HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2008.10.23 - 9628October 23, 2008 REPORT MR #08224 BY: Personnel Committee, Thomas F. Middleton, Chairperson RE: Prosecuting Attorney — 2009 Automobile Theft Prevention Authority (ATPA) Grant Acceptance TO: Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Committee having reviewed the above referenced Resolution on October 15, 2008 Reports with the recommendation the resolution be adopted. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing report. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE - Personnel Committee Vote: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Clark and Coleman - absent October 23, 2008 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #08,224 BY: Public Services Committee. Jeff Potter, Chairperson IN RE: PROSECUTING ATTORNEY — FY 2009 AUTOMOBILE THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY (ATPA) GRANT ACCEPTANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Automobile Theft Prevention Authority (ATPA) has awarded the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney grant funding in the amount of $271,588 beginning October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009; and WHEREAS this grant was previously a program year grant in 2007 then changed to a nine (9) month calendar year grant for 2008, but with this award, the grant is now on the same fiscal year cycle as Oakland County; and WHEREAS this is the twenty-first (21st) year of grant award for this program; and WHEREAS the Grant award is $271,588 with a State contribution of $162,953 (60%) and a County match contribution of $108,635 (40%); and WHEREAS the State contribution percentage has decreased from 75% to 60%. and the County match requirement has increased from 25% to 40%; and WHEREAS the total application program funding of $301765 was reduced 10% or $30,177 to $271,588; this funding reduction is met by reducing the Assistant Prosecutor IV position (4010201-06387) to Assistant Prosecutor III; and by reducing the Assistant Prosecutor III position (4010201-06113) to Assistant Prosecutor II.; and WHEREAS the County match of $108,635 has been included in the Fiscal Year 2009 Adopted Budget: and WHEREAS acceptance of this 'or ti act du e,Q not obligate the County to any future commitment; and WHEREAS the grarft award has been processed, through the County Executive Contract Review Process. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the Prosecuting Attorney's 2009 Automobile Theft Prevention Authority grant in the total amount of $271,588 including the State contribution of $162,953 and $108,635 in grant match, and that this grant is now a fiscal year grant from October 1. 2008 through September 30. 2009. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Assistant Prosecutor IV position (4010201-06387) be reduced to Assistant Prosecutor III; and the Assistant Prosecutor III position (4010201-06113) be reduced to Assistant Prosecutor II. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the continuation of this program, including personnel, is contingent upon continued grant funding. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners is authorized to execute the grant award and to approve any grant extensions or changes, within fifteen percent (15%) of the original award, which are consistent with the original agreement as approved. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE 4 Public Services Committee Vote: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote Page 1 of 1 Nancy Wenzel From: Pia% Gala [piirg@oakgov.corn] Sent: Monday, September.29, 2008 4 -55 PM To: 'Scott, Margaret'; 'Malone, Prentiss' Subject: Grant Sign Off: Prosecuting Attorney - FY 2009 Prosecutor's Anti-Auto Theft Grant The complete sip off package is attached. GRANT REVIEW SIGN OFF — Prosecuting Attorney GRANT NAME: FY 2009 Prosecutor's Anti-Auto Theft Grant FUNDING AGENCY: Michigan Auto Theft Prevention Authority DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON: Margaret Scott 8-8795 STATUS: Grant Acceptance DATE: September 29, 2008 Pursuant to Misc. Resolution #01320, please be advised the captioned grant materials.have completed internal grant review. Below are the returned