HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1982.08.10 - 4760WHITE LAKE TOWNSH/ P OAKLAN D •alum MICHIGAN CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 10 .1982 . _ (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS A MANUFACTURED BY 0,4311311[1;1f ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS '1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Ortlor by Form No. M-398-PC • CANVASSER BOOK—PRIMARY STATEMENT OF VOT•iT.S PARTY OFFICE CANDIDATE NAMES TRUSTEE (0) • : :•• -1'-- ,70 ...0.5•3 •-:.•:.t3.60:1•071 •!..:0•51 •••:-..070.•0147 •:...••••: •:. ••••.! • 526 . . .• • • r • •:••• . :•• • "•ii. ••• •••• ••,: • •• • • •••••• ••••••:,.. •• • •••• • • ; ;,4." • .• • • ••:• • _. • •••__•:_,,•__.• JR.fal•ter Wei.htnari: 082 +1 0370145035066 ot...4•.: • 9314 • • •„ii 474 7 -7 • • '7' • • '.....7".-7.7•77.7"."717.7.17.•" • • TT7 :••••••• • 77" . •• . 1.•••.... •tek4e1••lett • • ••• • • :k001•.:••':•• '••• • ••••••• " ''•••0021. dr, • •••• • ''001 •• • •••• • • •••• ••• • • •• • • ..• • • . . •• . . . . • !-003 002 002005 . . ...• . . • , • . . : .• • • . "••:. . • • • • • • • • • • • •:••• • • ••• • . • • . • • • • . • .• •.• ...• . . • . . . .•• • • •:•• ......::•••••••••• 7,-7 .• • •• ..• • ;. • . • • 024 • . . • . • ! • • .• (0) Walter H 441 ) James Brendel -0011 : . • . • . •••• 001 •••002 002 .• • 4 . .00t oot 003:i - : • •-• .•• . • : _003 • • taes Barclay 001 •.• 001 Roberta. Qpdy. cken ; (0)•Charles Wilkie (11) Sarah Saum (R) rta Opdycke• 001 :)....Dair l one W•a 1 dricv_.•_. ••001 • .2 4 10 :2 4 4 I 0 0 I 0 :0 1 Al LeWel•len . . • .James Brendel Brendle. .Mary . . . .......... wenty re*, One 1 "rfiree 0 r) Al Lewe 1 1 en TOTAL 0 0 3 The whole nur,4)er of votes given by th Truitee . . . .„ . and they vitere eulor the following named persons esti*Jot c:aio;r4:150-.6.4 fp= th:e office a 0111 MURES liftS PROM* PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS James Brende 1 , Jr. ; Five Hundred Twenty Six Walter H. Weinman Four Hundred Seventy Four Al Lewel len Fourteen ..Thwko.kñ n ther of voles aiven by the Republican Party --...:oncliciates for the offic, of .. TrU Stele . WOS Twenty Eight - . and ihey were atert tot the i'oflowtng named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES • 4---.nomaft or VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS : • . ;2 6 • 4. 7 14 • .• -1 4. :1 TOTAL • 1 IOTAL 0 L The whaie number of votes given by the Anderson Party for candidates for the offict,, of Trustee - . Three. nd they were given f,.." I the iallow n ng rtatned persons: PERSONS RFC-MING THE VOTES NUMUER OF VOA'S wetrtEr4 IN WORDS The whole number of Ito es given by the Party fat candidates 1..), the office of wa5 , . and they were given For the ,-ottow,ng named persons VERsONS Rturvitsic THE VOWS MAWR OF VOms WRITTEN IN WORDS Iltesirefrummiesilirlieiselismosiormeeffointima• NIPARER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN w0RD5 :11 Ports }or candidates fo, file office of fiiY niturEs v nits 4-ciumri 0 10 1 Of 7 '0 0; 1 ,0JY2 ; une Seven One . . : .....Two• .: .:•. • . .. . . . _. TOTAL 0'1 1 was and they were given for the following named persons; - PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUNIRER OF VOTESWRITTEN. IN WOT. STATEMENT CF VOTES The whole number of votes given by the Dor ic Library Board Eleven' and they were given for the following named persons; pososiS ITECEPANG .THE VOTES • •44mes_Barcl.ai__ Roberta Opdycke . . Mary Ricken ----- Charles Wilkie , 7 7 .1 . H , .. • 'I . 1 , :. I> .1 . ->: • • > The whole number of votes given by the Republ can Party foi c7.indidates far the office of _ _ _Library Board WCIS Png 1711.04 San d 10vpn and they were given for the fallowing named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES ! . . Sarah Saum i One Thousand Four 1 0 0. 14 4 : Roberta Opdycke 1 Four 0 0 tadeen Puddy i One :0:01 : . _ ,• 4. Darlene Wa 1 dr op ; 0 14.1,14441014r,PPAPIPPOI6466.406161911110111411111611e Pargiorp4exisosokirecioestohnorkrorirXiore.ef wrioes • ::41.8orio1sompoosiemitiimessmies4he4o4 ososi •esrosoommesisissolooEs • • mtusrussoommillsoievetwomesmot • .1 : Leslie Hall One NUiviRER OF VOTES WRITTEN ;N WORDS TOTAL .1 0111• The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of 037,d1ciat T; candidate lrv the_ candidate hy the__ candidate by the, candidate by the.. 11:at Jilmos Aren4e1 That r:arat, _Sawn _ T.),riving recerved the D_e;morati:c... _ ..Porty for th e offic e of . _cvnq tece. Library. Board Member . - Reptigt..14„can --Party far the oifice o _ .Party for . 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