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Resolutions - 2008.03.20 - 9522
MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 108037 March 6, 2008 BY: GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE, CHRISTINE LONO, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - FIRST QUARTER 2008 DEVELOPMENT APPROPRIATION TRANSFER TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY B4OARD 02 COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS ail data processing development cost is incorporated as a single appropriation within the non-departmental budget, and then an amount equal to the actual expense is Uransferred to the user department with a summary report to the Finance Committee; and WHEREAS the Department of Information 1-echnology has determined the First Quarter 2008 data processing development charges to be $1,404,040.10 and the imaging development charge to be $8,986.79 for the General Fund/General Purpose County departments; and WHEREAS direct charges to Special Revenue and Proprietary fund departments are S327,134.e2, non-governmental imaging development are $400.00, and non-county agencies are $S18.50 for the First Quarter 2008; and WHEREAS an appropriation transfer to General Fund/General Purpose County departments is needed to fund these development charges. NOW THEREFORE BE 7T RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners has reviewed the First Quarter 2038 Data Processing Development Report and approves the First Quarter appropriation transfer as specified on the attached schedule. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, : move the adoption cf the foregoing resoluti=. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COKMITTEE GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE VOTE; Motion carried unanimously on a roll cal: vote with Crawford and Suarez absent. -st Cr 204 OP ,Ion• • 1,4a, LT.J1 019451108. 3.1.0 QIr 4100 QR 1191---&01t ylVIY • 5W GUST* FUNDS ACCOUNT a 544 '101 541 001 550 101 551 101 560 101 581 101 530 101 531 101 MO 101 520 101 005 101 725 101 44,0 101 410 101 724 101 720 101 723 107 765 101 522 101 430 101 466 107 474 101 404 101 487 101 492 101 506 101 4133 101 498 101 420 101 496 701 496 101 509 101 463 101 015 101 730 101 WO 101 740 101 755 101 650 101 080 101 907 101 641 101 072 710 101 775 1,51 500 191 510 101 401 1[11 479 1E1 145 101 690 101 037 0)1 650 10 196 101 191 101 445 101 600 101 910 191 b61.0t1 ;06.0 iZ21 1 040 221 20221-100020 133156-773530 1343 221 20221-1060220134390-773634 )0vco0q M44,1806oce 00400 12931 665 733 20293-1064501•11201K-773630 1-haallh ETeroorregla Sub-70011 Ford 2Z1 COlOrer. oViltaci 6114-7001l Fure. 5i •7 50 40 5- -1,757 07 $000 S' 1.75717 50 DO 5' '.757.