HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2008.11.06 - 9592REPORT (MISC. #08248) November 6, 2008
BY: Finance Committee, Mike Rogers, Chairperson
To: The Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Finance Committee, having reviewed the above-referenced resold°I n,
recommends that the resolution be adopted with an amendment to strike from the secohd
WHEREAS paragraph the second statement "from the U.S. Department of Justice" and, to
strike from the third WHEREAS paragraph the word "application."
Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move acceptance of the
foregoing report.
Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
November 6, 2008
BY: Public Services Committee, Jeff Potter, Chairperson
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen.
WHEREAS the Oakland County Sheriff's Office. on behalf of CLEMIS of Oakland Countylnd
other participating law enforcement agencies, request to implement a program to replace obsolete Live
Scan fingerprint capture units with Palm Scan electronic capture devices and will be installing new P4Im
Scan units at four of it's substations, and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Sheriff's Office, on behalf of CLEMIS of Oakland County nd
other participating law enforcement agencies, has solicited and received federal funding under the L.S.
Department of Justice - Office of Community Oriented Policing Services from the U.S. Department: of
Justice in the amount of $648,163 for the period of December 26, 2007 through December 25, 2010; aid
WHEREAS the grant award nas been processed through theCi:it:n'ti:.• Executive's Contact
Review Process and the Board of Commissioners Grant Application Procedur :es;'ahrd-
WHEREAS the acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any future comrnitmerit.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the
grant funding from the -U.S. Department of Justice in the amount of $648,163 with no County match
requirement; and that -the Board Chairperson, on behalf of the County of Oakland, is authorized to
execute said agreement as attached.
Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move adoption of the foregoing
Public Services Committee
Public Services Committee Vote .
Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Potter, Gingell Potts and Gregory absent
I Page 1 of 3
Nancy Wenzel
From: Piir, Gaia [plirg@oakgov.com ]
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 9:31 AM
To: rossmank@oakgov.corn; 'Bozartn. Marge': 'Holly Conforti'
Subject: Grant Sign Off: Sheriffs Office - COPS FY 2008 Technology Program 11- Grant Acceptance
The„complete sign off 'lockage is attached.
GRANT REVIEW SIGN OFF — Sheriff's Office
GRANT NAME: COPS FY 2008 Technology Program II
FUNDING AGENCY: U.S. Department of Justice
DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON: U. Kim Rossmaa 808171 Marge Bozarth (1.T.) 80875
STATUS: Grant Acceptance
DATE: October 14, 2008
Pursuant to Misc. Resolution #01320, please be advised the captioned grant materials have completed internal grail review.
Below are the returned comments.
The captioned grant materials and grant acceptance package (which should include the Board of Commissioners' Liaison
Committee Resolution, the grant agreement/contract, Finance Committee Fiscal Note, and this Sign Off email contlining grant
review comments) may be requested to be placed on the appropriate Board of Commissioners' committee(s) for grint acceptance
by Board resolution.
Department of Management and Budget:
Approved. — Art Holdsworth (10/13/2008)
Department of Human Resources:
Approved. — Cathy Shallal (10/2/2008)
Risk Management and Safety:
Approved. — Andrea Plotkowski (10/6/2008)
Corporation Counsel:
1 have review the above refereneed Grant and approve same for submission to the Board of Commissioners for accOtanee.
John Ross (10/1012008)
The grant agreement references a number of specific federal and state regulations. Below is a list of these speciNally cited
compliance related documents for this grant.
11 -
US Da Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements (28 CFR Part 66 kilnd 28 CFR
Part 70)
kittp://www,accesstp9.govinara/cfr/waisidx_0472 8 eti.v2_04. htm I
Office of the Direct,y.
POO Vermont Ave., Aliff
Washington, DC 20530
5/1(51fr 4t Cti tk) Of )J
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (CarS)
NOB SEP 11 P 3 53
SeptemOer 10, 2008
Sheriff Michael Bouchard
Oakland County Sheriffs Department
1201 North Telegraph Road
Pontiac, MI 48341
Re: Technology Program Grant a 2008C1CWX0012
°Rift: MI63163
Dear Sheriff Bouchard:
Congratulations! On behalf of the Department of Justice, I am pleased to inform you that the COPS
Office has approved your agency's request for funding under the COPS Tecluiolopy Program. Enclosed
in this packet is your grant award. The award document must be signed and returned to the COP
Office within 90 days to officially accept your grant. On the reverse side of the grant award is a list of
conditions that apply to your grant. You should read and familiarize yourself with these conditions, this
package also contains other important information to assist with the implementation of your grant,
including your Grant Owner's Manual.
