement this system and a budget amendment is recommended; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is recommended for the Sheriff's Office to reallocate funding in the amount of $150,000 for tho pilot tethering program from Sheriff - Corrections Satellites (40304) to Sheriff-Corrections (40303) so that the budget accurately reflects the actual expenses; and WHEREAS the Circuit Court/Friend of the Court received additional funding in the amount of $3,500 for the Friend of the Court Access and Visitation Grant, and the additional funding is less than 15% of the original award approved per M.R. #08163, and the Circuit Court has requested a budged amendment to reflect the additional funding; and WHEREAS the Micrographics Fund (#65400) has been merged with the Clerk's Office / Register of Deeds General Fund (#101CO)per m.a. #08206 to increase operating and accounting efficiency, and a budget amendment is recommended to close the fund and transfer $320,15.14 to the Micrographics Fund from the Clerk's Register of Deeds General. Fund budget and funding is available in Unreserved Undesignated Fund P,alance; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is recommended for Community Corrections to correctly account for the grant match in the amount of $531,624; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is requested by the Parks and Recreation Commission to reappropriate funds from the Parks and Recreation Fund Contingency account to the Building Maintenance Charges account for building improvements; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is requested to recogn i ze additional revenue from State funding for Convention Facility Tax in the amount of $1,100,254; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is requested to recognize additional revenue in the amount of $312,000 for reimbursement of salaries to offset overtime and revenue from the State for Diverted Felons in the amount of $76,000; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is requested to recognize additional revenue totaling $34,805 for the Frosecdtor's Office to offset Grant Match; and WHEREAS donations have been received by Oakland County Restricted Funds totaling $102,272.33, which includes the following funds: Animal Control Leg a cy ($71,244.76), Children's Village Donation ;$13,446.13), Medical Examiner Family Grief Counseling ;$2,075), Medical Examiner Library Donation ($1,000), NO HAZ Waste Donations ($12,061.44), Probate Court Trust (52,445); and. WHEREAS donations have been received in the Facilities Management and Operations Fund (#63100-1340719-650301-20011)from Gretchen's House at Little Oaks ($225), Friends of Little Oaks $500; and Parents of Little Oaks ;$500) for the purpose of purchasing a new sandbox for the pre-school playground at Little Oaks; and WHEREAS the Planning and EcDnomit Development Services Division received donations totaling $20,756 primarily for Main Street events; and WHEREAS the Fiscal Services Division and Sheriff's Office have received notice from the State that due o a funding shortfall at Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) over $1,000,000 statewide of reimbursement receipts submitted to the State for September, 2008 will not be paid and included in this amount is $226,374 of Oakland County Sheriff's Office Diverted Felon reimbursement billings to MDOC that will not be paid and thus should be written off; and WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Treasury requires that units of local government, who report fends with negative unreserved func balance or negative unrestricted net assets, provIde the Treasury, within 90 days of the close of the . fiscal year, a plan to eliminate those negative situations within five fiscal years (Deficit Elimination Plan) and further, Treasury requires the policy board to approve the Deficit Elimination Plan before it is submitted; and WHEREAS Oakland County is reporting three funds with negative unreserved fund balances (due primariiy to eiming of grant payments and special assessment payments) and one fund with negative unrestricted net assets (due to increased charges for operations); a Deficit Elimination Plan has been prepared and requires Board of Commissioner approval prior to submission to the Department of Treasury. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners accepts the report of operations for 'iscal Year 2005 and the results of operations by line- item after inclusion of expenditures, accruals, encumbrances, appropriations • carried-forward, transfers, adThstments, and closing entries are approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that various line items in the FY 2009 General Fund / General Purpose Budgets be amended tc include $157,827.32 in outstanding purchase orders as detailed in the attached schedule. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that adjustments to the Undesignated General Fund Balance be approved as follews: Balance Before Adjustments (result from FY 2008 activity) $ 5,335,353.89 Add to General Fund Balance: Prior Years Encumbrances Decrease in Prepaids Animal Control Well Avian Flu Response CLEMIS Equipment China Documentary Clerk Marriage License Software/Query System Drain Oper & Maint System Consolidation Financial System Phase II: Fire Records Medical HR E-Performance In-Car Cameras Jail Telemedicine Mobile Data Computers Motor Pool Police Capital Ergonomic Equipment Public Works Renovation Quality of Life Initiatives Retro Pay Fringe Increase Sheriff Lie Detection Program VEBA 2008 Adjusted Total Including Additions Deduct from General Undesignated Fend Balance: Increase in Petty Cash Anticipated State Shortfall Budget Transition Carry Forwards Tax Tribunal Appeals Clerk Election Supplies Future Technology Replacement HR Comp Workforce Plan HR Legal Uncollectible Property Texes VEBA 2009 $ 608,202.73 44.56 25,000.00 125,000.00 1,086,000.00 15,000.30 8,500.30 6,600,000.00 3,500,000.00 550,000.00 500,000.00 38,500.00 250,000.00 2,600,000.00 1,100,000.00 125,000.00 300,000.00 50,000.00 191,500.00 40,000.00 9,000,000.00 $26,712,747.29 $ ( 2,030.00) ( 2,091,151.00) ( 8,252,589.00) ( 725,727.74) ( 1,000,000.00) ( 60,000.00) ( 1,000,000.00) ( 22,000.00) ( 50,000.00) ( 1,000,000.00) ; 3,000,000.00) GENERAL FUND (410100) Revenue 9010101-196030-665882 Planned use of Fund Balance Total General Fund Revenue Expenditures 1070401-113000-731458 1090201-171115-730205 1090201-171000-731388 1090201-171000-731458 1090201-171115-731458 1090108-171030-731458 3310101-121100-731822 3010101-121100-750154 3040403-124015-750154 3040403-124015-731822 4030301-112590-730373 4030601-110040-750070 . 4030901-115140-750203 6010301 -149010-731458 9010101-153010-740135 Community Corrections - Prof Svcs Planning. & Econ Dev - Bus. Beeruit Planning and Edon Dev - Printing Planning and Edon Dev - Prof Svc Planning and Econ Dev - Prof Svc Econ Dev Admin/Mrkt & Comm - Prof Svcs Circuit Court - Special Protects Circuit Court - Expend Equip Probate Court - Expend Equip Probate Ce=t - Special Proiects Sheriff/Corr Svcs - Contracted Svcs Sheriff/Patrol Svcs - Deputy Supplies Steriff/:nvest/Forensic Svcs-Foren Lab Drain Comm - Prof Svcs Non-Dept. - RCOC Tr-Party 9010101-153010-788001-20221 Transfer to Public Health Fund 1,024,116.67 $ 2,833,867.39 S 2,033,867.39 75,000.00 190,000.00 39,000.00 58,000.00 80,000.00 165,873.00 62,729.00 96,232.72 15,741.00 7,510.00 417,483.00 31,500.00 185,000.00 100,057.00 187,625.00 $ 1,024,116.67 $ 1,024,116.67 2,030.00 $ 1,022,086.67 $ 1,024,116.67 VEBA 2010 Sheriff Call Taking Equipment ERP Communications Back.,:p System PeopleSoft Upgrade Budget Transition -County Exec Budget Transition - Circuit Court Budget Transition - District Court Budget Transition - Sheriff Budget Transition - Prosecuting Attorney Budget Transition - Drain Budget Transition - Clerk Budget Transition - Treasurer Total Subtractions to General Fund Balance Adjusted Total including Additions/Subtractions Undesignatot Fund Balance at Beginning of Year Undesignated Fund Balance at the End of Year (10,000,000.00) ( 350,000.00) ( 23,000.00) ( 1,000,000.00', ( 1,203,959.00) 6,733.00) 5,075.00) ( 242,012.00) 8,278.00) ( 74,337.00) 88.00) 7,469.00) $(30,126,478.74) 1,921,622.44 - 797,382.42 2,719,004.36 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the uncollectible debts, as recommended by Department of Management and Budget and stated above are authorized to be written off. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $2,523,867.39 from the FY 2008 Designated Fund Balance for Carry Forwards be appropriated in FY 2008, as specified below, for departmental use: Total General Fund Expenditures $ 2,833,867.39 HEALTH FUND (420221) Revenue 9090101-134790-695500-13100 Transfer from General Fund Total Health Fund Revenues Expenditures 1060201-133150-750154 Health Div - Expendable Equipment 1060261-134790-731682 Hcalth Div - Satellite Ctrs Total Health Fund Expenditures BE :T FURTHER RESOLVED that $350,000 from the FY 2008 Designated Fund Balance for Sheriff's Call Taking Equipment be approoriated as follows: GENERAL FUND (410100) Revenue 9010101-196030-665882 Planned Use of Fund Balance Total Revenues 350,000.00 350,000.00 Expenditures 9010101-112710-788001-53600 Transfer Out to Radio Comm. Fund Total Expenditures $ 350,000.00 $ 350,000.00 RADIO COMMUNICATIONS FUND #53600) Revenues 1080310-115060-965500-10100 Transfer In from Genera= Fund Total Revenues Change in Fund Equity otal Expenditures Expenditures 1080310-115060-665882 350,000.00 350,000.00 350,000.40 350,000.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $2,320,254 be trarsferred from the Fringe Benefit Fund to the Sheriff's Office Fringe Benefit - Hospi.talization account as follows: GENERAL FUND (#10100) Revenues 9010101-196030-695500-67800 Transfer In from FE Fund $2,020,254.00 Expenditures 4030101-112580-722780 4030201-112680-722780 ' 4030201-112 65 0-722780 4030301-112590-722780 4030301-112620-722780 4030301-112650-722780 4030301-112630-722780 4030401-112590-722780 4030401-112600-722780 4030401-112670-722780 4030401-113360-722780 4030401-113380-722704 4030401-121280-722700 4030401-112660-722704 Sheriff's Office - Ho5p. Sheriff/Admin Svcs - Eosp Sheriff/Admin Svcs - Eosp Sheriff/Corr Svcs - Hosp Sherift/Corr Svcs - Hosp Sheriif/Corr Svcs - Hasp Sheriff/Corr Svcs - Heap Sheriff/Corr Svcs/Sat - Hosp Sheriff/Corr Svcs/Sat - Hasp SherLff/Corr Svcs/Sat - Hasp Sheriff/Corr Svcs/Sat - Hosp Sheriff/Corr Svcs/Sat - Hasp Sheriff/Corr Svcs/Sat - Heap Sheriff/Corr Svcs/Sat - Hosp $ 21,358.00 14,673.00 207.00 100,336.00 533,334,00 (20,404.00) 27,026.00 21,512.00 89,439.00 48,683.00 37,103.00 89,784.00 11,297.00 54,516.00 4030501-110110-722780 L0heriff/Emorg Prep Trng Hasp (76,077.00) 4030501-112630-722780 Sheriff/Emerg Prep Trng - Heap (455,901:00) 4030505-110110-722780 Sher::_ff/Emerg Prep Trng - Heap 109,000.00 4030510-116230-722780 Sheriff/Emerg Prep Trn7 - Hasp 521,396.00 4030601-110000-722780 Sheriff/Patrol Svcs - Eosp 35,420.00 4030601-110020-722780 Sheriff/Patrol Svcs - Hasp .21,039.00 4030601-110030-722780 Sheriff/Patrol Svcs - Heap 117,326.00 4030601-116180-722780 (40440) Sheriff/Patrol Svcs - Hasp (1,935,483.00) 4030601-116180-722780 (99900) Sheriff/Patrol Svcs - Hasp 1,664,049.00 4030601-11E150-722780 (40080) Sneriff/Patrol Svcs - Hasp 426,071.00 4030601-116180-722780 (40130; Sheriff/Patrol Eves-- Hasp 363,710.00 4030601-116181-722780 Sheriff/Patrol Svcs - Hasp 14,185.00 4030601-116200-722780 Sheriff/Patrol Svcs - Hasp 31,417.00 4030601-116070-722780 Sheriff/Patrol Svcs - Hosp 13,879.30 4030901-110040-722780 Sheriff/Invst/Foronsic licsp 5,826.00 4030901-110050-722760 Sheriff/Invst/Forensie - Hesp 33,368.00 4030901-110060-722780 Sheriff/Tnvst/Fcrensic - Hasp 34,156.00 4030901-110050-722780 Sheriff/Invst/Ecrensic - Hasp 35,874.00 4030901-110100-722700 Sheriff/Invst/Fcrensic - Kosp 1,951.00 4030901-116270-722700 Sneriff/invst/Fcrensic Heap 5,908.00 4030901-112620-722180 Sneriff/Invst/Forensic - Hoop 4,647.00 4030901-116180-722700 Sheriff/TnVst/Forensic Hosp 4,651.00 Total GF Expenditures $2,020,254.00 FRINGE BENEFIT FUND (#67800) Expenditures 9011501-183190-730870 9011501-183190-788001 Fringe Denefit - Hasp FE Transfer Out to (OF Tetal FE Expenditures ($2,020,234.00) 2,020,254.00 0 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that additional revenue for the Sheriff's Correction Services (GE Account #222450) be recognized to offset overage in Overtime used to implement new software for tracking prisoners as follows; GENERAL FUND (#10100) Revenues 4030301-112620-6'10255 Expenditures 4030301-112620-712020 Sheriff/Corr Svcs - Enhance Fund Total Revenues Sheriff/Corr Svc. - Overtime Total Expenditures $ 263,116.00 $ 263,116.00 $ 263,116.00 $ 263,116.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Sheriff's budget is amended as follows so that the budget accurately reflects actual expenditures for the pilot tethering program: GENERAL FUND (#10100) Expenditures 4030401-113370-730373 4030301-112590-733373 Sheriff/Corr Svcs-Sat - Cont Svcs ($ 150,000.00) Sheriff/Corr Svcs - Contract Svcs 150,000.00 Total Expenditures 0 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Circuit Court Friend of the Court FY 2008 Access and Visitation Grant be amended to reflect aeditionaI funding from the State in the amount of $3,500 as follows: FOC ACCESS AND VISITATION GRANT FUND (427120) Project #:70.0000000052 Revenues 3010401-126030-615571 Total Revenues State Operating..":.:,rants $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 Expenditures 3010401-126030-731458 Professional Services Total Expenditures $ 3,500.00 S 3,500.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Micrographics Fund (#65400) be closed out and that funds be transferred to Xicrographics Fund; funding is available from Unreserved Undesignated Fund Balance, which is appropriated to the Clerk's Office for this purpose: GENERAL FUND (#10100) Revenues 9010101-196030-665802 Expenditures 2010601-172190-788001-65430 MICROGRAPHICS FUND • (#65400) Revenues 2010601-172190-695500-10100 Expenditures 2010601-172190-796500 Planned Use of Fund Balance Total Revenues Clrk/ROD - Transfer Out Total Expenditures Transfer In from Gen. Fund Total Revenues Budget Equity Adjustments Total Expenditurcs $ 320,015.14 $ 320,015.14 320,015.14 $ 320,015.14 $ 320,015.14 $ :320,015.14 $ 320,015.14 $ 320,015.14 DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Community Correction's budget be amended as follows to reappropriate Grant Xatch budget to Transfer Out account to match • actual expense7 GENERAL FUND (410100) Expenditures 1070401-113000-730800 1070401-113000-788001 Grant Match ($ 301,624.00) Transfer Out to Comm Corr Grnt 301,624.00 Total Expenditures 0 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Parks and Recreation Commission budget be amended to reflect the use of contingency for building maintenance improvements as follows: Prosecutor - Class Fees Prosecutor - Educational Training Prosecutor - Extradition Recovery Fee Prosecutor - Program Income Prosecutor - Reimbursement General Prosecutor - Welfare Fraud Case Recovery Prosecutor - Reimbursement General Total Revenues $ 5,240.00 1,192.00 4,353.00 6,966.00 250.00 16,249.00 555.00 $ 34,805.00 PARKS AND RECREATION F7A2, Expenditures 5060735-160070-730158 5060838-160210-730198 5060201-160000-730359 Vt.080.0) BuildLnq Maintenance Charges $ 100,000.00 ,Ailding Maintenance Charges 1,500.00 Contingency (101,500.00) Total Expenditures $ 0 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Convention Facility Liquor Tax Revenue budget be adjusted to reflect additional revenue from the State as follows: GENERAL FUND (#10100) Revenues 901010-196010-620302 Non-Dept Convention Facility Liquor Tax $1,100,254,00 20:al Revenues $1,100,254.00 Expenditures • 9090101-196030-730359 Non-Dept Contingency 9010101-134860-788001-20221 Non-Dept Trans Cut to Health Fund Total Expenditures $ 550,127.00 $ 550,127.00 $1,100,254.00 HEALTH FUND (#20221) Revenues 9090101 -134860-695500-10100 Expenditures 1060261-134790-731682 Non-Dept Trans :n from Gen Fund Total Revenues Health - Satellite Centers Total Expenditures $ 550,127.00 $ 550,127.00 $ 550,127.00 $ 550,127.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the budget be amenaed in the amount of $388,000 to reflect additional State revenue for Reimbursement of Salaries and Diverted Felons to offset Overtime expenses as follows: GENERAL FUND (410100) Revenues 4030601-110000-631869 4030301-112620-630553 Expenditures 4030301-112620-712020 4030401-112660-712020 4030101-112580-712020 4030101-112580-712010 Sheriff - Roimb of Salaries Sheriff - Diverted Felons Total Revenues S'!leriff/Corr Svcs - Overtime Sheriff/Corr Svcs-Sat - Overtime Sheriff's Office - Overtime Sheriff's Office - Salaries Total Expenditures $ 312,000.00 76,000.00 $ 388,000.00 $ 76,000.00 249,000.00 22,000.00 41,000.00 $ 388,000.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that various revenues be adjusted in the Prosecutor's budget to reflect additional state funding anO offset expenditures as follows: - GENERAL FUND (#10100) Revenues 4010101-122050-630255 4010101-122050-630602 4010101-122050-630660 4010101-122050-631617 4010101-122000-632827 4010101-122050-632478 4010101-135170-631827 Expenditures 4010201-122080-786001-27310 4010201-122080-788001-27.315 Prosecutor - Transfer Cut 005.30 Prosecutor - Transfer Cut 34,000.00 Total Expenditures $ 34,805.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the FY 2008 Deficit Elimination Plan per the attached letter is approved to be submitted to the State Department of Treasury. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMRTTE: L BROOKS PATTERSON, OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE Laurie Van Pelt, Director Wm. Art Holctsworth, Deputy Director $(16,760,539.18) 12,285,346.15 ($ 4,475,193.03) 22,091,27745 ( 5,458,592.00) 16,623,685.45 ® OAKLANbi COUNTY MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: Members of the Finance Committee Laurie Van Pelt, Director, Management and Budget Art Holdsworth, Deputy Director, Management and Budg`eti Tim Soave, Manager, Fiscal Services Nancy Fournier, Chief, Fiscal Services LaVeme Smith, Supervisor of Fiscal Services Letter of Transmittal - Fiscal Year 2008 Year End Report November 26, 2008 FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT Attached please find the Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Year End Report. The result of FY 2008 activity, for General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) operations (all operations except grant and internal service funds) is shown below: Revenues - over/(under) budget Expenditures — (over)/ under budget Total Officially Reported Favorability S(16,760,539.18) 22,091,277.45, $__5,330,73_8.22 However, a simple review of the bottom line does not reflect the true fiscal activity of the County, specifically, because the amended revenue-budget assumed the use of $12.3 million in fund balance. Although use of fund balance was budgeted, governmental accounting rules do not allow fund balance to be "expended" leaving budgeted revenue with no actual revenue showing as received. Such a presentation is proper according to generally accepted accounting principles, but it also gives a misleading presentation of the actual FY 2008 activity. The more relevant presentation is as follows: Revenue Variance Add back — Planned use of Fund Balance Revenue Variance (Comparing Actual to Approved Plan) Expenditure Variance Planned Set Aside for Budget Transition Expenditure Variance (Comparing Actual to Approved Plan) Net Variance from FY 2008 Activity REVENUES Actual GF/GP revenues are (1.03%) less than budget or ($4,475,193). The majority of the unfavorability is the result of the following events: A. PROPERTY TAXES - Unfavorable: ($1,871,969) • Property Tax collections were less than anticipated since the property tax base did not increase as much as original estimates. Change in taxable value (TV) was a 0.4% increase (from April 2007 to April 2008.) EXECUTIVE OFFICE BUILDING 41 WEST • 2100 PONTIAC LAKE RD DEPT 409 • WATERFORD MI 48328-0409 • (248) 858-2163 • FAX {248) 452-9172 EMAIL: vanperti@oakgov.c= 1 B. CHARGES FOR SERVICES - Unfavorable: ($2,690,575) • Clerk revenues related to filing of land transfers and mortgage activity are unfavorable ($2,801,468). Revenue collected by Sheriffs Corrective Services is favorable $686,420 due to Diverted Felon and Board and Care Programs, C. INVESTMENT INCOME - Unfavorable; ($2,788,625) • Investment income is unfavorable due to the drop in interest rates since the development of the budget and a drop in investment base partly the result of revenues collected later in the fiscal year: Property taxes were levied in December and are now levied in July. D. TRANSFERS IN- Favorable; $1,282,245 • Other Revenues category is favorable mostly due to increased revenue earned by the Treasurer's Office related to collection fees on delinquencies $1,072,895. E. INTERGOVERNMENTAL GENERAL REIMBURSEMENT- Favorable: $608,584 • The State Court Equity reimbursement is favorable $638,325 since the original budget estimate assumed a cut in funding by the State which did not occur. EXPENDITURES Overall, expenditures are 4.9% less than budgeted or restated $22,091,277 below budget. Of this favorability $5,458,592 was planned for the budget transition which will be used to offset future budget shortfalls. Some of the FY 2008 favotability in departments will be used towards meeting departmental FY 2009 and FY 2010 budget tasks. Of this favorability, $4,993,532 is due to personnel costs and $8,092,878 is Contractual Services, Personnel savings are the result of hiring freeze and turnover. There were 152 employees that opted to retire during the retirement incentive program in the summer of 2008. Resources Carried Forward TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES 12,285,248.15 $42!,134A52.00 I 18,206,193.15 $446,340,645.15 (12,285,346.15) $ (16,760,539.181 12,2E15,346.15 39,592,441.27 $429,580,105.97 5 $389,987,664.70 COUNTY OF OAKLAND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR GENERAL FUND GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDEO SEPTEMBER 30.2008 Adopted Budget 10/01/2007 Budget Amendments Amended Budget 09/30/2008 Revenues Collections end Expenditures before Adiustrnents Transfers Total Revenues/ Expenditures and Transfers Revenues! Uncotiected Unencumbered Encumbrances Balance Revenues General Fund !General Purpose: Property taxes FederaI3ra015 Stale Grants intergovemmentai Charges tor Services Indirect Cast Recavery investment 1nc..otne Other Revenues Contributions Transfers In Resources $ 285,758,511. 0 $ (6,277,511,00) 6259,481,000.00 466,600,10 97,842,00 554,442.00 '17,186,680.10 221,542.00 17,408,222.00 11,263,247. 0 1,148,094.00 12,411,335.00 88,181,831. 0 2,206.718.00 90,388.549.00 8,200,000. 0 12,034.00 0.212,034.00 5,541,000. 0 5.541.000.00 602,726. 0 1.113,795.00 1,716.521.00 32,000. 0 32,000.00 30,911.863. 1 7,398333.00 38 310 198.00 _4213,134,452. r 5,920,847.00 434,055,299.00 $257,609,031.12 $ 584,382.09 - 18A1,073.16 13,019.918.90 87,697.974.47 g.661.57810 2,752,374 .56 1,276,332.10 25,000.00 39,592,441.27 389,987.664.70 39,592,441.27 $257.609,031.12 $ 564,382.09 18,367,073.16 13.019,918.90 67.597.97447 8.661,578.30 2,752,374.55 1,275,332 10 25.000,00 39,892,441.27 429,580,105.97 $ (1,871,968.88) • 29,940.09 952,851.15 608,583.90 (2,690,574.93) 449,544.30 (2,788,625.44) (440,188.90) (7,000 001 1,282.245 27 (4,473,193.03) Expenditures Administration Of Justice Circuit Court Districl Court Probate Court Administration Of Justice Law Enforcement Prosecufing Attorney Sheriff Law Enforcement General Government County Clerk flog Of Deeds Treasurers • Board or Commissioners Drain Ctimmissioner General Government 53,157,563 00 17,458,998.00 6,500,230:00 77,116,791.80 19,067.901 00 128,574,482.00 147,642.363.00 12.191,065.00 3,930,131.00 5,635,826.00 5,60207.00 27,359,989.00 3,109,071.17 643,820.41 139,500.80 3 892 392.38 334,979.09 2,839282.86 4.174.761.95 1,007,731.20 617,599.99 67,267.91 767,8t3.63 2460,412.73 56,266,634.17 18,102,818.41 6p9230.80 81,009,183.38 19,402,880.09 132,414,244.86 151.817.124.95 13.198,796.20 4,547,730.90 5,703,093,91 6,370,780.83 29.,820,401.73 49,044.975.52 17,082,362.97 6 530.283.34_ 72,957,621.83 18,298,482.28 131,810,049.93 150.106,523.19 1104,523,09 4,373,212.74 5,315,074.97 5,878,341.83 27,031,152.43 4,791,854 98 401,034.45 _50.000.00 5,242,889.43 5,106,043.51 544,434.58 1.650.478.05 320,015.14 61 324.33 381 319,47 53,836,830.50 17,483.397.42 6,580,283.34 77,900,511.25 19,402,625.17 132.354,475.51 151,757,001.25 11,984,538.23 4,373,212.74 5,315,074.97 5,739,665.96 27,412 491.90 2,407,959.82 619,420.99 - 50,447.46 21,843.