• 1 $0.00 55' .512211 $0.00 1000 $5 470 DO $5,465.00 62000 79 $119.711 11 $2 066 41 6000 03 152 20 5'4.30240 5427 00 1.00 021.27 6000 9000 5900 1000 9366 00 $9,746 61 50.00 $5211 00 1900 507234 50 5000 9122 CO 521 50 $71 127 36 52.569 50 9125 870 06 50 00 $245.125 60 150 las 55 512000 50 CO $'2 162121 5:0 50 1' 404 CO 50.00 38 067 61 5703 59 00 54.445-1 $9.00 55,102.25 59.551 40 $75 517 39 51 013 70 5-3.551 51 5175 102 63 59 CO $1.132 14 59 925021300 52-12.400721 12i: 463 51 .E=J 5427 GO $1,404,(1401P $11.757 17 50 00 511.757 17 $0.00 541.75717 $000 511,757 11 $0.00 551.552.11 $0.00 $0.00 55.470.03 15,455.00 52.060.79 5119,711 11 52,886.41 6)00 33162.00 $14.302.40 2427.00 $3.031.27 10.00 111.130 111.00 ID 00 $385.00 $0.745.51 $200 95,911,00 $800 $37,234 54 $0.04 5122.00 $8 150 571.127.36 $2,589.50 9125,07906 63 00 3245-13560 $55,135.95 10000 $300 512,152.51 530.55 11,40400 $4,90 $.5 907 61 $080 90-00 514,446 01 $000 $5,162.21 59,1351 .40 675.527 39 53,910 79 113,551 51 5175,19263 19_00 52.00 30 00 1,1,092.124.59 120332130 1242.467 21 62 00 5200 5271.486.51 1427.90 50 tx, 1000 6300 542100 $0.00 10,15a Liz.o 11,404.040.19 GOVERNMENTAL IMAGING 722 10• • C100-201321C-126000-773639 512 101 1 0100-30.43403-12400 CUPP, intaprt Probate-Estate:VW-II:. -ca Irtaie 36,742.79 $0 742.79 5244.00 10109-9069101.196030-773036 DATA PROCESSM LIEVELOPMENT SUMMARY 131 QUARTER ?COD GOVERNMENTAL RINDS 13 ttI 10140-3020201-121020-7731530 10100-30211206-113240,773630 I 0100.30203014 21029-773630 10100-3020306-113290-773630 10100-3020401-171020-773630 10100-3020405.113260-773630 10100-3020691-121026.773630 10100-3020655-113290473630 10140-1070601-114000-773630 10100-1010201-11310113.773630 10100-5000101.180010.773630 101013-2010201-180000-773630 101413-2010301•165010-773630 10100-2016931-125000-773630 11)100-2010210-125000-773530 1010(1-2014401-172190-773800 10109-2010205-132300473530 10100-1090101-1711300-773630 40100-1070401-113000-773630 10144-1010501-161420-773630 10100-3010201-121110-775030 10109-3010401-121240-173530 19109-3010403-121230-773G30 00100-3010442-1211012-773630 10100.3010402-135080-77200 10100-3010401-121220.773630 10100-3010403-121100-773630 10100-3010301-12114(1-773630 10100-3010301121020-773630 10100-3010300-121110-T/3630 10100-3010301-121130-7731530 10100-3010301,121160-773630 10100-30101(11-121100-773630 10100-1010101-181400-773430 10140-5910101-155010-773630 00100-1010115-115000-773530 10100-1320501473410-773430 10100-1340101-140900-773EGO 10190-1329501-162C20-T73630 10100-1050401-163014-773030 10100-501)0303-105040-773830 10100-10301350-164030-773630 10100-1070601-132030-773630 10100.1070501-174000-773630j 101(10-10802V1A71000-773630 10100-3040101-1210501-773630 10100-3040403.124010-773039 141000040101. 1210&).773&i0 1010D-3045G 1- 121070-773630 10100-4010101-122050-773630 19100-1020401-152064-773030 10100-10306031 04029-7731330 10100-1020701.126020-7736.30 10100-4030361.112590-773630 10100-4030601-110000-773630 10100-1030003-164034-773030 10100-701010 '1 68049-773530 101001070301-132050-773630 03600-1060101.152000-031365 DATA PROCESSING DEVELOPMENT FOR GOVERNMENT/IL FUND APPROPRIATION 5231 - Drstrot Court 5211 - INstrct Court P-tobanort 52/2 DrStrICI Court 52/2 - Ds1dct Court r'-obalron 5213 Ckulnct Court 5213 • Mem; Quurt • n-•66a.,,00 5214 Disinct Court 52/4 • Drstrct Court l='-obaltun Anartal C,541tra Auditrog Board of Commissioners Admr. Clerk Eleclrurts Cie*. _Ivy Corr.