HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2008.11.06 - 9591REPORT (mIsc. #08247 ) November 6,2008 BY: Finance Committee, Mike Rogers, Chairperson IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE — PALM SCAN ELECTRONIC CAPTURE DEVICE GRANT ACCEPTANCE — COPS I To: The Oakland County Soard of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee, having reviewed the aoove-referenced resolution, recommends that the resolution ue adopted with an amendment to strike from the second WHEREAS paragraph the second statement "from the U.S. Department of Justice" and to strike from the third WHEREAS paragraph the word 'applicator)." Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move acceptance of the foregoing report. FINANCE COMMITTEE FINANCE COMMITTEE Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. Novernber 6, 2008 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #0821,7 BY; Public Services Committee, Jeff Potter, Chairperson IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE — PALM SCAN ELECTRONIC CAPTURE DEVICE GRANT ACCEPTANCE COPS I To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Lacies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Sheriffs Office, on behalf of CLEM1S of Oakland County and other participating law enforcement agencies, request to implement a program to replace obsolete Live Scan fingerprint capture units with Pairn Suer) UltA.rtlurlit, pLure devices; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Sheriffs Office, on cehalf of CLEMiS of Oakland County and other participating law enforcement agencies, has solicited and received federal funding under the U.S. Department of Justice - Office of Community Oriented Policing Services from the U.S, Deoartrnent of JustiCe in the amount of $222,134 fo7' the period of December 26, 2007 througn December 25. 201C: and WHEREAS the grant award nas been processed through the County Executive's Contract Review Process and the Board of Commissioners Grant Application Procedures; :and: , WHEREAS the acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any future commitment NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the grant funding from Ihe U.S. Department of Justice in the amount of $222,134 with no County match requirement; and that the Board Chairperson, on behalf of the County of aklarid, is authorized to execute said agreement as attached. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move adoption of the foregoing resolution Public Services Committee Public Services Committee Vote: Motion carried unanimously on a roll pall vote with Potter, angell, Potts and Gregory absent Page 1 of 3 Nancy Wenzel From: Piir. Gala [piirg@bakgov.corn: Sent: Tues5day, October 14, 2008 9:15 AM To rossmank@oakgov.com ; 'Bozarth, Marge'; 'Holly Conforti' Subject: Grant Sign Off: Sheriff's Office COPS FY 2005 Technology Pi -ogram - 5rant Acceptance Th.e complete_sigti,fft package_is_a_ttache_d, GRANT REVIEW SIGN OFF - Sheriff's Office GRANT NAME: COPS FY 2008 Technology Program 1 FUNDING AGENCY: U.S. Department of Jut ice DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON: Lt Kim Rossman 8081 7 Marge Botarth (LT.)8087.5 STATUS: tirant Acceptance DATE: October 14, 2008 Pursuant to Misc. Resolution 401320, please be advised the captioned grant materials have completed internal grant review. Below are the returned comments. The captioned grant materials and grant acceptance package (wi'neh should include the Board of Commissioners' Liaison Committee Resolution, the grant agreement/contract, Finance Committee Fiscal Note, and this Sign Off email containing grant review comments) may be requested to be. placed on the appropriate Board of Commissioners' col= ittee(s) for grant acceptance by Board resolution. F.) E P ARUM E NT REVIEW Department of Management and Budget: Approved. - Art 1leldsworth (1, 0/13/2008) Department of Human Resources: Approved. - Cathy Shalial (10/2/2008) Risk Management and Safety: A pproved.