-65 3,086 828.27 110.50 58 807 31 58,917.81 1,925.46 1,212,332.49 3,886.50 170,629.75 388.018.94 1,964490 629.150 27 7,778.32 2,400,13145 21,843.80 243.82 962.04 1,205.86 51.384.00 149,364.59 349,005.09 3.41 292.00 891,045.88 8,165,752.67 23,216,427.42 $ 31,382,180.09 0.00 8.201.782.77 157 , 827 32 $ 22 091 277 45 39,592,441.27 429,580,105.97 31.382,180 09 424,091,540.3,3 157,827 32 $ 8,210,261.10 $ 5.488,565.59 $ (16.760,539. r81 157,827 32 _ 22,091,277.45 9 $ 057,827.32) i 5,330,738.27 COUNTY OF OAKLAND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR GENERAL FUND GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 Adopted Budget 10/0 ta007 Budget Amendments Amended Budget 0913012008 Revenues Collections and Expenditures before Adjustments Transfers Total Revenues! Expenditures and Transfers Revenues! Uncollected UnenCUMbered Encumbrances Balance County Executive County Exec Admin Management and Budget CenIrdi ServiceS Facilities Management Human Resourceb Fleet+ and Human Services blic Services Community and Economic Develop County Executive Total Departments Non-Departmental Appropriation TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL EXrENDiTURES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS: Revenues Expenditures Excess Revenues overl(under) Expenditures 6.306,490.00 21,927,227.00 2.763,982.00 1,674,643.00 4,737,139.00 85.209.971.00 16,935,230.00 7,323 039.00 125,877,921.00 350,997,064.00 47,137.388.00 428.134,452.00 428 134,452.00 98,374.92 8,402.854.92 1,152.637,90 23,079,864.90 87,805.27 2,851,787.27 2,926.36 1,677,769.36 406,083-95 5,143,222.00 2,531,505.81 67,741.476 81 842,742.50 17,777,972.50 1,162,784.03 6,485,823 03 6,282,859.85 135,160,780.85 15,510,426.91 397,807,490.91 1.395,768.24 48,533,154.24 193.15 $446340,645.15 18,200,193,16 448,340,645.15 18,206,193.15 446,340,645.15 7.977,532.81 21,172,267.64 2,698,567.49 1,546,036.85 4,859,214.91 63,072,152.88 17,272,340,51 7,201,005 70 125,799,118.79 375,594,415.24 17,114,944.05 5392.709,360.29 389,987,684.70 392,709.360.29 $ (2,721,695.59 7.977.532.81 0,44/.89 21.223,651.64 II 1.72 2.698,567.49 352,00 1,546,036.85 4,859,214.91 150.00 63,221,517.47 24,258.42 17,621,345 60 19,652.88 7.542,297.70 18,084.27 126,690,164.47 69 257.28 383,760,168.91 40,331.371.47 $424,091,540.38 $ $428,134,452.06 $ 1k206 157 827.32 4 36,884.12 '1,856,101.54 152,837.78 131,732.51 283,857.15 4,495,700.92 125,774.0.2 927...441.06 8,401,329.15 13.849,494.613 Adjustments to Unclesig riated General Fund Balance: Add to General Fund Balance: Prior Years Encumbrances Animal Control Well Aviarr Flu Response Clemis EouipmEmi China Documentary Clerk Marriage Lc. Software • Drain 0 & M Sys. Consolidation Financial System Phase III Fire Records FIR E-Performance In Car Cameras Jail Telemedicine Mobite Data Computers Motor Fool Police Capital Ergonomic Equipment 808.202,73 25,000.00 125,000.00 1,086,000.00 15,000.00 0,500.00 6,600,000.00 3.500,000.00 550,000.00 500,000.00 38,500.00 250,000,00 2.800,000.00 1.100,000.o0 125,000.00 (2,030.00 (353.44 (2,091,15100 (8,252,559 00 (725.727.7 (1,000, (60, (1,900. (22, (50. (1,000, (3,000, (10,000, 050, (25. (1,000. (1.203, (6,73 (5,075 (242,912 (5,278 (74,337. (88.0 7,469.0 (30,126,532.1 1,916,608.82 797,362.42 & 2,713,991,24 COUNTY OF OAKLAND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR GENERAL FUND GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2000 Public Works Bldg Renovation Qualify of life initiatives Petro Pay Fringe Increase Sheriff Lie Detection Program VEBA 2005 Total Additions to General Fund Balance Revenues Total Revenues! d Adopted Amende Collections and Expenditures Revenues/ Uncollected Budget Budget Budget before Expenditures Unencumbered 10/0112007 Amendments 09/30/2008 Adlustments Transfers and Transfers Encumbrances Balan re 300.00100 50,000,09 151,500.00 40,000.00 9,000,000.00 20,712.702.73 Deduct from Undesignated Fund Balance: Increase in Petty Cash Increase in Prepaids Anticipated State Shortfall Budget Transition Carry Forwards Tax Tribunal Appeals - Clerk Election Suppiies Future Technology Replacement HR Camp Work Force Plan HR Legal Uncollectable Property Taxes VEBA 2009 VEBA 2010 Sheriff Call 'Taking equipment -rp Comm Backup System eoplesoit Upgrade uc.iget Trans - County Exec.. uclget Trans - Circuit Court udget Trans - District Court udget Trans - Sheriff udget Trans - Pros. Attorney udgel Trans - Drain uitet Trans. Clerk Lidget Trans - Treasurer Ta at Subtractions to General Fund Balance Adjusted Total Including Additions & Subtractions Balance Beginning of Year Undesignated Fund Balance at End of Fiscal Year Fund: Public Health Health and Human Services Health Division 1,245.62 $1,245.62. OAKLAND COUNTY ENCUMBRANCES FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 • Fund: General Fund Department Division Division Fund Total County Executive Administration Emergency Repsonse and Preparedness $118.99 Auditing 7,480.00 Corporation Counsel 849.00 Management and Budget Equalization 111.72 Central Services Support Services 382.00 Human Resources Human Resources Info Sys & Recruitment 150.00 Public Services Community Corrections 18,493.00 WISU Extension 112.86 Medical Examiner 373.33 Animal Control 873.69 Economic Dev & Community Affairs Planning and Econ Day 16,084.27 Clerk/Register of Deeds 1,925.48 Circuit Court Judicial Administration 19.88316 • Civil /Criminal 784.41 Family Division 1,175.68 Prosecuting Attorney Prosecuting Attorney Administration 110.50 Sheriffs Department Administrative Services 20,614.76 Corrective Services 15,711.29 Corrective Services - Satellites 4,900.01 Patrol Services 11,562.25 Investigative/Forensic Services 6,019.00 Treasurer Treasurer Admin 3,888.50 Drain Commissioner Drain Commissioner 1,964.40 Total General Fund $133,568.90 Fund: Child Care Fund Health and Human Services Children's Village 23,012.80 $23,012.80 Total Encumbrances - General Fund General Purpose Funds $157.827.32 Prepared by Fiscal Services 11/15/08 14 OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN GENERAL FUND EQUITY AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 Reserved Prepaids (1) Payroll and Petty Cash (1) Total Reserved $134,276.16 257.215.00 401,491.16 401,491.16 Continuing Designations Encumbrances 133,568.90 Capital Rese-FiC--- 9,000,000.00 Tax Tribunal Appeals 2,000,000.00 Security Enhancements 2.985,000.00 Future Technology Replacement 5,000,000.00 Operational Improvements 3.000,000.00 Carry Forwards 2,833,857.39 Board of Commissioners' Project 250,000.00 CRIMP (2) 38,522.00 Data Privacy and Security 1,500,000.00 Now Grant Match opportunities 200,000.00 System Enhancement-General 2,855,400.00 HR Legal 250,00000 HR Comp/Workforce Planning 500,000.00 Criminal Justice Goer Startup 500,000.00 VEBA 2009 10.000,000.00 VESA 2010 10,000,000.00 Jail Alternative Prg Startup 600,000.00 Avian Flu/Pandemic Resp 1,189,000 .00 Fuel/Mileage Increase 500,000.00 Business Continuity planning 300,000.00 Drain - strategic water initiative loan 475,000.00 Emergency Salaries 320,000.00 311 Contact Center 1,500,000.00 Fire Records 50,000.00 Quality of Life Initiatives 300,000.00 Cierk-Marriage License Software 54,800.00 Clerk - e-Filing Software 50,000.00 Uncollectible Property Taxes 1.500,000.00 Total Continuing Designations 57,885,158.29 New Designations Erp backup system 25.000.00 Election Supplies 50,000.00 Sheriff call taking equip 350.000.00 Anticipated State Shortfall 2,091,151,00 Peoplesoft upgrade 1,000.000,00 Total New Designations 3,526,151.00 Budget Transition Budget Transition - County Exec 1,203,989.00 Budget Transition - Circuit Court 6,733.00 Budget Transition - District Court 5,075.00 Budget Transition - Probate Court 0.00 Budget Transition - Sheriff ' 242,012.00 Budget Transition - Prosecuting Atty 8278.00 Budget Transition - BOC 0.00 Budget Transition - Drain 74,337.00 Budget Transition - Clerk 88.00 Budget Transition - Treasurer 7,469.00 Budget Transition - General 18.252,589.00 Total Budget Transition 19,800,570.00 Total Designations Total Unreserved Undesign. Total General Fund Equity 81.211,879.29 2,713.991.24 $84,327,361.69 2,713,991.24 (1) Prepaid Reserves and Imprest Cash are committed and not available for other purposes. 11/18/08 11:32 AM Year End General Fund Fund Balance 25,000.00 60,000.00 350,000.00 2,091,151.00 1,000,000.00 25,000.00 60,000.00 350,000.00 2,091,151.00 1,000,000.00 16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN USE OF GENERAL FUND - FUND BALANCE DURING FY 2068 General Fund Total Adjustments Adjusted General Fund Balance to Equity Fund Equity Fund Reserved Prepaids (1) Payroll and Petty Cash (1) Total Reserved Designations Encumbrances Capital Reserve Tax Tribunal Appeals Security Enhancements Future Technology Replacement Operational Improvements Financial System Phase Ill Carry Forwards CLEWS Equipment Board of Commissioners' Project CRIMP (2) Data Privacy and Security New Grant Match opportunities System Enhancement-General Drain O&M System Cons HR Legal HR Comp/Workforce Planning Criminal Justice Coor Startup VEBA 2008 VEBA 2009 VESA 2010 Jail Alternative Prg Startup Public Works Bldg Remy. Avian Flu/Pandemic Resp Fuel/Mileage Increase Ergonomic Equipment Business Continuity planning Drain - strategic water initiative loan Emergency Salaries 311 Contact Center MDC Motor Pool I Police Veh. Capital Jail - Telemedicine HR E-Performance Fire Records Quality of Life initiatives In-Car Cameras Sheriff- Lie Detection Program Clerk-Marriage, License Software Clerk - e-Filing Software China Documentary Retroactive Pay - Fringe Benefits Animal Control Well Uncollectible Property Taxes Total Continuing Designations 133,922 72 265.185.00 399,107 72 542,088.53 9,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 2,985,000.00 4,000,000.00 3,000,000,00 3,500,000,00 2,108,139.65 1,086,000.00 250,000.00 38,522.00 1,500,000.00 200,000,00 2,855,400.00 6,600,000.00 200,000.00 478,000.00 500,000.00 9,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 0.00 600,000.00 300,000.00 1,314,000.00 500.000.00 125,000.00 300,000.00 475,000.00 320,000.00 1,500,000.00 2,600,000.00 1,100,000.00 250,000.00 500,000.00 600,000.00 350,000.00 38,500.00 40,000.00 63,300.00 50,000.00 15,000.00 191.500.00 25,000.00 500.000.00 67,600,450.18 0.00 0.00 0,00 (542,088.53) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (547,051.00) 0.00 (2,108,139.65) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (6,600,000.00) (185,000.00) 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.0.0 0.00 0.00 (125,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (23,514.00) 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 (1,100,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0,00 (350.000.00) (38,600.00) (40.000.00) (8,500.00) 0.00 (15,000.00) (191,500.00) (25,000.00) 0.00 (11,899,293.18) 133,922.72 265 185 00 399,107.72 0.00 9,000,000.00 1.000,000.00 2.985,000.00 4.000,040.00 2,452,949,00 3,500,000.00 0.00 1,086,000.00 250,000.00 38,522.00 1.500,000.00 200,000.00 2.855,400.00 0.00 15,000.00 478,000.00 500,000.00 9.000,000.00 7.000,000.00 0.00 600,000.00 300,000.00 1.189,000.00 500,000.00 125,000.00 276,486.00 475,000.00 320,000.00 1.500,000.00 2.600,000.00 0,00 250,000.00 500,000.00 600,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 54,800.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500,000,00 55.701,157.00 353,44 2.030,00 2,383.44 133,568.90 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 547,051.00 (3,500,000.00) 2,533,867.39 (1,086,000.00) 235,000.00 22,000.00 (9,000,000.00) 3,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 (300,000.00) (125,000.00) 23,514.00 (2,600,000.00) • (250,000.00) (500,000.00) (550,000.00) 300,000.00 1,000,000.00 2,184,001.29 134,276.16 267.21500. 401,491.16 133,558.90 9,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,985,000.00 5,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 2,633,867.39 0,00 250,000.00 38,522.00 1,500,000.00 200,000.00 2,855,400,00 0.00 250,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.00 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 600,000.00 0.00 1,189,000.00 500,000.00 0.00 300,000.00 475,000.00 320,000.00 1,500,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 300,000.00 0.30 0.00 54,800.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 57,885,158.29 New Designations Erp backup system Election Supplies Sheriff call taking equip Anticipated State Shortfall Peoplesoft upgrade Fund Total New Designations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (320,015.14) (12,219,308.32) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.000.00 10,000,000.00 477,367.28 66,178,524.28 '1,203,989.00 6,733.00 5,075.00 242,012.00 8,278.00 74,337.00 88.00 7,469.00 8,252,589.00 9,800,570.00 2,236,623.96 17,747,346.25 1,203,969.00 6,733,00 5,075.00 0.00 242,012.00 8,278.00 0.00 74,337 00 88.00 7,469.00 18,252,589.00 197800,570.00 2,713,991.24 83,925,670.53 OAKLAND COUNTY, utCHIGAN USE OF GENERAL FUND - FUND BALANCE DURING FY 2008 General Fund Total Adjustments Adjusted General to Equity Fund Equity During FY 2008 FY 2008 0.00 0.00 General Fund Year End Fund Balance Adjustments as of 9130108 3,526,151.00 3,526,151.00 Fund Balance as of 9/30107 0.00 Budget Transition Budget Transition - County Exec Budget Transition - Circuit Court Budget Transition - District Court Budget Transition - Probate Court Budget Transition - Sheriff Budget Transition - Prosecuting Atty Budget Transition - BOC Budget Transition - Drain Budget Transition - Clerk Budget Transition - Treasurer Budget Transition - General Total Budget Transition Total Unreserved Undesign. Total Unreserved Total General Fund Equity 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 10,000.000.00 10,000,000.00 797,382,42 78.397,832.60 78,796,940.32 (12,219,308.32) 66,577.632.00 17,749.729.69 84,327,361.69 CRIMP fund of $38,522 is savings from Purchasing Division of $3,102 and Equalizaiton Division $35,420. 11/18/08 12:34 PM 17 General Fund Equity as of 9130/07 542,088.53 133,922.72 255,185.00 941,196.25 M.R. it07290 M&B - FY 2007 Year-End Report (542,088.53) M.R. #07293 Drain Comm CAMS ProAect 0.00 Fund Reserves Encumbrances Prepaids (1) Payroll and Petty Cash (1) Total Reserved (542,088.53) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (23,514.00) (185,000.00) (347,051.00) 200,000 00 (8,500.00) 0.00 (6,500.001 (13,500.00) 0.00 (320,015.14) (320,015.14) (320,015.14) 11/1812008 OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN USE OF GENERAL FUND EQUITY DURING FY 2008 fill.R. #05005 MR. #08110 MR.. #08110 M.R. #08159 M.R. #08186 M.R. NOS IVI8B - Go Kr M&B - FY 2008 M&B - FY 2008 Cir CI- AudNideo M&D - FY 2008 FY 2008 Year End Acquisition 2nd Ott Forecast 2nd Qtr Forecast Recording Systms 3rd Qtr Forecast Close Micrographics Designations Capital Reserve Encumbrances Tax Tribunal Appeals Security EnhanCernents Future Technology Replacement Operational Improvements .Financ.al System Phase 111 Garry Forwards CLEWS Equpment Board ()I' Commissioners' Project CRIMP (2) Data Privacy and Security New Grant Match opportunities System Enhancement-General Drain O&M System Cons HR Legal HR CompANorkforce Planning Criminal Justice Coor Startup VEBA 2008 VEBA 2009 Jail Alternative Prg Startup Public Works Bldg Renov. Avian Flu/Pandemic Resp F ueliMileage increase Ergonomic Equipment Business Continuity planning Drain - strategic water initialive loan Emergency Salaries 311 Contact Center Mobile Data Computers Motor Pool / Police Veh. Capital Jail - Telemedicine HR E-Performance Fire Records Medical Quality of Life Initiatives In-Car Cameras Stseriti - Lie Detection Program Ciertc-IVIarriage License Software Clerk - e-Fifing Software China Documentary Retroactive Pay - Fringe Benefits Animal Control Well Urcollectible Properly Takes .Budget Transition Total .Designated Total UndesIgnated Unres Total Unreserved Total Gerlerali Fund Equity 9,000,00 i 1,0.00 2,9 ,00 4,00 ,00 3.00 ,00 3,50 ,00 2 W ,13 1,05 ,0 25 ,00 522 , 1,50 20 , , 2,855 6,600, 200 476 500, 9,000, 7,000, 600, 300, 1,314, 50G, 125, 300 475, 52 1,50 2,60 1,10 25 50 60 35 3, 4 6 5 15, 191,5 25,9 500,0 10 000 0 77,058, 797,3 77,855,7.017 78,796, (2,108d39.85) (5,600,000.00) (125,000.04) (1,100000.00) (350,000.00) (38,500.00) (40,000.00) (15,00100) (191,590.00) (25,000.00) (3,993,139.65) (6,600,000.00) 3,993,139.65 (4.535.228.18) (6,600,000.00 (6,600,000.00) (347,051,00) (200,000.00) (185,000.00) (23,514.00) (8,500.00) 23,514,00) (23,514.00 (185,00(1.00) (I 85,000.00 (347,051,00 347,051.00 (200,003.00) 200,000.00) 03 Fund (54208.53) 0.00 0.00 (542,088.53) MOD 133,922.72 265 185.00 399,107.72 0.00 $9,000, 0.00 01 0.00 1,000,000 0.00 2,965,0041t 0.00 4,900,00 (547,051.001 2,452,940 00 3,500,000 (2,108,139.) 1,085,0001 250,000 38,522 1,500, 209,00 2,855,4 (6,600,0 (185,001M) 15, 478, 500, 9,000, 7,000, 6DC), 300, (125,001= 1,189, 500, 125, (23,5110 276, 475,0 320,0 1,500,0 2,600,0 (1,100,0 250,0 500, 600,0 (350,00 (38,50 (40,00 (8.50OM 54,8D 50,0 (15,00 (191,50 (75,00 (11,357,2 (320,015.14 500,00 1 a 000 OD 65,701,1 57. 477,367.28 L12,219,308.321 66.577,63200 OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN USE OF GENERAL FUND EQUITY DURING FY 2008 Total Adjustments Adjusted General to Equity Fund Equity Durihq, FY 2908 FY 2008 Reserves Encumbrances Prepalds (1) Payroll and Petty Cash (1) Total Reserved Designations Capital Reserve Encumbrances Tax Tribunal Appeals Security Enhancements Future technology Replacement Operationai Improvements Financial System Phase Ili Carry Forwards CLEMIS Equipment Board of Commissioners' Project CRIMP (2) Data Privacy and Security Now Grant Match opportunities System Enhancement-General Drain OW System Cons HR Legal HR CompANorkforce Pia nning Criminal Justice Coor Startup VEBA 2008 VERA 2099 Jail Alternatives Pig Startup Public Works Bldg Renov. Avian FlatPandemic Reap Fuel/Mileage increase Ergonomic Equipment Business Continuity planning Drain - strategic water initiative loan Emergency Salaries 311 Contact Center Mobile Data Computers Motor Pool / Police Veh.. Capital Jail - Telemedicine HR E-Perlorrriance Fire Records Medical Quality of Life Initiatives In-Car Cameras Sheriff • Lie Detection Program Clerk-Marriage License Software Clerk - e-Filing Software China Docurnentanj Retroactive Pay - nine Benefits Anima' Control Well Uncullentible Property Taxes Budget Transition Total Designated Total Utidesignaled Unres Total Unreserved Total Genera)i Fond Equity I ;18/2008 FY 2008 AcT_UAI,„ AMOUNT FAVORABLE/ (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT FY 2008 EU/GET ADOPTED AS BUDGET AMENDED $ 259,481.000 00 554,442.00 17.405,22200 10,040.254,00 2,371,381,00 00,388.549 00 6.212,03400 5,541.030 00 40,058,717 00 $ 434,055,299 00 $ 207.509.031.12 504,382.09 1.361,073.16 10.687,878.83 2.332,040.07 87,697.974.47 8,601.578.30 2,752,374,68 40,893,773.37 $ 429,580.105,97 $ (1,571,988.89) -0.72% 29,940.09 5,40% 552,851.16 5,47% 647,624 63 6.45% (39,040 93) -1 .66% (2,690.574.53) -2.98% 449.544.30 5,47% (2,7811,525,44) -50.33% 835,066 37 2.08% $ (4,475,193.03) -1,03% ($12,285,346.15) -100.00% PLANNED USE OF FUND BALANCE (1) S 12,285.346.",5 LAW ENFORCEMENT Prosecuting Attorney /9.067,901.W Sheriff '28,574,462.90 . , . TOTAL LAM ENFORCEMENT $ 147,842,363 00 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Clerk/Register of Deeds 12,191,06500 Treasurer 3.930,131 ,00 Board of Commissioners 3.057,724.00 Library Board 2.578 ,102 40 Drain Commissioner 5 502 967 00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 27.359,988 CO 4.28% 3.42% 090% 3.61% 9.19% 3.75% 6.00% 6.69% 9.88% 8.05% $ 47,137:368,00 .40,533,154.24 4221,134,452.00 $ 446,340.645.15 $ 40.331,371.47 $ 6,201.782.77 16.90% $ 424,249,367.70 5. 22,091,277.45 4.95% General Fund/General Purpose FavorableAldniavorebte) 5,330,731327 5 5.330,73527 COUNTY OF OMLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT REVENUES GENERAL FUND Taxes $ 265.758511.30 Federal Grants 456.600 04 State Grants 17.156,680.30 Intergovernmental General Reimbursement 6.940,0(1000 Intergovernmental Program Revenue 2.323.241 69 Charges for Services 68.181,831.00 Indirect Cost Recovery 8.200.000 00 Investment Income 5,541.060,00 Other Revenues 31.546.589.00 SUS-TOTAL GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE S 428,134,452.00 S 428,134,452.00 $ 444.140,645.15 TOTAL GF1GP FUNDS Exp ENP !RJR ES ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE Circuit Covrt 52nd District Coun Probate Court TOTAL ADMIN. OF JUSTICE COUNTY EXECUTIVE County Executive Admn. Management and Budget Central Services Fat-allies Management Human Resources Health and Human Services Public Services Economic Dev. and Comm Affairs TOTAL. COUNTY EXECUTIVE TOTAL DEPARTMENTS NON-DEPARTMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTALS TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES 53.151,563 00 17 458,998 00 6.500.230 00 77,116,791 CO $ 8.306,490.00 21,927.227,00 2,763_982,00 1,074,843,00 4.737,139.00 65.209.971.00 16,935,230,30 7,323,039.00 $ ,28.877.921:00 5 380.997,064.00 S 56.266.634.17 18,102,618 41 6,630.730.60, $ 81,009.183 3,5 19,402,380 09 1322414;241.66 S 151,817,124 95 13,198,796.20 4,547,730.99 3,131.595.77 2,571.498.14 n6,370260:53 29,820,401.73 $ 8,402.864.92 23.079,864.90 2,651,787 27 1,677,769.38 5,143,222.95 67,741.476.81 17,777,972,5(1 8,485,623.03 _ 135,160,780.65 $, _397,807,490 91 $ 429,560,105.97 5 53,858,674.35 17,483.397.42 _ 8,589,283.34 77.922,355:11 19.402,638.27 132,413,28182 $ 151,816,910.09 11,968,463.71 4,377,101.24 2.915,515.18 2 399,556 79 _5741,63030 27,420.270.28 $ 7,985,980.80 21.223,763.36 2.698,949.49 1.546,036.85 4.859,364.91 63,245,775.89 17.641,198.48 .7.556,381,97, $ 126.759.451:75 $ 3e3, . 917 996 23 , 5. (16,760,539,181 -3,70% $ 2.407.959.82 619.420,99 59,447,46 " $ 3,986,828.27 243,82 0.00% 2.04 0,00% 5 1,205,85 0,00% 1.212.332.49 170,629.75 216,077,59 171.941.35 629,150.27 $ 2,400,131,45 $ 416,684 12 4.96% 1,808,101,64 13.04% 152.537.78 5.36% 131,732.51 7.85% 283,657.15 5.52% 4,495,700.92 6.64% 136,774.02 0.77% 927.441.06 10.93% . . $ 6,401,329.10 6.22% 13.889,494.68_ 3.49% 20 TAXES 162.1000-13019%9J Property Taxes - July Tax Levy Other Taxes - Delinquent Tax - Prior Years Treasurer Payment in Lieu of Taxes Other Taxes - Trailer fax Total Taxes $ 265,455,011.00 $ 98.600.00 -110,000.00 95. 000.00 $ 265,758.511.00 $ 259,177,500.00 $ 98,500.00 110,000,00 257,733,701.22 $ (283,972.84) 69,948.94 (1,443,798.78) (382,472.84) (40,051.06) 95,000.00 86,353.80 15,646.20) 259,481,000.00 $ 257,809,031.12 $ (1,871,988.88) FEDERAL GRANTS (610000410999) Sheriff - Patrol Sheriff - Corrective Services 68,000.00 $ 82,000.00 68,000.00 3 118,570.00 - $ (68,000.00) 154,132,00 35,552.00 Health Division - Children's Village Total Federal Grants STATE GRANTS (615000-615999) Sheriff - Patrol State Match Foster Care Econ Development Health Division Outside Agencies - Child Care Subsidy 36,400.00 017,261.14 6,740.00 $ 5,076,878.00 13,274,455.16 (34,088.00) 72,261.14 (9,260.00) (1,000.00) 230,911.00 732,200.16 584,382.09 29,940.09 15,600.00 245,000.00 456,600.00 — $ 70,488.00 246,000.00 654,442.00 $ 16,000.00 $ '1 ,000.00 4,822,675.00 12,363,005.00 1.000.00 4 ,845,967.00 12,542,255.00 Total State Grants $ 17,186,680.00 $ 17,408,222.00 $ 18,361,073.16 $ 952,851.16 INTERGOWT GEN. RE1MB. REV. (620000-620999) Non-Departmental 8,940,000.00 $ 10,040,254.00 $ • 10,687,878.83 $ 647,624.83 54,100.00 $ 54,000.00 8 INTERGOWT PROGRAM REV. (625000-628999) County Executive 28,750 50 (25,240.50) -46.78% (lIntev) due to limited Local funding for the purchase of sirens. COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT Adopted Budget Amended Budget FY 2008 ACTUAL Amount Favorable guniavorablel Percent Explanation of Significant Variances County Executive - ERP Disaster Control -0.56% Tax collections less than budget estimate. -388.33% -36.41% Unfav variance due tax exempt organizations paying less than anticipated amounts for certain services from the - County. -5.04% Decrease in number of mobile homes. -0.72% . -100.00% 29.99% GY 2008 State Criminal Alen ASSiStence Program Grant Funding accepted in FY 2009 on 11106109 per MR #08246. -48.26% Type II Operator Certification (Unfav.) due to slow economy. 29.49% increase in revenue reimbursed for school lunch program due to increase In population at Children's Village. 5.40% 100.00% Based on reimbursement tor the Off-Road Vetikie Safety Education grant program. -100.00% No Expenses were incurred and therefore no reimb. 0.00% 4.77% Favorable apprepriation per CPBC Contract. 5.84% increased reimbursements due to increased expenses at Children's Village increased private institutions and less use of state institutions. State institutions are not Child Care Fund reimburseable. 5.47% 46,000,00 52,384.00 76,688.95 24,204.95 46.21% Favorable due to supplemental grant funding. 6.45% Convention Facility ta K receipts for year were $4,000,254 which is $1,100,254 more than adopted budget. A budget amendment is recommended. State Court Equity favorability $638,325 and fay. Cigarette Tax of $06,300. Total intergov't Gen. Relmb. Rev. 8.940,000.00 $ 10,040,254.00 $ 10.687,678.83 $ 647,624.83 6.45% 'Revenue variance is partially offset by an expenditure variance. Circuit Court Adopted Budse 4,500.00 Amended pudget 4,500.00 1,081,891 00 300,000.00 347,840.00 1,961,891 00 2,371,081.00 $ 2,323,241.00 $ Sheriff Nan-Departmental Total intergov't Program Rev. 331,200.00 (16,640.00) -4-78% Unfav Marine Safety grant award. and Social Security Incentive payments. 1,963,721.48 $ 1,8,30.48 0.09% 2,332,040.07 $ (39,040-531 -1.65% 170,253.81 1,948,888.81 1,778gt3.00 1,778,613.00 4,094,570.00 4,137,570.00 4,197,879.19 60,309.19 2,304,069.00 2,304,089.00 2,260,503.88 (43,565.12) 4,407,876.00 4,407,876.00 4,329,094.55 (78,781.45) 2,322,510.00 2,322,510.00 2,204,098.02 (118,411.98) 586,300 00 568,300.00 568,007.32 1,707.32 3 113,906,015.00 3 18,994,015.00 $ 18,647,779.43 5 (348,235.571 213,300.00 $ 240,105.00 $ 248,113.48 $ 8.46 0.00% 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,518.15 (361.85) -20.10% Unfav DNA Testing Fees, and Supoerta Fees. 9.57% Fay. valiance is due to an increase in Defense Attorney fees collected, partially offset by a decrease in probation caseload. 1.46% Fav variance due to an increase in case load and collection methods -1.89% Unfav, variance is due to reduced -Probation Fees", reflecting a combination Gf judicial oversight and a decline in probation caseload. -1.79% Unfav. variance is due to a decrease in probation cases, partially offset by an increase in Ordinance and Fines revenue contributed to an increase in specific caseload type. -5.10% Unfav. variance is due to Ordinance and Fines revenue partially offset by additional revenue in Probation Fees. The reduction in Ordinance and Fines is contributed to a drop in 'caseloads due to decrease in number of traffic tickets written within Tray's Jurisdiction. 0.30% Fair. variance due to an increase in Defense Attorney fees collected. Circuit Court - Family Division District Court - Division I (Novi) District Court - Division II (Clarkston) District Court Division Ill (Rochester Hills) District Court Division IV (Troy) Probate Court - Judicial Support total Administration of Justice Lew Enforcement Prosecuting Attorney Sheriffs Office COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUNEU GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT Disincl Court Amount FY 2008 Favorable /NCTUAL. unfavorable) Percent Explanation of Significant Variances 4,771,00 271.00 6.02% Drug Case Management Revenue Is generated by specfic drug case filings with the Court The Slate reimburses the Circuit Court per the drug case filings. 2008 Drug Court filings were mere than anticipated due to an increase in filings. 2,850.00 2.850.00 3,597.09 747.09 26.21% Drug Case Management Revenue is generated by specfic drug case filings will the Court The State reimburses the 52nd per the Drug Case filings. 2008 Drug Court filings were more than anticipated due to an increase in filings. (337,747.34) cHARGES FOR_SWCES163000_0-5_359.96) Administration of Justice Circuit Court - CivltlCrntinal 3 3,432,077.00 $ 3,477,077.00 $ 3,139,329.66 -9.71% Unfav. variance is due to an increase in the pubTo's use of alternative dispute resolution other than Mediation and the elimination of the -July Administrative FOB". Please note: Mediation revenue partially offset expenditures. *Revenue variance is partially offset by an expenditure variance. Sheriff • Corrective Services Satellites Sheriff • Emer. Prep. Training & Comm. Sheriff - Patrol Services Sheriff- Investigative Forensic Services Total Law Enfercement General Government Clerk - County Clerk Clerk - Elections Clerk • Register of Deeds COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND ! GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT Sheriff - Administrative Services Sheriff - Corrective Services Treasurer Board of Commissioners Amount Adopted Amended FY 2008 Favorable &Wee; Cudgel ACTUAL funfavgrable• Percent Explanation of Sterikeent Variance 85,100.00 192,100.00 134,021.23 (58,078.77) -30.23% Unfav. due to Gun Registrations budgeted In this division, that should be budgeted in me investigative & Forensic Services Div. penally offset by traditional favorabilty in tegUired finger printing of teachers, reimbursement of paid postage, photographs. and unbudgeted mileage receipt. 1,191,000,00 2,917,000.00 3,603,420.50 686,420.50 23.53% Fay. increase in anticipated receipts of Diverted Felon $414,680, Pnard and Care $44,550, Inmate Beard and Care $ 114,813, OUIL Third Office $22,177, Reimburse Salaries $93,712, and Miscellaneous revenue $6,423; partially offset by unfav Fee Income of ($9,935). 