-moor Clara - Legal Raccr-c*- cberrk Rogrnter of Cleo,: Clan, -1/4a! Ma:mhos Economic Dev69*!rorl S Corrlicraty Mars Connenunrty Correclorts Achrr Corporals). CON(lat: Comta-Businessu aru-slur Courta-FD Juvente Sooner: CaLpro•FD Juvemv Rulereee Courts-FD-Court Soes-Ad min G0-FD-Co. 5errtces-A0op9ort5 COOrtS Supoor Courts-FD-audlOral Supoort-Adou.- 04trrts-CJA5s0grorer: Col.iftret5,1-Farridv buopo, Courts-caereral..rurtsecnon COufbrai auracial 50040. Ceurte-J-metliativ. Courts Judrcal / AOrtnn suabon County E-xecvh#n Drain Carr-mm.5Kx Emergency R05(10m4, SRoo EQ086E6000 9r6cr. F90160e6 Managerner.; Fiscal Senoces • Adrni- Human Resources Library Ad•nin Matenals martugrrnes! - Our ''und• 14900081C..arr 141 HSU Eu14n0 o'1 4.0-c Plannnp S 1zon70 c 00e0e120,16,- Probate Judicia. AOrr.r Probale Est.aresrtrIler.tal 54001 Proluala-H;) Jucl cin' Probate-PD Jucicial S-Luocrt Prosecutint rtiturno, General Prt'seCutron PurCbasnrt, Raoorrts Rote:mon Reartburserodrtl Shen" Support Setvices Treasursr Veteran:, Servces Sob Total 'C 6360551013010^-152000-630453 TOTAL GovERNmEN'AL IMAGING 13EVELDPMEN- Az'PROPRiATION Sus•TOTAL GovERNNENTAL /114,40P4.3 U9vELOPVEN7 APPROPRIATION. 51.413.026.89 5 412.2.2 e11 TOTAL GOVERNMEN- 5C9C, 10.00, 50.00 jim $1,940.79 30.00 50.00 WOO 91,412,026.89 $000 . L50 ;1.4`-..'...92660) ;2_21 90.e6 HIAI 50,00 58354, 72 -',61.1arech in lorrrw, T • INFORMATION TECHNO',..OGY DATA PROCESSING DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY 1ST (HARTER 2008 'St Orr 250 CrY 3rd Olr 4th Qv GUST* FUND* ACCOUNT 0 DIVISION Oct • 130c skin - mar &CLAIM Igyz,102 NON-GOVERNIAENTAL DIRECT CHARGES 055 CLEMiS 553 37C s r 15a 370.87 065 CLEM'S FUNU 53503 05010 5594.00 0073 CLEWS 2005 IBIS Grail $30e oc 5360-00 710 CierldRCD Adecalairor •"-'12511 5C 0.7 50.00 BM Communny 8 1-i0n,e irproyerner+ $6.3C 1000 470 Courie-FOC bo-Parniiy C.oueselvici $G.% 10 00 507 Gouge-FOC Evo•CS Eolorcemerr 513,50S.0C 513,509.09 210 Pas Records Keeagernetir System 52,5'7.1: 52,5"7.11 700 *NI-130C3Vebtaster9 51 7.82a.0:. $17,825.011 757 FM-Wk ReWeil 5101/Video Coo' 529242 79 520,242.70 758 FM-Jail Want Replacomeri 5C. 0: 50.0€. 750 a M 8 0 $5 434 36 56.43466 555 I3rrri $: 0: $0.96 350 Iieralh - Imanuatton Oraht 5.7..0: 59.01) 562 Maio, Department Sucoorl Prorticr, FLard $C 03 $9.09 570 Medrca: Care Paohly 5: 0: 59,0e 248 Moggal Care Packet), Pharmacy 5".; t.}: $9.00 653 0 C. atomaeortat Airooal 5427 03 142790 770 Padts arid Pecreatort • ACrenrstraNin 02.l4.3 $2,714 50 790 Rade) Coevoialicatror.: $0 0: 50.00 701 Rodto Communicattans 09' 1 $2.312 00 S2.312.00 995 Nee Monagomem 122. $122.00 003 Seeruaty Camera Proiect fGFI $8.549.0: 18,348.0 901 Trei5L'e' - OTHF 1.75.60:1.9: 5175,003.90 692 Treasvor '00% TE,x Paymt Fvv.I $: 0: $0,06 546 LIAS• G.