HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2008.05.22 - 9550May 22, 2008 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION .t08094 BY: Public Services Committee, Jeff Potter, Chairperson IN RE: SHERIFF'S OFFICE — GY 2007 BULLETPROOF VEST PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM GRANT ACCEPTANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance Programs, has awarded the Sheriffs Office grant funding in the amount of S12,144, with a required 50 % grant match of $12,144 for the grant year period of April 1, 2007 through March 31, 2008: and WHEREAS the grant allows reimbursement of costs incurred by the Sheriff's Office for the purchase of approved bulletproof vests for deputies: and WHEREAS the acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any future commitment: and WHEREAS the continuation of the program is contingent upon future levels of reimbursement program funding. NOW THERLFORE Lit I I FiESULVED that the Board of Commissioners approves the 2007 U.S. Department of Justice Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program Grant in the amount of $24288, including $12,144 of grant funding and that the Board Chairperson. on behalf of the County of Oakland, is authorized to execute said agreement as attached. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the grant provides for a renbursement of costs, and a 60% grant match of $12,144 is required. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move tne adoption of the foregoing resolution. Public Services Committee Vote: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE wr itrottotitussoutoustoutoscopots $11 Peiti'l 111 1 .1111 ItIV 11 9w 7 ititql 11P111111111111: 11111111% 111111M lag ii ILL1II1 ISENWWSEW EW NSW E11111N 11 1 1 1 N 1 111111 11111E1 1111% 111M11 1 1 Page 1 of 1 omB #1121-0235 (Expires: 10/31/2006) Receipt Summary Section Receipts > Manage Receipts 5 Report Receipts Action RePort Receipt of Vests Only the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or authorized designee (employee of the jurisdiction) has the authority to submit requests for payment. Contractors and third party vendors may not complete the vest receipt section, nor may they submit the request for payment. If your jurisdiction has vests on applications with remaining funds, click on 'Report Receipt of Vests to report additional receipts. Fiscal Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 Funds Name Regular Fund Regular Fund Regular Fund Regular Fund Totals: Regular Funding Amount Approved Funds Available $21,975.74 $37,932.36 $36,953_73 $12,144.10 $109,005.93 $0.00 $0.00 $19,481.73 $12,144.10 $31,625.83 Special Funding Fiscal Year Funds Name Amount Approved Funds Available Action 2006 Zylon Replacement Fund $6,850.88 $0.00 N/A • No receipts are possible at this time. Your jurisdiction has exhausted all funding from approved BVP application for FY2006 Zylon Replacement Fund. lyttps:livest.s. ojp. govivests/rolesijuris dictionfrec eipt s_summary.j spin evel =--Reoeipts&Ieve12=Manage+Rece1... 4/7/2(108 789 221 Primary-MC/AA-0-yd Eis___tej Jurisdiction Information OAKLAND COUNTY 231063063 County/Parish Financial -PIDC 136200362 (none) I1200 N. TELEGRAPH RD. IPONITIAC MI F8-744-1— -11032 . Need Help with Zip-I-4? IOakJand IN2.08 , Iv.1109, MI11, M112 1194156 http://www.oakgov.com Jurisdiction's liandbobk Page 1 of 1 NI.1 Standards Glossary War- I s OMB *1121-0235 Section Registration > Contact Information > Jurisdiction Information (Expires: 10/31/2006) I. Registration Contact 1.1 information 1.2 Chang.e Password 2. Application 2.1 Pre Application 2.2 Manage 2.3 Review Application 2.4 Submit Application 3. Receipts 3.1 Menage_ Receipts 3.2 1.0.1pRep_szta 4. Payment 4.1 Sank Information 4.2 Print Bank Form 4.3 Request Payment 4.4 Payment History S. Status 5,1 currEot_adua 5.2 LEA Status Application 5,3 History BVP HELP DESK (Toll-Free 1-877-758-3787) (Tall 1-301-595-4595) *Denotes required fields. krisdittion Address Line 1 Address Line 2 * City State * Zip Code County Congressional District 03, 04, 05, etc Population Home Page http://www.yourwebaddress.com * Full Time Officers * Part Time Officers Jurisdiction Name Government ID Number Jurisdiction Type 9 Dia DUNS ( DUNS DUNS 4 Please make sure your Jurisdiction name is correct since this is how it will appear on your banking form. If the jurisdiction name is incorrect, please contact the BVP Help Desk as shown at the bottom cf the left side menu. save changes,I 1 https://vests ,ojp.goviveststroies/jurisdictionlinclex,isp 4r7/2008 poc Information " Section Registration > Contact Information > PDC Information Page 1 of 1 OMB #1121-0235 (Expires: 10)3112006) The Primary Point of Contact (POC) will act on behalf of the jurisdiction's Chief Executive Officer to complete an application and certify its accuracy and adherence to stated program guidelines and requirements. The FOC IS the primary recipient of official electronic correspondence about the application status, approval, and payments. A valid Email address is required. *Denotes required fields. -X"1444iiarittioril-re\Pfirriatv POCkACI-lief Executiiih\--Vinanciti-POCh POC Information * First Name * Last Name Address Address 2 * City * State * Zip Code * Phone Number Fax Number * Email you@youremall.corr, [Janet IWhitefield 11200 N. Telegraph Road Building 38 East-Sheriff Administration 'Pontiac Michigan F157-1 - 11032 Need Helv with Ziro-4? 