2,313,314.00 1,814,137 00 1.900,910.75 86,773.75 4.78% Fay due to expiration of security contract with Southfield Detention Facility. However, revenue receipts continue based on an informal verbal agreement. 425,175.00 425,175.00 421,766.38 13,388.62) -0.80% Unfav Dispatch Services. 31,563,154.00 32,123,920.00 32,181,727.35 57,801.35 3 18% Fay, due to reimbursement of salaries fur deputy patrol services, and receipt cif Liquor Control revenue. 215,500.00 183,500.00 317,645.46 134,145.46 73.10% Fay, due lamely to Gun Registrations budgeted in Administrative Services $77,e10, and reimbursement of salaries $54,525 receipt of Refunds NET $7,225 and Confiscated Property $475; paritally offset by lower Refund' Forensic Lab Fees. $ 36,008,443.00 $ 37,905,837.00 $ 38,809,143.28 $ 903,306.28 $ 2,447,434.00 $ 2,447,434.00 $ 2,339,760.83 S (107,673.17) 4.40% Unfav. due to reduction in Forfeiture of Bonds ($114,202) and Forfeiture of Surety Bonds ($67,207), partially offset by increases for Certified Copies $57,379. 273,466.00 275,666.00 547,249.94 271,583.94 98.52% Fav, Reimbursement General due to reimbursement of costs associated with the January 15th Presidential Primary. 13,373,000.00 13,373,000.00 10,703,886.89 (2,669,113.11) -19.96% Unfav. due to reduction in Mortgages ($2,205,115) and Land Transfer Tax ($596,353) as a result of downturn in the • housing market: partially offset by increased collections of Enhanced Access Fees $366,648. 3,138,453.00 3,138,453.00 2,597,167.04 (541,285,96) -17.25% Lin fay. variance due to the installation of Access Oakland. Escrow agents, Title Companies and Banks that bought tax statements horn the Treasurer's Office can now become a wholesale buyer and receive the statements under their Access Oakland Fee. The Access Oakland Fee is recorded in the aeries Register of Deeds Budget. 8,000.00 1,700.00 515.00 (1,185.00) -69.71% Lower than anticipated Per Diem Revenue. Revenue for Per Diem expanse reimbursed by Parks and Recreation and Drain Board only. 1%1 63 Revenue variance is partially Offset by an expenditure variance. Library Board Water Resources Commissioner Total General Government County Executive County Exec - Administration County Exec - ERP County Exec - Auditing fA843 - Purchasing Division 114613 - Equalization Division M&B - Fiscal Services Division MB - Reimbursement Ceniral Services - Support Services Facilities Engineering Human Resources Human Services - Administration Human Services - Health Division Human Services - Children's Village Public Services - Community Corrections Amended e 27,000.00 FY 2008 ACTUAL 79,718.53 Amount Favorable junlavorablel 52,718,53 200,000,00 5. 1,000,00 30,000.00 75,000,00 2.695.519.00 415,600.00 250,000.00 525.75 30,000 00 245,295.01 2,615,831.93 460.400 76 5 (3,133,759.55) 50,000.00 (474.25) - 170,295.01 (76,687.07) 44.800.73 21,197,031.00 $ 16,063,2(1.45 2,524,587,00 678,000 00 3,231,850 54 651,677.24 707,263.54 73,877.24 166,08007 188.06 19.224,42 150,000.00 1,784,828.34 (10,919.93) 188.06 424.42 150,000.00 (1,009,584.66) 177,000.00 18,800.00 2,794,413.00 1,794,973.22 1,933,778.00 (138,604.78) COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND I GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT Adopted Busiget 27,000.00 1,933,778.00 $ 21,201,131.90 5 200 00 .0.0 $ 1,000.00 30,750.00 75,000.00 2.695,519.00 365,600.00 177,000.00 18,800.00 2,549,539.00 2,524,587.00 413,000.00 Eercent EwlanatIon of Significant Variances 195.25% Fay. Reimb Salaries due to State of Michigan reinstating funding for LVPI operations $42,000 and stipend For the Director $4,500 for FY 2008. Also Fay. Miscellarious revenue $11,161 as a result of more patrons printing material off the computer than off the Copier ($7.103). -7.18% Fay - Reimbursement General the result of ($98.312) decrease reimbursement for ISO and Administrative cost, $28,390 increase in reimbursement for Environmental tine salaries and fringes, $6,746 increase in reimbursement for the 0.C.D C. Apportionment project cost and $117,669 for the Collaborative Asset Management System project. Unfav - Reimbursement Salaries Construction AdmInistretion (512,553) not eligible lo charge back 10 projects. Unfav - Soil Erosion Fees ($151,005) decrease in building activity/permits due to cfowniurn in housing market. 25.00% Favorable iCIAA Rebate. -47.43% Reduced demand for County CPR Training supplies by independent trainers. Fey. Tax Intercept and Late Penalty Fees. Actual revenues generated 10-1-07 through 5-30-08 Reimbursement was absorbed by Fiscal Services Division. MR. #08097. -6.17% Unfav less than anticipated vending machine commissions 100.00% General Reimbursement 2.26% Due to increase in requests for tile copies. 100.00% Favorable due to reimbursement of general liability insurance for Golden Oaks from aerie per Contract. -36.13% (LInfav) Lab Charges ($191,310) , Well Permits (578,700) and Sewerage Permits ($271,339), Licenses, Control Plate and Miscellaneous ($52,825) due to slow economy. The- Health Division Is no longer receiving administration fees (5415,411) on immunizations which was replaced (timing issue) by a fee structure. 28,02% Favorable Board and Care due to higher population. 12.78% Fav. Fee Income due to a higher than budgeted caseload. 0.00% 227.05% Additional revenues generated from rebate program with vendors -2 84% 10.78% 0.00% Revenue variance is partially offset by an expenditure variance. .re Public Services - MSU Extension Public Services - Medical Examiner Public Services - Animal Control Economic Dev. & Comm, Affairs - Actrnin Economic Dev. & Comm. Affairs - PEDS Total County Executive Non-Departmenlal Non-Dept. Charges for Services Total Non-Departmental Total Charges for Services INDIRECT COST RECOVERY (640100)- Amended Diidget 05,360.00 FY 2008 ACTUAL 46,845.95 Amount Favorable (unfavorable) (19,514.05) 652,500.00 447,308.40 (205,191.60) 809,887.00 889,258.10 79,371.10 INVESTMEN,T INCOME 0355000-655999) District Courts (Div. I • Pi) Clerk/Register of Deeds Non-Departmental Total Investment Income 41,000.00 $ 150,000.00 5,350,000.00 5,541,000.00 $ 22,427.60 $ (18,572.40) 135,196,62 (14,803.38) 2.594,750.34 (2,755,249.66) 2,752,374.56 $ 42,788,625.441 128,000.00 190,953.28 62,953.28 125,000 00 99,992.00 (25,008.00) 11,291,666.00 $ '(1,283459.87 $ (8,206.13) 1,000,000.00 $ 894,320.44 $ (105,679.56) 1,000,000.00 3 894,320,44 (105,679.56) 90,388,549.00 5 87,097,974.47 $ (2,090,574.53) -2.98% • 8,212,034.00 5 8,691,578.30 5 449,544.30 5.47% Budget estimate anticipated funding cuts in grants. 49,18% Fa v. reimbursement for the NO elAZ Program due to increased community participation (offset by corresponding program costs). -20.01% Reduced Sale of Maps caused by housing market slowdown -10.57% Less usage of pay phones ($139,264) partially offset by favorable sundry revenue of $33,585. -10.57% 230274.00 $ 142,600.00 $ OTHER REVENUES •0370000-6955001 Prosecuting Attorney 146,127.08 3 (84,146,92) -36.54% Funds not required for Prosecutor NET Grant. COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND I GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT Adopted alati 66,380.00 910,200.00 785,887.00 128,000.00 125,000.00 $ 11,066,242,00 $ 5 1,000.000 00 $ 1,000,000.00 $ $ 88,181,831.00 $ 1,200,000.00 $ 41 ,000.00 S 150,000.00 5,350,000.00_ 5,541,000.00 $ Percen( Explanation of S19n1ficant Variances -29.41% Unfav. Reimbursement General due to fewer participants in • the Master Gardener class, partially offset by Fey. Reimbursement Postage due to an increase in postage reimbursement from Michigan State University. A reduction in program expenditures of $63.222, more than offsets the reduction in revenue.' -31.45% Unfav. Autopsies (597,853), Service Fees (380,120), Miscebeneous ($22,020) and Medical Services ($5,754) due to tower than anticipated caseload, partially offset by Fay. Cremation Approval Pee $555 due to an increase in cremations. A reduction In program expenditures of $140,049, partially offsets the reduction in revenue.* 9.80% Fey. Service Fees $93,485 due to an increase In the disposal of animals by contracted municipalities and animals relinquished by owners, Pound Fees $17,490 due to an increase in animal count and Sale of Licenses $14,142 as a result of sending postcards to animal owners, as a reminder to buy licenses; partially offset by Unfav. Adoptions (544,012) due to a decrease in animal adoptions. -45.30% Unfav. variance due to an downward turn in the National economy causing less than anticipated amounts earned In investments. -9.87% Decreasing rates and Investment base, -51.50% Decreasing rates and reduced investment base. -50.33% ' Revenue variance is partially offset by an expenditure variance. Adopted Budget 32,326.90 32,000 00 1.000.00 5,000.00 4.300.00 Amended Budget 7,363,447.00 Amount FY 2008 Favorable ACTUAL funfavorable 1,374,957.65 11,510.65 75,000.00 417,500.00 2,467,196.09 35,468,000.00 75,301.58 301.58 88.25 68.25 35,633.86 (381,866.14) 10,554.70 10,554,70 3,540,090.54 15,666.796.03 1,072,894,54 198,796.03 417,500.00 2 ,352, 101 00 28,559.762,00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND I GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2000 YEAR END REPORT Per. Explanation of Significant Variances 0.64% Fav due to receipt of Refund of Prior Years Revenue, Refund of Prier Years Expenditures, and Enhancement Funds_ Unfav, variance due to cash shortage and prior year adjustments. Unfav. variance due to cash overage and prior year adjustments Unfav. variance due to cash overage and prior year adiuSlments, 100.00% Fay. due to Cash Overages. -21.88% Per contract to reimburse for road paving at National Cemetery. Sheriff Mee Circuit Court District Court Probate Court Clerk/Register of Deeds Non Departmerrial Donations Probate Court Treasurer Management and Budget Emergency Response and Preparedness Support SeViC8S Facilities Engineering Health Division Children's Village Water Resources Commissioner District Court Public Services Library Board Non-Dept - Sundry Economic Development Transfers Treasurers Transfers Non-Dept - Transfers Total Other Revenues 32,000.00 1,000.00 4,300.00 $ 31,546,589.00 5 40,058,717.00 (2.22) (2.22) 386.66 388.66 2.00 2.00 7,708.92 7,708.92 25,000.00 (7,000.00) 100.00% 423.95 (576.05) -57,61% Unfav, variance is due cash overages. 15.00 15.00 100.005 0.00% 4,982.07 682.07 15.86% Unfav, due to less proceeds from auctions. 100.00% 5,727.30 5,727.30 100,00% Prior Yrs.. Revenue 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Fay. Transfers In from GGIRF $75,000 and Cash Overages 5301.58. 140,00% Fay, due to Cash Overages. -91.46% Note that Sundry Revenue of $33.585 is recorded in Charges for Services. 100,00% Transfer from Nolrlaz donation fund to offset No Fiaz costs. 43,49% Fay, variance due to an increase in collection fees from the LITRi fond. 0.56% Favorable transfer from Revenue Sharing Reserve based on state formula and CPI $149,224 and increase in funds from closed projects $49,572. 2.08% 40,893,773.37 5 835,056.37 PLANNED USE OF FUND BALANCE (965400-665999) General Fund - Prior Years Balance Total Planned Use of Fund Balance 12,285,346.15 $ 12,285,346.15 $ (12,285,346.15) -100.00% Designated funds used for one-time projects. $ 112,285,346.15) -100.00% TOTAL GEN. FUND F GEN. PURPOSE REVENO -3.78% 'Revenue variance is partiarly offset by an expenditure variance. ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2008 BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL ------- AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES $ 9,350,258 00 $ 9,635.492.01 $ 9,324,430.84 $ 311,091.17 .3.23% Business Division Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 2,017,622 00 26,814 00 $ 2,058.666.67 I ,970,745. 76 $ 26,614.00 25,73.28 internal Support Expenditures 271,169.60 277,619.21 232,917.09 Civil / Criminal Division Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 2.023 842.00 $ 2,649,535.32 5 2,443,709.79 5 5,789,912.00 5,794,227.39 5,481,653.13 205,625.53 312,574.26 Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out 2,295,360.00 2,549,367.25 2,506,995.08 3.823,403.00 247,217,00 228,006.08 42,372.17 49,210.92 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES CIRCUIT COURT 176,587.81 142 778 62 (6,275.26) „Indiolal Administration Personnei Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal SupporI Expenditures Transfer Out $ 9,097,686.00 $ 9,014,839.02 $ 8.836,251.21 $ 43,377.00 305,960,46 163,181.84 215,195,00 284,692.53 292,967.79 30,060.00 30,000.00 1,96% - Fav. variance due to turnover, under Wed positions, and vacancies 46.67% - Fay. variance for expendable equipment and special projects funded by Mediation funds $67,729 and Judicial Technology Funds of $101,023. These funds will be carried larvvard to FY 2009 -291% - Unfav, variance due to incorrectly cheeping Judicial Adreinistiation Division's Information Technology Devekipment lirir i3ern InStead of oheroing Family Division's Info Tech Deveiopment line item. 0 .00% 87,920.91 4.27% - Fay. variance due to turnover, under filled positions, and vacancies 1,082,72 4.04% - F3V. variance due to utilization of Oakland County Information Technology Department in lieu of the Software Support Maintenance line item. 44,702.12 16.10% - Fey. variance due to a decrease in rates and usage of information Technology Operations. $ .2,315,605.00 $ 2,363,099.88 $ 2,229,394.13 $ 133,706.75 5,66% 7.77% - Fav, variance dile to turricetter, under filled positions, and vacancies 5,39% - !ay. variance Is due to a decrease in Juror Fees & Milnago of $89,000. a decrease in demand for Mediators and Apperiled Criminal Defense Attorneys $161,175 and a favorable variance in Visiting Judges Line item of $49,000. The Court is experiencing an increase in alternative dispute metnods of resoivt:0-n, resulting in a reduction in expenditures. Please note: Mediator and Defense Attorney Fees have revenue generating line items which partially offset the expenditures. 1.66% Fay, variance due to a decrease in rates and usage of Information Technology Operations. 7.77% - Fav. variance due to savinos generated by deleting one Community Services Coordinator Position in the Circuit Court Adult Drug Court per MR 08 160. The savings reduces the Adult Drug Court grant match, $ 14,732,517.06 $ 11,240,346.96 $ 10,660.364.013 $ 579,962.88 5.16% 11/19/2008 EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES $ 13,031,229.03 13.358787.00 $ 13,346,621.90 11,672,372.00 1,722,024.00 12,772,372.00 12,405,022.01 1,759,429,42 1,674,415.36 5,149,272.00 4.533.848.90 --- 1,383,150,02 4.19% S 2/,297,937 00 3 27 17,532,475,00 18 4.503,748.00 4 3,823.403.00 5 $ 26,753,183.00 $ 33,027,695,32 $ 31,844,515.30 $ .069.682.91 3 26,283,935.79 $ .899,373.85 18,075,588,26 ,871,108.41 4,707,295.32 .420409.00 4,791,854.98 Family Division!'Juvenile Maint. Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfer Out Department Total PersImnet Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Lxpendilures T ransfers Oui 2.35% - Fay, variance due to turnover, under fil!ed positions, and vacancies 2.88% - Fay, variance is due to a decreased in placements to State Institutions; offset bv ta increase in placements to Private Institutions of $350,000 4.83% - Fay. variance due.to a decrease in rates and usage of Information Technology Operations. 0.00% - Fav, variance is due to the Friend of the Court fund receiving additiunal Federal . Incentive funding due Lu tine Federal Deficit Reduction Act. 2,94% 4.38% 3.36% 11.70% 315,392.87 367,349.99 85,014.06 615,423.10 785,727.12 823,785.59 163.813,09 634,634.02 $ 53,157463.00 $ 56 .256,634.17 3 53,858,674.35 3 2,407,959.82 4.28% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES CIRCUIT COURT AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2808 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT ............-....---- ------- ------- -------- ----- $ 11/19/2008 ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET $ 169,023.00 $ 65,151.00 $ 67,800.62 $ (2,649.62) 51,051.91 11,748.09 Unfav. variance due to fringe rate budget being less than actual. Fav. variance due to Chief Justice efforts to reduce use of travel budget, -4.07% 18.71% 0.00% 8.38% Fav. variance due to reduced rates and usage of Information Tech Operations. 5.70% - Fay. variance clue to turnover, vacancies, and under filled positions. 2.61% - Fay variance is due to less than anticipated amounts needed for Drug Testing of $4,440, Jury costs of $4,000 and Medical Exam costs of $7,000. These expenses fluctuate based on caseload type. 5.01% - Fav, variance due to reduced rates and usage of Information Tech Operations. 2.83% - Fav. variance is due to less than anticipated funds needed to fullfil the grant match obligation to the Clarkston Drug Court grant $ 2,662,412.00 $ 2,761,169.88 $ 2,626,567.44 $ 134,602.44 4.87% 473,407.00 508,784.38 463,605.03 45,179.36 $ 5,635,438.00 $ 5,653,623.84 $ 5,516,046.54 5 137,577.20 2.43% $ 1,792,611.00 $ 1,801,617.37 $ 1,698,835.94 $ / 02,781. 43 62,800.00 62,800.00 1.92% 1.87% 1.53% - $ 231,823.00 3 $ 4,079,898.00 $ 1,082,133.00 9,098.47 75,861.79 16,536.06 347,051.00 841,051.00 475402.00 3 465,903.53 3 4,062,706.46 $ 3,986,644.67 $ 1,082,133.00 1,065,596.94 Fay. variance due to turnover, vacancies. and under filled positions Fay. variance due to a reduction in Drug Testing Supplies used of $6700 and Printing expenditures of $10,100, 628,548.00 628,548.00 612,112.67 16,435.33 210,771.00 30,482.00 275,447.51 55,557.00 261,635.38 13,812.13 53,983,45 1,573.55 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES DISTRICT COURT AMOUNT FY 2008 FAVORABLE ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES niol.••••••n• District Court Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Division 1 - Novi Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenaures Internal Supporl Expenditures Total Division 1 - Novi Division 2 -Clarkston Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out Total Division 2 - Clarkston 1111912008 CO Division 3 - Rochester Hills Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures DivEsion 4 - Troy Personnel Expenditures $ 2,494,387.00 $ 2,483,783.25 $ 2,446,588.54 $ 37,194.71 $ 3,920.834.00 $ 3,928,766.49 $ 3,940,247.50 $ (11,481.01) 416,288.00 416,238.00 320,282 72 96,005.28 1,213,970.00 1,263,748.49 1,230,109,99 33,638.50 Operating Expenditures 520,590.00 721,590 00 Internal Support Expenditures 363,256.00 398,846 46 $ 3,378,233.00 $ 3,604,219.71 $ $ 5.551,092.00 $ 5,608,802.98 5 5,490,641121 $ 118,162.77 2.11% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES DISTRICT COURT ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2008 ACTUAL AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 580,685.83 140,904 17 356,965,23 41,881.23 3,384,739.60 $ -0.29% - Unlav, variance due to budgeting error which did not account for merit increases and promotions. 23.06% - Fay, variance is due to a 1% decrease in caseload combined with District Court's Administration cost savings policies of $84,000, preventing Travel and the attendance of conferences of $12,500. 2.66% - Fey, variance due to reduced rates and usage of Information Tech Operations. - Fay. variance due to turnover, vacancies, and under 1.50% filled positions. 19.53% - Fay variance is due to a dupilcated budget amendment of $123,000. $17,904 is rnostly due to a reduction in cases that result in the need for drug testing. - Fay, variance due to reduced rates and usage of 10.50% Information Tech Operations. 219,980.11 6.10% Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 12,456,753.00 2,710,359 00 2,261,404.00 30,482.00 -------- $ 17,458,998.00 $ 12,342,024.57 $ 2,911,359.00 2,446,826.84 402,603.00 $ 18,102,818.41 $ 12,140,317.27 2,629,730.07 2,312,315.63 401,034.45 --------- 17,483,397.42 $ 201,707.30 1.63% 281,628.93 9.67% 134,511.21 1,573.55 $ 819,420.99 3.42% 11/19/2008 Judici ei/Adminis tra tion Personnel Expenditures • Operating Expenditures Internal Support Transfer Out Estates/Mental Health Personnet Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support $ 2,443,091.00 $ 2,456,060.00 $ 2,324,032.70 $ 132,027.30 33,772.78 (26,020.78) -335.67% 331,019.00 323,619.00 312,338.78 11,280.22 $ 2,774,110.00 $ 2,837,431.00 $ 2,720,144.26 •$ 117,286.74 837,431.00 $ 2,720,144.26 (69,492.73) -2.98% 5.38% 7,752.00 331,582.07 $ 2,40.1,074.80 $ 2,306,385.00 $ 2,331,582.07 $ 2,40.1,074.80 $ 50,000.00 50,000.00 874,566.75 903,216.96 (28,650.21) -3.28% 596,150.98 555,847.32 40,303.86 6.76% 3.49% 0.00% 4.13% 854,457.00 565,278.00 $ 3,726,120.00 $ 3,802,299.80 $ 3,860,139.08 , $ (57,839.28) -1.52% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES PROBATE COURT ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET AMOUNT FY 2008 FAVORABLE ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Fay. variance due to vacancies, under filled positions, and one position being mischarged to the Estates and Mental Health Division of the Probate Court. (See offset below) Unfav. variance due to amounts posted incorrectly in the Judical Administration Division. These costs should have been pasted in the Operating Expenditures of the Estates and Mental Health Division. Fay. variance due to a reduction in rates and decrease in usage of Technology Operatic' is. Unfav. variance due a position being mischarge to the Estates and Mental Health Division instead of Judical Administration Division. I,See of set above) Unfav, variance due to increase in Deferie Attorney Fees at $101,000. The increase in Defense Attorney Fees is due to a increase in Mentai Health Case load. This is offset by Expendable Equipment of $18,000, Visiting Judges of $7,200, Library Continuations of $19,000, $11,000 in Medical Services Probate Exam and $5,000 in Travel and Conference. Fav. var iance, due to a reduction in rates and decrease in usage of Technology Operations. Department Toth$ Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Transfer 00 $ 4,749,476.00 854,457.00 895,297.00 - $ 6,530,230.00 $ 4,787,642.07 882,318.75 919,769.98 59,000.90 -- $ 6,639,730.80 .,=====37==32-..==.! $ 4,725,107.50 $ 936,969.74 868,166.10 50,000,00 $ 8,580,283.34 $ 62,534.57 (54,670.99) 51,583.88 59,447.48 1.31% -6.20% 5.61% 0.90% 11/19/2008 Operating Expenditures 840,894.00 832,456..54 660,679,33 171,777.21 Internal Support Expenditures Transfers 1,872,475.00 4,071.00 '1,965,551.87 4,071.00 1,897,557.23 67,994.64 24,142.90 (20,071.90) Litigation Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out $ 9,769,570.00 51,324.00 2,451.00 61,079.00 $ 9,679,124.49 51,324.00 2.311.00 378,881.00 $ 9,595,083.75 $ 38,017.24 4,629.87 1,081,900.61 524,646,82 84,040.74 13,306.76 (2,318.87) (703,019.61) $ 5,344,353.00 $ 5,462,946.53 $ 4,938,299.71 $ . COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES PROSECUTING ATTORNEY ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2008 ACTUAL AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures $ 2,626,913.00 $ 2,660,867.12 $ 2,355,920.25 $ 304,946.87 11.46% Turnover and favorable overtime usage. 20.63% Fay. In Extradition Exp. $67,619 reflective of reduced number of high profile extraditions; also Filing Fees $18,674, Membership Dues $24,685, Microfilming & Reproductions $16,212, Printing $58,024, Professional Services $41,607, Training and Transcripts on Appeal $7,162 and Travel and Conference $28,275 due largely to position deletions associated with the budget task, and reduced prosecution case activity. This is partially offset by increased use and demand for Court Reporter Svcs. ($13,919), Court Transcripts ($15,891), Periodicals Books & Pub. ($11,166), Witness Fees and Mileage ($13,896), and Office Supplies $35,608). 3.46% Fay. largely in Info Tech Operations and telephones reflective of overall reduction in prosecution activity. 0.00% elnfav. due to higher actual County grant match cost higher than anticipated with the acceptance of tho VOCA grant. 9.60% 0.87% 25.93% -100.34% 0.00% Turnover and favorable overtime usage. Fay due largely to reduced usage of personal mileage in this division by prosecuting attorneys. Unfav. telephones due to lowered budget allocation. - Linfav. due to higher actual County grant match cost higher than anticipated with the acceptance of the Co-operative Reimbursement grant. $ 9,884.424.00 $ 10,111,640.49 $ 10,719,631.47 $ (607,990.98) -6.01% 11/10/2008 Cid 2.93% Turnover and favorable overtime usage. -87.49% Unfav personal mileage due 10 higher use of personal auto by prosecuting attorneys of this division. 0.00% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES PROSECUTING ATTORNEY ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET AMOUNT FY 2008 FAVORABLE ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 1.14% 60.54% 0.00% $ 2,154,596.00 $ 2,130,090.22 $ 2,070,226.34 $ 59,863.88 2.81% Warrants Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures internal Support Expenditures Appellate Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures $ 2,151,838.00 $ 2,127,332.22 $ 2,065,055.45 $ 2,758.00 2,758.00 5,170.89 $ 1,577,237.00 $ 1,690,911.85 $ 1,671,601 $ 7,291.00 7,291.00 2,876.82 62,276.77 (2,412.89) 19,309.92 4,414.18 Turnover and favorable overtime usage. Fay personal mlleage by prosecuting attorneys of this division. Department Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out $ 1,684,528.00 $ 1,698,202.85 $ 16,225,558.00 $ 16,158 ,235 .68 202,267.00 893,820.54 1,874,926.00 1,967,862.87 65,150.00 382,952.00 $ 19,067,901.00 $19,402,880.09 $ 1,674,478.75 $ 23,724.10 1.40% $15,687,661.38 470,574.30 2.91% 706,744.28 187,085.26 20.93% 1,902,187.10 65,675.77 3.34% 1,106,043.51 (723,091.51) -188.82% $ 19,402,636.27 $ 243.82 0.00% 11/19/2008 $ 1,794,539.00 $ 1,833,476.66 $ 1,929,112.15 525,334.00 1,088,014.43 1,092,347.43 (95,635.29) (4.333.00) 428,176.00 404.570.00 277,810.99 126,759.01 $ 2,748,049.00 $ 3,326,061.29 $ 3299,270.57 $ 32,488,480.00 $ 33,559,167.45 $ 33,425,156.68 7,257,831.42 7,02 I.634.75 26,790.72 134.010.77 236,196.67 6,717,999.00 Favorable salaries and fringes due to vacancies (Southfield Facility), partially offset by unfav overtime usage. Unfav Custodial ($47265), Dry Goods and Clothing (23,845), provisions ($8,975) and Professional Services ($8,831) related to operation of satellite facilities. Unfav Computer equipment rental ($4,412), Insurance fund ($6,178), Motor Pool, (68,134), Radio Communications (52.260). 1.38% 0.15% -28.70% -1.64% 0.00% -0.41% COUNTY OF OAKLAND F Y 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES SHERIFF'S OFFICE ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED FY 2008 BUDGET ACTUAL AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES ----- Sheriff's Office Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Administrative Services Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Corrective Services Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Corrective Services-.Satellites Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 1,627,996.00 $ 1,634,774 02 $ 1,710,510.54 $ (75,736.52) 65,916.00 65,916.00 55,404.17 10,511.83 284,779.00 285,278.00 243,886.26 21,391.74 62,747.87 (62,747.87) ------- --- $ 1.978,693.00 $ 1,965,968.02 $ 2,072,548.84 $ (106,580.82) 7,928.848.00 8.153,276.50 7,821,510.93 331,765.57 47,506.00 72.046,79 (24,542.79) --------- ----- $ 47,135,327.00 $ 49,017,781.17 $ 48,340,351.15 $ 677,430.22 $ 18,753,859.00 $ 16,490,893.00 $ 18,462,418,12 $ 28,274.88 369,634.00 311,534.70 400,940.661 (80,405.98) 1,469,942.51 (22,284.15) $ 20,597,674.00 $ 20,249,886.06 $ 20,333,301.31 5 (63,415.25) -4.63% Unfav overtime usage. 