-ant SERP) 5'1C 0: 5110.96 056 Water 8 Searer Acanymou $12,320.79 512.329.70 650 Waarrorce Devebotoment 7,53r: g_.. 531300-106010-1521399-931302 8UE-TOTAL DIRECT CHARGES KIR DATA 5327,134.92 $990 2222 1327.1343F4 PROCESSING DEVELOPMENT 74014-GOVERNMENTAL RIMMING 471 Gourts.PC•G Ex-CS Eoforcemer• Image $400 0: 1A931,2 63000-1000101-15200-1530903 TOTAL 74474•GOVERNMENTAL IMAGING wat2+2 $0.00 11.W la)o $4179150 DEVELOPMENT APPROPRIATION TOTAL COUNTY DEVELOPMENT CHARGES $-1740,09.7 10.00 5e.00 59,9e 51,740.649.71 NONCOUNTY AGE/108E5 536W-10600 I-152090-1335017 Norr-'5deory Agent; es kk3i $515.50 TOTAL DEVELOPMEN• CHARGES 51,741,189.21 5900 59.50 50.00 51,741.19921 r,resarsc .01,Yril0rtri 2',.0r• I • 551.562.11 $427.00 55.470.00 55,45600 $2,666.41 $8,742.79 $2690 79 $119 711.11 V.4.3(12.40 $3 182 00 $427.00 $91.50 S3.031 27 $38300 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - RESERVE FUND DEVELOPMENT / SUPPORT DETAIL - FIRST QUARTER, 2008 Gust /1 GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS 63E1 ANIMAL CONTROL 665 CRILDRENS WI-LASE 725 CLERK AMIN 440 CLERK ELECTIONS 720 CLERK / REGISTER OR DEEDS 722 CLERK IMAOING 410 CLERK - JURY COMMISSION 724 CLERK LEGAL RECORDS 522 COMMUNITY CORRECTIONSADMIN (COI 785 COMMUNITY & ECO DEVELOPMENT 430 CORPORATION COUNSEL an COUNTY EXECUTIVE 495 CTS-BUSINESS DIVISION 506 CTS-FD-JUDICIAL SUPPORT 483 CTS.F04LJOICIAL SUPPORT-ADM 2401 7 SQL Server Suvp - Animal Control 95628 Web License Registretiop 95682 Dog System Animal Control-Total 95665 ChiWrens Village Childrens Village - Total 72500 Clerk - Adele+ Clerk • Adrnin - Total 95443 Elections Clerk - Elections .• Total 20004 DMS Support - Rogislor of Deeds 24003 SQL Server Supp - ROD 3 5% 36510 GIS Implementation Supporl-ROD 36511 ROD Application - Ft/W Support 95493 Reg Deeds System Maintenance 95162 Clerk - OW Supcor; 95163 Cleric- OW Memtenance 95558 Jeer Support/ROC 95564 ROD - OW Supoon Clerk/Reg of Deeds - Total 13901 Clerk - eFilrog - 53% 23007 Oracle Support - Clerk Imeqo 5,2% 65420 Clerk - Image Replace 95158 Clerk - Imaging Clerk - Imaging • Iota 23008 Oracle Support - Jcry Comrr - 5.2% 95512 Jury Commission Clerk - Jury COMMi$5n02 Total 24315 SQL Server Supp - Cxuit Ct 3.5% 95109 Circuit Court System Clerk - Legal Records - Total 23003 Oracle Support-Comm Co.-- - 5,2% 24012 SQL Server Supo - Community Cor, 3.5% 52200 Comm Cori-Admin rCourty) 52201 Comm Corr-OW Supp Community Corrections Total 35500 GIS Implerrientatior Suceol C&r: Dev 3550 CD ApPlication - HAN Svonort 55785 Gomm & Eco Develoomt Community & Eco Dev 5551Y Corporation Counsel Corporation Counsel - Total 2002 Circuit Ct-Courte'Crimiral Warehouse 50% 141301 CTS-DVV Suppor5/Circut - 75% 15001 CTS-DW MalritiCrcuit Ct. 75% 23013 Oracle Supporl-007,'CTS Cm Wnso 2_6% CTS-6usiness Dr/sier. • -.Lu:ai 35187 CTS-FDiAdmir - Fam_Supp-,Slaff CTS-F13-.1urlicra Super. - ?430'. SQL Serv Supp ▪ ..1..Crr. • 3 5'4. 