HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2005.05.03 - 33440 OAK PARK SCHOOL DISTRICT CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE REGULAR ELECTION HELD ON MAY 3, 2005 CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS • OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN 0 JURISDICTIONAL CANVASS SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/09/05 1239 PM OAK PARK SCHOOL DISTRICT - BoE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 VOTES PERCENT VOTES PERCENT 01 - ALLYSON D. NELSON ABRAMS 546 38.10 04 - WRITE-IN 5 .35 02 - CLAuDETTE LuNKINS JONES 478 33.36 05 - WRITE-IN 3 .21 03 - VALENCIA L. MOULTRIE 401 27.98 06 - BALLOTS CAST 627 01 02 03 04 05 06 1602 ROYAL OAK CHRT TwP 02 22 24 10 0 0 31 1690 ROYAL OAK CURT TWP 04C 18 22 13 0 0 31 3902 OAK PARK CITY 02 6 0 3 0 0 6 3903 OAK PARK CITY 03 9 10 7 0 0 15 3904 OAK PARK CITY 04 12 11 17 0 0 26 3907 OAK PARK CITY 07 7 10 9 0 0 14 3908 OAK PARK CITY 08 10 8 12 0 0 19 3909 OAK PARK CITY 09 45 27 35 0 0 60 3910 OAK PARK CITY 10 2 9 3 0 0 9 3912 OAK PARK CITY 12 32 15 25 0 0 42 3913 OAK PARK CITY 13 8 5 12 0 0 16 3914 OAK PARK CITY 14 10 15 12 0 0 19 3916 OAK PARK CITY 16 7 5 9 0 0 11 3990 OAK PARK CITY 20C 327 285 204 3 2 473 4726 OAK PARK SCHOOL DISTRICT 26 21 18 17 0 0 30 4750 21 OAK PARK SCHOOL 01ST 50 10 14 13 2 1 25 - - • • S OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION • MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES OAK PARK SCHOOL DISTRICT The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION - VOTE FOR Two . FOUR YEAR TERM was one thousand four hundred twenty-five 1,425 ALLYSON D. NELSON ABRAMS received five hundred forty-six votes 546 CLAUDETTE LUNKINS JONES received four hundred seventy-eight votes 478 VALENCIA L. MOULTRIE received four hundred one votes 401 TOTAL votes 1,425 o S Regular Election - May 3, 2005 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION The Oakland County Board of Canvassers, having canvassed the votes of OAK PARK SCHOOL DISTRICT at the Regular Election, held on the 3rd day of May, Two-Thousand Five, hereby determine: That ALLYSON D. NELSON ABRAMS having received the largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF OAK PARK SCHOOL DISTRICT That CLAUDETTE LUNKINS JONES having received the second largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF OAK PARK SCHOOL DISTRICT S • • 21 CHAIRPE CHAIRPERSON OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS CLERK OF BO OF CANVASSERS CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION • In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the OAKLAND COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT the 10th day of May, in the year Two Thousand and Five. OAKLAND CO(14NTY BOARD OF CApASSERS CLZ42_,LeLs_ c.,ThL) P:\CLERKRODlCANVASS PAGESACERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION.doc