15.95% Fay largely due to contracted servcies of $12,000, and office supplies of $15,834 partially offset by Materials and Supplies of ($9,942.) 8.06% Fay largely in Motor Pool, partially offset by Computer operations, and telephones. 0.00% Grant match for FY 2008 Community Corrections grant program. -5.42% -5.22% Unfav overtime usage. -0.40% Unfav largely in Professional Services ($101,065), Deputy Supplies ($39,998), Miso Capital Outlay ($31,439), partially offset by fav. uniforms $169,136 per budget task reductions. Fav. Micrographics $27,000, Print Shop $90,592, Mail Rm. and Radio Communications $14,675. Favorable salaries and fringes due to vacancies, partially offset by unfelt overtime usage. Fey. Contracted Services (food vendor Ara mark) $732,356, and Outside Prisoner Housing $250,000; partially offset by unfav hospitalization of prisioners (315,484), Medical Exams for new prisoners is increasin0 based on requirement for population safety ($1/0,469). Also, Uncollectable Accounts Receivable (5226.374) for diverted felon reimb billed to the state which was not paid. 4.07% Fay Motor Pool 581,717and Computer Operations $231,387. -51.66% Community Corrections Grant Match. 1,474,1131.00 1,447,658.36 31.33% 0.00% 0.81% 0.40% 3.25% 11/19/2008 Patrol Services Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 33,542,714.00 294,250.00 6,524,062.00 $ 34,661,971.34 848,476.63 6,011,698.90 112,204.00 $ 35.132,436.75 815,813.18 6,375,925.82 112,204.00 $ (470,465,41) 32,663.45 (364,226.92) $7,211,571 847,301.00 2,568,083.00 130,000.00 294,115.00 0.00% $ 5.333,254.60 $ 5,123,034.02 $ 210,220.58 3.94% 270,641.00 261, I 28.26 9,512.74 3.51% 261, I 28.26 9,512.74 (4,35,341.46) 308,503.79 188,454.29 (60,654.58) -0.42% 2.92% 1.00% 0.00% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES SHERIFF'S OFFICE ADOPTED BUDGET AMOUNT AMENDED FY 2008 FAVORABLE BUDGET ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES -1.36% Unfavorable salaries and fringes and overtime usage due to overtime worked related to patrol contracts and court security. 3.85% Fa v largely due to reductions in usage of Deputy Supplies $64,071 partially offset by office supplies of ($38,725) -6.06% Unfav due to Motor Pool ($342,671), and Sheriff Aviation ($57,114) for engine overhaul. 0.00% Transfers to liAotorpool and other internal service funds for vehicles and related computers, radios and cameras, $ 40,361,026.00 $ 41,634,350.87 $ 42,436,379.75 $ (802,028.88) -1.93% Investigative & Forensic Serv. Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Trarisfers $ 10,626,955.00 Emergency Prep., Training & Comm. Personnel Expenditures $ 4,702,622.00 $ Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 5,126,738.00 $ 7,593,301.09 $ (107,836.59) 673,190.32 74,209.68 2,330,008.15 2,244,471.85 85,536.30 324,070.00 297,433.92 26,636.08 10,886,942.65 $ 10,808,397.18 $ 78,545.47 4,820,771.00 $ 4,668,724.30 $ 152,046.70 241,842.60 193,181.46 48,661.14 $ 7,488,464.50 747,400.00 0.00% 0.72% 3.15% 20.12% - t.44% Unfav overtime usage, and fringe benefits. 9.93% Fay Professional Services $57,727 and Lab Supplies $36,490 partially offset by Unfav Contracted Services ($27,125.) 3.67% Fay Radio Communications $17374C3. garbaliy offset by unfav Motarpool ($66.755) and IT Operations ($46,923). NET and ATPA Grant Match Favorable salaries and fringes and overtime usage due to vacancies. Fav Employee Medical Exams $62,348, Officers Training $19,102, Professional Services $14,030, partially offset by unfav. Expendable Equipment (523$65j, and Office Supplies ($14,089). Fav Equipment Rental $42,660, partially offset by Radio Communications ($17,914) and IT Operations ($14,681). Department Total Personnel Expenditures 100,121,783.00 Operating Expenditures 8,950,434.00 Internal Support Expenditures 19,502,245.00 Transfer Out 3 128,574,462.00 3 102,486,318.17 $ 102,921,659.63 $ 10,561,015.78 10,252,511.99 18,853,130.91 18,694,676.62 483,780.00 544,434.58 $ 132.414244336 $ 132,413,282.52 3 962.04 0.00% 11/19/2008 01 Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 723,790.00 $ 723,795.00 $ 731,777.58 $ (7,981 .59) 53,350.00 40,350.00 21,296,73 19,053.27 Internal Support Expenditures 203,363.00 197,940.80 207,580.90 (9,640.10) COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2008 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES -1.10% Unfav. Fringes due to unbudgeted rate increase. 47.22% Fay. Printing County Directory $23,000 as a result of _ this being charged to the Elections Vivision instead of Clerk Administration Division, partially offset by Unfav. Membership Dues ($1,170) to maintain professional affiliations and Freight and Express ($1,053) due to higher than anticipated use. -4.87% Unfav. Motor Pool ($7,816), Mail Room ($5,673) and Convenience Copier ($1,847) due to higher than anticipated use, partially offset by Fay. Telephone Communications $5,144 due to tower than anticipated use. Transfers 0.00% $ 980,509.00 $ 962,086.80 $ 960,655.22 $ 1,431.56 0.15% County Clerk (Vital Stets & Legal Rees) Personnel Expenditures $ 3,500,938.00 $ 3,499,503.19 $ 3,376,177.84 $ 123,325.35 Operating Expenditures 297,408.00 305,908.00 250,385.78 55,522.22 3.52% Turnover 18.15% Fay. Professional Services $39,137 reflective of a software program for vital Records that has not been completed by an outside vendor and Court Transcripts $25,476 due to lower than anticipated activity. Internal Support Expenditures 624,254.00 1,222,452.51 1,171,379.03 51,073.48 4.18% Fay. Info Tech Imaging Operations $56,743 due to lower than anticipated activity, partially offset by Unfav. Print Shop ($2,927) and Info Tech Operations ($1,864) due to higher than anticpated activity. Transfers 0.00% $ 4,422,600.00 $ 5,027.863.70 $ 4,797,942.65 $ 229,921.05 4.57% 11/19/2008 En Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Internal Support Expenditures Transfers COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2008 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES ••nnnnn••n••n••••• Elections Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Register of Deeds Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 639,809.00 $ 649,852.00 $ 678,116.15 $ (28,264.15) -4.35% Untav. Fringes due to unbudgeted rate increase. 776,113.00 875,113.00 840,427.78 34,685.22 3.96% Fay. Professional Services $67,501 due to bids for poll worker training DVD coming back lower than expected, partially offset by Unfav. Printing County Directory ($23,131) due to this being charged to the Elections Division instead of the Clerk Administration Divismn. 168,721.00 194,095.00 155,747.72 38,347.28 19.76% Fay. Telephone Communications $25,549, Info Tech Operations $7,308 and Print shop $5,983 due to lower than anticipated use. 0.00% $ 1,584,643.00 $ 1,719,060.00 $ 1,674,291.65 $ 44,768.35 2.60% $ 2,599,622.00 $ 2,532,976.33 $ 2,510,764.69 $ 22,211.64 0.88% Turnover 1,209,827.00 1,207,827.00 549,477.60 658,349.40 54.51% Fay. Professional Semcos $647,602 due to decrease in number of mortgage and title documents processed by outside vendor, reflective of slowdown in the housing industry and Office Supplies $11,156 due to effort to reduce usage and costs. Note reIated revenue unfavorability.* 1,236,827.00 1,253,574.56 1,031,128.01 222,446.55 17.74% Fay. Micrographics and Reproduction $111,630, Info Tech Operations $81,319 and Mail Room $29,786 due to lower than anticipated use. 320,015.14 320,015.14 0.00% Transfers Out due to merger of the Micrographids Fund with the Clerk's Office/Register of Deeds General Fund with the FY 2009/2010 Adopted Budget, effective 10101/2008. $ 5,048,276.00 $ 5,314,393_03 $ 4,411,385.44 $ 903,00T59 16.99% 11/1912008 131,276.00 19,936.00 $ 9,365.00 14,194.95 $ 9,810.61 5,741.05 (445.61) 118,183.19 27,908.48 142,188.75 $ 33,203.92 115,032.30 767,164.50 330,135.69 7,311,031,22 $ 1,671,398.50 2,684,018.85 320,015.14 11,986,463.71 $ 1,212,332.49 Jury Commission Personnel Expenditures 19,936.00 $ Operating Expenditures 5,825.00 Internal Support Expenditures $ ' 157,037.00 $ Department Total Personnel Expenditures $ 7,484,101.00 $ Operating Expenditures 2,342,523.00 Internal Support Expenditures 2,364,441.00 Transfers $ 12,191,065.00 $ 28.80% Turnover -4.76% Unfav. Metered Postage (52,525) due to increase in - cost of postage, partially offset by Fay. Personal Mileage $2,100 due to effort to reduce usage and costs. 19.10% Fav. Print Shop $17,110 and Mail Room $11,037 due to lower than anticipated use. 18.93% 1.55% 31.46% 10.95% 0.00% 9.19% 146,091.67 175,392.67 $ 7,426,063.52 $ 2,438,563.00 3,014,154.54 320,015.14 13,198,796.20 $ COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2008 ACTUAL AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE), PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES * Note revenue offset, 11119/2008 03 03 Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 2,974,824.00 $ 2,954,774,00 $ 2,877,002.82 $ 257,121.00 264,498.00 198,853.20 77,771.18 55,844.80 Division Total $ 3,930,131.00 $ 4,547,730.99 $ 4,377,101.24 $ .170,629.75 3,75% Department Total $ 3,930,131.00 4,547,730.99 $ 4,377,101.24 $ 170,629.76 3.75% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES COUNTY TREASURER AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2008 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 2.63% - Turnover and under filled positions 21.86% - Fav, variance due to delinquent fax rolls being printed by the Print Shop rather than IT of $54,000. The variance is partially oliset by a increase in credit card tees {$10,000) caused by ltie increase in usage of the online tax payment 5 ystem. Internal Support Expenditure: 698,156.00 1,338,458.99 1,301,245.22 37,213.77 2.78% - Fay. variance due lo a decrease in rates and usage of Information Tech Operations. 11/19/2008 ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET 518,148.00 442.148.00 274,967.77 277,096,00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AMOUNT FY MS FAVORABLE ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE}PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Persormel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenchtures Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures $ 2,338.480.00 $ 2,338,480.00 $ 2,244,826.18 $ 412,571.67 105,576.33 258,120.33 16,847.44 $ 3,057,724.00 $ 3,131,595.77 $ 2,915,518,18 $ 216,077,59 $ 2,338.480.04 $ 2,338,480.00 $ 2,244,826.18 $ 442,148.00 518,148.00 412,571.67 277,096.00 274,967.77 258,120.33 S 3,057,724.00 $ 3,1.31,595.77 $ 2,915,518.18 $ 216,077.59 4.00% - Fay. Fringes $101,068 offset by Way. Salaries ($7,415), Salary increase prior to budget constraints and part-time position under tiVing full-time budgeted position. 20.38% - Fay. Travel/Conference $27,086, Workshops & Meetings $22,095, Personal Mileage $13,814 and Legislative Expense $7,349 due to Commissioners making concerted effort to reduce expenditures in these areas. Additionally, Fay. Professional Services $24,968 as a result of County Lobbyist resignation. 6.13% - Pay. Into Tech Operations $14,369, Telephone Communications 51,873 and Print Shop due to lower than anticipated use, partially offset by Unfav. Motor Pool due to higher than anticipated use. 6.90% 4.00% 20.38% 6.13% 6.90% 93,653.82 93,653.82 105,576.33 16,847.44 11/19/2008 •$ 1.007,042.00 $ 1,022,125.93 $ 882,308.47 $ 139,817_46 699,622.00 686,073.00 675,524.73 10,548.27 866,438.00 5,000.00 863,299.21 841,723.59 21,575.62 lnternal Support Expenditures Transfers COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES LIBRARY BOARD leo ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2008 ACTUAL AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Library Board Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures 13.68% Turnover 1.54% Fav library Continuations $21,509, offset by Unfav. Computer Research Service ($29,889) due to more patrons using information from the electronic databases than from the printed materials. Also Fay. Professional Services $15,000 which will be eliminated for tne FY 2009 Budget Task. In addition, rev. Travel & Conference $1.665 and Periodicals, Books, Publ & Sub $1,186 due to effort to reduce usage and cost. 2.50% Fav. Info Tech Operations 517,653. Telephone Communications $1,379 and Equipment Rental $1,080 due to lower than anti cipa ted use. Pr' 2008 Budget Task reductions_ Library Board has decided not to replace computer at this time. $ 2,399,556.79 $ 171,941.35 6.69% Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating ExpenOttures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 2,578,102.00 $ 1,007,04100 699,622.00 866,438.00 5,000.00 $ 2,578,102.00 $ 2,571,498.14 $ 1,022,125.93 686,073.00 863,299.21 2,571.498.14 $ 882,308.47 $ 675,524.73 841,723.59 $ 2,399,556.79 $ 139,817.46 10,548.27 21,575.62 171,941.36 6.69% 13.68% 1.54% 2.50% 11/19/2008 •••nn••••nn•n•nn••n Operating Expenditures 479,784.00 922,361.92 423,911.76 498,450.16 54.04% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2006 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2008 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE] PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Water Resource Commissioner Personnel Expenitures $ 3,870,905,00 3 3.724,77132 $ 3,515,698.62 $ 209,074.70 5.61% Fay - Salaries and Overtirme $1,056,537 offset by unfavorable Fringes ($647.462) for non-direct labor adjustment factor. Non-direct labor factor rate is adjusted annually to recover leave time and the variance is leveled out over multiple periods. Fav - Adjusted Prior Years Expense $3,812 the result of correcting a FY 2007 _ general expense accrual that was entered twice. Fay - Contracted Services $36,551 the result of the Soil Erosion Unit spending less on corrective action issues. Fav - Education Programs $5,642 the result of the Soil Erosion unit spending less on education programs to inform the public on the usage of soil erosjon products. Fay - Laboratory Fees $2,000 because Environmental Unit was able to charge water samples directly to various kinds Fay - Legal Services 323.010 a result of Soil Erosion unit spending less on legal issues to enforce the laws of the soil erosion program. Fay- Professional Service Consultants $9,000 the result of the Environmental Unit spending less on Phase II Services. Fav - Professional Services $261,475 budget for Master Plan will be carried forward into FY 2009. Fay - Publishing Legal Notices 36,000 because the process for dissolving Chapter 4 Drains has riot taken place resulting in loss pubilc notice . ads, Unfav - Recording Fees (53,571) the result of recording liens at the Register of Deeds office or properties that have not paid for their soil erosion permit. Fay - Stream Gage Program $25,800 the result of the installation of 8 add itional stream gages has not occurred. Fay - Training $5,000 based on less spending for ISO and hazardous material training, Fay - Travel and Conference $9,162 based on required needs to maintain knowledge of drain and water issues. Fav - Expendable Equipment Expense $3,777 because forecasted budget exceeded actual spending needs on these items. Fay - Laundry and Cleaning $4,717, Workshops and Meeting $2,1334, Employee Footwear $2,865, Office Supplies $5,271, Paper Printing 510,17s, Training Education Supplies $3,808 and Uniforms $4,318 the result of anticipated budget forecast riot trending with actual spending by departments. Fay - Budget Transition $74,337 the department met and exceeded their budget task. 11/19/2008 EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Mff n.1n•••• COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2008 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT .f.n,M..-Mn,...'/•n••••••n•...~.0 Internal Support Expenditures 1,184,438.00 1,655,805.39 1,740,695.65 (84.890.26) -5,13% Unfav - Drain Equipment ($99,493) the result of capturing the assignment of employee's equipment; some charges recovered In Reimbursement General is equipment related to an allocation pool and includes charge for Chapter 4 f 13 chain portion of drain storage building loan. Unfav - Convenience Copier ($33,785) the resuft of replacing a black and white copier with a color copier. Fav - Information Technology Development $22,192 a result of an incorrect Budget Amendment adjusting The General Fund budget instead of the Water and Sewer Trust Fund budget for these charges. Unfav - Insurance Fund (52,215) and Print Shop ($2,052) are the result of budget allocations being under estimated. Fay - Inton-nation Technology Operations $22,566 and Telephone Communications $5,199 a result of the budget allocation being over estimated. Transfers 67,840.00 67,840.00 61,324.33 6,515.67 9.60% Fay - Operating Transfers Out $6,515 is offset in the Drain Equipment line item for the Chapter 4 & 18 dram payment of principal and interest on the drain storage building $ 5,602,967.00 5 6,370,780.63 $ 5,741,630.36 $ 629,150.27 9.86% Total Department Total 5,602,961.00 $ 6,370.780.63 5 5,741,630.36 $ 629,150.27 9,86% 11/1912008 4:a Administration Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating $ 2010,451.00 $ 2,178.048.97 $ 2,163.649.36 $ 223,373.00 226.269.00 1E5390.23 Internal Support Expenditures 569,531.00 565,894.92 574,002 56 Auditing Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating 5 1,261.387.00 5 1,231,522.19 5 1,149.251.93 $ 27,130.60 37,340.00 34,777.56 Internal Support Expenditures 180,290.00 182,379.71 131,405.10 Corporation Cokinsel Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Internal Support Expenditures 162,098.85 2.58% 164,504.65 24705% 90,280.61 6.28% 418,884.12 4.95% 11/17/2008 ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES COUNTY EXECUTIVE AMOUNT FY 2008 FAVORABLE ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES •••••••n.- N...•nnn 14,399.61 0.66% - Turnover 40,878.77 18.07% - Favorable Office Supplies, Advertising. Mileage, Workshops and Meetings end Travel and Conference due to in-house teleconferences minimizing the need for travel thus reducing costs. (8,107.64) -143% - (Unfav) Print Shop for special edition of the Telegraph (Oakfit), State of the County epeeeh. 'Retee elewstetter, peekei folders. $ 2,970,212.49 5 2,923.042.15 $ 47,170.74 1,59% $ 2,903,355.00 Emergency Response & Preparedness Controllable Personnel $ 761,026.00 Controllable Opereling 322,170.00 Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out 746,582.19 $ 15,377.80 258,217.69 105,913 91 458,003.98 434,031.42 23,e72.56 2.02% - Favorable due to mimimel severe weather during non-working hours. 29.09% - Favorable Advertising $218, Employee Medical Exams $563. Civil Service Fees $1,140, and minimal repairs of Hazmat vehicles $59,075. Favorability exists for cable for backup communications in the amount n1 529,413 offeel by (Way) Electrical Service ($8,278) due to rate Increases. (Untav) ,291) for the purchase of Ham Operator Equipment for Special Events. Also, Favorable Office Supplies, Travel & Conference and Workshops and Meetings $13,320 due to effort to reduce costs. Favorable Tornado Sirens $11,649 due to limited local funding forte purchase of sirens. 5.23% - Favorable Telephone and LT. Operations 450,507.013 $ 701.959 99 $ 364,131.60 $ 1,539.703.00 $ 1,584.095.57 S 1,438,831,30 $ 145.264.27 62,270.26 6.68% - Turnover 2,562.44 6.66% - Favorable due to the elimination of cash handling classes offset by revenue in class fees. 50,974.01 27.95% - Favorable LT. Operations $ 1,468,807.00 $ 1,451,241.90 $ 1,315,434.59 3 '135,1307.31 9.17% 9.35% $ 2,102,093.00 $ 2,110,717.44 S 2,060,666.25 $ 56,393.00 56,393.00 41,243.47 236,139.00 230,204.12 206,763.04 $ 2,394,625.00 5 2,397,314.56 $ 2,308,672.76 $ 50,051.19 2.37% - Turnover 15,149.53 26.86% •- Favorable due to negotiation of Lynn-Nexus Contract (Computer Legal Research for Attorneys) and Favorable Pilot Program for e-filing. Note: will incur additional expenses in FY2009 based on additional judges ueing e-fiting. 23,441.08 10.18% - Favorable IT.. Operations 86,64140 3.70% Department Total Controllable Personnel $ 6,240,957.00 $ 6,232.248.59 5 6,120,149 73 $ Controllable Operating 629,066.00 613.1,133.60 519,626.95 Internal Support Expenditures 1,436,457.00 1,436,482.73 1,346.202.12 Transfers Out 0 0 $ 8,305,490.00 $ 8.402,864.92 $ 7,985,980.80 $ sa $ (11,134.19) -2.98% Fringe Benefit expenses greater than budgeted for medical costs, 302,958.34 97.71% 2301.457 Due to excess savings towards Budget Task and lay. in Office Supplies 2963. 408,876.14 $ 290,739-86 41.56% 17.46829 (1.084.29) -6.52% Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 373,187.00 8,588.00 $ 373,187.00 310,045.00 $ 384,321,19 7,086.66 Internal Support Expenditures 16,951.00 .— 2 398,726.00 16,384.00 699,616.00 Purchasing Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 1,135,154.00 $ 1,123,765.96 $ 953,735.91 46,323.00 46,454 50 25,193,43 5170,030.05 21,261.07 Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Equalization Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Fiscal Services Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures internal Support Expenditures $ 1,362,897.00 $ 1,349,495.87 $ 1,153,160.87 $ 196,335.00 $ 7,969.678.00 5 7,633,919.53 $ 7,364,853.14 $ 269.066.39 232,660.00 182,660.00 115,749.18 65,910.82 1,324,216.00 1,820,874.34 1,529,753.59 291,120.75 51,384.00 29.527.938.00 59,688,837.87 $ 9,062,739.91 5626,097.96 $ 5,706,766.00 $ 8,148,025.31 $ 7,826,739.64 $ 321,285.67 138,240.00 235,538.51 199,981.48 35,557.03 1.384.00 51,384.00 179,275.41 174,231.53 181,420.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED FY 2008 BUDGET ACTUAL AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 15.13% Fay. Turnover 45.77% Fay Travel/Conference $8,000, Prof Services $7,000 and Workshops & Meetings $7,000, Advertising $9,530 due to efforts to reduce usage and costs. Partial)/ offset by unfav. Contracted Services. 5,043.88 2.81% 14.55% 3.52% 36.08% 15.99% Fay. Salaries 2225,122 and Fringes 543.944 due to turnover and savings achieved from employees who participated in the Retirement Incentive Program. Fait. Mileage 343,349 due to improved scheduling and GPS tools. Travel $6,524, Office Supplies $13,600 and Expend Equip. 22,900 all due to budget constraints. Fay. Info Tech Operations $227,901 and Print Shop $43,766 due to efforts to reduce usage and costs. 0.00% 6.46% 3.94% Fav. due to deletion of positions, streamlining operations and reorganizing the Division. Reimbursement has been reassigned to Fiscal Services effective June 21, 2006 per MR #08097. 15.10% Fav. Professional Services $44,671, net Training and Travel related expenses, 510,000 and Expendable Equipment. $7 MO due to efforts to reduce costs. Offset by Unfav.Charge Card Fee ($3,259), Contracted Services ($6,917) and Refund Prior Years Revenue ($17,748). Fay. Info Tech Operations 2368,721 resulting from Reimbursement projects not undertaken due to reorganizatiOn. 1,690,422.00 2,956,351.34 2,572,265.32 386,086.02 13.05% $ 7,535,428.00 $ 11,341.915.15 $ 10.596,986.44 $ 742,928.72 6.55% 11/20/200B CII Division reorganized into Fiscal Services in July per MR#08097, - $ 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 4.34% 64.95% 13.69% 0.00% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2008 ACTUAL AMOUNT FAVORABLE {UNFAVORABLE' PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Reimbursement Personnel Expenditures $ 2,426,601.00 $ Operating Expenditures 91,700.00 Internal Support Expenditures 583,937.00 Transfers Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 3,102.238.00 $ $ - $ $ 17,611,386.00 $ 17,278,897.80 $ 16,629,649.88 $ 749247,92 517,511.00 774,698.01 349,010.75 425,687.26 3,796.946.00 4.974,885.09 4,293,718.73 681,166.36 1,384.00 51,384.00 51,384.00 $ 2},927,227.00 $ 23,079,864 80 $ 21,223.763.36 $ 1,856,101.54 8.04% 11,20/2008 CFI ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2008 ACTUAL 2,600.00 13.915.00 $ 2,763,962.00 $ 2,851,787.27 5 2,698,949.49 $ 152,837.78 5.36% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES CENTRAL SERVICES AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES —--— Administrative Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Unfav, due to rate increase for fringe benefits which was not budgeted for. Fay, due to less travel and conference. $ 202,349.00 $ 2,600,00 13,709,02 $ 218.864.00 $ 218,658.02 $ 209,992.16 $ (7,643.16) -3.78% 646.00 1,954.00 75,15% 14,035.75 (326.73) -2,38% 224,673.91 $ (6,015.89) -2.75% 202,349.00 $ Support Services Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 1,263,419.00 $ 56,818.00 1,224.881.00 1,247,334.33 $ 1.190,863.72 $ 56,859.60 37420.25 1.328.935.32 1,245,801.51 56,480 61 4.53% 19,239.35 33.84% 83,133.71 6.26% • - 0.00% Fav. due to 2 FTE positions in Malt Center being tilled with PINE and the elimination of 1 position in Materials Management. Fav. equipment replacement and maintenance contract for Record Retention, Fay. !rife Tech Development. $ 2.545,118.00 $ 2,533,129.25 $ 2,474,275.56 $ 156,853.67 6.03% Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers 5 1,465,768.00 S 1,449,683.33 $ 1,400,845.88 $ 59,418.00 59,459.60 38,266.25 1,238,796.00 1,342,644.34 1,259.837.36 • 48,837.45 21,193.35 82,806.98 3.37% 25.64% 6.17% 0.00% 11/18/2008 Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures $ 392,439.04 $ 385,217.00 $ 4,500.00 61.282.00 43,100.00 42,362.00 362,347.47 $ 2.384.61 36,690.64 Facilities Engineering Personnel Expenditures Opereting Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures 1,034,417.00 $ 991,988.00 $ 116,600.00 116,600.00 83,787.00 90,320.36 977,490.80 $ 92,804.10 74,319.03 37,366.73 82,693.09 11,672.69 2.71% 46.49% 9.51% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET • BUDGET FY 2008 ACTUAL • AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES $ 440.039.00 $ 488,861.00 $ 22,869.53 5.94% - Turnover due to vacant Director - Facilities Management position in September. 58,897.19 96.11% - Fate. Budget Transition based on excess of budget task met by Facilities Management Department, including the Facilities Maintenance $ Opera bons Fund. 5,671.36 13.39% - Fay, Information Technology Operations based on required usage. 14,497.20 1.46% - Turnover and fay. Overtime $3,000 due to reduced project activity. 23,795.90 20.41% - Fey. Professional Services 915.304. Expendable Equipment 82,000, Testing Materials $1,310 and Equipment Maintenance $1,262 due to reduced project activity, 6,001.33 7.47% - Fay. Motor Pool $2,334, IT Operations $1,921 and Tetephone Cornntunications 91,423 due to reduced project activity. 