95105 CTS-i:D-Judicia Supor,-A91' CTS-FD-Jud!cia. - $1,963.61 39,721.50 9,577,00 5427.00 $5,470.00 $5458.01 52,690.70 0.00 51.9536! 117 747,50 52.690.76 1.963.61 8.696.00 952.00 $1 963.51 7 785 00 S2.572,00 610. OC 9.00 50.00 2.690,79 0.00 6052.0O $170.60 1.963.61 0.00 IGO 3.00 244.00 465.00 0.00 0.00 551 00 203.50 1 346.30 5427 00 $366.00 55.7466 95656 County Executive Support 591 50 County Executive Supeoi $5 611 06 420 CTS GJ -FAMILY SUPPORT 55197 CirCi Admlr Courts - O. • For,' • Tote' Pruperec. L ',10.7nEr.(r.leco,oicc ! 7s: ;,!' 2114, .7 490 CTS-GEN JURIS-JUDICIAL SUPPT 493 CTS-JUDICIAL ADMIN 730 DRAIN COMMISSIONER 900 EMERGENCY RESPONSE & PREPAREDNESS 740 EQUALIZATION 690 FISCAL SERVICES ADMIN 840 HEALTH DIVISION 843 HEALTH - ENVIRONMENTAL 680 HUMAN RESOURCES PTitatel o; $37.234.50 $I 22 00 $11.127.36 $2569.50 S126,679.06 $245,135.80 $29.021.30 5242,457.21 $53.135.55 :n u 77 j37,234.50 50 .00 122 00 $1.963.61 900 10.733_00 34.716,00 9.767 75 13.927,00 900 $1.250.50 1.319.00 0.00 $341.60 2690.79 6,890.82 (1.044.00) 2.200.00 16.292.00 763.00 9.785.59 6,446.75 20,211.10 5,037.00 8,064.00 243.00 8,i,4.00 42.443.50 $8072.37 2,690.79 981.80 41,000.70 96,418.10 7.857.90 16,630.30 00 0,00 46.801,76 23 400.88 $170.80 1.54790 1.458.00 4.474,00 2L27 .50 $2.690.79 7.854.42 0.00 224.786.00 7 134 PC 52,690 79 981.87 003 0.03 C.00. 54.462 .30 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - RESERVE FUND DEVELOPMENTS SUPPORT DETAIL - FIRST QUARTER, 2008 95179 CTS-Gen Juris-oudicia' Succt CTS-Gen Jurls-Judicial Suuct TWO' 13002 CTS-eFillng - 50% 95174 CTS-JudiGal, Admi, CTS-Judicial Admr - Total 24008 SQL Server Supp - Orair 3.5% 28009 Draln Administrator 28010 Drain - Customer Suppor1 28011 Drain Commissioner Applicanon 36520 GIS Implementation Support Drain 3E521 OCDC Application - HJW Support 95669 Water & Sewer Accounting Drain Gommissione- - Iota 36545 GIS Implementation Support EMS 35546 ERP Application - HNV SuPoDrt 08990 Emergency Response ERP - Total 20001 IDMS Suoport-Equezation - 40% 23012 Oracle Support- Ec ualization - 5 2% 24005 SQL Server Supo- Eaualization - 10.5% 31075 Equal - Development 35505 GIS Imphsmentation Support Equalization 35506 Equal Application -1-1./W Support 35507 Equal LAMS Support/Mice 36801 Land System Enhancerneets - Equal (50%) 36701 Land System maintenance - Equal (50%) 30801 Land System Suppoil - Equal (50%) 95559 User SupportiEquai 95562 Equalization W Supric,. 95570 Equalization • DW Maintenance 95693 Equat-System Maintenance 9099 BS&A Master Appraisal Szliainl Equalization - Tula; 23001 Oracle Support - Fiscal Sen; - 23013 Oracle Support- I-1R-Ac-ctg,Sudget - 5.2% 24008 SQL Serv Supp - ..1P-Acctg - 1.75% 44021 FS-SysterniCuslomer Subpart 44022 FS-System Maintenance 44023 FS-System Enhancements 44024 FS-Nerw Development 44077 BUD•System Maintenance 44079 ES-OW Support 4408'. FS - [DIV Mainte,ance 500 Human Res-Acci 40% 96003 Human Res.