1(248)452-2110 Iwhitefieldjgioakgov.00m List in Yellow Pages Do you wish to have your Jurisdiction listed in the BVP program Yellow Pages? If you select 'Yes', your contact information will be available to other Jurisdictions and Law Enforcement Agencies through the Yellow Pages. If you answer 'Ne, others will not have access to the above information, making contact between agencies more difficult. Confidential information (i.e.- Banking data) will never' be displayed in the yellow pages. List in Yellow Pages? POC Responsibilities Your role as the Primary Point of Contact will be critical to the success of this program. You will be required to review and approve the online application and all requests for payment. You will also be making various assurances and certifications with respect to key program guidelines and requirements. If you feel these responsibilities exceed your authority, please STOP at this point and resume once your authority has been more clearly established. If you are the Chief Executive, then you will also be acting as the Primary Point of Contact for your jurisdiction. LLEBG Certification Applications for Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program Funds will be denied during the same federal fiscal year in which your jurisdiction has received and used Bureau of Justice Assistance's Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program (LLEBG) funds to purchase armor vests. Please certify below that you have not used or will not use LLEBG funds to purchase vests during this federal fiscal year: E.] L , certify that my jurisdiction has not or will not use LLEBG funds to purchase vests during this federal fiscal year. I Save Changes [Yes https:tvests.ojp.gov/vests/ro1es/jurisdiction/foms/updatepoe.i s 417/2008 Chief Executive Inforination Section Registration > Contact Information '› Chief Executive Information Page 1 of 1 OMB #1121-0235 (Expires: 10/31/2006) 'Bullard Jr, 1(248)858-0100 (71.5 Ibullardb©oakgov.00m * First Name * Last Name * Phone Number Fax Number * Email rou@iyDuremiI.com The Chief Executive Officeris the jurisdiction's highest ranking elected or appointed administrative official, responsible for managing its human and budgetary resources. *Denotes required fields. primaef pg-Qh4silief Executive ho,, Financial POCh Chief Executive Information ' Save, and.cOndifUe.-, nttps://vests.ojp.govivestsiroiesijurisidictiorCionDs/update_Cco.jsr 4/7/2008 1(2W061.1 First Name - Last Name Phone Number Fax Number Email you@yourern.ali.com Keith Sawdon laivds onk©oakpov.corn Financial POC Information Section Registration > Contact Information > Financial POC Information • Page I 01'1 OMB #1121.-0235 (expires: 10/31/2006) In addition to the Primary Point of Contact, the Financial Point of Contact will be notified regarding issues related to the bank account information, payment requests, and funding disbursements. siriscrfaion Arxpridiaiv: A-IN,Cfnef Executive77TE\ Oriancial POC17 Financial POC Information Save and Cónhinuê -. littps://vests.ojp.goviveststroles/jurisdictioniforms/undate_fpoc.jsp 4,17/2008 Barik Form Page 1 of 1 Printed on: 04/07/2008 15:13 BULLETPROOF VEST PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM BANKING INFORMATION: This form is used for Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments with an addendum record that contains payment- related information processed through the Vendor Express Program. Recipients of these payments should bring this information to the attention of their financial institution when presenting Ws form for completion. Please mall this form to: Office of Justice Program ATTN: Office of the Comptroller ATTN: BVP 810 7th Street N.W. Washington, DC 20531 Telephone. Toll-Free (800) 458-0786 Notice: BVP will not process wire transfers; this program has been designed to use only electronic payment for the transfer of funds. Also, any changes to the Routing Transit Number must be made on this form, in ink, prior to being sent. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT The following information is provided to comply with the Privacy Act of 1974 (PI, 93-579). All information collected on this form is required under the provisions of 31 U,S.C. 3322 and 31 CFR 210. This information will be used by the Treasury Department to transmit payment data by electronic means to vendor's financial institution. Failure to provide the requested information may delay or prevent the receipt of payments through the Automated Clearing House system. , , PAYEE/COMPANY INFORMATION Name: OAKLAND COUNTY (231063063) ISSN No. or Tax Payer ID No: 38-6004876 Address: 1200 N. TELEGRAPH RD. PONTIAC, MI 48341-1032 Contact Person: Janet Whitefield 'Contact Phone: (248) 452-2110 03P Vendor Number; V231063063 FINANCIAL INSTITUTION INFORMATION Bank Name: National City Bank [Bank Phone: (800) 669-1318 - Bank Address: PO Box 8043 Royal Oak, MI 48068-8043 ,Nine-Digit Routing Transit Number: 072000915 Depositor Account Title: C. Hugh Dohany Transfer Account Deyositor Account Number; 8130416251 ,Tue of Account Checking ,ACH Coordinator Name: Keith Sawdon IACH Coordinator Phone: (248) 858-0621 Signature and Title of Authorized Bank Official: . Certification by Authorized Bank Official: I certify that the information above regarding Jurisdiction Name, Account Numbe- and Routing Transit Number is accurate. [ 3 YES Please attach your business card to this form. https://vests.ojp.govivestsirolestjurisdictionlbard ;_rorta_print.jsp?popupWindow=Y 4/712008 fre I I. %MEW -sty STEP5 -:a . ,",-- iati.1fin. '.7.