HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1976.12.31 - 8099OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1976 District 1 Richard R. Wilcox District 2 James W. Dunleavy. District 3 Niles E. Olson District 4 Patrick K. Daly District 5 Betty J. Fortino District 6 Fred D. Houghten District 7 F. Jack Douglas District 8 Hubert Price, Jr. District 9 Dana F. Wilson District 10 Howard R. Simmons District 11 Robert A. Button District 12 Wallace F. Gabler, Jr. District 13 Robert W. Page District 14 Henry W. Hoot District 15 Lillian V. Moffitt District 16 William T. Patterson District 17 Kenneth E. Roth District 18 Bernard F. Lennon District 19 Dennis M. Aaron District 20 Lawrence R. Pernick District 21 Alexander C. Per inoff District 22 Mary Mead Dearborn District 23 Paul E. Kasper District 24 Dennis L. Murphy (Elected March 23, 1976) District 25 Patrick M. Nowak District 26 Joseph R. Montante, M.D. District 27 John J. McDonald Alexander C. Perinoff, Chairman Bernard F. Lennon, Vice Chairman Lynn D. Allen, Clerk COUNTY COMMISSIONER DISTRICTS 41 I. OrtanyIII• HOLLY GRovELRNO BRANDON OXFORD ADDISON 1 LI h• on.. INDEPENDENCE ORION ROSE SPRINGFIELD OAKLAND 4 MrWon 3 2 bake Arygte1 PONT..-.0 5 I ROCHESTER 1 HIGHLAND W LAKE FORD 7 6 ANON PONT. AC 8 SYL L KIEV. BOR F 25 .,... BLookor 14 COMMERCE ORCH•RO LAKE VILLAGE 23 I ,-1 26 BLOOMFIELD HILLS TROY MILFORD I .... km. l• • WEST 8100 IELD 13 z Blimp+ AM WIXOM . -E'---) CLAWSON F/an1.1.•1 Illyvy•ly Hill INGT Ilivmham iHnni SW) Tvo• • ISON LYON .111 24 15 20 17 GHTS L HRUP L•GE ERKLEY NOYI SOUTH LvON ..0101 TIM .. ... SOW. FIELD OAK PARK I HAZEL OGE PARK 21 1 -' 18 27 FERNDALE 11.—VI .OLLE 1- DISTRICT NUMBER ...DISTRICT BOUNDARY — MUNICIPAL BOUNDARY 1 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING J.)nuary 8, 1976 Meeting called to order by Lynn D. Allen, County Clerk and Register of Deeds at 1:10 P.M. in the Court House Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by Wallace F. Gabler, Jr. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler. Hoot. Kdsper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Perni.Jk. Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. (26) ABSENT: None. (0) Quorum present. Moved by Roth supported by Dunleavy the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as pr i nt ed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Lennon supported by Patterson the Journal for the October Session be approved and Llosnd and the October Session stand adjourned sine die. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. JANUARY SESSION A, 1976 Meeting called to order by Lynn O. Allen, County Clerk and Register of Deeds. Clerk called for nominations for Temporary Chairman. Mr. Lennon nominated Lawrence R. Pernick. Mr. Perinoff seconded the nomination. Moved by Olson supported by Button that nominations be closed and the Clerk be instructed 10 C.-1'J the unanimous vote of the Board for Lawrence R. Pernick. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Mr. Pernick declared elected Temporary Chairman and escorted to the Chair. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simons, Wilcox, Wilson. (26) ABSENT: None. (0) Quo! um present. Nominations in order for Permanent Chairman. Mr. Lennon nominated Alexander C. Perinoff. Mr. Roth seconded the nomination. Mr. McDonald nominated Fred D. Houghten. Mrs. Moffitt seconded the nomination. Moved by Olson supported by Roth that nominations be closed. Moffitt Mon tante Nowak Olson Page Patterson Per inoff Pernick Price Roth Simmons Wilcox Wilson - Fred D. Houghten - Fred D. Houghten - Fred D. Houghten - Alexander C. Perinoff - Fred D. Houghten - Fred D. Houghten - Alexander C. Perinoff - Alexander C. Perinoff - Alexander C. Perinoff - Alexander C. Perinoff - Alexander C. Perinoff - Fred D. Houghten - Fred D. Houghten 2 Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 8, 1976 The roil call vote was as follows: Aaron - Alexander C. Perinoff Button - Alexander C. Perinoff Daly - Alexander C. Per inoff Dearborn - Alexander C. Perinoff Douglas - Alexander C. Perinoff Dunleavy - Fred D. Houghten Fortino - Alexander C. Per inoff Gabler - Fred D. Houghten Hoot - Fred D. Houghten Houghten - Fred D. Houghten Kasper - Fred D. Houghten Lennon - Alexander C. Perinoff McDonald - Fred D. Houghten The result of the roll call vote was as follows: Alexander C. Perinoff - 14 Fred D. Houghten - 12 Alexander C. Perinoff declared elected Chairman and escorted to the Chair. Nominations in order for Vice Chairman. Mr. Roth nominated Bernard F. Lennon. Mr. Simmons seconded the nomination. Mr. Patterson nominated James W. Dunleavy. Mrs. Moffitt seconded the nomination. Moved by Olson supported by Daly that nominations be closed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. :The roll call vote was as follows: Aaron - Bernard F. Lennon Button - Bernard F. Lennon Daly - Bernard F. Lennon Dearborn - Bernard F. Lennon Douglas - Bernard F. Lennon Dunleavy - James W. Dunleavy Fortino - Bernard F. Lennon Gabler - James W. Dunleavy Hoot - James W. Dunleavy Houghten - James W. Dun leavy Kasper - James W. Dunleavy Lennon - Bernard F. Lennon McDonald - James W. Dunleavy Moffitt - James W. Dunleavy Montante - James W. Dunleavy Nowak - James W. Dunleavy Olson - Bernard F. Lennon Page - James W. Dunleavy Patterson - James W. Dunleavy Perinoff - Bernard F. Lennon Pernick - Bernard F. Lennon Price - Bernard F. Lennon Roth - Bernard F. Lennon Simmons - Bernard F. Lennon Wilcox - James W. Dunleavy Wilson - Bernard F. Lennon Thr result of the roll call vote was as follows: Bernard F. Lennon - 14 James W. Dunleavy - 12 Bernard F. Lennon declared elected Slice Chairman and eqcorred to the Chair. Mr. Perinoff submitted the names of the following as members of the General Government Commiltee: Bernard F. Lennon, Hubert Price, Jr., Lawrence R. Pernick, Robert A. Button, Mary Mead Dearborn, Richard R. Wilcox, Henry W. Hoot, Betty J. Fortino, John J. McDonald and William T. Patter ,,on. Mr. McDonald stated in accordance with Rule IX-B membership of all Standing Committees, except the Finance Committee4hall consist of six (6) members of the majority party and four (A) members of the minority party of the County Board of Commissioners and requested the Chairman for a break down on the ten names just named, to see if the Chairman is proceeding according to the rules. Mr. McDonald asked the Chairman to re-state the names. Lennon Price Pernick Button Dearborn - Democrat - Oemocrat - Democrat - Republican - Republican Wilcox - Republican Hoot - Republican Fortino - Democrat McDonald - Republican Patterson- Republican Mr. Button stated he had switched party affiliations from the Republican Caucus to the Democratic Caucus. Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 8, 1976 3 Mrs. Dearborn stated she is now a member of the Democratic Caucus and the Democratic Party. Mr. McDonald said because of their declaration, he questions whether or not that is sufficient to actually change party affiliations and ask for a ruling of the Chair. The Chairman requested Robert P. Allen, Civil Counsel to address the Board. Mr. Allen addressed the Board. Discussion followed. Moved by Pernick supported by Olson the appointments made to the General Government Committee be confirmed. Discussion followed. The Chairman ruled in light of the public utterances by Mrs. Dearborn and Mr. Button, he would consider therefore, the majority party is the Democratic Party. Discussion followed. Mr. Nowak appealed the decision of the Chair. The Chairman stated that those in favor of sustaining the Chair, say 'aye and those opposed, say 'no'. The vote was as follows: AYES: Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Page. Patterson, Wilcox. (11) NAYS: Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. Roth, Simon,, Wilson, Aaron, Button. (14) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the decision of the Chair was not sustained. Mr. Wilcox requested his name be withdrawn from the General Government Committee. Discussion followed. Mr. McDonald requested his name be withdrawn from the General Government Committee. The Chairman declared a 10 minute recess. The Board reconvened at 2:50 P.M. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moflitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. (24) ABSENT: Page, Pernick. (2) Quorum present. Mr. Per inoff submitted the names of the following as members of the General Government Committee: Robert A. Button, Chairman, John J. McDonald, Vice Chairman, Dana F. Wilson, Howard R. Simmons, Bernard F. Lennon, Betty J. Fortino, Patrick M. Nowak, Robert W. Page, Paul E. Kasper and Patrick K. Daly. The Chairman cleared the floor of all pending motions. Moved by Pernick supported by Montante the appointments made to the General Government Commiitee be confirmed. AYES: Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, wilco*, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Chairman declared a recess. The Board reconvened at 3:35 P.M. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. (25) ABSENT: Page. (I) Quorum present. 4 Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 8, 1976 Mr. Button recommended that the Committee membership for 1976 be as follows: FINANCE COMMITTEE Chairman: Lawrence R. Pernick Vice Chairman: Fred D. Houghten Members: Roth, Daly, Wilson, Dearborn, Fortino, Price, Wilcox, Gabler, Page HUMAN RESOURCES Chairman: Betty J. Fortino Vice Chairman: Wallace F. Gabler, Jr. Members: Pernick, Aaron, Daly, Price, Simmons, Patterson, Montante, McDonald PERSONNEL Chairman: Dennis M. Aaron Vice Chairman: Paul E. Kasper Members: Olson, Douglas, Simmons, Button, Price, Dunleavy, Moffitt, Nowak PUBLIC SERVICES Chairman: Hubert Price, Jr. Vice Chairman: James W. Dunleavy Members: Wilson, Button, Douglas, Dearborn, Olson, Patterson, Hoot, Moffitt PLANNING AND BUILDING Chairman: Patrick K. Daly Vice Chairman: Richard R. Wilcox Members: Olson, Roth, Dearborn, Pernick, Fortino, Houghten, Montante, Hoot Moved by Button supported by Daly the recommendations be approved. AYES: Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Rontante, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Button supported by Fortino that Bernard F. Lennon and Mary M. Dearborn be appointed to the Board of Public Works for three-year terms ending December 31, 1979. Mr. McDonald nominated Henry W. Hoot to the Board of Public Works for a three-year term ending December 31, 1979. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. The roll call vote was as follows: Dunleavy - Hoot Perinoff - Lennon and Dearborn Fortino - Lennon and Dearborn Pernick - Lennon and Dearborn Gabler - Hoot Price - Lennon and Dearborn Hoot - Hoot Roth - Dearborn and Lennon Houghten - Hoot Simmons - Dearborn and Lennon Kasper - Hoot Wilcox - Hoot Lennon - Lennon and Dearborn Wilson - Dearborn and Lennon McDonald - Hoot Aaron - Dearborn and Lennon Moffitt - Hoot Button - Lennon and Dearborn Montante - Hoot Daly - Dearborn and Lennon Nowak - Hoot Dearborn - Lennon and Dearborn Olson - Lennon and Dearborn Douglas - Dearborn and Lennon Patterson - Hoot The result of the roll call vote was as follows: Lennon and Dearborn - 14 Hoot - 11 Maly M. Dearborn and Bernard F. Lennon declared elected members of the Board of Public Works lor Ihree-yror ms ending December 31, 1979. Moved by Button supported by Roth that Betty J. Fortino, Marjorie Walker and E. Frank Richardson be appointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission for three-year terms ending December 31, 1979. Moved by Lennon supported by Roth that nominations be closed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The roll call vote was as follows: AYES: Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Betty J. Fortino, Marjorie Walker and E. Frank Richardson were elected members of the Parks and Recreation Commission for three-year terms ending December 31, 1979. Commissioners Minutes Continued, January 8, 1976 5 Moved by Button supported by Roth that Niles E. Olson, Mary M. Dearborn and Wallace F. Gabler, Jr. be appointed to the County Airport Committee for one year-term ending December 31, 1976. Moved by Lennon supported by Roth that nominations be closed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The roll call vote was as follows: Gabler - Olson, Dearborn and Gabler Hoot - Olson, Dearborn and Gabler Kasper - Olson, Dearborn and Gabler Lennon - Olson, Dearborn and Gabler McDonald - Olson and Gabler Moffitt - Olson and Gabler Montante - Olson, Dearborn and Gabler Nowak - Olson, Dearborn and Gabler Olson - Olson, Dearborn and Gabler Patterson - Olson and Gabler Perinoff - Olson, Dearborn and Gabler Pernick - Olson, Dearborn and Gabler Price - Olson, Dearborn and Gabler Roth - Olson, Dearborn and Gabler Simmons - Olson, Dearborn and Gabler Wilcox - Olson, Dearborn and Gabler Wilson - Olson, Dearborn and Gabler Aaron - Olson, Dearborn and Gabler Button - Olson, Dearborn and Gabler Daly - Olson, Dearborn and Gabler Dearborn - Olson, Dearborn and Gabler Douglas - Olson, Dearborn and Gabler Dunleavy - Olson, Dearborn and Gabler Fortino - Olson, Dearborn and Gabler The result of the roll call vote was as follows: Olson, Dearborn and Gabler - 21 Olson and Gabler - 3 A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Niles E. Olson, Mary M. Dearborn and Wallace F. Gabler, Jr. were elected members of the County Airport Committee for a one-year term ending December 31, 1976. Moved by Button supported by Douglas that Robert A. Button and James W. Dunleavy be appointed to the Personnel Appeal Board for a one-year term ending December 31, 1976. Moved by Lennon supported by Fortino that nominations be closed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The roll call vote was as follows: AYES: Hoot, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Robert A. Button and James W. Dunleavy were elected to the Personnel Appeal Board for a one-year term ending December 31, 1976. Mi /4013 By ni. Rutton IN Ri: NOTICE 10 AMEND BOARD RULE XIII OF THE RULES FOR THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 10 the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mi. ii 'ran, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee reports its concurrence with the proposed amendment to Rule X111 of the Rules for the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, which amendment would strike the present language and insert the following language: "These rules and any rules in the parliamentary authority shall be suspended by a voice vote unless objection is raised, then these rules and any rules in the parliamentary authority shall be suspended upon the affirmative vote of 16 members." Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the General Government Committee, 1 move the acceptance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman "December 4, 1975 To Members of the Board of Commissioners - Oakland County, Michigan IN RE: NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO RULE XIII OF THE RULES FOR OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XV of the Rules for the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, Commis- sioner Betty J. Fortino hereby gives written notice of an intent to offer an amendment to said Rules to provide for a suspension of the Rules by a voice vote unless an objection is raised. It is proposed to amend Rule XIII, Page 10 by striking the present language and inserting the following language: "THESE RULES AND ANY RULES IN THE PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY SHALL BE SUSPENDED BY A VOICE VOTE, THEN THESE RULES AND ANY RULES IN THE PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY SHALL BE SUSPENDED UPON THE AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF 16 MEMBERS". Respectfully submitted, Betty J. Fortino, Commissioner - District 25" 6 Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 8, 1976 Moved by Button supported by Lennon the report be accepted. AYES: Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly. Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino. (14) NAYS: Houghten, Kasper, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Patterson, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot. (9) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Moved by Lennon supported by Pernick the resolution be adopted. AYES: Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino. (14) NAYS: Kasper, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Patterson, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten. (9) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the resolution was not adopted. Mi. 7409 By Mr. Button IN RE: NOTICE TO AMEND RULE IX-C OF THE RULES FOR THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mi. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee after review of the proposed amendment to Rule XI-C of the Rules for the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, recommends that said Rule IX-C be amended by striking all words preceding "In case of a permanent vacancy..." and inserting the following language: "The first named member of any Committee shall be the Chairman and the second named member shall be the Vice-Chairman of the majority party; the third named shall be the Vice-Chairman or the minority party. In the temporary absence of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman of the majority party shall act as Chairman. In the temporary absence of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the majority party, the Vice Chairman of the minority party shall act as Chairman. In the temporary absence of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the majority party and Vice Chairman of the minority party, the member next in rank in the order named and so on, as often as the case shall happen, shall art as Chairman." On behalf of the General Government Committee, 1 move the acceptance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman "November 6, 1975 To Members of the Board of Commissioners - Oakland County, Michigan IN RE: NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO RULE IX-C of the Rules for Oakland County Board of Commissioners Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XV of the Rules for Oakland County Board of Commissioners, Commissioner Hubert Price hereby gives written notice of intent to offer an amendment to said Rules to provide for a Vice-Chairman of each Committee from the Minority Party. It is proposed to amend Rule IX-C (page 37, Rules for Oakland County Board of Commissioners) by adding following the word "Vice Chairman" the following language: "THERE SHALL ALSO BE A VICE-CHAIRMAN OF EACH COMMITTEE CHOSEN BY THE MINORITY PARTY." Respectfully submitted, Hubert Price, Jr., Commissioner - District #8" Moved by Button supported by Only thr wort he nccrpled. Moved by Lennon supported by Roth the resolution be laid on the table. AYES: Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten. (16) NAYS: Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Patterson, Dunleavy, Gabler, Kasper. (7) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Misc. 7410 By Mr. Button IN RE: SUPPORT OF HOUSE BILL 5498 - AMENDING MICHIGAN LIQUOR CONTROL ACT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS this Board has reviewed resolutions from several local units of government request- ing support for House Bill 5498, which bill proposes to strike the exception from the Michigan Liquor Control Act that removed the authority of local legislative bodies to control the issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses in their jurisdictions if located in a county with a population of 1,000,000 or more; and Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 8, 1976 7 WHEREAS your Committee has reveiwed the requests for support of amendatory legislation as contained in House Bill 5498 and recommends support of said bill. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby supports House Bill 5498 and so recommends to the County legislators. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of the foregoing resolution be forwarded to the County Legislators and County Legislative Agent. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman Moved by Button supported by Pernick the resolution be adopted. The Chairman announced pursuant to Rule XI-C the matter shall be laid over to the next regular Board meeting. REPORT By Mr. Button IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION ,I7365 - SUPPORT OF HOUSE BILL 5501 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee reports Miscellaneous Resolution #7365 with the recommendation that said resolution be adopted. On behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman "misc. 7365 By Mt. Daly IN RE: SUPPORT HOUSE BILL 5501 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS House Bill 5501 provides for a Twenty-Five mile per hour speed limit on highways within a 1,000 foot radius of a school, public park or public playground unless a different speed limit is fixed and posted; and WHEREAS House Bill 5501 further provides that local authorities are authorized to decrease the Twenty-Five mile per hour speed limit within a 1,000 foot radius of a school, public park or public playground, but not less than Fifteen miles per hour, provided adequate notice and adequate signs are duly posted noting the reduced speed; and WHEREAS House Bill 5501 should be enacted by the State Legislature as it protects the safety and welfare of children attending school and playing in public parks and playgrounds. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland supports House Bill 5501 and strongly urges its adoption by the State Legislature. Mr. Chairman, we move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Patrick K. Daly, Betty J. Fortino James W. Dunleavy, Patrick M. Nowak" Moved by Button supported by Daly the resolution be adopted. The Chairman announced pursuant to Rule XI-C the matter shall be laid over to the next regular Board meeting. REPORT By Mr. Aaron IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7364 - ESTABLISHMENT OF DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Committee reports Miscellaneous Resolution #7364 without recommendation. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman "Misc. 7364 By Mr. Price IN RE: ESTABLISHMENT OF DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Section 14(b) of Act 139 of the Public Acts of 1973, as amended, provides that the Board of Commissioners may create additional departments; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland has embarked upon an Affirmative Action Program; and WHEREAS to assure that the Affirmative Action Program is fully implemented, a Department of Human Rights should be created; and WHEREAS the Department of Human Rights should have a staff of six members, including the Director, and sufficient funds to operate the Department. 8 Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 8, 1976 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 14(b) of Act 139 of the Public Acts of 1973, as amended, a Department of Human Rights be created. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that six positions be established, including the Director of the Department of Human Rights, and that sufficient funds for salaries and for the operation of the Department of Human Rights be appropriated. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Hubert Price, Jr., Commissioner - District #8" Moved by Aaron supported by Pernick the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Price supported by Daly the resolution be referred to the Personnel Committee and the committee hold the necessary Public Hearing. Mr. Gabler objected. Discussion followed. Vote on referral: AYES: Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Lennon. (14) NAYS: Montante, Patterson, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper. (7) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried and the resuiut ion was referred to the Personnel Committee. REPORT By Mr. Aaron IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7395 - NEW POSITION - DETENTION OFFICER - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT/ LIBRARY SERVICES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7395 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman "Misc. 7395 By Aaron IN RE: NEW POSITION - DETENTION OFFICER - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT/LIBRARY SERVICES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County Library Board has received a grant in the amount of $20,000 for library services in Eounty Jail facilities under Title I of the Library Services and Construction Act; and WHEREAS said grant includes one-half the salary and fringe benefits for one Detention Of position; and WHEREAS ihe Library Board and the Sheriff's Department agree that the program requires a full-tine Detention Officer to provide services to both the Jail and the Trusty Camp and to provide adequate sei.utity for library personnel; and WHIHIAS the Pri—ionnel Committee concurs with this recoumendatIon, NOW IHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (1) Detention Wilier position be granted to the Sheritt's Department tor the purpose of the library service.. program wIlh one -finll (1/2) tho co%t of salary And Iringe benefits to be paid from the Library Services and Construction Act Title I grant. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this position shall be deleted upon termination of grant funding. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman" Moved by Aaroe supported by Daly that resolution #7395 be adopted. Discussion followed. Moved by Olson supported by Daly the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Lennon. (15) NAYS: Montante, Nowak, Patterson, Wilcox, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper. (8) Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 8, 1976 9 A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 47361 - OAKLAND COUNTY WATER, SEWER AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - ACT 342 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee at their December 4, 1975 meeting unanimously approved Miscellaneous Resolution 7361 "Oakland County Water, Sewer and Sewage Disposal System - Act 342." Commissioner Wilcox proposed the following amendment to the Resolution which is to be introduced at the Board of Commissioners meeting. Move to amend the Resolution by inserting in the second paragraph of the "Now therefore be it resolved" paragraph, after the figure "342", the following: "On a temporary bass, pending the outcome of the litigation between the County of Oakland vs. Daniel T. Murphy, County Executive, in the Oakland County Circuit Court, being cause No. 75-131432. That the Oakland County Drain Commissioner is hereby directed to use the personnel and facilities of the Oakland County Department of Public Works for any project as may be established from time to time by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners." The amendment carried on a voice vote. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman "Misc.7361 By Mr. Perinoff IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY WATER, SEWER AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - ACT 342 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners has heretofore established a Department of Public Works in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 185, Public Acts of Michigan, 1957, as amended, for the administration of the powers conferred upon the county by the terms of said act; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland, in exercise of the powers conferred by the terms of said Act No. 185, has acquired, constructed and financed numerous water supply and sewage disposal systems within the county, has improved, enlarged and extended said systems and in certain cases is operating and maintaining said systems and such improvements, enlargements and extensions thereof; and WHEREAS due to pending litigation the County is now unable to issue its bonds pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 185 to finance the acquisition and construction of additional water supply and sewage disposal systems or to finance the improvement, enlargement or extension of existing systems; and WHEREAS there are now pending several projects which are vitally necessary for the pro- tection of the public health and it is, therefore, essential that the acquisition, construction and financing of such projects proceed as soon as possible; and WHEREAS the terms of Act 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, permit the .1, 'iil.ii III, C(InSt ruction and financing of systems of water, sewer or sewage disposal improvements and seivhos and the pending litigation does not affect or impair the county's ability to issue bonds io ihe piovilon, n1 said Act 342 to finance the acquisition and construction of water, sewer and lewage disposAl Improvements and facilities; and WHIRIM this Do,41(1 of Commissioners deems it necessary for the health and we of the n iii/rw. of Oakland County to avail itself ol the provisions of Act 342, on a temporary ba.,is, pendinq the outcome of the litigation which has prohibitied the issuance of bonds pursuant to the provisions of Act 185; and WHEREAS each project commenced under Act 342 will require a resolution in substantially the form attached hereto. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. This Board of Commissioners does hereby authorize and direct that there be established under and pursuant to, and for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred by Act No. 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, a countywide system of water, sewer and sewage disposal improve- ments and services to be known as the Oakland County Water, Sewer and Sewage Disposal System. 2. The Oakland County Drain Commissioner is hereby designated the county agency for the said Oakland County Water, Sewer and Sewage Disposal System and shall have all of the powers con- ferred upon the county agency by the terms of said Act No. 342. 3. The Drain Commissioner as county agency is hereby authorized and requested to take all ..tops necessary to acquire, construct and finance (under and pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 342, Public Acts of Michigan 1939, as amended) those projects which are now pending under Act 185, and to proceed with the acquisition, construction and financing of such additional water, sewer and sewage disposal projects as say be requested from time to time by cities, villages and townships within the County of Oakland. WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners of Oakland County, Michigan, pursuant to statutory authority by Resolution adopted , 19 did designate and appoint the Oakland County Drain Commissioner as the "County Agency" in connection with the establishment, maintenance and operation of systems of sewer and water distribution, improvements, facilities and services, and ID Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 8, 1976 services, and for the acquisitions or purchase of treatment and water for such systems and as the person who shall have supervision and operation of same which may be established under the authority of Act 342, Michigan Public Acts of 1939, as amended; and WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners of Oakland County, Michigan considers it advisable and necessary for the health and welfare of the inhabitants of its municipalities that there be provided for them sewers, sewerage, sewage disposal and water supply systems with necessary facilities to supply sewage disposal and water services to certain of the established Districts and other munici- palities in the County of Oakland. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the County of Oakland, Michigan by a majority vote of its members elect, does hereby authorize and direct that there be established, maintained and operated under the provisions of Act 342 of the Public Acts of 1939, as amended, and any other applicable acts, a system to be known as the " System" consisting of and all other facilities necessary to to the herein designated the " District". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Drain Commissioner shall negotiate a contract with the for for the system as established and develop and negotiate a contract, with the participants in the system, providing for its financing, construction and operation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Drain Commissioner shall have such powers and duties in respect to the aforementioned system as are conferred upon him by law and established by the provisions of Act 342 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1939, as amended, provided that he shall have no authority to create any liability of any kind upon the County of Oakland, unless authorized by this Board of Commissioners. Alexander C. Perinoff, Richard R. Wilccv, Fred D. Houghten" Moved by Daly supported by Pernick the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Daly supported by Pernick that resolution #7361, as amended by the Planning and Building Committee, be adopted. AYES: Nowak, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt, Montante. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution #7361 as amended by the Planning and Building Committee, was adopted. RfP0Pr Hy Mt. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7403 - RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED TO ROAD COMMISSION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Rc.,olotion No. 7403 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman . hy Mt. Nowok IN SI• RiCIII-OF-WAY ()FED TO ROAD COMMISSION To tIit Dakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS with the development of Phase I construction at Waterford-Oaks, the County Road Commission has requested that the County grant to them a right-of-way along Scott Lake Road described as follows: Part of the SW 1/4 of Section 13, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the West section line distant S 3 ° 20' 00" W 1166.89 feet from the W 1/4 corner of said Section 13; thence S 86 ° 16' 00" E, 60.00 feet; thence S 3 ° 20' 00" W, 948.30 feet; thence N 86' 16' 00" W, 60.00 feet; thence N 3' 20' 00" E, 948.30 feet to the point of beginning. and WHEREAS the property involved is owned by the County of Oakland and leased to the Parks and Recreation Commission; and . WHEREAS the Parks and Recreation Commission has recommended the approval of the right-of- way grant in that it does not interfere with the Waterford-Oaks Master Plan. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners he nod is hereby authorized to execute the attached Quit Claim Deed granting the above described right-of-way to the Oakland County Road Commission. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick M. Nowak, Chairman, moves the adoption of the totegoiny resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick M. Nowak, Chairman" On lIt. 11120,1Ird &Iv W Fred D. Houghten 15._ D. 19 before me personally I , p.., I . ComMis$1oners Minutes Continuuci, January 8, 1976 Ii , , tiltcycr,,i Wit; lusunirwc (i)rporalion Form 564 I fin QINT rAI1 DV1,1).-CORPORATION---Stritutnry Finns 1914, Cif/5 I52 M.S.A. 2/. —2 . . - . KNOW AU. MEN DY 11-1V 1,16...NTS: The The COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation wholeodihoolis 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48053 Quit Chiins to The BOARD OF COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONERS, County of Oakland, State of Michigan, a Public Body Corporate, 2420 Pontiac Lake Road, Pontiac , Michigan 48084 Waterford the following described premise, situatod in the Township it County of Oakland and State of Michigan. to•wit. Part of the SW 1/4 of Section 13, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, d ,?scribed as follows: Beginning at a point in the West section line distant S 30 20' 00" W 1166.89 feet from the W 1/4 corner of said Section 13; thence S 86° 16' 00" E, 60.00 feet; thence S 3 0 20' 00" W, 948.30 feet; thence N 86° 16' 00" W, 60.00 feet; thence N 30 20' 00" E, 948.30 feet the point of beginning. 0 --I together with all nod sirigitInt lb. tenement., hereditament and appurtenance thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. :4* (i) ( One Dollar ($1.00) r m O NH . c...isithiration of rr in 1.1 - m Z 1 ).bad this day of A. D. 19 0 l C Signed and Sealed: X 0 1, I- Z (.1 COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan n .c m rt Constitutional Corporation Wilriemc (1..S.) I 4 . . _ frlyFred LI: Houghten, Chairman °Y- u Board of CommiL'sioners Its . _ _ rrl hI 0 X 0 By STATE It. Oakland couNve tar _ mc to dly known. noho bNIng by rn, swprn, did (1) say IAA ("1 he is Chairman ,./ th , Oakland County Board of Commissioners th• • ;.. 14[1.1 ; a.cn,loai tb-u.nthin .Y..X.*X'XIX-XXAZ"AOki; X ari:t too:Irk-El trxt"c2rxEnttz z--70xcl ;4.4.A tb..t . I ....1..1 11e 1,11 •If a•'" bv unbnnjt4art its Loa& of iteidtrirs; and said Commissioners Chairmin said sn.truinunt to be the .• .1, oupilv-. A 11 1'1 .County. finiK:et P. r), .10 Al l 2ft) t. TOlograph Rd. ,Pontlac, . 12 Commissioeers Minutes Conti:ext.). .AeLary S. 1976 Mo„d ky Daly .00w,itPd f..rtino that resolution P7403 be adopted. AYITe Olsoe. Vatt.,e0e, I i not Petnick, Price, Roth, Shre0111. Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, lit in. Daly, Dealhore. pnnleavy, I ii mu, Gabler, Hoot, Houqhten, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt, Montante, Nowo4 (7j) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient maiotety having voted therefor, resolution 47403 was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Price IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION :17406 - EMS GRANT APPLICATION MODIFICATION To the Oakland County Board of Comir:ssioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen . The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7406 with the recommeadacion that the resolution be adopted. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman . /406 Fer Mr. benleave IN Rf GRAN! APPiiCATION MCDIrILATION fo the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mt. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: WHIREAS the Oakland County Emergency Medical Serviees Council and the Oak.and County EMS Division have developed an Emergency Medical Services Plan for Oaisland County; and WHEREAS the EMS Council and the EMS Division established a tentative budget to be sub- mitted to the Department of Health, Education and Welfare for first year implementation of the plan; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approved said plan and budget (Miscellaneous Resolution P7244); and WHEREAS it has become necessary to revise said budget; and WHEREAS the Oakland County EMS Council has recommended the revised EMS budget to be ..ubmitted to the Department of Hea!th, Education and Welfare. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the revked EMS budget as submitted by the Oakland County Emergency Medical Services Council for sub- mission W. part of a regional grant application to the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Mr. Chairman, the Public Services Committee, by James W. Dunleavy, Chairman moves the adoption of iris resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE James W. Denleavy, Chairman" "FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Wilcox IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION d7406 - E.M.S. GRANT APPLICATION MODIFICATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed the Miscellaneous Resolution revising the Emergency Mcdiral Services Grant Application. The Finance Committee has determined that no additional County funds are needed because of thi. revision. The Finance Committee concurs with the action of the Public Services Committee in ivroveivedinq submission of the amended application of this grant. The Finance Committee, by Richard R. Wilcox, Chairman, recommends the acceptance of the foregoing report. FINANCE COMMITTEE Richard R. Wilcox, Chairman" Moved by Price supported Ly Button that resolution q7406 be adopted. Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the resolution be amended for the grant application to include the request of the City of Southfield to provide an additional $71,012 and amend the total grant application to be $444.000. Mr. Hough ten objected. Discuselon followed. Mi. Houghlen cequesipd Rw,crt Chisholm, Director or Public Services be allowed to address Ihr 1111.11(1. there well,- nu oh lei MI Ihithistm 411111,-..;,d Ilw Commissioners Minutes Continueq. January 8, 1976 13 Mr. Pernicx -egiested Maria Ward, a representative from the City of Southfield be allowed to address the Board. Mr. Houghten objected. Discussion followed. Mr. Houghten withdrew his objection. Ms. Ward addressed the Board. Discussion followed. Moved by Olson supported by Fortino the amendment offered by Mr. Pernick be amended, "If the Federal Government accepts the additional $70,000 that it be granted to the City of Southfield." Discussion followed. Vote on amendment, to the amendment: AYES: Price, Simnnns, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino, Hoot, Moffitt, Per -it:toff, Pernick. (II) NAYS: Wilcox, Button, Dunleavy, Gabler, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Patterson. (II) A sufficient majority not having vorecl Laerefor, the motion failed Vote on amendment: AYES: Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino, Moffitt, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (10) NAYS: Roth, Wilcox, Button, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Montante. Nowak, Olson, Patterson. (13) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Vote on resolution. AYES: Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Moot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution #7406 was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Price IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7405 - OAKLAND COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATIONS IMPROVEMENT GRANT APPLICATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price. Jr., Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7405 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman "Misc. 7405 By Mr. Dun leavy IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATIONS IMPROVEMENT GRANT APPLICATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on May 2, 1974, authorized application for $129,073 in LFAA funds for Communications Impovement; and WHEREAS a shortage of LEAA funds delayed funding of the authorized application until 1975; and WHEREAS refinements in several communications subsystems in Oakland County have occurred or are in progress making modifications and additions in the Oakland County Sheriff's Department grant necessary and desireable: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorized application for $326,658 in LEAA funding; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners dedicate the required local cash matching Funds in an amount not to exceed $18,148. The Public Services Committee, by James W. Dunleavy, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE James W. Dunleavy, Chairman" 14 Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 8, 1976 "FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Wilcox IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7405 - OAKLAND COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATIONS IMPROVEMENT GRANT APPLICATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: This is a one year non-continuing grant under the Crime Control Act of 1973 involving the improvement of the Oakland County Sheriff's Department Communication System. This 1975 request of $362,953 is $219,538 or 153% higher than the original grant application applied for in 1974. The 1974 request of $143,415 was approved by the Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 6602 on May 2, 1974 but was set aside when available funds were re-allocated to higher priority projects. The acquisition of this equipment will allow the County to replace 45 existing radios and update 40 other existing units. It will also allow the acquisition of 73 vehicular repeaters (walky- talkies) and miscellaneous equipment. The County's portion is $18,148 (5%) cash and the State's portion is $18,148 (5%) cash. The balance of $326,657 (90%) will be Federal cash contribution. Additionally, the County will be committed to provide for replacement costs in the amount of $23,295 and normal maintenance and repairs in the amount of $9,318 per year. It should also be noted that costs necessary for telephone installation and monthly telephone service charges are not included in this cost analysis. The Finance Committee concurs with the action of the Public Service Committee in recommending submission of the application for this grant. The Finance Committee, by Richard R. Wilcox, Chairman, recommends the acceptdnce of the foregoing report. FINANCE COMMITTEE Richard R. Wilcox, Chairman" 1974 Analication 1975 Revision Change Commissioners Minutes Continued. 4druary 8, 1976 COUNTY EXECUTIVE'S REVIEW OAKLAND COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATIONS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 15 Federal $129,0/3 $326,653 $197 5g5 State -7,171 18,148 10 977 Local - 7,171 18,148 10,977 e-- Total $143,415 $362,953 $219,538 • 1974 OAKLAND COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPART/ENT C01,21UNICATIONS GRANT OBJECTIVES 1. . Provide new radio equipment with reduced maintenance and cost to Oakland County. 2. Provide more reliable communications between field units and base station. 3. Provide reliable commueications between field units for improved cootlination of effort (ie. foot searches, building searches, field operations involving several mobile units, etc.). 4. Increase personal safety of deputies by providing greater accuracy in radio transmissions. 1915 OAITAND COUNTY SEFaIFF'S DEPARTNT CCe241INICATIONS GRANT OBJECTIVES J. provide new radio equieeent with reduced maintenance and cost to Oakland County. 2. Provide more reliable communications between field units and base station. 3. Previde reliable communications between field unite for improved coordination of effort (ie. foot searches, building searches, field operations involving several mobile units, etc.). 4. Terrenee personal safety of deputies by providing greater accuracy in radio transmineioas. 5. Promote more effective communications between the Oakland County Sheriff's Dopertment and other Oakland County law enforcement agencies. 6. Provide alternate levie station when primary base is inoperative (in. power failure, mechanical failure, structural failure of primary base building, etc.). 1. Automatic Vehicle Identification will provide source identification for radio treffic from field untLs. S. Provide complete monitoring capability for the Oakland County Sheriff's Depart- m•nt of all other pollee radio frequencies in Oakland County. 9. Provide equipmeet of the required minimum sophietication to allow field units to readily advantage theeAelvee of computerized crime and operational data. Moved by Price supported by Moffitt that resolution #7405 be adopted. ANTS. Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Leanon, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson. (22) NAYS- None. (0) A seflicient majority having voted therefor, resolution #7405 was adopted. 16 Comissioners Minutes Continued. Mis. . 7411 ay Mt. Price IN at: OAKLAND CalINTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATIONS IMPROVEMENT GRANT APPLICATION lo thr Oakland County Board of Comissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on May 2, 1974, authorized application for $129,073 in LE.A.A. funds for Communications Improvement; and WHEREAS a shortage of LEAA funds delayed funding of the authorized application until 1975; and WHEREAS refinements in several communications subsystems in Oakland County have occurred or are in progress making modifications and additions in the Oakland County Sheriff's Department grant necessary and desireable; and WHEREAS the Public Services and Finance Committees of the Oakland County Board of Commis- sioners have recommended authorizing application for $326,658 and dedication of $18,148 matching funds; and WHEREAS the Michigan Office of Criminal Justice Programs on December 23, 1975 tendered a grant award of 5332,231 requiring County matching cash funds in the amount of $18,458, an increase of $310 in County funds. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize acceptance of an L.E,A.A. grant award of $332,231 and dedicate County cash matching funds of $18,458. Said matching funds to be provided from the radio equipment fund. The Public Services Committee, by James W. Dunleavy, Chairman, moves the adoption of the Foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman Moved by Price supported by Roth the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Pelinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons,- Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Bunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt, Montante, Olson, Patterson. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Price supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. Mr. Price requested that Robert Chisholm, Director of Public Services, be allowed to address the Board. There were no objections. Mr. Chisholm addressed the Board. Vote on resolution: AYES: Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Ounleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Moved by Price supported by Nowak the appointment of Joan M. Newby, Director of Community Minority Affairs, be confirmed. Moved by Lennon supported by Moffitt the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the appointment. AYES: Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on appointment: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried and the appointment was approved. f Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 8, 1976 17 Misc. 7412 By Mr. Gabler IN RE: SMOKING PROHIBITED IN AUDITORIUM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the heath of all people are effected by being exposed to tobacco smoke; this fact having been well established by the U.S. Department of Health. BE IT RESOLVED that the smoking of all tobacco products shall be prohibited in the Oakland County Auditorium, as of February 1, 1976. Wallace F. Gabler, Jr., Commissioner - District #12 Moved by Gabler supported by Patterson the resolution be referred to the Human Resources Committee. Mr. Lennon objected. The Chairman stated those in favor of sustaining the objection vote 'yes' and those opposed vote 'no'. AYES: Kasper, Moffitt, Pernick, Wilcox. (4) NAYS: Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Houghten, Lennon, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Price, Roth, Simmons- (16) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the objection was not sustained. The resolution was referred to the Human Resources Committee. Moved by Lennon supported by Montante the Board adjourn until January 22, 1976 at 9:30 A.M. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Board adjourned at 5:25 P.M. Lynn D. Allen Alexander C. Perinoff Clerk Chairman 18 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING January 22, 1976 Meeting called to order by Chairman Alexander C. Per inoff at 10:55 A.M. in the Court House Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by Lawrence R. Pernick. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. (25) ABSENT: Houghten. (l) Quorum present. Moved by Button supported by Patterson the minutes of the previous meeting be corrected on Page 2. The vote for Chairman should reflect Dana F. Wilson voting for Alexander C. Perinoff. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Button supported by Patterson the minutes of the previous meeting, as corrected, be approved. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Clerk read letter from United States Representative to the United Nations, Daniel P. Moynihan regarding the resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly equating Zionism with racism. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from U.S. Senator Philip A. Hart acknowledging receipt of resolution. (Placed on File.) Clerk read resolution adopted by the Ingham County Board of Commissioners opposing Senate Bill 1191 - Amending Michigan Employment Security Act. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter of appreciation from Anton J. Guyer, Suzette Shindorf, Bobbie Beach, Roberta Underwood and Karen Bartley. (Placed on file.) Clerk read resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Hazel Park supporting House Bill 5498 - Amending Michigan Liquor Control Act. (Placed on file.) Clerk read telegram from U.S. Representative William S. Broomfield congratulating Oakland County on receiving the American Revolution BiCentennial Commission grants for lake and stream improve- ment and facility beautification. (Placed on file.) Clerk read card of thanks from Lew and Florence Coy. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from Roscoe L. Bobo, Chairman of the Wayne County Board of Commissioners urging the Board to support H.R. 5247. (Placed on file.) Clerk stated the Report on Examination - Oakland County Federal Revenue Sharing is on file in the County Clerk's Office. Clerk read letter from State Senator Bill S. Huffman acknowledging receipt of resolution. (Placed on rile.) Clerk read letter from State Representative Melvin L. Larsen acknowledging receipt of resolution. (Placed on file.) 19 Comissioners Minutes Continued. Jae :dr-, 22, 1976 The Chairman appointed the tollowino to serve a one-year term on the Emergency Medical Services Council coninencino Jaroary 1, 1976 to and including December 31, 1976: Robert Aranorjan, D.O. Richard Barrow,. William E M.D. Leo Boudreau Charles Bowers, M.D. Gerald Buckmaster James Bunker Clarence Cadieux Seymour Cantor Mike Cervenak Eugene Chapp, M.D. Sgt. Marcel Charette Donald Cline, M.D. Gladys Cohen, R.N. Merton Colburn Edward Collins, M.D. Lew Coy James David John Dent John Eschbach Edward Falvey Lt. George Gedda Thomas Grekin, M.D. * New Members Designated Chairman Stanley Gutowski Dan Harsh Geoffrey Hockman Ronald Holko Peter Holman Garfield Johnson, M.D. Ronald Lagervald, D.O. Murray Leipzig Gerald Lopez, M.D. Richard Luehmann Norman Maddison Cpl. Jiln Manning William McMurray Floyd Miles Joseph Montante, M.D. Mark Nelson William Nelson Vicki Niederluecke, R.N. C. G. Nunnelley Harvey Osborne Richard Osgood Dave Pastour L. James Paul Medford Pittman Charles F. Pinkerman Albert Rayner George Ritter, M.D. Delores Rogers Merle Rydesky, M.D. Stan Schantz **Joseph L. Schirle, Jr.. M.D. Michael Schwartz Gary Snyder Milton Stuecheli. M.D. Frank St. Onoe Norron Swingle, M.D. LeRoy Teitz Thomas Thompson Capt. Charles Tice Sue Vanderbr ink Ken Venables Jack Whitlow Mike Wilamowski *Robert Connelly *F. Jack Douglas .::James W. Dunleavy The Chairman appointed the following to the Oakland County Manpower Planning Council for the period of January 1, 1976 to and including December 31, 1976: 1976 OAKLAND COUNTY MANPOWER PLANNING COUNCIL - SUGGESTED MEMBERSHIP (30) I. GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVES (8) OAKLAND COUNTY (4) *:,Robert Button, Oakland County Board of Commissioners Henry W. Hoot, Oakland County Board of Commissioners ***Lillian V. Moffitt, Oakland County Board of Commissioners F. Jack Douglas, Oakland County Board of Commissioners CITY OF PONTIAC *Samuel Baker, Director of Personnel, 450 Wide Track Drive, Pontiac 48058 CITY OF ROYAL OAK :Enoch Nelson, Commissioner, 211 Williams Street, Royal Oak 48068 BALANCE OF CITIES 'Richard Cogger, Mayor, City of Lathrop Village, 27400 Southfield Road, Lathrup Village TOWNSHIPS :James Reid, Supervisor, White Lake Township, 7525 Highland Road, White Lake 48086 2. CLIENT SECTOR REPRESENTATIVES (12) P.O.I.C. *Rev. W. Vernon, Chairman of Board, 154 N. Saginaw, Pontiac 48058 Social Services Board 'Anne Rumsey, Chairman of Board, 5950 Wing Lake Road, Birmingham 48010 0.L.H.S.A. ,Thomas Fowler, Jr., Chairman, 377 Orchard Lake Ave., Pontiac 48053 VETERANS' AFFAIRS COMMISSION *Douglas Hoard, Secretary, Veterans' Affairs Commission, 6824 Brightwood, Pontiac 48054 CLIENTS AND CITIZENS James Mathews, 91 Earlmoor, Pontiac 48053 Harriet Hulett, C.E.T.A. classroom graduate, 33614 Grant River, Farmington 48024 Collette Kloc, 5410 Coliddria, Clarkston 48016 LATINO REPRESENTATIVE *Frances Gomez, 315 Dick Street, Pontiac 48053 AMERICAN INDIAN REPRESENTATIVE One Council seat being reserved for future appointment M.E.S.C. E. A. Cocoves, Chief, Program Development, 7310 Woodward, Detroit 48026 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Anne McCullough, Troy SLt)onls, 4333 John R., Troy 48084 SOUTHFIELD HUMAN SERVICE"; Gloria Kennedy, 26080 Berg Road, Southfield 48067 Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 22, 1976 20 3. PRIVATE BUSINESS SECTOR (7) MANUFACTURING Donald R. Tishler, Comb & Groves, Inc., 366 W. 8 Mile, Ferndale 48220 RETAILING Thomas Lucian, owner, Vega Fruit Market, 630 East Blvd., Pontiac 48058 SERVICE SECTOR Mr. Arthur Bichan, President, Custom Tune-Up Shop of Troy, 343 Oliver, Troy 48084 Mr, Ron Schaefers, President, Van-Go, Inc., 32 S. Squirrel Road, Auburn Heights FARMINGTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Robert Smith, Insurance Representative, Design Insurance Center, Suite 294, 27600 Farmington Road, Farmington Hilis 48024 UTILITIES CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY Ken McGraw, District Manager, 2030 Featherstone, Pontiac 48053 PONTIAC CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mr. Earl Krepps, 10 W. Huron Street, Suite 315, Pontiac 48058 4. LABOR (3) * U.A.W., REGION IB Mr. Ken Morris, Director, 711 W. Thirteen Mile Road, Madison Heights 48071 * AFL-C10 Mr. Dorval Shank, District Representative, Region 23, 24611 Greenfield, Southfield 48075 * TEAMSTERS Mr. Joe Bane, District Representative, Local 614, 1410 Telegraph Road, Pontiac 48053 *Current members ** Designated Chairman *** Designated Vice Chairman The Chairman recommended the appointment of F. Jack Douglas to the office of Sanitary Code Appeal Board member in place and instead of Lew L. Coy, who has resigned as Commissioner. Mr. Douglas's term will expire December 31, 1977. The Chairman recommended the appointment of Lew L. Coy as a citizen member to the Sanitary Code Appeal Board in place and instead of Ronald H. Cooley. Mr. Coy's appointment is for the term beginning January 1, 1976 to and including December 31, 1978. The Chairman appointed Royal Oak City Commissioner W. Peter Kramer as representative and Peter Webster as alternate on the Oakland County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. The Chairman appointed Patrick K. Daly to serve on the AD HOC Zoning Coordinating Committee. The composition of this Committee is as follows: Dr. Joseph R. Montante, Commissioner District #26 Mrs. Betty J. Fortino, Commissioner District #5 Mr. Patrick K. Daly, Commissioner District #4 The Chairman appointed the following to the Community Mental Health Services Board, for three-year terms beginning January 1, 1976 to and including December 31, 1978. Dr. Paul H. Feldman, Chairman Mr. Paul N. Averill Mr. Eugene Kuthy Commissioner Hubert Price, Jr. The Chairman appointed Fred D. Houghten to serve out the balance of Lew L. Coy's term, from the present to December 31, 1977. Moved by Dunleavy supported by Button that the items on the Supplemental Agenda be approved, for consideration of Oaniel T. Murphy, County Executive - State of the County Message and the Report of the Persoenel Committee. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Discussion followed concerning the Chairman's appointments. 21 Commissioners Minutes Continued Jandary 22, 1976 Moved by Pernick suppolted 11,; Lennon the appointments recommended by the Chairman to the Community Mental Health Board and Ihe '.),Iitary Code Appeal Board be confirmed. A sufficient majority Imvir,1 voird therefor, the motion carried, and the appointments were approved. The Chairman introduced Daniel T. Murphy, County Executive who presented his State of the County Message. Misc. 7413 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: 5:7' INCREASE ON CIRCUIT COURT AND PROBATE COURT JUDGES SALARIES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS on December 18, 197$, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners referred to the Finance Committee the matter of 1976 salary increases for County employees earning over $30,000 for consideration and study; and WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed the individual salaries of those employees and recommends that the eleven Circuit Court Judges and four Probate Court Judges receive a 5% salary Increase for 1976 effective January 22, 1976; and WHEREAS the 5% increase will be applied to the total salary of these judges (both State and Countyportion) and be funded by the County. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following Salary amounts be effective on January 22, 1 976: 1975 SALARIES 1976 SALARIES INCREASE Circuit Court Judges County Portion $15,459 $17,557 $ 2,098 State Portion 26,500 26,500 -- TOTAL S41,959 $46,057 T-T7CrE Probate Court Judges County Portion $1 9,981 $21,798 $ 1,817 State Portion 16,349 16,349 -- TOTAL $3-6-330 $38,147 T-1777 BE lT FURTHER RESOLVED that pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the sum of $21,758, which is needed to finance the salary increases for eleven Circuit Court Judges effective January 22, 1976, available in the 1976 Circuit Court - Judicial Budget - line item - Jury Fees and Mileage. Said amount to be transferred to the Circuit Court - Judicial Budget - line item - Salaries-Regular. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board the Finance Committee finds the sum of $6,852, which is needed to fund the salary increases of four Probate Court Judges effective January 22, 1976, available in the 1976 Budget - Contingency Fund. $5,139 of said amount to be trans- ferred to the Probate Court - Administration Budget - line item - Salaries-Regular and $1,713 to the Juvenile Court - Administration Budget - line item - Salaries-Regular. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Office of Management and Budget together with the Probate Court determine which line item or items in the 1976 Probate Court Budget can be reduced to reimburse the Contingency Fund for the amount of $6,852. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Finance Committee does not recommend salary increases for any other employees earning over $30,000. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported 4y Simmons the resolution be adopted. . AYES: Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Patterson, Perrnoff, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dunleavy, Fortino, Kasper. (16) NAYS: Pernick, Button, Dearborn, Gabler. (4) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7395 - NEW POSITION - DETENTION OFFICER - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT/ LIBRARY SERVICES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7395 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Commissioners Minutes Cnntirued. January 22, 1976 22 "Misc. 7395 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: NEW POSITION - DETENTION OFFICER - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT/LIBRARY SERVICES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County Library Board has received a grant in the amount of $20,000 for library services in County Jail facilities under Title 1 of the Library Services and Construction Act; and WHEREAS said grant includes one-half the salary and fringe benefits for one Detention Officer position; and WHEREAS the Library Board and the Sheriff's Department agree that the program requires a full-time Detention Officer to provide services to both the Jail and the Trusty Camp and to provide adequate security for library personnel; and WHEREAS the Personnel Committee concurs with this recommendation, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (i) Detention Officer position be granted to the Sheriff's Department for the purpose of the library services program with one-half (1/2) the cost of salary and fringe benefits to be paid from the Library Services and Construction Act Title I grant, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this position shall be deleted upon termination of grant funding. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7395 - NEW POSITION - DETENTION OFFICER SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT/LIBRARY SERVICES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the sum of $8,967 available in the Law Enforcement Complex Commissary fund. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Dearborn the report be accepted and resolution #7395 be adopted. AYES: McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution #7395 was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION *7399 - FUNDING FOR PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF PROPOSED CHILDREN'S VILLAGE SCHOOL To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7399 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman "Misc. 7399 By Mr. Nowak IN RE: FUNDING FOR PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF PROPOSED CHILDREN'S VILLAGE SCHOOL To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the 1975 Capital Program, as approved by the Board of Commissioners, lists the Children's Village School Improvements as the number one priority project; and WHEREAS the Probate Court, the County Executive and your Committee concur in the recommen- dation that immediate steps be taken to implement the design and construction of a new school facility at the Children's Village; and WHEREAS although the new school will be designed to include all facilities needed for a full school program, Phase I of the project will be essentially limited to the construction of vocational training and recreational facilities; and WHEREAS your Planning and Building Committee recommends that this project be initiated immediately, to take advantage of current favorable construction costs. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that an appropriation in the amount of $25,000.00 is hereby approved to cover the initial design cost to prepare schematic drawings and specifications for Phase I and II, and preliminary drawings and specifications for Phase I, to allow for the determination of detailed cost estimates. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that tho Department of Central Services be directed to arrange for 23 Commissioners Minutes Continued. Janu,3ry 22, 1976 the interview, ol at least threr (3) i%rchitects for designing this project, by the Planning and Building Comitspe. The Planning and Buildinu Hi lieu, by Patrick M. Nowak, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing rnsolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick M. Nowak, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION .i'7399 - FUNDING FOR PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF PROPOSED CHILDREN'S VILLAGE SCHOOL To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the sum of $25,000.00 available in the Building Fund - Children's Village School Project. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Patterson the report be accepted and resolution #7399 be adopted. AYES: Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution #7399 was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Button IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7383 - SUPPORT OF HOUSE BILL 5073 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee reports Miscellaneous Resolution #7383 with the recommen- dation that said resolution be supported. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman "Mkc. 7383 By Mi. Wilson IN RE: SUPPORT OF HOUSE BILL 5073 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS House Bill 5073 provides an additional sentence for persons who carry or have in their possession a firearm at the time a felony or an attempted felony is committed, is guilty of a felony; and WHEREAS such person shall be sentenced to two years imprisonment in addition to any other sentence imposed - the two years to be served consecutively and shall not be eligible for pardon, parole or probation during the mandatory term imposed by House Bill 5073; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners should support House Bill 5073 to curb violent crimes. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby supports House Bill 5073, and so recommends to the County Legislators. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of the foregoing resolution be forwarded to the County Legislators and Legislative Agent. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoation of the foregoing resolution. Dana F. Wilson, Commissioner District #9" Moved by Button supported by Fortino the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Button supported by Kasper that resolution #7383 be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution #7383 was adopted. 24 Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 22, 1976 Misc. 7414 By Mr. Button IN RE: NOMINATIONS FOR APPOINTMENTS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee places in nomination Mr. D. R. Bell for re-appointment to the Oakland County Building Authority for a 3-year term, expiring December 31, 1978. Mr. Chairman, 1 so move. The General Government Committee places in nomination as Oakland County's representatives to the Southeastern Michigan Council of Governments the following names: DELEGATES: ALTERNATES: Alexander C. Perinoff Bernard F. Lennon Lawrence Pernick Hubert Price, Jr. Fred D. Houghten Robert W. Page Mr. Chairman, 1 so move. The General Government Committee places in nomination Dr. Robert Locey to the position of Medical Examiner for the unexpired term ending 12/31/77 with the provision that a written opinion from Civil Counsel substantiates that Act 139 of 1973 does not supercede the Board of Commissioners' authority to make such an appointment. Mr. Chairman, 1 so move. The General Government Committee nominates Commissioner Bernard F. Lennon for membership on the Finance Committee replacing Commissioner Patrick K. Daly who has resigned from the Finance Committee. Mr. Chairman, I so move. The General Government Committee nominates Commissioner Alexander C. Perinoff for membership on the General Government Committee replacing Commissioner Howard R. Simmons wkn has resigned from the General Government Committee. Mr. Chairman, 1 so move. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman Moved by Button supported by Lennon that D. R. Bell be re-appointed to the Oakland County Building Authority. AYES: Montante, Nowak, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt. (22 NAYS: None. (0) D. R. Bell declared re-appointed to the Oakland County Building Authority for a three year term ending december 31, 1978. Moved by Button supported by Lennon the following names be representatives to the South- eastern Michigan Council of Governments: DELEGATES: ALTERNATES: Alexander C. Perinoff Bernard F. Lennon Lawrence Pernick Hubert Price, Jr. Fred D. Houghten Robert W. Page A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Button supported by Daly that Dr. Robert Locey be appointed Medical Examiner. AYES: Nowak, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante. (22 NAYS: None. (0) Dr. Robert Locey declared appointed Medical Examiner for the unexpired term ending December 31, 1977. Moved by Button supported by Daly that Bernard F. Lennon be appointed to the Finance Committee replacing Patrick K. Daly who has resigned from the Finance Committee. AYES: Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak. (22) NAYS: None. (0) Bernard F. Lennon declared appointed to the Finance Committee. Moved by Button supported by Fortino that Alexander C. Perinoff be appointed to the General Government Committee replacing Howard R. Simmons who has resigned from the General Government Committee. 1976 Commissioners Minutes Continued. Januar AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth. Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gah)er, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Patterson. (23) NAYS: None. (0) Alexander C. Perinoff declared appointed to the General Government Committee. Misc. 7415 By Mr. Button IN RE: APPOINTMENT TO OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYEES RErIREMENT COMMISSION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the General Government Committee has accepted the resignation of David Levinson from the Oakland County Employees Retirement Commission, a vacancy to that Commission exists; and WHEREAS the General Government Committee recommends that James Mathews be appointed to serve out the unexpired term of such vacancy. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners appoints James Mathews to fill the unexpired term of David Levinson on the Oakland County Employees Retirement Commission, ending December 31, 1977. Mr. Chairman, the General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution and the appointment therein. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button. Chairman Moved by Button supported by Simmons the resolutlon be adopted. Mr. Hoot nominated J(Ihn I_ Olson. Mr. Patterson seconded the nomination. Moved by Lennon supported by Moffitt that nominations be closed. A sufficient majority havinq voted therefor, the motion carried. The roll call vote was as follows: Pernick - James Mathews Gabler - John E. Olson Price - James Mathews Hoot - John E. Olson Roth - James Mathews Kasper - John E. Olson Simmons - James Mathews Lennon - James Mathews Wilcox - John E. Olson McDonald - John E. Olson Wilson - James Mathews Moffitt - John E. Olson Aaron - Janes Mathews Montante - John E. Olson Button - James Mathews Nowak - John E. Olson Daly - James Mathews Olson - James Mathews Dearborn - James Mathew, Patterson - John E. Olson Dunleavy - John E. Olson Perinoff - James Mathews Fortino - James Mathews The result of the roll call vote was as follows: James Mathews - 13 John E. Olson - 10 A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, no appointment was made. Moved by Wilcox supported by Lennon that the vote on the appointment to the Oakland County Employees Retirement Commission, be reconsidered. AYES: Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt, Kontante, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (20) NAYS: Hoot, McDonald. (2) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Gabler supported by Wilcox that James Mathews be appointed to the Oakland County Employees Retirement Commission. AYES: Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth. (23) NAYS: None. (0) James Mathews declared elected a member of the Oakland County Employees Retirement Commission to 1111 the unexpired term of David Levincon, ending December 31, 1977. 26 Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 22, 1976 Misc. 7416 By Mr. Button IN RE: APPOINTMENT - SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Dr. Allen Hyman has resigned his appointment to the Board of the Southeast Michigan Transportation Authority; and WHEREAS the seat occupied by Dr. Hyman has traditionally been held by an Oakland County resident; and WHEREAS Alexander C. Perinoff, Chairman of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners has recommended the appointment of Julie Evans as the Oakland County nominee; and WHEREAS Julie Evans has a long and dedicated record of civic involvement and dedication to an economical and viable regional transportation system. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners concurs in the Chairman's recommendation and urges members of the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments to appoint Julie Evans to fill the present vacancy on the SEMTA Board. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button Moved by Button supported by Simmons the resolution be adopted. AYES: Price, Roth, Simmons, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino, Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick. (12) NAYS: Wilcox, Wilson, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, McDonald, ML'Fitt, Montante, Nowak, Patterson. (11) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Mr. McDonald asked the Chairman, if he would consider the name of Stephen Tompkins for the appointment. The Chairman stated he had recommended Julie Evans be appointed after careful deliberation, and therefor, would not consider Mr. Tompkins for the appointment. Discussion followed. REPORT By Mr. Button IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7365 - SUPPORT OF HOUSE BILL 5501 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee reports Miscellaneous Resolution #7365 with the recommendation that said resolution be adopted. On behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman "Misc. 7365 By Mr. Daly IN RE: SUPPORT HOUSE BILL 5501 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS House Bill 5501 provides for a Twenty-Five mile per hour speed limit on highways within a 1,000 foot radius of a school, public park or public playground unless a different speed limit is fixed and posted; and WHEREAS House Bill 5501 further provides that local authorities are authorized to decrease the Twenty-Five mile per hour speed limit within a 1,000 foot radius of a school, public park or public playground, but not less than Fifteen miles per hour, provided adequate notice acid adequate signs are duly posted noting the reduced speed; and WHEREAS House Bill 5501 should be enacted by the State Legislature as it protects the safety and welfare of children attending school and playing in public parks and playgrounds. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland supports House Bill 5501 and strongly urges its adoption by the State Legislature. Mr. Chairman, we move the adoption of the foregoing restolution. Patrick K. Daly, James W. Dunleavy, Betty J. Fortino, Patrick M. Nowak Moved by Button supported by Dunleavy that resolution #7365 be adopted. Discussion followed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution #7365 was adopted. 27 Comml.odoners Minutes Continued Jr.rhi.:,c7 22, 1976 REPORI By Hr. Button IN RE7 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION q410 - SUPPORT OF HOUSE BILL 5498 AMENDING MICHIGAN LIQUOR CONTROL ACT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7410 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman "Misc. 7410 By Mr. Button IN RE: SUPPORT OF HOUSE BILL 5498 AMENDING MICHIGAN LIQUOR CONTROL ACT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS this Board has reviewed resolutions from several local units of government requesting support for House Bill 5498, which bill proposes to strike the exception from the Michigan Liquor Control Act that removed the authority of local legislative bodies to control the issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses in their jurisdictions if located in a county with a population of 1,000,000 or more; and WHEREAS your Committee has reviewed the requests for support of amendatory legislation as contained in House Bill 5499 and recoinwends support of said bill. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby supports House Bill 5498 and so recommends to tne County Legislators. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of the foregoing resolution be ",rwarded to the County Legislators and County Legislative Agent. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman" Moved by Button supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. Moved by Roth supported by Dearborn the resolution be amended to "add licenses SDD and SUM'. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on resolution, as amended: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution as amended, was adopted. REPORT By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION NO. 7412 SMOKING PROHIBITED IN AUDITORIUM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Human Resources Committee reports Miscellaneous Resolution #7412 with the recommen- dation that said resolution not be adopted. The Human Resources Committee by Betty J. Fortino, Chairperson, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairperson "Misc. 7412 By Mr. Gabler IN RE: SMOKING PROBITIED IN AUDITORIUM TO the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the health of all people are effected by being exposed to tobacco smoke; this fact having been established by the U.S. Department of Health. BE IT RESOLVED that the smoking of all tobacco products shall be prohibited in the Oakland County Auditorium, as of February I, 1976. Wallace F. Gabler, Jr., Commissioner District #12" Moved by Fortino supported by Patterson the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 22, 1976 28 Misc. 7417 by Mrs. Fortino IN RE: ACCEPTANCE 01 VIII) III AYW.TANCF PROGRAM GRANT To the Oakland County Hoard of (tired Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen. WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution #7299 the County of Oakland applied for continuation of the Youth Assistance Grant; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland has received approval of said grant continuation application and has been awarded funds in the amount of $92,631.00; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends acceptance of the Youth Assistance Program Continuation Grant. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the Youth Assistance Program Continuation Grant Award in the amount of $92,631.00. The Human Resources Committee by Betty J. Fortino, Chairperson, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairperson Moved by Fortino ,,tipported by Montante the resolution be adopted. AYES: Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon. McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, SInmfons. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc.. 7418 By Mr. Price IN RE: C.E.T.A. FISCAL YEAR 1976 FUNDS FOR PRIVATE NON-PROFIT AGENCIES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor as Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by amended Miscellaneous Resolution #7306 reserved $215,602 for non-profit agency budget extension through June 30, 1976; and WHEREAS further reimbursement will be contingent upon the attached signed Agreement as prepared by the Oakland County Civil Counsel; and WHEREAS the attached budget represents sufficient funds for each non-profit agency to continue operation through June 30, 1976, and each agency will submit a Letter of Intent and revised budget indicating the use of such funds; and WHEREAS the additional monies to be allocated have no force or effect on audit findings pending before the Department of Labor; and WHEREAS all non-profit agencies agree to provide Unemployment Insurance coverage for employees from agency funds or the C.E.T.A. budget, and will submit a Letter of Intent to do so; and WHEREAS future reimbursement will also be contingent upon completion of monthly performance objectives indicating services to C.E.T.A. clients; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the allocation of $260,962.00 for the operation of non-porfit agencies through June 30, 1976, thereby exhausting all funds. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Chairman PRIVATE NON-PROFIT AGENCIES SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDING FOR PROGRAM EXTENSION I. Available Funds A. Funds un-expended from October 2, 1975 Resolution #7306 $ 215,602 B. Forfeited Funds I. MESC Title VI program 42,960 2. North Oakland Chamber of Commerce 2,400 Total available funds 260,962 II. Extension of Private Non-Profit Agencies Total additional funds requested and required from agencies to extend current program to June 30, 1976. This includes recommended U.I. benefit reserve for those agencies not sub- scribing to U. I. benefits on a contributory basis. $ 260,962 III. Balance available for future distribution -0- No. Adorted Allocation C1,.t tate 'go. Adonted Wes Res. Daze Total Phase !es. Date C.C. e/ 0 '4 3 a re 0 U. re 0 a. re a c.. January 20, 076 Supolementni Funds for Prorrnm Extension Breakdown .of recuested funds ' Total Funds D.7.to F. Benefits U.T. Adria. Total Allot to ' ELr 53,703 :.Serv II 6993 2-S-75 .7, 22,608 ?cadine proposal to consolidate within Title I contract _7.4=37 .577-75. . _ n-....n.......,..........--...-.....n•.......................,-•---.......---....-..-.---..... ...--......n.-........- --•-n•-=•-•..- 953 ''. 1 -t,Ot to cs..72 V'SA 77 _ .,-',-........- 'IT '-7-.5 21 9h4 . —.-____—___—,-------______---.....-.,-..o., ....-..,-..-..•.....-.... -.....n..-.-n-n..... -..- ..• .-.-...n.....-... -........,..........-.....n-......,...............-.- .• 3:c. Se:':. :: 6.:::":5 7-6-7.5 23,254 -- -- q.. 23...„25_,, Ls t5.08 2......;5,76 ,6 557 3 164 3,311 1,c6. 24 ,093 70,601 - ,- -:.......--7 .7„ ,-;,.. .L., C'.73 3--75 4,456 ---- h.45611,93.2 1711-76 _ __________3...219.-0- II 6993 3-6-Y5 12,500 --. Pc 21 17-Pc_75 15,147 3...1..g-e- ..2.„11j 1 1:q.3 21.2P9. ___l,,n9 6c?2 -:--6-75 15,928 ...._--1.--=-= _2. _',,...4211 37 ".z , Bf.."; .•71 -76 :3,683 • '2,501 .; 236 5'6 20,0L6 ------- - , -..:-1 0 :: C:9):= 7...`3-5 :1 6.7.3 3...,:.-": 11,516 I:. 6993 3-6-5 10,000 6996 3-6-75 26,966 1: 605 3-5-75 16,000 16,.0_00 124m/cL-31-7A-- 11 6995a 3-6- ▪ 75 6,500 7?_3.7 "5 ___L5U ...1 1 4.0.0_3,11=16_ II 6'336 3-6-75 6,500 - 12.25-75 :,:w ::cri:ons II 6993 3-6-775 20,51' — 1,:-..:1 LI 6)).;:. 3-6--: ▪ 5 25,%63 7r 7217 6-7-73_2541461 50_926.....3.73,-mi____ _ alub R. . 11 7267 9-18-75 ' 2.12O_26.,22...a_..6-3:1-7.6 . 9-18-75_ 1.6,02____16,681 _6-10%16. VI fil; 5-22-75 22,313 VI 7217 8-7=75. 11,157.--112412.0--6.73D=76_ VI 7116 5-22-75 17,127 . 11I.-721.7_4-.17.7......__-.L5.6..11. C:... C.o..1-r-----ff 7111, 5-22-75 14 ,515 V: 7237 8-7-75 7,257 Club R. . .77..cuts 72;17 Ser;t f 434 122 1137 _ 2_616 _101_1 ,2.3_ - -0- 7211'6_ 6 " C). 560 -n- -07_ -0- _9 -o-9 __i JL ,634 -o- =07_ - -o- 14 -0- 1,431 27 10P - 19,372G 6-30-76 -0- -0- 4 0- 92 492 19,564 ...I-. -, Suonlenenta Funds for Program Extension 7ireekdown of recuest.f".:-7-7 W.,,As F. Benefits -U.7. Total to 3 .2s. Date 70tal Phase Res. ;.1:ocnticn_ Allcc...01..t Date Wo. Adented 0 r - r e- • • U. Cumnary Private Non-Profit AzencLos 3 X • 4. •• .• .... ... " #4.:C . . .1.: '3:6 10275 ti 1:J519 4...3C.776 _. p ,,••n2:2____....=;c=._____1,2.1149 1-;-.--"*------J-L,---r2-4. ..,_ 3a8 ,-._ g 7: --'"_ -- "..--•': "' -.--- -••:_..............6.., 7......., 2 ,, . •_,..---2........-----,-..--...._!,......-_.-3.---.u.:5-,..?•.„--........----..---.-...,.....-_-__-_-_, , L. ^ 8 4.57.J - L= --LT ..-.---; . 'L' ------.---.- ' -.7?.'; .T..._..Sr 7:7-..7.7.----____-;:' ., L'..-- . ,9. ,1:5.1:'- ._-.3.' C-76 --- --- , .... z-...7-2,.- 0 c_.-3(6__________ ____ 4..,_. n&-;.-T', _- :,. , ! ; . -....-..nn-..n-.-..-.......................„...7-I.2'-'. 4--- ..... ^ _,__:._L- -_%•,:. ,-_- 7 7. 1 C r. '3 '..; - 3 C 6 I C 72.1",:5. _::::C7,),„" 5,cf.C._._n:,-,3=-__7.6 - . 7"., 7.'5 '-' ;N 5 - ..: - - _ c . _ _; -:-.• - - ,-• -- ,-", - -, ":-.7.- A L1C—:;..--,--:3:: -1_... -.-....:" 72.7_73. ,...... —2 ,..,:-.52 ,153......i - 3o-76. --- •---------- 9 ,TE--, 7-..„2.3 0 ---- —.9 62......7_,-...a.._•____2::::: ---7.s ,-.:c...____..,,:'..5.S':-..-------_-.-.---...----..._-,7_- `,..--t FL .. .. ..-_:', ,n,,.7.1., . ...),Q,M....!.;-.30-77.6 -, ----'0 1 '-; .;79 - -- 6-3:-. -' c • :82,498 28,938 4 0,815 ,'3.7-.1 . • - 09,W10 2,S0,962 950 ,0C2 9/6 l 'zz AJenuer Key a = =ended b = contributinai. .;:en pzi4 ract to Ih!ESC C = Forfeited 2400 due to unfilled ..., 0 31 Commis..ioners Minutes ContInuel:. Jaah,-,cy 1976 hy Pr ice suppor7ed hy ,pe resolution he adoored. AVIS: Wilson, Aaron, Button, Caiy, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montanto, Nowak, DIFoh, Perinoff, Pe -nick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox. (22) NAYS! Patterson, (I) A sufficient majority havinq ../rfe„6 therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7419 By Mt Price IN RE: ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC WORKS AND i'_LONONiC DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1965, AS AMENDED, TITLE X GRANT AWARD (U.S. D.O.L.) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen! WHEREAS Title X of the Public Works and Economic Developmant Act of 1965, as amended, provides funds for labor intensive locally sponsored public works projects; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7357 authorized the filing of a Title X grant application in the amount of S1,921,972; and WHEREAS the U.S. Department of Labor has subsequently approved Oakland County's grant application in the total amount- of $1,871,972; and WHEREAS said approval deleted 550,000 for an Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission lake and stream improvement pra:ect on Ole boss that said project has been approved by the Bicentennial Commission. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that thw Oakland Co.i,.y Board of Commissioners r -repts the Public Works and Economic Development Act Ti It' X grant award ir Lhe amount of $1,871,972, consistent with the attached summary budget. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman PROJECT TITLE Commissioners Minutes Continued. GRANT NO. 066157)(6 OAKLAND COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICES - MANPOWER 'DIVISION TITLE NREVIEW NOVEMBER 19, 1975 BAL. AVAIL. MINNUM FOR OTHER PROJECT LESS 2% NET t EMPLOYMENT LABOR LOCAL COSTS AMOUNT ADMINISTRATIVE PROJECT LABOR COST INTENSITY (ADMIN. ETC. ield Schools Joh Opnort.Jrity for Economic 100,000 C2,n00 98 000 0 - “f0,000 90% 8,000 DevelonmenT. :iron valley Schools Proiect imnact 115,614 2,313 113,321 52 - 104,070 90% 9,251 :7tv Darks and • ,'!.c•c:tion Park ficaul.cation 1,sne1,nno 30,000 1,470,00'l 121- 1.350,000 PO% 120,000 - n.P.11. Facility Beautification 76,924 1,338 75,386 12 - 69 .232 90% 6,154 - D.P.N. Eacilitv Tmnreve7ents 7 9 .41A 1,588 77,826 12 - 71,473 90% 6,553 TAL TITLE N 1,5'1,072 37,4 39 1,834 533 206 - 1 684,775 90% 149,758 gunissioners Minutes Continued. January 22, 1976 Moved by Price supported by Wilcox the resolution be adopted. AYES: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7420 By Mr. Price IN RE: PUBLIC WORKS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1965, AS AMENDED - TITLE X THROUGH THE MICHIGAN AMERICAN REVOLUTION BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Title X of the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, as amended, provides funds through the Michigan American Revolution Bicentennial Commission for labor intensive locally sponsored public works Bicentennial projects; and WHEREAS Oakland County applied for Public Works and Economic Development Act Title X funds through the Michigan American Revolution Bicentennial Commission Miscellaneous Resolution 7367, December 4, 1975, for, a) Parks and Recreation Commission's lake shore and stream restoration project for a total nf $50,000, b) The Department of Public Works Facility Beautification Project for a total of $76,924; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the Bicentennial Title X of Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, as amended, grants for; a) Parks and Recreation Commission's lake shore and stream restoration project for a total of SS0,000. b) The Department of Public Works Facility Beautification Project for a total of $76,924; The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman Moved by Price supported by Montante the resolution be adopted. AYES: Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Price IN RI: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7390 - SHERIFF'S SNOWMOBILE SAFETY PROGRAM GRANT To ihe Oakland County Board of Commissioners MI. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Public Services Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7390 and concurs with the reconmmndation of the Finance Committee to file for the Sheriff's Snowmobile Safety Program Grant in the total budget amount of $20,000. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman "Misc. 7390 Fly Mr. Wilcox IN RE: SHERIFF'S SNOWMOBILE SAFETY PROGRAM GRANT To thi.. Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS this is the fifth year of a continuing grant financing the education of potential snowmobile drivers and the enforcement of laws governing snowmobiling; and WHEREAS this grant would help continuation of the present program for one year; and WHEREAS total funding for 1976 would be $20,000 of which $5,000 (25%) would be County cash and $15,000 (752) would be State Funued; and WHERFAS thr County's portion has been provided in the 1976 Budget; and WHEREAS your committee has reviewed said grant application and recommends its approval. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the filing of the Sheriff's Snowmobile Safety Grant Application as per attached budget. Mr. Chairman, the Finance Committee, by Richard R. Wilcox, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMWTTEE Richard R. Wilcox, Chairman" 696 348 222 500 1,150 (300) 1,200 1 ,500 300 TOTAL BUDGET 15 220 1-3 20,000 7J--1 (4,780) 34 Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 22, 1976 1976 SHERIFF'S DEPPATMENT SNOWMOBILE SAFETY PROGRAM SALARIES Sergeant Water Safety Deputy Clerk 111 Student Education Enforcement Rescue TOTAL SALARY 4 WAGE Add; Fringe Benefits e 287. (Patrolman & Clerk III) Number 1975 of Hours Budget 174 1,290 -- 348 1,510 320 560 1,000 4,000 1,000 5,000 40 160 12,520 19/6 Requested Budget -- 5,687 1,657 500 2,500 4,600 14,944 2,456 17,000 Variance Number Favorable/ of Hours (Unfavorable) 1,290 (5,687) (147) 60 1,500 400 160 (2,424) (2,056) (4,480) (1) TOTAL SALARIES & FRINGE BENEFITS 12,520 OTHER EXPENSES Operating & Maintenance 1,200 Equipment Snowmobile 1,500 Equipment Suits & Helmets -- Gloves & Footwear TOTAL OPERATING 7 700 3 ,000 (_300) FUNDING SOURCES 1975 1976 County Contribution Budget Appropriation 5,125-8.] 5,001 Additional Approp (M.R.,#6957)5,177 61"1 251 State Contribution 4,91 32% 15,000 75% 15,220 20,000 TOTALS 5,302 (10,082) (4,780) (1) Variance is attributable to three factors in 1976: (A) 1976 Salaries are based on new negotiated wages agreed upon in 1975. (R) Actual time spent in the snowmobile program Is deducted from the Marine Safety Program (Deputy & Clerk 111) (c) 1975 total salaries did not include any Fringe Benefits applicable to employees who were eligible. (2) The 19/6 Snowmobile Program Requested Budget represents a 31% increase over 1975. Prepared by : Budge! Division December 4, 1975 35 Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 22, 1976 Moved by Price supported by Montante the report be accepted. AYES: Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Siumions, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient Hojority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Moved by Price supported by Dearborn that resolution 117390 be adopted. AYES: Dueleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Patterson, Per-hint', Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution #7390 was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Price IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #739I - SHERIFF'S MARINE SAFETY GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mt. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: The Public Services Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7391 and concurs with the Flnancr Conkuilinc to file lor the Sheriff's Marine Safety Grant in the total budget amount of $156,606. the Public Services Commiltep, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman moves the acce7tance of the forenoing report. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman "Misc. 7391 By Mr. Wilcox IN RE: SHERIFF'S MARINE SAFETY GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS this is the ninth year of a continuing grant which involves law enforcement on the Oakland County waterways; and WHEREAS this grant would help continue the present program for one year; and WHEREAS total funding for 1976 would be $156,606 of which 565,775 (42%) would be County cash and $90,831 (587) would be State funded; and WHEREAS the County's portion has been provided in the 1976 Budget; and WHEREAS your Committee has reviewed said grant application and recommends its approval. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the Min(' of the Sheriff's Matine Safety Grant Application as per attached budget. Mr. Chairman, the Finance Committee, by Richard R. Wilcox, Chairman, moves the adoption ol the Foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Richard R. Wilcox, Chairman" 1975 Fludwt (1) 16,120 (I) 14,620 (1) 13,750 (1) 9,464 (1) 2,900 2,500 -- 13,000 32,500 500 107,354 11,000 1976 Requested Budget (1) 18,408 (I) 11,373* (1) 15,800 (I) 8,293* (1) 2,520* 14,500 ' 35,000 1 968 107,862(0 10,000 1,05o 500 5,40o 2,000 2,500 600 2,000 100 968 13,800 400 1,345 3,500 -- 1,000 1+8 ,71+4 36 Variance Favorable/ (Unfavorable) (2,288) 3,247 (2,050) 1,171 380 2,500 -- (1,500) (2,500) 532 (508) 1,000 (81) (550) (2,025) 500 2,132 (5,800) -- 150 (100) 200 (4,574) Comilli..sloners Minute ,. CuntinJed. Jdnuary 22. 1976 0,VLAND C0141Y 19/6 PARINI_ sAI 11 1'ROGItAll SALARLFS Sergeant Water Sdfety Deputy Deputy Full Time Clerk III Student Boating Safety 1n.Aructor Coho Pdtrol Fringe Benefits Marine Patrol Recovery of Drowned Bodicy, TOTAL SALARIES Boats Marine Equipment 3,500 Communications 500 Equipment Rental 500 Equipment Repair & MdIntenonce-Marine 5,400 Officer Training 2,000 Heal, Light:, Gas & Wdter 475 Hellcopter Rental 1,100 Insurance 2,000 Miscellaneous 100 Radio Rental 3,100 Transportation 8,000 Travel & Conference 400 Deputy Uniform Expense 1,345 Diving Supplies 3,500 Medical Supplies 150 Office Supplies 900 Photography supplies & Expense 200 TOTAL OPERATING & EQUIPMENT 44,170 3,581 TOTAL PROGRAM 151,524 I 156,606(2) (5,082) FUNDING SOURCES (3) County Contribution Budget Appropriation Additional Appropriation (M.R. #6977 ) State Contribution 55,525 36% 65,775 42% (10,250) 8,511 6% 8,511 87,488 58% 90,831 58% (3,343) TOTALS 151,521+ 1 )56 ,06 (5,082) * 4 months of employees time is devoted to the Sheriff's Snowmobile program in 1976. This figure represents 8/12 annual salary and the other 4/12 in the Snowmobile Safety Program. (I Salaries aro based on new rate agreed upon in 1975. (2 This progran represents a 3% increase over the 1975 Budget. (3 Anticipated fundngtn he the same as in 1975 between the County and the State contributions. Prepared by: Budget Division December 4, 1975 37 Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 22, 1976 Moved by Price supported by Daly the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Price supported by Dearborn that resolution ','7391 be adopted. AYES: Dearborn, Dunieavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution #7391 was adopted. Misc. 7421 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: 1975-1976 ASSISTANT PROSECUTORS LABOR AGREEMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland and the Assistant Prosecutor Employees Unit of the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney represented by the Oakland County Government Bar Assocation have been riegotiatIng a labor agreement covering certain employees in the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney; and WHEREAS a labor agreement covering the years 1975 and 1976 has been reached and reduced to writing as has a separate agreement describing benefits of a Dental insurance Plan to be provided to employees of this Unit; and WHEREAS there are forty-four (44) budgeted positions in the Assistant Prosecutor Unit and the two-year labor agreement results in a total increased budgeted cost of $230,282; and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee recommends approval of the Labor Agreement and the Dental Insurance Agreement, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 1975-1976 Labor Agreement and Dental insurance Agreeoent between the County of Oakland and the Oakland County Government Bar Association, be and the same are hereby approved, and that the Chairman of this Board, on behalf of the County of Oakland, be and is hereby authorized to execute said Agreements, copies of which are attached hereto. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman AGREEMENT The following wage rates for the various classifications in the Office of the Oakland County Prosecutor, and the enumerated benelit,, constitute a complete agreement satisfying all non-economic and economic demands made by the Oakkind County Government Bar Association representing employees in such classifications. I. SALARIES fh-e-77--)Ilowing salary ,,chodHle shall prevail during the term of this collective bargaining agreement. JANUARY I 1975 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1975 CLASSIFICATION BASE 6 MONTH 12 MONTH la MONTH 24 MONTH Chief Trail Lawyer 28,348 28,992 29,637 TOTin-- 30,925 Chief Appellate Lonnsel 26,546 27,438 28,348 28,992 29,637 Senior Trial Lawyer 24,800 25,667 26,546 27,348 28,348 Assistant Prosecutor III 20,072 20,867 21,676 22,497 23,332 Assistant Prosecutor II 15,718 17,186 18,704 'Assistant Prosecutor I 13,320 14,150 14,987 Prosecutors Trainee 10,818 Law Clerk 8,273 JANUARY 1, 1976 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1976 CLASSIFICATION BASE 6 MONTH 12 MONTH 18 MONTH 24 MONTH Chief Trial Lawyer 2,77-6j 30,442 31,119 31,795 32747- Chief Appellate Counsel 27,873 28,810 29,765 30,442 31,119 Senior Trial Lawyer 26,040 26,950 27,873 28,810 29,765 Assistant Prosecutor 111 21,076 21,910 22,760 23,622 24,499 Assistant Prosecutor II 16,504 18,045 19,639 :.Asaistant Prosecutor 1 13,986 14,858 15,737 Prosecetors ilainee 11,359 Law Clerk 8,687 4ollowine the completioe of six months at the maximum step of Assistant Prosecutor I, and In the absence of a denial by the Prosecuting Attorney, employees shall be automatically advanced to the base step of Assistant Prnsecutor II. Advancement from salary step to salary step within a classification shall be made automatically upon the passage of the length of time specified for each salary step. Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 22, 1976 38 II. ON CALL DUTY PAY The one Assistant Prosecutor who is designated as being on duty for a period of time (such duty meaning he or she is available for professional assistance to the public twenty-four hours a day for seven consecutive days) shall be compensated for such duty at the rate of $175 additional pay per week; or If working less than a full week, then on a pro-rated basis. III. LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY Any represented employee may request a Leave of Absence Without Pay for a period of 12 months, for the purpose of attendance as a student or teaching fellow (attendance as a teaching fellow must involve a program leading to advanced educational attainments for the employee requesting the Leave) at a college, or university in a program related to law enforcement. Application for such leave shall be processed and regulated according to Rule 13 of the Oakland County Merit System. IV MERIT SYSTEM RULES AND PERSONNEL INFORMATION BOOK A. The Oakland County Merit System Rules and Personnel Information Book, which contains the fringe benefits, shall apply to employees in the unit in the manner set forth in the resolution adopted by the then Oakland County Board of Supervisors on September 9, 1966 and approved by the electorate on November 8, 1966; except by agreement of the parties, the employees in this unit will not participate in any manner in, or receive any benefits from, the Oakland County Employees Retire- ment System. B. In reference to A. above, the following improved and additional fringe changes are Incorporated herein: 1. Effective March 1, 1975, Income Continuation Insurance benefits shall start on the day following the day a disability has lasted For a continuous number of workdays equal to seventy percent (70%) of the number of sick leave days the employee has earned since the first day of employment, but not before the eighth day of disability. 2. For Dental Insurance, refer to Memorandum of Understanding executed in January, 1976 outlining the Dental Plan and the Interpretations applying to the Plan. 3. Effective January 1, 1975, employees required to drive their personal vehicle on official County business shall receive Fifteen (15) cents per mile. Such payment shall be in accor- dance with current County travel regulations. V. DURATION OF AGREEMENT This agreement shall remain in full force and effect from January 1, 1975, to midnight, December 31, 1976. OAKLAND COUNTY GOVERNMENT BAR ASSOCIATION OAKLAND COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY L. Brooks Patterson COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation By Alexander C. Perinoff, Chairman Board of Commissioners Daniel T. Murphy, County Executive MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING OUTLINE OF DENTAL PLAN AND THE INTERPRETATIONS APPLYING TO THE PLAN This understanding was reached during the recent collective bargaining negotiations between the Oakland County Government Bar Association and the County of Oakland. The following Dental Insurance Plan, and Interpretations applying to the Plan as shown throughout in italics, will be placed in effect on January 1, 1976; DENTAL PLAN SPECIFICATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS I. ELIGIBILITY con and after the effective date) All active and full time employees with twelve (12) months seniority and their eligible dependents. Eligible dependents will include: I. Spouse of an employee. 2. Unmarried children to age 19. II. DEDUCTIBLE $25 per calendar year deductible per covered individual for Type II and ill expenses only. No deductible for Type I expenses. III. BASIS OF BENEFIT PAYMENT Reasonable and Customary Charge. Reasonable and Customary means: The actual fee charged by a dentist for a service rendered or supply furnished but only to the extent that the fee is reasonable, taking into consideration the following: I. The usual fee which the individual dentist most frequently charges the majority of his patients for a service rendered or a supply furnished; and 2. The prevailing range of fees charged in the same area by dentists of similar training and experience for the service rendered or supply furnished; and 3. Unusual circumstances or complications requiring additional time, skill and experience in connection with the particular dental service or procedure. Area, as it would apply to any particular service or supply, means a metropolitan area, a County or such greater area as is necessary to obtain a representative cross section of dentists rendering such services or furnishing such supplies. 39 Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 22, 1976 IV. MAXIMUM BENEFIT lOOZ and 85) services - 5750 per person, per contract year. 50Z Services - 5500 lifetime benefit per person covered V. CO-INSURANCE/COVERED EXPENSES Covered dental expenses should include the charges of a dentist, which an eligible is required to pay for services and supplies which are necessary for treatment of a dental condition, but only to the extent that such charges are reasonable and customary charges for services and supplies customarily employed for that condition and only if rendered in accordance with accepted standards of dental practice. "TYPE I" Services - lOOt Rate of Payment A. Non-Orthodontic I. Preventative a. Routine oral exams and prophylaxis - once every six (6) months. Charges for a prophylaxis performed by a licensed dental hygienist should be included as a Covered Dental Expense if this service is rendered under the supervision and guidance of a dentist. b. Topical application of fluoride. Charges for the topical application of fluoride performed by a licensed dental hygienist are to be included as a Covered Dental Expense if this service is rendered under the supervision and guidance of a dentist. c. Space maintainers that replace prematurely lost teeth for children under age 19. "Space maintainers" coverage should include: - Fixed, lingual and palatel arch band - Fixed stainless steel crown - Fixed unilateral band - Fixed, cast - Removable, acrylic 2. Emergency Palliative Treatment Should be interpreted to be only those emergency dental procedures performed to temporarily alleviate or relieve acute pain - not effect a cure. "TYPE II" Services - 85Z Rate of Payment A. Diagnostic I. Dental X-Rays - full mouth every 36 months, bitewings every 6 months and other x- rays as required in connection with diagnosis of a specific condition. Dental x-rays should include: - Bitewings - Periapecals - Full mouth series (12-14 periapecals plus 2-4 bltewings) - Panorex - Occlusal - Posteranterior, lateral skull, facial bone and terporomandibular joint-extra oral x-rays for specific diagnostic purposes B. Oral Surgery and Extractions Oral surgery coverage should include benefits for: - Alveolectory - Alveoplasty - Reduction of tuberosity - Reduction of mylohyoid ridge - Vestibuloplasty with and without grafts - Incision and drainage of abscesses - Sequiestrectory - Excision of tumors - Removal of Lori - Frenectomy "Extractions" benefits should include coverage for routine or simple extractions as well as surgical extractions. C. Restorative I. Fillings - amalgam, silicate, acrylic, synthetic porcelain and composite restorations. 2. Other - inlays, onlays, gold fillings or crowns when restorative cannot be accomplished with materials shown in I. above. D. Endodontic Treatment Endodontic treatment coverage should include benefits for: - Root canal therapy - Pulp capping - Pulpotomy - Apicoectony E. Periodontic Treatment of the Gums and Tissues of .L.he Mouth Periodontic treatment should include benefits for: - Sealing - Root planing - Gingival curettage - Gingivectomy Gingivoplasty - Osseous surgery Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 22, 1976 F. Repair - or recementing of crowns, inlays, on lays, bridgework and dentures (including relining or rebasing of dentures) more than six (6) months after initial installation, but not more than once in any period of thirty-six (36) consecutive months. G. Other I. General anesthesia when medically necessary and administered in connection with oral surgery. 2. Injection of antibiotic drugs by attending dentist. "TYPE III" Services - 50% Rate of Payment A. Prosthodontics Construction, placement or replacement of bridges or dentures. B. Orthodontic Diagnostic procedures and treatment for correction of malocclusion for children under 19 years of age. (End of the day immediately preceding the 19th birthday.) Orthodontic coverage should include benefits for: - Preventative and interceptive orthodontic treatment - Comprehensive orthodontic treatment - Post-treatment supervision - Surgical orthodontics - Functional/myofunctional therapy VI. LIMITATIONS A. Restorative 1. Gold, baked porcelain restorations, crowns and jackets. If a tooth can be restored with a material such as amalgam, payment of the applicable percentage of the charge for that procedure will be made toward the charge for another type of restoration selected by the patient and the dentist. 2. Reconstruction Payment based on the applicable percentage will be made toward the cost of procedures necessary to eliminate oral disease and to replace missing teeth. Appliances or restorations necessary to increase vertical dimension or restore the occlusion are considered optional. B. Prosthodontics I. Partial Dentures If a cast chrome or acrylic partial denture will restore the dental arch satisfactorily, payment of the applicable percentage of the cost of such procedure will be made toward a more elaborate or precision appliance that patient and dentist may choose to use. 2. Complete Dentures If, in the provision of complete denture services, the patient and dentist decide on personalized restorations or specialized techniques as opposed to standard procedures, payment of the applicable percentage of the cost of the standard denture services will be made toward such treatment. 3. Replacement of Existing_ Dentures Replacement of an existing denture will be a covered dental expense only if the existing denture is unserviceable and cannot be made serviceable. Payment based on the applicable percentage will be made toward the cost of services which are necessary to render such appliances serviceable. Replacement of prosthodontic appliances will be a covered dental expense only if at least five years have elapsed since the date of the initial installation of that appliance. C. Orthodontics Lit orthodontic treatment is terminated for any reason be...re completion, the obligation to pay benefits will cease with payment to the date of termination. If such services are resumed, benefits for the services, to the extent remaining, shall be resumed. 2. The monthly benefit payment for orthodontic services shall be only for months that coverage is in force. VII. ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL FEATURES A. Cost and Quality Controls I. Predetermination (pre-estimate) of procedures and charges for courses of treatment expected to cost $100 or more. B. Alternate Course I. Payment should be made for service which will achieve professionally adequate results. The patient and dentist are free to use the resulting benefit toward the dental service of their choice. C. Coordination of Benefits I. Standard. DENTAL PLAN SPECIFICATIONS - EXCLUSIONS No coverage will be provided for: 1. Services provided For under Oakland County's Group Hospital-Surgical-Major Medical program. 2. Charges for veneers or similar properties of crowns and pontics placed, or replacing teeth, other than the ten upper and ten lower anterior teeth. 3. Charges for services or supplies that are cosmetic in nature, including charges for personalization or characterization of dentures. 4. Charges for prosthetic devices (including bridges), crowns, inlays and onlays, and the fitting thereof which were "ordered" while the individual was insured for Dental Expense Benefits but are finally Installed or delivered to such individual more than sixty (60) days after termination of coverage. The term "ordered" means, in the case of dentures (complete or partial), that impressions Z41 Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 22, 1976 have been taken from which the dentures will be prepared. In the case of fixed bridgework, restorative crowns, inlays and onlay ,„ the term means that the teeth which will serve as abutments or support or which are being restoied have been fully prepared to receive and impressions have been taken from which the bridgework, restorative crowns, inlays or onlays will be prepared. 5. Charges for the replacement of a lost or stolen prosthetic device. 6. Charges for Failure to keep a scheduled visit with the dentist. 7. Charges for the replacement or repair of an orthodontic appliance. 8. Charges for services or supplies which are compensable under a workmen's compensation or employer's liability law. 9. Charges for services or supplies for which no charge is made that the employee is legally obligated to pay or for which no charge would be made in the absence of dental expense coverage. 10. Charges for services or supplies which are not necessary, according to accepted standards of dental practice, or which are not recommended or approved by the attending dentist. 11. Charges for services or supplies which do not meet accepted standards of dental practice, including charges for services or supplies which are experimental in nature. 12. Charges for services or supplies received as a result of dental disease, defect or injury due to an act of war, declared or undeclared. 13. Charges for services or supplies from any governmental agency which are obtained by the individual without cost by compliance with laws or regulations enacted by any federal, state, municipal or other governmental body. 14. Charges for any duplicate prosthetic device or any other duplicate appliance. 15. Charges for any [o the extent for which benefits are payable under any health care program suppoited in whole or IA p.lri by funds of the federal government or any state or political subdivision thereol. 16. Charges for the completion of any insurance forms. 17. Charges for sealants and oral hygiene and dietary instruction. 18. Charges for a plague control program. 19. Charges for implantology. NOTE: Any application by future usage of the above interpretations shall be solely a matter between the employee and the insurance carrier. Dated this day of , A. D., 1976. OAKLAND COUNTY GOVERNMENT BAR ASSOCIATION OAKLAND COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY L. Brooks Patterson COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation By Alexander C. Perinoff, Chairman Board of Commissioners Daniel T. Murphy, County Executive Moved by Aaron supported by McDonald the resolution be adopted. Moved by Button supported by Montante the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Fortino, Gabler, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Perinoff, Wilson, Aaron, Button. (IP NAYS: Hoot, Patterson, Pel nick, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy. (9) PASS: Price. (1) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7422 By Mr. Button IN RE: PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENTIAL PRIMARY ELECTION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Legislature of the State of Michigan has provided for the Presidential Preferential Primary Election but not provided the required financing; and WHEREAS it appears that the will of the voters participating in this election in 1976 will have no significant impact on the selection Presidential nominees; and WHEREAS any benefits of such an election accrue only to the political parties, state and national candidates while the costs are borne by county and municipal governmental units; and WHEREAS indications are that the legislature may renig on its word to fund said Presidential Preferential Elections; and WHEREAS the Clerk of Oakland County has given a conservative estimate of fifty to seventy- five thousand dollars ($50,000.00 - $75,000.00) as the cost to the County of holding said election. Commissioners Minutes ConCrJed. January 22, 1976 NOW THEREFORE BE IF RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners go on record re the Presidential Preferential Election of 1976: I. That the legislature take action forthwith to either fund the Presidential Primary Election or act to cancel it. 2. That a copy of this resolution be sent to all Oakland County Legislators and to the County's Legislative Agent. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Robert A. Button, Commissioner District #11 Moved by Button supported by Lennon the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Gabler, Ho(J, Lennon, Moffitt, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino. (17) NAYS: Kasper. Monfante, Wilson, Aaron, Dunleavy. (5) PASS: McDonald. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Button supported by Simmons the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. Mr. Wilcox requested Mr. Lynn D. Allen, County Clerk and Register of Deeds be allowed to address the Board. There were no objections. Mr. Allen addressed the Board. Vote on resolution: AYES: Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7423 By Mr. Wilson IN RE: REGIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS House Bill 5527 provides for a Regional Planning and Development Agency within the Counties of Livingston, Macomb, Oakland, St. Clair, Washtenaw and Wayne; and WHEREAS House Bill 5527 will have a far-reaching impact on the residents of the 7 enumerated counties; and WHEREAS a public hearing should be held in the areas to be affected, providing a forum for the residents to express their viewpoints on House Bill 5527. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners strongly urges the legislature and in particular the Committee on Urban Affairs, to schedule public hearings in the areas to be affected so that the residents of said areas may attend and express their viewpoints on House Bill 5527. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Dana F. Wilson, Commissioner District#9 James W. Dunleavy, Commissioner District #2 Moved by Wilson supported by Dunleavy the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Patterson, Perinoff, Wilson, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot. (13) NAYS: Olson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Aaron, Button, Daly. (8) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion lost. The Chairman referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7424 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: LEGISLATION RE PER DIEM COMPENSATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS various State statutes establish per diem compensation for persons serving on 42 43 Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 22, 1976 county boards and commissions; and WHEREAS legislation shook: he sought permitting a county board of commissioners to determine what, if any, comtwnsation shall be paid to persons serving on various county boards end commissions; and WHEREAS assignments of county board of commissioner members to various county boards and commissions would be more evenly distributed if the board of commissioners could determine the compensation, if any, of said boards and commissions. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners requests the Legislature to adopt legislation permitting each county board of commissioners to determine and establish the per diem rate for members of the various county boards and commissions. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Betty J. Fortino, Commissioner District #5 Moved by Fortino supported by Montante the resolution be adopted. The Chairman referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7425 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: SUPPORT THE STAND OF JUDGE FREDERICK E. BYRD To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Honorable Frederick E. Byrd, Judge of the Common Pleas Court of the City of Detroit, has permitted his courtroom to be used for religious activities during non-,"tirt hours; and WHEREAS those attending the religious activities do so on a voluntary basis; and WHEREAS Madeline O'Hara has objected to the use of the courtroom for religious activities; and WHEREAS Judge Byrd should be supported in his stand in permitting the courtroom to be used for religious activities during non-court hours on a voluntary basis. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports the stand of Judge Byrd in permitting the courtroom to be used for religious activities during non- court hours on a voluntary basis. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Betty J. Fortino, Commissioner District #5 Moved by Fortino supported by Montante the resolution be adopted. The CHairman referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7426 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: PROPOSED COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, DRAIN BOARDS, PUBLIC WORKS BOARD AND ROAD COMMISSION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners desires to express its agreement to maximize government cooperation within government agencies in order to reduce public expenditures and eliminate duplication of effort. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports the following cooperation agreement: PROPOSED COOPERATION AGREEMENT BEWTEEN); OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, DRAIN BOARDS, PUBLIC WORKS BOARD AND ROAD COMMISSION '. WHEREAS each of the public bodies signing this agreement has certain personnel experienced in the fields of right-of-way negotiation, inspection and engineering that, on occasion, may be available for short-term expansion of their responsibilities to other public agencies. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that each of the parties agrees to contract for these services of fellow agencies prior to seeking such services outside of existing signatory agencies. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of each agency agrees to approve outside contractual expenditures only if the other agencies involved in this agreement indicate their ability to accept the contract for additional work. OAKLAND COUNTY DRAIN BOARDS OAKLAND COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS 414 Commissioners Minutes Contirued. January 22, 1976 Mr. Chairman, we HOV7- the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Alexander C. Perinoff, Chairman Bernard F. Lennon, Vice Chairman Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, Finance Committee Dennis M. Aaron, Robert A. Button, Patrick K. Dal y , Mary M. Dearborn, F. Jack Douglas, Betty J. Fortino, Niles E. Olson, Hubert Price, Jr., Howard R. Simmons, Kenneth E. Roth, Dana F. Wilson Moved by P(,rnick supported by Button the resolution be adopted. The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Moved by Kasper supported by Patterson the Board adjourn until February 5, 1976 at 930 A.M. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Board adjourned at 1:20 P.M. Lynn D. Allen Alexander C. Perinoff Clerk Chairman 45 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING February 5, 1976 Meeting called to order by Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff at 9:55 A.M. in the Court House Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by William T. Patterson. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. (24) ABSENT: Houghten, Nowak. (2) Quorum present. Moved by Daly supported by Patterson the minutes of the previous meeting he lpproved as printed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Clerk read letter from the Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff appointing Howard R. Simmons to the Area Agency on Aging. Clerk read letter from U.S. Representative James G. O'Hara acknowledging receipt of resolution. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from the Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff appointing Kenneth Roth to the Ad Hoc Zoning Committee to fill the vacancy created by Patrick K. Daly's resignation. Clerk read letter from Gillett Associates Incorporated, regarding advertising for competitive bids for Architectural-Engineering Services on the Children's Village School Project. The Oakland Chapter of the Michigan Society of Professional Engineers, Professional Engineers Private Practice Section would be opposed to this type of advertisement and would appreciate the Board hearing their views before a final decision is made. (Referred to the Planning and Building Committee.) Clerk read letter from State Representative Melvin L. Larsen acknowledging receipt of resolution. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letters from the Department of Natural Resources approving state aid funds for County Snowmobile Safety Programs and County Marine Safety Programs for the year 1976. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from the Consulting Engineers Council of Michigan, Inc., stating they do not encourage competitive bidding for services because the bidding process is not in the best interest of the general public. They believe firms should be retained and selected because of their capabilities and not because they are low bidders. (Referred to the Planning and Building Committee.) The Clerk stated a certified copy of the Canvass of Votes cast at the Primary Election held on February 3, 1977 for the office of County Commissioner District #24 is on file in the County Clerk's Office. REPORT #7427 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: PRE-APPLICATION GRANT FOR SOLID WASTE RESOURCE RECOVERY IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed the Pre-application for Municipal Solid Waste Recovery Implementation Grant Program and the financial implications of the Grant to Oakland County. It has been estimated $165,600 for solid waste implementation studies as detailed in the shcedule below: 46 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1976 Time Required Task Estimated Cost 3 months Technology Assessment $23,600 3 months Preliminary Cost and Economic Analysis 28,000 1 month Recovery System and Site Selection 15,000 2 months Transportation, Cost Refinement and 25,000 Preliminary System Planning 3 months Conceptual System Design 29,000 2 months Financing, Implementation Planning, 45,000 Preparation and Analysis of Responses to a Request for Proposals 12 months total (due to interrelating and overlapping $165,600 tasks where possible) Oakland County would be expected to provide 25% or $41,400 of the $165,600. The remaining 75% or $124,200 would consist of Federal grant funds. Pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution 7059 of 4-17-75, the County of Oakland has committed itself to pursue the construction of a Solid Waste Resource Energy Conversion Facility. To this end, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners appropriated $250,400 in the 1976 Public Works Budget. Thus acceptance of this grant would reduce the County's financial commitment by the amount of Federal Funds received. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Moffitt the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Chairman referred the report to the Planning and Building Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7428 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: DESIGNATION OF BANKS AS DEPOSITORIES FOR PUBLIC MONEYS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS there now may be in and hereafter from time to time come unto the hands of the Treasurer of the County of Oakland, Michigan, certain public moneys belonging to or held for the State, County or other political units of the State or otherwise according to law; and WHEREAS under the laws of Michigan, this Board is required to provide by resolution for the deposit of all public moneys coming into the hands of said Treasurer, in one or more banks; and WHEREAS the Board by Miscellaneous Resolution #6836 designated and published a list of authorized depositories; and WHEREAS it is necessary from time to time to add to the list of designated depositories; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following named Bank be designated as authorized depository and be duly added to the list of Banks so designated and authorized: NATIONAL BANK OF TROY BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the bank so designated is hereby requested, directed and authorized to honor all checks for payment of money drawn on the various accounts when bearing or purporting the actual or facsimile signature of the Treasurer of the County of Oakland or his designated deputies. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. AYES: Lennon, Moffitt, montante, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot. (20) NAYS: None. (0) ABSTAIN: Perinoff. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7429 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: CREATION OF ONE (1) FULL-TIME TYPIST I POSITION, AND DELETION OF TWO (2) STUDENT POSITIONS IN CIRCUIT COURT ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: WHEREAS past experience in the Assignment Office of the Circuit Court Administrator's Office has shown that the level of difficulty, level of responsibility and the length of time required Commissioners Minutes Continued. Fe b ruary 5, 1976 4/ to provide proper training is such that the present use of Students is not adequate; and WHEREAS one (1) full-time Typist I position for the present two (2) Student positions would result in greater performance and efficiency in the completeness of office responsibilities; and WHEREAS this change would result in an increased salary budgeted cost of $634 for the remainder of 1976, and an additional estimated fringe benefit cost of $1,802, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (1) full-time Typist I position be established in the Assignment Office of the Circuit Court Administrator's Office and that two (2) Student positions be deleted. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Lennon the resolution be referred to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. REPORT By Mr. Aaron IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #742I - IN RE: 1975 -1976 ASSISTANT PROSECUTORS LABOR AGREEMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7421 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman "Misc. 7421 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: 1975 -1976 ASSISTANT PROSECUTORS LABOR AGREEMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland and the Assistant Prosecutor Employees Unit of the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney represented by the Oakland County Government Bar Association have been negotiating a labor agreement covering certain employees in the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney; and WHEREAS a labor agreement covering the years 1975 and 1976 has been reached and reduced to writing as has a separate agreement describing benefits of a Dental Insurance Plan to 1-p- provided to employees of this Unit; and WHEREAS there are forty-four (44) budgeted positions in the Assistant Prosecutor Unit and the two-year labor agreement results in a total increased budgeted cost of $230,282; and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee recommends approval of the Labor Agreement and the Dental Insurance Agreement, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 1975 -1976 Labor Agreement and Dental Insurance Agreement between the County of Oakland and the Oakland County Government Bar Association, be and the same are hereby approved, and that the Chairman of this Board, on behalf of the County of Oaklanc be and is hereby authorized to execute said Agreements, copies of which are attached hereto. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman" (See Priers 3/, 38, 39, 40 And 41 for copy of agreement) FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7421 - ASSISTANT PROSECUTOR'S LABOR AGREEMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the sum of $86,(174 avail- able in the 1976 Salaries Reserve Account, $713,100 available in the 1976 Employees Retirement Fund and S65,308 available in the 1976 Contingent Fund. Said amounts to be transferred to the Prosecutor's 1976 Budget line item - Salaries - Regular. The Department of Management and Budget most then recommend to the Finance Committee where the $65,308 can be eliminated in the Prosecutor's 1976 Budget or any where else in the 1976 Budget and replace this amount in the Contingent Fund. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Gabler the report be accepted and resolution /17421 be adopted. Discussion followed. AYES: McDonald, Montante, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Douglas, Dun/eavy, Fortino, Gabler, Kasper, Lennon. (17) NAYS: Moffitt, Olson, Price, Simmons, Dearborn, Hoot. (6) 48 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1976 A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution #7421 was adopted. Misc. 7430 By Mr. Daly IN RE: TERMINATION OF LITIGATION RE: COURT HOUSE TOWER MARBLE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland instituted a lawsuit against Bundy Construction Company, Barton-Malow Company, F. H. Martin Construction Company, O'Dell, Hewlett and Luchenbach, Inc., O. W. Burke Company, Aetna Casualty and Surety Insurance Company, Insurance Company of North America, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, and Indemnity Insurance Company of North America, for a defect In the marble on the Courthouse Tower; and WHEREAS the case was assigned to the Honorable Paul Mahinske, Circuit Judge, of Livingston County; and WHEREAS Judge Mahinske, in a written opinion, ruled against the County and in favor of the Defendants; and WHEREAS the Civil Counsel has recommended that the decision of Judge Mahinske not be appealed; and WHEREAS your Committee concurs in said recommendation of Civil Counsel. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Civil Counsel be and is hereby directed to terminate the litigation presently pending between the County of Oakland the above named Defendants. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Lennon the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7431 By Mr. Daly IN RE: EAST WING MARBLE DISPLACEMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS it has been determined that some displacement has taken place with the marble slabs on the East Wing; and WHEREAS such displacement has created a safety hazard which must be attended to immediately; and WHEREAS further investigation should be conducted to determine the full extent of the displacement problems. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that an appropriation in the amount of $14,000.00 be and is hereby approved to provide for the temporary bracing of the marble slabs that have shifted; and for payment to the consultant to investigate the problem and prepare a report on the cause of such dis- placement and the corrective action required. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves th2 adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7432 By Mr. Daly IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES OFFICE SPACE - CONGA INC., ROYAL OAK, MICHIGAN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS your Committee has received the proposed addendum to the lease dated the 9th day of December A.D., 1974 (Miscellaneous Resolution 6888, approved December 5, 1974) between the County of Oakland and CONGA Inc., for the leasing of office space for the Department of Social Services; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends said addendum to lease be executed; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland approve the addendum to the lease with CONGA inc. for the Department of Social Services office space, and that the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners be hereby authorized to execute said addendum to lease on behalf of the County of Oakland. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman 49 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1976 ADDENDUM WITNESS that the parties to a certain contract by and between CONGA INC., Lessor and COUNTY OF OAKLAND, Lessee, dated December 9, 1974, do hereby amend and modify said contract in the following manner only: I. As of June 15, 1975, the Lessee shall provide, and Lessor shall hire, 18,014.54 square feet of space located at 401 West Fourth Street, Royal Oak, Michigan, for a total of $72,058.16 per annum, which increases the original space by 2757 square feet ($11,028.00 dollars per annum). 2. This Addendum makes the addendum of the 12th day of June, 1975 nul and void. 3. The remaining terms and conditions of the lease, copy of which is attached hereto, shall remain in full force and effect. Signed, Sealed and delivered this day of , 1976. IN PRESENCE OF: COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitional Corporation, By: Alexander C. Perinoff, Chairman of its Board of Commissioners CONGA INC. By: LEASE THIS MEMORANDUM W1TNESSETH: That Conga Inc. hereinafter designated as the Lessor. do hereby let and lease to the County of Oakland, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, here:naftel designated as the Lessee, the following premises in the City of Royal Oak, Oakland Counts, Michigan. to-wit: The second floor of the Conga Building at 401 W. Fourth Street, Royal Oak, Michigan, con- sisting of approximately 14,000 square feet, for a term beginning at compler -,n of renovation and ending 5 years from completion date to be used and occupied for Social Services purposes, PROVIDED, In case any rent shall be unpaid or default be made in any of the covenants herein contained, then it shall be lawful for the Lessor, his certain attorney, heirs, representatives and assigns, to reenter into, repossess the said premises and the Lessee and each and every occupant to remove and put out. The Lessee hereby leases said premises for the term aforesaid, and covenants: I. To pay the Lessor as rental the sum of Four ($4.00) Dollars per square foot per year, one-twelfth (1/12) of which is payable on delivery of the premises in a condition acceptable to the Lessee and a like sum in advance on the day of each calendar month during the term of the lease. 2. To use and occupy the said premises only for the purposes for which they are let to hlm, and that he will not permit intoxicating liquors to be stored, sold, used, or manufactured upon the premises. 3. To observe all reasonable regulations and requirements of underwriters concerning the use and condition of the premises tending to reduce fire hazards and insurance rates and not permit nor allow any rubbish, waste material or products to accumulate on the premises. 4. That he will not assign this Lease nor sublet the premises nor any part thereof without the consent of the Lessor thereto endorsed hereon in writing. 5. That in event he shall hold over after the expiration of the term demised for a sufficient period of time to create a renewal of the Lease by operation of law, that any renewal or future right of possession not evidenced by an instrument in writing, executed and delivered by the Lessor, shall be a tenancy from calendar month to calendar month and for no longer term. 6. If the demised premises become wholly untenantable through damage or destruction by fire not occasioned by the negligence of the Lessee, this Lease shall be void; if partially unten- antable the Lessor shall repair the same with all convenient speed, and the obligation of the Lessee to pay the monthly rental shall continue in full force provided such repairs shall be completed within thirty (30) days. 7. Lessee will be responsible for paying the metered electrical costs for the operation of the lighting and electrical outlets for the leased premises. 8. Lessee agrees to provide a security officer during business hours and during non- business hours security will be maintained by a central surveillance system. LESSOR COVENANTS: That the Lessee, on payment of the rental at the time and in the manner aforesaid and performing of all of the foregoing covenants, shall and may peacefully and quietly have, hold, and enjoy the demised premises for the term aforesaid. It is expressly agreed between the Lessor and the Lessee that if, during the demised term, proceedings shall be instituted under the power of eminent domain which shall result in an eviction total or partial of the Lessee, that at the time the trial of such proceedings shall commence, this Lease shall be void and the term above demised shall cease and terminate; and if the Lessee continue in possession, he shall be a tenant from month to month, and for no longer term, anything in this instrument to the contrary notwithstanding. 1. Lessor agrees to provide heating, cooling and water, to pay real estate taxes when due, to pay all present and future assessments when due, to pay for initial renovation costs, to pay for maintenace and repairs, to provide fire and public liability insurance for damage caused by its own negligence and to rebuild the premises in the event that the premises become damaged. II. Lessor agrees to provide custodial services which include, but are not limited to the following services: 50 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1976 Daily: I. Properly secure area. 2. Pick up all trash. 3. Clean floor, including vacuuming and dry or wet mopping as required. 4. Clean and stock all rest rooms. 5. Clean entrance mats. 6. Wash waste receptacles if needed. 7 Empty and clean all ash trays. 8. Dust and/or wipe off conference room furniture, employee's lounge furniture, window ledges, pictures, counters, landscape furnishings, telephones and miscellaneous furniture. 9. Clean coffee urn. 10. Clean interior windows as needed. Weekly: I. Polish all chrome in toilet rooms. Z. Wash-down and disinfect all toilet stalls. 3. Clean all door hardware. 4. Dust venetian blinds. 5. Spot clean all walls, baseboards, doors, etc. Annually: 1. Wash and/or paint walls and ceilings as required. 2. Clean carpeting at least once a year, more often if needed. 3. Clean lighting fixtures. 4. Wash venetian blinds. 5. Dry clean or wash drapes. 6. Wash down bathroom walls and floors with disinfectant cleaner. 7. Clean and inspect all fire extinguishers. 8. Wash exterior windows. III. Lessor is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the building which items Include, but are not limited to the following; roofs, ceilings, walls, floors, foundations, heating and cooling systems, electrical systems, elevators, plumbing, glass, sidewalks, etc. IV. Lessor covenants that the premises, at the time of occupancy will conform to all local and state building codes, state and local fire codes and the lease must be in conformance with Public Act 190 of 1974 amending Act 1 of the Public Acts of 1966 dealing with accommodations for the handi- capped. V. Lessor covenants that Lessee may erect signs on exterior and interior walls to identify the premises and to direct clientele to the proper areas. VI. Lessor agrees to provide restrooms on the 2nd floor for employees with separate facilities for men and women. Such restrooms must be capable of providing service for at least 105 persons. Such accomodations will reflect that 75% of the employees are female and the remainder are male. Lessor further agrees to provide separate restrooms for approximately 50 clients, 75% of which are female. VII. Lessor agrees to provide and maintain drapery or venetian blinds for all exterior windows. VIII. Lessor agrees, that prior to occupancy, to renovate the premises at his own cost so that as of the date of occupancy, the second floor will provide at least: 1 - employee lounge of approximately 1,000 sq. ft. 1 - supervisor's office of approximately 200 sq. ft. 2 - conference rooms of approximately 500 sq. ft. 1 - waiting room of approximately 800 sq. ft. 1 - secured food stamp enclosure of approximately 150 sq. ft. 1 - room with hot and cold running water for Pharmacy of approximately 400 sq. ft. 1 - storage room of approximately 400 sq. ft. The remainder of the second floor will be open space which will use the concept of landscape furniture. IX. The Lessor covenants that the heating system will provide a temperature of at least 75° F. In all areas. X. The Lessor covenants that the air conditioning system will maintain uniform cooling In all areas of 75" F. to 80 0 F. XI. The Lessor covenants that all floors will be 100% carpeted, except for storage areas, restrooms and janitor closets. XII. Lessor covenants that the lighting level in all offices shall be maintained at 100 foot candles and that waiting and storage rooms will have 50 foot candles. XIII. Lessor covenants that the noise level of all mechanical systems, electrical systems, plumbing and waiting room will be quiet so as not be cause annoyance to office employees. XIV. Lessor covenants that existing partitions which are not to be used, will be removed. XV. Lessor agrees to provide adequate drinking fountains for both employees and clients. XVI. Lessor covenants that at time of occupancy all ceilings and non-panelled walls will be clean and painted, interior walls panelled, and that all storage rooms and custodial closets will be painted. XVII. Lessor agrees to provide all entrance and exit doors with hardware so all areas can be secured. XVIII. Lessor agrees that all of its maintenance personnel will be bonded. Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1976 51 XIX. Lessor shall provide one (I) junction terminal from which Lessee at his own cost, will install all necessary electrical and telephone conduit for the landscape furniture. XX. Lessor shall provide Lessee with a monthly invoice indicating which portion of rental is for custodial services. IT IS FURTHER AGREED by and between the Lessor and Lessee that if at the time of the expiration of the leasehold period that if the Lessee desires to further lease the premises, he shall give six (6) months written notice to the Lessor of his desires to do so. If the Lessee gives such notice as herein required, he shall be entitled to lease the aforementioned premises for a further term of 5 years at a negotiated rate of pay and subject to the same conditions and limita- tions contained herein. The covenants and conditions herein shall bind the heirs, representatives and assigns of the Lessor and the Lessee and if more than one join in the execution hereof as Lessor or Lessee, or they or either of them be of the feminine sex, or a corporation, such words and the pronouns and Other relative words shall be read as if written in the plural, feminine and neuter, respectively. Signed, sealed and delivered this 9th day of December, 1974. IN THE PRESENCE OF: Harold J. Martin /s/ Richard R. Wilcox /s/ Richard R. Wilcox, Chairman Oakland County Board of Commissioners Moved by Daly supported by Simmons the resolution be adopted. AYES: Moffitt, Montante, Olson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot. Kasper, Lennon, McDon.'d. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7433 By Mr. Daly IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY RECYCLING CENTER To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland has furnished facilities for the operation of the Oakland County Recycling Center; and WHEREAS the Recycling Center is operated by volunteers; and WHEREAS the Recycling Center generates sufficient revenues to pay for the operation expenses of the center; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland budgeted $1,300 in the 1976 budget. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners delete the balance of the funds in the 1976 Glass Recycling Center budget and transfer said balance to the contingency fund. The Planning and Building Committee by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly Moved by Daly supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7434 By Mr. Daly IN RE: WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM IN AXFORD ACRES AND HERITAGE FARMS SUBDIVISION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS private developers have constructed a new water system in "Axford Acres and Heritage Farms Subdivision" located in Sections 10 and 11, Highland Township; and WHEREAS Section 9, Chapter I of Act 185 of the Public Acts of 1957, as amended, allows the Oakland County Department of Public Works to acquire and operate water systems in Oakland County with the consent of the municipality where the system is located; and WHEREAS by resolution the Township of Highland did request and give consent to the Oakland County Department of Public Works to operate all water systems in the Township of Highland and to serve the individual users of the system and to act as the continuing authority for all such water systems; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Department of Public Works has reviewed the water systems in Highland Township and have found them to meet acceptable standards. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, that the Depart- ment of Public Works proceed with the necessary action to acquire the water systems in Highland Township and that they hereby be established as the "Oakland County Water Supply System - Highland Township". 52 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1976 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all costs in connection with the operation and maintenance of said system shall be borne by revenues from same. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Dunieavy the resolution be adopted. AYES: Montante, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7435 By Mr. Daly IN RE: MERGER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE DRAIN COMMISSION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, on May 2, 1974 by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 6669, supported Senate Bill No. 884 which permitted the merger and consolidation of county drain commissioners and county departments of public works; and WHEREAS Act 170 of the Public Act of 1974, as amended, now authorizes county boards of commissioners to merge and consolidate drain offices and county departments of public works into single departments; and WHEREAS such merger and consolidation would promote more effective use of Coun ; personnel and funds, thereby benefiting the taxpayers of Oakland County. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners provides for a public hearing to be held on the question of the merger and consolidattion of the Oakland County Drain Commissioner and the County Department of Public Works into one department; such merger and consolidation pursuant to the provisions of Act 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended by Act 170 of 1974, as amended. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Dunleavy, that pursuant to the provisions of Act 70 of the Public Acts of 1974, as amended, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners calls a public hearing on the merger of the Oakland County Department of Public Works and the Office of the Oakland County Drain Commissioner, the hearing to be held on the 19th day of February, 1976, at 10:00 o'clock. Moved by Daly supported by Dunleavy the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. Moved by Moffitt supported by Patterson the resolution be amended by adding that the Chairman send a letter to all local units of Government advising them of the public hearing; that the merger be explained under Act 170 of the Public Acts of 1974, as amended, under an elected official; and a copy of Public Act 170 be enclosed. AYES: Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante. (19) NAYS: Olson, Button, Hoot. (3) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Discussion followed. Vote on resolution, as amended: AYES: Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Olson. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A .ailFicient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted. Misc. 7436 By Mr. Daly IN RE: GROVELAND OFFICE BUILDING LEASE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland owns 2.939 acres of property in Groveland Township; and Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1976 WHEREAS the Township of Groveland has leased said property on June 12th, 1975 for a 5 year period; and WHEREAS the Township of Groveland by resolution has requested to extend the existing lease for an additional period of IC/ years on the same terms and conditions; and WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee recommends denial of the request since it would be of greater benefit to the County if the property was disposed of. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the County of Oakland denies the request for a 10 year extension on the June 12th, 1975 lease with the Township of Groveland for the 2.939 acres located In Groveland Township. The Planning and Building Committee by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. The Chairman announced pursuant to Rule XI-E the matter shall be laid over to the next regular Board meeting. Misc. 7437 By Mr. Daly IN RE: PERRY STREET PROPERTY (OLD 4-H GROUNDS) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland owns the following property in the City of Pontiac known as the old 4-H Grounds and legally described as: That part of the east 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of section 15, 1 3 N, R 10 E, City of Pontiac, lying easternly of M-24 Highway, containing 18 acres more or less; and WHEREAS the majority of the property stands vacant with no .future programs planned for the premises; and WHEREAS rezoning the property from R-1 to Commercial would realize a greater monitary value for the property. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the County of Oakland Board of Conmissioners directs the County Executive Office to process the necessary forms with fees requesting the City of Pontiac to rezone said property from R-1 to Commercial. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. The Chairman announced pursuant to Rule XI-E the matter shall be laid over to the next regular Board meeting. Misc. 7438 By Mr. Daly IN RE: SALE OF WATERFORD-OAKS PROPERTY TO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS your Committee received a request from the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission to purchase from the County of Oakland certain lands located in Waterford Township and presently leased by the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends that the County of Oakland sell the land presently under lease to the Parks and Recreation Commission. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners agrees to sell the following described premises to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, to-wit: Part of the West 1/2 of Section 13, Town 3 North, Range 9 East, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan described as follows: Beginning at a point bearing South 3 ° 20' West 518 feet and South 86 ° 16' East 1123.7 ft. from the West 1/4 corner of said Section 13; thence South 03 ° 44' 50" West 650.62 ft.; thence South 86° 16' East 761.82 feet; thence South 01 ° 29' 20" West 123.62 ft.; thence South 88° 03' 30" East 695.2 ft.; thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 2787.75 ft. a central angle of 2 ° 18 20" a long chord of 112.17 ft. bearing North 48 ° 55' 20" East; thence along said curve 112.26 ft. to the North and South I/4 line of said Section; thence North 3 ° 32' 40" East 523.2 ft. to the southwesterly right-of-way line of the Detroit Grand Haven and Milwaukee Railroads; thence North 80° 41' 42" West 1546.53 ft. to the point of beginning. Containing 23.56 acres. AND Part of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 13, Town 3 North Range 9 East, beginning at a point on West Section line distant South 1 ° 36' East 1168.64 feet from the West 1/4 corner; thence North 88 6 48' East 1880.58 feet; thence South 3 ° 25' 30" East 295.15 feet; thence South 88° 48' West 1889.97 feet to West Section line; thence North 1 ° 36' West 295 feet to beginning, except a parcel of land described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West Section line; distance South 1 ° 36' 53 54 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1976 East 1168.64 Feet from West 1/4 corner; thence North 88° 48' East 949.3 feet; thence South on a line parallel with the westerly section line 295 feet; thence South 88° 48' West 949.3 feet to the West section line; thence North 10 36' West 295 feet to the point of beginning subject to easements and restrictions of record; AND Part of the Southwest 1/4 Section 13, Town 3 North, Range 9 East, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, beginning at a point on West section line distance South 1° 36' East 1463.64 Feet from West 1/4 corner; thence North 88° 48' East 1889.97 feet; thence South 3 0 25' 30" East 1187.01 feet to south section line; thence South 89° 20' 30" West 592.90 feet; thence North I° 30' West 984.70 feet; thence South 88° 31' 30" West 1336.54 feet to west section line; thence North 10 36' West 202 feet to beginning, containing 21.66 acres, more or less and subject to rights of the public over part of captioned land being used for highway purposes; AND The North 15 acres of South 30 acres of West 1/2 of Southwest 1/4 of Section 13 except and excluding therefrom a parcel of land beginning at the Southwest corner of the above described 15 acres running thence North 40 feet along the westerly section line, also being the centerline of Scott Lake Road; thence East 183 feet on a line parallel with the Southerly section line, thence South at right angles 40'; thence West at right angles 183' to point of beginning; also excluding therefrom a parcel of land beginning at a point 328' north of the Southwest corner of the said 15 acres; thence northerly along the westerly section line; also being the centerline of Scott Lake Road, 164 feet; thence East 931.54 feet on a line parallel with the southerly section line; thence South at the right angles 164 feet; thence west at right angles 931.54 feet to the point of beginning; AND Part of the southwest 1/4 of Section 13, Town 3 North, Range 9 East, beginning at South line section corner; thence West along south section line 731 feet; thence North 0° 52 feet west 1359.29 feet; thence North 880.09 feet, east 694.48 feet to the P. C. of curve to left, having a radius of 2789.93 feet; thence around said curve a distance 112.2 feet to north and south 1/4 line; thence Southerly along 1/4 line 1455.69 feet to beginning, containing 24.08 acres; AND Part of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 247—beginning at a point distant North 89 degrees 55 minutes 12 seconds West 228.53 feet from North 1/4 corner, thence North 89 degrees 55 minutes 12 seconds West 1033.28 feet; thence South 24 degrees 57 minutes 20 seconds West 1160.05 feet to center of road, thence South 43 degrees 36 minutes 39 seconds East 332.97 feet, thence North 45 degrees 2 minutes 24 seconds East 1827.57 feet to point of beginning, containing 19.5 acres, more or less; Each of said parcels above described being located in the Township of Waterford, County of Oakland, Michigan. for the sum of Seven Thousand Two Hundred and no/100 ($7,200.00) Dollars, and that the Chairman of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be and he is hereby authorized to execute a Quit-Claim Deed, a copy of which is attached hereto, on behalf of the County of Oakland, to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly The OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION I Quid Mallon to STATE OF MICHIGAN Its ! Oar! M SI alo 140.1, Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1976 55 1 4 Ltryers Title Insurniice Grpordtion Fog m 564 1-65 QUIT CLAIM DEED—COSIPORATION—Stalutory Form Cl. 19-18, 565 152 M.S.A 572 KNOW VI_ MEN nv PI: ESENTS, That The COUN:Y OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, whoteadris 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48053 whisky nddrese lo 2800 Watkina Lake Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48054 the following drnterilusd premises titui.ted inti To of Waterford County of Oakland told State of Michi gan, too-it7 (SEE RIDER ATTACHED FOR COMPLETE DESCRIPTION) O -I together uith all and sineular the tenements, hereditament' all appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertainin g, :I- 0 for the full consideration of Seven Thousand Two Pundred and no/100 ($7,200.00)Dollars rc-1 m u - to z w Dated this 5th day of February A. D. 1976 0 I C Signed and Sealed: X 0 2. I- I) Z < COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan n m m Constitutional Corporation (La) 1 m m > < m I . m -1 U) • m . . _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ __ ___ ____ . u By_-All'iiiiSEF-17-7 Perinoff, Chairman of (); z .-i < m m D Board of Commissioners 1 hs--. M Z 0 - 0 W X J o 1- _ By * 1- 01 On this appoored Oakland 5th day of February Alexander C. Porinoff A. D. 19 76 Wore me persnrinlly In mo personally known, who being by inn se,oin, did (1) say that (2) he is the Chairman of the Oakland County Board of Cormnissioners criritorarinn named hi and which % eaccoted the with.) inatturnent. PA 20.2X ItlIK rxix,fr9m1:19.:.KOATulzprzt-xiz Cf.",P1ZuV.:(tAZTt, rind OW snia iir.trument we si oled lind staled in behalf of wilt corpo, al ion by :Ai thority of its board ofx1;.(cocrA: end said Commisnioners neknoialedged said instrument to he the My corn. too expires A. D. 19 Note: If nu ir thin ono °Moor neknowled ges insert in (1) "each - — - Oakland for hinuelf," nod (2) they are respeerively • Nor y P dent- _County, Michigan nosiness 2036 Chairman free act ni..1 deed of mold CorpnritCon. intIrmhent _ A thlr,..s- Dratt..d by . . 56 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1976 RIDER Part of the West 1/2 of Section 13, Town 3 North, Range 9 East, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan described as follows: Beginning at a point bearing South 3 ° 20' West 518 feet and South 86 ° 16' East 1123.7 ft. from the West 1/4 corner of said Section 13; thence South 03 ° 44' 50" West 650.62 ft.; thence South 86 ° 16' East 761.82 feet; thence South 01 ° 29' 20" West 123.62 ft.; thence South 88° 03' 30" East 695.2 ft,; thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 2787.75 ft. a central angle of 2 ° 18' 20" a long chord of 112.17 ft. bearing North 48° 55' 20" East; thence along said curve 112.26 ft. to the North and South 1/4 line of said Section; thence North 3" 32' 40" East 523.2 ft. to the southwesterly right-of-way line of the Detroit Grand Haven and Milwaukee Railroads; thence North 80 ° 41' 42" West 1546.53 ft. to the point of beginning. Containing 23.56 acres. AND Part of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 13, Town 3 North Range 9 East, beginning at a point on West Section line distant South I° 36' East 1168.64 feet from the West 1/4 corner; thence North 88' 48' East 1880.58 feet; thence South 3 ° 25 30" East 295.15 feet; thence South 88° 48' West 1889.97 feet to West Section line; thence North 1° 36' West 295 feet to beginning„ except a parcel of land described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West Section line; distance South 1° 36' East 1168.64 feet from West 1/4 corner; thence North 88° 48' East 949.3 feet; thence South on a line parallel with the westerly section line 295 feet; thence South 88° 48' West 949.3 feet to the West section line; thence North 1° 36' West 295 feet to the point of beginning subject to easements and restrictions of record; AND Part of the Southwest 1/4 Section 13, Town 3 North, Range 9 East, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, beginning at a point an West section line distance South 1 ° 36' East 1463.64 feet from West 1/4 corner; thence North 88 ° 48' East 1889.97 feet; thence South j " 25' 30" East 1187.01 feet to south section line; thence South 89 ° 20' 30" West 592.90 feet; thence North 1 ° 30' West 984.70 feet; thence South 88 ° 31' 30" West 1336.54 feet to west section line; thence North 1 ° 36' West 202 feet to beginning. containing 21.66 acres, more or less and subject to rights of the public over part of captioned land being used for highway purposes; AND The North 15 acres of South 30 acres of West 1/2 of Southwest 1/4 of Section 13 except and excluding therefrom a parcel of land beginning at the Southwest corner of the above described 15 acres running thence North 40 feet along the westerly section line, also being the centerline of Scott Lake Road; thence East 183 feet on a line parallel with the Southerly section line, thence South at right angles 40'; thence West at right angles 183' to point of beginning; also excluding therefrom a parcel of land beginning at a point 328' north of the Southwest corner of the said 15 acres; thence northerly along the westerly section line; also being the centerline of Scott Lake Road, 164 feet; thence East 931.54 feet on a line parallel with the southerly section line; thence South at the right angles 164 feet; thence west at right angles 931.54 feet to the point of beginning; AND Part of the southwest 1/4 of Section 13, Town 3 North, Range 9 East, beginning at South line section corner; thence West along south section line 731 feet; thence North 0° 52 feet west 1359.29 feet; thence North 880.09 feet, east 694.48 feet to the P. C. of curve to left, having a radius of 2789.93 feet; thence around said curve a distance 112.2 feet to north and south 1/4 line; thence Southerly along 1/4 line 1455.69 feet to beginning, containing 24.08 acres; AND Part of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 2;7 -beginning at a point distant North 89 degrees 55 minutes 12 seconds West 228.53 feet from North 1/4 corner, thence North 89 degrees 55 minutes 12 seconds West 1033.28 feet; thence South 24 degrees 57 minutes 20 seconds West 1160.05 feet to center of road, thence South 43 degrees 36 minutes 39 seconds East 332.97 feet, thence North 45 degrees 2 minutes 24 seconds East 1827.57 feet to point of beginning, containing 19.5 acres, more or less; Each of said parcels above described being located in the Township of Waterford, County of Oakland, Michigan. The Chairman announced pursuant to Rule XI-E the matter shall be laid over to the next regular Board meeting. Misc. 7439 By Mr. Daly IN RE: AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS ON THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN OF THE CHILDREN'S VILLAGE SCHOOL To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners has approved the initiation of the design and con- struction of a new school facility at Children's Village; and WHEREAS this Committee has determined that the best interests of the County would be served If qualified architects are requested to submit bids for architectural services for this project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Facilities Engineering Division of the Department of Central Services be and is hereby authorized to receive bids from architectural firms for the preparation of design drawings for the proposed Children's Village School. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1976 Moved by Daly supported by Olson the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. Mr. Pernick requested that Mr. Thomas Ebejer of the Winebrenner and Ebejer Architects, Inc., be allowed to address the Board. Discussion followed. Moved by Kasper supported by Roth the resolution be referred back to the Planning and Building Committee. A sufficient majority haying voted therefor, the resolution was referred to the Planning and Building Committee. Misc. 7440 By Mr. Daly IN RE: GROVELAND OFFICE BUILDING - SALE OF PROPERTY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland owns property in the Township of Groyeland described as: "Land in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 20 T 5 N, R 8 E, Groveland Township, Oakland County, Michigan, described as: Commencing at the SW corner of Section 20, thence along the section line S 87" 12' 00" E, 676.80 feet; thence N 44 ° 08' 00" W. 48.27 feet to the point of beginning on the NE'ly right-of-way line of US 10 (120 feet wide) au the North right-of-way l'ne of Grange Hall Road (66 feet wide); thence along the NE'ly right-of-way line of US 10, N 44 ° 08' 00" W, 660.00 feet thence N 45 ° 52' 00" E, 200.00 feet; thence S 44 ° 08' 00" E, 555.00 feet; thence South 02 ° 47' 00" W 217.82 feet to the North right-of-way line of Grange Hall Road; thence along said right- of-way line N 87° 12' 00" W, 60.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing 2.939 Acres". and; WHEREAS the Township of Groveland is presently leasing said property which lease expires June 12th, 1980; and WHEREAS no revenues or expenses are incurred on said property; and WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee recommends said property should be disposed of since the County is not realizing any benefit now or in the near future from the use of the property. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the County Executive to offer the property for sale according to the procedures in the Rules for the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. The Planning and Building Committee by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman The Chairman announced pursuant to Rule XI-E the matter shall be laid over to the next regular Board meeting. Misc. 7441 By Mr. Price IN RE: C.E.T.A. TITLE I ON-THE-JOB TRAINING CONTRACTS (PHASE VIII) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor of Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of Title I of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS Oakland County's C.E.T.A. Title I Grant Application has been filed and approved by the U.S. Department of Labor; and WHEREAS On-The-Job Training represents a maior component in Oakland County's approved Manpower Prooram: and WHEREAS the Oakland County Manoower Advisory Council recommends the contract included herein as Phase VIII of Oakland County's C.E.T.A. Title I On-The-Job Trainina oroaram. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners aooroves the award of Phase VIII of C.E.T.A. Title I On-The-Job Trainina Contracts in the total amount of S140.890.00 consistent with the attached budaet. The Public Services Committee. by Hubert Price. Jr.. Chairman, moves the adoption of the foreaoina resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price. Jr.. Chairman 57 58 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5. 1976 OAKLAND COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICES EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION DIVISION CETA - TITLE 1 - ON-THE-JOB TRAINING The attached renresents Phase VIII of the OJT prooram. Twenty-one employers have submitted contracts for On-The-Job Training programs totalling $140,890.00. This would increase the total amount obligated under OJT to $1,427,746.00. As a result, 47 additional jobs will be created for unemployed persons throughout Oakland County. Phase VIII compares with previous requests as shown in the following statistical table. APPROVED TO DATE PHASE VIII TOTAL ALL PHASES Number of Enrollees 419 47 466 Total Contract Costs $1,286,856.00 $140,890.00 $1,427,746.00 Average Cost per Enrollee $3,071.25 $2,997.65 $3,063-83 Number of Employers 154 21 175 Average per Employer 2.7 Enrollees 2.2 Enrollees 2.7 Enrollees Training Time Average 22.9 Weeks 20.8 Weeks 22.7 Weeks Average Weekly Enrollee Cost $134.12 5144.11 $134.97 The average training time requested has decreased while costs remain constant resulting in higher weekly cost figures. The strong employer Interest predicted in December has materialized, along with a strengthening economy. Employers are finding it necessary to expand their staffs while capital is still short. These factors can be expected to accelerate the need for OJT services in the coming months. It is the staff's recommendation that the Public Services Committee approve the contracts as submitted. COMPANY POSITION NUMBER OF TRAINEES TOTAL Robert Norton Firestone Automobile Service 2 $ 8,320.00 Madison Heights Mechanic Norm Daniels (Agent) Manager 1 3,300.00 State Farm Insurance, Waterford Office Trainee TSG Electronics and Development Corp. Antenna Assembler 2 3,740.00 Pontiac Comut Aire of Michigan Bookkeeper 1 3,480.00 Pontiac Comut Aire of Michigan Administrative 1 4,524.00 Pontiac Assistant (Trainee) Comut Aire of Michigan Ticket Agent 1 2,760.00 Pontiac Comut Aire of Michigan Reservation Clerk 1 2,760.00 Pontiac Comut Aire of Michigan Airport (Ramp) I 3,900.00 Pontiac Service Man Master Lease, Inc. Lease Administrator I 4,160.00 Huntington Woods Kenneth J. Grange C.L.U. Secretary 1 3,380.00 Troy Upton Mgt. Services, Inc. Management Service 1 3,000.00 Troy Trainee Complete Ins. Services Agency Insurance Clerk 1 2,200.00 Southfield Lafay Racing Auto Parts Counterman 1 4,160.00 Pontiac General Lock Co. Press Operator 2 3,472.00 Pontiac Trainee General Lock Co. Janitor Trainee 1 1,972.00 Pontiac William T. Galvin C.L.U. Secretary 1 3,120.00 Troy Robsco, Inc. Bookkeeper Learner I 3,240.00 Troy Robsco, Inc. Truck Driver Learner 1 3,000.00 Troy Eleven Mile Truck Frame and Axle Co. Truck Body Repairperson 1 3,120.00 Madison Heights Learner Eleven Mile Truck Frame and Axle Co. Truck Front and Frame 1 3,120.00 Madison Heights Reoairperson Learner Fullmer, Rudzewicz and Co. Secretary Learner 1 3,120.00 Southfield Follmer, Rudzewicz and Company Receptionist Learner I 2,800.00 Southfield Follmer, Rudzewicz and Company Bookkeeper Learner 1 3,352.00 Southfield Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1976 59 COMPANY POSITION NUMBER OF TRAINEES TOTAL West Oakland Ambulatory Care Center Secretary Trainee 5 1174-615700 Walled Lake West Oakland Ambulatory Care Center Hospital Janitor 1 1,700.00 Walled Lake Trainee Wrst Oakland Ambulatory Care Center Office Manager 1 2,400.00 Walled Lake West Oakland Ambulatory Care Center Emergency Room I 940.00 Walled Lake Technician Philip J. Meagher Assoc. Advertising Layout I 4,160.00 Southfield (Sales) Thomas Coaches Secretary 1 3,900.00 Pontiac Doug Boyce (Agent) State Farm Ins. Manager, Office 1 4,480.00 Lake Orion (Trainee) Ameri-Travel, Inc. Secretary 1 3,120.00 Southfield Northland Ford Collision Auto Body Repair 3 9,996.00 Berkley Trainee Northland Ford Collision Spray Painter's Helper I 2,924.00 Berkley Northland Ford Collision Building Maintenance 1 2,550.00 Berkley Trainee Northland Ford Collision Appraiser Trainee I 3,400.00 Bvrkley M.I.E S A., Inc. X-Ray Service Tech. 1 4,160.00 II:midair M.1.E.S.A., Inc. Secretary 1 4,160.00 Ferndale M.I.E.S.A., Inc. Parts Clerk 1 1,600.00 Ferndale 47___ $140,890.00 Moved by Price supported by Douglas the resolution be adopted. AYES: Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas. Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Olson, Page. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7442 By Mr. Price IN RE: SHERIFF'S PATROL CONTRACT - BRANDON TOWNSHIP To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: WHEREAS it is the policy of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to permit the Sheriff's Department to enter into contract with townships for the purpose of providing Sheriff's Patrol Services; and WHEREAS the Township of Brandon is desireous of contracting for said Sheriff's Patrol Services; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7335 established a uniform unit rate per Patrolman of $19,571.00 per year. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the Sheriff's Department to negotiate contracts with termination dates of June 30, 1976 which will provide a total of six (6) Patrolmen with a combined contract amount not to exceed $45,992.00 and consistent with the attached contract budget schedules. Mr. Chairman, the Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman LAW ENFORCEMENT AGREEMENT SCHEDULE OF CONTRACT COSTS BRANDON TOWNSHIP (Governmental Unit) Number of Patrolmen' (CE TA) TOWNSHIP TOTAL 2 S2,083.32 51,178.52 $3,261.84 Number of Months of Contracted Service 4.7 Number of Months of Contracted Service 4.7 Maximum Contract Amount CETA TOWNSHIP TOTAL 59,792 $5,539 $15,331 Maximum Contract Amount CETA TOWNSHIP TOTAL S30,661 530,661 Total Monthly Billing CFTA Number of Patrolmen REGULAR 4 Total Montnly B7'1FIc LETA TOWNSHIP TOTAL $6,523.68 $6,523.68 ANNUAL RATE PER PATROLMAN Misc. Res. =7335 11/20/75 Cr, - $1 9.57 1 Monthly Charge Per Patrolman CETA TOWNSHIP TOTAL Minutes Continued. Monthly Charge Per Patrolman CETA TOWNSHIP TOTAL 51,041.66 $589.26 $1,630.92 Lrn 5 ANNUAL RATE .7 atrolman Res. =7335 11/20/75 $19,571 $1,630.92 $1,630.92 * 143 days service 366 Days i n 1975_1976= .3907 x 12 = 4.7 —o-,ths o c Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1976 61 AGREEMENT FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 27th Day of January, 1976, by and between the COUNTY OF OAKLAND, through its Board of Commissioners and the Oakland County Sheriff, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY", and the TOWNSHIP OF BRANDON, hereinafter referred to as "TOWNSHIP". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS the Township is desirous of contracting with the County for the performance of law enforcement functions within its boundaries by the County; and WHEREAS the County is agreeable to rendering such services on the terms and conditions as hereinafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: I. The County agrees to provide police protection within the corporate limits of the Township, including the Village of Ortonville, including all private roads, said protection to consist of the enforcement of State statutes and the Township ordinances and Ortonville Village ordinances, Including the writing of tickets therefore; for the purposes of performing such functions, the County shall furnish and supply two (2) (CETA) patrolmen, their supervisions, equipment, communication facilities and other necessary supplies needed in order to perform such services, including all insurances, liability insurances and other protection or benefits of whatever nature. Notwithstanding anything heretofore contained, it is agreed that in all instances where special supplies, such as stationery, notices, forms, appearance tickets, and the like, needed to be executed In the name of the Township shall be required, they shall be supplied by the Township at its cost and expense. 2. The standards of performance, the discipline of the officers and other matters Incident to the performance of such service and the control of the Deputy Sheriffs so assigned to provide such service shall remain in the county; however, the standards of performance shall not be lower than that furnished another Township in Oakland County, nor shall the caliber and the ability of the officers supplied be lower than that furnished other Townships in Oaklaie County. 3. The Township shall not be required to assume any liability for the direct payment of salaries, wages or other compensation to the County for any county personnel performing the services set forth in this document except as herein otherwise specified. 4. The law enforcement service to be provided by the County shall consist of furnishing two (2) (CETA) patrolmen for one 8 hour shift each day for 5 days or 40 hours per week. The commencement time of the shift is to be determined by the usual shift starting and ending time established by the Oakland County Sheriff's Department. 5. The Township agrees to pay for such law enforcement service at a yearly rate of $19,571 per deputy for a total contract price not to exceed $ , such sum to be paid monthly at a rate of $1,630.92 per deputy for a total monthly rate of $3,261.84. Billing shall commence on the date patrolmen are assigned to the Township. Fractional months services will be prorated on a work dey basis for the month involved, consistent with the attached schedule. 5A. When CETA funds are used to partially fund the contracted provisions, the obligation of the U.S. Department of Labor as provided for under CETA shall be limited to the provision of salary funds not to exceed $10,000 per position annually plus fringe benefits consistent with the policy of Oakland County. The maximum monthly CETA reimbursement shall be limited to $833.00 per month per patrolman for salaries plus $208.33 per month per patrolman for fringes for a total monthly maximum allowable reimbursement of $1,041.33 per patrolman for a maximum of $12,500 per year per patrolman. Further, the effective date of contracts utilizing LETA funds shall be the first date of employment for each CETA funded patrolman. 6. This agreement shall be effective February 9, 1976, and shall terminate June 30, 1976 provided that said agreement may be renewed for one year periods thereafter by the Township, at rates established by the County, by giving its intentions to renew said agreement in writing to the County at least 45 days prior to the expiration date. Said notice is to be sent to the Oakland County Executive and the Oakland County Sheriff, and be it provided further that either party hereto may elect not to renew same by giving notice thereof to the opposite party at least 45 days prior to the expiration date. 7. In the event said Township elects not to renew said Agreement by giving notice as provided in Paragraph 6, the Township agrees that if it establishes its own police department it will give consideration to employ to the Oakland County Sheriff Deputies, if any, who will be laid off by virtue of the termination of said Agreement, but in no event does the Township agree that It shall be obligated to hire such personnel. B. The Township may terminate said agreement, upon sixty (60) days written notice delivered to the Oakland County Executive and the Oakland County Sheriff and with the written consent of the County. WITNESSES: Kay A. Williams /s/ OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE Robert W. Sutton /s/ By: Daniel T. Murphy /s/ Roberta Underwood /s/ Daniel T. Murphy, County Executive Jacqueline Harrington /s/ OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By: Alexander C. Perinoff /s/ Alexander C. Perinoff, Chairman OAKLAND COUNTY SHERIFF By: Johannes F. Spreen /s/ Johannes F. Spreen, Sheriff TOWNSHIP OF BRANDON By: Leslie L. Wright /s/ By: Edna M. Burton, Clerk, /s/ 62 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1976 AGREEMENT FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 27th Day of January, 1976, by and between the COUNTY OF OAKLAND, through Its Board of Commissioners and the Oakland County Sheriff, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY", and the TOWNSHIP OF BRANDON, hereinafter referred to as "TOWNSHIP". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS the Township is desirous of contracting with the County for the performance of law enforcement functions within its boundaries by the County; and WHEREAS the County is agreeable to rendering such services on the terms and conditions as hereinafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The County agrees to provide police protection within the corporate limits of the Township, including the Village of Drtonville, including all private roads, said protection to consist of the enforcement of State statutes and the Township ordinances and Ortonvlile Village ordinances, including the writing of tickets therefore; for the purposes of performing such functions, the County shall furnish and supply four (4) (Regular) patrolmen, their supervisions, equipment, communication facilities and other necessary supplies needed in order to perform such services, including all In- surances, liability insurances and other protection or benefits of whatever nature. Notwithstanding anything heretofore contained, it is agreed that in all instances where special supplies, such as stationery, notices, forms, appearance tickets, and the like, needed to be executed In the name of the Township shall be required, they shall be supplied by the Township at its cost and expense. 2. The standards of performance, the discipline of the officers and other matters incident to the performance of such service and the control of the Deputy Sheriffs so assigned to provide such service shall remain in the county; however, the standards of performance shall not be lower than that furnished another Township in Oakland County, nor shall the caliber and the ability of the officers supplied be lower than that furnished other Townships in Oakland County. 3. The Township shall not be required to assume any liability for the direct payment of salaries, wages or other compensation to the County for any county personnel performing the services set forth in this document except as herein otherwise specified. 4. The law enforcement service to be provided by the County shall consist of furnishing four (4) (Regular) patrolmen for one 8 hour shift each day for 5 days or 40 hours per week. The commencement time of the shift is to be determined by the usual shift starting and ending time established by the Oakland County Sheriff's Department. 5. The Township agrees to pay for such law enforcement service at a yearly rate of $19,571 per deputy for a total contract price not to exceed $ , such sum to be paid monthly at a rate of $1,630.92 per deputy for a total monthly rate of $6,523.68. Billing shall commence on the date patrolmen are assigned to the Township. Fractional months services will be prorated on a work day basis for the month involved, consistent with the attached schedule. 5A. When CETA funds are used to partially fund the contracted provisions, the obligation of the U.S. Department of Labor as provided for under CETA shall be limited to the provision of salary funds not to exceed $10,000 per position annually plus fringe benefits consistent with the policy of Oakland County. The maximum monthly CETA reimbursement shall be limited to $833.00 per month per patrolman for salaries plus $208.33 per month per patrolman for fringes for a total monthly maximum allowable reimbursement of $1,041.33 per patrolman for a maximum of $12,500 per year per patrolman. Further, the effective date of contracts utilizing CETA funds shall be the first day of employment for each CETA funded patrolman. 6. This agreement shall be effective February 9, 1976, and shall terminate June 30, 1976 provided that said agreement may be renewed for one year periods thereafter by the Township, at rates established by the County, by giving its intentions to renew said agreement in writing to the County at least 45 days prior to the expiration date. Said notice is to be sent to the Oakland County Executive and the Oakland County Sheriff, and be it provided further that either party hereto may elect not to renew same by giving notice thereof to the opposite party at least 45 days prior to the expiration date. 7. In the event said Township elects not to renew said Agreement by giving notice as provided In Paragraph 6, the Township agrees that if it establishes its own police department it will give consideration to employ to the Oakland County Sheriff Deputies, if any, who will be laid off by virtue of the termination of said Agreement, but in no event does the Township agree that it shall be obligated to hire such personnel. 8. The Township may terminate said agreement, upon sixty (60) days written notice delivered to the Oakland County Executive and the Oakland County Sheriff and with the written consent of the County. WITNESSES: OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE Kay A. Williams /s/ By: Daniel T. Murphy /s/ Robert W. Sutton /s/ Daniel T. Murphy, County Executive Roberta Underwood /s/ OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Jacqueline Harrington /s/ By: Alexander C. Perinoff /s/ Alexander C. Perinoff, Chairman OAKLAND COUNTY SHERIFF By: Johannes F. Spreen /s/ Johannes F. Spreen, Sheriff TOWNSHIP OF BRANDON By: Leslie L. Wright /s/ By: Edna M. Burton, Clerk /s/ Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1976 63 Moved by Price supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted. Moved by Olson supported by Button the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Olson, Page, Patterson. (22) NAYS: Dunleavy. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Olson supported by Button the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. Moved by Dunleavy supported by Patterson that section of the contract be amended to read "30 day cancellation". Discussion followed. Moved by Roth supported by Page the contract be amended to read any additional costs in fringe benefits over the amount of $45,992 for a 6 month period For 6 patrolmen". Mr. Dunleavy requested James Brennan, Director, Management and Budget be allowed to address the Board. There were no objections. Mr. Brennan addressed the Board. Vote on second amendment: A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Discussion followed. Vote on first amendment: A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Vote on resolution: AYES: Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Olson, Perinoff. (19) NAYS: Roth, Dunleavy, Page, Patterson. (4) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7443 By Mr. Price IN RE: JOB PLACEMENT AND COUNSELING SERVICES FOR EX-OFFENDERS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor of Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of Title 1 of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS Oakland County's C.E.T.A. Title I Grant Application has been filed and approved by the U.S. Department of Labor; and WHEREAS ex-offenders are a target group specified by a vote of the Oakland County Employment and Training Council; and WHEREAS the Non-Profit agency, Family and Childrens Services, has agreed to provide direct services to ex-offenders in terms of OJT placement and counseling in accordance with the attached contract. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that $59,004 be allocated to the Non-Profit Agency of Family and Childrens Services to provide direct services to ex-offenders for the period of January 1, 1976 to June 30, 1976. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman PROGRAM PROPOSAL - CETA TITLE I Program Title - Job Placement and Counseling Services for Ex-Offenders Under CETA Title I Agency: Family and Childrens Services of Oakland County. 1. PROGRAM SUMMARY I. It is proposed that the two current phase ,> of this program previously Funded under CETA Title I and II, be combined and administered under the Title I program. 64 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1976 2. Basic objectives for this program are to serve Oakland County Ex-Offender target groups relative to: a. Intake for eligible CETA clients. b. Job placement opportunites under the OJT program. c. Supportive services to insure job placement of clients. 3. Grant Period - January I, 1976 to June 30, 1976. This is recommended to absorb prior costs of the program under Title I and II. (Title I phase-out date of January 31, 1976 and Title 11 December 31, 1975.) 4. Location: POIC building at 154 N. Saginaw, Pontiac, Michigan. 5. Staff Requirements: Present staff employed in Title 1 and 11 plus one Job Placement Officer for a Total of 7 participants. The detailed staff costs and job descriptions are included within the enclosed budget. II. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. The basic objective for the program is placement of eligible ex-offenders under the OJT contract requirements into unsubsidized employment. 2. Program goals: In compliance with present OJT contract standards, it is recommended that the following goals be achieved: a. The placement of 16 clients per month, per job placement officer Into OJT positions for a total of 160 placements by June, 1976. b. Counseling and support services for 160 placements by June, 1976. c. 20 Employer contracts per week per placement officer be achieved. d. The OJT contract budget will be in the amount of $100,000 per month for the current 5 month period to expire June 30, 1976. 111. PROGRAM COORDINATION I. This agency will function within the CETA program independent of the Pri. - Sponsor relative to Intake, counseling, implementation of contracts, submission of reports and other general administrative functions. However, all OJT contracts and clients eligibility will be reviewed and approved by the Prime Sponsor on the basis of compliance with present standards and objectives for the OJT programs and contracts. 2. Monitoring and assessment requirements for the program will be assumed by the agency for compliance with the regulations and contract requirements. 3. A procedural policy fully describing all procedures and policies necessary for Implementation of this program between both agencies will be developed and approved by same. This policy should include the necessary modification requirements, reimbursement procedures, OJT contracts review, approval, and presentation, client eligibility, program monitoring and assessment requirements. IV. PROGRAM NARRATIVE To be submitted by agency. V. PROGRAM BUDGET Attached. SOC SEC W.C. UFALTH RET. U.C. IS PO ITTON SALARY $40,225 $2,354 $1,929 $3,252 $865 TOTAL $103 65 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1976 CETA BUDGET January 1, 1976 - June 30, 1976 Project (13,500) Director 6,750 Fnmily • , (12,500) Counselor 6,250 Family (11,800) Counselor 5,900 Job placement (15,500) Co. TI Job Placement (12,000) Co. r 6,00a ClAricol (6,800) 3,609 Ciericol (8,350) 4,175 395 450 641 135 366 459 594 135 345 184 561 135 453 459 736 135 351 184 - 135 199 184 323 85 245 397 105 Salaries Fringes 1,Jyluti taAtb Audit Bookkeeping Service Consultation Office Supplies Office Equip (lease) Telephone Postage Occupancy Insurance Mileage In-service Trainin:7_,, TOTAL $40,225 5,181 3,320 260 150 4,630 * 533 300 1,300 180 1,400 75 1,200 200 $59,004 -' *This sum is to be used in the as5.;ess merit process when psychiatric con'n 6 psychological testio5 is necessary Moved by Price supported by Douglas the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. Mr. Lennon requested Mr. Harold R. McKay, Assistant Director, Manpower Programs be allowed to address the Board. There were no objections. Mr. McKay addressed the Board. Discussion followed. 66 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1976 AYES: Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Hontante, Perinoff, Pernick. (17) NAYS: Wilson, Hoot, Kasper, Olson, Page, Patterson. (6) A -ailficlent majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 1444 By Mr. Price IN RE: CLASSROOM TRAINING CONTRACTS FY'76 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor of Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of Title I of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS Oakland County's C.E.T.A, Title I Grant Application has been filed and approved by the U.S. Department of Labor; and WHEREAS bids for classroom training were solicited through advertising in the newspapers and the Oakland County Council on Employment and Training considered each of the bids and recommended the attached institution and organizations for training; and WHEREAS these contracts represent a maximum amount of monies to be further reviewed and considered In terms of past performance, audit, placement of enrollees and comparison to other training organization costs than bidding. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners awards 51,042,120.60 for Title 1 Classroom Training during FY-76. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adopt .c.ri of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman — • . Proposed Classsroom Training, 3.976 TOtal Total Cost Cost Number Proposed hid Program Program Per Per of Starting No. CLo.!;.; Cost Enrollees Enrollee FEour Weeks Date KEYPUNCH 02 P.B.I. 12,000.00 25 480.00 2.00 6 8/9/76 CLERICAL 03 P.O.I.C. 175,388.00 88 1,993.04 52 3/22/76 LPN 04 O.C.C. 143,057.00 50 2,861.14 1.55 46 2/9/76 MACHINE TOOL 05 A:Med Careers ' 41,796.00 18 2,322.00 2.29 28 5/17/76 MEDICAL ASSIST. _ 13 Mich. Parapro. 39,875.00 25 1,595.00 1-59 44 2/9/76 AUTO MAINTERANCE 16 0.C.C. 121,316.60 40 3,032.92 1.58 40 3/8/76 ATTETUDINAL MOTIVATION 11. P.0.1.0. 39,271.00 44 892.52 .58 39 3/1/76 FOOD SERVICE , 18. P.O.I.C. 38,396.00 22 1,745.30 2.27 26 6/1/76 Proposed Claroom Training, 1976 Total Total Cost Cost Number Proposed Program Program Per Per of Starting .Cost Enrollees Enrollee Hour Weeks* Date 65,611.00 25 2,624.44 1.82 . 36 5/3/76 7/12/76 1.09 39 e0 2116/76 1.91 1.79 39 11/1/76 1.06 26 2/9/76 3.24 16 6/21176 2.85 35 ljg/76 Bid No. Class CLIMATE CONTROL 19 0.C.0 MEDICAL TRANSC. 20 P.D.I. STFNOGRAPHER 21 P01 POOKKEEPER 22 PI(I M:DTITG ocr AmojvrHANJ(75 TW.ul Prrif:rom Co. ;L To1.11 Ii tib.. t Enro11 ,2:-2.1 Co31.. ($1,043,120.60 5T,"! 1,959.00 67 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1976 1.16 36 8/23/76 41,760.00 25 1,670.40 69,770.00 41 1,701.71 41,760.00 25 1,670.40 32,o96.00 25 1,523. (7,032.00 2h 7,793-00 :. . 30 75 r.o.I.c. 2,72.00 871L 73 T•'A tWST . 2 32,215.07 25 1,295.07 •.HNW,I. TF:CnICIA?: I.9,15.0 25 1,99)-30 :-''r .'.%,yri,.;tu'L 1.16 36 4/15/7.6 Moved by Price supported by Button the resolution be adopted. AYES: Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7445 By Mr. Price IN RE: REALLOCATION OF CETA FISCAL YEAR 1976 FUNDS FOR PRIVATE NON-PROFIT AGENCIES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor as Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #7194 accepted the LETA FY-76 monies for Title VI; and WHEREAS these funds were distributed consistent with the CETA law and regulations to all eligible cities, villages, townships and school districts in Oakland County; and WHEREAS some local units have opted to forfeit all or portions of their CETA allocations, such forfeitures to date totalling $133,382; and 68 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1976 WHEREAS such funds are available for redistribution by the Oakland County Board of Commis- sioners A% the CETA Prime Sponsor, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the distribution of $97,351 of forfeited FY-76 Title VI funds consistent with the attached budget. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the unallocated balance of forfeited funds in the amount of $36,031 be budgeted exclusively for considering FY-76 budget requests from the existing CETA funded agencies which have received prior allocations insufficient to fund their respective programs through June 30, 1976. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman C.E.T.A. - TITLE VI SUBGRANTEES SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDING FOR PROGRAM EXTENSION FERRUARY 3, 1976 - I. Avnilnhle Fonds -.-------------- A. Forfeited Funcl. 1. City of Wixom $ 29,376 2. W. Bloomfield Township - - - - 104,096 Total Available Funds $133,382 II. Requests By Subg=tees to Extend Program to 6-30-76 Phase-Out Funds No. Sub,lrantee Date Requested . 1. City of Walled Lake 12-31-75 $20,930 2_ City of Lathrup Village 1-15-76 12,340 3. Clarenceville Schools 1-15-76 25,000 4. Village of Ortoaville 1-31-76 10,581 5. Avondale Schools 2-28-76 8,000 6. Village of Lake Orion 3-13-76 20,500 Total - For Program Extensions $97,351 Balance 36,031 Reserved for Subgrantees with insufficient . funds to continue program to 6-30-76. . $133,382 Moved by Price supported by Wilcox the resolution be adopted. Hr Price stated the Clarenceville Schools in the amount of $25,000 had been deleted. Moved by McDonald supported by Page that Clarenceville Schools be inserted back in the resolution. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on resolution: AYES: Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot. Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1976 69 Misc, 7446 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING - SYLVAN AND OTTER LAKES WATERCRAFT CONTROLS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners has become aware that the use of Sylvan Lake, located in the City of Sylvan Lake, City of Keego Harbor, City of Pontiac and Township of Waterford, and Otter Lake, located in the Township of Waterford, for recreational purposes has created problems on said lakes; and WHEREAS the local units of government are not capable of correcting the problems on Sylvan Lake and Otter Lake; and WHEREAS Sylvan-Otter Group, Inc., an organization composed of residents of said lakes, have requested Commissioners Fortino and Montante to request the Board of Commissioners to adopt a resolution requesting the Department of Natural Resources to conduct a public hearing. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby request the Department of Natural Resources to hold a public hearing to inquire into the need of special local watercraft controls on Sylvan Lake located in the City of Sylvan Lake, City of Keego Harbor, City of Pontiac and Township of Waterford, and Otter Lake, located in the Township of Waterford, both in Oakland County, Michigan. Mr. Chairman, we move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Betty J. Fortino, Commissioner District Y5 Joseph R. Montante, Commissioner District #26 The Chairman referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7447 By Mrs. Dearborn IN RE: AMENDMENT TO ACT 170 OF PUBLIC ACT OF 1974 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: I would move at this time, Mr. Chairman, that Act 170 be amended to permit a County which has elected to operate under P.A. 139 to allow the County Board of Commissioners by majority vote to either elect or appoint the Public Works Commissioner. Such appointment to be made by the County Executive with the majority approval of the County Board of Commissioners. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Mary M. Dearborn John J. McDonald, Lillian V. Moffitt, Joseph R. Montante, Robert W. Page, Lawrence R. Pernick, Paul E. Kasper, William T. Patterson, Kenneth E. Roth The Chairman referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. Moved by Daly supported by Roth the Board adjourn to February 19, 1976 at 9:30 A.M. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Board adjourned at 12:05 P.M. Lynn D. Allen Alexander C. Perinoff Clerk Chairman /0 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING February 19, 1976 Meeting called to order by Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff at 9:50 A.M. in the Court House Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by Henry W. Hoot. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page. Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. (24) ABSENT: Gabler, Patterson. (2) Quorum present. Moved by Roth supported by Lennon the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as printed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Pernick supported by Lennon the Supplemental Agenda be approved with the exception that the items shown as fill (appointments to Fill Community Development Advisory Council Vacancies and Appointments to Oakland-Livingston Human Services Agency) be moved under Communications. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Clerk read letter from Alexander C. Perinoff, Chairman, regarding the appointment of Ms. Ann Hobart, Commissioner Hubert Price, Jr., F. Edwin Diehl, Supervisor of Rose Township and Jerry Homeszyn, Milford Councilman to existing vacancies on the Oakland County Community Development Advisory Council. Clerk read letter from Alexander C. Perinoff, Chairman, regarding names submitted by the Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency for consideration of appointments to the public and private sectors of the OLHSA Governing Board. The following names were submitted: OLHSA GOVERNING BOARD - 1976 RECOMMENDED APPOINTMENTS PUBLIC SECTOR POSSIBLE NAME SLOT Oakland County Mr. Bernard F. Lennon Oakland County Mr. Wallace F. Gabler Congressional Representative Miss JoAnn Van Tassel Rural Mrs. Roger S. Tyrrell (Hope) Urban Mr. Robert Marchbanks Education Mrs. Alicia Coppola Livingston County PRIVATE SECTOR SLOT Volunteer Mr. Alex Capsalis Urban League Mr. Thomas W. Fowler, Jr. Labor/United Auto Workers Mr. John Dewan Utilities Mr. Donald Penson Latin Mr. Ignacio A. Alfaro UCS Mrs. William MacAdam (Carolyn) Industry (Livingston County) Moved by Pernick supported by Button the appointments be confirmed as presented in the letters from Mr. Perinoff. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed, 71 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7426 - PROPOSED COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, DRAIN BOARDS, PUBLIC WORKS BOARD AND ROAD COMMISSION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed and discussed the subject resolution and heard the comments from the agencies involved, i.e.: The Drain Commission, the Department of Public Works. the Road Commission and the Department of Facilities and Operations. The Finance Committee recommends that the resolution be amended to require the departments involved to jointly develop a specific proposal regarding a cooperation agreement and submit such to the Board of Commissioners within 30 days. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman moves the acceptance of this report. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick. Chairman "Misc. 7426 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: PROPOSED COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, DRAIN BOARDS. PUBLIC WORKS BOARD AND ROAD COMMISSION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners desires to express its agreement to maximize government cooperation within government agencies in order to reduce public expenditures and eliminate duplication of effort. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports the following cooperation agreement: PROPOSED COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, DRAIN BOARDS, PUBLIC WORKS BOARD AND ROAD COMMISSION WHEREAS each of the public bodies signing this agreement has certain personnel experienced in the fields of right-of-way negotiation, inspection and engineering that, on occasion, may be available for short-term expansion of their responsibilities to other public agencies. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that each of the parties agrees to contract for these services of fellow agencies prior to seeking such services outside of existing signatory agencies. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of each agency agrees to approve outside contractual expenditures only if the other agencies involved in this agreement indicate their ability to accept the contract for additional work. OAKLAND COUNTY DRAIN BOARDS OAKLAND COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairman, we move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, Fl nonce Committee Alexander C. Perinoff, Chairnon Bernard F. Lennon, Vice Chairman Dennis M. Aaron, Robert A. Button, Patrick K. Daly, Mary M. Dearborn, F. Jack Douglas, Betty J. Fortino, Niles E. Olson, Hubert Price, Jr., Howard R. Simmons, Kenneth E. Roth, Dana F. Wilson" Moved by Pernick supported by Fortino the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Pernick supported by Simmons the resolution be adopted. Moved by Pernick supported by Simmons the resolution be amended after the first WHEREAS by substituting, "NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Conmissioners requests that the Oakland County Drain Commissioner. Director of Public Works, Director of Department of Facilities and Operations and Director of Oakland County Road Commission meet and develop a joint cooperation agreement for the maximum utilization of personnel and equipment between the departments. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proposed agreement be submitted to the Board of Commissioners by March 25, 1976". A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on resolution as amended: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution as amended, was adopted. Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 /2 Misc. 7448 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: AMENDMENT TO THE 1976 BUDGET - BRANDON TOWNSHIP PATROL SERVICE CONTRACTS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution #7442 the Oakland County Board of Commissioners appro%eJ a patrol service contract between Brandon Township and the Oakland County Sheriff's Department; and WHEREAS such contract will require a subsidy of S10,284; and WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution #7394 the Oakland County Board of Commissioners adopted a county car policy, which requires a appropriation of the entire Capital Costs necessary for any fleet expansion; and WHEREAS the addition of two (2) Sheriff Patrol Cars for the Brandon Township contracts will require an appropriation of $13,467. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 1976 Budget be amended transferring the total amount of S23,75I from the 1976 Contingent Fund to appropriate line-items in the 1976 Sheriff's Department Budget, non-departmental line item, and affected inter-governmental funds. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Daly the resolution be adopted. AYES: Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino, Hoot, Lennon, McDonald, Mofliti, Montante, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Simmons. (16) NAYS: Dunleavy, Houghten, Nowak, Page, Roth. (5) PASS: Douglas. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. The Chairman made the following statement "At this time, a Public Hearing is called for the Proposed Merger of Oakland County Department of Public Works and the office of the Drain Commis- sion. Notice of this hearing was published in the Oakland Press on February 11, 1976 and the Daily Tribune on February 7, 1976; both papers of general circulation in the County. Notice was also sent to all local units of government on February 6, 1976. The Chairman asked if any person wished to speak on the Merger. The following persons spoke: Robert A. Clack, Supervisor, Oxford Township Fred Todd, Finance Director, City of Novi Henry Lybeck, Director, Public Works of the City of Oak Park Jean Milton, Pontiac The Chairman asked if any other person desired to speak on the Merger. No other person requested to be heard and the Chairman declared the Public Hearing closed. The Chairman stated: 'A now declare the Public Hearing on the Merger closed. The Merger is now open for discussion by the Board". The Chairman requested George Kuhn, Drain Commissioner to address the Board. There were no objections. Mr. Kuhn addressed the Board. Discussion followed. The Chairman stated the Merger will be a matter of business at 10:00 A.M. on March 4, 1976. Misc. 7449 By Mr. Button IN RE: NOMINATIONS TO BOARD OF INSTITUTIONS AND ELECTION SCHEDULING COMMITTEE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the General Government Committee nominates Elizabeth Fletcher (City Clerk), Ferdinand Vetter (Township Clerk) and Donald Flavin (School Board Menber) for membership on the Election Scheduling Committee for a 1-Year term ending December 31, 1976, Mr. Chairman, 1 so move. WHEREAS the General Government Committee nominates Lew L. Coy for membership to the Board of Institutions to fill the unexpired term of Bruno Jandasek, ending December 31, 1977, Mr. Chairman, I so move. WHEREAS the General Government Committee nominates Patrick K. Daly for membership to the Board of Institutions for a term ending December 31, 1978, Moffitt Mon (ante Nowak Olson Page Per inoff Pernick Price Roth Simmons Wilcox Wilson - Foci°, Griffin and Sterling - Fogo, Griffin and Sterling - Fogo, Griffin and Sterling - Fletcher, Vetter and Flavin - Fogo, Griffin and Sterling - Fletcher, Vetter and Flavin - Fletcher, Vetter and Flavin - Fletcher, Vetter and Flavin - Fletcher, Vetter and Flavin - Fletcher, Vetter and Flavin - Foga, Griffin and Sterling - Fletcher, Vetter and Flavin 73 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 Mr. Chairman, 1 so move. WHEREAS the General Government Committee nominates John Dewan for membership to the Board of Institutions for a term ending December 31, 1978, Mr. Cha;rman, I so move. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman Moved by Button supported by Lennon that Elizabeth Fletcher. Ferdinand Vetter and Donald Flavin be appointed to the Election Scheduling Committee for a 1 year term ending December 31, 1976. Mr. McDonald nominated Gladys Foga, Naomi Griffin and J. Robert Sterling to the Election Scheduling Committee for a 1 year term ending December 31, 1976. Moved by Olson supported by Lennon that nominations be closed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the motion carried. The roll call vote was as follows: Aaron Button Daly Dearborn Douglas Dunleavy Fortino Hoot Hough ten Kasper Lennon McDonald - Fletcher, Vetter and Flavin - Fletcher, Vetter and Flavin - Fletcher, Vetter and Flavin - Fletcher, Vetter and Flavin - Fletcher, Vetter and Flavin - Fogo, Griffin and Sterling - Fletcher, Vetter and Flavin - Fogo, Griffin and Sterling - Fogo, Griffin and Sterling - Fogo, Griffin and Sterling - Fletcher, Vetter and Flavin - Fogo, Griffin and Sterling Fletcher, Vetter and Flavin - 14 Fogo, Griffin and Sterling - 10 A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Elizabeth Fletcher, Ferdinand Vetter and Donald Flavin were elected members of the Election Scheduling Committee for a one year term ending December 31, 1976. Moved by Button supported by Lennon that Lew L. Coy be appointed to the Board ot Institution ,. to fill the unexpired term of Bruno Jandasek, ending December 31, 1977. Dr. Montante nominated Harry Riggs, M.D. to the Board of Institutions to fill the unexpired term of Bruno Jandasek, ending December 31, 1977. Moved by Aaron supported by Lennon that nominations be closed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The roll call vote was as follows: Button - Coy - Coy - Coy - Coy - Riggs - Coy - Riggs - Riggs - Riggs - Coy - Riggs - Riggs Coy - 14 Briggs - 10 Montante - Riggs Nowak - Riggs Olson - Coy Page - Riggs Perinoff - Coy Pernick - Coy Price - Coy Roth - Coy Simmons - Coy Wilcox - Riggs Wilson - Coy Aaron - Coy Daly Dearborn Douglas Dunleavy Fortino Hoot Houghten Kasper Lennon McDonald Moffitt A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Lew L. Coy was elected a member ot the Board of Institutions to fill the unexpired tern of Bruno Jandasek, ending December 31, 1977. Moved by Button supported by Douglas that Patrick K. Daly be appointed to the Board of Institutions for a term ending December 31, 1978. Mrs. Moffitt nominated Henry W. Hoot. 1 4 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 Moved by Lennon supported by Dunleavy that nominations be closed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The roll call vote was as follows: Daly - Daly Nowak - Hoot Dearborn - Daly Olson - Daly Douglas - Daly Page - Hoot Dunleavy - Hoot Perinoff - Daly Fortino - Daly Pernick - Daly Hoot - Hoot Price - Daly Kasper - Hoot Roth - Daly Lennon - Daly Simmons - Daly McDonald - Hoot Wilcox - Hoot Aoffitt - Hoot Wilson - Daly Montante - Hoot Aaron - Daly Button - Daly Daly - 14 Hoot - 9 A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Patrick K. Daly was elected a member of the Board of Institutions for a term ending December 31, 1978. Moved by Button supported by Lennon that John Dewan be appointed to the Board of Institutions for a term ending December 31, 1978. Dr. Montante nominated Dr. Harry Riggs to the Board of Institutions for a term endin9 December 31, 1978. Moved by Douglas supported by Lennon that nominations be closed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The roll call vote was as follows: Dearborn - Dewan Olson - Dewan Douglas - Dewan Page - Riggs Dunleavy - Riggs Perinoff - Dewan Fortino - Dewan Pernick - Dewan Hoot - Riggs Price - Dewan Houghten - Riggs Roth - Dewan Kasper - Riggs Simmons - Dewan Lennon - Dewan Wilcox - Riggs McDonald - Riggs Wilson - Dewan Moffitt - Riggs Aaron - Dewan Montante - Riggs Button - Dewan Nowak - Riggs Daly - Dewan Dewan - 14 Riggs - 10 A sufficient majority having voted therefor, John Dewan was elected a member of the Board of Institutions for a term ending December 31, 1978. REPORT By Mr. Button IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 47407 - SUPPORT OF HOUSE BILL 4047 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee reports Miscellaneous Resolution 117407 with the recommendation that said resolution be adopted. The General Government Committee by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman "Misc. 7407 By Mr. Patterson IN RE: SUPPORT OF HOUSE BILL 4047 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS House Bill 4047, approved by the House of Representatives would permit lower income senior citizens to defer the payment of property special assessments; and WHEREAS lower income senior citizens living on a fixed income have difficulty paying special assessments because of their limited income; and 75 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 WHEREAS the assessments would eventually be paid from the senior citizens estates; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves House Bill 4047. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Oakland County Board of Commissioners urges the State Senate to adopt House Bill 4047. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Oakland County Delegation to the State Senate. I move, Mr. Chairman, the adoption of the Foregoing Resolution. William T. Patterson, Commissioner - District -16" Moved by Button supported by Dearborn the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Button supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Button IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 0423 - PUBLIC HEARINGS ON HOUSE BILL 5527 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee reports Miscellaneous Resolution 77423 with the recommendation that said resolution be adopted. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman "Misc. 7423 By Mr. Wilson IN RE: REGIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS House Bill 5527 provides for a Regional Planning and Development Agency within the Counties of Livingston, Macomb, Oakland, St. Clair, Washtenaw and Wayne: and WHEREAS House Bill 5527 wilt have a far-reaching impact on the residents of the 7 enumeratec counties; and WHEREAS a public hearing should be held in the areas to be affected, providing a forum for the residents to express their viewpoints on House Bill 5527. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board ol Commissioners strongly urees the legislature and in particular the Committee on Urban Affairs, to schedule public hearings in the areas to be affected so that the residents of said areas may attend and express their viewpoints on House Bill 5527. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Dana F. Wilson, Commissioner - District #9 James W. Dunleavy, Commissioner - District 72" Moved by Button supported by Wilson the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Button supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Button IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 0425 - SUPPORT OF STAND OF JUDGE FREDERICK E. BYRD To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee reports Miscellaneous Resolution 77425 with the recommendation that said resolution be adopted. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 76 "Misc. 7425 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: SUPPORT THE STAND OF JUDGE FREDERICK E. BYRD To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Honorable Frederick E. Byrd, Judge of the Common Pleas Court of the City of Detroit, has permitted his courtroom to be used for religious activities during non-court hours; and WHEREAS those attending the religious activities do so on a voluntary basis; and WHEREAS Madeline O'Hara has objected to the use of the courtroom for religious activities; and WHEREAS Judge Byrd should be supported in his stand in permitting the courtroom to be used for religious activities during non-court hours on a voluntary basis. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports the stand of Judge Byrd in permitting the courtroom to be used for religious activities during non-court hours on a voluntary basis. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Betty J. Fortino, Commissioner - District g5" Moved by Button supported by Douglas the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Button supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7450 By Mr. Button IN RE: PAYMENT OF DUES INCREASE TO NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the 1976 Budget for the County of Oakland provided for payment of dues to the National Association of Counties in the sum of $5,475.00; and WHEREAS the National Association of Counties has requested that the County of Oakland remit $10,919.00 as payment of its 1976 membership dues; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends payment of the 1976 National Association of Counties' dues in the amount of $10,919.00. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby approves and authorizes the payment of the 1976 membership dues in the amount of 610,919.00 to the National Association of Counties. Mr. Chairman, the General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman Moved by Button supported by Simmons the resolution be referred to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7451 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: APPROVAL OF BREAST CANCER SCREENING PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Human Resources Committee has reviewed a Breast Cancer Screening program as presented by the Public Health Division, Human Services Department; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approved this program in concept on April 17, 1975 and directed the Health Division to develop a comprehensive proposal for consideration; and WHEREAS the final program was developed after extensive analysis by the Health Division, consultation with other interested agencies and substantial input from the Human Resources Committee; and WHEREAS the program is to be funded through utilization of existing Health Division staff, currently approved CETA positions and the Health Division X-Ray fund and will therefore require no new County funds or personnel; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends approval of the Breast Cancer Screening program as presented. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Board approves the Breast Cancer Screening program to be conducted by the Oakland County Health Division. The Human Resources Committee, by Betty J. Fortino, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairman 77 Commissioners Minutes Continued. Fehrualy 19, 19A Moved by Fortino supported by Montan:L the resolution be adopied. Moved by Moffitt supported by Montante the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. Discussion followed. Mr. Nowak requested James Brennan, Director, Management and Budget Department be allowed to address the Board. There were no objections. Mr. Brennan addressed the Board. Vote on suspension of the rules: AYES: Douglas, Dunleavy. Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Perinoff, Price, Wilcox. (12) NAYS: Fortino, Hoot, Lennon, Page, Prinick, Roth, $iamlon ,„ Wilson, AAvon, Deoilmon (11) A sufficient maiority not hovinq voled 11x-rot -or, protion lol led The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objection-- Misc. 7452 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: HEALTH SYSTEMS AGENCY DESIGNATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Comprehensive Health Planning Council of Southeastern Michigan, has been organized under Public Law 89-749, the "Comprehensive Health Planning and Public Health Service Amendments of 1966" and Public Law 90-174, the "Partnership for Health Amendments of 1967" and under other planning programs, sponsored or aided by Federal, state and local governmental and non-governmental bodies or agencies for the purpose of providing comprehensive health planning for the 4.78 million residents of Southeastern Michigan; and WHEREAS since inception it has provided a framework for providers, consumers and govern- mental representatives to determine and evaluate health needs and resources, and establish prior- ities for health services program; and WHEREAS CHPC-SEM has acted to improve upon the availability, accessibility and quality ol health care, and has strived to contain the cost of health care to our citizens. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports the application of the Comprehensive Health Planning Council of Southeastern Michigan for designation as the Health Systems Agency for Southeastern Michigan as provided for under Public Law 93-641, the "National Health Planning and Resources Development Act of 1974." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Comprehensive Health Planning Council of Southeastern Michigan be urged to increase the percentage of elected officials appointed to the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. The Human Resources Committee, by Betty J. Fortino, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairman Moved by Fortino supported by Montante the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7453 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: APPROVAL OF PUBLIC WORKS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACT - TITLE X COUNTY POSITIONS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Title X of the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, as amended, provides funds for labor intensive locally sponsored Public Works Projects; and WHEREAS for the period January 1, 1976 to December 31, 1976, the Public Works and Economic Development Act Title X has made 51,871,972 available to Oakland County; and WHEREAS the Title X grant funds are divided for three County projects which are the Parks and Recreation - Park Beautification Project ($1,500,000), the Public Works - Facility Beautification Projects ($76,924) and the Public Works - Facility Improvement Project ($79,414); and WHEREAS a separate funding from Title X through the Michigan American Revolution Bi- Centennial Commission was provided for the Parks and Recreation Lakeshore and Stream Restoration Project in the amount of $50,000; and WHEREAS a detailed review reveals that the County's personnel needs for these projects can be filled by C.E.T.A. applicants within the C.E.T.A. paid maximum salary of $10,000 plus fringe benefits and therefore both provide meaningful employment for the unemployed and meet the required 7 1. Commissioners Minutes Continued. V 0 the adoption of the Department and Project * PARKS AND RECREATION: Park Beautification * PUBLIC WORKS: Facility Beautification Facility Improvement Total Cost of Admin. Material No. Salary & Fringe Cost Cost Balance 1,500,000 Maintenance Laborer 127 Work Relief Foreman 12 76,924 Maintenance Laborer 6 79,414 Maintenance Laborer 6 — m LU C X 0 X L. 0 13 J • LU 2 2 0 C W W 0 CL. TITLE X THROUGH THE MICHIGAN AMERICAN REVOLUTION BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION * ?ARKS AND RECREATION: * Salaries and Fringe Benefits computed for the period March 20 through December 31, 1976. Grant Award Classification 1,221,486 122,772 150,000 5,742 57,708 57,708 7,692 5,131 6,393 7,941 6,448 7,317 Lakeshore and Stream Restoration 50,000 Maintenance Laborer 5 910 1,000 48,090 co CO O 0— c ^ 0 7 C 11) U-1 0 0 C 113 C CC 3 -c O .-. c -c v. 03 sr, 0, C s- v's 0 C O C < 0 L 0 m o onm In- -0 .- c • D a) U -C X • 0 A-) X -C O E w ▪ 0_C ro _C W 0 U 3 -0 m @ s.0 o _c -Y _ - 0 x L- 0 • -0 4- — O I- 0 w L— >"...0 MI-.E cwoE 0 3VCO s- O 0 0 3. 113 0 0 O CL C • ar, -C L - o • 0 ▪ L -to .0 u C O Lol 1- 0 M • W M 4-1 a) O WX00 cu 00 -a u c --o-0 - - a ...LI m w O w c C • CC 0 0 0 V -C 0 -C u C LU u 0 c 0 I- 0 0 .- 0 UJ 0 C 1 E E 1- 0 o- -0 4- UL) w < 0) • 111 — .0 C -C C m I- • Vs 10 C "C 0 0U1 EC • - C 0 w m 0 C 0 u 7 O V — C .- O M 11.1 11) > u 01 u su CI 0. ro 0 0 co PUBLIC WORKS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACT 1965 TITLE X FUNDING 79 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 Moved by Aaron supported by Lennon the resolution be adopted. AYES: Dunleavy, Fortino, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas. (22) NAYS: Hoot. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7454 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: APPOINTMENT OF COUNTY PLAT ENGINEER To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Subdivision Control Act of 1967 assigns the responsibility for the final County approval of new subdivision plats to the County Plat Board; and WHEREAS the members of the County Plat Board are not surveyors and, therefore, must use J registered land surveyor to check plats for technical surveying details on the plats; and WHEREAS at present the County Plat Board is utilizing the services of James Smith, an employee in the classification of Engineering Technician in the Equalization Division of the Depart- ment of Management and Budget, and a registered land surveyor to review technical details on plats; and WHEREAS prior to 1966 the County had a registered surveyor working for the County Treasurer reviewing the plats for the County Plat Board; and WHEREAS the subdivision Control Act of 1967, Section 246, states: "If it is deemed more practical in a county to employ a surveyor to assist governing bodies of municipalities within the county, then the Board of Supervisors by resolution, may employ the surveyor and may establish a reasonable schedule of fees for his services to be charged to the govern- ing body receiving his assistance."; and WHEREAS a new position is not being created but instead an existing budgeted position is being Jtilized for plat review purposes, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Mr. James Smith be designated as Oakland County Plat Engineer. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Houghten the resolution be adopted. AYES: Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Olson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Douglas, Dunleavy. (19) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7455 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: DELETION OF 1 DISTRICT COURT CLERK AND 1 PART-TIME MAGISTRATE AND CREATION OF 1 FULL -TIME MAGISTRATE POSITION FOR THE 52ND DISTRICT COURT, 2ND DIVISION (CLARKSTON) To the Oakland County Board of Conuissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the 52nd District Court, Division 2 (Clarkston) has been operating since January of 1970 with one Judge and a part-time Magistrate position in addition to supportive clerical personnel; and WHEREAS the 52nd District Court requests that the salaries budget of the 2nd Division of the Court be changed by deleting one full-time District Court Clerk position and the part-time Magistrate position and establishing one full-time Magistrate position with an annual salary range of: BASE I YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 13,500 T1470-00i 7,76.15 15,000 15,500 and WHEREAS the 52nd District Court indicates that the requested changes will permit the Magistrate to handle matters which will reduce the need to interrupt trials in progress and will reduce waiting time of police officers for arraignments; and WHEREAS the proposed changes will result in an approximate salaries budget savings of S123 for the remainder of 1976, as well as savings of Saturday overtime costs, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the salaries budget of the 2nd Division of the 52nd District Court be changed by deleting one full-time District Court Clerk position and one part-time Magistrate position and establishing one full-time Magistrate position with an annual salary of: BASE 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 13,500 -147-00 747170 15,000 15,500 80 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Button the resolution he adopted. AYES; Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Nowak, Olson, Page, r.rineff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino. (23) NAYS: Montante. (I) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Aaron IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION d7429 - CREATION OF ONE (1) FULL TIME TYPIST I POSITION, ANC/ DELETION OF TWO (2) STUDENT POSITIONS IN CIRCUIT COURT ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolurion No 7429 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman "Misc. 7429 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: CREATION OF ONE (1) FULL-TIME TYPIST I POSITION, AND DELETION OF TWO (2) STUDENT POSITIONS IN CIRCUIT COURT ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS past experience in the Assignment Office of the Circuit Court Administrator's Offico has shown that the level of difficulty, level of responsibility and the length of time required to provide proper training is such that the present use of Students is not adequate; and WHEREAS one (I) full-time Typist I position for the present two (2) Student positions would result in greater performance and efficiency in the completeness of office responsibilities; and WHEREAS this change would result in an increased salary budgeted cost of $634 for the remainder of 1976, and an additional estimated fringe benefit cost of $1,802, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (1) full-time Typist 1 position be established and in the Assignment Office of the Circuit Court Administrator's Office and that two (2) Student positions be deleted. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION d7429 - CREATION OF ONE (1) FULL-TIME TYPIST I POSITION, AND DELETION OF TWO (2) STUDENT POSITIONS IN CIRCUIT COURT ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the amount necos.,ory to fund the Typist position for the balance of 1976 will be available in the 1976 Circuit Court Adminis- tration Salaries Budget by virtue of the elimination of the two Student Positions and that the anticipated fringe benefits in an amount not to exceed S1,802.00 is available in the 1976 Circuit Court Administration Budget - Line Item - Jury Fees and Mileage, said amount to be transferred to the Employee Hospitalization Line Item appropriation in the 1976 Budget. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Douglas that resolution /0429 be adopted. AYES: Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF STATE HIGHWAYS AND TRANSPORTATION PROPERTY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee, having reviewed the Department of State Highways and 81 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 Transportation offer to purchase excess property - Control 63081 - Parcel C-I41 BS located in the City of Southfield, indicates its disinterest in purchasing the property. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Roth the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Misc. 7456 By Mr. Daly IN RE: COURTHOUSE COMPLEX ALTERATIONS - PHASE i To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the relocation of the Probation Division, Criminal Justice Planning and Purchasing to the North Office Building will be accomplished in the months of February and March: and WHEREAS such relocation will allow for the necessary expansion of space for the Prosorntol , Auditing, Property Management and Personnel; and WHEREAS such alterations can be performed by the Maintenance and Operations Division al Central Services. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that $17,200.00 be and is hereby appropriated to the Depari- ment of Central Services to perform the necessary Courthouse alterations, as per the attached estimates. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE - DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES - FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION 1976 COURTHOUSE COMPLEX ALTERATIONS PHASE I PROJECT 75-22 February 5, 1976 Within the next 30 days, Circuit Court Probation, Criminal Justice Planning, and Purchasing will be relocated from the Courthouse Complex to the North Office Building. The areas they vacate in the Courthouse Complex will be used as shown on the attached sheet. The allocation and use of this space was reviewed and approved in August, 1975, by the Planning and Building Committee. At this time funding for the initial alterations to be done is requested in the aliknifits listed below: CONSTRUCTION Demolition $ 1,000 Patching 500 New Partitions 3,000 Relocated Existing Walls 1,200 Painting 800 Mechanical 1,000 Electrical 3,700 TOTAL $11,200 OTHER Moving $ 1,600 Miscellaneous (i.e., sighs, 600 cleanup, etc.) Construction Supervision 1,000 Carpeting (new and cleaning) 1,200 TOTAL S 4,400 Contingency 1,600 ESTIMATED TOTAL $17,200 PHASE I It is proposed that this work be done by the County Maintenance Division. The 1976 Capital Program lists $80.000 plus for this entire project. The remaining work to be done and funding allocated for includes work in the basement area for the new Sheriff's Detention Facility and the Jury Commission on the Ground Floor. were no objections. PROJECT 75-22 FEBRUARY 5, 1976' OAKLAND COUN1. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION SPACE USAGE - PHASE I COURTHOUSE COMPLEX _ , —RTSENT NEW 1 NEW---- DEPARTMENT PRESENT PRESENT TOTAL SPACE PER NEW TOTAL SPACE PER LOCATION AREA EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEE* LOCATION AREA EMPLOYEE* Auditing 2ND FLOOR 577 sq.ft. 10 57.7 sq.ft. 5TH FLOOR 1,568 sq.ft. 156.8 EAST WING COURTHOUSE sq.ft. Community 2ND FLOOR 450 sq.ft. 7 64.3 sq.ft. ,2ND FLOOR 760 sq.ft. 108.6 Development WEST WING WEST WING sq.ft. — Prosecuting 4TH FLOOR 8,418 sq.ft. 69 122 sq.ft. 4TH SI 5TH 11,538 sq.ft. 167.2 Attorney COURTHOUSE FLOOR sq.ft. . COURTHOUSE _ Personnel 2ND FLOOR 3,587 sq.ft. 31 115.7 sq.ft. 2ND FLOOR 3,658 sq.ft. 124.4 WEST WING WEST WING sq.ft. *150-200 sq.ft. per employee is an average gross area in office use. .0 The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. 83 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 Misc. 7457 By Mr. Daly IN RE: YOUTH ACTIVITY COMPLEX - SPRINGFIELD OAKS PARK AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS your Committee has received the proposed Amendment to the agreement dated 11th day of April A.D., 1972 (Miscellaneous Resolution 5984, April 11, 1972) between the County of Oakland and the Parks and Recreation Commission for the operation of the Youth Activity Complex; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends that said Amendment to agreement be executed; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the Amendment to the Agreement between the County of Oakland and the Parks and Recreation Commission for the operation of the Youth Activity Complex and that the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners be hereby authorized to execute said Amendment to Agreement on behalf of the County of Oakland The Planning and Building Committee by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman AMENDMENT Youth Activities Complex - Springfield Oaks WHEREAS an agreement was made and entered into on 11th day of April A.D., 1972 by and between the County of Oakland and the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, Miscellaneous Resolution 5984, on April 11, 1972 for the purpose of authorizing the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission to operate the Youth Activity Complex - Springfield Oaks; and WHEREAS the agreement does not permit the Commission to have full control over the activities at the Youth Activity Complex; and WHEREAS the County is reimbursing the Commission up to $105,000 annually for the deficiency in operation. NOW THEREFORE on this day of A.D., 1976 do hereby amend and modify said agreement in the following manner only: 1. The County of Oakland hereby turns over the control and operation of the Youth Activity Complex to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. 2. The County and Commission shall make an annual review of revenues generated and expenses incurred in the operation of the complex. If the expenses exceed the revenues, the County shall appropriate a mutual agreed amount in the County budget to subsidize a portion of the deficit. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties heredo have set their hands the day and date first above written. WITNESSES: COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitution Corporation BY: Alexander Perinoff, Chairman of its Board of Commissioners BY: Frank Richardson, Chairman Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Moved by Daly supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. AYES: Lennon, Montante, Nowak, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Houghten. (18) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7458 By Mr. Daly IN RE: CITY OF BERKLEY - LEASE OF VACANT PROPERTY AT SOUTHFIELD HEALTH FOR RECREATION PURPOSES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS your Committee has the proposed lease between the COUNTY OF OAKLAND and the CITY OF BERKLEY for the purpose of the City of Berkley to use approximately 5.7 acres of vacant property at the Southfield Health Center as a recreational area; and WHEREAS your Committee has reviewed the consideration of the sum of 51.00 per year to be paid by the lessee for a period of five years; and WHEREAS your Committee has reviewed the cancellation clause which permits either party by giving a six months written notice, to terminate the lease, but in no event shall the termination be effective before the September 1 of any year; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends said tease to be executed; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland approves the lease with the City of Berkley for recreational activities at the Southfield Health Center vacant property, described as following: Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 84 Commencing at a point located at the intersection of the north right of way line of San Quenton and the center line of Marshall Street extended to said north right of way; thence north along said Marshall Street center line extended for 500 feet; thence east 90 0 for 500 feet; thence south 90 0 for 500 feet to the north right of way line of San Quenton; thence west 500 feet along said north right of way line to the point of beginning, being approximately 5.74 acres, and that the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners be hereby authorized to execute said lease on behalf of the County of Oakland. The Planning and Building Committee by Patrick K. Daly, moves the adoption of the foregoin n resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. AYES: Lennon, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Houghten. (19) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION .7.7398 - APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR AUDITORIUM IMPROVEMENTS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7398 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman "Misc. 7398 By Mr. Nowak IN RE: APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR AUDITORIUM IMPROVEMENTS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS your Committee has reviewed proposals for renovating certain areas of the Commis- sioner's Auditorium, as shown on the attached sketch; and WHEREAS such improvements will include the renovation of Committee Room "A", thereby providing for the availability of two (2) adequate meeting rooms; and WHEREAS such improvements will provide for the centralization of the Commissioner's clerical staff. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that $13,400.00 be and is hereby allocated to the Department of Central Services to perform tne necessary Auditorium improvements, as per the attached cost estimates. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick M. Nowak, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick M. Nowak, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION ;'7398 - APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR AUDITORIUM IMPROVEMENTS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the finance Committee finds the sum of $13,400 available in the Building Fund - Auditorium Improvement Project. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman CLERICAL OFFICES (NO 014/V6E) -z CAA(1,VITTEE CLERK (NEW art7CE) --1 ; 1 1 COML-ERENCE ROQA/ CIIANGE-) 1-7 / . /' le ( ( LJ Lu —1 in M n CE 0 cr 3 85 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 AUD/ TOP,VW I 4iPP2Y 4/ta75 ,r) ..1 AL/45f- 74-25 CONIERENCE R0041 (4/a.=:14 TO BE REIWOOE-LED) 02EC6.1/43ER, /975 December 9, 1975 - S 600.00 - 2,000.00 - 1,200.00 - 1,400.00 525.00 86 Commissioners Minutes Continued, February 19, 1976 OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE - DEARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES - FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION AUDITORIUM IMPROVEMENTS COST ESTIMATE PROJECT 74-25 COMMITTEE ROOM A FURNITURE 1 New Conference Table (180" x 48" x 36") 14 Swivel Tilt Arm Chairs 24 Stacking Upholstered Chairs 1 Coffee Cabinet 1 Visual Idea Center TOTAL $5,725.00 OTHER Carpeting - $1,500.00 Vinyl Wall Covering 750.00 Miscellaneous 500.00 TOTAL COMMITTEE ROOM A TOTAL COMMITTEE CLERK'S OFFICE New Wall - $1,000.00 Ceiling 500.00 New Door 400.00 Mechanical Alterations 600.00 Electrical Alterations 400.00 Carpeting 250.00 Drapes 600.00 Miscellaneous 200.00 $2,750.00 58,475.00 TOTAL $3,950.00 SUMMARY Committee Room A - $8,475.00 Committee Clerk - 3,950.00 Other Miscellaneous 400.00 Contingency - 575.00 TOTAL $13,400.0i *Does not include any work in existing conference room or providing new door into Committee Roo- A. Moved by Daly supported by Simmons that resolution #7398 be adopted. AYES: Montante, Nowak, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Daly, Douglas, Houghten, Lennon. (13) NAYS: McDonald, Moffitt, Price, Aaron, Button, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Kasper. (9) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, resolution g7398 was not adopted. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #743i - EAST WING MARBLE DISPLACEMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7431 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman "Misc. 7431 By Mr. Daly IN RE: EAST WING MARBLE DISPLACEMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS it has been determined that some displacement has taken place with the marble slabs on the East Wing; and WHEREAS such displacement has created a safety hazard which must be attended to hnmediately; and WHEREAS Further investigation should be conducted to determine the Full extent of the displacement problems. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that an appropriation in the amount of 514,000.00 be and is hereby approved to provide for the temporary bracing of the marble slabs that have shifted; and for payment to the consultant to investigate the problem and prepare a report on the cause of such displacement and the corrective action required. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman" 87 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7431 - EAST WING MARBLE DISPLACEMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the sum of $14,000 available in the Miscellaneous Remodeling portion of the Building Fund. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Lennon that resolution #743I be adopted. AYES: Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald. (22) NAYS: None. (0) PASS: Price. (I) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution #7431 was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7436 - GRDVELAND OFFICE BUILDING LEASE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7436 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman "Misc. 7436 By Kr. Daly IN RE: GROVELAND OFFICE BUILDING LEASE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland owns 2.939 acres of property in Groveland Township; and WHEREAS the Township of Groyeland has leased said property on June 12Lh, 1975 tor a .1") yea' period: and WHEREAS the Township of Grove land by resolution has requested to extend the existing lease for an additional period of 10 years on the same terms and conditions; and WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee recommends denial of the request since it would be of greater benefit to the County if the property was disposed of. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the County of Oakland denies the request for a 10 year extension on the June 12th, 1975 lease with the Township of Groveland for the 2.939 acres located in Groveland Township. The Planning and Building Committee by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly. Chairman" Moved by Daly supported by Ruth that resolution #7436 be adopted. AYES: Montante, Nowak, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt. (20) NAYS: Dunleavy. (1) PASS: Price. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution #7436 was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION p 7437 - PERRY STREET PROPERTY (OLD 4-H GROUNDS) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Commilteo, my F' irk K. Daly. Chaimmin, Resolution No. 7437 with the recommendation th.il In resolution he ddopled. PIANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTft Patrick K. Daly, Choirman "Misc. 7437 By Mr. Daly IN RE: PERRY STREET PROPERTY (OLD 4-H GROUNDS) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland owns the following property ;r the City of Pontiac known as 88 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 the old 4-H Grounds and legally described as That part of the east 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of section 15, T 3 N, R 10 E, City al Pontiac, lying easternly of M-24 Highway, containing 18 acres more or less; and WHEREAS the majority of the property stands vacant with no future programs planned for the premises; and WHEREAS rezoning the property from R-t to Commercial would realize a greater monitary value for the property, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the County of Oakland Board of Commissioners directs the County Executive Office to process the necessary forms with fees requesting the City of Pontiac to rezone said property from R-1 to Commercial. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman" Moved by Daly supported by Fortino the report be accepted and resolution #7437 be adopted. The Chairman vacated the Chair. Bernard F. Lennon, Vice Chairman Look the Chair. AYES: Nowak, Page, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante. (19) NAYS: Houghten. (I) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution #7437 was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7440 - GROVELAND OFFICE BUILDING - SALE OF PROPERTY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7440 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman "Misc. 7440 By Mr. Daly IN RE: GROVELAND OFFICE BUILDING - SALE OF PROPERTY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland owns property in the Township of Groveland described as: "Land in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 20 T 5 N, R 8 E, Groveland Township, Oakland County, Michigan, described as: Commencing at the SW corner of Section 20, thence along the section line S 81 ° 12 00" E, 676.80 feet: thence N 44' 08' 00" W. 48.27 feet to the point of beginning on the NE' 1y right-of-way line of US 10 (120 feet wide) and the North right-of-way line of Grange Hall Road (66 feet wide); thence along the NE'ly right-of-way line of US 10, N 44" 08' 00" W, 660.00 levi thence N 45 ° 52' 00" E, 200.00 feet; thence S 44' 08' 00" E, 555.00 leel; thence South 07' 47' 00" W 217.82 feet to the North right-of-way line of Grange Hall Road; thence along said right-el-way line N 87' 12' 00" W, 60.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing 2.939 Acres". and; WHEREAS the Township of Groveiand is presently leasing said property which lease expires June 12th, 1580; and WHEREAS no revenues or expenses are incurred on said property; and WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee recommends said property should be disposed of since the County is not realizing any benefit now or in the near future from the use of the property. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the County Executive to offer the property for sale according to the procedures in the Rules for the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. The Planning and Building Committee by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND SUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman" Moved by Daly supported by Fortino the report be accepted and resolution #7440 be adopted. Discussion followed. 89 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 AYES: Page, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution g7440 was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 1:7438 - SALE OF WATERFORD-OAKS PROPERTY TO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7438 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman "Misc. 7438 By Mr. Daly IN RE: SALE OF WATERFORD-OAKS PROPERTY TO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS your Committee received a request from the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission to purchase from the County of Oakland certain lands located in Waterford Township and presently leased by the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends that the County of Oakland sell the land presently under lease to the Parks and Recreation Commission. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners agrees to sell the following described premises to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, to-wit: Part of the West 1/2 of Section 13, Town 3 North, Range 9 East, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan described as follows: Beginning at a point bearing South 3° 20' West 518 feet and South 86 ° 16' East 1123.7 ft. from the West 1/4 corner of said Section 13; thence South 03 ° 44' 50" West 650.62 ft.; thence South 86 ° 16' East 761.82 feet; thence South 01 ° 29' 20" West 123.62 ft.; thence South 88 ° 03' 30" East 695.2 ft.; thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 2787.75 ft. a central angle of 2 ° 18' 20" a long chord of 112.17 ft. bearing North 48' 55' 20" East; thence along said curve 112.26 ft. to the North and South 1/4 line of said Section; thence North 3 ° 32' 40" East 523.2 ft. to the southwesterly right-of-way line of the Detroit Grand Haven and Milwaukee Railroads; thence North 80 ° 41' 42" West 1546.53 ft. to the point of beginning. Containing 23.56 acres. AND Part of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 13, Town 3 North Range 9 East, beginning at a point on West Section line distant South 36' East 1168.64 feet from the West 1/4 corner; thence North 88" 48' East 1880.58 feet; thence South 3 ° 25' 30" East 295.15 feet; thence South 88 ° 48' West 1889.97 feet to West Section line; thence North 36' West 295 feet to beginning, except a parcel of land described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West Section line; distance South 1" 36' East 1168.64 feet from West 1/4 corner; thence North 88' 48' East 949.3 feet; thence South on a line parallel with the westerly section line 295 feet; thence South 88' 48' West 949.3 feet to the West section line; thence North I ° 36' West 295 feet to the point of beginning subject to easements and restrictions of record; AND Part of the Southwest 1/4 Section 13, Town 3 North Range 9 East, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, beginning at a point on west section line distance South 1 ° 36' East 1463.64 feet from West 1/4 corner; thence North 88" 48' East 1889.97 feet; thence South 3 ° 25' 30" East 1187.01 feet to south section line; thence South 89' 20' 30" West 592.90 feet; thence North 1 ° 30' West 984.70 feet; thence South 88° 31' 30" West 1336.54 feet to west section line; thence North 1 ° 36' West 202 feet to beginning, containing 21.66 acres, more or less and subject to rights of the public over part of captioned land being used for highway purposes; AND The North 15 acres of South 30 acres of West 1/2 of Southwest 1/4 of Section 13 except and excluding therefrom a parcel of land beginning at the Southwest corner of the above described 15 acres running thence North 40 feet along the westerly section line, also being the centerline of Scott Lake Road; thence East 183 feet on a line parallel with the Southerly section line, thence South at right angles 40'; thence West at right angles 183' to point of beginning; also excluding therefrom a parcel of land beginning at a point 328' north of the Southwest corner of the said 15 acres; thence northerly along the westerly section line; also being the centerline of Scott Lake Road, 164 feet: thence East 931.514 feet on a line parallel with the southerly section iine; thence South at the right angles 164 feet; thence west at right angles 931.54 feet to the point ol beginning; AND Part of the southwest 1/4 of Section 13, Town 3 North, Rnage 9 Eas.t, beginning at Soul Ii line section corner: thence West alonq south section line 731 feet; thence North 0" 52 leel wes1 1359.29 feet; thence Nolth 880.09 feet, ea ,,t 694,48 feet to the P. C. of curve to lefl, having .1 radius of 2789.93 leet: thence mound said cocve di ,tancy 117.2 Feoi 10 north and south 1/4 line; thence Southerl) alono 1/4 line 1455.69 feet to beginning, containing 24.08 acres; Commissioners Minutes Continued. Februaly 19, 1976 90 AND Part of the Northwest 1/4 of Section -2-47 beginning at a point distant North 89 degrees 55 minutes i2 seconds West 228.53 feet from North 1/4 corner, thence North 89 degrees 55 minutes 12 seconds West 1033.28 feet; thence South 24 degrees 57 minutes 20 seconds West 1160.05 feet to center of road, thence South 43 degrees 36 minutes 39 seconds East 332.97 feet, thence North 45 degrees 2 minutes 24 seconds East 1827.57 feet to point of beginning, containing 19.5 acres, more or less; Each of said parcels above described being located in the Township of Waterford, County of Oakland, Michigan. for the sum of Seven Thousand Two Hundred and no/I00 (57,200.00) Dollars, and that the Chairman of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be and he is hereby authorized to execute a Quit-Claim Deed, a copy of which is attached hereto, on behalf of the County of Oakland, to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman" day of February Alexander C. Perinoff A. D. 19 76 before me personally On this appear,' 5th -County, Michigan Oakland tary 91 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February Itu.yrz-i, Title insurana; Corix-zolion n.n 19, 1976 Form 564 1-68 QC.141. CLAIM DEED—CORPORATION—Statutory Form CL 1.148, "65.151 M.S.A 26.572 KNOW ALL .ii; my -nii pirisNT- Tr The OF OAKLAND, a :lichigan Constituic-Inal Corporation, 1200 North T:Acsraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48053 Quit Claims to The OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COM•TSSION whose ..Idc.ss is 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48°54 Waterford the r.w., deserihed pietniies siii.ded j it tlii• TO1171 3 hi.p C4111t1) of Oakland 0.1 sta.! a (SEE RIDER ATTACHED FOR COMPLETE DESCRIPTION) m • together ,ith all and singular the tenements: hereditament% a: :1 oppurtenances thereunto belon ging or in anywise appertaining, 7.4 0 for the foll consideration of Seven Thousand Two Hundred and no/100 ($7,200.00)Dollars 1r; m o _ O z id Deted this 5th day of February A. D. 1976 W 1 C Signed arid Sealed: M W > l- z 0 a COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan o n cr Constitutional Corooration n- witniirdes: _ ____. a..s4 I 0 m > < w m 1 -4 m w 13y- - — O > Aleil.WdFerinoff, Chairman of 0 z -1 a . m m 7) Board of Commissioners I m [es _ n z m - n Iii M J 0 1- By _____ * _ F m STATE OF MICHIGAN Its Ok COUNTY OF--- aland -- ss to me personally known. whir being by ine sworn, clid (1) say that (2) he is the Ch3irr:!7...n of the Oakland County Poard of Cor.-1:31-iiouers the Lir.,:,..rab ,t, named in and which exee•iterl tl.i• 1.192)-..'C'LrltiCEl9(t9! 7ei717ri..(rt7i- a-id that said in:trurnent wa‘ and sealed in behaIt of cr. I corpomtioli by r..uthil7ity of its board ofx1;p.xxn.i.s: and said Commissioners - sail instrument to be the C!-airman free no ,rit deed of said corporation. My corriiri.asion expirrz A. D. 19 Nate, n.ore than on., °Meer asknotslerbles t art (1) "each for hint clf." rind (2) -they are respectively"' klusine•.. - . - _ - Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 92 RIDER Part of the West 1/2 of Section 13, Town 3 North, Range 9 East, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan described as follows: Beginning at a point bearing South 3° 20' West 518 feet and South 86' 16 East 1123.7 ft. from the West 1/4 corner of said Section 13; thence South 03° 44' 50" West 650.62 ft.; thence South 86 ° 16' East 761.82 feet; thence South 01 ° 29' 20" West 123.62 ft.; thence South 88 ° 03' 30" East 655.2 ft.; thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 2787.75 ft. a central angle of 2 ° 18' 20" a long chord of 112.17 ft. bearing North 48° 55' 20" East; thence along said curve 112.26 ft. to the North and South 1/4 line of said Section; thence North 3 ° 32' 40" East 523.2 ft. to the southwesterly right-of-way line of the Detroit Grand Haven and Milwaukee Railroads; thence North 80 0 41' 42'' West 1546.53 ft. to the point of beginning. Containing 23.56 acres. AND Part of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 13, Town 3 North Range 9 East, beginning at a point on West Section line distant South 1" 36' East 1168.64 feet from the West 1/4 corner; thence North 88° 48' East 1880.58 feet; thence South 3' 25' 30" East 295.15 feet; thence South 88' 48' West 1889.97 feet to West Section line, thence North 1° 36' West 295 feet to beeinnine, except . a parcel of land described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West Section line; distance South 1' 36' East 1168.64 feet from west 1/4 corner; thence North 88' 48' East 949.3 feet; thence South on a lino parallel with the westerly section line 295 Feet; thence South 88 ° 48' West 949.3 feet to the West section line; thence North 1 0 36' West 295 feet to the point of beginning subject to easements and restrictions of record; AND Part of the Southwest 1/4 Section 13, Town 3 North, Range 9 East, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, beginning at a point on West section line distance South 1' 36' East 1463.64 feet from West 1/4 corner; thence North 88° 48' East 1889.97 feet; thence South 3 0 25' 30" East 1187.01 feet to south section line; thence South 89 ° 20' 30" West 592.90 feet; thence North 1 ° 30' West 984.70 feet; thence South 88° 31' 30" West 1336.54 feet to west section line; thence North 10 36' West 202 feet to beginning, containing 21.66 acres, more or less and subject to rights of the public over part of captioned land being used for highway purposes; AND The North 15 acres of South 30 acres of West 1/2 of Southwest 1/4 of Section 13 except and excluding therefrom a parcel of land beginning at the Southwest corner of the above described 15 acres running thence North 40 feet along the westerly section line, also being the centerline of Scott Lake Road; thence East 183 feet on a line parallel with the Southerly section line, thence South at right angles 40'; thence West at right angles 183' to point of beginning; also excluding therefrom a parcel of land beginning at a point 328' north of the Southwest corner of the said 15 acres; thence northerly along the westerly section line; also being the centerline of Scott Lake Road, 164 feet; thence East 931.54 feet on a line parallel with the southerly section line; thence South at the right angles 164 feet; thence west at right angles 931.54 feet to the point of beginning; AND Part of the southwest 1/4 of Section 13, Town 3 North, Range 9 East. beginning at South line section corner; thence West along south section line 731 feet; thence North 0° 52 feet west 1359.29 feet; thence North 880.05 feet, east 694.48 feet to the P. C. of curve to left, having a radius of 2789.93 feet; thence around said curve a distance 112.2 feet to north and south 1/4 line; thence Southerly along 1/4 line 1455.69 feet to beginning, containing 24.08 acres; AND Part of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 747 beginning at a point distant North 89 degrees 55 minutes 12 seconds West 228.53 feet from North 1/4 corner, thence North 89 degrees 55 minutes 12 seconds West 1033.28 feet; thence South 24 degrees 57 minutes 20 seconds West 1160.05 feet to center of road, thence South 43 degrees 36 minutes 39 seconds East 332.97 feet, thence North 45 degrees 2 minutes 24 seconds East 1827.57 feet to point of beginning, containing 19.5 acres, more or less; Each of said parcels above described being located in the Township of Waterford, County of Oakland, Michigan. Moved by Daly supported by Fortino resolution #7438 he adopted. Moved by Aaron supported by Wilcox the resolution be amended by: The attached deed be corrected to read 'the County of Oakland in trust for Parks and Recreation purposes pursuant to the provisions of Act 261 of 1965, as amended; and further that the resolution be amended 'the con- sideration of $1.00 and that the date of transfer be December 31, 1976.' Vote on amendment: AYES: Pernicx, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Houghten, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Page. (16) NAYS: Simmons, Wilson, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon. (5) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. 93 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 Vote on resolution as amended: AYES: Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Houghten, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Page. (17) NAYS: Simmons, Wilson, Hoot, Kasper. (4) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution 1/7438, as amended, was adopted. Misc. 7459 By Mr. Daly IN RE: YOUTH ACTIVITY COMPLEX - SPRINGFIELD OAKS PARK To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS your Committee has reviewed the operation of the Youth Activity Complex; and WHEREAS a $105,000 deficit was incurred in the 1975 operation of the Complex; and WHEREAS it is anticipated a deficit will be incurred in the 1976 operation of the Cnmplex; and WHEREAS $140,000 has been budgeted in the 1976 budget. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that an additional $10,000 hp ammonriated Irom contingenty to the Youth Activity Complex budget for a total of $50,000 for 1976 lor the purpose of subsidi/ing the operation of the Youth Activity Complex anticipated deficit. The Planning and Building Committee by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objection.— Misc. 7460 By Mr. Price IN RE: ACCEPTANCE OF THE 1976 COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT - FRIEND OF THE COURT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution 7381, 1976 Grant application was made for renewal of the Cooperative Reimbursement Program, Friend of the Couit; and WHEREAS Grant funds in the amount of 5256.496 have been awarded to Ihe County of Oakland and required County matching funds are determined to be $4,650 in each and $8,400 in kind services; and WHEREAS the Public Services Committee recommends that said Grant be accepted. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland hereby accepts the Grant award for the renewal of the Cooperative Reimbursement Program, Friend of the Court, for the period January 1, 1976 - December 31, 1976 in the amount of S256,496. The Public Service Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption or the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM AGREEMENT State of Michigan Department of Social Services This agreement executed as of January 1, 1976 by and between THE COUNTY OF OAKLAND (herein- after "County") and the Michigan Department of Social Services (hereinafter "Department"); WITNESSETH THAT WHEREAS Department under the Social Security Act, Title IV-D, section 451, and under the Social Welfare Act, sections 10 and I4(m), has been delegated responsibility for the development and implementation of a program to establish paternity and secure support for children receiving ADC benefits; and WHEREAS Department desires to enter into an agreement with County to: 1) assist Department in providing the services necessary to establish paternity and secure support for children receiving ADC benefits within the meaning of federal regulations pertaining thereto, and 2) assist in other matters of common concern to County and Department, including the providing of services to non-ADC individuals; and WHEREAS County is desirous of entering into such an agreement with Department; NOW THEREFORE: County and Department, in consideration of tne promises and mutual convenants hereinafter contained, do hereby agree as Follows: I. Scone of Services Services will be provided to ADC assistance recipients, and shall also be provided In non- ADC individuals upon request, and the Department in compliance with the Program Narrative which ;s Part II of the Program Application, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part thereof by reference. 2. Duration of Program This agreement shall be in effect or one Cl) year from the date first above written provided, that an extension of up to two months may be granted by mutual agreement for the sole purpose of ensuring Full implementation of the program. Also see paragraph 16 infra. Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 94 3. Department of Social Services, Office of Central Registry The Staff of the Office of Central Registry will be assigned to work as liaison between County and Department and further, said staff will lend technical assistance and advice to County. 4. Payment-Schedule and Amount A. Amount. Payment will be made on the basis of the Program Budget which is Part III of the Program Application, a copy of which application is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, provided that no more than 5256,496.00 shall be paid from combined County and State Funds during the life of this agreement; provided further that $13,050.00 of the above amount is the County appropriation contributed to the IV-D program. B. Schedule. Payment will be made monthly upon receipt of itemized billing for actual expenditures incurred pursuant to this agreement. All payments will be used only for the conduct of the program as encompassed by this agreement. 5. Equipment An inventory shall be maintained of all equipment purchased by County pursuant to this agreement. County shall take the necessary action to assure that title to all aforesaid equipment shall be vested in the State of Michigan upon expiration of this agreement, or in the event equipment is purchased with combined county and program funds, the pro rata share of title to said equipment shall be vested in the State of Michigan or otherwise protected. 6. Cancellation, Termination and Amendment This agreement may be terminated, cancelled, revoked and annulled by either party upon written notice of at least sixty (60) days. If through any cause County shall fail to fulfill in timely and proper manner its obligations under this agreement, or if County shall violate any of the covenants, agreements, or stipulations of this agreement, Department shall thereupon have the right to terrinate this agreement by giving written notice to County of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof. This agreement may be amended in whole or in part by mutual consent, provided that said amendment be reduced in writing, properly executed and made part of this agreement 7. Records County shall maintain such records as are deemed necessary by Department to assure a proper accounting for all costs. These records will be made available for audit purposes to Department, the Auditor General, or any authorized representative of the State of Michigan, and will be retained for five years after the expiration of this contract unless permission to destroy them is granted by both Department and the State of Michigan. 8. Reports and Inspections County shall make financial, program progress and other reports as requested by Department. 9. Maintenance of Fiscal Effort Program funds (State and Federal) will not be used as a substitute for local funds that would normally have been made available for the items covered by this agreement. County will maintain its pre-agreement fiscal effort relative to agreement items. 10. Confidentiality Information provided by Department or the local Department of Social Services in cooperatio.1 with County and in furtherance of the aims and purposes of this agreement will be used only for the purposes intended. 11. Political Activities None of the funds, materials, property, personnel or services contributed by Department or County under this agreement shall be used in the performance of this agreement for any partisan political activity, or to further the election or defeat of any candidate for public office. 12. Religious Activity There shall be no religious worship, instruction or proselytization as part of or in connection with the performance of this agreement. 13. Non-Discrimination In connection with the performance of services under this agreement County agrees to comply with the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Michigan, Article 1, Section 2. County further agrees to comply with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252). the Regulations of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare issued pursuant to that act, and the provisions of Executive Order 11246, Equal Employment Opportunity, dated September 24, 1965. 14. Royalties Department reserves a royalty-free nonexclusive license to use and authorize others to use all copyrightable or copyrighted material resulting from this program.. 15. Studies and Investigations All reports of investigations, studies, etc., made as a result of this agreement shall acknowledge the support provided by Department. 16. Anything to the contrary in paragraph 2 supra notwithstanding, in the event this agree- ment shall lapse, and the county has submitted an application for refunding, said agreement shall continue in effect as if no lapse occurred, and reimbursement shall be made at the level of said agreement, unless Department notifies County in writing of its intention not to refund nor to enter into a new agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF Department and County have caused this agreement to be executed by their respective officers duly authorized so to do. 95 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 Dated at Lansing, Michigan This 29th day of January, 1976 Dated at Pontiac, Michigan This day of , 15 In the presence of: STATE OF MICHIGAN For DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES For OAKLAND COUNTY STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES By John T. Dempsey /s/ John T. Dempsey, Director By , Chairman Oakland County Board of Commissioners Alice F. Upton /0 PART II - PROGRAM NARRATIVE A) PROGRAM SUPERVISOR (List official title and address of the person who will set personnel policies, appoint new employees and will otherwise exercise supervisory powers and duties.) John J. Houghton, Friend of the Court, and Donald A. Tews, Chief Assistant Friend of the Court, will be responsible for supervision and recommending employment of all personnel under this program. It will be the Friend of the Court's responsibility to execute the administrative policy of this program. subject to the Court Administrator, and any change in the policy will be cooperatively developed with the Director of the Department of Social Services. B) PROGRAM PERSONNEL (List title, responsibilities, duties and employment prerequisites such as education, experience, etc.) EXISTING PERSONNEL NEW PERSONNEL I. Three attorneys classified as follows: 1 Attorney (Attorney I) 2 Attorneys (Attorney II) 2. Four Secys. classified as follows: One Typist I (additional) 2 Typists (Typist II) I Typist (Clerk 11) 1 Typist (Typist 1) 3. One Clerk classified as follows: Two Clerks classified as Clerk II (additional) 1 Clerk II 4. Deputies classified as follows: Four Court Service Officers - Friend of the Court Existing Personnel: 12 Additional Personnel: 3 Attorneys: a. Responsibility: Direct and participate in review of divorce cases according to plan desci ihed on page 3. b. Duties: Follow through on A.D.C. connected divorce cases as described on page 3. c. Education: Law Degree from accredited Law School; preferably from the Stale of Michigan; Membei . Michigan State Bar; no experience necessary, although desirable. Secretaries: a. Responsibility: Typing necessary forms and correspondence; handle details of office operation in preparation for attorney's court appearance and follow-up on cases. b. Education: One year experience on electric typewriter; High School graduate or better. Clerk: Liaison with Department of Social Services; certification and decertification follow-up; handles details involved in ADC cases not handled by secretaries. Deputies (Court Service Officers-Friend of the Court) respondent locaters The Department, through the office of Central Registry, (IV-D Agency) shall provide the courts, prosecuting attorneys, and friends of the court with pertinent information needed in locating absent parents, establishing paternity and securing support, including the immediate transfer of information obtained under 45 CFR 235.70, to court or law enforcement officials; to the extent that such information is relevant to the duties to be performed pursuant to the agreement; and the County, through the offices of the Prosecuting Attorney and Friend of the Court shall provide assistance to the IV-D Agency in carrying out the program. The investigation and prosecution of fraud shall also be pursued, PROVIDED it is directly related to paternity and/or child support. C) PROGRAM FUNCTION (Describe the nature and extent of the expansion of present services and the nature and extent of services created pursuant to the program. Include how these services will be provided, where they will be provided and other pertinent facets of the program, use contin- uation sheets if necessary. Also refer to particular statutes to be used. • Attorneys:3 (2-Attorney II; 1-Attorney I) a. Review all A.D.C. connected divorce cases, pending or granted, for delinquency in Court ordered child support payments; review all A.D.C. connected paternity cases wherein support orders are on fireIncluding Family Support and Emancipation of Minors Support Orders. b. Direct a follow-up program consisting of delinquency notices; Contempt Citations by Show Cause or Attachment; following through on the apprehension by Friend of the Court Deputies, includ- ing contempt hearings and filing of Court orders, etc.: issuance of Show Cause orders in re increase or decrease of child support payments as per P.A. 178 of 1966, etc. M.S.A. 25.172; and be responsible for monthly reports to the Department of Social Services in re support enforcement. Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1576 2. Secretaries: (2-Typist II; 2 Clerk II) Handle all typing of notices, preparation of legal pleadings; assisting in review process; perform all secretarial tasks related to all attorney review of A.D.C. connected divorce and paternity cases; keep data and prepare monthly report form including mailing of same to State of Michigan. Department of Social Services, including the compiling of data in re collections of support in A.D.C. connected divorce and paternity cases, and modifications of support orders under P.A. 178, 1966. 3. Clerk:(2 Clerk I; 1 Typist I) Take calls which would otherwise be handled by ADC secretaries, giving out proper information; completing form letters; receiving 0C38 from social service caseworker, pulling file and passing to attorney; working with representative from Social Services Department; typing letters for attorneys; obtaining printouts on arrearages; processing forms for certification and decertificat- ion of ADC recipients; completing DSS 47's; completing recall letters which are sent to Lansing; assisting the other secretaries whereever and whenever possible; and other matters relating to the program. TWO ADDITIONAL CLERKS: (1) assigned to files to meet increased demand for file service caused by our mass show cause program of ADC cases (I) assigned to update our files on certification and decertification; telephone receptionist; counter receptionist-- to help us cope with increased volume caused by mass show causing. 4. Typist: (1 Typist I) ADDITIONAL While we have computerized show causes, this has in no way eliminated the increased amount of typing necessitated by an increase in correspondence, applications foi bench warrants, orders, and helping to keep us updated in terms of being current in our ADC program. 5. Court Service Officer-Friend of the Court (4-Court Service Officers-Friend of the Court (a) Participate in location of defendants in divorce related ADC cases, paternity related ADC cases, farily Support and Emancipation of Minors Act cases (b) Serve Order to Show cause pleadings on defendants and file proof of service; make radio contact with sheriff if necessary to make an arrest of defendant. These four officers are part of the Friend of the Court Staff. 96 97 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 PART III - PROGRAY, BUOGIJ FOR 1976 YEAR 0ITRATION - [1. PERSaii-NEL (List all positions -Percent County State Total by title and annual salary; timc on Funds Funds Estimated use continuation sheets, if job Costs necessary.) —Ur- 1 (.2")- -13j NO. TITLE SALARY . (see attached page 4a) 100% None Total Salaries $173,482 5173,132 FRINGE BENEFITS ( 347;) 58,984 58,984 t __. Subtotal . $232,466 $232,466 2. TRAVEL (Itemize by major purposes.) Investigation travel, services of process, Iii-n. approved seminars 7., conferences. $ 9,300 $ 9,300 Subtotal $. 9 300 1,300 3. SUPPLIES (Itemize by major types.) Stationery $ 1,500 $ 1,500 ' Subtotal -1.-,50* ----4,-50-0--] 4. EQUIPMENT (Itemize.) Typewriter Rental 180 180 Subtotal _1.80_ Iva 5. OTHER EXPENDITURES (iteNlize.) Postage and telephone $2,700 $2,700 Radio maintenance 1,950 1,950 Subtotal -1-4; 63-0-- —7-,-6-5-0- — 6. RENT (Total area and cost per sq. ft.) 1,200 sq. ft. @ $7.00per sq. ft. $8,400 $8,/100 Subtotal 7. I TOTAL COSTS ($ 4 $,r60 00 cAsh and i 13,050.00 $243,446.00 $256,496.00 .:- .4 -. ,.; DSS-319 (0:7 3-73) Previo::s Lticn b!whate 2 2 4 Salary $14,279 17,715 17,171 7,282 6,955 8,042 7,899 7,065 7,065 7,825 7,662 15,976 15,976 16,295 16,295 Totals $14,279 34,886 14,237 15,941 14,130 15,487 64,542 $173,502 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 Part III - Program Budget for 5th (1976) Year Operation 98 1. Personnel (List all positions by title and annual salary) No. Title 1 Attorney I 2 Attorney It 1 @ 1 @ Typist I 18 18 Typist II 1 @ 18 Clerk I 18 18 Clerk II 1 @ 1 @ 4 Ct.Serv.Off. Fr. of Court Total: 18 1 @ 18 18 Friend of the Court Oakland County 1976 Part III - Pro9ram Budget for 5th (1975) year Operation 2. Travel The increase reflects the addition of two Court Service Officers-Friend of the Court who began their employment on 11/3/75. 3. Supplies The increase reflects the addition of one typist and one clerk. The additional clerk will be assigned to files and the • need for supplies is minimal. 5. Other Expenditures Postage Radio Maintenance 99 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 Moved by Price supported by Button the resolution be adopted. The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7461 By Mr. Price IN RE: ACCEPTANCE OF THE 1976 COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT-PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution #7382, 1976 grant application was made for renewal of the Cooperative Reimbursement Program, Prosecutor's Office; and WHEREAS grant funds in the amount of $236,851 have been awarded to the County of Oakland and required County matching funds are determined to be $8,850 In-Kind services; and WHEREAS the Public Services Committee, recommends the said grant award be accepted; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland hereby accepts the grant award for the renewal of the Cooperative Reimbursement Program, Prosecutor's Office for the period January 1, 1976 to December 31, 1976 in the amount of $236,851. The Public Service Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM AGREEMENT State of Michigan Department of Social Services This agreement executed as of January 1, 1976 by and between THE COUNTY OF OAKLAND (herein- after "County") and the Michigan Department of Social Services (hereinafter "Department"); WITNESSETH THAT WHEREAS Department under the Social Security Act, Title 1V-D, section 451, and under the Social Welfare Act, sections 10 and 14(m), has been delegated responsibility for the development and implementation of a program to establish paternity and secure support for children receiving ADC benefits; and WHEREAS Department desires to enter into an agreement with County to: 1) assist Department in providing the services necessary to establish paternity and secure support for children receiving AOC benefits within the meaning of federal regulations pertaining thereto, and 2) assist in other matters of common concern to County and Department, including the providing of services to non-ADC individuals; and WHEREAS County is desirous of entering into such an agreement with Department, NOW THEREFORE: County and Department, in consideration of the promises and mutual convenants hereinafter contained, do hereby agree as follows: I. Scope of Services Services will be provided to ADC assistance recipients, and shall also be provided to non- ADC individuals upon request, and the Department in compliance with the Program Narrative which is Part II of the Program Application, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part thereof by reference. 2. Duration of Program This agreement shall be in effect for one (1) year from the date first above written provided, that an extension of up to two months may be granted by mutual agreement for the sole purpose of ensuring full implementation of the program. Also see paragraph 16 infra. 3. Department of Social Services, Office of Central Resistry The Staff of the Office of Central Registry will be assigned to work as liaison between County and Department and further, said staff will lend technical assistance and advice to County. 4 • Payment-Schedule and Amount A. Amount. Payment will be made on the basis of the Program Budget which is Part III of the Program Application, a copy of which application is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, provided that no more than S236,851.00 shall be paid from combined County and State Funds during the life of this agreement; provided further that $8,850.00 of the above amount is the County appropriation contributed to the IV-D program. B. Schedule. Payment will be made monthly upon receipt of itemized billing for actual expenditures incurred pursuant to this agreement. All payments will be used only for the conduct of the program as encompassed by this agreement. 5. Equipment An inventory shall be maintained of all equipment purchased by County pursuant to this agreement. County shall take the necessary action to assure that title to all aforesaid equipment shall be vested in the State of Michigan upon expiration of this agreement, or in the event equipment is purchased with combined county and program funds, the pro rata share of title to said equipment shall be vested in the State of Michigan or otherwise protected. 6. Cancellation, Termination and Amendment This agreement may be terminated, cancelled, revoked and annulled by either party upon written notice of at least sixty (60) days. If through any cause County shall fail to fulfill in timely and proper manner its obligations under this agreement, or if County shall violate any of the covenants, agreements, or stipulations of this agreement, Department shall thereupon have the right to terminate this agreement by giving written notice to County of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof. This agreement nay be amended in whole or in part by mutual consent, provided that said amendment be reduced in writing, properly executed and made a part of this agreement. Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 100 7. Records County shall maintain such records as are deemed necessary by Department to assure a proper accounting for all costs. These records will be made available for audit purposes to Department, the Auditor General, or any authorized representative of the State of Michigan, and will be retained for five years after the expiration of this contract unless permission to destroy them is granted by both Department and the State of Michigan. B. Reports and Inspections County shall make financial, program progress and other reports as requested by Department. 9. Maintenance of Fiscal Effort Program funds (State and Federal) will not be used as a substitute for local funds that would normally have been made available for the items covered by this agreement. County will maintain its pre-agreement fiscal effort relative to agreement items. 10. Confidentiality Information provided by Department or the local Department of Social Services in cooperation with County and in furtherence of the aims and purposes of this agreement will be used only for the purposes intended. 11. Political Activities None of the funds, materials, property, personnel or services contributed by Department or County under this agreement shall be used in the performance of this agreement for any partisan political activity, or to further the election or defeat of any candidate for public office. 12. Religious Activity There shall be no religious worship, instruction or proselytization as part of or in Connection with the performance of this agreement. 13. Non-Discrimination In connection with the performance of services under this agreement County agrees to comply with the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Michigan, Article I, Section 2. County further agrees to comply with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252) the Regulations of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare issued pursuant to that act and the provisions of Executive Order 11246, Equal Employment Opportunity, dated September 24, 1965. 14. Royalties Department reserves a royalty-free nonexclusive license to use and authorize others to use all copyrightable or copyrighted material resulting from this program. 15. Studies and Investigations All reports of investigations, studies, etc., made as a result of this agreement shall acknowledge the support provided by Department. 16. Anything to the contrary in paragraph 2 supra notwithstanding, in the event this agreement shall lapse, and the county has submitted an application for refunding, said agreement shall continue in effect as if no lapse occurred, and reimbursement shall be made at the level of said agreement, unless Department notifies County in writing of its intention not to refund nor to enter into a new agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF Department and County have caused this agreement to be executed by their respective officers duly authorized so to do. Dated at Lansing, Michigan STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES This 29th day of January, 1976 By John T. Dempsey, Director /s/ Dated at Pontiac, Michigan This day of , 19 By In the presence of: STATE OF MICHIGAN For DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES For OAKLAND COUNTY PART II - PROGRAM NARRATIVE A) PROGRAM SUPERVISOR (List official title and address of the person who will set personnel policies, appoint new employees and will otherwise exercise supervisory powers and duties.) The Prosecuting Attorney for Cie County of Oakland, L. Brooks Patterson, will be responsible for hilinq and supervision of all personnel under this program. It will be the Prosecuting Attorney's tvwonsibility to execute the policies for the administration of this program which policies will be developed by him in cooperation with the Department of Social Services. B) PROGRAM PERSONNEL (List title, responsibilities, duties and employment prerequisites such as education, experience, etc.) 1 - Assistant Prosecutor 111 (APA 111) Duties and Responsibilities: The APA III will act as the Chief of the Support Division of the Oakland County Prosecutor's Office and will be the immediate supervisor of all legal, investigative, secretarial and clerical staff of the division. He will report directly to the Chief Assistant Prosecutor. He will devote his full time to the Support Division which has the responsibility of processing all complaints under the Family Support, URESA, Paternity, and the Emancipation of Minors Acts. The Support Division also has responsibility for processing all welfare fraud cases. The Chief of the Support Division will also be responsible for representing the D/SS in client-D/SS disputes. He will assign investigators to perform their related duties with regard to investigations of matters coming under the jurisdiction of the Support Division. This position will be fully funded by the State. . Chairman Oakland County Board of Commissioners Alice F. Upton /s/ 101 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 2 - Assistant Prosecutor II (APR II) Duties and Responsibilities: The two APA ll's will be assigned to the Support Division and assist the Division Chief on a full time basis in processing cases which come within the jurisdiction of the Support Division. These positions will be fully funded by the State. Employment Prerequisites: All attorneys must be persons with a law degree from an accredited law school who have passed the State bar examination and who are active members of the State Bar of Michigan. 3 - Prosecutor Investigators Duties and Responsibilities: Three Prosecutor Investigators are required to assist the Support Division of the Prosecuting Attorney's Office in performing the duties assigned to it. They will be responsible for service of process in all Family Support matters. These positions are Fully funded by the State. 2 - Clerk II Duties and Responsibilities: The personnel in this classification are assigned as clerical help to the hwestigators and are responsible for typing come-in letters, follow-up letters, and other general correspondence as necessary. Additional duties will include but not limited to filing, maintenance ot all records relating to welfare fraud, screening telephone calls, and the receiving and typing of all in-coming anonymous telephone complaints. These positions to be fully funded by the State. 1 - Clerk I Duties and Responsibilities: This individual is assigned as clerical help to the investigators and is responsible for typing come-in letters, follow-up letters, and other general correspondence as necessary. Additional duties will include but not limited to filing, maintenance of all records relating to welfare fraud, screening telephone calls, and the receiving and typing of all in-coming anonymous telephone complalnts. This position to be fully funded by the State. 4 - Typist II Duties and Responsibilities: The personnel in this classification are responsible for the bulk of the typing that is necessary in this office and includes typing letters, legal documents for court filing, motions. and miscellaneous typing. Other related duties include interviews, telephone screening and general clerical duties as assigned. In addition, they will be responsible for processing the necessary paperwork involving Family Support, URESA, Paternity, Emancipation of Minors, and other actions. Other duties include interviewing, filing maintenance of records, and other related clerical duties as assigned. Salary Increases That in recognition that the County is bound to pay the salary rates as established by the County Board, said rate or rates established for any of the above personnel, therefore, including any raises, cost of living, fringe increases or step-increases which arise or may arise during the period of this contract are hereby authorized to be paid. It is understood that the following is not reimburseable through the Cooperative Reimbursement Program: welfare fraud prosecution and investigation not involving child support or paternity, child custody, neglect and abuse hearings, D.S.S. administrative hearings and all other activities not involving the use of the following statutes: Family Support Act, Emancipation of Minors Act, Paternity Act, general divorce statute, Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Aci, Poor Law, Disorderly Persons (non-support), felony non-support, and Federal Law P.L. 93 -647. C) PROGRAM FUNCTION (Describe the nature and extent of the expansion of present services and the nature and extent of services created pursuant to the program. Include how these services will be provided, where they will be provided and other pertinent facets of the program, use continuation sheets if necessary. Also refer to particular statutes to be used. The overall purpose of this program is to assist the Department of Social Services in all matters relating to welfare assistance. Personnel funded by this grant will be assigned full time to the Support Division of the Prosecutor's Office which is responsible for all of the Following types of proceedings; URESA, Paternity, Family Support, Emancipation of Minors complaints and welfare fraud. It is contemplated that Prosecutor Investigators assigned to the Support Division will work closely with investigators of the Inspector General's Office in order to investigate and successfully prosecute those who are fraudulently receiving funds from the Department of Social Services. The Department, through the office of Central Registry, (IV-0 Agency) shall provide the courts, prosecuting attorneys, and friends of the court with pertinent information needed in locating absent parents, establishing paternity and securing support, including the immediate transfer of information obtained under 45 CFR 235.70, to court or law enforcement officials; to the extent that such information is relevant to the duties to be performed pursuant to the agreement; and the County, through the offices of the Prosecuting Attorney and Friend of the Court shall provide assistance to the IV-D Agency in carrying out the program. The investigation and prosecution of fraud shall also be pursued, PROVIDED it is directly related to paternity and/or child support. [i. PERSOlI1EL;Lis t all n5 .; s rcent -Coun ty ti tie anr_l a:Iqua I sd.lari; ! time on ; i'drds use continuation sl:oets , if job necessary.) Asst. Pros. [ Asst. Pros. II Pros. Invest i.< ors _ . State . Total Funds Estimated Costs Cf)-- T —(27 1 - 2 - 3 - 2 - Clerk II 4 - Typist II 1 - Clerk I r- — 1.001 ? 10(n • 1 1.00". 1 37,070 37,070 ! 47,500 .47,600 1001 : 17,403 17,403 27,607 27,607 100% 1 I .7,064 . 7,064 General * .? 2,900 $ 2,900 Subtotal 2000 2,900 . . 4.• EQUIPMENT (Itemize.) Subtotal ' 1UTAL COSTS Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 102 COOPERATIVE FEL,ABURSEME:i PR0GRAMAFFUCATION(C1) . • Oakland/Pit 1/1/76 - 12/31/76 PAU 111 - rq1 RU5GLf FUR 1()76 0P12ATI6N FRINGE BENEFITS 53,918 $ 53,913 $212,501 $212,501 71 2. TRAVEL (Itemize by major purposes.) . 3 - Investigators I 5,600 $ 5,600 I P1-0 Agency approved semi nars and ! . I 500 5150 conferences. Subtotal $ 3„ SUPPLIES CI temi ze by major types . ) . I . ciTrui ' .6,100 I Subtol:al Subtotal 5. OTHER EXPEIWITURES (1 temi ze. ) i . 1 ! • Postaie $ 4,000 ! $ 4,000 - , Telephone Instali (4 new phones) t Monthly Te1ephonc7. . I 2,500 ; 2,500 . I.---- • Subtotal : - $ G-,750•0- I 6. RE:IT ,(Total area aid cost per sq. ft ..) I . 1 appro7•:iniate1y I 1230 sq. ft. r) $7 .r)i) F. EL. . I$ 8,850 $ 8,830 --$ 8,350 8,350:00L22,001.00 - S236,351.00 103 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 Moved by Price supported by Button the resolution be adopted. The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7462 By Mr. Price IN RE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LOANS AND GRANTS PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland has declared its intent to continue to be designated as an urban county and to accept the Entitlement Funds pursuant to the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974; and WHEREAS the Grant is expected to exceed $2,900,000 in the 1976 year; and WHEREAS the primary objective of the Act is that the applicant address themselves to the development of viable urban communities including decent housing and a suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income; and WHEREAS there is a need for the conservation and expansion of the counties housing stock in order to provide a decent home and a suitable living environment for all persons but principally those of low and moderate income; and WHEREAS Federal Funds are available for these purposes through the Community Development Grant; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland wishes to address itself to these needs with a program to assist families in upgrading the housing stock; and WHEREAS the Community Development Advisory Council recommends that $500,000 of the 1976 - 77 Community Development Program be used for loans and grants program for Oakland County. Of this, a minimum of 80% will be used for loans. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners establish a loans and grants program, and conduct Public Hearings, and the sum of $500,000 be designated for the purpose of funding this program. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman Moved by Price supported by Button the resolution be adopted. The Chairman announced pursuant to Rule XI-E the matter shall be laid over to the next regular Board meeting. Misc. 7463 By Mr. Price IN RE: ESTABLISHMENT OF STANDARD COST OF LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICE AGREEMENTS - TOWNSHIP DEPUTIES - EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1976 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS it is the policy of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to permit the Sheriff's Department to enter into contracts with Townships for the purpose of providing Sheriff's Patrol Services; and WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 7335 directed the Department of Management and Budget to establish contract rates for the ensuing year and to notify Townships of the new rates by March I, 1976; and WHEREAS it is desirable to have the standard contract period to coincide with the Townships' fiscal year. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the annual rate of 524,685 be established as the annual cost per patrolman for the period beginning July 1, 1976, such costs to be billed in monthly increments. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the contracts be negotiated for a nine month period beginning on July I, 1976 and ending March 31, 1977 in order to bring contract period in line with Township fiscal year. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Management and Budget hereafter develop new contract rates not later than March 1 of each year, such rates to be approved by the Board of Commissioners prior to implementation. The Public ServicesCommittee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman $24,685 $26,530 TOTAL ANNUAL COST $28,238 Salory Solary Rate Sa l Iry Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 104 1 1sn111W11 _CON fl/(. f PRICli Base EL:dian Salary Salary Rate R.Ite Maximum Salary Rate 1976 Six Months 7/i/76-12/31/76 1977 Six Months 1/1/77-6/30/77 $11,974 12,711 $12,870 $13,686 13 ,660 14,552 OFPUiY I ES: Rosular $1i.,693 $15,700 $16,R00 Overtirxrt --- --- --- Court hop:-arrce 279 300 321 Holiday Pay 920 ------- — — Sub-Total $15,799 $16,988 $18,173 FRU:GE BENEFITS: F.I.C.A. $ 854 $ 895 $ 89:i Retiremant 1,527 1,642 1,77 Hospitalization Ins. 1,024 1,024 1,024 , Group Life 149 155 168 Compensation Insurancc 524 564 603 Continuation Insurance 57 62 66 . Sick Leave 362 389 417 Annual Leave 557 - 719 : 962 Dental Insurance ---:_ 208 208 Sub-Total $_5,054. $ 5,658 • $.6,100 ' OPERATING: Uniform Cleaning , $ 105 $ 105 $ 105 Radio Rental 192 192 - .192 .• • Transportation (22,000 miles @12 per mile) 2,640 2,640 . '2,640 Deputies Supplies 20 20 . 20 _ Uniform Cost (Replacement) 127 127 127 ' Leather & Weapon Cost 10 10 =_ 10 Sub-Total $ 3,094 $ 3,094 $ 3,094 TOTAL ANMJAL COST $23,947 $25,740 $27,372' !ry P Sal a ly S.:11-!ry $ 5,336 .Sub-Total OPERATING: $ 5,934 • $ 6,420 105 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 1917 U ,PUIY 1"U.',! r0;ri $15,700 $16,900 $18,109 Ov,Irtime --- --- -- Court Aol ,--_:eronce 301 324 347 Holidoy Pay 591 1 , 067 '1,141 St Sub-Total $16,992 $18,291 $19,590 FRInE BENEFITS: F.I.C.A. $ 895 $ 895 $ 89:, Retirement 1,612 1,768 Hospitalization Ins. 1,021 1,021 1,024 , Group Life 156 169 180 • Copensatioil Insurance 564 607 650 • Continuation Insurance 62 60 - 71 Sick Leave 391 421 451 Annual Leave 602 _ • 777 . . 1,040 . Dental Insurance 7-- 208 . 208 . . Uniform Cleaning $ 105 105 ' 105 Radio Rental 192 192 - 192. . Transportation (22,000 mile (p12' per mil e) 2,640 2,640 • -2,640 Deputies Supplies 20 . 20 20 Uniform Cost (Replacement) 127 327 127 ' Leather & Weapon Cost 10 10. _ 10 .'Sub-Total $ 3,094 $ 3,094 $ 3,094 ' TOTAL ANNUAL COST $25,422 $27,319 $29,101 Prepared by: Budget Division February 17, 1976 Moved by Price supported by Hoot the resolution be adopted. The Vice-Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. Mr. Hoot objected. Discussion followed. James M. Brennan, Director of Management and Budget addressed the Board. Moved by Wilson supported by Button the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Wilson, Button, Hoot, Montante. (4) NAYS: Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Nowak, Page. (16) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 106 The Vice-Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7464 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: ADVISORY VOTE ON QUESTION OF FORCED BUSING To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the electorate has not been allowed to express its opinion, by ballot, on the question of forced busing; and WHEREAS forced busing has been a concern of the parents of most, if not all children of school age; and WHEREAS a County-wide advisory vote should be allowed to determine the opinion of the voters. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that an Advisory Question be elated on the ballot at the Primary Election held on August 3, 1976, the advisory question to read: "SHALL THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: NO PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENT SHALL, BECAUSE OF HIS RACE, CREED OR COLOR, BE ASSIGNED TO OR REQUIRED TO ATTEND A PARTICULAR SCHOOL." YES CD NO 0 Mr. Chairman, we move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Betty J. Fortino, Commissioner -District #5 Patrick K. Daly, Dana F. Wilson Moved by Fortino supported by Dunleavy the resolution be adopted. Moved by Fortino supported byWilson the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Simmons, Wilson, Daly, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Kasper. (7) NAYS: Aaron, Button, Dearborn, Houghten, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montanle, Nowak, Page, Price, Roth. (12) A sufficient majority not having voted the lho motion foiled. The Vice-Chairman referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7465 By Mr. Dunleavy IN RE: OPPOSITION TO HOUSE BILL 4234 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS House Bill 4234, the Land Use Bill, would remove local control over planning, zoning and use of lands; and WHEREAS the local units of government are better able to determine the needs and uses of land in their respective areas; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners should oppose House Bill 4234 as a further erosion of local control. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners urges the Legislature to defeat House Bill 4234. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. James W. Dunleavy, Commissioner -District 112 Fred D. Houghten, Joseph R. Montante, John J. McDonald, Patrick M. Nowak, Lillian V. Moffitt, Henry W. Hoot Richard R. Wilcox, Dana F. Wilson Niles E. Olson, Howard R. Simmons, Paul E. Kasper Mr. Dun leavy moved the resolution be referred to the General Government Committee and the Planning and Building Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7466 By Mr. Hoot tN RE: REFERENDUM ON ABOLISHMENT OF OAKLAND COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS substantial amounts of money can be saved by the abolishment of the Oakland County Road Commission; and WHEREAS roads and road maintenance are visible concerns to the residents of the County of Oakland and these residents deserve more accountability from their elected officials; and 107 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 19, 1976 WHEREAS accountability of road projects and road maintenance is difficult under the present system of six year road commission appointments; and WHEREAS the voters of the County of Oakland have previously indicated their desire for unified county government. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that with the passage of this resolution the following question shall be placed on the ballot at the next possible county-wide election: "SHALL THE OAKLAND COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION BE ABOLISHED, AND IT'S POWER, DUTIES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES BECOME GENERAL COUNTY GOVERNMENT POWERS UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE AND THE POLICY MAKING AUTHORITY OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS." Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Henry W. Hoot, Commissioner -District 414 Mr. Hoot requested the resolution be referred to the Planning and Building Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7467 By Mr. Simmons IN RE: BOYS CLUB OF ROYAL OAK - PROJECT G.A.M.1.T. To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners recognizes its responsibility to the c/tizens who reside in this County to provide leadership, assistance, coordination to all govern- ment, industry and private sectors, and on occasion to give tribute to a well deserving organization for its contribution to the welfare of the people; and WHEREAS activities in our communities that help the youth of our County should be strongly supported by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS the Boys' Club of Royal Oak has successfully been involved in a project known as DAM. IT. (Guidance, Adult Education, Mental Health Counseling, Inter-Agency Cooperation and Tutoring.) since December 3, 1973, where some 168 boys and girls, ranging in ages from 10 to 16 years, have been helped through this program, being referred to the Boys' Club of Royal Oak by school districts in the area that under normal circumstances where such a program did not exist would have had to refer many of these boys and girls to the Juvenile Division of the Probate Court; and WHEREAS the Boys' Club of Royal Oak's GAMIT program has shown the following results with the 168 youths referred to it: 89'4 have improved academically 91% have improved behaviorially such youth being juvenile status offenders - runaways, truancy, etc.; and non-status offenders - larceny, breaking and entering, assault, etc. and where some of these youths have returned to volunteer their services in the program that helped them. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that toe Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby goes on record as wholeheartedly endorsing the efforts of the Boy's Club of Royal Oak through its program of GAMIT in helping the youth of Oakland County become acceptable, responsible citizens in our community, giving them positive attitudes toward their community and particularly their school and learning growth. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Howard R. Simmons, Commissioner -District #I0 Moved by Simmons supported by Daly toe rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Simmons supported by Daly the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Moved by Roth supported by Wilson the Board adjourn to March 4, 1976 at 9:30 A.M. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Board adjourned at 12:30 P.M. Lynn D. Allen Alexander C. Perinoff Clerk Chairman II dl OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING March 4, 1976 Meeting called to order by Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff at 10:00 A. M. in the Court House Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by Mr. Hoot. Pledge to the Flag. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houqhten. Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. (26) ABSENT: None. (0) Quorum present. Moved by Button supported by Patterson the minutes of the February 19, 1976 meeting be approved as printed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Clerk read a letter from Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff regarding the appointment of Howard Simmons to serve on the Inter-County Highway Commission for the year 1976. Clerk read letter from the Honorable Gerald E. McNally, District Court Judge, 52nd District, 2nd Division regarding the appointment of John W. McNally as Magistrate. Moved by Button supported by Aaron the appointment be confirmed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointment was confirmed. Clerk read letter from Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff regarding the appointments of Virginia Solberg for a term ending December 31, 1976; John Marcosky for a term ending December 31, 1977; and Jeffrey M. Leib for a term ending December 31, 1978 to the Unemployment Compensation Appeal Board. Moved by Pernick supported by Fortino the appointments of Virginia Solberg, John Marcosky and Jeffrey M. Leib be confirmed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed. Clerk read letter from Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff regarding the appointment of Arthur Van Brook to serve on the Community Development Advisory Council. Clerk read letter from Gladys Fogo, Royal Oak City Clerk regarding the Governor's proposed property tax redistribution plan. The Chairman stated the Special Order of Business at this time will be the matter of the Merger of the Drain Office and Department of Public Works. The Clerk read a letter from John H. Richardson, Mayor of the City of Farmington, in opposition to the merger. Discussion followed. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MERGER OF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE DRAIN COMMISSION OFFICES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee discussed the proposed consolidation proposal with Drain Commissioner 109 Commissioners Minutes Continued. Marc n 4, 1976 George W. Kuhn as well as Mr. Ringler from the Public Works Department. Mr. Kuhn presented the committee with a report (attached) which contains his estimate of a possible savings to the County of $277,000 in Phase 1 and II. The Committee unanimously agreed to forward Mr. Kuhns report to the full Board for their consideration and review. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman recommends the acceptance of the foregoing report. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman OAKLAND COUNTY DRAIN COMMISSIONER Public Works Drive Pontiac, Michigan 48054 "February 26, 1976 Commissioner Lawrence R. Pernick Chairman - Finance Committee Oakland County Board of Commissioners 1200 N. Telegraph Road Pontiac, Michigan 48053 Dear Mr. Chairman and Committee Members: At the Public Hearing of February 19, 1976, the Board of Commissioners requested that a financial report be prepared presenting cost savings that might be realized upon merger of the Drain Office and Department of Public Works. I envision a two phase approach covering both reorganization and cost savings plans. Phase I would deal more directly with the management and/or administrative levels. Phase II would entail a more detailed study, analysis and finally implementation of a broader reorganization of departments below the management level. The first phase I believe should be accomplished in 30 to 60 days following approval by the Board. Phase II would become effective during the next budget year. The general overall savings to the taxpayer available through the merge of these like functions approximates as follows: PHASE I SAVINGS 1. Combine the offices of Drain Commissioner and D P.W. Director. Replace 2 existing department heads with a single Public Works Commissioner $30,000 With fringes $7,000 Car 2,000 Misc. expenses l000 10 ,000 $40,000 2. Avoid necessity to replace administrator of S.O.C.S.D.S. unfilled since death of Mr. Thornton, mid-I975. 20,000 With fringes $5,000 Car 2 ,000 7,000 $27,000 3. Combined staff of R/W negotiators now approximates 15 people. This can be reduced by 2 to 3, as a result of better scheduling and coordination following merger. 2 positions $12,000 each $24,000 2 positions with fringes a 54,000 each 8,000 Vehicles or mileage $32,000 4, Legal services - currently Drain Office utilizes the services of Bob Allen, Jack Hayes, Bob Fredericks, Don Slavin, etc. Merger would drastically reduce the expense associated with the use of Civil Counsel staff. $20,000 5. Consolidation of Soil Erosion staff and expenditures $ 5,000 6. Anticipated savings by adjustment to Solid Waste Budget $10,000 7. Application of Drain Office overtime control policy to D.P.W. $300,000 overtime budget can reduce this total by 20% 560,000 S197,000 PRASE 11 Again, Phase II study and analysis will involve a detailed review of the department's entire staff and current functions. Further, a complete review of all facilities, vehicle assignments and equip- ment will be undertaken. Based on the above, there will be a gradual consolidation of various line functions (such as main- tenance crews, construction inspectors, etc.). This consolidation will involve some realignment of supervisory positions. Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 4, 1976 110 Conservative estimate of cost savings based on the above actions. $30,000 Further refinement of staff effectiveness 10,000 Extended savings on overtime policy 30,000 Greater flexibility among employees 10,000 Estimated further savings - 2nd year $80,000 TOTAL ANNUAL SAVINGS - PHASE 1 & II 1.212J.222_ In conclusion, I am more convinced than ever that there is real opportunity for subt,3,71FTW1-- savings to both the general fund and to project costs. But more importantly, a more effective and efficient operation will result. This program will maximize the full utilization of all public works personnel, be they now Drain or D. P. W. employees. This will minimize the current duplication of effort inherent in the separation of the two departmental structures. Merge under this plan will maintain the professional expertise and effectiveness of both departments. In addition, it will provide coordinated administration and leadership for County wide water management functions within a single office. Most sincerely, GWK:sj1 George W. Kuhn > 0 -ft re 3 0 ar Lo 0 a = 0 a a = (7). Moved by Pernick supported by Gabler the report be accepted. Deputy Commissioner Drain Maintenance S.O.C.S.D.S. Proposed OAKLAND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSIONER ADMINISTRATION Public Works Conimiss.ioner Environmental Consultant Deputy Commissioner Sanitary & Water Construction Division "[— Solid Waste • Piojects IStatus & Coordination Financial Rerorts Engineering & Deputy Legal Counsel Rights-of-Way *Proposed realignment of Drain Office & Department of Public Works staff organization "Line organization not included in this analysis or proposal February 26. 1926 COmmIssioners Minutes Continued. March 4, 1976 112 Mr. Kasper requested Donald RIngler, Chairman of the Department of Public Work., he allowed to address the Board. There were no objections. Mr. Ringler addressed the Board. Misc. 7468 Moved by Hoot that the County of Oakland resolve to combine the powers, duties, and functions set forth in Act No. 185 of the Public Acts of 1957, as amended, Act No. 342 of the Public Acts of 1939, as amended, and this act into one (1) county department headed by the public works commissioners pursuant to the provisions of Act 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended by Act 170 of 1974, as amended. Supported by Mr. Dunleavy. Discussion followed. Moved by Aaron supported by Page the resolution be laid on the table. Moved by Gabler supported by Page the motion be amended to set a time of March 18, 1976 at 10:00 A. M. Discussion followed. Vote on amendment: AYES: Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons. (24) NAYS: Dearborn, Lennon. (2) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on motion to table the resolution: AYES: Wilson, Aaron, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Page, Patterson. (10) NAYS: Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox. (16) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Vote on resolution: AYES. Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Lennon, Montante, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox. (18) NAYS: Aaron, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Nowak, Page, Wilson. (8) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff requested that Joseph Ford of the Detroit Edison Company be allowed to address the Board regarding the electrical power situation caused by the recent ice storm. There were no objections. Mr. Ford addressed the Bard. Misc. 7469 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: TRANSPORTATION BUDGET AMENDMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the Oakland County 1976 Budget as adopted on December 18, 1975 provided that the Transportation Budget be reduced by $17,160 said amount to be transferred to the Contingent Account; and WHEREAS, the County Executive has indicated the specific departments budgets to be reduced in order to accomplish this directive; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 1976 Budget - Transportation line-item of the followin departments/divisions be reduced as follows: County Executive Administration $ 4,320 Auditing 1,200 Central Services Facilities and Operations - Engineering 1,500 Probation 500 Management and Budget Budget 200 Equalization 1,000 113 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 4, 1976 Human Services Administration 400 Health 3,520 Substance Abuse 2,640 Planning and Physical Development Planning 500 Public Works Administration 1,000 Juvenile Court 500 TOTAL $17,280 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the amount of 517 ,280 be transferred to the 1976 Contingent Fund. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the fore- going resolution. Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. AYES: Button, Daly, Douglas, Donleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Houqhten, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron. (22) NAYS: Gabler, Patterson. (2) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7470 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: AUTHORIZATION TO BORROW AGAINST ANTICIPATED DELINQUENT 1975 TAXES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, on March 1, 1973, this Board of Commissioners adopted a resolution establishing the Oakland County Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund pursuant to Section 876 of Act No. 206 of the Public Acts of 1893, as amended, and it appears desirable to borrow to fund part of said Fund for the 191'i Delinquent Taxes; and WHEREAS, this Fund has been designated as the "100 . Tax Payment Fund" by the County Treasurer; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this Fund is to allow the County Treasurer to pay from the Fund any or all delinquent taxes which are due and payable to the County; and school district; inter- mediate school district; community college district; city, township, special assessment or drain district; or any other political unit or county agency for which delinquent tax payments are due on settlement day with the county, city or township treasurer and he has heretofore been directed to do so by this Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that it is necessary that this County borrow a sum not to exceed twenty four million Dollars ($24,000,000.) and issue its notes in anticipation of the collection of the 1975 delinquent real property taxes which become delinquent on or before March 1, 1976, (hereinafter referred to as the "1975 Delinquent Taxes") and deposit the proceeds thereof in the aforesaid Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund; and WHEREAS, such borrowing is authorized by Section 87c of Act No. 206 of the Public Act-. of 1893, as amended (hereinafter referred to as "Act 206") and WHEREAS, the total amount of unpaid 1975 taxes which will be outstanding on March 1, 1976 is estimated to be in excess of $24,000,000. exclusive of interest, fees and penalties. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED as follows: I. The County shall borrow twenty four million Dollars ($24,000,000.) or such part thereof as will represent not to exceed the exact amount of the 1975 delinquent taxes outstanding on March 1, 1976 exclusive of interest, fees and penalties and, as the Municipal Finance Commission may authorize, issue its "General Obligation Tax Notes, Series 1976", payable from the collection of the 1975 de- linquent taxes outstanding and unpaid on March 1, 1976, as specified above, the proceeds of which notes shall be placed in and used as the whole or part of the Oakland County 100% Tax Payment Fund Payment Account No. 46193 to be used as provided in said Act 206. 2. The said notes shall bear interest payable November 1, 1976, May 1, 1977 and each November 1st and May let thereafter until maturity, which interest is not to exceed eight and three quarters per cent (8 3/4%) per annum. Said notes shall be coupon notes issued in denominations or $5,000 each and shall be numbered from 1 upwards, beginning with their earliest maturities in the direct order of their maturities. The notes shall be dated April 1, 1976, and shall be due and pay- able as follows: 8,000,000 on or before May 1, 1977, 7,000,000 on or before May i, 1978 and not to exceed $9,000,000. on or before May 1, 1979. 3. There is hereby established Oakland County 100 Tax Payment Fund Collection Account No. 46193 (hereinafter referred to as the "Collection Account No. 46193"), effective as of March 1, FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 4, 1976 114 1976, into which Fund the Courts. Treasurer is hereby directed to place on his books and records all payments received on account of the 1975 delinquent taxes as returned to him by any tax collector in the County, and from which Fund the County Treasurer shall repay the borrowing, using the receipts of the 1975 delinquent taxes, including interest, outstanding and unpaid on March 1, 1976. 4. All collections of the aforesaid 1975 delinquent taxes, togeLher with all interest thereon, are hereby pledged to the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the aforesaid notes; the proceeds of the 1975 delinquent taxes so pledged shall be used for no other purpose until the aforesaid notes are paid in full, including interest; and all such delinquent taxes so pledged together with all interest thereon shall be deposited into and accounted for separately in Collection Account No. 46193. 5. The aforesaid notes shall be full faith and credit obligations of Oakland County, and if the proceeds of the 1975 delinquent taxes pledged and other money in Collection Account No. 46193 for the year 1975 are not sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the notes when due, the County shall impose a general ad valorem tax without limitation as to rate or amount on all taxable property in the County to pay the principal and interest on said notes and may thereafter reimburse itself from delinquent taxes collected. 6. The County Treasurer, pursuant to Section 87c subsection (3) of said Act 206 is hereby designated as agent for the County, and the County Treasurer and the Treasurer's office shall re- spectively receive such sums as are therein provided for the services as agent for the County and to cover administrative expenses. 7. The County Treasurer shall use the proceeds of the borrowing to continue the Oakland County 100% Tax Payment Fund and shall pay therefrom the full amount of 1975 delinquent taxes de- livered to him by any tax collector in the County which are outstanding and unpaid on or after March I, 1976, as required by Act 206, together with the expenses of this borrowing. 8. After a sufficient SLIT has been set aside for the purpose of paying the aforesaid notes, any further collection of the aforesaid 1975 delinquent taxes may be used to pay any or all delinquent taxes which are due and payable to the County; any school district; intermediate school district; community college district; city, township, special assessment or drain district; or any other political unit for which delinquent tax payments other than for the year 1975 are due on settlement day with the county, city or township treasurers. 9. The aforesaid notes of each maturity shall be payable to bearer in lawful money of the United States of America at such bank or trust company in the State of Michigan as shall be designated by the original purchaser or purchasers and the notes and coupons shall he .,uhstdrItially in the form attached hereto and hereby approved and adopted. A co-paying agency located either in Michigan, or elsewhere in the United States of America, may .115o be designated by such purLhaser. The Treasurer shall have the right to approve such paying agent or agents as set forth in the Notice of Sale attached hereto. 10. The notes shall not be subject to redemption prior to maturity. II. The Oakland County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to execute said notes for and on behalf of the County of Oakland. The Treasurer is thereafter authorized and directed to deliver said notes to the purchaser thereof upon the receipt of the purchase price therefor, which delivery may be made in the discretion of the Treasurer all at one time or in parts at various times, provided that the notes with the earliest maturities shall be all delivered prior to any notes with later maturities and provided further that all deliveries shall be completed by August 15, 1976. The Coupons affixed to said notes shall be executed with the facsimile signature of the Oakland County Treasurer, and the notes shall be sealed with the Oakland County seal. 12. The Oakland County Treasurer be, and he hereby is, authorized to make application to the Municipal Finance Commission for and on behalf of the County for an order permitting this County to borrow not to exceed 524,000,000. and issue its Oakland County General Obligation Tax Notes, Series 1976, therefor as aforesaid. 13. The County Treasurer shall conduct a public sale of said notes (after insertion of the notice attached to this resolution as provided in paragraph 14 hereof), provided such notes shall not be sold at a discount, after which sale he shall award the notes to the lowest bidder. The conditions of sale shall be as specified in said notice. 14. Sealed proposals for the purchase of said notes shall be received up to such time as shall later be determined by him and notice thereof shall be published in accordance with law once in the "Bond Buyer' which is a publication hereby designated as being a publication printed in the English language and circulated in this State, which carries as a part of its regular service notices of sale of municipal bonds. The notice shall be in substantially the form in the attach- ment to this resolution. 15. The aforesaid notes shall be delivered with the unqualified opinion of Dickinson, Wright, McKean, Cudlip and Moon, Attorneys of Detroit, Michigan, approving the legality ot the notes, and the cost of said legal opinion and the printing of the notes will be at the expense of the County of Oakland. The notes will be delivered at the expense of the County in such city or cities designated by the Treasurer in the Notice of Sale. 16. Notwithstanding any other provision of this resolution or other resolutions adopted heretofore, the County hereby covenants with the purchaser (within the meaning of the Proposed Regulations prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue on May 3, 1973, as revised on December 3, 1975) of the General Obligation Tax Notes, Series 1976, that the County will make no use of the pro- ceeds of said notes, which, if such use had been reasonably expected on the date of issue of said notes, would have caused said notes to be "arbitrage bonds" as defined in Section 103(d) of the 115 Commissioners Minutes Continued, march 4, 1976 Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, and all rules and regulations thereto. 17. The County further covenants that it will not permit at any time any of the proceeds of the General Obligation Tax Notes, Series 1976, or any other funds of the County to be used directly or indirectly in a manner which would result in the exclusion of any of said notes from the treatment afforded by Section 103(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, by reason of the classifi- cation of such notes as "Industrial Development Bonds" within the meaning of Section 103(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, and all rules and regulations relating thereto. 18. The County shall keep full and complete records of all deposits to and withdrawals from each of the funds and accounts in the Oakland County 100% Tax Payment Fund Payment Account No. 46193 and Collection Account No. 46193 and of all other transactions relating to such funds and accounts and of all investments of moneys in such accounts and the interest and gain derived therefrom. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing re- solution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Dearborn the resolution be adopted. AYES: Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7471 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: AMENDMENT TO THE 1976 BUDGET - TRANSFER OF UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS TO CONTINGENT ACCOUNT. To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the 1975 year-end budget report as presented to the Finance Committee indicated a budget surplus of $21,895.51 bringing the total Unappropriated Surplus Account as of December 31, 1975 to $36,114.46; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Finance Committee to transfer said funds to the 1976 Budget Contingent Account; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 1976 Budget be amended by transferring the balance in the Unappropriated Surplus Account of $36,114.46 to the Contingent Account. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. AYES: Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution vas adopted. REPORT By Mr. Button IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7446 - PUBLIC HEARING ON SYLVAN LAKE AND OTTER LAKE WATERCRAFT CONTROLS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee reports Miscellaneous Resolution #7446 with the recommenda- tion that said resolution be adopted. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman "Misc. 7446 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING - SYLVAN AND OTTER LAKES WATERCRAFT CONTROLS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners has become aware that the use of Sylvan Lake, located in the City of Sylvan Lake, City of Keego Harbor, City of Pontiac and Township of Waterford, Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 4, 1976 116 and Otter Lake, located in the Township of Waterford, for recreational purposes has created problems on said lakes; and WHEREAS, the local units of government are not capable of correcting the problems on Sylvan Lake and Otter Lake; and WHEREAS, Sylvan-Otter Group, Inc., an organization composed of residents of said lakes, have requested Commissioners Fortino and Montante to request the Board of Commissioners to adopt a resolution requesting the Department of Natural Resources to conduct a public hearing. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby request the Department of Natural Resources to hold a public hearing to inquire into the need of special local watercraft controls on Sylvan Lake located in the City of Sylvan Lake, City of Keego Harbor, City of Pontiac and Township of Waterford, and Otter Lake, located in the Township of Water- ford, both in Oakland County, Michigan, Mr Chairman, we move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Betty J. Fortino, Commissioner District 5 Joseph R. Montante, Commissioner District 26" Moved by Button supported by Lennon the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Moved by Button supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Button IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7447 - AMENDMENT TO ACT 170, PUBLIC ACT 1974 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee report Miscellaneous Resolution #7447, with the recom- mendation that said resolution be adopted. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman moves the (c.cntance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman "Misc. 7447 By Mrs. Dearborn IN RE: AMENDMENT TO ACT 170 OF PUBLIC ACT OF 1974 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: I would move at this time, Mr. Chairman, that Act 170 be amended to permit a County which has elected to operate under Public Act 139 to allow the County Board of Commissioners, by majority vote, to either elect or appoint the Public Works Commissioner. Such appointment to be made by the County Executive with the majority approval of the County Board of Commissioners'. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Mary M. Dearborn, John J. McDonald, Lillian V. Moffitt, Joseph R. Montante, Robert W. Page, Lawrence Pernick, Paul E. Kasper, William T. Patterson, Kenneth E. Roth Moved by Button supported by Patterson the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Button supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Mr. Wilcox voted 'Nay'. Misc. 7472 By Mr. Button IN RE: OPPOSITION TO SENATE BILL 1191 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, enactment of Senate Bill 1191 would in effect, put all counties in the State of Michigan under the rules and regulations of the Michigan Employment Security Act thus eliminating the counties' abilities to have their own unemployment compensation plan; and WHEREAS, Ingham County has formally opposed Senate Bill 1191 for reasons that elimination of individual unemployment plans would greatly increase the cost of unemployment to counties, and 117 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 4, 1976 your Committee concurs in the opposition of said bill. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby opposes Senate Bill 1191 and so recommends to the County Legislators. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Moved by Button supported by Wilcox the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7473 By Mr. Button IN RE: SUPPORT OF HOUSE BILL 4394, and SENATE BILL 335, AMENDMENT TO MENTAL HEALTH CODE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and G:ntlemen: WHEREAS, House Bill 4394 would amend the Mental Health Code to provide blanket protection against civil damage suits for all persons involved in the commitment of any citizen to a state hospital; and WHEREAS, Senate Bill 335 would amend the Mental Health Code to permit a "qualified professional person other than psychiatrist to certify patients for involuntary hospitalization through the Court process; and WHEREAS, your Committee recommends support of House Bill 4354 and Senate Bill 335 as being in the best interests of the County of Oakland. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby supports House Bill 4394 and Senate Bill 335 and so recommends to the County Legislators. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT certified copies of the foregoing resolution be forwarded to the County Legislators and the County Legislative Agent. The General Government Committee by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman Moved by Button supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. Moved by Nowak supported by Mortante the question be divided. Vote on House Bill 4394: AYES: Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on Senate Bill 335: AYES: Fortino, Houghten, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Nowak, Olson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Wilson, Button, Daly, Dearborn. (14) NAYS: Hoot, Kasper, Montante, Patterson, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Aaron, Dunleavy. (10) PASS: Gabler. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried and resolution 117473 wa, adopted. REPORT By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 71451 - APPROVAL OF BREAST CANCER SCREENING PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioner Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Human Resources Committee, by Betty J. Fortino, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7451 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairman "Misc. 7451 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: APPROVAL OF BREAST CANCER SCREENING PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Human Resources Committee has reviewed a Breast Cancer Screening program as GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 4, 1976 118 presented by the Public Health Division, Human Services Department; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approved this program in concept on April 17, 1975 and directed the Health Division to develop a comprehensive proposal for consideration; and WHEREAS the final program was developed after extensive analysis by the Health Division, consultation with other interested agencies, and substantial input from the Human Resources Committee; and WHEREAS the program is to be funded through utilization of existing Health Division staff, currently approved CETA positions and the Health Division X-Ray fund and will therefore require no new County funds or personnel, and WHEREAS your Committee recommends approval of the Breast Cancer Screening program as presented. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Board approves the Breast Cancer Screening program to be conducted by the Oakland County Health Division. The Human Resources Committee, by Betty J. Fortino, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7451 - APPROVAL OF BREAST CANCER SCREENING PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the sum of $166,823 available as follows: $39,266 funded through utilization of existing staff $35,425 funded through CETA Funds $59,462 funded through the Health Department X-Ray fund $32,670 funded through Patient, Third Party and other contributions The Committee also notes that the second year (1977) funding requirements of this program will be $149,226. Anticipated funding sources are as follows: $41,796 funded through General Fund budget (existing staff) $44,282 funded through CETA Funds $63,148 funded through Patient, Third Party and other contributions FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Fortino supported by Patterson the report be accepted and resolution ;/7451 be adopted. AYES: Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution #7451 was adopted. Misc. 7474 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: SUMMER EMPLOYMENT POL1CY FOR 1976 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the County has traditionally used a sunmer work force of students earning money toward furthering their education to do seasonal work such as grounds care, staffing Parks and Recreation programs, substituting for regular employees on vacation and carrying out routine projects accumulated during the year to be done by lower cost summer employees; and WHEREAS it is important that students in the County be made aware of the County's summer employment program; and WHEREAS the salaries portion of the 1976 County Budget has $200,000 earmarked for this program which, in 1975, had 292 positions in twenty classifications spread throughout County depart- mental operations at a cost of $195,455 in budgeted funds, and $146,440 in funds from other sources, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that in order to facilitate the effective and orderly imple- mentation of the Summer Employment Program, that the County: I. Publish notices for County summer jobs in a manner to assure that the total County is covered, specific publications and placement of notices to be at the discretion of the Personnel Department; 2. Post notices of summer job openings in the universities and colleges located within the County; 3. Eliminate the lottery system in order to facilitate the filling of summer jobs; FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that applicants for summer jobs must be residents of Oakland County. 119 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 4, 1976 The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Montante the resolution be adopted. Moved by Fortino supported by Daly the resolution be laid on the table. Discussion followed. Vote on motion to lay on the table: AYES: Hoot, Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino. (12) NAYS: Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Wilcox, Dunleavy, Gabler. (13) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Moved by Fortino supported by Simmons the resolution be referred back to the Personnel Committee for further study. AYES: Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino, Hoot. (14) NAYS: Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Wilcox, Dunleavy, Gabler. (11) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried and the resolution was referred to the Personnel Committee. Misc, 7475 By Mr. Daly IN RE: MEDICAL CARE FACILITY LEASE AND LEASE BACK AGREEMENTS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the County of Oakland and the Oakland County Building Authority have entered into a Contract Of Lease-Back dated as of August I, 1975; and WHEREAS, the County of Oakland and the Oakland County Building Authority desire to amend the Contract Of Lease-Back to provide for the deposit of capitalized interest due on July 1, 1976, January 1, 1977, and July 1, 1977 on the bonds contemplated in Paragraph 1 of the Contract of Lease- Back from bond proceeds to the bond and interest redemption fund; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Building Authority has approved the Amendment To Contract Of Lease-Back; and WHEREAS, your Committee has reviewed the Amendment To Contract Of Lease-Back, and re- commends that it be approved by this Board and that the Chairman of this Board be authorized and directed to execute said Amendment to Contract Of Lease-Back; and WHEREAS, the presentation rade to this Board on this day should be approved by this Board. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County of Oakland approves the attached Amendment To Contract Of Lease-Back to be entered into with the Oakland County Building Authority and the Chairman of this Board is hereby directed and authorized to execute the Amendment To Contract Of Lease-Back on behalf of the County of Oakland. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT OF LEASE-BACK THIS AMENDMENT to the Contract of Lease-Back is made as of January 1, 1976 by and between the Oakland County Building Authority, a building authority organized and existing under and pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 31, Public Acts of Michigan, 1948 (First Extra Session), as amended, as Lessor (herein the 'Authority"), and the County of Oakland, a Michigan county corporation, as Lessee (herein the "County"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Authority and the County have entered into a Contract Of Lease-Back as of August 1, 1975 (herein the "Contract Of Lease-Back"); and WHEREAS, the Authority and the County desire to specifically provide for a deposit of capitalized interest due July 1, 1976, January 1, 1977, and July 1, 1977 on the bonds contemplated in Paragraph 1 of the Contract Of Lease-Back from bond proceeds to the bond and interest redemption fund; Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 4, 1976 120 THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE AUTHORITY AND THE COUNTY as follows: 1. The last sentence of Paragraph 1 on Page 3 of the Contract Of Lease-Back is hereby amended to provide as follows: "Upon receipt of the proceeds of the sale of the Bonds, the Authority shall immediately deposit such proceeds in a construction fund, which shall be maintained as a separate depositary account and from which shall be paid the cost of designing, acquiring, constructing, equipping, and furnishing the Medical Care Facility; provided however, any premium and accrued interest received from the purchaser of the Bonds, and capitalized interest due on the Bonds on July 1, 1976, January 1, 1977, and July 1, 1977, shall be transferred to the bond and interest redemption fund." 2. Except as amended herein, the Contract Of Lease-Back shall, in all respects, remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Oakland County Building Authority, by its Commission, and the County of Oakland, by its Board of Commissioners, have each caused this Amendment to Contract Of Lease-Back to be signed in its name, for and on its behalf, by its duly authorized officer ,., and its Seal to be affixed thereto, as of the day and year first above written. WITNESSES: OAKLAND COUNTY BUILDING AUTHORITY By Chairman of its Commission WITNESSES: By: Secretary of its Commission COUNTY OF OAKLAND By: Chairman of Board of Commissioners By: County Clerk STATE OF MICHIGAN) ) ss, COUNTY OF OAKLAND) On this day of , 1976, before me appeared and , to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn, did each for himself say that they are respectively the Chairman and the Secretary of the Oakland County Building Authority, Oakland County, Michigan, and that the foregoing Amendment To Contract Of Lease-Back was signed by them in behalf of said Authority by authority of its Commission, and the said persons acknow- ledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Authority. Notary Public, Oakland County, Michigan My commission expires: STATE OF MICHIGAN ) ) ss. COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) On this day of 1976, before me appeared and , to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn, did each for himself say that they are respectively the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners and the County Clerk of the County of Oakland, State of Michigan, and that the foregoing Amendment To Contract Of Lease- Back was signed by them in behalf of said County by authority of its Board of Commissioners, and the said persons acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said County. Notary Public, Oakland County, Michigan My commission expires: Moved by Daly supported by Montante the resolution be adopted. AYES: Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7476 By Mr. Daly IN RE: HUGH DOHANY DRAIN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, proceedings have been taken by the Statutory Drainage Board for the construction of the Hugh Dohany Drain under the provisions of Chapter 20 of Act No. 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended, pursuant to a petition filed with the Oakland County Drain Commissioner; and WHEREAS, the said Drainage Board by resolution adopted on February 11, 1976, authorized and provided for the issuance of bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $400,000 in anticipation of the collection of an equal amount of special assessments against the City of Troy, and the County of Oakland, said special assessments having been duly confirmed by said Drainage Board; and $ 300,287.00 $ 28,000.00 $ 12,000.00 600.00 520.00 300.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 2,500.00 726.00 300.00 $ 32,000.00 $ 17,767.00 $ 400,000.00 121 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 4, 1976 WHEREAS, said bonds are to be d„-:signated Drain Bonds, are to be dated April 1, 1976, will bear interest at a rate not exceeding 8 -,1 and will be subject to redemption prior to maturity in accordance with the provisions of said resolution; and WHEREAS, said Drainage Board deems it advisable and necessary to obtain from this Board a resolution consenting to the pledge of the full faith and credit of the County on the aforesaid bonds; and WHEREAS, the said drainage project is immediately necessary to protect and preserve the public health and therefore it is in the best interest of the County of Oakland that said bonds be sold. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: I. That pursuant to the authorization provided in Section 474 of Chapter 20 of the Drain Code of 1956, as amended, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby irrevocably pledge the full faith and credit of the County of Oakland for the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the said Drain Bonds, and does agree that in the event the any public corporation assessed shall fail or neglect to account to the County Treasurer of the County of Oakland for the amount of any special assessment installment and interest, when due, then the amount thereof shall be immediately advanced from County Funds, and the County Treasurer is directed to immediately make such advancement to the extent necessary. 2. That in the event that, pursuant to said pledge of full faith and credit, the County of Oakland advances out of County Funds, all or any part of said installment and interest, it shall the duty of the County Treasurer, for and on behalf of the County of Oakland, to take all actionr, and proceedings and pursue all remedies permitted or authorized by law for the reimbursement of such sums so paid. 3. That all resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as the same may be in conflict with the provisions of this resolution be and the same hereby are rescinded. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption oI the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman DOHANY DRAIN 1. Construction 2. Engineer's Design Fee $ 23,242.00 Resident Engineer 3,155.00 Soil Borings 744.00 Soil and Material Testing 859.00 3. Inspection 4. Staking and Layout 5. Publishing Daily Tribune $ 100.00 Michigan Contractor 120.00 Michigan Investor 300,00 6. Bond Printing 7. Rights-of-Way 8, Bond Counsel 9. Financial Consultant 10, Act 347 Permit Drainage Board Meeting Costs 12. Capitalized Interest (8 x I year x $400,000) 13. Contingencies (4.65') TOTAL ESTIMATED COST Prepared by: James E. Pemberton Chief Engineer and Deputy January 28, 1976 ADOPTED: YEAS: Lennon, McDonald, hoffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper. (25) NAYS: None. (0) ABSENT: Douglas. (I) DRAINAGE DISTRICT LIMITS —PROPOSED DOHANY DRAIN r—: ][ ATHENA If SARATOGA 4 ) SAMUEL-4 RHODES RHOOES -\_____ r , I ...—AFTON BERKSHIHEj .--- 1 L Q _. itli , 7 m 117 4 Z C. cr 5 2 $.. 4.0 0 0 NORTHAMPTON w 0 PAR IS -1 I- < -7 cc BE BIG 1 BEAVER 7-= 0 1J---Z.R7OEN Lc 4 0 a D 4 cc 0 mARCUS 5 1 cc I GARRY CAMILLA T.\ /./Lu, I- 4 0 --HESTERFIELD TEADDALE I LG1-4ERRouRNE A. 1( ATLAS CT.. 4.) MAPLE ROAD Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 4, 1976 122 1 DOHANY DRAIN CITY OF TROY OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SCALE 1"=800' HUGH DOHANY DRAIN APPORTIONMENT OF COST: City of Troy 96.68% CounLy of Oakland 3.32% TOTAL 100.002 - 123 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 4, 1976 Misc. 7477 By Mr. Daly IN RE: BRENNAN DRAIN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, proceedings have been taken by the Statutory Drainage Board for the construction of the Brennan Drain under the provisions of Chapter 20 of Act No. 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended, pursuant to a petition filed with the Oakland County Drain Commissioner; and WHEREAS, the said Drainage Board by resolution adopted on February 11, 1976, authorized and provided for the issuance of bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $110,000 in anticipation of the collection of an equal amount of a special assessment against the City of Southfield, said special assessment having been duly confirmed by said Drainage Board; and WHEREAS, said bonds are to be designated Drain Bonds, are to be dated April 1, 1976, will bear interest at a rate not exceeding 87 and will not be subject to redemption prior to maturity; and WHEREAS, said Drainage Board deems it advisable and necessary to obtain from this Board a resolution consenting to the pledge of the full faith and credit of the county on the aforesaid bonds; and WHEREAS, the said drainage project is immediately necessary to protect and preserve the public health and therefore it is in the best interest of the County of Oakland that said bonds be sold. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: I. That pursuant to the authorization provided in Section 474 of Chapter 20 of the Drain Code of 1956, as amended, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby irrevocably pledge the full faith and credit of the County of Oakland for the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the said Drain Bonds, and does agree that in the event the City of Southfield shall fail or neglect to account to the County Treasurer of the County of Oakland for the amount of any special assessment installment and interest, when due, then the amount thereof shall be immediately advanced from County Funds, and the County Treasurer is directed to immediately make such advancement to the extent necessary. 2. That in the event that, pursuant to said pledge of full faith and credit, the County of Oakland advances out of County Funds, all or any part of said installment and interest, it shall be the duty of the County Treasurer, for and on behalf of the County of Oakland, to take all actions and proceedings and pursue all remedies permitted or authorized by law for the reimbursement of such sums so paid. 3. That all resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as the same may be in conflict with the provisions of this resolution be and the same hereby are rescinded. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman BRENNAN DRAIN 1. Construction S 68,532.95 2. Engineer's Design 7ee $ 6,600.00 Resident Engineer 2,500.00 Soil and Material Testing 1,000.00 $ 10,100.00 3. Inspection 6,000.00 4. Staking and Layout 600.15 5. Publishing Daily Tribune $ 100.00 Michigan Cont. and Builder 120.00 Michigan Investor 300.00 520.00 6. Bond Printing 300.00 7. Rights-of-Way $ 2,000.00 8. Bond Counsel $ 1,500.00 9. Financial Consultant $ 3,000.00 10. Act 347 Permit 270.00 11. Drainage Board Meeting Costs 300.00 12. Bond Prospectus $ 1,000.00 13. Capitalized Interest (110,000 x 87 x I yr.) $ 8,800.00 14. Contingencies (6.877) $ 7,076.90 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $ 110,000.00 Prepared by: James E. Pemberton Deputy E. Chief Engineer January 23, 1976 ADOPTED: YEAS: McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon. (24) NAYS: None. (0) ABSENT: Button, Douglas. (2) -_-1E8 MILE ROAD 11----CF12-• -1-- [ 55 1 ._ 1_ 59 1 1 II :7 5. 62 .5-7c,,.; 57.6W4-cq' . .. 1 1 1 1 m i o • DR \ --I 7. 1____I_ -Ale C•C:I'°5C) ''''''... \ 1 ‘15 ‘ v elm' E'$' . 69 \c\ 1 r et. cf- vi s 111111 70 1 1 • \ 1 50 1 0 \ ) -7 - OS • 30 56 23 EN VALLE:f • riEgil_Ell "m. N k ;1. BRENNA\ DRAIN CITY OF SOUTHFIELD OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN DRAINAGE DISTRICT MAP (_C) -Ni---L- kt-~ ,I1.. ' . \\,1•117.1.-1, IA 1214 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March, 4, 1976 SCALL I= 200' APPORTIONMENT OF COSTS CITY OF SOUTHFIELD 100n. 125 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 4, 1976 Misc. 7478 By Mr. Daly IN RE: DETROIT METROPOLITAN WATER RATES INCREASES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Detroit Metropolitan Water Board on December 15, 1975, by a four to three vote of its members, determined to raise water 39% to be effective May 1, 1976; and WHEREAS the said proposed increase in water rates appears to have no reasonable relationship to costs incurred for supplying said water and may, therefore, be unjust and inequitable; ard WHEREAS at a meeting conducted in Livonia on February 9, 1976 the representatives of some seventy communities voted to request that their respective legislative bodies pledge funds to pay for the costs that may be incurred by such legal action as may be necessary to assure that an increase in water rates shall not be implemented unless and until the aforesaid action of the Detroit Metro- politan Water Board is demonstrated to have been justified and equitable to all communities served by the water system. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland opposes the proposed water rate increase; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED in the event it becomes necessary to litigate, the Board of Commissioners does hereby pledge $2500.00 towards the costs of litigation commences prior to December 31, 1976. The Planning and Building Committee by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Moffitt the resolution be referred to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE. MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION ,i7459 - YOUTH ACTIVITY COMPLEX - SPRINGFIELD OAKS PARK To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7459 with the recommendation that the resolution be adop,,d. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman "Misc. 7459 By Mr. Daly IN RE: YOUTH ACTIVITY COMPLEX - SPRINGFIELD OAKS PARK To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS your Committee has reviewed the operation of the Youth Activity Complex; and WHEREAS a $105,000 deficit was incurred in the 1975 operation of the Complex; and WHEREAS it is anticipated a deficit will be incurred in the 1976 operation of the Complex; and WHEREAS $40,000 has been budgeted in the 1976 budget. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that an additional $10,000 be appropriated from contingency to the Youth Activity Complex budget for a total of $50,000 for 1976 for the purpose of subsidizing the operation of the Youth Activity Complex anticipated deficit. The Planning and Building Committee by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 47459 - YOUTH ACTIVITY COMPLEX - SPRINGFIELD OAKS PARK To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the sum of $10,000 available in the Contingent fund in the 1976 Oakland County Budget. Such funds to be transferred to Non-Departmental appropriation - Youth Activities Center line item, increasing this appropriation to $50,000. These funds are to be used to reimburse the Parks and Recreation Department for the costs of 4-H and other youth activities in this facility, consistent with the attached schedule. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence Pernick, Chairman Multi Purpose room $125.00 X X X 1 X X SI 000.00 $ 625.00 I X X $ 750.00 X Building Exhibit Entire and Hall Building Grounds $250.00 $300.00 $1,000. Horse Rental Charges Arena Show $100.00 $400.00 1975 1976 Club House $75.00 $75.00 X . $600.00 00.00 X Date 1-6 1-8 1-13 1-17 1-21 1-22 1-27 1-29 2-3 2-5 2-10 2-19 2-26 3-4 3-9 3-18 3-25 3-30 3-31 4-1 4-6 4-10 4-13 4-15 4-21 4-24 4-29 4-3 0 x X X X X X $ 750.00 1 $250.00 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 4, 1976 Activity Livestock Dog braining Davisburg Busy Bees Judging Meeting Quarterly Leaders Dog Training Service Club Horse Leaders Vet Science Bike Club January_' (Ten Activities Livestock Club Dog Training Busy Bees Dog Training Vet Science February(five Activities) Dog Training Busy Bees Dog Training Vet science Horse Leaders moods Leaders March (Six Activities) Dog Training Livestock Club Rabbit Seminar Busy Bees Dog Train1ng Quarterly Leaders Style Review Vet Science No Activities, but can't schedule because of 4-H April (Eight Activities) VCI Multi Building Purpose Exhibit Entire and Club Horse Rental Charges ioom Hall Building Grounds House Arena Show $125.00 $250.00 . $300.00 $1,000. $75.00 $100.00 $400.00 1975 1976 I x X $1600.001 $3300.00 X - 0 0 0 X - . In rt a 9L61 '17 LP-Jew X X X 51.0o $ 800.00 X X X X 1750.00 $250.00 $600.00 X $500.00 $300.00 4 $625.00 1 $600.00 $2,000.00' $3225.00 Date Activity Style Revue 5-1 Wolverine Riders H.S. 5-2 Livestock Club 5-4 Dog Training 5-6 leaders Horse Show 5-9 Busy Bees 5-11 Bike Workshop 5-14 Bike Workshop 5-16 Clarkston Wranglers H.S. 5-16 Dog Training 5-20 Horse Leaders Clinic 5-22 Leaders Horse Meeting 5-25 Vet Science 5-27 Straw Hats H.S. liajLALllourteen Activit.ies) Livestock Club 6-1 Dog Training 6-3 Busy Bees 6-8 Dog Training and Youth Exploration Days 6-15 Horse Leaders Meeting 6-29 June (Six Activities) Dog Training 7-1 Livestocl, Club 7-6 Counselor Training 7-8 Day Camp 7-12 Day Camp 7-13 Day Camp 7-14 Day Camp 7-15 Day Camp 7-16 Quarterly Leaders 7-21 Activity Days 7-29 Fair Set-Up 7-30 Fair Set-Up 7-31 July (Twelve Activities) $5125.00 --Y.' TOTAL Set-Up -H Fair • Fair -H Fair --H. Fair Fair --d Fair • -H 3reakdown 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-7 8-8 X rust (Fair Only) ,rturly Leaders -7cjper (One Activity) $8,000.00 10-20 $125.00 $100.00 $75.00 . $3600.00 $8,000.00 1$2400.00 00 cnI Date Activity Multi Purpose Exhibit room Hall V25,00 $2.5(Loo Building Entire and Club Horse Rental Charges Building Grounds House Arena Show $300.00 $1,000, $75,00 $100.00 $400.00 1975 1976 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 4, 1976 Co-ordinator ....C. Secretary . ,.C. Maintenance C. Depreciation Septic Tank Electric Hook-ups ;,e7erator 3-0..:nd Preparation 7-.ouseho1d Materials park Personnel Se....nd System Rental TOTAL $500.00 . Annual Pro;-rated cost $ 6,600.00 3,500.00 6,000.00 1 680.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 750.00 300.00 300.00 2,200.00 150.00 58,000.00 5 125.03 519,800.00 $17,753.00 8,7oo.00 51:S.280.00 129 Commissioners Minutes Continuee. March 4, 1976 Moved by Daly supported by Fortino the report be accepted and resolution #7459 be adopted. AYES: Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having votec therefor, the report was accepted and resolution //7459 was adopted. Misc. 74 79 By Mr. Daly IN RE: PARKS AND RECREATION MILLAGE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the one-quarter voted rillage for the Oakland County Parks and Recreation areas in Oakland County will expire after the year 1976; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has requested the question to be placed on the ballot at the May Primary Election for a continuation of the one-quarter (1/4) mill for an additional five (5) years for the purpose of improving and/or constructing suitable parks and recreation facilities: and WHEREAS, your Committee concurs in said request. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of Oakland County, Michigan, resolves as follows: That there shall be submitted to the Electors of the County of Oakland at the Primary May Election to be held on the 18th day of Ma', 1976, from 7:00 o'clock A. M. to 8:00 o'clock P. H. Eastern Standard Time, the following proposition: In order to renew the one-quarter (1/4) mill levied upon real property in Oakland County for parks and recreation purposes "Shall the constitutional tax limitation on the total amount of general ad valorem taxes which may be imposed each year for all purposes upon real and tangible personal property in Oakland County, Michigan, be increased as provided in Section 6, Article IX of the Constitution of Michigan for a period of five (5) years from 1977 to 1981, both inclusive, by one-quarter (1/4) mill, twenty- five (25t) cents per One Thousand (51,000.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation as finally equalized for the purpose of acquiring, developing, operating and maintaining parks and recreation areas in Oakland County, Michigan." That each City and Township Clerk shall give notice of the submission of the aforesaid proposition by including same in the election notice for the said Primary May Election, which notice shall contain the statement of the Oakland County Treasurer as to previously voted tax limitation increases affecting property within the County of Oakland. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Fortino the resolution be adooted. Moved by Nowak supported by Hoot the resolution be laid on the table. A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion lost. Vote on resolution: AYES: Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt. (24) NAYS: Hoot. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7480 By Mr. Daly IN RE: HIGHWAY EASEMENT RELEASE TO MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE HIGHWAYS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS with the widening of M-59, the Michigan Department of State Highways has requested that the County grant to them two easements along M-59 described as follows: That part of the following described Tract "A" lying Northerly of a line described as: Beginning at a point on the East line of Section 13, Town 3 North, Range 8 East, White Lake Township, Oakland County, Michigan, which is North 02 ° 01' 33" West 552.48 feet from the Southeast corner of said Section 13; thence South 82 0 48' 05" West 500 feet to a point of ending of said line. Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 4, 1976 130 The lands described above for highway purposes contain 0.60 acres more or less. Tract "A" is described as: Part of the Southeast Quarter (SE) of Section 13, Town 3 North, Range 8 East, White Lake Township, Oakland County, Michigan, beginning at the Southeast Section corner; thence North 598.18 feet; Westerly along South line of M-59 Highway 374.38 feet; thence South 329.80 feet; thence South 21 0 00' West to shore of lake; thence Easterly along shore line 136 feet more or less; thence South 0 0 46' East 196.63 feet; thence East 259.59 feet to the point of beginning. AND; That part of the following described Tract "A" lying Northerly of a line described as: Beginning at a point on the West line of Section e, Town 3 North, Range 9 East, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, which is North 01 58' 43" West 338.67 feet from the South- west corner of said Section 18; thence North 82 0 50' 55" East 243.46 feet; thence North 07 ° 09' 05" West 20 feet; thence North 82 ° 50' 55" East 17.81 feet to the point of curvature of a 3896.72 foot radius curve to the left; (said curve having a chord bearing North 80 ° 10' 22" East, a distance of 363.84 feet) thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve 363.96 feet to a point of ending of said line. The lands described above for highway purposes contain 0.10 acres more or less. Tract "A" is described as: Lot 15, Supervisor's Plat No. 27 of part of the Southwest Quarter (SWO of Section 18 and the Northwest Quarter (N) of Section 19, Town 3 North, Range 9 East, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Liber 55 of Plats, on Pages 41 and 41A, Oakland County Records; and WHEREAS the property is owned by the County of Oakland and leased to the Parks and Recreation Commission; and WHEREAS the Parks and Recreation Commission has recommended the approval of the easement request on February 13, 1976; and WHEREAS the easement does not interfere with the White Lake Oaks Master Plan; and WHEREAS your Committee has reviewed the consideration of the sum of $1.00 to be paid for each easement. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be and hereby authorized to execute the attached Highway Easement Release forms granting the above described easements to the Michigan Department of State Highways. The Planning and Building Committee by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE HIGHWAYS HIGHWAY EASEMENT RELEASE For and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) receipt whereof is acknowledged, the undersigned County of Oakland, a Michigan Corporation, A Michigan Constitutional Corporation, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan hereby grant and convey to the State of Michigan, whose address is Lansing, Michigan, an easement for highway purposes, in, over, and upon the parcels of land described as: That part of the following described Tract "A" lying Northerly of a line described as; Beginning at a point on the West line of Section 18, Town 3 North, Range 9 East, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, which is North 01 0 58' 43" West 338.67 feet from the Southwest corner of saidSection 18; thence North 82° 50' 55" East 243.46 feet; thence North 07 ° 09' 05" West 20 feet; thence North 82 0 50' 55" East 17.81 feet to the point of curvature of a 3896.72 foot radius curve to the left; (said curve having a chord bearing North 800 10' 22" East, a distance of 363.84 feet) thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve 363.96 feet to a point of ending of said line. The lands described above for highway purposes contain 0.10 acres more or less. Tract "A" is described as: Lot 15, Supervisor's Plat No. 27 of part of the Southwest Quarter (SW) of Section 18 and the Northwest Quarter (NW) of Section 19, Town 3 North, Range 9 East, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Liber 55 of Plats, on Pages 41 and 41A, Oakland County Records. This conveyance includes the consent of the grantors to the removal at any time of such trees, shrubs and vegetation as, in the judgment of the Michigan State Highway Commission, is necessary to the construction and maintenance of the highway, further notice to the grantors of such removal by the Michigan Department of State Highways being hereby expressly waived. The grantors covenant and agree that no trees, shrubs or vegetation shall be cut or removed from the Highway Right of Way easement by the grantors, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, without written permission by the Michigan Department of State Highways. The grantors covenant and agree for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, that no bill board, sign board, or advertising device shall be by us erected, permitted, or maintained in or upon the Right of Way as described herein. All of the above provisions are hereby declared to be perpetual covenants and shall be construed as real covenants attached to and running with the land. The undersigned mortgagee hereby releases and discharges the lands described from the mortgage lien. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our hands and seals this day of A.D. 19 76 . In presence of COUNTY OF OAKLAND, A MICHIGAN CONSTITUTIONAL CORPORATION By: (LS.) BY: (LS.) (L.S.) Job No. 02072B C/S =1 63041 Pd 1 6 964 Fed. Item # Name COUNTY OF OAKLAND STATE OF mICNICAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE HIGHWAYS For.. 639 131 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 4, 1976 IR., 5/71) HIGHWAY EASEMENT RELEASE Vor ond in consideration of the sin. 0 0)- Dollars, receipt %%hereof is at kno‘dedged. the undersigned __County—cif - eh-i T a-I r a-p h- I ae-f- herby grant and conve% to the !Nr.ite of %% Wigan. 1.:111,-.1. 111ClirreS,, is Lansing, Michigan. an easeinent For Iii4huily purposes, in. Olier. and up..in the p.wrels of land tle.,crihol That part of the following lina described as: Beginn 13, Town 3 North, Ran3e 8 nichigan, which is North 0 Southeast corner of said S 500 feet to a point of end described Tract "A" lying Northerly of a in; at a point on the East line of Section East, White Lake Township, Oakland County, 2 01' 33" West 552.48 feet from the action 13; thence South 82 ° 48 1 05" West ing of said line. The lands described above for highway purposes more or less. contain 0.60 acres Tract "A"is describ Section 13, Town 3 County, Michigan, b North 598.18 feet; feet; thence South of lake; thence Eas thence South 0 ° 46' point of beginning. ed as: Part of the Southeast Quarter (SW of Nort:), Range 8 East, White Lake Township, Oakland eginning at the Southeast Section corner; thence WeaterIy along South line of M-59Highway 374.38 329.80 feet; thence South 21 00' West to shore terly along shore line 136 feet more or less; East 196.63 feet; thence East 259.59 feet to the AfMArni441W47A.61**P9=0 1.4.*AMPA4*YriprIE*;ISTriyA4e( • . This conveyance includes the consent of the grantors to the removal at any time of such trees, shrobir end vegetation as, in the judgment of the Michigan State Highway CommissiiM, is necessary to the construc- tion end maintenance of the highwa%. further notice to the grantors of such removal by the Michigan Depart- ment of State Highways being hereby expressly waived. The grantors covenant and ogler that no trees. shruhs or veptlaliott shall he cut Of removed front the fligh,ar Hight of Way easement by the grantors, their heirs, executors, administrators, snecessors and assigns, %%About written permission I.%;. ihe Michigan Department of State Highways. The grantors covenant and rrce for themsel,e,. their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, that no bill board, !iig-ri b..arcl, or advertising dc%ice. shall he by us erected, permitted, or maintained in or upon the Hight of 11.i% as !,SC bed h erein . All of the abnve pray;sins .1;.? di-Hared to he perpetual covenants and shall be construed rv , real cosenants attached to and viinnirif.: mmi the Lind. The undersigned mortgagee hereby released and discharges the lands described from the mortgage lien. rirrNess WHEREOF. Vie hoe hereunto set our hands and seals this day of A.D. 19 In Presence of COUNTY OF OAKLAND, A MICHIGAN CONSTITUTIONAL CORPORATION BY: : (-s.) _____ .___ - --___ (L.S.) I'll.% 020737.: ._ ___. _ ( s, 7 G3 .141 l'i I -- \,,.. LOILLT_Y_ OF _OAKLAND__ _.___ i !tt Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 4, 1976 132 Moved by Daly sapported uy Simmons toe resolLtTo ,-i be adopted. AYES: Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7481 By Mr. Daly IN RE: ROAD COMMISSION ANNUAL AUDIT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Act 199 of the Public Acts of 1975 provides for an annual audit of County Road Commissions by a Certified Public Accountant selected by the County Road Commission; and WHEREAS said Act 199 further provides that the Road Commission enter into a contract with the Certified Public Accountant so selected and submit said contract to the Board of County Commissioners for confirmation; and WHEREAS the Road Commission has so entered into a contract with Plante and Moran, Certified Public Accountants and said contract has been reviewed by the Planning and Building Committee. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners confirms said contract; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the audit report shall disclose fiscal irregularities, de- falcations, misfeasance, nonfeasance, or malfeasance which come to the auditors attention; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of such audit shall be sent to the Board of County Commissioners. The Planning and Building Committee by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: 1975 AIRPORT COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee herewith transmits the Airport Committee 1975 Annual Report pursuant to provisions of Act 90, Public Act 1913, copies of said report attached. Mr. Chairman, 1 move that the Airport Committee 1975 Annual Report be received and placed on file. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supoorted by Fortino the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried, and the report was accepted .1nd placed on file. Misc. 7482 By Mr. Price IN RE: CONVERSION OF HAND GUNS IN THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the Sheriffs Department at present primarily utilizes blue steel nand guns which require periodic maintenance and continual labor to handle necessary re-bluing operations and related target range assignments; and WHEREAS, the Department of Management and 3udget and the Sheriff's Department have jointly studied and recommend conversion to stainless steel hand guns; and WHEREAS, the conversion to stainless steel hand guns will represent a savings to the County of maintenance costs; and WHEREAS, such conversion can be accomplished at a minimal initial conversion cost to the County with such cost to be borne entirely by the Sheriff's Department 1976 budget; and WHEREAS, the staff function would be modified and expanded to include, but not be limited to, the central control of all County owned weapons and related range duties. 133 Commissioners Minutes Continued, March 4, 1976 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Public Services Committee recommends that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the conversion from blue steel hand guns to stainless steel hand guns, at the Sheriff's Department. Mr. Chairman, the Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. REPORT By Mr. Price IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 4'7462 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LOANS AND GRANTS PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Ret.olut:on #7462 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted, PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman "Misc. 7462 By Mr. Price IN RE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LOANS AND GRANTS PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the County of Oakland has declared its intent to continue to be designated as an urban county and to accept the Entitlement Funds pursuant to the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974; and WHEREAS, the Grant is expected to exceed $2,900,000 in the 1976 year; and WHEREAS, the primary objective of the Act is that the applicant address themselves to the development of viable urban communities including decent housing and a suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income; and WHEREAS, there is a need for the conservation and expansion of the counties housing sto‘k ir order to provide a decent hone and a suitable living environment for all persons but principally t—lose of low and moderate income; and WHEREAS, Federal Funds are available for these purposes through the Community Development Grant; and WHEREAS, the County of Oakland wishes to address itself to these needs with a program to assist families in upgrading the housing stock; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Advisory Council recommends that $500,000 of the 1976-77 Community Development Program be used for loans and grants program for Oakland County. Of this, a minimum of 807 will be used for loans. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners establish a loans and grants program, and conduct Public Hearings, and the sum of $500,000 be designated for the purpose of funding this program. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman Moved by Price supported by Wilcox that resolution 7462 be adopted. AYES: Page, Patterson, Prinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution ,7462 was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Price IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION ti7460 - ACCEPTANCE OF THE 1976 COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT - FRIEND OF THE COURT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7460 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 4, 1976 134 "Misc. 7460 By Mr. Price IN RE: ACCEPTANCE OF THE 1976 COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT - FRIEND OF THE COURT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution 7381, 1976 Grant application was made for renewal of the Cooperative Reimbursement Program, Friend 01 the Court; and WHEREAS Grant funds in the amount of $256,496 have been awarded to the County of Oakland and required County matching funds are determined to be $4,650 in cash and $8,400 in kind services; and WHEREAS the Public Services Committee recommends that said Grant be accepted. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland hereby accepts the Grant award for the renewal of the Cooperative Reimbursement Program, Friend of the Court, for the period January 1, 1976 - December 31, 1976 in the amount of $256,496. The Public Service Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: ACCEPTANCE OF THE 1976 COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT - FRIEND OF THE COURT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the sum of $4,650 available in the Contingent fund in the 1976 Oakland County Budget. The Management and Budget Department are to bring back to the committee information on what areas the Friend of the Court 1976 Budget can be reduced so that these funds can be returned to the Contingent Account. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman For Cooperative Reimbursement Program Agreement, see pages 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 and 98. Moved by Price supported by Gabler the report be accepted and resolution •9 7460 be adopted. AYES: Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution #7460 was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Price IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 47461 - ACCEPTANCE OF THE 1976 COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution 47461 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman "Misc. 7461 By Mr. Price IN RE: ACCEPTANCE OF THE 1976 COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT - PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution !1 7382, 1976 grant application W,P, mode for renewal of the Cooperative Reimbursement Program, Prosecutor's Office; and WHEREAS, grant funds in the amount of $236,851 have been awarded to the County of Oakland and required County matching funds are determined to be $8,850 In-Kind services; and WHEREAS, the Public Services Committee, recommends the said grant award be accepted; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland hereby accepts the grant award for the renewal of the Cooperative Reimbursement Program, Prosecutor's Office for the period January 1, 1976 to December 31, 1976 in the amount of $236,851. The Public Service Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman" 135 Ccomissioners Minutes Continued. March 4, 1976 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: ACCEPTANCE OF THE 1976 COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT - PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds that no additional funds are necessary. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman For Cooperative Reimbursement Program Agreement, see pages 99, 100, 101, 102. Moved by Price supported by Montante the report be accepted and resolution 1/7461 be adopted. AYES: Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution 117461 was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Price IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION t7463 - ESTABLISHMENT OF STANDARD COST OF LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES AGREEMENT - TOWNSHIP DEPUTIES - EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1976 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7463 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman "Misc. 7463 By Mr. Price IN RE: ESTABLISHMENT OF STANDARD COST OF LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICE AGREEMENTS - TOWNSHIP DEPUTIES - EFFECTIVE JULY I, 1976 To the Oakland County Board of ,Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, it is the policy of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to permit the Sheriff's Department to enter into contracts with Townships for the purpose of providing Sheriff's Patrol Services; and WHEREAS, Miscellaneous Resolution 7335 directed the Department of Management and Budget to establish contract rates for the ensuing year and to notify Townships of the new rates by March I, 1976: and WHEREAS, it is desirable to have the standard contract period to coincide with the Town- ships' fiscal year. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the annual rate of $24,685 be established as the annual cost per patrolman for the period beginning July 1, 1976, such costs to be billed in monthly incre- ments. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the contracts be negotiated for a nine month period beginning on July 1, 1976 and ending March 31, 1977 in order to bring contract period in line with Township fiscal year. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, th)t the Department of Management and Budget hereafter develop new contract rates not later than March 1 of each year, such rates to he approvcd by tho Hoard of Commissioners prior to implementation. The Public Service Committee, by Hubert "rice, Jr., Chairman, moves 1he adoption ol thc foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 4'7463 - ESTABLISHMENT OF STANDARD COST OF LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES AGREEMENTS - TOWNSHIP DEPUTIES - EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1976 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: This is to establish standard cost for Law Enforcement Patrol Services by the Oakland County Sheriff's Department to Townships desiring such services. Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 4, 1976 136 By Miscellaneous Resolution 47335, the Board of Commissioners directed the Department of Management and Budget to establish contract rates for the ensuing year and to notify Townships of the new rate by March I, 1976. The annual rate of S24,685 has been presented as the cost of a Deputy at the base pay rate for the period of July 1, 1976 - June 30, 1977. The Finance Committee recommends the annual contract rate of $24,685 per deputy be established as the standard contract rate for Township Patrol Service. The Finance Committee wishes to inform the Board of Commissioners, that if the $23,000 rate recommended by the Public Services Committee is adopted, an additional subsidy of $37,914 will be necessary for 1976, as well as a subsidy of $18,948 for the first 3 (three) months of 1977. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report and further moves the adoption of Miscellaneous Resolution 4,7463. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman For Contract costs, see pages 104 and 105. Moved by Price supported by Pernick the report be accepted and resolution ,7463 be adopted. Moved by Olsen supported by Ounleavy the resolution be amended to adept the $23,000 rate. Moved by Wilson supported by Page to amend the amendment to substitute the rate of $26,530 instead of the $23,000 rate. Discussion followed. Mr. Nowak requested that Sheriff Spreen be allowed to address the Board. There were no objections. Sheriff Spreen yielded the floor to Lt. Carl Matheny. There were no objections. Lt. Matheny addressed the Board. Vote on the amendment to the amendment: AYES: Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Gabler, Kasper, McDonald, Page, Potterson. (101 NAYS: Perinoff, Pernick, Wilcox, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Lennon, Moffitt, Nowak, Olson. (14) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Vote on amendment AYES: Wilcox, Dearborn, Ounieavy, Houghten, Nowak, Olson. (6) MAYS: Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Page, Patterson, Perinoff. (18) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Vote on resolution: AYES: Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick. (20) NAYS: Dunleavy, Nowak, Olson. (3) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution 0463 was adopted. Moved by Lennon supported by Daly the meeting scheduled for April 1, 1976 be changed to April 8, 1976. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Misc. 7483 By Mr. Wilson IN RE: SUPPORT SENATE BtLL 863 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, Senate Bill 863, if adopted, would prohibit rate increases more than one time in any 365-day period for gas, telephone and electric utilities; and WHEREAS, the cost to the consumers of public utility services has risen at an exorbitant rate; and WHEREAS, it is particularly hard on senior citizens and those living on fixed incomes; and WHEREAS, while recognizing the need for an increase in utility rates due to the cost of wages, material, etc., such increase should be limited to once in a 365-day period. 137 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 4, 1976 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners urges the legislature to adopt Senate Bill 863. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Dana F. Wilson, District #9 The Chairman referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. Moved by Dunleavy supported by Nowak the Board adjourn to March 18, 1976 at 9:30 A. M. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Board adjourned at 2:05 P. M. Lynn D. Allen Alexander C. Perinoff Clerk Chairman 138 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING March 18, 1976 Meeting called to order by Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff at 10:05 A.M. in the Court House Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by Henry W. Hoot. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll called: PRESENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Ounleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt. Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. (26) ABSENT: None. (0) Quorum present. Moved by Houghten supported by Button the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as printed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Button supported by Montante the Supplemental Agenda be approved. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Clerk read letter from the City of Madison Heights opposing the Property Transfer Tax in Oakland, Wayne and Macomb Counties. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from Daniel T. Murphy, County Executive regarding the Veto of Miscellaneous Resolution #7468, "Merger of the Oakland County Department of Public Works and the Drain Commission". The Chairman stated the Board will take action on the Veto Message under New and Miscellaneole Business. Clerk read letter from George W. Kuhn, Drain Commissioner regarding the Pending Merger of the Department of Public Works and Drain Commission. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from the Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff regarding the appointment of Judge James S. Thorburn to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council in place and stead of Judge William Hampton. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from the Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff regarding the appointments of Henry W. Hoot and Betty J. Fortino to the Oakland County Tourist and Convention Bureau Board of Directors. (Placed on file.) The Chairman stated he had placed on the Supplemental Agenda under Communications the Summary of Road Construction and Financing Program - Presentation by Fred Harris, Chairman of the Oakland County Road Commission. Mr. Harris presented his Summary. The Chairman referred the Report with relation to the Proposed Road Program for the next 5 years to the Planning and Building Committee. There were no objections. The Chairman referred the proposed resolution for the election of County Road Commissioner to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. PFPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: COMPREHENSIVE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING PROJECT AND GRANT - TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION OF OAKLAND COUNTY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: This is the second year of a three year grant under the State Office of Highway Safety 139 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 18, 1976 Planning for the Comprehensive Traffic Engineering Project to the Traffic Improvement Association (1 IA) The TIA is a private, non-profit organization created in 1967 by a committee of public officials, businessmen and community leaders under the provisions of Act No. 327 of the Public Acts of 1 93 1 . The purpose of this independent, autonomous, self-governing organization is to promote traffic safety improvements through encouraging and supporting the traffic safety efforts of public officials, public organizations, schools and civic and business groups. The Oakland County Government has been supportive of this organization by appropriating $20,000 annually for several years. Most communities do not have financial resources available or access to free technical assistance to resolve traffic engineering problems nor do they employ trained traffic engineers. Most efforts to implement traffic engineering improvements have been un-coordinated and there is no mechanism for developing a master highway system plan on a County-wide basis. This grant of $123,800 is 6.5%, or 58,600 lower than last year. It runs from 4/1/76 to 3/30/77 and is fully funded by Federal Funds, requiring no County contributions. These funds will be used to continue to employ a full time staff and to obtain technical expertise on a consulting basis (as per attached schedule) in order to reduce Oakland County's traffic losses. Oakland County has been the prime sponsor of this grant. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, recommends the acceptance of the foregoing report. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman 8,600 132,1'00 FUUD1NG SOURCIS federal State County TOTAL 13 2,400 173,800 -o- -0- -0- -0- 123,800 8,600 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 18, 1976 COMPRI III 'I', I Ur 1 RF I:IC I IP; I MI- ['RING Voriance Variance ist Year 2nd Year in lavorable SAIARITS Po..ilioni; '11//:11 /76_ 4/76-4/71. Prisitionl. Allnidvoral1 Project Manager 1 1t,000 20,000 0 (2,000) Assistant Manager 1 14,000 16,000 0 (2,000) Sccrctary 1 7 000 -0- (I) 7 ,000 Total Salary 3 39,000 36,000 (1 ) 3,000 Add: Fringe Benefits 3 ,90(10/) 7 000(19X) . L____ (3,100) (A) ToIal Salary n Fringe Renotits 3 42,900 43,000 (100) 1 110 (11HIT 0PU1(ATI0G TXPIN'F; Coq i LI I r Prograi Conference', E Training Dola Lquipment Rentdl Tvaluation Office 1:quipment Office Supplies Postage Printing & Reproduction Public Support Technical Support Telephone Transportation Indirect Costs Total Operating 1 ,,000 /,"i00 /,500 2,00n 3,000 (1,000) 10,',00 10,!,00 2,400 500 1,900 (o) 20,000 -0- 20,000 600 4,8on (4,200)(u) 1,000 1,000 -0- 800 800 -0- 10,000 5,000 5,000 10,500 14,000 (3,500) (c) 3,50o 30,000 (76,500) (0) 1,200 1,700 -0- 7,000 3,000 (1,000) io on lo ono , -o- n9 500 80 Soo n 7oo TOTAL 132 400(6,W1173,800 8 Goo _ A. TlA Board of Directors arc expected to approve new Fringe Benefit Packago, B. Per stiqqw,tion of Offic, or 11101voy SAtoly Planning Auditor, Ism Memory Typewriter will be purchased insroad ul continuing monthly lease payments, C. Increased assistance of writers, public relations specialists and graphic artists to be employed in production and distribution of news releases, presentations, etc. necessary to the development of public support. O. Increase reflects unplanned extensive involvement of Wayne State University in implementation phase. Original plan called for Wayne State University work only in evaluation. Prepared by: Budget Division March 1, 1976 141 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 18, 1976 Moved by Pernick supported by Button the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Chairman referred the report to the Planning and Building Committee. There were no obect ions. REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: 2ND YEAR APPLICATION FOR THE OAKLAND COUNTY JAIL INMATE REHABILITATION PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed the 2nd year Jail Inmate Rehabilitation Program Grant application. This grant covers the 15 month period of July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1977 in order to bring its funding in line with the states fiscal year. This grant application consists of nine (9) positions, no additional staff over 1975. The total program requirement for the 15 month grant period is $215,367. This is $52,367 or 327 higher than the first year funding (12 months). The funding requirements for the 15 months are as follows: 12 Months 3 Months Total 7/76 - 6/77 7/77 - 9/77 15 Months Cash County 17,268 (10:) 21,341 (50) 38,609 Federal 155,417 (90%) 21,341 (502) 176,758 TOTAL 172,685 (10T) 42,682 (100%) 2l5,36T Acceptance of this additional 3 month funding at the third year contribution rate of 50. County and 50% Federal funding is not to be interpreted as a commitment by Oakland County to continue this program for a third year. In the third year of the program, the County's contribution will be increased to 50. funding for a 12 month period, or approximately $86,343. Federal funds will supply the other 50%. Acceptance of a third year commitment carries a mandatory agreement to continue the program for a fourth year at 100% County expense, Or approximately 5172,685, as indicated in the following schedule: 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 7/1/76 - 9/30/77 10/1/77 - 9/30/78 10/1/78 - 9/30/79 Cash County 38,609 (10 - 50?) 86,343 (50) 172,685 (1005 ) Federal 1 76,758 (90 - 50i) 86,342 (50%) - - TOTAL PROGRAM 215,367 (1001 172,685 (1001 172,685 (10R) The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report; further, that this grant application be referred to the Public Services Committee. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Button the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Mr. Roth vote 'no'. The Chairman referred the report to the Public Services Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7484 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: THREE MONTH EXTENSION ON FUNDING FOR BACKUP COMPUTER To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution 1/7385, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners transferred $120,440 of equipment rental charges to the Contingency Account for the last nine months of 1976 in order to further review programs; and WHEREAS an additional time of three months is needed to study and review these programs; and WHEREAS an amount of $40,140 is necessary to fund the backup computer for an additional three months. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that your Finance Comaittee recommends that the backup computer be leased for an additional three months and that the $40,140 necessary for funding be transferred from the Contingency Account to the Data Processing lire item in the appropriate depart- ments. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMM1kTfi Lawrence R. rollick, Chaiiman Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the resolntion be adopted. AYES; Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, For Gabler, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinolf, Pernick, Price. (24) NAYS: Hoot. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted, Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 18, 1976 142 REPORT By Mr. Button IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION ,7464 - ADVISORY VOTE ON FORCED BUSING To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee reports Miscellaneous Resolution 17464 with the recommen- dation that said resolution be adopted. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman "Misc. 7464 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: ADVISORY VOTE ON QUESTION OF FORCED BUSING To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the electorate has not been allowed to express its opinion, by ballot, on the question of forced busing; and WHEREAS forced busing has been a concern of the parents of most, if not all children of school age; and WHEREAS a County-wide advisory vote should be allowed to determine the opinion of the voters. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that an Advisory Question be placed on the ballot at the Primary Election held on August 3, 1976, the advisory question to read: "SHALL THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: NO PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENT SHALL, BECAUSE OF HIS RACE, CREED OR COLOR, BE ASSIGNED TO OR REQUIRED TO ATTEND A PARTICULAR SCHOOL." YES NO Li Mr. Chairman, we move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Betty J. Fortino, Commissioner - District 55 Patrick K. Daly, Commissioner - District #4 Dana F. Wilson, Commissioner - District #9" Moved by Button supported by Fortino the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Button supported by Fortino that resolution 71464 be adopted. Discussion followed. Mr. Perinoff requested that Richard Condit, Attorney, be allowed to address the Board. Mr. Olson objected. Discussion followed. The Chairman called for a vote on the objection to allow Richard Condit to speak to the Board. The vote was as follows: AYES: Wilson, Olson. (2) NAYS: Simmons, Wilcox, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth. (24) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the objection was not sustained. Mr. Condit addressed the Board. Discussion followed. Moved by Page supported by Houghten the resolution be laid on the table. AYES: Aaron, Gabler, Houghten, McDonald, Page, Patterson, Price. (7) NAYS: Wilcox, Wilson, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Lennon, Moffitt, Montante, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Simmons. (17) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Discussion followed. The Chairman vacated the Chair. The Vice Chairman took the Chair. 143 Comm+ss ioners Minutes Continued. March 18, 1976 Discussion followed, Moved by Pernick supported by Button the resolution be amended in the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph, the date be changed to read the Presidential Primary Election held on May 18, 1976'. Vote on amendment: AYES: Aaron, Button, Dearborn, Douglas, Gabler, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox. (15) NAYS: Wilson, Daly, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Montante, Olson, Price. (9) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Mr. Lennon requested that Mr. Claude Williams from the Waterford National Action Group be allowed to address the Board. There were no objections. Mr. Williams addressed the Board. Discussion followed. Vote on resolution, as amended: AYES: Button, Daly, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Lennon, Montante, Olson, Page, Pernick, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. (16) NAYS: Aaron, Dearborn, Gabler, McDonald, Moffitt, Patterson, Perinoff, Price. (8) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution as amended was adopted. The Chairman returned to the Chai-. REPORT By Mr. Button IN PE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7465 - OPPOSITION TO HOUSE BILL 4234, LAND USE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioner., Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee reports Miscellaneous Resolution ,17465 with the recommen- dation that said resolution be adopted. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7465 - OPPOSITION TO HOUSE BILL 4234 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioner, Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee report', Miscellaneous Resolution 0465 with a recommen- dation that said resolution be supported. The Planning and Building Cominittee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman "Misc. 7465 By Mr. Dunleavy IN RE: OPPOSITION TO HOUSE BILL 4234 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS House Bill 4234, the Land Use Bill, would remove local control over planning, zoning and use of lands; and WHEREAS the local units of governnent are better able to determine the needs and uses of land in their respective areas; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners should oppose House Bill 4234 as a further erosion of local control. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners urges the Legislature to defeat House Bill 4234. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. James W. Dun leavy, Commissioner - District #2 rred D. Houghten, Joseph R. Montante, John J. McDonald, Patrick M. Nowak, Lillian V. Moffitt, Henry W. Hoot, Richard R. Wilcox, On F. Wilson, Niles E. Olson, Howard R. Simmons, Paul E. Kasper" Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 18, 1976 144 Moved by Button supported by Daly the report be accepted. Moved by Pernick supported by Button the resolution be referred to the Planning and Building Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7485 By Mr. Button IN RE: SUPPORT OF HOUSE BILL 5685 - REINSTATEMENT OF DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS' AFFAIRS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS proposed legislation as contained in House Bill 5685 would permit the reinstatement of the County Department of Veterans Affairs, which was abolished under provisions of Act 139, P. A. 1973; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends support of House Bill 5685 as being in the best interests of the County of Oakland and those who are eligible to receive benefits from the Veterans' Affairs Office. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland hereby supports House Bill 5685 and so recommends to the County Legislators. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of the foregoing resolution be forwarded to the County Legislators and the County Legislative Agent. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman Moved by Button supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7486 By Mr. Button IN RE: OPPOSITION TO SENATE BILL 181 AND SENATE BILL 1259, WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS there exists before the State Legislature certain pending legislation, specifically Senate Bills 181 and 1259 to change the current workers compensation laws; and WHEREAS the adoption of such legislation on a wholesale or piecemeal basis would have a substantial adverse effect on the business climate and the future of the jobs of the working men and women of this State; and WHEREAS the residents, employees and employers of this County have a substantial and continuing interest in fair and reasonable workers compensation benefits and costs; and WHEREAS the current system is fraught with abuses which deprive legitimate claimants of reasonable benefits. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners oppose the passage of Senate Bill 181 and Senate Bill 1259 or similar legislation until it addresses itself to the problem of correction of the abuses in the current system. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Legislature take positive legislative action immediately to correct the current abuses in the present system. Mr. Chairman, the General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resoltuion. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A, Button, Chairman Moved by Button supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. Moved by Page supported by Gabler the resolution be amended in the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph by inserting the wards after Board of Commissioners, 'urge the Legislature to oppose the passage of Senate Bill 181 and Senate Bill 1259 or similar legislation until it addresses itself to the problem of correction of the abuses in the current system'. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on resolution, as amended: AYES: Button, Daly, Douglas, Ounleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution as amended, was adopted. 145 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 18, 1976 Misc. 7487 By Mr. Button IN RE: OPPOSITION TO HOUSE BILL 6010, TAX BASE SHARING To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS proposed legislation as contained in House Bill 6010 would provide for the re- distribution of a portion of business and industrial property tax revenue among all local govern- mental units in the metropolitan area and would result in tax revenue in one community being used to support services in another; and WHEREAS tax base sharing with another municipality would create additional budgetary problems for local governments already adversely affected by inflation; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends opposition to House Bill 6010 as not being in the best interests of the County of Oakland. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland hereby opposes House Bill 6010 and so recommends to the County Legislators. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of the foregoing resolution be forwarded to the County Legislators and the County Legislative Agent. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman Moved by Button supported by Page the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7439 - AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS ON THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN OF THE CHILDREN'S VILLAGE SCHOOL To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7439 with the recommendation that the resolution not be adopted. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman "Misc. 7439 By Mr. Daly IN RE: AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS ON THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN OF THE CHILDREN'S VILLAGE SCHOOL To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners has approved the initiation of the design and con- struction of a new school facility at Children's Village; and WHEREAS this Committee has determined that the best interests of the County would be served if qualified architects are requested to submit bids for architectural services for this project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Facilities Engineering Division of the Department of Central Services be and is hereby authorized to receive bids from architectural firms for the pre- paration of design drawings for the proposed Children's Village School. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman" Moved by Daly supported by Pernick the report be accepted. A safficienr majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Daly supported by Roth that resolution #7439 not be adopted. AYES: Patterson, Price. (2) NAYS: Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button.. (20) PASS: Houghten. (1) ABSTAIN: Gabler. (1) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, resolution #7439 was not adopted. The reason for Miscellaneous Resolution b7439 not being adopted, the County is using a different procedure in the selection of architects and engineers known as the Brooks Plan. Commissioners Minutes Continued. March iB, 1976 146 Misc. 7488 By Mr. Daly IN RE: SELECTION OF ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS your Planning and Building Committee has reviewed the available methods of selecting architects and engineers, for County building projects; and WHEREAS the Federal Government has adopted a policy and procedure for obtaining such services by enacting Public Law 92-582, also known as the Brooks Bill; and WHEREAS several States have also enacted similar laws for obtaining such services; and WHEREAS your Committee has determined that Oakland County would benefit by adopting this type of selection process. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners hereby declares it to be the policy of Oakland County to publicly announce all requirements for architectural and engineering services, and to negotiate contracts For architectural and engineering services on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualification for the type of professional services required and at fair and reasonable prices. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the attached procedure shall be used for implementation of such Plan. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE - DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION SELECTION OF ARCHITECT/ENGINEER SERVICES PROPOSED PROCEDURE March 8, 1976 On all capital projects requiring the services of architects and/or engineers for which the estimated design fee exceeds 510,000, the following procedure will be used in selecting the firm (!_.) to be retained by the County. (I) An announcement will be published in the newspaper(s) used by the Board of Commissioners for publication of their minutes, stating that the Board of Commissioners (or other County agency, commission, committee, etc.) will be retaining an architectural and/or engineering firm to provide design services for a specific project. The announcement will include a brief description of the project, estimated construction cost, the criteria that will be used for selecting the design firm and the procedure to be used by the design firm to apply for consideration for the contract for the project. The announcement will be approved by the committee of the Board of Commissioners responsible for the project prior to publication. In addition, announcements shall be mailed on each occasion to all firms who have requested such notification within the last 12 months. (2) Firms applying for consideration will be required to complete a standard questionnaire (copy attached) which will be the basis of the initial screening of the firms' qualifications for the design contract for the project. (3) A selection committee consisting of one person representing the proposed user of the project, one person representing the County agency responsible for the design and construction of the facility, one person representing architects (if an architectural contract) or engineers (if an engineering contract) or both and who are not eligible for consideration for design services on the project. Other persons can be appointed to the committee ;f the selection committee members believe additional input or assistance is needed to evaluate the firms being reviewed. The makeup of the selection committee must be confirmed by the Planning and Building Committee. (4) The selection committee will evaluate the firms by reviewing the data submitted aqain ,,i the project design criteria and select no less than three firms in order of preference, deemed to be most highly qualified to perform the required services. (5) The County agency responsible for the design and construction of the project will prepare a list of the proposed scope of services to be performed and review the proposed services with the three firms selected. The County agency can then either negotiate a contract with the most qualified firm for professional services at a compensation which the agency determines is fair, competitive and reasonable. Should the agency be unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the firm considered to be the most qualified, at a price the agency determines to be fair, competitive and reasonable, negotiations with that firm shall he formally terminated. The agency shall then undertake negotiations with the second most qualified firm. Failing accord with the second most qualified firm, the agency shall terminate negotiations. The agency shall then undertake negotiations with the third most qualified firm. Should the agency be unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with any of the selected firms, the agency shall select additional firms in order of their competence and qualification and continue negotiations in accordance with this section until an agreement is reached. An alternate method, if the agency determines that the firms are equally qualified, would be to ask for price proposals and select the firm submitting the lowest estimated fees. (6) The firm selected and estimated contract cost will be submitted to the committee of the Board of Commissioners responsible for the project for approval and forwarding to the full Board of Commissioners for approval. DATE SIGNED TITLE 147 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 18, 1976 OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE - DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION - ARCHITECT'S QUESTIONNAIRE - 1. Name of Firm 2. Business Address and Telephone No.: Address State Zip Code City 3. /4. 5. professional Telephone No. Contact Person Type of Organization (Check One) Individual Corporation Partnership Other Established Year State Name and qualifications of key persons proposed to be assigned to this project, i.e., history, profession affiliation, past experience for project proposed, education, etc. 6. Number of Personnel in Your Present Organization A. Registered Professionals B. Other Professionals C. Other TOTAL 7. Does your firm have Professional Liability Insurance: YES NO A. Total amount of protection provided: B. Amount of Deductible: C. In the last five years has your firm or your insurance carrier been required to pay claims under your policy: (if yes, provide information on dates, circumstances, and amounts paid): 8. Has your firm been involved in any of the following areas on recent projects: Detailed Cost Estimating Life Cycle Cost Analysis Value Engineering Construction Management Energy Usage Calculations (if yes for any of the above, provide information on at least one project, its owner, and what specifically was done for each yes answer): 9. Complete attached form showing present activities on which your firm is designated architect of record. 10. List any comments you have on Oakland County's criteria and requirements on architectural services for this project. 148 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 18, 1976 , 7 Z E. M , M I 0 , V M m M 0 N , M V Z M , , v t- M- 0 , , n v. , 0 u. , .-Z- _ m ..,, o z 2 0 — n , r T -4 _ o C a , _ = 17 _ , 0 , , -1 _ u , nn r It. , it) 0 , - Z 7 › n V 0 - 0 m M 7 . , , 0 C M M C 0 0 , - 0 m , 7 m 7 , n 0 r. , n -, n t. , — n 0 1 I F.: 7. 1 ',- 6 I ____.— Moved by Daly supported by Dearborn the resolution be adopted. AYES: Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly. (24) NAYS: None. (0) PASS: Page. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. 149 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 18, 1976 REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7478 - DETROIT METROPOLITAN WATER RATES INCREASES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7478 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman "Misc. 7478 By Mr. Daly IN RE: DETROIT METROPOLITAN WATER RATES INCREASES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Detroit Metropolitan Water Board on December 15, 1975, by a four to three vote of its members, determined to raise water 39; to be effective May 1, 1976; and WHEREAS the said proposed increase in water rates appears to have no reasonable relationship to costs incurred for supplying said water and may, therefore, be unjust and inequitable; and WHEREAS at a meeting conducted in Livonia on February 9, 1976 the representatives of some seventy communities voted to request that their respective legislative bodies pledge funds to pay for the costs that may be incurred by such legal action as may be necessary to assure that an increase in water rates shall not be implemented unless and until the aforesaid action of the Detroit Metropolitan Water Board is demonstrated to have been justified and equitable to all communities served by the water system. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland opposes the proposed water rate increase; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED in the event it becomes necessary to litigate, the Board of Commis- sioners does hereby pledge $2500.00 towards the costs of litigation commences prior to December 31, 1976. The Planning and Building Committee by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RE -SOLUTION #7478 - DETROIT METROPOLITAN WATER RATES INCREASES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the sum of $2,500 available in the Contingent fund in the 1976 Oakland County Budget. Said funds to be transferred to a Non- Departmental line item - Water Rates Litigation Fees. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Roth that resolution #7478 be adopted. AYES: Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn. (22) NAYS: Wilcox. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution #7478 was adopted. The Chairman stated he would like to deviate from the Agenda at this time and take up the matter of the Veto Message. Mr. Gabler objected. Moved by Pernick supported by Fortino the Agenda be amended so we can consider the question of the over-ride of the Executive's Veto of Miscellaneous Resolution fi7468. AYES: Dun leavy The roll call was interrupted. A new roll call was ordered. AYES: Fortino, Lennon, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Wilcox, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas. (11) NAYS: Gabler, Hoot, Noughten, Ka,per, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Price, Simmons, Wilson, Dunteavy. (14) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 18, 1976 150 Moved by Daly supported by Nowak that Miscellaneous Resolution #7489 - CHANGE NAME OF THE NORTHERN PORTION OF THE PRESENT COMMERCE LAKE TO "NORTH COMMERCE LAKE" and Miscellaneous Resolution 117490 - CHANGE NAME OF THE SOUTHERN PORTION OF THE PRESENT COMMERCE LAKE TO "SOUTH COMMERCE LAKE" be laid on the table and the Public Hearing be held at 10:00 A.M. at the Board of Commissioner's meeting on April 13, 1976 and I further move the Notice of such Hearing be published 7 days prior to April 13, 1976 in the Spinal Column. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Misc. 7491 By Mr. Daly IN RE: APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR AUDITORIUM IMPROVEMENTS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS your Committee has reviewed proposals for renovating certain areas of the Commis- sioner's Auditorium, as shown on the attached sketch; and WHEREAS such improvements will include the renovation of Committee Room "A", thereby providing for the availability of two (2) adequate meeting rooms; and WHEREAS such improvements will provide for the centralization of the Commissioner's clerical staff. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that $12,000.00 be and is hereby allocated to the Department of Central Services to perform the necessary Auditorium improvements, as per the attached cost estimates. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE - DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION AUDITORIUM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 74-25 REVISED MARCH II, 1976 Furniture - $ 3,875 Storage Cabinets - $ 1,200 Alterations $ 4,900 SUB-TOTAL $ 9,975 Carpeting - Committee Room "A" $ 1,500 Visual Idea Center - S 525 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 12,000 7;7-; .7-) - . • • I r. • 1 .1 .H .i .7 -7 .._-.--- -, .1 • . i '' \ 1 1 _\ L Y./ DO(.2 C? , r • ; b Lt. ei r( IS1 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 18, 1176 Lii0 7 cR Piro q/E/4 s, . . r-)" Y-1.1 I .1 1 ; . f ;/.- 1 _ • J f LI= //I ._20 • COMANTT EE CL ERK (NEW OcF/CE) "—I . • CONFERENCE ROOM (WO Ci4ANGE) • / ;15 - • Commissioners Minutes Continued, March 18, 1976 152 Moved by Daly supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7492 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT 6th PLATOON SHIFT PREMIUM GRIEVANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS a Special Platoon was established in the Sheriff Department on July 26, 1974 utilizing incumbent employees from other shifts in order to provide additional patrol coverage during evening hours; and WHEREAS this Special Platoon was eliminated on July 16, 1975; and WHEREAS a grievance was filed by the Union representing the officers on the Special Platoon alleging that the Special Platoon was a permanent afternoon assignment and did not rotate as did other Sheriff Department Platoons; and WHEREAS the grievance alleges that under the labor contract which incorporates Merit System Rule 2, Section IX, the officers on the Special Platoon are entitled to Night Shift Premium for the period worked on the Special Platoon; and WHEREAS the total grievance claim for the period the Platoon was in existence is estimated to be $3,449; and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed the matter and has determined that it is most appropriate to settle the grievance with the Union rather than advancing the grievance through arbitration; and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee also reports to the Board that it has the assurance of the Sheriff Department that no units will be formed that will qualify for permanent shift differential without prior approval of the Board of Commissioners, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the grievance filed by Local 1445 alleging entitlement to shift differential payment for hours worked by officers on the Special Platoon during the period July 26, 1974 through July 16, 1975 be settled for an amount not to exceed $3,449. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Mr. Aaron requested the resolution be referred to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7493 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: SHERIFF DEPARTMENT SERGEANT'S OVERTIME GRIEVANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Budget Division, in carrying out their responsibility to monitor and control overtime expenditures, notified the Sheriff Department, on September 11, 1975, that overtime would no longer be approved for Corporals or Sergeants for either roll call or reviewing of reports; and WHEREAS the Sheriff Department had scheduling problems they did not feel could be immediately solved and which were complicated by issues involving Corporals and Sergeants then in contract , arbitration; and WHEREAS the Sheriff Department notified the employees on September 11 that they no longer would be paid for overtime involving roll call or reviewing reports but permitted them to work while the Department worked with scheduling problems to resolve the conflict; and WHEREAS the practice of Sergeants and Corporals working overtime for roll call and to review reports was ceased in January, 1976 upon implementation of schedule changes; and WHEREAS the Union representing the Corporals and Sergeants filed a grievance claiming payment for overtime worked on roll call and reviewing reports during the period of September 11, 1975 and January I, 1976, such claim estimated to be $3,305; and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed the matter and has determined that it is most appropriate to settle the grievance with the Union rather than advancing the grievance through arbitration; and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee also reports to the Board that it has the assurance of the Sheriff Department that this type of overtime liability will not occur in the future; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the grievance filed by Local 1445 alleging entitlement to payment for overtime worked for roll call and reviewing reports during the period September 11, 1975 and January 1, 1976 be settled for an amount not to exceed $3,305. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. 153 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 18, 1976 Misc. 7494 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: APPROVE NEW CLASSIFICATION AND RECLASSIFY POSITIONS IN HEALTH DEPARTMENT FOR BREAST CANCER SCREENING PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioner-, Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS this Board on March 4, 1976 passed Resolution 47451 which approved a Breast Cancer Screening Program to be funded through certain Screening Program income and utilization of existing Health Division budgeted and C.E.T.A. posh inns; and WHEREAS the establishment of a flee classification and certain position classification changes are necessary to permit the hiring of the appropriate Breast Cancer Screening Program staff; and WHEREAS the changes recommended in this resolution fall within the funding provided in Resolution #7451 and do not require an increase in budgeted funds; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following classification and salary range be established: BASE 1 YEAR 2 YEAR COMMUNITY HEALTH EDUCATOR 1T7E4 13,585 -11-74-5- and that the following Health Division positions be reclassified: NUMBER PRESENT FUNDING FROM TO -1 C.E.T.A. Typist I Clerk II 1 C.E.T.A. Auxiliary Health Worker Public Health Nurse II I C.E.T.A. Auxiliary Health Worker X-ray Technologist I Budgeted Auxiliary Health Worker Community Health Educator The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Montante the resolution be adopted. AYES: Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, tiontante, Nowak, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Aaron IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7474 - RE: SUMMER EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM POLICY FOR 1976 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7474 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman "Misc. 7474 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: SUMMER EMPLOYMENT POLICY FOR 1976 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS the County has traditionally used a summer work force of students earning money toward furthering their education to do seasonal work such as grounds care, staffing Parks and Recreation programs, substituting for regular employees on vacation and carrying out routine projects accumulated during the year to be done by lower cost summer employees; and WHEREAS it is important that students in the County be made aware of the County's summer employment program; and WHEREAS the salaries portion of the 1976 County Budget has $200,000 earmarked for this program which, in 1975, had 292 positions in twenty classifications spread throughout County depart- mental operations at a cost of $195,455 in budgeted funds, and $146,440 in funds from other sources, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that in order to facilitate the effective and orderly implemen- tation of the Summer Employment Program, that the County: 1. Publish notices for County summer jobs in a manner to assure that the total County is covered, specific publications and placement of notices to be at the discretion of the Personnel Department; 2. Post notices of summer job openings in the universities and colleges located within the County; 3. Eliminate the lottery system in order to facilitate the filling of summer jobs; FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that applicants for summer jobs must be residents of Oakland County. Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 18, 1976 154 The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL CfMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Fortino that resolution #7414 be adopted. Moved by Aaron supported by Fortino the resolution be amended in the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph to read after the word 'County': 1. It shall be the policy of the 1976 summer employment program that all summer employees shall be chosen by lot. 2. The Personnel Department shall establish job descriptions for each classification and shall advertise said jobs in a manner to be set by the Personnel Comnittee. 3. The Personnel Department shall review each application to see that the applicant possesses the stated written qualifications for the summer job. 4. The Chairman of the Personnel Committee shall appoint three members of that Connitlee to an "Ad Hoc Summer Employment Committee" and which Ad Hoc Committee shall: A. Review the applications which have been rejected by the Personnel Department as not containing the necessary qualifications for the job and determine the correctness of same. B. Conduct the actual drawings by lot for each job classification. 5. The Ad Hoc Committee shall draw lots equal to 125% of the available job openings. The 25% excess of each classification drawn shall be notified that they are on a "waiting list" and shall be used to fill job slots for those who do not accept the summer job or who resign before the program is completed. In the event that the "waiting list" is exhausted, the Personnel Department shall have the sole right to assign summer employment jobs. Mr. Wilcox objected. The Chairman stated the amendment changes the whole concept of the Resolved portion of the resolution and the Board should not act on this matter, but table it to the next meeting. The Chairman requested that copies of the amendment be made and distributed to all Commis- sioners and the matter be taken up under New and Miscellaneous Business. Discussion followed. The Chairman ruled the amendment improper. Moved by Button ..,upported by Fortino the resolution be amended in the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED pJrigraph by ch,inying Item 223 to read "Eliminate the lottery System in relation to all k)bs other than thoic of 1.1horrr and cloi for fillinn of summer jobs.' Mr, Fhin10,1v.,. ,nn.,.1 ion. Mr. Pounias seconded the tragic'''. Voro on amendment. P!FS: Lennon. Perinwf, Pernick, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino. (8) NAYS: Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Dcw,laN Dullvnvy, r,ablor, root, Flounhten. (7) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Vote on resolution: AYES: Lenron, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak. Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper. (23) NAYS: Button, Fortino. (2) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution t'i72.474 was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Price IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION .1 7482 - CONVERSION OF HAND GUNS IN THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7482 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman "Misc. 7482 By Mr. Price IN RE: CONVERSION OF HAND GUNS IN THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Sheriff's Department at present primarily utilizes blue steel hand guns which require periodic maintenance and continual labor to handle necessary re-bluing operations and related target range assignments; and 155 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 18, 1976 WHEREAS the Department of Management and Budget and the Sheriff's Department have jointly studied and recommend conversion to stainless steel hand guns; and WHEREAS the conversion to stainless steel hand guns will represent a savings to the County of maintenance costs; and WHEREAS such conversion can he accomplished at a minimal initill conversion cost to the County with such cost to be borne entirely by the Sheriff's Department 1976 budget; and WHEREAS the staff function would be modified and expanded to include, but not he limited to, the central control of all County owned weapons and related range duties. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Public Services Committee recommends that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the conversion from blue steel hand guns to stainless steel hand guns, at the Sheriff's Department. Mr. Chairman, the Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7842 - CONVERSION OF BLUE STEEL HAND GUNS TO STAINLESS STEEL HAND GUNS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board the Finance Committee finds the total sum of $5,327 is available in the 1976 Sheriff Department Budget in the following line items: Net Travel and Converence - $ 3,000 Deputy Supplies - $ 1,000 Capital Outlay - $ 1,327 $ 5,327 FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Price supported by Daly that resolution #7842 be adopted. AYES: Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Gabler. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution 117482 was adopted. Misc. 7495 By Mr. Price IN RE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LOANS AND GRANTS PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland has declared its intent to continue to be designated as an urban county and to accept the Entitlement Funds pursuant to the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974; and WHEREAS the Grant is expected to exceed $2,900,000 in the 1976 year; and WHEREAS the primary objective of the Act is that the applicant address themselves to the development of viable urban communities including decent housing and a suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities, principally fur persons of low and moderate income, and WHEREAS there is a need for the conservation and expansion of the counties housing stock in order to provide a decent home and a suitable living environment for all persons but principally those of low and moderate income; and WHEREAS Federal Funds are available for these purposes through the Community Development Grant; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland wishes to address itself to these needs with a program to assist families in upgrading the housing stock; and WHEREAS the Community Development Advisory Council recommends that S500,000 of the 1976 -77 Community Development Program be used for loans and grants program for Oakland County. Of this, a minimum of 8ca will be used for loans. WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Cormlissioners has establishud a loans and granIs program, and the sum of $500,000 has been designated to fund the program. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED pursuant to Resolution No. 7462 that public hearings will be held by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on April 8th, 1976 and April 13th, 1976 at ten o'clock in the A.M. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 18, 1976 156 Moved by Price supported by Button the resolution be adopted. Moved by Price supported by Button the resolution be amended in the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph to read "that Public Hearings will be held by the Public Services Committee on April 6, 1976 and April 8, 1976 at 10:00 o'clock A.M. and Notices of Hearing be published in the Oakland Press and Daily Tributne". A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on resolution, as amended: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution as amended was adopted. Misc. 7496 By Mr. Price IN RE: HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP SHERIFFS PATROL CONTRACT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS it is the policy of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to permit the Sheriff's Department to enter into contract with townships for the purpose of Sheriff's patrol services; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7335 established Township sheriff's patrol service contracts at a uniform second-year rate of $19,571.00 from the time period through June 30, 1976; and WHEREAS the Township of Highland is desirous of entering into a new contract for one additional patrolman at the second-year rate of $19,571.00; and WHEREAS said contract will be, in part, supported by Highland Township's C.E.T.A. Title VI funds in the amount not to exceed S3,125.00 which will be forfeited to the County by the Township. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the Highland Township Sheriff's Patrol contract consistent with the attached budget. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman Annual Rate Per Patrolman Miss. F.es. #7335 11/22/75 10 ,E71 $1,041.68 $589.23 81,830.92 0-1 cx re V 7 • 0 0 a) 0 U, .— E E Lc% 0 Monthly Charge Per Patrolman CTTA T=57-11.1-' TOTAL $3,125 $1,768 3 Tu-su, CETA TOwn:raP Number of ' Months of Contracted Service MsuLtmmContraot Amount LAW ECORCEMOT AGREMNT. Scheule of Contract Costs HIMMAND TWP. (GoVernmental Unit) Number of Total Monthly Patrolmen• Billing (MTA) OUEMZ17) CETA TOWNSHIP TOTAL 1 $1,041.66 $589.26 $1,630.92 158 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 18, 1976 Moved by Price supported by Dunleavy the resolution be adopted. AYES: Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Page, Patterson Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Moved by Pernick supported by Daly to receive the County Executive's Veto Message on Resolution #7468 for study and schedule action on the veto as a special order of business for April 13, 1976 at 10:00 A.A. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Mr. Nowak appealed the decision of the Chair. The Chairman stated that those in favor of reversing the decision of the Chair say 'aye' and those in favor of sustaining the Chair, say 'nay'. The vote was as follows: AYES: McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Simmons, Wilson, Dunieavy, Gabler, Houghten, Kasper. (12) NAYS: Lennon, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino, Hoot. (12) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the decision of the Chair was sustained. Misc. 7497 By Mr. Button IN RE: SUPPORT FOR PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EFFORTS TO OBTAIN GOVERNOR'S SUPPORT FOR MILEAGE PROPOSAL To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the millage supporting the development and operation of the park system administered by the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission is up for renewal this year; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners has indicated some measure of support by their action of placing the question of millage renewal on the ballot of the upcoming Presidential Primary; and WHEREAS the Parks and Recreation Commission has indicated a desire to have the assistance of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners in seeking support from the Governor for the millage proposal. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby does support the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission in their effort to obtain the support of the Governor for the millage proposal. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the support of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be communicated to the County's Legislators and the Governor by our Legislative Agent. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Governor, the County Legislators and the Legislative Agent. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Robert A. Button, Commissioner - District #I1 Moved by Button supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. Moved by Button supported by Lennon the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilcox, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on resolution: AYES: Montante, Patterson, Perinoff, Perrick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt. (19) NAYS: Hoot. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. 159 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 18, 1976 Misc. 7498 By Mr. Daly IN RE: SUPPORT OF SENATE BILL 828 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Senate Bill 828 would permit patients suffering from contagious diseases to be admitted to a medical care facility provided within such facility there is an isolation area and that the area is approved by the State Department of Public Health; and WHEREAS without the adoption of Senate Bill 828, the County of Oakland will not be permitted to treat patients suffering from contagious diseases, including tuberculosis; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland should support Senate Bill 828 to permit the housing of patients suffering from contagious diseases, in an isolated area within the new Medical Care Facility, provided such area is approved by the State Department of Public Health. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners urges the legislature to adopt Senate Bill 828. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Patrick K. Daly, Commissioner - District #4 The Chairman referred the resolution to the Human Resources Committee and General Government Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7499 By Mrs. Moffitt IN RE: UNIFIED FORM OF COUNTY GOVERNMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the citizens of Oakland County have voted to adopt the Unified Form of County Government with an elected County Executive under P.A. 139; and WHEREAS it would be in the best interest of the citizens of Oakland County to further consolidate county departments, commissions, boards, and offices to provide services more efficiently and economically, and to provide better accountability and responsiveness to the citizens. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners appoint a special committee to perform an indepth study of the counties in the nation with a similar form of government, and compa- rable in size, and make their recommendation to the Board within 90 days. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Lillian V. Moffitt, Commissioner - District #15 COUNTY EXECUTIVE RESPONSIBILITY SURVEY - COMMISSIONER LILLIAN V. .10FFITT CE-Office Established Population Drain Management Road Management Park Management Appcin::n:1 Po!.Qr Suffolk, NY 1959 1,124,000 CE CE CE CE concurrence of Board of Ccr:-..mi.ssioners Commissioners Minutes Continued. Westechester, NY (New York) 1938 894,104 CE cq - CE Nassau, NY 1933 1,428,000 CE CE CE Baltimore, Maryland 1056 621,000 Separate Authority CE CE Montgomery, Maryland 1968 552,809 CF. CE Separate Authority Milwaukee, WLseor,sin 1960 1,054,000 Independent Authority CE CE Jackson, Missouri (Karlsas City) 1070 654,558 CE CF. CE St. Louis, Misouri 1950 951,353 CE CE CE King, '..,..shington (Seattle .; 1oS 1,156,600 CE CE CE Multnoma, Oregon (?ortland) 1065 556,000 Separate Board CE CE March 18, 1976 I • 161 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 18, 1976 The Chairman referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. Moved by Pernick supported by Patterson the next meeting of the Board be held on April 13, 1976 and the April 8, 1976 meeting he cancelled. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Board adjourned at 1:55 P.M. Lynn D. Allen Alexander C. Perinoff Clerk Chairman 162 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING April 13, 1976 Meeting called to order by Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff at 9:55 A. M. in the Cour! House And 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon. McDonald, Mollilt, Murphy, Nowak,. Olson, Pane, Palters.on, Perinoff. PerniLk, Price, Roth, Siamons, Wilcox, Wilson. (26) ABSENT: Montanir. (l) Quorum present. Invocation given by Henry W. Hoot. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Chairman introduced the new Commissioner from District #24, Dennis L. Murphy. Moved by Daly supported by Aaron the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as printed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Chairman stated at this time a Public Hearing is now called on the proposed "Change Name of the Northern Portion of the Present Commerce Lake to "North Commerce Lake" and Change Name of the Southern Portion of the Present Commerce Lake to "South Commerce Lake". Legal notice of this Hearing was published in the Oakland Press on April 5, 1976 and The Spinal Column on April 7, 1976. The Chairman asked if any person wished to speak on the Name Changes. No one requested to be heard and the Public Hearing was declared closed. Misc. 7489 By Mr. Daly IN RE: CHANGE NAME OF THE NORTHERN PORTION OF THE PRESENT COMMERCE LAKE TO "NORTH COMMERCE LAKE" To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS this Board of Commis...inners has received a rogne ,,t to change the name of the northern portion of the present Commerce Lake; and WHEREAS said Lake is located within the County of Oakland and situated in sections 10, 15 and 16, township 2 north, range 8 east. Commerce Township, Michigan; and WHEREAS the reason for said change is that Commerce Lake is actually two distinct bodies of water (separated by a narrow and shallow channel) which causes a problem of ambiguity of geographic identification for the movement of emergency vehicles to the precise point of need; and WHEREAS Commerce Township has stated it desires changing the name of said Lake; and WHEREAS it is desired that the name adopted by this Board be used in the future maps, reports and documents that may be published by the State of Michigan and the United States Government; and WHEREAS it is necessary to bring the action of this Board of Commissioners to the attention of the proper State and United States officials; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the name of the northern portion of present Commerce Lake, lying in sections 10, 15 and 16 of Commerce Township, Oakland County, Michigan, be and the same hereby is changed to "North Commerce Lake"; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk is hereby directed to forward a signed and certified copy of this resolution together with attached map or township plat showing the particular geographic feature affected, to the Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, Stevens T. Mason Building, Lansing, Michigan. 48926, for transmittal by that agency to the Board on Geographic Names, U. S. Department of the Interior. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman 163 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 Moved by Button supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. AYES: Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, .3 r-ice, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution I/7485 was adopted. Misc. 7450 By Mr. Daly IN RE: CHANGE NAME OF THE SOUTHERN PORTION OF THE PRESENT COMMERCE LAKE TO "SOUTH COMMERCE LAKE" To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners has received a request to change the name of the south- ern portion of the present Commerce Lake; and WHEREAS said Lake is located witnin the County of Oakland and situated in sections 10, 15 and 16, township 2 north, range 8 east, Commerce Township, Michigan; and WHEREAS the reason for said change is that Commerce Lake is actually two distinct bodies of water (separated by a narrow and shallow channel) which causes a problem of ambiguity of geographic identification for the movement of emergency vehicles to the precise point of need; and WHEREAS Commerce Township has stated it desires changing the name of said Lake; and WHEREAS it is desired that the name adopted by this Board of be used in the future maps, reports and documents that may be published by the State of Michigan and the United States Govern- ment; and WHEREAS it is necessary to bring the action of this Board of Commissioners to the attention of the proper State and United States officials; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the name of the southern portion of present Commerce Lake, lying in sections 10, 15 and 16 of Commerce Township, Oakland County, Michigan, be and the same hereby is changed to "South Commerce Lake'; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk is hereby directed to forward a signed and certified copy of this resolution together with attached map or township plat showing the particular geographic feature affected, to the Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, Stevens T. Mason Building, Lansing, Michigan, 48926, for transmittal by that agency to the Board on Geographic Names, U. S. Department of the Interior. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Nowak supported by Daly the resolution be adopted. AYES: Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmcms, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gable!. Hoot, Houghten, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution #7450 was adopted. Moved by Hoot supported by Pernick the rules be suspended for consideration of the Merger of the Department of Public Works and the Drain Commissioner. AYES: Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Lennon. (20) NAYS: Houghten, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak. (5) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Misc. 7500 By Mr. Hoot IN RE: MERGER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE DRAIN COMMISSIONFR To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners of the County of Oakland on March 4, 1976 adopted Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7468 resolving therein to combine the powers, duties, and functions set forth in Act No. 185 of the Public Acts of 1957, as amended, Act 342 of the Public Acts of 1939, as amended, and this act into one (1) county department headed by a Public works Commissioner pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended by Act 170 oF 1574, as amended; and WHEREAS the intent of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Oakland in adopting Miscellaneous Resolution 7468 was to achieve substantial savings in costs of operation and a more effective and efficient organization of the water management functions of the County of Oakland which 164 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 heretofore have been separated into two departments; and WHEREAS the savings contemplated and the purposes inteaded by the combination of the powers, duties, and functions set forth above can only be accomplished if these powers, duties and functions are assumed by one person acting as Public Works Commissioner; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Drain Commissioner, as an Elected official must continue in office until December 31, 1976; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County bard of Commissioners declares and states its intention to be that in the event that the combinati)n of the powers, duties and functions contemplated by Miscellaneous Resolution 7468 becomes effective, the Oakland County Board of Commis- sioners desires and requests that the Oakland County Drain Commissioner forthwith assume all of the powers, duties and functions of Public Works Connissioner; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners declares and states its intention to approve and ratify the assumption by the Oakland County Drain Commissioner of all of the powers, duties and functions of Public Works Commissioner. Henry W. Hoot, Commissioner - District #14 Moved by Hoot supported by Button the resolution be adopted. AYES: Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Lennon, Olson. (17) NAYS: Patterson, Simmons, Wilson, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak. (9) A sufficient maioriiv having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. The Chairman stated the Special Order 01 Business at this time, will be the consideration or the veto by Daniel T. Murphy, County Executive. of Miscellaneous Resolution 117468, Mot inn to Merge the Department of Public Works and the Drain Commission. Moved by Pernick supported by Lennon to override the Veto of resolution 117468. Discussion followed. The Chairman vacated the Chair to speak on the veto. Vice Chairman Bernard F. Lennon took the Chair. Discussion followed. Moved by Gabler supported by Page the motion be laid on the table until the May 6, 1976 fleeting. AYES: Patterson, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Page. 15/ NAYS: Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Olson. (21) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Mr. Lennon requested that George Kuhn. Drain Commissioner, be allowed to address the Board. There were no objections. Mr. Kuhn addressed the Board. The Vice Chairman stoted it takes 18 votes to override the veto. AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Hoot, Lennon, Olson. (1 5) NAYS: Wilson, Dunleavy, Gabler, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson. (11) The Statutory require -lent of 18 affirmative votes not having been in favor of overriding the veto, the veto is sustained. The Chairman returned to the Chair. Daniel T. Murphy, County Executive discussed a proposed amendment to section 2 of Act No. 185 of the Public Acts of 1957 A bill to anend section 2 of Act No. 185 of the Public Acts of 1957, entitled as amended "An act to authorize the establishing of a department and board of public works in counties; to prescribe the powers and duties of any municipality subject to the provisions of this act; to authorize the incurring of contract obligations and the issuance and payment of bonds or notes; to provide for a pledge by a municipality of its full faith and credit and the levy of taxes without limitation as to rate or amount to the extent necessary; to validate obligations issued; and to pre- scribe a procedure For special assessments and condemnation," 165 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 section 2 as amended by Act No. 200 of the Public Acts of 1974, being sectio) 123.732 of the Compiled Laws of 1970. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: Section I. Section 2 of Act No. 185 of the Public Acts of 1957, section 2 as amended by Act No. 200 of the Public Acts of 1974, being section 123.732 of the Compiled Laws of 1970, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 2. The county board of commissioners, by resolution adopted by a 2/3 vote of its members elect, may establish a department of public works for the administration of the powers conferred upon the county by the terms of this act. Hoppever7 -the -provisions-ef-thi9 -ect -as -to-refuse-syltems-and- refuse-ere-net-appfieabfe-te-any-ennnty-having-e-poperiation-of-more-than-i;68076007 The department of public works shall be under the general control of the county board of commissioners and under the immediate control of a board of public works consisting of 3, 5 or 7 members who shall be appointed or removed by the county board of commissioners. Members of the county board of commissioners may be appointed as members of the board of public works. Tenure of office on the board of public works shall automatically terminate whenever he is no longer a member of the county board of commissioners. The size of the board of public works shall be determined by the county board of commissioners. In the first instance, in case of a 3-member board, members shall be appointed for terms ending I year, 2 years and 3 years from the following January I; in the case of a 5-member board, 1 member shall be appointed for a term ending I year, 2 members for a term ending 2 years, and 2 members for a term ending 3 years, from the following January I; and in the case of a 7-member board, 2 members shall be appointed for a tern ending 1 year, 2 members for a term ending 2 years, and 3 members for a term ending 3 years, from the following January I. Thereafter each member shall be appointed for a term of 3 years. Each term shall expire at noon on January 1 but each member shall hold office until his successor is appoint- ed and qualifies. A vacancy shall be filled by the county board of commissioners for the unexpired term. If there is a county drain commissioner in any county having a department of public works, then he shall be appointed as a member of the board of public works, provided his membership on the board shall terminate when he ceases to be county drain commissioner. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this act, the county board of commissioners, by resolution adopted by a 2/3 vote of all its members, may designate or remove the board of county road commissioners OR THE APPOINTED COUNTY MANAGER OR THE ELECTED COUNTY EXECUTIVE HOLDING OFFICE PURSUANT TO ACT NO. 139 OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF 1973, BEING SECTIONS 45.551 to 45.573 OF THE MICHIGAN COMPILED LAWS OR THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSIONER DESIGNATED OR ELECTED AND HOLDING OFFICE PURSUANT TO ACT NO. 170 OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF 1974, BEING SECTION 280.21 OF THE MICHIGAN COMPILED LAWS to be the board of public works instead of the board of public works as provided for in this section, and after the adoption of the resolution the board of county road commissioners OR THE COUNTY MANAGER OR THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE OR THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSIONER shall be the board of public works for that county with all the authority, powers, and duties conferred by law upon the board of public works. The board of public works shall be deemed an agency of the county. The county board of commissioners shall make such rules in respect to the department of public works as it shall deem advisable. The members of the board of public works shall not be full-time officers of the county and the duties of the county drain commissioner or of any county road commissioner who serves on the board of public works are declared to be additional and separate duties not compensated for by the established salary or per diem of the commissioner. The compensation of all members shall be fixed by the county board of commissioners. Moved by Nowak supported by Moffitt the rules be suspended to consider the bill to amend section 2 of Act No. 185 of the Public Acts of 1957. AYES: Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson. NAYS: Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Kasper, Lennon, Olson, Perinoff. (15) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. The Chairman referred the amendment to the General Government Committee. Moved by Button supported by Price the amendment also be referred to the Planning and Building Committee. There were no objection,. The Chairman referred the amendment to hot Ii the General Government Committee and Planning and Building Committee. Mr. Pernick requested that the General Government Committee be the Committee to report the amendment back to the Board. There were no objections. Moved by Page suppOrted by Patterson to reconsider the action taken at the March 18, 1976 meeting on resolution E7464, "Advisory Vote on Question of Forced Busing". Mrs. Fortino objected. Discussion followed. 10. • • , (1 0) 166 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 Vote to reconsider: AYES: Price, Roth, Wilcox, Aaron, Button, Gabler, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Perinoff. (14) NAYS: Simmons, Wilson, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Olson, Pernick. (11) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Page supported by Patterson the resolution te laid on the table. AYES: Roth, Aaron, Button, Gabler, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Price. (13) NAYS: Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick. (12) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Aaron supporlod by Daly the Journal for the January Session he approved and closed and the January Session stand adjourned sine die. A sufficient mojorily having voted therefor, the motion carried. Lynn D. Allen Alexander C. Perinoff Clerk Chairnon APRIL SESSION April 13, 1976 Meeting called to order by Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. (25) ABSENT: Lennon, Montante. (2) Quorum present. Clerk read letter frail Verona Morse, of Southfield regarding Telegraph Road widening, 12 Milo Road to Orchard Lake Road. (Placed on file.) The Clerk stated a certified copy of the Canvass of Votes Cast at the Special Election held on March 23, 1976 in County Commissioner District #24 is on file in the County Clerk's Office. Clerk read letter from State Senator Bill S. Huffman acknowledging receipt of resolutions. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from State Representative Melvin L. Larsen acknowledging receipt of resolutions. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from Roger L. Wood, Supervisor, Department of Natural Resources regarding a public hearing concerning watercraft problems on Sylvan and Otter Lakes. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from Franklin 0. Meyers, P.C.P., Executive Director, Inter-County Highway Commission regarding the 1976-77 signed contract between the Inter-County Highway Commission and the seven member counties. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from State Representative James E. Defebaugh concerning boating problems on Sylvan and Otter Lakes. (Placed on file.) Clerk read resolution from the Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority requesting a tax levy for the year 1976-1977 of One Quarter of One Mill upon each dollar of the equalized value of all taxable property with the five counties comprising the Metropolitan District. (Placed on file.) Misc. 7501 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: RE-ESTABLISH RETROACTIVE COST FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PATROL SERVICES - TOWNSHIP DEPUTIES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairnan, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution #7335, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners established a standard cost 01 519,571 for Law Enforcement Agreements for Township Deputies; and WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution #7335. the Oakland County Board of Connissioners also 167 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 established this contract period, July 1. 1975 through June 30, 1976 in order to have a standard billing price as well as a standard contract period for all contracts; and WHEREAS standard contracts developed in compliance with the Board )f Commissioners resolution and the applicable CETA regulations were not completed and delivered to the Townships until January 1976; and WHEREAS the Township officials were under the impression that all retroactive costs were waived by action of the Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS previous contract language required mutual agreement between the Townships and the County regarding contract increases; and WHEREAS confusion between the regular deputy program and the CETA program resulted in additional local costs in Avon Township; and WHEREAS timely settlement of these differences would be beneficial to the County as well as the Townships involved; and WHEREAS it is generally agreed that an effective period of January 1, 1976 through June 30, 1976 for the standard annual price of $19,571 would be mutually acceptable; and WHEREAS waiving of the 533,169.50 retroactive contract price and the $12,500 additional costs in Avon Township which are attributable to 7975 will not require a 1976 budget adjustment. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners amends Miscella- neous Resolution 7335 in the Now Therefore Be It Resolved section stating, For the time period through and including June 30, 1976" to read, For the time period commencing January 1. 1976 through June 30, 1976" thus reducing the retroactive clause in the current contract to commence January 1, 1976 instead of July 1, 1975. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. AYES: Simmons, Wilcox, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth. (20) NAYS: Wilson. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: 2ND YEAR APPLICATION FOR THE OAKLAND POLICE ACADEMY - POLICE INSTRUCTOR TRAINING GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed the 2nd year Oakland Police Academy Police Instructor Training Grant application. This is an on-going grant that was formerly administered by the Oakland Community College. It was understood that subsequent funding to the 1st year grant would he 10077: State Funded. Due to the economic cliirate, the State had redefined its funding policy relating to training grants. As in the 1st grant year the County will be required to fund 5":. of the total grant amount. This grant covers the 15 month period of July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1977 in order to bring its funding consistent with the States fiscal year. The total program requirement for the 15 month grant period is $83,600. The funding requirements for the 15 months are as follows: FUNDING SERVICES: 7/76 - 9/77 (15 months) Cash County 4,180 (5%) State 4,180 (5%) Federal 75,240 (90%) TOTAL 83,600 (10M) Oakland County is under no obligation to continue funding this program for a third grant year. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report; further, that this grant application be referred to the Public Services Committee. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick. Chia ii man Moved by Pernick supported by Houghten the report be accepted. The Chairman referred the report to the Public Services Committee. There were no objections. Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 Misc. 7502 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: AMENDMENT TO THE 1976 BUDGET - ADDITIONAL PATROL SERVICE - HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution 117496 the Oakland county Board of Commissioners authorized the Oakland County Sheriff Department to enter into an agreement with Highland Township for one (1) additional Deputy for the purpose of patrol service contracts; and WHEREAS such contract will run from April 1, 1976 thrr ugh June 30, 1976 and will require a subsidy of $1094.00: and WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution 117394 the Oakland County Board of Commissioners adopted a county car policy, which requires an appropriation of the entire capital costs necessary for any fleet expansion; and WHEREAS the Sheriff's Department has iodicated the necessity of the addition of one (1) Sheriff patrol car for the Highland Township contract that will require an appropriation of $6,733.71. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 1976 budget be amended by transferring the total amount of $7,827.71 from the 1976 Contingent Fund to the appropriate line item in the 1976 Sheriff's Department Budget, non-departmeroal appropriation line item, and affected inter-governmental funds. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Dunleavy the resolution be adopted. AYES: Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7503 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: ALLOCATION BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1977 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentleisen: The Property Tax Limitation Statute (Act 62, Section 9, Public Acts of 1933, M.S.A. 7.61) provides the County shall, at the April Session of the Board of Connissioners, submit a budget to the County Tax Allocation Board for its use in determining the County's share of the fifteen Mill general property tax for the ensuing year. To this end, your Finance Committee, together with your Personnel Practices Committee and the County Executive, herewith present their recommendations for the period January I, 1977 to December 31, 1977. The sole objective of this budget is to prepare for submission to the County Tax Allocation Board a total picture of the County's 1977 operational needs, those resources other than the general property tax which will be available for that purpose, and the amount of the property tax revenues necessary it those needs are to be implemented. That body, as charged by law, then determines the respective tax rates for those local units, including the County, who share the 15 Mill general property tax. In light of this process, your Committee again advises all agencies and County Department Heads that the recommendations herein cannot in any degree be regarded as binding until final budget consideration when the tax rate is known and other revenues and costs can be more Fully evaluated and determined. PERSONNEL: (Increase, 3.90 million dollars). Of this amonnt, 1.5 million dollars represents anticipated cost of 175 recoollended new positions (of these 118 arc present CETA Funded positions and it is recommended that thece be continued as County budgeted positions and 57 new positions); and 1.29 million to meet 1977 anticipated salary adjustments (Approximately 5.0?). NON-DEPARTMENTAL: (Increase, 1.74 million dollars). The projected increase in Non-Depart- mental recommendations is largely accounted for in the following: I. Employees' costs including Hospitalization, Life, Health and Accident Insurance, Retire- ment and Social Security contributions account for approximately 1.43 million dollars. 2. Increased costs 01 Multi-Peril and Medical Mal-Practice Insurance Policies accounts for 245 thousand dollars ol (he increase. DEPARTMENTAL: (Increase. 1.0') million dollars). For explanation on changes in respective departmental budgets, your attention is ditem -tod to those sporilic explanations therein sei out REVENUES: It is „InIftipoted that property taxes will finance approximately $44,797,046 of the total budget of S67,047,921 oecessitaiing an allocated millage of 6.31 mills. The remainder will be derived from Miscellaneous ReL:eipts of $20,420,875 and Federal Revenue Sharing Funds in the amount of 51,830,000. It should be noted that the requested millage of 6.31 includes the .25 mills for the Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority. This millage has traditionally been absorbed as part of the County's allocated millage and the Finance Committee intends to continue this past practice. rEDERAL REVENUE SHARING: In keeping with 1976 Budget policy, we are recommending the allocation of $1.830,000 to County operations, namely: State Institutions, Library Board, Hospi- talization, Law Library. Circuit Court (Court Appointed Attorneys), Medical Examiner, Camp Oakland, 168 169 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 Chapter 20 & 21 Drains, and Juvenile Maintenance. CONCLUSION: In the judgement of your Finance Committee, these reccmmendations, including the joint recommendations of the Personnel Practices Committee and the Counts Executive, represent, insofar as present information is available, the amounts necessary to financu County operations for 1977 on a level necessary to carry out the essential responsibilities of the County of Oakland. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Finance Committee, 1 move the adoption of the attached Allocation Budget in the amount of $67,047,921, necessitating a requested property tax levy of 544,797,046 for submission to the County Tax Allocation Board. Respectfully submitted, FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Fred D. Houghten, Vice Chairman Mary M. Dearborn, Betty J. Fortino Wallace F. Gabler, Jr., Bernard F. Lennon Robert W. Page, Hubert Price, Jr. Kenneth E. Roth, Richard R. Wilcox, Dana F. Wilson To the Honorable Board of Commissioners The Personnel Committee and the County Executive recommend the following amounts to be placed in the 1977 Allocation Budget: NUMBER OF AMOUNT PURPOSE POSITIONS RECOMMENDED Previously Approved Positions 1,887 $25,795,627 Overtime Reserve 800,000 Summer Employment 200,000 Tuition Reimbursement and Personnel In-Service Training 80,000 Classification and Rate Changes 20,000 Children's Village Student Employment 10,000 New Positions: C.E.T.A. Positions Continued 7/1/77 - 12/31/77 $510,081 118 Other New Positions 663.052 57 Fringe Benefits for C.E.T.A. and Other New Positions Above 326,867 TOTAL 1,500,000 Possible Salary Adjustment (Approximately 5 ) 1,289,780 *Emergency Salaries 100,000 TOTAL SALARIES RESERVE 2,062 $29.795,407 *See attached Distribution Sheets Respectfully Submitted: Daniel T. Murphy, County Executive PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Paul Kasper, Vice Chairman Robert A. Button, F. Jack Douglas James W. Dunleavy, Lillian V. Moffitt Patrick M. Nowak, Niles E. Olson Hubert Price, Jr., Howard R. Simmons 7.0 15.0 Departments t Institutions Operating Budgets Salaries 1,052,950 3,900,995 15,066,224 29,795,407 14,013,274 25,894,412 Commissioners Minutes Continued. TOTAL BUDGET TO BE FINANCED 60,358,347 Miscellaneous Receipts Less: Miscellaneous Non-Tax to Building Fund Less: Federal Revenue Sharing to Building Fund Delinquent Tax - Prior Years Property Tax Levy 23,183,938 24,140,000 956,062 600,591- 1,890,125- 1,289,534- 37,725,000 44,797,046 7,072,046 50,000 1,000 (48,000) 67,047,921 6,689,574 11.0 3 4 .7 (98.0) !8.71. 4.1 PROPOSED 1977 ALLOCATION BUDGET (Compared with 1976 Final Operating Budget) 1976 1977 % Final Operating Allocation Increase Increase APPROPRIATIONS Budget Budget , Decrease ( ) Decrease ( ) Non-Departmental 20,450,661 22,186,290 1,735,629 8.c r-- TOTAL 60,358,347 67,047,921 6,689,574 11.0 SOURCE OF FUNDS 171 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 PROPOSED 1977 ALLOCATION BUDGEf NON-DEPARTMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS Airport -- Ambulance 2,000 Area Agency on Aging 7,425 Building Authority Payments 1,120,000 Building Fund -- Capital Outlay 190,000 Care of Mentally 111: 1,845,000 Community Mental Health 1,845,000 State Institutions -- Temporary Mental Cases -- Clinton River Watershed Council 500 Comprehensive Health Planning Council 21,940 Computer Services 539,000 Contingent 611,000 Council of Governments 70,000 Current Chapter 20 & 21 Drains 617,000 District Courts Witness Fees 27,000 Employees' Dental Plan 350,000 Employees' Hospitalization Insurance 2,401,000 Employees' Life Insurance 374,000 Employees' Retirement Administration 41,000 Employees' Retirement Fund 4,097,000 Employees' Salary Continuation Insurance 144,000 Employees' Sick Leave Reimbursement 125,000 Employees' Unemployment Insurance 100,000 Equipment Fund -- 4-H Fair Premiums 2,000 Human Service Agency for Oakland County 517,000 Hurton-Clinton Authority 1,775,000 Huron River Watershed 500 Insurance G Surety Bonds 342,150 Jury Commission -- Local Match for Proposed Organized Crime Task Force Grant -- Local Match For Proposed Police Academy Police Instructor Training Grant -- Management Review Study -- Michigan Association Counties E. National Association Counties 76,000 Oakland County Pioneer & Historical Society 17,000 Radio Fund -- Real Property Parcel Numbering System -- Road Commission -- Social Security 1,889,000 Social Services 1.416,000 General Relief 2,380,000 Hospitalization 880,000 Relief Administration 156,000 Soil Conservation 4,000 Solid Waste Implementation Program Plan -- Southeastern Michigan Tourist Assoc. 7,000 Southeastern Michigan Transportation Authority -- State of Michigan Audit Fees 30,000 Sundry 100,000 Tax Allocation 5,500 T. B. Cases - Outside 2,000 Tourist S Convention Bureau 20,000 Traffic Improvement Association 20,000 Utilities, Parking Lots G Roads 500,000 Workman's Compensation Insurance 600,000 Youth Activities Center 50,000 Youth Assistance Grant 185,275 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS 22,186,290 DEPARTMENTS AND INSTITUTIONS County Executive - Administration 407,135 Administrative 219,031 Auditing 106,576 Community & Minority Affairs 20,463 Public Information 33,773 Special Projects 27,292 Central Services - Administration 109,052 Central Services - Alimony 315,054 Central Services - G Operation, Adwinistration 769,313 17 2 3,664.1/3 387.581 37.977 13,239 51,596 718,765 146,564 298,391 49,246 954,118 174,256 710,858 /0,665 68,994 6'd,875 2,148,/31. 4,445.102 385,247 465,173 3,052,152 611,275 41,981 450,660 37,002 67,403 19,600 279,504 96,894 3,649 64,W2 0,15/ 10,1 ,924 413,020 2,163,982 708,648 90,762 248,150 1,127,942 402,433 632,026 512,649 719,768 2,556,965 960,965 1,624,420 6,554,209 726,130 40,861,851 100,000 800,000 200,000 80,00o 20,000 1,500,000 1,289,780 -- 10,000 3,999,780 3,999,780 44,861,631 67,047,921 Commissioners Minutes Continued. Apiil 13, 1976 Central Services - Facilities & Operations - County Building% Central Services - Facilities E Operations - Telephone Exchange Central Services - Mailing Central Services - Printing Central Services - Property Records Central Services - Probation Central Services - Reimbursement Central Services - Security Management and Budget - Administration Management and Budget - Accounting Management and Budget - Budget Management and Budget - Egualitation Management and Budget - Purchasing Management and Budget - Stationery Si ore Human Services - Adminktralion Human Services - Camp Oakland Human Services - Childrens' Village Human Services - Health Deportment Human Services - Medical Examiner Human Services - Substance Abuse Human Services - Hospital Personnel Planning and Physical Development - Administration Planning and Physical Development - Planning Planning and Physical Development - Property Mgt. Planning and Physical Development - Public Works Public Services - Administration Public Services - Animal Welfare Public Services - Cooperative Extension ruble Services - Law Enforcement Assi%lance Public Set vi - Disastem Cm, I a I •mi Civil Defvw.c Public Services - Emergency Medical Servite Public Services - Library Public Services - Veterans Affairs Circuit Court-Administrative Circuit Court - Friend of the Court Circuit Court - Law Library Civil Counsel Clerk/Register Commissioners District Courts Drain Commissioner Probate Court Probate Court - Juvenile Court Probate Court - Juvenile Maintenance Prosecutor She Treasurer TOTAL DEPARTMENTS AND INSTITUTIONS SALARIES RESERVE Emergency Salaries Overtime Reserve Summer Employment Training and Tuition Reimbursement Classification and Rate Change New Positions Possible Salary Adjustments Fringe Benefit Improvements Children's Village Student Employment TOTAL SALARIES RESERVE Less: Transfers to Departments Net Salaries Reserve TOTAL DEPARTMENTS, INSTITUTIONS AND SALARIES RESERVE Less: Personnel Turnover GRAND TOTAL Moved by Pernick supported by Aaron the 1977 Allocation Budget be adopted. Discussion followed. 173 Commissioners minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 Mr. Gabler requested that the Clerk call the roll to determine if a quorum is present. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Daly, Dearhorn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Page, Patterson, Pcrinoff, Pernick, Price, Silimions, Wilcox, Wilson. (19) ABSENT: Button, Douglas, Kasper, Lennon, Montante, Nowak, Olson, loth. (8) Quorum present. Mr. Gabler requested the Board to recess for 5 minutes. There were no objections. The Board reconvened at 100 P.M. AYES: Wilson, Aaron, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gahler, Houghten, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Patterson, PerinofF, Pernick, Price, Simmons.. (15) NAYS: Daly, Dearborn, Hoot, Page. (4) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the 1977 Allocation Budget was adopted. REPORT By Mr. McDonald IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION -!7498 - SUPPORT OF SENATE BILL g828 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee reports Miscellaneous Resolution 117498 with the recommenda- tion that said resolution be adopted. The Human Resources Committee has also given supportive recommendation of Miscellaneous Resolution g7498 and Senate Bill g828. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the acceptance or the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman "Misc. 7498 By Mr. Daly IN RE: SUPPORT OF SENATE BILL 828 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Senate Bill 828 would permit patients suffering from contagious diseases to be admitted to a medical care facility provided within such facility there is an isolation area and that the area is approved by the State Department of Public Health; and WHEREAS without the adoption of Senate Bill 828, the County of Oakland will not be permitted to treat patients suffering from contagious diseases, including tuberculosis; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland should support Senate Bill 828 to permit the housing of patients suffering from contagious diseases, in an isolated area within the new Medical Care Facility, provided such area is approved by the State Department of Public Health. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners urges the legislature to adopt Senate Bill 828. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Patrick K. Daly, Commissioner - District g4" Moved by McDonald supported by Fortino the report be accepted. Moved by Hoot supported by Dunleavy the resolution be laid on the table. Discussion followed. AYES: Dunleavy, Hoot, Houghten, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Page, Patterson, Wilcox. (9) NAYS: Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino, Gabler, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilson. (io) A sufficient majority not havino voted therefor, the motion failed. Moved by Dunleavy supported by Page the resolution be referred to the Planning and Building Committee. Mrs. Fortino objected to the referral. Vote on referral of resolution: AYES: Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Hounhten, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Page, Patterson, Wilcox. (10) NAYS: Daly, Dearborn, Fortino. Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron. (9) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was referred to the Planning and Building Committee. 174 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 Misc. 7504 By Mr. McDonald IN RE: ADDITIONAL PROBATE JUDGE FOR OAKLAND COUNTY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the State Supreme Court is considering the granting of an additional Probate Judge for Oakland County; and WHEREAS the Probate Court of the County of Oakland Iws requested that an additional Probate Judge be allotted to Oakland County because of the increasing :eavy caseload; and WHEREAS your Committee has diligently considered said request; and WHEREAS your Committee recomewods that a study and investigation of the ramilkations ol the recoamendation for an addiiiunal Probate Judge he made by the proper iammillocs ol Ihe Roost! showing the fiscal ability to moot this need, and that the facilities necessary lo house the new Judge and the related personnel are available. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Conmtissioners hereby request'. the Finance Committee, Personnel Committee, Planning and Building Committee, and Public Services Committee to study and investigate the ramifications of the addition of a new Probate Judge for Oakland County and to report back to this Board. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman Moved by McDonald supported by Daly the resolution be adopted. The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee, Personnel Committee, Planning and Building Committee, and the Public Services Committee. The Personnel Committee will report back to the Board. There were no objections. Misc. 7505 By Mr. McDonald IN RE: APPOINTMENT OF CHIEF DCPUTY DRAIN COMMISSIONER To the Oakland County Board of Cominissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and GentleIllerl WHEREAS Emerson R. Bunn, Chief Deputy Drain Commissioner, has resigned; and WHEREAS George W. Kuhn, Oakland County Drain Commissioner, has appointed Robert H. Fredericks, II as Chief Deputy Drain Commissioner; and WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of Act 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended, the appointment of the Chief Deputy or any Deputy Drain Commissioner must be approved by the county board of commissioners. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the Drain Commissioner's appointment of Robert H. Fredericks, II as Chief Deputy Drain Commissioner. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman Moved by McDonald supported by Page the resolution be adopted. AYES; Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly. (19) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Robert H. Fredericks, II declared appointed as Chief Deputy Drain Commissioner. Moved by McDonald supported by Pernick the Board accept the resignation of Wallace F. Gabler, Jr., from the Human Resources Committee. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Gabler supported by Patterson the rules be suspended for consideration in filling the vacancy. AYES: Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, McDonald, Moffitt, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn. (18) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Mr. Gabler nominated Dennis L. Murphy. Mr. McDonald seconded the nomination. 175 Coimni%sioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 AYES: For-lino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, McDonald, Moffitt, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy. (18) NAYS: None. (0) PASS: Murphy. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Dennis L. Murphy declared appointed to the Human Resources Committee. Misc. 7506 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: 4 C's PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Human Resources Committee has reviewed a presentation by the Oakland County Community Coordinated Child Care Program (known as 4 C's); and WHEREAS during the past year and a half, the Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency has provided staff and internal resources to initiate this child care system for Oakland County; and WHEREAS your Committee has determined that the work of 4 C's should be continued. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners recommend inclusion of $14,972 in the 1977 budget for support of the 4 C's program. The Human Resources Committee, by Betty J. Fortino, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairman The Chairman announced pursuant to Rule XI -E the matter shall be laid over to the next regular Board meeting. Misc. 7507 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: TRANSFER OF FUNDS - HOSPITAL PATHOLOGIST To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the part-time position of Hospital Pathologist has been vacant since January 1, 1976 due to the retirement of Dr. Woodruff; and WHEREAS the functions of this position have been provided since that time by Dr. Woodruff on a contractual basis at a lower annual cost; and WHEREAS these services include signing for licensure as Director of the Hospital Laboratory, checking smears, making tissue studies and performing up to 16 autopsies per year; and WHEREAS the Pathologist's time shall consist of a minimum of two days per week serving a minimum of 10 hours per week plus the time required to perform autopsies. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve a line item transfer within the 1976 hospital budget of S12,000 from the salaries line item to the professional services line item to provide for the continuation of such pathology services on a contractual basis. The Human Resources Committee, by Betty J. Fortino, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairman The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7508 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: ESTABLISH ONE (1) NEW POLICE COMMUNICATIONS AGENT POSITION IN THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Sheriff's Department has been utilizing a part-time employee for emergency relief since 1969 in the communications unit; and WHEREAS the need for the position continued to increase to where the employee was working extensive hours and the Department was exceeding its available emergency salaries; and WHEREAS the Personnel Department advised the Sheriff's Department of the fact that no position was available, nor were emergency salary funds available, for retaining the employee, and the use of the part-time employee must be terminated; and WHEREAS the Sheriff's Department complied in August, 1975 but have, since that time, because of workload, spent over $16,000 in overtime to adequately cover the communications operation; and WHEREAS the 1976 projected necessary overtime expenditures for the Communications Unit of over 516,000 will more than cover the annual cost of one (1) additional budgeted Police Communications Agent position and should actually result in a net savings to the County; and WHEREAS the Sheriff's Department has assured the Personnel Committee that communications unit overtime costs, on an annual basis, mil be reduced by at least $14,000 of the projected $16,000 amount if the additional position is granted. Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 176 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (1) new budgeted Police Communications Agent be established for the Sheriff's Department with the understanding .:hat the cost of the position will be more than offset by reductions in overtime expenditures, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that due to the significant savings in overtime expenditures, the $7,005 cost for the remainder of the 1976 be transferred from the Overtime Reserve Fund to the appropriate benefit accounts and the Sheriff's Department Salaries Budget. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron. Chairnan, moves the adoption of ti n' foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL cOMMITTEF Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Ilisc. /509 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: CREATION OF tIEW (I_AY.clill.ATION OF ENFORCT:MI:Ni R(CORDS SUPERVISOR AND THE RICIAWI leATION OF ONE (1) DETENTION OFFICER POSITION IN THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Technical Services Division of the Sheriff's Department has assumed respon- sibility for many major law enforcement support functions; and WHEREAS the demands and workload of the records section has continued to increase over recent years requiring more immediate supervision from the Lieutenant in charge of Technical Services; and WHEREAS permanent immediate supervision in this area would promote greater performance and efficiency plus allow the Lieutenant in charge of Technical Services to more effectively utilize his time in other more specialized areas; and WHEREAS the reclassification of one (1) Detention Officer position would result in an anticipated annual savings of $2,431, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (1) Detention Officer position he deleted, and the classification of Law Enforcement Records Supervisor he created with a salary range ol: BASE I YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 9-17§-d 10,325 10,759 The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoinq resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. AYES: Gabler, Hoot, Houqhten, Moffitt, Murphy, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilcox, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino. (16) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution wa ,, adopted. Misc. 7510 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: SUBMISSION OF CHANGES IN MERIT SYSTEM RULES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Section IV, Subsection A of the Merit System Resolution requires that all changes in the rules and regulations of the Merit System shall be submitted to the Board of Commissioners at a regular meeting of the Board and shall become effective thirty (30) days after such meeting unless objection is received in writing by the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, in which case the objection shall become a matter of business at the next meeliog of the Board; and WHEREAS it has become desirable to make certain changes in the wording of Rules 8, TO and to add a new Rule 10A, as spelled out in the attachments to this resolution; and WHEREAS your Personnel Conmittee has reviewed and approved these changes at its meeting of March 22, 1976, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the reading of this notice and the distribution of this notice and the attached forms labeled "Proposed Changes in Merit System Rule", to all the Commis- sioners present and absent to be considered as the official submission to the Board of Commissioners, of the described changes in Rules 8, 10 and to add a new Rule 10A. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman RULE TITLE 8 RULE NINGBER DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS SECTION TO BE CHANGED I SECTION III ON PAGE n OF County Executive: Approved [xl Disapproved by+4, Disapproved by: 177 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 County Syntem ?ROPOJ„:0 0-1I: IN iiiant s"/;.3Y:A.A r PRESENT GJROING PROPOSED WORDING I See Attachment A. See Aitachment B. REASON FOR CHANGE To clarify the examples of "cause" given in Section III of this rule. Change Submitted by . PERSONNEL APPEAL BOARD Personnel Committee: F1 Approved Introduced to Board of Commissioners: Date: Section IV Subsection A of Mcrit System Resolution Copies of the rules 67.--2 regula;-:ons hj the Personnel Committee and an future changes in suc",: rules aif.22:4ctio,7.7 shall be submitted to the Board of Co.-77es':oners at a ar f of Comrissioners and shall become thir:: Ca2F su 7; uni o7)ject1-o1 is rcceived in writinj by the. ....;777:r-r2n of t;!.]. of C:.:-.7:2.2ees, "n o,ich case tie objection shcal boc.om.- a of bucl 1 - t;!,? (1.:" R2ard of Comrr.-issioners. Date: 3/22/76 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 ATTAC:111IENT A 3. Dismissals must be given on forms p! ovided by the Personnel Divisicm and must be presented to the employee in accordance with Section II Of this rule. Section Ii lETIRFOS OF INOTIFITNG AN 1.111P1,0Y•E l. • Writ ten Reprimand Withholding of Merit Increase Suspension Without Pay Demotion Dismissal A ssricten notice of the action, iiving specific reasons for the action and the elks tire 11110,'S and conditions of the action, must bc signed by the Department fleacl or his authorized whordinate and bc presented to the emplo)ce in person by the Department Head or his authorized subordinate, or else sent to the employee's last known address by "registered mail. restricted delivery, with return receipt requested, onfor prior to the effective date of the action. a. If the written notice is presented in person, the employee should sign all copies to acknowledge receipt. If he refuses, the presenter should note it on the form. 2. mitten notice mist be on official forms made available by the Pei simnel Division. a. Such limns shall hare the rules covering the method of appealing such an it OCHI tither 011 all attached %lacer 01 imprinted on the reverse side of the official notice. 3. A copy of the written notice shall he retained by the department and foot copies shall he forwarded to the Personnel Division where a copy shall he made part of the employee's file and rccord of employment. • Section III EXAMPLES OF "CAUSE" The following are some examples of ”cause" for which an employee may be minim:wiled, have a merit salary increase withheld, he suspended, demoted, dismissed or otherwise distiphisued Stich actions may be taken for cause other than those specifit ally listed here. 1. lack of ability. ro pi finii the duties of the position or classification held. 2. Failm C to produce tin tiut.ilil y and/or quantity of work the position or classification requires. 3. Insubordination. 4. Has solicited or accepted money or anything or value to 41(111(11re his decisions in public matters or :is a reward for such decisions. A. 1. A. 178 Page 3 of 4 111111.1-1 ; ramig uucha the influcin e of narcotics or alr olio! on the job. s. 179 Commissioners Minutes Continued, Aprii 13, 1976 ATTAC117:11,.1,rf A 6 Si .liiiLii1iiI Lii dis::.,.i.n.•CU1 conduct yell& on or off duty where such (111111(1 [m ugs the employee's department andior the Cruitity SilVi•C into public &list cpu ft 1. DeIibeT.icl.iv causing punt morale or disrespect among fellow employees, by ac tions nd/tar attitude. 8. Abusive or improper treatment 01 an inmate, patient or client of any Cminty institution Or department. 9. llabitual tardiness in reporting fur duty. 10. Being absent from duty (hiring working listurs without permission. Stealing from the County or the inmates, patients or clients of its institutions and depailments. 12. otty lawful am. FraSoll Has 1 1- 1 1 able departmental ni y roll. (Jr rcgt11,1;iou 13, Has bccii cutsvk tc..1 01 A felony or or a inisdemeanni involving moial turpitude casting doubt on his ability to perform his job. 14. Has been charged with the commission of a felony, or of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude casting doubt oil his ability to perform hi.s job ‘. 15. Has engaged in political activities restricted under Section V11 L of the Merit System Resolution and Rule 19 of these rules and regulations. 16. Has failed to pay pt:rsollal hills to the point that his creditors garnishee his County salary. While on Limy, hiltits. symptoms of negligence in personal hygiene which bring unpleasantness to LllLlIIS of the Count y and co workets IC the point that the County is sidriect to elillIaraS%1111 and (IISICSpetit. I Ii his berm conviti..;101 lI,irtiitIusamhcliiIILlii. 19. Reportiq, for dot iii .n,nt. or other aspect!: contributing to appearance which arc (u node it d tim.recept able by tile inajorit y of t he major employev; in the County engaged in the S3nie type of working situation. Rule 8 - Page of Commissioners Minutes Continued, April 13, 1976 180 Al rACtelENT it RULE 8 SECTION III DISCIPLINARY ACTION XUST BE FOR "CAUSI" An employee shall receive disciplinary action, whether an oral reprimand, a written reprimand, the withholding of a merit salary increase, a suspension without pay, a demotion, or a dismissal, only for a specific clearly described reason or "cause". The department shall clearly specify and identify with particularity the specific reasons or "cause" for the disciplinary action taken. An adequate reason or "cause" for a disciplinary action shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, each of the following kinds of conduct. I. Conduct or performance on the job which indicates a lack of ability to adequately perform the duties of the position or classification held by the employee. 2. Conduct or performance on the job which indicates a failure to produce the quality of work the position or classification requires. 3. Conduct or performance on the job which indicates a failure to produce the quantity of work the position or classification requires. 4. Conduct or performance on the job which demonstrates insubordination, which is defined as a refusal to follow appropriate written or oral proceduren, instructions, or directions from a supervisory employee or Department Head. 5. The solicitation or acceptance of money or anything of value to influence the decisions of an employee in public matters or as a reward for such decisions. 6. Being under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or any other controlled substance while on the job. 7. Conduct or performance on the joh which demonstrates n delibernte attempt to cause poor morale or disrespert among Count y employer(' by rietiona or attitude on the job. 8. Verbal or physical abuse, or improper treatment of an inmnte, patient or client of any County institution or department. 9. Habitual or excessive tardiness in reporting for :a:Willed working hours. 10. Being absent from a scheduled work assignment during working hours without permission from an authorized supervisory employee or Department Dead. 11. Stealing, misappropriation or conversion of County property or the property of other employees or inmates, patients or clients of any County institution or department. 12. The willful violation of any rear:en:1We departmental. or County rule or regulation which has been adopted in written rum and is known, or reasonably should he k eowa. to ihe employees involved. 1 1, 11..s engaged in political activitieil rei:trieled tinder Section VT, Subdivision L ot the Merit Sytem Renolution and Rule lO 01 these Merit System Rules. 14. flan willfully failed to pay personal bills to the point that creditors garnishee the wages or salary of a County employee and cause a burden on the County. 15. Personal appearance or lack of cleanliness while on the job which exhibits symptoms of a lack of hygiene bringing unpleasantness to clients of the County or other County employees. . 181 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 16. Ileporting for a scheduled work assignment in clothing or other aspects contributing to appearance, which an authorized supervisory employee or Department Head has reasonably advised the employee is not acceptable or appropriate for the work asignment or dutic:: performed by that employee. 17. Has been convicted of a felony. 18. Has been convicted of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or casting doubt on the employee's ability to properly perform his job. 19. If an employee has been charged with the commission of a felony, he shall be suspended without pay pending a valid disposition of the charge. If final resolution of the charge does not result in a valid conviction, the Department Head shall determine whether the conduct of the employee involved moral turpitude or casts doubt on the abilEty of the employee to perform his job, and if he so determines, such conduct shall constitute "cause" for appropriate disciplinary action. Any such determination may be appealed to the Personnel Appeal Board. 20. If an employee has been charged with the commission of a misdemeanor, he may be suspended without pay pending a valid disposition of the charge. If final resolution of the charge does not result in a valid conviction, the Department Head shall determine whether the conduct of the employee Involved moral turpitude or casts doubt on the ability of the employee to perform his job, and if he so determines, such conduct shall constitute "cause" for appropriate disciplinary action. Any such determination may be appealed to the Personnel Appeal Board. IN ADDITION, DISCIPLINARY ACTION MAY BE TAKEN FOR REASONS OR "CAUSE" SPECIFICALLY DEFINED BY THE DEPARTMENT OTHER THAN THOSE LISTER HERE. I ] O. RULE RULE TITLE I SECTIONS III -- on. ON PACED OF SECriON TO BE CHANGED Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 0,11,.1:nd County Merit Syatem P:7!()2()S ii) Ch N P,,Y1117 1IE%1 JL PERSONNEL APPEAL BOARD ALSO -- ADDITION OF NEW RULE 10A. 182 -. PRESENT ORDING PRON/SED WORDING See Attachment A. To delete Sections III through IX. then renumber present Section X to Section III and renumber present Section XI to Section IV. (Sections III through IX to be incorporated into a proposed new Rule 10A. Refer to Attachment B.) ' REASON FOR CHANCE To clarify Merit System language with particular emphasis on adjusting conflicts in the rule relative to Personnel Appeal Board Elections. PERSONNEL APPEALADARQ ./2 Date: 3/22/76 Change Submitted by: County Executive: IXIApproved 0 Disapproved by:e7 Personnel Comm1tte.-2: [] Aporuvud I-1 Disapproved hy: / I( Date: Introduced to Board of Commissioners: Date: Section IV Subsection A of Merit System Resolution n7,7 ,:eo of the deoeloped by the Personnel Connittee and all futt4r: charges i. regv.lations shall be submitted to the Board of of Co.-77:ssion.7rs and shall bce..)mr thir%, o%Lion is received in writinj by in 61;17.ch ca3c the objection shall become !' of bo,:!.. of f.h B.-?:zr.1 of Ca.,771isal7oners. A. B. C. A. B. 183 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 aTAciintwr A RULE 10 P•IC.40:1 NEL A PPEA L HOARD (Refi-reirce to Serlion 11. k of the Merit Sptcror Resointion) Se, Om' 1 DUTIES OF THE PER:40N NEI. APPE I BOARD The Appe.11 Iki.tr(I shall act as the final Count y appeal body in matters of dismissals, suspensii ins. demotions and disciplinar y actions involving covered Count y employees and departments. IL shall imposvei et! sia ear :mil hear witnesses and take testimon y . Its decisions shall he binding on cove' ed emplil yees and departments. Sctu,i ti JUItISDICTION ot"riff... PERSON NI I. VITAL BoAlt o The Personnel Appeal Board shall act in cases involvin g all Count y employees except those specificall i, excluded from the provisions of :lit Merit S ystem Ikesolut ion. Section III MAKE•LP OF THE PHi...:ONNEL APPE IL BOARD The Merit System Resolution provides that the Appeal Board shall be made up of five members. Two sac selected by the Count y 's F.mployees. Two Members of the Boat d 1 Commissicniets. One Member selected by du. other four. Section IV SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR NIEMBERSHIP No Member of the Personnel Appeal Board shall have been 'a Count y Employee within one year prior to the date of appointment to this Board. Section V LENGTH OF TERM Members uf the Personnel Appeal Board shall be selected for one y ear terms beginning January 1 of each year. A. The first appointers shall serve throu gh Decembei 31, 1967. • Section VI COMPENSATION Members of the Perm,nnel Appeal Board shall teeeive the same- per diemi Coln pcnsation and mileage as that paid to Members of the Board of Commissioners. Section VII METHOD OF SELECTION OF THOSE MEMBERS SELECTED BY THE COUNTY'S EMPLOYEES The Members of the Personnel Appeal Buard selected b y the County's Employees shall be selected in the same manner in which emplo yee members of the Oakland Count y Employees' Retirement Commission are elected. All County emplo yees shall be eligible to sign nominating petitions and vote in this election except those spcHfically excluded from the provisions of the Merit System Resolutioiu. lifte of Election _ The third ( Titescla% 01 'lei ember of each year shall be designated as the dire fur the annual civet ion if tut rinpinyce Selo. Icti Members of the Oakland Ctivtit y Persoimi Appeal BoArch HUM,. Vac .incics If a vacam y shall occur within ninet y (90) day s of the date of the next regular ammol election, the unexpired term of that otfieu shall be filled at said annual election. All other vaconties shall be filled not lacer than ninet y (90! days followin g the (lecture:ice of said vacancy by a special election called kir that purpose. to be conducted in the same manner as a re gular election. C. CommissIoners minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 11:04 N Orn Ma ting Pett tli ills 1. Notice of the East Date for FiIiric Nominating Petitions The Personnel Director shall not later than the fourth (4th) Tuesday in thc second (2m1) month preceding any election prepare for each department and institution a notice for the filittp, of nominating petitions, the same .o be placed on a bulletin board or other conspicuous place within the department or institution, setting Girth the last day for such filing and such other in as shall be necessai y to such filing. Official Nominating Petit ions Must Be Used The Personnel Director shall make official nontinatinp, petition forms available to all interested employees and candidates as of the official posting date of the "Notice of the Last Date for riling Nominating Petitions". PETITIONS FILED ON OTHER FORMS W11.1. 11E CONSIDERED INVALID. 3. Number of Signatures Nec:essary To obtain the printnig of the name of any Candidate on the official election ballots, there skill he filed with the Personnel Dileclor nominating petitions signed by not less than fifty (50) employers. Ni candidate shall have his name printed upon any official 1-oallot not be qualified to fill the office of the Employee Selected Member unIrss nominating petitions shall have been circulated and filed in actor ii. rice with these tides and he is otherwise fully qualified i fill the office for which the election is being held. a. No nominating petition signature shall be considered valid if the employee has signed nominating petitions for more than two (2) candidates. 4. Deadline for Receiving Nominating Petitions The l'ersnuiel Director shall receive nominating petition; filed in corthince with the ri`g111,101111S up to four (4) o'clock in the aftemosin of the thild (lad) Monday of the nmntit preceding the elei don. E. Act ept.m, e of Nomination Each candidate shall. inn hirer than 4:00 p.m. on the last day for the filing of petitions. file with the Personnel Director an official —Acceptance Statement" on the official forms to be 7•Lipplied by the Personnel Division. Failure to so file shall result in disqualification of any candidate on whose behalf nominating petitions shall have been filed. F. Certification of Qualified Candidates The Personnel Director shall within three (3) days after the last day named for filing and receiving nominating petitions, CUIIVASS the same to ascertain if such petitions have been signed by the recrisite number of qualified employees, and Co, the purpose of deterinining the validity thereof. He shall then certify in writing to all qualifed candidates, he names of all ( inundates so qualified. G. Notification of Candidates in it Qualifies! In case it is determinesl that for any t dose aiicandidate who has filed is hot entitled to has e his n ame printed on the officia l ballot, it shall be the duty or the: Personnel Dirt...tor to immediately notify the tarislidatcs .of such fact. H. Withdrawal of Candidate After the filing of a nominating petition by or in behalf of a proposed candidate, such candidate shall not be permitted to withdraw unless a written notice or withdrawal is filed with the Personnel I lii Ci Io1 not later than three (3) clays after the last day for filing ssieli peritions. 185 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 I. Notice of Election Not less than five (5) days prior to any annual or spec at elecron. the Persoimel Director shall furnish to each dc pa tment and institution a norce of election, the same to be placed on a bulletin board or other conspicuous place in the department or institutem. setting forth the date of said election, the names of the qualified candidates in the order they will appear on the official ballot, the term(s) of office(s) to he filled. avid such other information as shall be necessary in the conduct of said election. Method of ‘'orang All hallow:1,, shall be on lot his prescribed by the Personnel Practice.s Commit r,a' The names of all clualified candidates shall be arranged on the offtr :al hallo( iii alphabetical order of surname (last name) as to read in the following Mariner: First. middle, last name. No candidate shall have the right to itny designation other than his or her full narne; except that any candidate presently holding the office of Employee Selected Member shall be entitled to have the wor!. -ineumbent- following his or her name. In the event two or more candidates shall have the same name, the Election Board may prescribe the [Witmer by which the candidates shall be 3. All vottiT shall be by "Absent Voter's Ballots -. Within five (5) days prior CU the (Lae 41111ShUll for 311 election, the Personnel Director sh,[1! furnish each department or institution with a supply of ballots. each ballot to be enclosed in an unsealed envelope. The Department Heath of such departments and institutions shall be held responsible for the distribution of ballots to each eligible votes and shall take a receipt from each voter when the ballot is delivered. After the voter has voted and sealed the ballot in the en VelOpe, the Depattnient Head shall deliver the ballots with the receipts to the office of the Personnel Director as outlined below. K. Hours of Voting The polls shall be open for voting from 12 o'clock noon the day prior to the date of election until 12 O'Citlek 00011 Of the day of of the election. All voted ballots ( must be delivered to the office of the Personnel Director not later than 4:00 p.m. on the day following the day of the election. L. Canvass of Vote The votes shall he canvassed wilhiiii seven (7) days following die clay of election in the Personnel Division Offices , unless some other place is designated by the Personnel Practices Committee. and said canvassing shall he open to any employee or candidate. M. Method of Determining the Winning Candidates The successful candidates shall be those two candidates receiving the highest and second highest number of the qualified votes cast at. such election for the office concerned. In the event of a tie, the tie shall be resolved by lot in such manner and conditions as shall be prescribed by the election board. N. Election Board The Personnel Practices Committee shall act as the Elect ion Board in the conduct, canvass and certification of any election under these regulations. J. 2. 1. Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 186 The decision of the Eleci ion Board shall be bindin% and final in the resolvu;.; Of any questions of interpretation, clarification, or other matters relative to the conduct of the election of Employee Selected Members of the PersonivA Appeal Board. Section VIII NIETHOD OF SELECTION OF T11024, 11E1111E11S OF THE OAKLAND (:OUNTY OF CON1111S:'!;10 RS APPOI \TED TO TI IF. P ERSON NE I. APPEAL BOARD Two Ii''ri of the of Coriimi:-...oners shall be appciinted to die Personnel Appeal Board by the C:hairrnan oi the Board ot . Commissioners, subject to approval by thc Board or Commissi:.iners. A. In the es.:nt 01 ViCiIlCI. i. replacements skill be named at the next meeting of the Board Section IX METHOD OF SELECTIO \ OF THE FIFTH MEMBER OF THE PERSONNEL APPEAL BOARD The fifth Member of the Per lid Appeal Board shall be selected by a majot ii y vote of the other four Members. if the four IsInnibers of the Personnel Appeal Board arc 'nimble to select the fifth member within thriti., '311.1 calendar days after their appointment, they shall so notify til e 0,dcland County Ciici.iit Couct Bench which shall appoint a fifth member to the Personnel Appeal Board within fifteen (15) calendar days. 1. A. Section X METHOD OF sELEcrioN OF 011111.11‘N AM.) VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE PERSONNEL APPEAL BOARD A. The Chairman of the Personnel Appeal Board shall be selected by a majority vote of the five Members. B. The Vice-Chairman of the Personnel Appeal Board shall also be selected by a majority vote of the five Members. Section XL DUTIES OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE PERSONNEL APPEAL BOARD The duties of the Chairman shall include. but not be limited to: Calling ince:rugsoh the Pelsoilliel Appeal Board arid setting the time and place Or 51.01 Mfg:611.gs: Meetings may also be called by two members of the Board. Notices of meetings giving the time and plat e of Om meeting. shall be made in writing at least five (5) calendar days prior to the dale of the meeting. At a meeting with all members present, the above notice cau be waived by a majority vote of the Members. B. Plepar Mg, or causing to he prepared, agendas and official minutes of the Board's meetings. C. Calling and administering die oath to witnesses. Ii Acting its Chair-Man of Board meetings and maintaining order. F. Being lesponsiblc tor the Board's actions being properly recorded, reported to he e•t ed lsir seeing that the hoard's decisions at e acted upon. F. In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman shall perform all of the clinic!. of the Chairman. A. a. 187 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 SECilON 1 RULE 10A - PERSONNEL APPEAL BOARD (Reference to Section VI, K of the Merle Syntem Resolution) MEMBERSHIP OF THE. PERSONEI APPEAL BOARD The Oakland County Personnel Appeal Board shall be composed of five members. Two members shall be elected by the qualified County employees who are within the merit system. Two Members of the Board of Commissioners shall be appointed to the Personnel Appeal Board by the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, subject to approval by the Board of Commissioners. The fifth member shall be selected by the other four members. SECTION II ELIGIBILITY FOR MC1BERSHIP No person shall be eligible to serve as a Member of the Personnel Appeal Board who is a county employee within the merit system, or who has been a county employee within one year prior to the beginning date of service on the Board. SECTION III LENGTH OF TERM Members of the Personnel Appeal Board shall serve for a term of one year beginning on January 1 of each year. SECTION IV COMPENSATION Members of the Personnel Appeal Board shall receive the name per diem compensation and mileage as that paid to Members of the Board of Commissioners for service on other Boards or Commissions. • SECTION V METHOD OF ELECTION OF EMPLOYEE ELECTED MEMBERS A. Date of Election The first Friday of December of each year shall be designated as the date for the annual election of two Employee elected Members of the Oakland Comity Personnel. Appeal Board. B. Official Nominating Pctitione Mnst Be Deed The County Clork Elect loll:. Divielen shall make official noninatlne petit ieit forme nedllahle to all iulereeted employeee and Cdndidl(VS el the oflicial poeting date of the ''Nut Ii of tho Laq/ Date for Filine Nomloating Petitions" (out later thav tle. fourth (4th) Tueedny in the second (2ad) month preueding the election. PletiTIONS FILE1) ON OTHER FORMS WILL BE CONSIDERED INVALID. C. Employees El_igible_to Npmiepte All County erployees shell be eligible to e'en nominating petitione ;![1.1 vote in thie election except. eleeie epecifically exeludoe flee the ete,eieiane et illy liuri I Syetent Resolution. D. Number of Signatures Necessary_to Nominate To obtain the printing of the name of any candidate on the official election ballots, there shall be filed with the County Clerk Elections Division nominating petitions signed by not less than fifty (50) qualified County employees. E. Invalid Petition Signatures No nominating petition signatures shall be considered valid if the employee has signed nominating petitions for more than two (2) candidates. Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 F. Nominating Petition Required No candidate shall have his name printed upon any official ballot nor be qualified to fill the office of the Employee Selected Member unless nominating petitiors shall have been circulated and filed in accordance with these rules and he is otherwise fully qualified to fill the office for which the election is being held. C. Deadline. for Receivin.g.Nominatlug Pet - Mann The County Clerk Elections Division shall receive nominating petitions filed in accordance with the regulations up to four (4) o'clock in the afternoon of the Fourth (4th) Friday preceding the election. H. Notice of the Last Date for Filing NominatinPetitions The County Clerk Elections Division shall not later than the Seventh (7th) Friday preceding any election prepare for each department and institution a notice for the filing of nominating petitions. The notice shall be placed on a bulletin board or other conspicuous place within the various departments and their satellite offices or institutions, setting forth the last day for such filing and such other information as shall be necessary to such filing. I. Acceptance Nominations Each candidate shall, not later than 4:00 p.m. on the last, day fur the filing of petitions, illy with the County Clerh'n Director of Elections an official "Acceptance Statement". These official formo are to he supplied by the Elections Division Olfice. Feilure to so file nhall result. in disqualification of eily candldAte on whose behalf nominating petitions nholl have been filed. J. Certifieation of Oualified Candidates The Count) Cler'r: Elections Division shall within three (3) busines:. day!: :trtor Ch. last day named for filing and receiving canvasn the same to ascertain if such petitions 11;t :e :E.ated hy rho requisite nnmher of qnalified Vinple',...?;, let' ft.' ttl.' p1111,Wie III deleiMiaillr, the VAlidIr'y tio.t ill Writ itlg IAA ;Ill qtrilitied yawl Iii ot A I I cmill WA! :N* dual r ri.41. K. Notificatinn of Candidates Not qualified In case it is determined that for any cause any candidate who has filed is not entitled to have his name printed on the official ballot, it shall be the duty of the County Clerk Elections Division to immediately notify the candidates of such facr. L. Withdrawal of Candidate After the filing of a nominating petition by or in behalf of a proposed candidate, such candidate shall not be permitted to withdraw unless a written notice of withdrawal is filed with the Director of Elections not later than three (3) huvAness days after the lost day for filing such petitions. 188 189 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 M. Notice of Election Not less than five (5) days prior to any annual or special election, the County Clerk Elections Division shall famish to each department and institution a notice of election, the same to be placed on a bulletin board or other conspicuous place in the various departments and their satellite offices or institution, setting forth the date of said election, the names of the qualified candidates in the order they will appear on the official ballot, the term(s) of office(s) to be filled, and such other information as shall be necessary in the conduct of said election. N. Ballots All voting shall be by "absent voter's ballots". All balloting shall be on forms prescribed by the Personnel Committee. O. Ballot Arrangement The names of all qualified candidates shall he arranged on the official ballot in alphabetical order of surname (last name) as to read in the following manner: First, middle, surname. P. Ballot Designations No candidate shall have the right to any designation other than his or her full name; except that any candidate presently holding the office of Employee Selected Member shall he entitled to have the word "incumbent" following his or her name. In the event two or more candidates shall have the same name, the Election Board way prescribe the manner by which the candidates shall be differentiated. Q Distribution of Ballots On the last payday preceding the date established for the election, the County Clerk' Director of Elections, or bin staff, shall provide for delivery to each employee eligible to vote, by attachment to the employee's paycheck, an official election ballot, voting instructions including the location of ballot boxes, campaign rules, information about all the candidates and n pre-addressed ballot return envelope. R. Deposit of Ballots All voters shall be responsible for depositing their own marked ballot in one of the sealed ballot boxes provided, between 12:00 noon on the day the ballots are distributed and 12:00 noon on the day of the election. All voted ballots must be sealed in their ballot return envelope and the ballot return envelope must be signed on the outside to be considered valid. Ballots may also be returned via U.S. Mail in the signed, pre—addressed ballot return envelope, to the County Elections Director, provided they are received by noon on the day of the election. Necessary postage shall be supplied by the voting employee. S. Collection of Ballot Boxes All ballot boxes shall be delivered to the office of the Director of Elections not later than 4:00 p.m. oil the day of the eleetion. Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 33, 1976 190 T. Canvass of Vote The votes shall be canvassed within seven (7) days following the day of election in the County Clerk's Offices, unless some other place is designated by the Director of Elections, and said canvassing shall be open to any employee or candidate. Voters shall be canvassed by the County Board of Canvassers who shalt be paid their regolar per diem and mileage for their services. U. Election Board The Personnel Committee shall act as the Election Board and the County Board of Canvassers shall be responsible for the canvass and certification of any election under these regulations. V. Authority of the Election Board The decision of the Election Board shall be binding and final In the resolving of any questions of interpretation, clarifica- tion, or other matters relative to the conduct of the election of Employe'. Selorted Wmbers of the Pernonuel Appeal Board. W. Method of Outerminin;:. the Winniilg Candidates The suer-en:Jot candidates shall be those two candidates receiving thv Ii ih .1_ nod see ad highest nuober of the qualified votes east at sooh eIeriion for the office coocereed. In the event of a tie, h. t i' 11 he ret.olved by lot hi noeli manner and conditions an it t.pc..n,o-ihre by tilt. Elec.! on hoact. X. Vacancies If a vacancy shall occur within ninety (90) days of the date of the next regular annual election, the unexpired term of that office shall not be filled. All other vacancies shall be filled not later than ninety (90) days following the occurrence of said vacancy by a special election called for that purpose, to be conducted in the !-ullue manner an a regular election. SECTION VI COMISSIONERS APPOINTED TO THE PERSONNEL APPEAL BOARD During the month of December two Members of the Board of Commissioners shall be appointed to the Personnel Appeal Board by the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, subject to approval by the Board of Commissioners. In the event of vacancies, replacements shall be named at the next meeting of the Board of Commissioners. SECTION .VII SELECTION OF THE FIETll MEMBER OF THE PERSONNEL APPEAL BOARD The fifth Member of the Personovl Appeal hoard shall he selected by a majority vote of the other four Memhers. If the four Members of the Personnel Appeal Board are totabie to fwleel the fifth member within thirty (30) calendar days after their appointment, they shall so notify the Oakland County Circuit Court Bench which shall appoint a fifth member to the Personnel Appeal Board within fifteen (15) calendar days. 191 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 Misc. 7511 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: RECLASSIFICATION OF ONE (I) VACANT C.E.T.A. TYPIST I POSITION TO C.E.T.A. BUDGET TRAINEE- BUDGET DIVISION, DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Budget Division has one employee, by necessity, on fu:1-lime loan to the Financial Information Systems Task Force for the remainder of 1976; and WHEREAS the BACIS - Data System, now in its first stage, requires close monitoring and considerable input from the Budget Division; and WHEREAS requests for new County financial information have increased and, in addition, the Budget Division is now monitoring the preparation and maintenance of Sheriff's Township Patrol services contracts; and WHEREAS one (1) C.E.T.A. Typist I position in the Budget Division has been vacant since September, 1975 because of a more efficient distribution of clerical workload among existing staff allowing reclassification of the position at no additional cost to the C.E.T.A. program for the remainder of 1976, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (1) vacant Typist I (C.E.T.A.) position currently authorized to the Budget Division be reclassified to one (1) Budget Trainee position (C.E.T.A.). The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Pernick the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7512 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: RECLASSIFICATION OF ONE (1) LIBRARY AIDE (C.E.T.A.) TO LIBRARY CLERK (C.E.T.A.) - OAKLAND COUNTY LIBRARY BOARD To the Oakland County Board of Commissinners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Library Board currently has an authorized Library Aide (C.E.T.A.) position which was originally intended to be short term; and WHEREAS the extension of the C,E.T.A. program has allowed continuance of this position over a period during which the needs of the Library have changed; and WHEREAS the Library Aide (C.E.T.A.) position is now utilized in a supervisory capacity over a Typist II position which has a higher maximum salary; and WHEREAS the Library Aide position can be upgraded to Library Clerk with a higher maximum salary than Typist II without significant impact on total C.E.T.A. funding; and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed this request and determined the Library Clerk classification to be more appropriate to the duties and responsibilities of the position, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (1) Library Aide (C.E.T.A.) under the Oakland County Library Board be reclassified to Library Clerk (C.E.T.A.) with the following salary range: BASE 6 MONTH 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 87g 8,749 87-971 - 9.238 9 ,53 -97890 - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the current incumbent be placed at the two year salary step to resolve the current inequity within the department. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Simmons the resolution be adopted. AYES: Hoot, Houghten, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilcox, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler. (17) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Aaron IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION ;7492 - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT 6th PLATOON SHIFT PREMIUM GRIEVANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Committee. by Dennis H. Aaron. Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No 7492 with the recourendation that the resolution be adopted. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 192 "Misc. 7492 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT 6th PLATOON SHIFT PREMIUM GRIEVANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS a Special Platoon was established in the Sheriff Department on July 26, 1974 utilizing incumbent employees from other shifts in order to provide additional patrol coverage during evening hours; and WHEREAS this Special Natoon was eliminated on July lo, 1975; and WHEREAS a grieva me iv.. tiled icy the Union lopirwnling the olliter.. on illy ;pvcial Platoon alleoing that the Special Platoon wa.. a pernunent alleinnon a..signmeut and did not totate a.. did ill lic'i Sheriff Department Platoons; and WHEREAS the grievance alleges that under the lalx)r contract which incorporates Merit System Rule 2, Section IX, the officers on the Special Platoon are entitled to Night Shift Premium fur the period worked on the Special Platoon; and WHEREAS the total grievance claim for the period the Platoon was in existence is estimated to be $3,449; and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed the matter and has determined that it is most appropriate to settle the grievance with the Union rather than advancing the grievance through arbitration; and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee also reports to the Board that it has the assurance of the Sheriff Department that no units will be formed that will qualify for permanent shift differential without prior approval of the Board of Commissioners, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the grievance filed by Local 1445 alleging entitlement to shift differential payment for hours worked by officers on the Special Platoon during the period July 26, 1974 through July 16, 1975 be settled for an amount not to exceed $3,449. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 111492 - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT 6th PLATOON SHIFT PREMIUM GRIEVANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the sum of $3.449.00 available in the Contingent fund in the 1976 Oakland County Budget. Said amount to be transferred to the Sheriff's Department - Protective Services-Patrol - line item - Salaries-Shift Premitan. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Patterson that resolution 117492 be adopted. AYES: McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Simmons, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino. (12) NAYS: Houghten. Wilcox, Gabler, Hoot. (4) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, resolution 117492 was not adopted. REPORT By Mr. Aaron IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7493 - SHERIFF DEPARTMENT SERGEANT'S OVERTIME GRIEVANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7493 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman -Misc. 7493 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: SHERIFF DEPARTMENT SERGEANT'S OVERTIME GRIEVANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Budget Division, in carrying out their responsibility to monitor arid control overtime expenditures, notified the Sheriff Department, on September 11, 1975, that overtime would nu longer be approved for Corporals or Sergeants for either roll call or reviewing of reports; and WHEREAS the Sheriff Department had scheduling problems they did not feel could be immediately solved and which were complicated by issues involving Corporals and Sergeants then in contract arbitration; and WHEREAS the Sheriff Department notified the employees on September 11 that they no longer would be paid for overtime involving roll call or reviewing reports but permitted them to work while 193 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 the Department worked with scheduling problems to resolve the conflict; and WHEREAS the practice of Sergeants and Corporals working overtime for roll call and to review reports was ceased in January, 1976 upon implementation of schedule changes; and WHEREAS the Union representing the Corporals and Sergeants filed grievance claiming payment for overtime worked on roll call and reviewing reports during the period of September 11, 1975 and January I, 1976, such claim estimated to be $3,305; and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed the matter and has determined that it is most appropriate to settle the grievance with the Union rather than advancing the grievance through arbitration; and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee also reports to the Board that it has the assurance of the Sheriff Department that this type of overtime liability will not occur in the future; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the grievance filed by Local 1445 alleging entitlement to paw-ent for overtime worked for roll call and reviewing reports during the period September 11, 1975 and January 1, 1976 be settled for an amount not to exceed $3,305. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE; MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 4'7493 - SHERIFF DEPARTMENT SERGEANT'S OVERTIME GRIEVANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen; Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds funds are not available. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Daly that resolution 07493 be adopted. AYES: Moffitt, Pernick, Simians, Aaron, Dearborn, Fortino. (6) NAYS: Murphy, Patterson, Perinoff, Price, Hoot, Houghten. (6) PASS: McDonald, Wilcox, Daly, Dunleavy, Gabler. (5) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, resolution 07493 was not adopted. Moved by Daly supported by McDonald the meeting be adjourned to April 29, 1976 at 9:30 A.M. Mr. Price. objected. AYES: Moffitt, Murphy, Daly, Hoot, Houghten, McDonald. (6) NAYS: Patterson, Pernik, Price, Simmons, Wilcox, Aaron, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino. (9) PASS: Perinoff. (1) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Moved by Aaron supported by Houghten that items "C" and "D" under Public Services Committee, (Preapplication for FY-77 CETA Funds and Reallocation of Forfeited CETA Funds) be considered at this time. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Misc. 7513 By Mr. Price IN RE: C.E.T.A. PROGRAM - PRE-APPLICATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 1977 FUNDS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor of Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of Title I of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS Oakland County's C.E.T.A. program has provided jobs, skill training and support services to approximately 7,500 Oakland County youth and adults; and WHEREAS it is deemed in the best interest of Oakland County to continue C.E.T.A. program services; and WHEREAS this C.E.T.A. program does not require local county funds as a program match; and WHEREAS C.E.T.A. program regulations require that all potentially eligible Prime Sponsors file a pre-application for fiscal year 1977 federal assistance no later than April 15, 1976. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the filing of a pre-application for fiscal year 1977 federal assistance under the C.E.T.A. program. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman. moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUULIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman 194 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 Moved by Price supported by Dearborn the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolition was adopted. Misc. 7514 By Mr. Price IN RE: REALLOCATION OF CITA 1111C VI FISCAI YEAR 1976 FUNDS FOR SUFMRANTEFS To the Oakland County Bodmi it Mr. Chairukui, Lad it''. Jul Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland Ltminly Hill it of COMMi..,1011C1'. hY for and was granted the desiondiion hy Ihc U.S. Department .ii E.11.01 i. i l,punsiw to admini..i.0 the provisions of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution 117194 accepted the CETA FY-76 monies for Title VI; and WHEREAS these funds were distributed consistent with the CETA law and regulations to all eligible cities, villages, townships and school districts in Oakland County; and WHEREAS some local units have opted to forfeit all or portions of their CETA allocations, such forfeitures to date totalling $105,098.79; and WHEREAS such funds are availably for redistribution by the Oakland County Board of Commis- sioners as the CETA Prime Sponsor. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the distribution of $105,908.79 of forfeited FY-76 Title VI funds consistent with the attached budget. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Huber Price, Jr., Chairman 36,031. 00 3,820.00 6,057.79 25,000.00 195 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 C.E.T.A. - VI GURGRABTEES SUPPLEMEiVAL !.11ND1C FOR PROGRAM EXTENIuN Arlin 5, 19/6 I. Available Funds A. Balance of Forfeited Title VI Fund,:. B. Forfeited Funds from Subgranteeu 1. Jewish Family Service 35,000.00 71 19,871.79 91.n1 Available Plinth:. t105,908.79 II. Requests by Subgrantees to Exteni CLTA Title VI Program Co 6-30-76 2. Ouk. Co. Chamber of Comlerce 3. City of Ferndale 4. White hake Township Phil::e Cut Funding Date Alloc%tion Reauested Thtal Title VT Enroll meat 1. Oak Park Schools 2-13-6 31,329 15,188 46,517 5 2. City of Huntington 3-20-76 24,275 10,480 34,755 3 Woods 3. Village of Clarkston L41 -16 62,h94 8,500 70,994 4 4. Crandon School:; 4-10-76 22,075 6,150 28,225 4 5. Huron Valley School:: h--ifl- h0 ,1 8 7. 15,793 75,980 A 6. Village of Wolverine 4-30-:(6 :.9,504 7,000 36,504 3 Lake 7. Royal Oak Township 2-18-76 224 048 42,797.79 266,845.yq 29 1453,912 105,908.19 559,820.79 56-1 Total Title VI Fund:. Forfeited 105,908.19 T01;01 Ti I.IC V1- Fun& Regno,...ted )05 908.79 9:11n00e -0- cri t. i..• . Title 1T Moved by Price supported by Aaron the resolution be adopted. AYES: Murphy, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilcox, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, McDonald, Moffitt. (16) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1176 196 Moved by Aaron supported by Price that items "A" and "B" under Puhlic Service. Connittee (Oakland County Jail Inmate Rehabilitation Program Grant and C.E.T.A. Title 1 On-The-Job Training Contracts (Phase IX) be considered at this Lime. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motiol carried. Misc. 7515 By Mr. Price IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY JAIL INMATE REHABILITATION PROGRAM GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Conmdssioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners has a strong interest in the reduction of crime; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Jail represents a potential resource to be used toward this reduction; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners has by Miscellaneous Resolution 7223 authorized acceptance of LEAA monies to linance the first year of a rehabilitation project ie the Oakland County Jail; and WHEREAS the Rehabilitation Program has met first year objectives as a measurement or program success; and WHEREAS the Rehabilitation Protean' now qua Mit'', lor a second year of LEAA fundimp. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners autlx)rires application for a second year of LEAA funding for the Innate Rehabilitation Program consisteei with the attached budget report. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Connissioners dedicate cash matching funds not to exceed $38,609 for a 15 month period (7/1/76 through 9/30/77): and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that acceptance of an additional 3 months of funding at the third year contribution rate of 50f.' County and 50';'. Federal Funding is not to be interpreted as a commitment by Oakland County to continue this program for a third year; and THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that prior to acceptance of the grant contract, should one be awarded, a comprehensive report detailing project successes will be made to the Oakland County Board of Connissioners. The Public Services Committee by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman "FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: 2ND YEAR APPLICATION FOR THE OAKLAND COUNTY JAIL INMATE REHABILITATION PROGRAM GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Connittee has reviewed the 2nd year Jail Inmate Rehabilitation Program Grant application. This grant covers the 15 month period of July I, 1976 through September 30, 1977 in order to bring its funding in line with the states fiscal year. This grant application coesists of nine (9) positions, no additional staff over 1975. The total pmen-mn regeireneefl for the 15 month grant period is $715,367. Ti • s $57, an ? or 37 hi Or t I kw r yell tirld ( I ;" MO11111.0 . The funding requiremeets for thc 15 months are as lollows: 12 Months ; Months luial //76 -6/77 I/11 - 9/77 1; Moeth% _ _ . _ Cash County 17,268 (102) 21,341 (50Z) 38,609 Federal 155,417 (907 ) 21,341 (50%) 176,758 TOTAL 172,685 (1002) 42,682 (1002) Acceptance of this additional 3 month funding at the third year contribution rate of 50?. County and 5M Federal funding is not to be interpreted as a commitment by Oakland County to continue this program for a third year. In the third year of the program, the County's contribution will be increased to 502 funding for a 12 month period, or approximately $86,343. Federal funds will supply the other 50ri Acceptance of a third year connitment carries a mandatory agreement to continue the program for a fnerth year at I oa; County expense. ii apul iota( el y 5117.685, as inaical,41 in the following schedule: 2ed Yea! 31d Ye,iu 4th Year 1/1/16 - 9/10/// 10/1/7/ - 9/30/7 8 10/1/78 - 9/30/79 Cash 'County 38,609 (I) - SO) 86,343 (50',) 172,685 (IOW Federal 176.758 (90 - 50 ) 86,342 (501 -- TOTAL PROGRAM 215,367 (100r ) 172,685 (1001 172,685 (100) The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report; further, that this grant application be referred to the Public Services Committee. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman" 197 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 Moved by Price supported by Simmons the resolution be adopted. AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Simmons, Wilcox, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Dinleavy, Fortino, McDonald, Moffitt. (11) NAYS: Price, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten. Murphy- (5) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the resolution wa , not adopted. Misc. 7516 Br Mr. Price IN RE: C.E.T.A. TtTLE 1 ON-THE-JOB TRAINING CONTRACTS (PHASE IX) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board o Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor of Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of Title I of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1573; and WHEREAS Oakland County's C.E.T.A. Title 1 Grant Application has been filed and approved by the U.S. Department of Labor; and WHEREAS On-The-Job Training represents a major component in Oakland County's approved Man- power Program; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Manpower Advisory Council recommends the contract included herein as Phase IX of Oakland County's C.E.T.A. Title I On-The-Job Training program. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that il)e Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the award of Phase IX of C.E.T.A. Title I On-The-Job Training Contracts in the total amount of $109,940.00 consistent with the attached budget. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman OAKLAND COUNTY - PUBLIC SERVICES EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION DIVISION CETA - TITLE I - ON-THE-JOB TRAINING Twenty-one employers have elected to participate in Phase IX. Approval of this request would increase the total amount obligated under OJT by $109,940. The emphasis on filling the 40 new jobs will be to move Title I CETA applicants, who are leaving other CETA components, into permanent full-time jobs. Phase IX compares with previous requests as shown in the following statistical table. APPROVED PHASE TOTAL TO DATE IX ALL PHASES Number of Enrollees 466 ItO 506 Total Contract Costs 51,1127,7116.00 $109,940.00 $1,537,686.00 Average Cost per Enrollee $3,063.83 $2,748.50 $3,038.50 Employer Contracts 180 21 201 Average per Employer 2.7 Enrollees 1.9 Enrollees 2.5 Enrollees Training Time Average 22.7 weeks 21.7 weeks 22.6 weeks Average Weekly Enrollee Cost $134.97 $126.66 $134.46 Each employer and applicant continue to be carefully reviewed, in light of CETA's experience with previous phases, to maximize the trainee's chances of success. To achieve maximal success, field staff are emphasizing greater individualization of OJT contracts for specific client groups and reducing the number of trainees per employer. It is felt that employer response is still sufficiently strong to allow derelopment of a proportionately greater number of contracts to offset the reduction in the number of new jobs per contract. It is the staff's recommendation that the Public Services Commitee approve the contract as submitted. TOTAL NUMBER OF _TRAINEES POSITION COMPANY 198 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 13, 1976 A 6 C in Mnsic Madison Heights Brass Repairman 1 5 2,600.00 A P. C Central Music Ceneral Clerk Madison Heights 1 2,600.00 A P. C Central Music hiventory Control Madison Heights Apprentice 1 2,600.00 Out of Sight Optical Pontiac optician Apprentice 1 5,900.00 Rogers Land Curporat ion Pontiac Secretary 1 2,880.110 Rogers Land Corporation Pontiac Building Maintenance 1 2,880.00 Carl Hardin Insur:111CC Clarkston Secretary 1 2,R80.00 A P. S Insurance Agency Auburn Heights Secretary 1 2,880.00 Industrial & Marine Supply Company, Inc. Hazel Park Diesel Mechanic Trainee l 5,120.00 M. DiGiovanni 4 Son Cons. Hazel Park Cement Mason Apprentice 5 15,200.00 Robert D. Carry Insurance Pontiac Chief Clerk IT 1 2,880.00 Reliable Asphalt Contractors, Inc. Pontiac Asphalt Rakers 2 4,760.00 Reliable Asphalt Contractors, Inc. Bituminous Paving Pontiac Apprentice 2 1,920.00 Reliable Asphalt Contractors, Inc. Pontiac Bookkeeper II 2 4,400.00 Reeves Electric Company Hazel Park Fletrician apprentice 4 14,560.00 Calvin Butterworth Agency Farmers Insurance Croup Lake Orion Secretary 1 3,120.00 • Maple Office Supplies Walled Lake Truck Driver (light) I 2,600.no Maple Office Supplies Walled Lake Secretary-Receptionist 1 2,860.00 ?ay Pung, State Farm Walled Lake Secretary 1 3,120.00 Gregory & Leonard Office Supply Ferndale (CAPAD) Procurement Clerk 1 2,860.00 Pontiac Eye Clinic Pontiac Optometric Assistant 1 ' 5,120.00 Dick Hassberger, Statcfarm Pontiac Office Manager 1 3,520.00 COMPANY NI P111111 TRAUXFS TOTAL Lynn D. Allen Clerk Alexander C. Perinoff Chairman 199 Commissioners Minutps Continued. April 13, 1976 rvrtula 1 e Aut o tzt.coud i Ion iu n:, I. Ferndale 'into Reconditioner 1,760.nn Huron Vallev Associates Milford X Ray Tech Trainer. I 3,640.00 Huron Valley Associates of MilCurd Milford Billing Receptionist Trne 1 3,120.00 Metalon, Inc. Madison Heights Bridgeport (Millhand) Opr 2 3,920.00 Oxford Lawn F Leisure Oxford Secretary 1 2,600.00 Truha Carpet Hazel Park Carpet Installer 1 3 640 00 40 $109,940.00 Moved by Price supported by Simmons the resolution be adopted. AYES: Price, Simmons, Wilcox, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Patterson, Perinoff. (16) NAYS: None. (0) PASS: Pernick. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Mr. Pernick requested the Clerk call the roll to determine if a quorum is present. PRESENT: Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Patterson, Perinofl, Simmons, Wilcox. (11) ABSENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Gabler, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Nowak, Olson, Page, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilson. (16) Quorum not present. The Chairman stated the meeting is adjourned to April 15, 1976, in accordance ol the Rule% rOr ihe Oakland County Board of Commissioners, due to the lack of a quorum. Tbc 3oard adjourrwd at 2 P.N. 200 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING April 15, 1976 Meeting called to order by Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff at 10:25 A.M. in the Court House Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by Henry W. Hoot Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson. (24) ABSENT: Montante, Murphy, Wilcox. (3) Quorum present. Clerk read letter from Mrs. Diane Happel and Mrs. Arlyle Cole regarding the Telegraph Road Widening. (Placed on file.) REPORT By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION •7506 - 4 C's PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Human Resources Committee, by Betty J. Fortino, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7506 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairman "Misc. 7506 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: 4 C's PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Human Resources Committee has reviewed a presentation by the Oakland County Community Coordinated Child Care Program (known as 4 C's); and WHEREAS during the past year and a half, the Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency has provided staff and internal resources to initiate this child care system for Oakland County; and WHEREAS your Committee has determined that the work of 4 C's should be continued. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners recommend inclusion of $14,972 in the 1977 budget for support of the 4 C's program. The Human Resources Committee, by Betty J. Fortino, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairman" Moved by Fortino cupported by Patterson that resolution 117506 he adopted. AYES: Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution #7506 was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION e7491 - APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR AUDITORIUM IMPROVEMENTS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7491 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman 201 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 15, 1976 "Misc. 7 49 1 By Mr. Daly IN RE: APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR AUDITORIUM IMPROVEMENTS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS your Committee has reviewed proposals for renovating certain areas of the Commis- sioner's Auditorium, as shown on the attached sketch; and WHEREAS such improvements will include the renovation of Committee Rmom "A", thereby providing for the availability of two (2) adequate meeting rooms; and WHEREAS such improvements will provide for the centralization of the Commissioner's clerical staff. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that $12,000.00 be and is hereby allocated to the Department of Central Services to perform the necessary Audi toriur improvements, as per the attached cost estimates. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman" OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE - DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION AUDITORIUM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 74-25 REVISED MARCH 11, 1976 Furniture Storage Cabinets Alterations SUB-TOTAL Carpeting - Committee Room 'A" Visual Idea Center TOTAL PROJECT COST - S 3.875 - S 1,200 - $ 4,900 - S 9.975 - S 1,500 - S 525 - $12,000 (See Page 151 for Auditorium Floor Plan) FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION .d7491 - APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR AUDITORIUM IMPROVEMENTS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the sum of $12,000.00 available in tie Building Fund - Auditorium Improvement Project. Said amount to be transferred to the 1976 Department of Facilities and Operations - Special Projects budget. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernic, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Roth that resolution ,7491 be adopted. AYES: Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Houghten, Lennon, Moffitt, Nowak, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (14) NAYS: Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Kasper, McDonald, Olson, Patterson. (8) A sufficient majority having voted tnerefor, resolution d7491 was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: DR. ERNEST F. BRATER REPORT ON STUDY OF FLOODING CONDITIONS RELATING TO THE CLINTON RIVER - DAWSON DAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: By Miscellaneous Resolution 7275, Septembe ,- II, 1975, the Planning and Building Committee has received Dr. Ernest F. Brater's report, dated March 4, 1976, in regards to the study of flood conditions along the Clinton River in the region which includes the western part of Pontiac, Waterford Township and West Bloomfield Township, The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the report, PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Button the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 15, 1976 202 Misc. 75 1 7 By Mr. Daly IN RE: TELEGRAPH ROAD WIDENING, 12 MILE ROAD TO ORCHARD LAKE ROAD To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS US-24/10 (Telegraph Road) from 12 Mile Road to Lrchard Lake Road is under jurisdiction of the Michigan Department of State Highways and Transportation and is part of the State Trunkline System; and WHEREAS the most recent Right-of-Way Plan for State Trulkline Highways as approved by the Department of State Highways and Transportation shows a planned right of way width of two hundred and four (204) feet for this segment of Telegraph Road; and WHEREAS Oakland County and within it, the City of Southfield, the Villages of Bingham Farms and Franklin, and Bloomfield Township are all rapidly growing areas in the Detroit Metro- politan Region and whose future community well-being are dependent upon the future service of Telegraph Road; and WHEREAS Telegraph Road is a major north-south arterial land-service highway serving the western portion of the Detroit Metropolitan Area; and its role is vital to the overall highway system of Oakland County and its immediate region; and it is recognized that this segment of Telegraph Road must play an integral part in the future growth, development, economics, and transportation of this area; and WHEREAS the State of Michigan, through its agency, the Michigan Department of State Highways and Transportation, has repeatedly acknowledged the need for upgrading US-24/10 (Telegraph Road) to the highest and safest standards of a high-type at-grade facility, through its previously published Engineering Reports 1747 and 1757, dated March 3, 1966 and July 7, 1966, respectively, which have been coordinated with Oakland County and the local communities through which Telegraph Road passes; and WHEREAS these Engineering Reports repeatedly propose both in text and strip maps, the physical upgrading of this segment of Telegraph Road from its existing fifty-two (52) foot width within a predominently one-hundred fifty foot (150) right of way to dual forty-eight (48) foot pavements with sixty (60) to eighty (80) foot medians within a proposed new right of way of two hundred and four (204) feet; and WHEREAS the Michigan Department of State Highways and Transportation has recently announced that the design of the proposed reconstruction would be reduced from dual four lanes to dual three lanes. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that in view of these facts and the critical nature of this proposed upgrading of Telegraph Road to the future health, safety, and prosperity of Oakland County's citizens affected thereby, this Board does hereby request that the Michigan Department of State Highways and Transportation review its traffic projections and re-evaluate this project with the objective of restoring the dual four lane design, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the design contain necessary elements to reduce noise levels and water pollution to abutting areas to standards cslablished by the Federal Highway Administration. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be lorwarded to the Governor, the Director of the State Department of Highways and Transportation, and 'nen ibers of the State Legislature representing Oakland County. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Douglas the resolution be adopted. Moved by Moffitt supported by Houghten the resolution be amended on Page 2 Line 3 of the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph by deleting the rest of the paragraph after the words 'affected thereby and adding that the design contain necessary elements to reduce noise levels and water pollution to abutting areas to standards established by the Federal Highway Administration". Also, the first BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED paragraph be deleted and the following added instead: "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board does hereby request that the Michigan Department of State Highways and Transportation immediately begin construction and build either a dual three-lane design 64hereit is necessary to expedite this proiect, or the dual four-lane design where it is possible without violating the Federal noise and pollution standards. Discussion followed. Mr. Olson moved the previous question. Seconded by Mr. Pernick. Vote on amendment: AYES: Dunleavy, Houghten, McDonald, Moffitt, Nowak, Page, Patterson. (7) NAYS: Simmons, Wilson. Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, Olson. Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth. (16) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed. 203 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 15, 1976 Vote on resolution: AYES: Wilson, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, GEbler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 75 1 8 By Mr Daly iN RE: CONTINUATION OF COMPREHENSIVE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING PROJECT GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairran, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution '17006 the County of Oakland did apply for a Comprehensive Traffic Engineering Project Grant as prime sponsor of the grant for the Traffic Improve- --ent Association of Oakland County; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends that said grant be continued with grant funds in the amount of S123,1300.00 available from April 1, 1976 to March 30, 1977, said grant being fully funded by federal funds, requiring no County contribution; and WHEREAS these funds will be used to continue to employ a full time staff and to obtain technical expertise on a consulting basis in order to reduce Oakland County's traffic losses. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the continuation of the Comprehensive Traffic Engineering Project Grant and authorizes the Chairman of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to apply for the continuation grant. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman "FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: COMPREHENSIVE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING PROJECT AND GRANT - TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION OF OAKLAND COUNTY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: This is the second year of a three year grant under the State Office of Highway Safety Planning for the Comprehensive Traffic Engineering Project to the Traffic Improvement Association (TIP,). The TIA is a private, non-profit organization created in 1967 by a committee of public officials, businessmen and community leaders under the provisions of Act No. 327 of the Public Acts of 1931. The purpose of this independent, autonomous, self-governing organization is to promote traffic safety improvements through encouraging and supporting the traffic safety efforts of public officials, public organizations, schools and civic and business groups. The Oakland County Government has been supportive of this organization by appropriating S20,000 annually for several years. Most communities do not have financial resources available or access to free technical assistance to resolve traffic engineering problems nor do they employ trained traffic engineers. Most efforts to implenent traffic ergineering improvements have been un-coordinated and there is no mechanism For developing a master highway system plan on a County-wide basis. This grant of 5123,800 is 6.5, or 53,600 lower than last year. It runs from 4/1/76 to 3/30/77 and is full funded by Federal Funds. requiring no County contributions. These funds ilill be used to continue to employ a full time staff and to obtain technical expertise on a consulting basis (as per attached schedule) in order to reduce Oakland County's traffic losses. Oakland County has been the prime sponsor of this grant. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, recommends the acceptance of the foregoing report. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman" 8 ,700 8 ,600 89,500 8o ,800 132 400(6,54123 800 Total Operating TOTAL Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 15, 1976 204 'COMPREHENSIVE INGINfERING PROJECT c GPANf Variance Variance 1st Year 2nd Year in Favorable rARIE .A1S Position ,: 4/75-4/76 4/71,-4/77 Positions (Onfavorahltil . _. .... Projeet Manr 1 18,000 20,000 0 0,6661 /1,i.,t,,,I, M.Ina!;er 1 14,000 16,000 0 (7,000) Sucretnry I ,_./../9"-0- .0). 1, 0110 . _ ._ . .. total Salary 3 30,000 314,000 (1) 3,000 Add: Fringe Benefits 3,900(101 j ip00(1W) 0,1110) (A) _ _ Total Salary C fringe Benefits 3 42,900 43,000 (I) (100) OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES Cemputer Programming 15,000 7,500 7,500 Conferences 6 Training 2,000 3,000 (1,000) Data Analysis 10,500 -0- 10,500 Equipment Rental 2,400 500 1,900 (8) Evaluation 20,000 -0- 20,000 . Orrice Equipment boo 4,800 (4,200)(B) Office Supplies 1,000 1,000 -0- Postage 800 800 -0- Printing 6 Reproduction 10,000 5,000 5,000 . Public Support 10,500 14,000 (3,500) (C) Technical Support 3,500 30,000 (26,500) (0) Telephone 1,200 1,200 -0- Transportation • 2,000 3,000 (1,000) Indirect Costs • 10,000 10,000 -0- FUNDING SOURCES Federal 132,400 123,800 State -0- -0- County -0- -0- TorAi 132,400 123,800 A. TIA Board of Directors arc expected to approve new Fringe Benefit Package, B. Per suggestion of Office of Highway Safety Planning Auditor, IBM Memory Typewriter will be purchased instead of continuing monthly lease payments. C. Increased assistance of writers, public relations specialists and graphic artists to be employed in production and distribution of news releases, presentations, etc. necessary to the development of public support. D. Increase reflects unplanned extensive involvement of Wayne State University in implementation phase. Original plan called for Wayne State University work only in evaluation. Prepared by: Budget Division March 1, 1916 8,600 8,600 205 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 15, 1976 Moved by Daly supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. AYES: Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7519 By Mr. Daly IN RE: FARMINGTON WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM - NORTHWEST SECTION EXCHANGE OF EASEMENTS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS an easement was granted to the County of Oakland by the Standard Financial Corporation of 2401 W. Big Beaver Road, Troy, Michigan 48084, which easement was recorded in Liber 6071, Page 18, Oakland County Records; and WHEREAS during construction of the above referenced project, the water main was relocated due to bad ground conditions encountered in the area of the original easement; and WHEREAS this particular easement is no longer necessary for the construction and maintenance of said project, and the new easement has been granted to the County; and WHEREAS it is deemed advisable that said easement be returned to the grantor. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, that the Chairman be and hereby authorized and directed to execute a Quit Claim Deed on behalf of the County of Oakland to accomplish this release. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the following resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chair man Moved by Daly supported by Kasper the resolution he adopted. AYES: Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7520 By Mr. Daly IN RE: RANDOLPH STREET DRAIN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS proceedings have been taken by the Statutory Drainage Board for the location, establishment and construction of the Randolph Street Drain under the provisions of Act No. 40 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1956, as amended, pursuant to a petition filed by the City ol Northville and City of Novi on March 30, 1970; and WHEREAS the Drainage Board for said Randolph Street Drain, by rcsolution on March 30, 1976, authorized and provided for the issuance of a note in the principal amount of $67,000 in anticipation of the collection of unpaid special assessments against the County of Wayne and City of Northville and aginst the County of Oakland and City of Novi and City of Northville for the share of each in the cost of locating, establishing and constructing said drain, said special assessments having been theretofore duly confirmed by said Drainage Board; and WHEREAS said note is to be dated April 15, 1976, will be sold at an interest rate not exceeding 107. per annum, and will be subject to prior redemption as specified in the said resolution of said Drainage Board authorizing its issuance; and WHEREAS Section 526 of said Act No. 40, as amended, provides in part as follows: "if any public corporation fails or neglects to account to the county treasurer for the amount of any installment and interest, then the county treasurer shall advance the amount thereof from county funds if any bonds or other evidences of indebtedness have been issued to finance the project, in anticipation of the collection of the installment and interest pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and the county board of commissioners has previously acted, by a resolution adopted by 2/3 vote of its members elect, to pledge full faith and credit of the county for the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds or evidences of indebtedness." ;and WHEREAS said Drainage Board deems it advisable and necessary to obtain from this Board a resolution consenting to the pledge of the full faith and credit of the county on its share of the aforesaid note; and WHEREAS it is in the best interest of the County of Oakland that said note be so sold to finance in part the acquisition and construction of said drain project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF OAKLAND, MICHIGAN: Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 15, 1976 206 I. That pursuant to the authorization provided in Section 526 of Chapter 21 of the Drain Code, the Board of Commissioners of the County of Oakland dot—, hereby irrevocably pledge the Intl faith and credit of the County el Oakland and does agree that in the event that either the County of Oakland or the City of Novi shall fail or neglect to account to the County Treasurer 01 the County of Oakland for the amount of any installment and in for the Randolph St reel Maio, when due, then the amount thereof shall be immediately advanced from ,:ounty funds, and the County Treasurer is directed immediately to make such advancement to the extent n2cessary. 2. That in the event that, pursuant to said pledge of full faith and credit, the County of Oakland advances out of County funds, all or any part of said installment and interest, it shall be the duty of the County Treasurer, for and on behalf of the County of Oakland, to take all actions and proceedings and pursue all remedies permitted or authorized by law for the reimbursement of such sums so paid subject to the limitations set forth in said Section 526 of the Drain Code of 1956, as amended. 3. That all resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as the same may be in conflict with the provisions of this resolution be and the same hereby are rescinded. ADOPTED: YEAS: Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perineff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly. (24) NAYS: None. (0) Moved by Price supported by Lennon to reconsider the action taken on April 13, 1976 on Resolution #7515 - Oakland County Jail Inmate Rehabilitation Program Grant. Discussion followed. Vote to reconsider: AYES: Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn. (23) NAYS: Roth. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on resolution: AYES: Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas. (23) NAYS: Roth. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7521 By Mr. Dunleavy IN RE: OPPOSITION TO FORCED SCHOOL BUSING To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS forced busing has failed to improve the quality of education; and WHEREAS forced busing is disruptive in the communities; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, while not opposing quality education, firmly believes that forced busing does not achieve that goal. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners opposes forced school busing. Mr. Chairman, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. James W. Ditnleavy, Commissioner - District ,112 Paul E. Kasper, Patrick M. Nowak William T. Patterson, Fred D. Houghten Betty J. Fortino, Dana F. Wilson F. Jack Douglas, Howard R. Simmons Robert W. Page, Kenneth E. Roth Lillian V. Moffitt Moved by Dunleavy supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. The Chairman referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. Mr. Price objected. The Chairman stated it takes 14 votes to sustain the objection. 207 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 15, 1976 AYES; Gabler, Hoot, Lennon, McDonald, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Aaron, Button, Dearborn. (13) NAYS: Fortino, Kasper, Moffitt, Nowak, Olson, Page, Wilson, Daly, Dunleavy. (9) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the objection was no sustained, and the resolution was referred to the General Government Committee. Moved by Lennon supported by Dunleavy the meeting be adjourned until April 29, 1976 at 9:30 A.M. Mr. Price objected. AYES: Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Nowak, Page, Dunleavy. (8) NAYS: Gabler, Lennon, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino. (15) A sufficient majoritv not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Misc. 7522 By Mr. Daly IN RE: CONTINUED OPERATION OF THE 1957 WING OF THE COUNTY HOSPITAL To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland is responsible for the care of T.B. patients and has over the years maintained and cared for County T.B. patients at a greatly reduced cost from general hospital rates; and WHEREAS the 1957 wing of the present County Hospital does have the equipment and the qualified personnel with the necessary expertise to care for T.B. patients; and WHEREAS the present facility is operating at full capacity with a waiting list of patients. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Institutions continue to operate in the 1957 wing containing 78 beds for the care of T.B. patients, hospital and skilled care patients. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the 78 bed wing shall continue to function until new facilities have been provided at the County Service Center to provide care for the aforementioned patients. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Patrick K. Daly, Commissioner - District ff4 The Chairman referred the resolution to the Human Resources Committee and the Planning and Building Committee. Mr. Gabler objected. AYES: Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Dunleavy, Gabler. (11) NAYS: Lennon, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino. (12) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the objection was not sustained, and the resolution was referred Misc. 7523 I move that the matter of the universal emergency telephone number 911 as it is available to the residents of Oakland County be referred to the Public Siervicesr,ommittee for investigation with aim of extending the availability of this emergency number to more residents of Oakland County. Mary M. Dearborn, Commissioner - District #22 The Chairman referred the resolution to the Public Services Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7524 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: FEDERAL AND STATE AID COORDINATOR To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS there will be a vacancy for the position of Federal and State Aid Coordinator; and WHEREAS it would be.advantageous to transfer the duties of said position to another existing position so as to effectuate a budget savings. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the existing position of Federal and State Aid Coordinator be eliminated from the 1976 Budget and that the duties of said Federal and State Aid Coordinator be transferred to the Director of Special Projects or to another existing position. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Dennis M. Aaron, Commissioner- District #19 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 15, 1976 20t1 The Chafrnen referred the resolution to the Personnel Committee. There...,, no objections. Moved by Lennon supported by Nowak the Board adjourn .0111 April 29, 1976 at 9:30 A.M. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Board adjourned at 1130 A.M. L,nn D. Allen Alexander C. Pnrin,lf Clerk Chairman 209 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING April 29, 1976 Meeting called to order by Vice Chairman, Bernard F_ Lennon ak 9:55 A.M. in ile. Court House Auditorium, 1200 1.4.1th Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by Henry W. Moot. Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll called. PRESPlit Aarou, P.1 Ion, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Pool navy, Fortin", Balder, Hoot. Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Kontanle, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Prrce, Ruth, Simmons. Wilcox. Wilson. (25) ABSUNT: Houghten, Perlooff. Quorum present. Clerk read letter from State Senator Daniel S. Cooper acknowledging receipt of resolution. (Placed On file.) Clerk read letter from Gordon L. BObbs, Director of Federal and State CrwirdiriMinalion expressing his appreciation of serving the County of Oakland for the past eleven years. (Placed no file.) Clerk read letter from William M_ Spinelli, Deputy County incentive requesting the Personnel Committee ol the Board of Commissioners and the Personnel Department to review the positions of Director of Aninal Control and Director of Disaster Control and Civil Defense. (Placed on file. Clerk read resolution from the Genesee County Board of Commissiorrer, support inig HOUNC Bill 5108 which makes the Board nt Cormassionert the public employer of the Circuit Court employees. Also, Cenessee County urges the legislator, to amend House Bill 5108 to include Probate and District Court so that the County Board of Coomissioners will be the public employer for all three courts. (Placed On file.) Clerk read resolution from the Genesee County Barard of Commissioners urging the Michigan Legislature to pass Senate Bill No. 590 which will raise the basic grant to counties loom 15 Ii' W.' per capital (UP the provision of Public Health Services. (Placed on file.) Clerk read resolution from the Council of the City of Berkley declaring its opposition to Senate Bill No 1191. (Placed on rile.) Clerk read letter from Peter J. Cristiano, City Administrator, City Of Southfield regarding • lease the Board of Commissioners have entered into with the City of Berkley For use of a portion of land located at Greenfield and Catalpa in Southfield, for recreational purposes. Clerk read letter from Terry L. Bell, Chairperson and Ernest J. White, Co-Chairperson of the Tanglewood Neighborhood Association, Southfield regarding the land located west of Greenfield between San Quentin and Cataipm In Southfield, being hoildo,rd by the City of Berkley. the larudomx,d Neighborhood Association requesting the Board to restore the grounds to Is original use and purpose, The Vice Chairman referred the letters from Peter J. Cristiano, Terry L. Bell aod finest_ J White to the Public Services Committee. Mr. Both objected to the referral. Discussion followed. Mr. Both withdrew his objection. Moved by Pernick supported by Page the Supplemental Agencies be added to the regular Agenda. Ala Coach ....Loners Min .01... 1Ia11 1,111,1. Apr A cull iSitre Lea jar r y 4.1,1111, V.L11l,f t heruf or , he ieci ion carried. A. Irrn Re i eke I , Di rest ar of Park!. and Recreat ion presented a film on the Count y Parks. Dr. Honiaral e use:flied he fir I lowing E xecu I i ce D,LIal at ;cc MIT GOVerhOr WI II I aril G. Milliken. 111111, MI11.1KIN GOVERNOR Of 1111 %lair lie 111iLIIII,AN PresentS r [creed iv,- Ile,- I.o.W. inn ii Ohser soup, .01 /VI , 1WT 1,101. Ann i.m.r sat y 1 ho• Oak land COL111y Pal ks Re, leven ye_:- cum the 11,11 i Len: `mar I ram s hail... passed 101,111 .1(1 .b'11 W1111 pi, 1 1 COW, t.1 reTte .1.111n1y .ys1 urea Urn sill ran, s .11 (TO. 1.111n1 y, tea cA 11.hC_ hi 4.g.or if :MT..., I 1,11.• to develop arsi :ill. T,.0.11ty -1..1.1, 0,, 1. sy,liqu. he Oak I and 147,111.y Par orr../ 0o,re.351nTri y esi alil 1 shrIci ii [Ill ii ! 11..1{ 1 Fil. ii, I I al..1 r i-rn I,, eric JOE,. r.rr1c I I. Elie CiTk I and I ni y 1..11 k.! Ind 11cr. rc,11 ium tIer i cc. Ii II ytiter it od iibr I ndT1, 171.11111,111 1,1111, 11.,1,Hn•nn••n 1 1.. al I a I :a. ...lira alio- au ex ees Ill mold le 1 L,.1,11 i 1117 1.1111,1... hh, 11,11.. C,111.1, 16111 01111111W, 1 1, dicrurnst r 11 111C-11.1 10, I 011 •11,1 II Al —111n• •.n .1. 1 Ind 1451 ?Ili HI . 111.111v 1 11,,re.1.; i -11111 . On lire (1,1-J,',111 tll anni versary , the Stal e Ii I H.,111itian n.nrworls the Clak1.11.1 C,11111 y Packs and RecreaL ion Goimil ssimn, arid c I. izeiis cal Oakland (num y for their outstanding el forts iv :Jrovide recreal inna I fare is, for their Lurienur, It. Given err uric twent y-seventh day of April in the year Of Our Lord one thousand n ine hundred seven t - s In and ol the 1.-thononwealth one hundred fortieth. Oil iare G. Milliken /s/ Ic.vernor irice', J. ikamman I i cull:Frani 7111: VI,: C1,111.1,10 /I./1.J 1. I eonne state-el 1 hr, FloTrd .111 I el rake from h Land, I hi, ronnri MO 11 IL L.' as lie Fie ri jIuci, 1 bu,,ne5... There wr..1 ecu, abject inns ▪ •,._ 7525 11yte. But ton IN Ill: RESOIIITION or tiOMMEriDAS I nN In DOROTHY ROWLI Y In Ile Oak lurid Linea y La I. i ss ipaer s ▪ Ch..1 r Nam , ail 11 (..t.M11,1111.11: 5.1TIFF,[11., a 01 01 li ll,tc t,cy 4a•. iC Ii Ill .r. lii,, II tin 1- 111] Jur y i %.1-n1,11•11c .111114.1,11. 1, 1, ,01 ly 1.1..01.111 T., .n L),1rir.1 Inc/ 1110 {Ant, cr y dut y; and 011ERE0S llornrhy Rowle y has Iriati 1,1,1 .11:t Ion in snemnini y and unvernineni wiry ice hacr inri se, serf in rho Parel Park dtnrwni 11111.. Bus ;nes and Professional Wiereml v Chin, meth, of Eastern Star, and the I i or. il.,1 Commi s lop al L he crt y of Ha4e1 Park, and was Fdi I or thv dazel Park News, NOwr i In BEFORE BE I 1' RESOLVED I hat the Oakland ['run Li BAN, d of l•',11ri; ,..itMer, hereby sown:cads But '-r Ea Eel ilerlii pull is service in i inie. es i of al I rm rrr,-cituerrt,sr,f Oakland County ETul r-'( ,-'r •. r ;need •arr cess on1 .1 happy rol jr -tn 55. Dated it Mini . ?fish: wii.. s 79th da y al Ain i I, H/6. OARLAND coutor BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS elcx,mdel C. Pmr nun Clrnirttmie Bernard F - Lenf405. Vice I h., rrian The resolution was unanimousl y adopted. sump...lad hy nal y he minutes of the April II, 1576 and Apr I I 15, 1576 A in so lea It Ivo II•1 41,1 ell 1111,, 1,11, 11.1f• 1111, ill., 1,1111 COomissioners Minutes Continned. April 24. 19/6 211 Misc. 7526 By Mr. Petrilak IN RE; UPDATING OF fOUN1Y -WIDE COST AllfICA11011 PLAN AND IND1 R11.1 COST f OR OAKLANO COUNIY TO the Oakland County Board 14 (mind ss s IS,. Chairman. Ladies and Gent I I - WHEREAS the f nth. a I nuerd stn. f ins cep l a in lit int. joie to he 1.11 Invand .11, 1101 ,1111111 i al towable costs of federal wino aye, AtI111 I nl..lrred by Stair local dos., minim lel ill s tit. and contracts with the F1.111,41 Government, and WHEREAS these pr int iple and pol icy 9. del inns are WE Cloth in 1-4,d,..,1 Manaelnuient rcia I al FM: 74-4; all.! WHEREAS a plan lei al Incal inn n1 co 515 .4uppor 1 the [II Si r jI,IiIlot, in( lIly '11111 .11,1, rclmcd I.. l It.• it.ttht .st • -. .... I Ii I.irth citinlat Wilt Hi AS /,,,i di., I I L. PSI 1.11,...,4, Ii1,11 I II I !I f 1011. I I,, 5 111,11 Iv, es/v.11.11.1, I, ft, VI•11111• .)040 kiy ;cad ,•1 ',',(n 111111 /i• 1.11,11. I kg. Ild I d1111; WHEREAS addi mins are bi-..., held with lithe, WWI, I 11.4 III .1 1 .0.1.1.n N." WHIM!, III dt od Odd, s• III I II I M, l, 1 I y I hat II.,' 1-1 lie .5.1.11111 aion, h i; and 1- in,. hldia. Jua !II! 111.11 itimy 1. it,. , m il ,1 NOW H. lal 1 Old 01 1 i Rf sal VIII I,, 101 I. ktM 11) Mai /Cm 1...11i1 tlea II 1,111111111.1111, 111,11 III,. 19.1,11 hop n1 tills ;dull lie siridi NJ !hat I in ,.an .1 the Aimed of Commis-, ian, I, 1101,11y antilop 1 yi-,1 to C Ill inio r al- I on behalf OM law( Count all, Plante and 14.11 all I 0 A 1 ailed in Cedilla] hail. Him Wino, 26211 tentral Earl. Boidevard. Southl ield, Mi, hinan 48076. not lo n'aCeed lin . unm 619.000, (1) That ptil alarm In. Rule ANC tif Ibis Hoard. thc 1 inane., (naimit f inds the ol 519,0011 avni lahle in li, Cold inneof Account .1 I he 15/6 Budyel , said annba; Cu kw I ransfer red to d Non -Depar mental Appropr tat ion -fast Al locat kill Plan. Mr. Chaim..., the Finance Commit tee. by Lawrence R. Fern ick its Chairman moves the adoP of this resolution. FINANCE 1,0MM I TTEE Lawrence A. hethirk. Chairman Movasi liy Pion it L. ...uporl et, by Dahl, the thsolul inn he achipthd• Di si ossina Moved by Hoot sapiiiirt cal by I/eat-hum the 1,1,1111.11 iAlf1 rely. led back In the find.; foninit tea.. Eli'.,,,' all tot lowed Yuan nil /ell., CI 1 . A sill ficient j or y not hay in. voincl I here 101 . the mit ion j led. Moved by re i.1 I cti 115 too 111111 I I• 1011 1.• omodisl to ce..1. "I Is. Tim ak 1 he i ha. y, compii i bidding pr.. es; j111-111III-I1,11 lna VI,, con,It_I;all hid t1,t. I iI.11 /1.,rd or, Inc I I .1 Id d/ Ild ..11 I .1 14.. I d .0,11 y ul i I iyinij the sery Ian ni 0 I I incil County rupinybo". Cute on amentice.nl. AYES - P,r,viCb , pr he , Simmons, Wilson, Aarlin, Dill ton. Daly. Dearborn, Duotilas , Tort km. 1 10 NAYS. Kasper, Lennon. McDonald, Mol Fitt, Muntanie, Marphy, Nowak. Olson, Patin, Patterson. Ruth, Wi Donleavy, . Gabler, Wool. 415) A sof f icient majority not having voted therefor. the motion Failed. yoto on main motion- AYES: Lennon. McDamaid, Moffitt, Montanie, Murphy. Nowak, Page, Patterson. Roth. Wilcox. Aaron, Bullock. Dun leavy Cable, Rasp,. . (IS) NAYS Olson, Prthica.. Simms, Wilson. Daly, Deathoth, DinuolaS, Fortino. Hoot_ (N) A suf. f ic lent major ity hain,! voted 14.-relot he resOlut ion was adopted. Mien. 7527 By Mt Fern, ck IN RE 1176 EQUALIZATION REPORT To the Oat land County Board of Commissioners Mu. (Huron, I Oldies anal Gent 1 men YOU, Commit tee on Equal teat inn I espect (.1 1 y reports that It has carefully examined proper I. la. atkci commie.' as.essinent rol Is ol the several Townships and Cities within the said Coolly, assessed tor 212 CunnnissiOnerf Minute., Cent inuorl. Apr i 1 29, 1924 the year 1976 and have equU I ized i. one, by add nu to r, ded.ru eq t root the no teat ion Of r he taxable propet ty in the several T.1/1.111Shil, .1,1 it iro. r.o sse,,,,ol. .uch .rn .trtooni in ps irrdyouror will produce relal mel yanrirlual fru) on I r,r.r val Li/12 iuoblr mu olnLrly in t he County. the ErwaI eat I on Factors 1 tr,t,11 uruu.lulu, I I to e ir el I lin or ray hrLei roomr It. for Informat inn purpOSus only ond are not requited I.y . Hann, /os r-oofor.tr.r1 hi•.11 inq , Ito its rim:11mi awl reenruuwn- do Itoh. behar,'tiuth .. t lir .111 "ic t willL 1 hp recotoruoul.tt ion thti 11 Ire Art/pled. hy iiii, e„„, „ the Courtly fun tI ,t I,i, y,11ltit FINANCr CORMI TTEE kt1,111.11I.I. R. F., r , C1,1,116111 rnI 011. V1.1.111,11,11 Pitt Irk It Dolly. 11,1 y 01,1.1 D111-111,111 Ilot 1r .1 For ;Pig, I . euf tot . It Rofer I W 1.1 .1. K ru,,, 11,1 Fkll II, 111,1,111 R Wiltt,u, OA,• I al 1 ASSESSING OISTRICT VALUATION AS ASS5SEI AMOuNT ADOED OR DEGUCTED 1971 VALLJATIJN EQuALI/ED EQUALIZING AS EoUALIZED PERCENTAGES FACTOR REF. ND. 1975 051ESSE2 AND EUUAL11ED VALUE Sr.:4111.4 PEPCTAF '1,74:LJ110,4 OP THE TOIAL EQUALIZEL: WALL,: ;04 4S41. .4.10EATV 5Y lOwNSHIPS IN 014L1N2 I ADDISON T.P 26.41,1.23S $ 2 AvON TIP 1 228,130.400 I 3 BLOOMFIELD TAP S s 55.944,89 4 BRANOON TIP 4 42,'.7,!,40 I 5 COMMERCE TIP S 131,521,950 S GROVELANC TmP 24,575,290 7 HIGHLAND TWF 67,438,135 I HOLLY TIP I 35,411,550 s 9 INDEPENCENCE 74P 9 111.4t4,453 10 LYON TIP 1 39.522.900 11 MILFORD TIP S 58.0m5,625 S 12 NOVI TWP 4,521.300 S 13 OAKLAND 110 I 55.0t5.2.12 S 14 ORION TIP 12:::4%S.,120 S 15 Jxroon I 42.14..,300 15 PONTIAC TIP $ 71,173,175 S 17 ROSE TIP 4 26,253.200 18 ROYAL OAK TIP I 25.386,337 I 19 SCUrnF1LLO TO, I 14 7,353,196 s 20 SPRINGFIELD 147 1 35.947.551 9 1.137•90 21 kATERFOR2 TKP S 315.134,403 $ 22 WEST BLMELC 146 4 313,c40.700 23 WHITE LAKE TAP 1 96,741.30C 71376L TO 1,05155 $ 2,400,523.341 8 57,382,79 .. 23,412,239 0.45761 1.30 - 2.;6.133.430 3.33393 1.30 _ 455.551.234 7.22494 1.14 50,930,590 0.68043 1.00 E 131,971,950 2-33225 1.00 • 24.536,390 0.36977 1.00 67.433.935 1.06557 1.00 4' 36.415.553 0.57761 1-00 _ 111,464,653 1.76791 1.10 34.922,903 0.63317 1.00 ,...: 5E.3b5.125 0.92091 1.00 ..‘, 4.521,320 0.07170 1.00 56,010.230 0.88525 1.00 111 130,7::,1:0 1.59133 1.00 s2.0,44.-33, 7.42541 1.00 71.:fl..76 1.12475 1400 0.41375 1.00 0.45021 1.00 147,351.756 2.33170 1.00 17.33'7..453 2.59292 1.04 316.634,22 5.02176 1.00 313,647,720 4.9 7403 1.00 13,741,330 1.55E02 1.00 Z1457.524,137 38.58184 AMOUNT ADDED OP DEDUCTED 5.471.25 8.566,03 14.337,29 57.382,79 71,420.09 1976 ASSESSED AND EQUALIZED VALUE SH;6I90 THE EEPCE .JAGE CISTRIBJTION OF THE TOTAL EQUALIZED VALUE FOP REAL 4R0FE9TY BY CITIES IN OAKLAND CCUNTY REF. ASSESSING VALUATION 40. 'DISTRICT As ASSESSED 1 BERKLEY CITY 0 15.303 2 8290.1419A. CITY 0 193.162.000 3 81.0F10 HILLS CT? S N0,70 75? CLAWSON CiTY B .6 42 .800 5 F AR. IN GTO], CITY 79,5'6.875 5 6 FARANGTh HLS CT? S 382,4,602 7 EERNDALE CCTV 0 11,2.155.25C 8 HAZEL PARK CLTY 09.441.60C HUNTNGTN MOS DTI. 0 49,757,22 10 KEEGO hARBOF CTY 1 12,122,330 IL LATHRUP VLG CITY s 38.589,625 12 MADISON HOTS CTY 0193,C42,0C 13 NORTHVILLE CITY A 17.731,252 14 NOVI CITY S 126.r.74.T20 15 OAK PARK CITY 0 160.259.882 16 ORCHARD LAKE CTY 0 23,8w,900 17 PLEASANT ROE cTy s 10,395,700 TB PONTIAC CITY I 350.03 .2,203 19 ROCHESTER CITY S 50,127,60C 20 ROYAL OAK CITY $ 302.307.90C 21 SOUTHFIELD CITY 0 705.403.100 22 SOUTH LYON CITY S 19,775,400 2$ SYLvAN LAKE CITY S 13.031.903 24 TROY CITY S 527.533.425 25 WALLED LAKE CITY S 24,653,253 26 WIXOM CITY 56.255.053 TOTAL CITIES S 3,833,315,363 TCTAL TOWNSMI 95 A 2,400.523,341 TOTAL REAL PFCPERTY I 4.233.838,704 1976 VAL DAT ION EQUALIZED EDLIALIZING AS E:UALIZED PERCENTAGES FACTOR 0 0C 78,997,3 1.25229 L.00 S 193,162.002 3.06351 1.00 S 66.263.012 1.05092 1.09 i 74.458.638 1.13890 1.13 S 79.896.875 1.24718 1.00 1 302.4,2,622 6.06555 1.00 i 10,155,253 1.74704 1.00 $ 09,441.8 1.41852 1.00 I 59.757,412 0.78914 1.00 1 12,122.303 0.19222 1.00 I 36,549.625 0.61202 1.00 O 191.04 3.422 3.01158 1.00 I 17.7E1.252 3.25230 1.00 0 320,574.2: 2.33916 1.00 1 160.255.202 2.54149 1.00 5 23.496.90J 0.37253 1.00 S Ls.350.I3S 0.24175 1.00 S 350.832,230 5.54509 1.00 O 50,27.600 0.80580 1.00 S 3172,337.302 6.06459 1.00 0 705.402.100 11.111754 1.00 $ 19.775.622 2.31363 1.00 S 10.091.37; 0.22763 1.00 s 527,630,425 0.34652 1.00 S 24.650.250 0.39095 1.00 S 56.043.03 0.88891 1.00 3.857,352,618 41.01816 S 2,457.906.137 35.92104 % 100.00000 ASSESSING DISTRICT I OF. 1 tensor/ Tror 2 A404 TwO 3 1LOONFIEL3 4 BRANDON TAP 5 CCRRERCE TAP 6 canvELANo Tpo 7 OICHLAND Top oOLLY TAP + L40EOEN0EI.Zo 1AP 13 LYON TAP 1.1 mitrcac Iwo 12 N0VI TAD 13 CAPLAN° TAP 14 2O124 TAP 15 OXFJ01 TAO 16 OCNTIAC Too 17 SCSI 'AP 18 RCYAL DAK TAO 19 SCL,ToFIELO TAD 20 SPPINGFIELD TAP 21 AATEAFCRO TAP 22 WEST stmFic TOP 23 WHITE LAKE 7,0 TOTAL TOWhSFIOS 1976 ASSESSED AND EQUALIZE] VALUE tHE 7ISTFIFuT1'_,L. 3o ToE T:TIL 14,34112E3 VALUE 39F5Z..3., p33,0Fro sY T0HIFS IN 1A,(L2%3 1076 VALuAT:3r; AMOUNT ADDED VALUATION ECUALIZEO EQUALIZING AS 1531. 0003 111 0.00U3TE0 AS EALIAL12813 oFPCENTAGES FACTCR 6.1,3.350 S 0 S 6,143,230 0.87373 1.00 20.307.753 S 2 $ 23,037,283 8.29276 1.00 15.3::,.103 s 3 S 15.351.153 2.18342 1.00 2,;17.025 1 3 $ 2.1517,325 0.40367 1.00 15.c42.830 S a s 15,942,333 2.26755 1.00 3.3,422 1, 3 S 0,325.600 0.47357 1.00 4,711, n,,, s 0 S 4,711.363 0.67010 1.00 . 5 3 S 3,628,250 3.51605 1.00 7,-1 .,1 3 1 7,820,402 1.11230 1.00 0 1 6/122,100 0.57171 1.00 9„ - ,,_: 1 3 A 9,256,430 1.22223 1.00 A 0 S 553.703 3.07961 1.00 3.337.163 5 3 1 3,351,602 3.48183 1.0C 9.526,400 1 3 1 9.526.450 1.35495 1.00 6,-324,791 _ 0 0 5132,1,7S3 o.egcss 1.00 5.1.4±6 1 3 s 5,815,476 3.22756 1.00 1,413,653 t 0 S 1,963,653 3.27806 1.00 2,065,953 S 0 S 2.085,753 0.29384 1.00 4.130,453 s G i 4.138,950 0.58869 1.00 4,0.04.47; I 0 $ 4.924,475 0.70041 1.00 3 1 21.605.2:: 3.38030 1.00 10,i,1,3'5 S 0 $ 13.1e0.275 1.4.803 1.30 6 0 I 6,164,453 0.57671 1.00 171,537.715 0 0 S LT1.937.718 24.45480 sfE. ASSESSING OISTRICT 1976 A5575S2D AND ToB1iLE3 vALuF i.Art', TsS PEA0F,746E S.16791:01-10% 25 TEI7 TZ:TAL E.7CALLIP: PAEoF PE61CNAL 9A0PA2T1 TI CITIES IN 3AKLANL, L0U',71 ' 117t 54EAILTION AMOUNT 00010 vALL;AI-10', EQUALIZED E0LiAL12TNG AS 4SSE5St1 (JR DE PLI:7kC AS ECJALIZE1 5E9 CFINTAGE 5 FACTZIA. I BRALEY CITY S 6,45s,723 S 2 S 4,450.700 0.63412 1.20 2 BIRAINGHAM CITY i 11.70..280 s 0 s 11,720,290 1.67267 1.00 1 inKFLo PILLS ZTY s 3,465.79C $ 0 s 6,46,,040 0.49214 1.02 4 CLAWSON CITY B 5,253,65c s 0 $ 5,257,64 1 3.74723 1.00 5 FARMINGTON CITY t A,LcI.130 S 0 $ 6,191.730 0.56065 1.00 K FAIIIHNGTA 6405 :TY .1. 25,1.II,22 s 0 1 25.101.130 1.9926C 1.00 7 FEsNDALE CITY 19.-00,...,0 s 3 6 1 4, AA7 .6 ?.:. 2.e2709 1.00 I3 mALEI. PARK CITY i 7,72,,-t,:. s 0 s 7,727.701 1.04212 I.CC 6 ATuNTINGTN NDS ITS I 553.512 A 0 S 953,5711 0.15562 1.00 10 KEEGO HARESS Cpe I 647.6011 1 0 1 647.400 1.175211 1.00 IL LATHRUP YLG CITY ; 1,004,750 1 0 1 1.334,753 0.18314 1.00 12 AADISCIN hGTS ETY 1 32,313.7172 1 0 S 32.31,,30Z 4.59679 1.00 13 NICATHyll,LE 1.171 i 4Ay,6,2 6 3 s 4A6,AA11 o.30612 1.00 14 5091 CITY S 19,791.'-0:: 1 0 1 15,7,7,000 2.20772 1.00 15 166 PARK CITY 1. 17,,:4,1..: s 0 S 17,3:,,72: 2.54060 1.0: 16 OPCNARD LAKE CTY 1 7 :3 .... ..,".; 1 0 $ 7 11,. ..7. 0.10004 1.00 17 PLEASANT ROC CT.( s 1010,,in s 0 1 1,506,553 C.21421 1.00 10 PONTIAC CITY S 1112 1 0 S 136.3::-7.21:: 19.09416 1.00 19 ROCHESTER CITY B 6,014,501 1 3 5 6,914,0Z0 0.96927 1.00 20 ROYAL CAR CITY s 33.26:,721 s 3 1 7.3,67,, ?Lc 4.78772 1.00 21 SOUTHFIELD CITY s 103,195.720 1 0 $ 103,1`.5,5Q,-, 14.47760 1.00 22 SOUTH Lyar, crir i 3,440.'1Z...0 4 3 f 3 1 44'; . 37,:": 2.95000 1.00 23 SYLVAN LAKE CITY S 551.550 A D 1 557,55., 0.07001 11.00 24 TPOY CITY B 6 1 7327 ,1:0 s 0 % 63,327. 20 9.86043 1.00 25 AALLED LAKE CITY % 3 ,Ct: .073 s 0 S 3,0e.,97 0.43551 1.00 26 WIXOM CITY $ 15,111.F:2D S 3 $ 15-121.511 2.14932 1.00 rcisi CITIES s 531,146,3:5 1 0 s 531.146,046 75.54520 TOTAL TOWNSHI°5 S 171.037,71E S 3 1 171,977.7,5 24.45480 TOTAL PERSONAL P71.5 703,083.764 4 3 4 725,023,754 100.00000 31515314G Cl STIal CT 800150% ToP AVOK 788 aLocIFiric TWA WPAKOCN 188 C09MER0T Two, GROVELAN.: TWP 8801,4443 TWO 401.11 Two IF 16408 1.1138 TWA M1LPOL. NOVI TWA OA4LA40 788 OR1r% OXFORC TwO 80811:80 Ti ROSE 184 ROTAL CAW Two SOOTHCIELJ TWP SP411461.1ELL TWO WATEPPORO rw; WEST noLD TIED WHITE LAKE TWA 1919 ni -OR td 1_4 A csLSSEL FOLIAL 87L11 AND TRUE CASH L'AL 61' ''./..>n.:P5 4.JAKLAN'i C.JUNTY WALLA T Irk AS ASSEss=1; ALLAT 839 Ai ecr.,31_ 11:- Tgui CASH .ALUE REAL PERSO4A1 REAL PERSONAL ESTATF PPOFF;TY TJTAL ESTATE 0810 ER Ty TOTAL TOTAL 28042.21, 8.141,040 04 .555.263 29.417,Z 19 6,143. :.`3 34,5E5.289 64.110.518 208.130,423 20.357,252 23' tl 87.653 226.130.43] 22,351.1113 228,187.650 456.375.300 399.606,392 15.351.152 414,857,543 455.551.189 0,351.1.'22 470,902.434 941.804.868 42.902,50C 2,031.025 '.5,715,815 42,9021553 20317.22.: 95.719.615 91.439.230 131.921.912 15.942,303 141,064.753 131.921, 953 15.9.2,1,20 L41,664.750 295,720.500 241576.090 3,329.600 31.335.693 24.5761090 .1.325.603 27.505,693 55 t811 .380 61.436.935 4011.360 77 ,193.295 67.938,535 4,1j,3 72.150.205 144.30C,SYO 3.628.250 42.347.,03 36.415.553 ..1.62‘.:`...: 40.241,820 80.095.600 111.464.930 7,820,400 119.2951350 113,464.950 7,62i, - ''.: 1,3.285,350 238 .570.T00 19022.901 6.128,350 .6 051.750 '9.922.930 92.103.500 58,065,63' 9,256.403 ...7,562.325 58,26E1625 9,:, , - . 67.362,225 /34 , 774 030 4.5211303 555.723 5.381.000 4,5.11,3)3 59,.. 5.081.000 10,162 .000 56.069,c01 3, 387.652 54 .450.852 561069.230 3.3. '. • • 5.9,456.850 a 1E013033 100.715.600 9,526.453 113.242.293 1)3.715,800 1'" ' 2.253 223,484,530 52. 044. 32) 6,334,793 53.349,093 o2.244,33 ' • ... EE,345.093 316,73'..180 71.173.17E 5.818.43, lb 091,611 71.173.175 76.951.613 153 .9838222 26,0E10.243 11960.650 :."- .148.653 26, 338.202 10,, _ 22.098.853 56.097,700 23.366. 30-0 2,285,953 I.,: ,493 0g) 25,33o,632 2.26', -'3 30.432,750 60.405000 1.47,398.09! 4,1380-12 :..1537.046 147.395,296 4.135.513 151.537,046 333,374.092 36.947.551 4•924,47.= , _ . % 7 ,i , 0 3 0 37,33..0.53 4.974, 47, 92.3091932 640619,864 316.634. E..:. 21, 6SS,2 22 33',29'.,333 316,6A4 v830 21.659.200 336.254,000 676.588.000 383.940.73C 10.130,87, 324 021.515 313, 443.700 10.383,875 324.121.573 648,243.150 98,741.800 6.164,453 :2...•?36.253 98,741,800 6.14,0550 134.9061250 209,812,500 WM 'fit t!..11, -pamo!Illo) 2,400.5231341 171.927.71- .451 .C...59 2,457,906,137 111037,713 21829.E93.855 5,250.687.710 TOTAL TowNsorps TLTAL = lEb.913,000 7 4J9 •4..,560 139.456.2J. : 15..4241576 ::: 172.181.212 40,460 4 630 260.375.437 > 194.13c1.77J 1:40.21,i34 25,5,4311 79.045.756 450.714.470 , 16,49.,:.e1.10 156.125.13i 351.04.530 974074,170 115,244.43C 432 ,,)9'.2J7 1.617.147.400 46.45.L34 271214,9.,: 1.193.715,27; 55.424,446 142.319.136 3.756.997.4a 5,259.01,712 v,76 I, T4uf cas. fAiLf ,I ,IF5 1. i'LJNTY VALLiTL,.. IS AS5t5S‘,7 YALuATIUN AS I Ill n TTuf (Ls,' vALIJE ASSESIIN4 OtSTPICT oi,,,LtY C I7 Iry A14.!..LHA4 4ILL, CT. CLAw..LN Cl' rug. 1,18;T ,n41 :T. FA.4 gE6,040210-- n:11. • .A.. .TuNTN(.1,4 w LT. FEEGC .AAPU!, CTy LAT.nvf VL4 CITY 4AD1SCA .,Sfs CTf NOAT.viLLE CITY •IYI LITT' • ..AdE LTY 009TIAC :ITT ADCfE!TET LITT, kCYAL CAA ...ITT SUUT4.'IELr. LIT. SM. LYC1 CUT SYLVAN LATE CUT' TROY [IT, WALLSC LbY :IT. MIXER CITY TVs& CITIES TOTAL TfloSS,I ,S TOTAL Er.oh ., REAL P,RSONAL 4TAL ESTATF PJOPERTY T7TAL ESTATE n41n:PEiTY TOTAL 7,1,997.8C1 ,,458,7C0 13.456,5).1 74, 7./ t9J0 4, h!,:!. 7,.... 73,456.500 193.1.62.n:C2 Li, /6C.28Cn •:-.4.422,240 1.13. /62 .3JC 11.7t1,21L 204.9:7.280 63,79107.5 S.465.04? ,-4.56.445 66.161.312 1,411.24.: 64.726.102 65.892.621 .1233,6)0 71.14..25: 74.4,5.638 5.210...._. ?Q.712,2 79,A9P.3.7- 6,131.73C 6c- ,i4.3 0...., 19,4I,275 6,1-'1.15, 36.090.475 182.442.1... ..5,12L.;,':7 -,T.,4J.7]:= naz,442.6 n2-1 ...321.-r:_ 4:;7.741.80C 110,155.2,2 1 ,1.1(.4 , :.:.757,77 -, 1.1;.L .A.:-,7, 1;.-....,5, I3O.037,70: 84,441.0.."J 7,%!1.7,, •'.1!,•.3-, -C.,.. .p.;.) 7.727,71,-. 50.710.90C C47.t2: I ..1..7,92 LZ. L...,. 100 .47.1_0.0 12.767.90C 382509021 i.134.733 nnn 724.3 74 JP, : n'l , 625 J..33-,,'5! 3C.S24,31H 1 ,3.040,401 2.:,31c.ilm.: :,504,,,7:,-, lqi,.,..J.420 32.3L1., -:3..if,1.700 17.78I.2t2 .•04.1T--.; Li.2,..12: 1 7.71,230 ..c.,-.. 16.246.10J 128.574.2U t. '..:...c_ 0.4,314,EZC. ,_-,c74,2:3 IN.74C,L,. 146.114.801 It0.2c4.3E: L7,50.,71 - i '..164.5,7 16.7._,,,,,G Li.q./4.71_ I1E,164..9:: 4.142.3_3 2,.,cA.9SJ i4.1.q2.330 leomsocc 1.101.55. 1.,,.=2.2: la,147.,77:0 1.5,p,',. 15,q02.153 150.430.;2X 17,,157.2c:: 4=.,7,137,4:2 350,130,.00 146.357,2L2 487.187.402 50.407,620 6.814,102 57.'22.403 5o7,40 6,414.,--,: 57,622.400 382.307,4LE 33.661.7.7 ,16.049.6:1 3 ,,2.1,i1.910 31,6t1, 7D 411,045.601 705,403.ICC 121.195,0:-. ,_:.4:0 175,4A.L2, 123,1,1,-; 001,50.900 19.775,60C 1,-5.3:: 21.225.127 I9.7?3.302 J,,,„,— 23,225.133 13,090,90' 111.551 13,442.450 13,051.912 ,,-...... 13.442.451 927.530.425 ,i4.327.11.:2 f,t...57,T3T 5:17,5,0.425 7.,,,327,:-. 396,657.535 24,650.211 3.161..1! :7.-!...2:, 24,t50.253 J.261,-,-, 27.712.223 56,048.0SY 15.111.521 :"1.1 ,g.5 .3 7.5,04S.353 I9.111.,0_ 71.1S9,553 3.833.315.363 531,146,01.3 4.34.46:,429 3,847.35Z,ET0 331,146,-. •,378.458,704 2.400.523,341 171,937,71=7 2,772,-.31,759 7,.5.7.'7J6.137 171.9?7,71 2,629,843.855 6.233.834,7jft 703,20,7c- -,-..t,,.:....,E 5.n5.,_7,091 2 ::.:=.7,..- -,006.342,559 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April P9, 1976 215 Moved hy Pernick supported hy Rion the report he mheitint. AYES: mcnmeld, Moffitt , Morilaette, Mot pity Nowak, Note. Petnia. Mel h. 'iteemle ,. Wilcox. Wilson.. olatto, Button, Daly, Deartiorn, Ooeglas, Denicavy, forlInn, Cable., Boot, Kosnel, Lennon. 170 • NAYS: mine. (0) A suit icienl majority havin9 voted therefnr, the report was adopted. Misc. 7528 By Mr. Pentick IN NE: BittitSION TO COUNTY CAN POLICY To the naAlankl County Hob,' al famimissiDners R. Chatissol, Ladies Aed E' lumen. uHEREAS purbide I to miscellaneous restdolion f1393 of Oecenther ID, 10375, lho Unkfurb Comity Beard inl Ciumtlirltsevis telopied a "County Policy on Assignment DI County Vehicles"; and WHEREAS ibc p..1 icy lot- additional sprocles requires the aldlirnsil lac recconuradat ion of the County Ececut.s.. and tie ma,roval of the Finance EDimidllee; and a'lfIiIl' :0 ted.by also states tbat the Finance Coleti tit, shalt recommend In the Hstrd id Coimnission, , aPH,otH Sullicient Li rover the acgnisilf.° C,,,T Plus ,Inft'Ol, for ihe Falun., of !he ...trent year; and UnfREAS IhOre are outside agencies which have in Ihe past and are pr0SRAILly gAT, fr0.1 he [Jutland County GaraneE and WHIRIA1 the Oakland County Board uf Cemmissinners has no budgetary control over tine.- out- side agencies, ond WHEREAS the Oakland County Parks and Recreation has made a request lo lease two addiiiculal vehicles (pick-tip trocks) from the Oakland County Garage; and WHEREAS the Finance Cunrnittee feels that Section llEt" of the County Car Policy should not apply in this instance. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED [hat the Board of Commissioners authorize an empamiion of the County Car Fleet fur the two vehicles requested by ParEs and Recreation. BE IT FuRTHER RESOLVED that an exception Im made to Suction .15" of the County c,r Policy aaa that am Funds necessary for the acquisition of these two vehicles be taken front the Garage fund_ the Finance Committee. fly Lawrence R. Ps-nick, Choir-ruin, mayes the adoption of the forenolee resolution. FIMANCF COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairamn Moved by PernIck suppOrted by Roth the resolution be adopted. AYES, Moffitt, Mont.:Into, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Verniik E Price, Roth, Simmons. Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleirry, Fortino, Goblet, Hoot, Aasper, Lennon. McDondld. (72) NAYS: Olson. (1) A Sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resoletion was adopted. M1Sc. 7529 By Hr. Perni,k IN RE: STATE BOARD Of LOUMLIZATt011 HEARIND ON STATE EQUAL ICES) VALUE I'm rnurairs To the Oakland County Board id Gcminissiooers Mr, Chdirman. Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant tit ;he provisions of Act 106 of the Public ACI5 of 1960, as amouled, the State Tao Commission will aret in the City of Lansing at the Seven Story Office Buildlog on Monday, Nay 24i 1976 In hear represyntativeS of the several coontles pertaining to the State equalized value for each county in the State: and WHEREAS your Committee recommends that the Chairman ol the Committee be authorized to appoint a sob-committee of four (4) members, with the other memeyees of the Committee being alternates, the Equalization Director and Civil Counsel to appear before the State Tax Commission on behalf of the County of Oakland; NOW THEREFORE BE II RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of Act 106 of the Public Acts of 1960, A, amended, the following shall be appointed by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to represent Ihe County td Oakland It the' hearing ol the Slate Tax Commission (0 be held in the City of Lansing on Monday, May 24, 1946. Four meeterS of tile FillA0C, Comogitiee, I quaIl dot ioe Oils, tor Merman W. Sit-Wiens and Civil Counsel Robert P. Allen- Flm ftnance C,rnoitiee, by Lawrence fa Pernick. Chairman, moves the adoption ol the foyeloing resolotion. FINANCE COMMITTEE 1_13.10J,0 R. Pernick„ Chairman Moved by Pernick sopperted by Simmons the resolution he adopted. A sufficient majority having voted thetefar, the resolution was adopted. 220 Commissioners MInuteS Continued. April 29, 1924 REPORT By Mr. Button IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 02450 - PAYMENT OF DUES INCREASE TO NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES To the Oakland County Board ol CnrmeissionerS Mr. Chat 1 r'urt, Ladies and Gnat lean.: TM Genvral Gimenneno Cr...lien, by Robvil A. &Woo. Chairman, ret.irl, Mi,,y110000ni, ReNolut ion No. /440 wi mmendat ion t hat the ....solo Inn he adopted . GI NI RAL GOV( RNMENT COMM TEEL Wert A. Bolton. Ch,, 'Mic. /450 By Mr. Bolton IN RE: PAYMINT OF MS lin KASE 10 NATIONAL ASTint tAl ION Of COONTII To the, OaIland County WtAld 01 Eicausioner , Mr, Chairmon, tddins and 6mtlemen• WHEREAS The 19/6 Pudnet Ion the County ROI Oakland provided for payment Of dues In the National Association o1 Counties in thn sum of 55.425.00; and WHEREAS the National Asewratoyn of Coon tips ha, requested that the County of Oakland remit 510.919 on a, usyment or 'is 19/4 .....ber,hip rhinsi and WHERIAS , ol the 1974 Natiomil Association of Counlies' in the oviount 510,911.00. NOW ThEREFORL BF IT ar%norro 1/101 the Oakland County Hoard of Comnissioners hereby appr.,t, and autlwwices the papren1 of the 19/6 mvsber ,kip dues in the amount of 510,919.00 to Ow Nat .. 1 1,5.(OatioAi oil Countic, Mt , Ihamman. the General Govurment Unilisttee, by Robert A. Button, ChA:rriwr, moves the ddoptinn of the 10,1.fo1,14 TesUlulion. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Hobert A. Button, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT hi elr Pero :ck IN RE MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 02450 - PAYMENT OF DUES INCREASE TO NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES To the Oakland (ounty Board of CommissionerS Mr_ Chairman. Ladles and Gentlemen: Porcuxoc :e Holt' Xl-t AI Ihit OnAld, II,, fivaroe a'"' III',' linds the sum of $5,444 avail- att „ in the 19)6 (“..i,,oht Inhd pudue1 ,ond $5,11/5 II,, ApprorniatInns - IVACO ha's ul the 19711 Burling FINANIE COMMIITUE Laworme K Pernick. Choirman Moved ty hdltno ,oppWlyd hy 01Ionx the rept,11 be Atrepted and resolution 07450 be Adoptod. All', 14,idAnlv, Mu1Phy. N.mah. Page, Patterson. Pernick, Prior, Roth, Sinwnns, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron. Oat, Dearborn. Douala,, tortrocr. vesper. Lennon, Hatniald, MOIfitf. ITO) NAYS Butim, Gabler, Hoot. 135 PASS: Ounl•avy 11/ A %III .1 ill. y ',lied Uollk adoptoa. tInuefor, the report wo, amepted and resolotion 071,511 Mi.., 753P Or M. Button IN RE RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION AND HONOR - ADAMS-PRAII IAW LIBRARY Ti. the Oakland COunty Board of tanwassloners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and lamtleuno: WHEREAS the Oakland County Law Library has 1,t901 servicing TaithFully the ciIrren, of Oakland County since Cl,., Libraiy's beginning in 1904 and is now the larunst. pnblic law 1161-dry in 1he State of Michigan outtaining one, 40,000 volume, and WHEREAS the taw 111,..ty'.- ,tOwth in sir.' and depth of legal And legal-related materials has brought it to the aiivotion o1 llu business, legal and mmernment tisammity in the megunwIlilan areas. dnd WHEREAS the Oakland County IA. LIBIA.01 its Otaist'of st ,lo, and 1 h, fo, 11, ,ontinord nrowth Duly I',', ,nn' onn ol the fim..t poblit law ithw.“ I IhroutOsed the United State,. and WHEREAS Clark a Ad,,,.,, lotoer Michigan 'w.p.m.' Court Justice. toorier Circuit Judge, Totem, member uf the Slate tea,,lature, tonior tegai fulviwo to a Michigan Goverixu and now Jollied: and 1.9111,0 Pratt. d 'Laud 0A1o4,7 CodnIy Assistant Pio...soling At l, 0004. loirou President of the &Aland boynly Na, AS50,idiO00, f-risg limo., (flung Judge, intently elected to membership in the relics+, of the American BAO Poondatron. and pie ,ently a United States Oistlict Cour' Judge, have personally cign,locant lolls In the utowth ol the Oakland County Law Iihrary; and 0111AtAs. LI,,‘ M.o.:Me Philip Pr4IL rytemplify the degree of excellence in Imal intro-gout...ft. tonna in the Oakland Count', IA. Library: and Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 29, 1976 221 WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners commends these two native son, whn have brought honor aod recognition to the citizens or Oakland County. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that effective May S. 1976, the Oakland County Law Library shall be known as the Clark J. Adams-Phillp Pratt Oakland County Law Library. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. ou have hereunto affixed our ,Ionatures and caused the Seal or the County of Oakland to be affixed this 791h day of April, 1976. Alexander C. PerInoff, Chairman Oakland County Board of Commissioners Bernard F. Lennon. Vice Chairman Oakland County Board of Connissioners The resolution was unanimously adopted. Mist. 7531 Be Cr'. Fortino IN 10., SUPPORT CIE SENATE BILL 1237, REVISION OF SOCIAL WELFARE ACT To the Oakland Courtly Board of Copmir ss toner s Cr Chair man, L,clirs aed Gei 0 'env,: WHEREAS Senate Rill inctopniates into 14w HoWy existing polities .ind [4.„, I, many of Env deticeenties whirl, ate "Val.., problems in the clarion( Soclal Welfare Proorams, tnd WhERIAS run Comnillev has levinwed the ,1 .,u,. Bill evsonewnas tha1 milli the Bill be ,noseired, 'ACTON 51,1 Line 2 - Ruc00114011aw I4111 'BOARD IS PROVIDED AN OPPORTUNITY IREVIEW 40 OATS OfF11111 IMPtImINTAIIIIN III 101 rONIMATI SECTION 71 1.21,1a4jL.1.1_1ines 9 aed 10 - BI TCOMMITlit COMPOSED Of COUNTY DIAMORS AND COUNTS HOARD MEMBERS W111111 INCLUDE REPRESENtATION Elton EACH COUNTY WITH A POPULATION Of 500.000 OR MORE.. SECTION 125, Page 34, Ltnes 5 and 6 - Recomnendation "THE DEPAREMENT SHAll REQUIRE THE /MOLY TO COMPLETE A NEW APPLICATION AT THE TIME OF REDETERMINATION.. SECTION 158, Page 46 - Reconmendation that the Following Section be Added a% (3). 'THE DEPARTMENT MAY REQUIRE MORTGAGE SECURITY ON REAL PROPERTY FOR EXPENDITURES THAT ARE MADE IN THE FORM OF mORIGACE PAY/CERES OP lAmn CONTRACt PAYMENTS ord THE HOMESTEAD IN LIEU OF THE PAYMENT OF RENT. THIS (LAIN SHALL BE MIMBURSE0 FROM THE ESTATE Al THE RECIPIENT OR AFTER THE DEATH OF THE SURVIVING (POUSE, OR. IN ANY EVENT. ON 1111 SALE OR TRANSFER 01 1HE PROPERTY.' SECTION 1/2 (LI, fage SO, Line I • Recromaendalian "ARO A FULL-TIME SIUDENT REGULARLY ATTINDINO A ,o,Horm , COILEGE, OR UNIVERSITY 104101111 A DIPLOMA OR DEGREE, Olt RENUEARLY SECTION (2). Plge 57, Lion 70 - Recoemendatioe 'UOT To EXCEED ISO Of THE ESTABLISHED atIIINTY MAXIMUM 11 SMIAN "6 (2). "ORANTED EIT TEO COUNTY DIRECTOR OR HIS REPRESINIAI1VE.” NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED 11.1 the Oakland County Board of Comassinners sujnoncs Senate 1/111 1237 as amended above and recommends its adoption in the State Legislature. The Huron Rusuurct, Foilialtoe by Bully J. Eurtino, Chairman, MOWS the OdOOthet of the foregoing resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Ft. Inc, Chairman Moved by Fur-Lino supported by Dearborn the resolution be referred to t he Human 14.10U1,05 Committee. There were on obletlionA. Misc. 7532 By Mrs_ Fortino IN RE. FAMILY FOCUS PROGRAM TO the Oakland County Boa./ of Commissioners Mr. Chairnan. ladies and Gentlenmni WHEREAS the MOMan RewurCeS Committee has reviewed a presentation hy Family Focus; and WHEREAS Family Focus is a volunteer agency In Oakland County which is dedicated to helping families who arv experiencing problems of child rearing; and WHEREAS family locos provides a variety nf service, to abusive families end generates community attic. tmoalds II-raiment and prev,n ,1014. NOW THEREFORE BE 11 RESOLVED that the Oakland County &lard of Commissioners applove and endorse the basic concept ni Ire Funi y Focus Service PrOgrenl BE 11 OURTHER RESOLVED that such approval and endorsement not preclude the Comity ol Oakland Freer Approving And emir...ono ,,the, program, providing similar Sure ice, or from providing ,nch Se re COS itself. The human OteS0y1t.e• Cumli t tee by Betty .1. Fortino. [hail-Man. 1110VeS the adoption of the Foregoing resold on HUNAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Batty J. Fortino, Chairman Moved by Portion supported by Button the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having noted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Z22 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 29, 1976 REPORT By Mrs. Fortino IN RE/ MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 17507 - TRANSFER OF FUNDS - HOSPITAL PATHOLOGIST To the Oakland County Board OE COmmiSSioners Mr, Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: The Human RCSOU,C.5 Comnittee. by Betty J. Fortino, Chairman. reports Miscellaneous Resolution Mi. 7507 with the reconmendation that thc resolution be adopted. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Belly J. Fortino, Chalrivin 'Misc. 7507 By Mrs. Fortino IN IM: TRANSFER OF FUNDS - HOSPITAL PATHOLOGIST To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. ChairRmn, Ladies and Gentlemen , WHEREAS the part-time position of Hospital Pathologist has been vacant since January I, 1976 due to the retirement of Or. Woodruff, and WHEREAS the iunctiuns of !hi, position have been provided since that lig. by Sr. Woodruff on a Lantrat.ivaI nosi, m a lower .1141.41 Cort; Nrif NI AI, the,. service, include signing 1 OP I GerrSure as Di re.- i or of the Hospital Laboratory, checking smear,, moSino ti,,ue studies and performing uu to IA autopsies per year and WHEREAS the Pathologist's time shall cionsi,t of a ridninum Of two days per week serving a minimum of 10 lithos per work plus the time required to perform autopsies. NOW INEREPORL BF IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve a line item transfer within the 1976 hospital budget of 512.000 from the salaries line item to the pro- fessiOnal services line item In erovide (or the continuation ot such pathology service, on a contractual basis. The Mittman Resources Committee. by Betty J. Fortino, Chairman, moves the adoption of the Foregoing resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE, MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 77507 - TRANSFER OF FUNDS - HOSPITAL PATHOLOGIST in the Oakland County Board of Commis,inner, Mr. Chairman, Ladies And Gentlemen Pursuant to Bele TI-E ol this Board, the Finance Committee finch the sum of $12.000 available In the Salativ, tew tie° of the 1976 nowilal Nudger. Said amoirot 10 be transferred line Item - Profrs,i...11 Sir ui:5. FINANCE COMM/Sill lainenie R. fsmaict, moved by Porfirio supported by Daly lhe report be arielifird ond ',solution 11/50/ AY(S. Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Pane, Patterson, Perolck, Price, Roth, simovvis, Wilcox. Wilson. Aaron. Butfun, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Donleavy, Fortino, Gahlei, Woo, Earlier, Leimun. McDonald, Moltitt, Montante. 125) MASS • Non,. 10/ A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution 17507 was adopted. Misc. 7533 By Mrs. Fort inn IN RE. RAISING 102 STATE LIMIT FOR HOMEBOUND MEAL SERVICE In the Oakland County Board .f CownidssinneCS Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentligmn. WHEREAS Ube 'bosh. Nem.ises Committee reviewed an MeiTh 23 and April 21. 1976 the ireoil of Oakland County Nutrition Pnblii Healing, held In On 1975; and WHEREAS rim CIMM1611,1. 4,ierndned that the M. Slate impoked lin!! For Fomiebilend tot Is restricts Meeting Our nerd lur meal ,eivIces In Oakland Countyi and WHEREAS the federal legulaii.os under Tillr VII of the Older isawri,rins' Act limiting the peecent Al homebound 10.' .1 total reels served was lifted with the SiAtO, permitted to nuke final determination. ynd WHEREAS the Stale col Michigan elected to stay with the 10* ,141Kil.1), NOW THEREFORE BE It RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners request the support of the Oakland Loamy State Legislators to seek relief from the State imposed limit of 102 with regard to the homebound meals program for senior citizens. The Human Resources Committee by Betty J. Fortino. Chairman. moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino. Chairman to the CommIsSioners Minutes Continued, April 21, MR 771 Moved by Fortino soppocled by Rally...son the resolution he :16.Pled- Moved by Murphy supported hy Mkollante the resolodion be amended after !he moils 'to seek relict from; the State inmosed limit of' to read 0355" with regard tn the homebound on I'. intuit -au lot senior Lili,c115. Biscusylon followed. Mrs. Fortino teguested that Lyon Schuneumn, Senior Citieen Depart ...v.1 Mead, H.d.l.md - Livingston Human ServiCV AgOICY be allowed ta address the ffilard. There were nu ohjeClIousi Lyne Schoneman addressed the Board. Vote DO atendimeui_ A sufficient majuricy having voted therefor. the motIon carried. Vote on resolution, as amended: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution as amended, was adopted. mi,c. 7534 By Mrs. Torr.,' IN RE, NUTRITION PLAN DEVELOPMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissloners Mr. Chairman, Ladies arid Gentlemen; WHEREAS the mavnit id Oakland County Nutrition Public Heaointin held in FicIohyr, 1975 was presented to the Memel Plosimr., LoinMillre mu Mordh 21, 176; and WHEMAS y“at r,“illiwittOe reviewed Hui., lindinqs nn April VI, 1976 AbO limiw,d to recommend that the Oakl,bil County Board ol dath”10, deyel“01.411 id A pl•o Mi coadtcer, nainulo ilium in Oaklaod °potty; nod WHEREAS said plao could hest he developed by orpienenIatives Ilion a bric5i1 lown. .ol agencies working In the nutrOtion field including the Oakland Courily Health Division, Oakland Unit !hilted Commeity Services, Oakland Intermediate School Oistrict, Cooperative Eetenston Service,, LocumnIty Mental Health Services, the Dew/tent of Social Services, the Clakland-LivInuston FILIA.0 Services Agency and the Area Agency on Aging; and WHEREAS the above named agencies would function as a Nutrition Commission; and WHEREAS the Connlissioo would present Its plan to the dototo Resources Committee Wthin 120 days of its formation; and WHEREAS such plan would include specific proposals for lirrorificee action based no documented nutritional needs in Oakland County together with recomhended footling sources to Omplement these preecesats_ NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners micommInd the prompt formation or a Hatritine Commission as described hereiv. the' Hunmn Resources Coolvoitteo, by Belly J. Fortino, Ihairman, naves the adoption of the foregoing re,olulion. HUMAN RI-SOURCES COMMITTEE Belly A. FfIl I inn, CdailuOil Moved by furiina ..upportee by [hon.. Lhe resolution he adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7535 By lies. Forttno IN RE: FREEDOM FROM HUNGER AS A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT To the Oakland County Board of Cemovissiomers Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Human Resources Cimmittee reeently reviewed the report nil Oakland Cionoty Nutrition Puhlis Hearings held In October. 19751 and WHEREAS yoor C.wrimitiee recommended that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners sgohsrse the Concept and ,ecouni,e thal each ul LAO citizens ol the County ol Oakland and each citizen in the United States of AmitiriLa is entitled to enjoy freedom from hornier during his lifetime a, Orie ul his basic human rights. maw FRIREFORI BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Coomtissioneis endorse the concept outlined herein The Ar+0.14VN Cnemitter, by Betty J. Emotion, Chairman, mives the adopt lilt of the foieWing MAAR' RESOURCES COMMITTEE betty F. Fortino, Chairnmo Moved by Fortino supported by Murphy 1 he resolution be adopted hayed by Gabler supported by Fortino the second WHEREAS paragraph be amended to read, "WHEREAS your Committee recommended that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners endorse the concept and recognize that each of the citizens of the County of Oakland and each citizen in the 224 Comnissloners Minutes Continued, April 29. 1976 United Steles of America is entitled to enjoy freedom from hunger when they have put forth all personal effort.'' Vote on amendment: A sufficient majurity having voted therefor. the motion carried. Vole on resolution, 35 amended: A sufficient ocIlurity having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adkarled. REPORT By Hr. Aaron IN RE. MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 07908 - ESTABLISH ONE (1) NEW POLICE COMMUNICATIONS AGENT POSITION IN THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT To the Oakland County Board of G.A.Iskiunor , Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Thu Personnel felInttee. by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7508 wills the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman 'Misr. /SOB By Mr. Aaron IN RE: ESTABI IAN ONE fli NEW POLICE COMMUNICATIONS AGENT 1.05111011 IN THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT To the Oakland County Board ul Eousissioner5 Mr. Lhairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the She'll-F ., Department has been utili,iog a part-time employee lor emergeney relief since 1469 on the communications unit; and WHEREAS Lye need for the position continued to Increase to where the employee was working extensive hours and the Department was exceeding its available emergency salaries; and WHEREAS the Personnel Department advised the Sheriff's Department of the fact that no position was available, nor were emergency salary funds available, for retaining the employee, and that Om use of the part-t tine employee must be terminated; and WHEREAS the Sheriff', Department COmplied in August, 1975 but have, since that time, because of workload, spent over $16.000 in overtime to adequately cover the communications operation; and WHEREAS the 1976 projected necessary overtime expenditures tor the Coommnications Unit of over $16,000 will more than covey the annual cost at one (I) additional budgeted Police Conmunications Agent petition and should actually result in a net sayings to the County; and WHEREAS the Sheriff', Department has assured the Personnel Committee that communications unit overtime costs, on an annual basis, will be reduced by at least 514,000 of the projected $16,000 amount if the additional position is yranted, 5051 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one ill new budgeted Police Communicat inns Agent he estahlished tot thv Sherill's DenarimenI with the understanding that the cost of the position will he more than ollsiO hy rerluctions in oyerITm! expendrlores, BE 11 fORTHER RESOIVID that ditv in the significant sayings in nvertime expenditures, tin' St.OPS cos( fin the linitaimler I971i he transtelivd from the Overlinxi Reserve Fund to the appyn• pr alt benefit accounts And lire Sheriff's Department Salaries Budget. The Per riymoritee, by Dennis m. Aaron. (hairman, moves the adoption of Ilse foregoing resolutinn. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mn, Pernick IN R(' MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION MOB - ESTABLISH ONE Cl) NEW POLICE COMMUNICATIOBS AGENT POSITION IN THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT To the Oakland County Huard of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule KI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the sum nf 57,005 available in the Overtime Reserve fund in the 1976 Oakland County Budget Said amount to be trans- termed in the 1476 Sheffill's Department Ituddel - !ethnical Support area - Ciammulication5 Unit - Line Item - Salaries - Reuulal. I MANCE COMMITTEE tat. rtice R. Peen lel., Thai. man &wed by A.,Lul supported by Roth ihe report be accepted and resolution 07508 be adopted. Discussion followed. AYES, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Ounleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy. 1241 NAYS; Hoot, 111 A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution 17508 was adopted Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 29. 1976 275 Misc. 7536 By Mr. Aaron IN RE; PRIORITY SALARY AND CLASSIFICATION CHANGES To the Oakland County Board of Connissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: WHEREAS numerous requests for equity salary adjustments have been twndinq tor 4 ion%iderable period of time; and WHEREAS the Personnel Connittee, in recommending the salaries portion of the 1975 budget on December 19, 19711, indicated to the Board that inequities existed In and betwmen certain job classi- fications and recommended that these problems be reviewed when collective bargaining contracts for 1975 were settled; and WHEREAS agreement was not reached an most collective bargaining contracts until very late in 1975; and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee initiated the review of pending departmental salary and classification change requests on February 9, 1976 and are now recommending only those changes determined to be of the highest priority In order to hold down costs within available funds ; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that salary rate and classification changes be approved tO be effective April 15, 1576 in accurdante with the attached 1 ist. and that tile int ceased itr.1 ii 510,573 for the reit.inder of 1976 for the at budgeted positions be Iransfprreth 1-1.01 Classification an4 Rate Change Item 01 the 1976 Budget to th, app,opriate departmental salarle, budget,. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron. Chairman, mnves the adoption nl the fioegning PIRSONlit I 101414111LE 0..noi, gul, C11.1i“.1 tilIMMAICY 341 4611S(M741.1 e4C1pNMTIONfl31136 ns DEPARTWWFAL PNFORITY SA1ARY 407 CLAtiRIMCAllos ENANCE REWASTS AS APPROVFn IS COmNITTFE 0 APKII, I?, IRIS NO. LW %MARY "161 A.ditor avi. 1-,,a Sons. & DP Conc. 101.ei 'cosociLtors Invest. Child Uelf,re 64,reer Supv. Volunteer Conrd/nator ?11173. F,reman GusLodiai Operations Supv. X Mointenanre Pienner II CI:cols.: 146 Supervisor Supt. of 01416. Village Maintenance Foreman II Grounds Maint, Foreman PliilltLnanoe Foreman I Mdlnronaneu Plamner I n,o,go CIASS TITLE 01 • . • - 'or!, " 01 • - 4 1 ' • 41.1;0 4 o ..5 01' i At I.111 5 4 uld 17,1.; .1 • 0 h X 9L61 '6t ii,dy cos1 nF Im 9'.. 41044 11 nemm. RE- RECOM- X 114C. $ 11.C.11 '01.413e11. 0115 - 12731 .z Oniir CPRRENT p1'1,STED MEMDC0 FOOT AT 90.. 1113 ,r11- OTHIA ROD- &HER- 2 BUD. SOURCES MAXIMUM 943171101 MAXIMUM NOTES MAXIMUM I" 1.11 1.id1h) SUVACh5 od.1 '0 BM:RC:A F . (18.47i) 21,ITI 14.1318 A 7.9 1 6.367 19.019 19.019 3.6 952 652 465 . 17,605 20,866 18,397 4.5 .11 ?92 565 1 '7.3EI13 '9,000 17,269 2.2 IIII ,-0 272 5 t 17,3118 18,200 17,769 2,2 101 1,'1u5 1,1.1 :.100 011.6 1 17,388 18,200 17,769 2.2 101 181 272 1 16,301 17.500 16,845 7.3 300 1,632 1,165 1 16,301 /7,500 16,845 3.3 $,4 544 388 1 :16,301) 12,500 :6,845 B 3.3 544 54:. 388 1 15,258 --- 16,800 C 6.6 1.042 4,1-3 744 1 15.758 16,500 16,500 4.7 732 712 522 3 14,997 16,000 15,497 3.3 503 ,422 1,071 1 16.345 14,800 14,823 3.3 478 073 341 1 24,345 14,800 14.871 3.3 478 341 0 --- 1_4.910 14,823 3 --- --- 1 16.220 :5.4.22 14.823 5.7 401 2,663 78.013 25,410 3.9 474 en r • 188 573 TYPE Or MO. OF MAX. COST or COST or i RECOMM. rominms RP- 'ECM- g INC. .5 INC.W Rmmol. './!i - 'ill ...... •:...1,Y11 ' ".. (MIER Cl'aREPO' OVESTP11 nonwn FOOT or ,Il. :1 r kr, . one. .14 •111:. . iinKir t 01,190 711.0 151:O. SOURCES MAXIMUM MAXIMOM MA/1MM Nolcs MAXIMUM J.:. . ,. . . . SOI nIAS .! .11lILSO_ORCES .1 , Pool Unasur --- 13,041 13,041 E --- --- --- -, .... w Ada.. assr.-Probste Court 1 (14,889) 14,889 14.889 F 0.0 0 0 0 a ... m lloos.,aepiog Supervisor 1 11,717 --- 12,000 2.2 lhl 361 188 ... • • S.,k For,man Tf .. 1!,411 H,001, 17,000 5.2 oig .10: I _ I.. ilumil, Assistant • . .1,11 --- 11,845 C 1.9 -.0. 1 ,0 i ,114.... X District Court Ada. 3 (11.194) 13,500 12,000 c 7.2 806 2..I8 1,726 A ProhJir "1311.1.11 Sec. 3 (11,085) 12,135 12,115 R 9.5 I,OS0 . . c:4 It Leader II 1 tr:,3421 12,042 11,542 i 4.5 .o0 '.CU 177 .; I0 , SurnrIty Snift Leader I 4 (:1,042) 11,542 11,292 1 2.1 110 :0200 714 '(LI 111 , I. 0. X Custoddal Work Foreman I 2 10,650 11,000 11,000 3.3 350 700 500 117. X Assis:cnr Pool Manager 1 --- 10,176 10.176 E --- --- --- r :•_, .L.: r•: Cir:ddt Court Records Cit. 6 ( 9,346) 10,759 10,759 3 I5.1 :,417 7,478 2,128. .!Lrh. • X Lte„t. On-Call Duty ray (5) 7,280 8,320 8.320 K 14.3 __- r ,C,3 742 C ,i. YP.7.'.: ;7071. X Chd:d 7syc4iatrisr-C3131 26.25 35.30 30.00 L 14.3 3071.1!. ELIE, X Per:histr1st - C141 26.23 30.00 30.00 L 14.3 Php. roteulrant Spec. 26.23 30.00 30.000 14.3 COST SnTIIRI.: 27.331 12,243 10,573 8,739 9161 '6z IlAv PRESENT AND RECOMMENDED SALARY SCHEDULES FOR SALARY AND CLASSIFICATION CHANCES AS A1'PROYE0 RN' PrRS1l1NE7. 0:0001TEE 01 APRIL 12, 1976 IASE 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR Present 20.214 21.300 22,6%3 .13.415 Proposed :1,192 22.260 71,110 PresenL MEM CLA'4 S Proposed 17,715 18.367 19,019 1 : INC. AT rpm- _ Y.5RI61061-21 NOTES A 18.367 16,955 17.716 15,758 16,500 I.1i ls. al ; 9/61 '64 i Hdv 2.2 3.3 3.3 3.3 6.6 4.7 CIA,,SIFICATIOS nP Coo, Admlnistrative Asst. - Juvenile Court L6I14 %*elfore ',4orker Slpervisor Volunteer Coordir.atur %1116,tera,:e Elreran Asinte,ric, PI:7ner :7 rhemis: - Lab S.,;:ervlslr Soo,, CIIiIruu'O Village Present 16,410 17,061 17,715 Propt,e.; 17.715 19,1117 19,019 Present 14,997 15.659 16,301 Proposed /5,672 16,364 17,055 Present 16.301 16,845 17,388 Proposed 16,660 17.216 17.769 Present 16,501 16,845 17,388 Proposed 16,660 17.216 17,769 Present 16.101 16,845 17.388 Proposed 16,660 17,216 17,769 Present 14,997 15,649 16.331 Proposed 17,497 16,165 16,845 Present 14,997 15,649 16,301 Proposed 13,497 16,171 16,845 Present 14,997 15.649 16,301 Proposed 15.497 16,171 16,845 Present 15,758 Proposed 15,600 16,200 16.800 Present 13,802 14,456 15,106 PropOsed 14,452 15,134 15,816 pascdsJa luasald SIY12. !.:ax 3IYX 17-1i :-E'E: Er7'7:! 3171 pasodola luataid S S 3 3 X pascdold luasala 0 pagodoag luaspag S S 3 .7 ] S. 173 .11. Ill' It I77'ET pascdolg lUoraad occ'z! 2S9 .1: 5604IT 65 .6: pasQdcod luasaad 000"..1 1W-7.7 SOCI! EISL'01 111'71 pasodoad wamazd EE6'7I !CZ' SAVE' 55V1 7.3 LE!' 1.1 :"0 ISS •7[ L'U'U L'E 611,"7.: i SHO'll ......'7 ,.H I s y 1 i ,.. 1 1 3,asaad EDIrIT 711 .71 777'Ll 7.5L'L 7.asodold 1120`7-1 99CE1 lien 190.1-.1 1.a.ld IL7'il CCIVZI P,S0d..d 1u0232,1 1Ze7i 071.91 S5717. p0F.d0.1,1 100.121 71,'Ll 110' CI {!fe71 SW.71 S7,'71 971'71 VII' CI S'E pamodos4 20aSi2d 71 GES'ii 691 :1 O09'01 690'21 S40.71 /WET TIO'Ct pa5ndeAd ILIOSald • o L67.E1 .E.Se71. EVE'71 WS.0 z avax I 1109 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 29, 1926 &287PAWIS 1010210 T\':;- Wr:5165".! /1 2000105 InspJadns !alt.:v.1 1 salox ..Aatilm :lc, -1.001 IV 'NI L 1.3 1. Al FOOT- "WAR . 2 YEAR YhAR SOTLS Prrson. N r 4. C ' E Proposed ELA1 kAlt Present 10,650 FLAT RATE Proposed 11,00C FLAT RATE Present KEW CLASS '4 RI? CI. I's Pr,-sin, Pr.ent. 57er Proposed leg ,r sec.'s ris. r C411 Present :• .:5 per hour Present :'. oer hour FrupuseC 51.5.5 cr hour Present :r . 7cr hour Proposed 5.7-or hour - • -,a9e5 urs oncson for pew classes, tney rerres,r, ane in..rense in cost of Jr.,M127, Zhe ::":1 an 71,111 ins LT I 1-21.712 Cho cur-rent Cs position. • AlION ITR591PIEL CONN1TIEE ,ALIWY 4Ernr..N11.11.ioN: APPENDIX A A - Utilise an Auditor III position Is - 12,i-14410.1"y Ma P1 wos I t brot C - -tio ••1,-.. Iiit eltwoot r.• Pit P i 111111 1 . poo. we. E - Ith w "Other Sources" s t.• ht llI,L -t Irrw banis • 1 I tzte vacant Sup, I•toba:. M.cSIL 11.11FF Pro. w wxlog pwwitlow with w• IdentiCal salary rang. C - Utilise one Olstriet Court. 1cchnleal Aide yes use, from vaeli uf thi Coon 51w1at Ions II - 11, I !Op: three .i.11.111' St, • : ; tonal .111115.!! 001 't I. Jill to bo 'e F y IL i I•owt. • I 4nd Adoption Iron soil, i, r.cr I to Ch.ld F-...:are Worker 11 at 411 ..wproximate annuel sAyine, of $1.00 1 - Utilize 011,2 Security er vs.:Linn lop SevLrity Shift Leader 4n, Security Officer ro,Itions ior Security Shif, Leader I J - Utilise six Counter nlork rncsitlorls: e=loyees to be placed at base st,p of new classification Ir .. 5.05 1r.r ..e4ee upon approval and A IAS cos: per position for :Ir., 1976 K - On a rotating bast, no -..:•.,on3rIt is .1651,1,:d earh week to be on -nil ,. • , h., On-Call Duty P., paid - tha ',quest is for $1.60 per 1...- the annual cc-it fr,r. I de., to S8.3fl L - Part-time class( 0: On basis panUIWG) S,aua!s,1.".1 April I -. 232 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 29, 1976 Moved by Aaron supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted. The Vice Chairs.. referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no abject ions. REPORT By F5 Aarnn IN RE. MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION .F7461 • ACCEPTANCE Of THE 1976 COONRAIIVI REIMBURSE/MINI GRANT PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE To The Oakland County Board of Commissioners Or fhai roan. Dirties and Gent Into lhr. ,L11111.,1 C.1.111P1 Hut., by Comic V Aaron, Chairman, reports its concurrence with the Board nl . iron uf March fr, 1976, ie adopt ing Miscellaneous Resolution 0/461. Ti,.. 0er-sonnet Coranuttee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, inoveS the acceptance of the foregainri reirmrt PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Deno is H Aaron, Chairman "Hr sr. 7561 by rim. Pi i e ALLiciANCE OF EHE 1976 COOPERATiVI REIMBURSEMENT GRANT - PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE In the Oakland [orally Board of Cooed ss inerv Mr. Or r man, Ladies an I rent lemen. WMFREAS pursuant to Miscol lare cm, Resolution F7382, 1926 grant application ryas mule tin renewaI of trim (repeat Fleimbrirstemin•I errer, Lie., Pr oser-u1er 's Off ice; and WHEREAS grani fends in (Inc uomunt S236,851 have bean awarded to the County al Oakland and required County matchIng fundS rre determined to he 58.850 In-Kind services; and WHEREAS the Public Services Committer, recomm•nds the sold grant award be accepted: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County ra Oakland hereby accepts the grant award lot the renewal of the Coupe ra tine Reimbursement Pi r)yi Prosecutor Office for t he per iod January I. 1976 to December 31, 1976 in the amount •21i $216,851. The Public Service Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adopt inn Err the foregoing resolut ion. PUB; If StIEVOCES COMMITTEE H111.1.11 1 Price, Jr., lhalrovan" See Pages 99, 100, 101 an.1 102 tor copies nf Asmanirrnt Moved by Aaron supported Iry Sialnuns I he r, part be accepteil. A Sufficient rajority having voted 11,e,e1 ,ir , In report rice REPORT By Mr. Aaron IN FE. MISCEI LANEDIJS RESOLUTION '2460 - Af.(t l'Intirt OF THE 1916 COOP! RAE VE RE IMBURSEMENT GRANT - FRIEBJ Ot ENE COURT In ma Oakland County florid sifemme -lane! rri Oa I 1111j11, .111.1 111.111 Inman The Per ,111111.1 {-111.M.111. lir 1I, h. A.11 ern Cii..1 r own,. LII . ci. cr nfli n111o•ni o• will, BO..1 ol Commissioners' or lion of Molly 4, 1975, raopi on, Mi el itesol,11 11111 02560 The Pee arnleel Cororisi I lee, 1.y Deno, 11 Apr...,. 1.11/1-. 111, .11{1,11.6111, 141 11, I/weer-ring report. PI RSONNEE COMMITTEE Denn is It Au, II/I. li.11r don “Miss. 2460 By Mr. Price IN RE. ACCEPTANCE OF THC 1976 COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT - FRIEND OF THE COURT To the Oakland County hoard of Eimmissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies awl Gent lemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution 7391, 1476 Grant application was made for renewal ol the C:n,ppra so,. Reinesorseelent Program, f r i end .r11. the Court, and WHEREAS Grant funsfS i. ti,, amount eel- S256.496 have been awarded to the County of Oakland and required County matching lunEs are deterelined ter be 54,650 in cash and 88,400 In-Kind servichS; anJ WHEREAS the Public Services Committee recommnds that said Grant be accepted. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESO1VED that ths- [eerily of Oakland hereby accepts the Grant award for rhe renewal of the Coaperar Reielburscumnt Program, Friend of the Court. fur the period Jane.). 1, 1976 - December II. 1975 in the ammint at 0256,496. The Punt, Se• vire la corms., hy Hubert Pr Ice, Jr., Chat Miran .00005 lire adoption of the foregoinq resoletrao. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hobert Pritv. Ji.. Chairman. See Prue. 93. •15, 95, 96, •r/ unit 98 In, I. Op it, 411 Agreement Wrvinf by Aurae ogreuirst by Mal I it I. the report be accepted. A suiricivn4 amiofily having waled therelar, the report was accepted. Commissioners Mieutes Continued. April 79, 1976 213 Misc. 7537 By Sr. Aaron IN RE DELETION OF ONE (I) MAINTENANCE LABORER POSITION (C r . 1 .A.) AND CRIA1 ION Of ONC (11 MIS! 1 POSITION (C.E.T.A.) To the Oakland County Board ol Comnissirmers Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Parks and Retreat ion OlviSiOn's Park Beautification Project funded by the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 - Title X created 132 Maintenance Labile., posilloir and WHEREAS the Parks and Recreation DiviSion'S participation in the Title X C.E.T.A. Program has placed an e.trenie work load on the clerical staff making it necessary to request modification In the Title X Program, and WHEREAS this position would mot affeet the grant's budget, aod the clerical position would be serving the title X project, NOW THEREFORE BE 11 RESOLVED that one (1) Title x Maintenance Laborer position try deleted and one (I) Typist 1 position be created in the Parks and Recreation Division with the understanding that the salary and fringe benefit costs for this position are to be paid from the Title X C . E funds. The Personnel Coxvilttec, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of lb, resolutiv, PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis m. Aaron, Chairran Moved by Aaron swgiruted by Patterson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Nowak, 01.0w1. Page, Pallet-Son, Pernick. 1/aly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dooleavy. Gabler, Hoot, Kasper. Loni lllll McDonald, nollitt, tkintniur, Murphy. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. misc. 7538 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: DELETING ONE ( I) CUSTODIAL 1 C.1.7,0 POSITION IN THE FACILITIES AND OPERATIONS DIVISION AND ESTABLISHING ONE (I) tHILDRIN'S SUPERVISOR 1 C.E.T.A, POSITION IN CHILDREN'S VILLAGE - HUMAN SERVICES To the Oakland County Board of Comoro sz loners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS the Ehildren's Village utilization of part-time staff (at the present cate) to maintain minimum services will far exceed the torerty thousand dnllars al located fur Emergency Sat a r ies fru 19/6. And WHEREAS doe C E. I A. funding, IS, Faci i lie., ant/ Opera! Ions his i I ori cil Services Der 6,1 , sto a has been yt ariled sLiffic,ent numb, 4,1 to fit 1 its pt, t•ri I 1.1. and WttfIttAS the farilities and Operations Division is able to tianslei a vacant Ilistodiol C.E.T.A. position to Ehildren's - linnwn Services without curtailing ....vices. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that an.' (I) Custodial 1 (.E.1.A. position be deleted Irom the Facilities aed Operations Uivision and that one (I) Childten's Supervisor I C.E.T.A. position he established in Children's Village - Human Seivices tor the balance ot the C.1..T.A. giant funding. The Personnel Lniucittee. by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, MOVe4 ihe Adoption n1 the Foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. &Arno, Chalrran Mnyrn by Aaron suppnrted by hoflItt the resnInlion hir adopted. AYES Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernlck, Plice, Ruth, SitmemS. Wilcuk, Wilson. AmsEn. Button, Daly, Deaiborn, Douglas. Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kaspel. Lennon, McDonald, Moltilt. Montante. Murphy, Nowak (20) NAYS, None. () A sufficient 0.101 Ity having voted therefor. the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 07166 - COURTHOUSE COMPLEX ALTERATIONS - PHASE 1 To the Oakland County Board ol Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: The Plannino and building Committer. by Pali ick K. Daly. Chairman. reports Miscellaneous Resolntion Pro 7456 with the texnerpmndalion !hal OW resolution be adopted. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE P..., ink M. Daly. Chairman 2)4 Commissioners Minutes Clintinoed. April 29, 1976 “MiSc. 7556 By Mr. Daly IN RE: COURTHOUSE COMPLEX ALTERATIONS - PHASE I To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr Chairman, Ladies and Gcntlement WHEREAS the relocation ol the Probation Division, Criminal Justice Planning and Purchasing to the North Office Building will be accomplished in the months of Frhrnary and Mich; and WHEREAS s.cli reification will aline fur the necessary edpansion lnr the ernsetcdin Auditing, P ri,rt y !Janata...tit and Pe r t and WHEREAS such alterations con he perfurived It the Mointenant, and Oprratiims Division ol Central Sett/tee, NOW 1NEREf ORE NE IT RESOIVED that 517,700.011 be and it, hereby appropriated to 11 , Delt•ot1 ",t 1 of Central Suretirk to prior., the pieces .ary COOrt.101... alter at icos. ac per the attached eta imat to. 10, Planning and Doi Winn toned t tee, by Patrick K Daly. Chairman. ratyek the adoption id the foregninn re,Olot .00 PIANNINL AND BIJIIDING C0001111E Patr,,l. K Daly, Chdiricoet FINANCE 1(10111 lilt DI PI1RT .1y .1 rrm, IN RI . MISI ILI ANE0115 RE SOL 117 ION . 7456 - COL/FITIIOUS I I CMPL EX AL TI 101 PIIAS I I to tile Oilkl toil Lona y ROW!. 01 WWII,. loners Mr dhai r cue. Latin .3nd Ger tlellk, rarcault Its Rule XI-C !lac Boat d, FinanCe ConeniL tett I kids the sum of 511,700 available tn Ow Proposed 1976 Building Fund-Nis,.: Hammer. Remodeling - 19713. I INANCI COM! T idt Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman See Page, 81 and 82 tot Cost Csiirwtos Moved by Daly supported by Roth the report be accepted and resolution 07456 be adopted. AYES. Page, Fat !erste., Pernick, Roth, Simeon,. Wilcox, Wilson. Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Cattier , Hoot , Kanner. Lennon, McDonald. Mot fitt. Montante, Murphy, Nowak. Olson. i22) NAYS F01 to,,, 1'2) A knificond .H0,1, haying cooed therefor, the repoit wa ti_ccpled and rekrutinn .12456 oak adopted mi..: 7539 hi tir Only IN Si ILO',) AhNLEME NT WITM EIATLAND COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION T., the Onl land Comity Board al Comm, ,.toners Mr . i recto. i and Gent lemen WIlEktrit. the Dal land Conga, Road Commiskion has agreed la lease appromimately 350 square Int I oF aloe att., to Ilie tale t I Doe ($LOW Dollar per y.-.it to the County of Oakland for a k opt 1,te Ipetkool' till lie at it Ito Id nit locatia at 31001 tale., Road, Beverly Hills, Michigan; arid tail RI op ti karel 1 it,- lipastart-o 1s 011 p would he it ...neon Lent It fin On III tau,. 1... I I ti 0n11/. land totroily; and WM REA, ...Of Ermyki itcantreentik that In inunt If uI II 0 land via, into It NOW ltil RI EOM ttl I I lit 50141u I nal the I...no I y it Oaklatitl an, ctek ta least, ap.....,yrnettply 150 len...1 .W.1Ce tin Ill, ..10orld flack, itt the Oakland Canals, Road 1011.1.....i011 RiijluIiiiuI located .31 31001 Lancer Ric3d, Beverly Dill.. Mrhitiall, tot a term of Imo Ill year'. nt •in ...mai late Col One (01.00) BE II fURTIIER RESOLVED that the Chaitnon of the Oakland County Boatd of Cameissioners hir and he I, hereby allot Loud to execute a le.e.e in the form attached hereto int behalf of the County of Oak land. The ,11,.1,-.-11.1unit 2.1..0 Win.) Committee. by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the forequitto resolul Inn PLANNING ALIO BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly. Chaitinan LEASE THIS LEASE AGNIEMENT entered into thiS day of , A.D., 1976. by and nettnien the OAKLAND COMM ROAD COMMISSION, hereinafter called "Lessor", whose address Is 31001 lalata Road. Dever!, 11,11c. Mr, hotan, and the COUNTY 01 OAKLAND, a Michiqaa Constitutional Corp- heieinalter kalled "lessee". 1200 North telegraph Road, Pont jar . Michigan. W11115551 IN: WHEREAS the leccor it. the isortel Of Cl,. pleMiSrs kniewn and designated as 31001 Lahser Rood, Peng IL 11111k, MIchinos. hhich oat! of lands awned and wont by the lessor as offices for that Oak land Cantos Road Co e kciiet. dint Commissioners Minutes Cont. lotted. April 19, 1976 21; WHEREAS Lessee desires to lease approkistately 350 square feet 01 oflIce space lot ihe purpOSe Of providing a satellite office of the Oakland County Treasurer. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: The Lessor does hereby let and lease to the Lessee. Subject to the terms and condltloos hereinafter set forth, 350 Square feet of office space on the gruund floor of its building located at 31001 Lahscr Road, Beverly Hills, MiChigar, fOr a term of two (2) years cOmMenCing on the first day of may, 1376 and ending on the first day of May, 1978. for the sum of One ($1.00 Dollar per year. The Lessor dnes hereby grad t and convey to the Lessee: I. For as lona as the lease agreement remains in effect, the right Of ingress and earess to the premises described as 11001 Lahst, Road, Beverly Hills, Michigan. 2. Tire Lessor agrees to tirte, i de al 1 nai nlenanee and ovI0dial services at no midi I ;Inuit Cost 10 1_11 sof. . 3. Thu Lett, a ad, V.1•n 111 Pt heal litilat. autl other est.ept lepht ale set vise, viricT i het,. 1111,1J1,1 for tt,SO1 agrees to ton, itle ',so employee it ark ion g.,aLer so des ;gnat ed fur the tt.sul tet Ye use ef the employees n I Ihr. nas land fount 1. ,'u,sornr S nu is, 5- Lessor agrees to provide the necessary sign.. and/or directories inside and oep.Ide the bud !ding cat 1110 the d irecl ion and !neat ori of lfre-o,lu II Hr County Treasurer 011 ice. O. The Lessor ,ttirees to pettui I he Lessee I ti Ilse 1.11,111.1 1.,111111. 7. es me <11,71,r, I. provide I 1110 Spdt I II 111111, 1.11 a pro, essi ng 1110.1111.1. , 1.111.11 I' I not to he roes-tiered a tut , tal the ISO mat.. it fret , hut aid ,t„Ire! space in the Le , dee, 11 nctlIty area 8. 11, sur durces I., pfuvide .a111i1L., 101i 11 10 the sort i icat til I IP.' Lev-tor dr. ,'r Ill provide two 11 I npic,nr line. I, I he rye ri t he i_es•ag 11111 11 1111 11 I ',ri- es a Et later, lona! sy, co Is lel i I I M. tiLlidrit I II 11n211m,-11 t 11,111 i I hat I i,. Oat I nig C.,,1, Ly Rttatt I mud .•. log shal I not It, held 1 itiltlu I.e any thut Iot by the Logitt s. .1 nahlang in Oakland ..1111 / as a ,[Sul L tit Otis Agreement I. II IS FURTHER nutuaLLY AGREED I hat the part les hereto may renew II, in Least- lot a 1 t• pet 'rod and for COLN' conIc whirl, may he mutual I y agreed upon hy he part les IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partfeS hereto have set their hands the day and date first above written. WITNESSES: OAKIAND COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION By: , Chairman COUNTY OF OAKLAND. a Michigan Core” i tut innal Corporal ion Dy- Ale•anfter C. [`Pr I not , Chaiituan Oal. land Connty Boa,' 1)1 I. rumui STATE OF NICHIGAM) ) ,s COUNTY Of OAKLAND} 011 tht , day 01 A.D. , ii7l, person -III I y .11 toeart aria did say that he is I he Chairman itt the Oakland Cott, 11,1,1 tl . and Orson It 11.1, sf f Yea Inc signature In the foregoing t t.t..e, and that . lid tie t n1111r 0.1 tented aud sealed til Itettal I ol mill Dakl and County Road Como, • gni. NuM aty Ruh! ,r, Oakland County. Itishigav My Lotus., ion [Nit reS: STATE OF MICHIGAN) ) ss COUNTY OF OAKLAND) this day of , HR., 1976, personally appeared Alexander C. Perinoff and did say that he Is the Chairman of the Board tat Cormnissiunets for enunty 611 Oakland and as such has iecd hi, signature to the foregoing Lease, and that said ;total teneut and sealed in luthal f of sa id County of Oakland Notary Pohl Oakland f oonty, III. 11 I gap My Eitel; vs: The Vine Chai 111.11 referred the resnInt Ion to the Fotante Coo.' i tee liuge tat, e no obit,' ;on, Misc. 7540 By Mr Daly IN RE: APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR RENOVATIONS AT THE FIRST AND THIRD DIVISION OF THE 52ND DISTRICT COURT To the, Oakland tnunly Hoard nl 1,mmawsinners Mt. Fist i noun, Ladies and Gent lemon WHEREAS adali ..... %I ...oak-snits al tiltt firYi and 11,1 1.1 Division of the 52nd DI,tricl Couri ha, created severe pi-able°, in working conditions antt ant flow, and WHEREAS rnur Committee has reviewed sueh condi I inns with 4,,,,r,cniAi isms ol he 1 Iturt and have agreed that cc, lain sennsat ions are necessary to the, ell id '01 opcual too of the L t ond COinmi shiRll,R Ili auto, Foul i 1.11 AI.i11 Pl. I 976 21f/ sir. 7541 By Hc . y IN RE, AUTHORIZATION ID Ru I CI BID!, ON THE SHERIFF '5 DEPARTMENT TOmmLINI CAT MRS ROOM RELOCATION To t h 0., I .c.,1 E11,-1,1 ••1 , C,,,.• od,pl.cd MiStnIlanenus Resolution 07511, on January 8, 976 , 1,1 ..• .„,, 1,. i f. . 00, for t he acquisi ion id 1E1{1111 ctyLi 11,1114,11 For Rh., lliI,111 I , and 54411 c, 1 I be {5} d.n.1 ,1 n ..a.d kiwi "Lit iliIi,1111...ent Lniningdnica ml,. ',rim. whir square I 1,15 f eet .1,01 111.1 111,11 111,4111111 tdincl t ions; and ail Lit n.,1 I he eqa i red t,D11 111e riewl y accoi re(' .1•111111.11,11.01 111.11. 11.11,0 111111,1 • 111.1 Snirit , d .1 5,111• • 111-1-1 1,111,1 11r 11, ii, II r.I,1.7,..•01 I iI. LI r,i,. L,L1 11 11 1111 11111 .r.111.1 1, ill.. .3 411i 1.11.1 11: 111 11 iu1.:.1 11.,1 iii L.111,1d1 ,ir.,1 ,IPLIC 1r11 11 .1.11 111-.1111, EC. IC, I C. I ,11.111, .11 .111 est ircat ,h1 CO 520.000,011 11114 1 111141 ilffif 111 I 1 RL 1.01 VE110 clot I hi- Ccnti ..1 .e. 0.41.11-11,1.111 1 .11111 1, 111.1,0, .1,1,1111,121,1 1. I re, r11, 1.:1 ,,,11 1 ,c 01 111, •,nc•n i I 1.. L.,11Lulicl..ie 1.A0.1 0.1 ii. I. •n 1 II I I 1 1JR1111 Eif ',Ill. VI., 11.e ll.11.11i d .1...111 h. .11 1.1i .11 11. 1 . 111. 10 1 1.111.11-1 1 111.11 tql 1 1111 ur 1-,1 in r :id .11 •InL1 L.111 1 11 1 11 1.1. . The E1.111riii,,I aod gr-,1 f.,nLinfli I 1 cc , 0h I ,i1 I.II.. y 1 .,•,, ..1• Aldi111.11. '11411 IIIIII,IFII, ...Lim I', Ill I 17,11y, 1 11.111,ili OAKLAND COUNTY EXEFU7 I DI fit PARTHF.NT 17d cr11,101 Fd. .11011d 1111 1 11 11'; I 14,11.1111,11411 01 171T ION ',111.17.1 I C 'S PAR1F111,11 1.011HillilICAT ION ROSE ,11 M111011 PROJECT 75-17 ei51.0 - 010111 7/, 1916 By Tern: 11a1e.1 Feiuwuur 25, 1975, auil .1•1101.1•11 y 77, 1976, (4 . L.iclle.1)1. S11,14 1 Spriuil, requeSted this oil ice vourt with 1,1, si I oil. 1- el.. irm ,o1..1 1,1.11111• Lai 11111 111.1•11d 11,1111 1.1 .. present kin un 1hc Ci I rIcior 10 III, rc 1h, e local inn .tr r as full ft) Provi.le huller •iecurl[N_ (21 er ,•I I ic,ncy 101 11, cut.m...1.1 11 .11 1,,L, 11) j.1.• .,1,1, ,14,11111..,11 1.11,0.1/ •11. iddi inr1.11 area t, ci•or,. 1.-.14,111 1. •:1 1 he 111.11,11 i .11.1 need, I nr at .-in R.'.,, I I ;Lin 7111 I id11-1. Ic bY I ht. Loin, 11,, r d ..1 .,..4111 .101, 11, 1 y 1. 1971 approve,1 7 IL, .1. 1.5.1/1 1.1,1. .1 1 el 1,1.101 i11111011111 611 ,,t2 11 I , •.iII. , and 1.1 dn ,1 rl ,il I 1.1 1 11 II, 11. 'ii t.11.110 1• . 14,0 -i• iii11 1 11111 - T.111 .171d1., 1 1 ,, , .t i, in iii.. I.., 11,11 111 111, LI I , II, ,dy• LI 1••,1 • 111..11 1.1 11,0 1 • • 11 I 1'1,11 i • •• 11.1 1. 11.1.1 L 1,1 ,1,11 5in,L Ills. i,Ljor I ty ,p1 II, 1-d,a.L.1 P., .1 011 1,, •11,1..1 11 111511 114,,, 1 .111 111.1. 1011,11., nkieded. Slid, 11,1 1r 374111 1i 1 , ,,.. I 111.• arlrl .0111,101...0c1 11,, Y11 1 11 Li' dvail.11 In I , r. PrPsHni 1 uni • h t ly illVole,-.1 wi, II rIperat ion d5 I . I 1 - 1111 Cy. F.11, - 11. 1.1r • 1,-, 1 - I fl,,'r)± f 1,•1 141.u•,1 ccioi lomcrIt i • ',do I 11,1, The tii,pat,ht-c .• pre.d,I 1 y at inn 1:11,11.• I And i 1 1 r rt• n .-.1 • ••II.. cen1 F.,1 1.15 11 WW1 060.111,1 1.11 1••-•11111e 1,1 /11111 Nu- Si,,-, ill''. Den.Ti lewin I. ru, 17 .1,111 1.• 111.0, 1•41•••1/ h • per t (1.4,1 1,1 ,1dunn lI1,l.ttni -• '01.11 I .1 11 11 r.,I 011 it, 'Lined To 1 01.1111111 .0 if!, 1 .11 .1 1.1•1110, .11 1,_i- .j •,1 -L .• a 1.1 d.n., th.. i,•.• .1-.11 Ir., ,•11.11d 1,1, tol all y in.sininun u Sui I lie uquiTilleini .111,1 1111i1.1111,11 111 ,, • , i .1 111 I r 1 nr ,hi,,il ui1, 1 . 11111n, it ;20.1(16 1,, I, .11 1crat 11.41 and 1,1 .11,11 iron al 11111 ; r100 ,L1.1 1 e,1 lUSh I',,,, 1 ••4111,Sleti (sec mem, ,1 lcd Kit 11 .1) nor anal?-, i h ul t Tut iu . Uhl. ,11.1iC.111 t. I III 11111dhoul 52.1100 lurni lure 1.1 1 1.1.11•• -11 1 1- 1 4 -I 71,1 i I z O. 1976) 1111 . i cat inn R1k11ii 1 e 1,,•11 !Fa, hi 11Li I i II TN, lob 5.- 1 1 I Any r 4.4.1,,ilL toil .1111111Y, .1 i• I' • ...I 1,1 .- lb.' Pt it,r. and Stioi i if at u.,- 12) Ti,„ .ii ion t.i 15.000 to LIPP, h l.,- 111”Vd1•11 1- 111111111,1, inirc 1..-1.“—• and .14 Ina .1.usl s that I 1 In. flc,ir,e in, the Dr airing!. and 1...cf....inn 1,1' ra,ci wed, it, piojec I w,li 11. 1 I INr tu the Luny, I Ivo, and the C[..xidissitorier s 11.1 ,ipidusal Lind the 1,1.ndirig. heprv,o-nt,..ir r he She, r .1 ' Ocydr 1.111.11_ .111 be .1 r .n i I aTilzi lo answer any hpusi ic yule-, ton, can the tde.rnt And yropu‘ded,11C1111 1011 11.1,,te14- ii -- 1 1 ,. 9 Ir •••.. /.7 CON Ca: • 1. I • ••••• II- • .• I • .7 !II 238 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 29. 1926 • 1 r ' 1 i 71 2. 1.1 .7 •-• VI •—• 0 L.• I n••• I , LAI u/ re ; 1:4 •-n 0 Y. o , 1_" I The Vice Chairmen referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Cornitis...ioner, Minutes Continued. April 29. 1926 219 Misc. 2942 By Mr. Daly IN RE EIRDEHERTON TRAIN To the Oakland County Board of CottliviSsiumers Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS proceedings have been taken by the Statutory Drainage Ekraod for the ORIstrocl ion of the Brotherton Drain under the inavisions of Chapter 20o1 Ast No. 40 nf In, PlAbl it Arts of 199fi. as ...Toiled, pursuant to a pet it ion Ii led with the Oakland Clionly Drain COM.' .'.IIlIlCn 4111,1 WHEREAS the said Drainage Board hy resolut ion adopted on 9prii II,. 0)26. arithia ited and pruvided fur the issuance el bonds 10 I he aurirvitale principal alatael ol $81111 ;1100 in ant i, ipal hat the collection af an equal .110411III of spec iat a54,55111erl In a.4l 0r,1 t In' hI 9 .ef 'troy , antl In fount y tit Oat land. said special its're,orwids having been duly Lon, 1/14,‘ by said Or linati, Board; and WHEREAS said bond. are 1,1 he designated Diain Bonds, are tu la. diti J010 1, i'I/I,. will F. interest al a it, rho ex,. ding IT, and will not he subject to redemption loin, to matur it ti and WHEREAS said Drainage Board deems it advi,able and acCessary tu obtain frau tlds Board a resolution consenting to IIW Pledge of the lull talth and t_redlt of the crwnly on the aloe said ben.E. and 4401110', t hr- Oro 10 i 1111,11,1 I at el neLs Lilly to tit orte,t and hurl 0.. r pull I 110 and tt.eietoie it 1, in I he i0 I k Eh,. Cittiri( y 1)..k1,10.1 11,1 nil kind st.1,1 NOW 11110110111 tit II RESOLVED BY Tot Oftitl NO 1.011010 000119 Of 10MM1f0tIONE115 Thal ILILI .01111 IL, 1 111. MAI hill 1 ,111 JIM J11 !IV 1,11•11 ip 11,1,1 4/ 4 ,it ritaitt 4.0 20 nII Ill, Ail! 11,01' 0, 156. Aiiy.n1111,1, the Oak Land COW ,. P0.11 Lit I 0111116 s I Cho rf`ViH .11111 III.Ch.,.• the 1.111 IatI 11,1 Ill Ill of Fount y al oak laud For I he primpi ri 10, 'I., I iet,r,st LIII Inv said 111 .1 1 11 hmeil, „Ind doe-, agree that Ili 1 he event aily lull , hi, Lote1'oi.11 ,t11 011.111 tall or titittlfitA I ,, at.citutil to the t ty Tre.p.ttrel III the fanuily 1.1 Oakland Ii., tit; ol any special assessment installment and luta:pest , 011111 due, hen the asrsanc shal 1 I.. iiitiierliat el, advanced cruel County funds, and the County Treasurer is directed to instiediately '011{.11 a11vart,elecit1 Inn the extent necessary 2. That in the event that, pursuant to Said pledge of full faith and credit, the County 01 Oakland advances out if County Funds, all or any part of said installment and interest. It Shall be the duty of the County Treasurer, for and on behalf of the County of Oakland, to cake all astions and proceeding, and pursue all remedies ner.itted Or authurited by law for the reimbursement of ,uch s0o, re, paid. 3. That all iesolutions and parts of resolut hue. insular as the SOW may be ri sonfl with till provisions tit II, IL 105,111111110 I., and the t31f0 111,100 ref,. nd,i • Mr. Chub resin, 1111 }sena! I ist phi 11 ,I 1111 1 Ihir,.p Conoti 1. I , I MAIO the adopt Min ol lie For equirlit resolot PIANNINt: AND 10111 DINO f Ot4111111f I. f If It., I , r1 .1j111,1, ADOPI III• AS P.114 ttl ,01t, Pct 1,11 l, I', Riot, tilt...ars, Wit, et,. 111 1,111. 0,1111, 1.1111,.,,, lil t, Dearborn, Dun 7yy 110.i, Lahti,. 11 ,1111.., 01111111.1111. III bill. P1111 lIly, Nowak. Page. 121) NAYS: nnni•. (0) 141`.101, Pt r pool 1, Douglas, Whightrn. Olson (4) 10..1.e. Data lane 5. 1475 SLCI'D, A 1. 14 .0 06z4 G., 5e4., Ill L I. Is. Ana's...es f3 alma. 15..0.• Oren Cal Save* Ill 1.1. A. I l•-•• •11•-1 C. AC P. Calv 144 I. f 3. 51••I 554e. es5irie ,sei •-,•n..1• 1 ea. 0e7 re.sr 141, 11...1 ra11.11, Ce.45•414 Dr 1.1ope Pr4,e,.44 157 5.a. I. •embre 31.30e. 1-amp 57, 1071I,- 1CC7101 A 0507•05.5.11*C 00,51413 110•00 5e100L2115C..52P700E1407rf I. Rem..., C., Pavement 2901-y I. iereeve Cane v., 5.1-5.410 Cus5 134 I 3. isms,. Conseil. Curb pni Color 53 I. II 4. L., C44•••1.41 Or • I. 540.1,115 2,11•msmes 100.7. I. 00.4Rien5 53 -1. 9L61 '62 11..1V II. I. 0045 44011 Islea.e Com 5se.4.1na 1.145115imemaier 3.11•11. Mad,. 11010 Mancinell, Cvstraci, C••/ 115,1 5e7,71,4 3440 Kam 1..0 001141.1. 01,..1311 31194 52,00•11 41451 101.0,1 Lk. a.. ung Curl No, On. 162.1.2 , 0.111, 0,11.0 21101 .11nD A 01.12,5710, BROTH rzal. ON 06110 060S,:.,0. 1J1. *0.1 006 ROAD DtP1L00E40E075 0.170 071000. 0111_l ID COUNTY. MICK I, 10 144.112..0 117.01 131.100 1,410.33 141.600 DO 100 00 IC. 030 Da 004.40 00.31.43 010. 00 90.440. 00 £10.21 1; 043 10 109 01 55,116.00 49,052.95 61.552_ 91 41. 550. In 41, 00,00 40.141. 40, 00.71 L14..111 10 17/4 II 1,003.31 0.571 17 1,54, 0 0. 530. CO 5,501 00 1 501.51 6, 504.0. 1.50 ,,, 152.10 0.0 4.103 00 14 .11 0000.11 15.03 4,401 43 6.504.110 1 50 00 .5.141 05 L 0.005.60 .5.011 01 ;4.100 41 in 00D 34 .1.003.03 $214 101 75 1215.500.03 0133.705 00 5211.211.10 1.10 009 40 5. 07 4 00 1.425_00 1.55. aaz 10 4_01 00.00 4-10 710.00 4.60 511.10 4.60 :05.00 5.30 153.00 3.1; 10 00 1.15 57.30 4.10 a. 406. 51 EC] 1,822.20 5 Lb • 3, 314 .11 5.50 215.01 433.00 11.1, 020 10 5_ 01 313 OP 1.00 153.00 - 5 04 253.20 1_01 00 01 5.03 113.00 b. 554..33 ummissioners Minute% WntinoeJ. April 29, 1576 r: Zo:•• co 4 cc :4-.- c; 4 00010 .1 74 - C9 COL III Act,! 91.1.71 .2 .6.72PS ''..-.Z 90 00•70C CC '•7 , 7:1" III cc :06 7D 9_ 00 CS, 00 '0 '40 00 NJIP..s•Aa —... C2 00 D1,7•• CC 000 7' DO 9, 00 III? 11110 21..C. "...k: .....I .1 IL ...S v ...*:3 72 n 0.-0 CI 2 . 07 70 CC F 00 99. S7 04, cc c 't'• 011 16 0060 6 ••,, Or 04 C09 7 00 •I :7 000 •C :0 C: 00 00! -1 01, Yu, (10C 1,1 ,, •1 ,11e Jo'frfy0.,0.1"...t „ 0., . :: CO‘ .. ...,-00....R.1 3,,...: .... CC , 010 .. - ., 0 Si '2 1.14 I.J,•....., y e ••• , 07 9176 CO 9• Cc I, 02 01 1 3 ill or •d,I) . Pi ••,:-. --••0 or cc Oct - sz I 40 067 52'7 00 701 — : I 0009 00 .0 7 • 000'1 P11.6.0,4 6.64...la , ,1 00 301 '0 CC! CC 1010 cc -c CO 111 .1. SI b 00•SCI i 107 I 1 061 7-3 ' •••0 .69968 7 016 3 6 P.A.: V cc-I91 110 3, IC-c:: 0s. 62 40 WS et•CT oo Oil 0412 A • at J.I., Pets 1,........1 . i , 00 410 3 1 OS 't OS S9 L h St i 011 $96 t :D I CC ..Y., S0 S 1 1 1401 P ...0 •172 0 11 11•00, 0 73 SDP 0: L.': '0 CC 110 CD CCC •C 1! ::1 :0 :Sr '7 00 SVC 96 9 40194090C. 2 51 II , ..: .0 .-2. 01 OC &CC . 01 6. s: 0, '7 Cc: 00 cc!, Ss i• OS :S01. 00, [ Al 13 94- •• 0, 3 • 0. 0 I: :1 00 002 03 LP CC CC: Ora 00 :0: IC c! co MI 00 al pa...kW. 70,0......1d ......., 41 ST 002 • it 7 04 •S22 000 00 -0, 0:"0: OS 7, OS 6 3 '1 St An...144,74 1.0... el P. 0-1= 6 CC 4:1 :0 , 00 OTT cccl CC •::: 'I :: :: • :: •0711 OC , .901 S2 0005: 00•41 C4 :IP CO 'Cc •OD CCD 47 74 CO 000 00•Si 6,69 01 rAsue, . 93 , '97 P.•,,,•990. ,,,,,..n.c, ..L.c.o ...q.,......o ,11.,,,..m, . 3c1 03 •,•.sn .Phr •4•41 610,1:F6A.1. 11.01 CO • 008 IC -9 ol CO 12 o...I cilt CO .117 A 30 1? :, 1• 1 's 1100 704 :0--0-7,1 4.4, r -a .. .7., 9, . fr 7: . ocilIn C •CC Co 949 CZ 13 i r 1, n10.• ' 0C111 •n••n EH, ••.^-,_n •••• •.•••••••.-*•••G V.. I. ...CV. . 7,.. % .1, Co OCh 0C1 :C 5,..• io , .001 eel 00-001 ..auwv.....y.: ., ••1436.11.9 pi 06 Cif 010 r1'1:1 os A •••i 911 • ••••••••.0 ..i 0.11.7. 1 ........ v.. •••., 4, 00 • ell CO 0 09 Al2 04* 1 •1 14 -1.1-6- •• .... ,-a 12 Canon 00 "81 CZ 000 CI! A 000 11110.,.1 0. ,R11, •....1.1.. F.,..,, .....,. .•.; x.-,/ 2 c2 CC 00 CD •:-.01 cf :Or Bo'll A. 0 ..,S1 ---;-., xl h. • •“•A:rD ••.....13 4.1 47 001005 CC C0? 1010? 00 010 •11111 1 30050., if Oat:, runavolvaD .noviaum • •o0 Om/ CI All •191. 00 Air Ato cc •1:109 0000* 0000? DO 101 A co -096 A 00 0$ 00-611 CT 006000 CC!? 90111 '91 Co lt are01 OD 'I 2111 CC 9 CO AIIT CC 00 '069 Do 9 00010 90 -69 I 00 '00, OD AKA •,,I 'Ave d tug, 10114, t•112 06019 91 Vol 007 • Af_ CO -09i cc , LI 'CI 10 CC •l9 A 00 Cl .0 OC 00 ITT •I ',AM II 'MD • ' 03111 00'776 Cc A 30 AV Ci 9 CC ACS CC CI II 026 0000 oo III 0016 %Mr.-n.1110, 1n1,01.11,4 CC 797 TOOt CC 71, '110 D, 0r ,09 11 A': CC :10 0011 tO 091 A 'er CC Cr CC 97 GC ,C. %US :1 -000 1.60 11 ',sr • 7 ec ALI 1 C4 • Ct CE: 11,50, 0017 CI 3, 10 I, '01 11 CZ 112Z,CON2 IWCO.la0100 10.1.01 t ,.7.".1315 ••• I ••n.. •.+0 ..... 15. 0000 ,,,,••.•" • •••• .'•11 vrz- =01 .35 32 od..L '- IC 0,-7 9.061 99n119•116, or.676.• • SC 1619, 1, •119001, -.7 ; • ..,;.C1••n C CC iol .••-•••:. ..... fs• ▪ •-••-•`-41 ••••"..7 : PI I it 0057 o, 00o II 01 V01 $ 396,000.00 6,055.00 $ 262,444.00 1. CONSTRUCTION PHASE I 001551: IT P11550 III Commissioners Minnres aviiiinied. April 29, 1926 BROTHERTON DRAIN 2, EN,Ilmrrumn DFIGN $ 45,096.00 RESIDENT ENGINEER 304.00 SOIL BORINGS 400.00 SOIL 14ETERIA1. TESTING 500.00 3. II,110E6T100 4. STAKING 6 LAYOUT 5. PUBLISHINC DAILY TRIBUNE $ 150.00 MICHIGAN CONTRACTOR $ 150.00 BOND BUYER $ 650.00 $669,094,00 $ 46,600.00 $ 13,400.00 $ 500.00 950.00 6. BOND PRIMING $ 600.00 7, winirr:; or-WAY $ 10,000,00 B. MOND CO1lN:d1. $ 9. YINANCI COF$ULTANT $ 4,500.00 10. ACT 347 PERMIT $ 440.00 11. DRAINAGE BOARD MEETING COSTS $ 600.00 115. BOND PROSPECTUS $ 3,000.00 12. CAPITALI7C01 INTEREST ($800,000 x 104 x 4 months) $ 26,610.00 13. CONTINGENCIES $ 31.694.93 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $813,651.93 I qal.k if 11 ! • """" • 1 ...r• ltt - =11 4_111.J 13110TI1ERTON DRAINAGE ' DISTRWT LIM!' - 1- --- -_-_, , ili:!.411 T k.I IL '211 '.11 LeTTL6S ROAD IT WI,. I, -11444. Hun IN 14NE•I. , B.IE 6DAVER RD611 BROTHERTON DRAINAGE DISTRICT LIMITS DISTRICT MAP Arl"In tILL':.'1F.11 ILTom nmAIN NLfierli v Troy Comir v .61 Ph , hi, •I'A I 18 I I I./NI' 1116 (501)1r 246 ComussIoners MInotes Lontinued AprO 29. 1976 April 29. 19/6 ti 1[1'11 11 p; (.1 I. 11 0 nig, St 0„ tvo i! tit 11 itic`41 /4u t! al F,3 4 l ,... ... . ;1 _9 I., liurp,A • I:. N.-, .1 >.• s! "4-1 0.1 14i ti t! Frj ml Si to nO ti 11,1 ei :31.1 f.! A P " rti pg FA. I Cl :O. 9 , . • 'An 1 i • Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 29, 19/6 247 6. This contract shall be effective through December 31, 1976. The City may renew said contract for one year periods at rates established by the County by notifying the County of intention to renew at least 45 days prior to the explratioo date. Said notice is to be sent to the Oakland County Executive and the Oakland County Sheriff, and be It provided Further that either party hereto fluky elect not to renew same contract by gilding notice thereof to the opposite party at least 45 days prior to the expiration date. IN WITNESS WHERCOI, the parties heron have set their hands the day and dale first ahnve written. WITNESSES: OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIV1 By Daniel T. Murphy, County IsecutIve OAKLAND [CURET HOARD OF COMMISSIONIRS By Alexander C. Perinoff, Chairman OAKLAND COUNTY SHERIFF By. Johannes F. Spreen, Sheriff CITY OF PONTIAC By: By Moved by Price supported by Fortino the resolution he adupted. AYES. Roth, Simmons. Wilcox, Wilsnn, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino. Gabler, limit. Kasper, Lennon, McOnnald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Nice. (72) MAYS: None. 10) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. MSc, 7547 By Mr. Price IN RE: APPROVAL OF APPLICATION FOR POLICE ACADEMY INSTRUCTOR TRAINING GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS OARldnd County government has long supported improvement of law enforcement services; and WHEREAS proper training of personnel is recognized as being critical to Improvement of law enforcement services; and WHEREAS in support of the provisioe of training tot law enforcement personnel the Oakland County Board ol Couidssionrrs, by Miscellaneous Resolution 6960, accepted the grant award dea dedicated 54,485 in rmIching tunas for the current 1975-1976 Police Instructor Training Progiam; and WHEREAS !hc program is eligible for continuation bonding at a level reflected in the attached Budge! and Finauce Committee Report. HOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland hereby authorize filing an application for MIA funding of the Oakland Police Academy Instructor Training Program; and BE IT FuRTHEM RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners dedicate cash matchlne funds not to exceed $4,160: and BE 11 FURTHER RESOLVED that authorizing this application and dedicating matching funds in no way obligates the County of Oakland to fund the program in subsequent years; and 13( IT FURTHER RESOLVED that prior to the Board of Commissioners considering the acceptance of this Grant, if approved by the State, the Administration shalt provide a report on the efforts to recoup that portion pf the County match attributable to non-county residents particlpatine in the Oakland Police Academy Instructor Training Grant Program. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairmen, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Chairman .FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: 214 YEAR APPLICATION FDA THE OAKLAND POLICE ACADEMM - POLICE INSTRUCTOR TRAINING GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed the 2nd year Oakland Police Academy Police Instructor Training Grant aPPlication. This is an on-goimi grant lhat was formerly adridnistered by the Oakland Commuity Cellege. It was iiiii herstond that sobsequent funding to the 1st yea. gran' would Is. 1007. State Funded. Due to the economic climate, the State had redefined its fondlm) policy relating lo training grants. As in EN! R. grant year the County will he required to fund S1. ol the total grant *HOWE. This gram covers the 05 month period of July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1977 in order to bring its lending consistent with the States fiscal year. The total program requireVent EH, !He IS lhsioners Minutes Continued. April 29, 1976 t I, grant period iS 383,600. The funding requirements For the 15 months are as fnllows: FUNDING SERVICES, 7/76 - 9/77 (15 months( Cash County Stale Federal 4,180 (51f) 4,180 (56) 75,240 (90'.f TOTAL 83,600 Oakland County is under no obligation [C, continue funding this program for a third grata The FinanCe Committee, by Lawrence R. Prrnick, Chairman, MOWS the acceptance of the r",,- report; further, that this grant application be referred to the Public Services Corviittee. FINANCE COMMITIEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman" Moved by Price supported by Simmons the resotution be adopted. SiflaKalS, WI Icilv, aii,an. Bulton. Daly, EitsIONOO, Call': , Rasp, , Lennon, Neltnnalit. 15,111 1, Muntanie, Murphy, Nowak, Pa.., Pitt,: weli, I,,,.,. 1 , In - 031 NAYS; None. 0) A sufficient nwiorily having voted thervfor, the resoldliow was adopted. ' 7548 . Price E7 y LAW ENFORCEMENT PATROL SERVICES AGREEMENT - ADDISON TOWNSHIP or Oakland County Board of Commissioners C= hairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS It is the policy of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to permit the Sheriff's F — tment to enter into contract agreements with Townships for the purpose of Law Enforcement Patrol ces; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioneis by Miscellaneous Resolution 4/335 provided O rtdard Annual Cost of $19,571 per deputy and a standard contract period ending June 30, 1976; and WHEREAS the Fownship of Addison wisheS to cote , into such an agreement for one 111 regular lin the purpose ol L., Enforcement Patrol SVIViCV1 for the otgind of May 1, 1976 through June --I '376. NOW THEREFORE Ht If RESOLVED that the Oakland Couoty Board ol Cimaijssioners duilviri,es the • Id County She, ifsDepaifivent enter into J cunt larl with the Township of Addison loi one (I) n 1r lowly fur the aniipi I unc rat t price of 519,571 fio the retool nt May 1 , 1976 through J.en 10, the Publit Selvitr, [primitive, by Huhert Price, Jr., Chaiiman, mnyes the adoplinn ol the Imm- flog USOhli ion PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITIEE Huheit Prisr, Jr., Chaitamm and and Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 28, 19/6 Misc 7551 By Kr. Haut IN RE: NEW MERIT SYSTEM POSITIONS - DIRECTOR Of ANIMAL CONTROL, DIRECTOR OF DISASTER CONTROL AND CIVIL DEFENSE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Cr, Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: NOW IHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, consist...I with the provisions of Public Act 139 and the Oakland County Merit System, establish the posit' , OE Director of Animal Control and Director of Disaster Control and Civil Defense as County Moil Slate. positions. Mr. Chairman, I ouNpecIfully regoeS1 that this matter - he referred I,, the Personnel fmmoilier_ Respectfully sohmillint, Menty W floor romnis,liung 111,1,1 #14 the Vice C outl 1.• I loll In II.. 1,1.•“nni•I ("Obui I I II. I,. n•n•.1. on. nbj VI I ion .. Misc. :!557 By Kr_ Polic IN RE: RE -ASSIGNMENT Of DISASTER CONTROL FUNCTION the- Oakland Cuouty Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairoall, Ladies and Centime, WHEREAS an effective disaster control program must bu an on -going. wide-rancied plan incorporating the coordioation oE available public service agencies; and wHERFAS this function can best he inglornied hy an eyistino courtly -wide pnlAiL agency with county-wide cioncomleations capability. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the eoisting department nt Disaster Control he alol and the responsibility for disaster control be placed will, the Oakland County Sheriff's DepallownI. Mr. Chairman, we move the adoption ot the foregoing resolution. Hubert Price, Jr., Commissioner - District #8 Mary M. Dearborn, Commissioner - District #72 The vice Chairman referred the resolutionto the Public Services Committee. There were no nhjections. Misc. 7553 By Mr. McDonald IN RE: RESTRUCTURING OF COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS To the Oakland I. itchy Board iii C001111i Ss loners Mr. Eha • unto, , aricl G..tI t rio : WHEREAS I tH. Lompos it,. .1 II,. Una I .1 01 Ceimini -. fl,innod .1.. 6,1! II II he 18,6,1 electron held to till the vacaricy created hy the resignation ol mt. I,. C WMEREA% the Comoiller strocture was or igInally hasid nn A 14-17 inahoilY; and WHEREAS ni Mt. oast all Cremittee NI restores were based on the make -up ml Mt: ; WHEREAS Inc. full Board membership is now cmnposed uf IA Democrats and 13 Republicans. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the CLInlorli tee make -op be rest r kiCtored to lair! y rcpleSent end reflect the make-up ot the full Board of Cmmoissioners as has beeo the past practice. Mr. Chairman, 1 noun the adoption of the foregoing resolution. John J. McDonald, Commissioner - District to The Vice Chairman referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7554 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY CITIZEN-EMPLOYEE GOVERNMENT IMPROVEMENT SUGGESTION SYSTEM To the Oakland County Board of CommisSloners Mr. Chairmen, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS citizens and employees of Oakland County have extensive cynosure to thy many servIceS of Oakland County Government; and WHEREAS these citizens and employees possess the ability In translate their 0.101AcI, with Oakland Enmity Government Into positive suggesthwIs for the II) improvement of existing servire delivery Nystrom. (2) creatioo sit programs in twig the unmet nerds of Oakland [minty Citizens, and (3) elimination or merger oh programs that are no longer needed; and WHERtAS signilicant savings in government operating costs and improved ewyloyee morale may result Prom such a suggestion system; and WHEREAS many progressive businesses and oovernments utilize suggestion systems to generate Ideas to iimprove their operations: and WHEREAS THE Oakland COunty board of Commissioners seeks to mobilize the valuable resonrce ca employee and citizen talent op Improve the operation of Oakland County Gnvernment. 751 292 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 29, 1976 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes and directs that d study be undertaken to develop a comprehensive, effective Oakland County Citizen- Employee Government Improvement Suggestion System; and Of IF FORMER RESOLVED that a sum not to exceed $5000 be allocated for professional services needed to design a system that mill accomplish the goals ca this resolution. Kt. Chairman, i cove the adoption oi the foregoing resolution. Lawrence R. Fernick, Commissioner - District 120 The Vice Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee and the General Goveln- ment CiNUMItLet. The finance Consignee will 1m the Consignee to report back to the Hoard. there onion no objections. Pursuant to Rule it (i). I hereby give Notice of inter! In discharge Iron the Per ,nunr1 Coneittee at the nexl Board meelIng. Miscellaneous Resolution No 7524, pertaining to the elimination of the Budget prerition of Federal and Stale Aide Coordinator. Betty J. Fortino, Commissioner - But, jot #5 KOved by Baty saaperted by Patterson the Board adjourn to Mey L, Ig76 at 5:30 11.11. A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the notion Carl-led. The Board adjourned at 12:10 P.M. Lynn D. Allen Bernard F Levilon Clerk Vice Chairman /5..1 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING MAY S. 1926 Meeting called tit nrder by Chairtion Alexander L. herInnll at IA III' A.M. in II, 1 Auditorium. I250 Worth Erlearaph Road, Pontiat. Invotatit. gi.to Cy Ovioy W. dual Pledge .r Allegiance to the Hag. Roll called - PRESENT; Aaron, Butter, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Onrileavy, Fortino, Gabler, /ken , Houg106-, Lenny", McOon.fld, Moffitt, Montante, Marphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinnfr, Pniriji k, Prim Ruth, Sitelsons 6 alien., Wilscr. 1261 ARSINE. Kasper_Ill Quorum present. Moved by Button spilenrred by Donleovy the Supplex.ghlaT Agenda he aptopued. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, [hr unit inn carried. Clerk read letter from State Representative Melvib L. Larsen acknowtedging recolpi ol resolufion. IPlaced OP 1111,_) 5her1fr Johannes F. Spreen, presented a Report on Law Enforcement in Oakland Loewy. Misc. 7555 By Mr. Button IN RE: ORDINANCE NC. 16 rri AMEND SECTION 14 01 ORDINANCE NO. 12 Tu the Oakland County Bnard it COmmissiunuis Hr. Chairman. Ladies and Carol 1 emen WhEREAS on MA1,11 25, 19/5, hy Miscellanenps Resololion No. S585, the OnkTand ii0, ly hoard Coen s i our i,raln 1 101,1 r inance IC 17 I,. Irowncation ',Cent which Ofdinanrc h... Ilcm p.- t6. tim,, ..... and WIdkEA5 Ole Cene.al 11111AllItUr 1r1IMAMNMi% 11,0 '616, tit, 14 pl -pod tnCitTn.... I.r amended AS !ult.., 'That the member, nO Ihe Apibbtl, board shall receive pen diem Ike tale of 514.1111 pcg Jay and mileage icimborsenwnt al the applicable County THEREFORE, THE COUNTY OF OAKLAND ORDAINS: An Ordinante to amend Sectinn 14 of Ordinance No_ 17 an follows: "Thal the member, of the Appeals Board shall receive per diem at 'he rate of 515-1)11 1.., daty and rni leant. no inthorsenren L at the applicable County rate.. The General GOvrinmerd Committee, by Robert. A. Button. Chairman, MOW, 16. adopt imf IA the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOYERNMEN1 COMMITTEL Robert A. Bolton, Chairman mooed by Betio. supported by Simmons the re.olotion he adopted. AYES: Aaroe, Rniton, Daly, Dearborn. Douglas. (lanlenvy, Fortino, Gahler, Lennon. McDonald, Npffill. fteltante, Nniphy. Aram. Cane, Pooleoll, reppics, P. ire, Roth, Simmons, Wil ,OB. Cl) PAYS: ikwo. I', l.',,,,. 1 imh, "mm i 1 y hay i vt, 1 1.1•1 le• II-41111A YEAS .411111114 . Misc. /SSC, On 00. Dutton IN RE PROPOSED AtEENIMENT TO SECTION 12 (a) OF ACT 156 OF THE PUBLIC ACTS or 11151. AS AMENOED To the Oakland County Board of Com.isslone, fir. Chairman. EadieS and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the General Government Committee has reviewed Sec. 12 (a) of Att 156. P.A. 1851, 03 amended and 254 Commissioners Minutes Coot imied. May 6, 1976 WHEREAS the General Government Committee feels that the County and its employees would bc best served if said Act were amended in Section 12 (a) Subsection (14) to add new language (shown in capital letter,) as follows: Upon approval or the county begird Of commissioners. a member who is drafted or en(ists, or who was drafted or enlisted in a mliltary service of the United States and who has been on active duty in the militAry service shall have the militery service active duty credited to him upon his payment to the retirement system of an amount equal to the contribatinn, together with interest at the rate of 3 , Irom the dates of the military service tu the dates of payment. The contribution shall be based on the period or military service claimed, and the member's applicable contribution program and annunt rate of compensation in effect at the limy of payment. OR IF Thflif IS NOT A MEMBER CONTRIBUTION PROCNAM, OF THE ANNUAL RATE UF COMPENSATION AT THE TIME OF PAYMENT. Military service shall not be creditdd a member if he received credit for the service under another provision of this section or this act. Hot more than 6 years of service shall be credited to a member for all gdlitary service actually served by him. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOlVE0 that the Board of Commissioners hereby requests that the State Legislatore take action to amend Section 12 (a) subsection (14) of Act ISO of the Pidolir Act, at ORSI, a, ainmidcd, ns sriled ahoy, BE It FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this re,olution he sent lo the County', State Lvoi,- tato', and the County Legislative Agent. The General Goveinment Committee by Robert A. Button, Chairnmo, mPves the adoption ol tle. foregoing resolution. GENFRAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A Button. Chailman Mowed by Bottom supported by Moontante Pie resolutioo he Adopted. Moved by Wil ey. oopportert lip 01S011 the oeollot ion Ise relerria hark In the Oporto! Govemoment Commi I ce fur I tort 110( SI lady. DI scussimo Oil lowed. Mr. Nowak requested the resolution also be referred to thc Personnel Commattee A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution 005 referred to the General Government Committee and Personnel Committee. Misc. 7557 By Mr. OmnleavY IN RI' RESOLUTION OF COmmiNDATION - LAKELAND HIGH STAIDOL BANG To toe Oakland County Board of Cunard Sli0111', Or. Chairman, I.ad i es and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Lakeland High School Band. While Lake Town,hip, composed of 140 xembers incloollog the flag corps and the drum major. have leen organired since IWO: aed WHEREAS the Lakeland Nigh Sn liii I Hand mod., the dlipil ion ol Barney Smith has Seen thread. from the State ml MO.higan to polio idate in the holioi °ramp Dow! ou Coral Cables, thorida. aod in Ito King °lanai' Jamboree Noddy in I1i.tl , I 110ida; aud WHEREAS the Lakeland High Solpol Band ha, arhieved 10411a Innen, in 1975 .1 IN. Wyandotte indepeodence Celebration. Union Lake Paul Bonyan Day, celebration, Farmington Founders Day Pit tilt'. and will be appearing in Shelby Township and participating in the 1026 fraveose City Cherry Festival; and WHEREAS the spirit, cooperation and winning teermoork displayed by the Lakeland High School Band is exemplary of coamunity involvement and pride within the student body. NOW THEREFORE Al IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby commends the Lakeland High School Band and director, Barney Smith, for their performances and aChievement of high honors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto affixed our signatures and caused the Seal of the County of Oakland no hi' affixed [hi h bib Jay of May. 1026. Alexander C. Perinoff, Chairmen Beinard E. Lemuel, Vice Chairessn Janes W. Mooleavy, Patrick M) Nowak PAII Ick K Daly The lesoltnion was onanimou,ly adopted. Misc. 265B Be Mo, Calm, IN Rf: /COMM RESOLUTION - unwpRoNG 0111110 lrvite.ON David Levinson. a roomer member of thi, Board, passed away on Apr II 77. 1976. at the age n1 80 years nol Irumairnria lonq Woes,. Ilk' was a lite-Ipor resident of Oakland County. having resided at 2154 Nurthlahn in Birmingham. Michigan. He was appointed to the Oakland County Binary of Supervisors in 1933 and served consecutively Commissioners Minutes Continued, May 6, 1976 255 for a record 36 straight years before retiring iron the Board in December of 1968. He was Chairman of the Board in 1914441, and served as Chairman ol the Ways and mean, Committee for over a do2en pears, and was a member and Chairman of the Employee Retirement Commission. Dave l_evinson's foresight and business acumen was the guiding furce that resulted in the purchase of some 550 acres which is now the County Service Center, serving the governmental needs ol some 1,000,000 ciliJenS. He believed that County Government should pay as you 90 in [he construction of County facilities and nwny of the present buildings at the Service Center and the South Oakland County site were constructed from general Courtly funds without additional burden to the taxpayer. His keen financial know-how was invaluable in the preparation of balanced County budgets, and his insight of anticipating the needs of 1 growing County Government and providing for them with- in the limits nl fiscal responsihility served as a model for many count iv, in the Stale id Michigan. Dave levinson attended Oakland Coolly schools and was OradhOted Michigan. Re was a moldier ul the MaSter Aepraisers Ins! hull:, /WW1 in,n I it ,Ii t,JI:r1 AN, di '44, 4011 tHz Real ISIAN, Appraisels. His Club alliliat ions in, laded 1 he Ilk, ludriv, AIWA 11.1.1 10,0, .rind ilb- Birlidngham Exchange. 110 was a former Trust., ol Camp 041.1.1101 And 01 [1,1,1..d i i y. He /5 ,nrylved by his widow, Marie; 5011. 1:1V1.,Ird M., Adwd,o1 Mary I lh 11, di ,andi,n0.. .b.h), navid and Ricbdrd, blather, H. V.; and sister, ans. S441 R. Levin, Dave levinsun was a leaden, humanitarian And gave unselfishly of his 11110. 41,1 1 sr.nicr.r. the interests nf all of the citizens of our ...sunnily_ he will be lone remembered hy all who hAve beer: privileged 10 know him. Mr. Chairman, I move that the foregoing resolution he spread upon the minutes nl this merg- ing and that a certified copy. affixed with the Seal of the County of Oakland, he foiwaidad the Surviving wile Marie and son Bernard. SPECIAL MEMORIAL COMMITTEE Alexander C. Perinoff Wallace I. Gabler, Jr., Richard R. Wilcna Moved by Button supported by Dearborn the resolution be adopted. The resolution was unanimously adopted. Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff staled that due to an error in the drafting of flesolntirm No. 7531. Nutrition Plan Development, passed by the hoard April 29, 1976, he requested that the County Executive not sign said resulution bid return to the Board of Cimmissioners fur execoliuo Of The proper resoletion. and the County Executive ha, agreed In do sn. Mrs. Fortino then presented the Correct Resolution WI. 7534, Nuteltion Plan drvelopplvail as follows, Misc. 7534 By Pas Fortino IN RE: NUTRITION PLAN DEVELOPMENT lo the Oakland County board of Cormissioners Mr_ Chairman, Ladles and bertaemen: WHEREAS ttm report of Oakland County Nuttition Public Hearings held in October, l'i75 was presented to the M11144n ReswaVALCS to.1114,1e0 on March 23, 1976; And WHEREAS your Committee reviewed these findings a9ain no April 27, 1976 and mewed to recommend that the Oakland County Board Of Commissioners authorize development of a plan to viadicate malnutrition in Oakland County; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that 1M. Oakland Livingstm) Hunwn Service Agency develop a plan to eradicate maltintrition in Oakland County in cooperation with nther agencies comerms1 with nwlnutrilion; and BE If AISO RESOIVED that the Oakland Livingston Mown Service Agency in coalition with other agencies plesem its plan to the Mignon Resources Committee within 120 day, of it., linnation; and BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that vich plan wmold include spiv ifit poopri,als fro miorifired lion based on documented nuttithmal needs it, Oakland (uonty ingethei will, tinimmiendril lunaiee to implement these proisals. The Human Resources Committee by Belly J. FulTino, Chait man, moves the adoption Ilei foregoing resolution. Human Resources Committee Betty J. Fortino. Chairman Moved by Fortino supported by Daly the resolution be adopted. Moved by Murphy supported by Page the resolution be amended in the NOW THEREFORE BE II RESOLVED paragraph. by deleting the words "concerned with malnutrition" and Inserting "not limited to but including those referred to In the original reso lution", else, in the last BE IT A1.50 RESOLVED paragraph, deleting the words "funding sources" and Inserting the word "costs". Vote an amendment; AYES• Gable.. Mew. Hountiten, telgonald, Moffitt, Muntante, Murphy, Nowak, Page. Patterson, Wilcox. Ill) NAAS; &Alto., Maly. Dearlson. Nnerlas. Fortino., !rms.,. Peoinoff. Pernick. 1.1 In. Simmons, lJils.nt, AA.... OA 256 GommisSioners Minutes Continued. May 6, 1976 A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion felled. Vote on resolution: AYES: Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten. Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt. Montante. Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron. Button. (24) 11AVS: None (0) PASS: Wilcox (I) A staticiela majority hasiva voted Iheiefor. the resuiuliou was adopted. Fur Copy 01 orialcial re,01.11 ion Se, page 223 Moved by Fro ! inn suppot tea by Lennon the Personnel Wiwi I to he !! sLharned P 00 coosideral on el Re-ailut ion ,7524. Federal and State Aid Cintralinafor. .niS, 7524 Elc Mr. Aaron 14 RE. OtHRAL AND STATE AtD COORDINATOR Tu toe inland Cuonty Elaad of Enanassioners mr cha.rnan, ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS there mill be A vacancy lur the position of Federal and State Aid Coordinator: 4nd WHEREAS it would hr advantageous to transfer the duties of said position to aNOIlinr nAiStinn position so a, to effectuate a budget savings. NOW THEREFORE Of IT RESOIVFD that the existing position of Federal and State Aid Coordinalor be el imioaled Iron: the 1976 Budget and that the duties of said Federal and State Aid Coordinator be transferred to the Director of Special Projects or to another existing position. Mr. Chairman. 1 move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Dennis M. Aarno, COMMiSSi!nAnr - District 019" Discussion followed. Yule tal diSfnarlihn 1110 rommiatee: AYES: Dem-bore, Dininlos, Pell ino, leninni, Olson, Pei heal eiH I , Price, Roth, ',a-, Wiisoo, Aaron. Button, Daly. 1(4) RAYS. DunleavY. Galato , Hoot Houghten, McDonald, Moffitt, Monralite, Murphy, Nknx,k, Patterson, Wilcox. 1l2) A sufficient majority haviog voted therefol, the notion cartied. Moved by Coition supported by Lennon that resolution A7524 he adopted. Discussion lc/Mowed. Moved by Aaton semxated by Daly the tesolotion be ameoded in the NOW 011IRIFDR1 111 11 RESOLVED paragraph ny deleting the last live words which read. or to another VKiShinn INPAtion". YOU! On amendment: AYES: Dotrolas, Fortino, Lennon, Olson, Perim:in, Pernick. Price, Roth, Sipowurs, Aaron, Button. Daly, Dearborn. (14) NAYS: Danleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten. McDonald, Muflitt, Montantu, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Wilcox 1121 A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the notion carried. The Chairman annnonced pursuant to Rule XI-E the matter shall be laid over to the next regular Hoard moiling. Moved by lams. ...reported hy Daly Me hoard adj ttttt n hl May 711, 1976 at 9:90 A stalOien1 hAvinn voged thetelor. [he radio. ....tied. The 110.od adjauousl at 11:15 A.M. Alexander C. Perinoff Clerk Chairman OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING May 20, 1976 Meeting called to order by Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff at 10,04 AN, In the ',nil Hans: Auditorium, 1200 Worth Telegraph Road. Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by Henry W. Hoot. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag Roll called, PRESENT, Aaron, Button. Daly, Dearborn. Douglas, Ounleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten. Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, montante, Murphy, Nowak. Olson, Page, Patterson. Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson. (26) ABSENT: Wilcox. (I) Quorum present. Clerk read card of thanks from the Comity of lavid Levinson. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from United States District Court Judge Philip Pratt regarding hi, appreciation the Board bestowed upon him In the naming of the law library. (Placed on (ilo.) Clark reed letter of resignation from Robert A. Button as Chairman of the Personnel Appeal Board. (Placed On file.) Clerk read letter from William G. Tureey. Bureau Chief, Bureau of Environmental Protection regarding the abolishment of the Oakland County Board of Public Works. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from Edward V. Kane, Secretary, State Tax Commission regarding the hearing to he held in Lansing at 10.00 A.M. on Monday, May 24. 1976. (Placed me file.) Clerk read letter from State Representative Melvin i Larsen acknowledging receipt or resolution. (Placed On tile.) Clerk read resolution from the Lenawee County Board nf Commissioners supporting the idea of a Veteran's Cemetery far the State of Michigan. (Placed on file.) Mooed by Pernick supported by Fortino the agenda be amended, "to incorporate the provisions of the Corrected Agenda and the Supplemental Agenda and also, under Finance, Approve Continued Funding for Back-Up Computer, Computer Services, that item is going to be on the agenda at the meeting of June 3rd. Under Planning and Building Item "A. should read 'Support - Preservation of Essential Land Areas in Michigan: as opposed to the wording that is un the proposed agenda. Under UefinIshed Business, is the matter that had been discussed at the last meeting; Resolution 17524 is shown and I would incorporate a change to make that the first order of business under the Reports of Standing Committees". Discussion followed. The Chairman ruled the Items that are starred on the Corrected Agenda were starred no the original Agenda. Vote on the Corrected Agenda: AYES: Fortino. Root, houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Olson. Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. Both. Simmona, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas. (23) NAYS, Dunleavy. Gabler, Nowak. (3) A Sufficient majority having voted therefor. the motion carried Moved by Murphy supported by Roth the minutes of the April 29. 1976 and Nay 6. 1976 meetings Ise approved as printed. 2SEI EonnUssloners Minutes Continued. May TO. 1916 A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Chairman stated the item under Unfinished Business, Miscelfanrous Resolution 07524 will nose be considered. REPORT By Mr. Aaron IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 07524 - FEDERAL AND STATE AID COORDINATOR To the Oakland County Board Of Comedssioners Mr. Chairmen, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Ganmitter, by Dennis M. Aaron. Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution an. 7524 with ihe recommendation that Ihe resointion be adopted. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M Aaron, Chairman "Misc. 221, By Mr. Aaron IN RE: IEDERAL AND STATE AID COORDINATOR to the Oakland County Board of Cuinnissinners hr. Chairman, ladies and Gentlemen: WHIPlAi, there .ill be a vattncy fur the position of Federal and State Aid Coordinator; and WHEREAS it would be advantageous to transfer the duties of said position to another existing position so as to effectuate a budget savings. NOw THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the existing position of Federal and State Aid Coordinator be eliminated hum the 1976 Budget and that the duties of said Federal and State Aid Coordinator be transferred to the Direcror of Special Projects or to another existing position. Mr. (hmirman, I move the adopt inn of the foregoing resolution. Dennis K. Aaron. Commissioner - District 119" Moved by Aaron supported by Button that resolution 0/524 be adopted. Discussion followed. Moved by Houghten supported by Aaron the resolution be amended to read, "or to another existing position as recommended by the County Executive". Vote on amendmrnt: AYES. Fortino. Gabler, Hoot, Houghton, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson. Pane. Pattersun, Perinnfli, Pernick, Price, Roth. Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly. Dearborn, Elouglas, Dnnleavy. 126) NAPS - None. 10) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the nution carried. Vole on 711,0101.M as amended: AYES ',Asper, Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Sinmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button,Oaly, Dealborn, Douglas, Fortino. (15) NAYS: Gabler, b oat, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy. Nowak, Page, Patterson. Ounledvy. PASS, Houghten. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution #7624 as amended, was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Button In RE. APPOINTMENT OF OAKLAND COUNTY SHERIFF JOHANNES SPREEN AS CIVIL DEFENSE - DISASTER CONTROL DIRECTOR To the Oakland County Board of Coemissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. The General GOvernment Committee recOnmends that Oakland County Sheriff Johannes Spreen he nominated as Civil Defense - Disaster Control DireCtOr for Oakland County to replace John Dent The General Government Comnittee moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman The Chairman announced pursuant to Rule 71-E the matter shall be laid over to the next regular Board meeting. REPORT By Mr Button IN RE- NOMINATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO HURON-CLINTON METROPOLITAN AUTHORITY To the Oakland County board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. The General Government Committee recommends that Charles R. Shafer be nominated for (to ) TV- , „ • n i 1 . 1,. W Nr 1 !!E • ldlit0.i - 3 g • -,•,0 7 : .on........no-v0.2.= gg ? O .... 0,7 711 , - C. '.40 ,i"-.E. 1 n -. x' Fc ; T 3 Z = 2'. - *-.. "' Inr0V‘p8-54 0; ; 0 A . veer !• it?i: -laj.tGg.--, -. f 0 t ! ;.. -,1, f .?. E. E E. . -_ L Al.,P, 2Et-3 g,,, ' !i, '''' i f. ! e - +." v f ' ? ' 8-7-20-Fciv—glil _ ...... 2 ob[2.6F 0 en ,..uc V cC,w- Ln a. . ! 7:it. • . ...;-:.=2 z -.1 - -. ;z C. - - --------- -tt!;!.-4-r 1 Fit 2.. if a n•n •Itn w•‘n .-,o...n 77c1 og- El . .2 -c . ,..-;E.,.....4 ..,_ _ = !4'4e1R11430:14--3 ' =t W‘ ? --.,-. . .. .; v m .. . ..., np',.nr.:nnnnn...7.nn: 1. CD - . ...c. g .-, F Fit.. p a • i 2 -0 a 7. •-• 2 m 2 .-.... - v ii i &-7:-..- i ;. !i! f0 i 0"ii t'gi i -;- 7" g i:gg 5t , - .13 • , ▪ .., -.-;2g. • E . = C. ; -4. ! t : i _. , _ E- 5 f—.1. 0 . . 0 - - -' F'77PPP °E?Er.3 2° , - i. 7 = Z z ge,R • IF:4.. --- 0a ; 77,22.523a -3 .r, 3 2 - - .-...R t". =72 oc.. m _, 2 . . ,7: "4 1 1 0. g'2 " = ..,4 „. ,.... ... . ,, .In-14 0 c.. n + ' _% 8. ., , 8=19 m w - EFE 4n i i 4. 7-47r a,. 0 'E 't c gW.t=.“,- . - IlfIEEEEEEETT , m : Wi F ..R -0.-, ve-, ^ 144441 ,:" - w. v 7 22 8 E; r i:i Ii.„7,21 2 el 7.i g L7 2, S 6 x _ -;, • ;r : - • : - • . -•L •-i; 7 g -g -0 -7 -- .M',7 ; • ' 1 ' - , .. . 3' 7,,, -- . - , .. . ... . = , - w "--;,7 ;A i 7 02 .c 0' 2.-, ... - m - . ,_. s .. , „ and end 260 Commissioners Minutes Continued, May 20, 1976 REPORT By Mr. Button IN FIE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 17553 - RESTRUCTURING OF COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairmen, Ladies and Gentlemen; The General Government Committee reports Miscellaneous Resolution #7553 and recommends that said resolution nut be adopted. On behalf of the General Government Committee ; I move the acceptance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman 7553 By hr. &Donald IN RE, RESTRUCTURING OF COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioner, Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen; WHEREAS the composition of the Boar d of r0 1; 5,0ners has changed as a reult of the recent election held to fill the vacancy created hy the resignation of Mr Lew Coy. and WHEREAS the Comlnitthe ,tructure wac originally hissed on a IS - 12 majority; and WHIKLAS in the past all CDiallitLec ,tructurvs were based on Ina maMe-up of the full Bound; WHEREAS the full Beard membership is now composed of 14 Democrats and 13 Repuhlicans. NOW 10-IFIChfoRf BL If RESOLVED that the Com:tree niake-pp be restructured to fairly repruseot and reflect the make-up ea the lull Board of Commissioners as has been the past practice. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution_ John J. McDonald, Commissioner - District #27" Moved by Button supported by Lennon the report be accepted. A sufficient majority haying voted therefor, the motion carried. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE, AMENDMENTS TO Aft 185, PA. 1157 Ti: the Oakland r_..nty Board ot Cominis,ioners Mr !Chairman. Laties and Gentlemen; The Planning And hwilding fnmmittee report, concurrence with the General Covernmenr recomlended amendmenir It Act 185, P.A. 1997. Mi. Chaim... on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the acceplaocr , .0 the forecoine report. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITlft Patrick K. ;Daly. Chairman Misc. 7560 By mr. Hutton IN RE; AMENDMENTS TO ACT IRS, P.A. 1957 To the Oakland County Board of Cormuissioners Mr. Chairman, laale5 and Gentlemen, WHEREAS the Geneial Government Committee recommends that the attached proposed amendment to Section 2 of Act 185. P.A. 1957, be adopted with the following amendments: Page 2. Line 20. delete "OR THE APPOINTED COUNTY MANAGER OR"; Page 2, Line 21, delete the entire Line. Pane 2, Li ne 22. delete the entire ti er Page :. Line 23, delete the word, "COMPILED LAWS"; Page 2, Line 28, delete the words 'OR THE COUNTY MANAGER OR THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE". NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners requests illat the State Legislature take immediate action to anmnd Section 2 of Act 185 of the 1957 Public Act, in accordance with this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this resolution be forwarded to the County's State Legislators and the County Legislative Agent. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Outten, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button. Chairman "A h.11 to amend section 2 of Act No. 185 of the Pablic Acts of 1957. entitled as amended "an art to authorize the establishing of a department and board of public works in counties: En prescribe the powers and duties of any municipality subject to the provisions of this act; to authorize the incurring of contract obligations and the issuance and payment Cl bonds or notes; to provide for a pledge by a municipality of its full faith and credit and the any of taxes without limitation as to rate or amount to the extent necessary; to validate obligations issued; and to prescribe a procedure for special assessments and condemnation," Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 211, 19,f, 261 Section 2 as amended by Act No. 200 of the Public Acts of 1974, being section 123.732 of the Compiled Laws of 1970. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: Section I. Section 2 of Act No. 185 Of the Public Acts of 1957, section 2 as amended by Act an. 200 of the Public Acts of 1974, being section 123.732 of the Compiled Laws of 1970, is amended to read as follows: Section 2. The county board of commissioners, by resolution adopted by a 2/3 VOIR or ITS members elect, may establish a department of public works for the administration of the [WMPFS conferred upon the County by the terms of this act. howievert-ehe-provisions-nE-thin-art-ns tn-refeNe systems-and-refese-eve-nee-apeffeabfe-en-eny-enenty-havinn -e-pripeiatfem-nf-mnre-thein 41004,000x The department of public works shall be under the general control ol the county board ol ois and under the bruediate control of a board of public works consisting ol 3. 5 Or 7 .oyouhrf., wt. shall be appointed or removed by the wooly board of commissioners_ Members of the coonly 101,11 ,1 of rimed, sinners may be appointed as members of the board of public works, 'tenure nf office on II,, board or public works shall automatically terminate whenever he is no longer a member al the count,- luaid Ul commissioners. the SiZe of the board of public works shall he determined by the Wooly hoard "r commissioners. In the first instance, in case of a 3-member board, members shall be appointed for terms ending I year, 2 years and 3 years from the following January 1; in the case of a 5•awalher hoard, 1 member shall be appointed for a term ending I year, 2 aumbets tor 3 term ending 2 meoUcis for a term ending I years, from the following January I, And in the case ol a / newher hoard, 2 members shall be appointed for a term ending I year, 2 members for a term ending 2 years, And 1 members for a term ending 3 years, from the following January Theteafter each amain., shall appointed for a torn: of 3 years. Each term shall expire at noon on January I but each riliher .MAII held office until his successor is appointed and quoin's,. A vacancy shall be tilled l q ,aunty board of commissioners for the unexpired term, if there is a county drain CO.:0,100r, in Any county having a department of public works, then he shall be appointed as a member ,a the braid at ouhlit wurks, provided his membership on the board shall terminate when he ceases to Jr, counts 31.1111 ,00111iS- sioner. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this act, the county board of commissioners, by resolution adopted by a 2/3 vote of all itS members, may designate or remove the board of county road commissioners OR THE APPOINTED COUNTY MANAGER OR THE ELECTED COUNTY EXECUTIVE HOLDING OFFICE PURSUANT TO ACT NO, 119 OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF 1973, BEING SECTIONS 45.551 to 45.573 OF THE MICHIGAN COMPILED LAWS OR THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSIONER DESIGNATED OR ELECTED AND HOLDING OFFICE PURSUANT TO ACT NO. 170 OF THE PUBLIC ACTS Of 1974, BEING SECTION 280.21 OF THE MICHIGAN COMPILED LAWS to be the Guard of public works instead nf the board of public works as provided for In this section, and after the adoption of the resolothlso the boald of county road commissioners OR THE COUNTY MANAGER OR THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE OR THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSIONER shall he the board of public works tor that county with all the authority, powers, and duties conferred by law upon the board of pubTic works. The hoard of public works shall be deemed an agency of the county. The county board of commissioners shall make such rules in respect to the department °I public works a, it shall deem aduisatile. The ocHaerrs of the hoard of public works shall not he fall-rinm officers at the county and the dirties al it, totally drain COmmissionct Of Of any COOLIV, road sumvissioner who serve% on the board ol public °int ale declared to be achlitional and separate duties not compensated For by the established %al.', diem of the commissioner. The compensation of all members ,hall be fixed by the county 1.,ard nt comussioneis.. Moved by Button supported by Daly the report he accented and resolution F7560 bei adapted. Discussion followed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Moved by Lennon supported by Fortino the resolution be amended as follows: Page 2, line 20, deleting "OR THE APPOINTED COUNTY MANAGER OR Page 2, tine 21, deleting "THE ELECTED COUNTY EXECUTIVE HOLDING OFFICE PURSUANT TO ACT No. 139 OF", Page 2, tine 22, deleting "TUE PUBLIC ACTS Of 1973, BEING SECTIONS 45 551 to 45.573 OF THE NICHIGAW', Page 2, Line 21. deleting "COMPILED LAWS OR THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSIONER DESIGNATED OR ELECTED AND": Page 2, Line a. delete the words .OR THE COUNTY MANAGER OR THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE" Discussion Followed_ The Chairman vacated the Chair The Vice Chairman took the Chair. Ilutr on amendments: AY'S Lennon, Olson. Perinoff, Pernirk, Price, Roth. Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Burton, Daly. Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino. Hoot. (15) NAYS. Kasper, &Donald, Moffitt. MORIJOtt, Muiphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Ounlyavy, Gabler, Houghten. (II) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. 262 Comnissioners mtn.a..s Continued. may 20, 1976 Vote on resolution as amended: AYES: Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, PernIck, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Dutton, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Hoot. (15) NAYS: McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Donleavy, Gabler, lioughten, Kasper. tli) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution as amended, was adopted. Misc. 7561 By Mr. Button IN RE: ROAD COMMISSION RES. RE: ELECTION OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland Coonty Road Commissioners presented a proposed resolution to the Board of Commissioners on March 18, 1976, which provides for the election of the successors of the incumbent members of the Oakland County Road Commissioners under the provisions of Act 238, P.A. 1909; and WHERIAIi the General Cmvernment Committee has reviewed this proposed resnintIon and does not feel that the ele,tion of the Oakland County Road Commissioner, ender this Act would Le: in the hest interest of this County. NOW ftlfRE/ORL BE IT RESO,VED that the Oakiaed County Hoard of Commissioners take no action to make the Oakland County Road Commissioners' positions electron ottices. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resOintion. GENERAL GOYLRNMLNT COMMITTEE Robert A Hutton, Chairman Moved by Button supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted A sufficient majority hewing voted therefor, the motion carried. Mr. Roth voted 'no' Misc. 7562 By Hr. Button IN RE, MEMORIAL - L HARVEY LODGE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen. L. Marren ludge, a trireme Stale Senator and a prominent figure In Oakland County politics, passed SuSy on M,Y 16. 19/6, at the aae of /3 years haying resided in Waterford Township. Born re Milford, flirt:, Ian, a graduate of Milford High School, he earned his ueder-graduate and law dedrees from 1hr na i vet- si ry of Mifehigan, served as Assistant State Attorney General in 1936 and later as Oakland County ProSeuutor. He was elected la the Michiyan Mouse in 1966 and to his first term in the Senate in 1956 where he served to 1976. L Harvey Lodge ..ras widely acclaimed as the lather of mirh loan' s no-tautl insurance law; played a key legislative role in obtaining the annual S800,000 subsidy for the Pontiac Stadium; and helped Qualify Oakland Couety Hospital to collect Blue Cross payments. AS State Senator, L. Harvey Lodge was responsible for enactment of Act 1135, P.A. 1957, that allowed Oakland County to establish a Department of Public Works in order that the growth of the Cnunty could proceed in an orderly fashion with the construction of much needed sewer and water projectS. L. Har.dery Lodge was a leader and champion of the rights of his fellow-man and his public service ,areer over half a century in the interest of the citizen, of Oakland and Lapeer Counties will be ekemplary to all whO Were privileged to know and work with him. Mr. Chairman. I elOve the foregoing Memorial Resolution be spread upon the minute, of this meeting and that a certified copy affrored with the Seal of the County of Oakland be forwarded to the Surviving wife, Rhea E. Lodge. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A, Button. (halimon moved by Button supported by Dunleavy the rule, be suspended for immedicate consideration of the resolution. A sufficient majority having vOted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Button supported by Fortino Else resolution be adopted. The resolution was unanimously adopted. Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 20, 1976 263 Misc. 7563 By Mr. Price IN RE: FISCAL YEAR 1976 C.E.T.A. TITLE II ALLOCATION OF SUPPLEMENTAL, TRANSITIONAL AND DISLITETIONARY FUNDS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentleman: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscelleneous Resolution 06546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor as Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of the Comprehensive Employment end Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS Oakland County's Manpower Program has provided approximately 2,100 public service jobs throughout Oakland County; and WHEREAS Oakland County has been recently notified by the U.S. Department of Late, that its total Title II allocation is S9,054.426, including 57.1152,925 supplemental dollars. S490.270 tran- sitional dollars and $711,231 discretionaiy dollars; and WHEREAS these funds will be prourammed to provide 'obi through January 31, 1916; New THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the (ETA. Title II allocation in the amount GI $9,054,426.00, consistent with the attached hedert, end BE IT FURTHER RESOtirED that the allocation of funds will lake into consideration carry-oyer monies trom previous dollar distributions trum title 11 and Title tri. The Public scrvices Committee, lay Hulett Ptice. Jr., MOVeS the adoption of Or login/oink' resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr.. Chairman (Copy of budget on file In County Clerk's Office) MOved by Price supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmitins, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly. Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lannon. (231 NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Price IN RE, MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7552 - RE-ASSIGNMENT OF DISASTIR CONTRnL FUNCTION To thy Oakland County Board of Coo.,: Hr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Public Services Committee recommends the adopt ion of Resolution 07552, R1,1,..7tIll..nt of Disaster Control Funclien. The Public Services Committee, Hubert Price. Jr., Charemen, moves the acceptance ol the foregoing report. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman "Misr, 7552 By Mr. Price IN RE; Rf-ASSiGNMLNT OF DISASTER CONTROL FUNCTION To the Oakland County Board ol Cremissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS an effective disaster cleitrol proggam mist he an cm-going, wide-ranged pl.in incorporating the cnordination of available public service agencies. and WHEREAS this feection can brst be performed hy an existing county..rde public serviie agency with county-wide communications capability. NOW THEREFORE BF IT RESOLVED that the existing department of Disaster Control he abolished and the responsibility for disaster control be placed with the Oakland County Sheriff's Department, Mr. Chairman, we one the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Hubert Price. Jr., Commissioner - District el Mary M. Dearborn, Commissioner - District 022 . Moved by Price supported by Simmons the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed Boned by Kasper supported by Roth the resolution he laid on the table. A sufficient majority having ented thereto., the motion carried. misc. 7566 By Mr. Price IN RE: laANSFER OF FUNDS FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT To the Oakland County Board of Commi ss looers Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS the Counts. of Oakland has declared its intent to continue to be designated as an 264 Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 20, 1976 urban County and to accept the Entitlement Funds pursuant to the Housing and (erremunitv Development Act of 1971.; and WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners has designated $500,000 to implement a Loans and Grant, Program in its 1976 Application; and WHEREAS this program will start in late August 1976; and WHEREAS there is a need for a Pilot Program to give staff an opportunity to prepare for the Loans and Grants Program; and WHEREAS there i, an amount of 524,000 in Contingency Funds of 1975; and WHEREAS there doe no County Funds required for this Pilo! Program. NOW THEREFORE Bt IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners establish a Pilot Loans and Grants Program and that the sum of 524,000 be transferred from the 1975 Conomnity Development Euntiruency lend to the 1975 Community Development Pilot Loan, and Grants Program for tba aurtelse ol larding ,atf Orogfilfii tire Public Sorer es Coakiittee, by Hubett Price. Jr.. Chair... moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert PI Ise, Ir., Chairman Moved by Priice suapoited by DouglaS the rasalution be adopted. AYES: Moffitt, montnnte, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth. Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Moot, Nought:en, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald. 1210 hAVSi None. (0) A sufficient majnricy having salted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Mowed by Price supported by Daly the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of all items on the Supplemental Agenda AYES: Nowak. Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson. Aaron, Button, Daly, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Lennon, McDonald. Moffitt. (21) NAYS, Montarte, Murphy, Kasper. (3) A sufficient malOriCy having voted therefor, the merit,. carried REPORT By Mr: Pro, IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 07548 - LAW ENFORCEMENT PATROL SERVICES AGREEMENT - ADD1SON TOWNSHIP To he Oakland County Board of Curesi,looers Mr. Chairman, Lacties aid Gentlemen - The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jri. Chairman, reports MiscellaneouS Resolution Mo. 7543 with the recommendation that the resolution bu adopted. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr.. Chairman "Misc. 7540 By Mr. Price IN RE: LAW ENFORCEMENT PATROL SERVICES AGREEMENT - ADDISON TOWNSHIP To the Oakland County Board of CommIssiOners Cr, Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen; WHEREAS it is the policy of the Oakland County Board of Commissionets to permit the Sher i ff S Department to enter into contract agreements with Townships for the purpose of Law Enforcement Patrol Services, and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution 07335 provided a standard Annual Lust of $19.571 pet deputy and a standard contract period ending June 30, 1976. and WHEREAS the Township of Addison wishes to enter into such an agreement for one (I) regular deputy for the purpose of law Enforcement Patrol Services for the period of May I. 1976 through June 30, 1976. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes Eke Oakland Counts Sheriff's Department to enter into a contract with the Township of Addison for one II) regular deputy Ion the annual [..traCE price of 519,571 for lire period or May 1, 1976 through aunc 30, on The Publrc Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing r esol at inoi PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman. (See Law Enforcement Agreement - Schedule of Contract Costs on page 249) CoMndssioners Minutes Continued. May 20, 1976 265 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Hr. Pe•n ick IN RI: MISCEELANEOPS RESOLJT1ON V7548 - LAW ENFORCEMENT PATROL SERVICES AGREEMENT - ADDIS°, TOWNSMIP To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule TI-C of this Board. the Finance Committee Finds the sum of S364,67 available in the Contingent fund in the 1976 Oakland County Budget.. Said amount to be transferred to the Sheriff's Budget b Protective Services- Patrol Unit - Salaries line Item. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Price supported hy Roth that the report be accepted and resolution #75hfl he adopted. AYES: murphy, Nowak, Olson, Pago, Pateorson, Pernick, Price, Roth. SirraOrS. Aaron, Button, DalY, Dearborn, Douglas, Ounioavy, Fortino, Gadder, Moot, HoughLen. Basuto. tbu.nte. McDonald, Moffitt. &meant, (251 NMS; None. (0) A sulflLient inajorily havirly vOlcd lhetelar, the report was accepted and fusel. was adopted. MT,. 7565 By Mr. Price IN Of BI-LINGUAE CEASSROOH 1RAINiNG CONTRACT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Misoellaneous Resolution !Cuitt6 applied for and waS granted the designation by the U.S. Department of labor as Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of Title 1 of the Comprehensive Employment and training Art of 19/3: and WHEREAS Oakland County's C.E.T.A. Title 1 Giant Application has bet, di Led and approved by the U.S. Department Of Labor; and WHEREAS bids tot Classroom training were solicited through advettising in the newspapers and the Gel, I and CouroLy Council on Employment and Training ...onside! ed 0.1511 01 14, bids aud ,-..0107mnIch-0 the att....Fled inst tut inn and of qanizar ion for training; and WHEREAS the . Ion. rot HIT rontrAct vovid, 5 a moans of red uring onemploy rent caused pcisoully by tre look ol proti, lensy in the English language MN THEREFORE BF IT RESOLVED that the Oakland Lome y Board of CormoissionorS avoJrd, 549,719.29 fur 1 i -Vingudi remedial training to SS-Jotter Schools consistent with the attached budget. The Public Servic,, C0,114311tee. It Huberl Pric e . Jr.. Chairman. moves the 00:1:1 ion of th• forego: r esu 1 o ion. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Einhert Pr Ire, tr.. Chair-Man (Copy or budget on file in County Clerk's Office) Moved by Price supuorted by Douglas the resolution be adopted. D.SCu5,i0r1 f011uived Mr Lennon requested that Mr. Harold McKay, Manpower Department be allowed to address the Board. There were no Dist ec tons . Mr. McKay addressed the Board. AYES: Nowak. Olson, PAqe, Pernick, Price. button. Dearborn, Dooglas, Dunleovv, Hoonhten, Kasper. Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Moneane, Murphy 1161 NAAS: Patterson, Roth, SimemilN, Wilson. Aaron, Daly. Fort 110, Gabler, HERO . 19) A spEticient riviiolity having voted therefot. ltic resolution was adApted, Mist. 7566 By Mr. Price 1M RE: $ PLOP. - FISCAL YEAR 19./6 To the Oakland County Board of CoendSSIOners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS the Oakland leanly Board of CoinmIsSIOnera by MISCellarmOoS Resolution c661,6 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of tabor as Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1971; and WHEREAS the Oakland Cooney Manpower Plan for Title I Includes a work experience program for Economically Disadvantaged Youth; and WHEREAS the U.S. bepartment of Labor has recently indicated that the S.P.E.D.V. 1976 aPPropriation is S1.312.500 o, in 5.03,961.50 carry in from SPEAR. 1975; and 266 Commissioners Minutes Continued, May 20, 1976 WHEREAS 5203,458.50 from Title I C.E T.A. wIll be added to the S.P.E.O.Y. monies for a total of 1.6 million dollar budget, and WHEREAS these funds will provide a total of 1,650 jobs for disadvantaged youth. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the acceptance of the summer youth program for $1.600.000, consistent with the attached budget. The Public Services Committee. by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman. moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman (Copy of budget on file in the County Clerk's Office) Moved by Price supported by Olson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Ounleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot. Houghton, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak. (251 NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. misc. 7567 By Mr. Price IN RE: SENIOR CITIZENS WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Comni,sioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor as Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of Title I of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Net of 1973; end WHEREAS Oakland County's C.E.T.A. Title I Grant Application has been flied and approved by the U.S. Department of Labor; and WHEREAS work experience represents • major component of Oakland County's Manpower Program which WaS reviewed and recommended by both the Oakland County Manpower Planning Council and the Public Services Committee. WHEREAS senior citizees represent a target group to be included In employment and training services as described in the manpower plan. WHEREAS a minimum of 90 enrollees for one year or a Ifaiiffvfl Of 180 enrollees for six mOnthS may be served at the option uf the employers involved in the prow., NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the C.E.T.A. Title 1 Senior Citizens work experience program for $174./36.00. The Public Services Committee, Ly Hobert Price, Jr„ Chah.man, moves the adoption ot the foregoing restitution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr.. Chairman OAKLAND COUNTY - PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTHENT-mANPOWER DIVISION - SENIOR CITIZENS WORK EXPERIENCE As part of the Oakland County Comprehensive Manpower Plan to enhance the employment oPPoitunities of county residents, a part time subsidized employment progiam proposal has been developed for senior citi,ens. Many program activities funded under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act are servicing a cross section of age groups, and sone are especially designed to assist youth. This proposal specifically focuses on the older population of Oakland County. NEEDS ANALYSIS - Senior citizens are a significant segment of the total county population. According to the 1970 U.S. Census statistics there are 132.781 people in Oakland County aged 55 Years and over. This number represents 14.60 of the total 907,871 county population. A large per- centage of the population growth has been among the older age groups. This is especially true in Oakland County as is evident in the following chart from the 1975 Annual Manpower Planning Report which shows the percentage of population increase in older eon groups of county residents. 1970 - 1975 AGE GROUP PERCENTAGE OF POPULATION INCREASE 60-64 .22.21 65-69 .18.5t 70-74 102.70 75-79 .17.44 80-84 .55.85 85. .50.69 The Oakland County population 80 years and over has Increased more than SOB In the years between 1970 and 1975 With a greater tendency in recent years toward early retireemnt. there are inCreaSin91y fewer senior citizens in the work force. Many seniors who have opted for early retirement are wIthOut pensions or are on fixed incomes without cost of living provisions in their pension plans. Those who can only rely on social security benefits are often unable to be Financially independent especially with the current inflationary ecaeomy. Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 20, 1976 767 Based on the significant portion of the Oakland County population that is in the senior citizen age group and the problems many seniors encounter In maintaining adequate incomes this proposal for part time subsidized employment for seniors Is offered as a means to promote cconomIc self-sufficiencyamong seniors. in addition to helping fulfill economic needs of seniors, part Elm employment opportunities would also help to meet their psychological needs for contact .ith peoplc, the need to be needed and provide a service, and the need to cnntinue using the skills they have developed during their preyiuus years of employment. Th. human potential among senior citizen, is an important factor not to be nver looked. If TA Li GISLAT ION - The part time subsidized employment program prnposal for %enrol citizens is designed to he federally 'untied .117, work experience under Cr TA Title I. According to the cl IA rules and regulallOos in the federal register dated Roy 73. 1475 .tenrk experience octivilies lin adults include part lime in short teem exployment for the flin.irally unemployed, tigirini pvt ,on,, recently discharged militaiy individuals, hundicapped iodIvidnuls, institutional residents And inmates, and others who have not been ...irking In the Civelpei;Ovc lahin populotorn Oro sIonded net loih. of tire " PROGRAM DESCRIPTOR - Work experience oppnrtunitirs funded under thrs would provide 90 part time job.. for 15 20 hours per week ar 57 30 per hour In senior. r, /cur , and over. When designing the program consideration WaS given [0 the needs of senior, and the Yearly earning limits or 52.670 or full social security benefits. Requirements fnr part it Jp.il ion are char the lw 55 vvarinn ovel, 0Aidand County re,iderns, And unemployed tor yr,”k or updereouldyed at the tow ta Application anA hire. ft for! will be made to seler.1 parts, ;pant, ak.,Lord fog to target grawln goals as established for ocher CI TA Title I autivites. These tor gut group obrectrvus inclnae special erphasrs on economically disadvantaged persons. AGENCIES CONTACTED - Numerous agencies thtnughout the cnunIt y have rer.mw.irded ioh. 11,1 could be offered as work eaperience to seniors as part of thi, program Allhooth the In iouv emphasis was In <nntarring private non profit agencies that hvc previously req.-Aral Ind not rerei ,ed [ETA tunding, thoke private nun profit dgencleir currently fUnded Nvir .n 1,d. Many agenc 1 e, In both I ht.,: categories have submitted jobs representing a variety tit .3111 I. ‘e. with work sites throughout the cnunty. This proposal for part tiam subsidized employment for senior citizens will help to Owei both the economic and psychological needs of the senidr Citizens of Oakland County who iiiplesenf a large part Of its population. The availability of jobs has been demonstrated, and prompt arlion In putting this program into effect would be a worthwhile endeavor. SOURCES Of INFORMATION - 1970 U.S. CensuS 1975 Annual Manpower P1 a. inq Report LETA Rules and Regolutinns, federal Register, Kay 23. 14/5 ”Your Social Security Rights ond Responsibilities. Retirement and Suicivols Benefits" DHEW Publication Ni- (SSA) 74 1007/ AStati,tir.A1 Profile a °Milani' Conroy, flisleiilrni Ind Seven County 0.' tr,,i t hen ion OAKLAND COUNTY 10011 1 51 RVIUS DTPARTMEN1-MANP1)WEB DIVISION - SENIOR CITINN WORE, rXInuiENtl BUDGET WAGES 90 pc, join r. n 52.30 per hoot a 15 bolas per week c 52 wce6s - 5161,51-0 FRINGE BENEFITS Soria1 Secnrity Contributions IfICAl h 5.85. A 5161,460 - 9,446 Woriman 1 s Compensation 0 2r A SIGI,460 3.250 TOTAL 51/5,1 II. honed by Price supported by Dunleavy the resolution be adopted. AYES. Page. Patterson. Pernict, Price, Roth. SimmOns, Wilson, Aaron, Elution, Daly, Dearborn. DOuglaS. Ounleavy, Fortino, Gabler, MOM, Houghton, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, 14,,trill, Nontance, Murphy, Nowak, Olson. (29) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted thcrefol, the resolution ens adopted. !Viso 7568 By hr Price IN RE. CLASSROOM fRAINING CONTRACTS F1-76 To the Oakland tnunly Hoard of Commissioners Hr. Chairman, Ladies sod Gentlemen. WHEREAS the Oakland Coonly Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution /6546 applied for and was granted [he designation by the U.S. Department of Labor as Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions dt Title I rut the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS Oakland County's C.F.I.A, Title I Grant Application has been filed and approved by the U.S. Department of labial and WHEREAS bids for classroom training were solicited through advertising in the newspapers and the Oakland County Council on Employment and Training considered each of the bids and recommended the attached institution and organization for training. WHEREAS these cnorracts represent the use of school district facilities important to the expansion uf qualified training institutions in Oakland County. 268 Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 20, 1976 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Claklond County Board of Commissioners awards $110,292.74 for Title 1 Classroom Training during FY-76 consistent with the attached budgets. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairmen, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman (Copy of Contract is on file in the County Clerk's Office) Maned by Price supported by Button the resolution be adopted. AYES: Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Sutton, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, MuDonald, Moffitt, Montance, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page. (25) NAYS: Noe, (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7569 By Mr. Price IN RE, C.E.T.A. TITLE I ON-TIM-JOB TRAINING CONTRACTS (PHASE X) In the Oakland County Board 01 Commissionels Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor of Prime Sponsor to adminIster the prov/sions of Title I of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS Oakland County's C.E.T.A. Title I Grant Application has been filed and approved by the U.S. Department of tabor; and WHEREAS On-The-Job Training represents a major coemmnent In Oakland County's approved Manpower Program, and WHEREAS the Oakland County Manpower Advisory Council recommend, the contract included herein as Phase M of Oakland County's C.F.T.A. Title 4 On-The-Job Training program. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the award of Phase 0 of C.E.T.A. Title I On-The-Job Training Contracts In the total amount of $105,1'4.00 consistent with the attached budget. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert PrIce, Jr., Chairman NUMBER OF C POSITION TRAINEES TOTAL D=" Peltie r Insurance Agency Genetal Office Clerk T $2,4-64-730 Rochester Duane Peltier Insurance Agency Secretary 1 2,832.00 Rochester Denny Hassell's Auto tern. Center Tire Service Kan I ,870.00 Clawson wiley and Son Realty General Office Clerk I 0,400.00 Pontiac Jerry Parr Dental Prosthetics Dental Technician 1 2,392.00 Troy Robert A. Head, Prop. Rent. Apartment Manager Trainee 1 3,640.00 Rochetter Robert A Head, Prop. Mgmt. Maintenance Man I 4,080.00 Rochester Vision-Craft, Inc. Optician Apprentice 1 3,120.00 Farmington Vision-Craft, Inc. General clerk 2 4,800.00 rarmington Hygrade Food Products Relief Secretary 1„469.00 Southfield Pontiac Metro News, Inc. Reporter Trainee 1 3,640.00 Pontiac Pontiac Metro Mews, Inc. Secretary Trainee 3,120.00 Pontiac Pontiac Retro News, Inc. Asst. Editorial Writer Trainee 1 4,680.00 Pontiac Dr. George L. Jordan, DOS Dental Office Mgr. Trainee 1 2.400.00 Pontiac Oakland Microfilm Corp. Copy Camerman 3 6.768.00 Royal Oak Parton Dental Stndms Dental Techni,lan I 3.300.00 Wixom Commissioners Mlnutes Continued. May 20, 1926 269 NUMBER OF COMPANY POSITION TRAINEES TalAL Harry Carlson Assoc„ Inc_ Yardman Construction I $4, rh-6 T3o Troy Cochran* Shell Service Automobile Mechanic h 1 elper 3,120.00 Berkiey Lagell Lighting, Inc, Bookkeeper 1 4,160.00 Farmington Bon Brown Insurance Agency Secretary I 2,11BO.0CI Ortonville Nowak and Frauss Draftsm 1 an 3,8110.00 Royal Bak Nowak and Frauss kodman 2 1,570.00 Royal Oak Hot Sam Companies, inc. C1erixa1 Office Manager I 3.6na.00 Trdy Watts Construction IFC51 Cement ent Finish Apprentice 8.160,00 Ferndale Watts Construction IFCS/ Dump p flock Or 'VC, 4,Son.no boo green Chemical Lawn Care {FOS) Ch 1 Chemical lrurk Driver 2,24c.oc Orchard Lake Northwood fence Cu. (PLO) F 2 ence Erector 5,44O.00 Royal Oak Grimaldi Buick-Opel 1 , Inc. IFC51 Mechanic Helper 1.440.0o Pont.. Grimaldi Buick-Opel. Inc. (PEI) Automobile Porter I 880 no Pontiac Grinm1d1 Buick-Opel, Inc. Auto Body Repairman App. I ,440.00 Pontiac Paul's Seat Cover (PLO) Auto Seat Cover end Convertible Top I 2.502.00 Pontiac Installer 37 1105.151.00 Moved by Price supported by Pern,ck the resolution he adopted. AYES: Pernick, Price. Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Pearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, for Noel Moughtnn. Kasper. Lennon, McDonald. MnfrItt. Montante, Murphy. Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson. 1241 NAM: Gabler. A sulficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Moved by Pernick supported by Daly ihe Board adjourn until June 3, 1976 at 9:30 A.M. A suflicien: majority having voted therefor, the malign carried. The Board adjourned at 12:30 P.M. Lynn U. Allen Alexander C. Perinoff Clerk Chairman 210 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING June 3, 1976 Meeting called In order by Chairman Aleaandet C. PerTnott at 9:30 A.01_ in tho tdoirt house Auditorium, inn horth Telegraph Road, Konrlac, Michigan. Invosatiog given by Henry W. Hoot. Pledge of AlSegidnce to the Flag. Ruil Latled. egt5/111. Adrun, Butt., Daly. Dearborn. Douglas, Ounloasy. Fortino, Gablut, H,Jt, tioughten. Kasper, Lennon. McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perin n ff, Per nick, Prce, Ruth, Si...dos, Wilco.t, WilsOn. (21) ABSFNi. hone. OD) Quorum present. Moved by Douglas supported by Mgr:tante [ha minutes .f the prevines tmeting h. approved as printed. A suit i i en t majority having voted therefor, the rmt ion carried. Clerk read resolution Adopted by the Lenawee County Board of Commissioners supporting a National Veterans Cemetery in the State or Michigan. IPIttsed on file_l Clerk read better finsa the Lapeor County Clerk regarding petit ions filed lo Net lte? !aide level at Rig Fish Like Fl cod no t C1erl, read lett., Irani Daniel t Murphy, County ExeLotivc regarding il,,. yet. ol Mi:sellaneou, Aes.olution /7574- Fedor.-,l State Ail Coordinator 1Klared on Mel Herd read letter iron Daniel T Murphy. County fatnatioe regardino the veto of MIL,ollaneons Resol ution t756O - Amendinnnt to Act 185, P.A. 1357. IPlacroL pr, 111e.) [leo. read little, from Stale Representali.ve Chilly east it, regarding the position of Federal and Slate Aid LoordLnator Placed on tile.) Cle,4 tcad letter Prom Daniel T Murphy, County [aecnnoe regdrdiug House Noll 15234 - Land Use Planning. (PlaLed un file.) Moved by MOntente supported by Daly that the item on the Supplenmntal Agenda be approved For consideration of the Report of the Planning and Building Committee A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the negion carried. Misc. 7510 by Cr. Daly IN RE: SUPPORT Dr CR(SERVINC "ESSENTIAL lAND AREAS" Ill HICHMIAm T. lex Oakland UNJOiV Beard .1 Mr. Chairman. tmth 4 mid Fr,, WHER/AS the Co., ty B.ard of Loamdssionris adopted. hy resolution. I hi, Gilvailt Policies As presented by the Canna, FY410,h1 ,nd WILMA', [he GlAn41.1 Policies imludy tnilicies pelt:Union to lite pie,..rvaiicm natora! rcsouravs, and WHFR1AS i I is redutiniied there is a need 10 preserve natural rt,OUILCV and Whin- .esseniial land areas" a, ,tated in the Brit: and WHEREAS the concept nl local control over planning. Toeing and use of lands should he maintained; and WHEREAS Substitute house Bill 42311 cited as the "State land use planning act") has been reviewed, and contains the concepts necessary to preserve ''eSsenlial land areas' NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners endorses the concept of the preservation of "essential land areas" as contained In Substitute House Bill 4234. 221 Commissioners Minutes Cmitireed. hine 1, igi(, BE IT FultIMER RESOLVED that the guidelines be promulgated and reviewed by Ibis &Lord wird to full support of Substitute House Bill 1421A. BE 11 FURTHER RESOLVED that the County legislative Agent and the County Legislators be informed of this Board's position on this Rill through the tranSnilttal of certified copies of this resolution. The Planning and Building Committee by Patrick K. Daly. Chairman. moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly. Chairnmn Moved by Daly supported by Fortino the resnIntion be adopted. Discassron lollowtol. Moved hy Montan!, snore. led by ....hi, rill 11,11111i 11111 i71` i 1.1 1011 111 10•11c1.11 (0,1 I 1111K CIA.... Vote on rebor AYES, Roth, Sirinvms, Wilson. Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Danleavy, Iurtine. Card, . Hoot, McDonald, Moffitt, montante, Murphy, Nowak, Cl..,., Page, Patterson, Per inul f l2O) NAYS: Pernicl. Button. Leonoo. (3) PASS: Price. El) A sufficient maror.ty My/oil voted thervior, the resolution WA, rof1.11-1,11 to the General Government (11010l Inn. Misc. 757) By Mr. Daly IN RE: SUPPORT OF SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 075 - MASS TRANSIT To the Oakland County Board of Cumtissinners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Genliermn1: WHEREAS Substitute Senate Bill 075 amends A41 No. 20A ol the Public AtAs of 1 442, entitled "Mtropolitao tr insportation toot hot ilk's act of 1162:" and WHEREAS ti,, Mainline and Building Committee ha, levirwed Salist itian Serrate Hilt IIPA NOW THEREFORE Uf IT RESOLVED that Oakland Coonty Mend ol i111111111 ,0.112114.1 heichy oppose-. Ilv. properly Tr10,i1,1 iAM A, a souice of local lundiou for public tran,pcolali.oli BE 11 FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland Coonty Board ul Ctomnissioners heleby 00 'I"° tlu. Michigan legislature to incorporate the following recommendations to Substitute Senate Bill !JP, 1. That no restructoring ol the SEMTA Board he done prior I. IN. sale And nvorer of and D-001. 2. That a City eligible for appointment to SENTA Board shall follow the loilowing procoolui.e the Host two members ,hall he appointed by the Mayor with lhe advice and consent 4.1 the legislative body of the City, the third and lout lb appoiotments by SMUG; and the liftb appoint...1 by ihe Gnvernor. And further (hal the term. of the SEMTA Board members he staager•d so no mere Ihan one third (1111 appconteents would i.e mad, each year. 1.• MIL nu assumption of an kind uf 0-DOT's pension system be nmodated by legislatioo. 4_ That no automatic takeuvto of all D-DOt personnel be mandated by leqi,lacion. 5. That there be some cmmiensatioo provided for SEMTA Board members. AND 04 IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of the foregoing resolution, he forwarded to the County's legislative auent and the County's lerrislators She Pianniog .0.1 Building Committee by Patrick K. Daly, Chaitman. moves the adoplioo of Ile. foregeina resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Paliirb K. Daly. Chaiirmin Moved by Daly sopported by Dearborn the resolution be adopted. Moved by Nowak supported hy Paw 11K, re.sniulion he referred to the GerwrOl Gowt,Amm,A Committee. DiScussion followed. Mr. Nowak withdrew hi, motion to ruder. A sufficient majority havioo voted therefor. the motioo carried. Moved by Houghleo supported by Page the resolution be amended by striking Itenth which roads "that there bc son' compensation provided for SEMTA Board membery" Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 3, 1976 272 Vote on amendment, AYES: Ruth, Simmons, Wilcox. Wilson, ITsxugl as , 1)unit:rimy, Gabler, nom, No014101 •r, rustier, McDonald, Moffitt, Mootante, Murphy, Olson, Page, Patterson. (17) NAYS: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Perrino, Lennon, Nowak, PerinofE„ Pernick, Nice. (Ill) A sufficient majority haying voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Houghton supported by Page the resolution be amended by adding another item 10 read: "that no taxing authority would assess any type of tax eetil after he merger nl 7E1110 And D-007", Vote cm amendment: AYES: Wilcox, Wilson, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dneleavy, Fortino. Gabler, 110nt. Honghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak., Olson,, Page, Patterson, Perinoll, P.',':eiskr Roth. (22) SAYS 1 Simmons. Aaron, Button, Lennon, Price. (5) A Sall it Y bar/1.0 viler! tiler , ht. INA i011 tkrved by Nowak %riper. tea by ttourrhtrn, the iesotrit Irk,, be dnerrand le I ler NOW 110101.R' MI It RESOLV1D pat aeraph alter, tlur .H41 tal trar. In irs•d "arrd urges .0,,,m ire, rd ddir. Vote on amendnent. AYES . Hi lune, Bel ion, For t inn. Gabler lInnl ,Ii bine. Kasten . Mr Murata. 14.1 1 rl I . flonl Murphy, Nowak, Page. Pailetson. (14) NAYS. Wilson, Italy, Dearborn, Douglas, Ounleavy, Lennon, Olson, evrieoff, Velnitk, Prise. Roth, Simmons. (12) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motien carried. Vote on resolution as amended: AYES, Daly, Dearborn, Dunieavy, Fortino, Gabler. hoot, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt. Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinorf, Pernick. Roth, Sineons, Wilcox. 001 NAYS: Wilson. Button. Douglas, Honghten. Lennon, Price. (6) A sufficient majority haying voted therefor, the resolntion, 34 amended, was adnptra Misc. 7572 By Mr. Daly IN RE • APPROVAL Of FUNDING FOR GLASS RECYCLING CENTER RU0E/OM To the Oakland Couely Board n1 ComEissinvers Mr. Chairman, ladies and bentlemen WHEREAS the Class Recycling Center has hero Idc.iten It 5511 South leleerapb Rddd 1975; and WHEREAS lbe surreel owner plans to expand [he bailding on this vdlith wyricly hanoer the glass recycling roeration, and WORIAS several alternate sites have been teviewed with the ntleratnrs ni the Center and a site near the Incinetatur Building on the County Service Center has been driele•urd as the best alternative; and WHEREAS the owner of the old site has agreed to assume the cost of a new conrinte ead. at the new site, at an estimated cost of 57.500 00 to 0.000.00; and WHEREAS much uf the relocation labor will be supplied by the Sheriff's Depart...et toustees. NOW 'THEREFORE BE IT RESoLliED that 53.700.00 be and is hereby allocated to the Department of Central Services for the purpose of relocating the Glass Recycling Center, as per the attached cnst estimates. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution, PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K Daly, Chairnwn OAKLAND fOUNIY EXECUTIVE - DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES - FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION GLASS RECTCLIOIL (ENTER - P110fAllen PROJECT 76-16 May If. 1976 In 14fl a Glass Re.ycltne Center snosisting of a large conctete pad and wand hins was constructed al 5511 both Telegraph Road, the former OlficeS of lb DEW. and DI,. 1.44010,SiOn01. The be, r r construction cost was 4bOut 017,600 Due to the plans of the preseet runner .1 the ptoper 1 y to expand the rwrn building on the site, the operation uf the Glass ReeyClinst Center will be serinukly himivred enless relocated to another location_ Several alternative sites have been reviewed with the operators of the Glass Recycling Center and a site near the nld Incinerator Building on the County Service Center was selected as the best possible alternalive site N). available. The cost uf relocating the Center from 550 South Telegraph Road to the Service Center IS listed below. S1,210** 285 1,150 500 $3.365 355 W.-71-30 273 Commissioners Minuies Continued. June 3, 1976 New Concrete Pad - Hy Owner ot Properly* Wood Storage Bins (Material Only) Electrical Road And Grading Construction Supervision Contingency TOTAL ESTIMATED FUNDING 'Estimated Cost - $7,500 - $8,000 esLabor in be provided hy Sheriff's Department Trustees the Chairgon referred the resolution to the Finance Comrittee. There WrO no objections. misc. 7573 By Mr. Daly IN RF: COUNTY PROPERTY AT 555 SOCIH fLUSKAPH ROAD. FC1/171AO. MICHIGAN LAND CONTRACT io the Oakland County 9,,,,1 of I ormiissinnens Mr. Chaim., ladies and I..' Irvin' WHEREA5 PCItua Yi. Ring and wife have a $75.000 ten year land contract dated 3Ist day ui January 1973 with the County of Oakland for the purchase of County properly at 550 SOulh Teltrorqph Road, font IOU, Michigan. and WHEREAS niltnn H Ring has an equity in the property of 525.910.89 as of may 1976, which is 691 of the value of the lard only, and WHEREAS Milton H. Ring is requesting a Quit Claim beed for C.7970 acre, of vacant proprrly described as: Part of Lot 3 uf Assessors Plat No. 78, Part of the S.W. 1/4 of Section 31. T. 3 NI R. 10 E, City of Pontiac. Oakland County, Michigan as recorded in Lifter 18 of plats. page 78 of Oakland County records and described as follows: Commencing at the S W corner of said Section 31, /hence N. 87 ° 17' 00. 1. along the Sautherty line of said sec, ion 222_75 ft. to the Easterly line of the O. T. RN. right -of-way; thence N. 35' 09' 30" f along said righl-ol-way 811 .61 ft. Co the intersection of the Wirtherly vf H.ghway 1-58 pelts M ion; thonae 5 43' 17' 58" F. 137.76 fr lo the. Point .1 MegInninq h.atud on said hinhway righl-o1 way line. thence N. 38 - 25' 57" 1. 73.5 15 I. ly Fine n“ TelettrAph Road. thuncn along ,aid line 5 SI - 09' 39'. F, 131.51 1.1. th...,n• , iinv 1.0 The Easterly riqhi-nt-way lion of Ph,' C. T RR, ,,I:a.p::vr n 11 00" 59 .38- and chord being 5. 11 yy. 19' 9 16.116 pi with , ado, ot 7094 RI ii. In Al. dl-Aallci• 36.16 f, . thence 5 15' let . 10.. W. 271.19 ft. to the North-, ly .11.1 Ind,' !lee pol diohw,y 1A-5H reIncatlon. thenc.r. Mon,' said /MU cpui a cerve to the right an. l, OI . 00' 52.' and chord being N. 46° 45. 12. v. 130.82 ft mi II, A PAiihN C1f 2486.54 1L. an arc dL,tcot, vl 110.03 II ; thence continuing a cal, I, thv right who,. GcnlIral dhglv is 0' 21' 121' amd chord 1,ing 10n ' 03' 40" W. 15,18 It. wit/. a ',Cols oi 206.64 it., an arc distance ol 15.19 rt. to the Point 01 Beginning, Contains 0.7910 acmes which is 5I0 al the land only for lIre purpose of tam,lrucling a building; aod WHEREAS the proposed building wceld interfere with the e,isting Class Recyalino opepat .oc located on the property, and WHEREAS Oakland County has the right per the land contract to use a portion ol the pianerty for a Glare Recycling operation fur ten years ending the 31st day of January 1983, and WHEREAS Milton H. Ring is in agreement with the County Cr. have Liu Glass Recytling operaftnn relocated, and IiingfAS Milton H. Ring has offered to construct a 60 foot tiy 65 foot reinlas.-4 8 inch thick concrete pad located at the OaLland County Svivice Cent., , 3700 IMIrth Telhopaph Michigan. 75 feel northwe,t of the CwiSling incinerator 11/Aiding al no lo [...mi./. and lh •ongOvIed within so days allui }POI ificalion by Me County to proceed. NOW THEREFORE BE IT Rfsetvro that the of the Oakland County Board timmilissinnors hiseby aothaired to execute A Qat Claim Deed hn 0.7970 dire, of vacant propvily at 400 TeIgnraph Knad, Pontiac, Michigan. RE IT FORTNER HISOLVED that milt., H. Ring anrerS as part ot LonsIderachm, lo aoin.tri,t o 60 foot by 65 fool reintorced 8 inch thick concrete pad located ag the Oakland Coon', Service C,N a, 1200 North Telegraph Road. Pontiac, Michigan at no CoS I to the County. The Planning and Building Committee by Pattick K. Daly. Chairman, eoves the adOption n1 INV foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Patters°n the resolution be adopted. AM: Aaron. Hutton, Dais. Dearborn, Fatima, Gabler. Wu/. Woughten, Kasper, Lennon. mom ', Murphy, page, Patt erson . Perinnlf. Pernick, Price. Rah, Siamms. WlIco.. Wilson. 1241 MAWS' fame WI A sulficiea nsipwity having voted therefor, the restitution was adopted. Comm1SSloners Minutes Continued. June 3, 1976 Misc. 7574 By Mr. Daly IN RE, SELECTION OF THE ARCHITECTURAL FIRM FOR THE CHILDREN'S VILLAGE SCHOOL PROJECT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS In conformance with Miscellaneous Resolution #71058 a Selection Committee evaluated thirteen 031 architectural firms for the Children's Village School Pro 'sect ; and WHEREAS upon Ilhe recommendation of the Selection Committee, your Planning ard Building Committee hereby reconeends the retention of the arthiteclural firm of SieneliTtinemala Associates of Detroit. NOW THEREFORE BE ST RESOLVER t hat 1 he fir,, Siegel /Tuoteaa la Assoc lot es. he se 1 i oe, t hr. architectural f rIlL Int the Children's Vi I laqe %Otani angi that ihe Chairman...4 the 11.1.1111 iit toiani •i- sinners be and /a., is herehy no t nuri,gd ton ev.ocule the aare:•nm•ot with 01 , /I,. on h.- County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a slim 01 01.0,000 00 be and is hereOy oppl.tooloted ito 'revel architectural, engineering and odnjnistrative costs. The Planning and Building Comittee, ny Fair-Irk K. Daly, Chairman, mnves the adoolinn of the foregoing reSplotIpn_ PLANNING ANC BUILDING COMMITTEE PaLriik K. Daly, Chairman The Chairman refereed the reSoIntion to the Finonce Committee- There were no idle, rions. misc. 7575 By Mr. Daly IN RE: AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR UTILITY TUNNEL RECONSTRUCTION To the Oakland County Board of [044.41 55 i oncrs Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS the existing thrlilty Tunnel mhich houses the steam supply lines and other utilities serving the Administrative Anne.. II and the Central Services Building, is in need of extvasive repair; and WHEREAS some areas of the present tunnel are in danger of cnilapse; and WHEREAS it 1, imperative that this pro .1ect he done in the sonwier months. when tho steam tires are n01. needed for heating; and WHEREAS this pruject is ini_luded in Lie 1976 Capltai Piooram-Uliii ties Suction. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Ifie Central Services Department in and is here!,y authorized to lecylve hids for the Utility Tunnel Reconstruction and that a lepor, thereon he mode to this Board alter receipt and lohulotion of soch hlds. The Plawlinq ard Ou:Idino Committer, by Pal, ick K. Daly, Chairman, Illove, thr adiga ion ol the furriating PIANVING ANn vultniNc roMmITII4 roiiihT K. Daly, Chairman OAKLAND COUNTY iMECUTIVf - DEPARIMEN1 OF CI:WAAL SLIIVIELS Fyclilatli thIGINTIPING 01VI,ION UT11ITY 1UNNEL RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT 15-26 May Ii. 1176 In the 1976 Utility Section of Inc fapital Program. the Utility Tunnel Reronsliiutinn was listed fur 1976 construction at an estimated CoSt of 596.000. The Utility Section Of the Capital Program was reviewed and approved by the Planning and Building Committee at their December 4, 1975, meeting 'attached is the surmiary sheet from this Section of the Capital Program along with the Project Request Form). Design on this project has been ....mulcted and the work is ready for bidding_ The pro involves repair and renovation of the utility tunnel setvine thy Mhainistrative Annex It and replacement and ',lentil,' of she utility lines serving Ow Central Lan es. I Inn. iiiltly tinuiris km] lines involved in this work are OVef !JO year, old and mon, renovation i, trgolord 11 ..etvices to these Sr.', boildiegs are to be continued. (See attached menu frt. Dave Rii,, - Diworlin nf lhe Maintenance Division.) The vffill. Is heing sLardoled so it Lau be done durino the sonny', when the steam line, are mot needed for healing. The final construction cost estimate shows Ihe Lon,tructicm hid co, should be admul 25 percent less than the piel1nnary esthnotr listed in the Capital PrnorOm it bid az this t jure 215 CommisSioners Minutes Continued. June 9, 1976 DAUAND (DUNTY EXECUTIVI DiPARkI1111 OF CFNIPAI SERVICCS FACIE1M.S LDfilUERING D1011,100 1.1,7111 .7.110i.071:..Art...PninRAc 0E11 110 SIE1100 December 2, 19P. Project frJtHeted (nYt Staff Prion,ty Remarks County Center Drive - ;1urtawn5t Extension Lhildren's Village Pcad Improvements Social Services Funding - Site Donk Pndse II ty 1 onnel s 1-1;irnvenentS Utiliiy funnel A,constroction xeconstruction of ...tspical Drive flinty Center r.ide East •,arEacing igTAL 1976 $,90,00P 1976 13,000 1976 0210,2311 1976 19/1. 90,01M 1 if .5171,00r1 11/C1 S R4,000 11,176.7Y Sn10.11 u0 Eirrynver Project using 071, londs ,—trryover projlinE ii 111(1 Propo,n6 Car 1916 if fundinq 1. •vailabln II, Utility run,: 1 If1.11 114 Y.t, raIltraanriun Vai‘Una, orridy mat hl Ain I. 1.IU iiIIih.ihiIN 27ti Commissioners Minutes Continued. ilan0 3, 1976 C A F' I ['MOVEMENT rtincllIAIVI PtIOJF T fi E U t; I PAIrt iy roo 1 i ty Tonnul Pd,constnund ion Service Center no, I Aupod ) 111 n111 (1.3irripuorn and I-uuctiod Cap,. linrnt r flit r I.I xii N"' P. nt't Chin t Under this project , the uti Ii ty tunnel serving Centro p -Stores and Administrative Annex II would he repaired and the utility lines renevoted to el iminate duplicat ion :Ind Or:UPSSI VP runs. Phi servirr Ter Cehtrei Stores would tie rea•lyed from 11,.n tunnol end run Ihneu9h the old Maintenance Building arid the thipl Irate utility 1 -inns in the tunnel for Administrative. Annex TI would In rrnovuted Ir pi iuiuulu, only Imo trry Currant t:latos tSSnw 7.t. 'laud Cl ANNIHr; 11,11111,Hrg.. JuilaVet _ nf VI MA IL M.SIGN 277 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 3. 1976 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ROJEC I 111 01.1 EST 11/1111 11 0,0wA rxrcuTiv... rvpi.r.; sory C,70 Fsrlr.ta in19 Construction (Preliminary) Tunnel PiTair, Mychanic,.1 Ird E12ctrical Work Temporary Servicvs Miscellanenw ?0,00n no 50,000.00 5.000.00 .5 ,000 .0.0 101AI co/smucrroN $A0,0011.00 Engine (ring Administrative MaintenDuce Charges Continguncy TUAI PRUJt.CT COS1 1. )".P06.P0 3.0110.00 $98.000.00' D,C.%. Fecilitios fnqinvering Eon- 518 Commoners Ninnies Continued. June 3, 1976 OA1II.-5.ND COUNTY eorl kaie0 bow. April Pft„ 19/6 T“... D. Ross T. T. Doiurman Utility Tunnel Rerfmr,,, • . . 111,, existing utility turnrls Capproxditiely Hdl fert long) which laiuso the steam supply and roturn linos arf other' utilities servicing lhr AdminklIalive Arilwx II and tho Central 5eryiLes are in ir.,erl of PxtritSivo rn0pir. Sono ttoc, 01 10,Pu tunnels are deteriorated to a point there is dawn', of the Jilt. 1. roving in. Another prohlrai with thrse tunnel; i, [De size Iapproxin,,,iely 4'6" a l'6") greatly restricts any mtintenance on thr tunnels and utilitif- tont,intd within them. ogre:, with thr sointions propin,ed frun your oFt,. to ligonle Ile servicing the tilitrcil St citesiluildin9 and repair and plovid, attej.j, wriufs lo Fit Utility tunnel 5ervin9 AMR, II. The., inprnyelvui!-, will uti3Oly fininovi kin, maintenance anti operalimt 'ii tirv utiliiAes and elnoinate unneffsSary pip n og. If you have any quo:tions or rived additional inform:Aim, plemsc give no: a coil: DR/dh Moved by Daly supported by Patrerson the resolntion he adoptrd. AYES: Button, Daly, Uearborn, 0000105, Fortino, Gabler, HOM, Hettghlen, Ka,per, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilt..., Wilson, Aaron, 05) HAVS, None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7576 By Mr. Daly IN RC: TRANSFER OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUNDS TO OAKLAND AIRPORT FUND To the Oakland County Beard of Commissioner, Mr. Chatreort, ladle, and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the 1976 Capital Improvement Program contains 0750,000 fn. the improvement of the Oakland-Ponliac Airport aod 1hr Oakland-Olin. Airport, and WIARFAS i he Alumni (owning, ha, ,ohmitted a 1176 Capital Improvement Program tor Airpoll, ConsF,ling ,, A,loopafk eiln lalensitwy Oakland Ptan 14, 47,11tn Paiallel 1444.4, and Ramp - 0akland-011,mi Altpool 75.000 1Prnii,i in., 5150.000 - 50t Stair Gtantl Terminal Building Al, Conditioning Renlacenroi - Oakland-P.1( 1:w 1,000 Terminal Building Caulking - Oaklaml-Pontiac Aiiinlit 11,04.0 T-Nangar Drainage - Oakland-Pontiac Airport 5,000 Entrance Road Renovation - Oalland-Pontion Airport 38,000 Paved Roads for I-Hangar Section - Oakland-Pontiac Airport 10,000 Relocation of 1-Hangars - Oaktand-Poetlac Airport 57,000 Contingency Faulan 6,900 07.10,1010 WHEREAS these Capital improvemeni Projects are Included in Li,,, Airport Master Plao, or 239 Comuissioners Minutes Continued. June 1, MIS are required for proper maintenance ol the Airports, and WHEREAS the Planning and Building Cormilliee has reviewed and approved these Capital Projects. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOEVED that the sum of 5250,000 he transferred frnm the 1976 Capital Improvement Program to the Oakland-Airport fund for the Airport Capital Improvoutent Progoam a, out- lined. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, maves he adoption 01 the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. baly, Chairman The Chaiiman referred the resolution to the Finance Cummitten, There wm,,, IX, ohlectiolv.. misc. 7577 By Mr. Daly IN WE ACCEPTANCE OF INDEPENDENCE OAKS COUNTY PARKS GRANT - PHASE II In he Oakland County Board at (inocrssioneis Mr. .hairman, Ladies and Genticuren. WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution (6871, dated Novembel 7, 1974, ihi, Board approved the tiling of . grant application Co the State Department. uf Natural Resonices tl the Oakland County Parks and fterreatirui Ecoosission for development ol Phase II, Independence-Oaks County Park, and WHEREAS said niam tunas in the alivunt a 5127.000 are available to the (-minty ,n0 Recreation Commission 0. a 50/90 iNJELfoing basis: and WHEREAS the County Parks and Recreation ContsissInnls molchina share fir S17/.000 is to I.,. derived from the 1/A mill ad valoren tan, and WHEREAS your Committee recommends that the grant fund, he accepted; NOW THEREFORE BE II RESOLVED that the County of Oakland, on behalf at the Parks and Recreation Commission, hereby accepts the grant funds In the 4.110WIL of 0127,000 For Phase ii, Independence-Oaks County Park. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTIE Pat, ick. K. Daly, Chairnon FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: miSEILLANCOUS RESOLUTION 67(77 - ACCEPTANCE OF INDEPENDENCE - OAKS COUNTY PARKS GRANT - PHAst It in the Oakland County Board (nI Cro..116,ihniurr Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. Pursuant to Rule KI-C of this Board. the Finance Corm:litter find , there are ler County Iiinds available and the local notch mill be funded horn the Palk, and Recreation bodeel. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Oats supported bs Fortino the resolution LW adopted AYES: Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Gabler. Mool, Houghten, Kasper, Mc(honald, Moffitt, Mnraiinte, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page. Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majurily havin9 voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE. MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION f7539 - LEASE AGREEMENT WITH OAKLAND COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION to the Oakland County Dcard of Co,missioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. The Planning and Building Committee. by Patrick K. Daly. Chairman, reports miscellaneous ltesolution No. 2539 with the reC0.0..dation that the resolution be adopted. PLANNING AND OU1LDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman .Mtsc. 7539 By Mr. Daly IN RE: LEASE AGREEMENT watt OAKLAND COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION To the Oakland County Soard of Comrissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen - WHEREAS the Oakland County Road Commission has agreed to lease approximately 350 square reel of office space at the rate of One (011.00) Dollar per year. to the County of Oakland for a 7,90 Commissioners Minutes Continued. Fuel. 3, 1976 satellite Treasurer's Office at its building located at 31001 Lahser Itoad, Beverly Hills, Michigan; and WHEREAS such satellite Treasurer's Office would he a convenience for the payment of taxes to the citizens uf South Oakland County; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends that the County of Oakland enter into such late. NOV THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County or Oakland agrees to lease approxl,laiely 150 square feet of office space on the ground floor of the Oakland County Road Commi$,Iop Building located at 31001 Lahser Road, Beverly Mills. Michigan, for a term of Iwo (7) yeais at an .,nnual rate or One fS1 001 Dona, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that lie Chairman of the DaLland Comity &MI n1 ol Commis,. me, be and he is hereby authorized to execute a Lease In the lore attached Iteielo on hehall id Ila• iiiii lay Of Oakland. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, mtves the adr•pl ion ol the Foregoing ,e5Olution. PLANNlNG AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Pair irk K. Daly, ChaireoieI tfAS1 THIS LEASE AGREEMENT entered into this day of A . 1976, by and between the OAKLAND fOHNTY ROAD COMMISSION, hereinafter, called 'Lessor'. whose .s, 11001 Lahs•r Road, Dever!, Hills, MIchigao, arid the COHNTY OF ORACAND, d MIchigao ional Corporation. heieinaltet called "Lessre.'. 1200 North Telegraph Arad, Pontiac, Michigan. WITNESSEld: WHEREAT. 1hr Lessor is the owner of the pieudses know, and designated as um Road, Beverly Hills, Michigan. which is a part of lands owned and used by the Lessor a% tiLices for the Oakland County Road Commission; and WHEREAS Lev.ev desires to lease alsero,inetely 350 square feet of of1ice space 10 the purpose of prowidiog a satellite office of the Oakland County treasurer. NOW THLREFORE IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: The Lessor does hereby let and lease to the Lessee, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, 350 square Feet of office space on the ground floor of its building located at 31001 Eahser Road, Beverly Hills, Michigan, for a term of two (2) years commencing un the First day of May. 1516 and ending on the first day of May, 1916. tor the sum of One 151.00) bolter per year. The Lessor does hereby grant and convey to the Lessee, I. For as long as the lease agreement remains in effect, the right of ingress and egress to the premises dmscribed as 11001 Lahser Road, Reverly Hills, Michigan. 2 tfm• tesso, agree, to piovide all maintenance and custodial services at no ad.'itional cost to the Lessee 3. The lec.ccr agrees to provide AI heat, lights and other except lelephane service, which 1. Noeinacie, provided fop. 4. ,q1,1., 10 provide two employee parkinu spaces so dia.cgoateL OH le,Ive use of the employee. of the Oakland Connts lieasplei 's 011ice. ic,..or agrees to prowIde the of.", airy sign% aod/or dileclootes co.ide aod Diastav the building indication Ilm heed ion aod location of the satellite Couoty Ireasoica (If Ii,,, 6. The Lessor dorees IN pernut the Lessee to use Lessor's vault 1. LesSut avers to provide utility space Cu house data processing modems, such spare is not to be considered a part ot the 350 square feel, hot additional space in he lessor's general utility area. Le', tar 4rireeS tri pro,dide A Sery,oe COurCer built ID the specifications ot flu, Le,see. 9- Lessor agrees to provide two telephone lines for the use of the Lessee until sach tide as it dimensional system is installed in the building. IT IS MUTOSALLY AGREED between the parties hereto that the Oakland County Road Fkmaxission shall not be held liable for any theft or loss hy the County of Oakland or the Oakland C0U1'11: Tieasurrt as a result of this Agreesent. IT IS FURTHER tiliTuALEY AGREED that Line parties hereto may renew this Lease for a like period and tor covenant, which may he mutually agreed upon by the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the patties hereto have set cheii hand, the day and date hr, above written. WOTNESSFS STATE OF MICHIGAN) ) ss COUNTY OF OAKLAND) On this day of , A.D., 1916, personally appeared and did say that he is live Chairman of the Oakland County board of Road Commissioners and as such Ms affixed his signature to the foregoing Lease, and that said Instrument was signed and scaled in behalf of said Oakland County Road Commission. Notary Public, Oakland County, Michigan My Commission Expires: OAKLAND COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION By: Chairman COUNTY 01 OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional Corporatino Ely: Alenan,lrr C. Perinoff, Chairman Oakland County Board ol Commissirmeis 281 Commissioners Minutes Continued. Artie 3. 1026 STATE OF MICHIGAN) ) ss COUNTY OF OARLAMO) On this day of • A.D., I976 personally appeared Alexander C. Perinoff and did say that he is the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for the County of Oakland and as such has affixed his signature to the foregoing Lease, and that said instrument ims signed and sealed In behalf of said County of Oakland. Notary Public, Oakland Courtly, MIchirese My Commission FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RC: MISCELLANEOUS RESCHuTION #7519 - LEASE AGREEMENT WITH OAKLAND COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION To the Oakland County Board of Conmnssioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance CO.RICICC has reviewed the subiect resolution and finds that in addition to the lease, there will be required coSts amounting to $4.300. Pursuant to Rule xi-c or this Board, the finance Commrttee finds the Sc;,, of $9,301 available in the Contingent Fund of the 1526 Oakland County Budget_ Said aacunt to be transferred to the Treasurer's Office line item a, follows. Rent S 1 Communications 300 Data Processing- Development Cost 3,000 Data Processing Services 6,000 FleANCE COMMITTEE Lawronry R. Pernirk, Chairoon Moved by Daly supported by Murphy the report be accepted and ICSOliaion 02639 be adopted. The Chairmen requested that Hugh Dohany, County Trensurer, he allowed to add"—, the Board. There were no objections Mr. Dohany addressed the Board AYES: Dearborn, Douglas, Dunteavy. Gabler, Hoot, Hnughten, Kasper, Lerinnn, Mnffitt, Muntante, Murphy. Olson, Page, Patterson. Perinolf, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons. WilCox, Wilson. Aaron. Button, Daly. (24) NAYS: Fortino (I) A sufficient MajUrily having voted was adopted, therefor, the report was aLcepted and resolution 07539 REPORT By nr. . Daly in RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7;40 - APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR RENOVATIONS AT THE FIRST AND THIRD DIVISION OF THE WOO DISTRICT COURT To the Oakland County board of Comm; ss ierlerS Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen; The Planning and Building Committee. by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 2540 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick R. Daly, Chairman .nisc. 7540 By Sr. Daly IN RE: APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR RENOVATIONS AT TOE FIRS/ AND THIRD DIVISION OF THE 52ND DISTRICT COURT To the Oakland County Board of Cummissioners Mr. Chairmen, Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS additional workloads at the first and third Division of the 52nd District Court has created problems in working conditions and mark flow: and WHEREAS yOur Committee has reviewed such conditions with repreSentatIves of the Court and have agreed that certain renovation, are necessary to the efficient operation of the Court; and WHEREAS other alterations are necessary for soundproofing courtrooarS and providing suit- able working conditions for employees. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLvED that $12,000 00 be and is hereby allocated to the Department of Central Services to perform the necessary District Court alterations, as per the attached cost estimates. The Planning mid Building CoamIttee. by Patrick R. Daly, Chairman. NieviS the adoption of Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 3, 1576 282 the foregoing resoiuthon. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Oaly. Chairman One page 1236 for Additional Funding - District Court Expansion FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7540 - APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR RENOVATION OF THE FIRST PD THIRD DIVISIONS OF THE 52ND DISTRICT COURT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule MI-C of tills Board, the Finance Commitiee finds the sumo of $1 ,000 available in the 1976 Capital Program - Miscellaneous Remodeling - 1976. FINANCE COMMIltiE Lawrence R Purnick, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Roth the report he accepted and resolution 17560 be Adopted. Moved by Olson supported by price the resol utinn Cr ailorinded by deletinu I j Rocheslui :jrd 'iofa tor Lounge - $550.00 :i. A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the nation failed. Vote on resolotinn: AYES: 'Douglas. Donlea ,Y. fOrtIno, Gabler. Kasper. Lennon, Montante, Murphy, Nos.14, Olson, Page, Patterson. PerinoII, Price, Roth, Sineons, Wilcus, Wilson, Adrian, Button, Daly, Dear torn. (22) NAYS: Hoot. (I) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolui inn /OW was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Only IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION F7541 - AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS ON THE SMFRiFF'S OFPARfmENT COMMUNICATIONS ROOM RELOCATION To the Oakland [aunty Board of Commissioners Mr. chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen The Planning and Buil:ding Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution 4u. 7541 with the reconmmndation that Ike resnIntion be adopted PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K Daly, Chalf11.,1 /541 Hy Mr_ Daly IN RE. AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS ON THE SHERIFF'S DEPAGIMINT cOMMUNICATLOT17. ROOM RII0t. HON To the Oakland County Board of Connisslonrrs Mr. Chairman, Ladies -old Onnt1enen: WHEREAS the Board .1 CoopoiSSloovi, ad0Oled bes.lerion 0/611, .a.} H. 1916. accepting 4n LEAP Grant in the amount. ol 5312,291.00, fr.- the nc441 ,114to 01 tadio .4410A411 or the Sheriff's Department; and WHEREAS the live (5) employees working out of the present communications room, ndimh has a square feat area of bIS feet. are experiencing overcrowded conditions; and WHEREAS additional space will be required for the newly acquired equipment pin, hosed under the Grant, and WHEREAS g eeeeee security will he obtained for the coemunications operation, If riAncated to anmthea area, and WHEREAS space is now available in the road patrol squad room and the report writint room, Co relocate the communications room, at an estimated cost of $20,000.00, NOW ThEREFOME BF IT RESOLVED that the Central Services Department be and is hereh, author ized in receive bids far the relocation of the Sheriff's coemunication roam and that r report thereon he made to this Board atter receipt and tabulation of such blds. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the mount of $4,000.00 be and Is hereby allocated lo the Department of Central Setvircs to COWRY I he imrediate furnilorn purchases and other cnsts t at will be Incutred in romnletinq drawings and receiving bids. The Planning and Building Comuirtee, by Patrick K. Duly, Chairman, naives ad"n hind the Foregoing ee,o I et ion PLANNING ANG BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. OalY , Chairman“ See Pages 297 and 238 Sheriff's Department - Communication Googol &qui:aline FINANCE COmmITTEL REPORT Hy Mr. Pernick IN RE, MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 17541 - AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS ON THE SHERIFF'S OTPACTMENT COMMUNICATIONS ROOM RELOLAliON To the Oakland County Board Of Ciebei 55 iOrlerS Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. Pursuant to Rule al-C of this Board, the Finance Committee (Inds Ihe sum of 54,00D.00 283 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 3, 1976 available in the 1976 Capital Program - miscellaneous Remodeling - 1976. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R Pernick, Chairman Honed by Daly supported by Simnons the report be accepted and resolution E/541 be adopted. AY(S: Ounleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Houghlen. Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Mnntante, Murphy, Nowak, 01Sun, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Shiver., Wilcox. Wilson, Aaron, Dutton, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas. (25) NAYS: Moot, Patterson. (2) A sufficient majority having voted thevernr, the report was accepted and ilwAllwililw #7541 WO5 AdOpiVd. 7570 By Mr. Daly IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY WATFR Supply AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM FOR AVON TOWNSHIP JOHN R WArIR MAIN EXTENSION to the Oakland ioonty Board ol Co.nissionerS 11w. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7720 this Board of Commissioners approved and authorized the transfer of $S)S.000.00 trom the surplus funds remaining in the Oakland County Wrii, Supply and Sewage Disposal System for Avon Tuwnshio account to construct additional facilities known as the John R Water Main Extension; and WHEREAS puesuant to said authorization the Oakland County Department of Public Works received Construction bids on May 18, 1976, and WHEREAS the low bid was submitted by Dibello Construction Company, 22705 Pallister, St. Clair Shores, Michigan in the amount of $279,071.00. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the contract for the Oakland County Water Supply and Sewage Disposal System for Avon Township John R Water Main Extension be awarded In the- low bidder. OiNello Construction Company, 22705 Pallister, St. Clair Shore, in the asount of $224,021,00 based on unit prices and turtheo that upoll approval of the contract documents by Civil Counsel the (hats- man of this Board is hereby auttvoired to execute said contract. HAMMING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Plicirikin Moved by Daly supported by Shmnons the resolution he adopted AYES • Fort inn. Gabler, Hula, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Mnntante, Murphy, Sliswak. Olson, Page, Pattersnn, Perinotf. Pernick, Price, Roth, Sioninns, Wilcux, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, DonelaS. Ounleavy. (22) NAYS, None. 101 A sufticient majority haying voted therefor, the resolution WAS adopted Misc. 7579 By Mr. Daly IN RE: APPROVAL Or FUNDING FOR REFERINCE LIBRARY IMPROVEMENTS To the Oakland County Board nf kmwdscioncis Mr. Chair-roe, ladles and Gentlemen. WHEREAS the I ;bra, ian tit the County Reference Library has a sinril slat lien IWCaled In an open Area in the liboaly, and WHEREAS the Chairman of the Library Board and the librarian have regmested lhat a small office (IN SQ. ft.) he constructed to provide a location where work can be accomplished without the constant distraction of library users; and WHEREAS such office can be constructed by the Central Services Maintenance Division, at an estimated cost of $950.00 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that $950.00 be and is hereby allocated to the Department o Central Services to construct the above described office. The Planning and Building Committee. by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adopt lino of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Pall Irk K. Daly. Chairman The Chairman referred the' resolution to the Finance Committer. There were no objections. Misc. MO By Mr. Daly IN RE, OAKLAND COUNTY WATER. SEWER AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - ACT 342 To the Oakland taunts Board of C.muissioners Inc. Chairman, Ladies end Gentlemen: WHEREAS there lie norm pending ,eyerat proircts whirl, are vitally necessary for the Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 3, 1976 211A protection of the public health and It is, therefore, essential that the acquisition, construction and financing of such projects proceed as soon as possible; and WHEREAS the terms of Act 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, permit the acquisition, construction and financing of systems of water, sewer or sewage disposal improvements and Services and the pending litigation does not affect or impair the County's ability to issue bonds pursuant to the provisions of said Act 342 to finance the acquisition and construction of water, sewer and sewage disposal improvements and facilities. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, as follows: I. This Board of Commissioners does hereby authorize and direct that there be established, under and pursuant to, and for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred by, Act No. Ti,?, Public Acts of Michigan, 1935, as amended, a county-wide system of water, sewer and sewage disposal improve- ments and services to by known as the Oakland County Water, Sewer and Sewage Disposal System. Y. Ihit Oakland County Drain Cikroissioner is hereby designated Inv ft/Wily anenry 111r the said Oakland Ccunty Water, Sewn, and Sew.mc DI5p0,al System and 01,11 lilac All ol lib. poorgs con- ferred ul..n lire COn411y .merry lip I he Iri or. Act 147. U. Thc 0,11.1 Commission., as 1. y agency is Im.reby .nwl regoesfed lo all steps necescsry to acquire, consituct and finance ( kg and piosnan1 to the p...v4,1.11, Act 342, Public Act, 01 Michigan. 1439, as amended) !hose pmirei,.. who!, Ai, now penainii ,110, A.l 11P,.. and to proceed with the acquisition, construction and 1inancing ot suck additional oat., +ewe; and sewage disposal projects a, may be requested from time to time by cities. villa.nrs .1nd townships within the County of Oakland. The Planning and Roilding Committee, by Patrick 14.. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolutibb. PLANNING AND BUIIOING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. Hosed by Root supported by Olson the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution AYES, Moot, tennon, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth. Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button. Daly. Dearborn, Oringlas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Mil NAYS Gabler. Kasper. McDonald, moffilt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patieison. (9) A soli it' ionl 1.14j1,1 I V 4,0:4 !her...1m I .11,1111 Discussion lollowed Moved by Olson supported by Monlanfe the resolution he amended An adding a Paragraph 4 to read, ''hereby is directed to use thc pepsonnel and larilities of the Oakland ConnlY OVl..te.,1 of Public Works for the Drain Commissioner". Discussion followed. Sr. OlSon requested that Robert d. Fredericks, Chief Deputy Drain Commissicaler, he allowed to address the Buarcl. There were no objections. Mr. Fredericks addressed the Board. Vote on amendment. A sulficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed VoLe on resolution: AYES. Hoot, Hnughten. Kasper. Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montantv, Murphy, bknaal. Page. Patterson. Perinotl, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons. Wilcox. Wilson. Aaron, Dutton, Daly, Deartaiin, Douglas. Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler. (26) NAYS None 10) A sulficient insjority having voted therefor. ihr resolidino was .5,1010 ii Misc.1581 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: THREE MONTH EXTENSION ON FUNDING FOR BACKUP COMPUTER To the Oakland County Board of Comnissioners Mr Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution 17385 of December O. 1975. the Oakland County Board of Commissioners transferred $170,440 of Data Processing equipmeet rental charges for the last nine nunths of 1916 to the Contingency Fund in order to further review programs; and WHEREAS by Misceltrineous Resolution 171.81. 01 March ie. 1974, the Oakland County Board of 085 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 3, 1976 Commissioners allotted an amount of $40040 to fund the Backup Computer for the second quarter of 1576; and WHEREAS an additional three months Is needed to study and review these programs; and WHEREAS an amount of 540,150 is necessary to fund the Backup Computer for an additional three months; and WHEREAS the Computer Services Division has been requested IO eeplore, with sources In the County, the option of providing the equipment and capacity necessary to complete projects already undertaken and report back to the Finance Committee within 60 days. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Finance Committee recommends that the Backup Computer be leased for an additional three months and that the S1,0,I50 necessary for funding be transferred from the Contingency Account to the Data Processing line item in the applopriate depot-1,14:ot% The Finance Committee, by lawrence R Pernlrk, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. A115: koughter, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Monlanie, Murphy, Wweak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinotf, Perhick, Price, Roth, 'Simmons, Wiled*, Wtlsor, Aaron, Mutton, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleasy, Fortino, Gabler, Hunt. (27) NAYS: None. (0) A Sufficient majority having rated therefor, the resolution Was adopted Misc. 75E12 My Mr. Penick IN RE: AMENDMENT TO PROSECUTORS COOPERATIYf REIMBURSEMENT GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Hr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen! lalf MEAS. pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution 17201 of July 23, 1975, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepted the third year of a grant for establishing paternity support for children receiving A. D.C. and investigating CaSE5 of fraud directly related to child support; and WHEREAS a request for additional staff of one Attorney, one Investigator and one Typist was approved by the Department of Social Services for the period of October 1, 1975 through December 31, 1975; and WHEREAS pursuant In Miscellaneous Resolution /7271 of September ll, 1975, the Daklard County Onard 01 COrr.iSS.Onef5 approved the addition of three employees for Ole Prosecutor's CO- operatl ,e Reimbursement Program with all costs other than soft march funded by the State; and WHEREAS the actual costs Associated wills the additional stalf during 1975 allitninl,d tu. 59,988.09, and WHEREAS the Michigan Department ol Social Service, has initiated an avierdeend to the PrOSeCULOr', COOpefaIive Reimbursement Agreement In Ihr amount or 19,908.09 lu cocci the overrun en the original agreeneet; and idriEREAS $9.46f.09 a ril be StIte funded and the balance of 5525.00 County soft match. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the [loan, Committee recommends appr.val di this Grant amendment of 59,928.09. BE IT FURTHER RFSOLVED !hat the Charrnan of the Board of Commissioners bin and is hereby authorized to accept this Grant amendment. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Perri i ck, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Gabler the resolution be Adopted. AYES! Kasper, Lennon. McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, *await., Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, moot, noughten. (27) NAYS! None. 10/ A sufficient malority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. misc. 7583 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: AMENDMENT TO FRIEND OF THE COURT COOPERATIVE AEIRBURSEMEHT GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Connissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen; WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution i6972 of February 6, 1975, Oakland County accepted the fourth year of the Friend of the Court Cooperative Reimbersement Grant; and WHEREAS a request for additional staff of two Court Service Officers and one repist was approved by the Depertwent of Cncial cervices for the period of October I, 1975 through December 31, 1975; and CommIsSioners Minutes Continued. June ), 1976 286 WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneou, Reaolution 07314 of October 14, 1975, the Oakland Courtly Board of Commissioners accepted a grant amendment of $11,396 In fund the additional slat' which was to be picked up by State funding based on a letter from the Michigan State Department .v lr, ial Services; and WHEREAS the Michigan State Department of Social Services failed to follow through with the actual amendment; and WHEREAS the actual costs associated with the additional staff during 1975 a/Worried to 515,473.83; and WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Social Services has initiated an meendment to the Friend of the Court Cooperative Reimbursement Agreement in the amount of $15,4/3_83 tu cover the Overrun on the original agreement; and WHEREAS the anmndment will be 100T State funded and no County lunds ale needed. NOW THEREFORE ci IT RESOLVED that the Finance anmmitten recoamends aturnval .4 this Li ant amendment of 515.473 83- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman nf the Board of Commissioners be and im hereby aut hor i red to accept this Grant amendment. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R Fern i Lk , chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt. Montante, Murphy. Nowak, Olson, Page. Patterson, PerTruff. Pernick, Price. Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron. Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, OunleaeY, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Hnughten, Kasper. (27) NAYS. None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE! OAKLAND COUNTY CRIME PREVENTION BUREAU GRANT - 151 YEAR APPLICAIION TO TME Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed the Crime Prevention Bureau Grant Applicatiun which consists of tree (1) position supplemented by an appropriation tor Overtime to supply additional manpower and an appropriation for operating budget items. The total grant requirement fur the first year period is for 555,830, of which the County portion is $2,792 or 5, balance of 553.038 is from Federal (902) and State (57) funding sources_ The second year carries the same funding breakdown as in the first. In the third year of the program, the County contribution will increase to $0, or approximately 527,515. Acceptance of the thIrd year commitment carries a mandatory agreemeet to continue the program for a lourth year at 100i; County expense. or approximately $55.830 as indicated in the following schedule. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4111 year 10/1/76 • 9/30/77 10/1/7/ - 9/30/78 10/1/78 - 5/30/7g 10/1/79 4/10/8n Cash Federal 450,24/ (90T) 550,247 (907) 527,515 150c.) $ -- State 2.791 (55) 2.791 (581 County 2.792 (52) 2,792 (55) 27,915 (502) 55,830 (IOW) TOTAL 555.830 (100T) 5550330 (100T) $55,830 0007) $5$,830 (100') The above costs are based on current costs and do not reflect any salary test-cases, price Increases, program improvements or staffing adjustments. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernlck, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report: further, that this grant application be referred to the Public Servises Committee, FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman The Chairman referred the report to the Public Services Committee. There were no objections REPORT By Mr. Perni IN RE MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 07323 - COST STUDY ON CONDUCTING AN UPDATED FEDERAL DELFNIIIAL CENSUS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed the subject resolution and has determined there would be no financial benefit for Oakland County by conducting a Decennial Census under current Federal and State revenue sharing and grant programs. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence A. Pernick, Chairman 287 Conmissioners Minutes Continued. June 3. 1876 'Misc. 7323 By Mr. Dunleavy IN RE: LOS! STUDY ON CONDUCTING AN UPDATED FEDERAL DECENNIAL CENSUS Tn the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland has had unprecedented population growth since the last Federal Decennial Census; and WHEREAS the Slate and Federal Revenue Sharing Programs are determined in part by the population as shown by the last Federal Decennial Census: and WHEREAS the County may be losing revenue because the population figure does not reflect actual population of the County. and WHEREAS the feasibility of conducting a special Federal Decennial Census should be studied. NOW tHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Executive be requested to cunduct an Investigation and make a report bad, to this Board of Commissioners as lo the cost of such Censos and the benefits to be derived from a special census. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. JT..s W. OoDleavY. Commissioner District Mr' Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the report he accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. 7584 by Mr. Prrnick IN RE: REVISION TO COUNTY CAR POLICY To the Oakland County isnerd of Colanissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to miscellaneous resolution P7393 ol December 18, 1975. the Oakland COuncy Board of Commissioners adopted a .County Policy on Assignment of County Vehicles", and WHEREAS the policy toe additional vehicles requires the affirmative recommendation of the County Executive and the approval of the Finance Committee; and WHEREAS the policy also states that the Finance Committee shall recommend to the Board of Commissioners an appropriation sufficient to cover the acquisition crust plus monthly lease charges for the balance of the Current year; and WHEREAS there aie outside agencies which have In the past and are presently leasing cars from the Oakland County Garage: and WHEREAS the Oasiand County Board nf Commissioners has no budgetary control over these outside agencies. and WD(REAS the Oakland County Parks and Recreation has made a request to lu.sse one additional vehicle ldumkt truck) from the Oakland County Garage. and WHERIAS the finance [0.1itiVI, reels that Section .5. ol the Courtly Car Policy should nal apply in this instance. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOIVED that the Board of Commissinners authorize an expansion ol tht County Car fleet for the vehicle requested by Parks and Rerreat Ion. BE 11 FURTHER RFSOLVCD that an exception Le made to Section "C . of the County Car Policy and that the funds necessary for the acquisition uf this vehicle be taken from the Garage fund. The flnance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Fortino the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the motion carried ' Misc. 7585 Br Mr. PernIck IN Rt. PATROL VEHICLE FOR INDEPENDENCE OAKS Ti, the Oakland County &nod of Conei ,sinoers At Chairmen. Ladies and Gentlemen; WHEREAS the Coonty .s new park, Independence Oaks ; is opening on Mensirial Day weekend; and WHEREAS the Parks and Recreation Department has requested security patrol services for sixteen hours per day. seven days pet week; and WHEREAS it will he necessary In increase the security patrol vehicles by one unit; and WHEREAS the Parks and Recreation Department has agreed to reimburse the Security Division for the cost of this vehicle on a monthly basis; and WHEREAS the policy states that the Finance Committee shall recommend to the Board of Commis- sioners an appropriation sufficient to cover the acquisition cost plus monthly lease charges for the balance of the current year. NOW THEREFORE BE 11 RESOLVED that $6,395 be transferred from the Contingency Fund to the Garage Fond for acquisition of this vehicle Commissioners minutes Continued. June 3, 1926 288 The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Parnick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. AYES: McDonald, Moffitt, Plontantr, Murphy, Nowak, Otson, Page. Pollersou, rellooff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilco., Nilson, Aaron, Holton, Daly, Dearborn, Nionlos, Dunleavy. Fortino, Gabler. Hoot, Froughten, Kasper. FM NAYS' None. (0) A sufficient majority having noted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Button IM RE, APPOINTMENT OF OAKLAND COUNTY SHERIFF JOHANNES %PREEN AS Mill DEFENSE - DISASTER CONTROL DIRECTOR Tu the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. rharrman. Ladies and Gentlemeo: The Geoeial Government Committee recommends that Oakland County Sheriff Johannes Spreen be nominated a, Civil Defense - Disasier Control Director for Oakland County to replace John Dent. The Geavrol Govilorrent [malt lee roves the accuplanre of the foregoing report. GENFRAI Ginn RNMENT COMMITTEE liohrcr A Dutton, Crciiiman Moved hy Bolton supported by Daly the report I.. a.orpted. Discussion followed. Mr. Pern I ck requested Sheriff Spree., be allowed to address the Board. There wir e mo objections. Sheriff %preen addressed the Board. 'Vote or, accepting the report AYES: Olson, Prrirrulf, Ferric'. Price, Roth, Sire-ions, Wilson. now., Potion, Duly. Dearborn, Drum,, Ire, Fortino, Leueon, (lk/ NAYS frollItt. Mootante. Mkiiptly, Nowak, Page, Pallersoo, Wiley, Donleavy, Gabler , Moot, Houghten, Kasper. MsDunald. (1)) A saftirient 4.1.,ity having voted therefia 111, leport wa, ast,ntod Mr. Button mosinaled Sheriff Johannes Spreen Ps Civil Defense - Disaster fenlrol Drientor to replace John Dent. Seconded by Mr Patterson. Discussion followed The roll call vote was 45 follows. Montante - No Aaron - Johannes F. Spreen Murphy - Na Button -Johannes F. Sprren Nowa'. - No Dearborn - Johannes F. Spreen Olson - Johannes F. Spreen Douglas -Johannes F. Spreen Page - No Dunleavy - Na Patterson - Na Fortino - Johannes F. %preen Periouff - Johannes F. Spreen Gabler - No Pernick Johannes F. Spreen 5104/1 - Na Price - Johannes F. Spruen fkrughten - NO Roth - Johannes F. [preen Kasper - No SiBMKNIS Johannes f. [preen Lennon - Johannes f_ Spreen Wilcox - No McDonald - No Wilson - No Mnffrtt - No The result ol the roll call vote was as follows: Johannes F. Spreen - I] Rio - 14 A sufficient majority not having voted for Johannes F. Spree.., John Dent will remain Civil Defense - Disaster Control Director. 289 Cononissioners Minutes Continued. Jone 3, 1976 RLPOR1 By Mr. Butter 0,1 RE; MISCELLABEOuS RESOLUTION /7504 - ADO:liONAL PROBATE JUDGE FOR OAKLAND COUNTY To the Oakland Count y Board of Control ssionerS Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gent !erne.. The Personne I Cl, lime ,.D411Illis M. Aaron, Cha 1 rman, reoor I h Hi see t I aneons Reel tie ion 07504, after revi INV 01 II, i s,111-1121 cost 5 Of appr,on Imatel y 5110.317 inherent i n I at ad•IN't 1100 t he 1 eso I ut inn. voi I h I he ICLCArroundai lOn tha t the reS0 I ut iun not be adopted. PERSONNF‘ COMMITTEE pennis Ft Aaron, Chairman REPORT by te i IN PC OlScLLLyymcli, iii 001 ill ION 0/504 • ADD] 1 .10NAL F 11101_F FOR 01011 101111 COUNIY To Sun Oakland I iron, y lir, d 01 C,o'ilin',lilnrr Ill . Choi man, Loh,. dud 'ill I Rased 1.111 uoor 1 v., in ohatu Judd, Adams, tire current wor r F load r,f I he Oakland County Pinhole Curer.; mauda v. ar. r.1.1, r. ,n.11 vevl I I shi I l•, 1,•.1 r rr I ntrun 11,r. I .,uri • I. 1. L.,' ; I ion great or 11041 I ,011d,r1,10, II will I 1- I o•,1 to have ..10 I judgt, .-11.1 111 a fIlth probate judge at rno, troy, .i V I CI In. .1 he dal Idol [0011 l y i'ri,..l Cod r ,-11v, Iv. I y di schar-kw i s. ice hood. .Misc. 7504 By Mr. Button IN RE • ADDITIONAL PRIMATE JUDGE FOR. OAKLAND COUNFr lo the Oakland County snard , Choi "Tian, ladies avd Gerd. !enter; v WHEREAS the St ate Snpreme is Lon, i dn r 1111 t he grant ing .r an add i t inna I Probate Jua ne for Oak larri Corr, r y, and WHENS 50 I hr, .,I IS. Mals1.111d 1.10111V1i,11(1 Ha an add i I ionn I Prnbari, 11111 90 be a I 1,,t ted 1 1.1. L.11111 t. i 01 11'.1. (oil h.lIy I I 1' 1,1311 and v ,..,..ront.r1r I hat .1 .1.1 y ri.) ill ye I I 1.11 inn 01 Ill, 1 001 tic at- oris of I h, rt--C.-fmem•101,I ar, airy, rru a I vu 111 it 11.,0,-10 I. • Uy I lie proper 10101 i I. ryes cif The Board show on g thy s ,u,1111, I {HAL 1,10• I it III house the new Now FORE ii ii iii.IILfit,u 'ti ll I ht. I Ar. I I • luor y Goa r rrf Cameros l'orrero he: r eh y rerors1 s t he Final..• I ire, l'n I OA. I I inn n arra lin, IJirui [traIt rue and Pulr 1 ic 1,01vIees I III 11,1.1 ,1111 liI I I Ir• r ri I ,, Iran rri Vr. add i ricer r, 111,00 Probate Judge For Ibk land ovum., Ana ruhr, a hal F. I,. • hi lur.-11 I hr Gen, irron ndo-ii I 1 v on IV Brno.. i A. 11-rit 1Iur1l1lI.lil, rinerv thr• odour 1011 , ureur. i [al id III RAt cd)B111111110 111MM If III k,itrer Bni f hal moor" INANCE [OMNI TTEI RT PORE Of II, Per.l i. IN RE: 901111 11104 pRoRATE JUDGE FOR DAitLAND COUNTY To the do. I .art 1 ., 1 y Board oi Mr. Choi r ! emen: ve has rauierued the I i ••••_a I requirements for an add it Iona ! Probate Judop Inn Oak I an4 I 1 .11.311•Fl solar 1.• s and I i no, 00,11 1/10 FlOe cmplInyeeS are est iotalted at S77,459 ,.1 ul 1,1 ...v.. VS') r I I 11114, Salary 'ti11 In f e loll-poi-5rd by tire State o t Mlehi gan. Operat ing expendi Lures lnrii ,,R111111 I .,1 ,.hiLh apnro.imately $4,000 will L.. first year costs only. ,111-111 I u re needs .1; I , aio nr. j mai r• SS ,Il I) whir 11 r total droll to $99.779 em.lod i n9 space cool, f,",, oIl cc. Lir, 10111, I Ikr,rr, .10,1 1 ty-,11, Ye.-11. 10 year [Ont I nuiny £0.15 Wi ll amount lo apprnK I nal e I y 587,5h9 r Itior spar, 41111 1,111.11111.-iiiiii11 1.0.• Ire or., nreoar.erl by the Department 01 r acil i I Ins and Dnerat roils aria arr. ion I 11,411,,r .1! I I.I• I idle. The f 1,1101 1 i-1,1110 1 1. .0. has I, ruand Ill, 00,1110's groin el try I hr Probate Loup I dill hr i I op I II 4.01 1 reds v hal .r. or I- I r urar ,rerrei .str .1119 rrrIrtrFicO,rI ,irFiI iIional The r , I 11,11010 n ,11,11•110, Lhai rman. ,mbyr..•5 the accept anit, 01 [hi s 1.151” iiNANCE ECIMmITTEE Lawrunce B. Fern rob, Chairman Tor Puh I it Sr n 111.01 1101111i 1 HP eerourun.l., In• ,1•;or I i I.. t i I Prnhate Judge for Clairland Count y Ilu• Pohl it. Sr— v ire, yam., .1 ruu , Huh,. 1', 1r ,I rmrvus r he at-rept ance ciT hr lorndolo9 repo, [11111 IL SIft I 1.111iHI I III nut., r P. j c..e, Jr. , Chairman Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 3, 1976 290 Moved by Button supported by McDonald the resolution be referred to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. Ni5C. 7586 By Mr. Houghten IN RE: MEMORIAL RESOLUTION - JOHN H. BOEBERIT2 To the Oakland County Board of Comnissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: John A. Boeberitr, one of Rochester, Michigan's leading citizens. passed away On KW 29. 1976, at the age of 59, having resided at 347 Northlawn; and He was a former Mayor and city councilman, a Rochester-area historian, and a leader in numerous community organizations, and It 1969, he served es general chairman of the Rochester Centennial Celebration and was Chairman of the Rochester Bicentennial Commission and Rochester Historical Society and was a member of the Oakland County Bicentennial Commission; and John A Boeberite was twice named man of the year by the Rochester Chamber of Commerce. He was president of the 100 Club of Rochester and past president of the Rochester Kiwanis Club. Surviving is his wife. Sally, his nother, Mrs. Anna &Leber-1u, a brother Frank and a sister, Lurilie. John A. Boeberita was a dedicated man, dedicated to his commmity in the iateresIs and best welfareot the citizens of his cromonity and he will he lonn renmmhered. Mr. Chairnwn, I move the adoption of lhe foregoing resolot ion, Fred O. Hooghten, Conmissioner 01,111,1 A Ihe resolution was unaninously adopted. Moved by Button supported by Roth the rules he suspended to correct Ordinance N.. 16 In miscellaneous Resolution No. 7555 adopted by the Board on May 6, 1926. AYES: Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons. Wilcox, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante. (22) NAYS: Olson. (I) A Sufficient majority haying voted therefor, the notion Carried. Moved by Dutton supported by Roth the resolution be amended by 'striking Ordinance #16 and inserting Ordinance 411“. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Misc. 252? By Mr. Aaron IN RE: INIERGOVERNMENIAL FORD HIRING POLICY To the Oakland (minty 11“.1,1 01 Ciamnissionvis Mi. Chairman. Ladies and Genlieren: WHEREAS the Personnel Comeittve has reviewed the esliain o msaodOwi v1.6.1 ,11.111.: review and approval of all intergovemme,tal Fund hii ings; and WHEREAS the Personnel Committee exercises review of personnel policy. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Personnel Committee be directed to review 411 Inter- governmental Fund hirings (e.g. Enterprise Fund and Other Sources Positions) for the CUMMattee'S approval prior to the employment of persons using this funding source. The Personnel Conmittee, by Dennis H. Aaron, Chairman, moVeS the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron. Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Dearborn the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the resolution was adopted. REPORT Sy Mr. Aaron IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOttil ION 07536 - PRIORITY SALARY AND CLASSIFICA1111110 CHANCES Jo the Oaeland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis N. Aaron, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution N.. 7536 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman 291 Cuemissionets Minutes Continued June 3, 1976 "Misc. 7536 By Mr. Aaron IN RE; PAtORITY SALARY AND CLASSIFICATION CHANGES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, WHEREAS numerous requests for equity salary adjustments have been pending for a considerable period of time; and WHEREAS the Personnel Committee, in recommending the salaries portion of the 1975 budget on December 19, 19/4, Indicated to the Hoard that inequities existed in and between certain job LiassificatIons and recunmended that these problems be reviewed when collective bargaining contracts for 1975 were settled; and WHEREAS agreement was not reached on most collective bargaining contracts until very Into In 19/5: and WHEREAS your Personnel Comritree initiated the review of pending departmental salary and classification change requests on February 5, 1576 and are mow recommending only those chorine% determined to he of she highest priority in order to hold down costs within available funds, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that salary rate and classification changes be approved to be effective April 15, 1176 in accordance with the attached list, and that the imireased t.usd of 91C,573 or ree remainrhi of 1976 for the affected budgeted position, by iran,11-ired from it, Classification and Rate Change Item of 1 he 19/6 Dudgyt to thy appropriate departmental salaries hedgeIs The Personnel EoymIttee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves lhe adoption of the foregoing resolution. PER5ONNET COMMITTEE Donnis M Orion, Chairman" One pages 226, 227, 22e, 229, 230 and 231 lot SdllAy rate arid classification changes. Moved by Aaron supported by Roth that resolution 07516 he adopted. AYES: Nowak, Patterson, Perinaff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, WII,on, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy. (22) NAYS: Olson, Page. (2) A suflicient majority basin,' voted therefor, resolution 07516 was adopted. Misc. 2588 by Cr. Aaron IN RE: 513150T INCREASE FOR REFERENCE LIBRARIAN AND LAW LIBRARIAN To the Oakland County Buard of ComndisionerS CiA;rWan, Ladies and Gentleirmn: WHEREAS a classiliration and salary adjactewnt request fnr the Reference Librarian position and A salary adjnidiwni. reooest for the Law Librarian position hove been pending for a crinsidcrable period of !low; and WHEREAS these requests were held alonq with other eoully adjustment requests pending the conclusion of collective bargaining Inc 1979; and WHEREAS your Personnel L,nnuaitlee has reviewed the salary adjustment requests for Loth positions and the classifieatinn redoest for the Relerener Librarian position; and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee recormerlds that the current classifications be maintained but that the salary ranges fur both classifications be adjusted, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the annual salary range fur the classifications of Reference librarian and Lou Librarian he increased as follows: BASE I YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR I, YEAR FROM; IT'7663 -ITTOW 13,150 -11.76.51 ITTIT TO: 13,133 13,724 14,116 4,908 15.5[10 The Personnel [remitter, hy Dennis K. Aaron, Chairman, mrves the adoption or the furetering resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7585 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: ESTABLISH Two (2) NEW CLERK I POSITIONS MIME HOSPITAL To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairmen, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS nursing is the most critical erea in terms of providing quality patient care in tine Oakland County Hospital: and Commissioners NinuteS Continued. June 3, 1976 292 WHEREAS nurses should be relieved from routine clerical work so they may supervise personnel and Improve patient care; and WHEREAS on April 14, 1576, the Oakland County Board of Institutions unanimously approved a motion to request approval of the Personnel Committee for four (4) Clerk I positions; and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed the request and finds that the scheduled move to the new 120 bed Medical Care Facility in July, 1976 makes future staffing needs and projections uncertain; and WHEREAS the total salaries cost for two (7) clerical positions through December 31, MS would be $6,682. NOW rHEREECIRE BE if RESOLVED lhat two (2) new budgeted Clerk 1 pnsitions be eslahlished for the hospital with the understanding that these positions be sublest to review by tlm- Pt' s, ..... el Committee in one year. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption DI the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis H. Aaron, Chairman The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee Moved by Matlatt supported by Button the resolution be referted bock to the Personnel Committee for I ur I her study, There were no objections. The Chairman stated the resolution would be referred to the Personnel Committee first; the Personnel Committee %mold send their report to the Eieaece Committee and the Finance CcmmIttee would report back to the Board. There were no objections. Misc. 75110 by Hr. Aaron IN RE: IPA GRANT - PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION, LABOR RELATIONS TRAINING FOR LOCAL UNITS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS the Personnel Department has been advised that a grant is available tor training elected officials and employees of local government agencies in Personnel Administration; and WHEREAS a recent survey conducted by Oakland County revealed that of the 62 hiedl govern- mental agencies coutacted, 48 agencies cited a specific need lot a Iraininq pro.iram in Personnel Administration and alsu indicated that they wOold attend this type of traietng program; Jed WHEREAS the resells of this training program will henefit the individual participants and management 01 the 23 laweships. 76 cities and 12 villages located ie Oaklaed County; and WHEREAS 1hr elected and oPPoi.trd officials .n 11 iWCORW mire versed in theit iesimnsibil- Ries and aspects of Personnel Adminishatinn and Lahr, Rel.itions. and the supervisios 144'/simnel once cillLie,t in the ognajrmwer of employee relariuus, aud WHEREAS it is anticipated that the Intergovernmental Personnel An LIM) etaut Inelget will allow four 141 une-day training sessions to train 25 partic4Int, each at a cost n4 $10.00 pci participant; and WHEREAS receipt of the grant and resultant training will entail only salt .4., in by the Cuonly and will not reatite additional Ceunty funding; NOW THEREFORE AL IT RESOLVED !tat the Personnel Depaltment cmmplote application loc IPA grant fundin9 lor the purpose of training local government nfficials in the area ol PI, ,ullnel Administration. The Personnel Conmittee. by Dennis H. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of ihe foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman 711 7) 7111 10P 293 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 3, 1976 DUUCLT NON- FEDCItht. FEDERAL. Turn A, 1 01,1 Di 10-:::/11111. X 1 1 .t. Coo/ di. nor •• A 3 Sur ary - ./(17./mo. 1 Strom, /Clerl. - 7117/nul, 7.4 - 31,1,1c jot, 164 lo (4 O. 1 t Sill h. 11,M,It - 67 e Cuurdirlatim SOO mi. 0 15t Semluar - mi. 0 16c $ 11%0 $ 11511 1,412 1,451 250 Tat )07 1h/ 04(1 VU 1.1/7 1,11, 4,/46 4 ,15). 10 1; 19 39 loA 104 C. .Lm'tfRACTUy. UftIverultivu a.) Causullauls Leader% (11) lecleding fees, travel, lodgiorl, mats, mist. 3,000 1,000 4,000 1 000* 4,000 D. SUVPFIRTIVE SERVICL5 1 Office Spare 210 sq. fl. 41 6.50 yr.14 nu, 2 - Telephone tam lollop, tin - rot Si:milli! Silus , 150.00 6 Supplier; 0,1.3 IIII”CMAi tuna! Iq,a,-Oh - a - hsok , I .C, or.) 6 • Re.o ,1 4 day, l5,00.t 1.011 • 455 455 150 150 (4111 100 100 ion SDO 100 71,0 1110 $1,111 $ 7,-111S 1111 • .01.•1111: 51.,11/9 111 by onor 1 sogl of $5.11/9 in 111.11111 .('50 1, ,1 n1 1,0,1! 1.10 .tito-41 (ml, 1,11..riitai to p ,i1t1r.int loi tio "III .1111.11., 111-.1-I 11 lo Moved by Aaron supported by LennOn the resolution be referred to the Finance Committee. There were no objections, Iii'.'.. 7591 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: REELASSIFICATiON OF ONE (I) MAINTENANCE EAAOREA (E.E.T.A.) POSITION 1N THE TRUSTY CAMP DIVISION OF ENE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT TO WORK RELIEF FOREMAN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Trusty Camp currently has one authorized Maintenance Laborer ((.E.T.A.) position, and WHEREAS reclassifying this position to Work Relief Foreman mill provide a more appropriate classifocation necessary tor recruiting a Qualified employee to supervise Inmates incarcerated at the Trusty Camp while wmrking on various project, outside of the Camp; and WHEREAS the Narotenance Laborer position can be upgraded to Work Relief Foreman without significant impact on total C.E.T.A. funding; and Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 3, 1976 254 WHEREAS the Personnel Committee has reviewed this request and determined the Wort' Relief Foreman classification to be more appropriate to the duties and responsibilities of the rec.ition, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (1) Maintenance Laborer (C.E.t.A.) position in the Trusty Camp Division of the Sheriff's Department be reclassified to Work Relief Foreman (C.E.T.A.) position with the flat annual salary of $9,450. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis H. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adnptinn of the forerminn resolution. PERSDNNE1 COMMITTEE Dennis M Aaron, Chairman The Chairman announced pursuant to Rule 01-E the matter shall be laid over to the next regular Board meeting. Misc. 7592 By Mr. Murphy IN RE: REIMBURSEMENT OF ELECTION COSTS - 24DI DISERIUT SPECIAL ELECTIONS - COUNTY COMMISSIONIR To the Oakland County &feed of Commissioners jr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board ol CufrOssiuoms Old ía ii In v,wici,v it ., under the law in the ratter of appointing a persOn to rill A vacancy nu the Oakland Csc,v ly h.41/1 14 Commissioners; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board Of Comdssioners did call for a special Election Co iril a vacancy on the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, specifically In the 24th District; and WHEREAS said election, both Primary and Genera', did cost the taxpayers of this county 512,582.813, and WHEREAS $0.564.7/ of that cost was borne directly by the taxpayer, of the 24th District through their local government units; and WHEREAS said local units of the 24th District did express their opposition to the Special Election to the Oakland County Board of COmmiSsiOneisi and WHEREAS further the action taken by the Oakland County Board ol commissioecrs did ca.,c the citizens Of the 24th District to be without elected representation for the petiod !tom Octobso. 1975 through March, 1976; and WHEREAS the voter turnout for both the Primary and General Election was less than 152 in each and representing a cost of S8.24 per vote in the Primary (421 and a cost of $2.17 per vote can in the General 114 - 1. and WHEREAS by the Adoption of this resolution the Oakland County Hoard of Commissioners would admit its error in judgment in calling for a Special Election and convect Ow situation by payment to the local units the amount expended by Said units by the conduct m the Special Election. NOW THEREFORE HE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Ni? to the local units in the 24th District the amounts equal Mt the cast incurred by said units iii the conduct of the Special Election. Dennis L. Mulphy, Commissioner District '24 the Chaettion referred the resolnlion to the Finance Cimmitter. Mr. lenoon objected to the referral. The Chairman stated a 'yes' vote would sustain the objection and d 'no' vol.• wowid Ioi the resolution. AYES. Lennon. (I) NAYS Page. Patterson, Per tnoff Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons. Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Oearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, NOW. Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak. (221 A sufficient AajorIty not having voted therefor, the objection was not sustained and the resolution was referrra in the Finance Coemillee. Misc. 7593 By Mr. Wilson IN RE: INCREASED COUNTY FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR YOUTH ASSISTANCE CASE WORKER To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. thairemn, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the City of Mare! Park created the first Youth Protection Program in Oakland County, which has been used as a model for the development of the Current county program; and WHEREAS the City of Hazel Park is the only community participating in the salary and fringe cost of their Youth Assistance Case Worker, their share being 3/5 of such cost, and WHEREAS the City of lapel Park now feels that the increased case load for their Youth Assistance Case Worker would I additional county financial participation; and WHEREAS the City of Hazel Park is desirous of retaining the basic autonomy of their program. THEREFORE BE It RESOLVED that the County of Oakland hereby Increases their share nf the salary and Fringe Lust 101 thr Nazet Park Tooth Assistance Case Worker from 2/5 10 3/5. 295 Cociraissioners Minwtes Continued. June 3, 1926 I hereby move the adopt ion of the foregoing resolution. Dana F. Wilson, Commissioner District 19 The Chairman referred the rest:Sullen to the FInerm.• Lommi t tee. There were no objection,. Misc 7594 By Mr. Nowak IN FIB. RECONSTITUTION OF OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS To the Oakland county Board of Comini i.5 loner, Kr, . Chap roan, Ladies and Cent lumen. WHERFAS dier of wel I - rlformert penplo and a rharther or cowl-11y no i ssione s of both tiarl roni t tate cotosntEtnse I onthU the f fctct veness of the present 07 t,-Pier Hoard of ChhHo ,U,irir rt, and WhlfltlfV, dllrlriq t H year sPrc hln I the. eleL ed Huard fontmi ssirtners ender the leadership or r, h part i i• • , there 1:0. hero, li,ider able Ind undue pat, sans h tp es h n tea; and 10111 PitH T tr, , ,,o, o provi•r, I to be 070 large and rtrottitslay :tad, ss .tr, with 'the e,t r .1 1 1 ,.- - NSW T nii Hr IT 11,1.11 H Oa 4 ,11.1.1 C0111,1} U.7.11.1 L.', I 1, 1.11 11. I. • 1114., I • .•.1 r, s ,to tlr,r, 11,1!..1.11.n.1 y ha, ol fo 11 Irt thu theta .1 non vote has i o,aid 111,11 the A,nhers r lei_ ten in the In I,,oi iii .113111-1C( , hie, from pad to...hot-ea JinlrioL, la, he e I et.le.1 I he Same yea, an the Governor the HIt rd. ot MIchinan: and rhnt ek.r111 rrILIilhrred d tstr liras to he elected in the ,air year at. cave uf the United State, and That the members be elected on a non-part I san br,si 141 (Pill 1,14r.., I move the adnal ion of I he foregoing resolul me 'at rich m Nowat, Commis5loner District 425 Mr P-1,.0,1. Hoe ie•.olui ion le ref,' rt d to I In Coot: 1 Ca,ter rtrteril Conlin; There 15, sr 7595 E.., Mr A.,ron IN lii hiRIT SYSirm 1111 F' - PD11F1141 0!) VIlIFY 111 I II, ill°. I ant, C lc , !I • r WU( RI 4} ;11 i • n1 1 ..1 1 h, I y. I Oa r y 11n1"yi, I s.111 i11' I.r'IIIIII i ii put 1 ILA asi ho. ..1111 II, ...lig .11111-J 1•01I..ru, arid 0141 11/A r tote d, t ph- Melt' .yst es, to 1,111 p,s1 • I iL a I a, t ut I -it ("not y ttinortloyttos 00011 so, It oo trr. LIII 1904 ,,n••.1 1 1.• 11,1 OH II y rJ,i lanohly of (lat. lord 111,1 i 1,i .,iiil.I4II,,r i!r loll poi It tr a cant] a.1,- ta 1,t, I 11 rio II 11 ....tit h.i I 111.- 11c, i,ted directly thec Peclur.LtIr- NIVO 1NERE vnat BE IT RESOLVED that the Fir %urine] Commi iew the Meth riy,tron role, - 1.1 pc1i it intl .LCiin.III, and make kio h neces,ork reconimendai ion, 1 or champ. as. sha 1 I he rorittirod It. prtoser or I hi- 1,1 -pr I of the Ktsrt I riy k ten, Dennis TI. Aaron, Cormmisaioner Di'Iri,I HIT The Eh., rrtin ri• el. ed I he rt-sh Pillion tin I he Personnel (.1)1,1111 tee. There oere ni objec t ion,. Move,t ii ichrtort hopper cd Lr Murphy Lie' Board adjourn unt i I Jane 17, 1976 at 9:30 A.M. A ka 1 lent ,a in, voted therelor, the 11111 100 carried. Thu Botril .t.1 niol al I r I yon IL Ai len Al vkailite, I. Pei i E ha OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING June 17. 1976 meeting called to order by Chairman Alexander C. Perinofi at 930 A.M. in [Ix. Auditorium, 1200 Worth Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by Mr. HOOIL Pledge of Allegience to the Flag. Roil called. PRESENT, Aaron, Button, Daly, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Root, Houghten, Kasper. Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt. nontante, Murphy. Nowak, Olson, Page. Patterson, PerInoff, Pernick, Pricv. Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. (26) ABSENT. Dearborn. Cl) Quorum present. Moved by Patterson supported by Pernlck the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as printed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Aaron supported by Daly the Journal for the April Session be approved and closed and the April Session stand adjourned sine die. A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the •OE!. carried. JUNE SESSION "re 17. 1976 Meeting called to order by Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff. Roll called. PRESENT, Aaron, Sutton, Daly, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Pontante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Per noff Fern i ck , Price, Roth. Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. (26) ABSENT: Dearborn. (1) Quorum present. Moved by Per/lick supported by Button that the Item on the Supplemental Agenda be approved. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Chairman vacated the Chair. The Vice Chairman took the Chair Mr. Perinoff on behalf of the Board extended congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. William Patter on their golden wedding annly rrrrr y and offered the following resolutions: Mile. 7596 Ily Mr. Perinoff IN RE, RESOLUTION Of CONGRATULATIONS DM THE GOMM WEDDING AMNiVERSARY OF WILLIAM AND MABEL PATTERSON WHEREAS William T Patterson and Mabel Marie Wilson did take their solemn marriage vows 50 years ago on June 10. 1926; and WHEREAS Bill and Mabel have lived it 211 H. Brood Street, Clawson, since 'heir blessed wedding dry: and WHEREAS as a result of this beautiful wedding, nurtured in heaven, there was produced too fine sons -- Bill, isto operates a Pharmacy In Oxford. Michigan; and Robert, who is an engineer with Kai ,ar Su.] Donaany i n Californi a __ also in turn here blessed Bill arid Mabel .11h eight beautiful grandchildren: Marjo, Teri, Jean, Kristine, Richard, Michael. Douglas and Barbara Ann; and 297 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 17, 1976 WHEREAS Bill and Nebel lived, dived and toiled together for 50 years and have involved themselves in community and neignhahi.d Affairs; Bill haviatt served on the Clawson City Council fcr 7 years and served for many yen ls in the Boy Scouts, receiving the Silver Beaver Award in recognition of his service, dad Ma...ei having served as a member and President of the Clawson's Womens' Club, and NOW THEREFORE BF IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioaers extend, it, want hearty conqr•tu I at i ons to B. 1 and Mabel Patterson on the orcas ion of their both Wedding Anniversary and conveys to them and their family if, behl wishes for theft continued iju.nd well-being and happiness. In Witness Whereof we have hereunto pieced our signatures and raunrd the Seal .1 Ilir County of Oakland to be affixed ihls lith day nf June. 1976. Alexander C. Periroll. Chaitvon ge via t d F Lennon. V i cr.-Ch.] I r mat: The resOlaTion cci nilinilmusly adopted. Misc. 7597 By Hr. Perineff IN RE: RtS0101iON 01 IONDRFS,P4110N% FOR 00101101111 AND MAL SLIFFLRING IN 50 TEARS OF MARRiAta tn A LORM004tON COMMISSIONER WIlIbEAS MaLul :11,1 ,u, 'he past 50 YealS of Oarrind 11 Fr. van Ifvod a hoot inter-est.:is! dud excilimc 1,ugn I m, Lh their Nuceymoon, in shut hill boob Mabel on a cunoe gide On lake Ofi(4, ahd p over the canoe and nearly drowned nis new bride; and WIMPEA5 4S year, , ail. , ,is br.de that ru has ysaytawed the AFT of canoeina, and she loyally and fluStiv,I, I. o Cflalue he promptly SwaMpeA bet Sir.- oven leaving the leach arc-a. and Haslet nun. Iii -11-. • luurl Old lint will 'lever learn how to maneuver a canoe', and Bill replied, '4 goes, 11 ,g1 , be ,Inner 40 year:. befote Isabel goes canoeing with me again." WHEREAS Mabel Patterson teatteled :nese canoe mishaps because she dutifully accepted her husband's word that he knew what ve oil doing; and WHEREAS Bill PalLerson 1,1 a Ca11011 trip In She ralure. NOW THEREFORE Bf II RlSOIlTh .re Board of Commissioners hestnws upon her this memento on the occasion of the Pattetson', Golder, aeddleg Anniversary. • golden Ille jacket to 4c1410 IV, afloat on all future canoe trips ana i4 her AspFlaile. Bated at Pontiac. MichiyAn. June 17, 1976. Aleaander C. Per null. thartoan Don mash F Lennon. li.e lhal n upoU The resoltdrem was w.mdird. a,luoe4 The Chaitson Jto.1...ed A fd,..s. .idnate recess arld reLhnvehea al 10:03 A M. misc. 750 by Mr. Pernirk IN RE: COMPUTER SERVICES Pc[ II r Ialinfat lu the Oakland Cuardy boar , .a Cno Mr. Chairman, Ladies mrd Gent I eom klMEREA5 the Finance is. con.: unCti, with the Technical Advisory Comniltee, have extensiveI , reviewed the riakland Laapnter Sca.rice, operation; end WHEREAS your Co-molten Is. 1- t ha I it would be in the best interest of the bounty 1rn estahl is • statemmnt of ochry rega.d.ng CUP,A111, serviceS ROW THEREFORE BE IT RESOtian that the Board of Commissioners adopt the following a-. Its computer service, policy I. That the lint item tor "Data Processing Development. in each departmental budget be supported each year by ShhhleMehtal pruieLl detail, including such intormation as the following-- peso-int...et of tbe PrUjE, (Ont.. to be incurred during the cutrent year, the budget year, and at least one year beyond. with Yepatate detail fur developmental expense and operating expense. Anticipated savings or othet benefits, with clear indication as to where, when, and hots the savings are to realized. Projected equipment requirements by year, including sppropriate measures ol computer ICPU) usage. 2. That data process.ao develop ail octagonse method for measuring workload belno OlOCrl,rd through the computers ahd ;Me oosioadh prniected for latnre periods. 3. Thai Computer Se.vIces submit suPPleneniAl justification to the Finance Committee lilt any sat-were packages to be acquired and installed so that the financial impl Cat ions can be considered In advance and presented to the hoard. 4. That a program be developed tor monitoring and evaluating the two computer systems Mma in use. 5. That an adequate capability tr develnped I. i,no rsnge planning, incite, . a, projection in terms Of hardware and software that will be needed 6. That Budget and Management bepartment develop • method of auditing cost benefits of on-line display terminals arid remote printers Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 17, 1976 290 7 That uniform lease expirations be developed for major hardware so that the County ha% the capability to periodically bid for equipment. B. That an independent review of computer facility security should be prepared and presented to the Planning and Building Committee as quickly as possible. 9. That a sub-committee of the Finance Committee be established with a goal of meeting frequently with data processing officials to review projects and issues of the nature of those set out in the above policy statement, to keep generally abreast of the latest developments of concern to the County, and to report their findings periodically to the Finance Committee Such sub-commItu, to be comprised of three members and appointed by the Finance Committee Chairman on a bipartisan bash The Finance Committee, by Lawrence PernIck, Chairman, moves the adoption or the foregoing resolution F1NANCl COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pyroick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. Moved by Button supported by Daly the resolution he ammoded in the fast uf Heel to read, ''Such Sub-committee to be comprised of four members, two from each party ,qq..id01,1 try thl• Finance Cocmitlee Chairman.. Vote on amendment: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried, Vote on resolution as amended. A sufficieet majority having voted therefor, the resolution as amended, Wd, adopted. Misc. 7599 By Mr. Pernick IN RE, OAKLAND COUNTY CHILD CARE BUDGET To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to provisions of Act 280 of the Public Acts of 1975. which became effectii , on January I. 1976, an Office of Juvenile Justice Services was created to develop and set policies, procedures, and standards for a comprehensive unified system of Service, to Juven.le, And to devrioe a State plan; to prescribe powers and duties, to establish a comrission, to , system for funding juvenile services, and to repeal certain acts and parts of act, anJ WHEREAS the Office of Juvenile Justice Services is required Itt develop A ,AtO 16,n1 and budget for the Juven I Justice System, and WHEREAS the Act requires the County to develop and submit a plan and budael tor the fur diant of foster care services to the Office of Juvenile Justice Services within 6 months aft., the effect.. • date of this Act and annually thereafter; and WEREAS the Oakland County Probate Court. Juvenile Division has developed a foster care services budget for the States' fiscal year October 1, 1976 through September 30, 197); and whEuLP.5 the Finance Committee has reviewed this budget and found it to be reasonable in light oF current projections; and WHEREAS submission of this budget to the State does not commit County funds in any way. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the finance Cumiljttee reconsmods the sohmismun of this budget to the State Office of Juvenile Justice Services. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners be authorized to sign the Budget-Program Development and Certificatino_ The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. PernIck, Chairman. WIVO% thr adopilno .1 the fore,,,". resolution. FINANt4 rOMMITTIE lowerence R. Petnist, thaliman COUNTY CHILD CARE - TOTAL BUDGET SUMMARY for Office of Juvenile Justice Services COUNTY Oakland fISCAL YEAR October 1, 1976 thru September 30, 1977 TYPE OF CARE TOTAL COST I. FAMILY FDSTER CARE 3 30,65ff II. INSTITUTIONAL CARE 11.296.720 III. IN-HOME CARE -D- ig. INDEPENDENT LIVING 5.310 V. ADOPTIVE SUBSIDY 28,000 VI. STATE WARD CHARGEBACK 465,000 GRAND TOTAL 5..100.6813 Less 6 LETA Positions 6 Fringe 93.517 Net Total 5,017,151 299 Commissioners Minutes Continued. Jane [1. 1916 BULtiET-PROqRAM flNELOPMENT AND CERTIFICATION The L.„„i„,s;,,,„,i Iri,cr ter L ir Je.,re bunget presented above. Signed Presidio,' Juane r, • Court. Jdveni 0; SiOn Dale iouatt, Dir.-erne pf ft-a; ,1 erulles Dale I certlf.. that t he F.od,,, I ed above represents an ant iLipeted e,,pendi turn Ii scel year October 1, +976, 3(, 1977. Signed r --7.7"—C.77 77,1 'ITT-. tor the Moved by Pe.dirm. L ,0 A , h, I on he sOopted- ke ES ; 'PAT ,•,, .• inn, Rr Ii '.fntucniiu , Ailne, Aaron, Hutton, Daly, u.n it, cmli. K,soe, PIc1IiIl mon t ant e , Murphy , 0150,,, Paw . 0.2) NAT',: Mw, • L •r, !IL he . A:MO tOli REPOPT By A.. Per IN Rf ...11kthhi) CnUelY ir.n1 A F - 1 F 'W141 ( To the W.!. I and r•a L nn,- , PA. • Mr. trial r L.rn , 1 t, 0 1 It inn F ' 7ok, II, 7' i nnonv !, . •., , Lai 1.11..ruunt y Nadi,, system ariathe I 'flan, ,, • •0 1 :1 -0F. • k c:. ima nj 1 /, 1 5 mJal Li be naqiti. ad to °gulp BOtsfOrd General . 1S,d; one mi. io . a, , ford and 4; BedUMOO1 wi th hasp stations, related rya 1 AO.: to i .,. l ,u,1 (he Febi., al r t,, rn tIre ,18•957 .50 and the Hite obtive .11<.11(1..nn..d hosPitais a". ^ed u. 1.0,0 9 7.. 137 iii lit CUOnt y runi, wOuld r oqui r,d 11110 an In the future af a resu : of th., ,ian: The Cnnance Connoltee 1.nwrer,c, R Pernict, moves the acceptance nil This tiscaf report COM.:1 TEl Tht2 eye t • • ' . . ,l._er t . I h.,. cet . 1,1 lOC Mis,. 760o 0, Mr hernia IN 11,1 D47,4 oRDC.E ,..,1 t• ". • .,1:•Filk I [GOAT To dye Oat land Ci II . :• moo I .• Mr. r Marl Lad net Ar.,. 1,e,i I AILEREAS tint.I er.d _grit - • • L tt,pn t. ted ,A be inslalisd. .111 atiflifAtt this yystem iii autueLt o ally process certain present manual lanst ions, al low new Output functions, reduce storage spate, hsrdle new grtiwth and release 3 5 positions ts handle other duties; and ww(11Eas tht tuna, nef.essary itt, this project urn, afai table i n Inc Dare Professing Depai tment t • Development Costs tot rep..., re a Chanye in the present pi ion it, schedules; and 141MILS e,1 ..ntetted yosts far imoleml-nt any this progran for 1976 will be 516,668 and costs for 1971 approsismately 531,689, met WMCREms aursuant t d tit scot I anutos Resoluc.on 07385 of. deceremem Ia. 19/5, the Oak land Cutlery Board of Lortent.sioterry adopted a pal t. , that all new development prapr ants undertaken b y Data Proce,...in4 must be re ,iemed by the I nance Connittee for appropriate cast justification prior 10 ifs implementatiot and 611611155 irtaf Cinder., Ioen1 tee Is, .re, iewea this program and rasteemenOs /ha installation. NOM 111(11(fORE SE 1i Xt .-GO/EC that it, finance Committee recommends the Installation et Data Prur-cssing System for the S2r..1 Di. r,Lt C nert S En be .mplereenteLt in the Walled Lake On v s ion on July I, 1976, .n the v1st-r .an ,h,ym,nI I 1976, and in the Clact•Stan Division Oft Sept eiebei I 19/6 at a COSI /0, 1976 ml 516,469 itt.str,1 ffndsact L.1,h In tn the 1976 Di St 'let Court Budget line Item - Data Process in g-Develttpentrit Lnn.nS The Finance ; 11sc . an la., e,Le IF, Vert.; . Chairmen, moves the acceptance of the i'aregOing esolut isn r1144141i COMMITTEE Lawren. r. • —A Lbal clean Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 17, 1976 350 Moved by Pernlck supported by Lennon the resolution be adopted. Mr. Page requested that the Finance Committee keep this under review and to be sure that the savings that are projected In this resolution are effective. AYES: Perinoff, Per-nick, Privy, Roth, Stepsons, WIWI, Aaron, Button, Daly, Douglas, Dunieavy, Fortino, Gabler, Moot, Noughten, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt, mortante. Murphy. Nowak, Page, Patterson. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. .111sc. 7593 By Mr. Wilsnn IN Rt. INCREASED COUNTY FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR YOUTH ASStSTANCE CASE WORKER To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen! WHEREAS the City of Hazel Park created the first Yonth Plore,tion dokkond County, which has Emun aSed as a eodel or the drvchummut ol the corivro suurity prouloo, and WHEREAS the City ul hetet Park is the only noramonIts participating in tha solory ood fringe cost of their Youth Assistance Case Worker, their share being 3/5 ci cact, co..1, and WHlItfAS the City ot Hazel Park now feels that the increased case load tor [Irv!, Ybuth Assistance Case WorCer would warrant additional county financial participatinik and WHEREAS the City of Hotel Pan i in desirous of retaining the basic autonomy of their program, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of ()attend hereby increases their share of the salary and fringe cost for the Hazel Park Youth Assistance CAse worker ttom 2/5 to 3/5. I hereby move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Dana P. Willson, Commissioner District 09- FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Hr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7593 - INCREASED COUNTY FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR YOUIN ASSISTANCE CASI WORKER To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mt. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, Pursuant to Role KI -C of this Board, the Finance tnmmirtce find, the ,11111 $2,030.43 ayallable in the Contingent fund in the 1976 Oak/and County Bodyet. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrrme A Purnick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported Icy Patterson the rupurt hc accepted and rn.snlolioo hn adopted. AYES: Pernick. Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Italy, Ounleavy, rcrt[no. Gluier, Hoot, Houghton, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, D1 ,on, Page. Putt, son, Perinott . (22) NAYS: None. IO) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and tesolution 07593 was adopted REPORT By Mr. Button IN RI, RECOMMENDATION FOR LIBRARY BOARD APPOINTMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladles and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee recommends the reappointment of Hope Tyrell to the Oakland County Library Board at the expiration of her present term on August 24, 1926. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Bottom, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman Moved by Button supported by Simmons the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Mr. Sutton n.esinated Mope Tyrell to the Oakland Ccernty Library Board. Mr. Roth seconded the nomination. Mooed by Button supported by Moth that nominations be closed. 301 Commissioners Minutes Continued, June 17, 1976 A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on eppoinfment7 A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Hope Tyrell was reappointed to the Oakland County Library Board at the expiration of her present term on August 24, 1976. REPORT By Kr. Button IN RE_ MISCELLANEOUS RESCRUTION P7504, ADDITIONAL PRORATE JUDGE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: Tim General Government Committee reports Miscellaneous Resolution F3604 and aviSes that no action can be taken at thi, t..ne due to the expiration of the deadline for candidate filing. The General 6overnment Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the mcapfnnce ol ttm foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A Dutton, Chairman "REPORT By Mr. Aaron IN RE; MIsfUtANEOUS RESOLuToON #7504 - ADDITIONAL PROBATE JUDGE FOR OAKLAND COUNTY To the Oakland (aunts Board uf Coren.issroners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. The Personnel COnoli[tee, by Oenn,s K. heron, Chairman, reports MIsceilaeouus Resolution I7504, after review of the personnel casts of approximately 5110,317 inherent lo the adoption of the resolution, .1 0, tire reconnerdatlim that the resolution not be adopted_ PERSONNCL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Cheirman u 'REPORT By Mr. Price IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION $7604 - ADDITIONAL PROBAH JUDGE FOR OAKLAND COUNTY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies end Gentlemen: Based on a report by Probate Judge Adams, the current workload of the Oakland County Probate Court mandates ay additional judge position. It in°141d be noted That ii. 960, when the Loamy "officially' has a population greater than 1,000,000, it will he required co have six probate judges. The addition or a filth probate judge at his time will allow Ehe Oakland an- r -fealty Probate Court to alcae effectively discharge its caseload. The Public ierxices COOMIttee recommends Ihe approval of the additional Frubate Judge for Oakland County. The Public Services Commi I tea, Hubert Pr ice, Jr., Chairman, gOve4 the acceptance of the foregoing report PINLIt SERVICES COMMIE gubert Price, Jr., Chairman" "Misc. 7604 By Hr. Sutton IN RE ADDITIONAL PROBATI JUDGE FOR OAKLAND COUNTY in the Oakland County board of Conis,ionels Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS the State Supreme Court is considering the granting of an additional Probate Judge for Oakland County; and WHEREAS the Probate Court 01 the County of Oakland has requested that an additional Probate Judge be allotted to Oakland County because of the increasing heavy caseload; and WHEREAS your COnmitLee ha, diligently considered said request; and WHEREAS your Cormittee recommends that a study and investigation of the ramifications of the recomendation fur an additional Probate Judge be made by the proper committees of the Board showing the fiscal ability to mee, this need, and that Cl.. facilities necessary to house the new Judg and the related personnel are available. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby requests the Finance Committee, Personnel Corenittee, Planning and Building Comitttee and Public Services Comittee to study and investigate the ramifications of the addition of a new Probate Judge fnr Oakland County and to report back to this Board. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing tarsal ut 1011 GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman" "FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr Pernick IN RE: ADDITIONAL RPBOATE JUDGE FOR OAKLAND COUNTY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairmen. Ladies and Gentlemen The Finance COPPILEee has reviewed the fiscal requirements for an additional Probate Judae for Oakland County. Estimated salaries and fringe costs for five employees are estimated at 577,455 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 17, 076 302 of which $16,349 of the Judge's salary will be reimbursed by the State of Hichluan. Operating ev- penditures will amount to $8,160 of which approximately $4,000 will be first year costs only. Furniture needs will cost approximately $11,210 which brings total costs to $99,779 excluding space costs for office, jury room, library and court room. Year to year continuing Lost.. will amount tu approximately 07,669. Floor space and rearrangement costs are being prepared by the Department of Facilities and Operations and are not finalised at this time. The Finance Committee has reviewed the revenues generated by the Probate Court and in its opinion finds that an additional Probate Judge will not generate any significant additional revenue. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the acceptance of this repo ,. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman" Moved by Button supported by Daly the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the report was accepted. REPORT If Mr. Sutton IN RE: RECOMMENDATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO PERSONNEL APPLAL BOARD To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen! The General Government Committee recommends the appointment of Patrick K. Daly to Oakland County Personnel Appeal Board. The General Government Committee, by Robert Ii, Button, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregolny report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman Moved by Sutton supported by Lennon the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the motion carried. Mr. Button nominated Patrick K. Daly to the Oakland County Personnel Appeal Board. Mr. Lennon seconded the nomination. Moved by Button supported by Roth that nominations be closed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried Vote on aPPointmc.,, A sufficient sainmrity having voted therefor, Pat, ci It. Daly was appointed to the Oakland County Personnel Appeal Board. Mr. Houghten reguested the Board to accept his resignation as a member or the Planning and Building Committee. Moved by Kasper supported by Button the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the appointment uf Dennis L. Murphy to the Planning and Building Committee. Moved by Lennon supported by Sutton the Board accepts the resignation ot Fred. O. HOughten as a meeber of the Planning and Building Committee. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the notion caroled. Vote on suspending the rule,: AYES, Price, Roth. Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dsuglas, Donleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Noughten, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt, Mrintante. Murphy, Nowak, Page. Patterson, ferInoft, Pernick. (01) NAYS. Olson. (I) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Kasper supported by Button that Dennis L. Murphy be appointed to the Planning and Building Committee A sufficient majority having voted therefor. Dennis L. Murphy was appointed to the Plannin, and Building Committee. Misc. 7601 By Mr. Button IN RE7 SUPPORT OF H R. 1072 - PUBLIC WORKS WEL To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS proposed federal legislation as contained in NA. 1072, Public Works Bill, would 303 Commisslooers Minutes Continued. June 17, 1976 authorite the Secretary of Commerce to make grants to the State and Local Governments Int local public works projects already undertaken and such grants would be 100% federally funded with no one state receiving ovet 103 of the total funds, such distribution to be made on the basis of unemployment and underemployment; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends support of HR 12972 as being in the best interests of the County of Oakland. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Of Claklend hereby supports H.R. 12972, urges its adoption and so recommends to the County's Congressional and Senatorial Representatives. The General Government Committee, by Robert A Sutton, Chairmen, enves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNM/N1 tOMMITTEf Robeit A. Butte.. Chalon:le Moved by Button supported try Daly the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. Moved by Houghten supported by Moot the rewlotIon be laid on the table. Vote on tabling. rIVEt. WilSon , Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper. Moffitt, nurphy. Nowak, Olson, Patterson. (ii) NAYS: Roth, Simmons, Aaruo, Button, Daly, Douglas, Fortino, Lennon, Montante, Perieuff, Pernick, Price. 01) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the uulion failed. Vote on resolution AYES. simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Boogies, Dunleavy, Fortino, Lynuon, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth. (10 NAYS: Gabler, Hool, Hoegblen, Kasper. Murphy, Newish, Olson. Page, Patterson. (9) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adapted. Misc. 7602 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE- APPROVAL Of A SWINE FLU VACCINATION PROGRAM To the Oakland Cnunty Board of Commissioner, Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS a Swine Flu vaccine prowam is prekently brine uedertaken on a national 1,1,i, .1,1 WHEREAS County Health Departneets are the prirkey vehicle, hy which the vac,i.ation ptoilLo. Is to be conducted; and kHEREAS the State Department of Public Health has requested the Oakland County Health Division to participate In the vaccination program, and WHEREAS iunding to he received by Oakland County for such a program wtil riot he (inali,vd prior to program Implementation: and WHEREAS the Oakland County Health Division ma51 begin tn mobiliye manpower and resoorcr, including a substantial volunteci effort as soon as possible to effectively conduct the vaccination program, in Oakland County. NM THEREFORE BE 17 RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners epprove the Swine flu vaccination program with a total budget of $65,000. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the total 565,000 cost of this program be offset Lu the Fullest extent passible by funding (cuirently estimated at 030,000 - $50,000) through the State Department of Public Health. The Hunan Resources Committee by Betty J Fortino, Cheirman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairman Moved by Fortino supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7603 By Mrs. Fortino IR AL SUPPORT OF REVISOR OF SOCIAL. WELFARE ACT In the Oakland County Board Al Cemmissioners Hr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen WHEREAS Senate Bill 1237 iocoiporales into law many noisling POlicies, corrects many of the deficiencies which art creating problem, in the current Ssmial Welfare Programs.; and WHEREAS your Committee would like to support certain principles in revised Social Wlfare legislation. the Hunan Resources Committee recommends the following be incorporated in such revision: Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 17, 1976 304 Section 541, Page 14, Line 2 - Present language. A contrect shall not be entered into between the Department and a public or private agency within the County before the County Board la provided an opportunity for review of the contract. Section 54f, Page 14, Line 2 - Recommendation. A CONTRACT SHALL NOT BE ENTERED INTO BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT AND A PUBLIC OR PRIVATE AGENCY WITHIN THE COUNTY BEFORE THE COUNTY BOARD IS PROVIDED AN OPPORTUNITY FOR REVIEW 90 DAYS BEFORE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CONTRACT. Section 71(2), Page 19, Line 9 and 10 - Present language. Among the advisory committees so appointed, shall be a 10-member COMMIILee composed of County Directors and County Board members. Section 71(2), Page 19, Line 9 and 10 - Recommendation. AMONG THE ADVISORY COMMITTEES 50 APPOINTED, SHALL BE A 10-1SEMBER COMMITTEE COMPOSED OF COUNTY DIRECTORS AND COUNTY BOARD MEMBERS WHICH SHALT IRMO' REPRESENTATION FROM EACH COUNTY wilt' A POPULATION OF 400,000 OR MORE. Section 125, Page 34, Lines 5 and 6 - Present language. The Department shall require the family to complete a new application at the t h114: of redetermination. (ibis Is a desirable requirement as presently written, but Section 103(21 recoil"-, a personal interview at the time of application. Consideration would have to be given to increase staff to administer this requirement. The cost of the additional staff may be more than offset the savings incurred by reduction in error rates, fraud and overpayment.) Section 1513, Page 46 - Recommendation that the following Sections be added as (3) (a) and (3) 04: THE DEPARTMENT MAY REQUIRE MORTGAGE SECURITY ON REAL PROPERTY FOR EXPENDITURES MADE FOR HOME REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS ON THE HOMESTEAD OF A CLIENT WHICH WERE PROVIDED BY THE DEPARTMENT FROM STATE AND/OR COUNTY FUNDS_ THE CLAIM SHALL BE REIMBURSED FROM THE ESTATE OF THE RECIPIEWE OR AFTER THE DEATH OF THE SURVIVING SPOUSE, OR, IN ANY EVENT, ON THE SALE OR TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY. THE OtEPARTMENT MAY REQUIRE MORTGAGE SECURITY ON REAL PROPERTY FOR EXPENDITURES THAT ARE MADE IN THE FORM OF MORTGAGE PAYMENTS OR LAND CONTRACT PAYMENTS ON THE HOMESTEAD IN LIEU OF THE PAY- MENT OF RENT. THIS CLAIM SHALL BE REIMBURSED FROM THE ESTATE OF THE RECIPIENT OR AFEER THE DEATH OR THE SURVIVING SPOUSE, OR, IN ANY (VENT., ON THE SALE OR TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY. Section 172 (1) (c) Page 50, line 1 P language. The child is under the age of 113 years, or under the age of 21 years, and a student regulai I attending a school, college, or university or regularly attending a course of vocational training Unsigned to prepare the person for gainful employment. Section 112111 (c) "r 5c) Line I - Recommendation. THE CHILD IS UNDER TA AGE OF 1B YEARS, OR UNDER THE ACE OF 21 YEARS, AND A FULL-TIME MOE, REGULARLY ATTENDING A StMOOL. COLLEGE, OR UNIVERSITY TOWARD A nipLoHn OR DEGREE, OR REGULARLY ATTEND', A i.OLINSt Of VOCATIONAI TRAINING DESIGNED TO PAEPAPt Int PINSON FOR CAIRO Ul IMPlOYMENI Section 176(2), Peg& 52, Our 21 • Present lenlungu TXreptIons to these maxima not lo exCeeTTOT of /he established Conroy nm,lmom Of be granted by the County Director upon determination that it Is impossible for either a family of note than 5 persons or a family which includes a physically handicapped person to find adequate sleeping and living accommodations within the payment maximum, or that an exception is necessary to protect en applicant's or recipient', equity in a house being purchased. (This language antild reduce the ability to authorize an exception to the shelter maximum from the p 5235.00 to $202.50 in Oakland County_ in view of the difficult housing market In Oakland County, we believe. reduction In the shelter allowance for some client, would be a severe hardship to These families) Section 176(2), Page 52, Line 21 - RecomendatIon. EXCEPTIONS TO THESE MAXIMA NOT TO EXCEED 1505 OF THE ESTABLISHED COUNTY MAXIMUM MAY BE GRANTED eV THE COUNTY DIRECTOR OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE. UPON DETERMINATION THAT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR EITHER A FAMILY OF MORE THAN 5 PERSONS OR A FAMILY WHICH INCLUDES A PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED PERSON 10 FIND ADEQUATE SLEEPING AND LIVING ACCOMMODATIONS WITHIN THE PAYMENT MAXIMUM, OR THAT AN EXCEPTION IS NECESSARY TO PROTECT AN APPLICAMPSOR RECIPIENT'S EQUITY IN A NOME BEING PURCHASED. NOV THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the oakland County Board of Commissioners supports the above principles in any revisions of social welfare legislation. The Human Resources Committee by Betty J. Fortino, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairman The Chairman referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. REPORT By Mr. Aaron IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 17591 - nEcLAssiricArlom of ONE (1) NAINTENANCE LABORER ((ETA.) POSITION IN THE TRUSTY CAMP DIVISION OF THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT TO WORK RELIEF FOREMAN To Else Oakland County Board of Commissioners Hr. Chairman, Lodi*, and Gentles*, The Personnel Conmittet. by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution 305 Comnissioners Minutes Continued. June 12, 1976 12591 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman "Misc. 7591 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: RECLASSIFICATION OF ONE (1) MAINTENANCE LABORER (C.E.T.A.) POSITION IN THE TRUSTY CAmP DIVISION OF THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT TO WORK RELIEF FOREMAN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Trusty Camp currently has One (1) authorized Maintenance Laborer (C.E.T.A.) posit Ion; and WHEREAS reclassifying this position In Work Relief Foreman will provide vtare appropriate classification necessary for recruiting a qualified employee to soperwlse inmates Incarrointed at the Trusty Camp while working on verlous projects outside of the Comp; and WHEREAS the Maintenance Laborer position can be upgraded to Wolk Relief Foremen without significant Impact on total CE TA funding; and WHEREAS the Personnel Committee has reviewed this request and determined the klork Pellet Foreman classification to be mote appropriate to the duties and responsibilities ol Ihe nn5iOyn, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESIN.blO that one (II maintenance Laborer (L E.T.A.) bositioo in the Trusty Camp Division of the Sheriff's Department be reclassified to Work Relief Foreman (C.f.T.A.1 position with the liat annual salary of 59,650. The Personnel tomm,ttee, by Dennis M Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoptic. of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron. Chairmen" Moved by Aaron supported by Lennon that resolution 02591 be adopted. AYES: Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly. Douglas, Dunleavy. Fortino, Gabler. Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoft, Pernirk, Roth. Simmons. OD NAYS. None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution O)Sgt was adopted Misc. 760A By Mr. Aaron IN RE • JURY BOARD-SECRETARY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr_ Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen WHEREAS In 1975, the Circuit 'Court initiated a program to Improve the eflicienty 0' or utilization and to reduce per case juror fee and mileage expenditutes, And WHEREAS this program is demonstrating positive results with possibilities of eve* grentei efficiencies; and WHEREAS there is presently a pawl -time Jury Board Secretary position In the office ol lib. County Nein. and WHEREAS the Circuit Court is regaestIng, with the concurrence of the County Clerk/Register. that this position be deleted and that a full time position of Deputy Jury Clerk be established in the office of the Circuit Court Administrator: and WHEREAS this change would permit an employee to work epproxlmately half-time on matters for the Jury Board and half-tine on assisting the current Jury Clerk thereby further increasing the efficiency of juror utilization and reduction of per case juror fee and mileage expenditures. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the part-lime position and classification of Jury Board Secretary in the office of Clerk/Register be deleted and that the full-tine position and classIfIcati, of Deputy Jury Clerk be established in the Circuit Court Administrator's Office with an annual salary range of: BASE 6 MONTH I YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR El7g-Y lir,72113— w r TITS- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the full-time position be funded for the remainder of 1976 by transferring $EIgS from the Clerk/Register salary budget due to the saving. of deletion Jury Board Secretary. and 53,7 014 from the "Juror fees and Mileage" line item of Circuit Court fulmiolsitrmhel portion of the budget to the Circuit Court Administration salaries bud4el. The Personnel Committee, by Deno., Aaron. Chairman, moves the adoption of the !mewing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were nn • Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 17, 1976 306 4,4 141P • .7 ' - REPORT ' IPIr'''Aaron The Personnel Committee. by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution ' To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners t.I.:::01:: :::::::::589 - ESTABLISH TWO (2) NEW CLERK 1 POSITIONS IN THE HOSPITAL • 1 17589 with the recommend•t ion that the resolution not be adopted. • . i The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoinn I report. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE . Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman "Hist. 7589 In Mr. Aaron IN RE. ESTABLISH TWO (2) NEW CLERK I POSIT1CNS IN THE HOSPITAL To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS nursing Is the most critical area In terms of providing quality patient Carts in the Oakland County Hospital; and WHEREAS nurses should be relieved from routine clerical work so they may supervise person. and Improve patient care, and WHEREAS on April 14, 1976. the Oakland County Board of Institutions unanirmusly approved • motion to request approvei of the Personnel Committee for four (4) Clerk I positions; and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed the request and finds that the acheduled move to the new 120 bed Medical Care Facility In July, 1976 makes future staffing nerds and pro]cclio. uncertain; and WHEREAS the total salaries cost for two (2) clerical positions through Decemb, 31, 1976 would be $6,682, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that two (2) New budgeted Clerk 1 positions be established for the Hospital with the understanding that these positions be subject to review by tat Prrsonnel Committee in one year. The Personnel Committea, by Dennis P. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing res.:Outten. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman" Moved by Aeon supported by Moffitt the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. REPORT BY Mr. A.m., IN RE. MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 17588 - SALARY INCREASE FOR REFERENCE LIBRARIAN AND LAW LIBRARIAN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Sr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Committee, by Dennis H. Aaron. Chairman. reports Miscellanrous Resolution No. 758e with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chaliman "Misc. 7588 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: SALARY INCREASE FOR RESEROICE LIBRARIAN AND LAW IIBRARIAN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: WHEREAS a classification end salary adjustment request for the Referent, Librarian position and a salary adjustment request for the Lem Librarian position have been pending fir a considerable period of time; and WHEREAS these requests were held along with other equity adjustment requests pending them conclusion of collective bargaining for 197S: and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has ravished the salary adjustment requests for both positions and the classification request for the Reference Librarian position; and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee recomeends that the current classifications be maintained but that the salary ranges for both classiFications be adjusted, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Annual salary range for the classifications of Reference Librarian and Law Librarian be Inc eeeee d as follows- BASE I YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR A YEAR FROM: 1776C3 T3.176 TETR 11T3 10 , 13.133 13,724 14,316 14.908 15,500 The Personnel Committee. by Dennis H. Aaron. Chairman, moves I hr adom Mai of the loregolnu resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman. I ; 307 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 17. 1976 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE; MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION P7586 - SALARY INCREASE root REFERENCE LIBRARIAN ANY LAW LIBRARIAN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies end Gentlemen. Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the sum Of 51.261 available In the 1976 Oakland County Budget in the Classification and Rate Change line Item. One hall of thin amount should be transferred to the Reference Library - line item Salaries-Regular and emu half to the Law Library - line item Salaries - Regular. FINANCE COMMITTEE lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Lennon the report he accepted and resulutInn #/588 lw Discussion followed. AYES: Aaron, Button, Daly, toter' , Dilute ivy. I kr, inn. nought', 'Crisper , I erinnu, Muff itt. riont.ditr. Nur/dry. Ifnvisk. r)lson, P on. '4,t-irait I , ri t irerion• , WI Irc. . Wi I . riArS trhh•r, lot, I rue, Froth. {4) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was ,rcePted and resolution E751/14 was adopted. uuisc, 7590 By Mr. Aaron IN RE. rPA GRANT - PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION, LABOR KURT-IONS TRAINING FOR LOCAL UNITS To the Desiand County Board of ConmIssioners hr. Chairmen, Ladies and Gentlemen; WHEREAS the Personnel Department has been advised that a grant is available fur Cr...inter, elected officials ann employees of local government agencies In Personnel Admintstratkul; .01d WHEREAS a recent survey conducted hy Oakland County revealed that of the 62 local +worn- mental agencies contacted, fig agencies cited a specific need for a training plogiam on Pets.nnel Administration and also indicated that they would attend this type of trail-rind WHEREAS the results of this training program aill benefit the individual utrlii knurl, and management of the 23 townships, 26 cities, and 12 villages located In Oakland Counts: ,nd WHEREAS the elected and appuintrd officials will become more versed in their rirspunnihilirius and aspects of Personnel Administratice and Labor Relations and the supervisory persunnol efticient in the management at employee orlations; and WHEREAS it is anticipated that the Intergovernmental Personnel Oct (IPA) grant budget will allow four one-day training sessions to trals 25 participants each al A Cost of 510.01, fir Participant; and WHEREAS receipt of the grant and resultant training will entail only soft match by the County and will not require additional County funding, NOW THEREFOR/ BE IT RESOLVED that the Personnel Department complete application tor IPA grant funding for the purpose of training local government officials in the area of Per -arsons! Administration. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption ut the foregoine resolution_ PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman" tlirvutur - 67 tel. P 15C - 300 mi. 0 1St iloodu T,. - 120 mi. 41SC 10 10 75 , 75 19 19 104 0 104 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 17, 1976 308 oupw• N(1N- FEDERAL YEDFRAL ITFIAI A. SALARY 1 no. Pen). t Dir,,i.r • IM/11.. K 1 $ 1I50 $ 850 I ,.... Virolvel. Coordinottor - 70//rao. x 1 . 1.4!. 1.452 1 ,... Scrrvtary - niCfmo. x 3 250 250 I .•.. lit ,no./C1,ti: - 702/mo. x :I 1117 181 5-vinittie Terlinivinon - 144 hi,. 0 6.S1 1(40 $40 . 1,112 1,177 . -11- ,1,/46 4,746 C. CONTRACTUAL Litivcrsirica and Consultants Lenders (R) Including 'cos. travel. lodging, reals, misc. 3,0p01 1,000 4c119.9 -2.qqq- -1,2n D. NONNATIVE SERVICES 1 - Off lc, Spar, 210 nil. Cr. 41 6. Nn yr./4 on. - Tleplinne im 1,,dlnC 1./D - .0. 1 - Semi a,. Mir, 4 0 1,0.011 4 - ies & Cerylov (eni .2 - 1 o fnxmat Nai 1, i IA - Boo)i,,s, nrr. (nfir .) I. - rentivravni Rvntol, 4 d..y, a - Froje.lorm. etc. - Pro,. too, H - 111111111, 455 AS'. 150 150 ((Al 6011 100 100 500 500 22 78 100 200 700 100 51 ,072 $1,133 $ 2e20'. _ TOTALS 04076 $6 ,11/qn $11 ,055 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE. MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTPON 17590 - IPA GRANT - PERSONNEL AOMINISTRAT1ON, LABOR REtATIONS TRAINING FOP LOCAL UNITS To the Oak land County Boa rd of Coonissiona•s Mr. Chaim/1W, ladles end Gen. learn: The Flrrar,ce L•xim t eeMs revlemmd Prniram Mi. 111.140 (1114111 .01.1 PraIllf111).. Oren, and the financial impl Ione thereof. . This is nyne time grant Loy.- r I no he jo, .od Jul 1976 through September 30, 1976 and wilt require total landing of S I . 055- The Federal Government will provide 0,176 ehi le Oakland County's soft match contribution will be $5,879. There will also be a hard match of $1.000 obtained from fees charged to participants. The Finance Committee. by Lawrence R. Pernlck, Chairman, moves the acceptance of this repo. i FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R Pernick. Chairmen Moved by Aaron supported by Button the report be accepted and resolution A7590 be adopted. AYES, Beaten. Rely, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, PerInoff. Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. Aaron. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having vetoed therefor, the report was accepted and resolution 17590 was adopted. 1 109 Commissioners Minutes Continued. -lone 17, 1976 Mr. Perinoff on behalf of the Board extended congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilcox on their silver wedding anniversary. The Chairman vacated the Chair to offer the following. The Vice Chairman took the Chair. Ells, 7605 BY Mr. Perinoff IN RE, RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION HONORING CLARA STANTON JONES WHEREAS Clara Stanton Jones, a graduate of the University of Michigan School of Library Science, having been with the Detroit Public Library since 1944, serving as Its Director since 1970. and having participated In a variety of organizations important to the revitalization and cultural development of the City of Detroit and its metropolitan area; and WHEREAS Clara Stanton Jones, haying been an active member of the American Library Associ- ation and was the recipient of its Black Caucus Award in 1970, and elected its President for the term 1976-1977, thereby bestowing honor and distinction not only to the Detroit Public Library ; hut to thy whole metropolitan Detroit Library community which includes Oakland County; and WHEREAS the strength and support of the Detroit Public Library, with its two million volume research collection, has enabled the librarie. in Oakland Crunt to nefter ,erve their Own patron, by means of inter-library loan AN THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby commends Clara Stanton Jones for her distinguished service within the library profession in the interests of all the citizens nf our community and extends best wishes for her continued success IN WITNESS WHEREOF. we have hereunto affixed our signatures Anil roused the Seal of the County of Oakland to be affimed this 6th day rat Nay, 1974. Airmcador I Perinufr chairman Oakland Count1 Huard of formiosInn,rs Bernard F. Lennun, Vire-Lhairman Oakland County Board oi Commissioners L. Hugh Dohany, Chairman Oakland County Library Hoard Leonard P. Baruch, President Oakland County Public library Trustee Association The resolution was unarm/Du:1y adopted. The Chairman returned to the Chair Misc, 7606 By Mr. Daly IN RE: GROVELANO OFFICE BUILDING - SALE OF PROPERTY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr Chairman. Ladies And Gentlemen WHillEAS the County of Oakland owns the Groveland Office Building on 2.939 acres of properta in the township of Croveland described as. 'Land in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 20 T 5 N, R B E, Groveland Township, Oakland County, Michigan, desciibed as Commencing at the SW corner of Section 20, thence along the section line 5 82° 12 00" E, 626.80 feet, thence N 44" 08' 00" W 48 27 feet In the point of beginning on the fitly right-of-way line of US 10 1120 feel wide) and the North ight-of-way line of Grand Hall Road (66 lent wide); thence along the Nt'ly right-of-way line of US 10, II •4' OB . 000 W, 660.00 feet; thence N 45 ° 52' 00" E. 200.00 feet; thence 5 44' 08' 00° E. 555.00 feet; thence South OP 47' 00" W 217.82 feet to the North right-of-way line of Grange Hall Road; thence along said right-of-way line N 87° 12' 00. W. 60_00 feet to the point of beginning, containing 2.939 Acres," and WHEREAS the Township of Groveland is presently leasing said property which the lease expires on June 12, 1980; and WHEREAS the Township of Groveland has expressed an interest In purchasing said property; anc WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners 1976 Rules X E 2a permits the private sale of County property; and WHEREAS three appraisals have been obtained of said property Oakland County EqualiratIon Division March le, 1976 $45,650.00 Andrew J. Lindsey, S R.A. March 23, 1976 43,000.00 Robert H. Scott. Appraiser March 17, 1976 47,9no.no and; WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Resolution 7440 (February 5, 19761 has authorized the offer of sale of said property, and WHEREAS your Planning and Building Committee recommands acceptance of the offer attached hereto to purchase said property under the following terms: I. Sale Price - $43,000.000 2. 20t Down of 58,600.00 3. Annual Payments of not less Its.) 58,600.00 tw, yzs- at FI-1/27 let pot annum A. Agreement to allow the County to maintain the Sheriff's sub-station for a p,r1nd of five years at • cost of $1 00 per rear In the County, COmmIssioners Minutes Continued. June 17, 1876 310 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby authorise the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners to execute the necessary documents to effect the sale of said County property on behalf of the County of Oakland. The Planning and Building Committee. by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman DANIEL T. MURPHY OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT June 10, 1976 SALE OF GROVELAND OFFICE DUILDINC Attached is a copy of an agreement tor the sole of the Graveland Office Building and 7 133 acres id property to the Township uf Groveland, flrlefly, the terms of the ayleirmenl are: I. Offer of $43,000 with 58,600 down and an annual payment nf 58.600 at 0-1/2T over a 4 year period. 2. Sheriff Department radio tower, furniture, equipment and fi.tures shall he Ow prop, I. of the County 3. Leased to Oakland County the spaced used by tint Sheliff's Department Substation for a 5 year perlud at SLOP per year. Space is the same as presently used which ,unsisf of a locker room, report and cadre areas, laboratory Facilities and parking. 4 Leased to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission the uSe uf the radio tower in the present manner for as long as the tower is on the premise. 5. township of Gloveland agrees to pros.de heal, electrical, water and sewage facilities as well as custodial services which may be required for the premises. 6. The agreement has been reviewed by Civil Counsel. INWH/db Attachment AGREEMENT TO BoV AND SELL REAL PROPERTY AO LEASE BACK SELLER: COUNTY Of OAKLAND, a Michigan Municipal corporatian. PURCHAsER: TOWNSHIP OE GROVELANO, County of Oakland, a Michigan Muelcipal forporation WITNESSETH: IT IS HEREBY AGREED by and between Seller and Purchaser above identified that Seller shall Sell to Purchaser and Purchaser shall bay from Stile,' real property hereinafter described under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. to-wit; I Description of Mal Property. Land In the 5outhaest lilt uf Section 20 T 5 N. R 8 F, Groveland Township, Oakland County, Michigan, descr.bed as. ComeencIng at the SW corner of Section 20, thence along the section line 5 87 ° 12' 00" E. 676.80 feet; thence N 44° 08' 00" W, 48.27 feet to the point of beginning on the NE'ly right-of-wsly line of US 10 (120 feet wide) and the North right.of-way line n1 Grange Hall Road Ira, fret wide); thence along the PlEilyr right-of-way line of US ICI. N 44' 00'' W, 660,017 feel then,. N 45' 52' 00" E, 200.00 feet; thence S Si.' 08' 00" U. 555.00 feet; thence South 02' 47' 00. W 21/.82 feet to the North right-of-way line of Grange Hall Road; thence along said right-of-way line N 87' 12' 00" W. 60.