comments. The captioned grant materials and grant acceptance package (which should include the Board of Commissioners' Liaison Committee Resolution, the grant agreement/contract, Finance Committee Fiscal Note, and this Sign Off email containing grant review comments) may be requested to be placed on the appropriate Board of Commissioners committee(s) for grant acceptance by Board resolution. DEPARTMENT REVIEW Department of Management and Budget: Approved. — Laurie Van Pelt (9/19/2008) Department of Human Resources: Approved. — Cathy Shallal (9/19/2008) Risk Management and Safety: Approved. - Andrea Plotkowski (9/24/2008) • Corporation Counsel; There are no outstanding legal issues concerning the grant from the Auto Theft Prevention Authority. — JoeIlen Shortley Blaszczak (9/29/2008) Gala V. Piir Grants Compliance and Pro9rarns Coordinator Oakland County Fiscal Services Division Phone (248) 858-1037 Fax (248) 858-9724 piirgeoakgov.com 10/7/2008 •' MP-EX-43 (7-08) 1, Project No: 32-09 I ATPA PROJECT ORIENTATION MEETING AGREEMENT - PAGE 1 This is a summary of the issues discussed during the orientation meeting. It serves as an addendum to the grant. 1. NAME OF GRANTEE 2. ORIENTATION KUM' DATE — September 9, 2008 . 3. PROJECT TITLE Prrimprlitneq Anti-Awn Thee 4. MEETING CONDUCTED BY 11. At- 1-1-ma sir' -recar-ticc.rrin anti All r:hlini iv "NielArt" ShOUD 7 5. PROGRAM PERSONNEL ATTENDING (NAME AND RANK OR TITLE) m W.WmQillL . fa-se f A f--)co-1-1--.;n . I SO i-t 1 r.4/1 LeCt-d-e412- O.. FINANCIAL PetSONNEL ATTENDING (NAME AND RANK OR TITLE) —17.; AO iell Ai 40-k r tyve" , n7 / 0 it or 4ccee-cit:ieti4-7f -- 7. PROGRAM AND FINANCIAL SUMMARY A. The project number written above must be included on all correspondence addressed to ti:e ATPA regarding this grant, B. A change in project director, financial officer, participating agency, or personnelassigrec to the ATPA program requires written notification to the ATPA. (Modificatioo form EX-34) C. All funded jurisdictions must comply with UCR requirements. Any jurisdiction riot in compl:ance will be ineligible for grant funds. D. Grant reporting forms were discussed. Program progress reports (Form EX-37), financial reports (Form EX-38), and project modification request forms (Form EX-34) Car be downloaded from the ATPA Web site at www.michigan_goviataa. The grantee agrees to submit reports in accordance with the report schedule provided below, E. The project's measurable objectives and evaluation criteria, as stated in the original grant a pacation, were reviewed and modifications are indicated on attachment eage 1A. The grantee agrees not to make any modification of the approved project without the written approval of the ATPA. Program modifications will riot be considered after the first quarter. F. ATPA funds: This fund is to be utilized sotely for the benefit of auto theft prevention programs. G. All projects must maintain adequate support documentation for financial arid performance activity reported to the ATPA. Failure to provide evidence supporting the grant's activity may adversely affect current year reimbursements and/or future funding requests. ATFA staff will make appointments with grant personnel in order to conduct on-site project and financial reviews H. Membership in an ATFA Task Force: When an agency withdraws its officer from an ATPA Task Force, the approved budget for that position will remain with the task force. The Project Director neees to inform the ATPA when the withdrawal occurs, and the vacant position must be replaced within the required time period. I. All officers who are funded by an ATPA Task Force must have their activities approved by the task force commander. REPORTS REPORTING PERIOD DUE DATES Financial and Progress Reports 10-1-08 To 12-31-08 1-31-09 1.irm111.1.11Ellifaio Finandat and Progress Reports 1 -1-09 To 3-31-09 4-30-09 Financial and Progress Reports 4-1-09 To 6-30-09 7-31-09 filillaiiiiidaio , Financial and Progress Reports 7-1-09 To 9-30-09 10-31-09 imiraiiiiiiiiiiiiii RETURN ONE COMPLETE SET WITH ORIGINAL SIGNATURES TO: Automobile Theft Prevention Authority 714 South Harrison Road East Lansing, Ml 48823 Phone: (517} 336-6197 AUTHORITY 19-2 PA 174 COMPLIANCE: Required I PENAL—Y: Canuelaiion