HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2000.11.07 - 4512• CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF OXFORD CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 7, 2000 CANVASSED BY THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF CANVASSERS •n• OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 OXFORD CHRT TWP OWNSHIP SUPERVISOR RECINCT BALLOTS REP UMBER CAST WILLIAM DUNN TOTAL 'a 01 ict 02 'ct 03 'ct 04 'ct 05 'ct 06C-A & 06C-8 1,134 761 761 996 690 690 1,092 759 759 1,596 1,108 1,108 1,068 643 643 1,451 1,050 1,050 'OTAL 7,337 5,011 5,011 se es OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 OXFORD CHRT T1NP VNSFIIP CLERK INCT REP OEM ER CLARA BARB J. SANDERSON WILLING TOTAL I 680 335 1,015 2 618 274 892 3 672 301 973 t 1,003 416 1,419 5 547 391 938 3C-A & 06C -B 1,042 338 1,380 4,562 2,055 6,617 410 OD 46 OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 OXFORD CHRT TWP WNSHIP TREASURER INCT REP NPA ER JOE WILLIAM FERRARI D. WILIFIAmMER. JR. TOTAL 1 635 277 912 2 602 214 816 .3 692 203 895 4 1,067 243 1,310 15 552 239 791 16C-A & 06C-B 1,023 236 1,259 NL 4,571 1,412 5,983 OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 OXFORD CHRT TWP IWNSHIP TRUSTEE VOTE FOR FOUR ;INCT REP REP REP REP EIER SHIRLEY JERRY PATRICIA CHARLES A. CLANCY DYWASUK FITCHENA 0. KNIFFEN TOTAL 11 740 675 705 660 2,780 12 652 576 610 589 2,427 13 698 679 687 648 2,712 14 1,046 998 968 969 4,001 15 609 559 571 536 2,275 )6C -A & 06C -B 977 938 953 905 3,773 AL 4,722 4,425 4,514 4,307 17,968 AL 4,317 4,395 4,340 4,162 4,138 21,352 • OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 OXFORD CHRT TWP ANNSHIP PARK COMMISSION VOTE FOR FIVE r.:INCT REP REP REP REP REP sER TED SHARON RicHARD LYNDA ALYSE FiTcH M. KLINE E. LAIDLER M. MUELLER C. PRINCE TOTAL 31 664 693 663 646 643 3,309 )2 581 506 582 555 556 2,860 )3 653 653 665 627 634 3,232 34 972 983 970 945 928 4,798 )5 562 590 549 566 538 2,805 )6C-A & 06C-R 885 890 911 823 839 4,348 • ii• OAKLAND COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 STATEMENT OF VOTES TOWNSHIP PARK COMMISSION OXFORD CHARTER TOWNSHIP DECLARED WRITE-INS PRECINCT THOMAS ROBERT RICHARD TOTAL NUMBER A. ARISS C. SHULER STURNER (14) OXFORD CHRT TWP PO 01 63 2 3 68 Pct 02 56 2 0 56 Pct 03 107 3 1 111 Pet 04 82 0 4 88 Pct 05 7 0 0 7 loct 06C-A 8. 08C-B 213 3 3 219 TOTAL 528 10 11 549 GRAND TOTAL 528 10 11 549 GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMRER 7, 2000 TOWNSHIP PARK COMMISSION VOTE FOR FIVE Page 1 cif 44, OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION -NOVEMBER 7, 2000 OXFORD CHRT TWP !EMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD VOTE FOR SIX :CINCT PETER DONALD DUANE IRENE DOROTHY CHERYL ABER R. FRANOIES M. LOVELL J. SALSWEDEL SCHAIBLE G. SHAMBLIN PAVELEK TRUDEAU TOTAL 01 525 560 549 570 537 543 3,204 02 413 433 419 428 428 428 2,549 03 509 527 499 539 511 516 3,101 04 668 693 650 662 636 669 3,978 05 479 489 458 496 484 479 2,885 08C-A & 06C-B 747 781 809 824 795 748 4,704 TAL 3,341 3,483 3,384 3,519 3,391 3,383 20,501 5,011 REP WILLIAM DUNN received Five thousand eleven TOTAL 5,011 REP REP REP REP REP OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION • NOVEMBER 7, 2000 OXFORD CHRT TVVP The number of votes given for the office of TOVVNSHIP SUPERVISOR VOTE FOR ONE was Five thousand eleven and they were given for the following named persons: The number of votes given for the office of TOWNSHIP CLERK VOTE FOR ONE was Six thousand six hundred and seventeen and they were given for the following named oersons: REP CLARA J. SANDERSON DEM BARB WILLING received Four thousand five hundred and sixty two received Two thousand fifty five TOTAL 4,562 2,055 6,617 The number of votes given for tne office of TOWNSHIP TREASURER VOTE FOR ONE was Five thousand nine hundred and eighty three and they were given for the following named persons: 1110 REP JOE FERRARI NPA WILLIAM C. WILHAMMER, JR. received Four thousand five hundred and seventy one received One thousand four hundred and twelve TOTAL 4,571 1,412 5,983 The number of votes given for the office of TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE VOTE FOR FOUR was Seventeen thousand nine hundred and sixty eight and they were given for the following named persors: REP REP REP REP 4,722 4,425 4,514 4,307 17,968 SHIRLEY A. CLANCY JERRY DYWASUK PATRICIA FITCHENA CHARLES 0. KNIFFEN received Four thousand seven hundred and twenty two received Four thousand four hundred and twenty five received Four thousand five hundred and fourteen received Four thousand three hundred and seven TOTAL The number of votes given for the office of TOWNSHIP PARK COMMISSION VOTE FOR FIVE was Twenty one thousand three hendred and fifty two and they were given for the following named persons: TED FITCH SHARON M. KLINE RICHARD E. LAIDLER LYNDA M. MUELLER ALYSE C. PRINCE received received received received received TOTAL Four thousand three hundred and seventeen Four thousand three hundred and ninety five Four thousand three hundred and forty Four thousand one hundred and sixty two Four thousand one hundred and thirty eight 4,317 4,395 4,340 4,162 4.138 21,352 dp The number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD VOTE FOR SIX was Twenty thousand five hundred and one and they were given for the following named persons: PETER R. FRANCIS DONALD M. LOVELL DUANE J. SALSWEDEL IRENE SCHAIBLE DOROTHY G. SHAMBLJN CHERYL PAVELEK TRUDEAU 3,341 3,483 3,384 3,519 3,391 3,383 20,501 received Three thousand 'Mee hundred and forty one received Three thousand four hundred and eighty three received Three thousand three hundred and eighty four received Three thousand five hundred and nineteen received Three thousand three himdreo and ninety ore received Three thousand three hundred and eighty three TOTAL 0 OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 TOWNSHIP PARK COMMISSION OXFORD CHARTER TOWNSHIP The number of votes given for the office of TOWNSHIP PARK COMMISSION VOTE FOR FIVE was Five hundred and forty nine and they were given for the following named persons: THOMAS A, ARISS received Five hundred and twenty eight 528 ROBERT C. SHULER received Ten 14 RICHARD STURNER received Eleven 11 TOTAL 549 • YES DND PROPOSAL ZECINCT JMBER NO TOTAL OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 OXFORD CHRT TWP t01 562 503 1,065 t02 418 497 915 t03 525 502 1,027 t04 777 714 1,491 t05 562 410 972 ct 06C-A & 06C-B 698 883 '1,361 OTAL 3,542 3,289 6,831 YES RECINCT UMBER NO TOTAL OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 OXFORD CHRT TINP IILLAGE FOR FIRE PROTECTION AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES c102 531 399 930 ct 03 668 371 1,039 ct 04 924 584 1,508 ct 05 662 321 983 et 06C-A 8. 