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing 2.939 acres. 2. Sales Price and Terms of Payment: The sales price for said real property, including the improvements thereon, I. FORTS • THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS 1543,000) which shall be paid as follows: EIGHT THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED DOLLAR', f$8,6001 (203 of purchase price) shall be paid at the time of the Closing of this transaction and the balance of THIRTY-FOUR THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS ($34,700) shall he secured by a land contract executed by the parties on the present standard Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation land contract form. TM principal balance secured by said land contract shall be payable in annual Installments of EIGHT THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS ($8,600) each for four (4) consecutive years beginning one (l) year from the date of the closing of the transaction. The unpaid principal balance of said indebtedness shall bear interest at the rate of eight and one-half percent (8 1/20) per annum. The first of said annual installments shell be due one Elf year following Cl,,' closing of this transaction and subsequent 1 payments shall be due on the same date or each year there- after until paid in full. Prepayment in whole or part may be made at any time without penalty or In c t beyond that stated above. 3. Fixtures, Equipment and Furnishings: The Sheriff Department's radio tower, furniture, equipment and fixtures listed on Exhibit A attached and in the structure at the time of the closing of this transaction shall not be Included in this purchase price and shall not become the property Of the Purchaser. 4. Evidence of Title. Prior to closing Seller shall furnish Purchaser a commitment for a policy of title insurance dated later than the data of this Agreement, showing marketable title in the Seiler. 5. Closing: Closing shall take place at the Oakland County Service Center within thirty (30) &pr. ‘1. t °A° ' 0' two my ;g:t. ; t; 1 E 21g g -5 -2"2 ong ,r '...2 -L -m- -2sm ?s.2 g F ,1'1"Ta.F:i....2.1 =411-1.3 ▪ ,"Wr2,:i:..7.g;11FIL -01ifiNS:'11'ZI15.1.n:TWIDOW'9.ag; W i l i401.4.31t4EiilWW.S7:g2.i 13..7....4“,!n all:''-'ZIC^E0Tii2Z3711ii'.! 0 ▪ ^4"t".T.-g t;P:101. ▪ 3V,T4.2nf.1^0. 1-iglg 2.A2.:2';.' ..,tI14',;„2-2%-.7 ,,e,4 ,t;,2's !_,;,,m,L—;w--1.72:, 2 -,F-t-' w;:l..;*t.42;.'2.t1,1 22t .2 ti 2 Evi_1 .--.0 - ,__; -47.- Egi i'Wgir;C't§neg.,:trin V : :;',. 3 0.0.73 "; ii, cti'21'.i:g.33i'gr "r, erF :.“9. ,:lutli°5.3 2 .V'7,77.-i .7. r .nn g n-726 r 1 nv On-r ''.... ''" ..". . W—g-°:.:2-:tW Wm .= .g"'x Erg ,i=piI;:=210F 7c, - 2.;„ ,. mmtm -2t ;1. t 717-S 1,-;41 7 ; .ii- -..1111 0.m W. g r, 1157 '-6111 I ! !E ! :734 '1 '4! '''''31 ;11 !!;;:; -5 .-_t-=-; .- 0 w-q .0.2. 2.; ;;E:"'"; ILI: '-c...:r,9„T ,„ w F „77.; rr rf-T-r:--;...?:. : t -r: so "1- gi—t--; :r .27,:l _.1,1 -: i a .-a 1 = 4,-SI't -wls tm 2.7; I' st.„-w.•- ,.," 2„,. ' F 4:I-. .g.„ -1 t __ ,,„ • .1, _e n- _ * ,5. m- --. _ ...., ...0 i 7 . c. 7 _ ..e.0 ,,... . 7.04,- ' ''' ,g g.:,1; a-Cr " ..., ›g S» 'Wii ....,, , "— & i =tg Vii Idf, VI S 'II i H! 1;2 :p ri;;'21Kwit7 i : zg: g'- :Pi IE:-.; ;—.' ';','21 ac g i. -- ra , 0 ,n m =-1 -,..7.- =24 7 , -..-,-, ,, - -a, .0 -.4: n- 6--R 0-..n % a -.- Nr7. T- ^ 2'. '2 1_^ .- . ' 2 Flif 2' g* ''"'SS - - 'F ' sW °-; rs a.= p m,g:'''-' 54. 13 , 5 rf .. s„7„ . 7 - IL:- x4 A t.' ?,. ..,N7,---.,i, =,-- 7, E22 gt - E i „--. 4; ...3,„u.'.,-. Q g -_-_! -2 1- ::,.g a.- fS,2, .;.,.. -E-. r, ., or ,,...a.00rN - DO. ,... no. ..1.-. -- .3 £0 - --, -IC 10 E .:.,'.- g, -, ,i 7 ''... mU !i'V tig :7; r. i q I.- :, ,, _, ' 7261 ;0'2 -il ; i " -"i : !Ei 1 f.-, E .5f - 7. , _ -=, _ -7, 3 .—. . i -. : _ g Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 17, 1976 radio tower in the present manner for so long as said tower Is located on said premise... (2) To use and occupy said premises only for the purpose of a Sheriff .•. •..di-station and radio station including parking. (I) To observe all reasonable regulations and requirements of underwriters concereing the use and condition of the premises tending to reduce fire hazards and insurance rates and not Permit nor allow any rubbish, waste material or products to accumulate on the premisc,. (4) That Seiler dill not assign this tease nor sublet the premises not any pan l thereid without the consent of the Purchaser thereto endorsed thereon In writing. (5) To keep the premises, Including the equipment and fixtures of every kind and nature In a useable condition. (6) if the demised premises becomes wholly uritenantable through damage or destruction by fire not occasioned by the negl.genre of the Seller, this lease shall be void. (2) Seller agrees to provide fire and public' liability insurance enveriud its operatii,ii In the structure and to hold Purchaser harmless from an, Joraages caused by the actions kit ru.11,d ,o its agents or employees. 19. Purchaser's Terms, 77-Fsirchaser hereby covenants that the Seller, on payment of the rental idte 01 ihe time and in the manner aforesaid in performance of all ol the foregoing covenants. shall and ma., peacefully and quietly have, hold and enjoy the deai,ed pr.:1.65es (ot the [Lige, al.". -lid (2) PuiLhasel agrees to provide heat, electri,a1 Coots, water and well as all custodial services which May bu leguired tor the premises. 20. Seller and Purchaser mutually agree that eacli Shall pay for telephone equi pmdit and services used by it,, agents and eneloveeS. Signed, sealed and delivered this day of • 1976. IN THE PRESENCE OF COUNls OF OAKLAND, Michigan Municipal norporati,i1 AlFxANOER C. PERINOFF, Chatiewn in its aoard of Commissioners State of Michigan. ss: County of Oakland. On this day of 1976, persnnally appeared AllMANDER C. PfRINOFf and did say that he is the Chairman Oi-ril;-Tuard of Commissioners for the County of 0aSion0 and as ..ihh has affixed his signature no the forego ivy Agreemer t. and that sell 11,51rolik,,t wi ,Ignud In behalf of said County of Oakland, by authority of its Miscellaneous Reseletion dated , and acknowledges said instcumeut It, be the lice .AA AHA deed ol -“thf-Coonty of Oakland. Notats Pntilic. On 1,1A Pihtnly,ii Iii inn Mt Cimiuni ,,sion IN lilt PRESENCE OF: lOWNSWIP OF CROVEIRNO By- ANDREW YENCHAR. Supeivi,or, of Groveland State of Michigan, ss: County of Oakland, On this day of , 1976, pursunally appeared ANDREW TENCHAk it till• T13.111S/111' of Groveland and as such has affseo gnature to the foregoing Lease, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Township of Gruveland by authority of its loyd,tnin nf May 1976 and that ANDREW TENCHAR acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Township of Grove lard. Notary Public, Oakland County, MithInan My Commission expires, APPROVED DANIEL T. MURPtir COUNTY EXECUTIVE Approved as to Form Civil Counsel 313 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 17, 1976 INVENTORY OF COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT GROVELAND SUBSTATION Bulletin Bomrd 3'u 4' Royal Typewriter. Green. No. 922 Royal Typewriter, 550, No. lktil 2 Desks 5 Chairs (2 w/rollers) I Davenport 2 File Cabinets 1 Window Air Conditioner 1 Electric Floor Neaten (Tropic) I County Map State Monitor Channel 2 Monitor Base—Channel I Base--Intercity 'ItHIR11 A" Moved by Dale supported by Dunleayy the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Daly, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino. Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Montanto. Murphy. Nowak, Olson, Page. Patterson, Pertooff, Pernlck, Price, Roth, Simmons. Wilcox. wilson, Aalon. Button. (24) NAYS; Moffitt. Ill A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Daly supported by Donleavy the resolution be adopted. Vote on resolution: AYES: Douglas, Dunleeyy, Fortino, Gabler. Hoot. Houghten, Kasper, Lennon. McDonald, Montante. Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson. Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron. Button, Daly. (2S) NAYS . Moffitt (I) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc 7607 By Mr. Aaron IN RE, RECLASSIFICATION OF ONE (1) TYPIST I POSITION AND ONE (I) CLERK III POSITION TO TWO (2) CLERK 1 POSITIONS FOR OAKLAND COUNTY HOSPITAL NURSING DIVISION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairmen. Ladles and Gentlemen: WHEREAS nursing is one of the most essential aspects of quality patient care in the Oakland County Hospital; end WHEREAS additional clerical support to the Nursing Unit would relieve nurses for their more professional patient care responsibitities; and WHEREAS there is currently a vacant Typist 1 posit$00 and a vacant Clerk Ili position not being utilized in the Administrative Unit of the Oakland County Hospital. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (I) vacant. Typist II position and one (I) vacant Clerk ill POSItion in the Administrative Unit be reclassified to Clerk 1 and be re-assigned to the Nursing Unit In the Oakland County Hospital. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis N. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis N. Aaron, _Chairman The Chairman referred On resolution to the Finance Committee. Mr. Button requested a recess be called so the Finance Committee could meet to consider the resolution. The Chairman declared a 15 minute recess The Board reconvened at 11:30 A.N. Mr. Olson requested that the Clerk call the roll to determine If a quorum is present. Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 17, 1976 314 PRESENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Douglas, Ounleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, PatterSOn, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. (26) ABSENT: Dearborn, (I) Quorum present. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernik IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 17607 - RECLASSIFICATION OF ONE (l) TYPIST 1 POSITION AND ONE 11) CLERK Ill POSITION TO TWO (2) CLERK I POSITIONS FOR OAKLAND COUNTY HOSPITAL NURSING DIVISION fc the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, The Finance Committee reports that the changes which will result by the adoption of Resolution 07607 will cause no increase in costs and may result in a savings of $2171 at the minium,. classification rate to $3034 at the marrimum position rate. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing report. FINANCL COMMITTEE Laurent R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Murphy the Finance Committee repOrl hr Ancepr,d A sufficient majority haying voted therefor, the motion carried Moved by Aaron supported by Fortino the resolution he adopted. AYES: Gabler, Moot, Kasper. Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Ruth, Simmons, Wilcox. Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Douglas, Ounleaky, Fortino. On NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. misc. 708 80 Mr. Daly IN RE: OAKLAND SCHOOLS ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ADDITION - APPROVAL OF CONCEPT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS pursuant to the lease agreement between the County of Oakland and Gob I .ind Schools, Oakland Schools requests approval for a single story building addition, 48 runt by 42 loei. To be located on the north elevation of the Oakland Schools Administration buildiva; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends approval of the concept of the proposed addition accordiou to the agreement between Oakland Schools and the County of Oakland. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that approval is hereby given to the concept .1 the proposed addition to the Oakland Schools Administration building to louse heating and air conditioning equip- ment and high frequency motor generator electrical equipMent, which is required Or ch. ..pelatiun of the data processing equipment. The Planning and Building Committee by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Lennon the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Misc. 709 By Mr. Daly IN RE: AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR RESURFACING OF SERVICE CENTER ROADS TO the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairmen, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Service Center roads originally constructed in the early 1860', are now In need of resurfacing, and WHEREAS such roads are identified as those of the Children's Village, County Center Brice East and Hospital Drive: and WHEREAS this project Is included In the 1976 Capital Program-Utilities Section. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Central Services Department be and is hereby authorized to receive bids for the above described road improvements an- a report there,. be made to this Board after receipt and tabulation nf such bids. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. LAMMING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Italy, Chairman 315 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 17, 1976 OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION 1976 SERVICE CENTER ROAD PROGRAM PROJECT 76-7 June 10, 1976 In the 1976 Capital Program, Utility Section, the following road Improvement projects for the County Service Center were listed: (1) County Center Drive - Northwest Extension (2) ChIldren's Village Road improvements (3) Reconstruction of Hospital Drive (4) County Center Olive Last - Resurfacing Due to traffic engineering problems and the delay In construction of the Mainland Drain on the Service Center, the Northwest Extension Project will probably be delayed for several years. The Children's Village Road Improvements and County Center Drive fast - ResuifacIng Projects arm now reedy for bidding and authorization to receive bids is requested_ The Reconstruction of Hospital Drive Is in the design process and should be ready for bidding withie 30 to 60 days: Tho engleeerieg for all these projects is being provided by the Road foomisslon et nm cost_ The Children's Village Road Improvements involves resurfacing ol the original pavement installed in 1964. The estimated cost is $19,000 ($13,000 was listed in the Capital Plograni for this project). The County Center Drive Resurfacing involves the resurfacing of the entire portion of the Service Drive on the east side of Telegraph Road, about 0.9 mile, excluding the boulevard installed during the taw Enforcement-Jail Conplea construction. The original pavement was installed in 1960 (southern portion) and 1962 (northern portion). The estimated cost for this work is 573,000 ($84.000 was budgeted in the Capital Program). Since the original installation, this will be the first major renovation of these pavements, and are recommended to be done now to avoid major recon- struction In the future. Attached to this report are the Capital Program Description Sheets for the two projects now ready for bidding. CAPITA/. IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PR OJLC T REQUEST PA1-11 I EXECLITIVE fir • ---- — - Children's Village Road Improvements Service Center Dgelo. Lared [Amor, M PPriorityI 1974 iraoo ri I High rincript.on end Function teem., mwam&ntuf Central Servic c No. - Delo October,...19y The original roads in Children's Village were consttucted over 10 years ago and now require resurfacing. failure to resurface at this time could result in more severe damage to the roads requiring more extensive renovation. This project will probably be combined with the Reconstruction of Hospital Drive project for bidding purposes. Gown Status IShow P. or Octet PLANNING FINAL DE:ALM MN! I nINC.; PilOGIIPJA . . SC141:1AATIl: DESICN ... HtAOY Rik CONSTRUCTION Disposition alf Existing Fpotire and lAud None aillamdo.ro EXECUTIVE Can [1.1,131e In 119 1k_1:11311ars Oeudilawm 0 Central Service! Construction (Preliminary) Asphalt Paving Miscellaneous TOTAL COMSIPMAION Construction Supervision Contingency TOTAL PROJECT COST S25,000.00 3,poo.60 S ?,000.00 3.060.00 67s,000.00 S,06,O0 ,0011.O0 Service Center DO.iti Land 1911 r 6.4*-9 U Hlgh ri — Powsplion and rynciinal LDCA1.711 bau October, 19/5 _• _ _ 5Gf. PL ,•PiNING . SLIIENI., 11C: OLLIC,F1 , Commissioners Minotes Continued. June 17, 1976 316 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT REQUEST PA IIT II Onign Cenn.ls.nI D.C.S. FactlitieS Engineering Provious Fundpng None I Possibis 01..1561. Conitn,rtioa rdads None CAPITAt Ifv1PROVI-MFNIT PROGRA111 PROJECT REQUIST PATTI I GAhmd Om., EXECUTIVE ▪ —E-o:nty Center Orly: Resurting rsniwurwi ,fLentral SLrvice Resurfacing of County Center Drive East irom north entrance dL Telegraph Road to the Central Esrage. The nri gindl load wdn constructed In the late 1950's and no major renovation on this road has taken pla.c- in the last 15 years. The pavement is in poor condition and reguirc.s resurfacing to prevent a total reconstruction of the road. Also, at bart of this project the intersection of Hospital Drive and this road as well as the intersection near the Central Garage and this road would he reconstructed to eliminate current traffic engineering problems. Gorwit Stat. (Show % 0.0 fraAL rIL.R.P CoULISI RUC I 0..pout-on 01 1.4401 7,1100.00 _7 own() TOTAL PROJECT COST Pnrolout Funding None 317 Comnissioners Minutes Continued. June 17, 1976 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT REQUEST PART II 0•111md County Elf ECUTI k -- Gast E Inmate in 19 11_0oliins Construction L?reliminary) Resurfacing Intersection Improvements TOTAL LONS1NUC1ION Engineering Contingency Down Unen1 .4 Cent ra 1 Serv i col 1.J._L000.00 $70,00 0.60 nnn nn $84.000.00 $55.00(1.00 Ceiven Crmudunr Oakland County Poad Commission etissiWO Outside Construcatm Fund. hone Roved by Daly supported by Hontente the resolution be adopted, A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7610 By Mr. Daly IN BE: AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR ELECTRICAL ALTERATIONS AT ADMINISTRATIVE ANNEX I To the Oakland County Board of CommIssionerS Mr. Chairman, tidies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the present electrical service at Administrative Annex I is marginal and additional capacity Is required; and WHEREAS the present transformer is not capable of handling the current electrical load and should be replaced: and WHEREAS this project is included In the proposed 1976 Capital Program. NOW THEREFORE Af IT RESOLVED that the Central Services Department be and Is hereby authorized to receive bids for the electrical renovations at Administrative Annex 1 and a report thereon be made to this Board after receipt and tabulation of such bids. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly ; Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chalrman Commissioners KInutes Continued, June 17. 1976 OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION ADMINISTRATIvf ANNEX i REMODELING PROJECT 74-8 June 9, 1976 The relocation of Cooperative Extension Service and Veterans Services from the Administrative Annex I to the North Office Building in April of 1976 was part of an overall space plan to provide additional facilities and space for Data Processing. In the 1976 Capital Program, the Administrative Annex I Remodeling was listed with a priority of six and an estimated cost of $100. 000. The proposed alterations and remodeling at the Administrative Annex 1 ,mold involve the following items: (I) Improvement of the electrical service (Present service is marginal and earl i iooe 1 capacity is needed for safety). (2) Security and fire protection improvernent,, including a vault fur Aoratie of tap, and disc packs. (5) Improvement in the location of the various units of tile Data Proiession DiViSle, improse work tipu arid provide IMISI wily proper space. The estimat.od cost of the pralenr in about 500,000- Thy last major remodeling in this nuilding took place In 1961-70 and al thli li on' Dal., Processing had anout 15 emPlNvees. Pre,ently they have about 94 caolo,ves. Palk niuressing originally was using ahout 5,700 net square feet of fldni area and alter this proposed nolk Is completed, they will lar using 15,200 net square feet of Hutu area. It should he ooted that a considerable amount or their space is used by equipment and storage At this lime it is requested that approval on granted to advertise and receive bids to, this work or allocate the 'UT of 580,000 and assign the project to the MaintenenLe Oivislon. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT RECINEST PAM I °Aland Ct....ay EXEC:071'1'. - Title Administr,'Ive Annex I f:eqodolfro Lucatoc S:,rvice Daft lit Li.trd Cvitct, Ln,in Ii ['prrol.t or:.., Nix Deters-air. act Function ,,p i•tt :•1••1 V i c • °' / , .. _ 4-8 Out rwher . 19P, . .. ..............._ . Upon completion of tho North Office Hnil'inq Renovations, Cooperative Extension and Veterans' Affairs npw located at Administrativp Annex I will be relocated. Their present space will be converted for the expanding needs of the Computer Services Division. Presently, Computer Services uses about 14,000 square feet in the building and at the completion of this project oill use about 21,000 square feet. There are 91 employees a ,.signed to this department at the present time. The work involves prusidini secure flit, proof sloraqe. oxponded electrical capability, reciDeelirg to provide additional office.. tor programmers and additional space iur Lunputor ,gaipmout. Also, as port of this project. sc7e additicoal secufily pro%isions wili b; proviOod for the overall building. Current Scams (Show N. or 0.1,1 Pt:v.94.1PM Par LitfiLi PROGRAM W.A. vlitmA TIC lit lat.ht FINAL DESIGN 95 ' MAGA' FLe Corps February '_L .'5 lifroasavinot of. Ealing Faciary r4 Lmel N.A. 1 0.111.1md[Uunr, EXECUTIVE „ tom Fsiiirnice in 19 MAW, ul Central servi 00! 319 Camissi.ners Minute9 Continued, June 17 , 1376 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT REQUEST PART II Conatruction (Preliminarx) 21 ,050 cq. ft. P $4 $84,000 ConstructiOn Supervis .lon 4,000 Engineering 1.,(100 Administrative 100 Contingehcy _G,900 TOTAL PROJECT $100,000 (Align Consultilul Pruviou. kindling None $12,000 (6-725), $27,600 (14-776) - - Pulaihin Ounitle Conirrucrion Fundi '• Bane Il COUNTY LEECUTIVL CEE'."I'.:01- OF 0F0tRAI SE1V1CIS UCTI iS ENC,INEERINC OIVISIOM 19E PPOPOSE0 CAPITAL BROWN NOVEMBER 13, 1975 1. Childres's 71Ila 2. Formsir Ros'ital 3. MiscellenocuSP. iO.Teiin3 4. Marine Safoty Stor-T, S. Auditorium Inprlverits 6. Admsnistratiye AWT,X IRemudr )in0 7. Airport Irproverents S. West Dakland Center (Land) 9. Jail and Tru0t C :nproyeHents 10. Social ';.rvtce, flNil.'ing Air Conditioqina 11. Central naralle Sit. improverivul .. 12- Central Larage Ae ,d,ling $ 600,000 1,1373,594* 200,000 179,000 20,000 100,000 250,000 185,000 150,000 160,000 90,000 211,000 *Total Project Cost Estilited At $I',417,000 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 17, 1976 Moved by Daly supported by Lennon the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 07572 - APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR GLASS RECYCLING CENTER RELOCATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladles and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee. by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman. reports Miscellanea.: Resolution I. 7572 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PLANNING ANO BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K Daly. Chairman 'Misc. 7572 Sy Mr. Daly IN RE: APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR GLASS RECYCLING CENTER RELOCATION To the Oakland County Board of Comnissioners Kr. Chairman, Ladies aed Gentlemen. WHEREAS the Glass Recycling Center has been located at 550 South Telegraph Rood since 1973; and WHEREAS the current owner plans to expand the building on this site, which will severel hamper the glass rem young operation. and satin/LS WVerdi alternate sites have been reviewed with the operators of the Reese line Center and a site near the Incineratut Building on the County Service Center has teen determined the best alternative; and WHEREAS the owner of the old site has agreed to assume the cost of a new concrete pad, at the new site, at an estimated cost of 57.500.00 to $9,000.00; and WHEREAS much of the relocation lahor will be supplied by the Sheriff's Department trustee, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that $3,700.00 be and Is hereby allocated to the Department of Central Services for the purpose of relocating the Glass Recycling Center, as per the attached cost estimates. The Planning and Building Ceemittee, by Patrick K. Daly. Chairman, moves the adoption ol the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman . OAKLAND COUNTY EIECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION GLASS RECYCLING CENTER - RELOCATION PROJECT 76-16 may II , 976 le 1973 a Glass Recycling Center consisting of a large conciete pad and wood :lora'', 1,111 was constructed at 550 South lelegiaph Road, the forme, offices of the 0 and Drain Compissionvi The basic construction cost was about $17.600. Due to the plans of the present owner at the property to expand the main building on the site, the operation of the Glass Recycling Center will he ser[ou,I., hindered unless relocated to another I ucat inn. Several alternative SitCS have been reviewed with the operators oh the Glas, Recycling Center and a site near the old incinerator Building on the County Service Center was +elected as the best possible alternative sit. now available. The cost of relocating the Center from 550 South Telegraph Road to the Service Center Is listed below. New Concrete Pad - By Owner of Property , Wood Storage Bins (Materiel Only $1.2100" Electrical 285 Road and Grading 1,350 Construction Supervision 500 53.345 Contingency 355 TOTAL ESTIMATED FUNDING T1765 'Estimated Cost - $7,500 - 59.000 "Labor CO be provided by Sheriff's Department Trustees FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr Pernick IN RE. MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 17572 - APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR GLASS RECYCLING CENTER RELOCATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule RI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the sue of $3,700 available in the Contingent fond in the 1976 Oakland (minty Budget. Said funds to be transferred to the Depart- ment of Facilities and Operations - Glass Recycling Center - Special Projects. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick. Chairman 32.1, 321 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 17, (976 Moved by Daly supported by Montanle the report be accepted and resolution 07572 he adopted. AYES: Douglas, Ounleavy, Fortino, Gabler, hoot, Kaspes, termou, llsEkInald, 15 ,11)11, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olsrm. Page, Potterson. etudnoll, Pernitk, Pi ice, Rolh. Srmeruh, Winos, Wilson, Aaron, Button. Daly. (25/ NMS; Non°. 10/ A suf ict ent majority tsprion voted therefor Ihe report WAS .1,111,4,1 and •esolul Ion eifir: was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE M:SCELLANLOUS RESDIUTiGH /5 711 - 'SCLICI1Ott Or 1M ANCHIIIFIUHAI f011 TH1 CHIIDHIN ., VILLAGE SCHOOL PROJECT To the Oakland County board of Commissioners Mr. Lnairman, Ladies and r,ent;cpwn, Ttm Planning arra Burlding fors.ittee, K. C. O. tvpnol, Resol.tiph Nu. 75/4 r.oth lie $,,n.n.ndm,nn 1111, Ira ra,olution toodopted. PIANNING AND HOltDINC COMMIllif I'al,j, k K. Daly, Chairman "Misc. 75/4 By Mr. Daly IN NE7 SELECTION OF THE ARCHIITC TORN FIRM FOR Ibt CHILDREN'S V14IAGE SCHOOL PROJECT in the Oakland county Board 01 Commission., Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS In conformance with Miscellaneous Resolution 07488 a Selection Committee evaluated thirteen 110 arshitectural lirms ror the Children's Ii 1,0',,- School Project. and WHEREAS upon the recommendation of the Selection Committee, your Planning and Building Committee hereby recommends the retention or the architectural firm of Siegelilimvsaala Associate, of Detroit. NOW THEREFORE BF IT RESOLVED that the firm SiegeliTuooraala Associates he sele4ied in the architectural firm for the Children' t Village School an4 that the ChaIl non of the hoard ol ftemais irrners hu aud ht is hereby Jurhoriied CO execute the with rhi, firm on lehali 44 'he County. BE IT FURTHER RESOIYin that a sem of $40,000.00 be ard is hereby appropridted ii1 k.,VV1 architectural, engineering and admluislvalive costs. DR.' planoi ou t.eo,,Itee. by Palrirk K. Daly, Chairman, mow, 1hr .1411 lg. al the forngoinq re,uluiion PLANNING AND BUIIDING 1310110011 Pot, m.t. K. Ualy, Chairman" FINANCE CONNITIFE REPORT By Kr Pernick IN RE MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 07574 - SELECTION OF Tlit ARCHITECTURAL FIRM FOR THE CHILDREN'S VILLAGE SCHOOL PROAECI To the Oailded fount', Board of ronni, Mr Chaiorwn. radie, „put Geellec.i Puisuarl to kule Fl-r of this Hoold, the fioance Corwritlet- Finns the sum of 540,000 anal table ffl the '976 CWILal 1 A5ouvenkult Program - Children, Village SORell Improvempors. Further . said Funds are to “une from Federal Redeoue Sharinn food, FINANCE COMMITTEE Lau:tofu R. PernIck, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Patterson the report be accepted and RekOlutIon 07574 be adopted. AYES: Fortino, Geier, Hoot, Houghteo, Kasper, Lennon, M.Donald, Moffitt, Mnntante, Murphy, Nowak, Oinun, Page, Patterson, Perinuff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcok, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Douglas. (25) NAYS: None- (0) A suffkient aajority having voted therefor, the report on. acrepied and resolution 17574 WAS adopted. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN flt MSULLAN(005 IlLSOLuTION 07576 - TRANSFER OF (ANTAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUNDS TO OAKLAND AIRPORT FUND To the Oakland County Board of COmmissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen- The Planning and Bdilding Couedttee, by Patrocl, K. Daly, Chairman reports Miscellaneous CDnintsiloners Minutes Continued. June 17, 1976 322 Aesolution No. 7576 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly. Chairman .MIsc. 7576 By Mr. Daly IN RE, TRANSFER OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUNDS TO OAKLAND AIRPORT FUND To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, WHEREAS the 1976 Capital Improvement Program contains $250,000 for the improvement of the Oakland-Pontiac Airport and the Oakland-Orion Airport; and WHEREAS the Airport Committee has submitted a 1976 Capital Improvement Program for Airport, consisting of: Astropark Water Main Eetension - Oakland-Pontiac Airport S A2.100 Parallel Taaiway and Ramp fatension - Oakland-Orion Airport 75,000 (Project cost $150,000 - 505 State Grant) Terminal Building Air Conditioning Replacement - Oakland-Pontiac Airport 3,000 Terminal Building Caulking - Oakland-Pontiac Airport 11.000 1-Hangar Drainage - Oakland-Pontiac Altpurt 5,000 Entrance Rued Renovation - Oakidud-Pontidc Airport 50,000 Paved Roads for 1 -Hangar Section - Oakland-Pontiac Airport 10,000 Relocation of f-Hangars - Oakland-Pontiac Airport 57,000 Contingency Factor _6,900 —T70:3d6 WHEREAS these Capital Improvement Project are included in the Airport Master Plan', or are required for proper maintenance of the Airports; and WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee has reviewed and approved these Capital Project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that t he sum of 5260,000 be transferred from the 1976 Can't.' Improvement Program to the Oakland-Airport fund for the Airport Capital Improvement Program as out- lined. The Planning and Building Committee. by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption ol tfm foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairmen. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernlck Ift RE: Mt$CELLANEOuS RESOLUTION 17576 - TRANSFER OF CAPITAi IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM fONIX. In OAKLAND AIRPORT FUND To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule 01-C of this Board. the Finance Committee finds the sum nit $250,000 availdble in The 1976 Capital Improvement Program - Oakland Airports. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by WilcOx the report he accepted and resolution 07576 he adopted. AYES, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy. Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button. Daly, Douglas, Dunlheavy. (26) NAYS: Mono. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution #7576 was adopted. Misc. 7611 By Mr. Price IN RE, REALLOCATION OF C.E.T.A, TITLE II AND TITLE VI FY-76 FORFEITED FUNDS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution 16546 appliec for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor as Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1975, and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Coemissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution 07194 accepteo the CITA FY-76 monies for Titles II and 1/1, and WHEREAS these funds were distributed consistent with the (ETA law and regulations to all eligible cities, villages. townships and school districts in Oakland County, and WHEREAS locel units have opted to forfeit all or portions of their (ETA allocations, such forfeitures to date totalling S89,127.62; and WHEREAS such funds are available tor iedistributicm by the Oakland County Board of Comeis- sinners as the (ETA Prime Sponsor; NOW THEREFORE BE II RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the distribution of $89,127.6? of forfeited FY-76 Title 11 and Title VI funds consistent with the attache: budget. AVai 1,171P i,1.1.111.Xi (41y I So.!. th ly & II 4ror (h Icon G.C11311,i Purids $1 ,H,P1.12 4,16r.10 7:19 Si5 32; Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 17. 1976 The Public ServiLes Committee. by Hubert Price, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Chairman TITIE Mal 111.14 /12,141 I5M1.111'4TION ;;ITAIMARY , trir. IT. licrple,,..[ 11,1C 3,1151.;17.1* L,' ii 111111 1.0 1.5..1 i Uhr6 No. %IN 71111,0 111,11. ilut Fund. Al I, v.lt I On Lk', ILI. exl 'I'otztl ItlotiLlelIl Seliri 0, 5 -01 -76 $19, 716 $2, CIO $22,120 1 I II. Sunmary Total fluids For felted 'rot hula: lurya.st $2 4110. LIO 13:44417, kir, rvt• fikr 1.), I. Omit ligcncy real Tit Jr II wen I 1 ten Iran Prf 1II, FIniuling 56,857.47 Title 11 11-76 614.209 270.7411 11 Sapp]: (7-1-76) 116, ns!. 6131,047 Iiaostreraled Balarrs• 5-1-76 $11.209.00 137.181.19 1.114,0r39 $319,482.19 Commissioners Minutes Continued. Jun. 17. 1976 124 axA - 711116 VI 1.0101.:111.41F21PIEP/ILLICA110613 5129.1ARY JUNE, 1976 I. Avallabh, Funds A. Forfeited Funds Inm Sub-Grantees: 1. City of Hazel Park. 2. Lyon 73..r.tish1p 3. Village of II alard 4. City of Sylvan lake Total IbrIettorl Funds $52,036.00 13,537.00 2,80.1.15 13:523. nn •-• $82.210.15. (I. Horparsts. ft.= Shla-Cranlr,:, to extend cwrA Tit I. VI Program to 6-30-76 PEU18i AIM' 086011115 FliNUS TITLE VI 154). suBGRArrnE 13111. ALILJCATICIY WWI:8M TOTAL ErfiatildfILIT I Hocho.st er 5.:..hno1 s 5-07-76 $62,939 $ 1,000 $ 63,9:19 4 2 Lake Orion Schools 5 31-36 39,905 8,611 48,519 5 3 Troy Selys05 5-31-76 55.620 8,500 64,120 7 4 Birmingham School El 6-01-711 88,1:19 1,678.48 90,117.824 3 5 City of Plaluent Ridge 6-117-76 26,976 1.400 28,376 2 G yernda I e Selaiolr: '.4-30.74; 46,370 8,233.89 54,6115.810 11 7 Novi Selnols 6-1Y2-76 23,001 2,101 25,491 11 8 Walled Like Schc..01.J 5 28-71 7 I ,720 7,7:11.53 70,152.:,11 T 9 Hat.m,1 Park SIAMIDIS 5-31-76 49,456 4,800 54,225 5 10 Village of ON. ford 5-28-76 1:17,742 12,000 119,742 11 11 Hoye) (Ink TIAIKVilaP 4-19.76 200,615,7:3 2:._, 56:. 30 2:12 ,i3.1. 91 28 T.,' hast 1. I. SEIL:c512.15 •11.3201 Park Moved by Price supported by Dutton the resolution be adopted. AVIS: Moot, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson. Page, Patterson. PerInoff. Pernick, Price. Roth, I MIMS W I CON. 'Wilson, Aaron, Dutton, Daly, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler. (21) NAYS: atone. (0) A sufficient INnjorlty having voted therefor, the resolutIon was adopted. 325 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 17, 1976 Mist. 7612 By Hr. Price IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT CRIME PREVENTION BUREAU GRANT - 1ST YEAR APPLICATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: SRFEREAS the Oakland County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, a special Committer of the Oakland County Board of Commissiorers, has attached it top priority rating to the orevention ol sFloa; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Sheriff's Department is requesting authorization lu apply for 350,247 in LEAA funds to implement a crime prevention program; and WHEREAS the Oakland intady Sheriff's Depetinmnt is further requesting County cash matching Funds in the amount of 52,71.-. and WHEREAS the Finnnte Committee has reviewed the attached Crime Prevention program budget and has found the identified costs to be allowable enpenditures of Culdly dollars and is aware of the fiscal implications identified in the attached report THEREFURt" AL IT RESOLVED that the Public 5ervIces Comnittee recomeends authorization of the Oakland County Simritl i . Oepartment to apply 550,247 Ili 'IAA funds for a Crime Program; and N0a lliEktFoRE ilr ORTFIFH RESOLtiF0 [hit In Count,. I i coin cdsh matching fonds in an amount nut to exceed $2.J1.' PuHLIL SERVICES COMmITTEE inrnhert Price, Jr., Chairman FINANCE COMN11TEE REPORT By hr. Pernicn IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY CRIPIL PREVENTION BUREAU GRANT - IST YEAR APPLICATION To the Oakland County Bond or Commissiouers Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed the Grim Prevention Bureau Grant Application which consists of one (II position supplemented by an appropriation for overtime to supply additional manpower and an appropi iatiun for operatinv budget items. The total grant requirement 'or the first year period is to, $55,830, of which the County portion is $2,792 or The bulanc, of 553,038 is from Federal (903) and State (53) funding source! The second year ca:riex Inc saint_ pieakdown at in the first. In the third ye, of it, pi varap, the County Lontribunion will increase to 500 or oPPFoa- imately 127,915. Accept:ince 07 Ulu !Arid year ciermilment carries a mandatory agreement to "'Oil...! the program for d fakirlh yea. . coon', "jinn, . r, approsUsately $55,830 as indicated in time following schedule f_!Mn221- IFPLICATIONS is: Year 2no Vuar 3rJ heir 4th Yea, 10/1/76 - p's0/:7 10/1/// • ..)!Jo/its 10/1/75 9/30/79 10/1/79 - 9/30/80 Cash Federal 550,247 010 550,747 (SOT) 527.915 i51)T) S — Stale 2.7n1 io,) ? 191 -- County 2.792 l5r, V.12 (55) 27.915 (50/) 55,830 (100T) IGTAL 7o6.83r1 1100) fhrr 110711 555.810 1100r) 055,830 100.0 The abort; co,t , a. ba,d oh iorrent co-ls and do not Vellect any salary increases, price increases, pieepam improvement, or staining adjustments. The Finance Cormittee, by Lawrence R Pernick, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report; further, that this arant application be referred to the Public Service Committee. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman" NI YSI DAS!! COSA:, k_3_,1,11c) s 3,500 D. OPERATING EXPENSE Ehroal Clots Telephone Printing __ • - Rent • ExplAsatinn Mnnthly Rote Local 1c Teoor,DI anc Brpchurau P314m. Corpondance c Pablio /rito $ 600 _3,000 1,000 — 611U -- 250 TM% [TOTAL PUNOS S 55.830 (amissloners Minute. LOnt inoed . June 17, 1976 ,AL PNOGRAMS GRANT APPLICATION rioor, Lco,is Ca. fluilsbrin Lanslnu i., i 3 70 Detallarl Dodo. (Continn.11) 326 C. 'MAUI Troncsuirt.aion ontl Sulisish ore sif Project Pn150111.01 TrAol lu he Ito Ad 11 in In) Ilsrcriphon — Mi Ono TO CAL TRAVEL Lodhinu TOTAL OPIllATINGL XLTNi1 If Applicata., Monthly 0LLLiiIi I Pi I 1.113111. Slain E. EOUIPMI, hlr Merlins) Description s5.20o —grrls-rivora —Ty-pear 1-ter .2y Rpg • -AU-- -- 700 - -i0..Fir pr.i.ct-r, - -- I 1.,..0..., . ...,000 -33-TIA .-ilicle .proj_actor 1 _300 _300 166" _ _,3_, 111-1 comer] 1. 1.30.31 1400 1400 S trobe f 1 a s h . p ,al 1 ia _ 1 - , , . 1 .3 3 SO. ,..,.,...... . _. r 1050 Praieetia9 3rp.en - -- A ._-__0Q_______..0 .__ _ 51§1 g 1 0 'Von 12 sidu dDor, & iiJdpor) TVTA F011111FNI 00 r. fl irr,., 0 0 Total I, Nernorleldng . 7 Ish!f:sooloiction TM A L CONS- F ULM I IUN ...,_ • .. ssoa._, . _ _,,.....s........ ' FaTILia........_...e-,J-f5-1,1?_9._- • G. SOLINGE OF FUNDS I Amount I Prreenfasie 1. Factual en .nl." 2. Stat. Buy In Far LOcal Suhiyants ------- 3. Local Cash Match 4. -57.1.e-Ca-th Appro.priZon PaLlita, 0,l y Tirne Title II., II, Dart:ilea Pr ojc t. -ordi tor. $ 16., ) 100!'", Nrnn 01 rrnplupt Previously Ernpinyed Al D0c[. 1. Inthvidluel Comult.nyle. Limited to Ile:n..14.14,, Bate nob Feeeedms 0100 per day Nanur 2. Conti aciin,J OP Se,vig.e Cl.pnirallinil, and A.nriatinn Luanne lerqui,tel to Eerabidd. lican,ndde Beta idive Bidding Procedure 327 s ionery ['lutes Con t inued June 17, 1976 Lewis rAsi ,,i"t. 40113 A pH:LS9191\g Uropruyrell SA1. ARILS AND 20 Detailed ',Irina, the tatiln‘lotl roll or Vail, eal all b-,10,, in urol rake Ole project. Hound lo the neatest $I 00.: on MLII CASII COS I S. CA, pt. I nr- Cr).1._ _Paf :Malt bl _ ..E$4 ()opt__ _ SUBTOTAL s_320 10_ .71t766t) 2. Fl-d,NGE 9FNEFIT • 1, Ben., nent al AC C d[2 -0,1_ 1.0_46g_.s n., r rnnIh . _ d- Diht,20_-r Sr, rnTnl. 895 -WU-- 70375— 211.7J --..- . — -- SUBTOTAL $.6380_ _ TOTAL PERSONNEL - S,38,3811- B CON1TitACTUAL T'iIrVITINllcou,..) TOTAI C01111tAt1 t Int SF nylCi S Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 17, 1976 Moved by Price supported by Patterson the report be accepted and resolution #7612 L, adopted. AYES: Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernik, Price, Roth. Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dunleavy, Fortino. (19) NAYS. Noughten, Kasper, Murphy, Nowak, Gabler, Hoot. (6) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution #76i. was adopted. Misc. 7613 By Mr. Price IN RE: FISCAL YEAR 1976 C.E.T.A. TITLE II DISCRETIONARY SUPPLEMENTAL ALLOCATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution 0646 applied for and sees granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor as Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WMEREAS Oakland County's Manpower Program has provided approximately 4,050 public service jobs throughout Oakland County; and WHEREAS Oakland County has been recently notified by the U.S. Department of Labor that Its C.E.T.A. fY 76 Title it allocation has been increased by 1120,966 discretionary supplenental funds; and WHEREAS these funds will be allocated to program agents in accordance with the recommendatt of the Department of labor. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the C.E.T.A. FY 76 Title li discretionary supplemental allocation In the amount of $122,566 consistent with the attached allocation budget. The Public Services CoemIttee, by ItubertPrice, Jr,, Chairmen, moves the adnpl{nn of the foregoing raSOlutiOn. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman OAKI AND (I )I bEl'Y I *3 VII r11611 NJ OF 111111 ,IC NUN IF I•N 1$11.1E PiFtliFtl' AMR 'TIMER I Fei ;FI VI:FRAY TITIE IL FY-7(i ALIF1TICFNAL, DISL171a1(114011Y FlIFEDINfl $122, .5(3f1 PREVIOUS ADflITIONAL Taw, DISCIMUMARY FIANDINti Dismolumw pamtv flaliT AILLCATION 5-24-76 FUNDING Ptritiu $145,301 $55,977 $201,278 FIrlal Cads 4E1,232 16,561 66,612 Southifeld 34,965 13,470 48,435 Waterford 'rep. 63,961 24,649 68,630 Farmington Hills 25,675 9,891 35 566 nftal $318,154 $122.568 $440,722 Played by Price supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. AYES: Kasper. Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy. Nowak, Olson. Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, loth, Simmons, Wilcox. Wilson, Aaron. Button, Oaly. Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Root, Houghton. (25) MAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. • i I. Lynn El. Allen Ooklond_County_ Clerk , duly appointed and trota) ,du berth} ortlifI that the above ia a true and correct toot of r. Lotion -- -FTWW7L".., 329 CommIsaloners Minutes Continued, June 17, 1976 Misc. 76114 By Mr. Price IN Aft DISASTER ASSISTANCE - DESIGNATION OF APPLICANT'S LOCAL AGENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners- Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: RESOLUTION INITRISOLVLDwr_eQuaLoLramrnissioatts___0E_ag_kland Cpunty, Michigan gong 1.4) "Nil law,/ 'Tam- Johannes Spree., Sheriff rf fneumbrlri hl,rcby nothonerd eXtelltrFo.t Jl0 t,l,.lJoI_02IbI5I,ddDVrIIO _ ,a public entity establithed ondar the ,0lIhOUI,nf . _ thn epplicatIon and In Sit it on the app.opiate Stale office for the purpose of obtateios eed.iinl-cdoral fin..ncial u vibrance undu do Utuater Rehr! Act (PUNIC Lao ISA, 93rd Convest) or Ahern-ix Evadable froin thr Prcaident's Urattee Ached Fond T111T Oakland County , a public entity ratablathrd ,.orkr lI.rI,n. of the Stale of Mk hi 9Ort_ - . herchy authoriret its agent to provide to the St,Ie and to the Federal Unaaler AtosInarr Adminh UAL. ( !MAT Deparrrneal of limning and Urban Development (RUM for all luatetes per Lrining to such tre,Terni dewier arAttance the .naurancce and axreerrnnu ptinird on the R." aide hued. Po and approved this 17th day of___Jire _Ay 76 Alexander C. Peringr,"gradatlesirmon 8ernard F. Lennon, $CfrcItivsurfitntian Daniel T. Murphy, enonqggiluflve CERTIFICA NON titt,.1.,dapp1owc./b1 the. DiKlvd ____of 001°Pd _ Earlry) op the— 171k day of Roe _..,16±715. Dar June 17, 1976 Holtt GlO Tit It,I.r..19,ernml I :Wm.. pKICIt., 7J1 Inh II I. ,Entpl. Moved by Price supported by Pernick the resolution be adopted. AYES: Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, MOntente, Murphy, Olson, Papa, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernik, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Dutton, Daly, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot. Kasper. (2S) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient sailor i ty having voted therefor, -.:os Ion was adopted. ,i2.1 I Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 17. 1976 330 Misc. 7615 By Mr. Price IN RE, ADULT WORK EXPERIENCE - 0.1.1. PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution 16546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor as Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of Title I of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1971; and WHEREAS Oakland County's C. (.TA. Title I Grant Application ha torn filed and approved by the U.S. Department of Labor; and WHEREAS Adult Work experience is a component In Oakland County's approved Manpower Program; and WHEREAS the revised program Includes an D.J.T. component to develop a greater opportunity for Work Experience enrollees; and WHEREAS the revised program includes an opportunity for the Public Services Committee to review all new work sites with non profit agencies, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that an annual budget of $366281 be approved for the Adult Work Experience - 0.1.1. Program for the period of July I. 1976 to June 30, 1977. consistent with El,. attached budget. NOW BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Public Services Committee will review the performance objectives of the Adult Work teperience - 0.1.1 Program on a quarterly ba,11 The Public Services Committee. by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERvICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price. Jr.. Chairman (1 / • iii I 11111 eA,1;••11t y flical.o • Arlati •I 0 1.. 11 12L0 au ar. zr), 11,...,1... ..“;11 n-••1,1i,1.1"0:1111/1 .1 .1. (1` 1111. 141 tml I I.,. • I it . tirvimunlJulyI , try/C, 'Iit, I u / I "rn !I 0 .,11 I . I ...+;,1 , 11 Ti' le I 1.1trif:10i (//r/ C. 111,, down nn 7/1/7:1 1./..:0/77 52 weijtn, 1.3 yarn Tina I 1073-77 fi.exlr; partici irultb' V,IciLi5 and fringe:I Iii to r: •• 0.11- Cot 0: racts Ill. Testi. nn;,, rmruCl EdUCAti01.131 Gompionnt 255,044 461,000 . 6,000 IV. Adminit.trulion and Client Costs 102 i3,-•-7 Total St5311;e31 V. ▪ - 205'. of the, following: A. 11. Ai, C. raticrrtnry Vi. Client .!i,•rvice - 100% oF the following: A. U. Jo!, vt-loper0 (3) C. hatuk.,/TZt- ar-ds Clerks (2) TUtal ▪ St-npr: 7 C. At% fop., ,2t;i 10.4 2.0 71-6ZZ;"17... ; Attachments: 1. G0p9 or h I r.t 2. t.ist of tion-prt.rit oc5or,rrior is, ,,OVC5C1 C11 1-f-5,`, scsk.s .,. n .1: 1 ;•..p._ S VA I XI -5:_ft.11;e1Ct1: r 331 Commissioners minutes Continued. June 17, 1976 VII. 1'er-cc titn?„in lir-s01,lav,r, of hit: Budget A. Q460,030 OJT 25'3,044 if•nsiti Exporlar;c, 88.8/ ri.s • :UV i o ,n , d,.•-• in ni ,111,1 1 1;(•; l; ,..,111 I '141 r•,•,n; ilio,o1KA r.11 ,..l• H. . ,P.1..1•n•• v,iII 1,:2 fr.7!1•7, to ti,N, chi •.% f rom ond ri h“. C. I his nr,:a or in •jur coricren; to 01.1113A's Division it I omposed of adults lacking II, good eQ+4t hallit, and attitude:. and who, in totlt,n„0:. jrir ra:irket, find it virtually impossible to sat a .1r:1s on ti,,,,,' own. A ra:14,,wir of ttiot:e in Oil s clannifir41ion will b•a titscoil ri stark expeoi erica iri non-pro;-ii agencies and riferrril lo the other • o;i. upcsi ready in terms of good r.. irk habit 7., al titild.ri and tii of EL 51,511. D. On •111.:-.)Oli 1,5 hi :a ...tor( of ihrin.,101) llovelorwr, C/1 S ISA Or hI ho to ft,: dein:law:slit c.11 or Al pC`- jab contrai.1,, 1r i t I, ;.,•• t I. ,.• y 1' •,:tr... ft,: .-.0:1:1 fterliid luta, Gast ,1 107:.--7, ' .. l..,-i.•,... l•-•.::;1 -,r.,..!=.9.11•Iryt:r.::_..,.Aduti crrincr . _..7'.... -. .. 1wlleti ;1 ,7'. Si Ir. ',el 1 -illiti •;.10,0 it . -iti.:;',X) IA /,,CX1 1 Yr. $ *1i800 20 A ,...1... Mgr. Filled 13,000- 11.,000 14,05SI 1 Yr. 2,000 PO ilivn. S ac'y. Filled 7,000- 0,000 0,000 1 Yr. 1,603 Agency Administration _1 030', Total Administration t140-6- Yr. 7.0110 1,1 /0, /00 / , 000 Certlusloners !Cilia.' Continued. Jure 17. 1976 n-.ilLIENT SFr:VICES .._ Counsebiar Filled 8,500-10,500 9,500 1 Yr-, Coiriselor Filled 8,500-10,500 0,500 1 Yr. lob Developer Unfilled 0,500-10,500 0,500 1 Yr. Sdb Dove toper UnFilli.e1 9,500-10,500 9,500 1 Yr. loto Devi,lope', UnS Mud 0,500-10,1710 0,000 1 Yr... fritakefilecord Clerk Un011 ,A 11,000- 11,000 7,000 1 Yr. 332 9,500 .9,500 100 9,500 100 0,500 100 0,11013 100 7,001.1 100 - 01take/i2curwi Cleric Unli11,1 8,000-- 9,000 7,000 Tot 01: ri:no iof 0-• (1'7 .14). Toted rit, .0, 1. 11101 -(1 L 11,1 •1... I '1,(] l.pid1le 700 F.dulpriv-rtl/L. ising: BOO 1,1 1:11.1 2,11012 700 120 : 4 $10 Ctit Se7-vices RuOnot SJrocorcivo Eercr.s to i'w-ticioarts n ! . 1 , • C.-..ccot77-..cor. 'Total Enroll ens per 1 Hou,-s oar Week ii Norr.t.er of ! Toto, n RoLt. eLr. ! Zono. 1V-/ork 0.4as i fl catio, ! or E- _-011ea Vveeks j -!c _ -= I ) 1 - ., .7.,toJ-14-col 50 I ' ' • - C.YT Coo., 7nr_al Part...a:pa-to ' • '.'a:c= (work o-,teeriero; • Toed Wages/r-enta, ▪ estIrg and E-Ounaclonal Cornpore-.t: - :io1 noctInue 'Ora ad.:eat:2.- EUC no COO, .T.okle-ct '._:.-.1vors:Cy, etc.; ,7 .o.drr.iniatrot4.c-. Total 1 ▪ - contract relects $4,500 per ecntrooc; iWC (2; o...-2.trac_'t5 ectered i,ZG.7...:.^ week - c72,020 1'c..- 52 ..•:-_,a. 05,270 ow cirri. coin I AIc4t Sorviee 1.4111-prollI ....fic•nr Clel• 2 Tot:4 0,553.03 fr•inget.: total: 10,.67, it; /1sierv'y 1..ake.c.i.: • I loran 132 17rri•.':13, I ltvd. PoratA. Holly acal Service 1 lolly ( 111 CO1 1.age. Road 1 I lolly, iv:1 wagon: 1 7/31.1.1r, _334 total: 5,113.143 4,7114.03 ann . III, _ total: '5,118.01c [lot Line moso Eli-eg Road Southfield, Ml 48076 wages: 4,784.00 fringes: 334.U1: total: 011. svage-c: , fringes: 331. total: 5,110.89 4,731.00 II C.. :131 113 _ t01,,1, 5,110.141 Alternative l_lfestyles 7421;! 1 Create, • 1, it10ok6 131 Univ.,,ity f.'ontiae, Ml 4 ,Tow: :! Ch•ortch C5491 4- y Lake Rrricl Union 1 .7., M1 r • seagc•ce 114 cf.) friit.i.•: 1 0.•1 I• YMCA i 148W. Pentiae, Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 17, 1976 1311 . E. L . P. Center 4 wayes: .4 0, 13l1.00 145 Rucsile.: 1 ,71!:0.tr',! Milford, M1 total: LakoLi 11 liclucilng l wagcs.; 11,:352.0Al 535 Brc'nch fringe:, 1,001.111 Pontiac:, MI total: 15,31M1.11 I Detroit Raptist Children's Homo 4 3(1 15 ,1.0(i 1410W, 13 Mile Road fringes: 1 ,330 Royal Oak, MI total: 20,•,75.52 RAP 3 wages: 14,352.00 8100 PEIntlac Lake Road frictuG.: I ,01.1.3.(1.1 Pont MI total: Th,3Ltt WI M 1111 I' L:1 C.I IA I ; r t.:11 lip, ,:k; (:[) r3 ,71!4.0,; 5,114.63 1140. .111 ,,i70.1,1 ((1.1 .111) ii•10510 :114 .111 _ _ _ El., wacm: rin,J,,'•: IA1.0,1 11,10k1, 5 tota1 : 01,1,1.)."3 1'.i„ 1140.3.d., 10.0: 1,1,, 1. n-n (I/ 55 ' • n I 4, /:..1.1,10,) :t 1,1.4; 1.1 I i 5, 1 335 Commits loners /iInutes Com In.ed • .11.11-m 17. $976 Ch t•i • '. '1 ,...rvic.n • 00.0i 1 I ;Inoroil ,•V.;i11 I-. Eiloarrifl 1014 1-1,10,,, t,I 411010 CoUrt c,130 Por.U.p.c, MI YMCA - 28100 FarrranE:i00e 1- armtrlfi'.:on, MI 4w.04.1 4 - Club 2414 ParkhurEt Pontirke, MI .S eon Nursery ;I W•too.•: 151:1.:'. 11 29475 Irl!szer Rc.....d f ring.,... 1 ,Cla.1......1 _....._. .. . 17arrniniLon, MI 41,1.124 totill: 1.`..n,:)5(i.t.l. CAPAD 3 wow,. 14,,0:12 000 1)03 Liv,..,-Inif.. f rirlipt,. 1 , 004.ti -1 l ernclal.e, MI toLval. 15, i.:,.::;,....4 Sancd•lo:,:.,.. 3 14,10' .111) :d1..r 11). ic•ro idd'dh.• I '•• - I I ,1e11.1.i , 1 'it.,.: •r-d• d•••..,/,••••,•••.d , /..•I dndd ...... Id-,•0: 4 ,1)5.1.,10 1 _ 1 4 ,01.1.10 i Ft'IrrEyeL: Total Cobt. 19 .74 . 00 05 KrIa 00047L, OLAISA. Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 17, 1976 336 Moved by Price supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. Mr. Gabler requested that Robert E. Chisholm, Director of Public Services be allowed to address the Board. There were no objections. Mr. Chisholm addressed the Board. AYES, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Moth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon. (23) NAYS: None. (0) ABSTAIN: Gabler. (I) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7616 By Mr. Price IN RE: COMMUNITY SERVICE AGENCY RECREATION GRANT FY-76 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mt. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution A6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor of Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of Title I of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 19/3; and WHEREAS Oakland County's C.E.T.A. Title I Grant Application has been flied and approved by the U.S. Department of Labor; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Department of Recreation has conducted a recreation program for disadvantaged youth during the summer of 1975; and WHEREAS • similar program involving over 38,000 youth and 335 visits to local units Is proposed for fiscal year 1976, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the recreation grant of $20,400, consistent with the attached budget. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman • 1." - 0.1141,1 cotto,i, - PARKS AND IR -ECK:A .110N COMMISSION IfIlifi - 1971i tt idiro Iiuij Irn PlIrN lif Tro g rrss ro.',1 • Atiu.5.1 • Pitt Met' L 114 1 ; V. ,7.r. T. 31; Ns- 337 Cared se !emirs Minutes Continued, lune 17, 1976 r•nnn-1 ql e•M.: , 111, 1 live.: sed June 1476 • 101// I I Y. Ysai 3etsli it.% 51,i IV 6) x ./3t, ttr.C1101u ▪ tun. le 5:1 y" 77 Spot a ,011.7.-. e • hr . $114i Tilt IN )1.11 ) 1 t hr 31 71if. Li 1,1 14;5 1 911.V.11 .,, • $204t1.1 Tm"--il Ole! S •' let:10••• L .1r.1 e - $771iit. $mn lUliti - 1t17 I] (IiriILiuj 3Pik 'ileurs or 'Progress PAR:(5 AND RECREATION COnMAISSION • lb, ,• N..ms t a,...e v. vv, ▪ 0,1 Sy.1nn•. 714 3., 1/ 17 741 14 1" 1 , 12 l2 4 5 4 4 Commissioners Hinut•s Continued. June 17, 1976 33g *Wand ottuMy vol., cent, • 2300 Lko ,pya I. •k. ••.4.1 1:.:1':".1(,1 11,1 :`,C;.; 3. IfIhreal• poaiiac. rrichseal nno.)4 •1141344 C Ii S11,1-01.0 nr,,, vin I liwjal DO 1 1.n,,thr !rid re•rIl 1:111:,11 ,.,!.1; 1.• %C. Or ion CI rw:onville S tom 13 I, 34n 1,1rhor IrrIlo,l l! A:14mA •021“ • Gfovolsnd•ONt.1 • inJeceedanc., 0,10. • w.aerinfd-041,.. • Whi•., law . OA, • Sprinoi.-Id•olls Moved by Price supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. AYES: Moffitt, Murphy. Nowak, Olson, P 5011. Perinoff, PernIck, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Sutton, Daly, Ounleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority hiving voted therefor, the resolution see adopted. 339 Coemissioners MinuteS Continued. June 17, 1976 Moved by Gabler supported by Roth the Board adjourn to July 8. 1976 at 9:0 A m A sufficient majority having voted therefor, cho motion carried. The Board adjourned at II:55 A.M. Lynn D. Allen Clerk Alexander f Per indl Chairnmn OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING July 8, 1976 Sleeting called to order by Chairman Alexander C. PerInOff at 950 A.M. in the triiirt HouSe Auditorium, 1200 North telegraph Road. Purl ac. Michigan. Invocation giver by Henry W. Hoot. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron. Button. Daly, lea thorn, Douglas, nonleavy, Fortino. Gabler, Hoot, Lennoe. McDonald, MurrItt, Monteete, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson. Berioorf, Perrick, Price, Ruth, Timmons. Wilcox. Wilson. (24) ABSENT: Floughteo, Kasper. Murphy. (3) Quorum present. Moved by Patterson supported by Roth the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as printed A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the potion carried. Clerk read card of thanks from Bill and Mabel Patterson. (Placed GM rile.) Clerk read letter from Roger L. Wood. Rules and Reoulations Supervisor Department of Natural Resources regarding a public hearing to he held Loruerning watercraft problems oo Sylvao and Otter Lake, (Placed on We.) Clerk read resolution adopted by the Saginaw County Board of Commissioners recording Act 312 of Michigan Public Acts of 1969 whIch provides tor compulsory bioding arbitration whenever a public police or fire department employee dispute Lannul be resolved to the agreement of both parties. (Placed on file ) Clerk read letters from State Representatives Wilbur V Brotherton and Melvin 1. Larsen acknowledging receipt of resolvtiOns, (Placed on file ) Clerk read letter from Mary Ellen Thick, Lapeer County Clerk regarding petitiuus I,, sut lake levet of Big Fish Lake. The Clerk slated the petitions are sufficient. Moved by Wilcox supported by Daly thy rules he suspended tor ialmedilate Inn:1410 al lOn of setting the lake level at Dig Fish Lake. AYES: Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick. Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron. Button, Italy, Dearborn. Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, McDonald, Moffitt. (23) MAI*, None. (0) A sufficient majority hawing voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Wilcox Supported by Dearborn that We approve the petitions as submitted and direct the office Of Civil Counsel in assisting the Lapeer County Prosecutor in establishing the level sought. Nowak, Olson, Page, ratterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth. 5iMMons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Moor, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante. (23) NAYS: hone. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. 14I COdmissioners Minutes Continued. July 8, 1176 Moved by Pernick Supported b y Roth that we override the Lrmoil 0 Laecullvo's vett, of Miscellaneous Resofutroo 07574 - Federal And Store Al Cnorinator. Discussion followed. Moved by Button supported b y Roth that Mr. Gabler be elle-wed to take the Chair yo ihe Chairman Could Speak on the veto. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Chairman addressed ihe Boom!. nisCussion followed_ The Chairman returned to the Chair. Vote On vete: AYES, Olson. Peeinoft, Pernirk, Price. Roth, Simmons, Wilson. Aaron, Button, Oar y, Dearborn. Douglas, For I i nu , L6111-10n_ ( (4) NA/ P ide, Pet 1 error, W 1 GUY Gay ler, , Pent, &Donald Mot Ii Montan t Nowak. (g) A sit fioio vt nujorit y rot having rot,/ therefor, The mut ion failed. Roved by Rotten supported by Ditt y thAr vie override the Count y Executive's veto of MlYcel lane., resolution 07560 - Amendimmt to A t 185, P.A. 1157. Discuss ion tot lowed. Vote on vett; AYFS: Per ifluff. Peen irk, Pr ice, Roth, 'Sideline, WI! Coo Wi I , Aaron, Put ton. Only , Dearborn. Dovglas, Fortino, Hoot, Lennon, OIS.4.. jib) NAYS: Page Patterson Lab! et , McDonald, Plot litt, Montan te Nowak. (7) A sufficient majority not having 'doled therefor, the motion failed. mmeed by Perniei supported by Daly the agenda he amended [0 consider the Pursunnel Corrmittee's RepOrl 35 thc first item of Lusiness under Reports of Standing lonsmittees. Mr Gabler obrecred Vote on obtectlun A suf I .‘1,,I leg having voted therrini The ,,lriel 100 wr,, ,101 snsratned REPORT MY Mr Aaron IN RE, MISCELLANEOUS RESOLOIION 7/604 - JUPS BOARD-S/1R: TART To Inc Oakland /firml y Board i.f Toni,,, Mr, halrmae, Latius end .1,n; I ....L... The Per simnel Corset !lee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Cha I 'marl. reports Kt scat Ipneous Reso ut ion No. 7604 ol th the reromMendation that the resolution be adopted. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman "Misc. 7604 By Mr Aaron IR RE, JURY BOARO-LECRETARY To the Oakland Count y Buerd el commissioner, Mt- ChairTa.. Ladies and Gentlemen, WHEREAS ,n tg75. the (trCuit Court inii .ated or program to improve the efficiency ul (up on et i I irariOn and In reduce per rase juror ie. And Ai leage expenditures, end WHEREAS re is rirog, an. ci demon, 1.11,1 'ili ac' ',So Its mlii print 110 I it irs ot event II Cdl fir ef f Lc i enc i es end WHEREAS there in presently a port-Lime Aury 6“ard Secretar y position in r be °rite, the Count y Clerk: and WHEREAS the I IreoiT Court f s request inch with /fir concurrence cal the Count y Llyrk/Regisier. that this DO5iIIOn be deleted And lilac a full lime position of Deputy Jury (Jerk be established in the office of the Circuit Court Administraror: and WHEREAS frau change would pert,/ an employer to work approximatel y half-time WI matters for the Jury Board and half-time on assistiri s the cur ten: Jo y Clerk thereby leither increasing the elf is iency hf juror OS lint loll and redo, lion of per rest. juror fee and ntlleunte expenditures. NOW THEREFORE OS II fitsnilitED IhAi ihn put-rime post tiun and i Ian,, ill at inn ml Jory Board S.4t ml dry in. the .4 it. r 01 t I rrk/Redi .a et he de For rd APO Hull 1 he lot I -1 hie broil inn and r I ays i I I. dirt mE OoPittY J"'Y 0", M. nst ,,I1 Ow.' In A41.0111,11a101. r outran a0111.1q1 ,414oy Commissioners Minute, Conriooed. July R. Ig/6 3112 range of: BASE 6 MONTH I YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR /76-12 Erg— 1761— F747§W- 37/T— 9.S1/6 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the full-time position be funded for the remainder of 1976 by transferring S893 from the Clerk/Register salary budget due to the sevings of deleting Jury Board Secretary, and $3,744 from the "Juror Fees and Mileage" line Item of Circuit Court Administration portion of the budget to the Circuit Court Administration salaries budget. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis Aaron. Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. rem ink TN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION F7604 - JURY BOARD-SECRETARY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and (sentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board. the Finance Committee finds the sum of $1,600 available In the Clerk/Register Administration Salaries Budget for 1976 and 02,837 available in the 1976 Circuit Court Administration Budget - line item - Jury Fees and Mileage. Said funds to Co transferred to toe Circuit Court Administration Budget - line Item - Salaries - Regular. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Roth the report be accepted and resoluticm A7604 he adopted. AYES: Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Vi Icon, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Lennon, McDonald. Moffitt. Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page. (23) NAYS: None, 10) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution /7604 mos adopted. Misc. 7617 By Mr. Daly IN RE: CLINTON RiVER FLOODING To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen; WHEREAS the Clinton River passes through areas of independence Towmshlp, Waterford Township, West Bloomfield Township, Orion township, Pontiac Township, Avon Township, City of Pontiac, City of Orchard Lake Village. City of Sylvan lake, City of Keego Harbor. City of Rochestei and Clarkston; and WHEREAS these coamunities are rapidly developing urbanization areas, and WHEREAS re-occurring flooding of the Clinton River in the areas of Cas , lake, Otter Lake, Sylvan Lake and the City of Pontiac in the years of 1973. 1974 and 1975 has endangered the health and property of the citizenry; and WHEREAS Or. Ernest F. Brater's report of Retch 4. 1976, an e study ol flood conditions along the Clinton River in the region which includes the Western part of Porrlat., WateriniT Township and Vest Bloomfield Township, states the flooding In the recent rears IS nut an unusual occurrence but will re-occur and more severe flooding will occur as the urbanization of the area inCleaSeS. WHEREAS the following communities. West Bloomfield Township, Independence Township, Waterford Township. Orion Township, City of Pontiac, City of Keego Harbor, City of Sylvan Lake. Lake Angelus Village, Clarkston Village and Pontiac Township have passed resolutions requesting the Oakland County Board of Commissioners enter into an agreement with the U.S. Corps or Engineers. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners requests the U.S. Corps of Engineers to take necessary action inc the correction of the flooding cond I 1 Ions The Planning and Building Committee by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adowlott of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly Supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Mist. 7618 By Mr. Daly IN RE. APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR EXPANSON OF TROY STREET OFFICES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mt. Chairmen. Ladies and Gentleeen, WHEREAS the Troy Street Office Building VAS renovated in 1975 for the purpose of providing office space for the Probation Department. and WHEREAS the renovations provided spice for a total of eighteen (18) employees; and WHEREAS twenty-five (TS) employees are now housed in this location, due to the addition of State financed Probation Officers; and 341 Commissioners Minutes Continued, July H. 1916 WHEREAS space is available In the old Pharmacy which can be renovated for office use. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLYED that $3,900.00 be and IS hereby allocated, From the 1976 Capital Program, to the Department of Central Servi,es for the purposes of plovIdIng the above renovations. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly. Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. The Chairman referred the resolutinn to the Finance Committer. There were no oblottInns. Misc. 7619 By Hr. Daty IN RE: HUDSON SANITARY DRAIN To the Oakland County. Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and gentlemen WHEREAS proceedings havv been taken by the Statutory Drainage Board for the ronstruction of the Hudson Sanitary [hair under The provisrons of Chapter 20 ol Act Mi. AO of the Puhlic Acts ol 1956, as amended, pursuant to a petition filed with the Dahland County Drain Commissioner, and WHEREAS the said Drainage Board by resolution adopted in Jove 16, 1976, authorized And pruvided for the issuance of Ponds ro the aggregate Pflnsitial amt." of 51,390.000 in anticipation of the collection .f an equal amount ol a special assessment against the City ot Novi, said special assessment having been duly confirmed by said Drainage Bard, and WHEREAS said bords Are to he designated Drain Bonds, are to he dated Septembe, 1, 1976, will bear interest at a rate not exceeding fiT and will not be subject to redemption prior to maturity; and WHEREAS said Drainage Board deems it advisable and necessary to obtain from this Board a resolution consenting to the pledge of the full faith and credit of the county on the aforesaid bondSi and WHEREAS the said drainage project is immediately necessary to protect and preserve the Public health and therefore it is in the best interest of the County of Oakland that said bonds be Sold. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY Ti-IF OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS; I. That pursuant to the authorization provided in Sectiun 1.71. of Chapter 20 of the Drain Code of 1966, as amended, the Oakland Coanty Board of Cownissiuners does hereby irrevocably pledge the full faith and credit or the County at Oakland (pr the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the said grain Bonds, and does agree that in the event the City of Novi shall fail or neglect to account to the County Treasurer of the County of Oakland for the amount of any special assessment installment and interest, when doe, then the 3nOunt thereof shall he Immoodialely advanLed Iron' County lands, and the County Treasaler is directed to immediately make such advancerwni to lhe extent necessary. 2 That in the event that, pursuant to said pledge of full faith and credit, the County of Oakland advance, out of County funds, all or any parr of said installment ano interest, it shall be the duty of the County Treasurer, tor and on behalf of the County of Oakland. to take all actions and proceedings and pursue all remedies peredtted or authorized by law fat the reimbursement of ,uch sums so paid 9. That all resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as the same nay be In conflict with the provisions of this resolution be and the same hereby ire rescinded. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman ADOPTED, YEAS: Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Donleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Root, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Muntante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson. (231 NN,B7 None. ID/ ABSENT: Houghten, Kasper, Mnrphy, Wilson. (it) 344 1377,199.00 151,720.00 39,500.00 13.160.00 950.00 400.00 02,777.00 7.475.00 6,530 00 2,193.00 500.00 3,000.00 70,131. 00 130,102.00 Commissioners Minutes Continued, July 8, 1976 ESTIMATE OF COST HUDSON SANITARY DRAIN I. Construction 2. Engineer', Design Fee. 96,000.00 Resident Engineer (Contract Adm.) 26,320.00 Soli and Material Testing 0,400.00 Soil Borings 25 000.00 3. Inspection 4. Staking and Layout 13,160.80 5. Publishing Oakland Press 250.00 tioyl Mews 0002 Michigan Contractor and Builder 100.00 Bond Buyer 500.00 6. Bond Printing to0.00 7. Rights-of-Way B. Bond Counsel 9. Financial Consultant 10. ALI 347 Permit II. Drainage Board Meeting Costs i2. Bond Prospectus 13. Capitalized Interest- (88 A 1,390,000 a 8 months) IS. Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATED COST 51.390,000.00 *includes re-routing studies and design connected thereto. Revised: June II, 1976 145 CoNNisSioners Minutes Continued. Juty 0, 1976 SCALE: 1-•1600' 11 ! ! I A , 1 ............; NM 7.) i 1 77; :II H, : l&ai 01)," i ! ' ' : 1 I 1 ! El • , ,..... r'n-- ' ' i 0. ra. N. ',.,..,.......;. .::.,...-..... tb. 1 i...._ 1 LI 2 I iii[T,jg.?--i. ;._•.!' 1 ,.-. I liP • '-i n `'i-1! * priu.1-..N... • -,, • ) ; APPcTIDiIWff CITY OF NOVI COUNTY OF OAKLAND STATE oF KICHIGAN COST ESTIMATE 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00%. 11.390,000.00 HUDSON SPNITRRY DRAIN HURON —ROUGE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM OAKLAND COUNTY• MICHIGAN J..1 2 ;r..,io Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 8, I916 REPORT by Mr. Daly IN RE; MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 17466 - REFERENDUM ON ABOLISHMENT OF OAKLAND COUNTY ROAD EteMISSION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hr. Chairman, ladies and Gentlemen, The Planning and Building Committee reports Miscellaneous Resolution M7466 with the recommendation that said resolution be adopted. The Planning and building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly. Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly. Chairman 'Tlisc. 1466 By Mr. Hoot IN RE; REFERENDUM ON ABOLISHMENT OF OAKIAND COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Substantial amounts of money can be saved by the abolishment of the Oakland County Road CU1116,,i0P. and WHERIA', roads and road maintenance RFP visible concern, to the residents of the (nurty of Oakland and these rebidents deserve ti.me accountabliity from their elected officials; and WHEREAS accountability of road projects and road maintenance is difficult under the present system of in year ruad commiSsiOn appoinLmcntS; and WHEREAS the voters of the CoL.nly of Oakland have previously indicated their desire for unified county government NOW TMEREFOAC BE IT RESOLVED that with the pissage of this resoluriun the followinq question shall be placed cm she ballot at the next unssiblu county -wide election; 'Shall the Oakland County Road COFMITi5,ioP be abolished, and it power, duties, and responslhilrtles become general county government powers under the supervision of the County EaecutIve and the policy making authority of the Board of Comolksioners_. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption at the toreoing resolution. Henry W. Moot, ConmIssioner - District PIO' Moved by Daly supported by -Gabler the report he accepted AYES; Per fluff Pernick, Price, Roth, Sinmuns, Wilcox, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn. Douglas, honleavy, Fortino, Gabler. HOOT, Lennon, Mcbooald, thtffitt, Montante, Nowak. 01 5 ,0, rote Patterson (VE) NAYS: °-" ` " )1090Aig Ca) A suPfieferA mA.,rity hav,rg vot,4 therefor, the repnrt wa, accepred. Moved by Hunt supported by Holfitt 'hat resolution E7466 he adnpted. A sufticient majority having voted therefor, resolution 07466 ves adopted. Mr Perinoff and Mr Gable, voted REPORT by Mr. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 07498 - SUPPORT OF SENATE BILL /BM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioner, Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Bnilding Lommitteu reports Miscellaneous Resolution #74913 with the recommendation that said resolution be adopted. The Planning and Building fommittee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, roves the acceptance of the foregoing report PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrice K. Daly, Chalrrpn .REPORT By Mr. Button IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 07498 - SUPPORT OF SENATE BILL MB To the Oakland Courtly Board of Comoi.sloners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen The General Government Committee reports Miscellaneous Resolution 071.911 with the recommen- dation that said resolution be adopted. The Human Resources Committee has also given sunPoritime recommendation of MIScellaneous Nebula! ion 07498 and Senate Hill FEW The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button. Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COmMITTEL Robert A. Button, Chairman. 346 347 Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 8, 1976 "Misc. 7498 By Mr Daly IN RE, SUPPORT OF SENATE BILL 1.28 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, WHEREAS Senate Bill 828 would permit patients suffering from contagious diSeases to be admitted to a medical care facility provided within such facility there is an isolation area and that the area is approved by the State Department of Public Health; and WHEREAS without the adoption of Senate Bill 828, the County of Oakland will not be permitted to treat patients suffering from contagious diseases, including tuberculosis; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland should support Senate 1$111 828 to permit the hnusing of patients suffering from contagious diseases, in an isolated area within the new Medical Cate Facility. provided such area is approved by the State Department of Publi, Health. NOW THEREFORE BE It ALSOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners urges the legislature to adopt Senate hill 828. mr Chairmen, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PatriO, R. Daly , Commissioner - District f4" Pewee by Daly sipported by Wit,. the reptAt be accepted. Moved la , Nowak sup muted by Nontante the resolution be referred to the General Government COmmittee. A sufficient majority having eoted therefor, the resolution was referred Government Committee to the General Misc_ 7620 By Mr. Price IN RE: C ETA. TITLE 1 ON-THE-JOB /RAINING CONTRACTS IPHASE XI) To the Oakland County board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen, WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 6546 applied For and was granted the designation by the U.S_ Department of Labor of Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions ol Title I of the Comprehensive Employdent and Training Act of 1973: and WHEREAS Oakland County's C.E.T.A. title I Grant Application has been tiled and approved try the U.S._ Department of Labor: and WHEREAS On-The-Job Training represents a color component in Oakland County's approved Manpower Program, and WHEREAS the Oakland County Manpower Advisory Council recouvends the contract Included herein as Phase XI of Oakland County's [—E.T.A. Title I On-The-Job Tralniny program. NOW THEREFORE Elf 11 RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners dOProves the await; of Phase 10 ut 1.1 1 A_ Title I On-The-Job training Contracts In the total amount of $162,989.00 consistent with the attached budget The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr.. Chairman, moves the adoption of the Pa regoing resolution_ COMPANY Ken Breit Insurance Agency Clarkston Lakeside Market Walled Lake Colony Interiors Troy Lakeland Associates Union Lake Plaurom Dental Studios, Inc. Southfield Rayl Industrial Supply Madison Heights The Furniture Refinery Southfield Johnstone Dental Lan Southfield Mollywood Trim's Iron Four Slides Corporation Madison Heights Four slide, Corporation Madison Heights PUBLIC SERY10ES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr_ Chairman NUMBER OF POSITION TRAINEES TOTAL Insurance Clerk I 03,120.00 Meat Cutter 1 3,200.00 Asst Interior D 1 esigner 3080.00 Real Estate Clerk I 3.000.00 Dental Technician I 3.120.00 Service Engineer eer Trainee 7,700.00 Furniture Finisher Apprentice I 3,000.00 Dente/ Technician I 3,120.00 Auto Seat Cover y. TO Installer I 2,600 00 Tool e Die Apprentice I 2.912.00 ma ne 1 chi Opetat., liainer 7,336.00 Commissioners Minutes Continued, July 6, 1976 RUMMER OF COMPANY POSITION TRAINEES TOTAl Martin M. Manoogian Bookkeeper I 2,800.00 eer41.1, Efficient Computing Co. Digital Computer Programmer I 8,605.00 Birmingham Trainee McRae Beating A Appliance, Inc. Draftsman I 4,660.00 Troy Enamalum Corporation Electrostatic Painter Appr. 2 7,176.00 Novl Environmental Structures Draftsm 1 an 4,680.00 Rochester Ninsler Fuel Injection Fuel injection Tecbniciaa 2 6,400,00 Troy Al Bess -HLIIBlock G 1 Corral Clerk 2,400_00 Ortonyille Dolly s Faboutigue Sewing Machine Repair Trne I 3,360.00 It,thelfer Woodside Animal Clinic Veterinary Assistant I 2.000 on Royal Jul Jim Robbins Company Line Supervisor r trainee 7,072.00 Troy Sands Realty, Inc. Real lIttle Clerk I 3,011000 Walled fake Harry S. Peterson Company Caulker Apprentice I 3,400.00 Troy Candid Logic, Inc. Electrical Assembler Trne I 2,100.00 Hazel Park Maple North Building Maintenance Man Tone 1 3,000.00 Wixom Johnny's Finer Finishes IF(S) Auto Body Repairman-Painter I 2,080.00 Pontiac Apprentice Carl Lasswell's Motor Sales S Auto Hod* Repairnan I 4,160.110 Service (ICS) Pontiac /red Drendall Lincoln-Mercury (FCS) Automobile tester I 1,470.00 Pontiac Fred Drendali Lincoln-Mercury (FES) Automobile Repairman Iv 1 Iper 800 20 Pontiac Black Magic Products. Inc (FCC) CherrAcal nperator I 4,800 00 Hazel Park Douglas Equipment, Inc. (FtS) Industrial Truck Mechanic I 6,880.00 Southfield Poole-Dickie Lumber Co_ IF(S) Recelvinn Clerk 1 2,400.00 Pontiac Custom Cabinets (FCC) Cabinonwler Apprentice I 4,160.0, Waterford Royal Auto Parts, Inc. (ICS) Spare Potts -Salvage M 2 an 6,400_00 Pont at George's Interstate Service CF(S) Auto Se 2 Service Attendant 3,128.00 Royal Oak Wyman Lewis Realty Administrative Assistant 2 8 alio mi Pontiac Cobb's Funeral Nome. P.C. Manager (M 1 (Mortuary) Trainee 3.38000 Pontiac Car-A-Van, Inc. Custom Auto Body Repairman 2 111,320.00 Auburn Heights Sanford J. Meld 1 er. Attorney Secretary 5,640.00 Ferndale Jahn R. Lumber Company Staff Assistan 2 t 7,680.00 Madison Heights Moved by Price supPorled by Simmnns the resolution he adopted AYES Price, Roth, Simons. WIICOm. Wilson, Aaron. potion, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas. Don leas, , Fortino, Gabler, Mont, tenon.,, McDonald, Moffitt, Mont ante Hawaii, Olson, Page. fatter-son. Pernick (23) NAYS: None (0) ABSTAIN: Perinoff (I) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. 348 510 Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 8, 1976 Misc, 7621 By Mr. Price IN RE: OFFENDER PROGRAM CONTRACT RENEWAL To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution $65116 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of tabor of Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of Title 1 of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution 17443 authorized a 6-month offender service contract with Family and Children Services of Oakland; and WHEREAS said contract will be successfully terminated on June 50, 1976; and WHEREAS it is in the interest of Oakland County to continue to provide offender services through the (—E.T.A. program. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the C.E.T,A. offender program contract renewal for the period July I, 1976 through June 30. 1977. consistent with the attached budget. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Quarterly progress reports for this contract be presented to the Public Services Committee The Public hers urn Committee. by Hubert NICE, Jr., Chairman, ouves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman Program Proposal -- (ETA TITLE I Program Title -- JOB TRAINING AND COUNSELING SERVICES FOR CO-OFFENDERS Agency -- FAMILY AND CHILDREN SERVICES OF OAKLAND I. OVERALL PURPOSE - The purpose of this proposal 3s to continue the previous six month contract so that Job training and supportive services through counseling can be continued with en- offenders. With the above services, the individual is helped to become self-sufficient and productive. The term "Ex-offender" is used because of CETA regulations. The definition of the Ex-offendcr in this proposal is understood to be any person known to any part of the criminal justice system for any violation on which he has been charged. II. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES - A. Tu provide intake fur all eligible (ETA clients in order tin assess eligibility readiness tor job training, and to assess other personal problems for which they need help B. to provide job placement opportunities under the OJT contract program. E. To provide supportive services ti e. professional counseling to the applicant and all appropriate family members) in coder to insure successFul job placement, continuous inb training to the end of the contract. D. The above goals lead to the final wal of unsubsidired employment. I/1. PROGRAM GOALS - A. Its OJT nlaremeols will averam 4 I aliu”Is prr wreS with ao average id 7.73 cootractsPer week This will tntol 1)1 placements lo 10 contracts loi the yeal B. Fur the ohms., !home will be expended $639,01111 io OJT cooliots, wIlith will avetro 56,500 per Contract tor the 10 contracts. C. Counseling and support service , will be provided to the 713 placements belore and during OJT training as well as up to 3D days aftrr termination of training. An additional 137 clicAN will he provided counseling and support services This swarm a total of 355 clients will be serviced In this contract. "(Includes referrals, psychiatric examination and/or psychological testing). Program Proposal -- CETA Title I (Budget) Program Title -- JOB TRAINING AND COUNSELING SERVICES FOR EX-OFFENDERS Agency -- FAMILY AND ClIfLDREN SERVICES OF OAKLAND TWELVE MONTH BUDGET SALARIES 583.794 FRINGES 20.000 SUPPORT SERVICES. 6,800 TRAINING 400 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES (9'1 9,819 GRANO 10TAL 0118,9211 '(lees for psychological eaamination and psychiatric testing for clients when needed) Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 8, 1976 FAMILY AND CHILDREN SERVICES OF OAKLAND CETA BUDGET Title 1 - Ex-Offender Program 7-1-76 - 6-30-77 SOC. HEALTH RETIRE- POSITION SALARY SEC. INS. PENT W.E. U.C. Project Director $15,050 903 1,132 1,430 - . Family Counselor 15.807 878 1.132 1,311 - - Family Counselor 12.900 774 455 1.226 _ - Job Placement Co. II 16,025 961 1,132 1,522 : - Job Placement Co, I 12,900 776 692 - Clerical 6,988 419 - 262 Clerical 6,128 368 455 (1 . - TOTAL 583,794 5:83-7 1716-6 £7474- 201 4.1.01 Moved by Price supported by Dearborn the resolution he adopted. RYES: Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perineff, Pernick, Prise. (73) NAYS, None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7622 8), 80. Price IN RE 1 OAKLAND COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT COMPUTERIZED COURT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the current capability of the Oakland County Circuit Bench to process information and cases is inadequate to serve the population of Oakland County; and WHEREAS Circuit Court felony filings have increased five times as fast es the Oakland County population from 1965 to 1975. and WHEREAS the raditional solution of addling more people and more floor space to handle increased workloads is becoming unworkable. and WHEREAS the Oakland County Circuit Court Administrator has developed a program to ntilize computers to perform critical management functions (program budget attached). and WHEREAS the Oakland Cuunty Circuit Court wishes to apply for 5109,027 in federal funds and $6,057 in State funds to implement this computerization program, and WHEREAS the application will require the dedication of $6,057 in County cash a, matching funds NOW THEREFORE BE it RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of LOT.F.SilAWFS autheriSes the Oakland County Circuit Court to make the application for Federal fonds consistent with the attached budget; and BE 111 FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners dedicate cash matching funds in the amount, of $6,057 consistent with the attached Finance Committee Report. Thu Public Services Committse, by Hobert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: OAKLAND JUSTICE SYSTEM GRANT APPLICATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. Due to the rapid increase of Circuit Court felony filings in Oakland County, the Oakland County Circuit Court wishes to expediate the computerization of the Oakland County Circuit Court system. The proposed computerization will help the Circuit Court expedient cases and dispositions, provide a broader scope of information and reduce OW need for any additional staffing required for the present Operation. This grant application covers the period of October I, 1976 through September 30, 1977 in the amount of $121,141, of which, 56.057 or five per cent (55) will be Oakland County's portion. The remaining $115,084 or ninety-flve percent (951) will come from Federal and State sources. It Is anticipated that this grant will be for one year. but further Funding is available should It be required_ The funding requirements for the first year ore as follows: 10/1/76 . 9/30/77 Funding Sources County 5 6,057 (SE) State 6.057 (55) Federal 109,027 (904) TOTAL 121,141 (1M) The above funding represents cost of equipmmnt only. The Circuit Court has indicated that no new position, office space, computer room space or furniture Is required doe to the acquisition 350 351 Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 8, 1976 of the grant equipment. Oakland County will be responsible for the annual maintenance of this equipment and the cc.ras of telephone and communications lines at an approximate cost of 57,758 per year in the ensuing years. These maintenance costs plus the County's cash contribution will be provided for In Circuit Court Data Processing Budget. Replacement cost of this equipment is not provided In the above cost. After five years (approximate life of this equipment) replacement equipment will have to be leased from I.B.M. with county funds. TiM Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairmen moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Bernick, Chairman 1.11iN CA5I1 COSTS TI 11 Tvfir 01.-141r41 5.11,11 - Prvvioutly 11,1,1,1 Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 5, 1976. 352 STATE OF MrCII1GAN OFFICE 01 Clilh',INAL JU1ICE PROGI1MA5 ' 0141 Fle11.. tem, Cass I-loading Lan:inu. Iti.thou:on 41013 WWI APPLICATION I Ino,,thr oncos,.o 0 tin41,r.k4 L!!0 4,I Ipr.t Flound it) du, 511)0 no 1.114. IL l'ETV.,G:.f.11L 11-mplo.,%1 1. SAI ARIA 5 AND WAGES 61 I 2, 11111.16..E1111111 ITS _41LA.a I, 41, .r.nent 11U,01.11i4al.O., $ d 0E11. 1.r1.4u.44,“ 5111110101 1 priplu.y, pl.-1 0.011i .s 5010111i4SONNLL O. CONINACTUATSERVICE5 1. Ind.idu.1 Con.lianso. Ij,olkI Lo Beaman...We F0001 tatr.long 5195 per day. Norne All4t4a4mn 4 1T1' fi.ne 7— 1.1..klo[ni 5. 0 T T j_ - 5 7 Co ,lI,i or SO11., 0,1111/.1.1.V.n Add h . Ell.*1111. P,...14.413Ar 11,10 1UTAL CON1111ACTUALSLI1V1CkS . S s 0 Purc.S..te n•n01111.* I Ouanmy ! E. it/U10411.NT i n.n1r11.* Ii Appl,,okb. Monthly I ro.e - :101.AL I. 0011.11.41 NT F. CONSIFILICTION ▪ Annekliee - New CaniliuTlon TOT AI CCHYSTRUCIJON - - S 121 .141 1.1 0 15121,141.00 FOTTIEL.110.1.{7ET C. eglinCt OF FUNDS Ram Lluy 4. for Lor-JI SuinplenTi 3 11.4.1 CNA /4.E0 knoLker.o..1 .076790-1790"4--- —6-X157705— r 6 0S705_ 4 SCA. C Ap....Znel-4. -.. [ : IOT AL FLAPS I 1 1 104, 12.141.00 I 353 CeemIssloners Minutes ContInued. July 8, 1976 STATE OF EICEUGAN OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUStiCL: PROGRAMS Second Floes Lewis Cat, Building ▪ Lanaing, DAKIegan 46912 GRANT APPLICATION -- YU M, 111.1;v1 Cu.,iuku ill C. TRAVEL 74antplart...en and SW...men,. nl ProKe I ..... cl Only, lireve3 To be Included 4.4 401 NEW CASH COSTS Lekkonb Minh - 1-11-, AL [HAVEL Z.,- IE:G I Y.'LASE n.4,0 Telnplions h - Peflop IMnI TOTAL f.l•Pt RATING (OPEN 0 - Commissioners Minutes Continued. July a. 1976 Moved by Price supported by Button the reSOlution be adopted. AYES: Simmons, Wilson, Aaron. Button, Daly. Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt. Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff. Pernick, Price. Roth. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7623 By Mr. Price IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY MEDICAL EMERGENCY RADIO SYSTEM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Council for Emergency Medical Services has prepared the Emergency Medical Services Plan for Oakland County; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners has approved the EMS El an or Oakland County by Miscellaneoes Resolution 07244, and WHEREAS the EMS Plan, in part, recOmmends the establishment of an EMS communtralioes system; and WHEREAS a major component of such a system is a hospital Base Station Netwoik; and WHEREAS the EMS Council recommends that a grant application be submitted to the Office of Highway Safety Planning requesting funding to complete the hospital Base Station Network: and WHEREAS the Finance Committee has found that no County funds will he required either now or in the future as a result of this grant application. WOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Public Services Committee recommends that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize the filing of a grant application to the Office of Highway Safety Planning for the purposes of securing funding for the hospital Bate Station Network within Oakland [aunty, consistent with the attached budget. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price. Jr.. Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE • Hebert Pri[V, J, , Chaireeet FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE . OAKLAND COUNTY MEDICAL EMERGENCY RADIO SYSTEM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. The Finance Committee has reviewma the Highway Safety Grant for a Medical [eminency Radio System and :he f nrancal imp)icatIonS thereof, it is estimated S27,125 sould he required t. equip Botsford General, Madison Community, Martin Place East, Henry Ford and William Beaueveit with base stations, related equipment and to install soch equipment. The Federal Government Is requested to provide 513,961 SD and the five above nemiuned hospitals have agreed to fund the remaining 58.137 50. No County fends wnuld he required rinw or in the future as a result of This grant. 7hc finance Ctermitee chaired by Lawrence R Pernick. moves the acceptance of ihi., t,cal report. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman 354 — Iii o Sus. 355 Commissioners Minutes Contioaed. July 8, 1976 lOaLland county MeJical Sy! . County of Oakland, EMS 01 .Asion 5 Vigh hand Ease Stations per specifications attached, e $3600 ea. 500 ft. Antenna Cable C $1.50/ft. 5 Station Antennae 0 $225 CA. $18,000 750 1,125 5 AmteneA ftiuntiog rit%: 500 5 Rer,ote Control Consoles per specifications atiJched, $1150 ea. 5,750 Installation, P $200 ca. 3,poo TOTAL $27,125 1,nr. ADMILIAI .911,land Coonty Medical Liner.11ad. Sys.I Caonty of idJIP11ivj -in EM3 27,115.00 027 I2S 00 . 118,987.50 _ I 0,37.50 127,125.00 s — CV La..sra.......1 1. po. a. Ir. and Funds to be allocated by participating hospitals (see letters of commitment attached). 1.114 S....ray Am.,. Ami VIM. NovieVocia.1.10.1.e. 71.1.11,.1,M1•1•• Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 8, 1976 356 pass AGENCY MAXEY' OEMs - ww owe, time rwmma.ilmy - Sum any Coml4m.d me•eneW•pr. L ow.w.e,wa cy..o.wm... I nr Ymm. owl V•" 1610 me neas rpm, p. 17.104"., Moved by Price suppotted by Simmons the resolution he adopted. AYES: Wilcox, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gahlet, Hoot, Lennon, Mcbonald, Moffitt, Montante, NOwak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Per cuff, Pernia. Prise, Roth. SimMons. (22) NAYS; None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Moved by Price supported by Lennon that the Item on the Supplemental Agenda be approved fur conSideration of the Report of the Public Services Committee. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Misc. 7624 By Mr Price IN RE; COHMUNIIY SERVICE AGENCY FY-76 RECREATION GRANT ACCEPTANCE TO the Oakland County Hoard of Commr,sioners Mr. Cha nrtleIrL Lad eS and fiert Mien WHEREAS the Oakland Courtly Board of LtwasissiOnei 5 Mi..c.ellaneoos Resolution No. 7616 applied to the Community Services AdminisliatIon for a iranspurtallOn and recreation grant for the 1976 summer program, and WHEREAS this program will provide recreation opportunities ot s.e.c 39.000 Oakland Courtly youth. and WHEREAS Oakland County has recently been notified by [le Community Services Ardwirostialium that the County's grant has been aporlyed. WOW THEREFORE DE lT RESOLVES that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the Community Service Administration FY-76 recreation and transportation grant in the amount of $20.400, consistent with the attached budget. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the Foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr Chairman 1:11i6 - 1U7B OPIArorling `hit 'gear:: Elf 'Pi-re PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 1818-48815 F. L L Gov,- 8440. v $23)14, 111'10 $1,036. 5112S Si 14/ 5/421. S1/114 16•1 141•: 357 Comminsionecs Minutes Continued. July a, 1976 y tow 111.4.101 ren4.0 • 2800 1.4. •oad • pboo4..K. gr,I=.4.q.ba 48054 nEvis[oN UP NC.: 1 , P.LCP-7,11 SUPPORT Nu0PA:1 Revised 1976 Tcatexobile on vi3iLa 9.53/hr. x7jhrs. Poppe.,einh.lc 73 vi s Lt b-YS/hr. A 303 hrn. Slillamobilu 29 vtaits 10.6:P/3,r. x 111 hrs. Frx..hsonocidle 61 v.nits 6.0Yihr. x 236 'Pr:. Pigv.c/)!Atur- n •.', le 52 v LL3S rts nob ,. '; • I , tr,. 1.01-81 vi:>11.0 nchaini,t nup;1 o • Total Cost I ; '1 : 1 r • • .1 'PM- f` ...Al i Moved hy Price sq8pnrIed by Wilcox the lesolot ion be adopted. AYES; Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearporn. booglan. Donleavy. Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt. moniante. Nona), Olsou, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Petrick, Price, Roth. Simmons. (23) NAYS None. (0) A surf ient maiurity having voted theiefru , the resolut ion was adopted. CounIssioners Minutes Continued. July 6, 1976 356 Misc. 7625 By hr. Fernick IN RE: AWARDING OF CONTRACT FOR UTILITY TOWNE RECONSTRUCTION, COUNTY PROJECT 25-26 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners lie. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to a Planning and Building Committee Resolution 117575 of June 3, 1576 bids were received on June 23, 1926 for the Utility Tunnel Reconstruction Project; and WHEREAS the County Executive's Department of Central 'Services, Facilities and Operations Diviston and The Planning and Building Committee recommend thar a contract be awarded to Steve Kruchko Company, Inc_ of Drayton Plains, Michigan, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of 539,800, said recermendat i on concurred in by the Finance Committee. NOW !BEM FOR/ BE IT RESie 512 a. Fri I i6.31 the recrmst rortior. hi of Sieve Kruchko Cninpany , Inc., of Drayton P1,-,Ins, Michigan, in c he 6-ri,nnt of 5.19,8(10 It accepteri an.1 Ito. ccall ract awarded in concurrence 1,4,th the Pl.inn Iii. and Olt , t tee recommends .; ion on Juc,e 211, 13) 6 2. Thar funding be provided in Elie amount of 553,000 to cover the total project cost 3. That I he Chaiiiran of I he Board a Loran i ssi.oners be and hereby i s act kir i fed and direr had Err ei.ecule a contract with 'ten,- Pra.-hko Company , net of Drayton Plains, Mi china. on behalf of toe CchFric it Cl Ian.] 4. Too i awaiT sha I I 1,.st ire Of eCt iVe tint i I [lie .1Y/di-due, has Seen 11.0t if rd in .T Ing by the Courila Exec,. DEpar L mewl oF Chni al Services. Far i lit in., cirld clurrat ions Divi s 1011. 5. that oursaant It twin TI C nf thin board, [h. F inanca [minim t 'lee 1. inns II, Iota I hrn_inci. sum Far pro jeCt /5-26 v 55.3.005 a...a 1 table i. the rernirenended 1976 Capital Program - fir iI Its.S.- Utility Tci.,,ni ftet,r,s1.1 at_ to fund. C01151 rItct 10,1 i.r.a Bidder) C39.800 De, gn Serv inns I ,000 Construct ion Supervi5i0r1 3,000 A4icinirtratiuv 400 Maintenance CharT., 3.600 font. niters, y 5 200 TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING 551,000 The Finance Committee, by Latvia, ic ri R. Fernick, Chairman, and with the concurrence of the Planning and Building Cummirreverses the 0.1021 inn of the foregoing resolution. FiNANEi COMMITTEE Lairence R Per niCk , Chu i rman .1 I., • • i I ( .ti •:. ill • •.I. 'II I I -•1 •r . .H 1.11.;I I. i ;61.] .1 - i'vr• 1 I ri n hi I nil I IN • ,i/r• ( ") sin. I y p.•- --ii tic Ii :Air' .114111AS ntd 1,Lt I 11.11, 104 !ft LhiII • I d yrfur cd--,'1,:a TO ; 111 I f ; i ra, r, t ' r , el 1,1 r,.,..1 p,rr,idn L;ccr. Sfn fnfs iii t'A.• I;Cti -1 ..,111t A: 1- 1,1 • • r.....ntS IN; • Iho in -1-„, e,x; f.f 116. .111 I I; t. u.lti el r'.:; :n:ini; r!_ in i,oi / no.r. ••.; .411 iCs6n1 ilti,1 e 11,61 i•O is • 1, Codon Scam (Shod % o. Nod mcouiNigG null LaNG PROGHAM — SCHEMATIC uFsir.N 25% 359 Conmissioners Minutes Continued. July R. 1976 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT REQUEST PART I wviiide.m 0 Central ScrvicC oad.,d caverv XI Lill _ Utility Tunnel Reconi,truttiun Daa "' Service Center October, 1975 Under this projeci the utility tunnel serving Central Stores and Aditinistrative Annex II would be repaired arid the utility lines renovated to eliminate duplication and excessive runs he service for Central tnres would be removed from the tunnel and run thrntigh the old Maintenance Building and the duplicate utility lines in the tunnel for Administrative Annex II would be renovated to provide only sine service. hr It and I Calmat./ fain,— 10 I alt iry n nn High o and Ennown FINAL DESIGN RI Afa FOR CONSTRUCTION Damming., of Enlains Facility and Land None Connissioncis Minutes Continued July 8, 1971., CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT REQUEST PART R 0AlandCuunty EXECUTIVE E11111,IN in 19 Munn, Construction Preliminary) Flinnel Repairs Mechanical and Electrical Work leoporary Services Miscellar ,:nus arpartinent ul Central So rvi ce S70,000.00 50,000,00 5,000.00 _5 000.00 lorAL CORSTRUTION $00,00o.00 Enqineering Adminitrative Maintenance Charges ContInqency TOTAL PROJI.CT COST 7,000.00 200.00 3,000.00 7.800.00 1,0,000.00 $90,000.00 D.C.SI ii it i Iii lineering Pminous Funding None Potable CutOdir Construction Fonds None Estimated Ccm.t St ft Priority 19/6 Remarks Carryover Project usinq 1975 Fuads Project County Center Drive - Northwest Extension Cooedssioners Minutes Cont n nued. 3uty G. 1976 OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPART11ENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES FACILITIES ENLINE6111NG DIVISION 1976-80 CAPI1AL vitonRAm UHL Ill SECTION Decewber V, 19/5 Children's Village Road Improvements Social Services Building - SiIC W111--k Phase II Utility Tunnels Improvements Utility funnel Reconstruction Rec900truction of hospital Drive County Center Drive Fast - Resurfacing TOTAL 1976 33,000 1976 — --- 5210.?Od 19/6 $1114,11011 1916 $ 98,00d 19/6 _ $121,001] 1976 S 84,0011 1976 7/ 5910,200 Carryover project using 1975 fond% Proposed for 1976 if funding is avai1ahlo in Utility Iliad Commissioners minutes Continoeb. July 8, 1976 OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVF DEPARTMENT Of CENTRAL S.ERVICES FACILITIES ENGINCERINC DIVISION UTILITY TUNNEL REECKS1RUIAION PROJECT 75-26 MAY 13. 197fi In the 1970 Utility Section of the Capital Program, the Utility Tunnel Reronstruction was listed for 1976 construction at an estimated cost of $90,000. The Ofility Suction of the Capital Progra, rues reviewed and approved by the Planning and Building Committee at their December 4, 11175, meeting (attached is the sbmmary sheet From this Section of the Capital Program along with the Project Request form). Design on this project has been completed and the work is ready for bidding. The project involves repair and renovation of the utility tunnel serving the Administrative Annex 11 and replacement and reroutinu of the utility lines serving the Central StOres. The utility tunnels And lluiuri. involved in this work are over 50 years old and major .enny,,lion is requived if errvice$ to these two buildings are to he Ion' inued. (See attached memo from Team boss - Direrlde rol the MAutenance Division.) T!'“: work is helvil sthudliloh ,r1 it p.m he &Ale durinq thiji.iiiviri or whuu the stoop l lines aeo nei livened ftll heal inn. The heal construction cost estimate shnus thv rA.1,LrLiciitm bid cre I should be about 25 lien-cell less than the preliminary estimate listed in the Capital Program If hid JI thlt time. 9(61 '8 AIN' OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE DE0AR1MIVT OF CENTRAL SERVICES FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION kednesday, June 23, 1976, - BID TABULATION SHEET - UTILITY TUNNEL ImPROVEMENTS AT OAKLAND COUNTY SERVICE CENTER COUNTY PROJECT 75.2E , ADD. BED I CONTRACTOR el BONDISIGNED; BASE alo , REMARKS , Thermo heatinn Sa IS'•D85.CC , Eames A R•own, Inc (vans olu-h ,nn ,. 4eat4rc. , Inc. cianz and K',1. .• _ CoToanv l n•rnpf .erPen—s , Contractors. I^c _ 1 The Steve Kruchko I X X X 539.800.00 1 Comnany I A. V. Kurt I Construction Cw-oarv 1-- Robert M F.oce A Sons, Inc. Xi-M Contractors X 5 tll',600.0 17 _. Sylvan PluTbIng 6 Heat tag, Inc. warren Contractors, Inc. 1 roirralisloners minotss Continued. July 8, 197 6 n 4l..1.ht.PHY a a!Aand Cilow y Exucutivo - 7 „ail? !(.K:N '1 '• 364 LVIL LIAir SP!AIH-LI 11,nnnry t',1 IITAWANI ^5]. S.VRVIC•S — :.-L,_I.iRLri I 0 l'ziurryFol., P.L. I 1)jr,L, Hhil.0131 June 24. 19/6 gakland County flocrd 07 Commoners 17110 4. Tolonrauli Rood Pontiac, Michigan 46J:.3 R2: Utility Tunnel Reconstruction, Mar Project 75-76 Dear Commissioners: On June 23 bids ware raceivad for the referenced project in accordance mith Resolution 7575 dated JUrR 4, 1416, A total of four hids were received ranging from 539,800 to .';',82,600 (see cached Bid Taholation Sheet). Oar estimaie for this werR STO,D00. lo, bidder is Its Steve Crochko Cuopany, loc. 0C Ill'aYton Mains. fhl, tire ha. gone mort for ihe Cooniy io ifo pas l, arol reco.iceoaed tor 1L.r rl of foriLroct. Iii .puircht lor hill a unit el thao olhe.r fOlders cere:yod, ;owl I.e. wort hy the firm. ir ; in tOi• !al aaeli,!!. I or I his nrOjei 1_ a n rr !. 1,01A 1 , ,ro;z1ro hr. rip Sup-rvi,ino Adninistrdtin 11.1intemanc ii Hrrarrry ,uo.oll hI ono.oN 4110 1111 :01).(lo I .011.00 PliA! FW101d.n OLIQIIISIIII ,1100, On froje,t -,..99,0°E1 1, hr...on 1.. 14.0 Utility s,,Ii00 or lr: Cdpical 1.ogr,H mm r !Ms 4 ,0ieci. II :"'' .u...tiol ,, re ,,raoentative from this ,,11 1,,;.Jillos to elle,yesr Cl eo Viol:, M;recAor 1_ U. Battu-men, P.C. Division Director GB/TOD/gpv Attachments 365 C000issioners Minutes Continued. July a. 1976 Moved by Pernlck supported by Daly the resolution be adopted. AYES, Button. Daly, Dearborn, Douglas. Ounleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante. Nowak, Olson. Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth. Simmons. Hibros. Aaron. (23) KAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Only IN RE: BREAST CANCER SCREENING PROGRAM - BUDGET AMENDMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen; The Planning and Building Committee reports eL's concurrence with the Finance Committee's approval of the budget amendment and recommends Ow arcposed renovations to the Substance Abuse Building and South Oakland health Department Building for the Breast Cancer Screening Program. The Planning and Building Committee mores the acceptance of the foregoing report. PLAN6ING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Pali ids K. Daly, Clia t Aran Misc. 7626 By Mr. Pernick IN RE, BREAST CANCER SCREENING PROGRAM - BUDGET AMENDMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Cadres and Gentlemen - WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Cemmissitmers approved a Breast and Cervical Cancer Detection Education Program on March 4, 1976. Mitcellaneo,s Resolution #7451, with a budget of $166,823; and WHEREAS subsequent to and with the app-oval rf the Human Resources Committee, the Daklend County Division of health entered negotiations .ith the Michigan Cancer Foundation with the intent of expanding the approved program; and WHEREAS the new program, which includes held and neck and colon rectal cancer as well as breast and cervical cancer is expected to cost $217,667 for the year 1976; and WHEREAS the Human Services Committee has passed a resolution approving an expanded program contingent upon a program budget amendment. NOW THEREFORE Of IT RESOLVED that the 3reast Career Screening Program budget be amended per the following schedule . 1976 County Budget (Existing Ctaff) $33.462 C I. Contribution 58,661 X -Ray Fond 759.4621 59.394 holly Jaycees 200 Client Contributions for Pap Smear 2.550 Client Contributions for manemgrarhy 24,000 Other Contributions Capital Program Miscellaneous Rentvalions 313000 10TAL The Finance Committee chaired hy lawreice Petnick, moves the adoption of the lOrtgOinq resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. PernIck, Chairman Commissioners Minutes Continued July 8, 1976 1001 Pol CANCER 5CR1ENING / fERICATION PROGRAM 1•76 uuppo splipAny. LIOII NCI rum_ Pervonner New -_ 46,717 46,717 EmilAing 33.467 33,46? Equirment; thermography 28,810 -- . 28,810 Marmogia0y 19,3/4 19.374 furniture 10,496 -- 10,1,96 Public lnfomolion/Educaiion 4,061 _. 4,161 Operating Expenses 13,171 2,844 16,169 Other Expense, 49.275 -- 49,27S Rent _16_0_0_0 9,000 TOTAL 159,106 58,561 21/.667 REVENUE SUMMARY Provided In 19/6 County hudyet (existing Sion) 33,462 N.C.1. Contribution 58,561 X-Ray Fund (49,462) 59,394 Molly Jay.... 700 Client contributions for Pap Snwai (1700 x .1 m .8$ . 5$) Client Contributions for Mammography (1200 m .80 m $25) 24,000 Other Contribution.. 1,400 Capital Program _38.1)11S2 IOTAL 217,66/ 366 4.937 6,412 3,831 6,128 4,999 35,936 18,781 GMT 367 CcmmisslonerS Minutes Continued. July 8. 1976 PlaroS(11 C MI II MULCT ISALuSI VAN. :II -.WHAM NC L ILA TI ION NINNiltAtt SCIII frit F A - PFIc.511lIJ COSIS County NCI PERSUNNtl Now SLIM I X-Roy Te,ttni,iau PHI1 II I Clerk II 2 Typist 1 Aurtiliory Health Worker 1 PIN Supervisor 7 NFW STAFF SAIANY COST Ness Staff Fr1n9v Benefit Fu.t TOTAL NFU 5111 ITT irt_t_02aStalf 1 At.viliAry hvalth Worker Coonty Position UpgrodvJ to t,mvunity Fdtual.or I.% PUN II 46.717 ._ 10,1Cn 3,6 ShtAUY LAI Ii .11 Ft in9v Nt•nr1 it (IA I_LIE fulAl ,IA F /12." 33.562 111151 prRs II'Il ( SF S 13 462 V.6 ,/I? 580,179 48,184 Commissioners Minutes Cont inued. July 8, 1976 368 0F1,1111 0 - N0N-fER'..0110LL 1131.111TY NCI 10.110_ 741111;i11-1 Ihurc,.1r..phy 10,510 10151 1.01_111.1.0,111 1001'11111V 4 F,,,, 1.11 1,960 3 Slee; 157 1, 101 Srcrut,.ry lI.h. 200 500 2 Squall "rabic; •r(01) 200 3 Work -1.thlus 1,00 0 5.1.0pro Chair, • 11 1 (47 3 WA ir ins; Chair, 150 160 6 Old; Choirs.0. 114 684 1 Tohl, 200 4 Flit; rdbiuvt , , 264 576 1 LI, H , 1,000 1.e.h;•• 16•6 10154 (12(11 11(1 10,,11•A piumt 112 11120 Ti i • .Q,T. • I ,faiLi 4 1(1' 1.3,1•1 Goo ;Li; ;IA, I. fu.l. 663 Ty 11 LI SPOI • 1.01(0 1.1.I 1 ;In 100 N00 t 1111 co..; OW 11, 953 288 392 600 70mr, iho Liquid hitreq,n Rorliol"gke srph,. Illrrmolrarr,• 353 260 ,Inc 169 Gommissloners Minutes Continued. July 8 1976 _ P".10.DL__---- MCI Total OPERATING I %Pi Ird 3 To St6/1.1,1nIll Disr ,e11,10 Of I !oleo I le, Supplie, 335 laborAtury 1.989 Il'Ip) nrw 375 Post4t., 517 Printing & Pun] ir.tt n ng 600 360 Zero Mammography _1.021 TOTAL OPERATING EXPINSr` 2864 16,169 OTHER EXPENSES Rer11,"li ne rd. Fncii y nod M.P.v r•warl.7 Few n1.0,01 03,000 r•n i flnA Inr.3 1liero,e311-.11hy 5 1,275 RENT (3.000 ,A.ft. S6/,, lily.) TOIAL Cittlelll I LI1A! o_suo 9,000 _11-3 67,761 28.810 PL3/5 10.496 B.710 1,000 33.1.61 1,1.00 49,afy -0- 97.337 18,00o 0,2// -o- -o- 97,337 67761 28.810 19,I/S 10.6% 8,130 7,600 49,215 18,10,0 Commissioners Minutes Continued, July 11, 1976 MAST CANCER SCREENING / EDUCATION PROGRAM ANNUAL OUDGET 011101.1 1 h111111/1110 NCI To! 0 Persunnel. FAisliny Equipment: Thermour,phy it yllo,rui,'4 Furniture Public InfornAtiou/L.lucatiuu r rya Ina! 'cuulpment Mainten.Incl Other txp,n,e, Renl FnR1pro-nt IOTA! $238,710 $ 120,014 Roam& A.TyyRY Provided in 1976 CiRlnly Blidqet (FACi%tIn.1 Staff) 34,40 AnL 1r i ,d 11o.14,( 34,799 Ili 1 Lun L I 120,66 4-Ray Run, 3,01,66?) '100 lint rrn S,WAF 5,76! 612.000 11,i 1-1 i,, I 18.000 0111,- _7,1109. Lou, Moved by PernIce supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. Moved by Pernlck supported by i4-entente the resolution be amended by adding: .NOW THEREFORE RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Health Department be authorized to enter into negotiations for a contract with the Michigan Cancer Foundation for the purpose of the proposed Improvements and expansions of the Cancer Control Program and further that such contract be brought to the Human Resources Committee and the itoard of Commissioners for final approval.. Vat. on amendment: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote 04 I-450101104. as amended; AYES: Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino. Gabler. Hoot, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Monteete, Nowak, Olson. Page. Patterson, Perinoff, PernIci.. Roth, Simmons. Wilcox, Aaron, Dutton. (211 NAYS. None. (0) A sufficient majority having noted therefor, the resolution 87 amended. W45- adopted. 370 $M.114 S71 Commissioners Minutes Continued. July B. 1976 "Misc. 7592 By Mr. Murphy IN RE: REIMBURSEMENT OF ELECTION COSTS - 24111 DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECTIONS- COUNTY COMMISSIONER To t he Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairmen, Ladles and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Cemmissinners did fall to exercise it's prerogative under the law in the matter of appointing a person to till a vacancy on the Oakland County Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Ccemissitners did call for a special Election to fill a vacancy on the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. specifically in the 24th District: and WHEREAS said election, both Primary and Genelal, did cost the taxpayers of this county S12,9E12.88; and WHEREAS $8, 564. 77 of that cost seas borne nine:11y by the taxpayers of the 2414 District throotth their local government units: and WHEREAS said lineal units of the 25th PiStrici did express their opposition to the Special Election En the Oakland County Board of Commissioners:. and WHEREAS further the action taken by the Oakh•d County Board of Commissioners did cause the citizens of the 24t1, District to be without electeo representation for the period from October. 1975 through March, 1976; and WHEREAS the vOLet turnout for both the Prematy and General Election was less than 152 in each and representivy cost of $9.24 per cote tn the frinary (10) and a cost nf $2.17 per vote cast in the General 11451, and WHEREAS by the adoption of this resottitine tie Oakland lourty Board of Commissioners would admit it's error in judgment in calling for a Stacie' Ilettion and correct the situation by payment to the local units the amount expended by said units b> the condu,t of the Special Election. NOW THEREFORE RI. IT RESOLVED that the Oak lane. County Board of Loma ssloners pay to the local units In the 24th District the amounts eql,.al Id the cost incurred by said units in the conduct of the Special Election. Dennis I. Murphy, Commissioner - District 024 . FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Perniek IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 07597 - REIMSURSEMENT CF ELECTION COSTS 24TH DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECTIONS- COUNTY COMmISSIONIR To the Oakland County board of Commissioner: Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen. The Finance Committee has reviewed the above mentioned resolution and has determined, by a vote of It CO 7 that funding is net anailathe 1-4,- the proposed purpose. Fik1Aktf COMMITTIC Lawrence R. Peevick, Chairman moved by Perniek supported by Roth the repot be accepted Discussion fnl!owed Mnved hy Nowak supported by Page the rtsol.tiwn be referred in the General Government Committee AYES' Oaly, Dearborn, Ounleavy, Gabler, M.,Donald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson. Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Price, Simmons, Wilton, Wilson, Aaron, Sutton. (IS) MAYS, FortIno, Lennon, Pernick, Roth. (4) A sufficient majority having voted the,efo,, the resolution Was referred to the General Government Committee. REPORT By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 17602 - APPROVAL OF A SWINE FLU VACCINATION PROGRAM To the Oakland Coanty board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Caches and Gentlemen: The Human Resource, Committee, by Bette J. Fortino, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resol ution No. 7602 with the recommendattOn that the resolution be adapted. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Be ty J. Fortino, Chairman “Misc. 7602 By Mrs. Fortino IN PE APPROVAL OF A SWIM FLU VACCINATION PROGRAm To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladees and Gentlemen. WHEREAS a Swine flu vaccine program is pre en ly being undertaken on a national basis; and Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 8, 14th 5/Y WHEREAS County Health Ck.uortmeuis ale the primary vehicles by which the vatic inallior program Is to he conducted; said WHEREAS the State Department of Public Health has requested the Oakland County Health Division to participate in the vaccination program., end WHEREAS funding to he received by Oakland County for such a program will not be finaffeed prior to program implementation, and WHEREAS the Oakland County Health Division must begin to mobilize manpower and resources Including d substantial i0Olunteer effort as soon as possible to effectively conduct the vaccination program in Oakland County. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County board of Cosolisslooers approve the Swine rh, vaccination program with a total budget of S65,000. ef IT FURTHER RESOLVIO that the .1001 565.000 cost of this program he offset to the fullest natant possible by funding (currently estisuted at S90,000 - 550,000) through ill,- Stare l'Inpolnwor Of Public Health The Human Resources [noon lire hy Betty J For Chairman. imsyes the adoptiom of roe foregoing resolution. HUNAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. reline, Chairman° FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT by Mr. Peoria IN lit: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 07602 - APPROVAL OF A SWINE FLU VACCINATION PCOERAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentleman: Pursuant to Rule TI-C of this Board. rhe Finance Committee finds Ike som nrm to vcrued $35,000 Available in the Contingent fond in the 1976 Oaf lard [Lenity Bodgct. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernirk, Chairman Moved by Fortino supported by Daly that resolution 07602 be adopted. AYES: Dearborn, Dunteavy, Fortino, Gabler, Lennon, McDonald, Hofffft, Montante, Nowak, Olson. Page, Patterson, Per p1011, Pernicr, Price, Roth, Simmons, WrInOs, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly. (22) NAYS. None. (0) A sufficient majolily having vutod therefor, resolution C/607 was adopted. Mr. Nowak slated a natter had been brought Cu his attentiun that the Hospital Adsmoislratnr. Mr. Edwards IS meeting with trio 01 ficlals of the Stale Health Department to secure approval for Changes Sr the hospital facility, which will Affect not only the roes of patients that or hmve there. but will affect chanmcs in the facility and changes in finance_ The Chairman Stated he was not aware of any meeting. Discussion followed Moved by Nowak supported by Page the Chairman inform the Store board of Health Ihml 1111 , Board has cut changed any policy that would call for the inclordon of f-D. Oatinols mod 1.111 kod Unless this Board does change its policy, any action woold Preerttocn on the Part oF th" moor's). in terms of granting any changes. Moved by Nowak supported by Page the rules he suspended !or figineiliatr ronslili 1.11 inn .01 the motion. AYES. Gabler, Hoot. McDonald. Moffitt, Montamte, Nowak. Page, Pattersoo. WIlkok, Ountravy. (10) NAYS. Fortino, Lennon, Olson, Perrnoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn (IT) A sufficient majority not having vntyd therefor. the motion failed The Chairman referred the matter to che Human Resources Committee. There Were no uhisgtions. Robert P. Allen. Civil Counsel staled the Oakland County Building Authority wishod In inform the Board mf Comilissioncrs that on Joty 7. 1976 they sold the Winds for She Medical Lain Facility, $3,200,1100 bonds were porrhased by Onhn Ruyan and C,mpany of Ehicanu, heal inu int.',. 51 rate 01 6.5959 .b ,ch i u,riro,ssi . si a pegkeafame point helow the clutem market value Int 20 'fedi hoods and these wary 20 year bonds_ The bonds will probably he dr-Hifi:lad in lhe ileki JO l0 45 dl),. 373 Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 8, 1976 Misc. 7827 By Mr. Dunleavy IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY WITHDRAWAL FROM THE SOUTHEASTIRN MICHIGAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Southeastern Michigan Trarsportation Authority (SEM7A) was created by legislative flat pursuant to Act 20A, Public Acts of 1967, slthout the advise and consent of the Board of Commis- sioners of Oakland County or the people of Oakland (omAty, CO plan, develop, and operate a coordinated public transportation system for the people In the sewn-county southeastern Michigan region, those Counties being Macomb, Monroe, Livingston, Oakland, St Clair, Washtenew, and Wayne; and WHEREAS the primary need for public transportation in Oakland County Is for an adequate lots system utilizing the highway network; and WHEREAS the regional SEMTA plan proposes a Pugh level (subway) system which will plomide little or no use to Oakland County; and WHEREAS high level systems throughout the ,ointry have been grossly underestimated In terms of construction costs and overestimated in useag:, aod as a result, underestimated in income needed to operate, thereby requiring high subsidies, ant Oakliiod Countyl t shale will once again exceed Its benefits; and WHEREAS the SEMTA plan Includes a netrill Central Business 1) strict "People hover" to service only a portion of the Detroit business district while being paitially paid for by a dis- proportionate share from Oakland County; and WHEREAS the Regional 1990 Transportation Plan, Transit Network, requires billions of dollar, in capital investment on a high level system nut-ide Eh, Oakland County limits; and WHEREAS the Regional Transit Plan expekts to assume the operating deficit of the City of Detroit transit system, to be disproportionately shared by all participating counties including Oakland, and WHEREAS all the subway and most of the Interm,diate level (high level bus sytitem) are oriented to the Detroit Central Business DistrIci and almost completely ignore the east-west movements between Oakland and Macomb counties and the norti-sooth movements between Oakland and Wayne Counties; and WHEREAS only meager public transportation .er.•icas have been provided Oakland County in the last 9 years; and WHEREAS Oakland County is large eno.ah in ire., and in population to support its own public transportation system; and WHEREAS the public transportation merit in Maitland County Novo been great and continue lo increase each year and WHEREAS Section 5 of said Act 204, P.A. 19E7 rrants to the Board of Commissiontgs of naklaild County the authority to withdraw from the Southeastern richigan Transportation Authority by a 2/3 vote of the Board of County Commissioners. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Lizard ol County Commissioners of Oakland County does withdraw from the Southeastern Michigan fransportitiol Authority, and BE IT FIJR1HER RESOLVED that a special sthconmittee be established to develop an Oakland County hUbli[ Transportation Authority Co be iscc.porsteJ into a County transportation agency which will be more responsive to the citizen needs cf °Ottani County. Mr. Chairman. 1 move the adoption of rh: fo-egaing resolution. Jam,s I. Dunieavy, Commissioner -District r2 Mr. Dunleavy requested the resolution 0, in er ed to the Planning and Building Committee Mr. Page requested the resolution also be et...rrad to the General Government Committee. Mr- Aaron objected CO the referrals. The Chairman stated those in favor of ststainirog the objection vote "yes" and those opposed vote 'no". AYES: HAYS: Wilcox, Wilson. PASS: Fortino, PerInoff, Pernick, Price, Purer, Button, Daly, Dearborn. (11) Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Moffitt, Montanie, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Roth, (12) Lennon, Simmons. (2) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the objection was not sustained. The resolution WAS referred to the Planning old Building Committee and the General Government Committee. The Chairman stated the Gen:ral Governeent Committee will be the Committee to report the r•solut Ion back to the Board. Then we e nt objections - Moved by Pernick supported by Fortino thnt tie :leneral Government Committee be charged with reviewing the need for Oakland County having more thus one legislative agent. If the feeling is that the need does exist the County EneCutiVe nave his owl legislative agent, a request or • recommendation be made to this Board with the ronnuMen,atiOn whether or not the position be a Merit Lynn O. Allen Clerk Alexander C. Pmeinoff Chairman 37h Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 8, 1974 System position or a contracture! type of an petal Ion In Ulm proposed scale ol payment The Chairman referred thE Water tn the General Government Committee. There weir no objections. Moved by Gabler supported by Page I ha Board adjourn until July 29, 1976 at 9:30 A.M. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the mntion carried. The Board adjourned at 12:00 P.M. 375 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING July 29. 1 976 Meeting called In order by Chairman Alexander C. Per inn! f at 9:45 A.M. in the Coto t Moron' Auditorium, 1700 North In Road, Pont 1.1e, Michigan. Invocation given by HenrV W. Hoot. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll called: PRESENT: Aar in, Mellon, Dal y , Dun.; las , Dunleavy, Fro I iou, Gable:, Hoot stit• , Lennon, Mall...1117, Mlfi , Mont ante , Murphy , , 10soe , Page, Pat terson, Per, i I f FE, i 110th, Sri Iron, Wi !son. (751 ABSENT • Dearborn, Simmons. J7) Q.,)111.1 present Moved hy Roth supported by Murphy I he minutes of the previous wet inu be approved ,o. printed. Mr. Pet inott requested that the minutes of July B, 1976, be corrected nn page 346, Inl lowing the Aye roll call vote, by deleting the names of "Per Inoff , Roth. Clunleavy", There were In object kills. Vole on approval of minutes, aJs corrected. A sufficient maParity havfng voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Pernick supported by Pane the Supplemental Agenda be added to the Regular Agenda, A sof fir lent major ity having yoreh therefor, he mad inn carried, CI eel- read reso Int ion adopted Icy r he al houn Count s Board of Core:: ss loner s, per Lain inn. to pri•ssible I eais lot on' rcardat iruf that acid . parr., ,..ln:e, hail r..„.iges or gulls I. oi kw, imp 1 orainil fur an Lel I as t r Eason, 'at 'I f o.. Hi, hi ran ',emir, le ynenz 1,1101T s Re I er 1 oil I i General Government Committee) Misc. 7628 By Hr. Pern it I. IN Pt I 376 HUME I AMENDMENT - REALLOCATION Of DATA PROCESSING BUDGETS To the Oakland County Board of Cornmissioners Mr. Char rman, Ladies and Gent lewen7 UNEREAS the Oakland County Coreputur Services Department wishes to amend the 1976 Budget to real locate the Data Processing Budgets among the user Departments; and WHEREAS the comparison of actual expenses to the original estimates of lime and Custer ial necessary to meet. the planned department pr ior, r 1[5 nor if ies the need for such a reallocation of funds; and WHEREAS this budget amendment to reallocate Data Processing Budgets will not requite any add i ional ..rporour 1,1 on or funds, and WallRLAS ,he Finance Committee recommends that the Oakland SLI10.14 Inter race Study not be Funded: and WHEREAS generally 4teer./teri budgetary rust ,,am and procedures requires an anwndinen1 tu Ito- 1576 Budget. NO1.1 THEREFORE BE 11 RESOLVED that the appropriate 1976 Data Processing Budget ..djusten.ls Inc made per the attached schedule_ BE 17 FURTHER RESOLVED that the DaS land -Schools Inter face Study funding of 516,500 Inc trans- ferred to the Cent ingent Fond. The F,nanre Commi tree. by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, ra100s the adoption of the foregoing cesolut Ion FINANCE COMMITTER Lawrence R. PernicB, Chairman 00:+.71= 2-=e 30 156 62,300 22,003 55.900 62,000+ 22,030+ 20.200+ 35,900 42370.35 19500.59 18160.13 1,50 6,933 1,550 1.75.158 6,159 142,607 75056.33 1258.67 1976 1035321 :PER. 72..:.:7=E1 196 ACTUAL DEV. 79EP77:1711 02521 FOR 512 17E! COST F09 REC2327= 21.7:5720 S:X MCS- 22517: 171552 Bur= sa mos. 12.7.:.7.75177 TZGET Central Services - ArInlnistrsticn 711.813 1,.,00. :,,23 Central Ser..t.res - AlInnny 117,100 55123.01 11",.:00 Clem".s - 7 .39,7.36 2739'5.64 25,000+ 52-.,n6 :1 & 9 A-3.=.unt.Lng - ;..inLnistration 55,000 1830..53 :: & 3 1c0c.,15-.2ng .;00--.s 2c12le 5,40C 2,366- 3,73... M & 3 4c:a.:r.7ing - M & 3 Accotz.ting - Fayr.3:: 41,20C 20677.33 44,2t0 M 61 3 B.-dget. 18,350 351.33 9.750- 9,002 7.6 & 3 Equalinatian 10,503 19490.37 30,520 M & 3 Purchasing 3,750 3.750- 6...man Services - Thildrer. Village Raman Services - es.1.,:l »8,750 17966.77 8,750- 10,315 Human Services - Hcs7..i,a... 37.500 10591.61 Perarralel 40,500 258E9.47 12,000e 52,507. Fn. & Fhy. :ay. - P:mr_n3ng 37.750 1119.72 24,002- L2,757 Pahl:, Ser. - Co-c., Extension 350 28.39 352 ',%ri..:it Court - Aininistra-Aon 25,502 5066.84 25,512 Cirruit :curt - Clemis :: Circ51t Court - F.C.C. 33.150 16752.02 33,750 :IerkiRe8ister 81,216 44716.67 15,000+ 95,216 Clerk'Feginer - ..'.u-., C7mr..issor. 49,150 21231.52 49,157 C.,m-..iss icners 200 69.52 251 District %art - 52:11 10,498. 1C,,-95 Drain CommLasion 3,150 1766.00 3,750 Probate Court 2,000 573.23 2,22 Prebate - Juvenile Court Cheri:: 7,515 4761.27 1,000+ 8,2:5 7.re.,..,r, 00,516 55777.82 14,003+ 94,71.8 Ccr.17,:er Services tiaklanl Schools :nterface Stu,Ly 9 man mos. 5,-LA :Le,..,ny far ::r..e: 135 14,000+ C5J,. Y.cmary for Xodel 115 8,400+ A5.31-.1on51. 2862 Epace 9,400+ 2 AoaLysts for 2 .4,..s. - Budge: neview Equionent Performance Measurement :col 0.2. Conversion - Pregart Manager Con.3ract.3a1 Frog. Mark IV Financial StIviy 31.1.21cial Study T.earn -Total Ccaputer Servicee -Lite R0 0.12Z-7 1223,137 395154.45 31,220 31,222- 37,9171 21164.50 10,000. 47,580 1,850- 6.207 19,290 41849.52 53,005, 72,290 1.eso 135.450 5,000. 11,145 112,607- 4,627 1163.50 43,655- 5,970 23,082- 15,000 23,060- 15,000 68,590 15,590_ 20,200 15.500. 7,500+ 4,000, 15.020+ 1J.;00D+ 1 :221k e ,coo ;16 ,o-rs 2 35 340.79 Zn2,002- s 292' 38.08: 38 ,0.5a 10,000+ Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 29, 1976 Roved by Pernick supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. Roved by Root supported by Roth the resolution be amended by deleting the itth WHEREAS paragraph which reads, "WHEREAS the Finance Committee recommends that the Oakland Schools Inierface Study not he funded'', and delete the BE IT FURTMER RESOLVED par 'graph which reads "DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland Schools Interface Study funding of $15,500 he transferred In the Contingent fond". Discussion followed. Vote on amendment: AYES hoot, Lennon, Olson, PerInoff, Pernik, Roth, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Fortino NAYS, Gabler, Houghten, KaSper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Facie, Patterson, Wilcox, Button, Dunleavy. (13) PASS) Douglas. (I) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor. the motion EaTled. Vote nn resolution. AYES Huai, houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Muntante, Murphy, Nowak, Olnnn, Page, Ratters., Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dinejles, Duilledvy, Fortino, Gabler. (24) NAYS • None. (11) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolucTon was adopted. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION A7618 - APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR EXPANSION OF TROY STREET OFFICE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule AI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the sum of $3,520 available in the 1576 Capital Program - Miscellaneous Remodeling. Said funds to be made availably to the Depart- ment of Fa;( ities and Operations - Troy Street Office Balding - Special Projects. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. PernIcM, Chairman Misc. 7615 By Mr. Daly IN RE: APPROVAL 0/ FUNDING FOR EXPANSION OF TROY STREET OFFICES To the Oakland County Board 01 Commissioners Jr.. Chairman, Ladies and Ceritlemeni WHEREAS the Troy Street Office Building was renovated in 1975 for the purpose of providing office space for the Probation Department; and WHEREAS the renovations provided space for a total of eighteen (18) employees and WHEREAS twenty-five (25) employees are now housed in this location, due to the addition of State financed Probation Officers; and WHEREAS space is available in the old Pharmacy which can be renovated for office use. NOV THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that $3,900.00 be and is hereby allocated, from the 1976 Capital Program. to the Department of Central Services fur the purposes of providing the aluive renovations. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING CommlfEEE Petrich K. Daly, Chairman. Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the report be accepted and resolution 176LEI by adopted. AYES: Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, PerInoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilccm, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, hoot. (20 MAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority hawing voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution /76I8 was adopted. Misc. 7629 by Mr. Pernick IN RE: AWARDING OF -CONTRACT FOR COUNTY CENTER ROADS RESURFACING, COUNTY PROJECT 76-7 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Kr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to a Planning and Building Committee Resolution /7609 of June 17, 1976, bids 111 378 Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 29, 1976 were received on July 6. 1976 by the Oakland County Road Commission as authorized by the County Executive's Department of Central Services, Facilities and Operations Division for the County Center Road resurfacing Project, and WHEREAS the Oakland County Road Commission and the Planning and Building Committee recommends that a contract be awarded to Scolaruk Corporation nf Southfield, Michigan, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of 549,636 said recommendation concurred in by the Finance Committee. NOW TNEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED as follows , I. That the resurfacing bid of Stolaruk Corporation of Southfield, Michigan, in the amount of 09,636 be accepted and approval be given to the Oakland County Road Commission CO award a contract to Stolaruk Corporation. 2. That funding be provided in the amount or 555,000 to cover the total project cost with Ste understanding that the County Edecutive's Department of Central Services. Facilities and Chtelations Division will be billed by the Oakland County Road Colamission for only them, costs Actoally iocuried by the contractor, said costs not ito exceed ss5.000. 3. That pursuant to Rule Xl-C of this Boil. the Finance franIttee finds Ito total project sum for project 76-7 of 555,000 available in the recce...ended 1976 Capital Program-Utility 5erlion Iii fund: Eonstroction (Low Bidder) 09,696 Contingency 5,364 the Finance Coomitiee, by lawcence R. Fervid. Chairman, And with the concurrence of the Planning and Building Committee moves the adoption ot the ioregoing resolution. FINANCE- COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Fr nick, Chairman Pr- No Ito., of , :9. cEvorm ; 4.1..ang PE:o 533 .• c.v.! .f•le , ; .1.1X1 ofs 2t.:3 3 A 021.C.If 3 PO 1 5C= :•. :0 L5-Lt. TO 37..X 21.g • 7 • I 7,-Kof-z 3.1 A 3) 177 :7 cc .1‘ 13fof 457.538 .3O 3.31 3..C3 OAKLAND COUNTY ROOD COMMISSION •••••,;',.. ;, Toe.,;cn c cY iffte,•CLI 7'7 ''".' I ,L, n+., ,,, I .:',-;. ',--.7. rm. t • "',In"7.:7','.",::"'-'"'' I " ' ' ''" ---- : . I ct foo.,.f.11off 7, ci. Ms,' LH, Prof,:. ,..hnI 'ff3e i '.. -• -_, .-• .• _ " • to E • 300 Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 29, 1976 Moved by Pernick supported by Wilcox the resolution be adopted. AYES: Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Nontente, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick. Price, Roth. Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron. Button, Daly. Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient nmiorily having voted therefor the tesolution was adopted FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE, MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7617 - CLINTON RIVER FLOODING To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, ladies and Gentlemen; the finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 07617 requesting the U.S. Colle, of Engineers to cake necessaiy action fur the correction of the Clintu. Rivet flondiog condition,. It does not appea. that there will be any ...mediate finaocial obligation to Oakland C..,,. ly nor is it possible to establish future financial implications at this point in tune due to the complexity of the problem and the possible conttibutions Irtxx those cormlunities adjacent to the flood Area ti.,Yer, the firm., Ctwrimitten recommends That Iny progtam developed by the Corps uf Engineers requiring County participation be approved by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners prior hi implementation, the finance Committee. by Lawrence R. Pernick, chairman. moves the adoption of the foregoinq resolution, FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawtence R. Pernick, Chairman "Misc. 7617 By Mr. Daly IN RE: CLINTON RIVER FLOODING To the Oakland County Board tel Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Clinton River passes through areas of Independence Township, Waterford Township. West Bloomfield Township, Orion Township, Pontiac Township, Avon Township, City of Pontiac. City of Orchard Lake Village, City of Sylvan take. City of Kongo Narbot, City of Rochester and Clarkston; and wmfftfAS these comnmnities are rapidly developing urbanization arras. and WHEREAS reoccurring flooding ul the Clinton Rsver in the area, of CA, lake, Otter Lake, Sylvan Lake and the City of Pontiac in the years ot 1971. 1974 and 1976 ha, eodangerod the heailh and properly of the citizenry; and wHERFAS Dr. Ernest c Braterls report of March It 19/6, on a ,t,d ie ul flood .00:111 inns along the Clinton River in the regior which includes the Western part ot Pontiac, Waterford Township and West B ',coot e it Town sh p state., limo II maclint in the r eCen I year s is not an in. '.ual OCk, r it:FLU but nill re0Ccul aod rrUrre severe fletiaing will OCCui as the utbanication of the area increases. wNEREAS the follo,ing communities: West Blonnaield Township, Indepeodence Township. Waterford Township, Orion township, City of Pontiac, City of Keene, Harbor. City of Sylvan take, Lake Angelo, Village. Clarkston Village and Pontiac township have passed resolutions requesting the Oakland Conn! y Board of Commissione, enter into an agreement with the U.S. Corps of Engineers. NOw THEREFOR( tlf. It RESOLVED that the Oakland Connty Board of Cummissioners requests the U.S. Corps of togineers to take necessary action for the corrections of the flooding conditions. The Planning and Building Committee by Patrick N. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the Foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE PatricS K. Daly, Chairman' Moved by Pernick supported by Patterson the report be accepted. A sufficient Majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Pernick supported by Button that resolution 07617 be adopted. A sufficient majority having wiled therefor, resolution 17617 was adopted. Misc 7630 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: ADDITIONAL VfHICLES FOR THE PAOSTrUlOR INVESTIGATORS - PROSECUTOR FAMItY SUPPORT DIVISION To the Oakland County Board of Cummis,oner, Mr Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS the Oakland County Prosecutor's Office, Family Support Division, wishes to add three 131 specially equipped vehtcles to the County fleet; and WHEREAS the Prosecutor's Office has indicated that the Family Support Division Investigators are required to make arrests and transport prisoners; and WHEREAS transporting prisoners is a specialized use as defined in Section E paragraph 6 of the County Vehicle Policy; and WHEREAS the Prosecutor's Office has indicated the investigators will be required to have GARAGE FUND 1976 Pontiac Leman, (equipped) RA010 FUND Two-way Radios TOTAL APPROPRIATION Moved by Pernick supported by doughten the resolution be adopted. TOTAL PRICE $11,035 TOTAL PRICE $16.620 QUANTITY QUANTITY 3 UNIT PRICE $3.945 UNIT PRICE $1,595 CommiSSioners Minutes Continued. July 29, 1976 381 2-way radios in their vehicles; and WHEREAS such radios tall under the definition of specialized vehicle egoipment as dunned In Section E Paragraph 2 of the County Vehicle Policy; and WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution 17393, Section C of the Oakland County Vehicle Policy, any additions to the County Vehicle Fleet require the approval of the Finance Committee and an appropriation of the entire capital cost necessary for any fleet expansion; and WHEREAS the capital cost for the three 131 additional radio equipped vehicles will require an appropriation of $16,620; and WHEREAS the monthly lease cost for the vehicles and radios will be covered by the 1976 Cooperative Reimbursement Grant. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the three (3) additional vehicles be approved and that the 1976 Budget be amended by transferring the total amount of $16,620 from the 1476 Contingent Fund to the appropriate Non-Departmental appropriation line-item and affected intergovetnmental funds. The Finance Comm,ttee, by Lawrence R. Permkk, Chairman, moves the adoption 01 the Foregoin, resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawience R. Pernick, Chairman COST OF 070IT1ONA1. - PROSECUTOR INVESTIGATORS CARS Moved by Fortino supported by Daly the reSOluiion be amended in the NOW THERM:11kt DE IT RESOLVED paragraph by deleting "that the three (3) additional vehicles be approved and that like Ig76 budget be amended by transferring the total IIMOUDI or $16,620 Fro. the 1976 Contingent lond", and replacing it with "that these cars be replaced by three cars already In our County car fleet, those which have the lowest mileage". Discussion followed. The Chairman ruled the amendment not germaine. Moved by Fortino supported by Daly the NOW THEREFORE tif I/ RESOLVED paragraph he amended by adding after the words 'additional vehicles be approved', the words 'Irom the existing County car Discussion followed. Vote on amendment . AILS: Lennon, 0/son, Pennon', Pernick, Price. Roth. Wilson, Aaron, Rollo., Daiy, Fortino, Hoot. (1)) NAYS: McDonald, Mof f MOnislniC. Murphy, Nowak, Pao., . Patterson, Wilcox. 01111 i n•.1V), Houghten, Kasper, 1121 A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the motion carried. Vote on resolution as amended AYES: Olson, Perinoff. Pernik. Price, Roth, Wilson. Aaron, Button, Daly, Douglas. Fortin°, Gabler, Hoot. Lennon. Ohl NAYS: McDonald, Moffitt. Montante, MorPhy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Wilcox. Dunleavy, Nought., Kasper. 411 ) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution as amended, was adopted. Moved by Gabler supported by Romanis-, the Board reconsider the action taken on the resolution. Discussion followed. AYES: Gabler, Moughten, Limpet, McDonald, Moffitt. Montante, Murphy. Nowak, Page, Patterson, Wilcox. Dunleavy 112/ NAYS: Hoot, Lennon, Olson, Pennon, Pernick, Price, Roth. Wilson, Aaron, (laly. Fortino. (11) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the meitiom carried. 382 Coemissioners Minutes COncinuetl, July 29, 1978 Moved by Gabler supported by MonTante, the resolution be referred to the Finance Committee. AYES- Noughten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcoa, Daly, Dunleayy, Gabler. (17) NAYS: Hoot, Lennon, Perinoff, Wilson, Aaron, Fortino. (6) A sufficient majority haying yoted therefor, the motion carried and the resolution was referred to the Finance Committee. Misc. 7631 By Mr. Pernick lit RE AWARDING Of CONTRACT FOR ADAINISTRAUVE ANNEX I ELECTRICAL, COMM PROJECT 74-8E AND LAW ENFORCEMENT JAIL COMPLEM-COMMUNICATION ROOM RELOCATION, COUNTY PROdtfl 76-12 To the Oatiand County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, ladies and Gentlemen WHEREAS pursuant to Planning and Building Committee Resolution 07Mhl nf .1 elm 1, 1776 and ResolotrOn P161001 June 17. 1976, bids were recetved UPI July 20, 1976 loi the Adminisrcative AlleOn 1 Electrical and Coenunication Room Relocation Projects; and WHEREAS the County fxeco/iyers Department of Central he facilities and Opt, Division And the Planning and Bo ilding Cry:mitt, recommend that a contcuCt he awarded to lived LleOrriCal Company ot PO,TiaC, Michigan, the lowest. goaltlied bidder, in the amnont ot 516.748, said recemendation concurred ill by the Finance Committee. HOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED as frIllowsi I. That the bid of Heed Electrical Company, Inc of Pontiac, dirchtuan, in the amoont of 516.248. $11,354 representing the cost for AdMiniStrative Annex 1 Electrical and $2,894 for Communication Room Relocation, be accepted and the Cleli(dGi awarded in concurrence with the Planning and Building Committee recommendation on Tory 22, 1976 2. That fund.ng be provided in the amount of 517,500 for Administrative Annex 1 and $19,000 for Communications Room Relocation to cover the total project cost. 3. That the Chairman of the guard of Commissioners he and hereby IS authorized and directed to execute a contract with Reed Electrical Company of Pontiac, Michigan on behalf of the County of Oakland. 4. That this award shall not be effective until the awardee has been notified in writing by the COunty Executive', Department of Central Services, facilities and Operatious Division. 5. That pursuant to Mole 1(1-C pl. this Bnaid. the Vino..., C.4116114, Hod% the Iola! piolerl sum tor project 74-BE of ',17,51I0 available In the rekianmnnied Fah C.wit,1 trative Annex I Remodeling, ro load Electrical $11,354 Maintenance 2,000 Construction Sope rv i on 1,000 OminictratiCe 100 Contingency 1,1146 TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING $17,500 And the Total project sum for project 76-17 of 518,000 amailO6if if "-If fi.n.flimended 1976 Capital Improyement Fund-htscellsneeos Remodeling 1976 to fund. Electrical $ 2,894 Maintenance 13,803 Enn,truction Sup,visiOn 1,000 AdJonistratrve 100 Contingency 1,206 TOTAL PROJECT FORGING 519,000 The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Fernick, Chairman and with the concurrence uf the Planning and Building CORMIlltee, MOVE, the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairmon Moved by Pernict supported by Button the resolution be adopted. Moved by Pr., supported by Douglas the CesOluTIOA be amended in Section 3. following Reed and Electrical Company of PonflaC, Michigan and inserting, ''provided the Company has received a certificate award of ability by the mrchigan Civil Rights Commission.. Discussion followed Vote on amendment A sufficient nwajority haying voted therefor, the mot i tm tarried. Vote on resolution as amended_ AYES: Moffitt. Montante. murphy. Nowak, Olson, Ralterstml, Perinoll, Perni,L, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Douglas, Elonleavy, Fortino, hloui, Houghten ; Kasper, Leonon, McDonald. On NAYS. None. (01 A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolollno as amended, was adopted. Commissioners Minutes Continued, July 29, 1976 Misc. 7632 By Mr, Button IN RE, REQUEST FOR BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' MEMENTO BUDGET To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS on frequent occasions, this Board is called upon to render recognition to a citizen, commissioner or board member for dedicated and outstanding service or to a visiting dignitary Or come personality who brings honor oil diatinction to our County; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends that budgetary funds be made availabje In ordei that suitable mementos may be provided for presentation by the Oakland County Board of Cammissiooets on such occasions as are deemed necessary. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a sum not to exceed 5500.00 be appropriated lo lie Oakland County board of Commissioners for purposes of providing suitable mementos to ritirens. board members, conmissioners and visiting dignitaries who render dedicated and oulstandfnn seivic, honor and distinction to the County of Oakland. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Bolton, Choi t out , 111Lnies the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT commiTru Robert A. Button, Chalrbarl Moved by Button supported by Lennon the resolution be relerred to the Finance Conmattee. There were no objections. Misc. 7633 By Mr. Button IN RE: SUPPORT OF HOUSE ii111. 6281, PROPERTY TAX ASSESSMENT OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY Of PUBLIC UTILITIES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Kr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Section 27 of the G 1 Property Tax Art defines the term "cash wawa. at 50: of which all real end personal property is to be placed upon the assessment rolls; end WHEREAS a Serious challenge to this concept is being made by several public utilities which, if successful, will have serious repercussions in tax assessing districts throughout the State of Michigan and will erode property tax bases; and WHEREAS action has been brought by several utilities that ha, been transferred to the Michigan Tan Or such action hoping to establish that of property should be assessed at its depreciated historical cost (approximately 25.7) rather than present market value; and WHEREAS passage of proposed legislation in House Dill 6281 would clarify the definition of ',cash value" for assessment purposes and will not increase the property taxes borne by Michigan nttlities, but will merely prevent a dtanuitiL decrea1u in such property La., NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEO that the Oakland County Hoard of Commissioners hereby supports House Bill S201 as being in the hest intereSts 01 the County and so r,i..unmends to the County legIslator . the General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A Button, Chairman MOved by Button supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted_ A sufficient majority haying voted therefor, the resolution Was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Button IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 07418 - SUPPORT OF SENATE alLt 828 Ito the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee reports Miscellaneous ReSOlet10111 07498, And leallirms support of said resolution, and concurs with the Planning and Building Committee Report on Miscellaneous Resolution t7498 - The General Government Committee by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman "REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 47498 - SUPPORT OF SENATE BILL 828 To the Oakland County board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentieren: The Planning and Building Committee reports MiseellarleOus Ke50lutIO5 17498 with the recommendation that said resolution be adopted. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. PLANNING AND Bt.TILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman. 384 Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 29, 1976 "REPORT By Mr Button IN RE, MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 07498 - SUPPORT OF SENATE BILL 1828 To the Oakland County hoard of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladles and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee reports Miscellaneous Resniution 07498 with the reconemn- datron that said resolution be adopted. The Human Resource, Committee has also Oven sopportive reirrimmmaill ion at Miscellaneous Resolutioo 07498 and Senate Bill 0828. The General Govermemi Committee, by Robert A. Hutton. Chairman, mows .,cpl..r ol the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMIE Robert A. Honor. Chaira.n" "Misc. 7498 By Mr. Italy IN RE, SUPPORT Of SENATE 1:111,1 828 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, ladies and Gentle:0w% WHEREAS Senate Bill 8)8 would permit patient, ,wilering trot,: contagious disea,e , frr he admitted tu a owAicAl care H3c4Illy provided withrm sevli facility their ir. an isolariuo area mnd thal the area is approved by the Stare Department uf Publis Health; and WHEREAS without the adoption of Senate Bill 028, the County of Oakland will not be permitted to treat patients suffering from contagious diseases, including tuberculosis; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland should support Senate Bill 828 In permit the housing of patients safEerIng from contagious diseases, in an isolared area within the flew Medical Care Facility, provided such area is approved by the State 3epariment of Public Health. NOW THEREFORE RE It RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners urges the legislature to adopt Senate Bill 828. Mr. Chairman. I moved the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Patrick K Daly, Commissioner - District 04" Moved by Button supported by Daly the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, 1M notion carried. Moved by Button supported by Fortino that rrswliaiun #7498 he adopted_ Discussion folluwed. DurileOny. AYES. Olson, Perrnott, Peroick, Pri[P, Ruth . Wil,OX, Wilson, Aarnr.. Buttoo, Daly. Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Huughten, Lennon. 1161 NAYS- Mortaote, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Hoot, (asper, McDonald. Moffitt. (8) A syffiCierll majority having voted therefor, resolution f7498 was adopted_ REPORT By Mr Button IN RE. MISCELIANEDUS RESOLUTION ,7603 - SUPPORT OF REVISION OF SOCIAL WEIFARE Alt To the Oakland County Board uf Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen The General Government Coomiltev reports Miscellooeuus Resolution 07603 with the recOnimendation that the Oakland County Board of CommiSsioners support the principles Included in said resolution The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman. moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Sutton, Chairman "Misc. 7603 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE. SUPPORT OF REVISION OF SOCIAL WELFARE OCT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen WHEREAS Senate Bill 1237 incorporates into law many emiSling policies, corrects many of the deficiencies which are creating problems in the current Social Welfare Programs; and WHEREAS your Committee would like to support certain principles in revised Social Welfare legislation, the Human Resources Committee recommends the following be incorporated In such revision - Section 5111, Page 14, Line 7 - Present lengo.v A contract shall not be entered into between the Department and a public or private Agency within the County before the County Board is provided an opportunity for review of the contract. Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 29. 1976 Section 544, Page 14, Line 2 - Recimmendelirml. A CONTRACT SHALL NOT BE ENTERED INTO BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT AND A PUBLIC OR PRIVAT1 /11.1 NIT WITHIN THE COUNTY BEFORE THE COUNTY BOARD IS PROVIDED AN OPPORTUNITY FOR REVIEW 90 DAYS BEFORE IKPLEmENTATION Of THE CONTRACT. Section 71(7), Page 19, Line 9 and 10 - Present language. Among the advisory committees so appointed, shall be a 10-member committee composed of County Directors and County Board members. Section 7112), Page 19, Line 9 and 10 - Recomnendation. AMONG THE ADVISORY COMMITTEES SO APPOINTED, SHALL BE A 10-MEMBER COMMITTEE COMPOSED Of COUNTY DIRECTORS AND COUNTY BOARD MEMBERS WHICH SHALL INCLUDE REPRESENTATION FROM EACH COUNTY WITH A POPULATION OF 400,000 OR MORE Section 125, Page 34, Lines 5 and 6 - Present language. The Department shall require the family to cnniletv a new applicatinn it ohe ilme n1 redeterminatinn (This is a desirable requirement as ',resent In lite.. hat Sett 1 101(0) ego i i• . 4.-r on.. I interview at the time of application 1.nnsideiaolon wmnld tr,vri hi be given to inxieake siall to administer this requirement. The cast nI ihe additional staii may be more than nil .,et by Ilm ,J101.4.1 incurred by reduction in error rates, traud and overpayment.) Section 158, Page kb - Recommendation that the follaming SectiOn, be added as (3) (a) and (3) (b): Ulf DEPARTMENT MAY REQUIRE MOPICAQF SECURITY ON REM PROPFIOY 11)0 EXPENDITURES MADE FOR HOME REPAIRS AHD IMPROVEMEN15 ON 1/N. HOMESTEAD OF A CLIENT WHICH HEM PROVIDED BY THE DEPARTMENT FROM STATE ANWOR COUNTY FUNDS. THE CLAIM SHALL BE REIMBURSED FROM THE ESTATE OF THE RECIPIENT OR AflEN Ulf DEATH OF THE SURVIVING SPOUSE, OR, IN Ally [SENT, CIN THE SALE DR TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY. (3) (b) THE DEPARTMENT MAY REQUIRE MORTGAGE SECURITY ON REAt PROPERTY FOR EXPENDITURES THAT ARE MADE IN THE FORM OF MORTGAGE PAYMENTS OR SAND CONTRACT PAYMENTS ON THE HOMESTEAD IN LIEU 01 IHL PAYMENT Of RENT. THIS CLAIM SNAIL BE IllitiOURSE0 FROM THE ESTATE OF THE RECIPIENT OR AFTER THE DEATH OF THE SURYIVINb SPOUSE, OR. IN ANY EVENT, ON THE SALE OR TRANSFER Of THE PROPERTY. Section 17211) 10 Page 50, Line / - Present language. The child is under the age of 18 years, or under the age of 21 years, and a student regularly attending a school, college, or university or regularly attending d course of vocational training designed to prepare the person for gainful employment. Section 172(1) (c) Page 50, Line 1 - Reccnmendation. THE CHILD IS UNDER THE AGE OF al YEARS, OR UNDER THE AGE OF 21 YEARS. AND A FULL-TIME STUDENT REGULARLY ATTENDING A SCHOOt , COLlEGE. OR UNIVERSITY TOWARD A DIPLOMA OR DEGREE. OR REGULARLY ATTEND- ING A COURSE OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING DESIGNED TO PREPARE THE PERSON FOR GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT. Section 116(2), Page 52, Line 21 - Present language. Exceptions to these maxima not to exceed I501' of the established County maximum may be granted by the County Oirectnr upnn determination that it is impossible for elthur a family ol more than 5 per,ons or a family which incluaus a physically handicapped person to find adequate sleeping and liviroj accommodations within the payment maximdm, nr that an exception is necessary En protect an aPPlicant', or Eetipiceiti cgoily in a home being purchased. (This language wmuld reduce the ability to authorize an eakeption to the she Ito, akaximum ham the present 52)5.00 to 5202 50 In Oakland County. In view of The difficult housing market in Oakland County. we believe a reduction in the shelter allowance tor some clients would be a severe hardship To these families.) Section 116121, Page 52, Line 21 - Recommendation. EXCEPTIONS TO THESE MAXIMA NOT TO EXCEED 150% OF THE ESTABLISHED COUNTY MAXIMUM KAY BE GRANTED BY THE COUNTY DIRECTOR OR HIS REPRESTWIATIVE UPON DETERMINATION THAT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR EITHER A FAMILY OF MORE THAN 5 PERSONS OR A FAMILY WHICH INCLUDES A PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED PERSON TO FIND ADEQUATE SLEEPING AND LIVING ACCOMMODATIONS WITHIN THE PAYMENT MAXIMUM, DR THAT AM EXCEPTION 15 NECESSARY TO PROTECT AN APPLICANT'S OR RECIPIENT'S EQUITY IN A HOME BEING PURCHASED. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports the above principle, in any revisions of social welfare legislation. The Human Resources Committee, by Betty J. Fortino, Chairman, roves the adoption of the foregoing resolution_ HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITIEE Betty J. Fnilino, Chairman. Roved by Button suppotted by Olson the retool accepted. A SuffiClent Majority having voted Therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Button supported by Daly that resolution 07601 be adopted. AYES: Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff. Pernick. Price, Roth, Wilcox. Wilson, Aaron, Sutton, Daly. Fortino, Gabler, Moot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald. Moffitt. Montante. 031 NAYS: None. (01 A sufficient majority having noted therefor, resolution 17603 was adopted. 386 Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 29. 1976 Misc. 7636 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: APPROVAL OF BREAST CANCER SCREENING PROGRAM CONTRACT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS with the approval of the Human Resources Committee, the Oakland County Department of Human Services, Division of Health entered negotiations with the Michigan Cancer Foundation with the intent of expanding the approved Breast and Cervical Cancer Detection Education Program, and WHEREAS such contract has been negotiated and is ready for signature by both parties; and WHEREAS the Human Resources Cumnittee has passed a resolution approving the expanded program which includes head and neck and colonrectal cancer as well as breast and cervical cancer contingent upon a program budget amendment; and WHEREAS the Finance Coneittne has amended the plogram budhel with the folthrg slipolation that the sontrast be hrnughr hack to IN, Miemin itesour,e, Cgmnditee ard 441 the Board 44 Croalksloim-gs Ion final approval: and WHEREAS the Human Resources Comsittee bar. I.-viewed and accepted the contract: and WHEREAS the Personnel Covent toe has approved the rd her sourses lunded persnemel regal iii by this program; and WHEREAS The Planning and Building Corourttee ha', approved the lenovalions regmired to implement this program. NOW THEREFORE BE II RESOLVED that the Oakland Fount, Board ul Corimissioners applove the contlact. Eetween the Michigan Cancer Foundation and the fenrdy of Oakland for the provision 04 Cd114_4.4 deteslion and educatinn services, and further that the Chairman of the Board of Cumeissinners he hereby authorized to sign said contract on behalf oi Ihe County. The Human Resuarces Committee, by Betty J. Fortino, Charrman. wove, One adoption of the foregolng resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMIlIFE Betty J. Fortino. lhairmmt Moved by Fortino supported by Lennon the resolution be adopted. Moved by Gabler supported by Patterson the resolution be amended by deleting the word .breasti i wherever it occurs in the resolution. A sufficient mainrIty haying aided thereInr, the motion carilrd Moved by McDonald supported by Murphy the resolution be mended by replacing ihr• W4414 .breasir. every place it appears in the main body of the resolntion. and deleting the word "Ineast" In the heading. A sufficrent majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on retolution as amended: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution as amended, was adopted. Misc 7615 By Mr. Oa ems IN RI MODIFICATION OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT CANCER CONTROL SCREENING GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioner% Mr. Chairron : Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS the Breast and Cervical Lancer Detect irs,, Program of the Health Division - Department of Humao Services was approved by the Board of COmmissioners on March 4, 1976, Miscellaneous Resolution 17451, and WHEREAS on March le, the Board approved certain personnel position changes in the Health Division in order to implement Miscellaneous Resolution 07451, and WHEREAS the Health Division was subsequently rtproached by the Michigan Cancer Foundation to expand the program through a grant from the National Cancer Institute to include cancer detection For the head, neck and rectum; and WHEREAS the expanded program. with appropriate budget amendments, was presented to this Board and approved on July 8, 1976 45 Miscellaneous Resolution #7626, subject only to final approval by the Board Of the contract with the Michigan Cancer Foundation, which will fund the expanded portion of the program, and WHEREAS the expanded program will involve establishing one new classification, the addition of seven grant positions and permit the release for other Health Division assignments of two C.E.T.A. positions previously committed to the project, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the classification of Chid of Cancer Detection/Edit:cation be established at the following salary range: BASE 1 YEAR 2 TEAR 1171g7 W.WIT T§rgsrf BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following additional positions tin fir. trended entilriy by National Cancer Institute grant monies be established, Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 29, 1976 3117 NURSER OF POSITIONS CLASSIFICATION 1 Chief of Cancer Detection/Education 1 Public Health Nurse II 0-Ra1 Technologist 1 Auxiliary Health Worker Clerk 111 2 Typist I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one (I) Public Health Nurse II position (C.E.T.A.) and one (1) Clerk 11 position (C.E.T.A.) be reclassified to Account Clerk I and Typist II respectively. and that these positions be transferred from the Cancer Screening Unit to the Administrative Section of the Health Division, The Personnel Comnittee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis C. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Montante the resolution be adopted. AYES; Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson. Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy. 1251 NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7636 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: IPA GRANT - PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION, LABOR RELATIONS TRAINING FOR LOCAL UNITS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen; WHEREAS the Personnel Committee recommended the approval of the application For an Inter- governmental Personnel Act (IPA) Grant which was approved by the Board of Commissioners on June 17, 1976 In Miscellaneous Resolution J7590; and WHEREAS the State Department of Civil Service has indicated through a letter of intent that the grant has been awarded (Grant No. TO-P11-01 10); and WHEREAS the grant does not require any additional employees or County hard match. as shown on the attached proposed grant budget, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Intergovernmental Personnel Act Grant for training local governmental units in Personnel Administration and Labor Relations be accepted. The Personnel Committee. by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution PERSONNEL COMNIIIEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman IC 11.4_ iar%t s $5.1.14 $15 ,101' Commissioners minutes Continued. July 29, 1976 r . .•,..1,6 ID St I' 1.- I. .0.% ' It It ,. • l''. 1 114 uct t,.1. 1:n,,,,I1n .1 - 500 'itt I• r... /71.1 . I Nor: 1 i 1.1 10141. $ 840 1,410 1,457 Si P40 bOlt I 4,06 4,06 ID 1 9. 104 C. C.-1J 05Cr11.51 1.1.11.V/et.iil en.! Consul tarn atlOt CO J r. tuJint Foca, t lo!Attn„ 7j, . 1,000 , non 3,01111 4,000 D. St'VORTIVE5PliVivri, I - Off ire SpnIL, 710 MI, ft. 0 6 .50 vr•I 5 :: • -" 0 Y1 45$ 2 - "felephono Inc 1,1/1115, lip - e:r. .‘ 150 150 1 - Onialnar OIL.-. 5 Cf 150.01 ... 600 600 4 Suppl if, I Copv i Ire, 4. C., . I Inc) 100 -, Inform...it inu51 0 .inri.ol - a - Book I, ,_., , ,, . 4, •., I, 500 500 0 Corn i par nt I:, - n t -. Is 5 Jay, a - Pr.). o t..s•., irlt . . 1.1 78 100 i PrItred iorr. 2,51 700 F - 'Illltro..: .• 1110 1110 $1,0., n $1 .1 11 $ ),-ni, :ion-Cntlerol ntql 5, ,› ! r 1• t .1 ii1 $1,,I1r.1 t 1.11 • $1,000 bard osit lo .1 It •, ft • ch4n ' p tit r Ill,..),- 11.. It h., 11.• AMir Ion.11 (-omit Snn•I ...ill 1.• t Moved by Aaron supported by Daly the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Mr. Aaron stated the resolution should be adopted by a roll call vote. The Chairman requested a roll call be taken. AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Wilcox, Aaron, Button, Daly, Bunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Moot, Moughten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson. (22) NAYS, None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Clanmissioners minutes Continued. duly 29, I926 Misc. 7832 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: D.F.W. SALARY AND CLASSIFICATION CHANGES - WATER AND SEWER DIVISION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Oakland County has experienced continued growth in Public Works Sewage Maintenance Operations and Sewage Treatment Operations during the past years without new additions in supervisory personnel; and WHEREAS during this time, these units have added non-supervisory personnel to meet the needs of the County, and WHEREAS the additional supervisory classes ere necessary in order to effectively and efficiently supervise the various work crews, and WHEREAS the Public Works Division feels this problem can be resolved by reclassifying one existing non-supervisory position in each unit and not by addition of new personnel, and unEREAS the net cost of these classification changes will be paid film: .CAlter Souls.," Public Works Operations revenue and will not involve use of ally County budgeted funds, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the classifications of Sewage treatment Opetator Supervisor and Sewer Maintenance Supervisor be established with the following salary ranges: BASE 1 YEAR 2 YEAR Sewage Treatment Operator Supervisor It.--.)3G 17.9T --- Sewer Mainternance Sopeivisui 15,472 16,165 16,845 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVE0 that the salary ranges of the existing classes of Sewage Treatment Operator Foreman and Sewer Foreman he reduced as follows- BASE I YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR From. ATTIEI T47§17 17E117 To: 12,800 13,474 14,148 14,823 BE IT FkIRTHER RESOLVED that one ill) Sewage treatment Operator 11 position and one (I) Sento! Maintenance Mechanic position be reclassified to Sewage Treatment Operator Supervisor and Sewer Maintenance Supervisor, respectively. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, waves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Lennon the resolution be referred to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7838 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: ESTABLISHMENT OF COURT CLERK 1 AND 1/ POSITIONS WITH MERIT SYSTEM EXEMPTION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WIENERS the number of trials heard before the Circuit Court has increased significantly, and WHEREAS additional technical support in the arca of legal research to the judges is necessary to handle this increased number of trials; and WHEREAS use of law students as l'isailiffs. will permit more efficient utilization of positions now classified as Court Officer In that the law students car be utilized to perform legal research duties in addition to ubailiff" responsibilities; and WHEREAS the use of law students in a proposed classification or Court Clerk I to eventually phase out the Court Officer classification will not result in any additional positions or any increase in salary expenditures, Nov THEREFOR( HE IT RESOLVED that the existing classification of Court Clerk he retitled In Court Clerk it with on change in salary. that the new classification of Court Clerk 1 be established with a flat annual salary of 51,607, end that the classifications of Court Clerk 1 end 11 be exmnpt Prose Merit System coverage as defined In the Merit System Resolution, Section II, B.: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that torrent Court Officer positions, Allen they become vacant, be Filled with Court Clerk I's. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Cheirnan Moved by Aaron supported Discussion followed by Button the resolution be adopted. Vote 00 resolution: AYES. Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick. Roth, Wilson, Button, Daly, Fortino, Gabler, Kasper, Lennon, finffitt, Piontante, Murphy, Nowak. 117) RAYS7 Price, Wilcox, Aaron, Dunleavy, Hoot. (5) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. 390 Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 29, 1976 Misc. /639 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION PROJECT LABOR MODIFICATION FOR TWO GRANT PROJECTS AUTHORIZED UNDER THE PUBLIC WORKS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen; WHEREAS on February 19, 1976, through Miscellaneous flesolothui F/453. tlw Roam! ol stoners approved 12 positions in the Department of Public Works to I II ilw laten trupiltemoiis toe Lop projects funded under the Public Works and Ecomoilic Development Ail of 116. ami accrined hy li., Board an January 22. 1976 in Miscellaneous Resolution 107419: and WHEREAS the grants are for a limited period of January 1 through Decembei II. 1976. . I the labor funds will not be completely used by Decembew 31 due to such !actors as line' want appmmal dates later than January I and the high turnover rate among employees in thix program. and WHEREAS current projections reveal that with loll employment in existing Department ill Labor grant positions. approximately 558.111 ot the S76,924 186.813 Facilities Beautification par° and $57,777 of the 379,414 (75.521 FaCilitIes ImOtuvenmnt gran; will be expended by Deceoloa Ti, 1976: and WHEREAS due to the short grant periods and high turnover prohlenm. 11 would be adhantaaeon, to have authorization to rapidly F.CICLISC or decrease .aoploympoi level, A, ...tattled hy hme monitorina ot lund expend NE61 THEREFORE Hi IT RESOLVED :hat the Piatlii 19.1I apploval nt III, limoty Executive, be granted authority to 1.11 sulticieni. additional E T.A. Tilie X Maintanan.i, taboo, positions to complete projects mid expend tunas dation ired under Om Iwo Public Work, aod Economic Developrent Act ol 1965 federal grants accepted by the Board un January 22, 1976, Mihcellancons Resolution e7419. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M Aaroo, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Fortino thr troll ii ion he adopted. AYES: Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Perruck, WwIt, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Donleavy, Fortino, Gabler. Hoot, Kasper, lenonn, McDonald. Moffitt, Montante, Mulphy, Nowak. Olson. (22 . NAYS; Wwm. 10) A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the resolution wAs adOpleJ. Misc. 7640 By Mr_ Aaron IN RE: PARKS AND RECREATION PROJEt t GRANTS UNDER Dill X FUNDING lo thr nakland County Board of Coven ioviers mr Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS nn February 19, 1976, through Miscellaneous Resolution O7453, the Board of arnmis- s toners approved 144 positions in Parks and Recreation to till the labor requirements for two grant projects funded under the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 and accepted by the Board or Vanua'', 22, 1976 in Miscellaneous Resolutions C7419 and 77420; and WHEREAS the grant, ate for ine limited period of January 1 through Decembet 31, 1976 and :se lasot funds will not be completely used by °eremite. 31 doe to final grant appouval dates later man January I. the time required to absorb 144 employees into the Parks and Recreation Work force, and the high turnover rate among employees in this program (generally there has been 5 to 15 positions vacant due to turnover); and WHEREAS current projections reveal that with full employment in existing grant positions. aPProaiemtelle SI,102.651 of the SI,500,000 Department of Labor grant funds 116.6VA and S34,190 of the 550,000 (68.45) Michigan American Revolution Bicentennial Commission grant funds for Lakeshore and Stream Restoration project will be expended by December II. 1976; and WHEREAS due to the short grant periods and high 1.1.1,11.Ver problems, it would be advantageous to have authorization to rapidly increase or decrease employment levels as warranted by a class monitoring of fund expenditures, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that tile Parks and Recreation Division, upon approval of the County Executive. be authorized to establish and fill sufficient additional C.E.T.A. Title X Main- tenance Laborer, Work Relief Foreman and/or Typist positions to complete projects and expend fonds authorized under the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 federal grant accepted by the Board on January 22, 1976, Miscellaneous Resolutions 117419 and M7420. The Personnel Committee. by Dennis M. Aaron. Chairman, moves the adoption of the force:pion resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Lhairnon COmmIssioners Minutes Continued. July 29, 1976 891 Moved by Aaron supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Patterson, Parinoff, Pernick, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, bunleavY. Fortino, Gabler, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page. (22) NAYS; None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. 