- Andrea Plotkowski (10/6/2008) Corporation Counsel: 1 haw: review the above referenced Grant and approve same for submission to the Board of Commissioners for acceptance. - John. Ross (10W10/2008) COMPLIANCE The grant agreement references a number of specific faleral and stare rectilation. Below is a list of these specifically cited compliance related documents for this grant. US floilL Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements (28 CFR Part 66 and 28 CFR Part 70) lutp://www,acsess.gpolovinaralcfriwaisidx_04/28cftv2_04.11nn I 10/14/2008 sl4piec 05? Department Of Justice Office of Community Oriented Pulicing Services (COPS) .SEP I 1 P 3:5 Office a/the Director 1100 47-gront Ave. NW Washington, DC 20530 September Sheriff Michael Bouchard Oakland County Sheriff's Department 1201 North Telegraph Road Pontiac, MI 48341 Technolou Program Grant 14 2008C1(WX0004 ORM: MI63163 Dear Sheriff Etoucharn: Congratulations! On behalf of the Department ofJustiec, lam pleased to inform you that the COPS Office has approved your agnncy's request for funding under- the COPS Technology Program_ Encirised in this packet is your grant award. The award document must be signed and returned to the COPS Office within 90 days to officially accept your grant. On the reverse tide of the grant. award is a list of conditions that apply to your grant. You should read and familiarize yourself with these conditions. This package also contains other important information to assist with the implementation oryour grant, including your Grant Owner's Manual. The official s:art date of your grant is December 26, 2007. Therefore, you can be reimbursed for approved expenditures after this date, ?lease carefully review your financial clearance memorandum to determine your approved budget, as some of your requested items ma y not have been approved by the COPS Office during the budget review process, and gram funds may onl y be used for approved net/16: Please be aware that an y vendor or contractor who participated in drafting your grant application may not receive federal funding for any procurement under this award. • Within a few weeks, you will receive a PAPRS package from the Office of the Comptroller, Office of Justice Programs, This important package will contain form::: and instructions necessary to begin drawing down funds for"your grant. Once again, cengratularions on your Technology Pro gram award. If you have any questions about your grant award, please do not hesitate to call your Grant Proiram Specialist throu gh the COPS Office Response Center at 1..800,421.6770. Sincerely, ry-Th Carl R. Peed Director f7M. r.-21 rittkal var .e:M7••n eVir47.- rintz U. S. Department Qf Justic je FALietakkf .- din 'sfilkioii Division (GAD) Law Enforcement Technology L Shr-iffMichtel BOLiC 6nrcletr411,1q tiflow4 gurtv.,e (248) 853-5001 (248) 858-5 i 412 ifir:q e Law nfreerrtent irlddrussf. '77 4.1—":0.1.2., • 4.11 r ViLt-111 '.\k,‘•L,441" Aiiithoite7 Fax; tr,z V Rd . ..FP, • . P4X- 1:)1 a - itr' . C., tvti 4341 Telephrm. (248) 858-1000 (248).24-a-w9, 41-14V 6 Taa 4..; — " AVard Start Date: Award Amount: 4 Typed Nm-ne and Title cf Law Enfotc; ..,rrir.t)t Dr Eo.r. OfficiM . ,- k ' 1. ,,r- e ,...--"' 1,-.:.?-4._°'- zi 1,L, .., rg. 1144ap rAmalife,OLTAETWeeirnaiFbfMi! v.Fith tht Authurity to Accpt this Giant Award Sim:tore of Gave:I-uncut Official with the Authority to Accept this Grant Award WV- a - kSV: /IIF qmilifts40 — Typed Vame ar.d hf Qig.t.grern.tgbat 209tiTterifia10,-.7 -7! • 1 P • . ' Tiarrit ip.a.t-ing inYétieraill irants or contracz, and/or any remedy available by law to the Federal Goveriimer S.. 3:- Jar.. ,L...... .. .. .^ 1 • , n ! .. g.: •1•-• --.-Vt— "--",- ..... ttg. ?i'i p•--,,A,WS. ;Ttc --,r--t 'I ,- , L=-,...4:t., ..74 ,4.:. 1 ...-.-.Th,y 11' ,.,_..v ,:,, / 1 i. ,..7 ., i r..%./ it ""Tai‘- L, ,...:i Z Gr...., ' ....... '''' Z7 3, 177:. -7 - • -. . , it, '-•=. .r k..= - ,.L'.- =471, tr,... AC TZ.1. c'' .mar'="" ti-, -•-'--7,:,- ..k ‘- v.,.. r:-- I, -w. -,-,..-- ..I .=•-• ri‘ U. S. DepartrnOnt Of Justice Office cif COmirtUnily ()rimed P oilcing Services Technology, Prngratal Gr0111 Terms and Condit -5)w f3 y sighing the Amid Document to accept this Technoiogy Program g:mnt, yOur agency arms to abide by the fbilowing grant conditions: 1. 