The official start date of your grant is December 26. 2007. Therefore, you can be reimbursed fol
approved expenditures after this date. Please carefully review your financial clearance memorandum to
determine your approved budget, as some Of your requested items may not have been approved by thd
COPS Office during the budget review proems, and grant funds may only be used for approved items!
Please be aware that any vendor or contractor who participated in drafting your grant application may not
receive federal. fon ditig for any procurement under this award.
Within a few weeks, you will receive a PAPRS package from the Office of the Comptroller, Office
of Justice Programs. This important package will contain forms and instructions necessary to begin I
drawing down funds for your grant.
Once again, congratulations on your Technology Program award. if you have any questions abciut
your grant award, please do not hesitate to call your Grant Prop -am Specialist through the COPS Ofke
Response Center at I .800.421.6770.
Carl R. Peed
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U. S. Department of Justice
Community Oriented Policing Services ,. ..,. ____,mi-t, iive-4 ;,41.1 %.4 p ir; *pile 111415 .1 . r.W TA ,..,„il, .Lav, lj 6reement -rettwo ogy .t.S7 -
, Grattgig°2WCEWX001.2 1%:, kart OR/ IC6316:1
Applicant Orgo -rtization's Legal Name: Oalda,aki Covtyperiffs,,Tepl.tfct
04: .....,ig...-4-7e-
Taw Enforcement Executive: Sheriff Michael Bombard
Address.: 1201 North Telegraph Road
aty, Slate, Zip COs: ias*11014:1 .,..57.4, 4
1",,--_,;k1--- 1. jJ ikak: TS* §r5:8 -5144S • . .. .41+1
Government Executive: Chairman of the Board Bill Bu
Addre:a. 1.20114ortnacitgrahria 71: .„ 64/1, Slat& 413TAAA3(611 Ujit OW' 144
• f sT'• tgq/5/ onV ( 24M5 rraOD
--- Fax: (248) 858-1572
AUG 2 8 2008
Frissrui,,,,,,westaaw5 orleriampEcial
Mghty to; AcctptrahriteatifAwniff I W.,
0Y -1r
.,- 74.pedlinie ad Title of Law Enforcement
C,1 ygnale 6f„ v'ernin•
e Acceiit this Grant Award
'ypcd Name and 'lite of Government Official
o AwaV m 813 g 1 iD: lippristuarnerit,'",dt arrnent 15
vaiIabIe bp-rtiry to the Federal Government.
False statements or elairns„made-in con tioS witlf
.ipaoipipa.tinfinfeckral grants rr eon -tricot:, -a.nctiotanr
,•• ; .44
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U. S. Department of Justice
Office of Co. mmuni4, Oriented Policing Services
Technology Program Grant Terms and Conditions
By signing the Award.Docurnent to accept this Technology ?ff./gran-1gram, your agency *aces to abide by thc fallowing grant conditions: . .
• . 1 I. The grantee agrees to comply with the terms, conditiens and repiatiens as found in the COPS 2011 Technology Program Grant Owner's Manual; the COPS statute (42 laS.C.
•§. 3796dd); 28 C.F.R. Part 66 (oryie Circular A102) or 28 C.F.R. Part 70 (OMB Circular A-110) as applicable (governing administrative requirements for gian:s arid cooperative
agreements); 2 C.F.R_ Part 225 (OMB Circular .A-87), 2 C.F,R. 220 (OMB Circalar A-21), 2.C.FR. Part 730 (OMB Circular A-122) and 48 C.F.R. Part 31.0t0, at sea (FAR 31.2)
, as applicable (governing cost princip:eS), GMD Circular A-133 (governing audits); these awarrU canditions,othet repireseatations made in the grant application for the Technology
Program; and with aft applicable program requirements, Iowa, orders, regulatians, or abraders.. i
2. The grantee acknowledges its agreement to comply with the Assure= and Certifications forms that were sebmineti as part outs Technology Program atplicadon.
. I 3. The funding under this project is for the payment of approved costs for the coritraucd development of technologies and automated systems to assist state, lOcaJ, and tribal Law
enforcement agencies in investigating, responding to. and preventing C7iert. The allowable costs its arhich your ageney's grain has been approved are iimite ld to those lisre,d on the
Financial Clearance Memorandam, which is included in your agency's award packet. 1
i 4. Travel casts for transportation, lodging and Subsistence, and related items are allowable ander the Technalo* Program with prior approval from the COPS Offize. Payment for
trlovaatile rrnye1 costs will be in erordunce with • C.F.R. Part 225 (OMR Cireillar A-87, Cast Principz for Stale. Local, and Indian Tribal Governments); 21C2,R. 220 (OMB
Circular A-21. Cost Principles for Educational Institutions), 2 C.P.A. Part 230 (OMB Circular A-12), Cost Principles for briort-PrOfit Organizations), and 48 tp.P.P, Pan 31.000, et
seq. (PAR-3L2, Cost Principles for Commercial Organizationa), as apolieable. . 1 ,
. I .