401,422.92 $ 87,438.08 17.89% Department Total Personnel Expend'tares Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures $ 1,234,804.00 $ 1,168,908.36 $ $ 1,426,856.00 $ 1,377,205.00 $ 121,100.00 177,852.00 126,887.00 122,682.36 1,144,613.93 $ 1,339,838.27 $ 95,188.91 111,009.67 44,294.43 3.73% 5 1,674.843.00 $ 1,677.769.36 $ 1,546,036.85 8 131,732.51 7.85% 11/17/nos 03 Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 662,778.00 $ 668,424.79 $ 599,857.09 $ 68,567.70 560,853.92 $ (25,700.92) 301,394.00 535153.00 Internal Support Expenditures 35,401 00 73,293.63 69,101.27 $ Workforce Management Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ i,573,022.00 $ 1,731,794.18 194,947.00 406,500.00 $1,716,559.77 $ 15,23441 289,894.75 $ 116,60526 COUNTY OF OAKLAND Fy 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPEND/TURES HUMAN RESOURCES Fy 2008 ACTUAL ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET 'AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE)PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 10.26% Savings the result of Deputy Director position budgeted as fuil-tinne eligible, but filled as part-time non-eligible. -4.80% Unfavorabeity primarily in Legal Services ($26,921), Court Reporter Services ($9,115), and Professional Services ($58,373) fue ot arbitrations with Sheriff Deputy union. Unfavorability is offset by favorable variance in Employee Medical Exams ADA $2,000 as there were no current employees who had ADA issues requiring a medical exam, Fees-Per Diem $9,500 due to fewer meetings, Membershp Dues $1,631 due to reduction arid consolidation of memberships, Travel & Conference $6,162 and Workshops arid Meetings $754 due to reduction in number conferences attended workshops held this year, and $48,759 in Budget Transition due to departmental reorganization per MR tto8101. 4,192.36 5.72% Primarily reflects favorebility in mailroom eepense $4,861, due to reorganization and Improved efficiencies, offset by unfavorable eaqoenses for Print Shop ($403) due to FY 2008 Exhibits (in color) for 312 Arbitration and Telephone Communications ($242) due to addition of phone lines for transferred employee and "not line" and additional cell phones in Labor Relations for Deputy Director and Supervisor to handle increased activity with 312 Arbitration. $1,000,57300 $ 1,276,671.42 $1,229,812.28 $ 47,059.14 3.69% 0.86% Turnover. 28,69% Due to hiring freeze, expenses are favorable for Employees Medical Exams $10,758, Examination Materials $15.628, arid Recruitment Expense $61,428. Also, favorable Equipment ivlantenence $948, Computer • Supplies $2,170 and Expendable Equipment Expense $2,615 as the need for additional computer supplies end equipment was less than anticipated. Intern Program is favorable $8,516 due to positions that were kept vacant longer before being refilled or filled with experiential (unpaid) Interns. Professional Services Is favorable $13,000 due to postponement in seeking outside consultants to assist with PeopfeSoft upgrades and implementation and validating exams For recruitment. 11/17/2008 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES HUMAN RESOURCES ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET Internal Support Expenditures 548,120.00 715,802.94 AMOUNT FY ma FAVORABLE' ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE)PERCENT 666,506.62 $ 49,296.32 6.89% Benefits Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures 175,087.00 161,518.00 165,455.63 $ (3,937.63) $3,078,671.94 $ 124,673.05 3.89% 879,629.45 109,633.05 11.08% 901,063.52 49,551,05 5,21% 54,659,364.91 5 283,857.15 5.52% a =a EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Few, primarily due to lower expense than anticipated for Info Tech Operations $33,049, Print Shop $15,626, and Convenience Copier $5,124, offset by unfavorable Telephone Communications expense ($4,529) as expenses have been consistently higher than allocation for this division. $ 2,316,089.00 $ 2,854,097.12 $ 2,672,961 .14 $ 181,135.98 6.35% 5 1,019,436.00 $ 803,125.02 225,954.00 47,609.50 $ 762,255.08 5 40,870.54 5.09% 39.34% Reflects fevorability in Membership Dues $500. Periodicals, Bcok,s, Subscriptions $3,309, Personal Mileage $673, Travel and Conference 67,638 and Office Supplies $4,148 due to reorganization. As projected, there Is also favorability In Expendable Equipment Expense $2,000 and Software Support Maintenance 5381 as there were no purchases of new • equopment or software. Turnover. 28,880 78 $ 18,728.72 -2.44% Reflects continued unfavorability for Telephone Communication expenses ($3,948), which have consistently been higher than allocation for this division. 5.50% 5 1,420,477.00 $ 1,012,253.52 $ 956,591.49 $ 55,662.03 Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures 5 3,255,236.00 $ 3,203,344.99 722,295.00 989,262.50 759,608.00 950,614.57 $4,737,139.00 $ 5,143,222.06 11117/2008 11,172.00 10,598.00 Health Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2008 ACTUAL AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 208,038.00 5 206,038.00 $ 181,671.50 $ 26,366.50 11,536,165.00 11,464,849.00 10,099,075.02 1,365,773.98 12.67% - Turnover 11.91% Favorable costs for Private Institutions (Michigan Department of Human Services) for costs incurred for the care of neglected and abused wards of the court. Costs are based on caseload, difficulty of care, and treatment of services - (counseling, drug screening etc.) ordered by the Court. Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out 13,984.25 (3,386.25) -31.95% - (Unfav.) Insurance Fund due to under appropriated budget. $ 11,755,375.00 $ 11,683,485.00 $ 10,294,730.77 $ 1,388,754.23 11.89% Internal Support Expenditures $ 26,449,794.00 $ 26,410,559.28 $ 24,544,676.95 $ 1,865,882.33 4,871,749.00 5,634,071.81 4,586,462.50 1,047,609.31 3,447,926.00 4,543,426.61 4,443,527.13 99,899.48 7.06% - Turnover 18,59% - Favorable Interpreter Fees $260,497, due to use of nextel phones to call phone interpreter services versus using an on- site interpreter. (Unfav) Advertising ($3,132), which previously was funded by grant monies. Favorable Satellite Centers $1,022,087, which by law 1/2 of convention facility money (hotel and liquor monies) is utilized for substance abuse programs which will be carried forward he FY2009. Offset by (linfav) Cash Shortage ($195), Professional Services ($87.545), due to volumn increase in dental. Personal Mileage shows a favorability of $62,277, based on increased usage of pool vehicles. (Unfav) Medical Supplies ($114,866), and Vaccines ($151,291), due to price increases and restocking of supplies, also note, as economy continues to deline services to the public increase. (Untav) Employee Taxable Meals (21) and Uncoltectable Accounts Receivable (25), Favorable Lab Supplies $33,956, Expendable Equipment $22,977, Postage-Standard Mailing $3,319, Communications 5221, Photographic Supplies $400, including Film and Processing $217 due to effort to minimize costs. Finally encumbrances totaling ($1,245). 2.20% - Favorable IT Operations Transfers Out 150,908.00 123 149,114.85 1,793.15 . - Per Jail Alliance With Support (JAWS) Program Res. #07286 and Cube Truck. 11/19/2008 ADOPTED . BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2008 ACTUAL COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES $ 34,769,469.00 $36,738,965.70 $ 33,723,781.43 $ 3,015,184.27 8.21% Children's Village Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out $ 12,719,801.00 $ 13,288,587.84 $ 13,122,441.22 $ 166,146.62 $ 3.566.059.00 3,623,174.37 3,707,237.36 (84,062.09) 2,379,267.00 2,407,263.90 2,397,335 37 9,928 53 249.74 (249.74) 1.25% - Turnover -2.32% - (Unfav) due to price increases for Custodial Supplies ($52,026), Medical Services-Physicians ($17,653), Provisions ($157,171), for bulk food and milk. Previously Children's Village received surplus food from Gleaners on a monthly basis but the Food Bank moved to Wayne County. In FY2008 the Village received surplus 3 times. Also included were surcharges for gas and inflation on the puroi lase of Favorable Toilet Articles 641,143, Expendable Equip. 57,159, Vocational Training $1,161, Testing Sys. $263, Uniforms $9,947, Drugs $4,568. Dry Goods and Clothing $41,222, Bedding and Linen $13,671, Equip. Maint. $8,958, Laundry and Cleaning $20,225 due to effort 10 minimize costs. Also Fav. Employee Medical Exams $10,400, Hospilalizaton 4,000, Ambulance 32,403, and Membership Dues $680, also ($23,012) for encumbrances. 0.41% - Favorable Convenience Copier $1,091, IT CLEIV1IS $3,363, IT Operations $26,629, Print Shop $6,519 and Telephone $7,323 offset by (Unfav) Insurance Fund ($487), Mailroom ($888), Motor Pool ($1,384) and Radio Communication ($32,238) based on usage and allocations. - Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG) Res. #07106 for security equipment. $ 18,685,127.00 $ 19,319,026.11 $ 19,227,263.69 $ 21,762.42 0.47% 11/19/2008 $ 39,377,633.00 19,993,973.00 5,838,365.00 $ 39,907,185.12 20,722,095.18 6,961,288.51 150,908 00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2008 ACTUAL AMOUNT FAVORAB LE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Department Total Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Non-Contnaitable Operating Transfers Out $ 37,848,789.67 $ 18,392,774.88 6,854,846.75 149,364.59 $ 65,209,971.00 $ 67,741,476.81 $ 63,245,775.89 $ 2,068,395.45 2,329,320.30 106,441 76 1,543.41 4,495,700.92 5.16% 11.24% 1.53% 100.00% 6.64% UP 03 17/19/2008 ADOPTED BUDGET AN. Public Services • Admin. Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Veterans Services Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support E.xpendilureS Transfers COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES PUBLIC SERVICES AMOUNT AMENDED FY 2008 FAVORABLE BUDGET ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES $ 165,899.00 $ 185,899.00 $ 192,647.20 $ (6,748.20) -3.63% - Unfav. Fringe Benefits due to cost for medical greater than budgeted. 4,800.00 4,800.00 627.40 4,172.60 86.93% - Fav. Special Event Program $2,172, Travel & Conference $1,460 and Membership Dues $338 due to effort Co reduce usage and coals. 8,812.00 6,33800 6,33521 2.79 0.04% - Fay. Bldg Space Cost Allocation due to lower than anticipated cost. $ 197,511.00 $ 197,037.00 5 199,609 81 5 (2,572.81) -131% $ 1,574,112.00 $ 1,661,820.21 1,623,401.17 $ 38,419.04 221,572.00 216,572.00 206,188.54 10.38346 Internal Support F_xponditures 251,991.00 252,231.25 250,560.28 1,670.97 Transfers 2.31% - Turnover 4.79% - Fey. Soldiers' Burial $10,072 due to lower than anticipated veteran burials and Travel & Conference $999 due to effort to reduce usage and costs. 0.00% - Fav. Into Tech Operations 53.532 and Print Shop $2,210 due to tower than anticipated use, partially offset by Unfav. Motor Pool ($3,963) due to higher than anticipated use. 0.00% Community Corrections Personnel Expenditures $ 2,147,675.00 5 2,133,523.46 $ 2,080,149.99 $ 60,473.47 2.37% $ 3485,133.00 $ 3,469,131,11 $ 3,637,410.69 $ (168,279.78) -4.85% - (inlay. Salaries and fringes ($90,000) as a result of 2 FTE positions that are funded half by the Comprehensive Grant and half by the General Fund, but not included in the General Fund budget: multi-filling six (6) PTNFJFTNE positions (561,138) in the INWAIVI program, Overtime ($11,073). Holiday Overtime ($3,069) and the fringes associated with them, which is due to art Increase In weekend and holiday drug testing. 842,622.00 972,643.69 869,480.73 103,162.96 545,912.00 707,017.62 659,067.75 47,949.87 301,624.00 349,005.09 (47,381.09) 10.61% - Fav. Contracted Services $39,208 bnd Professional ServiCes 575.000 due to effort to reduce usage and costs, partially offset by Untav. Drug Testing ($5,396) for offender treatment due to an increase Inc participants. 6.78% - Fav. Info Tech Operations $42,771 and Telephone Communications $6,224 duo to lower than anticipated use. 0.00% - Unfav. Transfers due to an increase in activity for the Community Corrections Comprehensive Grant (Fund 27370). $ 4,873,667.00 $ 5.450,416.42 $ 5,514,964.46 $ (64,548.04) -1.18% in ' See related revenue offset. 4:11 1111812008 Medical Examiner Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 3,639,055.00 $ 3,582,90i 07 $ 3,506,09.4.01 $ 633,077.00 669,679.00 599,712.18 Operating Expenditures 154 919.00 179,266.02 189,243.47 $ 5,076,571 00 S 5,074 247 41 $ 4,933,598.87 $ 140,648.54 2.77% 5 '1,848,417.85 $ (29.417.15) -1.62% - Unfav. Salaries ($26,329) due to multi-tiling 3 PINS positions and Overtime ($3,0138) due to additional staffing for the Shelter on Saturday and special adoption events on the weekends. Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Animal Control Personnel Expenditures $ 1,833,688.00 $ 1,819006.10 13,868.66 1.65% - Fey. Info Tech Operations $15.611, Micrographics & Reproductions $1,200, Telephone Communications $6.650 due to lower than anticipated use; partially offset by Unfav. Motor Pool ($11,290) due to higher than anticipated use. 804,439.00 841,661.34 827,792.68 • See related revenue offset. 1108,2006 COUNTY OF OAKLAND ry 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES PUBLIC SERVICES ADOPTED BUDGET AMOUNT AMENDED FY 2008 FAVORABLE BUDGET ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES MSU Ext. - Oakland County Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 811,103.00 $ 834,304.40 $ 826,419.79 $ 87,853.00 82,653.00 72,791.46 Internal Support Expenditures 353,472.00 354,701.26 309,225.68 7,884.61 0.95% - Turnover 9,861.54 11.93% - Farr. Professional Services $3,400 due to the use of MSU Extension educators from other counties that don't charge fees for the teaching Master Gardener classes. Also Fay. Car Allowance $3,760 end Travel & Conference $1,995 due to effort to reduce usage and costs. 45,475.60 12.62% - Fay. Info Tech Operations $28,575, Mail Room $8,207 and Telephone Communications $6,460 due to lower than anticipated use. 5 1,252,428.00 $ 1,271,658.68 $ 1,208,436.93 $ 63,221.75 497% 56,813.08 1.59% - Turnover 89,960.82 10.45% - Fay. Transportation Services $35,996 due to fewer bodies transported. Also Pay. Professional Services 324,860, Medical Supplies $25,855 and Fere & Processing $14,829 which correlates with a decrease in the caseload; partially offset by LInfav. Laboratory Fees ($33,961) due to an increase in lab testing and costs. 19,977.45) -5.57% - Linfav. Animal Supplies ($7,304) and Medical Supplies ($6,194) due loan Increase in supplies. (nod and titter for impounded dogs and cats at the Shelter: partially offset by Fay. Employees Rabies Vaccines $3,000 due to requirements for rabies shots and titers not due until FY 2009. 883,347.56 (44,669.15) Infernal Support Expenditures Transfers 569,621.00 838,678.41 -5.33% - Unfiev, Radio Communications ($17,077), Motor Pool (614,266), Telephone Communications ($6,052) and Into Tech Operations ($3,957) due lo higher than anticipated use. $ 2,558,228.00 $ 2,836,945,13 5 2,921,008.88 $ (84,063.75) -2.96% Circuit Court. Probation Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Inlemal Support Ex.oenditures ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES PUBLIC SERVICES AMOUNT FY 2008 FAVORABLE ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES $ - $ - $ - 5 - 0.00% 44,838.00 41,350.00 39,451.47 1,898.53 4.59% 784,312.00 775,694.40 743,976.07 31,716.33 4.09% $ 829,150.00 $ 817,044.40 $ 783,429.54 $ 33,814.86 4,11% Fey. Computer Suppliea $1,518 and Interpreter Fees 5273 due to effort to reduce usage and costs. Fay. Print Shop $14.362. Telephone Communications $9,758, Into Tech Operations $6,176 and Mail Room $1,399 due to lower than anticipated use. Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures internal Support Expenditures Transfers $11,626,990.00 $ 11,533,062.49 11,634,390.91 $ {101,328.42) -0.88% 1.989,681.00 2 166,963 71 1,977,495.25 189,468.46 8.74% 3,316,559.00 3,776,322.30 3,680,307_23 96,015.07 2.54% 301,624.00 349,005.09 (47,381.09) $16,935.230.00 $17,777,912.50 $ 17,641,198.48 S 136,774.02 0.77% == sea ===. CM see related revenue offset. CO 11/18/2008 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2008 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures mi......,n•n•••n••nn•••••••n•••••n na.....•nn••nnn•n $ 1,378,055.00 $ 1,373.841.00 $ 1,365,396,62 $ 8,444,38 458,234.00 797,92625 542,415.18 255,611.07 133,209.00 141,427 14 135,395.57 3,031.57 $ 1,969,498.00 $ 2,313,194,39 $ 2,046,207.37 $ 266,987.02 ••••n•nn••..w....../ 0.61% - Turnover 32.02% - Fav. Operating $162,014, primarily Professional Services, as well as Advertising, Printing, Travel & Conference, Legal Services, and Workshops & Meetings for update of the Solid Waste Management Plan, delayed pending reformatting of plan guidelines by the State. Fay. Professional Services ]ri the Marketing & Communications Unit $165,573 will be carried- forward to FY 2009 for projects not yet completed, including the Emerging Sectors Program's Oakland Medical Initiative, Oakland Michigan 2009 Magazine, Department electronic newsletter. Oakland Edge Hockey Tournament, Crain's Detroit Business advertising, and Hour Media Guest Guide. Fay. is partially offset by unfav. NO HAZ Program Professional Services costs ($80,066), which are largely offset by fay. program revenue. Expenditure and revenue variances for NOtIAZ are both due to expanded program activity. AM costs incurred for lie NO HAZ Program are fully reimbursed to the County by participating communities. 2.14% Fay. Information Technology Operations based on required usage. 11.64% Planning and Economic Development Services Personnel Expenditures $ 3,687,891.00 $ 3,727,651.72 $ 3,558,026.54 $ 159,625.18 4.25% - Turnover Operating Expenditures 727,775.00 1,162,273.65 758.15147 404,122.18 34.77% - Fay. Business Recruitment $209,565 is due to carry-forward of $190,000 ic FY 2009 for planned trade missions for the Emerging Sectors Program (ESP) and fewer senior level trade missions conducted than planned in FY 2008; fay. Professional Services $163,440 is due to carry-forward of $148,000 for • projects not yet completed, including the ESP Health Care & Life Science Initiative, Ecotourism Program, database support for the ESP Economjc Developmenl Program, and Oak Streel Neighborhood Revitalization Program and delay of other projects including the local wage and salary survey arid Main Street website upgrades ; and fay. Printing costs $39,870 due to greater use of the county's Print Shop and inclusion of costs in • Professional Services. Favorability is partially offset by unfav. Personal Mileage ($7,943) for travel for local developnent activities. En 11/1712008 Internal Support Expenditures - County Grant Match for HOME Investment Partnership Grant. 0.00% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS • AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2008 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 912,255,00 915,791.27 832,253.14 83,538.13 9.12% - Fay. Information Technology Operations $63,901 based en required usage and fay. Print Shop $16,803 due to Inclusion of printing costs in Professional Services charges. 5 5,327,921.00 $ 5,805,716.64 5 5,158,431.15 $ 647,285.49 11.15% Community and Nome Improvement Personnel Expenditures - $ - $ - $ Operating Expenditures - Transfers 341,292.00 341,292,00 $ 341,292.00 $ 341,292.00 $ Workforce Development . Personnel Expenditures $ 25,620.00 $ 25,620.00 $ - $ 25,620.00 100,00% - Budgeted provision for unallowable Federal and State Operating Expenditures - 12,451.45 (12,451.45) Workforce Development grant costs was not fully required. Internal Support Expenditures $ 25,620.00 $ 25,620.00 $ 12,451.45 $ 13,168.55 51.40% Department Total Personnel Expenditures $ 5,091,586.00 $ 5,127,112.72 $ 4,933,423 16 $ 193,689 56 3.78% Operating Expenditures 1,186,009.00 1,960,199.90 1,313,018.10 647,181.80 33.02% Internal Support Expenditures 1,045,464.00 1,057,218.41 970,643.71 86,569.70 8.19% Transfers - 341,292.00 341,292.00 0.00% $ 7,323,039.00 $ 8,485,823.03 $ 7,558,381 97 $ 927,441.06 10,93% Ul 02 11/17/2008 COUNTY OPERATIONS County Expenditures Insurance Fund Insurance Surety Bonds Logos and Trademarks Road CommissioreCurrent Drain Assessment Road Comrnissionan Party Agreement Personal Mileage Disaster Supplies Provisions Communications Equipment Transfer to CMHA Total COUNTY BUILDINGS STATE AND FEDERAL COUNTY ASSOCIATIONS Area Wide Water Quality $ 55,000.00 Assoc of Metro Sewage Agencies • 1,700.00 Michigan Assoc. of Counties 70,700.00 National Assoc. of Counties 24,000.00 S.E.M.C.0 G, 579,000 00 Traffic Improvement Association 30,000.00 Total $ 760,400.00 SUNDRY EXPENSE $ 300,000.00 $ 149,477.00 16900.00 30,000.00 1,340,082.00 1,500,000.00 53,000.00 30,000.00 90520.616.00 $ 12,740,075.00 $ 3,267,469.00 -6.28% 84.38% 28,52% -0.61% 7.15% 100.00% 1.55% 100.00% 100.00% 53.68% 0.00% 3.59% 2,42% excess funds to be carried forward to FY 2009 Funding for emergency supplies. 85.67% 100.00% 100.00% -2.99% -2.90% -24.79% 0.00% -11.79% Fy 2008 includes payment for first quarter FY 2009 Classification and Rate Change Contingency Emergency-Salaries Grant Match Info Tech Development Legislative Expense 395,971.00 146.744.00 1,305,500.00 3,763,564.00 6,011,579.00 180,500.00 238,236.00 796,348.00 296455.00 19,14428 82.500.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES NON-DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET AS ADOPTED BUDGET AS ADJUSTED AMOUNT FY 2008 FAVORABLE ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION $ 149,477.00 $ 158,832.00 $ (9,355.00) 16,900.00 2,640.00 14,260.00 30,000.00 21,444.00 8,556.00 1,540,082.00 1,348,262.06 (8,180.06) 2,625,125.00 2,437,500.00 187,625.00 53,000.00 - 53,000.00 23,514.00 23,150.67 363.33 30,000.00 - 30,000.00 182,329.52 - 162.329 52 130,364.13 60,390.52 69,973.66 9,620,616.00 9,620,616 00 - $ 14,181,407.70 $ 13,672,1335 25 $ 505,572.45 5 2,612,259.50 $ 2,549,020.86 $ 63,238 64 $ 55,000.00 - 55,000.00 1,700.00 - 1,700 00 70,700 00 72,811.73 (2,111.73) 24,000.00 24,697.00 (697.00) 579,000.00 722,543.00 (143,543 00) 30,000 00 30,000 00 5 760,400.00 $ 850,051.73 5 (59,851.73) $ 300,361.97 5 43,036.21 $ 25r,325.76 RESERVED FOR TRANSFERS Expenditures Administrative Leave $ (400,000.00) $ (86,198.21) Budget Transition 5,458,592.00 (86,198.21) 5,458,592.00 238,236.00 793,348.00 296,455.00 19,144.28 82,500 03 100.00% Favorabtlity offset is in Departments. 100.00% - Planned surplus per MR#08026 and MR#08049 which will be used to offset revenue shortages in FY 2009 and FY 2010. • MR# 08026 established planned surplus of $2,252,589 and approved MR# 08049 totaling 52,741,200 for GFCP departments. 100.00% 100.00% #0 IV/0? 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% - at co 90.xls 11/20/2008 BUDGET AS ADJUSTED 59,104.00 51.000.00 4.000.00 543.478.00 FY 2008 ACTUAL $ 7,462,659.07 $ EXPLANATION Decreased Iransfers per MR#08026 Decreased transfers per MR408026 Close out FM0 Special Projects see offset in CLENDIS 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.10% -12.01% 1.03% 0.00% 14.46% 1,005.00 (51,061.19) 4,384.50 (178,000.00) 234,064.00 0.00 0.00 10,542,762.00 1,449,950.00 1,054.175.00 425,000.00 425,179.00 0.00 1,615,000.00 6,600.000.00 0.00 10,542,762.00 1.449,950.00 1,053,170 00 476,061.19 420,794,50 178,000 OD 1,384 ,936.00 6.600,000.00 10.753.73 0.00% -100.00% Reimburse FM0 for a portiion el salaries aSsociated with union president (OCEU) One time appropriaitoon Fur replacement of vehicles. (10,753.73) $ 17,325,648.00 $ 23,216,056.00 $ 23,236,427.42 $ Total 0.00% (361.42) TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 97,907,411.00 $ 102,278,731.02 $ 88.221,928.60 $ 8,632.525.63 8.44% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES NON-DEPARTMENTAL Misc. Capital Outlay Overtime Appropriation Workshops and Meetings Fringe Benefit Adjustment Summer Employees Salary Appropriation Total BUDGET AS ADOPTED 75,000.00 53,000.00 4,000.00 843,478.00 364,360.00 $ 12.743,796.00 AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT 59,104.00 100.00% 51,000.00 100.00% 4,000.00 100.00% 543,478.00 0.00% 0.00% $ 7,462,659.07 100.00% Transfers -to Other Funds Revenue Sharing Reserve Fund Jail Population Management Fund Capital & Cooperative Initiatives Revolving Fund Debt Service - West Wing Refunding Debt Service - Computer Center Refunding Project Work Order Fund Fire Records Management Radio Communications CLEMIS Collaborative Asset Management System Medical Care Facility Facilities Mainenance & Operations Motorpool Fund 0.00 1.145,764.00 11,242,762.00 1,449,950.00 1,054,175.00 400,000.00 413.997.00 0.00 1,619,000.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 1,100.000.00 1.100,000.00 $ 47,137,388.00 $ 43.533,154.24 $ 40,331,371.47 $ 8,201,782.77 16.90% TOTAL NON-DEPT. APPROPRIATIONS TRANSFER TO GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDS Pubic Health Fund Child Care Fund Social Welfare Fund Foster Care $ 27,381,655.00 $ 28,999,175.24 23,387,368.00 24.745,401.54 1,000.00 1,000.00 $50,770,023.00 26,818,503.61 21,0/2,053.32 $47,890,557.13 $ 28,593.20 401,149.66 1,000.00 430.742.86 $53,745,576.78 0.10% 1.62% 100.00% • 0.80% 01 90. xl s 11(20/2000 14.452.00 $ 40,674.00 $ 82,019.00 $ 197,064.00 $ 36,570.00 $ 608,125.36 $ 2,108,139.65 $ 125,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 365,000.00 $ 1,100,000.00 $ 38,500.00 $ 191,500.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 4,601,266.01 FY 2008 BUDGET AMENDMENTS FY 2008 BUDGET AS ADOPTED - GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDS BUDGET AMENDMENTS M.R. #07222 - 10/0412007 Sheriff - Use of Forfeiture funds for addition in Canine Unit/Highland Twp M.R. #07224 - 10/04/2007 Circuit Court - Use of Mediation Funds M.R. #07230 - 1011812007 County Clerk - Board of Canvassers with the City of Birmingham M.R. #07244 - 1110112007 County Clerk - Board of Canvassers with the City of Auburn Hills M.R. #07245 1110112007 County Clerk - Board of Canvassers with the City of Troy M.R. #07246 - 1110112007 County Clerk - Board of Canvassers with the Southfield Township M.R. #07253 .11/2912007 County Clerk - Board of Canvassers with the City of Madison Heights M.R. #07266- 11/29/2007 Circuit Court/Family Court - Continuation of Juvenile Drug Court Grant (SCAO) M.R. #07268 - 1112912007 • Sheriffs Office Prosecuting Attorney- NET Bryne Grant Acceptance M.R. #07257 -1112912007 Sheriff - Patrol Contract with Rochester Hills M.R. #07258 - 1112912007 Sheriff - Use of Forfeited funds for Motorcycle Replacement M. R. #07285 - 12/13/2007 Sheriffs Office - State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) $ 428,134,452,00 5 16,275.00 $ 45,000 00 250.00 S 260.00 425.00 250.00 400.00 $ 179,250,00 M.R. #07290 -12113/2007 M&B FY 2007 Year End Report Encumbrances Carry Forwards Appropriation of Designation - Flu Vaccines Appropriation of Designation Animal Control -Well • Appropriation of Designation - Economic Development Appropriation of Designation - Motorpool - Vehicle Replac. Approp. of Designation - Sheriff Patrol - In Car Cameras Approp, of Designation - Sheriff - Fringes on est. Union Sal. Approp. of Designation - Sheriff - Lie Detection Prg. TOTAL AMENDED BUDGET AS OF 12/31/2007 (1ST QUARTER) M.R. #07293 -1/17/2008 Drain Commissioner - CAMS Project M.R. #08005- 1/1712008 Management and Budget Go kits $ 433,348,597.01 $ 6.600.000.00 23,514.00 61 19,000.00 $ 114,768.00 68,977.00 $ (1,024,975.00) 625.00 45,000.00 FY 2008 BUDGET AMENDMENTS M.R. #08011 -111712008 Sheriff - ORV Safety Education Program M.R. #08018 - 2/7/2008 Sheriff - Contract with Wayne County for Warrant Enforcement Parole Absconders M.R. #08017 - 2/7/2008 Sheriff - Patrol Contract with Lyon Twp Amendment #2 M.R. #08026 - 2/712008 M & B Budget Amendment (update Property Tax budget) M.R. #08014 - 217/2008 County Clerk - Board of Canvassers with the City of Royal Oak M/R #08044 - 316/2008 Circuit Court FY 2008 Adult Treatment Court Funding M.R. #08049 - 3/2012008 M&B FY 2008 First Quarter Report Medical Examiner Medical Examiner - Indirect Cost Recovery $ 84,000.00 $ 12,034.00 $ 96,034.00 M.R. #08043 - 3/2012008 $ 483,446.00 Sheriff - Use of Forfeiture funds for Equipment TOTAL AMENDED BUDGET AS OF 3/31/2008 (2ND QUARTER) $ 439,774,986.01 M/R #08027 - 4/24/2008 Health and Human Services - Fee Increase $ 273,738.00 M/R #08057 - 4/24/2008 Sheriff - Termination of Contract with the City of Pontiac for 50th District Court M/R #08066 - 4/24/2008 Sheriff - Patrol Contract Paint Creek Trail M/R #08064 - 4/2412008 Sheriff - Patrol Contract with Brandon Township MR #08079 - 4/24/2008 Prosecuting Attorney - Use of Forfeiture funds M/R #08075 - 4/24/2008 Health Division - MDEQ Contract MIR #08095 - 5/2212008 Sheriff's Office - Marine Safety KR #08112 - 6/12/2008 Health Division - Fetal Infant Mortality Data Abstract= Agreement $ (378,495.00) 65,580.00 $ 32,190.00 2,000.00 45,536.00 • 47,840.00 3,780.00 62 $ 185,000.00 $ 347,051.