'The grantee agreei Co comply ve:th the tears, conditions and regulanons as found in the COPS 2008 Trrithrology Program Gran: °voter's Won]; the COPS statute (42 §. 379,5dd)., 2. cr.R. Pq..-164 (OMB Citootar A402) or 28 C.F.P, Pr; 79 OMB Circular pplicable (governing arimiotsurnive requirornenta for grans and cooperative ageerneno;; 2 C.F.R. Par1225 (OMB Cilcular A-87). 2 C F.P.. 220 OM 3 Cireular A-21), 2.C.F.8,. Part 230 (OMB Circular A-122) eitd 48 C.F.R, Part 1.000, N seq. (FAR appricable (governing (x3,51 pripo:ples); OMB Circular A-13.:3 (governing eurfrts1; the mart: conditions', Pita reptesentanons made It the grant application fur the Technology Program; anti with al applicable pror;rarn requirements, laws, orders, tegulatierz, o; circulars. 2. Th grantee aeknewledgel its agrimment tu comply with the Assurances and Certifications fon% the were submitted as pan Of ha Technology Program application j. Tie fund in under this projem is for the payment of approved costs ferrite watinuce developinalr tcchaologies and fuornatcd w4imns 10 aSSi:g st:20, local, and tribal law carmenmil a arcic5 ut invensting. tw,neing In, m.-.4 veyeming erimc, T;It alietyfabiC CCIS5Ic licli yam agencys grant has been approved are lirrpied to Incur listed on tht Vinetheial Clearamin Memorandum, with is included in your agency's awaid pauket 4, Travel costs for trortspariar.loa, lodging and subsistence, and related items are allOwab le under the Technology Program with prior approval from the COPS Office, Payrostit fot allowable travel costs wl be aecortiarke with 2 C.F,R. Parr 2ZI (ONITt Cirecthir A-87, Cos; PrIno3la.fit Sze., Local, and iodian (Iovernmerac), 2 C.F, R. 229 (OhiS Circular A-21, art Principles for Educational lnstitutlons), 2 CFA. Pall 230 (0M11 Cirilar A-122, Coat Principle: .for Non-Profit Organizations), and .4q3 CFA, Part 31,000, et Seq. (?AI{-3L2, Cosa Principle-a for Commercial Organize:ions). a$ applicable. 5. The gran= acknowledges Slier when procuring hardware, .softwlie. D i protessinnai =vim i',/r an infonnniren-shwing i niriative, a standoicis-based approaca liüudin used. ir,formacon-sharing .initintives should be compatible with the CioWd los!icz XI& On:a kludel (G.170M)/National Information P_Kehange Model (IglE), as guidelines. in askition, when procuringtolpmetn tor communitativn syssam neyelopmerit and expansion, a stamiteds-trasen approach should be used to begin migration to multi- jurisdictional and mild-disciplinary iraeroperability. Speclfically, all new ellgitat voiee systems shock be onlaplithu with the Project 25 (P25) suite of standards, 5. 'State, kraa, end trirml goventrnant3 must us Techroiosy Program grant funds to supplement, and not 5uppiaLL, gate, IXel, CC Btrealt of Indian AffairS thuds the; are eiready corm :lied or otherwie would have been committed for g.i-tint purposesthirmn training, purchte", anthor activities) during the grant pm toC. lt other words, gx0,11= may tan use COP'S funds to supplant (replace) store, local, or bureau of Indian Affairs funds dm would have been aadicated to the COPS-fimdcd item(s) in the absence nfrh• COPS grant, 7, 'Your ageany may ran (lest an extension of t.hc grant award peilod to receive additi3r,a1 I.1PE o Implement your grant program. Suell extensions do POI orOvide odd Inourd folding. Only chose grantees that ran provide a reasonable justiiiutrtn for delays will ix gran= iro-conlextemrioas, Extension triqtrests must be received prior to we end dare af the awartl, as extension requests received after an award has oxpired will be approved only undei very rjt1itc eireurn.5rance. 8, The grantee must promptly notify the CUPS Office, in wri tirg. at any elmss to the award budget. end inev obtes winnen approual from COp5 for any thence., in rums uf ten pereenr cif We mai mrvard amount before incurring the proposed sorsu, 9. The COPS Office may conduct monitoring or sponsor national evaluations oldie COPS Tzehnologt Prograth Tito grantee agrees to cooperate with the monitors and evaluators. 