of grant/lass of funds. Project No: fv1SP-1:X-43 (7-013) ATPA PROJECT ORIENTATION MEETING AGREEMENT - PAGE 2 FiNANCiAL REVIEW AND SUMMARY A. A separate project fund or account must be established for grant revenues and expenditures. B. All payments for salaries and wages must be supported by payroll records and dajy activity logs. Retain documentation for your files. Overtime hours may not exceed five percent of the total regular hours reported. C. Ali payments for expenditures such as utilities. office rental. copier use. venicle -enter, furniture, and equipment purchases. etc., must be supported by an actual invoice or the method of determining cost. Supporting documentation must be included with the financia: report. D. AD overnight out-of-state travel requires prior notification to ATPA staff, and the ATPA will only reimburse salary expenses. E. Due to a budget shortfall, the financial mcdificatiorr policy of moving a budget surplus from one category to cover a budget deficit in another category is discontinued until further notice. F. Public communications materiats or news releases that result from this grant must cite the "Automobile Theft Prevention Authority" as the source of funding, and copies of the materials or news releases must be sent to the ATPA. The ATPA also has the royalty-free right to copy, public, and distribute any data or material associated with this grant. G. Any funds received or generated as a result of auto theft activities shall be used to enhance currently funded and/or future auto theft prevention programs. Funds received include, but are not limited to, forfeiture of cash and receipts from sate of property. If project enhancement activities are terminated, the unexpended revemes shall be promptly returned to the Automobile Theft Prevention Authority. 714 South Harrison Roau, East Lansing. MI 48823. 9. PRIOR TO DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS. THE FOLLOWING MUST BE COMPLIED W'TH - A. A complete set of the ATPA Project Orientation Meeting Report must be returned to the ATPA. 10. AGREEMENT The undersigned has the authority to accept the terms of this report as an addendum to the grant. 11.-...pRiNT NAlvlE AND RANK OR TITLE 12 ' IGNATURE 13. DAT / — ah L, r of Iti 14. ATPA ACTING EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 15 S NATURE 16. ATE ( David Tjepkerna c\-\ - PROGRAM ADDENDUM TO GRANT AWARD, PROJECT NO. ATTACHMENT TO ORIENTATION REPORT OCTOBER 1, 2008 PAGE 1A 1) • Provide full-time access to the judicial system for ATP A funded aato theft units in your area and provide them a regular opportunity to informally discuss cases and legal issues. 2) Vertically prosecute all selected auto theft related cases, 3) Maintain a policy of only plea bargaining when absolutely necessary. 4) Achieve an overall conviction rate of 80%. 5) Achieve a trial conviction rate of 70%. 6) Strive for maximum sentence lengths for defendants. 7) Maintain reliable financial and performance records for the project. CASE LN-TAKE 1) Number cases initiated 2) Number preliminary exams held 3) Number preliminary exams waived DISPOSITIONS 4) Number cases disposed pre-trial 5) Number defendants who pled guilty to original charge 6) Number defendants who pled guilty to lessor included charge 7) Number plea bargain dismissals 8) Number other dismissals 9) Number cases disposed by trial (jury/judge) 10) Number defendants convicted on original charge 11) Number defendants convicted on reduced charge 12) Number defendants_inci 13) Number defpnrinntR -,Tilleiiplaced on probation 14) $ Amount of restitution ordered 15) Number of defendants convicted of insurance fraud ATTACHMENT TO ORLENTATION REPORT - FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT AND PROSECUTOR GRANTS PACT. 2A EGNUORICIE ATPA Funds: This fund is to be utilized solely for the benefit of economic auto theft prevention programs, 2) Approved Budget Amount. Scz budget sheet, (Note 1. DLe tc a short fail in the budget, the ATPA board of directors disallowed the foilowiza expenditures: Retirement Mcdic4 Clotliting/Cleaningfaso Allowance, Lump Sum Holiday Pay, Lurcp Stun Vacation ?ay, Lump Sum Lonineyi7, Sick Time Buy Back, Sick Leave Incentive, Emergency Response, Conic, Show 7.2p ?ay, Educational Incentive, Professional Insurance and Indirect Cost). 