-Budget 20% Fiscal Services Aciriin - total 20002 IONS Support• CHAM.7'S - 70% 36525 GIS Implementation Support !leant') 37025 CHAMPS - P 95563 User Support-Health 96642 Health Adrnii. Health - Teta! 23005 Crave Support • E i-E Project: 5.2% 24014 SQL Server Sup:A 37002 Envirormental 84260 EH - Protects 84360 Enearth Program Health-Environmemai - Tcza Oracle Suppo1-t n.R1,e[SC,7.7.€; - b 24007 SQL Server Surippon 1. HP.-ystems Mainteione 44544 Deve.o.-nerr User SW Human Pes-Pc-so —ie 47' ReSQL7Ce. • 872 MEDICAL EXAMINER 710 MU EXTENSION OAKLAND $1,983.61 10 189.00 S12.152.81 $30 50 530.50 775 PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PEDS DW Support PEDS - OW Maintenance PEDS - Total $t ,404.00 1122 95786 95787 $1,464.00 5244.00 $244.00 51.96351 6,124.00 $8,057.61 145 PROSECUTOR - GENERAL PROSECUTION 637 RECORDS RETENTION 650 REIMBURSEMENT 195 SHERIFF 191 SHERIFF - CLEMIS 445 SUPPORT SERVICES 600 TREASURER 44052 44053 44054 1)5635 95469 95470 95542 51.803.61 12,374,56 1Cv,oc $14,446.11 $0.00 5,162.25 0 00 0.00 15.162 25 $3.00 2,399.40 7.45200 19.851,40 $61.03 " .34539 63,670.00 9,695.00 756.00 175.527.39 52.690.79 1 220.00 $3,910.70 £2 690.79 3.927.22 6.93350 513.551.51 $2,690.79 5,381.59 0.00 41,624.00 9,78550 6,4.46.76 20,211 10 13.757.40 9.623.40 00 11.357 DO 3 235 50 1.56600 17 996 00 8.518 50 22,67950 $175.192.63 540 52/1 DISTRICT COURT - NOvi .430L Support-52.- - r 25" CTS-DAI Mem: 52;1 OIL Suart- 52i". • 2574 521 District Ce„.:, Thia 11,62 ; 757 '17 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - RESERVE FUND DEVELOPMENT I SUPPORT DETAIL - FIRST QUARTER, 2008 24002 SQL Server Support - Medical Exam - 3.5% 87202 Medical Examiner - Customer &pearl Medical Examrner - Total 95676 MSU Ext Equipment Mainterance MSU Extension - Oakland - Teta 512 PROB-ESTATEWPRENTL HLTH IMAGE 510 PROB-ESTATESIMENTL HLTH SUPFORT 05207 Prob-Est/Mntl 1-11th Image Prob-Est/Mrill 1-9th Image - -Fetal 240'C SQL Serv Suoo-PCT-Est/Menial - 3 5% 92198 Prob-Est/M nth ILlitri Support Prob-Est/M nth 1-litP Support - Total 24016 SQL Server Suop - Proescutors 3 5% 95622 Prosecutor/Executive 57001 Prosecutor Data PreC PrOsecutor - Total Ree-System Maintenance Rec-System Enhancements Rec-New Development Mail Room Records Retention - Tots. Reimbursement Division Rairait(teMent SYSterl .eimburse User Support eirribursernent - Total '.2001 OGSD-C.;ourts/Cnminal WErenc115e 23009 Oracle Suppport OCSDiCTS rin, Whse - 26% 97 63 Sflerr 9765 Sheriff-DW Support 57166 Sheriff-DW Maintenance Sheriff - Total 230' 5 Oracle Suppport - Sherif / CLEMIS 2`7( 96163 Sheriff - CLEMIS Sheriff - GLEAMS - Total 23002 Oracle Support - Sums Seri - 2% 24011 SQL Server Supp - Suppt Se-vices 7% 44500 Support Services Support Services Total 23306 Oracle Support - De. Tax - 57% 23016 