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 90.000.00 $ 11.000.00 S 43,000.00 1,384.00 (750.00) $ 50,000.00 $ 751,685.00 $ _440,618,840.01 $ 440,618,840.01 FY 2008 BUDGET AMENDMENTS M.R. #08110 - 8(1212008 M&B FY 2008 Second Quarter Report Appropriation of Designation - Human Resources Legal Appropriation of Designation - District Court Mainframe Proj. Community Corrections Step Forward fee income Medical Examiner Autopsies Animal Control Sterilization Fees 5211 District Court - Assessment Fees County Exec ERP - Sale of Equip and Grants County Exec Auditing - Class fees Reimbursement Division - Penalty Fees TOTAL AMENDED BUDGET AS OF 6130/2008 13RD QUARTER) TOTAL AMENDED BUDGET AS OF 7131/2008 M.R. #08158 - 8/21/2008 Sheriff's Office - Narcotics Enforcement Team Interlocal Agreement with Beverly Hills M.R. #08159 - 8/2112008 Circuit Court and Probate Court - Digital Court Recording Equipment M.R. #08157 - 8/2112008 Public Services/Community Corrections - Development of an Objective Pretrial Assessment Tool 17,000.00 200,000.00 75,000.00 TOTAL AMENDED BUDGET AS OF 813112008 $ 440,910,840.01 M.R. #08126 - 9/18/2008 M&B FY 2008 Third Quarter Report Appropriation of Designation - Cie* Queuing system Sheriff - Reimb of Salaries Transfer From Project Work Order Fund for Closeouts Sheriff - Enhancement Funds - Software implementation OT Medical Examiner - Cremation Approval Fees Animal Control - Sterilization Fees Non Dept - Transfer from DTRF for Tri Party Treasurer -Transfer from DTRF increased activity BOG - Adjust Per Diem Budget Community Corrections - Fee Income $ 0,500,00 $ (120,682.00) $ 83,748.00 $ 263,116.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 13,000.00 $ 750,000.00 $ 115,095.00 $ (6,300.00) $ 140,000.00 M.R. #08181 - Sheriffs Office 10/02/2008 - Transfer From Jail Population Mgmt Fund for Tether Program $ 1,266,477.00 $ 300,000.00 M.R. #082xx - M&B FY 2008 12104/2008 Year End Report Transfer From Fringe Benefit fund and Approp Hosp Planned Use of Fund Balance - close out Micrographic Fund Non-Departmental Convention Facility Tax Sheriff - Adjust Revenue Reimb of Salaries & Diverted Felon Prosecuting Attorney Welfare Fraud Revenue and misc Rev $ 2,020,254.00 $ 320.015.14 $ 1,100.254.00 $ 388,000.00 $ 34.805.00 $ 3,863,32814 TOTAL AMENDED BUDGET AS OF 9/30/2008 (YEAR-END) $ 446,340,645.15 53 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 20138 YEAR END REPORT ENTERPRISE FUNDS SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 20013 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES ..1•nn•n•n•n•••••••• •nn•nnmyrynir.n•nn•••...04 JAIL INMATE COMMISSARY FUND Wasps; OPERATING REVENUE S 1,451,97a 01;) $ 1,451.970.00 $ 1,403,706.25 $ (48,263.76) 4.32% - Reteit pricing adjusted es cast of inventory rises. Also, correclion of sales revenues for FY 2008. OPERATING EXPENSE $ 1,451,970.00 5 1,451,970.00 $ 1,439,198:33 $ 12,771.67 0.738% - Fav. Merchad+se $18.310, Inmate Recreational Supplies $12,000, Salanes - $31,362 and Fringe Benefits $22,761, and Internal Services of 53,248; offset by Unfav_ Contractual Services expense In excess of hotel of ($39,732); other Commodities expense in excess of budget of ($33,268); Depreciation ($1,918) due to purchase of Sanili7ing Equipment,. $0.00 NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) - NON•OPERATtfiG REVENUE (EXPENSE) $ TOTAL INCOME BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS TRANSFER OUT CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION 3 TOTAL NET INCOME (LOSS) $0.00 TOTAL NET ASSETS- BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING $ (35,492.08) $ (35,492.08) 11,032.38 -11,032.38 0.00% Fay. Income from Invesimenis due 10 increased investmen1 base. $ (24,459.70) $ (24,459.70) 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% ($24,459.70) 1124,459.701 0.00% $ 144,119.89 $f 19,660 19 1111 712008 50.00 $ 1.756.654.00 10223„.6.54M $1,319.154.00 80.00 $ 1.756,854,0Q 51,756.654.00 $1319154.60 $0.00 $ 1,813,767.76 51.813.767.76 $1,424.813.85 $437,500.00 $437,500.00 $388,653.91 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $437,500.00 $437.500.00 COUNTY OF,OAKLAND FY 2006 YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS SHERIFF'S OFFICE ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2008 ACTUAL VARIANCE FAVi(LINFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES [SHERIFF AVIATsioN OPERATING REVENUES: Outside Revenue Inside Revenue Total Revenue OPERATING EXPENSES NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE TRANSFERS IN (OUT) 50.00 0.00% S 57,113.75 3.25% $67.113,76 3.25% $ (105,659..85) -8.01% ($46.546.09) 0.00% 0.00% Increased Charge to department to cover expenses listed below. Fav. Salaries and Fringes of 59.834. Contractual Services of 8,6376, Interest Expense of $12,595. Internal Services of $97,077; partially offset by unfav. depreciation of (513.930) being charged for 2 new GPS mapping systems installed into the helicopters, expense began October 1, 2007. Partially offset by Unfav. net Equip Maint. ($209,205) due to mandated 3,000 hour engine Inspection and other Operating Expenses; Gasoline Charges and Commodities of ($8,107). NON-OPERATING REVENUE OPbRAEING TRANSFERS IN NET REVENUES OVFR(UNDER) EXPENSES " Total Net Assets - Beginning Total Net Assets - Endfng $0.00 $0.00 46,646.09 $ 48,546.09 50.00 $0,00 $0.00 $ 5437,500.00 (50.00). $2,814,099.56 53.251,599.56., Income from Investments of $44,829 and Accrued Interest Adjustments of 0.60% $3,716.70. 0.00% 0.00% Funds necessary to cover repayment of OTRF Loans, 1 V 19/2005 en ten REVENUES Outside Inside Total Revenues OPERATING EXPENSES $72,200.00 $72,200.00 $39,478.00 (532,722.001 805,400.00 805,000.00 552779.58 (252,220.42) •$67 f ,200.00 $677,200.00 $592,257.58 ($284,942,42) 1.038,630.00 1,038,630.00 959,347.78 79,282.22 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) NET NON-OPERATING REV GENERAL FUND TRANSFER IN OPERATING TRANSFER OUT REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES" Total Net Assets - Beginning Total Net Assets - Ending (161,430.00) (16L430,00) (367,090.20) (205 660.20i 25,300.00 25.300.00 (5,872.05) (31,172,05) 320,015.14 320.015.14 0.00 (60,671.40) (613,671.40) ($136,130 00) $183,885.14 ,{1113.6113.511 _A297,501651 $113,618.51_ $0.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY MS YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS • ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET MICROGRAPHICS FUND (P65400) FY 20118 VARIANCE ACTUAL FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES n•n••••nnn•••n•••nnnn•••• -45.32% - Unfavorable External Microfilming, Photostats and Laminating due to a decrease in volume from outside users. -31.33% - Unfavorable Internal Copier charges, Laminating, Microtilniing arid Photostats due to a decrease In volume from County departments. 7.63% - Favorable Indirect Cost allocation of $28,698, Materials and Supplies $42.652, Maintenanoe Department Charges 5,1,390 and Prinl shop $1,239 due to lower than anticipated use. -123.21% - Unfavorable Income from nvestments due to a negative cash balance. Transfer in to close out the fund. Transfer out due to the transfer ofequipment. Reflective of Manned Use of Fund Balance. The County Executive and Clerk have jointly recommended merger of this fund with the Clerk's Office/Register of Deeds General Fund effective 10/1/20013. See FY 2009,2010 Adopted Budget. *Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-item book) this is budgeted as Planned use of Fund Balance" in the revenue category. MICROGEAPHICS .xls 11/19t2008 03 FY 2008 ACTUAL AMENDED BUDGET ADOPTED BUDGET ..........y.....alm.-•••••n•••••••••n••••••••••-••n••n•n•n•n•••n DELINQUENT TAX REVOLVING FUND IDTRF FUND 51600 VARIANCE FAMINFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES REVENUES Charges for Services Other Revenues $10,500,000.00 5,469,926.00 515,342,551.00 5,700,000.00 $20,430,128.35 8,486,388.64 $5,087,577.35 1,786,368.64 OPERATING EXPENSES Administrative Expenses Indirect Costs Transfer Out to Other Funds: General Fund - Collection Fees $ 1,419,928.00 550,000.00 3,200,000.00 Total Revenues $15,969,926.00 522,042,551.00 528,916,496.99 $ 2,889699.00 0,00 3,500,000 00 $ 2,682,542.99 0.00 3,540,090.54 OF - Non-Depalmental GE - RCOC Tri-Party Agreement Work Release Facility Debt Svc Office Bldg Renovation Debt Svc Information Technology 52-3 District Court Debt Service 2,100,000.00 2,250,000.00 1,900,000.00 1,900,000.00 1,250,000 00 1,400,000 00 8,050,000.00 2,250,000.00 1,672,378.00 2,089,101.00 0.00 1.391.375.00 8,050,000.00 2,250,000.00 1871,650.02 2,087,346.29 0.00 1.390,650.00 725.00 -(21,19 0.77% REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES Total Net Assets - Beginning Total Net Assets - Ending $7,044,217.15 $216,546,348.47 S223,590,565.62 $7,044,217.15 $13.013 $0.00 DTRF #51600 Quarterly Foretast.xls 11/19/2008 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT ENTERPRISE FUND TREASURERS OFFICE 33.16% Fay, variance result of projected increase in Interest Penalty and Collection Fees related to housing issues. 25.66% Fey. variance due to an increase in interest income of $1.4 million and adjustment of prier years of S500,000: a one time reconciliation between financials and tax software settlement. 56,873,945.99 31.18% $ 207,156.01 7.17% Fay, variance due to a decrease in usage of Information Technology Operations. 0.00% (40,090 541 -1.15% Unfav. variance due to increase in Collection fees being collected. These fees are transferred to the GF/GP Treasurer's Budget. 0.00% 0.00% 725.98 0.04% Fay. variance due to less than anticipated amounts needed to fulfill the Work Release Facility Debt. 1,754.71 0.08% Fee. variance due to less than anticipated amounts needed to fulfill the Office Bldg Renovation Debt Svc. 0.00% 0.05% Fav, variance due to less than anticipated amounts needed to fulfill the 52-3 District Court Debt Set -vice. Iotal Transfer Out to Other Funds Total Operating Expenses 14,00Q,000.00 $ 15,969,926 00 19.152,852.00 $ 22.,042,551.00 19.189,71E.85 $ 21,872,279.84 (36.884 85) 5 170,271.16 Ending FY 2008 Designated Fund Balance: Desgnated - Debt Service Designated - Projects Designated - Delinq Taxes Receivable Designated - Collection Fees Undesignated - Fund 13alance Total Net Assets - Ending $78,000,000.00 2,272,000.00 133,000,000.00 10,318,585.82 ,5fLQ.Q —.1ag1n0aMal2 07 VARIANCE FAV/fUNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Owwwwwwwmnommorm.mn Owew.e.wew• +n•••• •n••nnnnn•n••••n•w Funds available for F Y2()09 and FY2010 Capital Program. 0.00% 0.00% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 200$ YEAR END QUARTER REPORT ENTERPRISE FUND PARKS 8, RECREATION ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2048 BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL ' OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS RECREATION COMMISSION (50800) opERATINQ REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSE $ 8,697,863.00 5 8,897,863.00 $ 8,711,665.41 5 (186,197.59) -2.09% Unfavorable revenue horn Greens Fees 0309,038), Food Service Comrnisspn ($70,003), Golf Cart Rentals (553,890), Camping Fees ($45, 139) and Specia) Contracts/Events ($43,854) are partially offset by favorable Walerpark Entrance Fees of $286,086. $ 25,393,913.00 $ 25,393,913.00 $ 20,786.929.79 $ 4,606,983.21 18.14% Favorable Personnel $493,872; Transfer to Reserve $525000; Building Maintenance $405,430; Contingency $372,808; Eleclric.al Service $284,725; Indirect Costs $263,212; Grounds Maintenance $155,593; Contracted Services $108,780; Natural Gas $82,351; Public Information $77,400; Water and Sewage Charges $64,265; Security Expense $59,194; Travel $44,930. Equipninni Purchases $636,878; Small Tools $84,318; Uniforms $20,578; Depreciation $533.155; and various Internal Services $250,796. NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) $ (16,496,050.00) $ (16,496,050.00) $ (12,075,264,38) $ 4,420,785.62 -26.80% NON-OPERATING REVENUE (EXPENSE) $ 15,495,050.00 5 16,496,050,00 $ 16,680,976.32 $ 184,926.32 1.12% Favorable revenue for Property Taxes $259,023 and Income from Investmenls $821,069 are due to conservative revenue budget practices, and Capital Contributions 5240.733 are partially offset by the Funds Available For Capital Improvement Program budget. TOTAL INCOME BEFORE TRANSFERS $ TRANSFERS IN TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL NET INCOME (LOSS) TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING $. $ 4,605,711.94 $ 4,605,711.94 $$ . s _ _ $_ $ - $ _ $. $ 4.505,711.94 $ 4605,711 94 .............—...— _ . $ 86,314,153.32 190 4919 865 26 ...........n 11119/2008 co OAKLAND COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (555001 OPERATING REVENUE COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT ENTERPRISE FUNDS CENTRAL SERVICES ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2008 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL FAVf(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES nn•••• •••n•n•••nn•nn••n•••7..........wlwal....••••n .n•••••nn••••••••••n•n•n•••••• MI.N.RO PM EMMY ••••nn•••n•n•nn•n $5,447,313.00 U.447.313.00 54.853,190.31 ($594,122,69) -10.91% - Unfav. T-Hangar Rental ($452428) due to a decrease In die number of T. Hangars leased out and as a result of the dtavimium in the economy and Aviation Gas ($262,002) due to increase in cost, partially offset by Fay, Reimburse U.S. Customs Service $21,401 due to the casts being reimbursed by the users of the service. OPERATING EXPENSE $5,560,304.00 $5,548,303.00 $5,892,349.62 ($344,046.62) -6.20% - Unfav.Chterlime ($53,456) and the fringe benefits associated w(th it due Ito personnel needed to clear heavy snowfall last winter; Grounds Maintenance ($93.787) due to additional repair on the grounds as a result of other projects; Professional Services (591,552) due to environmental consugant ,rssucs the airfield; U.S. Customs Service ($33,953) due to charges incurred for having U.S. Customs electronic equipment and Security Expense (514,409) due to an Increase in security equipment feqUilleti by the FAA. NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) ($112,991.00) ($100,990.00) ($1,039,159.31) ($938,169.31) 928.07% Nom-OPERATING REVENUE (EXPENSE) $ 4,540.00 $ (7,461.00) $ 92,43424 $99,895.24 -1338.90% Fay. Income from Investments due to increased investment base. TOTAL INCOME BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS ($108,451.00) ($108,451 .00) $ (945.725.07) ($838,274.07) TRANSFERS IN $0.00 $0.00 $ 784,838.69 5784,838.69 Fay. Transfers In reflects the closure of the Airport T.Hangar project end remaining funds transferred back into the Airport Fund due to overearnetion of project cost. CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION 108,451.00 108,451.00 138,45719 530,006.79 27,67% Fay. Capital Contributions due to the recording of Federal and State Grants for projects that began in 2000 and completed in 2007 and are recorded as assets. TOTAL NET INCOME (LOSS) 50.00 50 S$23,428.59). TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING $ 68.311,378.42 TOTAL NET ASSETS • ENDING $_„_,.613 261 949 63 1111 9/2008 759,521.00 759,621.00 Outside COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2008 VARIANCE BUDGET I3UDGET ACTUAL FAVS(UNFAV) PERCENT - EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES .•••••n•••-, Av., .4...I...WO .0 •••n•••• WAIN EQUIPMENT FUND I 6.84aCT7 OPERATING REVENUES: Inside 53.841,288.00 $3,926,608.00 54,040.545.71 $120,237.71 3.07% Untav - Equipment Rental ($259.968) due to under estimate of billable equipment charges. Fay - Maintenance Contracts $19,429 the result of increased revenue for SCADA maintenance charges. Fay - Rebilled Charges $92,78b due to an increase in rebills to Internal Departments. Unfav - Reimbursement Building Space Cost ($67,847) because the budget did not reflect a prior year adjustment made in FY 7007 to reallocate Equipment Rental and Reimbursement Building Space Cost. Unfav - Reimbursement General ($206,025) a result of decreased expenses for Mapping Operations and GIS programs for the GIS record conversion project, which will be offset by salaries, fringes and overtime. Fav - Vehicle Rental $547,025 for rate increases to recover increasing operating cost arid vehicle replacement recovery cost. 183,489 41 ($576,031.59) -75.84% Unfav - External Rebilled Charges Revenue ($578,793) result of decrease in number of rebillable repair jobs. Unfavorable amount offset by favorable Contracted Services. Far - External Maintenance Contracts $2,568 The result of increased revenue for SCADA maintenance charges. Total Revenue 4,600,809.00 4,680,129.00 4,224,335.12 (455,793.88) -9.74% OPERATING E XPENSE S 4,868,709.00 4,742,192.00 4,011.724.15 730,467.85 15.40% Fav - Salaries, Overtime and Fringes $338,573 the result of decreased spending in the Mapping Operations and GIS programs for the GIS record conversion project. No budget amendment required as hours disbursed to other systems. Unfav - Adjusted Prior Years Expense ($2,899) to correct the asset depreciation on the DPW Storage Building and a FY 2007 fourth quarter adjustment for a SCADA maintenance charge of ($4,134). Unfav - Communications (.52,433) for an increase in the use of automatic vehicle tracking system. Fav - Contracted Services $406,666 because of decrease in rebillable repairs. Fay - Electric Service 52.183 and Natural Gas $5,636 because the impact of rabsing energy cast came In less then anticipate budget _ amount Fay - Indirect Costs $19,156 based on actual Indirect cost charges per cost plan prepared by Maximus. Fay - Software Support Maintenance $5,500 a result of less software subscription renewals and updates taking place. 11/10/2008 NON-OPERATING REVENUEJ(EXPENSE) 67,900.00 67,900.00 (47,444,20) (115,344.20) TOTAL NE r ASSETS - BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING 2,378,979.50 $2,516,150.74 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 200B YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2008 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL FAVI(UNFAV) PERCENT -------- --_____ ----- ---------- --____,- EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Fay - Material and Supplies $136,297 a result of the SCAUA maintenance project ending. Fay - Depreciation Buildings $16,828 and Unfav - Depreciation Structures ($15,827) the result of moving the DPW Storage Building to the new structures depreciation account. Fay Cepreciation Computer Software $222,638 a consequence of the depreciation on the GIS record conversion project not starting artql May 2005. Un Fa v Depreciation Equipment ($8,1 89) and f av Depreciaiion Vehicles $13,311 due to under and over estimated depreciation schedules. Fay - Interest Expense $2,938 a result of the decreasing principal balance and decrease in variable interest rate related to the Drain Equipment Storage Bldg. Unfav - Drain Equipment ($32,158) the result of Mapping Operations Unit equpmen1 and staff charging to drain rebill projects, maintenance of equipment offset by revenue equal to this amount. Unfav - Maintenance Department Charges ($16,336) for billing charges to the different departments for SCADA equipment. Unfav - Equipment Maintenance ($15.652), Equipment Repair ($35,717), Office Supplies ($10,316), Insurance Fund ($12.544) and Information Technology Operations ($45,489) the result of a cllua spending being more than anticipated budget. Fay - Equipment Repair Motor Vehicle $46,072, Maintenance Contract $3,500, Maintenance Equipment $1 3,307, Expendable Equipment Expense $9,514 and Shop Supplies $18,541 the result of actual spending being less than anticipated budget. Unfav - Motor Pool ($311.059) budget not set to actual historical usage and does not reflect change In replacement vehicles from department owned to leased vehicles; also increased price &gasoline. Unfav - Telephone Communications ($15,279) for mobile data cards and cell phone replacements NET INCOME (LOSS 1 BEFORE (67,800 00) (62,063.00) 212,610.97 274,670.97 -442.57% -169,87% Unfav - Accrued Interest Adjustment ($3,095) lor Investment income. Unfav - Income from Investment ($100,373) the result of account not earning any return due to the negative cash balance from the replacement of vehicles. Unfav - Gain on Sale of Vehicles ($11,659) for sale of user owned items at County Auctions. TRANSFER IN 0.00 217,000.00 239,229.47 22,229.47 10.24% Fav - Transfer In $22,229 from Drain General Fund Transfer Out Budget for record conversion project related to Chapter 4 Drain Funds. TRANSFERS (OUT) 0.00 267,225.00 267,225.00 0.00 0.00% NET REVENUES OVER(UNDER) $0.00 ($44,386.00) $137,171.24 $181,55924 Planned Use of Fund Balance $44,388 to build Fund Equity. .. EXPENSES Please note that In the Adopted Budget (11ne-rtem hook) this Is budgeted as "Planned Use of Fund Balance" in the revenue category. 11/19/2003 ea, COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND RISK MANAGEMENT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2008 VARIANCE BUDGE-7 BUDGET ACTUAL FAVi(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES -- - •----- ILLASILITY INSURANCE FUND 67700 OPERATING REVENUES: Outside Revenue - S - S 311,634.94 $ 311,634.P4 - Fay due to reimbursements on lawsuits. Inside Revenue , 3,810,654.00 2,810,654,00 2,648,642 64 $ (162,011.36) -5.76% - Uraav rebilled property insurance ($154,489) due to lower premiums than expected and rebilled charges for medical exams ($7.52 21 offset by decrease in employees rnedlcal exams expense. Total Operating Revenue $ 3,810,654.00 $ 2,810,654.00 $ 2960,217.58 $ 149,623.58 5.32% OPERATING EXPENSE $ 2,436,058.00 $ 2,370,261.00 $ 2,155,807.41 $ 210,453.59 8.86% - Fay employee medical exams $7,522, insurance $133,484 due to lower premiums than expected, professional services $22,400 and publishing legal notices $3.800. CLAIMS PAID 2,472,744.00 1,472,744.00 (1,165,072.69) $ 2,637,816.69 Reflects reduction in reserves needed as recommended bv Consultant TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 4,908,802.00 $ 3,849,005.00 $ '1,000,734.72 $ 2,848,270.28 74.00% OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) ' (1,098,145.00) (1,038,351.00) 1,959,642.86 2,997,893.86 NON-OPERATING REVENUE (EXPENSE) 1,166,636.00 1,166,636.00 1,153,840.10 (12,795.90) NET REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES $ 6488M0 $ 128,285 03 3,113,382.96 _.$2,85a9.1.16 TOTAL NET ASSETS- I3EGINNING 15,000,298.12 TOTAL NET ASSETS • ENDING $ 18,113,681.08 11/1912009 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2008 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES . _ — —.... OFFICE EQUIPMENT FUND 8600 • OPERATING REVENUE INSIDE 738,230.00 $ 722,798.00 S 660,163.02 $ (62,634.98) -8.67% Unfav equipment rental ($02.635) due to reduction In Items rented by departments. OPERATING EXPENSE 1,009,108.00 908,028.W 888 975.70 5 219,052.30 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) (270,878.30) (185,230.00) (28,812.68) 156,417.32 NON-OPERAT1NG REVENUE (EXPENSE) 79100.00 79,100.00 92,639.76 $ 13,539.76 24.12% Fay, equipment maintenance $34,323 due to fewer repairs, equipment replacement $78.404 due to reduclion in items replaced and $200,000 in other expendable equipment due lo anticipated arrival ol equipment for Circuit and Probate Courts per MR M8159. Unlav. maintenance contracts ($45,235) due to increase in ODsts and ($48,9 77) for increase in depreciation. 17.12% Fay. Income on investments 516,250 and unfav. gain on sale sale of equipment (53.410) due to fewer items sold than expected. NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS .(191,778.00) (106,130.00) 63,827.08 169,957.08 -160.14% OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 0.00 29%275.00 299 275.00 $_ NET REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES (PLANNED USE OF FUND BAL)...22222ja $193,.45.00 $16g,9 .57 TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING 2,830,021.44 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING 53 193 123.52 Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-Item book) this is budgeted as "Planned Use of Fund Balance" in the revenue category. 11119/2008 ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2008 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL FAIMUNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFMANT VARIANCES [FRINGE BENEFITS KIND 67800 46,435,316. 2,719,883. 14,876,000 0. 0. 1,586, 38 442, 09 350, 00. 356, 51. 554, 00. 17,117, 34. 35,166, 00. 3,345, 0 332, 0 924. 0. 1,644, 0. 2,603, 5. 4511 0. 2,985,1 2. 400, . 170,0 137,71 3,000,0 300,0 . 30,0 3,0 . 10,0 . 48,435,316. 1,869,863 14,876,000 850,040. 1,586,938 442,889. 360,000. 358,351. 554,000. 17,117,434. 35,166,100 3,345,000 33200O 924,000 1.644,000. 2,603,475, 450,000. 2,085,182. 400,0 170,0 137,71 3,000,0 300,0 30, 3,0 10,0 IC COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS FRINGE BENEFITS FUND 135,949,26 OPERATING REVENUE RETIREES MEDICAL - VEBA DEBT RETIREMENT ADMINISTRATION DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN - PINE DEFERRED COMPENSATION - COUN pr- EMPLOYEE IN-SERVICE TRAINING EMPLOYEE BENEFITS UNIT TUITION REIMBURSEMENT RETIREMENT HEALTH SAVINGS GROUP LIFE INSURANCE SOCIAL SECURITY MEDICAL INSURANCE DENTAL INSURANCE • VISION INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE SHORT-TERM OISABIll I TY WORKERS COMPENSATION UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION INVESTMENT INCOME x l EX - FLEX BEN LIFE INSURANCE EX - FLEX BEN DENTAL INSURANCE EX - FLEX BEN VISION INSURANCE EX - FLEX BEN MEDICAL - EMPLOYEE EX - MEDICAt. INSURANCE EX - DENTAL INSURANCE EX - VISION INSURANCE EX - FORFEI TURES EX - PREMIUM ADJUSTMENT EX -TRAINING E - OTHER REVENUE EX - CHILU CARE FACILITY EX - WELLNESS PROGRAM TOT L REVENUE 0 44,521,660.54 (1,913,655.48) -4.12% - unfavorable operating revenue for Retirees Medical and Defined Contribution 0 1,809,719.86 (60,143.14) -3.22% this to the hiring freeze and the retirement incentive 14,479,984.40 • (396,015.60) -2.66% 102,90433 102,904.33 0.00% 738,058.51 (111,941.49) -13.17% 1,512,762,42 (74,175.58) -4.67% 421,937.19 (20,951 81) -4 73% 343,053.71 (16,946.29) -4.71% 350,633.07 (5,717.93) -1.60% 596,304.60 42,304.60 7.54% 16,483,822.03 (633,611.07) -3 70% - unfavorable due to Soc. Security tax alternative for PINF employees (MR#072711. 