3) Authorized Grant Award/Actual Ex.pead:rurest The ATP,A. will reimburse only cpcnditures incurred during the 674.0.-..- period (October I, 2008 to Sept:rubor 30, 2009). 4) Matching Funds is 40% The ATPA. w11 reimburse total actual expenditures up to 60% of the approved bd. dget amount, 5) Time and Attendance: Payroll expenditures must be supported by -time sheet/payroll register/earning history and 'duty iog, These records should be retained in your file and made available to the ATPA auditor during a field audit. • 6) Fringe Benefits and overtime: Retain a copy of vendor invoice or t;ost allocation for fringe benefits charged to the ATPA proltra=, in your tile. °Ye:time hours cannot exceed 5% of total regular hours. 7) ATPA Budget ReviSior,: The AT?A recuires prior written notification to/and received approval from the ATPA for the purpost of transfeirina funds between categories. The extoendiares for individual categories cannot exceed the butizei amount. Deadline for final financial modification recut...T.. is November 30, 2009, and the ATPA. must receive this ;trues: prior to the fourth c,uarter financial report. Any modification request postmarked after November 30, 2009, or reec Yed by the ATFA after the fourth quenerftnancial report will be automatically denied by the ATPA. 8) Vehicle. Usage/Rental: Shall be limited to the terantee's established reimbursement policy for non-federally funded activities and :must be limited to ATFA approved budget sampunt. 9) • Ec,ui,?ment Procurement ProoeduresiConsakant/Contractual Service i tarantee should follow agency's established gindelines, (Attach a copy of an invoice to your financial report as sunoortinzcuirinntation for the eopipment purchase), 10) .?ro cram Income: Seizure properTy, fees, royalties, registrations, etc., gene axed by services, activities, or products provided tl-irougth the zrant project must be converted into funds for use in the activity funded by the grant. Ii) Financial/Progress Reports: Quarterly reports are due 30 days after the end of each e .narter. A separate account is required for ATPA rant re,venuelexpendithres. 12) Payment Procedure: ReinalJin:sement --with exception. (Note: New [first time] gantees must be registered in the state's vendor file by comoteting a vendor packet) 13) Membership in A:TAT-as:: Force; The officer must be assizn tr..? to the task force. 'Arnen an aency withdraws its officer from an ATM Tut 3crce, the approved budget for that position will remain with the -task force. The Project Direcwr needs to inform the ATM when the withdraw -a:: occurs. and the vacant position has to be -replacer, within the required time period. 14) Public con-nun:cation materials cc - news releases ;must Cite me AIPA as a source of funding_ 15) Pro arrara modificaricr:s TIGt cc considered after the rirst quarter. • 16 nnc lie pc:zit:or: O.,ee-or.icr:t vaciatt for niore than -3C) jays. :Sr.: icon er for that positlo wlll L: reaJct..a sionording-r-,v, 7/22/01: 1) 1,080 1,103 4,270 1,200 1,225 4,744 (120) [123) (474) OFFICE OPERATIONS Phone usage Stationary/Visual/Supplies Computer access/ fees 648 432 662 441 2,562 1,708 8/15/2008 8:09 AM COUNTY OF OAKLAND PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE OAKLAND COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S ANTI-AUTO THEFT PROGRAM BUDGET DETAIL G-32-09 Revised 7/24/08 2008 2009 TOTAL TOTAL ATPA GRANTEE APPROVED 10% APPROVED SHARE SHARE BUDGET DEDUCTION BUDGET 60% 40% SWORN EMPLOYEES Salaries & Wages: Asst. Pros. Atty. 4 106.047 (10,605) 95,442 57,265 38477 Asst. Pros. Atty. 3 86,371 (8,637) 77,734 46,640 31,094 Employees Benefits: Asst. Pros. Atty. 4: FICA 7,173 (717) 6.456 3,873 2.582 Unemployment 212 (21) 191 114 76 Health Insurance 9,769 (977) 8,792 5,275 3,317 Dental Insurance 1,319 (132) 1,187 712 475 Life Insurance 276 (28) 248 149 99 Disability Insurance 456 (46) 410 246 164 Optical Insurance 140 (14) 126 76 50 Retirement 32,839 (3,284) 29,555 17,733 11.822 Worker's Comp 251 (25) 226 136 90 Asst. Pros, Atty. 3: FICA 6,455 (646) 5,810 3.486 2,324 Unemployment 169 (17) 152 91 61 Health Insurance 9.769 (977) 8,792 5,275 3,517 Dental Insurance 1.319 (132) 1,187 712 475 Life Insurance 219 (22) 197 118 79 Disability Insurance 363 (36) 327 196 131 Optical Insurance 140 (14) 126 76 50 Retirement 26.127 (2,613) 23,514 14,109 9.406 Worker's Comp . 