0 To assist the COPS Office in the rooni:cring of your award, your agency wifl be responsible for submitting periodic programmatic progress reports and gam-tut), financia: reports. I L. The COPS Office performs various Tantalum,. to ensetz compiiance with all grant requirements, toll:15= the implementation of community -praiiciog in awarded jurisdictions and to provide technical asaiStait= to graniceS. Grant monitor-mg activities are routine during the gram period and /nay =or tra tO three years fo1lowing the official closure of the yorli award. These functions, and others, often requir c the produeiron of grant. Mated documentation arid cater unactials, As a COPS Technology Program grantee, yeu tote to cooperate with any sur-h requests for information. IS. Grantees Mat have 30 or mere employees and a single ;:r.vart: fur S.:00,00(I or mole mon; submit an arzeistable Equal hinOoymem Opportunity Pim (EEO?) or EEOP shorr form, if required tu submie an EEC.? truer 26 4230, that is approved by tnc Ortka Justek! Programs, Office eciyit Rig_hta, within 60 days or OK awarel start date. 13. Grant= using Technology Program funds to operate art imerjorisdicrional criminal intelligcnee sysICID filUSt comply with on:sizing principles of 28 C.F,R. Part 23. The grantee aolenowledges thal it has comolete,d, signed and submitted with its grant award the relevant Spezia! Condition tertifyisig its compliance with 22t C F.K Par 73, 14. Grantees who have Ossa awarded Funding for dm pceaurernern of an item (or iL.oup oirsirl or servie: in excess ufSILk,Orifl and wan plan to use a non-competitive procurement process most provide a written sole source justificarvn to the COPS Office Mr approval orior to obligating,. expending, or drawing clown grant funds for that item, 15 The gtLlItLee agrees o submil one copy of all reports and proposed publications resulting from this gram 20 days !obr to pat' release. Any pub)ications (including written, software, v(1sual, or retold, but exotuding press releases, news letrers, ar,ti issue analyses), lqirttier published at die recipient's or government's expense, shall contain the fudowing statemmit, projeet was suppooed t,y crrant a•,44 flea by the U.S. Department or dus;lee, Office of Commoniry Oriented Policing Services. The portions remained herein are those of the aulhdr(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position or polio-x.5 of the U.S. Department of JasIkt: References to specific companies, foixKlo eta, or icrt,11.72 clic-Into not te conadCmil au et:dor-semen; by the auchor(s)er SrLt US, Deparmorit cf Justice, Rather, the references are illwArations to supplement diligataitm of the issiie4," 16. The grantee agrees to complete and keep on file, as appropriate, a Bureau of Chianship and Immi,Fation Services itipiriyintrir El igilailiry Verification Rein (1-9). This form is to be used by recipients of fee.cral limos to verify that persons are eligible to work in the Unitod States. 17, To l'acti nate communication among local and state gnYurnirtentai agencies regarding Vaitoos infir;ontion (esanology projects, the grantee agrees to n2tit the nopro7nett Slate Information eenothergy point oi Contact et thy receipt or ficts grant aware, For a list of tate )11Thratanan icahnolog.v :Pcnnts Comacl, visit ratpAt-dip rjrdt'Aon:g.',irt'took: id=3 (. 18. The grantee agrees to comply with 23 Part 6 I (Prot-tat:es fer Implementing the National Environmental Polley Act), 19. False starcment or claims made in connection with COP.i'. grant; may result let fines, debument from parneipming it feetrai granth or contracts. andicr say other remeoy available by law. U. S. Department of Justice Community Oriented Policing Servives Grants Administration Division (GAD) Law Enforcement Teehnolou 110 Ye MUNI: 41.111NA trhi WasturEmer. DC 1933G Memorandum To: Sheriff Mioliaul Bouchard Oaldund County Sheriffs Department From: Andrew A. Don., Assistant Director for Grams Administration Verlena Braxton, Grant Program Specialist • Budge: Prepared By: Judy Smith, Grant Program Specialist Re: Law Enforcement Technolug, Financial( Clearance Memo A financial analysis oittidgeted costs 1;11-2 been complete& Costs under this award appear reasonable, allowaLle, and consistent with existing g -tidelincs. Exceptions if Adjustments arc ito:ed