Oracle Support - Treasurer - 104% 30515 GtS Implementation Support-Treasurer 36555 Treasurer Application - I-Wv Support 36602 l and System Enhancements - 7reas 150%) 36702 Land System maintenance Teas 150%) 36802 Land System Support - Treat, I50%) 44041 Tre-Systerri/Customer Su aeon 44062 Tre-System Maintenance 440e4 Tre-New Development 44080 Ire-DW Support 4402 Tre-DW Maintenance 35505 Del —ax On Line 95305 Del 1 ax System Maintena^ce - User Support/De! Tax 950". 5 BMA Annual Tax Soopor Treasurer - Tata: cCvk '‘•!eorarec IIVDM1111.0,. $111.78 23 63 1t621 76 $111 78 23 63 1152118 $11.757.17 $11.757.17 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - RESERVE FUND DEVELOPMENT / SUPPORT DETAIL • FIRST QUARTER, 2008 550 52/2 DISTRICT COURT - clARK$TON 580 5213 DISTRICT COURT - ROCHESTER 530 52/4 DISTRICT COURT. Gust # DIRECT FUNDS 14003 CTS-DW 5upport-52:2 - 16003 CTS-DW Mao; 02/2 - 6.25% 95528 DC Supri- 52/2 - 25% 5212 District Court Toial 14004 CTS-DW Sup0or1-52/3 - 6.25% 15004 CTS-DW Mast 0213 - 6.25% 95529 DO Suva - 52/3 - 25% 52/3 District Curl - Ti 14005 CTS-DW Suopor1-52)4 - 6.25% 5111.76 15005 CTS-DW Main1 5214 - 5.25% 23.61 95530 DC Suprt- 52/4 - 257, 11,621 72 52M District Cour - Iota $11,757.11 055 CLEWS 20003 IDMS Support - 5.6% $170.130 23018 Ores* Support - Sheriff CLEMIS 5.2% 2,690.63 24004 SQL Server supoort - 24 5% !3.745.24 90507 CAD Customer Support 0.00 95409 CRISNET/CLEM IS LRm 0.00 45430 CLEWS Maintenance 6.061 50 96431 CLEWS Enhancemenls 12,234 50 95432 CLEMIS Adhoc Reports 000 98003 CLEWS User Support 18 468 00 CLEWS - Total $53.370.87 056 CLEMIS FUND 53500 63500 CLEWS Fund 1101120 GLEAMS 63500 Fund - Iota £504.00 096 CLEWS 2005 IBIS GRANT 03596 2005 Federal Approo - 'B:5 l'c.)jecl $3E oq CLEMIS 2005 IRIS Grant - Iota $366.00 471 CTS-FOC-EXP-GS ENFORC4MAGE 92194 CTS-F0C-Exp-05 Enf-Irnage $48800 CTS-FOC Exp-CS En1-ima;-,e - iota $48800 507 CTS-FOC EXP-CS ENFORCEMENT 92" 93 CTS-FOC Exp-CD nfor6-',..,cv $13,509 00 CTS-FOC Exp-CD En101c-GeY - Total S 13,509 00 210 FIRE RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 21010 Fire Records Mgmt rand 531 $550.50 24001 SQL Server Support - FRMS 36% 1 963.6', Fire Records Mgmt - Total $251711 750 FM80 21001 FM60 $0.06 24013 SQL Server Sono - FM&C 1,963.61 75503 FMS0 Developmert 3 1171.25 MAO - Totat $5.434 66 760 FM - DOC WEBCASTING 76000 FM - BOG Webrastina $17.826.00 FM - OG Webcastino - Total $17.826.00 757 FM-WK RELEASE/JAIL MGMTPVIDEO CONE 23604 Oracle Support - Oak VI0CC - 52% $2.690.79 75700 Fac MgMt - Video Arragnmenis 26 552 GO FM-Wk Rel/Jall MgmtNtceo Corr' - 'Iota $29.242 79 653 O.C. INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 36540 GIS Implementation Sorm-on-kriation $42700 65301 Arport User Suoori 0130 O.C. International AVP01 Tote $42700 770 PARKS AND RECREATION 36530 G.S Impiementation Surpal - Parks $1.159_00 44056 PRADM-SVstn/C.uslo!ne. Sppol 183.00 pRADM-Admirtstratior 1 