HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2000.11.07 - 42682000 (DATE OF ELECTION) a • n,-1. , -ry.. .46 fr-s ) FAX 77 -.) Pr 1 fanibc:i ro I.,. is : 6 1NDEPEICE.'.:: ' i Co. I # 248-625-5111 ms-,--• .r* , I r= -.)_ -.1_ v _ . _ _ _ _ _ 248-625-2585 MEWARit CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS fr , /r) OF COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY 9 Mit LEO Nage ti) ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M.398 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Special Election SI ATEMEN1 OF MIS rR EcuIcT OR WARD NUMBER 3 6, 7 q 0 L 11 AlL15 72:its'.1 123"7,7, 4.Sf,„ 730 _39/ 1719 7 3 ( .g4-111 ?e-4 1 zAlc ia.g.3.,t741r1'.e.& to4r, 1A, 3_ri 3, ra4sTW3c,J,/ 431 - - 3-37)*--11 :57/_tk:5.7 1:44:7 3-0--1-49,31di 410'27 -1:4, I , . 4'11 !P tc0A/ • 1 ,1q1 7$2-7 1.3t 542;151,6-v0C 714,15647Ac' (e. 3/ Ee,,,i>/ _<7 ip ;. TOTALS 77-5 'Mk_ ,41 71r • p7ui 1,71,7 _ 1,9,./5o q, gar g 6,6 .3,-L14_4)35,t,1,,i /. ti,310 IO1 kip g:10 4336 4/0!4i94 4Fr itcr 1 OFFICE AND CANDIDATE NAMES az" 00-AA4' -- SILK _t _ 0 _ r I I ' • • • • , The whole oc":tes given for the orrice of 11111,M. received votes ,oles ,,ores / 1171_5) 'f arid hey -•S'C'e given or t'-.e following named persons- receive received TOTAL , ,11 (Or the , r.7nO rt-5.2 receivc-d received etvea received received yp,c, votes Akio // 6,-z, votes • ' ' received icr rt.le 5, .-.rd they ,t-.1 17- received votes 6 vat. received v Cs • received TOTAL votes = ve!c.S • • ora$ .r.d they were ,:iiven or the following named p.:rsons: i )0 - 4 ' , f ecan Y ed I ....i. JAI:. ... -4— -141, ' ..f.',' L... I vOtes 11 received votes ' ' I H-='!--r—L-1-- received votes ' ' , I i TOTAL votes . /1/ .1 ' The whoie number of votes given for the office of&.....y.2.4....4 i ------ ' WCIS li NOS n••ninin:n1, 3Cei ,:eQ Trzq a J.:L.1;16e. • filo! Th _ Lstes :s _ A . . $Jff hcvirs rec:-.1•is"r.d e7r 7••so-,-.!;e:" 2 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN, ) COUNTY OF (.944 -41 Tie Board of Convossers of the'.":1.:11,.. C Cf04,:+931-• : a :2-0 . CH+, 72wiship, or .s'ijag• having Ascertained and Canvassed the Yates of . 4r.!y: s:i•y. cr VI;!,7id) aF the- Election. held on the -2.re,, -day of , wmt-44,stftet4+4-441,4,-Luaria 4E-0-04-4_462-•(-4- Do Hereby Certify cind Determine }d41:76"1--1,4, .1.7:tt7S 15 .11C•CtA Ci'-sTn••J . -727 .-e-i..4q..}'Cri elo,-..i.:..d b' ,e.-e-..e.."&—.64---- 7eceived a isifficeilt unbr . hc'ing ecei :fed 13 aUffiC;C:11- um be Tcr 44?42.4.--at—of-y) ri-9 '1.7r. be-7rcv Th ,-.1d w'Cloien- r,--r.oer aelea_„4„,4 . . . : e :11 Su Hi cien. • .1.:?•v1...; su —• ,rat S -ece: ved num ze - -17 c..7e; is _ '10-virg received ,n ivfisFe cn• Mot ;10,hng received a suffizient number of ' That • That votes is elected That votes is elected That c• i ek)crad. Do ; )47 her Hdreby Ceiermine: having :-.3,eived a sufF::e.r.‘.- nLmber : 7.-7; oi -ec:3:%:.3...3 •3 eived , . 1 Having cIO OS r,--.;-- Nal' Received NAME ..1.4 ACPCSITION • Received Havi.yg , ,vas Nut Received rct IA cr 'ItCPC,StrIGN 3 NAME QF ncPaglicasi P Received totei. 'NC-7 Dei-v7,;-;) HCV/ilY NOT RAceived 4 WEST: itvhe yeqr 0-4AIRMANI. BOARD Ci7 CANVASSE:1!-: voles is electe That having received a sufficienf numb:r of votes is elected That hav.ng received sufficierf ru-mber of votes is elected That having received a suf"..cier,t number of votes is elected -Not having received a sufficent votes is elected_ Thar 7.-e I iwirg Pcopositions .JCSSild jeiecrcid c5 indted NAME intCPCS1T1,DN --r--,----- ),.47;c:„.2,.,;/ - !\ict i\ecc.d.,ed 2,__ in Withesi ;love 'flereunto 4et au; hands and 7.1i-CiYed the ,.-0,,il'Y lk , 'r.',...„..7.2:-1.)9 .Jr Vil -age c ...''' a.IT.-,, .:,,ty, 7.;,...,.n:1 3 ;' • • . i t ; do. of , azihLa44,ELIIemizm/