764t By Mr. Daly IN RE: HIGHWAY EASEMENT TO OAKLAND COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS the Oakland County Road Commission is attempting to solve a flooding Noble°, at the intersection of Catalpa and Greenfield Roads in the City of Southfield; and WHEREAS the Road Commission has requested the County of Oakland to grant them a Highway Easement over a small triengle at the above described Intersection; and WHEREAS the Involved property Is owned by the County of Oakland and Is a part of the site of the South Oakland Health Department. and WHEREAS the easement premises are described as follows . Seanning at a point on the north line of lot 44, Oakland Gardens Subdivision, according to the recorded plat thereof as recorded In Liber 34, page 8, of Plats, Oakland County Records which point is 7 ft. west of the northeast corner of said lot 44, thence south along a line 7 ft. west of, measured at right angles and parallel to the east Ilne of said lot 44 t. the south line of said lot 44, thence northwesterly to a point on the north line of said lot 44 which is 20 ft. west of the point of beginning thence east along the north line of said lot 44 a distance of 20 ft. to the point of beginnin. NOW THEREFORE BE 17 RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Oakland County Board of Commissioner% be and Is hereby authorized to execute the attached Highway Easement to the Oakland County Road Commission. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption Of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly. Chairman OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE - DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES - FACIUTIES ENGINEERING DIVISION REQUEST FOR EASEMENT - SOUTH OAKLAND SERVICE CENTER PROJECT 76-1 July 8, 1976 The County Road Commission has requested an easement at the in of Greenfield and Catalpa of 187.8 square tent on the County property. The purpose is to correct A flooding problem at this intersection which the City of Southfield has requested be solved. Attached are copies of the information submitted by the Road Commission on this request. C-6,611, AU•a-rhow • r r7y I ..71.10.1, 352 Conmissionery linutes COut1nued. Jury 25, 1926 1:IC1DVAY 1:11SM iiNT V •• row, NX°"ALLM""'WES=""44nrrS.. Tb.I C.11fIty of Oakland, n Mithigan Constiti, t ionn (:orpor.1 ion 1.101 1.611.10. el ...Awl. I. 1200 N. Telegraph. ltd., Pont MiC111.1',111 7.1.1111'7,5, lo 141,11 (1 o f Jioiiil I IiL 1111.1 y 151 1101. I .111.1, Sin .1 1'1 1 / 1.1 111111 .1 1111111 13 111//1y Curpor :110111 11111111:51,, MI 1. 111 11.011 7,77",-;,".":P°"a"— " 180 111 yneausa.“..1(,.1..11 in Vas (1 11 di SO 111111 it' 111 etauesty 0,11 1 /117.1 wand Stan. ..I 11m ink nt :1 Uhll 1,11 LIIn• 0111 111 1 1111" VI 1,11 1 • 11.11 1:11111 IurI .1101 JIJIJLJLIL, .11 uhf hi thin hu.tuJiuhhnl I .11 1111,1 1.01 I :1-. utt,miliuI 111 110 1 11, 11,0:6 R , 1'1,t1 , I fl 11 11 1011111 7 II . w1-.1 "If 110 fi n 1 1,,,••t 111 Tol 11, t htA11.-n • ',LAO Ii 11 01111 /I I in, "/ Ii . , LI ktil .111:4 1 01141 1.1111 iii I 1.1 1111 I. 11 1 111( 111 1,1111 [ / 1I , Ii 'Li It jilt of ••Ald 101 1 1 , h [LiLt in 0 11. 111,1,1t.rly to 11 11111111 1 F I 0 /111111 101 1.1 1/111 11 I 20 ft. west of the point it I 11,7.1 ing e:Ist aluni Ihr north 1 tic 01 -said kot 4.1 a 4istanin e of . Ti, thin 100111 of beginning. 3.prool jrdowol h•Yr • minty iii 41.:1k 1 li1.111,, 1 Pik Ili In i 11.11. 1 0 11.1 / 17110(17.11 1011 By Ira STATE OF MICHIGAN CCLfii '- 11.11 1.••vo, rkoy at 1c-- Ty Npray(ol Imitity Lii hU h, 1 ;Intl Marta.. N•mm) hidid " _no Commis, loners Minutes Cent inued. July 29, 1976 - • d 5) 523 t Ar:F 894 egt.1: C i R Cv ( 50838 Lawyers Tile insurance (rporction pc f 0 QUIT CI.A0.1,74E0-4:0RmurrsTi0,1_61ri.orey Art 167T. A 181 — 7-659 XNOW ALL P.lLfl flY TH,,, ,,,,sEraTs Tiro COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Mich- Const • Corp., of 1200 N. Telegraph Rd,Pontiac, Michigan qua Clain,. to BOARD OF COUNTY IZOAD COMMISSIONUR5 OF OAKLAND COUNTY :14 ...nue r•nuni,.. Ara Pon ornu. add,. I* 2420 !'ant ac Cake Road, Pont i ac, Michigan ,..•nn•• n Twp (now City) of Ott it'll./ re.nur .1 OA k ]). And ▪ 0 The ea.:ter:1.y seven ( 7 ). feet or Lot,44 thrn 114, teal, inclusive, of Oakland Gardenn :athdia iLi0fl, of the I: as t f the at t hea,; 1/4 of tiection 13, Town / North, IIrlrIrlt.• 10 Southfield Townhlilp ( nenv City ur Simthrield} ail:Land County, Hichigan, accurdinn to the Plat thereof recora,d.in Liber 34, Page 8, OAkl,nA County Rocorcb. ThfJ • 14 Ile•rrd.lmrrurn11. Intl r.yrxrurror,Ernilr-rnmur I..I....rid,r or in ..,....... ,,,wrIffilnin,Lis".I. r" ,....f c. J" . tar ill, el., ul '''' (kw Ilolln-(.) -I : -- 4 F, gerboThIn*Anunrmulnotne , r . " n u " Potarl ihil 3rd d,y v June A 0 pc, 68 r1,ror4 owl S.r.Ird. II r I-n ......--VM-,- ' ' ,P.,Q5:1 .. °DUNI Y OF OAKLAND,. a P , ---1 n Robert P. Allen_ _ _ Mich . Con, t i tot ional Corp.,. • ny , -'4 .-ze•( n ,- /Y., ,..•.--1---4", F' ' ,.. , , ,I.. ' W ft -----p.. „-.7 -,,,-.7. rrr 1It •;:1-n1 irr 54,1,7' 1., iSr11.11 • I Delo, Navajo, Chairruarr of . .. . _ I.( _.. 1,, . Al i Le Iv • ,e..I.well „..-' tn •,1 ' n J.. , Jikti 11, I•tur.-phi,fler,k. cif 1.. Board of Supe vir.ors ._ 1111.I. byonii• Ill i.urIrIGAINI. COLIN UV OF 0ak1.3.11.11 O. Lilo 4/24 al, a June A. D.16 68 Drice• Ham 1 in And John D. Mniphy r-rdn, ilia Ill earl, for hhui.el r 4, ▪ 11,4 cethey arr. the Chairman and io Clerk, renpeclively, of the Board ,Supervi,ors of tha C 1,01 y of 0.•kland • "r su,pc,i,o,, by Mit.c. 14e,o1. 41170, datud May o 393 SM011751.• A II II. ilaNIli lid'.,, 1 .1‘,11n 12 . Ikirrphy, !b. 9-10-On 10.111 F. Alter, •• C. Alice ire:Awe I 1 Oakland 1200 N.Telegraph IO1,pontiac, Mich 1.1,:r6.1. 11.410.1111. . , CAM r-,nr, I10.7-tr 'CT .1.p&I h.”, I....I...I.,' 0120 VON!ilAr !Art rn 0 lB (7 -A lit 0 0 c < 111 () IP r III 7 ci I II Ill P P A I (1 ii 0 -lc Ill z )3-4 39A Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 29, 19E6 Moped by by Daly supported by Murphy the resolution be adopted. AYES: fernlck, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson. Aaron, Dutton, Daly, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten. Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Pa tt • Perinoff. (23) MAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having vnted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Commissioners Minutes Comtlnued, July 29, 11976 195 Misc. 7642 By Mr. Daly IN RE: AMENOKENT TO CONTRACT OP LEASE -BACK To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland and the Oakland County Building Authority have entered into a Contract of Lease and Lease-Back dated August I. 1975; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland and the Oakland County Building Authority desire to amend the Contract of Lease-Back to provide for the capitalization of interest due from July 1, 1976 to January I, 1977; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Building Authority has approved the Amendment to the Contract of lease-Hack; and WHEREAS your committee has reviewed the Amendment to the Contract of Lease-Back and recomomnds that it be approved by your Board and that the Chairman of this Board be authorized and directed to execute said amendment to Contract of Lease-Back. HOW THEREFGRf BF IT RESOtYFD that the County of Oakland approves the attached Am•nriment to Contract of Lease-Bad, to be entered into with the Oakland Cntmty Raildinn Authority and the Chairman of the Board is hereby directed and authorized lo execute the Amend...It in Curti,. I iii Lens, Back to the County of Oakland. Nr. (hail-man, on behalf of the PI... 10u and Dui 1,1 Coned t tee , I move the apt, '1,1 i he foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND 'WILDING COMMILTET Patrick K. Daly, Chairman AMENDMENT TO LEASE AND CONTRACT Of LEASE-BACK THIS AMENDMENT to the Lease and the Con I raL i of Lease-Batk is made as of January 1, 1976 by and between the Daldand County Building Authority. A nuilding authority organized and existing under and pursuant to the provisions of Act NO- 31, Public Acts at Michigan, 1948 (first Extra Session), as amended, as lessor (herein the 'Authority"), and the County of Oakland, a Michigan County Corpora - tion, ,Ss Lessee (herein the °Counte). W1TNESSETHI WHEREAS the Authority and the County have entered into a Lease and a Contract of Lease-Back both as of August I, 1975 (herein the "tease" and the "Contract of tease -Back"). respectively; and WHEREAS the Authority and the County desire to specifically provide for a deposit of capitalized interest due July 1, 1976, January I, 1577, and July I, 1577 on the bands contemplated in Paragraph I of the Contract of Lease-Back from bond prnceeds to the bond . I interest redemption fund; THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED RY AND BETWEEN THE ALITHORiTY AND THE COUNTY as 1,0 laws• 1. The last sentence of Parauraph 1 on Page 3 of the Contract ol Lease-Cmick I. lugelly amended to provide as follows: "Upon receipt of the proceeds of the sale of the Bonds, the Authnrily shall inimdlately deposit such proceeds in a construction fund, which shall he maintained as a separate deP.,ilorV accounI and from which shall be paid the cost of designing, acquirIng, constrncting. equipping, and furnishina the medical Care Facility; provided however, any premium and aLLFued interest reCe,,d from the purchaser of the Bonds, and capitalized interest due on the Bonds on July I, 1976, January t, 1977, and July 1, 1977, shall he transferred to the bond and interest redemption fund." 2. The date of "July 1, 1976" in Paragraph 4.b of the Lease and Paragraph 16 tat the Contract of Lease-Back is hereby changed to "Jannary 1. 1977". 3. Except as amended herein, the tease and the Contract of tease-Back shall, in all respects, remain in full force and effect IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tne Oakland County Building Authority, by its Commission, and the County of Oakland, by its Board of Commissioners, have each caused this Amendment to Lease and Contract of tease-Back to be signed in its name, fur an on its behalf, by Its duly authorized officers, and Its Seal to be affixed thereto, as of the day and year first above written. WITNESSES/ OAKLAND COUNTY BUILDING AUTHORITY By; Chairman of its Commission Fly: Secretary of its Commission WITNESSES couNrr OF OAKLAND By: Chairman of Board of Commissioners By: County Clerk STATE OF MICMI.GANE COUNTY OF OAKLAND) On this day of , 1976, before me appeared and , ions, personally known, who being by ME duty sworn, did each foe himself say that they are respectively the Chairman and the Secretary of the Oakland County auilding authority, Oakland County, Michigan, and that the foregoing Amendment to Lease and 396 Comelsoioners Minutes Continued. July 29. 1976 and Contract of Lease-Back wa, signed by them in 1444.01 .1 said Ault -airily by authority of Ifs Caueas- sin., and the said persons acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Authority. Notary Public, Oakland County, Michigan My Commission Expires: STATE Of MICHIGAN) ) so. COUNTY OF OAKLAND) On this day of . 1976, before me appeared and , to on personally knowe, whn being hy me July sworn, did each lot himmelt say that they are respectively the Chairman of the Bliard nl Conniossioners and the C ttttt ity I ook 4d tlx' County of Oakland. State of Michigan, and that the iiitiayone 4111,11f1144,1i Lentiael til team- Back was signed by them in behalf of said County by author ity nf its lloaill Ili (AMU. and the said persons acknowledged said instrument to be the Ili,' ai and deed 'ii said County. Notary Public, Oakland County, Hit hi ,,.,,, My Conmissinn Plowed by Daly ramie. HA by Illson the ri•,I101 I 101 .1d,p11•111 AYLS: Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Boucle, Rat, neraedvy, Fortino, Gable', Hoot. ikeethten, Kasper, Lennon, licOrwaid, Moffitt. Moetante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson. Perinolf, Pernick, Price, Roth. (24) NAYS: None 101 A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc 7643 By Mr. Daly IN RE: CIANTON-OAKLAND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM (WEST BtOOMFIELD EXTENSIONS NO. 2) To the Oakland Couoty Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Township of West Bloomfield is in urgent need of the sewage disposal improve- ments and facilities which are described in the form of proposed enntract hereinafter mentioned as constituting the 'Clinton -Oakland Sewage Disposal System IWest Bloomfield Extension No. 2)" (herein- after sometimes referred to as the "county system or the "system"), in order to abate pollution of the waters of the township and thus to plomote the health and welfare of the residents thereof, which improvements and facilities would likewise henefit the county and its residents. and the parties to said proposed contract have concluded that such improvements and facilities can be most economically and efficiently provided and financed by the County through the exenise at the powers conferred hy Act. 342, Public Act, of Michigan, 1939, as amended, and espeeially Section, 5a, 5h and 5, there:el; and WHEREAS the County drain Cumaassioner (hereinalter sometimes referred to as the "County Agency") has accordingly caused to be prepared a proposed contract betweee the county and the town,hop of West Bloomfield, dated as of August 1, 1976, providing for the aceuisition, construction and financing of said courty system and has also caused to be prepared by the county's consulting engineers, plans for the construction thereof and estimates of 520,800.000 as the total cost then col and forts 140) years and upwards as the period n1 usefaleess !hereof. all id which have been submitted to this Board ut Conmissiuners for its approval and adoption and have been placed on I lie in t he ',till, of the County Agency, a description of ouch facilities and said estimates being respectively net forth in Exhibits A and B attached to said proposed contract; aid WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners desires to proceed with the establishment of said system and the acquisition, construction and financing of said system as provided in said contract; THEREFORE BE 17 RESOLVED WY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN. me follows: I. That this Board by majority vote of its members-elect does hereby authorize and direct that there be established, and there is hereby established, under and pursuant to Act No. 342, Public Acts of Michigan. 1939. as amended, a system of sewage disposal improvements and services to serve the Tnunship Of West Bloomfield, Oakland County, Miehigan, to be known as the "Clinton-Oakland Sitmvage Disposal System (West Bloomfield Extensions No. 2)", which system shall consist of sewage disposal facilities to serve the Township of West BloOmfield, as specified and in he located as stated in the form of proposed contract above mentioned; that the Oakland County Drain Commissioner is hereby designated and appointed as the "County Agency" for said County system: that the said County Agency shall have all the powers and duties with respect to said County System as are provided by law and especially by said Act 342; and that all obligations incurred by the [minty Agency with respect to said system, unless otherwise authorized by this Board. shall be payable solely from funds derlwml from State and/or federal grants or payments to be mode by the Township of West Bloomfield as provided In the said contract. 2. That the actions nf the County Agency in causing the plans and estimates for the system to be prepared are hereby ratified and confirmed and said plans and estimates are hereby approved aml adopted_ Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 79, 1476 49, 3 That the proposed contract between the County of Oakland and the Township of Wt.-.1 Bloomfield. dated as of August 1, 1976, Is hereby approved and adopted, and the Oakland County Drain Commissioner (as the County Agency for the system) is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver said contract for and on behalf of the county, in as many counterparts as may he deemed advisable. 4. That the copy of said proposed contract as submitted to and approved by this &yard be identified by endorsement thereon by the County Clerk of the statement "Approved by Board of (Ammlls- sinners on July 29. 1976", and be attached in the minutes of this meeting. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Planning and Building Cormittee, I move the adoption ni the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUOIDINC COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman ADOPTED: YEASE- Wilson. Aaron, Button, Daly, Donleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinuff, PerniLk, Roth, Wilcox. (23) NAYS, None. (0) AMEN]: Dearborn. Douglas, Price. Simmons. (4) CLINTON-OAKLAND SEWAGF DISPOSAL SYSTEM • (WEST BLOOMFIELD EXTENSIONS No. 2) CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into as of the first day of August. 1976. 6, aed hermein the COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a county corporation in the State of Michigan (hereinafter sometime... .elsoled to as the "county"), by and through its Drain Commissioner, County Agency, party of the 11,1 pail. and the TOWNSHIP OF WEST BLOOMFIELD, a township corporation in said county and state (hoc'..,,, Ice, sometimes referred to as the "township"), party of the second part. MOINES SET ti: WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 185, Public Acts of Michigan, 1157, as amended, the Oakland County Board of Supervisors by Resolution, Misc. No. 4342, adopted on June 22, 1164, did approve of establishment of the Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System In serve the Clint,,,.-Okland Sewage Disposal District, within which District lies all of the township; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland, through Its Board of Public Works, acquired and constructed the Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System pursuant to the Amended Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System Contract, dated January II. 1968, between the County of pal land, the Charter Township uf Waterford. the Township ot Avon, the Township of west Elloomfleld, the Township of lodependenre. the Township at Orion, and the Township of Pontiac, and WHEREAS pursuant to Art No 342, Public Acts of Michigan. 1931, as amended (hereinafter sometimes referred to as 'Act 342"). the Board of Commissioners ot the county has heretofore, by majority vole of its members-elect, aothorired and directed that there he established a county sylem of sewage disposal improvements and servire, to some the tOwnShip, Said system tu be known as "Clinton Oakland Sewage Disposal System (West Bloomfield Extensions Nu. 21(' (hereinafter sometimes leferred to as the 'county system" or as the esysteae), and has designated the Oakland County Drain Comiii,siOnei as the County Agency for the system with all powers and duties with respect thereto as are provided by Act 342 (said Drain Comvissioner being hereinafter sometimes referred to as the 'County Agency"); and WHEREAS under and subject to the terms of Act 342. the County is authorized, throoyh the County Agency, to acquire and construct the sewage disposal improvements and facilities hereinafter described ai constituting the county system, the county and the township are authorized to enter into a contract, as hereinafter provided, for the acquisition and construction or the system by thr county arid for financing all or part of the cost thereof by the issuance of bonds by the county secured by the pledge of the full faith and credit of the township to pay such cost with interest to the County In installments eatending over a period not exceeding forty (40) years, and the county is autivarized to Issue such bonds and, if authorized by majority vote of the members-elect of its Board of Commis - sioners, to pledge its full faith and credit for the payment of such bonds and the Interest thereon: and WHEREAS the township is in urgent need of such sewage disposal improvements and facilities to provide the means of collecting and disposing of sanitary sewage of the township, in order to abate pollution of the waters of the township and thus to promote the health and welfare of the residents thereof, which improvements and facilities would likewise benefit the county and its residents, and the parties hereto have concluded that such improvements and facilities can be most economically and efficiently provided and financed by the county through the exercise of the powers conferred by Act 342, and especially Sections 5a, 5h and 5c thereof; and WHEREAS the County Agency has obtained preliminary plans for the county system and also an estimate of $20,800.000 as the total cost of the system and an estimate of forty (40) years and upwards as the period of usefulness thereof, all of which have been prepared by Hubbell. Roth and Clark.Inc. (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the consulting engineers) and have been submitted to and approved by the Board of Commissioners of the county and the Township Board of the township And placed on file in the office of the County Agency, said estimates being set forth in Exhibit II hereunto attached; and )98 Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 29, 1976 WHEREAS In order to provide for the acquisition and construction of the system by the county and the financing of the cost thereof by the issuance of county bonds, and for other related matters, it Is necessary for the parties hereto to enter into this contract. THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PREMISES AND THE COVENANTS OF EACH OTHER, THE PARTIES HERETO A6AEE AS FOLLOWS: I. The parties hereto do hereby approve and agree to the establishment. acquisition, con- struction and financing of the Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System (West Bloomfield Extensions Nu. 2), as herein provided, under and pursuant to Act 02. The toweship by way of compliance with Section 29. Article VII, Michigan Constitution of 1963, consents and agrees to the establishment . location of the system within its corporate boundaries and to the use by the county of it slavels, highways, alleys, lands. rights-of-way or other public places fnr purpose and fmilitles .1 1hr system and any improvements, enlargements or extension, lieu end. and the icheishie (Luther donne, I in order to evidence and eitectuale thin foregning agrennaull And ...scut, IC will ein,ide And deliviu to the county such grant, i4 easement, righliot-way, litense. penneil an consent a , liii he neorne-Aed by the county. 2 The Clinton Oakland Sewage Disposal System 1West eloomfield Extensiens No 2) shall consist of the sewage disposal facilities shown poi Exhibit A which Is hereunto attached and which is hereby made a part hereo n and a, are more pant icularly set lorth in the preliminary plans which have been prepared And sobmilled by the consulting engineer,, which plans ate on lily with thin Inin.ty Agency and are heren, appinyen n111,1 adopted. the syctem shall he Accrimied .110 conslrocted cobssanliAlly in accordance with the said cneliminary plans and in accordance cith Huai plans and specilications to be ptepared and submitted by the consulting enqinevos, but variations therefrom which do not materialny change the location, capacity ur overall design 01 the system, And which do not neguire an increase in the total estimated cost uf the system, may be perudtted on the authority of the County Agency. Other rcarnations or changes may Inc made if Approved by the County Agency and by resolution of the Township Boatel and it provisiems rewired by Paraqtaph 8 hereot are made tor payment Or financing of any reselling increase in the tOtAl estimated Cost. The estimate of cost ol the system and the estimate of period of usefulness thereof dS set forth in Exhibit B are likewise here- by approved and adopted. 3. The County Agency shall take or cause to he taken all actions required or necessary. in accordance with Act 342, to procure the issuance and sale of bonds by the County, in one er more series, in whatever aggregate principal momnt is necessary Li., he se financed to defray that part of the total cost of the county system which is in excess of funds available from federal and/ur State grants or other sourCuS. Such bonds shall to issued in anticipation of, and be payable primarily true, the payments to be made by the township to the COurty as provided in this contracl. and shall be secured secondarily, if so voted by the Hoard of Commissioners ot he county, by the pledge of the full tenth and credit ot the county, and the said bends shall be payable in annual maturities the last of which shall be not more than folly years From the date thereof. 4. The County Agency shall proceed to take construction bids fur the system and, suhrect to the sale and delivery of said bonds, enter into construction LunliaCls with the lowest responshibly bidder or bidders, procure from the contractors All necessary and proper bonds, cause the system to Inc cnostrocted within a reasonahre lime, and do all Ulhn, things ninguined by this contract and the Fans', of the State of mtchnOan- All certificates tun ',guinea pay.ents In L.11113l1Ori "hall he approved by the consulting engineers before preseetetion to the County Agents and the latter shell be entitled to rely On such approval in making paymen1 The county hereby agrees that it will secure, on cause to he secured, and maintained dun inmnn the period of construction adequate piopuity damage and public liability incur anti (alluring all facilities to be constructed pursuant to this runt race All policies and niumurandums ol insurance shall pro.,Je Lien the county and the township shall be nniured parties thereunder and shall contain a provision requiring that the township be notified at least ten days prior to cancellation thereof. One copy uf each policy and memorandum of insurance shall be filed with the township. 5- it is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the system is to serve the township and not the individual property owners and users thereof, unless by special arrangement between the County Agency and the township. the responsibility of requiring connection to and use of the system and or providing such additional facilities, as may be needed, shall be that of the township which shall cause to be constructed and maintained, directly or through the county. ern such necessary additional fecitilies. the county shall not be obligated to acquire nr construct any facilities other than those designated in paragraph 2 hereof. 6. The township shall pay to the county lhai tidal cost ol the system (less such funds as may become available from Federal and/nr State grants of Iiig, nth., seercesl wbich total coil Ion this purpose shall include, in asld it ran to the items ol disc NV1 forth lo Exhihil A reeresenicd by the principal amount of the bonds to be issued hy the "multi Plus snch I Is it, um, avdil - able from federal and/or State grants or other sadrfrs1. 411 ieterest payable by the seen', en said bonds and all paying agent fees and other expenses and charges (inrIoding lien County Aoencyfs admin- istrative expenses) which are payable on account nit said bonds (such fees, expenses and that gus herein called “bond service charges"). Such payMent Omit he made go the county In annual installmeeis which shall be due and payable at least thirty days prior to the day of the munth specified in the County bonds as the annual principal maturity date thereof Such an annual installnen1 shall El, so paid in each year, if any principal and/or noncepitalited intviest on said bond, lolls due during the twelve-month period beginning on such principal maturity date in said yeai and thm emend of each installment so due and payable shall he at least ,ulficient to pay all seek printieal and/or interest thus falling doe and all bond service charges then doe and payable. TN. Cutlets. Agency shall. Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 29, 1926 399 within thirty days after delivery of the county bonds to the purchaser furnish the Township Treasurer with a complete schedule of the principal and interest maturities thereon, and the County Agency shall also, at least thirty days betore each payment is due to be made by the township, advise the Township Treasurer of the amount payable to the county on such date. If the township falls to make any pay- ment to the county when due, the same shall be subject to a penalty of it thereof for each month or fraction thereof that such amount remains unpaid after due. failure of the County Agency to furnish the schedule or give the notice as above required shall not excuse the township from thy obligation Sri maae payment when due. Such payments shall be made by the township when due whether or ni. the system has then been completed or placed in operation. In the event that additional county hreals shall be issued under the authority of this contract , to defray a part of the cost of the• foregoing obligations shall apply to surh part of the cost and to said addillueal bonds iusolat as appropriate thereto. 7 The Township may pay In advance any auJunl payable to the cc lllll my PUI,U,101 lo Ibis contract and In that event shall he credited therefor on futore -due an.unis a, may he agreed by the parties hereto. The townships may also pay in advance any one or more in,tallments mm sirS pact thereat (al by surrendering to the county any of said county bonds of like principal arentot with all future-due coupons attached thereto, or (b) by paying to the coonly in cash the principal ammo ol any cOunly bonds which are subject to redemption prior to maturity. plus all interest theteon to the first date upon which such bonds may be called for redemption, and plus all applicable tall viverium, and hoed service charges, and in such event the Cnonty Agency shall r.ati said bonds ft. iudelvtikm n at the earliest possible date. The installments or parts thereof so prepaid shall he deemed lci be Inct installments or parts thereof falling doe 6n the sane calendar year as the maturity dates ol the bonds suttendered or called for redemption and bonds and coupons so surrendered or redeemed shall be cancelled. 8. In the event that it shall become necessary to increase the estimated COSI 01 1011. system as hereinhefore stated, or if the acteal cost of the system shall exceed the estimated sost, whether as the result of variations or changes permitted to be node in the approved plans in otherwise. then (without execution of any further contract or amendment of this contract) the Township Board Hoy, by resolution adopted within fifteen days after the receipt of censtruction bids, direct that a portion of the system be deleted sufficient to reduce the total cost to an amount which shall nut exceed the total estimated cost as hereinbefore stated by more than 5j, provided that such deletion shall not materially change the oeneralscope, overall design, and purpose of the system, or in the absence of the adoption of such a resolution the township shall pay or procure the payment of the increase or excess in cash, or county bonds le an increased or additional amount shall (teem adoption of an authorizing resolution therefor by the hoard of Commissioners/ be issued In defray- slicb incleased Or excess cost, to the extent that funds therefor arc riot available from other sources_ Ftovided, however, that no such increase um excess shall he approved and no such increased UP additional itnioly bonds shali he authorized to be issued, nor shall the county enter in t. any contrail for acchrtsitIon or construction of the system or any part thereol or incur oily obligation tot or pay any it..r of cost therein'', where the effect thereof would be to cause the total tryst of the system to eaceed by mote than SY its tutal estimated cost as hereinhetore stated, unless the Township boatd shall 1,tio• pi t o- vinusly adopted a resolution approving such Increase or excess ana agreeing that the same (ol such part thereof as is not available from other SOW,ErS) shall be paid sir its parIMIll procured by the township in cash or be defrayed by the issuance of increased or additional county bonds in aoticipatIon of increased or additional payments agreed to be made by the township to the county In the manner hereinbefore provided: provided, further, that the adnplion of such resolution by the Township Board shall not be required prior to or as a condition precedent to [Inc issuance of additional bonds by the county, 0 the county has previously issued or contracted tu sell bonds to pay all or patt of the ,0S1 of the project and the issuance of the additional bonds is necessary (as determined by the totinty) to pay such increased, additional or excess costs as are essential to completion of the project according to the plans as last approved prior to the time when the previous bonds were issued or enroll acted to be sold. 9. in the event that the acleal cost of the system Is less than the total emlimalva cost, thenany surplus available to the county from the sale of courtly hood% shall, at 111C *ohm of ihe Township Board, be used either in Improve, enlarge or estend the system .r the Clielon-aallaod Sehsvic Disposal System, or to apply upon future payments due to the coonty. or to redeem bonds .6 to purchase the save on the open market, provided that such surplus shall by used to !morose-, eolarge or extend the system only If aulhorlred by the Board of Commissioners. Any such surplus coy, tor the purpose of improving, enlarging or extending the system. be supplemented by cash payments to Inc made by the township, or such imprchiemeets, enlargements or extensions may be financed entirely hum such cash payments, where authorized by the Township Board. Where any such surplus is used to redeem Or purchase bonds, the same shall bc cancelled, and the payments thereafter required to be made by the township to the county shall be reduced so as to reflect the resulting saving of interest and the pay- ment required to be made in the calendar year of the stated maturity of said bonds shall be reduced by the principal amount thereof. 10. Should the township fail for any reason to pay the county at the times specified, the amounts herein required to be paid, the township does hereby authorize the State Treasurer Of other official charged with the disbursement of unrestricted slate funds returnable to the township pur- suant to the Michigan constitution to withhold sufficient funds to make up any default or deficiency in funds. If the full faith and credit of the county is pledged for the prompt payment of ihe princi- pal of and Interest on the bonds to be issued by the county and if the county Is required to Advance any money by reason of such pledge on account of the delinquency of the township, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to notify the State Treasurer to deduct the amount of money so advanced by the hoo Cpmnissioners Minutes Continued. July 29, 1976 county from any unrestricted moneys in the State Treasurer's possession belonging to the township and to pay such amount to the county. The foregoing shall not operate to limit the county's right to pursue any other legal remedies for the reimbursement of moneys advanced on account of the default of the township. II. the township, pursuant to the authorization of Section 5a of Act No. 342, does hereby pledge its full faith and credit for the prompt and timely payment of its obligations expressed in this contract and shall each year levy a tax in an amount which, taking into con- sideration estimated delinquencies in tax collections, will be sufficient to pay its obligations under this contract becoming due before the time of the following year's tax collections: Provided, however, that if at the time of making its annual tax levy, the township shall have on hand in rash other funds which have been set aside and pledged or ore otherwise available for the payment of ..och contractual obligations falling due prior to the time of the nest lox collection. tluut Ilie tax levy may be reduced by such amount the township Board shall trash year, at least 90 Jays igloi to the final date povided by law for the moking ot the annual township lox levy, ',Mull Ito tI,. County Agency a written statement setting lotth tic.' Amount nf its obligation, to the "'only which become due and payable under this contrast prior to the time ml the next hallowing year's ton collections, the amount of the funds which the township has or will have on hand or to it, credit in the hands of the county which have been set aside and pledged for payment of said obligation, to the county, and the amount of the township taxes next proposed III Le levied for the ',Inv..., or raising ,noney to meet such obligation,. The County Agency shall promptly teyiew such istatenent and, if he finds that the proposed township tax levy is insufficient, he shall sa notify the Town- ship Board, and the township hereby covenants and agrees that it will thereupon increase Its levy to such extent as may be required by the County Agency. 12. Nu change in the Jurisdiction over any territory in the township shall in any manner impair the obligations of this contract or affect the obligations of the township hereunder_ In the event that all or any part of the territory of the township Is incorimrated as a new city or village or is annexed to or becomes a part of the territory of another municipality, the municipality into which such territory is incorporated or to which such territory is annexed shall assume the proper proportionate share of the contractual obligations (including the pledge of full faith and credit) of the township, which proper ptoportinoate share shall be fixed and determined by the County Agency and shall be binding upon all parties concerned sinless. within sixty 16(I) days atter such incur. poration or annexation becomes effective, the govetning body of the municipality into which such territory is incorporated or to which such territory is annexed and the Township Board shall by mutual agreement and with the written approval of the County Agency fin and determine such propel proportionate share. The County Agency shall, prior tn making such determination, receive a written recommendation as to the proper propnrtionate share Irom a committee composed of one representative designated by the Township Board of the township, one designated hy the governing body nf the new oo0 ICIPOlitY of the manicinality annexing such territory, and one independent registered engines'' appointed by the County Agency. Each governmental nnit shall appoint is it:presentative within Fifteen (15) days after being notified to do so by the County Agency and within a like tinm the County Agency shall appoint the engineer third member If any such repriesentatlye (other than the appointee of the County Agency) is not appointed within the time above provided, then the County Agency may proceed without said recommendation. if the committee shall not make the recommendation within forty-five (45) days after its appointment or with any extension thereof by the County Agency, then the County Agency may proceed without such recommendation. 13. This contract is contingent upon the county issuing its negotiable bonds as herein provided, to defray such part nf the 'total estimated cost of the system as is necessary to be financed. ehich bonds shall he issued under the authoriration prnyided in Section 5a, 5b and Sc of said Act 342. Interest on the bonds shall be capitalized and paid from the bond proceeds for a period not exceeding the estimated construction period and one year thereafter. In the event that the bonds are not issued within three years from the date of this contract, then unless extended by mutual agreement it shall become null and void, except that the township shall pay all engineering, legal and other costs and expenses theretofore incurred and shell be entitled to all plans, speci- fications and other engineering data and materials. lit. Upon completion of the system the county does hereby lease the some to the townshio to operate and maintain the same upon the following terms and conditions: (a) The system shall be used only to serve area in the municipality. (b) The township shall maintain the system in cloud condition (c) The township and the county shall not permit the dischalge into the system ot any storm water. (4 The township shall appropriate in each year such sums as shall be sufficient ai least to pay the cost of operating and maintaining the system, and to establish a fund for replacements, improvements, and major maintenance of the system. In addition, the township may make and collect such service charges. connection charges or special assessments to individual users as shall be deemed desirable to help to pay the operating costs of the township and to provide such other funds for sewage d.sposal purposes as are deemed desirable. The township shall enforce prompt payment of all such charges and assessments as the same shall become due. (e) At all times during the operation thereof by the township, as lessee, that it will Obtain and maintain in effect adequate property damage, public liability and workmen's compensation insurance covering all facilities leased tn the township under any contract with the county now or hereafter in effect. All policies and memorandum of lusulance shall provide that the county and Ito (County Agency) 0 IL - EGEND CLINTON-04%1.0AG INTERCEPTOR • WEST SLOONFIELO TOWNSHIP EXTENSIONS PROPOSED COLLECTORS EXHIBIT "A" _ C.d.. I .1 402 Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 29, 1976 CLINTON-OAKLAND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM (WEST BLOOMFIELD EXTENSIONS N. 21 S. fl. fl Contract No. I Contract No. 2 Contract No. 3 Contract No. 4 Contract No. 5 Contract No. 6 Contract No. 7 Contract No. Contract No. 9 Contract NO. 10 Contract Na. 11 Contract No. 12 C.:oral-act No. 13 5 1,235,680.00 1302,416.00 2,425,116.00 394,026,00 721,633.00 975,627.00 834,580.00 1,019,234.011 1,502,956.00 1,41.'.,469.00 2,170,979.00 952,188.00 340,300.00 HUBBELL, ROTH & CLARK, INC. 7,/ • yid Waring FE. *9775 By 403 Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 79, 1976 August 1, 1976 Cl.INTC.IN-OAKLAND SEWACE DISPCMAI. fiYSTEM (WEST BLOOMFIELD EXTENSIC)NS NO.21 Estimate of Cost Total Construction Cost = 513,920,004.00 Engineering Consulting Engineer (Design) . . .5 833,808.00 Consulting Engineer (Slaking 7. Layout) 208,000.00 Soil and Material Testing 10,000.00 Soli Borings 23.,.593.00 61,075,201.00 1.070,201.00 Project Administration 412,1511.00 Inspection 626,400.00 Easement Acquisition 782,605.00 Act 347 Permit 14,520.011 Financial Consultant 27,600,00 Bond Counsel 46,600.00 Bland Prospectus 3,000.00 Bond Printing 1,000,00 Publishing Oakland Press $ 400.00 Michigan Contractor 5, Builder • . . , 1130.00 Bond Buyer 700.00 Local Publication 250.00 $1,450.00 1,450.00 Contingency = _1,392,390.00 Sub-Total "$18,304,000.00 Capitalized Interest (8% for 18 mo I 2,496,000.00 Total Estimated Project Cost -520,800,000.00 I hereby estimate the period of use -fulness of this facility to be forty (40) years and Lpisards. EXIIIBIT "B" 404 Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 29, 1976 Misc. 7644 By Mr. Daly IN RE, WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP EXT. NO. 2 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Public Works previously authorized the D.P.W. to file an application for a Step I Facilities Plan Grant For the West Bloomfield Township Extension No. 2 project, said grant to he from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in accordance with U.S. Public Law 92-500; and WHEREAS the Board of Public Sharks also named the Director or Public Works as thy "authorizyd representative" to act in connection with said grant application and to furnish any and all infor- mation which may be required; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Conmissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7643 has now designated the Oakland County Drain Commissioner as County Agent for the West Bitiondield Ext. No. 2, pursuant tu the provisions nf Act 1.42 of Public Acts of 1919, as wended. and WHEREAS grant regulations require that an "authorized representative" he named to act in connection with Step 11 and Step III grant applicatiuns, NOW THEREFORE Al IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Drain Crvonissionyr Is hereby designated as the "authorized represeotatlye" to make Application for, receive, Accept, aneeil, arid act in ail respect in coneection with any Federal and/or State grants pertaining tu the West Bloomfield Extension No. 2. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Planning and Building Coomittee, 1 wane the adoption of the foregoing resolutinn PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Montante the resolution be adopted. ADOPTED: YEAS. Aaron, Button, Daly, Dunleavy. Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghton, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Patterson. Perinuff, Pernick, With, Wilcox, Wilson. 1221 NAYS: None. 0) ABSENT: Dearborn, Douglas, Page, Price, Sinnona. (5) Misc. 7645 By Mr. Daly IN RE, AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR RENOVAllONS AT ADMINISTRATIVE ANNEX I To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS SeOur nty and lire protection improvements are necessary at AdminiStrative Annex 1 for the protection of Computer Services equipment and programs; and WHEREAS the inclusion of a security vault will displace employees from certain worts areas; and WHEREAS additional renoyatines are necessary to improve the work them if the various Computer Services units and provide adegnate work space, and WHEREAS this pruiect is Included in the popu ,ed 1976 Capital Program. hOw THEREFORE HE 17 RESOLVED that the Ernleal Services Depalleaull be and I, hereby authorized to receive bids 10r the necessary renovations at Administrative AnneA 1 and a lepott thereon be made to this Board after receipt and tabulation of such bids. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves ilse adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Oaly, Dunleavy, Gabler, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Monsanto, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Roth, Wilcox. Wilson, Aaron. (10) NAYS: Fortino, Hoot, Pernick A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7646 By Mr. Daly IN RE, AUTHORIZATION TO NEGOTIATE CONTRACT FOR MARBLE REPAIRS OF THE EAST WING To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen' WHEREAS the firm of Smith. Hinchnen and Grylls have completed their Investigation and Issued their report on the CAWce of the displacement of marble on the East Wing; and WHEREAS it is estimated that, If the correction work is put out for g 1 bidding, the additional cost incurred by the County will be $16000.00 for detailed bid specIfiCations and haS Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 29. 1976 $10,000.00 in contingency for the construction phase; and WHEREAS the firm of Cromwell Cashero ha, been the construction firm involved in the Investigation and repair of the sample areas and is completely aware of the corrective ...ark to be performed. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Central Services Department be and is hereby authorized to negotiate a construction contract with the firm of Gronwell Cashero for the marble repair wor4 required on the East wing and that a report thereon he made to this Board, prior to execution of ,aid contract. The Planning and Building Committee, hy Patrick K. Daly, Chairmen, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patric, K. !Lily, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Wilcox the cold i on he ndoloi,f. ATP:, Donleawy, Gabler, Hoot, Honohten. Kasper. le1-011M, Milllitl. Nonioni,. Murphy, Nowak. Olson. Page, Patterson. PerInorl, Iceini,k, PI ICI . Rioh. WI Polo . Vi In, AoLon. naly. (27) NAYS; Fortino (I) A ,ufficient m.jority haviog voted therefor. the resolution wa, adopt ed_ Misc. 7647 Hy Mr, Price IN PE: ACCEPTANCE OF JAIL INMATE REHABILITATION PROGRAM GRANT To the OAklaiid CuurIty Beard of Commissioneis Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant In MISCellaneous Resolution 17$15, the Oakland County Jail inmate Rehabilitation Program Grant application was tiled; and WHEREAS the grant application has been approved and total fund, of $215,367 have been allocated to the County of Oailand, and WHEREAS the County's marching portion of said grant Fonds Is $38.766; and WHEREAS provision for the County's .acchiog kinds has been made ig the 1976 budget. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEO that the County of Oakland herLby accepts the Oakland County Jail Inmate Rehabilitation Program Grunt in the amount of 0115, 117, consistent with the allIcheil budget The Publi, Survive, (groriftec. by Rule, Jr .. tiuinu, . 151000 I Iv ,lwj,Iia, rd foregoing resolution. PIIMI II TLFIVIlft, lluhrr t int .1r., fha roan . i-•;-.11 li AA - • 1.1 • I I L Li.oc., 406 Commissioners Kinutts Continued. July 29, 1976 Or 0,FiCZ 0 7.14NAC..-1.,F rl ...JO noo(d.i 11 or AISTICk : ,r,rrecr and (nancy E:,r11 epAr tme-IL 111 +on -r:h Uelegraph !toad RIChiSle. 46053 (13) 858-4995 IiTncyIac OFFICER 1,--. Ti!, 4114.1.••n •rut 1,1,1Ann•I onss Uuncan. Chlef Azcn inCarit. aiCd C.3uncy Roard of A...,d1cors Norrh Tele2.raph Road ;TichLsan 03063 (113) 858-0379 F,O.;RAM AW_1 1,Vf I P,R!VD OF Cloy 1977-Part I•O' sramri., V30 ,77 Sail inmate 61.n137:iltaLLOn Prnrato suOCIET Of Tx!. FNICILINT 501.0, rr.Cfm: , 100,6.20 19-2.74 1,211 hid . 2,001 2 ?15,367 / I. miC ',•-1.141 ol Erm.Anr.• H•Ler eo.ieds 7.01 171-5.47-Co rr.F.— LJoas. s 151,239 S 7529 -1/,);(7C5f- _ I s S S _2.549 i[ COMMISSIOntIS Minutes Continued. July 29, 1976 407 5.•concl trenli C.1•1. H1711110, A 11,6074•1EL iErnp.u.,..1 I S4LP.}1.C5 AMP WAGIS ,r) Much.t. • L5 Munch hudget (July 76 - Mr '77F th• eau or yun., ul ,,,,, •• ,,,,, undneni• ch. pf,INCI.. tn th• nrow•••n SICIO; nn - NEU (.ASH 05.1 1,-..Q1n J. Drr, rerur.1.• Theodore Ha rkuoit.., Derlarl_or - Eri r:h a rd Kershoo Innace Worker Ri-hard Ft Sh jErWlaf, Werke: dear-Sce Ercren Loolare Worker . Llo.ia 1, Lyon Ty1.2ist II • 5', of At 1.r•ir / . ' ..1 I- 1- '•- , II • 1,,, :1 !i!JU El_L 2OU .1[110 I. Sol I 7; • 1 ; SUR rOTA L ssL.try .9 !re. L.,!rn,-th L Elanth. 5...LI/Errdl-ovee/r!7ern 1. 11,nt it1 luL.,,..InCe SOSTOTAL 10f AL Pt RS.C.7N,PiL CONITRACTOAL.r.ERVIC I 5135 ,,, . roln.kiCs..noulunri L•n.A•rl to ...onn•hl. nee. 1,.• E.c...chno 3I=Pn I:ten- AI hhcion An. Tin i nit, 8 Tim• /A n .. . _ _ ttn1.1.n0 P•o,n1u,. 7 cnote......no n• r rk-Gpoop:Jo.c..• And II to 1...4.1.0. 1 ,1rM. .L1.11L-{-1411.:At 55 yost. Ern1 inrerpxr, rs unali Ey TeNIS TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE • 1,790 ErIOIPMENT OvornIA I OuandnyI Pricy 5421iee/Cdu1e1t00a1 and L-aLains II Aa•••••••. Ncesday itn• S 2,000 Amnuna 176.601 62_7, 18.766 SrJuatE OP FILIJOS 1 1,:.thr.a. ok• Euy In f•-•n Lout 'L.1 ,7,..00.11 lu.al Cs.h Va.ch 4 Sq... C.O. Apynqp.;44.n 1 TG7AT 111901 $ 215.167 408 Coen',stoners Minutes Continued. July 29, 1976 Michiym.n. 43913 . '.6c, I:Ajkt 4_OS I7 • 1,155 --- -176 . 7-- 7,115 Arm 1 al r/ An.p111:anon :ma Sot". LI•nc• I I ..dyin, T.r•v• to I, Ind•dmi z cid !Jock(i1's fait . ../7 Cont. nIit :..taLLy1 da...,/:/ear) Za7..7,3 ea , i01aL tmeuEL 1.1,- HA MPG EXPENSE 1—Added num,a_•{ ot 11.0y, La. Explen•lie 11 Explen•liw. I t.10..InLy TO rAt. EQUIPMENT .000 TION I_ 1-,I/rrod•Pny 7 !I.. Co4.41,,,c, TOTAL. GI:INSTRUCTION FIOTAL PROJECT r/A )5_1 Moved by Price supported by Moffitt the resolution he adopted. AYES: Fortino, Gabler, Mogghten, Casper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, P Parinoff, Pernica, Price, Roth. Wilcox. ullson. Aaron. Daly, Donleauy. (22) MAYS: Mona. (0) PASS Root ) A suf f iC lent major i I y having vot•d therefor, the resolution hies adopted. TIT. AT —HT MARTZ% ! .01,0 M.O.! DI TAIL A,7.I.7 4.6,00Q 1,j00 8.00D 501.11T.C1. L WITT, m 5 Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 29, 1926 Rise. 7648 By Mr, Price IN RE: ACCEPTANCE OF POLICE ACADEMY INSERUCTOR TRAINING GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscall/mews Resolution •2547, the Oakland Police Academy Instructor Training Grant application was I led; and WHEREAS the grant application has been approved and total funds of 683,600 have been ellommted to the County of Oakland ; and WHEREAS the County 's matching portion of said grant funds is 51.,180; and WHEREAS provision for the County's matching fonds has been made in the 1976 budget. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County or Oakland hereby accepts the Oakland Police Academy instructor Training Grant in the amount of 689,600, consistent with the attached hodoet. The Publ lc Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, movrts the adoption of the foregoing resolut Inn, RAUL SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman IT 3,1 (1.1 11.11.11:1-.'riil 1,11/, I 111. I III ....WTI ILLS-1111 LILTIL.+1....., ,TIAEM al,11 ! Cute SLE-36.,1A1OT CORITnIACT .1,1 n111.1.1 I :. eveL Er, N'tinG ACTI hCe 1,LAT,FIAT.11 A.0,h1T .1,Ey :,"27,'"'4',:or8157%,6 ,lice Acad.::Liz._ $/9,420 - pi Ar.111,1 KIIIINIC,Al. . ELITIATTIT TT TLAIep, 5YVIIII.1-1C.CLICITTIlt I j VI ATTLAITAKT r Ill( Vr.kp 1..11, hsti ti line Academy 1 lo.scnt 1,0.4.7 CISLATITT VAT TLIAl •'2. Boutevar I ERA A, h ,- i ' •:i c!--1 Lan 487 .11' _DIU 568- 1252 'Mee, cr.,' rt t by - . _ Duncan, D irector of Account i ng THAI, 19,tf, 004 1 L.TATITT'rit', Ciekl,rod s:AA ENCLITIC. 900 /T, TPLT7ALlh Read !ic5igai_48051 (1J3) 858 01/9 I Police 7,Ltructnr Trainink 409 ANAJTAN r -IS ,741_1 _ •4,11-10 h,1110 eh, mark in the amount and or the tisihed shonen above hn the basis dl the ibp,tfld applicahoned supPortinadocci,,nit• 72peciel condihnn, The tubgrant becomes elleclee ol the mutin5 date above and upon return to Ilsit office of the yeitow 7 contreet executed by .• lubore.roter 'a duly aull,enzed neprmutxt,vet named La are Sal*CI 10 lb. pro,hons ol the Michiton 011ne Al LterunAl Jus,e Pt uerseic Geueral Cuidel.es and the LEAA !locomen/ay rutgrani, are in Addition. subject It the pichnstuns nt the LtiA,O. G.,64107 llox,lnnrs4, roan, Atniatt, / re,V,I;i:,Ill....,./5/;07(ZATAI km116 iii SuthhAhlre Prod II. li.:rrtlltOltr CIIJITC.11 Bl....7•1 nt Co:witi.r.turioro. • odi mpLay _ 1 -ev na, hr 5. I,. roll ' Stun 1,11. 11 ....led 1. Y•wo, • ! ,54 I .0 P...., 10, S. I,jIttI 5..1110 fol r.u-.5U,,lt !.,IuI.,V,uI Al 5. COO 10(1 91.11 ( .11 A( .1 WV, . I:. t lid I' 410 Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 29, 1976 1111:15LCS • •,•:. 5r.:m.1 I na,1.,vol Cott !St0 ,01,.., (C11.03 lf.!2:IlklY-'-`1 E.AI AIII S AND WAt.1 S brdkr,.: rt. ' " • I • Ow- 7111 nrmt.r.,..1. tmell.n pi 1,6 1.11. t•eat. - (IF 54 11,511 111.411 111.. SUSITOTAL 7 Ilt•NOFI olf • ,l1.,12 Sup., InIt-nit-nt r -t. Son., rv_i• eri 5 'L .•qh LIIr1 . . " "' • TOrAL I-EWA-0,14kt ' - • - , 11 t /11.51 ,nno) 5 1:0n11-01 ACTi7M. 5.:AVICL 5 1114,..m... I 1 lodr,..I.1.1 Cum...I:mil Comm d to lic.....61.. r1.,:: nol 1..,,do,p 5190 n-., day 110..riy /410,...,... _.... j.,•.C.,,,, 11`:.01F Ti.ne A il.P.I.T. - 1.'.41,.no,,n . Luc .11 P.-•1 Or IF ./.1 it:A. i',1 .1 ..!. 5,.; 2/5 . --- ••• - .. j, 2....21_, I 60 - .. .0., " - —I 12.59 I hi _ .., .. I I, 2, : 5 (7,0,. o•A _ 1..1 .!.- 11..1.nr, n .. .. -. ,...11151:10.51.. i. 3,1on 900 211, 1.11 I 10t ... : , WA. F. 0.1 100 Moonth11 Hao s -o. to CA:al 1.11S11 1, COI • — '10A. hat _ S SOURCE OF ItOltlf, Posotrr.0 7 S1., illS I I or Soh, out• 3. Los, C....la:coo -- 7.1.2(.0 937 4,1.11) _ Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 79. 1976 OF.FICE 0.11 t llo11,1S 0-rutut too, I i ihnot I ou.r.ier.. 1.1ulton.moo 031113 I or-11. .III I a-I v.art. (Lunt tl) 411 IllAVL To Ans,....otaioon and Subilturace of Projrci Persunt.r1 nod, Co Ita.ulravel Id ho lo.ludsol it (U) Dru.oip I Mol. - _ 6no I!, co (DIAL [RAVEL iIEs-srIrIC E Due Cao.t. T ...... Tr lo.phnne P....22. — Su_p_phot o rat isle} Pottov Hoot — I - 10FAL Off FlA HMG EXPENSI If Alm!. .1.10. OUIPIII Ni 111e moot 1h1. Poo.o.:.1: Ilestripoonn Two. ty 111101 Ur_ C OUST .1l1C 11011 f•ouu51,1., Non,. L1,1,1,1.1106 70fAl. CON,TPUC TOON . . - 1101A1. Pttritti T 10 SS. r.qii I 101At (ONO). Moved by Price sopported by Daly the resolution be adopted. Fri., COO. AYES: Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Pof I itt, lktntente, NurOhy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Per Pernick, Roth, ullson. Aaron, Daly, Ounleavy. Fortino. (19) NAYS. NOne. (0) A sufficient majority having voted thereat-, the resolution saes adopted. hI2 Commissioner, Minutes Continued, July 29, 1976 Mr. James Brennen, Director of Management and Budget, introduced Jeffrey Pardee, the new Budget Director for Oakland County. replacing Jose Santiago. Misc. 7610 By Mr,. Fortin° IN RE, COMMENDATION RESOLUTION FOR WAIERFORD HISTORICAL COMMITTEE To the Oakland County Artard ol Mr. Chairman. Ladles and Gentlemen: wHEREA5 the Waterford Historical CmgmOtlev. chaired hY Mary N,,. hd, urr1al ailfOnollt during the last I) q141(55 in hive the old Waterlord Villoor designaled a Ili..toricol Dislritt it Us. State Historical Connission; and WHEREAS the fruits of their labor, produced archives 01 38 house, in this distrirr AndersOnYille Road betoeen Dixie Highway and Airport Road, And produced a more personal A' 0.14 to the sulebratron of !his touncry's Br0untennial for the re..idnil[s 41 Waterlard; and WHEREAS there volunteers -- Mary Hat, Linda Baker, Sue Danhausenr Bob and Helen Half, Patti Forster, (lefty Cried,, Mildred Kind Campbull and Evelyn Seeterlin -- have worked selflessy to provide their sminunity with a Snowledoe and pride in their heritage. NOW INEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of (xpwds,inners hereby congratulate. the Walerford Hioorical Ovasittee Irn In. ir vAnievements on behtlf ol their sormonily, and wr Ah , !hen ,,ot, io Itwor contipuinu . o Wher.utf, a lie hereunto .r1 ,o1 hand, and raL,V1 ttrill-a l of the Great. Courtly of Oakland to I, .,flied fletero. Oiled 41 Pont!, Mishinon, July 2'1, Prt/C. AlriAlidn, I. Pre iordl . (Asti ipmn lhaoird I. (revs... Vire I hairman belly J. Foi 1100. ..,n.,. hi ,1 I t Moved by FOrtInd Supported by Casper the rules bu suspended for immediate consideration ol the resolution. AYES: Fortino. Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Mere iii, Price. Roth, WrIcoo., Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Donleavy. (21) own. Mane. 10) A sufficient majority having voted ther,Aor. rho 1.Lion sarried. Wrved by Fortino supported by Daly the iesotur OA, he a:lidded Tne resolntion os, unaninintsly Adopted. N,ved ny Parte,yoo supported t. Roth Itn• B,,,,d rAtoorn until Aon,sr ' 19/C It q -)0 ii M A ,tifliLient mat.riry havinn viand therriOr. the ...ton ....tett The Board adjortreed at 12.10 P.M. Lynn I/ All., Ale•AridIrl PI.1 iii,. It Clerk r.11.1 i i1,10 413 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING August 5, 1976 Meeting called Lo order by Chairman Alexondor C. Per-loaf at glAll AAA_ in the Cowl Howse Audrtorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac. Michigan_ Invocation given by henry W. hoot. Pledge of Allegiance to the /lag. Roll cglred_ PRESENT( Aaro., Dutton, Daly, Douglas, Dunicavy, Fortioo, Gahler, Hoot. linughron, Kasour, Lennon, Aoflitt, mootarTe, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Rage, Pallerson, Perinoff. reicH . Pr-i.,, Roth, Simians, Wilson. (24) AbSTNE( Dearborn. McDonald, Wilcox. (3) Quorum present. Clerk read resolution adopted by the Cheboygan County Board of Commissioners regarding the proposed eRploratory test drilling in Alpena County for Ihe purpose of establishing the area 'S suitability for disposal or storage of highly toxic radio-active nuclear waste material into below Surface salt formations (Referred to the General Government Coemdttee) Misc. 7650 5y Mr_ Aaron IN RE. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - 11(IIASE FULL-11Mt OTHER SOURCES MARINi DEPUTY RDSITION To the Oakland hosmty doard nt. Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladles In Cell WHEREAS erummisbile oJ Loaf safety course in,trroTion, ,nominclni lo and 6111 enforcement 45d malorynalicr ol alardon s3lety ,qui{,wnl Arc lanet1 rnn nr.F Lh. M,Iint• ol !he Sheriff's D.,p.irlinenr; an,7 WHEREAS the Star ill Depailimnt feels that 1110 ALLUCOI Asnient of these assisted by ahilizir, Limo no, Lerpsrniesrsrd ib,nsonnel( and WHEREAS the Marine Ihvision has Sal to rely on part-rime personnel in altempti6u 10 accomplish this mission( and WHEREAS the Sheriff's Deparluvnt requests use of one additional fuLl-time empinyve. through 3 sufficient Indention in use of purl-lime personnel, iherehy reihn.ing avarlabitisy prohles, in scheduling and reductions of Ihc time Invhlyed in training new parr-rime employees, and WHEREAS the N-p.01J1,1( has indrbuisd by letter lba, tbrs change will 111. result in of lake patrol hours or necessitate an ineica,c in part-lime patrol hours to maintain the program of Inc Marine Safety phari1I011, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the full-time classification of Marine Deputy ho established with a salary range of BASE 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 11.75B 12767 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one full-time lit her Sources'' marine Deputy poslciOn be authorized provided there is an adequate reduction In the use of part-time employees so as to prevenl any increased salary and fringe bevel it expenditures. The Personnel COmNittee, by Oenni, M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the Foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Oenois M. Chairnmn Moved by Aaron sopisirled by resololitm adopted. The Chairman relerred the resolution lo the fina..e Cimmlitiee. There WV!, no obir4ti.0,. 411. [peed ,s lone es Minutes Ebel intied 1971. Misc.. 7651 hy Mr. Aaron IN 41, LAUN000 1011013 AGM EMENT To the Oal. land (01,141 Il..od 1.1 Covnii as knee,. . Cha • man. LA , % ard 0011110mee • WITEPE9S he non iaiper soy y employees et the 0.11.1 .nut y I annd r y pel i 1 imeil low unice• represenlat , only the Amer lean Fetlerat ion ul Slate, toothy tmoloyeos on Akivondm•i 11, 14/S! ana 1414E0E141 6.1.. It, I he periling 0101.1100, the r0111, ly io oh led loom io ant inn III,' I 1141.• percent 00 Lary 011 ase0 which •a, re granted In iCInu, non-union Count y employees Inc 011,1 1111 .141,14/y I. 1976, an4 1441(0f1,5 the Amer i .111 11••lera1 ion r1•1 State , 1.11.111y .11.1 Mee.. i I Coy I oyei••. via% sideeninvol ly • tilled a._ bo' .I.J.,11,1,1 I nt 10.• 1 pend11, an. 1•••n•n an.1 0,01TAT p.II, Pa-in,,pi o, a 1 I,: I 1.4.11. 111V1. 1/. C11 4,r•tat i 11 in, .111 .4.11'00014`,11 tor 19/6 • y inuol yed le .• . 401 .d.d oll• 011149,1 111 1:1011 1••.1, lii, ,tl 1..l,-,lin1III.t.t,',,,,l VHF kaki II.. I 0.• et. . i 11,, II, 11011 1 nd.1,-1,-.1 3111 III, •• 1 4444.44 4•4I 10.9.1 11/1. 1.001 ill 1/ • 10.1 1111 .1.4I • 1,11 11 v., 11 •ir. .1. I• 2,11 1.0,0.111. I I III 111111.1. 1111 iort „mid 01(141 14 • e 11, Ie.,. 1 1 .1. 11.1,1 1 1 111 di dip , I 1 , on I i Ail, I, I ,•• 1001. 11 I.. dyp•ov,n I I I 9010 IIlHi..11I ti. I 1 FL . 11 Li i 1, it 1 h. 0,1• ,-,d. 1 ih• I '. l•IIIle- .11 0..1 lend, I II. Lipp 4: Il01I,11,l 1.1.1elj. I mod. , I. .1 I r I,. 11•0 .1 ',I 11. . 1 , ,11.11 .111.1 141,11i 11.11 ,•1• L-1 10. n• 111.1 11..11 11.•• I 1:111 1.1 le 011,1. huh., 1 I II In, 1,11 .,1 I) .1 I 061 • 6 14'I r .11.111.11,11 4ii 1 .111. ••• 11.1. •1 • nS', 1,1 1110 lei 0•milet , 1,0 11,4 1'. 41 A tin 9•1 al 116 1,..-ent, a• la , on. i•1 •laINt .10MMI 1 lit: 0, pi, M .1, C6.1 rmall 1111 ; 11411 III 1111114014 [MI .011 d 11 I 1•:•.4 Ill liii. 11114414 441.1111 nif -ill/ 1011(1111 3 1 Oa:66P0 11,11 oat nit01(1.01.1 91 I ' I Pelt I,•• 1 1 1, 4 1111 e • tir,P11•11111 11,, 1,1,...,4 I 141•1, 11 .14 1 , 1 4.. 9 ../.4 1 .', ii i I 1,. 15,-1 I .1 ill I . •, II 11711•111,,Ci• ., 1,11 -1 I .1. 1,1. 1.1 ql• E. r riterred 141,- • I. IS I he de , 0. oo tv an t • 1.111. 0., et !ii ino to ...ill i die 11 and In promote and lot inta or, 1.191, .laielar.1., In lover, r..,'i,,' I. o e , do pail, ai 11 beet ,.• the 11 ...en0 of Oat ,,,, .t .111,1 •11.1i el I le., .1 t II. .10101 dial I 16 1,11111.01 01111 the 11,1 aod 1.0,,,,,telue I hal tot 0 111 1111. are tn.. inn 111, dl Coe (in 1..• tot . node; 1 n. and 11•11.,11 1 y I . K1001411109 The Employer ret cop i t 111•1101, I. the 'rat lusive reprosent at i 6( the, lol lowing employees, 101 1 In• purposes nf col le0 I ive hai qa in inq ooth pesnecl to rates 'it pay, 1,0401. hours of employment and other terro, and c ..ins e.g.! oadent , and in the f I len. het bargaining units len which I hey have been ceel it led, and in which the 'in oat 1.. cecoyi led as 0011ect ive hat9a in inn represen tat 1 ve. 0atiject lo and in acy ot dance 0.4 th the pro. ,ion ,. of Act 336 of the rub 1 lc Act'. of 1951. alaended al l Ia ..ndr entilovees Ind e•. Inning sot. •rvl al. • and Cont fent i al employees. II 1160A41E44E01 NISPONSIlill I Pt The r uht ohio. orneyito. .1.0011a je to .1 ,•.11,111111.• (or just cause, and to maintain disc pl ine and ••1 f iena y ii1 env i• Ili, 'vile I.•11'11.• 4..1111, 111 1h.• 4,149./41$11•11 1,"•344 161.,11 4111114111 1111,11111141.11, 0hal I not lie r lininated .10 4,10 -1. It. 11.• worl •Pheilule.., veil hod , and Med°, ,,C Jolla rt menta 1111010 1 4001. 1110 11 11,111 .1.1111 I ie 1 •.• If he edoon0illi lily of I he Tor] ovet subject . rVaievei , to I In 1111,1,11,11•Is 1.11,11. .1.1111.1••14..44 1 1 1 MKS CNC - flf .1-0-111e Pm] I oyer 0111000 eiPei 0h.i 1,4l1 tali,,,, lee and dues, once eACh h. f (0•11 he Pay t hoSe employees ono author -re in writ inn that such dedul.1 6C made. LI I aid her Tat ion, 4.11 acrId i • the Coy ',ye. ''it lu the I is • 1 day of t he onnth shall beeline th..1 11, 1041111 • I .1.11111c .4111 be deduc led Iron, the second payCheC.• ot each month and ,ha 1 I be real, lied lune het wi 1 li i re.; TV1.1 • t aterwent to the local treasure( .41 1 hin lout teen 1191 days a( lei 4111.• J4,11,41,41. 11.7.•n• beet, evade An enc. Soy., ;hal I /dose P. be 0,,1.1e..1 II. [Ix ct -oil deduct ions beg inninn with 1 he mnnl h Owned ate 10 fol ha.,inet I he roorit I.. 01 1-11-,•• 1/111,11341.1.4 if IF,.' hat itarnilej unit . 1,1 Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 5, 1976 415 However, an employee shall continue to be subject Co Check-off deductions which he has authorized when he may be transferred from this bargaining unit to another bargaining unit represeeled by Council 23, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. (c) Any employee may voluntarily cancel or revoke the Authorization for Check-off deduction upon written notice to the Employer and the Union during the fifteen (15) day period tutor to the expiration date of the agreement. lci) The Union will protect and save harmless the Employer front any and all riaims, demands, suits and other forms of liability by reason ol action taken by the Employer for the purpose of complying with this section. REPRESENTATION Section 1 - The members id all Union committees recognized by the employer for ',Imposes of collective belfgdirling shall have to be sena, tty employee, in Ilie barimininn unit Section 7 - The manes of all suit, "rent", memPer, shall he ...Mailed m 1.44 "lug ro the Employer by the Union muse vim: lion or apixtielmera to A tecromized COHMiliVr. SCLOW1 3 The Empluyet agree, to "'cognize A bargaining kg-medlar-pi whhit 'hart 1m composed of not mire than Iwo Ill based on the present cemposilido of the harnainino unit lie. ilMal President. upon adequate notice, ma y hr in attendance as a snhstilnir lor one 10 the aims,. Section 4 - the laundty employees alai! lit tem.seta,d hy ill (hie' slisr..1 1,4 (I) alternate Chief Steward. Stewards vi Ii he pettintred lo leave their work. atlet phiainino rotnimal of their respective supertisurs and "'cording their tine, or the purpose ol adin-r In accordance with the ertevance procedure and tot reporting to the grievant A change in .1(IS tl his grievance Permission tar stewards to leave their work stations wili not be unreasnnalde with- held. Stewards will report their time to their supervisor noon returning tiom a grievance discussion. The privilege ol stewards to leave their work during working tutors, without IOSS of pay, is extended with the ondeo stand leg that the time will be devoted to the prompt handling of grievances and will not be abused, and that they will continue to work at their assigned jobs at all times except when permitted to leave their work to handle grievances. Section 5 - there shall te a permanent grievance committee consisting of two represen- tatives to be selected by the Union and certified in writing to the Employer. The Local 1998 President, upon adequate notice. may substitute for we of the foregoing members. The Employer shall meet whenever necessary, at a mutually convenient time, with the Union grievance committee. V. GRIEVANCE PROCEOURe Section I - The Employet and the Union suppn" Ind suhmothe to an orderly nedbmd of adjusting employee grievance,. To its, end, the Ixpl.mtet and the littler agree that au einiloyee shotdd first bring hi, ptublem nt grievance to the alliattion td hi, inesslialc wrilima his ybeward, and an attempt w ill be made to rt,olve the 'm ievame In the event steward is called. he shall be released hum hi, Lit it sa..,c,,n As onti.liae. and in any event, no later than the beginning oe hi, shift the next day, and the stpervisoe. The employee and the slewald shall meet simultaneously in on alteRipt to resolve the matter. Dismissals, ,uspensirms, demetions and disciplinary actions of any type shall not he a Subject tor Itw grievance procedure bug shall be piocessed according to the procedures of the Personnel Appeal beard. Step 1 - If the grievance is not settled informally between the employee and his immediate supervisor, the employee shall have the right re discuss the grievance with his steward 11, in the steward's npinion, proper cause tor the complaint exists, the Union shall have the right to submit a written grievance en the complaint tu the rmediate supervisor within tine day,. The written grievance must be signed by the ernplOyre and his steward and receipt acknowledged by [N, employee's immediate supervisor. Step 2 - The department will give Its written reply within Five days (evrludIng Saturday, Sunday and holidays) el receipt of !he wilts, grievance. Stel 3 • A gilevance not settled at Step 7 may lei submitted tu the Gi ievance 04..1411pr within five days n the date of the receipt ul the written reply. Any grievance ma submitted In the Grievance Committee by written notification to the employer within five days shall t iimi%idered dropped. A meeting on the grievance shall be held by the Grievance Committee within reo daYs lit! Ii'ss the time is extended by mutual Agreement of both parties. Step it - Any matter not settled in Step 3 of the grievance procedure may be submitted to final and binding arbitration by either of the parties. A request for arbitration must be sub- mitted by written notice to the other party within fifteen (1S) days after the Grievance Committee meeting. Expenses for Arbi rat inn shall he borne equally by both parties. If the parties flit to select an arbitrator, one will be selected tinder the rules of the American Arbitration Association. The Arbitrator shalt have no power or authority to add to, subtract i1.10, alter or modify the terms of this agreement, or set a wage rate. Section 2 - The time limits specified hereinafter for movement of grievance through the process shall be strictly adhered to. In the event that a grievance is not appealed within the particular specified time limit, it shall be deemed to be settled on the basis of the Employer's last answer. In the event that the Employer shall fail to supply the Union with its answer to the particular step within the specified time limits, the grievance shall be deemed automatically positioned for appeal at the next step with the time limit for exercising said appeal commencing with the expiration of the grace period for answering. sertioo 3 - All specified time limits herein shall consist only of County wort days Monday through Friday. AIE CoornIssiOners Minutes Continued . August 5, 1 97E Sectinn 4 - Patch 0ri evanhe shall }aye to be init iated within Five (5) days of each Occurrence of the cause fur complaint or, If ne.rher the aggrieved nor the 110101 , had knowledge of said occurrence at I he lice ot its happening, then within floe (5) days after the Union or the aggrieved becomes awar e of the cause fur complaint . Al. SENHDRITC New employee, inay acquire sen,Oril y by working sit (6) continuous months (refer to Rule 7 - Probationary Pet iod, Oakland County Act it System Handbook), in which event the employ/in:1 s senicri i ty wi I I date back In the dale of hire iris the department . The date of enpinyment wi I 1 he determined by the first darer, I ii iluitle earl/n.0,11! in I he depar trnenl oS Pescri tied in Rule 22 of the Oakland County 11crt I Systeic Handbixh When lIt. employee ocgul,... SIL,11,16Ly, his name 'hill he placed on the seniority list iii the order ul his I ily LILli All up- senior .1 I, I .11.1.11 IV 11,111,1..1 th,- 11.100 04,1 Ill., -I) ii01111111•.. at wtoch hui I st ... I 1 ia. ic • I .r I 1.e.t the I 1 ay, I ta the emiloyees ro, ssuployee shal I lire ti i sisiiiii . I ia Iii, 1.1 eAstius (b) II the empliii,n• 1- dr ...ie., dint, tn.t ri,,r r ins! di ed. II II the lin three ...dd.,. iit te itin liii ,, in1 1 hiint pi i/pori I rh,t y 14, I I, L - ri e.e. 1.11 Ii the edir.liiyee it! it ti .11 I Si,. end id I ill, L -IC). I 111A Ul l' L.. I LI I 1..1 I .] I ayul I 1,111 t an employee slid 11 wit lase i I [sin i I 11 ids, 01 r .• il7t It nor e 01 re, rh dais hi he chit. pi 01 sur, voice rn he I v... L5, ilfr. I tip ider at ioir roy be giyen rij t he fiiiply y,'i iii Ii -.Ol,'.-1I,,'ui i -i°b''''l' Ily' n Oil'' l,,,v itivc'-',r,,Imi,• return within the t Lie (5) day der ihd All. LAYOFF ANC PICAS I f and when it heroines necessary toe the Employer to reduce the number of employees int the work force, the employees wi II lie laid nil in unit senior ity order based on capahi lily of per tormin_j avai table jobs and Shall be recalled in tile inverse order (refer to Rule S - Oakland County Her it Syst em handbook). Al employees si laid of f shal I be of (erect the npport art it y reLal I prior to the hi r i rig of any new employees 11111. PRO/10710MS Ail promut ti hurt I he har gain n.i I shall hr. 1.Iei.d.1- on the has i ,cpurpel it ryd exami not as provided hr in the Oak land Cnunis M, r i I System the f 'eye. wit make hi s set,. t ion fur prorni ion Irc,Iii r he three 11.1ohest ront i irldt es ohm have passed the tiromit lanai esaillinat 11111 TIle qdd I if cat i in Ion ad I. I he C,111..riat ion I Id. seri dr r I y il/ a I I. I tai u.n it it bin t barila p.m; unit ...1.n1 111Ver riot Ow min Irian I i ihrs 101 the i r y sfrimin in I is: I alsisI dtl ed ...dr 11 n ti tu 11 ic-r 111.11 11 ion In cgses whii h Al I lower a 13,1 f or lass; I i,,t110re. 1114 I I. It iii into" id. 11., in ar iyiin0 at nh,' I in,' tvnI.inyyl tbnt.nri,I i'J.tLc'-, wpu I e,cami mar Lundi,_ted under [Pe prov s inns of I he Mei ii System applying to cont nuous eyamiriat i TIL lists shal I be super ceded try new Illtgmill.ty Lists alter a per ILO Lif riot les•i. I IL, 121 yhat In RITC. FOR NEW JOES When any posit if111 nid listed in, Ito whit, sit bed,, In Ic f i I led or rut ab I i shed, the [Awn, flitay designate a job c lass, icol ion aricl rate structure lor tIme fnnvsutirvr.. In the, event the Union does not agree that the c lass; f icat ion, rate or sirs, tore are proper, the Union sha I I have Ow ',Oa 10 Sdba.i 1 I he issue tn a 1111111:110 l b.' it prucedure within a six (6) ininth per wad_ 1. TEnFanARY 1 IlArNil 01 141111 In t hose oses in 0111l tie troil..n y cssi•pilvical tint hides I A-I. ion lig, r la. .11 hmii. trisnun•.ito I iarieli•nt .0 the hialx-r level kik. cud in whii h esihIliiVi-e wort inn it. the 1 ,gatiraar i t has Lisa! lust la, the blithe, level . I ass II I. At kin in I ab inn and it t II, pi ...A Merit System enati,isa lInt ha chat lassi ion. awl in Which the I timpor y is. inimsnir .ir least one iott chill. t he base sal a, y I ate still pa id to I tiEr employee in the I oriipen-or for the t ine actual ly worked in the hiuhur class i ical ion hut the increased earuhiec till uet toward the basis Ofii which service increment pay is determined_ Al. GENERAL CUNDIT I MIS Sect ion I - Employees elected to any pernsartent full tire' Union nf f ice or selected by the dninn to do work which takes then from their employment with the County. shall at the written request of the Union. be granted a leave of absence wi thout day. The leave of absence shall not exceed two (2) years. but it shell be renewed or extended hit a simi lar per iod at any tinie upnn i hr written request of the Union Sect ion 2 - the Employer sha I I ass ion a lot keit hurl let Lo molt/ In he (VIII 141 I iimulrY and bulletin board space in the Dry LIcaninc Plant alit, it shall he osed tiy Union fur prisi i rig notices, bearing the tsr i lien approval of Iht Pr •sident Al LIIIi1111 L11..31 LL which shell IN' rest rii led ta - (a) Not ices n1 Union in pear lonal arid sec i al .1 fairs, lb) Not ices of Whin elect , (c) Pint iCes ill Union Appitintint ills Ind resill t s ii 1.', I h.,: Commissioners Minutes Continued. Ainiu ,t 5. 19/6 1c11 Notices of Union meetings: lel Ocher notices of bona fide Union affairs which are not political Or lilselsinis in nature. Section 3 - In the event that any other represented unit negotiates a contract with the County of Oaktend containing any form of uninn security, the tame right will automatically be gkven to the units covered under this agreement. Section 4 - Special conferences for important matters may be arranged at a mutually convenient time between the Chapter Chairman and the Employer or its designated representative upon the request of either party. Such meetings shall be between at least two representatives of the Employer and no more than two (2) empioyee representatives of the Union and the Staff Representative if so desired. The Local President, upon adequate notice, may be In attendance as a ,nhstitule for une of the employee representatives. Arrangements for such special conferences sh ali maat. in advance And an agenda of the matters to he taken Lin at the meelIng shall he presented at the. fCm. the conference is requested. Natters taken up in special conferences shall he cnnlined to liaise included in the agenda. The membeisof the Union shall not lose time or pay for time spent in such special conference,. Section 5 - the parties agree that there shall be no discriminatinn against any employee by reason of race, creed, molmr. ,e., or national orlgin. the fnplciver will mil discriminate against aqy member ut Itw barydrninq teaser) at nerdHg ship in the nniun. Sec. tine 6 - Wages, hour, and conditions of umpluymenl in elfect at the ices ii liictisl (his agreement shall, except as icyroard herein. breamntmined dating Ihr term el thls dqr ,vve.nt. No employee shall suffer a 'eduction it sqbh honeCit, As A iosseuoi-ne ol the execol ion ol thi, agreement. Section 7 - All supplemental agreement, ,hall lo sthieCI SC the amovat al rho Employer and the Council anT/WM Intercarinnal Union. They shall be approved en 1i:tested within a 0=•1 ,rt forty-five (45) days fo1lowing the date ul the agroement hetween the parties. Xil. ADOPTION DO REFERENCE OT RELEVANT RES01_11110N5 AND PERSONNEE POLITIES All resolutions of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, as amended cm changed, from time to time, relating to the working conditions and compensation of the employees covered by this agreement, and all ether benefits and policies provided for in the Oakland County Merit System which incorporates the Oakland County Employees' Handbook, are incorporated herein by reterence and made a part hereof to the same extent as il they were specifically set forth. XIII. ECONOMIC MATTERS The agreement helween thr parties on economic matters are set forth in Appeodin A and Appendix U attached hereto And are incorporated into this collective bargaining al11-0.11,111 , suhiecl to the terms and conditions thereof_ XIV. NO STRIKE - NO LOCKOUT Dnder nu circumstarmes will the Union Cause or authorize Or pvrqa! ITS Me.hul I. cause, nor will any member of the barawining unit lake part, ie any sttike, sitdown, sLimy it iii slowdown or any vM,larlun of any State law. In the event of a work stoppage nr olher EtniAilmera, the Union shall ImImudiately instruct the 6nyelved employee, In writing. that their condo. I is in vialatiun uf the LontraLL and that all such pelts., shall immediately cease the uffendion sorldin t. the Employer will not lockout any employees of the hal-pairing unit during the teem OE this agreement. XV_ DURATION Section I - Duration of Agreement This agreement shall remain in full force and effect from January I. 1576. 10 midnight. December 31, 1976. It shall be autoaattcally renewed fribm year to year [hereafter unless either party shall nntify the other. in writing, by July I5, 1976, that it desires tn modify this aucesglisit. In the event that such notice Is giver, negotiatInns shall begin not later than August I. 1976, will) discussions to begin first pith any economic lsees that may arise. This agreement shall rontir n in full force and be effective during the period or negotiations and until notice 0 I,I06041.1. et thls agreement is provided to the other patty in the manner set forth in the following paiantaph_ Section 2 - Severab i 1 ty In the event that either party desires to terminate this agreement, written notice must be given to the other party no less than ten days prior to the desired termination date which shall not he before the anniversary date set forth in the preceding paragraph. It is agreed and understood that the provisions contained heroin shall remain in full Force and effect so long as they are not in violation of applicable statutes and ordinances and remain within the jurisdiction of the County of Oakland. if any terms shall he considered in violation of applicable statutes or ordinances, then upon the request of either party, the Employer and Union shall meet tic review the affected contract provision Or provisions. Section 3 - Ratification The Union agrees to submit this agreement promptly to the employees of the bargaining eunit covered by this agreement for ratification by them, and the Council 23 representative and local 1998 Union officers will recoamend to the employees that it he ratified. AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, OAKLAND COMITY EXECUTIVE COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, Aft-CIO, METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Daniel T. Murphy No_ 21, LOCAL 1998 COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation By Alexander C. Perinoff, Chairman Baord of Commissioners 418 Comnissioners Minutes Continued, August 5, 1976 LAUNDRY F.MPLOYEES AGREEMENT APPENDIX A The following merit salary schedu1e7RilT—FTWvall during the period January 1, 1976 through December 11, 1976; CLASS BASE 6 MONTH 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR Maintenance Mech. Laundry 9,673 10,108 10,542 10,977 Custodial Worker 11 8.1116 9,085 9,133 Clerk 11 7.499 7,662 7,825 8,151 8,477 8.801 Clerk 11/0eliverymen 7,499 7,662 7,825 8,151 8.477 13,801 Laundry Washerman 8.073 8,278 11.481 8.893 9.101 Asst. Laundry Washerman 7.452 7.650 7,847 8,243 8.618 Seamstress 7.142 7.724 8.306 Laundry Worker 6,624 6.791 6,962 7.299 7,637 7,974 LAUNDRY CMPLOYEES AGRI:14E11T APPCOIX For the following fringe benefits refe, to the nakInfidlLaTi.Ly_Liiklp/ees. flandhopS: 1. injury on the Joh 2. Holidays 1, Leave ol Absence la Life Insurance 5. Longevity 6. Master Medical Insurance 7. Sick Leave ,8. Retirement 9. Annual Leave *kW. Income Continuation Insurance Dental - Effective January 1, 1976 'EffeCtivA January 1 . 1975, employees covered by this collective bargaining agreement shall not be required to contribute to the Oakland Cpuray Employee,' Retirerent Plan. ,.Effective March 1, 1975, benefits shall start on the day following the day a disability has lasted for a cOntinuOu, number of ocrkdays eit.d1 to seventy percent (10C) of the number of sick leave days the employee has earned since the lit. , lay of employment, but not before the eighth day of disability. Refer to Memorandum of Understanding e..currd in October, 1975, nntlining the Dental Plan and the Interpretations applying In the Plan, with Lchal 17911. EffeslivP JanuerY I. 1975. .mplorces iliptiri-d driye thvii i.r,ritnal vehicle on oliiiial County business shall receive fifteen 1151 rents rei effect iv, J....1,Y I. 1576 siktil receive sixteen (16) cents per mile. Suth Ihilt hr or accordant.. with current Cooney tiavri regulations. Moved by Aaron supported by Button the le,Ontion /4 adopted. AYES: Lennon. Moffitt, Montante, Morph Nowak. Olson. Page. Patterson, Perinoff, Pernisk. Price, Roth, Wilson, Aaron, Button,. Daly, Douala:. Dunleavy, Fortino. Moot, houghten. Kasper. 122) HAYS: Gabler. 11/ A sufficient majority haviny voted Sheen for, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7652 By Mr. Aaron IN RE, REIMBURSEMENT DIVISION - CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY CHANGES To the Oakland County hoard of Gommiir.ioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS nne of the objectivos involved in the ienrninitalion ul County deltattmenEy and divisions is to develop consistent utilizatiOn ni Elm dioes tio and manager titles lot department and division heads respectively. and WHEREAS the current ut II 1241 ion of ay, i tent director titles for assistant divi,ion head s is being phased out as these position, become ...mint; and WHEREAS the current Director of PleimtsulteMent is reciting, and WHEREAS the salary recommended for the felmhurtemen. Division Manager Is considered appropriate under the new organization for IN: metaget of a division of this size and complexity; and WHEREAS the use of the clas ification cl Ite;mhursement Division Manager would result in an actual savings in 1976 salary costs, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the classifications of Reimbursement Division Manager and Chief of Reimbursement Accounts be establ.shee rith the lollowing.salary ranges: 419 Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 5, 1976 BASE 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR Reimbursement Division Manager: fr,VII W41.1 20,323 21.192 22,K6 Chief of Reimbursement Acctouns, 11,411 12,063 12,216 13,368 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Thal effective September I, 1926, the existing positions of Dloiglor of Reimbursement and Assistant Directol of Reimbursement be reclassified to Reimbursement Division Manager and Chief of Reimbursement Accounts respectively. The Personnel Committee. by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chafinum Moved by Aaron supported by Moffitt the resolution be referred to the Finame Coonittee There were no objections. Mtsc. 7653 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: REFERENDUM ON MERGER OF THE DRAIN OFFICE AND DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS all recognize that ccnsiderable savings will result if the presently separate, but similar functions of time Drain Commissioner's Office and the Department of Public Work, could be merged and consolidated; and WHEREAS legislation permitting consolidation under an appointed director does not exist and may be some yearn in coming, and wHERCAS State Act Nu. 120 does permit consolidation under an elected Public Work. ceugai,- sioneri and WHEREAS action now under existing legislation will produce nmediate savings and provide direct accountability to the public for the combined olfice. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners encourage public awareness and participation in the matter by placing the following advisory question on the ballot at the next county-wide election, 'Should the Drain Office and Department of Public Works be combined Into one olfire under an elected Public Works Commissioner ,' Mr. Chairman, 1 nuve the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Betty J Fortino. Comnissioner -0151oirt FS Moved by Fortino supported by Simmons the resolution be adopted Roved by Fortino supported by Daly the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES. Olson, Perinolf, Peroick, Price, Roth. Sinmens, Aaron. Hutton, Daly, Douglas, Fortino, Lennon. 112/ NAYS: Moffitt, montante. Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Wilson, Dunleavy. Gable, . Hoot. Houghten, Kasper. f12/ A sufficient majority rot having voted therefor, the motion failed. the Chairman refer red the resolution to the General Government Committee. there ...ore no objections. Moved by Daly supported by Lennon the Board adiourn until August 19. 1976 at 0'111 A.M. A sufficient majority having voted Iherelor, the motion rattled. The Board adjourned at 10:00 A.M. Lynn D. Allen Alexander C. Per i not t Clerk Chairman OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING August 19, 1976 Meeting called to order by Chairman Alexandr, C. PerInoff at 9.h5 P.O. in the Court House Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by Henry W. Hoot. Rieke of Allegiance to the Flan. Roll called. PRESENT: Ration, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Eantlenvy, lortIno, Gablet, Hord • Do•ghte•, Kasper, Lennon. McDoroid, Moffitt, Montante. Murphy, NUN,k, Olson, Pa•lIE, Pattcr,anl, Peri•nt 1 Pernick. Price, Roth, Sinvons. Wilcox. Wilson (26) ABSENT. Aaron. (1) Quorum present. Moved by Roth supported by Button the minutes of the previous meeting he approved as printed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Clerk read resolutions adopted by the Calfioun County Brood of Cu.missinners, the first Resolutinn is in support of House Bill 5168, with a proposed amendment and the t.z.ehd Resolution concerns House Joint Resolution 55 which proposes a Constitutional Iusendment, lDlac.ed on filo.) Clerk rend letter from Charles B. Edwards, Ji.. AdmInistratol of the Oakland County Hospital regarding the care of T.B. patients (Placed on file.) Clerk read resolution adopted by the lapetu lahloly Board of Commissinners regaidinn unemployment benefits. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from State Representative Melvin L. Larsen acknowledging receipt of resofution. (Placed on File.) Mary Shanks, Director of the Reimbursement Division your a presehtation on the pp years existeoce of the Department. Misc. 7654 By Mr. Remick IN RE: AWARDING OF CONTRACT FOR MARBLE REPAIRS OF COURT HOUSE EAST WING, COUNTY PRfklECT 15 -38 To the Oakland County Board of Cownissloners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to a Planning and Building Comnittee Resolution 176h6 or •OY 79. 1976 a contract proposal was received on August 3. 1976 for the marble Repair of the foutthouse fast Wing Project; and WHEREAS an appropriation In the amount of 5i4(.000 was approved pursuant to Resolution ./431 Of February 5. 1976 for the East Wing Marble Displacement of which the firm a brunwell-Cashero involved in the sargsle repair work performed, and WHEREAS the County Execative's Department uf Central Services, facilities and Op,,ntione. Division and the Planning and Building Comentter eecommend that a cont,aci h,. a„,„d,d i n ii, 110011 Cashero Company, Inc. of Detroit, Michigan in the amourd of S 123,050, sold reitronuidatioti muicullad in by the finance Comnitter. NOW THEREFORE hE It 14501YED AS FOLLOWS: I. That the contract proposal ol Grunwell-Cashero Company. Inc. of Detroit, hichii.an, in the amount of 5123.050, be accepted any the Contract awarded in ronrurtence oith the Planning ana Building Comnittee recrweendation on August 5, 1976. 2. That fondiro be prowidad in the amount 01 $155.000 to cover the total prolect . 3. that the Chaimnan of the Board of Conimissioners he and hereby is autIonvierd and directed to execute a contrast with brunwelt-Cashero Company. Inc. of Detioit, miclagan on behalf ol LI, Gounty of Oakland. 421 Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 4. That this award shall not be effective until the awardee has been notified in writing by the County Executive's Department of Central Services, Facilities end Operations Division. 5. That pursuant to Rule %NC of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the total project sum for project 75-313 of $155,000 available in the recommended 1976 Capital Improvement Fund-East Wing Marble Corrections to fund: Marble Corrective Work $123,050 Consultant Fees 2,000 Construction Supervision 20,000 Contingency 9,950 TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING $155,000 The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, and with (hi, cnneurrence of the Planning and Building Committee moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTff Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported hy Wilcox the resolution be adopted, AYES: Page, Patterson, Perinnff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Button, Italy, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, neut. Houghten, easper, hontante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson. (22) NAYS: DOUgialS. Leneoe. (2) A sufficient majority having eoted therefor, the resolution was adopted, 'Misc. 7632 By Mr. Button IN RE; REQUEST FOR BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' MEMENTO BUDGET To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Hr. [Heiman, Ladies and Gentlemen, WHEREAS on frequent occasions, this Board is called upon to render recoenItion to a citizen commissioner or board member for dedicated and outstanding service or lo a visiting dignitary or Soon personality who brings honor of distinction to our County; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends that budgetary fuods be made available In order that suitable mementos may be provided fur presentation by the Oaklaed County Board of Cormdssioners nn such occasions as are deemed nec sssss y NOW THEREFORE Of IT RESOLVED that a sum not to exceed 5500.00 be appropriated to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for purposes of provhfleg sultehir mementos to cltioeus, hoard members, commIssloriers arid visiting dignitaries who render dedicated And notstuding service honor and distinction to the County of Oakland. The General Government Committee. by Robert A. Baton, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GLNERAL GOVERNMENT COMM1TTLL Robert A. Button, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By hr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION /7632- REQUEST FOR BOARD OF COMM1SSIONLR'S MEMENTO BUDGET To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and eentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-E of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 17632 and finds that there are funds available in the amoent of WO In the 1976 Oakland County Budget-Contingency fund, Said funds to be transferred to the 1976 Board of Commissioners' Operating Budget. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chfarman Moved by Button supported by Patterson the report be accepted and resolution 17632 be adopted. AYES: Patterson, Perinoff, PernIck, Pelee, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox. Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghteo, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt, Montanle, Murphy, Nowak. Olson, Page. (23) NAYS, None (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report MaS accepted and resolution /7632 seas adopted. Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 422 REPORT By Mr. Sutton IN RE; MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 07592 - REIMBURSEMENT OF ELECTION COSTS -24TH DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECTION To the Oakland County Board of C....1 .11 ..0rs Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentleman: WHEREAS the General Government Committee has reviewed Resolution 07592, and deems that the adoption of said resolution Is not in the best interests of the County, your Committee recommends that Miscellaneous Resolution 07592, Reimbursement of Election Costs -24t1. District Special Election- County Commissioner not be adopted. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the acceptance of Else foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE. MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 17592 - REIMBURSEMENT OF ELECTION COSTS 24th District Special Election County Commissioner To the Oakland County Board nf Commissioners Mr_ Chairman, ladies and Gentlemen, The Finance Committee has reviewed the above mentioned resolution and has determined, try a vote of It in 3 that fundieg is not available for the proposed purpose. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Peroick, Chairman" Misc. 7592 By Mr. Mouthy IN RE: REIMBURSEMENT OF ECECTION co.m -24ftt DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECTIONS - COuNlY COlIMISSIONER To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners did fall to exercise it's prerogative under the law in the matter of appointing a person to fill a vacancy on the Oakland County Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners did call for a special Election to fill a vacancy on the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, specifically In the 24th District; end WHEREAS said election, both Primary and General, did cost the taxpayers of this county 512,982.88; and WHEREAS 58,564.77 of that cost was borne directly by the taxpayers of the 24th District through their local government units; and WHEREAS said local units of the 24th District did express their opposition to the Special Election to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS further the action taken by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners did CiuSit the citizens of the 26th District to be without elected representation for the period from October, 1975 through March, 1976, and WHEREAS the voter turnout for both the Primary and General Election was less than 15% in each and representing a cost of 58.24 per vote in the Primary (4?) and a cost of $2.12 per vote cast in the General 1.10); and WHEREAS by the adoption of this resolution the Oakland County Brinrd it CommlistnnerS would admit it's error In Judgment on calling too a Special Election and correct Inn situation by poyewnt to the local units the mount expended by said units by the conduct of tbe SOrchAi (holier. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners pay to the local units in the 24th District the amounts equal to the cost incurred by said units in the conduct of the Special Election. Dennis L. Merphy, Commissioner - District 024" Moved by Button supported by Daly the report be accepted. A sufficient majority hav17, voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Bunco supported by Moffitt that resolution #7592 be adopted. Discussion followed. AYES: Wilcox, Dunleavy, Gabler. Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montente, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Pa 113) NAYS: Pertnoff, Pernlck, Price, Roth, Wilson, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Lennon, Olson. (12) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, resolution 17592 was not adopted. 423 Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 MisC. 7655 By Mr. Button IN RE: SUPPORT OF SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILLS 5463 AND 5465 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the General Government Committee has reviewed Substilute House Bills 5663 and 5465, which deal with the Detroit Water Board; and WHEREAS these two bills would require an annual audit and public hearings prior to rate increases, and would require board representation of the entire service area increasing the silo of the Board to nine members. four of which shall be elected by an assembly of the local units served by the system; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners previously support Senate Bill 1086 which contains Similar provisions. Nfhi THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners go on recotd supporting tlw passage of Substitute goose Bills 5461 and 5665. BE IT FURTHER RF50tvto that copies of this resolution he sent to all Stale legi,latorE representing Oakland talent y and En the Oakland [notify legislative Agent. The General Government Comattlee, by Robert A. Outrun. CIWill10,1, move, the adoption ol Ihe foregoing tesniotion GENERAL GOVERMEN1 TOMMITIEI Robert A. Button. Chairman Moved by Button supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolutiCHI was adopted. Misc. 74,54, By Mr. Button IN RE: OPPOSITION TO SENATE BILL 1517, AMENDMENT TO GENERAL PROPERTY TAO ACT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, WHEREAS Senate Bill 1512 would amend Sections 59 and 60 of Act No. 206 of the Public Acts of 1893, as amended by Act No. 336 of the Public Acts of 1975. being sections 211.59 and 211.60 of the Compiled Laws of 1920, as attached, and WHEREAS in view of the fact that the May Tax Sale has been completed, the passage of this legislation would cause llie County ileaserers great difficulty and expense In tefunding smail ommionfa and in reprogramming their computer programs. NOW THEREFORE Of 11 RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners go on ',Lord In opposition to Senate Bill 1517 and forward copses of this tesolutioo In All Slate froi,lator, representing Oakland County and to the Oakland County Legislative Agent. The General Government Comnittee by Robert A. Button, Chairman, wove, the adnpl ion ol in fOregoing resolution. GENtRAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman Moved by Button supported by Murphy the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Ilse resolution was adopted. Misc. 7657 By Mr Button IN RE, NUCLEAR WASTES DISPOSAL To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Federal Government through the Energy Research and Development Administration has proposed exploratory test drilling in Sec. JO. Wilson Township. Alpena County, Michigan, for the purpose of establishing the areas suitability for disposal or storage of highly toxic tadio-active nuclear waste material into below surface salt formations; and WHEREAS Om Federal Authorities hanp indicated that local gmarrnmental wells a, well AS the State Government will have no control or veto power two: the proposed prolect; and WHEREAS the placement of these materials into salt formation!, located inmedialrly adlaien1 to the largest badies nf fresh water In the world poses a direct threat of contamination and soh- seguent contamination to large population center, loCated within Its' drainage patter. of the Great Lakes Systems extending as far as the Eastern Seaboard and aflectIng Canada as well as IN. United States; and WHEREAS the long term safety of the project depends on preventing the Intrusion "r water Into the salt beds by any means, which could occur by natural means as well as failure of oveilyinn or underlying shale In ages to come; and WHEREAS the waste materials are estimated to remain toxic over a period of 500,000 years thus posing greet unknown influencing factors and dangers to which no mortal men can give definite answers; and Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 424 . . WHEREAS the proposed Michigan site is lOollteci in d growing population area where the tourist industry plays an Important part in the economy and such Industry would be adversely affected by the area being used as a nuclear waste disposal dump; and WHEREAS other optioos for nuclear waste disposal exist and have not been fully researched and explored and salt bed burial poses too many danger,. THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners that It is recommended that the local and State Governments be allowed the power of decision on location within the State of Michigan, further, that extensive environmental Impact studies be conducted by the National Academy of Sciences with full disclosure to the citizens of Michigan, who would have the ultimate decision through a referendum election. The General Government Committee by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman Moved by Button supported by Murphy the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7658 By Mr. Button IN RE: AMENDMENT TO MICHIGAN EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS when a person willfully resigns or quits his or her employment for an unjustified reason, and he or she no longer wishes employment; and WHEREAS he or she is no longer looking for work or willing, to work, both requirements of M.E.S.C.; and WHEREAS this extra burden on taxpayers Is unfair and unjust and creates an additional strain on the State's faltering budget and economy; and WHEREAS this process now involves borrowing funds from the Federal Governnent, (which are non-existent ) , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Oakland County Board of Conmissioners request our elected representatives immediately initiate legislation mandating that any person who willfully resigns or quits his or her employment for an unjustified reason, be eliminated from Michigan unemployment benefits. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all state legislators representing Oakland County and the County Legislative Agent, The General Government Conmittee by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMIITEE Robert A. Button, Chairman Moved by Button supported by Wilcox the resolution he adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr Button IN RE! MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION /7556 - PROPOSES ANENDNENT TO SECTION I2(a) OF ACT 156. FA 1851, AS AMENDED To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the General Government Committee has reviewed Resolution 07556, and has sought Input from Veterans. groups, and has studied the costs of Instituting such • program in this Count,. and WHEREAS the urging of the Legislature to pass such amendment does not commit the County to adopt such a program. The General Government Committee recommends that the board of Commissioners adopt Miscellaneous Resolution 07556. The General Government Committee by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman “Misc. 7556 By hr. Button IN RE: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO SECTION 12(a) OF ACT 156 OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF 1851, AS AMENDED To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Kr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS th. General Government Commits.e has reviewed Sec. I2(a) of Act 156, P.A. 1851, es amended; and 425 Connissioners Minutes Continued. August 15. 1576 WHEREAS the General Government Committee feels that the County and its employees would he best served if said P.ct were amended In Section 12(a) Subsection ( to add new language (shown in capital letters) MS follows: Upon approval of the county board of cOmmissioners, a member who Is drafted or enlists, Or who was drafted or enlisted in a military service of the United States and who has been on active duty In the military service shall have the military service active duty credited to him upon his payment to the retirement system of an amount equal IO the contribution, together with interest at the rate of 31, from the dates of the military seryine to the dates of payment. The contribution shall be based on the period of military service claimed, and the northern amplicable program and annual rate ol compensation in effect at the time of payment, OR IF THERE IS NOT A MEMBER CONTRIBUTION PROGRAM, 61 Of THE ANNUAL RATE OF COMPENSATION AT THE TIME OF PAYMENT. Military 544,i, shall not be credited a member it he received credit for the service under another provision 01 1111.1 section or this act. Not sore than El years of service shall be credited to a member ftt all militaly service actually served by hie, NOW THEREFORE BE It RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners hereby requests that the '.1.;11• legislature Lake action to amend Section 12(a) subsection (14) or Act PA or the Public Acts ol 1851, as amended, as stated above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resnlutinn he sent lo the Cnonl y 's %tato 100 1s- fm11r5 and the County le g islative Ajent The Gcneral Government Committee by Robert A Button, Cnairman, moves the adopter°, .1 the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT LOMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman" Moved by Button supported by Simmons the report be accepted. A sufficient majorit y having voted therefor, the motion carried Moved by Button supported by Gabler that resolution /7556 be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution FISSB was adopted. ”Misc. 7637 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: D P.M. SALARY AND CLASSIFICATION CHANCES - WATER AND SEWER DIVISION To the Oakland County Board of Commissinnera Mr. Chairmen, Ladles and Gentlemen, WHEREAS Oakland County has empetienced continued growth in Public Works Sewacce Maintenance Operations and Sewage Treatment Operations during [he past years without new additions in supervisory personneI ; and WHEREAS during this time, these units have added non-sopervisoos personnel to meet the needs of the Count y; and WHEREAS the additional supervisory classes ace necessary in order to effectivel y and efficientl y supervise the various work crews; and WHEREAS the Public Works Elusion feels this problem can be resolved by reclassllying nne existing non-supervisory position in each unit and not by addition of new personnel, aud WHEREAS the net cost or these classification changes will be paid flow 'iChrher Souices" Public Works Operations revenue and will out involve use ol an y Count y budgeted kends, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the classifications of Sewage Treatment Operator Supersets° and Sewer Maintenance Supervisor be established with the following salary ranges: BASE I YEAR 2 YEAR Sewage Treatment Operator Supervisor 1W.I36 Sewer Maintenance Supers,' .afr 15.457 16,165 16.845 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the salar y ranges of the existing classes of Sewage liealmeio Operator Foreman and Sewer Foreman be reduced as (elk., SASE 1 VERN 2 YEAR 301011 From. ICTie 117937 MAU To: 12,800 13,474 14.148 14.823 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one (I) Sewage Treatment Operator II position and one C1 ) Senior Maintenance Mechanic position be reclassified to Sewage Treatment Operator Supervisor and Sewer Main- tenance Supervisor. respectively. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairmen, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr, Remick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 026)) D.P.W. SALARY ANO CLASSIFICATION CHANGES - WATER AND SEWER DIVISION To the Oakland County Board nl Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. Pursuant In Role MI.( nil this board. the Finance CommlIlee has reviewed MI,,v11,..”..% Commissioners Minutes Continued, August 19, 1976 426 Resolution 17637 and finds that there are no additional County funds needed as this is a reclassi- fication of existing positions with the net cost increase for 1976 to be paid from "Other Sources" Public Works Operations revenue. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick. Chairman Moved by Kesper supported by Fortino that resolution 17637 be adopted. AYES: Pernick, Roth, st eeeso,. Wilcox, Wilson. Button, Daly, Douglas, Donleavy. Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Noughten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perlisoff. 1241 NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution 07637 was adopted 'Misc. 7652 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: REIMBURSEMENT DIVISION - CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY CHANGES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen WHEREAS one ot the objectives involved in the reorganization of County departments and divisions is to develop consistent utilization of the director and manager titles for department and division heeds respectively: and WHEREAS the current utilization of assistant director titles for assistant divislon heads is being phased out as these positions become vacant: and WHEREAS the current Director of Reimbursement is retiring; and WHEREAS the salary reconaended for the Reimbursement Division manager is considered appropriate under the new organization for the manager of a division of this size and complexity: and WHEREAS the use of the clmssification of Reimbursement Division Manager would result In an actual savings in 1976 salary costs, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the classifications of Reimbursement Division Manager and Chief of Reimbursement Accounts be established with the following ranges: BASE 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR Reimbursement Division Manager: Trait -1-974-51. 20,323 21.192 22,050 Chief of Reimbursement Accounts. 11.611 12,063 12.716 13.368 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that effective September I, 1976, the existing positions of Director Of Reimbursement and Assistant Director of Reimbursement be reclassified to Reimbursement Division Manager and Chief of Reimbursement Accounts respectively. the Personnel Committee. by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman' rINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 07652 - REIMBURSEMENT DIVISION - CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY CHANGES to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Derilliemen. Pursuant to Rule KI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 17652 and finds that a salary cost savings of 51,975 will be realized in 1976 and that no additional County Funds are needed. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick. Chairman Moved by Kasper supported by Moffitt the report be accepted and resolution 17652 be adopted. Mowed by Fortino supported by Gabler the resolution be amended, "The $1975 that would be saved by changing the salaries, be put in the Contingent fund.. Vote on amendment: AYES: Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. Sutton, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler. 14001, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald. Moffitt, Monlante. Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick. (25) NAYS: None. TO/ PASS: Price. (I) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on resolution, as amended: AYES: Roth. Simmons. lifticox, Wilson, Button. Daly. Dearborn. Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, hoot, houghten, Kasper. Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy. Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (26) NAYS: None (0) 427 Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resOlution #7652, as amended, was adopted. Misc. 7659 By Mr. Dal y IN RE; EVERGREEN SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP TRUNK ARMS - STAGE TWO AND STAGE THREE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Township of Bloomfield is in urgent need of the sewage disposal Improvements and facilities which are described in the form of proposed contract hereinafter mentioned as constituting the "Evergreen Sewage Disposal System - Bloomfield Township Trunk Arms - Sta mm Tim) and Stage Three" thereinafter sometimes referred to as the "county system' or the “system"), in oral, to abate pollution of the waters of the township and thus to pronoun the health and WPIVil, ot thv residents thereof, which improvements and facilities would likewise binulit the county and residents, and the parties to said proposed contract have concluded that such improvements and facilities can be most economically and efficiently provided and financed b y the County through tho exercise of the powers conferred by Act 342, Public Acts of Michigan. 1939, as amended, and esperiallY Sectioos Sa, 56 and 5c thereof. and WHEREAS lb. County Drain Commission, lhereinafter sometime, referred to as !he lTriuloy Agency") has accordingl y Laascd to he prepared a P roposed contract between the county and the Town- ship of Bloomfield, dated as of Aogost 1, 1976, providin g for the acquisition, consairustion and linaei.inq of said county system and has also ionised le 1, prepared by the coonty's consulriug engineers, plans for the construction thereof and estimates of 51,700,1700 as the Lo1,1 Ilelool and forty (40) years and upwards as the period of oselolness thereof, all of which have seen submilte to thiS Board of Commissioners for its approval and adoption and have been placed on file tn thr office of the County Agency, a description of such fa‘ilities and said estimates being respectively set forth in Exhibits A and B attached to said proposed contract; and WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners desites to proceed with the establishment of said system and the acquisition, construction and financing of said system as provided in said contract: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, as follows: I. That this Board by majority vote of its members-elect does hereby authorize and direct that there be established, and there is hereby established, under and pursuant to Act No 342, Publi Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, a system of sewage disposal improvements and services to serve the Township of Bloomfield, Oakland County, Michigan, to be known as the "Evergreen Sewage Disposal System - Bloomfield Township Trunk Arms - Stage Two and Stage Three" which system shall consist of sewage disposal facilities to serve the Township of Bloomfield, as specified and to he located as stated in the form of proposed contract above mentioned: that the Oakland County Drain Commissioner is hereby designated and appointed as the "County Agenc y" for said Count y system; that the said County Agency shall have all the powers and duties with respect to said Coonty system as are providf by law and especially by said Act 342, and that all obligations iokurred by the County Agency will' respey1 to said system, unless otherwise authuiized tir this Board, shall be payable solely from (ant Jtr iced f`oo payments to be made by the Tonnshie of Bloomfield as provided in the said contract. 2. That the actions of the County Agenc y in causing the plans and estimates for the systi to be prepared are hereby ratified and confirmed and said plans and estimates are hereby approved al adopted. 3. That the proposed contract between the Coont y of Oakland and the Township of Bloomfie dated as of Auyost 1, 1976, is hereb y approved and adopted, and the Oakland Count y Drain Loanissioo (as the County Agency for the system) is hereby aothorized and directed to execute and deliver said contract for and on behalf of the county, in as many counterparts as may be deemed advisable. 4. That the copy of said proposed contract as submitted Co and approved by this Board be Identified by endorsement thereon by the County Clerk of the statement "Approved by Board of Commit sionters on August 19, 1976", and be attached to the minutes of this meeting. Mr. Chairman. on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I M7VW the adoption of th Foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly. Chairman ADOPTED: YEAS. Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Button. Dal y, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy. Fortino, Gable Hoot, Houghten. Kasper, Lennon. McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy. Nowak, Page, Perinoff, Price, Roth. 124) NAYS; None. (0) ABSENT: Aaron, Olson, Patterson. 13) EVERGREEN SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - BLOOMFIELD lOWNSHIP TRUNK ARMS - STATE TWO AND STATE TARE CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into as OT-Wi.—Tirst day of August, 1976. hyond between the COUNTY OF OAKLAND. a county corporation in the State of Michigan (hereinafter ,mmetlmes referre to as the 'toontY"), by and through its Drain Commissioner, Count y Agency, party of the first part. and the TOWNSHIP OF BLOONFIELD, a township corporation in said county and state (hereinafter sOnclit referred to as the "township"), party of the second part. CommIssloners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 WITNESSET H: WHEAEAS the Oakland County Board of Supervisors by Resolution, Misc. No. 3269, adopted on August 12, 1957, as amended by Resolution, Miscellaneous No. 3435, adopted on October 13, 1958, did approve of establishment of the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System to serve the Evergreen Sewage Disposal District within which district Iles part of the Township of Bloomfield; and WHEREAS pursuant to the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System Agreement, dated November 10. 1958, as amended by amendatory agreements dated December 22, 1958 and February 9, 1959, ell between the County of Oakland and the Cities of Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills, Lathrup Village, Troy and Southfield. the Village of Westwood (now Beverly Hills) and the Townships of Bloomfield and Pontiac, municipal corporations In said County of Oakland, the said county, acting through its Department ot Public Works did acquire the original Evergreen Sewage Disposal System and did Finance such acquisition by the Issuance of bonds in anticipation of payments to be made by said municipal corporations to the county in accordance with the provisions of said Agreement. as amended (herein eaferred to as the "Base Agreement.); and WHEREAS the county and the township nave heretoiore agreed to extend said Evergreen Sewage Disposal System by construction of the so called Bloomfield Township TrunF Arms - Stag.. One In said Township of Bloomfield under the provisions of Act Nu. 185 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1951. as amended, for the purpose of collecting and disposing of sewage originating within that part of the said district located In said township, and to issue bonds to finance said illoomlield Township Truok Arms - Stag, One in anticipation of the collection by the county of amounts tu become die under a Contract between Use LOUnly and the township. parties hereto dated as of March 1, 196/ and amended as of August 1, 1968, whereby the township agreed to pay the entire cost of said Bloomfield Township Trunk Arms Stage One in installments; and WHEREAS the county and the township have heretofore agreed to use cash to finance Blomnfield Township Trunk Arms - Stage Two under a contract between the county arid the township, parties hereto, dated March I, 1974, but salcl contract has never been carried out and will be heleby cancelled as to Stage Iwo; and WHEREAS it is now desired to extend said Evergreen Sewage Disposal System by construction of the so-called Bloomfield Township Trunk Arms - Stage Two and Stage Three In said Township of Oloomfield under the provisions of Act No. 342 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1939, as amended, for the purpose of collecting and disposing of sewage originating within that part of the said district located in said township, and to issue bonds to finance both Stage Two and Stage Three, in anticipation of the collection by the county of amounts to become due under this agreement between the county and the township parties hereto, whereby the township agrees to pay the entire cost of both Stage Two and Stage Three; and WHEREAS pursuant To Act No. 342, Pohl lc Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended (hereinafter sometimes referred to as "Act 342'9, the Board of Commissioners of the county has heretofore, by majority vote of its members-elect, authorized and directed that there be established a county system of sewage disposal improvements and services to serve the towiship, said system to be known as "Evergreen Sewage Disposal System - Bloomfield Township Trunk Arms - Stage Twu and Stage Three" (here- inafter 50MietiMeS referred tu as the 'County system" or as the "system"), and has Oeslcnated the Oakland County Brain Commissioner as the County Agency for the system with all powers and duties with respect thereto as are provided by Act 342 (said Drain Commissioner being hereioafter sometimes referred to as the “County Agency'); and WHEREAS under and subject to the terms of Act 342, the County Is authorized, through the County Agency, to acquire and construct the sewage disposal improvements and facilities hereinafter described as constituting the county system, the county and the township are authorized to enter into a contract, as hereinafter provided. for the acquisition and construction of the system by the county and for financing all or part of the cost thereof by the issuance of bonds by the county secured by the pledge Of the full faith and credit of the township CO pay such cost with interest to the County In installments extending over a period not exceeding forty (40) years, and the county is authorized to issue such bonds and, if authorized by majority vote of the members-elect of its Board of Commis- sioners, to pledge its full faith and credit for the payment of such bonds and the interest thereon; and WHEREAS the township is in urgent need of such sewage disposal imProvements and facilities to provide the means of collecting and disposing of sanitary sewage of the township, in order to abate pollution of the waters of the tow-'hip and thus to promote the health and welfare of the residents thereof, which improvements and facilities would likewise benefit the county and its residents, and the parties hereto have concluded that such improvements and facilities can be most economically and efficiently provided and financed by the county through the exercise of the powers confeired by Act 342, and especially Sections Sa. Sb and Sc thereof; and WHEREAS the County Agency has obtained preliminary plans for the county system and also an estimate of 51,200,000 as the total cost of the system and an estimate of forty (40) years and upward as the period of usefulness thereof, all of which have been prepared by Hubbell. Roth t Clark, Inc. (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "consulting engineers") and have been submitted to and approved by the Board of Commissioners of the county and the Township Board of the township and placeri on file in the office of the County Agency, said estimates being set forth In Exhibit B hereunto attached; and WHEREAS In order to provide for the acquisition and construction of the system by the count, and the financing of the cost thereof by the issuance of county bonds, and for other related matters, it is necessary for the parties hereto to enter into this contract. 428 429 Comalssioners Minute, Continued. August 19• 1926 THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PREMISES AND THE COVENANTS OF EACH OTHER, THE PARTIr, HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: I. The parties hereto do hereby approve and agree to the establishment, acquisition, construction and financing of the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System - Bloomfield Township Trunk Arms - Stage Two and Singe Three, as herein provided, under and pursuant to Act 30_ The township by way of compliance with Section 29, Article VII, Michigan Constitution of 1963, consents and agrees to the establishment and location of the system within its corporate boundaries and to the use by the county of its streets, highways, alleys, lands, rights-of-way or other public places for the purpose and facilities of the system and any improvements, enlargements or extensions thereof, and the township Further agrees that, in order to evidence and effectuate the foregoing aoreement and consent. It will execute and deliver to the county sorb grants of easement, right-of-way, lirense, orrmil or con ,eoi as may be requested by the county. 2. the Evergreen Sewage Disposal Syste. - HI merfield Tnwnshrp Trunk Arms - 1.0 and Stage Three shall consist of the sewage disposal Loilii.es shiaiyn iri .kibit A whi,h IN [retrofit. attached and which is hereby made a part hereof. and as are more particularly set lorth in the roe I i mr nary plans which have been prepared and submitted by the consulting engineers, which plans or, on file with the County Agency and are hereby approved and adopted. The system shall be acquired and constructed substantially in Accordance with the said preliminary plans and in accordance with final plans and specifivations in be prepaved and submitted by the consulting engineers, but variation, therefrnor uhich do nor materially change the Iricarlon, capacity or overall teaiiin of the system, and which du nut reg.., an increase in the total estimated cost of the system, may be permitted on thy authority of the County Agency. Other variations or changes may be rode if approved by the County Agency And by resolution of the township Board and if proyiSions requited by Paragraph 8 hereof are made for payment or financing of any lysulting increase in the total estimated cost. Ti..' estimary of cost of the system and the estimate of period at usefulness thereof as set totth in Exhibit B 41e likewise hereby approved and adopted. I. the County Agency shall take or cause lo he taken all actions regoired icr necessary. in accordance with Act 342, lo procure the issuance and sale ol hoods by the CnunlY, in nne or ner le,, in whatever aggregate principal amount is necessary to b.. so financed to actual, the total tnst "I ;he county system which is in excess of foods available Irnivolher sources Such torrid', shall Ist, issued in anticipation of, end be payable primarily from, the payments to be node by the township to lhy county as provided in this contract, and shall be secured secondarily, il Sc voted by the Board ol Commissioners of the county, by the pledge of the full faith and credit of the COUray, and the said bonds shall be payable in annual maturities the last of which shall be nnt more than forty years from the date thereof. 4. The County Agency shall proceed to cake construction bids tot the system and, subject to the sale and delivery of said bonds, enter into construction contracts with the lowest responsible bidder or bidders, procure from the contractors all necessary and proper bonds, cause llmi system to be constructed within a reasonable Limy, and do all other thing% required by this contract and the laws of the State of Michigan. All certificates for required payments to contractors shall be approved by the consulting engineers before presentation to the County Agency and the latter shall be entitled to rely on such approval in making payment the county heorby agrees that it will secure, or cause lo be secured, and maintained Outing the period et construcloon adequate property damage and public liability insurance covering all facilities to be constructed pursuant to this contra I. All pnlicies and memorandums ol insurance shall provide that the county mod the township shall hi insured partly, thereunder and shall ronlain a provision requiring that the tnwnship he hotifird nt len days olio, io cancyllatkin rhenn1 One cop, of each policy mind memaandum ol insarance shall he filed will, the ttnership S. It is uodyrstrInd and arpred by the parties herein then lin. sy%Irm 14 I', seive 11W township and nor the individual propetty nwners and use,', thermal, unless hy special arranger 1 between the County Agency and the township The responsibility of eenntrInq connection In and use of the system ceder providing such additional facilltids. As May be needed. shall he that nl 144. ship which shall cause [0 be constructed and maintained, directly or theinnifi the county, any ,m11 necessary additional facilities The county shall not be obligated lo ...wire or construct any facilities other than those designated in paragraph 2 hereof. 6. The township shall pay to the county the total cost of the system (less such 1 IN as may become available from other sources), which :total cost far this purpose shall Include, In addition to the items of the nature set forth in Exhibit D (represented by the principal amount of the bonds to be Issued by the county plus such funds as may becrxee available from other Sources), all interest payable by the county on said bonds and all paying agent fees and other expenses and charges (including the County Agency's administrative expenses) which are payable on account of said bonds (such fees, expenses and charges being herein called “bond service charges.). Such payment shall be made to the county in annual installments which shall be due and payable at least thirty days prior to the day of the month specified in the county bonds as the annual principal maturity date thereof_ Such an annual installment shall be So paid in each year, if any principal and/or non-capitalixed interest on said bonds falls due during the tmelve-manth period beginning on such principal maturity date In said yeat . and the amount of each installment so due and payable shall be at least sufficient to pay all such principal and/or Interest thus fallIno dot' and all haws.' service charges then rine and payable. TN. County Agency shall within thirty days alien- delivery of Ilse county bonds In I lie pmrhasei, luini,h the Township Treasurer with a ccimplete schedule of the poincipal and Interest mAlUrilIe, there.... and It.. County Agency shall aim,. ni least thirty days before each payment Is doe to le made by the tiami,h1p. Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 430 advise the Township Treasurer of the amount payable to the county on such date. If the township fails to make any payment to the county when due, the same shall be subject to a penalty of 1% thereof for each month or fraction thereof that such amount remains unpaid after due. Failure of the ' County Agency to furnish the schedule or give the notice as above required shall not excuse the township from the obligation to make payment when due. Such payments shall be made by the township when due whether or not the system has then been completed or placed in operation. in the event that additional county bonds shall be issued under the authority of this contract, to defray a part of the cost of the system, the foregoing obligations shall apply to such part of the cost and to said additional bonds insofar as appropriate thereto. 7. The Township may pay in advance any amount payable to the county pursuant to this contract and in that event shall be credited therefor on future-due amounts as may be agreed by the parties hereto. The township may also pay in advance any one or more installments or any part thereof (a) by surrendering to the county any of said county bonds of like principal amount with all future- due coupons attached thereto, or (b) by paying to the county in cash the principal amount of any county bonds which are subject to redemption prior to maturity, plus all interest thereon to the first date upon which such bonds may be called for redemption, and plus all applicable call premiums and bond service charges, and in such event the County Agency shall call said bonds for redemption at the earliest possible date. The installments or parts thereof so prepaid shall be deemed to be the Installments or parts thereof falling due in the same calendar year as the maturity dates of the bonds surrendered or called for redemption and bonds and coupons so surrendered or redeemed shall be cancelled. B. In the event that it shall become necessary to increase the estimated cost of the system as hereinbefore stated, or if the actual cost of the system shall exceed the estimated cost, Whether as the result of variations or changes permitted to be made in the approved plans or otherwise, then (without execution of any further contract or amendment of this contract) the Township Board may, by resolution adopted within fifteen days after the receipt of construction bids, direct that a portion of the system be deleted sufficient to reduce the total cost to an amount which shall not exceed the total estimated cost as hereinbefore stated by more than 5%, provided that such deletion shall not materially change the general scope, overall design, and purpose of the system, or in the absence of the adoption of such a resolution the township shall pay or procure the payment of the increase or excess in cash, or county bonds in an increased or additional amount shall (upon adoption of an authorizing resolution therefor by the Board of Commissioners) be issued to defray such Increased or excess cost, to the extent that funds therefor are not available from other sources: Provided, however, that no such increase or excess shall be approved and no such increased or additional county bonds shall be authorized to be issued, nor shall the county enter into any contract for acquisition or construction of the system or any part thereof or incur any obligation for or pay any item of cost therefor, where the effect thereof would be to cause the total cost of the system to exceed by more than 5% Its total estimated cost as hereinbefore stated, unless the Township Board shall have previously adopted a resolution approving such increase or excess and agreeing that the same ( or such part thereof as is not available from other sources) shall be paid or its payment procured by the township in cash or be defrayed by the issuance of increased or additional county bonds in antici- pation of increased or additional payments agreed to be made by the township to the county in the manner hereinbefore provided: Provided, further, that the adoption of such resolution by the Town- ship Board shall not be required prior to or as a condition precedent to the issuance of additional bonds by the county, if the county has previously issued or contracted to sell bonds to pay all or part of the cost of the project and the issuance of the additional bonds is necessary (as determined by the county) to pay such increased, additional or excess costs as are essential to completion of the project according to the plans as last approved prior to the time when the previous bonds were issued or contracted to be sold. 9. In the event that the actual cost of the system is less than the total estimated cost, then any surplus available to the county from the sale of county bonds shall, at the option of the Township Board, be used either to improve, enlarge or extend the system or the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System, or to apply upon future payments due to the county, or to redeem bonds or to purchase the same on the open market, provided that such surplus shall be used to improve, enlarge or extend the system only if authorized by the Board of Commissioners. Any such surplus may, for the purpose of improving, enlarging or extend:rg the system, be supplemented by cash payments to be made by the township, or such improvements, enlargements or extensions may be financed entirely from such cash payments, where authorized by the Township Board. Where any such surplus is used to redeem or purchase bonds, the same shall be cancelled, and the payments thereafter required to be made by the township to the county shall be reduced so as to reflect the resulting saving of interest and the payment required to be made in the calendar year of the stated maturity of said bonds shall be reduced by the principal amount thereof. 10. Should the township fail for any reason to pay the county at the times specified, the amounts herein required to be paid, the township does hereby authorize the State Treasurer or other official charged with the disbursement of unrestricted state funds returnable to the township pur- suant to the Michigan constitution to withhold sufficient funds to make up any default or deficiency in funds. If the full faith and credit of the county is pledged for the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds to be issued by the county and if the county is required to advance any money by reason of such pledge on account of the delinquency of the township, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to notify the State Treasurer to deduct the amount of money so advanced by the county from any unrestricted moneys in the State Treasurer's possession belonging to the 431 Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 township and to pay such amount to the county. The foregoing shall not operate to limit the county's right to pursue any other legal remedies for the reimbursement of moneys advanced on account of the default of the township. 11. The township, pursuant to the authorization of Section 5a of Act No. 342, does hereby pledge its full faith and credit for the prompt and timely payment of its obligations expressed in this contract and shall each year levy a tax in an amount which, taking into consideration estimated delinquencies in tax collections, will be sufficient to pay its obligations under this contract becoming due before the time of the following year's tax collections: Provided, however, that if at the time of making its annual tax levy, the township shall have on hand in cash other funds which have been set aside and pledged or are otherwise available for the payment of such contractual obligations falling due prior to the time of the next tax collection, then the annual tax levy may be reduced by such amount. The Township Board shall each year, at least 90 days prior to the final date provided by law for the making of the annual township tax levy, submit to the County Agency a written statement setting forth the amount of its obligations to the county which become due and payable under this contract prior to the time of the next following year's tax collections, the amount of the funds which the township has or will have on hand or to its credit in the hands of the county which have been set aside and pledged for payment of said obligations to the county, and the amount of the town- ship taxes next proposed to be levied for the purpose of raising money to meet such obligations. The County Agency shall promptly review such statement and, if he finds that the proposed township tax levy is insufficient, he shall so notify the Township Board, and the township hereby covenants and agrees that it will thereupon increase its levy to such extent as may be required by the County Agency. 12. No change in the jurisdiction over any territory in the township shall in any manner impair the obligations of this contract or affect the obligations of the township hereunder. In the event that all or any part of the territory of the township is incorporated as a new city or village or is annexed to or becomes a part of the territory of another municipality, the municipality into which such territory is incorporated or to which such territory is annexed shall assume the proper proportionate share of the contractual obligations (including the pledge of full faith and credit) of the township, which proper proportionate share shall be fixed and determined by the County Agency and shall be binding upon all parties concerned unless, within sixty (60) days after such incorporation or annexation becomes effective, the governing body of the municipality into which such territory is incorporated or to which such territory is annexed and the Township Board shall by mutual agreement and with the written approval of the County Agency fix and determine such proper proportionate share. The County Agency shall, prior to making such determination, receive a written recommendation as to the proper proportionate share from a committee composed of one representative designated by the Town- ship Board of the township, one designated by the governing body of the new municipality or the municipality annexing such territory, and one independent registered engineer appointed by the County Agency. Each governmental unit shall appoint is representative within fifteen (15) days after being notified to do so by the County Agency and within a like time the County Agency shall appoint the engineer third member. If any such representative (other than the appointee of the County Agency) Is not appointed within the time above provided, then the County Agency may proceed without said recommendation. If the committee shall not make the recommendation within forty-five (45) days after its appointment or with any extension thereof by the County Agency, then the County Agency may proceed without such recommendation. 13. This contract is contingent upon the county issuing its negotiable bonds as herein provided, to defray such part of the total estimated cost of the system as is necessary to be financed, which bonds shall be issued under the authorization provided in Section 5a, 5b and 5c of said Act 342. Interest on the bonds shall be capitalized and paid from the bond proceeds for a period not exceeding the estimated construction period and one year thereafter. In the event that the bonds are not issued within three years from the date of this contract, then unless extended by mutual agreement it shall become null and void, except that the township shall pay all engineering, legal and other costs and expenses theretofore incurred and shall be entitled to all plans, specifications and other engineetind data and materials. 14. Upon completion of the system the county does hereby lease thy some to the township to operate and maintain the same upon the following terms and conditions: (a) The system shall be used only to serve area in the municipality. (b) The township shall maintain the system in good condition. (c) The township and the county shall not permit the discharge into the system of any storm water. (d) The township shall appropriate in each year such sums as shall be sufficient at least to pay the cost of operating and maintaining the system, and to establish a fund for replacements, improvements, and major maintenance of the system. In addition, the township may make and collect such service charges, connection charges or special assessments to individual users as shall be deemed desirable to help to pay the operating costs of the township and to provide such other funds for sewage disposal purposes as are deemed desirable. The township shall enforce prompt payment of all Such charges and assessments as the same shall become due. The township hereby accepts the lease of the system upon the terms and conditions herein set forth. It is further agreed with respect to the system that at all times during the operation there- of by the township, as lessee, that it will obtain and maintain in effect adequate property damage, public liability and workmen's compensation insurance covering all facilities leased to the township under any contract with the county now or hereafter in effect, All policies and memorandums of Insurance shall provide that the county and the township shall be insured parties thereunder and shall contain a provision requiring that the county be notified at least ten days prior to cancellation Commissioners Minutes Continuer,. 41tust 19, 1976 432 thereof. One copy of cacti pol us and memorandum of insurance shail be Filed with the County Agency. 15. The county shall have no obligation or responsibility for providing sewers or sewage disposal facilities except as aerein exnressly provided with respect to the acquisition of the system Or as otherwise provided by contract. Thu township shall have the authority and the responsibility to provide such other facilities and shall have the night to expand the facilities of the system by constructing or extending sewers on related facilities, connecting the same to the system, and other- wise improving the system. IL is expressly agreed, nevertheless, that no such connection (other than individual tap-ins) shell be made to the system and no improvement, enlargements or extensions thereof shall be made without Fi -st securing a permit therefor from the County Agency. Any such permit may be made conditional upon inspection and approval of new construction by the County Agency. It is further agreed that the system shall be used fol collection and conveyance of sanitary sewage only and that the township shall take all necessary action to prevent entry into the system of storm waters and also to prevent entry of sewage on wastes of such a character as to he injurious to the system or to the public health and safety. 16. All powers, duties and functions vested by this contract in the county shall be exercised and performed by the County Agency, for and on behalf of the county, unless otherwise pro- vided by law or in this contract, 17. The parties hereto recognize that the holders from time to time of the bonds to be issued by the County under the previsions of Act 342, and secured by the full faith and credit pledge of the township to the making of its payments as set forth in this contract, will have contractual rights in this contract, and it is therefore covenanted and agreed that so long as any of said bonds shall remain outstanding and unpaid, the provisions of this contract shall not be subject to any alteration or revision which would in any manner adversely affect either the security of the bonds or the prompt payment of principal or interest thereon. The right to make changes in this contract, by amendment, supplemental contract or otherwise, is nevertheless reserved insofar as the same do not have such adverse effect. The parties hereto further covenant and agree that they will each comply with their respective duties and obligations under the terms of this contract promptly, at the times and in the manner herein set forth, and will not suffer to be done any act which would in any way impair the contract of said bonds, the security therefor, or the prompt payment of principal and interest thereon. It is hereby declared that the terms of this contract and of any amendatory or supplemental contract and any contract entered into pursuant hereto, insofar as they pertain to said bonds or to the payment of the security thereof, shall be deemed to be for the benefit of the holders of said bonds. 18. In the event that any one or more of the provisions of this contract shall for any reason be held to be invalid. illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provisisons hereof., but this contract shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision has never been contained herein. 19. This contract shall become effective upon its execution by each party hereto and the expiration of 45 days after the date of publication of the notice required by Section 5h of Act 342; Provided, however, that if, within the 45 day period, a proper petition is filed with the Township Clerk of the Township of Bloomfieid in accordance with the provisions of said Section 511 of Act 342 then this contract shall not become effective until approved by the vote of a majority nf the electors of the township qualified to vote and voting thereon at a general or special election. This contract shall terminate forty (40) years from the date hereof or on such earlier date as shall be mutually agreed: Provided, however, that it shall not be terminated at any time prior to the payment in full of the principal of and interest on the county bonds together with all bond service charges pertaining to said bonds. This contract may be executed in several counterparts. The provisions of this contract shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF : the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed and delivered by the undersigned,being duly authorized by the respective governing bodies of such parties, all as of the day and year first above written. TOWNSHIP OF BLOOMFIELD COUNTY OF OAKLAND By By Supervisor Count? Drain Connissioner (County Agency) By Township Clerk •- / 71{ • St. - li 1i ;111 • ...au,. 41. _ 433 Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 • •• • ,"•/ •#,‘,...% • - ,•, _ _ • - .. ,• - 1,-, ,..„_. • 7... i --:....-- • •-...r-,w, % ;--....." \'....... ..-.1.#1-Lnrr '..n.frn• . ... !.I... r. , ..,,,......\:c t 1,....,....— .,.. J.:1', ,:..•-,... ..i...,-... : -..4 ;'1...c, 1.6.eff'.:4.k4-"•9',': ..• "\ .**'." ' < I . ..i%j..9‘(<-_i\ : ;" ;.'",4/\•n ICi 7: ..''' ; ; 1 ::•?-2994,,,-.. II i'r : (.9"'...: Lt 1{. { ' • I. . ire-4; .1-...,. • in 1 ...... 7 --.." e 1 i;ir L1-.1 1 r-, _,„..,__, ...__ ,_, • •,...,, 1,,.....,„.._ ,f ..,...., .1 , .,.,..„....__,L. ...__..._,„._______.i......,____„,____ _,.._ ,..7/2-.. ,.0:%-t. -.., 1 ' =;i : 1:.`..:1.1 1 C. 1—I.-L.:I::: 4 - '1- ,s`-'71,,'.. .2-"'. 7',. {{'''', -.'1--,-.1{-'• .1",-' .4. 1-1.....-.0. 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EVERGREEN SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP TRUNK ARMS STAGE TWO AND STAGE THREE JULY 6, 1976 EXHIBIT ‘A" Project Administration Inspection Easement Acquisition Act 347 Permit Financial Consultant Bond Counsel Bond Prospectus Bond Printing Publishing Oakland Press Michigan Contractor & Builder Bond Buyer Local Publication 400.00 100.00 700.00 250.00 Contingency 1,450.00 122 540.19 Sub-Total Capitalized Interest (8% for 12 reirniths) Total Estimated Project Cost $1,564,000.00 136 000..00 = $1,700,000.00 Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 197b BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP TRUNK ARMS - Stage Two and Stage Three Estimate of Cost July 6, 1976 @$ 122 L. F. 16 " Pile Supported Sewer 80,.L.F. 16" D.I. Sewer 14,637 L.F. 15 " Sewer 4,014 L.F. 12 " Sewer 2,111 L.F. 10 " Sewer 3,742 L.F. 6" Houselead & Riser 293 L.F. 6" D.I. Porcemain 43 L.F. Bore & Jack Casing for 16" Sewer 95 L.P. Bore & Jack Casing for 10 " Sewer 100 Ea. Standard N:anhcles 1 Ea. Tap to Existing M.D. 2 Ea. Tap to Exisling Wet Well I Ea. Pumping Station 1,040 L.P. 8" D.I. Wd termain &Appurtenances Total Construction Cost Engineering Consulting Engineer (Cosign) Consulting Engineer (Staking & Layout) Soil & Material Testirg Soil Borings 65.00 50.00 45.00 40.00 30.00 15.00 12.00 110.00 105.00 @ 850.00 @ 1,000.00 @ 1,000.00 @ 60,000.00 • 20.00 $92,749.57 17,064.54 2,500.00 9000.00 $ 7,930.00 4,000.00 658,665.00 160,560.00 63,330.00 56,130.00 3,516.00 4,730.00 9,975.00 85,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 60,000.00 20 0(10.0(1 $1,137,636.00 121,314.13 34,667.26 45,505.44 80,000.00 7,200.00 8,250.00 3,000.00 500.00 I hereby estimate the period of usefulness to be forty (40) years and upwards. of this facility HUBBELL, ROTH & CLARK, INC. 10 A ) ?;;/.1 _AA James R. Foley-- P.E. 118377 --' Revised Exhibit "13" By 435 Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7660 Recommended by County Drain Commissioner as County Agency RE: EVERGREEN SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP TRUNK ARMS - STAGE TWO AND STAGE THREE Submitted by Mr. Daly BOND RESOLUTION Mr. Daly offered the following resolution which is approved by the County Agency and the Planning and Building Committee. WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners (formerly Supervisors), by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 3269, adopted August 12, 1957, as amended by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 3435, adopted October 13, 1958, did approve of the establishment of a sewage disposal system to be known as the "Evergreen Sewage Disposal System" for the purpose of disposing of sanitary sewage from the Evergreen Sewage Disposal District, within which district lies part of the Township of Bloomfield; and WHEREAS pursuant to Board of Commissioners Resolution Miscellaneous No. 7660, heretofore adopted, and pursuant to a resolution adopted by the governing body of the Township of Bloomfield, the County of Oakland and the said Township entered into a Contract dated as of August 1, 1976, whereby the County agreed to construct and finance said Bloomfield Township Trunk Arms - Stage Two and Stage Three in the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System and the Township agreed to pay the total cost thereof, based upon an estimated cost of $1,700,000 and as represented by the amount of bonds issued by the county to finance said Trunk Arms, which said Contract is set forth in full in said resolution of this Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS construction plans and specifications for the Bloomfield Township Trunk Arms - Stage Two and Stage Three in the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System as prepared by Hubbell, Roth & Clerk, Inc., registered professional engineers, and an estimate of $1,700,000 as the cost of said Trunk Arms and an estimate of forty (40) years and upwards as the period of usefulness thereof, as prepared by said registered professional engineers, have been approved by the County Agency and by this Board of Commissioners of Oakland County and by the governing body of the Township of Bloomfield and WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of said Contract of August 1, 1976, the aggregate amounts of the several annual installments to be paid by the Township are the same as the annual bond maturities hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS under said Contract of August 1, 1976, the said Township is to pay annually the amount of each annual installment to the County and in addition thereto is to pay semi-annually interest and paying agent fees and other bond handling costs as determined pursuant to said Agreement and WHEREAS the County is desirous of issuing bonds in anticipation of payments to be made by the said Township under said Contract of August I, 1976; and WHEREAS the County Agency has approved this resolution and recommended its adoption by the Board of Commissioners. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, as follows: I. That the bonds of said County of Oakland, aggregating the principal sum of One Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,700,000) be issued for the purpose of defraying the cost of acquiring said Bloomfield Township Trunk Arms - Stage Two and Stage Three in the Evergreen Sewage System. The said bonds shall be known as "Oakland County Sewage Disposal Bonds - Evergreen System - Bloomfield Township Trunk Arms - Stage Two and Stage Three"; shall be dated September 1, 1976: shall be numbered consecutively in the direct order of their maturities from 1 upwards; shall be in the denomination of 55,000 each; shall bear interest at a rate or rates to be hereafter determined not exceeding ten percent (10%) per annum, payable on May I, 1977 and semi-annually thereafter on the first days of May and November in each year; and shall mature on the first day of May in each year as follows: 1979 - $25,000 1985 - $25,000 1991 - $50,000 1997 - $100,000 2003 - $100,000 1980 - 25,000 1986 - 25,000 1992 - 50,000 1998 - 100,000 2004 - 100,000 1981 - 25,000 1987 - 50,000 1993 - 75,000 1999 - 100,000 2005 - 100,000 1982 - 25,000 1988 - 50,000 1994 - 75,000 2000 - 100,000 1983 - 25,000 1989 - 50,000 1995 - 75,000 2001 - 100,000 1984 - 25,000 1990 - 50,000 1j96 - 75,000 2002 - 100,000 Bonds maturing on or after May I, 1991 shall be subject to redemption in whole or in part, at the option of the County, prior to maturity, on any interest payment date on or after May 1, 1990. Bonds called for redemption shall be redeemed at the par value thereof and accrued interest plus a premium on each bond computed as a percentage of the face amount thereof in accordance with the following schedule: 3% if called to be redeemed on or after May 1, 1990, but prior to May I, 1995 2% if called to be redeemed on or after May 1, 1995, but prior to May I, 2000 I% if called to be redeemed on or after May 1, 2000, but prior to maturity. Notice of redemption shall be given to the holders of the bonds to be redeemed by publication of such notice not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for redemption, at least once in a newspaper or publication circulated in the State of Michigan, which carries as a part of its regular service, notices of the sale of municipal bonds. If less than the whole of outstanding bonds is to be redeemed, the county shall choose and shall specify, by number and maturity, the bonds to be redeemed on the date specified in the notice to be published. Bonds so called for redemption shall not bear interest after the date fixed for redemption, provided funds are on hand with the paying Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 436 agent to redeem the same. Bone-. maturing prior to the year 1991 shall not be subject to redemption prior to maturity. All bonds shall have proper coupons attached thereto evidencing interest to their respective dates of maturity. 2. That the principal of said bonds and the interest thereon shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America, at such bank and/or trust company located in Michigan which qualifies as a paying agent under Federal or Michigan law and which shall be designated by the original purchaser of the bonds. Such purchaser shall have the right to name a similarly qualified co-paying agent located any where. 3. That the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners and the County Clerk of the County of Oakland are hereby authorized and directed to execute said bonds for and on behalf of the said County and to affix the seal of said County thereto, and to execute the interest coupons to be attached to said bonds by causing to be affixed thereto their facsimile signatures; and that upon the execution of said bonds and attached coupons, the same shall be delivered to the Treasurer of said County who is hereby authorized and directed to deliver said bonds and attached coupons to the purchaser thereof upon receipt of the purchase price therefor. 4. That the said bonds are to be issued pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 342 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1939, as amended, in anticipation of the payments to become due to the County from the Township of Bloomfield under said Contract of August I, 1976, which payments are in the principal amount of the bonds with interest thereon as therein provided. As provided in said Act No. 342, the full faith and credit of the Township of Bloomfield is pledged to the making of the said payments when due, and in addition there is hereby pledged, as authorized in said Act No. 342, the full faith and credit of the County of Oakland to the payment of the bonds, both principal and interest, when due. 5. That all moneys paid to the County by the Township of Bloomfield pursuant to said Contract of August 1, 1976, shall be set aside by the County Treasurer in a separate fund and bank account to be used solely for the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds herein authorized. Interest payable on the bonds on May 1, and November I, 1977 and May 1, 1978, is capi- talized and is payable from the proceeds of said bonds. 6. That said bonds and attached coupons shall be substantially in the following form: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND OAKLAND COUNTY SEWAGE DISPOSAL BOND - EVERGREEN SYSTEM - BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP TRUNK ARMS - STAGE TWO AND STAGE THREE Number $5,000 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the County of Oakland, Michigan, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received, promises to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS on the first day of May, A.D. 19 , together with interest thereon from the date hereof until paid, at the rate of f ) per centum per annum, payable May 1, 1977 and thereafter semi-annually on the first days of May and November in each year. Both principal and interest hereof are payable in lawful money of the United States of America at , in the City of , upon presentation and surrender of this bond and the coupons hereto attached as they severally mature. This bond is one of a series of bonds of like date and tenor except as to maturity , numbered consecutively in the direct order of their maturities from 177715, both inclusive, aggregating the principal sum of One Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,700,000), issued under and pursuant to and in full conformity with the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Michigan, and especially Act No. 342 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1939, as amended, for the purpose of defraying the cost of the Bloomfield Township Trunk Arms - Stage Two and Stage Three in the Evergreen System. Bonds of this series maturing prior to May 1, 1991 are not subject to redemption prior to maturity. Bonds maturing on or after May 1, 1991 shall be subject to redemption as a whole or in part, at the option of the County p-ior to maturity on any interest payment date on or after May 1, 1990. Bonds called for redemption shall be redeemed at the par value thereof and accrued interest plus a premium on each bond computed 35 a percentage of the face amount thereof in accordance with the following schedule: 3% if called to be redeemed on or after May 1, 1990, but prior to May 1, 1995 2% if called to be redeemed on or after May 1, 1995, but prior to May 1, 2000 1% if called to be redeemed on or after May 1, 2000, but prior to maturity. Notice of redemption shall be given to the holders of bonds called for redemption by publication of such notice not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for redemption, at least once in a newspaper or publication circulated in the State of Michigan, which carries as a part of its regular service, notices of the sale of municipal bonds. If less than the whole of outstanding bonds is to be redeemed, the county shall choose and shall specify, by number and maturity, the bonds to be re- deemed on the date specified in the notice to be published. Bonds so called for redemption shall not bear interest after the date fixed For redemption, provided funds are on hand with the paying agent to redeem the same. This bond as to both principal and interest, is payable from moneys to be paid to the County of Oakland by the Township of Bloomfield pursuant to a certain Contract, dated August 1, 1976, between the County of Oakland and said Township whereby the said Township agrees to pay to the said County the cost of said Bloomfield Township Trunk Arms - Stage Two and Stage Three in the Evergreen Sewage 437 Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 Disposal System in annual installments in the same amounts as the annual maturities of the bonds of this issue and semi-annually to pay the amount of the interest and bond handling charges such payments to be made at least thirty (30) days prior to the respective due dates specified in this bond. The full faith and credit of said Township is pledged for the prompt payment of its obligation pursuant to said contract, and in addition, by affirmative vote of a majority of the members elect of its Board of Commissioners, the full faith and credit of the County of Oakland is pledged to the payment of this bond, principal and interest, when due. It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all acts, conditions and things required to exist, happen and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of the bonds of this series, existed, have happened and have been performed in due time, form and manner as required by the Consti- tution and Statutes of the State of Michigan, and that the total indebtedness of said county, including this series of bonds, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County of Oakland, Michigan, by its Board of Commissioners, has caused this bond to be signed in its name by the Chairman of said Board of Commissioners and by the County Clerk of the County, and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto, and has caused the annexed interest coupons to be executed with the facsimile signatures of said Chairman and County Clerk all as of the first day of September, A.D. 1976. COUNTY OF OAKLAND, MICHIGAN By Chairman of its Board of Commissioners By Its County Clerk (SEAL) (COUPON) Number On the 1st day of • A.D. 19 , the County of Oakland, Michigan, will pay to the bearer hereof the sum shown hereon in lawful money of the United States of America at the , in the City of , same being the interest due on that day on its Oakland County Sewage Disposal Bond - Evergreen System - Bloomfield Township Trunk Arms - Stage Two and Stage Three, dated September 1, 1976, No. (FACSIMILE) (FACIMILE) County Clerk Chairman of the Board of Commissioners 7. That the said bonds shall not be issued until the Municipal Finance Commission of the State of Michigan shall have first issued its order granting permission to so do, as provided in Act No. 202 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1943, as amended, and the County Agency is hereby authorized and directed to make application to said Commission for the issuance of such order. 8. The County Agency is hereby authorized to sell said bonds at not less than par and accrued interest in accordance with the laws of this state and to do all things necessary to effect the sale and issuance of said bonds, subject to the provisions of this resolution. 9. All resolutions and parts of resolutions, insofar as the same may be in conflict here- with, are hereby rescinded. 10. That sealed proposals for the purchase of $1,700,000 of Oakland County Sewage Disposal Bonds - Evergreen System - Bloomfield Township Trunk Arms - Stage Two and Stage Three to be dated September I, 1976, be received up to a time to be later determined by the County Agency, and that notice thereof be published in accordance with law in the Bond Buyer and in the Oakland Press, which notice shall be substantially in the following form: OFFICIAL NOTICE OF SALE $1,700,000 County of Oakland, State of Michigan OAKLAND COUNTY SEWAGE DISPOSAL BONDS - EVERGREEN SYSTEM - BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP TRUNK ARMS - STAGE TWO AND STAGE THREE SEALED BIDS for the purchase of the above bonds will be received by the undersigned at the office of the Oakland County Board of Public Works located at 1 Public Works Drive, Waterford Township, Pontiac, Michigan, on , the day of . 1976, until o'clock .M. Eastern Daylight Time, at which time and piace said bids will be publicly opened and read. _ BOND DETAILS: Said bonds will be coupon bonds of the denomination of $5,000 each, dated September I, 1976, numbered in direct order of maturity from 1 upwards and will bear interest from their date payable on May 1, 1977, and semi-annually thereafter. Said bonds will mature on the 1st day of May, as follows: 1979 - $25,000 1985 - $25,000 1991 - $50,000 1997 - $100,000 2003 - $100,000 1980 - 25,000 1986 - 25,000 1992 - 50,000 1998 - 100,000 2004 - 100,000 1981 - 25,000 1987 - 50,000 1993 - 75,000 1999 - 100,000 2005 - 100,000 1982 - 25,000 1988 - 50,000 1994 - 75,000 2000 - 100,000 1983 - 25,000 1989 - 50,000 1995 - 75,000 2001 - 100,000 1984 - 25,000 1990 - 50,000 1996 - 75,000 2002 - 100,000 PRIOR REDEMPTION: Bonds maturing on and after May 1, 1991, shall be subject to redemption prior to maturity, at the option of the County, in whole or in part, on any one or more interest payment dates on or after May 1, 1990, at par and accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption, plus a premium as follows: Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 438 3Z, of the par value of each bond called for redemption on or after May 1, 1990, but prior to May 1, 1995 2% of the par value of each bond called for redemption on or after May 1, 1995, but prior to May 1, 2000 1% of the par value of each bond called for redemption on or after May 1, 2000, but prior to maturity. Thirty days notice of redemption shall be given by publication, at least once in a news- paper or publication circulated in the State of Michigan, which carries as a part of its regular service, notices of the sale of municipal bonds. If less than the whole of outstanding bonds is to be redeemed, the county shall choose and shall specify, by number and maturity, the bonds to he re- deemed on the date specified in the notice to be published. Bonds called for redemption shall not bear interest after the redemption date, provided funds are on hand with the paying agent to redeem the same. INTEREST RATE AND BIDDING DETAILS: The bonds shall bear interest at a rate or rates not exceeding 10% per annum, to be fixed by the bids therefor, expressed in multiples of 1/8 or 1/20 of or both. The interest on any one bond shall be at one rate only, all bonds maturinu in any one year must carry the same interest rate and each coupon period shall be represented by one interest coupon. The difference between the highest and the lowest rate of interest borne by any of said bonds shall not exceed two percentage points. No proposal for the purchase of less than all of the bonds or at a price less than 1001: of their par value will be considered. PAYING AGENT: Both principal and interest shall be payable at a bank or trust company located in Michigan qualified to act as paying agent under State or United States law, to be designated by the original purchaser of the bonds, which shall be subject to approval of the undersigned. A co- paying agent similarly qualified and located anywhere may also be so designated. PURPOSE AND SECURITY: The bonds are to be issued pursuant to the provisions of Act 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, to defray the cost of acquiring and constructing the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System - Bloomfield Township Trunk Arms - Stage Two and Stage Three, con- sisting of sewage collection, transmission and disposal facilities to serve the Township of Bloomfield. The bonds are to be issued in anticipation of, and are primarily payable from, payments to be made by the Township of Bloomfield pursuant to a certain Contract dated August I, 1976, between the County of Oakland and the Township of Bloomfield wherein said Township of Bloomfield agrees to pay to the County of Oakland the cost of said Trunk Arms in installments equal to the annual principal maturities and the semi-annual maturities of interest on the bonds of this issue. The full faith and credit of said Township of Bloomfield has been pledged for the making of said payments. FULL FAITH AND CREDIT OF COUNTY: Pursuant to resolution adopted by its Board of Commissioners the County of Oakland has pledged its full faith and credit for the payment of principal of and interest on the bonds. GOOD FAITH: A certified or cashier's check in the amount of $34,000, drawn upon an in- corporated bank or trust company and payable to the order of the Treasurer of the County must accompany each bid as a guarantee of good faith on the part of the bidder, to be forfeited as liquidated damages if such bid be accepted and the bidder fails to take up and pay for the bonds. No interest shall be allowed on the good faith checks and checks of the unsuccessful bidders will be promptly returned to each bidder's representative or by registered mail. The good faith check of the successful bidder will be immediately cashed and payment for the balance of the purchase price of the bonds shall be made at the closing. AWARD OF BONDS: The bonds will be awarded to the bidder whose bid produces the lowest interest cost computed by determining, at the rate or rates specified in the bid, the total dollar value of all interest on the bonds from , 19 to their maturity and deducting there- from any premium. CUS1P: CUSIP numbers have been applied for and will be imprinted on all bonds of this issue at the issuer's expense. An improperly imprinted number will not constitute basis for the purchaser to refuse to accept delivery. LEGAL OPINION: Bids shall be conditioned upon the unqualified approving opinion of Dickinson, Wright, McKean. Cudlip & Moon, attorneys of Detroit, Michigan, a copy of which opinion will be printed on the reverse side of each bond, and the original of which will be furnished without expense to the purchaser of the bonds at the delivery thereof. DELIVERY OF BONDS: The County will furnish bonds ready for execution at its expense. Bonds will be delivered without expense to the purchaser at New York, New York, Chica9o, Illinois or Detroit. Michigan. The usual closing documents, including a certificate that no litigation is pending affecting the issuance of the bonds, will be delivered at the time of the delivery of the bonds. If the bonds are not tendered for delivery by twelve o'clock noon, Eastern Time, on the 45th day following the date of sale, or the first business day thereafter if said 45th day is not a business day, the successful bidder may on that day, or any time thereafter until delivery of the bonds, withdraw his proposal by serving notice of cancellation, in writing, on the undersigned in which event the County shall promptly return the good faith deposit. Payment for the bonds shall be made in Federal Reserve funds. Accrued interest to the date of delivery of the bonds shall be paid by the purchaser at the time of delivery. FINANCIAL CONSULTANT: Further information with respect to said bonds may be obtained from Shannon & Co., 2012 Penobscot Building, Detroit, Michigan, 48226. Telephone " (313) 965-1855. THE RIGHT IS RESERVED TO REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS. ENVELOPES: containing the bids should be plainly marked "Proposal for Bloomfield Township Evergreen System Bonds". 