5. The grantee acknowledges that often procuring hardware, sofhware, or profmionat services for an information-shading initiative, a standards-bated approtreir should be used.
Specifically, in formalion-sharing initiatives should be compatible with the Global Justice XIAL L)ata Model (GADIvI)Natinnal Informatiorr Exchange Mod I (1741EM),as 4
gaidelines. In addition, when procuring equipment for commuiiication system delrelopment aa-iel expar.sion, a standards-based approach should be used to . in migration to multi-
j urisdictional and multi -disciplinary into-operability. Specifically, all new digital voice systems should be compliant with the Project 25 (P25) suite of stand ds. i
6. State, local, and tribal governments roust use Technology Pi-agam grant funds to supplement, and sot supplant., state, local, or Bureari of Indian Affairs Binds that are already
committed or otherwise would have been committed for gam purposes (hiring, training, purchases, araVor activities) during the grant period_ 117 other words. grantees may not rase
COPS funds to supplant (replace) state, local, or Bureau of Indian Affairs funds that would have been derkatcd to the COPS-funded item(s) in the absence of the COPS grans.
7. Your agency may request an extension of the grant award perioo to receive additional time to implement your grant program. Such We-miens do not protide additioral
funding. Only those grantees that can provide a reasonable justiticatico for delays will he granted no-aost extensions. Extension requests must be received [iriar to the end data of
the award, as extension requests received after an award bas exprred will be approved only IlIgitS very limited ciretanstances. ,
8: The Earl= must promptly notify the Cops office In writing of any changes to the award budget, and must obtain written approval from COPS for any changes in excess o'..- i ten percent of the total aw-ard amount before incurring the proposed costs.
ID. To assist she COPS OfThe! in the monitoring of your award, your agency will bt =purls ib lc for submitting periodic programmatic pmgress reports andt.lruarterly financial
reports. ,
11. The COPS Office perfamts various ftructions to ensure compliance with all.gmnt requirements, to assess the implementation of community policing in rivearded jurisdictions,
and to provide technical assistance to grantees. Grant monitoring activities are routine during the grata period turd may occur up to three years font/wing theiofficial closure of the
grant award. These (unctions, and others, often require the praduction of grant-related documentation and other materials. As a COPS Technology Program grantee, you agree to
cooperate with any such requests for intimation. I i
12. Grantees that have 50 or more employees and a single award for S500,000 or mote mast submit as acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity.Plan (EE)P• et EEOP short .
form, if required to subinir art EEOP under 28 C.P.R_ 42.312, that is approved by the Office of haqice Programs, Office of Civil Rights, within 60 days of the award start date.
C4.1 SL Grantees using Technology Program funds to operate at:i inicararisdictional criminal intelliame Fysicm must comply with operating principles of 28 C, A, Part 23. The
grantee acknowledges that it has completed, signed ant submitted with its grant award the relevant Spec-ial Condition certifying its compliance w .:th 28 C.f. . Part 23. i
4. Grantees who hav.e been awarded funding for the procurement of an item (or group of items') or service in excess of $100,000 and who plan to use a nor-competitive
procurement process must provide a written sal: source justifi eation to the COPS Office For approi.al prior to obligating, expending, or drawing dawn grant ifonds for that bent
15. The grantee agrees to sabmit one copy of ail reports anti praposcd pubficatious resulting from this Kranz 20 days prior to public release. Any publicatidas (ineludiag written,
sollware. visual, OTsounLI, but excluding press releases, newsletters, and issue analyses), whether published at the recipient's or government's expense, shall contain Inc following
statement: 'This project was supportxlby Greet Pr' awarded by the us. Dcparmem o(fuyiet, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services) The opinions
contained herein are those of the authcir(s) and do not necessarily represent the official posttion or polices of the U.S. Department afJustice. References to 4pccific companies,
products, car services should not be considered an endorsement by the author(5) or the U.S. Depanment ofJustice. Radler, the references are illustrations to jupplemce discussion
a/the issur.5."
a6. The grantee agrees to c.omplete and ieeep on file, as aaarrouri ate, a Bureau afeitizenshic and Immleration Services Employment Verifuration,F rm (I -9). This form
is to be used by recipients of federal funds to verify that puson.s arc eligible to work in the United States.
17. To facilitate communication among Inca; and state governn-Icnta: agencies regarding various information tcr,.hnology projects, the grantee agrees to notity the appropriate State
Information Technology Point orccraaet of die receipt of this grant award. Fern list aStair information Technology Points of Contact, visit
aara://it.eio.goy/mate.isn?totire id3 I.