199 (20) 179 107 72 TOTAL SWORN EMPLOYEES 289 613 (28,961) 260.652 156,391 104.261 FIELD OPERATIONS Mileage .50/m 3.687 (369) 3.318 1,991 1,327 (2) Nextel Phone/Pagers rental 1.296 (130) 1,166 700 467 TOTAL FIELD OPERATIONS 4.983 14981 4,485 2,691 1,794 TOTAL OFFICE OPERATIONS GRAND TOTAL 7 169 17171 6,452 3.871 2,581 101.765 (30,1771 271.589 162.953 108,635 FISCAL NOTE (MISC. #08224) October 23, 2008 BY: Finance Committee, Mike Rogers, Chairperson IN RE: PROSECUTING ATTORNEY - FY 2009 AUTOMOBILE THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY (ATPA) GRANT ACCEPTANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen' Pursuant to Rule XII-C of this Board. the Finance Committee has reviewed the above referenced Resolution and finds: 1. The Prosecuting Attorney has been awarded a State of Michigan 2009 Automobile Theft Prevention Authority (ATPA) Grant in the amount of $271,588. 2. The 2009 award amount is $6,787 less than the partial year 2008 award, and the State of Michigan Auto Theft Prevention Authority is converting from calendar year to fiscal year awards effective with this grant acceptance. 3. The $271,588 is for twelve (12) months, and the State contribution percentage has decreased from 75% to 60%, while the County match requirement has increased from 25% to 40% 4. The total State contribution is $162,953 (60%) and the County grant match is $108,635 (40%). The County match is available in the Fiscal Year 2009 Non-Departmental Grant Match line item. 5. The total application program funding of $301,765 was reduced 10% or $30,177 to $271,588; this funding reduction will be met by downwardly reclassifying the Assistant Prosecutor IV position (4010201-06387) to Assistant Prosecutor III and by downwardly reclassifying the Assistant Prosecutor III position (4010201-06113) to Assistant Prosecutor II. 6. In addition to the County match requirements, the County is expected to incur $15,759 in administrative and support costs that are not recoverable through this grant. 7. A budget amendment to the Fiscal Year 2009 Adopted Budget is recommended as follows: FY 2009 FY 2009 FY 2009 GENERAL FUND #10100 Adopted Adiustment Amended Expenditures 9090101-196030-730800 Grant Match $ 500,696 ($ 108,635) 4010201-122020-788001-27310 Transfers Out 0 108.635 Total General Fund Expenditures $ 500,696 $ 392,061 108,635 0 $ 500.696 A.T.P.A. GRANTS FUND 27310 Revenues 4010201-122020-615571 4010201-122020-695500-10100 Grants State Transfers In Total Grant Revenue $169,740 ($ 6,787) $162,953 56,580 62.055 108,635 $226,320 $ 45,268 $271,588 Expenditures 4010201-122020-702010 4010201-122020-722740 4010201-122020-731346 4010201-122020-750399 4010201-122024-774636 4010201-122020-777560 4010201-122020-778675 Salaries $144,313 Fringe Benefits 72,893 Personal Mileage 2,765 Office Supplies 919 IT Operations 3,558 Radio Comm. 972 Telephone Comm. 900 Total Grant Expenditures $226,320 $ 28,863 $173,176 14,582 87,475 553 3,318 184 1,103 712 4,270 194 1,166 180 j080 $45,268 $271,588 FINANCE COMMITTEE FINANCE COMMITTEE Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Kowall, Potter and Greimel absent. October 23, 2008 Resolution #08224 Moved by Long supported by Greimel the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the amended Consent Agenda be adopted (with accompanying repo! Li being accepted). AYES: Burns, Coulter, Crawford, Douglas, Gershenson, Gingell, Gosselin, Gregory, Greimel, Hatchett, Jacobsen, KowaII, Long, Middleton, Nash, Potter, Potts, Rogers, Scott, Spector, Woodward, Zack, Bullard. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the amended Consent Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reports being duceplet.1). I HEREBY APPROVE THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ACTING PURSUANT TO 1973 PA 139 STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Ruth Johnson, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on October 23, 2008, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 23rd day of October, 2008. Ruth Johnson, County Clerk