06C-B 660 401 1,061 OTAL. 3,445 2,076 5,521 OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 OXFORD CHRT TWP The whole number of votes given for and against the BOND PROPOSAL Shall the Charter Township of Oxford, County of Oakland, Michigan, burrow the sum of not to exceed $7,680,000 and issue its general obligation unlimited tax bcnds therefor, payable in not to exceed fifteen (15) years from date or issuance, for the purpose of paying all or part of the costs of constructing, furnishing and eqLtipoing two fire halls, including acquiring tire-fighting and emergency rescue apparatus, and acquiring and improving the sites? The estimated mIllage to be levied in 2000 is 1.30 mills ($1.35 per $1,000.00 of taxable value) and the estimated simpie average annual millage rate required to retire the uonds is 118 mills ($1.18 per $1,000.00 of taxable value). was Six thousand eight hundred and thirty one of which number Three thousand five hundred and forty two votes were marked YES 3,542 and Three thousand two hundred and eighty nine votes were marited NO 3,289 TOTAL VOTES 6,831 The whole number of votes given for and against the MILLAGE FOR F-INE PROTECTION AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Shall the total tax rate limitation an general ad valorem taxes as provided by law within the unincerporated portion of the Charter Township of Oxford be increased by 014 mills (0.14 mills being equal to $0.14 per $1,000.00 of state taxable value) for a period of lye (5) years beginning with the December 2001 tax levy through the December 2005 tax levy for the purpose of providing operating funds fur fire protection and emergency medical services for the unincorporatect portion of the Charter Township of Oxford, and shall the Township levy such increase in miliage for such purpose durirg this period, which will raise in the first year of levy an estimated increased revenue of Fifty Three Thousand Two Hundred Seventy Eight and 29/100 Dollars ($53.V6 2g) over that raised by the Townsnip in the previous year? was Five thousand five hundred and twenty one of which number Three thousand four hundred and forty five votes were maned YES 3,445 and Two thousand seventy six votes were marked NO 2,075 TOTAL VOTES 5,521 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes of OXFORD CH RT 7VVP at the GENERAL ELECTION , held on the 7TH day of NOVEMBER, TWO THOUSAND hereby determine . BOND PROPOSAL Having RECEIVED sufficient votes was PASSED MILLAL3 HHE Pi-?U I C I ION AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Having RECEIVED sufficient votes was PASSED • • • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes of OXFORD CHR.T TWP at the GENERAL ELECTION held on the 7TH day of NOVEMBER, TWO THOUSAND hereby determine: That WILLIAM DUNN having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That CLARA J. SANDERSON having received the largest number of Voles is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP CLERK - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That JOE FERRARI having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP TREASURER - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That SHIRLEY A. CLANCY having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That PATRICIA FITCHENA having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That JERRY DYWASUK having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That CHARLES 0. KNIFFEN having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That SHARON M. KLINE having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP PARK COMMISSION - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That RICHARD E. LAIDLER having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP PARK COMMISSION - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 29, 2004 That TED FITCH having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP PARK COMMISSION - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2904 That LYNDA M. MUELLER having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP PARK COMMISSION - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That AL YSE C. PRINCE having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP PARK COMMISSION - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That IRENE SCHAIBLE having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That DONALD M. LOVELL having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That DOROTHY G. SHAMBLIN having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20,2004 That DUANE 4. SALSWEDEL having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That CHERYL PAVELEK TRUDEAU having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That PETER R, FRANCIES having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 • .77)1/10444.- CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS • chAIRPERsoN OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION In witness whereof. we have hereunto aet our hands and affixed the Seal of the OAKLAND COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT the day of NOVEMBER, In the year Two Thuusand