IS. The grantee agues to comply with 28 C.F.R. Part 6: (Pm cedures for im.pletnenting the Nationa: Environmental Policy Act).
19. False starerntints or claims .'-rice is connection with ::''S puz.-1.,.% may :•esoh. in fire Otbrunent faom particiaming in federal rents o( watt ms, and/or any
ather remedy available ay law. .
9. The COPS Office may conduct monitoring or sponsor national evaluations of the COPS Technology Program. The grantee agrez to cooperate with the Monitors and
U. S. Department of Justice
Community Oriented Policing! Services
Grants Administration Division (GAD)
Law Enforcement Technology
Ji Verttlahl MV
Wpihibgrall, IX :1030
To: Sheriff Michael Bouchard
Oakland County Sheriff's Department
From: Andrew A. Dorr, Assistant Director for Grants Administration
Veriena Braxton, Grant Program Specialist
Budget Prepared By: Judy Smith, Grant Program Specialist
Re: Law Enforcement Technology Financial Clewance Memo
A financial analys:s of budgeted costs has been completed. Costs unde.7 this award appear reasonable, allowabl, and
consistent with existing guidelines. Exceptions / Adjustments are noted below.
0J1) Vendor #: 386004S76 ORI Nt163163 Grant #: 2008CKWX001
Budaer Careaorv Proposed Budget Approved Budzei
Equipment S588,277.00 $588,277.00
Consultants/Contractors $24,786.00 $24,786.00
Other $35,1,00.00 535,100.00
Adiustments Disallowed/Adjusted - Reimus/Coimments
Direct Costs: $648,163.00 542,i 63.00 $0.00
Grand Total $648,163.00 1648.163.00 S0.00
Grand Total:
Federal Share: $ 648,163.00
Applicant Share: $ 0.00
Cleared Date 8120/2008 i
Overall Comments:
All costs listed in this budget Wert pmgrammaticaily approved based on the final budget detail worksheet submitted by youragency to
the COPS Office. Maintenance agreements (if applicable) must be purchased within the three year grant period. Prior to 014 obligation,
expenditure or drawdown of grant funds for non-competitive contracts in excess of $100,000, grantee must submit a sole sodrce
justification to the COPS Office for review and approval. Prior to the obligation, expenditure, or drawdown of grant funds for
consultant fees in excess of $550 per day when the consultant is hired through a noncompetitive bidding process, approval rrust be
obtained from the COPS Office. If the vendor number on this form differs front the EN number included in your application, then for
administrative purposes only, we are assigning a differetit vendor number Co your agency. The reason for this administrative Ichangc is
that your original EIN number has been assigned to another agency. If this applies to your agency, please use the new vend r number
on all financial documents related to this grant award. The vendor number should riot be used for IRS purposes aud only ap lies to this
1080305-116130-610314 Grants-Federal
Total Revenue
FISCAL NOTE (MISC. #08 248 ) November 6, 2008
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XII-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the above-
referenced resolution and finds:
1. CLEMIS of Oakland County and other participating law enforcement agencies
request to implement a program to replace obsolete Live Scan fingerprint capture
units with Palm Scan electronic capture devices.
2. The U.S. Department of Justice — Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
has awarded Technology Program grant funding in the amount of $648,163 for the
period of December 26, 2007 through December 25, 2010.
3. Grant funding will cover 100% of equipment purchases, software, and contractual
services. No additional personnel costs are requested.
4. No County match is required.
5. A budget amendment is recommended to the Fiscal Year 2009 Special Revenue
Budget as follows:
Law Enforcement Grant Fund #27337
FY 2009
1080305-116130-760132 Capital-Computer Eauip $688,277
1080305-116130-731458 Professional Svcs 24,786 ;
1080305-116130-731773 Software Purchases 35,100
Total Expenditures $648,163 E
Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
November 6, 2008 Resolution #08248
Moved by Potter supported by Woodward the resolution (with fiscal note attached) be adopted.
Moved by Potter supported by Woodward the Finance Committee Report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Potter supported by Woodward the resolution be amended to coincide with *e
recommendation in the Finance Committee Report,
A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution, as amended:
AYES: Gosselin, Greimel, Flatchett, Jacobsen, KowaII, Long, Middleton, Nash, Potter, Pipits,
Rogers, Scott, Spector. Woodward, Zack, Burns, Clark, Coleman, Coulter, Crawford, Douglas,
Gershenson, Gingell. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolution (with fiscal note attached), as amended, vas
I, Ruth Johnson, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true
and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on
November 6. 2008, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at
Pontiac, Michigan this 6th day of November, 2008.
Ruth Johnson, County Clerk ;