--,Z.. t v;:,- % . Wif 1 Y '.4410:11% , 'Igzi ' Office of Justice Programs: BVP/BASI: Nif Standards Page I of 1 .0411,7111-atif Of ("Fir e tz fr 1.7537-,,fipp fleiliewflotticst titineistigiledynrmut Sae& illillaike 11.01_011 I Lcogirt We Map I rEentaet_ALS NIJ Standards At the request of the law enforcement community, the National Institute of Justice (NU) developed a voluntary body armor standards and testing program to verify the performance and safety of body armor. The NIJ standards specify minimum performance requirements that body armor must meet to be suitable for law enforcement use. The standards also include test methods that a laboratory can follow to evaluate armor and determine whether the sample meets the minimum performance requirements. Since 1987, NU has tested approximately 4,000 models of armor and found more than 2,000 of these models to comply with the requirements of the body armor standards. Most, if not all, U.S. law enforcement agencies use the NU program to select and procure body armor that is found incompliance with the NIJ standards. NIJ also provides publications, a Vifeb site, and a database of armor deemed compliant with the NIJ standards (hep:fivvvvw.iustnet.orgMaeRrol) The following is a current listing of recognized NIJ body armor standards: • NIJ 2005 Interim ftguirementefeepullet-Resistant Body Armor* • NIJ Standard-0115.pt_Stab ResIstertee_of Personalarnor *NU issued new NW 2005 1nterim Requirements for Bullet-Resistant Body Armor, effective September 26, 2005. The requirements modify and supplement NO Standard 0101M4, Ballistic Resistance of Personal Body Armor_ NIJ recommends that those who perchase new bullet-resistant body armor select models that comply with the new Intelim Requirements. Under the 2005 Interim Requirements, manufarturers must declare to NIJ the warranty period for each body armor model. This information is included in the list of compliant armor models. In certain cases, a manufacturer has up to 90 days to declare the warranty period for the armor model and submit a certification with respect to maintenance of ballistic performance over the warranty period. in those cases, the list of compliant models indicates that the warranty period is "not yet declared." For immediate assistance, please call us toll-free at 1-877-758-3787. You may also reach us by email at Yest4gojrigov http://www.ojp.ustioj.govibvpbasiinijstandards.htrepopupWindow —Y 417/2008 l I FISCAL NOTE (MISC. 108094 May 22, 2008 BY: Finance Committee, mike Rogers. Chairperson IN RE: SHERIFF'S OFFICE — GY 2007 BULLETPROOF VEST PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM GRANT ACCEPTANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XII-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the above referenced resolution and finds: 1. The U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance Programs, awarded the Sheriffs Office grant program funding in the amount of $24,288. 2. The grant provides 50 percent (50%) reimbursement of costs incurred by the Sheriffs Office for the purchase of approved bulletproof vests for deputies. 3. The grant period is April 1, 2007 through March 31. 2008. 4. County matching funds of $12,144 is required; no positions are required. 5. The Fiscal Year 2008 adopted budget includes a budget for the Bulletproof Vest Program and no budget amendment is recommended. FINANCE COMMITTEE FINANCE COMMITTEE: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Rogers absent. s77-gi /o V Resolution # 08094 May 22, 2008 Moved by Rogers supported by Nash the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the Consent Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). Vote on resolutions on the Consent Agenda: AYES: Burns, Coulter, Crawford, Douglas, Gershenson, Gingell, Gosselin, Greimel, Jacobsen, KowaII, Long, Middleton, Nash, Potts, Rogers, Scott, Spector, Woodward, Zack, Bullard. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions (with fisca; notes attached) on the Consent Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reoor ts being-audepted). I HEREBY APPROVE THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) - I, Ruth Johnson, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on May 22, 2008. with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the sea; of the County of Oakland at Pontiac. Michigan this 22nd day of May, 2008. eat Ruth Johnson, County Clerk