372_6C Parks a Req-euon - TO713; $2.714.50 791 RADIO COMMUNICATION -E911 791C- Radio Communications $2.312 Rack, Gornm.r/maitom., L91'iCt3 $2.312 60 695 RISK MANAGEMENT 4403C RSK.Systern/CAston-c- 122 CC 956v. Rrsk Ma riegame ,t 11CC Risk Managemrn: ori 5122_00 Ictrrp!og . /"..IL-n 18010 18050 S178,003 90 Treasurers Office System Drain Apporticnmont Treasurer DTIql- Teta; 661 TREASURER - DTRF $170,835 40 7.1R 50 $110 00 $110.00 546 UAS1 GRANT CERP1 1264€ UASI Grant (EIRP', UASI Grant (ERP) - Total INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY- RESERVE FUND DEVELOPMENT / SUPPORT DETAIL - FIRST QUARTER, 2008 663 SECURITY CAMERA PROJECT (On. 66300 SeGurlty Camera P-oject (G7) Security Camera Project (Gr) Total S8,341300 18.348.00 656 WATER & SEWER ACCTG 2301'. Oracle Savo - Water & Sewer Acceg - S 95669 Water & Sewer Aecrg Water & Sewer Acag Iota S2.890 79 9.63800 $12.326.79 Pretorec Inip,nqw-r- ;:frk, Resolution #08037 March 6, 2008 The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. March 20, 2008 FIRST QUARTER 2008 the Finance finds: charges Committee has the Information FISCAL NOTE (MISC. 408037) BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, MIKE ROGERS, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - DEVELOPMENT APPROPRIATION TRANSFER TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XII-C of this Board, reviewed the above-referenced resolution and 1. The resolution appropriates and Technology First Quarter 2008 Development cost to benefiting departments. 2. The first quarter data processing development charges are $1,404,040.10; imaging development charges are $6,986.79 for General Fund/General Purpose departments; direct charges to Special Revenue and Proprietary Fund departments are $327,134.82, non-governmental imaging development charges are $488.00, and charges to non-county agencies are $518.50. 3. The respective departmental Fiscal Year 2008 budgets are to be amended as specified in the attached schedule. FINANCE ..COMMITTEE FINANCE COMMITTEE ctior carried on a :oil call vote with ahd Za2K and Coulter absent. ri .,"County Clerk Resolution #08037 March 20, 2008 Moved by Middleton supported by Nash the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the amended Consent Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). AYES: Burns, Coulter, Crawford, Douglas, Gershenson, Gingell, Gosselin, Gregory, Greimel, Jacobsen, KowaII, Long, Middleton, Nash, Potter, Potts. Rogers, Scott, Spector, Woodward, Zack, Bullard. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the amended Consent Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). n ( I HEREBY APPROVE THE FOREGOiNG RESOLUTION ACTING PURSUANT TO 1973 PA 14 STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Ruth Johnson, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on March 20, 2008, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 20th day of March, 2008.