37,902,689.43 2,736,589.43 7.78% - based on use of Blue Cross illustrative rates and premiums for Health Alliance Plan 3,030,839.20 (314,160.80) -939% - based on use of Della Dental illustrative rates. 252,049.84 (79,950 16) -24,08% - based on use of Blue Cross illustrative rates. 812,983.11 (111,016.89) -12.01% I ,633,442.73 (10.597.271 -0.64% 3,219,545.63 616,070.63 23.66% - rates adjusted to match eKpense variance. 458,075.74 8,075.74 1.79% 2,307,970.21 (577,211.79) -22.69% - unfavorable due to lower interest rates. 399,942.72 (5728) -0.01% 94,138.33 (75,861 67) .-4462% 105,080.35 (32,637.65) -23.70% 2,704,279.86 (295,720.14) -9.86% - unfavorable revenue due to hiring freeze and retirement incentive. 254.036.29 (45,963.71) -15.32% 19,317.02 (10,682.98) -35.61% 2,081.63 (918.37) -30.61% 14,493.03 4,493.03 44.93% 144.368.86 144,368.88 0.00% 2,630.00 2,630.00 0.00% 12.00 12.00 000% 8,243.00 6,243.00 0.00% 5.979.88 5,979.88 0.00% 134, 733,GC10.4,1 (1,216,265.58) -0.89% FRINGE BENEFITS.xls 11/1712008 IFRINGE BENEFITS FUND i37800 ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2008 VARIANCE ACTUAL FAVAUNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 20,765,000.00 25,670,315.64 2,152.738.29 14,183,954.84 101,357.87 777,597.05 8,150.00 1,536,597,28 938,840.49 308,199.25 434,991,38 275,470 43 1,015,754.95 (61,754.95) 16,688,24144 429,192.56 31,227,713.4-4 5,218,132.56 4,201,426.64 (4,201,426.64) 3,141.459 75 233,540.25 276,939.90 58,060,10 2,469,014.99 98,965.01 3, 1 7 8, 362.78 (506.399.78) 471,812.78 (21,812.78) 206,721.57 278.43 106,002.23 2,674.77 172,589.63 13,802.17 340,537.50 (40,537.50) 324,308.81 32,042.19 324,007.79 75,992.21 284,347.00 60,294.00 131 82453 , 2 4Cr9 775.08 3,150,546.52 1,193,510.52 850,0 64, 841,3 1,236,9 350. 449,6 360,0 954,0 17,117,4 36,445,846 0. 3,375,000. 335,000 2,568,000. 2,671,983 450,000 207,000 108,677 186,392 300 000 356.351 400,000. 344,641 133 992,230. 20,765,0 25,670,31 2,707.8 14,876,00 1100% 0.00% 21150% - reflects lower investment fees caused by market downturn 4.65% - favorable due to hiring freeze and retirement incentive.. 0.00% 8.52% 57.42% -82.63% - unfavorable due to the retirement incentive. 24.10% 11.94% 1.26% 23.48% -6.47% 2.51% - favorable due to Soc. Security tax alternative for PINE employees (MR#07271), 14.32% - reflects lower medical claims and new prescription coverage with 0.00% Navitus Health Solutions effective April 1, 2008. 6.92% 17.33% 3.85% -18.95% - due to increase in number of claims. -4.85% 0.13% 2.46% 7.40% -13.51% 8.99% 19.00% 17.49% 1.80% (68,488.00) 1,957,036.00 0.00 036 555,111.71 692,045.16 (101,357.87) 72,402.95 56,650.00 (695,207.28) 298,097.51 41,800 75 14,640 62 84,529 57 /,==...0.11.M.121=....... 1,1.30,292.52 JJ.M5.1C2_, 28,767,755.09 29.898.047,61 20,765,000 25,670,316 2,719,863 14,876,000 850,011 64,8 841,3 1,236,9 i 350.001 442.88' 360,0 r,117,4 954,0 I 1 38,466,1 I 3,375.00 335,001. 2,568,001 2,671,96 450,001. 207,00t. 108,677 185,392 300,060 356,351 400,000. 344 641. 136,017 754, 1100 (2,020,254.00) (2,020,254.00) • - recommend budget amendment to cover shortlall in Sheriff hospitalization. 0.00 COUNTY OF OAK LAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS FRINGE BENEFITS FUND •••nnn••••n•••••n•n•••n• OPERATING EXPENSE Ft TIREES MEDICAL - VEBA DEBT PRINCIPAL -TREES MEDICAL - VESA DEBT INTEREST RETIREMENT ADMINISTRATION FINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN D FINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN - PTNE FERRED COMPENSATION - COUNTY FERRED COVPENSATION -AMIN SICK AND ANNUAL LEAVE CASH-OUT E PLOYEE IN-SERVICE TRAINING II-SERVICE TRAINING - INFO TECH E PLOYEE SENEFITS UNIT T ITION REIMBURSEMENT GROUP LIFE INSURANCE SOCIAL SECURtrY MEDICAL INSURANCE PRESCRIPTION COVERAGE DENTAL INSURANCE VISION INSURANCE 1 N ISABILITY INSURANCE ORKERS COMPENSATION NEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION LEXIBLE BENEFIT PAYMENTS CCOUNTING SERVICES HILO CARE FACILITY ROFESSIONAL SERVICES ET IRELIENT HEALTH SAVINGS ELLNESS PROGRAM DIRECT COSTS T TAL EXPENSE NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS TRANSFERS OUT NET REVENUE OVERI(UNDER) EXPENSES TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING FRINGE BENEFITS.KIS 1111772008 Total Revenue OPFRATING EXPENSE NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS TRANSFERS IN (OUT) NET REVENUE OVERIUNDER) EXPENSFS (PLANNEn USE OF FUND BAL.) ' TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS CENTRAL SERVICES ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2008 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET Actual FAVeUNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES !MOTOR POOL FUND 88100 1 OPERATING REVENUE: Outside Revenue $ 126,488.00 $ 126,466,00 5 95,193.52 $ (26.252 48) -2:237% - Ureav. reduced external revenue ($32,e00) d Lie to CVT services less than expected. Fey, external warranty reimbursement $4,300 due to GM rear axle vrarranty claims handled in-h0u5e. Inside Revenue 7,838,373.00 7,902,582.00 8,021,885.85 $ 119,303.85 1.51% - Fey. Increase in fuel revenue $394,600 due to higher fuel ccse increase in sublet repairs $61,200 due to more repair service to department owned vehicles. Unfav. decrease in leased equipment ef ($234,500) due lo the decrease In mice driven and rental rate reduction for Intermediate, Patrol Tahoe and Petrel vehicles in the 4th cer of FY 08; decrease in pads and accessories and productive labor of ($101,500) less then expected; decrease car wash revenue ($500) due to departments saving for budget cut, $ 7.94,859,00 $ 8,029,088.00 $ 8,120,079.37 $ 91,011 31 8,174,85'9 00 8,071,871 00 8,650,270.37 $ (578,399.3!) -7.17% - Unfav. Cue to fuel price increase of (5298,200) offset by favorable fuel revenue. increased cost of part, accessories and tires ($63,300) and car washes ($5,600) more than expected; increased cost at dept sublet repairs ($22,500) offset by favorable sublet repairs revenue; lncreasein ace prior years expenses ($57,000) due to prior year fuel, • °nee+, net knereese depreciation ef ($339,000 due to the following: reduction in sale of vehicles being sold before they were fully depreciated, estimated life of patrol vehicle changed from 2.5 years to 2 years, and replacing Crown Victories with Impalas at a lower cost and misc depreciation adjustments. Fey. sala ryeringe benefit, by $25,200: one full-time position filled with two PTNEs and overtime less than expected; fleet insurance of 537.900 due to premium savings; shop supplies spending was reduced by $21,500; decreased auction expense of $14,900 due to reducten in sale of vehicles; reduce expendable equipment of $33,500 due 10 reduction in used vehicles purchased; decrease in Insurance reserve expense of $19,900 due to less leased car accidents, reduced spending in equipment rnalnt. of $10,0130, equipment rental of $8,700, travel and cont. of $7,400, Into tech development and operation of $22,500 OPERATING INC005 (LOSS( 3 (210 C00.80) $ (42,803.(t0) 3 (530.191.00) $ (487,388.00) NON-OPERATIN0 REVENUE (EXPENSE) 210,000.00 210,000.00 119,055 51 $ (90,944.49) -43.31% - LtnTav, gain on sale of vehicles ($139,400; due le lassldehicles sold and keeping vehicles longer before selling. Fav. due to gain of select equipment $1,500 end increase of Interest of $47,000 as a result of increased investment base due to $1,100,000 transferred from General fund In the 1st quarter of FY08. $ 187,197.00 $ (411,135.49) 3 (578,332.49) 1,414,272,00 1,414,272.00 $ 1 581 464 00 $ 1,003,136.51 ...LEIri?...22.41L 7,174,342,92 $ 8,177,479.43 elliscalSvaBudgetlForecast_New1SUPEORT SERvICES.xis 11119/2008 OPERATING EXPENSE 3,562,830.00 3,435,598 00 3,308,830.67 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2503 YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS CENTRAL SERVICES ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2006 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET Actual FAVICUNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES CONVENIENCE COPIER AND PRINTING FUND 66709 OPERATING REVENUE: Outside Revenue $ 512,50.00 $ 512,500.00 $ 510,029.59 $ (2,470.41) -0,48% - Un rev. decrease of CVT printing service of ($10,200), standard mail of f$6,600) and stationery stock of $[2,900) due to less business than expected. Fay. due to Increased CVT metered postage $14,300 and cony copier $2,900. Inside Revenue 3,046,330.00 3,046,330.00 2.89E1.415.93 $ (147,914,0T) -4.86% - Unfav. due to decrease of printing revenue ($108,300) - less in-house printing jobs; decreased slationery stock ($35,200); decreased business reply postage 04,000) - Copt saving; decreased metered postage ($48,900) - dept less mailing partially offset by fay. convenience copier $27,100 due to more copies than expected, and increased standard mail $21,400 due to increasing department lobs. Total Revenue $ 3.558,830.00 $ 3,558,830.00 $ 3,408.445.52 $ (150,384.48) 126,767.33 3,69% - Fay salary & Fringe benefit $17,400 due to seasonal laborer vacant positions and unused overtime; tau. copy charge $t8,700 due to new copy machine savings; decrease in printing for contracted services $43,400, paper printing $16,600, printing supplies $10,000. stationery stock $20.900 and printing maintenance contract 56.800 due to less printing jobs; Fay, metered postage $11,000, business reply postage $4,000 and mailing maintenance contract $3,000 duo to reducing department mailing business; reduced spending in info tech operations of $6,400, maintenarroa dept charge 0f$1.000, training of $1,800. travel & conference of $5,000, expendable eguipme-nt of $3,000, and parts & accessodes of $2,000. Unfav. Increase in mailing contract services ($7,800) due to IllP loan program mailing, increase of mall handlinp-postape services (131,1001 this to postal rate increase; increase of ($4,70C due to Energy Product invoices for battery of pal; at jack & forklift. OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) 5 (4,000.00) $ 123.232.00 $ 99,614 .85 $ (23,617.15} NON-OFEFtA TM REVENUE (EXPENSE) 1,000.00 4,00000 (2690.5a l6.189.621 -154,51% - Untav. investment income due to reduction Of printing revenue, NET REVENUE OVERVNDER) EXPENSES (PLANNED USE OF FUND BAL.)* $ 121 232 00 $ 97,434.33 $ (29,797.67). TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING $ 367,867.79 TOTAt. NET ASSETS - ENDING *Please note that in the Adopted Budge (line-Item budget), Planned Use of Fund Balance appears listed with the revenue accounts. J:IFistalSvc1Budgel‘Forecast_NevriSUPPORT SERViCES.xis 465,302.12 111912008 5254,200.00 $354.422.00 $574,295.48 $19,874.48 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND I ENTERPRISE FUND FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2008 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT --- FACILITIES MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS (#63100) EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES OPERATING REVENUES: Outside Revenue 3.58% - Fay. Maintenance revenue based primarily on requests for service from 0.C. Roed Commission $14,331 and lay. Lease revenue mainly for space leased by O.C. Bar Association In Courthouse for Voluntary Court Management Program $17.715, partially offset by unfav. Market revenue due to marginally reduced level of Market activity caused by local economic conditions ($12,171). Inside Revenue 26,699,746.00 25,836,924.00 25,506,0/9.70 (242,844.30) -0.94% - Reduced Office Space Rental revenue based on lease agreement with C.C. Road Commission tor space In the information Technology Center (562,000), discontinuation or charees to the Fanners Market due to consolidation of the Market with the FM&O Fund 1546,900). and reduced charge to the General Fund to offset lease payments received from the O.C. Bar Association for space in the Courthouse ($13,500) Also. reduced Maintenance Department Charges to Departments ($155,500) based. In part, on reduced activity in buildings recently renovated or pending renovation; partially offset by Refund of Prior Years Expenditure $19,4015 to adjust project repair costs, Miscellaneous revenue received from the sale of equipment at the County auction $5,800 and General Reimb. and Prior Year Adjustments 59,200. Total Revenue $26,953,946.00 $26,393,346.00 $26,170,376.18 ($222,969.82) -0.84% OPERATING EXPENSES NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS $27,353,946.00 $27,187,319.00 $25,774,723.50 51,412,595.50 5.20% - Fay. Sublet Repairs 5333,633 due to fewer repairs required in buildings recently renovated or scheduled for renovation (Executive Office Building, former Executive Office Building, North Health Center, North Office Building); turnover $727,133; lay. Overtime 554,003; fake Fuel Oil & Nateral Gas 5187.377 due to favorable long-term pricing contracts; fay, total supplies costs for Maintenance, Grounds, Custodial, • Security, and Material & Supplies $137,565 due to deferred projects; fey. Depreciation $70,232 based on current depreciation schedule; and fay. Motor Pool $18,004, Equipment Maintenance $35,781, Expendable arid Proprietary Equipment $26,635, Garbage Disposal $14,965, and Telephone Communications $12,526 based, In part, on pending building renovations and on required usage. Fevre-ability is partially offset by unfav. Water & Sewage Charges ($140,529) based on rate increase and usage; Software Rental Lease Purchase ($8,995) to update Auto CAD software; Office Supplies ($6,343) based on usage requirements: and Dry Goods & Clothing ($6,581) For replacement of outerwear. ($400,000.00) ($793,973.00) $395,652.68 $1,189.625.68 11/17/2008 FACILITIES INTERNAL FORE.xls COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 200 YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND I ENTERPRISE FUND FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2008 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL FAVIUNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES NON-OPERATING REVENUE TRANSFERS IN TRANSFERS OUT BUDGETED EQUITY ADJUSTMENTS NET REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES* TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING $400,000.00 $400.000.00 $545,825.82 $145,625.82 36.46% - Budget assumptions anticipated lower investment base and interest rates. 12,000.00 75,599.18 63,599.18 - Return of remaining project balances from closed maintenance prOjects which were originally funded by the FM&O Fund $52,800 and transfer from General Fund for Bargaining Unit president's time $10,800. (400,000,00) (1,030,000,00) (1,085,462,60) (55,462,60) -5.36% - Transfers to Project Work Order Fund to close Central Heating Plant Structural Steel & Repair Maintenance Project ($51,417) and Jail Annex HVAC Upgrade _ EfylqauinitylenAdarstmPeronjtefctor($92ulitZg). sapndasetracnsofsetrocfrm( the Market Fund. - (49,890.00) - 49,890 00 SairkJe0t9FlUtQndclroesesulting from Market Fund consolidation with FM&O Fund. fo lL =,..aty,E3U.4.92 $1.393 47_8.08 $9_,908,537.75 $9,839,952.83 *Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-Item book) this is budgeted as "Planned Use of Fund Balance" in the revenue category. FACILITIES INTERNAL FOREAls 1'1/17/2008 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUND FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2098 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL FAVALINFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES LPONTIAC MARKET (#56I00) .1 OPERATING REVENUES - OUTSIDE $165,822.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0-00 - Market Fund has been closed and merged In lo Facilities Maintenance & Operations Fund by Miscellaneous Resolution #08049. OPERATING EXPENSES $ 165,822.00 S - $ - $ - NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE _ OPERATING TRANSFERS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% TRANSFERS IN .. - 1,768,66 1,768.66 - Transfer In from Facilities Maintenance & Operations Fund to close Market Fund. TRANSFERS OUT NET REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES $0.00 $0.00 $1 768.68 $1,768.66 TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING ($1168.66) TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING MOO CO FACILITIES INTERNAL FORE.xls a 11/17/2008 Infonnation OPERATING REVENUES: Outside TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES 305,500.00 305,500.00 3,180,357.32 2,874,857,32 Inside NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2008 BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 5793,063.00 $793,063.00 $710,008.37 ($82,154.63) -10.26% - Unfav. Outside Agencies ($59,361) due to lees than Anticipated external customer requests; Unfav Reirnb Equalization Svcs ($30,000) & Deferred Land File Tax ($23,290) as a result of change in billing procedures Cue to tax assessment software. Offset unfav.due to fay. Access Oakland customer usage $30,496. 26,744,285.00 26,739,813.00 24,874,557.28 (1,865,315.72) -6.96% - Unfav. Depts OC Dept.' Dev & Ops ($1,562,859); Imaging Dev & Ops ($498,648) and Clemis Oper Outside ($80,255) due to holding rates at prior year levels. Partially offset by ley. Non Govt1 Dev 8 Ops $270,446 due to increase in projects requested by Non-GF. $27,537,348.00 $27,532,936.00 $25,585,465.65 ($1,947„470.35) -7.07% $34,987,230.00 $38,634,099.00 $33,208,926.33 55,425,172.67 14.04% - Fay. primarily due to Proi Svcs $1,600,710 due to the deferral of IT projects into FY 09; Deprec 51,467,485 for IT capital projects in progress not fully operational; Software Purchases & Maint $1,327,472 due to reduced main( fees for software: $833,512 Equipment Maint due to negotiating lower cost uf hardware maint; $252,811 Communications & Service Bureau $81,675 cost reductions; Salary & FB $233,548 due to vacancies & turnover; Parts & Access $1134,275 due to equip under warranty; Travel 581,709 decrease in _ staff altendrig seminars. Partially offset by unfavorable Expendable Equip (5570.403) for equipment replacmts; Indirect Cost (555.944) due to rate subsequent to budget projection.; Insurance (6,043) based on usage. (57,449,882.012) ($11,101,163.00) ($7.623,450.08) $3,477,702.32 NON-OPERATING REVENUE 941.03% Fay. primarily due lo Capital Contributions $2.297..115 Itsl asset from Clerrils Fund for Jail Mgt Sys 3 increase in 'interest Income $583,242 higher cash balance. TRANSFERS IN 2,550,000.00 2.907,051.00 2,624,403.31 (282,647.69) -9.72% Unfav. due to amount returned to CCIRF per FY 08 budget task. TRANSFERS (OUT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% NET REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES*4 382,00 ($7,888,612213 ($1 ,818.700.05) S6,069,911 95 TOTAL NET ASSETS- BEGINNING 32,308,510.62 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING 530 489 840-57 'Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-Item book) this is budgeted as -Planrveci Use of Fund Balance" in the revenue category TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS I ENTERPRISE FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2008 BUDGET pUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Information Technology - Telephone Communications (67500) $16,000.00 OPERATING REVENUES: Outside $16,000.00 $31,958.33 515,968.33 99.80% Sa/e of Phone External $15,968 fey due to increased usage. Inside 3,628,400.00 3,503400.00 3,282,253 20 (221,146.80) -6,31% Unfav. Leased Equip ($18,734) due to decreased use of pagers & Sale of Phone Internal ($202,413) due to reduction in telephone rates. $3,644,400.00 53,519,400,00 53,314,221.53 ($205,178.47) -5.83% 53.811,003.00 $3,811,003.00 $3,606,340.79 5204,662.21 5.37% Fay. $119,100 Indirect Cost: Maint Equip $19,900 lower than anticipated casts subsequent to budget; Sublet Repairs 5E15.265 due to decreased use of contractors; Tower Charges $21,760 due to decreased use of pagers, Expend Equip $51,242 due lo decreased demand for equip replacements, Software Maint $24,057 decrease In annual mainl costs; Prof Svcs 58,000, Travel $5,000 & Info Tech Ops 43,830 based on usage. Fav. partially offset by unfav, Communications ($164,650) due to increase in wireless usage & Software Rental Lease ($10,314) for PBX routine software upgrade. NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS ($166,603.00) ($291,603,00) ($292.119.261 ($516.26) NON-OPERATING REVENUE 30.000.00 30,000.00 183,176.75 153,176.75 510.59% Interest income favorable due to higher cash balance than anticipated. TRANSFERS IN 150.00 1b0.00 150.00 0.00 4.00% TRANSFERS (OUT) • 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% NET REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES O 2614232.1 ($108,792.51) =M46029= TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING 5,345,633.62 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING 55,236,841,11 Please note that in the Adopted Budget Mae-item book) this Is budgeted as "Planned use of Fund Balance" in the revenue •category. OPERATING REVENUES: Outside $2,920,884.00 $2,920,884.00 $3,073,583.04 $152,699.04 413,774.00 •$3,334,658.00 $10,159,378.00 830 581.23 •$3,904,164.27 Fay. $508240 Sal/FB due to underfilis & vacancies; Professional Svcs $326,252 fay, due to timing of Oak Video from implementation to support & - maint: Equip Malnt $215,553 termination of Valcom contract; Depreciation $481,775; Software Maint $267,510 Motorola maint incteded In contract terms: Parts Access $70,562 decrease in repairs due to new LiveScan equip. Offset by Unfavorable Communications (180,080) due to increased - connectivity costs: Indirect Cost ($56740) subsequent to budget projection; Software purchases ($10,860) staff .requiring development loots to complete various CLEMIS projects. $568,698.27 8.39% $1,621,009.63 15.80% 1,644,000.00 1,649,195.00 0.00 0.00 1,590,131.00 (59,064.00) -3.58% • 0.00 0.00 0.00% Unfav. due to amount returned to GF per FY08 budget task. TRANSFERS IN TRANSFERS (OUT) COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS I ENTERPRISE FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADOPTED BUDGET Information Technology - CLEMIS (5350011 AMENDED BUDGET FY 2008 ACTUAL VARIANCE EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 8.38% Fay. In-Car Terminals. (External) $179,065 due to increase in MCC devices tor ext. agoneleS;clemis Oper Outside $18,226 due to additional non OC agencies; Rebated Charges 567.596 due to mugshot equip rebilled to Non Copsmore ageneres Offset by expend equip. Partially offset by unfav, Maintenance Contracts (5104,180) live scan equip under warranty & Outside Agencies (58,073j due to actual -re count reduced subsequent to budget. Inside TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES 414,582.00 $3,335,466 00 $10,260,186.00 S8,639,176.37 4 15,999.23 53.20% Fay. primarily due to CAD support tee for Radio's legacy system. NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS NON-OPERATING REVENUE ($6,824,720.00) ($6,924,720.00) 310,000.00 310,000 00 ($4,735,012.10) $2,189,707.90 1,402,447.69 1,092,447.69 352.40% Fay. Primarily due to Capital Asset Contributions for COPS MORE equip purchases subsequent to budget projection. NET REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES' 4 970 720.0 25.0C) ($1.742,433.41) TOTAL NET ASSETS BEGINNING 11.199,022.89 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING $9 456 569.48 Please note that In the Adopted Budget tune-item book) this is budgeted as "Planned use of Fund 13alance in the revenue category. 467,364.00 46 f,129.00 921,4-48.64 454,319.64 NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS NON-OPERATING REVENUE TRANSFERS IN TRANSFERS (OUT) COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS f ENTERPRISE FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADOPTED BUDGET Information Technology - Ra—IWZO—r-----runurOcattorfs (53600) AMENDED FY 2008 BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES OPERATING REVENUES: Outside 55.01S,277.00 55,019,277.00 $4,280,759:19 ($738,5:7.81) -14.7/% Unfav. ($690,402j 6-91 t due to decreasing land line use; ($243,797) Antenna Site Mgt due to consolidation & paging phase out. Offsat tinfav. primarily due to fay. Outside Agency revenue $194,309 due to bihing of legacy system; fay. $1,572 Sale of Equip below capital threshold. Inside 91.26% Favorable Internal revenue for Leased Equipment $323,256 & Parts Access $76,093 due to continued billing for legacy system; Prior Yr Adj $53.493; Z. Productive Labor $1,477 due to increase in support svcs. TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE $5,486.641.00 55.486,406.00 $5,202,207.83 ($284,198.17) -5.18% OPERATING EXPENSES $7,318,095.00 $7,217,860.00 $3,387,981.36 $3,829,878.64 53.06% Fay, Sal/FS $21,625 due to overtime; Deprec $3,993,000 due to Wing of new system start; Maint Cord 5479,0110 due to extended warranty; Indirect Cost 555,200 subsequent to budget projection: Maintenance Dept. $31,870 due to decreased usage; Special Projects $15,000 due to lower than anticipated tower painting costs. Partially offset by unfav. Communications ($53,400) due to Increased tower connectivity costs; Equip Repair ($121,100) due to maintenance of legacy system; Expendable Equip ($157,030) due to tower security camera project; Tower Charges ($23,784) timilig of contractual increases for leased tower sites & CLEMIS charges ($413,300) for CAD support fees for legacy system. (51,831,454.00) (51.731,454.00) 31,814,226.417 $3,545,680.47 750,000.00 750,000.00 1,252,858.79 502,868.79 67.05% Fa. primarily due to Interest income $1,002,869 higher cash balance than anticipated and offset by tinfav. Gain an Safe of Equip ($500,000) due IQ.. timing of expected sale of legacy equipment. 178,000.00 183,687.00 183,687.00 0.00 0.00% _ (150,000.00) (250,000.00) (200,009.00) 50,000.00 -20.00% Fey, due to transfer to Info Tech for the help desk concerning the new radio system. NET REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES. 1154.00 (51,047,767.00) $3,050,782.26 $110919.26 TOTAL NET ASSETS —BEGINNING 49,285,096.00 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING 552,335,868.26 Please note that In the Adopted Budget (line-Item book) this is budgeted as "Planned use of Fund Balance" In the revenue category. Fire Records Management 53100) OFERATINQ REVENUES; Outside COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY nu YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS / ENTERPRISE FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2008 BUDGET EIUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES $185,928.00 5192,658.00 $198,777.72 $6,119.72 3.18% Fay, Participation Fees $8,269 due to addition of member agency, Rebillfid Charges $6,042 due to increased billing of costs to members. Partially offset by unfav. (58,192) Outside Agencies due to liming of implementation of new agerioes. TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES $185,926.00 $192,658.00 $198,777.72 $6,1 I 9.72 3.18% OPERATING EXPENSES $636,720.00 $642,208.00 $596,438.46 $45,769.54 7.13% Sal & FB primarily fay $17,068 due to On Call reduced salaries; Communications $12,438 due to decreased phone rates, Equip Repairs $18,400 switch to time & materials; Personal Mileage $1.400 due to decreased usage & Expend Equip $12,597 due to decreased demand for equip replacements. Partially offset by unfav IT Dev ($11,600) due to programming cost; Indirect Cost ($1,909) & unfav. Depreciation ($2,150) for capital equipment added after budget. NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS NON-OPERATING REVENUE ($450,792.00) ($449,550.00) ($397,660.74) $51,889.26 2,000.00 2,000.00 8,250.76 6,250.76 312.54% TRANSFERS IN 413,997.00 425,179.00 420,794.50 (4,384.50) -1.03% Untev. due to lower than anticipated participation fees from OC agencies. TRANSFERS (OUT) 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00% OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) 1$34,795.0O 371.00) $31,384.52 $53 75.