below. OJP Vendor #: 386004876 011.1 #: M163163 Grunt 2008CKWX0004 pudget Category_ Equipment Direct Costs: Grand Total Proposed BudEet Approved Budget Adipotrvienti Dibalitoved/AditiOed - Reas-onsiCophnienis S222,134.00 $222,134,40 50.00 $222,134.00 $222,134..00 SO..00 $222,134.00 S222,134.00 S0.00 Grand Total: Federal Share: Applicant Share: $ 222,134.00 $ 0.00 Silf1/2008 Ckared Date: Owrall Comments; All costs Ksted ii. this budget were prog;arii, uatically approved based on the final budget deta!1 worksheet submitted rtly your agency to the CUPS Office. Maintenance agreements fffapplicable) must be purchased within We three year grant period. Prior to the ohl:gat;on, expenditure or drawdown of grain funds for non-compethiye contracts in excess of $1O0...00;.;, grantee must submit a sole source justification ro the COPS Office for review and apprcval_ Prior to the obligation, expenditure, or tirawdawn of grant fonds for consul:Ant fees in excess of 5.550 per day when the kt4 nsultatn is hired through a hoccoLyetitive bidding. prccesa, approval naust be obtained from the COPS Office. lithe vendor number on this form differs from tile LIN number inctuded Ia your application, then for administrative purposes only, we are assigning a different vendor number to your agency. The reason for this administrative change is that yaw-original EIN number ha.; been ass:gned to ancther agency If this applies to your agency, please use the new vendor number on all ftrialLciai docamcnts related to this gran aware. The vendor number should nc: be used for IRS purposes and only applies to this grant. FISCAL NOTE (MISC. #06247) November 6, 2008 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, MIKE ROGERS, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE — PALM SCAN ELECTRONIC CAPTURE DEVICE GRANT ACCEPTANCE — COPS I TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladles and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule Xll-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the above-referenced resolution and finds: 1. CLEMIS of Oakfano County and other participating law enforcement agencies request to implement a program to replace obsolete Live Scan fingerprint capture units witl Palm Scan electronic capture devices. 2: he U.S. Department cf Justice — Office of Community Oriented Poking Services has awarded Technology Program grant funding in the amount of $222,134 for the period of December 26. 2007 through December 25, 2010. 3_ Grant funding will cover 100% of the equipmert costs No additional personnel costs are requested. 4. No County match is required. 5. A budget amendment is recvmmended to the FiSc3( Year 2009 Special Revenue Budget as follows: Law Enforcement Grant Fund #27337 Revenue 1080305-116130-610314 Grants-Federal Total Revenue Expenditures 1080305-110130-760132 Capital-Computer Equip Total Expenditure FY 2009 $222,134 fl_222_14 22.14 FINANCE COMMITTEE FINANCE COMMITTEE Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote vote, November 6, 2008 Resolution #08247 Moved by Potter supported by Grelmel the resolution (with fi5cal note attached) be adopted. Moved by Potter supported by Greimel tho Finance Committee Report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the report was accepted. Moved by Potter supported by Grecrnei the resolution be ameneed to coincide with the recommendation in the Finance Committee Report. A sufficient majority having voted in favor, tne amendment carried. Vote on resolution, as amended: AYES: Gingell, Gossefin, Grelmel, Hatchett, Jacobsen, KowalL, Long. Middleton, Nash, Potter, Potts, Rogers, Scott, Spector, Woodward, Zack, Burns, Clark, Coleman, Coutier, CravirfcrC, Douglas, Gershenson. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolution (with fiscal note attached), as amended, was adopted. Y APPROVE THE FORE6ONG RESOtOTION STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Ruth Johnson, Clerk of the County of Oakland. do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on Novombat 6, 2005, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 6th clay of November, 2008. Gde Ruth Johnson. County Clerk