HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2000.11.07 - 4310CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF LYON CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 7, 2000 CANVASSED BY THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF CANVASSERS Pa 01 Pct 02 Pct 03 TOTAL 1,061 1,172 1,001 4,772 3,234 3,234 1,613 1,675 1,484 1,061 1,172 1,001 • • OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 LYON CHRT TWP TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR PRECINCT BALLOTS REP NUMBER CAST JOSEPH E. SH/GLEY TOTAL OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 LYON CHRT TWP 3WNSHIP CLERK CINCT REP 18ER PAMELA JOHNSON TOTAL 01 1,102 1,102 D2 1,187 1,187 D3 1,024 1,024 AL 3,313 3,313 OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 LYON CHRT 'MP • )1AINSHIP TREASURER CINCT REP IBER PATRICIA D. CARCONE TOTAL 01 1,086 1,086 02 1,168 1,168 03 1,034 1,034 3,288 3,288 AL • • • OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 LYON CHRT TWP ANNSHIP TRUSTEE VOTE FOR FOUR CINCT REP REP REP REP BER RAYMOND DANIEL Tim LANNIE BISIO L. CASH REED YOUNG TOTAL 31 910 956 918 918 3,702 )2 1,033 1,026 1,002 1,026 4,087 33 855 915 866 888 3,504 AL 2,798 2,897 2,786 2,812 11,293 • OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 7, 2000 LYON CHRT TVVP M8ER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD VOTE FOR SIX :ANCT ROBIN GARY MARY IRENE NANCY BER ALLEN M. BORA PAT FREUND RANEY A. TRITSCH TOTAL )1 668 598 624 678 637 3,205 )2 661 605 650 704 627 3,247 )3 665 610 633 668 624 3,200 AL 1,994 1,813 1,907 2,050 1,888 9,652 GRAND TOTAL 9 9 OAKLAND COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 STATEMENT OF VOTES MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD LYON CHARTER TOWNSHIP DECLARED WRITE-INS PRECINCT MARILYN TOTAL NUMBER IC MILLER-SMITH .(09) LYON CHRT IVVP Pct. 01 7 7 Pct 02 0 0 PO 03 2 2 TOTAL 9 9 • GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD VOTE FOR SIX Page 1 of 1 REP JOSEPH E. SHIGLEY received Three thousand two hundred and thirty four 3,234 3,234 TOTAL REP PAMELA JOHNSON received Three thousand three hundred and thirteen 3,313 3,313 TOTAL REP PATRICIA D. CARCONE received Three thousand two hundred and e.ghty eight 3,288 3.288 TOTAL RAYMOND B/510 DANIEL L. CASH TIM REED LANNIE YOUNG REP REP REP REP 2,798 2,897 2,786 2,812 11,293 1,994 1,813 1,907 2,050 1,888 9,652 • OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 LYON CHRT TVVP The number of votes given for the office of TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR VOTE FOR ONE was Three thousand two hundred and thirty four and they were given for the followina named persons: The number of votes given for the office of TOWNSHIP CLERK VOTE FOR ONE was Three thousand three hundred and thirteen and they were given for the following named persons: The number of votes given for the office of TOWNSHIP TREASURER VOTE FOR ONE was Three thousand two hundred and eighty eight and they were given for the feowing named persons: The number of votes given for the office of TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE VOTE FOR FOUR was Eleven thousand two hundred and ninety three and they were given for the following named persons: received Two thousana seven hundred and ninety eight received Two thousand eight hundred and ninety seven received Two thousand seven hundred and eighty six received Two thousand eight hundred and twelve TOTAL The number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD VOTE FOR SIX was Nine thousand six hundred and fifty two and they were given for the following named persons: ROBIN ALLEN GARY M. BORA MARY PAT FREUND IRENE RANEY NANCY A. TRITSCH • received One thousand nine hundred and ninety foe:. receivecI One thousand eight hundred and t-iirteee received One thousand nine hundred and seven received Two thousand fifty received One thousand eight hundred and eighty eight TOTAL • OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION • NOVEMBER 7, 2000 MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD LYON CHARTER TOWNSHIP The number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD VOTE FOR SIX was Nine and they were given for the following named persons: MARILYN K. MILLER-SMITH received Nine 9 TOTAL • • • • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes of LYON C-IRT TWP at the GENERAL ELECTION held on the 7TH day of NOVEMBER, TWO THOUSAND hereby determine: That JOSEPH E. SHIGLEY having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That PAMELA JOHNSON having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP CLERK - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That PATRICIA D. CARCONE having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP TREASURER - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That DANIEL L. CASH having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That LANNIE YOUNG having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That RAYMOND BISIO having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That TIM REED having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That IRENE RANEY having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That ROBIN ALLEN having received the largest number of voles is elected for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That MARY PAT FREUND having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That NANCY A. TRITSCH having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That GARY M. BORA having received the largest number of votes Is elected for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes of LYON CHRT TWP at the GENERAL ELECTION, held on the 7TH day of NOVEMBER, TWO THOUSAND hereby determine: That MARILYN K. MILLER-SMITH having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD LYON CHARTER TOWNSHIP • • Ai 4 A .1444 BO4RCI OF CANVASURS ti CFiAiRPERSON Lt . _al CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS CriAiRPERSON OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the OAKLAND COUNTY ciRcurr COURT tt'e f day of NOVEMBER. in the year Two Thousand o