$.52 . TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING 279,398.00, TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-item book) this is budgeted as "Planned use of Fund Balance" in the revenue category. Garnishment Fees Interest and Penalty Jury Fees Litigation Settlements Miscellaneous NSF Check Fees Refunds Miscellaneous Reimb of Employees Compensation Adjustment of Prior Years Revenue Checks Cancelled Prior Years Adjustment Refund Prior Years Expenditure Sale of Equipment 462.00 2,001.04 9,541.67 8.01 3,197.14 12,523.61 288.64 5,562.29 (43.86) 17,378.90 1,782.34 9,031.48 7,485.00 County of Oakland Detail of Non-Departmental Sundry Revenues For the twelve months ended September 30, 2008 Total S 69,218.26 86 Bank Charges Fees - Per Diems Miscellaneous Refund Prior Years Revenue Reinstatement Prior Year Check 3,236.96 1,031.45 3,295.00 35.289.72 170.10 County of Oakland Detail of Non-Departmental Sundry Expenditures For the twelve months ended September 3D, 2008 Total $ 43,023.23 JENNIFER M. GFtANE-IOLM GOVERNOR STATE or MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS LANSING PATRICIA L. CARUSO DIRECTOR October 30, 2008 Dear County Jan Reimbursement Coordinators: This correspondence is in regards to the FY 2008 Appropriation for the County Jail Reimbursement Program and updates and finalizes our earlier correspondence of September 12. 2008. Per Public Act 124 of 2007, Pan 1, Line-Item Appropriations, Section 103, Planning and Community Support, County Jail Reimbursement Program, the funds appropriated for this program was $13,249,000. Based on final revenue collections for telephone commission ($5,734,600), civil infraction fees ($6,778,847) and the FY 2007 carryover ($267,940), the total amount available for reimbursement for the fiscal year is S12,781,387. As you are aware, the revenue controls the "amount appropriated" and for FY 2008 it was $476,612 short of the line item. According to Section 414, paragraph 7: "County jail reimbursement program expenditures shall not exceed the amount appropriated in part I for the county jail reimbursement program. Payments to counties under the county jail reimbursement program shall be made in the order in which properly documented requests for reimbursement are received. A request shall be considered to be properly documented if it meets MDOC requirements for documentation." All billings received by the Office of Community Corrections, have been reviewed and processed for payment in the order of which they were received. The total C.IRP reimbursement requests submitted by the counties for the fiscal year totaled $14,579,025. All counties will be notified in the near future, in writing, of requests that will not be processed for reimbursement. If you have any further inquiries, you can contact me at (517) 241-8324, or by email at konopaca@m ich cian gov, Sincerely, Cheryl Konopaska County Jail Reimbursement Coordinator cc: County Sheriffs and County Jail Administrators Director Caruso Deputy Director Schrantz Administrator Wickman, BFM Administrator Brzozowski, OCC GRANovion PLAZA BUILDING • PQ. 130X 30002 - LANSING. MICHIGAN 48909 wwwyniLmigan,gov (517) 335-1426 JENNIFER M, GRANHOLM oweRNoR STATE OF MICH:GAN DEPARTMENT NS LANSING PATRICIA, CARUSO DI RC CTOR OFFICE OF COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Grandview Plaza Building Lansing, MI 48909 (517) 373-0415 Fax: (517) 373-9545 Date: October 31, 2008 Pages: 9, including this cover sheet. To: Joe natkosky Oakland County CJRP Coordinator Fax #:•248-452-9751 From: Cheryl Konopaska NIDOC, CJRP Representative Subject: FY07/08 County Jail Reimbursement Program Lack of Funds The following pages are copies of reimbursement foaas for diverted felons that your county submitted to the County Jail Reimbursement Program. These reimbursement requests were not processed for payment due to lack of funds. They indicate comments regarding corrections and/or adjustments that were made to the county's original rcirnbursement request(s) as to eligibility, etc. If an offender is still serving time in your jail for the originally requested case as of 10/1/08, the county may bill for subsequent days in Fiscal Year 2009. Billings for these offenders beginning 10/1/08 should be shown as an "Admit", indicating the original sentence date in the Notes column. Other offenders that may have been removed from billings prior to October may be billed as well providing documentation is received to substantiate approval. Please share this information with your sheriff or other appropriate county personnel: If you have any questions or concerns regarding the billing adjustments, please contact me at (517)241-5324. Thank you, Cheryl Konopaska, MP Coordinator Office of Community Corrections joseph matkosky From: Joseph matkesky [matkoskyjDoakgov.corni Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 8.51 AM To: 'Soave, Tim' Subject: Writeoff of State of Michigan A/R Diverted Felon Reimbursement Importance: High Tim, I received an E-Mail on Friday 10-31-08 (Scheduled Day Off) from Cheryl Konopaska MDOC CJRP Representative noting that we will not be paid on our September 08 billings due to the lack of available funds at the State. Therefore we will need to write off a total of $226,374,00 for FY 2008 year end made up of two Invoices: 1. SHFDF0908 $206494.50 2. SHFDF0908A 19,879.50 Will forward E-Mail from State to you separately. Any other questions, please feel free to call, Joe Matkosky 8-5040 114/2008 90 SCHEDULE OF DONATIONS FOR RESTRICTED FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED FY 2008 FUND Animal Control Legacy Fund Children's Village Donation Fund Medical Examiner Family Grief Counseling Fund Medical Examiner Library Donation Fund No Haz Waste donations Probate Court Trust Fund AMOUNT $71,244.76 13,446.13 2,075,00 1,000.00 12,061.44 2,445.00 $102,272.33 Prepared by Fiscal Services - 11/2412008 COUNTY MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES L. BROOKS PATTERSON, OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE Nancy Scarlet, Director TO: Lynn Sonkiss, Chief Fiscal Services FROM: Jordie Kramer, HR Analyst RE: Contributions for Little Oaks DATE: September 25, 2008 The following outside groups have submitted donations in the amount listed to Oakland County for the purpose of purchasing a new sandbox for the pre-school playground at Little Oaks: • Gretchen's House at Little Oaks $225 • Friends of Little Oaks S500 • Parents of Little Oaks $500 The donations have been recorded in the FM&O Fund to reimburse for costs associated with the purchase of the new sandbox (Fund 63100 Dept. 1040719, Operating Unit 20011, Account 650301). There are no on going operating costs tied to the purpose of this donation. if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 8-0543. Thank-you for your assistance in this matter. EXECUTIVE OFFICE BUILDING 41 WEST • 2100 PONTIAC LAKE HU DEFT 440 • WATERFORD MI48328-0440 * (248) ssa-osao • wwntoalagov.com 92 , Date Sponsor Purpose Amount March 08 DTE Heritage $5,000 Conference Sponsorship for 9/07 Conference _ July 08 ITC Green $1,000 Infrastructure Program and Native Plant , Demo Garden , August 08 ITC Green $1,000 Infrastructure Program and Native Plant i Demo Garden October Finnicum MSOC Main $250 07 Brovvnlie Event Sponsor ' Architects October City of MSOC Main $250 07 Rochester Event Sponsor October City of MSOC Main $250 , 07 Farmington Event Sponsor October Robert Hilliard MSOC Main $250 07 Event Sponsor November Creative MSOC Main $500 07 Designs & Event Sponsor •, Signs November Tri City MSOC Main $250 07 Business Event Sponsor Association November Metro Aircraft MSOC Main $250 07 Instruments Event Sponsor November North Oakland MSOC Main . $250 07 Foundation Event Sponsor .--- - November City of Walled MSOC Main ' $250 07 Lake Event Sponsor November City of Royal MSOC Main $250 07 Oak Event Sponsor November I, Carrier & MSOC Main $1,000 - 07 Gable Event Sponsor November T&C Federal I MSOC Main $250 1 07 Credit Union I Event Sponsor • December Howard & MSOC $2,500 07 Howard Program Attorneys Sponsor 93 December: Leiser Road MSOC $50 07 Limited Program Dividend Sponsor }lousing • Association December Applied MSOC Main $500 07 Science & Event Sponsor Technology March 08 National City National Main 1 $4,200 sank Streets 1 Conference i Sionsor I, April 08 Michigan State MSOC $2,000 Housing Workshops Development Sponsor Authority June 08 Applied MSQC $500 Science & Workshops i Technology Sponsor Main Event Sponsors — used for catering, facility, entertainment, sound and other equipment, decorations, etc. MSOC Program Sponsors — used for events throughout the year such as educational workshops. MSOC Main Streets Conference Sponsor — annual sponsorship used for promotional materials, sometimes travel costs (depending on conference location) for IvISOC community representatives, etc. 94 COUNTY MICHIGAN DEPAATMENT CIF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET FISCAL SERVICES DIVISION Thriothy J. Soave. Manager ilbAKLANDT L. BROOKS PATTERSON, OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE December 11, 2008 Bureau of Local Government Services Michigan Department of Treasury Treasury Building 430 West Allegan Street Lansing, MI 48922 For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, Oakland County reports three (3) funds with a negative unreserved fund balance (e.g. a "deficit"), and one fund with negative unrestricted net assets. Below, please find a listing of those funds, the amount of the deficit, and a deficit elimination plan: Capital Projects Fund - Lake Levels - Act 146 S(53,089) The negative unreserved fund balance in the Lake Levels - Act 146 Fund primarily reflects costs that are related to the Bush Lake Level project. Costs-to-date include preliminary design costs as well as litigation costs associated with an on-going legal action that has not been resolved to date. Once the design phase is complete and the litigation is settled a decision will be made to determine if the project will move forward. If the project is to move forward, a total project cost analysis will be prepared. If the project does not move forward, a special assessment will be issued to cover the preliminary design costs as well as the costs for litigation. Special Revenue Fund - Lake Levels - Act 146 4167,539) The Lake Levels - Act 146 consists of 30 separate lake level funds. Annually, lake level funds are reviewed and assessments authorized. Assessments are determined in July and are placed on December tax bills. The assessments are meant to cover any individual fund deficits identified at that time, and also to cover the anticipated operating costs for the following year. Due to unexpected costs in FY 2008, there are several individual lake level funds with deficit balances; however, the majority of the overall net negative unreserved fund balance is due to a S139,403 deficit in the Oxford Multi Lake Level Fund. The Oxford Multi Lake Level Fund deficit is related to a large maintenance project being funded through a 5-year special assessment beginning in 2009. Negative EKECUTIVE OFFICE LDING 41 WEST • 2100 PONTIAC LAKE RD • WATERFORD MI 48328-0403 • (248)856-0607 • FAX (248) 975-9869 95 unreserved fund balances in the various other lake level funds will be reviewed and eliminated in future years assessments, Special Revenue Funds - Pollution Control Grants 1/45( 118,991) The negative unreserved fund balance reflects the fact that this grant fund operates on a reimbursement basis; e.g. the County pays the original expenses and is reimbursed by the grantor agency after submission of the proper support documentation. Typically, reimbursement for year end expenditures lags by two to three months. Once reimbursement is obtained, the negative unreserved fund balance will be eliminated. Should the reimbursement not be sufficient to cover the expenditures, the County has match funds budgeted which will be transferred to cover any remaining deficit. Internal Service Fund — Drain Equipment Fund S(2,084,121) The negative unrestricted net asset balance is primarily due to the recent change over the past several years to replace Drain Equipment owned vehicles with leased vehicles from the Motor Pool Fund. The replacement of Drain Equipment owned vehicles requires a transfer from the Drain Equipment Fund to the Motor Pool Fund at the time of purchase and the number of owned vehicle replacements has been fairly significant over the past several years. Also the charges from the Motor Pool Fund were more than anticipated (budgeted) for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008 due to increased operating/fuel costs. Even with higher than anticipated fuel costs charged to the Drain Equipment Fund, the Drain Equipment Fund was able to make a significant fiscal improvement in FY 2008 realizing a positive change of net assets of $137,171 as compared to an operating loss of $984,668 in the prior year (a swing of over $1.1 million between years of operations). The $137,171 positive change in net assets is slightly more than the $123,446 projection provided to the State of Michigan in April 2008. The Drain Equipment vehicle rates, as well as other equipment rates, were increased for FY 2008 and will continue to escalate in order to cover annual operations and future replacement. It is anticipated the negative unrestricted net assets will be eliminated by the end of FY 2011 based on the continued rate adjustments, and the decrease in the number of Drain Equipment owned vehicles requiring one-time transfers to the Motor . Pool Fund for replacement. We trust that the above demonstrates that Oakland County has sufficient plans in place to eliminate the negative unreserved fund balance and negative unrestricted net assets reported in the financial records for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008. Any questions regarding this matter should be directed to my attention at 248-858-0807, or by e-mail at soavevgoakov.corn. - 96 Shicerely, Timothy r-Soave, CPF0 Manager, Fiscal Services Division Department of Management and Budget Oakland County, Michigan cc: Robert Daddow, Deputy County Executive Patrick Dobany, County Treasurer Laurie Van Pelt, Director, Management and Budget John McCulloch, County Drain Commissioner 97 • 1 of 4 Cain Ecppment Projection 2009-2052.M5 Precasted by: Fiscal Serviceo Sorkfas 11/14,2006 COUNTY OF OAKLAND 13 N 16 1-11.FNIE41 FUN1J 6:390U - PRLIJKIIIIILINS tiltilL/LItai 1r3 LULL - — . ' Y 2009 FY 2011 FY 2012 . ACCT0 Account Description FV 2004 Actual FY 2903 Actual FY 2906 Actual. FY iao 7 Actual FY 1008 Actual Projection Projc31on a3ectIon Protection Comments- - OPERATING R.130 LE ' 530539 ' Dis - tah Services S7 78 54'S IIIIIIIIIMMII ME 55 3 SO 1•1 56 C6I . 1..1 $6 06 irclutfed a I% lanationary Canton__ ._ . 530658 Ex.sdnnentnIni___Ftet 469 4 1ISk1L 1 0363 1 169 15 1 19 3 I 159 43 . 1 400 1. . 1.4 4 Included a ;Rinilthonaly factor. .. 3iiiir) Maintenance Contracts 51 2 61 MIK IIMINIIIIIIIN 1/3 64 08+ Rq 92 . 85 77 -•:' 'mindedl' a inflationary &Mar. 531687 Bela Red Oa 23 7 2 41 • 2638 • 13,01' 1173 78 • 75 11 75 COI 75.00+ 75 001 ' 531785 Malt,. -Ind:. S ce Coat ED 8 14.3 6911111111113013 158 • 6 98 9811MEIY3 96 10298i 105 03 ' 107,141 included a ni inflatiocurry factor. _ 631 827 Reinib Omani 89 73 • 401,63 38341 405.69' 409.73. 413 85 417,99' 42' 17 • itziuded ;I;i4 infLatiana fantor, _-- — 632401 Ve hid a Rental 1,047,19 1,261,75' 1,166,01, 1,453.35 • 2.024,57 2025,80 2,232,09 2,3.43,69 2,460,83 included a 5% inflationary factor - tiSiat5 operant,' la costs and replenishment of re laccraton .recoe • • 5632 Planned Ilse of Parc! Mance MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMEIIMIIMMIG i ___ -- — 0456 Prior Years Ad'ustraants .3251 5 66 s (15.3 Prior Years ReVesue 1501 0 Uf • --- -- 7057(3 Refund PrforYetrnEs , end 17 58 37 V/ 19 .M1= Sale cfSera • 4 37 1 - ____ • ;70627 kale of • ui • man .26,13 • $ 35152 AL-INS •-.1th Seesiem 12 9 11 9.. 1 I. 11n113%1 1079:11.11111111111M 11 01 11 12 . 11 3: included a 1% inflations factor, 35206 l' t-,..fttArzetent head 2 75 21,42. 20,55 18,6 • • 20 04 20 4 20 44 ,•--- 20 65 7 85 included a 1% intladonary factor. - 3542.2 -- t.MaintemanceCnotrams i 60 1_6„.64 • 15,1e Is • 7 19 2 P 19 1 19 19 BO 20 00 inchtded a i 14 inflationary factor. •35530 1 i.- Mbar Revenue 21 30 AB 7,5. 1 .10 _ 831 133 1 831 37 EggEMINIMM • .xt-Rebi1let1 Charges Rev ' 233 3 Lrt p.1: • 37 7. /32 4 150 I 0 150 1 I 150 DO 1 0 .3.5777 ' t-SCADA installation Fee 2 t 1111111111111111E I 111111111Eillini _ ._ . OTAL OP F_RATINc. REVENUF. St 997 47 33 078 17 3 512 03• 33 152 1 st 24 13 54 1 54 id 18: 34 6'77 • : • 54 ; .5 44 2 _. _ ___ ._ _ ._ _ . _ .. . °PIRATING EXPENSES .__ . -. -702010 Salaries 225,79 — 330.43 t5.21:133 — - 55'0,3 11.1,36 - -- 30•17, 103, 11 306,03 1 30,091Dratalk-acc.73-6•A7VcTsi-on-ur-u-.1;Crio-ciul- . July 2048. As a resuli, !bete will Se a reduction in Labor, tquirrant charges and the mapping allucatioo to din mew.' conversion project_ Included 1% . tuflatinruary facbsr increase on salaries , !based on 2009 mount_ ' __ 2. 5 -MaLTEEE 66720 25 .1 , =MIMI 15 15 osill.111111111M1 15 s 1. i . . 722740 !Fringes 107,08 • ' 149,70 ;. 280.0 257.39 , 145.001 50.85: 153,87 -11-71in—Plooril &aversion pToje.i.s7emal • 1.lely 2013 As a result, there will be a 1. . -reduction ifl labor, equipment chargee and the mapping s.flocation to the record r.00vcrsioa project. Included a 2°A . inflationary factor increase bared cri Z009 Iamount- • - - _ __ ___ . I otil Salaries And Frhyes 5360 93 1=1 5972 65 3396 9 • 3806 • $469 0 54164.53.. 547.1 :8 S477 •6 — _ _ 730058 dministration __. 10 5 . _ . . _ _ -- _ _ 2 a . • cti 2 ofn /30t14 • aon Ex • . 5 2,4 + 1 74 _ _i..._ • 1 ' 2 0 — - - 730324 onununicadans 22 44 27 731 29 43 ._ _•_ 27 D_ 27 00 77 CO II 27004, _ 157111 730373 onnaernd Services 209 31 • 67 44 75003 75 00 75,ds4 _ 730562 bins' Service MINIM 12,20 _14 3.? . ; 1514 i 5 0 15 7 1 15, 111 730562 - I. Li Alta, °KS & Wake! _ 712 161 1111111111.M ' • • • .4._ -- 730646 • yip-rural Repairs &Maim — 19,141 9.38 , 24.21 , ri.osi • 35,65 70 1.14 20031 2000' 20 ti 2 cd 4 Equipmaril Projecdon 2009-201 Prepared by Fiscal Services- L. Soretiss 11114/2008 . 1.4.-141i 1 ...PE urt.r.a...nrim NE' U11111ENT FUND 63900- PROJECT1a Nis 140.1t1111.1G11. FY ICIc2 - . in0b9 FY 2010 01( 2011 FY 2012 ACCIII Ammo Clurription F1'20114 Act II21 FY 2005 Adair! FY 2006 Actual FY 1007 Adoll FY 2008 Actual Projection Projection Projection Projection moments - 0553 _Li. luta Rental _ 4,6.2C 3.1 - 663 111 3 t I 0 I i i 7''' ' - ornitoir_ - - - ------ --- -2 - - - -'; . ' 55 71 1 0600_ tll C 0667 I ..cipment Repair Maim Vehicle • 4049 ' 4 . n,10 62,30 29,99 13,42 40 40, 40,00 E 0655 L .0 men! laretrit 07- 23 ' a!______ rciet 6t F-cpross . __ 239 • a , 2 20 2 2 2 0779 - utt1 Oil • 43 23 5 . _ a 3 3 - - i D716 • c & Ttribtcshossl Kg s . I 71 2 S 511 g 0926 -Arcot Leber Cost 175,109 ... . 139 00 141,37 /75 90 11903. 61 5 61,35 c 0940 nroance 172 "- LB I 03 12 IS 18 -, 1 bortitory Foes 0 20 _ 1!115 rinses And Parcels ._ C ' 37 I! 50 ' tonsoce Contract ' .10C-- - --'.- 1 18 - - 3, 3 5 3 0 II 57 - - nrcoascc F. etu_pi enroll 655 o i a ] inummin; 3 3 00 11164 oteterrance VelilcIrs I 31R 1 76 - 7 02 I 37 I r 1 2 2,0 _ - -t 1!'I3 embs ", Dues & Publication • 40C . 3 54 4 45 1, 45 45 1! 41 clam:mous a lot IIIIIIIII•ME i111 69. ___ os-Nators1 1,68.3 4 4,3 402. _5,3_16 11 ___ RI! 45 - 03C' 11 1 11 90 na Q} Milsr.Ao C a 13 El 1 $13 rofG-daned Serrizos sA _ _ 7 I 36 tective C1Othise,11. Equipment - 27A1 48 64 46,_ 33 54 29 30111 30 I 30, 30,00 _._______... . __ ____ _ . .___.t. 7 0 3,7 5, 1 P F 5, 5,0 5,2 I 5,50. ollabosory Isom IrcuseSe froto landlord .. @ter .5 yew lock io ui _ 731752 SignateScrc.ices _ .. _ _ _ , _ _ 96„ _ r _ -- 731773- .- Software RolaLleaseT'atebase _ -7,504 - T3 a 7 2 . 731700 Software 3 • • odiMeintrosure 1,733 157. 1,24 510 10 10, 531941 _ _ Trainiu E ; _ 731974 Tcwing and SuzIsee Fete 6 73201.13 Travel and Conferenee 3,265 - 3,17- 4 1 5 5'i- 50. e__ 733107 Water sad Seusc_CLItutts 17 5 1111111111.11.1011111111PE 731109 Wider Forages' o. • - _ _ __-- 35 - 730037 Ad. Prior Years Exp 1,57 13,77 3 - t 733- - 730044 Ad . Prior Yams Revenue 111,2 . • 1 I _ 96 11,4.. - , Total Contractual $552 : 61 $49 . 344 11 $448 01: $36 g $315 I.. $32 3 531 3 . 7 9 ornputer Supplies 4481 12 n 2 25 n 20.04 20 44 2085 - 1 i 2 IT, 68 A Ea abi.__t eons _ 41,455 ' 5 11 I --..,• 20 ..! _20 00 _ 1111 i S4 vendable Eque' nit Express 50,301 _ 19 09 7,3 25,18 2D 170 ilner Expendable Equipment • ..__IW , -- -. - - _ 12 12' 1 $i tkn & Processin_ 911C,__ 1 75 10 12 ; 10 Oil and Omen _ 1 n 20 3 54 1 4 _ 4U --774'T _ _ ... - -- - ; 17 I illls1.1411C1; &wiles 7 MO: _ 53 - 194 I. re 'rink a& 6.1,2•11.W. 241,259 17570 195,55 236,83 91.70' 9.1- a 97 1 99 6 -- - - - liE1135 I rebondise C 1 I - 3,01C . _. 36 - -2 45 3,2 t 14 65 - 4 4 I" , fffi., ..„„, __ 1 4 '0$1/1 tentut1 Mail- C. 2 29 5 _.- --- ff i I n sh.. si,,,,. lin 2641, - 22 00 717 25 7 - 7 0 - E! 594 Small Toots 9 10 SI 2 ' , 3 42: • 6 7 501 Unarms . C P . 21. I Tote Commodities 5351•W_ 5241,70 0233,97 5172,30 116'7 3 510162 COUNTY OF OAKLAND 30f4 Drab Equipment Prolection 2009-2012)(10 Prepared by: Fiscal Services - L. Sortk1s6 11/14121106. IP IN E ULFMENT FUND 6.3900 - P111.1VECI11.114S 1H111.21itili Id Y 211 LL _ .FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2017 ACCT8 Acton/11 Deler191966 FY 2004 Actual * FY 2005 Actual FY 3004 &Mal FY 207 Actual FY 2008 Actual Projection Projection 'Projectiort Projeden Cintninent1 761121 _15epreciation 484 29Z 4 265 93 35902 564 4. 141,563 r 4511,705 460471 Total- DeprecInUon $504,20. 5484,02 5265,9- .• 5564 $543,541 • • $1495,705 $460,17113ased nu capital budget plan updated in -- October 7008. 771639 -Drain Equipment I 66,27 351,57 100. 102,• ro 104,041 • 106,121 108,24 FY 2007 includes 2006 end 2007 setrypins ' . allocation Qat Was stnplicable to the GIS . Recgad Conversion project. The project is • to be completed M July 2008 sod therefore , equipment ebar.i.es iliould return to tower ilt01.1fit of rilares.dutately 3100.K. 775754 Minatenance I • , . eat C 12 2 124 16 3 16 II 1665 - 16,8:32' iocc included & I% irinationarv factor. 774636 .. . Info Ter.b Operkinto 551,77 • 520,04 5302_ 13971 _ 59828 604 7 610 1 616,416 622,0C included a 19 io itatiunary factor 774657 asutance Pend 1 94 ' 51 05 43 ' 40 5 . 34 Ii 40 11 ./ 4OII 40,000, 40,00 776661 Minor Pool $135,06 710,14 898,14 1,177,22 1,457 1,526,1 1,602A9 L511.1,616 1.7615.140/ _--. Esmond 5% inflationary factor bused col 2009 amount due to rising operating CPPISIk - kad the sunyersio.n ufsteitdartl vehicles . from dem °word to leased. 776666 Print Shop ,___1 ,01 2 I -l I 42 ,... _ 777560 Radio Oommunicationz 1 . 1 72•Jil 3il 172' I 'I 00 1.500 778675 - Telephone contuaindcatleos 128 06 152,S 94 7I 91 7 94,247 95 189.inelialad a 1% inflazionary_factor._ _ Total Intermit! Servitors 54431,137 31,698.84 52,257,43 SU 52,3131,81 02,465.32 $2157,73k. 5.4651..16t TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 5.3 0 IL 5329M0 53,014 i 93,9511 89 997 7 54,064,472 OPERATINC 17.1.E.4EAH (1..055)__ (31,211,4 3194 del (5451,029 _ 37 175 321021 548 98. 557060- 5679,662 5780..974__ 14001-OPERATINC MI/ENDES EXPENSES _ 685385 & 653077 lotenest Revenue _ Ig.--,4i _ __ _agg -- - 96,067 TUL69:1 103 469 (80 006 (701,(100 gettivi . yo.-frocti - Interim Expense I 1 I (9,959 . 06U (7a00 APO _ (6,9001 _ 130) . _ _ __. _ . _ _ Creit_s_a) on Sale arl.r.i , mug 100 01 71 71 35,281 52,96 5-5A 23,8 2:3,60' 15,000 5,580 Net non-uperating revenuer 5116,43 569,1 -(54,69a (954,91)4 (369,200 (552,700 • 041,000 (540,5110) -- (tmesse0 - Leanne (Loss) Beton, Traeger* ES. (54131,01 (535,31113 (5141,310 (0752,86 5177,32 5423,7 3517,9 .5638,661-- 3740,47 • Contributions - 95500 Transfers /0 I 465 ' 115 97 2)0,22 0 C 86001 Transfers Oid (357,852 (455,146 (404,967 (366,779 (267,225 (100,000 (100,030 (100,004 (NORM .Roiaced 2009 from 3200K to S100.1{. beset Ian preliniintry earn: meets Slum OCLIC Ism . . next winklikely be downsixed. . . - CHANGES 1,51 NET ASSETS 41,489479 _155 .1174 _ 564-371. 459341660 1149a1 $323 7 3417 90 . 5533,667 .640„474 . ,._ __ _ • _ _ -- - __ NET ASSETS - BEGINNING $5,102 78.0 .11.13S.I 3.3 910 42 .V_a6 • SI • 78 • 2 8 ' 51,852,09 53 05E, 53,8013,66i _ NET ASSETS - END LNG_ _ $3 915 499.0 Si •Tit •1 $3 4344: no. 3, • is.. Pk 52 09 53 70 00 03,800.1.0) 54,449,141 _ 1 - ".".f.i1",*;:ii' .'.: ;;•\i'.;?rf_.)-35A.5i3OVI Eased ou capital budget pi= updated in 4n/rated I . bal Matti potr.r.g.k4A^ ..-.-i-,':-.,-,i ,;_#14. 'r,s3,. .14 3...,, . 1,‘ , -, a.,-,,.....,a...i. ' ,-3....A.;:".Sic:C ,7 OCtober 2008 ens estimated equipment .., •- -r, ..,:- ,--' '"- - ..'z . 7".t=1.4.. '-' .:-." ..-. ..i. ' rA"-' - .. - e...6%. . . • 4, - -- -1. . , ,4z3-,2 21 . _.t.i.,'''.,-.T.replartnitzt amounts of SI 5IC for 2010- .. ,..-:.. " "err:1,44',1..- 775 '''' 1,1.4 , .N.. 1 ..., .- '1 ..,:qt,i,:n--rr....---1,i55--,..):,'._ .« - . - .1.4,, ".. - .4 ."-- 4 I :itV't .4.110 • .- 4'..-*A"4. . 4. -* •Z .i, ,"-.P2.1.,•,.....“-A- • 012 ..q.". ft. .,..,,,, ., 4,e..'4,-,..% *.' n,.6-. 11_/-",,_,...4...411,A,..2f/AC.._ .•.•,' .... . 1, ..,:.rit..?.4-0•0,7-.4.:ri.-,...1-'2 ' •,...4•'S.`• ..A. '-11 -'CL•-..-', ..'p - • * IM.,1,• '•..LIt.,,,.."4.)irf:X!..E.,•-44:11e,:&. q.,_ '4.7z•••,, _ • "._:ni.V.:.r1,-, ,--:,..',. "v. ei:1,5-it`•......: .:0,4.)L 72f,-:47 7" 02,143,4,21) -17 i10.1, ..-.641*.iVi: '''.4 'I ' ..WW111:101 ' i4'01,503N-M-,t,$1 'IR ?,-, December I I, 2008 Resolution #08266 Moved by Rogers supported by Clark the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the Consent Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). AYES: Burns, Clark, Coulter, Crawford, Douglas, Gershenson, Gingell, Gosselin, Gregory, Greimel, Hatchett, Jacobsen, Kowall, Long, Middleton, Nash, Potts, Rogers, Scott, Spector, Woodward, Zack, Bullard. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A.sufficient majority having voted in favor. the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the Consent Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Ruth Johnson, Clerk of the County of Oakland. do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on December 1 1 , 2008. with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 11th day of December, 2008 eat Ruth Johnson, County Clerk