439 Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 /s/ George W.Kuhn Oakland County Drain Commissioner, County Agency DATED: , 1976. APPROVED: 1 976 . STATE OF MICHIGAN MUNICIPAL FINANCE COMMISSION II. That the County Agency be and he hereby is authorized and directed to forward the foregoing notice of sale to the Municipal Finance Commission for its approval. It was moved by Mr. Daly, seconded by Mr. Gabler, that the foregoing resolution he adopted. Upon roll call the vote was as follows: AYES: Wilcox, Wilson, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons. (23) NAYS: None. (0) Mr. Daly presented the resolution by the Township of West Bloomfield mentioned in the following resolution. Misc. 7661 By Mr. Daly IN RE: WEST BLDOMFIELD WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM - SECTION 3 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Township of West Bloomfield, by resolution adopted by its Township Board on July 19, 1976, has indicated that it is in need of certain extensions to the West Bloomfield Water Supply System and has proposed that such extensions be acquired and constructed by the county and financed from surplus bond proceeds on hand; and WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners desires to proceed with the acquisition, construction and financing of said extensions, substantially as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, as provided in said contract; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, as follows: I. The resolution of the Township Board of the Township of West Bloomfield, including Exhibits "A" and "B" attached thereto, is hereby approved and adopted, and such extensions are designated "West Bloomfield Water Supply System - Section 3". 2. That this Board of Commissioners does hereby approve and authorize the transfer, pursuant to the provisions of the West Bloomfield Water Suppl y System Contract, dated as of December 1 1970, of not less than $400,000 from the surplus funds now remaining after payment of all costs incurred in acquiring Section 1 and Section 2 of the system established by said Contract dated December 1, 1970, to the payment of the cost of West Bloomfield Water Supply System - Section 3 (the "system"). 3. That the surplus funds herein authorized to be transferred shall be used by the County of Oakland through its Department of Public Works for payment of the cost of the system in accordance with the provisions of and for the purposes described in said Contract dated as of December 1, 1970. 4. That the Department of Public Works is hereby authorized to contract with Hubbell, Roth and Clark, Inc. to procure detailed plans and specifications, take construction bids, obtain soil borings, take any other actions necessary and incidental to acquisition and construction of the system, and to submit a construction contract to the Board of Commissioners for approval and execution. MR. CHAIRMAN, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman EXTENSION OF DETROIT WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN FARMINGTON AND 14 MILE ROADS TO DRAKE, AND NORTH ON DRAKE TO MUERDALE At a regular meeting of the Township Board of the Township of West Bloomfield, Oakland County, Michigan, held in the Town Hall on the 19th day of July, 1976, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., Eastern Daylight Time. PRESENT: Doherty, Dupree, Eyler, Holland, Warner, Warren, Whitmer ABSENT: None. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Whitmer and seconded by Mr. Holland: WHEREAS the Township of West Bloomfield and the County of Oakland have entered into West Bloomfield Water Supply System Contract dated as of December 1, 1970, and the County of Oakland, pursuant to said Contract, issued county bonds in the aggregate principal amount of S4,825,000 to finance the acquisition of the said West Bloomfield Water Supply System - Section I; and WHEREAS said Contract provides that surplus funds remaining after payment of all costs Incurred in acquiring said project may be used at the request of the Township and with the approval itho Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 of the Board of Commissioners to extend said System, and the Township and the County have entered into West Bloomfield Water Supply System - Section 2 Contract dated as of April 1, 1974 for the use of the amount of $818,800 of such surplus for the extension of such system designated as Section 2; and WHEREAS the Township is requesting the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to consent by resolution to an additional extension to consist of a county system of water supply facilities to serve the Township, said system to be known as the West Bloomfield Water Supply System - Section 3, as shown on Exhibit "A" hereto, to be acquired at an estimated cost not in excess of $400,000; and WHEREAS all costs incurred in acquiring said West Bloomfield Water Supply System - Section 1 and Section 2 have been paid and a surplus does now exist in an amount in excess of $400,000; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WEST BLOOMFIELD, OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, as follows: 1. That the Oakland County Board of Commissioners is hereby requested pursuant to the said Contract dated as of December 1, 1970 to transfer not less than $400,000 from the surplus funds now remaining after payment of all costs incurred in acquiring Section I and Section 2 to defray the obligation of this township, to the full extent necessary to make payment to the County to finance the cost of said Section 3, as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2. That the Township Board also hereby approves the preliminary plans for said Section 3, and the estimates of $400,000 as the cost thereof as attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and 40 years And upwards as the period of usefulness thereof, as prepared and submitted by the consulting engineers. 3. That the County of Oakland is hereby requested to extend the West Bloomfield Water Supply System by acquisition and construction of said Section 3 to serve areas in the Township of West Bloomfield, and to finance the acquisition of such extensions by use of the surplus as described above. ADOPTED: YEAS: Doherty, Dupree, Eyler, Holland, Warner, Warren, Whitmer NAYS: None. x 441 Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 "S( td4.L 141.4 , ill EST BLOOMFIELD TOWNS'T IV eummunewesi,,orm.......ruroronrembr...., Vit/1 L' I MY OF FARMINGTON HE 1 1', 1 i . 1 WEST BLOOMFIELD WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM SECTION 1E EXHIBIT HA" !• .1 " I w•I •.r.1 Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 July 6, 1976 wEn BLOOMFIELD WATI:12 SUPPLY -‘17 .1'1.:1%.4 SECTION. III Estimate of Cost 7,700 L. F. 16" Wateirrain Eps 25.00 = $192,500.ou 100 L.F. 8" Watermain @ 20.00 = 2,000.00 8 Ea. 16" Cote Valve & Well @ 3,000.00 = 24,000.00 5 Ea. 8" Gate Valve & Well @ 2,500.00 = 12,500.00 15 Ea. Hydrants @ 1,500.00 = 22,500.00 1 Ea. Pressure Reducing Vault L.S. = 40,000.00 Total Construction Cost = $293,500.00 Engineering $ 27,178.10 Administration 10,272.50 Inspection 11,740.00 Financial -0- Legal 3,500.00 Soil Borings 2,000.00 Easement Acquisition 20,000.00 Contingency 31,800,40 TOTAL PROJECT COST = $400,000.00 I hereby estimate the period of usefulness of this facility to be forty (40) years and upwards. HUBBELL, ROTH & CLARK, INC, By M. David Waring P.E. #9775 EXHIBIT "B" STATE OF MICHIGAN ) ) ss: COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) I, the undersigned, the duly qualified and acting Township Clerk of the Township of West Bloomfield, Oakland County, Michigan, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Township Board of said Township on the 19th day of July, 1976, the original of which is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official signature this 20th day of July, A.D. 1976. Betty Sue Dupree /s/ Township Clerk 442 ( 443 Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 ADOPTED: YEAS: Wilson, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox. (24) NAYS: None. (0) ABSENT: Aaron, Lennon, Olson. (3) Misc. 7662 By Mr. Daly IN RE: PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYMENT ACT - AUTHORIZATION TO FILE GRANT APPLICATION To the Oakland County Board of Comlissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Public Works Employment Act of 1976, became elfective July 73, 1976; ond WHEREAS the above Act provides IOW federal funding to local units ul government lot approved public works projects, that can be started within 90 days of project approval; ond WHEREAS the first priority of the proposed 1976 Capital Program is the construction of Phase I of the Children's Village School and such project would qualify under terms of the grant; and WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners approved the concept of an addition to the Oakland County Road Commission Office Building on February 15, 1973. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the filing of a federal grant application for the funding of the above described capital projects. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that when filing for the federal grant the following priorities be indicated: PRIORITY NO. PROJECT ESTIMATED COST 1 Children's ViTlage School (Phases 1 and II) $1,260,000 2 Children's Village School (Phase 1) 750,000 3 Road Commission Office Building Addition 2,500,000 The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7663 By Mr. Daly IN RE: TEN MILE-ROUGE SANITARY DRAIN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS proceedings have been taken by the Statutory Drainage Board for the construction of the Ten Mile-Rouge Sanitary Drain under the provisions of Chapter 20 of Act No. 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended, pursuant to a petition filed with the Oakland County Drain Commissioner; and WHEREAS the said Drainage Board by resolution adopted on July 28, 1976, authorized and provided for the issuance of bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $4,500,000 in anticipation of the collection of an equal amount of a special assessment against the City of Farmington Hills, said special assessment having been duly confirmed by said Drainage Board; and WHEREAS said bonds are to be designated Drain Bonds, are to be dated October 1, 1976, will bear interest at a rate not exceeding 8-1/2% and will be subject to redemption prior to maturity in accordance with the provisions of said resolution; and WHEREAS said Drainage Board deems it advisable and necessary to obtain from this Board a resolution consenting to the pledge of the full faith and credit of the county on the aforesaid bonds; and WHEREAS the said drainage project is immediately necessary to protect and preserve the public health and therefore it is in the best interest of the County of Oakland that said bonds be sold. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: 1. That pursuant to the authorization provided in Section 474 of Chapter 20 of the Drain Code of 1956, as amended, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby irrevocably pledge the full faith and credit of the County of Oakland for the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the said Drain Bonds, and does agree that in the event the City of Farmington Hills shall fail or neglect to account to the County Treasurer of the County of Oakland for the amount of any special assessment installment and interest, when due, then the amount thereof shall be immediately advanced from County Funds, and the County Treasurer is directed to immediately make such advancement to the extent necessary. 2. That in the event that, pursuant to said pledge of full faith and credit, the County of Oakland advances out of County Funds, all or any part of said installment and interest, it shall be the duty of the County Treasurer, for and on behalf of the County of Oakland, to take all actions 3,453,200.79 328,948.00 140,544.00 34,358.00 1,330.00 3,000.21 550.00 200,000.00 14,000.00 10,250.00 3.753.00 497.00 309,569.00 0,500,000.00 444 Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 and proceedings and pursue all remedies permitted or authorized by law for the reimbursement of such sums so paid. 3. That all resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as the same may be in conflict with the provisions of this resolution be and the same hereby are rescinded. MR. CHAIRMAN, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. ADOPTED: YEAS: Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghton, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff. Pernick, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox. (24) NAYS: None. (0) ABSENT: Aaron, Price, Wilson. (3) TEN MILE -ROUGE SANITARY DRAIN ESTIMATE OF COST PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman 1. Construction Phase I S 329,774.54 Phase II 3,123,426.25 2. Engineer's Design Fee Resident Engineer (Contract Adm.) Soil & Material Testing Soil Borings 3. Inspection 4. Staking and Layout 5. Publishing Oakland Press Mich. Contractor & Builder Bond Buyer Farmington Observer 6. Bond Prospectus 7. Bond Printing 8. Rights-of-Way 9. Bond Counsel 10. Financial Consultant II. Act 347 Permit 12. Drainage Board Meeting Costs 13. Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATED COST Prepared By: James E. Pemberton Deputy and Chief Engineer June 22, 1976 Revised July 27, 1976 400.00 100.00 600.00 230.00 210,852.00 103,596.00 7,000.00 7,500.00 445 Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 15, 1976 APPORTIONMENT OF COST CITY OF FARMINGTON HILLS 100.007. COUNTY OF OAK1AND 0.007. STATE OF MicHICAN 0.007. TDOFOOZ TOTAL COST EsTmATE S4,500,000 CITY OF FARMINGTON HILLS, MICHIGAN FARM! NGTON SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTE TEN MILE-ROUGE SANITARY DRAIN DRAIN COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE COUNTY OF OAKI;AND MICHIGAN $142,056.16 15.070.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 880.00 400.00 9,750.00 2,150.00 3,500.00 415.00 360.00 3,200.00 17,200.00 15,018.84 $215,000.00 Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 Misc. 7664 By Mr. Daly IN RE: HOBART DRAIN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS proceedings have been taken by the Statutory Drainage Board for the construction of the Hobart Drain under the provisions of Chapter 20 of Act No. 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended, pursuant to a petition filed with the Oakland County Drain Commissioner; and WHEREAS the said Drainage Board by resolution adopted on July 28, 1976, authorized and provided for the issuance of bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $215,000 in anticipation of the collection of an equal amount of special assessments against the Township of Pontiac, and the County of Oakland, said special assessments having been duly confirmed by said Drainage Board; and WHEREAS said bonds are to be designated Drain Bonds, are to be dated October 1, 1976, will bear interest at a rate not exceeding 82 and will not be subject to redemption prior to maturity; and WHEREAS said Drainage Board deems it advisable and necessary to obtain from this Board a resolution consenting to the pledge of the full faith and credit of the county on the aforesaid bonds; and WHEREAS the said drainage project is immediately necessary to protect and preserve the public health and therefore it is in the best interest of the County of Oakland that said bonds be sold. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: I. That pursuant to the authorization provided in Section 474 of Chapter 20 of the Drain Code of 1956, as amended, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby irrevocably pledge the full faith and credit of the County of Oakland for the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the said Drain Bonds, and does agree that in the event that any public corporation assessed shall Fail or neglect to account to the County Treasurer of the County of Oakland for the amount of any special assessment installment and interest, when due, then the amount thereof shall be immediately advanced from County Funds, and the County Treasurer is directed to immediately make such advancement to the extent necessary. 2. That in the event that, pursuant to said pledge of full faith and credit, the County of Oakland advances out of County Funds, all or any part of said installment and interest, it shall be the duty of the County Treasurer, for and on behalf of the County of Oakland, to take all actions and proceedings and pursue all remedies permitted or authorized by law for the reimbursement of Such SUMS SO paid. 3. That all resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as the same may be in conflict with the provisions of this resolution be and the same hereby are rescinded. MR. CHAIRMAN, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman ADOPTED: YEAS: Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Button. (25) NAYS: None. (0) ABSENT: Aaron, Olson. (2) 446 HOBART DRAIN I. Construction 2. Engineer's Design Fee 12,316.00 Resident Engineer 1,554,00 Soil & Material Testing 1 200 00 3. Inspection 4. Staking and Layout 5. Publishing Oakland Press 180.00 Michigan Cont. E. Builder 100.00 Daily Bond Buyer 600.00 6. Bond Printing 7. Rights-of-Way 8. Bond Counsel 9. Financial Consultant 10. Act 347 Permit 11. Drainage Board Meeting CO5t5 12. Bond Prospectus 13. Capitalized Interest (215,000 x 8% x 1 Yr.) 14. Contingencies (7.51%) TOTAL ESTIMATED COST Prepared By: James E. Pemberton, Deputy & Chief Engineer 0 " ,n LODj DCZJCCJU) • WALTON _ • o 0' o 0 0 o 0 0 .IiH 0 '• .a -13 0 &0 w r, E.' 4 • ; . n ,t1 G I ° 0. D 9D [:) o - 0 ' 1V0) () 0 • 1 '• I ( 0 n.. 0 o CI IL U o _ • LI t e , E 3 3 ) 6 0 - e \ Da-1\ 0‘, G\ , a seNil • co )0 7 r-1 0 0 . Dr' c, 3 .,r ,3 I] ° 0 C w 0 4 X :I 10 , 5.-7) • rr2,-:;1 -cr•it, C..: /N W ,1 Q • rs• , , •-•-„ _UNIVERSITY • E I ' . L 47 Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 ()RAMAGE DISTRICT LIMITS ..••••••,...vG 40131n1 ,..1 LIMI T3 . ....... .. -L'ael ... ir . , „. . , . - •,.., -,,------7'- . . , .3 , 1-`), I, H 1 ' u : / .• -, . 1 0 / ,h -1' •f;-/--/ Of - re ;0 I 5 ., I , , a I ii ; 7", 0 / c!A /ri zs N _ HOBART DRAIN T . , a.. -A .• .c) !It , A I. .4 d I 0 - - lo APPORTIONMENT OF COST Township of Pontiac 86.457, County of Oakland 13.557, State of Michigan 0.007. ID-07W TOTAL COST ESTIMATE $215,000 1 I DRAIN COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE COUNTY OF OAKLAND MICHIGAN Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 448 Misc. 7665 By Mr. Price IN RE: C.E.T.A. TITLE III GRANT APPLICATION: HANDICAPPED To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor as Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS the U.S. Department of Labor has recently established a program for funding pilot/ demonstration projects which focus on serving significantly disadvantaged groups such as the handicapped, women, youth, rural labor force members and other groups having special disadvantages in the labor market; and WHEREAS the U.S. Department of Labor regulations limit applications to CETA Prime Sponsors; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Manpower Advisory Council and the Manpower staff have identified handicapped as a severely disadvantaged group; and WHEREAS the Manpower staff, in conjunction with Oakland County offices of the Michigan Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, has prepared a program which would substantially increase the services to handicapped and in particular provide job placement for a minimum of 100 handicapped persons. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the filing of CETA Title III pilot/demonstration grant application consistent with the attached program summary and budget. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the transmittal of the grant application prepared by the Pontiac School District to the Department of Labor for its review and consideration. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption or the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman PROPOSAL NATIONAL PROGRAM FOR SELECTED POPULATION SEGMENT - C.E.T,A, TITLE III Oakland County, Michigan Prime Sponsor Sub-contractor: Michigan Department of Vocational Rehabilitation July 1976 NARRATIVE Section I. Needs and Objectives A. Need for Program I. Demands for vocational rehabilitation a. The local need and demand for vocational rehabilitation services far exceed local resources and capabilities especially with the specific segments of the community. In Oakland County with a population of 1,000,000 it is estimated that 10% of said 1,000,000 (10,000) exist as clients. This is a conservative estimate in light of the 260,000 handicapped persons in the State. The current number of handicapped persons being served per year is 3,000. 2. Objectives a. To find placements for 100 handicapped individuals on job assistance. To rehabil- itate and employ approximately 20 deaf handicapped persons. b. To facilitate, rehabilitate and employ approximately 100 clients. c. To reduce the number of handicapped persons on the welfare roles. d. Promotional program of employability of handicapped among local and private sectures. 3. Segment of population indentified a. Specific groups to be served under the handicapped program would include youth, veterans, public assistance and minerity handicapped. 4. Primary barriers to employment a. Employer resistance to hiring the handicapped due mostly to social, legal and economic biases. Employers need to be educated regarding these issues, particularly with regard to Public Law 503 - 504 regarding affirmative action for the handicapped and Public Law 183 regarding second injury certification for disabled workers. (Public Law 183 - Workman's compensation benefits) b. Other barriers to employment would be psychological barriers, job engineering, need for professional guidance to overcome handicapped persons own resistance to employment. 5. Local economic labor force conditions - please refer to Enclosure 6. Employment a. Type of occupations considered for the employment of handicapped would be on priority basis. The following are examples of the types of employment available: 1) Clerical 2) Mechanical 3) Custodial 4) Sales 5) Food 6) Domestic 449 Commissioners Minutes Continued. Aueut 19, 1976 b. All institutional and skilled training is directed to the immediate employability for the clients. c. Vocational rehabilitation services is the primary and sole agency responsibile for delivering vocational services to the handicapped. We coordinate all other vocational rehabilitation services with other agencies. d. The reasons for the selection of this specific segment of handicapped job increase penetration into the labor market regarding the employability of the handicapped for the above joh categories. e. A greater need for special vocational rehabilitation skill training to enhance employability was selected because of handicaps who are socially and economically disadvantaged. Section Z. Results or Benefits Expected A. Enhancement of employability I. To make employers more aware of the advantages and benefits of hiring handicapped population, the provisions for the total counseling services to include prevocational medical skilled training, job readiness training whicn will lead to job placement assistance. 2. Enhance employment opportunities by increased PR and promotional propaganda with regard to hiring the handicapped among local service groups. 3. Secondary benefits - fulfilling the employment needs by eliminating barriers to employment. Assisting the employers and meeting the obligations under 503-504 for affirmative action with the handicapped. Public relations for the employment and availability of handicapped persons with local, public private and service. ADDENDUM Narrative: Section 3 addition to "Other Activities" - Add as Page 8a and 8b b Volunteer Participation in Program One of the unique features of this program is the use of volunteers to assist and promote program objectives and to provide maximum program efficiency and effectiveness. Specifically, the program will identify and recruit a minimum of 20 volunteers. On an average, each volunteer will work 5 hours per week which will generate approximately 5,000 hours of free staff/program assistance for the one-year grant. The proposed use of volunteers is based on the knowledge that the needs of the handicapped far exceed existing and foreseeable resources to address these needs. Further, although this grant application is limited to one year, future continued funding under other titles of CETA is at present uncertain. Thus, it is essential that this pilot program establish sufficient commmnity volunteer resources and citizen awareness and interest in order to leave a legacy of interest and support which both the County Prime Sponsor and the Michigan Department of Vocational Rehabilitation can draw upon in the future. Volunteers will be identified and recruited through the efforts of the proposed job developer staff referenced in this application as well as additional efforts made available through the Prime Sponsor Manpower administrative staff. Also assisting in this effort will be many community based and private non-profit agencies which are either funded by or providing volunteer assistance to the Prime Sponsor's Manpower program such as the Oakland County Volunteer Bureau, the Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency, and many of the agencies listed elsewhere in this presentation. Recently the Prime Sponsor established a program which provides part-time jobs for senior citizens throughout the County. This program should provide ready access to many seniors able and willing to volunteer to assist the handicapped. Specifically, the volunteers will be engaged in the Fol!owing: I. To identify companies, corporations, businesses, as well as private non-profit organizations that are able and will to provide on-the-job training as well as job opportunities for handicapped. 2. Identify potential employers who have taken the necessary steps to provide barrier free access for the handicapped and disabled. 3. To assist in the development, promotion and dissemination of public information regarding the advantages of hiring the handicapped. 4. Assist in the clarification of the responsibilities and potential liabilities incurred for an employer when hiring the handicapped. Specifically, the volunteers will assist the staff in dispelling many myths reaarding workmen's compensation liabilities, attendance, etc. 5. Volunteers, when necessary, will be utilized in providing transportation for the handicapped to and from places of employment either on an interim or continuing basis, in order to assure maximum mobility for the handicapped enrollee. 6. Since the volunteers will be drawn from all areas of Oakland County, they will be encouraged to work with their local civic groups, organizations, and private non-profit agencies in order to identify their handicapped neighbors and assist in the programs recruitment effort. 7. Wherever possible, the use of retired executives as volunteers will also allow for their expertise and contacts to prcvide valuable as'.istance as well as to "open doors". 8. Volunteers will be employed to esrabl so contact with the various newspaper, radio and T.V. media in order to provide maximum public inforoasion and awareness regarding the program offerings as well as the need to "get involved". Thus, through the use of a volunteer corps, the program seeks to acnieve a staff multiplier effect which should yield greater program activities which can be measured in the number of job placements and clients served and, more specifically, in a bare-bones minimal cost for client services and minimum unit cost for client job placements. :•.J . _ Pub" tIrt! /.1 .1 or Vo!tii:{:r.•.•r:; !S I . ),(100 :I ,1011 711 •;L:),;.1 51,9 $ • -vio.ca) Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 The use of volunteers when coupled with the fact that the overwhelming majority of administrative overhead costs will be borne by the Michigan Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, results in a program which has over 96% of program money going directly for cl lent services. The administrative costs identified are minimal and are resultant from the Prime Sponsor's administrative cost and the necessary printing, publication, and mileage costs in order to sustain the volunteer and public information components of this program. Finally, as noted above, we believe that such a use of volunteers represents a unique approach which can be proven successful in Oakland County and which could establish trends both within Oakland County and elsewhere for reducing program costs and providing greater community involvement and awareness in serving the needs of not only the handicapped but all disadvantaged groups. C.1..T. A Ill c,!1:\ i i• 450 T. 1:-.1.:1; 1 TIL) . . fl 1 LI r.-.;;.1. I r.!•r i - • $2;5, 1 Job Of I- '25 WO $50,0w) nA,1 $q.),700 15,af-)0 • 1-;:50,(;,:,•IO $r.i.K1-4:.:y (Poit:i.i: O I ic:•) 1 Job 1.)n•-elop-_2;• (Royal U!l.r: D'..”.37C.Lt.::y (fl.:Jyal 0:- 8,944 ),!..169 2 1 r6!:i 15:350 t);i9 10,91:1 •--- - - •-- $1 0 f.;:r3,`.).1).C; MO:1!:.7.; PROPOSAL NATIONAL PROGRAM FOR SELECTED POPULATION SEGMENT CETA TITLE Ill Oakland County, Michigan - Prime Sponsor Sub-contractor: Pontiac Adult and Continuing Education July 1976 PART II - PROGRAM NARRATIVE Section 1 Needs and Objectives This program will reduce the high level of unemployment and underemployment for women in Oakland County. By providing specific and systematic training in prevocational and employability skills,this program will enhance the competitive position of its female clients in the job market. 451 Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 The program will serve 300 full-time female clients during the 1976-77 program year. The clients will be women who are unemployed or underemployed because of their marginal skills. The Oakland County Manpower Division in cooperation with the staff of the Pontiac MESC office will screen and refer clients to the program. Pontiac Schools program staff will evaluate clients in terms of their prevocational and employability skills, and prepare and deliver individualized educational programs based upon the clients' needs. More specifically, the program's objectives are to provide: 1) life "coping skills" (problem solving and decision making) 2) basic and remedial training in language arts skills necessary for vocational success 3) basic and remedial training in mathematics skills necessary for vocational success and 4) training in how to overcome barriers (employer attitudes, client's self-confidence) that limit female participation in the labor force and 5) training in how to select, find, secure, maintain and advance in a job. The State of Michigan, in general, and the Detroit Metropolitan area, in particular, were hard hit by the recent economic recession. There was a 2.8 per cent decline in 1974 Real Michigan Personal Income from the 1973 level. The average jobless rate in Michigan rose from 5.8 percent in 1973 to 8.9 percent in 1974 and is projected to 12.1 percent for the 1975 fiscal year (See Appendix A) Hidden in the already alarmingly high 12.1 per cent figure are the greater rates of uneploy- ment for special segments of the population. The Michigan Employment Security Commission reports that in 1973, before the most recent economic decline, the unemployment rate for non-white (14.2 per cent) was more than three times that for white (4.2 per cent). Moreover, although females (7.1 per cent) were more likely to be unemployed than males (5.0 per cent), the 1973 MESC data show the impact on non-white females the greatest (16.7 per cent). (See Table 1 in Appendix B.) Specific data for Pontiac show even higher rates of unemployment. The Pontiac, Michigan office of MESC reports the October 30, 1975 unemployment rate at 25.9 per cent, considerably higher than the rate in Oakland County (12.3 per cent) and neighboring Waterford Township (16.5 per cent). (See Table 2 in Appendix B.) Pontiac, then, is an area of severe employment problems and the seriousness of these problems is felt more by particular segments of the population, namely disadvantaged and unskilled women. This proposal addresses means of improving the position of these individuals through pre- vocational training and employability skills training. It is reported that 1/2 or more of the women currently working in the Oakland County Area are employed in low skill, low pay (minimum wage $2.30 per hour) occupations which have exceptionally high turn over rates. These jobs include nurse's aides, waitresses, sales and office clerks, key-punchers. etc. To compound the issue, most of the job training programs now in existence continue to channel women into low-paying and otherwise unrewarding occupations. The need for adequate basic skills and employability skills training can be better under- stood by reviewing the 1970 census for Oakland County: In 1970 there were a total of 194,791 females in Oakland County. Of that total 12,871 or almost 7 per cent had not attended high school. Of that total almost 57,000 or 29 per cent of women in Oakland County had less than 3 years of high school education. It is clear that many women in Oakland County are unemployed and lack adequate training or education to compete in the labor market. This program will aim to decrease the severity of this problem. The 300 women entering this program will receive prevocational training in mathematics and language arts, training in employability skills, on-going career guidance and direct job placement services. 1.) • 5(.941D r. ,87:i...0? 93,E6(,..12 •.. Icr.1,V!-Y.0) " 3.1 ,000 ..00 1) .DL) 7,071.W 2.5 Eviplert:: Purcha 3;earti.o,7 uath ecr,;1.117:11- Life tt 2.6 59pplic:: (Comairab1c) Variatz::: 2.7 Othcr - Rcf.Gc..7.:i of 1.:1;.1ipnt:. 22,C00.00 6,(x).•oro 1,50;1.00 :j ; 1.' • P 4.4 mho.: nid - 1:stiN]tte,T. T ib veininistt-rea nh Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 452 _ •• .;;!" 1.0 oP fp; 1.2 tr21:rCP:.-1 •12;1, • 1.3 Orrice Si!In-.1 1 Cc:on5v.ru0.10 500.CO - 1.5 P:mt ai Uti,1 ifli.11,573.13 1.9 Indire.3t Corta (0.0.30 of TC,..21 7y8?-1.07 2.0 T.:ZA:1.:TEr.I FO IV. iCIP: 2.1 •• 5 1.ter.cr-:..!rz;, 2 Teaclit.--4- • •• 2 Gler..i_f.7,-z1. 1 Fc.ry 93,ec,5),2 • • • 2.2 Friarze (:1-,43...t'f) •3.22,,/ of :ftom 2.1 . 7,6P0.12. 2.4 1.3ool•th nr.d . TextboC.:s (; and - vrtric0.) 4.0 SE.T2VIC!::::: TO '1'..'...::•"L'; v:.''..'`,".:'_;.:; . 4.1 11:.,,_:;e3 [ThJ7... .1.;:-..1:-....-.-14.:7-5'(::,'izi.ff) 69 2 Carc...:7 .A.dy;.f..-o:._:, :I, .Tol-, • .... . : .. . •• '..v.i.:.-.ce:, P.t.- Cr.,0.1...!.!.:Jo.',-..c...- 48,620,(Yi . • .'. . 48,62.00 , .. , 4.2 pe:i.r.1,30 Bp:Ir._•ri -LI; (51:4....-...r.a7.) . • ._ ...,. _„, . - 12;.: of Lint- ItQ -.1 4.1 453 Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 19, 1976 Moved by Price supported by Button the resolution be adopted. AYES: Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak. Paae, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Button, Daly. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7666 By Mr. Price IN RE: C.E.T.A. TITLE 1 ON-THE-JOB TRAINING CONTRACTS (PHAE XII) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor of Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of Title 1 of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS Oakland County's C.E.T.A. Title I Grant Application has been filed and approved by the U.S. Department of Labor; and WHEREAS On-The-Job Training represents a major component in Oakland County's approved Manpower Program; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Manpower Advisory Council recommends the contract included herein as Phase XII of Oakland County's C.E.T.A. Title I On-The-Job Training program. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the award of Phase XII of C.E.T.A. Title 1 On-The-Job Training Contracts in the total amount of $182,636 consistent with the attached budget. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman COMPANY POSITION NUMBER OF TRAINEES TOTAL William P. Addis Agency - Holly Insurance Clerk 1 $2767700 Roger Peck Chevrolet - Farmington Auto Mechanic 1 4,160.00 Independent Postal System/America Mail Dispatcher Trainee 1 2,500.00 Auburn Heights South Lyon Heating & Cooling Co. Heating-Air Conditioning 1 4,160.00 South Lyon Mechanic Helper N.P.S. Enterprises - Troy Auto Mechanic Apprentice 2 7,280.00 Eastin's Inc., - Royal Oak Furniture Set-up Man I 2,380.00 Eastin's, Inc. - Royal Oak Secretary I 3,120.00 Business Owner's Insurance -Pontiac General Clerk I 2,400.00 Jerry Neely Insurance Agency -Pontiac Secretary 1 3,640.00 Royal Toyota, Inc. - Royal Oak Auto Mechanic Apprentice 2 6,240.00 Henderson Glass - Union Lake Secretary 1 3,380.00 Henderson Glass - Union Lake Glazier Trainee 1 3,380.00 Harvard Electric - Royal Oak Electrician Trainee 1 4,200.00 Thalasa, Ltd. - Troy Bookkeeper Trainee I 2,720.00 Thalasa, Ltd. - Troy Clerk, General 1 2,800.00 Rosaco, Inc. (3) - Oxford Store Salesman - Auto Parts I 1,740.00 D. White's Electric, Inc. Electrician Trainee I 4,200.00 Madison Heights Partovich & Swistak - Southfield Legal Secretary 1 3,328.00 Lampert & Fried (CAPAD) -Southfield Secretary 1 3,640.00 Arrowhead Chrysler - Dodge (FCS) Automobile Mechanic Helper 2 1,840.00 Pontiac Pantel's Collision (FCS) -Pontiac Glass hitaller I 1,440.00 Pantel's Collision (FCS) -Pontiac Automobile Painter Trainee 1 1,440.00 American Health Laboratories, Inc. Medical Lab Technician 1 3,200.00 Troy American Health Laboratories, Inc. General Clerk I 2,400.00 Troy Edwin Gies - Farmer's Insurance Secretary 1 3,120.00 Troy Linda Wilbur Agency - Troy Secretary 1 3,120.00 Paul Sura Agency - Farmer's Ins. Secretary 1 3,120.00 Royal Oak Virginia Flower Shop, Inc. Flora Designer Trainee 2 5,720.00 Royal Oak Paragon Division - Portec. Inc. Seam Welder Trainee 2 6,400.00 Novi Troy Insurance Group - Royal Oak Secretary I 3,640.00 Commissioners Minutes Continued. Auaust 19, 1976 454 COMPANY POSITION NUMBER OF TRAINEES TOTAL Lussenden Building Repair E. Service Plumber Apprentice 2 $6,-276760 Farmington Amalgamated Petroleum Asst. Service Manager Trainee 2 7,280.00 Pleasant Ridge Four Seasons Insurance - Troy Office Manager Trainee 1 4,160.00 Indu Hital, MD, PC - Pontiac Medical Receptionist Trainee I 3,000.00 Hutchinson's Independent Insurance Secretary 1 3,640.00 Drayton Plains Victoria Station, Inc. -Southfield Secretary 1 3,640.00 Dr. Roy Hawkinson - Birmingham Dental Technician 1 3,120.00 Interlake Industries - Novi Parel Glazier Trainee 2 3.536.00 Acorn Marble Products - Walled Lake Resin Mold Machine Operator 2 5,520.00 Bessenger's - Ferndale Drapery Maker Trainee 2 4,400.00 Clark Body a Alignment Front-end Mechanic 1 3,120.00 Auburn Heights Dreyfus-Waterstone Co. -Southfield Secretary 1 3,120.00 John K. Shuster Acctg. & Tax Accounting Clerk 1 2,400.00 South Lyon John K. Shuster Acct. a Tax Accountant Trainee 1 5.200.00 South Lyon Molded Products Compression Molding Machine 2 3.584.00 Hazel Park Trainee Paragon Management Unlimited, Inc. Title Examiner Trainee 1 3.100.00 Birmingham (Clerical) Royal Pin Company Screw Machine Opr. Trainee 2 6,760.00 Royal Oak F.C.H. Services, Inc. - Southfield Bookkeeper Trainee 1 3,588.00 Ruben Advertising - Southfield Keyliner Trainee 1 3,120.00 OAKLAND COUNTY - PUBLIC SERVICES EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION DIVISION . C.E.T.A. - TITLE I - ON-THE-JOB TRAINING Forty-three private profit-oriented businesses are involved in Phase XII. The total amount requested for these projects is 5182,636 bringing the funds obligated under OJT to $1,988.468. The overall pattern of occupational titles, training weeks and cost per enrollee continues to remain constant, reflecting a consistent field effort and successful negotiation with employers. Phase XII compares with previous requests as shown in the following table: APPROVED TO DATE PHASE XII TOTAL ALL PHASES Number of Enrollees 592 61 653 Total Contract Cost 51,805,832 $182,636 5I,988,468 Average Cost per Enrollee 3,050.39 2,994.03 3,045.13 Employer Contracts 261 43 304 Average per Employer 2.27 Enrollees 1.41 Enrollees 2.14 Enrollees Training Time Average 22.5 Weeks 23.0 Weeks 22.54 Weeks Average Weekly Enrollee Cost $135,57 $130.18 $135.10 Trainee recruitment, selection and referral continues as a critical area. Continuous weekly meetings between the Job Development staff and MESC interviewers since February of this year have resulted in 86 placements of applicants on file at MESC. This represents a substantial improvement in cooperation between OCETA, MESC and the employer/subcontractor. The OJT program is continuing to follow CETA's policies and guidelines and it is the staff's recommendation that the Public Services Committee approve Phase XII as submitted. Moved by Price supported by Simmons the resolution be adopted. AYES: Douglas, Dunleavy, Fi)rtino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Button, Daly, Dearborn. (261 NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient nojority havin j voteT therefor, the resolution wac odopted. Moved by Lennon supported be Monttnte the Board adjourn until September 2, 1976 at 9:30 A.M. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the notion carried. The Board adjourned at 11:10 A.1. Lynn D. Allen Alexander C. Perinoff Clerk Chairman OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING September 2, 1976 Meeting called to order by Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff at 9:35 A. H. in the Conri House Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Ponliac. Michigan. Invocation given by Henry W. Hooi. Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper. Lennon, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak. Olson. Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson. (23) ABSENT: Button, McDonald, Montante. Simmons. (4) Quorum present. Moved by Roth supported by Murphy the minutes of the previous meeting be corrected on page 420 by changing the date of the meeting from August 20, 1976 to August 19, 1976. Also, under General Government Committee on page 423, resolution number reads #7565 and should read #7656. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. - Moved by Roth supported by Murphy the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as corrected. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Clerk read letter from Robert P. Allen, Civil Counsel, regarding the County's full faith and credit bonds, notes and other evidence of indebtedness which are charged against the debt limitation are $373,553,520.30. The percentage of the 10% is 5.42, leaving the County approximately 4.69: of the debt limitation which may yet be pledged. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from State Representative, W. V. Brotherton acknowledging receipt of resolutions. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from State Representative, Melvin L. Larsen acknowledging receipt of resolutions. (Placed on file.) • Moved by Daly supported by Aaron the Supplemental Agenda be approved to considei reports from the Finance, Personnel and Pablic Services Committees. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Misc. 7667 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: COMMENDATION RESOLUTION FOR WATERFORD HISTORICAL COMMITTEE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Waterford Historical Committee, chaired by Mary Naz, has worked diligently during the last 13 months to have the old Waterford Village designated a Historical District by the State Historical Commission: and WHEREAS the fruits of their labors produced archives of 38 houses in this district on Andersonville Road between Dixie Highway and Airport Road, and produced a more personal aspect to the celebration of this Country's Bicentennial for the residents of Waterford; and WHEREAS these volunteers -- Mary Naz, Linda Baker, Sue Danhausen, Dorothy White, Bob and Helen Hall, Patti Forster, Betty Hegedus, Mildred King Campbell, Verla Eiselle, and Evelyn Seeterlin -- have worked selflessly to provide their community with a knowledge and pride in their heritage. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby con- gratulates the Waterford Historical Committee for their achievements on behalf of their community, 456 Commissioners Minutes Continued. Septem1h.c 2, 197f. and wishes them much success in their continuing efforts. In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and caused the Seal of the Great County of Oakland to be affixed. Dated at Pontiac, Michigan, July 29. 1976. Alexander C. Perinoff, Chairman Bernard F. Lennon, Vice Chairman Betty J. Fortino, Commissioner - District 115 Patrick Daly, Commissioner - District P4 Moved by Fortino supported by Dunleavy the resolution be adopted. The resolution was unanimously adopted. Misc. 7668 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: ADDITIONAL VEHICLE TO THE COUNTY FLEET - COURT SERVICE OFFICER PROBATE COURT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Probate Court Ashes to add one (1) specially equipped vehicle to the County Fleet; and WHEREAS the average monthly mileage driven by the Court Service Officer - Probate Court falls within the range where it is more costly to the County to reimburse him for using his personal vehicle; and WHEREAS such mileage falls under the primary consideration for assignment of County vehicles, Mileage Driven, as defined in Section E, paragraph one (I) of the County Vehicle policy; and WHEREAS the Probate Court has indicated that the Probate Court - Court Service Officer is required to transport mental patients and any other duties as assigned which are associated with the Court Service Officer function. In addition, his service of process function is utilized not only for the Probate and Juvenile Court but for Civil Counsel and the Reimbursement Division; and WHEREAS transporting mental patients is a specialized use as defined in Section E, paragraph six (6) of the County Vehicle Policy; and WHEREAS the Probate Court has indicated the Court Service Officer vehicle will he required to have a two-way radio; and WHEREAS such a radio falls under the definition of specialized vehicle equipment as defined in Section E, paragraph two (2) of the County Vehicle Policy; and WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution Y7393, Section G of the Oakland County Vehicle Policy. any additions to the County Vehicle Fleet require the approval of the Finance Committee and an appro- priation of the entire capital cost necessary for any fleet expansion; and WHEREAS the capital cost for the one (1) additional radio equipped vehicle will require an appropriation of $7,595.00; and WHEREAS the monthly lease cost for the vehicle and radio will be covered by the Probate Court budget. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the one (1) additional vehicle be approved and that the 1976 Budget be amended by transferring the total amount of $7,595.00 from the 1976 Contingency Fund to the appropriate Non-Departmental appropriation line-item and affected intergovernmental funds. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman COST OF VEHICLE COURT OFFICER - PROBATE COURT Quantity Garage Fund Unit Pr in I 1977 Catalina - 9 passenger wagon $6,000 (approx.) Quantity Radio Fund Unit Price I Two-way Radio $1,595 Total Price $6.000 (approx) Total Price S1,595 TOTAL APPROPRIATION $7,595 Moved by Pernick supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino. Gabler, Houghten, Kasper. Lennon, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Poraick, Price, Roth, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn. (20) NAYS: Hoot. (I) A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the resolution was adopted. FISCAL REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: IPA GRANT - PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION, LABOR RELATIONS TRAINING FOR LOCAL UNITS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: This is the continuation of a three month grant for the Training Program for Michigan Count iv Salaries. Project Director Project Coordinalor Secretary Stenographer Seminar 'Technician TOTAL o18E8 5,854 45,263 34,400 0 457 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 2, 1976 and Townships. This grant will cover the period of October 1, 1976 through September 30, 1977 and will require total funding of $65,128. This grant consists of six (6) positions and requires no additional staff. Acceptance of this grant will not commit the County to any future funding obligations. The attached schedule provides a financial analysis indicating a comparison of expenses to funding sources. Unlike the existing 3 month grant (July-September), this grant continuation will require a cash contribution of $850 due to the increase in work volume contributed to this program and not anticipated in the 1976 Personnel Budget. Continuation of this grant for subsequent years cannot be determined until a review is made of the initial program as to whether program objectives have been met and whether continuation can be justified based on need and cost. It is anticipated at this point that any recommendation for future years continuance would involve primarily "soft match" of Personnel Division ctaff with participants ftom local commnities paying for "hardmoich" costs through registration fee... The Finance Commiltee, hy 1_,mionte R. Perniik, rhailman, move., the acceptance 01 Ihis report. FINANrL rOMMITTLE Lawrence R. Pornick, Chairman OAKlAND COUNTY 19/6 - 1977 IPA GRANT July-Sept Oct-Sept Variance Cost 3 Months 12 Months in Increase/ Por,itilm 1976 Positions 1976-1977 Positions (Decrease) I (107) 850 1 (IC-) 3,300 -0- 2,450 I (20.i..1 1,452 1 (201 3,260 -0 - 1,808 1 (20/) 250 1 (207) 1,912 -0- 1,662 I (20/) 182 1 (207) 1,787 -0- 1,600 2 (144 hr. 840 2 (5/6 hr. 5,100 -0- 4,260 6e6.53 ) (i.e8.854) — _ TOTAL Fringe Benefit.: MAL 6 3,5/4 6 15,354 107. I 1/7 277 4 146 4,746 19,500 11.7M 2,o74 A Oth2.r Operating Expenses Travel University Consultant leaders In-House Consultants Telephone Seminar Sites Supplies E. Copying Information Material Equipment Rental Promotions Mailings Incidental Expenses (Meals, elc.) 104 413 309 4,000 27,000 23,000 -o- 800 800 150 450 (c) 300 600 3,000 2,400 100 1,000 900 500 2,000 1,500 100 400 (c) 300 200 800 600 l00 400 300 -0- 9,000 9,000 aen t 710 sq. It f.0$6.5/sq. it NY, 11 055 66,128 55 073 910 roTAL County Hard Match (C) -0- Soft Match (D) 5,879 850 850(E 23,865 17,986(F Federal Hard Match Soft Match 4,176 29,413 25,237 -o- -0- -o- 458 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 2, 1976 Funding Sources Other Fees to Participants 1,000 12,000 11,000 (i.e. Townships, Municipalities) TOTAL 1L055 66,128 55,073 CO OF the $14,754 increase, $11,780 is attributable to extension of the Grant from three months to a full twelve months. The other 52,974 is due to the likewise increase in Fringe Benefit costs. (8) Of the $39,409 increase in operating costs, the majority is due to the expansion of bringing in University Consultant Leaders to expand the program. (0 Hard match is anything requiring additional County expense that otherwise wouldn't be incurred. (This Figure includes telephone and equipment rental) (D) Soft match is onything ongoing that rootuires County expense; i.e. existing personnel, Rent, Supplien E copying, promotions and mailings which will be ohsorbed in the Personnel Department's Budget. (E) The entire $850 in' rease is due ! .0 an expan ,ion of the VOIlrom From 3 10 12 umoIil Ins (F) Likewise the $17,986 iecrease is due to an expansion of the program from 3 to 12 months. Prepared by: Bulger. Division 8/11/76 Moved by Peroick supported by Lennon the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Chairman referred the report to the Personnel Committee. There were no objections. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION !/7630 - ADDITIONAL VEHICtfS FOR THE PROSECUTOR INVESTIGATORS - FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION To the Oakland County Board of Commissiorelm Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has re-reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #7630 as amended by the Board of Commissioners on July 29, 1976. It is the recommendation of the Committee that the resolution be adopted granting the three (3) additional vehicles to the Prosecutor's Family Support Division. The Committee further recommends that the amended resolution be further amended to delete the words "from the existing County car pool - from the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph, thereby restoring the intent of resolution #7630 as originally presented to the Board of Commissioners on July 29, 1976. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pornick, Chairman "Misc. 7630 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: ADDITIONAL VEHICLES FOR THE PROSECUTOR INVESTIGATORS - PROSECUIOR FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Prosecutor's Office, Family Support Division, wishes in add Heel. (3) specially equipped vehicles to the County Fleet: and WHEREAS the Prosecutor's Office has indicated that the Family Support Division Investigators Commissioners Minutes Continued. Septorlhel 2, 19/6 41YJ are required to make arrests and transport prisoners; and WHEREAS transporting prisoners is a specialized use as defined in Section E paraqraph 6 of the County Vehicle Policy; and WHEREAS the Prosecutor's Office has indicated the investigators will he required to have 2-way radios in their vehicles; and WHEREAS such radios fall under the definition of specialized vehicle equipment a.. delined in Section E Paragraph 2 of the County Vehicle Policy; and WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution #7393, Section 6 of the Oakland County Vehicle. Policy. any additions to the County Vehicle Fleet require the approval of the Finance Committee and an appropriation of the entire capilal cost necessary for any fleet expansion; and WHEREAS the capital cost for the three (3) additional radio equipped vehicles will require an appropriation of $16,620; and WHEREAS the monthly lea-.e cost for the vehicles and radios will he covered by the 1976 Cooperative Reimbursement Grant. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED thai the three (3) additional vehicles be approved and that the 1976 Budget be amended by transferring the total amount of $16,620 from the 1976 Contingeni Fund to the appropriate Non -Departmental appropriation line-item and affected Intergovernmental fund',. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of tlx. foregoinq resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman" COST OF ADDITIONAL - PROSECUTOR INVESTIGATORS CARS QUANTITY GARAGE FUND UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 3 1976 Pontiac Lenans (equipped) $3,945 $11,835 QUANTITY RADIO FUND UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 3 Two-way Radios $1,595 $ 4,785 TOTAL APPROPRIATION $16,620 Moved by Pernick supported by Gabler the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Pernick supported by Gabler that resoluiion 14630 be adopted. Discussion fo)lowed. Mr. Hoot requested that James Brennan, Director of Management and Budget be allowed to address the Board. There were no objections. Mr. Brennan addressed the Board. Discussion followed. Moved by Pernick supported by Gabler the amended resolution be further amended by deleting the words f rom the existing County car pocl" from the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph. Vote on amendment: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on resolution, as amended: AYES: Dunleavy, Fortino. Gabler, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn. (1 9) NAYS: Douglas, Hoot. (2) A sufficient majority h.tving voted therefor. resolution /17630 as amended, was adopted. Misc. 7669 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION To the Oakland County Board of Comnissjoners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Bicentennial Commission was appropriated 5I0,000 in the 1976 Oakland County Budget; and WHEREAS operating costs for the Bicentennial Commission have been charged against the $10,000 appropriation along with the projects approved by the Finance Committee; and WHEREAS costs incurred through June 30, 1976 totaled $10,339; and WHEREAS the Bicentennial Commission estimates a need of an additional $3,500, of which $339 represents an overage over the original appropriation, for the remainder of 1976. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that an additional appropriation totaling $3,500 be transferred from the Contingency Fund to the Board of Commissioner's Bicentennial Commission Unit as follows: 460 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 2, 1976 Transportation $ 750 Miscellaneous (Awards and Plaques) 480 Office Supplies 220 Postage 660 Printing 1,240 Rent (Harvest Soc al Dinner Dance) 150 TOTAL $3,500 The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernic_k, Chairman moved by Pernick suppoiled hy Roth the re,olgtion he adopted. AYES: Gabler. Hoot, Houghten, Kai,per, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Pattot.,on, Pvtinoll. Pernick, Price, Roth, Aaron. Daly, Denleavy (16) NAYS: Fortino, Olson, Dearborn, Douglas. (4) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7670 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: APPROPRIATION FOR BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION - OAKLAND COUNTY HISTORY BOOK To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Bicentennial Commission wishes to publish an Oakland County History Book; and WHEREAS $5,000 has been committed by various area banks to cover the cost of 5,000 copies of such History Books; and WHEREAS the Bicentennial Commission requests funds totaling $5,000 to cover the cost of an additional 5,000 copies; and WHEREAS it is the intention of the Commi ,,cion In offer the additional 5,000 copies for ,..11r: and WHEREAS the proceeds from such sale will by credited to the Comity Geneval Fund. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that 55,000 to transferred from the Contingency Line-iteut in the 1976 Budget to the Board of Commissioner ,,' Bicentennial Unit-Special Project:, line-item. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. Mr. Page requested that Mrs. Betty Adams, President of the Oakland County Pioneer and Historical Society be allowed to address the Board. There were no objections. Mrs. Adams addressed the Board. AYES: Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson. Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino. (20) NAYS: Douglas. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. FISCAL REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: FLOOD PLAIN DELINEATION, PAINT CREEK, OAKLAND TOWNSHIP To the Oakland County Board of Commiscioner, Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gent lemon: The Finance Comittee has leviowod !he r(,quv,1 lo poilicipofe Ii o for flood plain delineation of Paint Creek, thv West BronLh ol Stonoy Crovk, and the McClale Drain, primarily within Oakland Township. The project will be a joint effort between Oakland Township, the U.S. Soil Conservation Service and the Clinton River Watershed Council. At one time Oakland County contributed funds to the Clinton River Watershed Council for specific flood plain projects. The Board of Commissioners by Resolution #6498 dated November 29, 1973, took action to hold County dues to a minimum of $500 annually to Watershed Councils. The Clinton River Watershed Council has not accepted the $500 contribution subsequent to 1972 since they are governed by a State Statute which prohibits representation on the governing Board Commissioners Minutes Continued. Sewemher 2, 1976 of the Council without contributing required dues as established by the Wnlero,hed Counfll. It has been determined that funds contributed by Oakland County to the Clinton Rivet Write, shed Council and earmarked for specific projects has been expended, thus not available lot the Paint Creek Project. It has also been determined that any funds committed to the Paint Creek Project can he provided to the U.S. Soil Conservation Service or the Clinton River Watershed Council. Total participated in this project for 1976 is $700. The cost requirements for future years consists of $700 per year for 1977 and 1978 for a total of S2,100 over the three (3) year period. However, participation in this project in 1976 does not commit Oakland County to future commitments in 1977 and 1978. The Finance Committee moves the acceptance of this report. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Chairman referred the report to the Planning and Building Committee. There were no objections. REPORT By Mr. Button IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION i;7627 - OAKLAND COUNTY WITHDRAWAL FROM THE SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS on July 8, 1476. the Oakland County Board of Connissioners ref-1..11-yd Resolution #7627 to the Planning and Building Committee and the General Government Comitter for Ii,. ii review and recommendation; and WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee has recommended that Resolution #7627 he tabled at the Board of Commissioners, and that the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners appoint a Committee to communicate and be a liaison with SEMTA; and WHEREAS the General Government Committee concurs with the recommendation of the Planning and Building Committee. The General Government Committee recommends to the Board of Commissioners the tabling of Miscellaneous Resolution !7627 and the appointment of a liaison committee CO SEMTA by the Board Chairman. The General Government Conmittee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman "Misc. 7627 By Mr. Dunleavy IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY WITHDRAWAL FROM THE SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Southeastern Michigan Transportation Authority (SEMTA) was created by legislativc fiat pursuant to Act 204, Public Acts of 1967, without the advise and consent of the Board of Commis- sioners of Oakland County or the people of Oakland County, to plan, develop, and operate a coordinated public transportation system for the people in the seven-county southeastern Michigan region, those counties being Macomb, Monroe, Livingston, Oakland, St. Clair, Washtenaw and Wayne; and WHEREAS the primary need for public transportation in Oakland County is for an adequate bus system utilizing the highway network; and WHEREAS the regional SETA plan proposes a hiqh level (subway) system which will provide little or no use to Oakland County; and WHEREAS high level systems throughout the country have been grossly underestimated in terms of construction costs and overestimated in useage, and as a result, underestimated in income needed to operate, thereby requiring high subsidies, and Oakland County's share will once again exceed its benefits; and WHEREAS the SEMTA plan includes a Detroit Central Business District "People Mover" to servic only a portion of the Detroit business district while being partially paid for by a disproportionate share from Oakland County; and WHEREAS the Regional 1990 Transportation Plan, Transit Network, requires billions of dollars in capital investment on a high level system outside the Oakland County limits; and WHEREAS the Regional Transit Plan expects to assume the operating deficit of the City of Detroit transit system, to be disproportionately shared by all participating counties including Oakland; and WHEREAS all the subway and most of the intermediate level (high level bus system) are oriented to the Detroit Central Business District and almost completely ignore the east-west movements between Oakland and Macomb counties and the north-south movements between Oakland and Wayne Counties; and 462 Commissioners Minutes Continued. Scpicmihet 2 • 1976 WHEREAS only meager public transportation services have been prnvided Oakland County in the last 9 years; and WHEREAS Oakland County is large enough in area and in population to support its own public transportation system; and WHEREAS the public transportation needs in Oakland County have been great and continue to increase each year; and WHEREAS Section 5 of said Act 204, P.A. 1967 grants to the Board of Commissioners of Oakland County the authority to withdraw from the Southeastern Michigan Transportation Authority by a 2/3 vote of the Board of County Commissioners, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVLD thdi thv Board oi County Commissineels ol Oakland Comity doe% withdraw from the Southeastern Michigan Traesportaiieu Authority, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a special suhroomitive he established to develop on Oak loud County Public Transportation Authority to he incorporated into a county transportation ogeuty whiih will be more responsive to the citizen needs of Oakland County. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the folegoiug resolution. James W. Dunleavy. Commissioner.- District #2" Moved by Wilson supported by Daly the repor t be accepted. A sufficient niajirri ty hav ing viii ed I hereto, , the mot ion C n11-1- ilNi Moved by Dunleavy somirted by Houghttel tii., resolut ion 717627 be adopted. Discussion followed. Moved by Wilson supported by Lennon the resolution he laid 011 the table. Vote on tabling: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Chairman referred the report to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. REPORT By Mr. Button IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7653 - REFERENDUM ON MERGER OF THE DRAIN OFFICE AND DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee hi'. reviewed Resolution 11765i, awl not been aide hi act affirmatively or negatively on this matter and therefore reports Resolution 17653, Referendum on Merger of the Drain Office and Department of Public Works without recommendation. The General Government Committee. by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman "Misc. 7653 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: REFERENDUM ON MERGER OF THE DRAIN OFFICE AND DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS all recognize that considerable ,,,vincis will result if the presently separate, het similar functions of the Drain Commissioner's Office and the Department of Public Works could be merged and consolidated; and WHEREAS legislation permitting corsolIdation under an appointed director does not exist and may be some years in coming; and WHEREAS State Act No. 170 does permit consolidation under an elected Public Works Commissioner and WHEREAS action now under existing legislation will produce immediate savings and provide direct accountability to the public for the combined office, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners encourage public awareness and participation in the matter by placing the following advisory question on the ballat at the next county-wide election: "Should the Drain Office and Department of Public Works be combined into one office under an elected Public Works Commissioner?" Mr. Chairman. I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Betty J. Fortino, Commissioner - District #5" Moved by Wilson supported by Moffitt the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 2, 1576 Moved by Wilson supported by Daly that resolution 117653 be adopted. Discussion followed. Moved by Nowak supported by Gabler the resolution be laid on the table. AYES: Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson. Wilson. Gabler, (io) NAYS: Hoot, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick. Price, Roth, Wilcox. Aaron. Daly, Dearborn, Douglas. Fortino. (12) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Discussion followed. Mrs. Fortino moved the previous question. Seconded by Mr. Douglas. The Chairman stated those in favor of callino the question say "yes" and those opposed say "no". A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the question WAS called no the main motion. The vote was as follows: AYES: Lennon, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot. (17) NAYS: Houghten, Kasper, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Dunleavy. (6) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution 117653 was adopted. Misc. 7 67) By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: RENEWAL OF PURCHASE OF SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR THE OAKLAND LIVINGSTON HUMAN SERVICES AGINCY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency (OLHSA) desires to continuo providing comprehensive services for the older adult in Oakland and tivingston counties through its multi- purpose centers and homebound programs; and WHEREAS these services, which are available to persons sixty years of age or older, are made possible through the Michigan Department of Social Services from Title XX of the Social Services Act; and WHEREAS this program is directed toward providing an alternative to institulionalization through health, information and referral, home management, counseling and socialization services. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Connissioners approve matchir funds required for the purchase of services agreement renewal for OLHSA. The Human Resources Committee, by Betty J. Fortino, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairman Moved by Fortino supported by Dearborn the resolution be adopted. The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 47662 - PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYMENT ACT - AUTHORIZATION TO FILE GRANT APPLICATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 117662 concernino Minding under the Public Works Employment Act I or Building Projetts. The Finance Committee linds that no local match i , milder Ihis Art. Ihis AcI provides one-hundred percent (10Ck) Federal I'undinq to local iii, Is 01 government tor approved Puhllc Works Projects that can be started within ninety (90) days of project approval. The Finance Committee also Finds that the Oakland County Road Connission no longer desires to have the Road Commission Office Addition Project as a priority for funding under this Act at this time The Finance Committee recommends that Priority 113 - Road Commission Office Addition be deleted as a priority at this time. Also, the Finance Committee recommends that Miscellaneous Resolution #7662 be amended by deleting Priority #3 - Road Commission Office Addition and by combining Priorities #1 and 2 into Priority 111 - Children's Village School (Phases I and II). 463 464 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 2, 1976 The Finance Committee recommends the adoption of Miscellaneous Resolution 117662 as amended and requests that the Planning and Building Committee consider alternative projects for funding under this Act to be recommended to the Board of Commissioner's. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman "Misc. 7662 By Mr. Daly IN RE: PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYMENT ACT - AUTHORIZATION TO FILE GRANT APPLICATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Public Works Employment Act of 1976, became effective July 23, 1976; and WHEREAS the above Act provides 100 - federal funding to local units of government for approved public works projects, that can he started within 90 days of project approval; and WHEREAS the first priority of the propo sed 1 976 Capital Program is the construction ol Phase I of the Children's Village ScN)ol and such project would qualify under terms of the grant; and WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners approved the concept of an addition to rho Oakland County Road Commission Office Building on Fehrdary.15, 1973. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby authoriie the filing of a federal grant application for the funding of the above described capital projects. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that when filing for the federal grant the following priorities he indicated: PRIORITY NO. PROJECT ESTIMATED COST Children's Village School (Phase I and II) $1,260,000 2 Children's Village School (Phase I) 750,000 3 Road Commission Office Building Addition 2,500,000 The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption ol the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman" Moved by Daly supported by Roth the report which was a report on the resolution (amended) be adopted. AYES: Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot. (27) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor., the report, which was a repcol on the resolution (amended) was adopted. Misc. 7672 By Mr. Daly IN RE: AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CHILDREN'S VILLAGE SCHOOL To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the first priority of the proposed 1976 Capital Program is the construction ot Phase I of the Children's Village School; and WHEREAS if bids are received now such construction can be initiated before the winter season; and WHEREAS bidding should be completed as soon as possible to coyly with the provisions of the Public Works Employment Act of 1976. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Department of Central Services, be and is hereby authorized to receive bids for the initial construction steps of Phase I, with an alternate for Phase II of the Children's Village School project and a report thereon be made to this Board after receipt and tabulation of such bids. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly. Chairman Moved by Only supported by Moffitt the rv,nlution be adopted. AYES: Lennon, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson. Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Commissioners Minutes Coniinned. Septembei 2, 1976 Misc. 7673 By Mr. Daly IN RE: LEASE OF COUNTY PROPERTY TO THE TOWNSHIP OF ORION FOR FIRE S1/N110N IACIIIIY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland owns certain property located in the Township ot Orion, County of Oakland. State of Michigan, to wit: Part of SW 1/4 of Sec 35, Beg at Pt on Westerly line of M-24 Hwy distant N 87-50-35-E 2471.34 ft 6, N 00-24-26-W 2266.82 ft from SW Sec Car, Th N 00-24-26-W 200 ft, Th S 89-35-34-W 300 ft, Th S 00-24-26-E 200 ft, Th N 89-35-34-E 300 ft, approx. 1.38 acres; and WHEREAS the Township of Orion is desirous of constructing and maintaining a fire-fighting facility on such property; and WHEREAS the Township of Orion has requested a lease for such property for a period of fifty (50) years; and WHEREAS the Township of Orion agrees to operatAe and maintain any specialized equipment furnished by the County of Oakland needed for Airport crash, fire and rescue operations; and WHEREAS your Airport Committee and your Planning and Building Committee has reviewed the terms of the lease and recommends that the County of Oakland enter into the lease with the Township of Orion, a copy of which is attached hereto. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners be authorized to enter into a lease with the Township of Orion, said lease to be for a term of fifty (50) years, for 1.38 acres of property as described above for the purpose of a fire fighting facility: and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Township of Orion agrees to respond with available equip- ment to Airport emergencies requiring crash, fire and rescue operations. The Planning and Building Committee by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman LEASE THIS MEMORANDUM OF LEASE AND AGREEMENT, dated the day of 1976, by and between the COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, hereinafter called OAKLAND, and the TOWNSHIP OF ORION, a Municipal Entity, hereinafter called ORION: WHEREAS Oakland owns certain realty appropriate for a fire protection facility; and WHEREAS Orion is desirous of constructing and maintaining a fire-fighting facility on said realty: NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH: Thatthe parties hereto do hereby mutually agree as follows: 1. Oakland hereby lets and leases to Orion for a period of fifty (50) years from and after the date of this lease, certain land located in the Township of Orion, County of Oakland, State of Michigan, to-wit: Part of SW 1/4 of Sec 35, Beg at Pt on Westerly Line of M-24 Hwy distant N 87-50-35 E 2471.34 Ft 5 N 00-24-26-W 2266.82 ft from SW Sec Car, Th N 00-24-26-W 200 ft, Th 5 89 -35-34 -W 300 ft, Th S 00-24-26-E 200 ft, Th N 89-35-34-E 300 ft, approx. 1.38 acres. 2. Orion shall be entitled to the occupation and use of said land and appurtenances for as long as Orion shall use such property as a fire station facility for the Township of Orion or successor public entity. It is understood that this lease shall remain in effect for as long as Orion shall use this property as above stated and if ahandoned and/or not utilized, for any reason whatsoever, this lease shall be cancelled and the land shall forthwith revert to Oakland. Subject to the above express conditions, it is mutually agreed that the term ol this loose shall be for fifty (50) years, commencing with even date, first written above. 3. As consideration of this lease Drion agrees to respond, with available equipment, to airport emergencies requiring crash, fire, and rescue operations. It is understood that the County shall provide any specialized equipment needed for Airport crash, fire, rescue operations. It is further understood that Orion agrees to operate and maintain such equipment. 4. Oakland shall retain ail oil, gas, and mineral rights during the term of the lease. 5. The parties shall have the option of renewal of this lease upon terms and conditions as shall be mutually agreed upon. 6. it is agreed that the preliminary plans and sketches for structures, buildings, additions, or alterations shall be submitted to Oakland. No construction shall begin until review and approval has been obtained. 7. it is agreed that the location of any proposed new structures, buildings, additions, or the location of any permanent storage area shall be submitted to Oakland. No construction shall be commenced, nor shall any area be used unless it shall have been reviewed and approved by Oakland. 8. 2) Oakland agrees that at the expiration of this lease or any renewal thereof, Orion may within a reasonable time remove any and all buildings, structures, and other improvements or part of buildings, structures, or other improvements, placed or erected on said premises by Orion during the term thereof, or any renewal thereof, all expenses connected with such removal to be borne by Orion. Other permanent improvements erected or placed upon the premises and become its property in fee simple without process of law provided Orion does not exercise its right in Section 8a. 9. Orion agrees that at all times it will keep all buildings, barracks, structures and signs placed upon such premises in good condition, and to maintain the grounds surrounding in a presentable manner. 4Fo', 466 Conmiissioners Minutes Coetineed. Septemlen I, 10. Oakland grants to Orion all necessary rights of ingress and egress as may be required across lands owned or controlled by Oakland, subject to the approval of Oakland. 11. Orion agrees that the erect:on, maintenance and operations of any and all buildings, barracks, structures and signs on the said premises herein described shall be the sold responsibility of Orion. 12. Orion will use and occupy said premises in a careful and proper manner, not committing any waste therein, not using or occupying said premises for any unlawful purposes: conforming to and obeying all present and future laws, ordinances, rules, regulations. and requirements ol all governmental authorities and agencies pertaining to the use and occupation thereof. 13. Orion agrees that upen thi' effective date of this lease, Orion shalt indemnify and hold harmless Oakland for any injury or damage to any person on or odxxa the premises or to any property of Oakland or any person, firm, assnciatinn or corporation on or about the premiees orisino out of the acts or omissions of Orion. WITNESSES: TOWNSHIP OF ORION By: By: WITNESSES: COUNTY OF OAKLAND By: By: Moved by Daly supported by Olson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Durleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution Was adopted. A report and request has been received from the County Drain Commissioner acting as thy County Agency pertaining to the Evergreen and Farmington Sewage Disposal Systems and their designation as a single proposed plan of study area by the Slate of Michigan Department of Natural Resources fur the purposes of Step I Facilities Planning and U.S. Public Law 92-500 and Act 329 of Michigan Public Acts of 1966, as amended, accompanied by resolutions adopted by the governing bodies for the Cities of Farmington Hills, Southfield, Birmingham, Troy, Bloomfield Hills, Lathrup Village, Keego Harbor. Farmington, Orchard Lake Village and Sylvan Lake and for the Villages of Beverly Hills, Franklin and Bingham Farms and for the Townships of Bloomfield, Pontiac and West Bloomfield. In all of these resolutions the County of Oakland acting through its Department of Public Works is requested to by the lead applicant for the Federal and State grants for the Step 1 procedures and it is suggested that the County of Oakland accept the role of lead applicant but carry it out through its Couniy Drain Commissioner as the County Agency, by establishing a project pursuant to Act No. 342 of Michigan Public Acts of 1939, as amended. The foregoing report and request have been reviewed and accepted by the Planning and Building Committee with the recommendation that a resolution in the form submitted be adopted. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Daly: Misc. 7674 IN RE: EVERGREEN AND FARMINGTON SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTFMS - STEP 1 FACILITIES PLANNING UNDER U.S. PUBLIf LAW 92-500 AND STATE ACT NO. 329 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the State of Michigan Department ol Natural Resources has designated the areas and districts served by the Oakland County Evergreen and Farmington Sewage Disposal Systems as a single plan of study area for the purpose of Step I Facilities Planning and has determined that there is a need to obtain studies, reports, plans and estimates for the abatement of pollution, control of pollutants and polluting discharges, and the relief ot both the Evergreen and Farmington Sewage Disposal Systems; and WHEREAS the cities, villages and towu%hip% in lbe awl., and districts served by thy EVOIi114.1.41 and Farmington Sewage Dispesal Systems have adopted resolutions designating the Oakland County Ropat4 - ment of Public Works as the lead applicant tor State and federal grants which art available to finance part of the costs of Step 1 Facilities elanping in which resolutions the said public corporations each agree to pay their share of the costs thereof; and WHEREAS in order to contract to receive and expend said grants and the local share of funds. to employ consultants and to use County employees to carry out the Step 1 Facilities Planning processes it is necessary for the County of Oakland to designate an agent and to authorize such contracting and employment and expenditures and to authorize such agent to seek approval by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources of the County of Oakland as lead applicant, acting through its County Drain Conmis- sioner as the County Agency pursuant to Act No. 342 of Michigan Public Acts of 1939, as amended; and WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners desires In approve the designation of the County of Oakland as the lead applicant and to carry to a conclusion the Step I Facilities Planning for the Evergreen and Farmington Sewage Disposal Systems. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, as follows: Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 7, 1976 46/ I. That this Board by majority vote of its members elect does hereby authorize and direct that there be established, and !here is hereby established, under and pursuant to Act No. 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, is amended, a system of sewage disposal improvements and services to serve the areas and the districts heretofore designated and described in Oakland County, Michigan, in Resolu- tion., No. 3269, 3435 and 4115 as the Evergreen Sewage Disposal District and in Resolutions No. 3270 and 3339 W, Ihe Farmington Sewaoe Disposal District, which system hereby as shall he known as the "Evergreen and Farmington Seage Disposal Systems"; that the Oakland County Drain Commi...sioner hereby designated and appointed d5 the "County Agency" for ,,Aid Cnunty sy..tem; hat tho Counly Agency shall have all the power', And Julie., with respect i ii ...lid lonely '0,“.I P111 as arc inovided by law and especially by said Act 3 112; and that all obligation.. incurred hy the County Aueno. lo said system, unless otherwise authorized Hy this Board, shall be payable solely !tom I iiritls let lved hom State and/or Federal grants or payments to be made by the cities, villages and township , in the area and districts to be served as p-nvided in the resolutions of each submitted to this Board 01 Commis- sioners. 2. That the expenditures by or on behalf of the County of Oakland in negotiating with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and with the public corporations involved in Oakland County to date are hereby ratified and canfirmed and to Ihe extent permitted said expenditures ale In he pall of the costs of Step I Facilities Planning and if not urAni el igible arc to be charged to the pidilir corporations as agreed. 3. That the acceptance aI a (Irani agreement between ihe Connty of Oaklond And !he %I Ate and Federal governments for Step I Planning is lit' thy apprnved And Aulhorized, And the ClAklAnd County Drain Commissioner (a., the County Agency lor !he ,,y ,lem) is hereby outhorited and direited lit execute and deliver said agreement for and on behalf of the County, in as many countelpails as may he deemed advisable. Mr. Chairman, or be of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman ADOPTED: YEAS: Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt. (21) NAYS: None. (0) ABSENT: Button, Houghien, McDonald, Montante, Patterson, Simmons. (6) REPORT ON FACILITIES PLANNING STUDIES - EURGREEN AND FARMINGTON SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTFMS The Evergreen-Farmington Sewage Disposal District is a 130 square mile area in south central Oakland County that consists of 16 communities havinn COMWOM wastewater collection And dkpo ,...t1 facilities. The Evergreen-Farmington Distiict has experienced one of the highest growth tate., ml any area in metropolitan Detroit since ihe interceptor system was constructed in 1960. Due to this extreme growth, wastewater capacities are insufficient in certain areas, in contrast, °thei areas that have developed are still in need of collector sewers. Problems also exist in some areas where excessive infiltration/inflow is entering the sewer system. In addition, overflows from combined sewer areas are causing concern with stream pollution. - Federal -State planning funds are now available to assist in studying and offering solutions to these problems. For the purpose of establishing eligibility for these funds, the State Water Resources Commission had delineated a facilities planning area that encompasses all of the Evergreen - Farmington District. Each of the district's 16 communities has by resolution agreed with the planning area and has requested the County to apply for planning funds as the lead applicant. The planning grant will provide for overall district planning by lhe County and for local planning by individual communities. George W. Kuhn /s/ Drain Commissioner Misc, 7675 By Mr. Daly IN RE: APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR AUDITOR/OM CLOAKROOM RENOVATIONS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS minor renovations to the Auditorium cloakroom will provide an additional meeting room for Conmissioners and staff; and WHEREAS such space will be also it for needed storage arca; and WHEREAS such alterations will result in the followinn expenditures: Electrical Alterations S 300 Carpeting 345 Enclosing Alterations 575 Miscellaneous and Contingency 280 TOTAL NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that $1,500.00 be and is hereby allocated to the Department of Central Services to perform the above described alterations. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman 468 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 2, 1976 The Chailman referred tha lwarlulion to the Finance Committee There were no objections. "Ms, . By Mr. Aaron IN RE: SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - CREATE EULE-TIME OTHER SOURCES MARINE DfaHlY 'PSI FIN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS snowmobile and boat safety course instruction, snowmobile and boat salyty law enforcement and maintenance of marine safety equipment are functions of the Marine Division of the Sheriff's Department; and WHEREAS the Sheriff's Department feels that the accomplishment of these missions can he assisted by utilizing the most experienced personnel; and WHEREAS the Marine Division has had to rely on part-time personnel in allpmplinq 01 accomplish this mission; and WHEREAS the Sheriff's Department reguesis Ii'.' of ono addiI;onal lull-limy employee thiengh a sufficient reduction in use of part-time personnel. !hereby !educing availability problems in scheduling and reductions of the time involved in training new part-lime employees; and WHEREAS the Department has indicated by letter that this change will not result in a loss of lake patrol hours or necessitate an increase in part-time patrol hours to maintain the program ef the Marine Safety Division, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the full-time classification of Marine Deputy be established with a salary range of: RASE 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 11.753 ITTliql 13,62", BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one full-time "Other Sources" Marine Deputy position be authorized provided there is an adequate reduction in the use of paif-time employees so as to prevent any increased salary and fringe benefit expenditures. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoi fig resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION //MS() - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT FULL-TIME OTHER SOURCES MARINE DEPUTY POSITION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #7650 and finds $5,000 is required to fund the Marine Deputy position for the remainder of 1976. The Finance Committee pursuant to Rule XI-C finds the 55,000 available as follows: $4,000 in the Marine Patrol line-item of the Marine Safety budget and $1,000 available in the Snowmobile Safety Instruction line-item in the Snowmobile Program budget. The Finance Committee recommends the $5,000 be transferred to the Salaries and Fringe Benefit line-items in the Marine Safety budget. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Roth the report be accepted and resolution #7650 be adopted. Discussion followed. AYES: Olson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt. (17) NAYS: Nowak, Patterson, Murphy. (3) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution #7650 was adopted. Misc. 7676 By Mr. Price IN RE: ORGANIZED CRIME STRIKE FORCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Prosecutor has presented a proposal for the need of a locally funded Organized Crime Strike Force based on the fact that the State Attorney General's Office affirms that organized crime exists in Oakland County: that it is difficult for local police agencies to address the organized crime problem on a coordinated basis; and that there are no federal Funds available for such a Strike Force; and WHEREAS the Prosecutor has requested the initial establishment of such a locally funded Strike Force, whose basic staffing would consist of two vacant Economic Crimes Division positions Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 2, 1976 converted to two Prosecutor Investigator positions, five addilional Proseriore I nverdigator position% two Senior Trial Lawyers and a commitment for at leasi lour ievesligators irom the Miehig.in Police; and WHEREAS the Public Services Committee recognizes the need for organized crime investigation in this County and approves the concept of the establishment of such an Organized Crime Strike Force; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends that prior to implementation of such a program, the Prosecutor's proposal should be carefully reviewed by the Personnel and Finance Committees. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the concept of establishing a locally funded Organized Crime Strike Force; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that prior to the implementation of an Organized Crime Task Force, the Prosecutor's proposal for sow he reviewed by the Per and Finance Comittees ol the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. The Public Services Committee, Icy Hebert Price. Jr_, Chairman, moves Ihe adoption ol the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC sulvirts COMMITTEE Hubert Priero Jr., Chairmde Moved by Price supported by Ka3per the resolorioe ho adrnpied. Moved by Kasper supported by Dunleavy the rules be suspended for hmnediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Olson, Page, Patterson, Wilcox, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak. (12) NAYS: Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Lennon. (11) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. The Chairman referred the resolution to the Personnel and the Finance Committees. There were no objections. Discussion follm.vd. Moved by Hoot supported by Kaspei the rules he sespended, spetificolly lot the purpose ol approving the concept only, establishing the locally funded Organized Crime Strike Force. Discussion followed. Moved by Hoot supported by Aaron the resolution be amended following the third WHEREAS paragraph to read, "NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the concept of establishing a locally funded Organized Crime Strike Force". Moved by Kasper the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph be amended to read, "NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the concept of establishing a locally funded Organized Crime Strike Force and the Oakland County Prosecuting Attorney's Office would be responsible for the monitoring treatment of such a program". Discussion followed. The Chairman cleared thv floor. Discussion followed. The Chairman referred the .esolution to the Personnel and Finance Committees. There were no objections. Misc. 7677 By Mr. Hoot IN RE: ORGANIZED CRIME STRIKE FORCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Prosecutor has presented a proposal for the need of a locally funded Organized Crime Strike Force based on the fact that the State Attorney General's Office affirms that organized crime exists in Oakland County; that it is difficult for local police agencies to address the organized crime problem on a coordinated basis; and that there are no federal funds available for such a Strike Force; and WHEREAS the Prosecutor has requested the initial establishment of such a locally funded Strike Force, whose basic staffing would consist of two vacant Economic Crimes Division positions converted to two Prosecutor Investigator positions, five additional Prosecutor Investigator positions, two Senior Trial Lawyers and a commitment for at least four investigators from the 470 Commissioners Minutes Continued, September 2, 1976 Michigan State Police; and WHEREAS the Public Services Committee recognizes the need for organized crime investigation in this County and approves the establishment of such an Organized Crime Strike Force. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the concept of establishing a locally funded Organized Crime Strike Force. Henry W. Hoot, Commissioner - District #14 Moved by Hoot supported by Kasper the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. Discussion followed. AYES: Page, Patterson, Wilcox, Aaron, Dmileavy, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper. Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak. (12) NAYS: Perinoff. Pernick, Price, Roth. Wilson, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Lennon, Olson. (11) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Mr. Kasper requested that L. Brooks Patterson, Prosecuting Attorney he allowed to address the Board. There were no objections. Mr. Patterson addressed the Board The Chairman referred the resolution to the Public Services Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7678 By Mr. Price IN RE; SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT HELICOPTER ASSEMBLY: ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7392 in part authorized the County Executive to proceed with the repair and assembly of a second Sheriff's Department Bell Helicopter; and WHEREAS this authorization was based upon A bona fide hid in an amount not to exceed $16,000; and WHEREAS subsequent to commencing work on ihe repair and assembling ol ihis helicopier, Oakland County was not by the contrdctor that a "lop overhoill of oil Lylinde co..tinq all additional SI,000 would be needed to imke tue he fully operalional; and WHEREAS the blades of the existing She Departnrnt he were damaged in an accident necessitating the use of the blades from the second ship: and WHEREAS the set of helicopter blades for the second ship will cost $3,000. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners appropriates the sum of $3,000 from the contingency fund for the purpose of purchasing main rotor blades for the second Sheriff's Department helicopter. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PURL if. SERVICES COMMITTFE Huhtot Price, Jr., Chairman The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Connittee. There were no objections. Misc. 7679 By Dr. Montante IN RE: ELIMINATION OF BOARD OF INSTITUTIONS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Institutions was created to help county government care for many virulent, contagious diseases, including tuberculosis in its acute stage; and WHEREAS the Hospital and previous Medical Care Facility were designed and intended to deal specifically and directly with the problem of active, contagious tuberculosis and other virulent communicable diseases requiring highly specialized care, treatment, and isolation; and WHEREAS progress in eliminating these kinds of diseases, and medical advances in treatment of these diseases, have eliminated the need for sdch Hospitals; and WHEREAS Hospitals such as the Oakland County hospital and previous Medical Care Facility were virtually the only institutions dvailahle lot this kind of isolation and care; and WHEREAS the TB Hospital and previous Medical Care Facility no longer exist; and WHEREAS the present Medical Care Facility was never intended to meet any of the above needs, and was not designed as, and was never intended to become, a facility for the treatment of tuberculosis or other highly contagious, virulent diseases; and Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 2, 1976 471 WHEREAS the need for the Board of Institutions ended when the need for the TB Hospital and previous Medical Care Facility and their specialized treatment and isolation of highly contagious diseases ended; and WHEREAS the Board of Institutions is an extra level of government bureaucracy which unnecessarily adds to government size and spending while diffusing and clouding responsibility for government actions, increasing the difficulty of citizens to know which, if any, of their elected officials can specifically be held accountable for the operation of the Medical Care Facility: and WHEREAS in August of 1974, the citizens of Oakland County clearly expressed the desire.to separate administrative and policy-making authority into two distinct branches of government and to increase the accessability and accountahility of government official,. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVFD that the Board of hIstilutions is helehy disqolved abolished and no longer exists; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the responsibility for policies of the Medical Care facility, including determination of final budgets, shall pass to the Oakland County Board of Comissioners under authority granted it by Act 139, the "Unified County Government Act". I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Joseph R. Kontante, Commissioner - District #26 The Chairman referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7680 By Mr. Hoot IN RE: AUTHORIZATION FOR GENERAL FUND ADVANCEMENTS TO DRAIN COMMISSIONER AS COUNTY AGENT UNDER ACT 342, P.A. 1939, AS AMENDED To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7580 adopted on June 3, 1976 did designate the Oakland County Drain Commissioner as the County Agency for a county-wide system of water, sewer and sewage disposal improvements to be financed under the pro- visions of Public Act No. 342 of the Public Acts of 1939, as amended; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Drain Commissioner as the County Agency under Act 342 does not have any funds available to pay the preliminary project costs necessary to proceed with these Act 342 projects; and WHEREAS the provisions of Section 8 of Public Act No. 342 of the Public Acts of 1939, as amended, authorize a county board of commissioners to appropriate and pay from county general funds such sums as are necessary for administrative expenses which include such preliminary project costs, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Drain Commissioner, when acting, by resolution of the Board of Commissioners, as the County Agency under the provisions of Puhlic Act No. 342 of the Public Acts of 1939, as amended, be and is hereby authorized, to initiate and receive advances from the general funds of the County of Oakland for the purpose of payment for necessary administrative expenses incurred by the Oakland County Drain Commissioner while acting as the County Agency in the performance of duties and powers authorized by the said Act 342, including but not limited to expenses for obtaining feasibility and practicability studies, environmental assessment or impact studies, plans, designs, specifications, cost estimates, other engineering services, personnel costs, soil borings, appraisals and easement and land right of way acquisition costs. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any and all advances made hereunder are made upon the express condition that all such advances shall be repaid by the Oakland County Drain Commissioner acting as the County Agency for a particular Act 342 project, upon receipt of the proceeds from the sale of bonds issued by each Act 342 project. Henry W. Hnot, Commissioner - District #I4 The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. Thole were no objetliom... Misc. 7681 By Mr. Hoot IN RE: AMENDMENT TO RULE 10, SECTION V OF THE MERIT SYSTEM RLSOLUTION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS it is desirable to have different perspectives and points of view on the Oakland County Personnel Appeal Board; and WHEREAS such differing perspectives and points of view will be best sought by encouraging a variety of individuals to participate as members. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that with the passage of this resolution Rule 10, Section V of the Merit System Resolution is amended as follows: B. Members of the Personnel Appeal Board shall be restricted to serving no more than two one-year terms, and members having served two terms shall he considered ineligible for appointment or election to the Personnel Appeal Board. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Henry W. Hoot, Commissioner - District #14 Mr. Hoot requested the resolution he referred to the Personnel Committee. There were no objections. 472 Commissioners Minutes Continued. Srptcrnhcr 2, 19/f, Misc. 7682 By Mrs. Moffitt IN RE: OPPOSITION TO FEDERAL BILL H.R. 10210 - COMPULSORY UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE PLAN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS H.R. 10210 seeks to incorporate county government employees into the regular 26- week Federal-State Unemployment Insurance Program; and WHEREAS the present law permits county government and ninicipalities 10 determine theil own plan and criteria for paying niusvloyment benefits loI heir vrployees, and WHEREAS H. R_ 10210 could mandate that all employees (If colin I y oovernment and mull 14 i i be incorporated into the Federal -Si ate Unciaploynueo Insurance Prow am he lett imp the I edel al I x treeh.d Benefit Program; and WHEREAS such a mandate would put a trenaluhlus financial hardship on ciuvity govermems, municipalities and the overburdened tax-paying property owners. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners opposes any provisions in H.R. 10210 which would deny the county government or municipalities the right to determine their own Unemployment Insurance Program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners opposes any provisions in H.R. 10210 which would shift the financial burden of benefit provision and the Unemployment Insurance related administrative costs from the federal government to the county or the municipalties; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to our Michigan U.S. Senators, the U.S. Congressman representing Oakland County and to the Executive Director of NACO urging them to support the position of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption. of the foregoing resolution. Lillian V. Moffitt, Commissioner - District #15 The Chairman referred the resolution to the Personnel and General Government Committees. There were no objections. The General Government Committee will be the reporting Committee. Misc. 7683 By Mr. Dunleavy IN RE: M-59, US-23 TO WEST BOGIE LAKE ROAD To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS M-59 is the only existing continuous cast-west corridor across Oakland County and provides serviceto intense land use such as the industrial complex in the City of Pontiac and the county-owned Oakland-Pontiac Airport, which is the state's second busiest airport; and WHEREAS 11-59 is classified on the 1980 National Functional Classification System effective July 1, 1976, as a principal arterial which is the next step below an Interstate Freeway; and WHEREAS this segment of highway does not provide adequate traffic volume capacity and will increase in deficiency as the area continues to grow; and WHEREAS the present alignment is hazardous; and WHEREAS the Michigan Department of State Highways and Transportation's Sufficiency Rating System rates the road inadequate; and WHEREAS the Michigan State Legislature by Act 326 P.A. of 1972 recognized and so dedicated this route as a priority route and provided funding for its improvement; and WHEREAS the officials of Oakland County, both at the township and county level, have for many years declared the need for an adequate highway west of Pontiac and have urged the Highway Department to upgrade the road immediately; and WHEREAS the pavement has been widened Iron i Telegraph Road to Williams Lake Road and is presently scheduled for construction to begin in 1977 hetween Williams take Road and west of Bogie Lake Road. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for Oakland County urges the Michigan Department of State Highways and Transportation to complete the modern- ization of this road by upgrading the present two-lone pavement to Five (5) lanes from US-23 to west of Bogie Lake Road. Mr. Chairman, we move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. James W. Dunleavy, Commissioner - District #2 Patrick K. Daly, Commissioner - District #4 Moved by Dunleavy supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. Moved by Dunleavy supported by Fortino the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES; Patterson. Perinoff, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak. Pane. (18) NAYS: Aaron. (1) Commissioners Minutes Continued_ Schitemhei ;), lq/6 A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the molioe carlicd, Vote on resolution: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7684 By Mr. Nowak IN RE; PROPOSED ROUTE OF M-275 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the proposed route of 11-275 through Commerce Township and other parts or Western Oakland County would have a major impact on that area; and WHEREAS such extension, according to the U.S. Department of Interior and other agencies, would seriously upset the ecological and environmental balance of that area; and WHEREAS the noise, congestion, accelerated development and other generally recognized attributes of Freeway construction might have a seriously del iterious impact on the quality of life in Western Oakland County; and WHEREAS the major reason for the 11 -275 extension is the creation of a north south bypass route; and WHEREAS alternative routes such as 11 -96 to 05 -23 have not been studied in sufficient detail and depth. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners requests the Michigan Department of Highways to review the need for the proposed extension of 11-275. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners asks the Michigan Department of Highways to seek strong citizen input so as to maximize citizen support of alternatives to the proposal. I move the adoption of the h)ronoinq resolution. Patrick M. Nowak, Commissioner - Distric1 ff75 The Chairman referred the resolution to the Planning and Building Commiiiee. Ihere were no objections. Misc. 7685 By Mr. Wilcox IN RE: PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT IN LABOR NEGOTATIONS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS citizens in recent years have demanded a more active role in government affairs; and WHEREAS conscientious, responsible, citizen involvement in governmental deliberal ion has had a generally beneficial effect wherever attempted; and WHEREAS the openness of Oakland County governmenI has improved the operation ol county government; and WHEREAS totally secret private negotiations are not in keeping with the spirit ol our new government. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports the concept of public involvement in negotiating sessions between the American Federation or State, County, and Municipal Employees and the county government bargaining team. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners agrees that such public involvement should begin with the designation of two private citizens to be present at all bargaining sessions, as private citizens, not as members of the respective bargaining teams; that each party to the negotiations should name one of these individuals; that these citizens should be free to report their opinions of the proceedings to the public. the press, and the Board of Commis- sioners, with the understanding that such reports would be delayed temporarily at times when their issuance would work against the public interest by unnecessarily upsetting delicate negotiations. I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Richard R. Wilcox, Commissioner - Districl ffl James W. Dunleavy, Commissioner - District 82 The Chairman referred the resolution to the Personnel and the General Government Committees. There were no objections. The Personnel Committee will be the reporting Committee. Moved by Roth supported by Murphy the Board adjourn until September 16, 1976 al 9:30 A.M. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Board adjourned at 12:15 P.M. Lynn D. Allen Alexander C. Perinoff Clerk Chairman /474 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING September 16, 1976 Meeting called to order by Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff at 9:50 A.M. in the Court House Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by Henry W, Hoot. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. (26) ABSENT: Price. (I) Quorum present_ Moved by Lennon supported by Button the Supplemental Agenda be approved to consider reports from the Public Services and Personnel Comnittees. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Lennon supported by Button the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as printed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Clerk read letter from the Department of Natural Resources reminding the Board they have taken no action on the proposed watercraft controls for Sylvan and Otter Lakes. (Referred to the General Government Committee.) Clerk read card of thanks from Rudy Fortino. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from State Senator Daniel S. Cooper acknowledging receipt of resolutions. (Placed on file.) The Chairman v.tc.1Ivtl tho ChAir to prvwni .1 pidgin' hoomin.1 him 'iii havlee served 12 years on he Huron -CI ieton Motiopolilon Anthorily. Vico rhaitnkin lIvinAld I . 1444. the Chair. The Chairman returned to the Chair. REPORT By Hr. Dun leavy IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION d7678 - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT HELICOPTER ASSEMBLY: ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Public Services Committee, by James W. Dunleavy, Vice Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7678 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE James W. Denleavy, Vice Chairman "Misc. 7678 By Mr. Price IN RE: SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT HELICOPTER ASSEMBLY: ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7392 in part authorized the County Executive to proceed with the repair and assembly of a second Sheriff's Department Bell Helicopter; and WHEREAS this authorization was based upon a bona fide bid in an amount not to exceed $16,000; and 475 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 WHEREAS subsequent to commencing work on the repair and assembling of this helicopter, Oakland County was notified by the contractor that a "top overhaul of all cylinders" costing an additional $1,000 would be needed to make the helicopter fully operational; and WHEREAS the blades of the existing Sheriff's Department helicopter were damaged in an accident necessitating the use of the blades from the second ship; and WHEREAS the set of helicopter blades for the second ship will cost $3,000. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners appropriates the sum of $3,000 from the contingency fund for the purpose of purchasing main rotor blades for the second Sheriff's Department helicopter. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7678 - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT HELICOPTER ASSEMBLY: ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #7678 and finds funds available totaling $3,000 in the 1976 Budget - Contingency line- item to be transferred to the Sheriff's Department Budget - Helicopter Expense line-item. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Dunleavy supported by Patterson the report be accepted and resolution #7678 be adopted. AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution 117678 was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Dun leavy IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7676 - ORGANIZED CRIME STRIKE FORCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Public Services Committee, by James W. Dunleavy, Vice Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7676 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE James W. Dunleavy, Vice Chairman "Misc. 7676 By Mr. Price IN RE: ORGANIZED CRIME STRIKE FORCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Prosecutor has presented a proposal for the need of a locally funded Organized Crime Strike Force based on the fact that the State Attorney General's Office affirms that organized crime exists in Oakland County; that it is difficult for local police agencies to address the organized crime problem on a coordinated basis; and that there are no federal funds available for such a Strike Force; and WHEREAS the Prosecutor has requested the initial establishment of such a locally funded Strike Force, whose basic staffing would consist of two vacant Economic Crimes Division positions converted to two Prosecutor Investigator positions, five additional Prosecutor Investigator positions, two Senior Trial Lawyers and a commitment for at least four investigators from the Michigan State Police; and WHEREAS the Public Services Committee recognizes the need for organized crime investigation in this County and approves the concept of the establishment of such an Organized Crime Strike Force; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends that prior to implementation of such a program, the Prosecutor's proposal should be carefully reviewed by the Personnel and Finance Committees. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the concept of establishing a locally funded Organized Crime Strike Force; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that prior to the implementation of an Organized Crime Task Force, the Prosecutor's proposal for same he reviewed by the Per and Financ_c Committees of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 476 The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman" Moved by Dunleavy supported by Olson the report he accepted and resolution #7676 be adopted. Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the resolution be amended by adding: "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the direction of the address on conspiratorial crime in Oakland County will come from a five-member Board of Directors, representing the Michigan State Police, the Oakland County Sheriff's Department, the Oakland County Prosecutor and two members representing the Oakland County Police Chiefs." Discussion followed. Mr. Nowak requested that Attorney General Frank Kelly's opinion dated June 10, 1976 (Opinion #5046) be made a part of the minutes. "Although Assistant Prosecuting Attorneys are not designated as Deputies of the Prosecuting Attorney, it has been held that the Board of Commissioners merely has budgetary control over the selection of the employees of the Prosecuting Attorney. It was held that the Board of Commissioners has power to determine the number of Assistant Prosecuting Attorneys which may be employed by the Prosecuting Attorney. However, the Board has no selection or appointment power with respect to such assistants. Similarly, it was held that the Board of Commissioners must authorize the positions of Investigator for the Prosecuting Attorney. The Board has no function, however, beyond the authorization of the position. The selection is made solely by the Prosecuting Attorney. Thus, based on the above analysis, the Board of Commis- sioners has no control over the selection of elected officials, The only power the County Commis- sioners have with respect to personnel of elected officials is budgetary powers. That is, the Board may designate the number of employees which an elected official may hire and the salaries of such employees". Discussion followed. Mr. Olson requested L. Brooks Patterson, Prosecuting Attorney, be allowed to address the Board. There were no objections. Mr. Patterson addressed the Board. Vote on amendment: AYES: Pernick, Roth, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Lennon, Perinoff. (9) NAYS: Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Button, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson. (17) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Mr. Dunleavy moved the previous question. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. The Chairman stated those in favor of ordering the previous question say 'aye' and those opposed say 'nay'. The vote was as follows: AYES: Wilcox, Aaron, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson. (14) NAYS: Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick. (12) A sufficient majority havinr, voted therefor, the previous question was ordered. Vote on resolution: AYES: Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick. (23) NAYS: Button, Roth. (2) PASS: Olson. (1) A sufficient having voted therefor, resolution #7676 was adopted. Misc. 7686 By Mr. Dunleavy IN RE: FISCAL YEAR 1977 TITLE I PLAN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor as Prime Sponsor 1.0 477 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 administer the provisions of Title 1 of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS the pre-application for Fiscal Year 1977 funds was approved by Resolution #7513; and WHEREAS the Oakland County LETA Title 1 planned budget estimate is $4,869,803.00; and WHEREAS the Fiscal Year 1977 Plan will provide enrollment for 6,340 people during Fiscal Year 1977; and WHEREAS the Fiscal Year 1977 program components have been reviewed and recommended by both the Oakland County Manpower Planning Council and the Public Services Committee. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Employment and Training Division will provide quarterly progress reports concerning the performance objectives of the Plan to the Planning Council, Public Services Committee and the Board of Commissioners, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the annual Fiscal Year 1977 Planning budget estimate for Title 1 monies be approved for $4,869,803, consistent with the attached budget. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE James W. Dunleavy, Vice Chairman OVERVIEW OF FISCAL YEAR 1977 PLAN OF CETA TITLE 1 DOLLARS (Does not include FY_76 carry forward) CLASSROOM TRAINING - $1,460,941 - During fiscal year 1977, thirty-three classes are proposed for scheduling which will include a total of 895 positions. The scheduling this year provides for greater utilization of the training facilities of local Oakland County School Districts. In total, the ability to use school district facilities has lowered the total cost of training and has increased the Prime Sponsors ability to coordinate Manpower training services within the community. This year medical related occupations and secretarial occupations continue to be emphasized. For the first time, a less-than class component will be programmed to offer a greater variety of occupations for training. O.J.T. - $1,607,034 - Fiscal Year '77 will be the first year that 5 sources of developing OJT contracts will be used by the Prime Sponsor including our own staff, Family and Childrens Services. OLHSA, local employment service agencies and non-profit agencies. Each local agency will have an opportunity to work directly with community businesses to develop OJT contracts. Although contracts will be developed locally, all dollar allocations will be reviewed by the Prime Sponsor and approved by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. The total 804 positions are projected from FY '77 funds with an average value of contracts approximately $2,000 per person. WORK EXPERIENCE - $973,961 - The Work Experience category is presently designed in four components. An Intern Program Oakland University, the Senior Citizens Program administered by the Prime Sponsor staff and the Adult and Youth Work Experience Programs administered by the Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency. Both the Intern and Senior Citizen Programs are newly developed in response to identified client and community peeds. $133,176 dollars are allocated to the Oakland University Intern Program for 35 positions which will provide training opportunities within the departments of the Oakland County government for the period of October 1, 1976, through September 30, 1977. $45,000 will be allocated for the Senior Citizens program as an additional funding to the $174,136 presently allocated for the program for the period of July 1, 1976 - June 30, 1977. $45,000 will continue the program from July I. 1977, through September 30, 1977 for 90 part-time positions which provide work experience exclusively to the non-profit agencies that have requested funding within Oakland County. $65,000 - Adult Work Experience. During fiscal year 1976 $366,281 was allocated to the Adult Work Experience for the continuation from July 1, 1976 to June 30, 1977. The additional $65,000 is being allocated so that the program can continue from July 1, 1977, through September 30, 1977. Program objectives include over 50 Work Experience positions and 3 job developers who will be developil contracts exclusively for Work Experience individuals. OJT is a newly designed component for Adult Work Experience which will provide greater opportunity for work experience youth to transfer to un- subsidized jobs. The OJT objectives are included in the above OJT allocation $730,785 - Youth Experience. For the period of October 1, 1976, to June 15, 1977. The Youth Experience Program will provide 525 positions for both in-school and out-school youth to work on a part-time basis. The primary objective of the Youth Experience Program include provision of income continue or return to school and vocational counseling to identify occupational goals by graduation. During this year, the Youth Experience Program will be more coordinated with the school district which will not have employment service agencies directly within the community. For the first time, this will allow the service provided to a youth through Manpower monies to continue once the youth returns to school. It will also avoid duplication of effort between school personnel and Man- power personnel. $456,980 - The Services to Participants allocation will provide for 9 School Service Agencies. Programming for fiscal year 1977 will be for an 11 month period from November I. 1976 to September 30, 1977. The School Services Agency will provide the service of intake and counseling or three primary Manpower services function Direct Placement, OJT, and Classroom Training. A minimum of 50 individuals will enter Classroom Training as a result of the Agency's efforts each year. The estimated annual rate of OJT contracts equal to $234,000 is also a School Service Agency objective. Finally, the School Service Agency will be responsible for the direct placement of individuals who are unemployed. The annual goal will be 480 individuals for each agency. The existence of the Agencies will provide for the first time a community resource which will he available for both adults and youth who are unemployed. It will also provide the means for continuing to offer a greater numhel of vocational training courses for CETA applicants. Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 4/8 OTHER ACTIVITIES - $30,000 - The Validation Study for fiscal year 1977 will be for retention officers. The purpose of the study is to review the types of assessment being used to select individuals within the Merit System. Through an interviewing process, consultants are sub- contracted for who will review the job qualifications to the selection criteria for the positions. This activity is in compliance with standards of E.E.O.C. Legislation. ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET - $340,887 - The Administrative Budget will provide for continuation of 42 personnel previously reported on the Employment and Training staff plus 3 additional job developers, 1 job developer clerk, 1 less-than class clerk, 3 monitoring evaluation technicials and 2 Co-op or part-time students. The total departmental budget will equal 7% of the grant total of 4.8 million dollars. Moved by Dunleavy supported by Button the resolution be adopted. AYES: Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Collier, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montantc, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Simmons. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7687 By Mr. Dunleavy N RE: ADULT WORK EXPERIENCE - O.J.T. PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor as Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of Title I of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS Adult Work Experience is a component in Oakland County's approved Manpower Program; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #7615 approved the Adult Work Experience - 0.J.T. Program for the period July 1, 1976 to June 30, 1977 in the total budget amount of $366,281; and WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #7615 in part authorized the Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency, as sub-contractor to the County, to place adult work experience enrollees in 23 approved private non-profit agencies; and WHEREAS the Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency wishes to add an additional ID private non-profit agencies as potential additional work experience work sites. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves ihe additional work sites consistent with the attached schedule with no change to the total budget ol $366,281. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Public Services Committee will review the perlornonce objectives of the Adult Work Experience-O.J.T. Program on a quarterly basis. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE James W. Ounleavy, Vice Chairman 479 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 PROPOSED ExrAnrsioN OF TITLE 1 ADULT SERVICES NAME OF AGENCY Welfare Rights 70 Whittemore Rd. Pontiac, MI 48058 Pontiac Neighborhood Service 491 S. Sanford Pontiac, MI Pontiac General Hospital Seminole at W. Huron Pontiac, MI Pontiac Ecumenical Ministry 70 Whittemore Rd. Pontiac, MI 48058 Senior Youth Employment Service 135 O'Flaherty Rd. Walled Lake, MI 48088 New Community Group Inc. 21075 Wyoming Ferndale, MI 48220 Michigan Department of Natural Resources - Pontiac, Holly, Highland, Commerce, Waterford, Lake Orion and Avon YMCAs and YWCAs - Birmingham, Milford, Pontiac (2), Rochester, Royal Oak, Farmington, Clawson OLHSA Nutrition Sites- Pontiac (7), Southfield, Troy, Rochester, 1-buy, Hazel Park, Ferndale (2), Water- ford, Farmington, Novi, Oak Park, 'Berkley • AGENCY SERVICE Provides information and assistance for welfare clients. Provides job, educational and drug counseling along with general . referrals. Provides hospital services. Assists community groups In organizing themselves to take a leadership role In the decision-making process that affects their lives. Employment service for youth 14-25 and seniors 55 and over. Provides education and referrals for alcoholics and their families. Provides numerous types of public recreation facilities, along with outdoor education. Provides recreation facilities, social counsel- ing and education, and day camps. Provides meals and assistance for to N- income senior citizens. TYPE= OF woRK EXP11.1:1ENCE Telephone adjutants, dealing with informatio and referrals. Clerical aides and Maintenance. Semi-skilled and unski• jobs throughout the hosi Community organi er, Secretary office manan C I erk/typi st Job Developer, Counsel and Clerical aide. Community aides, Clerical Aide Reereation aides Clerical Aides Conservation aide Various jobs ranging fr. Maintenance to Youth Counseling, Clerical Al and Recreation Aides. Food service aides, Maintenance, Clerical Aide . Carnbrige House 234 Clinton Milford, MI 46042 Half-Way House f or r etarded adults Counselors 080975kh OLHE,A l'or I Flancr2. $ il,1174 $ R,:.t74.00 $ -0 - 7, 1(17 2 14.(1..) 7,07 '..i)(1 f,r)12 2 '1 '. - (II) It ,r.f.;....1.ri IC. 'in) 711S'..:,.4 1 r". ,11/7.71, Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 Moved by Dunleavy supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. Moved by Hoot supported by Gabler the resolution be amended by adding: "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the sub-contractor (OLHSA) shall solicit from all participating agencies, written job classifications and descriptions, which shall include, but not be limited to, satisfaction of the CETA limitations on political activities and lobbying as set forth in the June 25th, 1976 edition of the CETA regulations. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Prime Sponsor shall hold responsible all involved sub- contractors for avoiding all possibility of the appearance of political and lobbying activities during normal working hours." The Chairman announced pursuant to Rule XI-E the matter shall be laid over until the next regular Board meeting. Misc. 7688 By Mr. Dunleavy IN RE: REALLOCATION OF CETA TITLE II AND TITLE VI FY-76 FORFEITED FUNDS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor as Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution 17194 accepted the CETA FY-76 monies for Titles II and VI; and WHEREAS these funds were distributed consistent with the CETA law and regulations to all eligible cities, villages, townships and school districts in Oakland County; and WHEREAS local units have opted to forfeit all or portions of their CETA allocations; and WHEREAS such funds are available for redistribution by the Oakland County Board ol sioners as the CETA Prime Sponsor. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the distribution of $68,846.17 of forfeited FY-76 Title II and Title VI funds consistent with the attached budget. The Public Services Committee, by James W. Dunleavy, Vice Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE James W. Dunleavy, Vice Chairman I I.. I I 480 A. Yorfeirtv Aq.,ticy I. W. III 1.1( in 7. City Wri 3. PoiL i V. r...r . A . 4. tl.er r.•:1 $41,k/A 11 ;SI I I. rf, ki. IA.,. I [1,1 for City o St;17.,777 (to ext,,nd to 6-Pr.,-/t r,d(1,0.111 ELoQ,E,,-.tH(1 Total $ 3,943.00 $470,220.00 481 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 I . Summa ry Total Funds rurf-,iled $10,W-03.8.1 - Funds Requested $3,943.00 - Bal.Reserve for U.1. Contingency (1 112.8f.* 10,055.84 Balance -0- *The payim:nt ot 8.1. ci ii ci iv:.ponsibility of th.a., Spon!..Aor sv.b-cranto,.., tho b k•tjulalion;:. 5:1.,Aff rt,view of all par t i 1,;11.;c•tf: a n •• iutft,t I ata,n to, ic, ii t11.• Fact t hat 1'.B•11 i,itiI IL•r; .my 1% I 1•1 i tr from ity.ci II v •.1 I I . wp•Ity-y- Iii I...I lo• ci]r,)l teat, 1 ill v. CETA Title 11 FY-76 De:icretion, Soptuinly_r 1976 I. Forfeited Furul;from Sub-Gritut(.c•s: Funds Funds Balance FY-76 17nr.-r.;rarttee.--..- Allocated Forfeited Transition Funds A. blcomfield Twp. $102,1j37 $102,837 -O- B. Holly Twp. 20,543 20,543 -.0- C. Oakland Comm.College 28,107 28,307 P. Family Children So , .v. 21,719 21,719 -O- E. City of Bloomfield Hills 2,168 2,168 -O- F. Vii lag of Bingham Farm:: 1,015 1,015 G. Village of Leonard 2,W3 2,821 -P- H. Warren Schools 8,4t..t 8,461 -0- 1. Village of Lake Angeles 2,200 2,250 -0- 3. Village of Franklin 6,647 6,647 -O- K. Oichard Lake Village 2,966 2,966 -0- $199,738 . $199,738 -0- 11. Summary A. Total Title It Fy-76 Funds Poffeit.ed B. Adjustment to City of Clawson for Clerical Error (1,000) C. Adjustment for Administration Con/s 13,004_ (Increased from $128,802 to $1,41,811) $199,738 Total of Adjustments 12,009 U. Balance Forfeited Fundm $187,729 III. fteguest ,1 For .Title I.I .Fundn, (to extend program to 9-30-76) Fund: Fundn Meney At 1.(,•.IIt.d. 1vtpac::1-n •it A. boy.,1 Oak. Town:;hir f; 04, ;'0.1 $.0,,2W.70 b. City of Lathrup Villa9c 4,2)1 1,noo ,no . . ..._ td,9,ntt).70 Total $9t,pu.,7o $101„ Total Funds Requested $59,0S2.70 487 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 IV. Summary A. Total Funds Forfeited $1117,729 11. Fund:; Pr!quented $',9,082.70 C. Balance Reserv.: Inc U.T.Contingeucy . . $187,729 Balanco -0 - *The paymont of U. I. claimq is th•. lesponsibilify or Ihr Frimc! Fporn.or and Sub-Grantees iv; tequired by the Rules & Regulations. f;tait review of (AA participating aqoucy budgets art' undertaken to confirm the fact that each unit has funds budgeted to cover any U !. claims. Any deviation from this policy will coveted flout U. I. court inlgr'rIi y funft; for the applicable title. CETA Title Vt Forfeltures and Ne.illueation Septombor 1976 I. Funds Forfeited by Ildb:Grantees Funds • Pima!: Balance Sub-Grantee AlIncated For Vi tI. vr 1. Village of Franklin 2. Oakland Township 3. Oxford Township Totals Total Funds Forfeited $ 5,934 $ 5,934 0 29,355 5,000 24,355 86,825 11,019.47 Ti,Hor,_..! 122,114 21,953.47 100,160.53 $21,953.47 until eligib]e for 'fit In Transfer (6-10-76) Requests to covet pa c rtiipants Phase-Out hate Agency 1. jewish Vor.,:crv. 6-30-76 2. Royal Oak S:Alools Funds Allocatien Totdl . . $ 1511.17 3,978.17 -95,250 2,938.79 98,188.7n 3. Village of Beverly Hills 33,339 132,409 2,723.51 36,062.51 5,820.47 138,229.47 III. Summary Total Funds Forfeited $21,953.47 Total Funds IL: quested $5,820.47 Ralz:nee Reser-m-i fur U.I. Contingency .16,133.00. $21,953.47 Balance 0 * Sub-Grantees were 10,A, of 8.1. Liability in accordance with the regulation and, therofore, Jr!, is m -qui -red by the Prime !;polior in contingency reserve. 483 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 Moved by Dunleavy supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. Moved by Dunleavy supported by Button the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Wilson, Aaron, Button, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion c.Irried. Vote on resolution: AYES: Aaron, Button, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: THE SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTAL FOOD PROGRAM FOR WOMEN, INFANTS AND CHILDREN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed the financial implications of the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children (W.I.C.). This program is designed to provide supple- mental nutrition to needy Oakland County residents. It has been determined the Oakland County Health Department would coordinate the W.I.C. program. It has been determined the proposed W.I.C. program would be for a twelve month period from October 1, 1976 through September 30, 1977. It has been estimated $1,388,836 would be required to fund the program for the First year. Oakland County's portion of the $1,3138,836 would be $1,000 cash which would have to come from the Contingency Fund. The balance of the funding required, $1,387,836, would come from the United States Department of Agriculture through the State of Michigan. $1,156,530 of the $1,388,836 is programmed to be expended on food supplements to be made available to women, infants and children. The remainder of the $1,388,836, $232,306, is to be expended on administration, education and certification expenses associated with the program. Details of the grant expenses are provided in the attached financial analysis summary, It is anticipated the proposed grant will be renewed for a second year commencing October 1, 1977. The grant renewal, it is anticipated, will not require County funds. Grants subsequent to a second year are dependent on Federal legislative action and cannot be anticipated at this time. Acceptance of the proposed W.I.C. grant would in no way obligate the County to fund the W.I.C. program beyond the $1,000 referred to above. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, movrs the Health Department apply for the W.1.C. grant. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Transportation Supplies A Materialc Contractual Servire;-Sub Contractors Equipment and Furniture Food Communication Cost (Telephone 4 Postage) Equipment Rentals Consultant Services Indirect Cost (107 of Salaries) TOTAL OPERATING TOTAL COST 6,000 /1,720 28,125 5,025 1,156,530 1,898 14,976 8,000 11,559 1,236,833 1,388,836 Funding Source County Hard (1) Soft TOTAL State from USDA Hard Soft 1,000 -- 1 .3 87,836 1,388,836 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1576 484 SUPPLEMENTAL FOOD PROGRAM FOR WGMEN, CHILDREN A INFANTS FINANCIAI ANALYSIS Salaries Position Nit ,0,-, Salary Total Salary Program Supervisor 1 16,546 16,546 Dietician 4 11,867 47,468 Account Clerk II 1 9,700 9,700 Account Clerk 1 4 8,444 33,776 Typist 11 1 8,102 8,102 TOTAL SALARIES 11 115,592 Fringe Benefits 31.57 of 5aTaries 36,1411 TOTAL SALARIES PLUS FRINGE BENEFITS 152,003 Operating Expense (1) For the purchase of fot.r Centrifune, at 5250 each Prepared by: Budget Division September 9, 1976 485 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 Moved by Pernick supported by Montante the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Pernick supported by Montante the report be amended in the last paragraph to read: The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the report and it be referred to the Human Resources Committee". Vote on amendment: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on report, as amended: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report, as amended, was accepted and the report was referred to the Human Resources Committee. Moved by Pernick supported by Daly the rules be suspended to add the following resolution, "Application for W.I.C. Program Grant" to the agenda and for immediate consideration. AYES: Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Misc. 7689 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: APPLICATION FOR W.I.C. PROGRAM GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Human Resources Committee has reviewed and approved the Health Division's proposal for a special supplemental food program for women, infants and children (know as WIC); and WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed the financial implications of the grant proposal and has Forwarded a fiscal report to the Board of Commissioners. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Division of Public Health be authorized to apply for a one year grant for the special supplemental food program for women, infants and children. The Human Resources Committee, by Betty J. Fortino, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Human Resources Committee Betty J. Fortino, Chairman Moved by Fortino supported by Montante the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7680 - AUTHORIZATION FOR GENERAL FUND ADVANCEMENTS TO DRAIN COMMISSIONER AS COUNTY AGENT UNDER ACT 342, P.A. 1939, AS AMENDED To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7680 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman "Misc. 7680 By Mr. Hoot IN RE: AUTHORIZATION FOR GENERAL FUND ADVANCEMENTS TO DRAIN COMMISSIONER AS COUNTY AGENT UNDER ACT 342, P.A. 1939, AS AMENDED To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7580 adopted on June 3, 1976 did designate the Oakland County Drain Commissioner as the County Agency for a county-wide system of water, sewer and sewage disposal improvements to be financed under the provisions of Public Act No. 342 of the Public Acts of 1939, as amended; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Drain Commissioner as the County Agency under Act 342 does not have any funds available to pay the preliminary project costs necessary to proceed with these Act 342 projects; and WHEREAS the provisions of Section 8 of Public Act No. 342 of the Public Acts of 1939, as amended, authorize a county board of commissioners to appropriate and pay from county general funds such sums as are necessary for administrative expenses which include such preliminary project costs. Commissioners Minutes Conlinned. Soplemhei 16, 0/6 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Dial it Cititini ss luitnu • when ailing hy resolution of the Board of Commissioners as the County Agency under the provisions 01 Public ALt No. 342 of the Public Acts of 1939, as amended, be and is hereby authorized to initiate and receive advances from the general funds of the County of Oakland for the purpose of payment for necessary administrative expenses incurred by the Oakland County Drain Commissioner while acting as the County Agency in the performance of duties and powers authorized by the said Act 342, including but not limited to expenses for obtaining feasibility and practicability studies, environmental assessment or impact studies, plans, designs, specifications, cost estimates, other engineering services, personnel costs, soil borings, appraisals and easement and land right of way acquisition costs. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any and all advances made hereunder are made upon the express condition that all such advances shall be repaid by the Oakland County Drain Commissioner acting as the County Agency for a particular Act 342 project, upon receipt of the proceeds from the sale of bonds issued by each Act 342 project. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION g7680 - AUTHORIZATION FOR GENERAL FUND ADVANCEMENTS TO DRAIN COMMISSIONER AS COUNTY AGENT UNDER ACT 342, P.A. 1939, AS AMENDED To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #7680 and finds that no appropriation of funds is necessary. Also, the Finance Committee finds that if Miscellaneous Resolution #7680 is approved by the Board of Commissioners, said resolution would establish a procedure for advancing funds to the Drain Commissioner. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Murphy the report be accepted and resolution #7680 be adopted. AYES: Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution #7680 was adopted. REPORT By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION g7671 - RENEWAL OF PURCHASE OF SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR THE OAKLAND LIVINGSTON HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Human Resources Committee, by Betty J. Fortino, Chairman, report ,. Mi ,x(.11anrow, Resolution No. 7671 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairman "Misc. 7671 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: RENEWAL OF PURCHASE OF SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR THE OAKLAND LIVINGSTON HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairri%ri, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency (OLHSA) desires to continue providing services for the older adult in Oakland and Livingston Counties through its multi-purpose centers and homebound programs; and WHEREAS these services, which are available to persons sixty years of age or older, are made possible through the Michigan Department of Social Services from Title XX of the Social Services Act; and WHEREAS this program is directed toward providing an alternative to institutionalization through health, information and referral, home management, counseling and socialization services. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve matching funds required for the purchase of services agreement renewal for OLHSA. The Human Resources Committee, by Betty J. Fortino, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION g767I - RENEWAL OF PURCHASE OF SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR THE OAKLAND LIVINGSTON HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C oF this board, the Finance Commlitee, has reviewed Iii,.cellaneolv. Henry W. Hoot, Commissioner - Districi 1114" 487 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 Resolution #767I and finds that there are funds available for the purchase of Service Agreement. Funding for the first quarter of the Agreement (October 1, 1976 thru December 31, 1976) of $25,165 is available in the 1976 Non-Departmental line-item Human Service Agency for Oakland County. The balance of funding will be provided for in the 1977 Budget. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Fortino supported by Lennon the report be accepted and resolution #7671 be adopted. AYES: Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Siumons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn. (21) NAYS: None. (0) PASS: Montante. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution 1/7671 was adopted. Misc. 7690 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: OPPOSITION TO MEDICAID CUTBACK To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the recent Medicaid limitations required by the Governor's Executive Order 1975-12 impose extreme hardship on elderly, handicapped and poor people; and WHEREAS these limitations cut the payment for certain needed services and curtail physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and psychiatric care, and reduce the protected income level of Medicaid only recipients from 11Cf% to 100i of the public assistance standard; and WHEREAS agencies providing rehabilitation services for people may need to reduce those services because of the Medicaid limitations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Board of Commissioners of the County of Oakland urges Governor Milliken and the State Legislature to restore cuts required under Executive Order 1975-12 and to maintain adequate levels of funding in 1976-77. The Human Resources Committee, by Betty J. Fortino, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairman Moved by Fortino supported by Simmons the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Mr. Gabler voted 'no'. Misc. 7691 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: ACCEPTANCE OF FEDERAL INFLUENZA FUNDS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Swine Flu Vaccination Program, to be conducted by the Oakland County Health Division, has been approved by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS Federal funds to conduct this program in Oakland County have been made available through the State Department of Public Health. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that such Federal funds in the amount of $54,250 be accepted to assist in the funding of this program. The Human Resources Committee, by Betty J. Fortino, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairman Moved by Fortino supported by Daly the resolution be adopted. AYES: Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 488 Misc. 7692 By Mr. Aaron IN RE; I.P.A. GRANT - PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION LABOR RELATIONS TRAINING FOR LOCAL UNITS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Personnel Department has been advised that monies are available for possible continuation of the three month grant for the Training Program for Michigan Counties and Townships; and WHEREAS the grant will cover the additional period of October 1, 1976 through September 30, 1 977; and WHEREAS a recent survey conducted by Oakland County revealed that of the 62 local govern- mental agencies contacted ; 48 agencies cited specific need for a training program in Personnel Administration and also indicated that their personnel would attend this type of training program; and WHEREAS the results of this training program will benefit the County of Oakland and local communities within the County through training approximately 200 first and second line supervisors employed by the County of Oakland and a like number of supervisors employed by other local govern- ment jurisdictions; and WHEREAS it i5 anticipated that the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (I.P.A.) grant budget will allow five (5) one-day training sessions (held four times each) to train the projected 400 participants; and WHEREAS receipt of the grant and resultant training will entail $850 hard match and $23,865 soft match by the County_ NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Personnel Department complete application for I.P.A. grant continuation funding for the purpose of training first and second line supervisors employed by local government agencies within Oakland County in the areas of supervisory effectiveness and responsibilities. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: I.P.A. GRANT - PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION, LABOR RELATIONS TRAINING FOR LOCAL UNITS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen; This is the continuation of a three month grant for the Training Program for Michigan Counties and Townships. This grant will cover the period of October 1, 1976 through September 30, 1977 and will require total funding of $66,128. This grant consists of six (6) positions and requires no additional staff. Acceptance of this grant will not commit the County to any future funding obligations. The attached schedule provides a financial analysis indicating a comparison of expenses to funding sources. Unlike the existing 3 month grant (July-September) this grant continuation will require a cash contribution of $850 due to the increase in work volume contributed to this prgram and not anticipated in the 1976 Personnel Budget. Continuation of this grant for subsequent years cannot be determined until a review is made of the initial program as to whether program objectives have been met and whether continuation can be justified based on need and cost. It is anticipated at this point that any recommendation for future years' continuance would involve primarily "soft match" of Personnel Division staff with participants from local communities paying for "hardmatch" costs through registration fees. The Finance Cornittee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the acceptance of this report. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Ju1y-Sept 3 Mouth-, 19/( _ Oci-Sepi Variance Cosi 17 Month., in Inere,se/ .1.9/f.- 19/7 P.(r. 1_1-,1 .0hq Salaries " - r, iLl 850 850(E: 23,865 17,986(F: 29,413 -0- 75,237 Other Fees to Participants (i.e. Townships, Municipalities) 1,000 12,000 11,000 TOTAL 11 055 66,128 55.073 (8) (C) (11) 489 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 OAKLAND COUNFY 19/6 - 1977 IPA GRANT Project Director Project Coordinator Secretary Stenographer Soriinar Technician I (10 ) 8h0 1 (70 ) 1,452 1 (2.07) 250 (20.) 182 2 (1!d, hr. 8NO ) i (ml t. ioo -0- 1 (201 1,260 -0- 1,808 I (20/1 I,q12 -0- 1,667 1 (201 1,/82 -0- 1,600 2 (5/6 hr. 5,100 -0- 4,260 0,854) TOTAL Fringe Benefits TOTAL 6 3,574 6 307, 1,172 27% 4,746 15,354 4_2 146 11,780 2 974 14,754(A Other Operating _Txpenses Travel 104 413 309 University Consultant Leaders 4,000 27,000 23,000 In-House Consultants -0- 800 800 Telephone 150 450 (c) 300 Seminar Sites 600 3,000 2,400 Supplies & Copying 100 1,000 900 Information Material 500 7,000 1,500 Equipment Rental 100 400 (c) 300 Promotions 200 800 600 Mailings 100 400 300 Incidental Expenses (Meals, etc.) -0- 9,000 9,000 TOTAL OTHER Rent 210 sq. ft./yr. @$6.5/se. ft. 5,854 45,263 39,409(8 455 1,365 910 TOTAL 11 055 66 128 55,073 Funding Sources County Hard Match (C) -0- Soft Match (D) 5,879 Federal Hard Match 4,176 Soft Match -0- (A) Of the $14,754 increase, 511.780 is attributable to extension of the Grant from three months to a full twelve wort)s. The other S2,974 is due to the likewise increase in Fringe Benefit costs. Of the $39,409 increase in operating costs, the majority is due to the expansion of bringing in University Consultant tvadvr5 to expand the program. Hard match is anything requiring additionil County expon.a. that otherwise wouldn't 6, incurred. (This figure im ludes tclt,phoni , dnd equipment rental) Soft match is anything ongoing that r2ouires County expense; i.e. existing personnel, Rent, Supplies & copying, promotions and mailings which will be absorbed in the Personnel Department's Budget. (E) The entire $850 increase is due to an expansion of the program From 3 to 12 months. (F) Likewise the $17,986 increace is due to an expansion of the program from 3 to 12 months. Prepared by: Budget Division - 8/11/76 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1916 Moved by Aaron supported by Siumons the report be accepted and resolution 117692 he •Idopted. AYES: Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Kontante, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution 117692 was adopted. Misc. 7693 By Hr. Aaron IN RE: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - TO CREATE ONE FULL-T IMF STENOGRAPHER II POSIFION AND DUll Fl ONI STUDENT POSITION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS there is a need for full-time stenographic clerical support to provide relief in the event of sickness and annual leaves of Committee Clerk Reporters; to provide full-time office back-up support and stenographic services For the County's Cultural Council meetings and other special meetings as deemed appropriate; and WHEREAS the use of a part-time Student position has been helpful in providing some relief, the half-time availability of the Student and the necessity to train a new Student with each semester change has made this alternative inefficient in terms of the increasing complexities of the workload demands, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (1) full-time Stenographer II position be established, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one (I) Student position be deleted from the office of the Committee Clerk. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the forequinq resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Montante the resolution be adopted. The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7694 By Hr. Aaron IN RE: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL JAIL INFIRMARY STAFFING To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Sheriff's Department has requested the Medical Care Facility supply an additional R.N. position for the Jail Infirmary; and WHEREAS in preparing for the new Jail opening, the 1972 budget contained monies for five (5) Medical Detention Officers and one (1) Nurse position to staff the Infirmary as well as a line item amount for physicians services; and WHEREAS following some discussion the Hospital, Sheriff, Board of Auditors and the Health Department agreed it would be most appropriate to have the Hospital supervise the Jail Infirmary as well as provide pre-employment medical examinations for the Personnel Department; and WHEREAS on July 6, 1972, Miscellaneous Resolution #6035 was passed by the Board which established one (1) Staff Physician position in the Hospital to handle the Jail Infirmary and Personnel Department pre-employment medicals, transferred one (1) R.N. position from the Sheriff's Department to the Hospital for their use at the Infirmary and transferred funds from the Personnel Department and Sheriff Department to fund these positions; and WHEREAS the Infirmary has been operating basically with the same staffing as originally established except for a reduction in allotted physician time and an offsetting increase in nursing time (nursing time was increased from one position to one and two-fifths to provide a nurse on the day shift for each day of the week); and WHEREAS the Jail population has nearly doubled since 1972 with a corresponding increase in workload for the Infirmary; and WHEREAS in its 1977 budget request, the Medical Care Facility indicated a net possible reduction of nine (9) positions, but action on this is uncertain at this time due to current over- spent conditions in the Medical Care Facility budget for 1976. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a three-fifths General Stuff Nurse position be established for the Medical Care Facility for use at the Jail Infirmary in order to raise the current nurse staffing assigned to the Infirmary to the equivalent of a full two positions. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Montante the resolution be adopted. The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. 491 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 Misc. 7695 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7676 - ORGANIZED CRIME STRIKE FORCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners has approved the concept of establishing a locally funded Organized Crime Strike Force; and WHEREAS there are currently two vacant positions in the Consumer Protection Unit of the Prosecutor's Office; and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee finds the minimum staffing required For the organized Crime Strike Unit should include an investigative team of seven (7) Prosecutors Investigators and a prosecutorial staff of two (2) Senior Trial Lawyers, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the two vacant positions of Consumer Protection Coordinator and Project Director, Economic Crimes, and Consumer Protection Investigator be deleted and that seven (7) full-time Prosecutors Investigator and two (2) full-time Senior Trial Lawyer positions be established For the purpose of establishing an organized Crime Strike Force in the office of the Prosecuting Attorney. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7676 - ORGANIZED CRIME STRIKE FORCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 117676 and Finds this Strike Force will consist of nine (9) positions, of which two (2) will be current Consumer Protection Investigators positions reclassified as Prosecutor Investigators. The additional positions requested include five (5) Prosecutor Investigators and for two (2) Senior Trial Lawyers. Per the attached schedule the additional salary and fringe benefit costs for the remainder of 1976 for these positions would be $42,193. Furthermore, the State Police has committed at least four (4) investigators to this Strike Force at no County expense. In addition, operating costs attributable to the new positions for the remainder of 1976 amounts to $8,980 for a total additional cost in 1976 of $51,173. The Finance Committee finds the sum of $51,173 available in the 1976 Contingent Fund, said sum to be transferred to the appropriate salary and operating line-items in the 1976 Prosecutors Budget and appropriate non-departmental Fringe Benefit Line items. The 1976 annual cost of this program would be $245,446. The 1977 anticipated cost of the Strike Force would increase to $260,173 of which the entire amount would be included in the 1977 Prosecutor's Budget request. (Also on attached schedule.) In addition, the Strike Force would require adding seven (7) specially equipped vehicles to the County Fleet; vehicles necessary for the Prosecutor Investigators in the undercover work attributable to the Strike Force work equipped with 2-way radios in these vehicles. This requirement for specialized vehicles falls under the definition of specialized vehicle equipment as defined in Section E, paragraph 2 of the County vehicle policy. The Finance Commitee by Miscellaneous Resolution 117393, Section G of the Oakland County Vehicle Policy, must approve any additions to the County Vehicle Fleet and appropriate the entire capital cost necessary for any fleet expansion. Such a capital cost for seven (7) specially equipped vehicles amounts to $45,990. The Finance Committee, finds the sum of $45,990 available in the 1976 Contingent Fund, said amount to be transferred to the appropriate non-departmental appropriation line-item and affected intergovernmental funds. The Finance Committee hereby informs the Board of Commissioners that the possibility exists that a Grand Jury may be requested by the Prostcutor's Office. The most recent Grand Jury, conducted in 1971-1972, cost $72,866.73- The above mentioned Finance Committee findings are contingent upon a favorable recommendation by the Personnel Committee regarding the positions requested for the Strike Force. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman The Chairman vacated the Chair. Vice Chairman Bernard F. Lennon took the Chair. Additional Annual Cost 25% of Total for Cost Each No. Total IC I:. 0 f _19 Operating to 15% Salary $ 6.333 Transportation (7 vehicles )zo,000 miles x .12c) 2 400 $ 8,733 $ 19,121 16 800 $ 35,921 Total Additional Cost $64,822 $204,689 $10,107 $42,1_93 QUANTITY 7 QUANTITY 7 GARAGE FUND 1977 Pontiac Lemans (equipped) RADIO FU±IQ Two-way Radios $1,595 TOTAL PRICE $34,825 TOTAL PRICE $11,16!, UNIT PRICE $4,975 UNIT PRICE 492 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL & OPERATING COST REQUIRED - 1976 ORGANIZED CRIME STRIKE FORCE - PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE SALARIES (1 yr. level) Prosecutor Investigator $14,345 (5) $71,725 Reclassify Consumer Protect. Invest. to Prosecutor Investigators 435 (2) 870 Senior Trial Lawyer 27,873 55,746 $42,653 M $128,341 $17,931 218 1 3,937 $32,086 Fringe 8enefits @31.5% $13,436 Total Salary & Fringe $56_,089 OPERATING Anticipated Additional Cost in 1977 to 6% increase $68 ,711 $ 40,427 $168,768 $216,970 4.780 4 200 $ 8,980 $5 1 .173 TOTAL ANNUAL COST ADD CURRENT COST Consumer Protect Invest $13,910 (2) $ 27,820 $ 6,955 Fringe Benefits to 31.5% _4,382 8,763 2,191 Total Salary & Fringe 118,292 $ 36,583 $ 9,1116 Operating @15% Salary $ 2,087 $ 4,174 $ 1,044 Total Current Cost re_703722 $ 40 ,757 $10,190 Total Annual Cost 85 ,2O $245,446 $61 ,363 ' ANTICIPATED ANNUAL COST For 1977 Eii)6% increase $90 ,3 1 3 $260,173 Prepared by: Budget Division - September 9, 1976 COST OF ADDITIONAL PROSECUTOR INVESTIGATORS CARS TOTAL APPROPRIATION $45,990 493 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 Moved by Aaron supported by Daly the report be accepted and resolution 117695 be adopted. Moved by Nowak supported by Murphy the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy. (20) NAYS: Fortino, Simmons, Button, Douglas. (4) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on resolution: AYES: Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino. (21) NAYS: Roth, Simmons, Button, Douglas. (4) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution 117695 was adopted. Miscellaneous Resolution 7696 By Mr. Daly IN RE: BINGHAM FARMS WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Village of Bingham Farms is in urgent need of the water supply improvements and facilities which are described in the form of proposed contract hereinafter mentioned as con- stituting the "Bingham Farms Water Supply System" (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "county system" or the "system), in order to provide and distribute City of Detroit treated water in the Village and thus to promote the health and welfare of the residents thereof, which improvements and facilities would likewise benefit the county and its residents, and the parties to said proposed contract have concluded that such improvements and facilities can be most economically and efficiently provided and financed by the County through the exercise of the powers conferred by Act 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, and especially Sections 5a, 5b and Sc thereof; and WHEREAS the County Drain Commissioner (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "County Agency") has accordingly caused to be prepared a proposed contract between the county and the Village of Bingham Farms, dated as of July 1, 1976, providing for the acquisition, construction and financing of said county system and has also caused to be prepared by the county's consulting engineers, plans for the construction thereof and estimates of 51,025,686 as the total cost thereof and forty (40) years and upwards as the period of usefulness thereof, all of which have been submitted to this Board of Commissioners for its approval and adoption and have been placed on file in the office of the County Agency, a description of such facilities and said estimates being respectively set forth in Exhibits A and B attached to said proposed contract; and WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners desires to proceed with the establishment of said system and the acquisition, construction and financing of said system as provided in said contract; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, as follows: 1. That this Board by majority vote of its members-elect does hereby authorize and direct that there be established and there is hereby established, under and pursuant to Act No. 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, a system of water supply improvements and services to serve the Village of Bingham Farms, Oakland County, Michigan, to be known as the "Bingham Farms Water Supply System", which system shall consist of water supply facilities to serve the Village of Bingham Farms, as specified and to be located as stated in the form of proposed contract above mentioned; that the Oakland County Drain Commissioner is hereby designated and appointed as the "County Agency" for said County system; that the said County Agency shall have all the powers and duties with respect to said County system as are provided by law and especially by said Act 342; and that all obligations incurred by the County Agency with respect to said system, unless otherwise authorized by this Board, shall be payable solely from funds derived from State and/or Federal grants or payments to be made by the Village of Bingham Farms as provided in the said contract. 2. That the actions of the County Agency in causing the plans and estimates For the system to be prepared are hereby ratified and confirmed and said plans and estimates arc hereby approved and adopted. 3. That the proposed contract between the County of Oakland and the Village of Bingham Farms, dated as of JOY 1, 1976, is hereby approved and adopted, and the Oakland County Drain CORMIK - sioner (as the County Agency for the system) is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver said contract for and on behalf of the county, in as many counterparts as may be deemed advisable. 4. That the copy of said proposed contract as submitted to and approved by this Board be identified by endorsement thereon by the County Clerk of the statement "Approved by Board of Commis- sioners on September 16, 1976", and be attached to the minutes of this meeting. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 494 ADOPTED: YEAS: Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot. (24) NAYS: None. (0) ABSENT: Houghten, Page, Price. (3) BINGHAM FARMS WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this 1st day of July, 1976, by and between the COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan county corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "County"), acting by and through its Drain Commissioner, County Agency, party of the first part, and the VILLAGE OF BINGHAM FARMS, being a village corporation located in the County of Oakland, Michigan (hereinafter referred to as the "village"), party of the second part; WITNESSET H: WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 185, Public Acts of Michigan, 1957, as amended the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Resolution, Miscellaneous No. 6691, adopted on June 6, 1974, did approve of establishment of the Bingham Farms Water Supply System to serve the Bingham Farms Water Supply District, within which District lies all of the village; and WHEREAS pursuant to Act No. 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended (hereinafter sometimes referred to as "Act 342"), the Board of Commissioners of the county has heretofore, by majority vote of its members-elect, authorized and directed that there be established a county system of water supply improvements and services to serve the village, said system to be known as "Bingham Farms Water Supply System" (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "county system" or as the "system"), and has designated the Oakland County Drain Commissioner as the County Agency for the system with all powers and duties with respect thereto as are provided by Act 342 (said Drain Commis- sioner being hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "County Agency"); and WHEREAS under and subject to the terms of Act 342, the County is authorized, through the County Agency, to acquire and construct the water supply improvements and facilities hereinafter described as constituting the county system, the county and the village are authorized to enter into a contract, as hereinafter provided, for the acquisition and construction of the system by the county and for financing all or part of the cost thereof by the issuance of bonds by the county secured by the pledge of the full faith and credit of the village to pay such cost with interest to the County in installments extending over a period not exceeding forty (40) years, and the county is authorized to issue such bonds and, if authorized by majority vote of the members-elect of its Board of Commis- sioners, to pledge its full faith and credit for the payment of such bonds and the interest thereon; and WHEREAS the village is in urgent need of such water supply improvements and facilities to provide the means of receiving and distributing City of Detroit treated water in the village in order to supplant untreated ground waters in the village and thus to promote the health and welfare of the residents thereof, which improvements and facilities would likewise benefit the county and its residents, and the parties hereto have concluded that such improvements and facilities can be most economically and efficiently provided and financed by the county through the exercise of the powers conferred by Act 342, and especially Sections 5a, 5b and Sc thereof; and WHEREAS the County Agency has obtained preliminary plans for the county system and also an estimate of $1,025,686 as the total cost of the system and an estimate of forty (40) years and upwards as the period of usefulness thereof, all of which have been prepared by Giffels-Webster Engineers, Inc. (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "consulting engineers") and have been submitted to and approved by the Board of Commissioners of the county and the Village Council of the village and placed on file in the office of the County Agency, said estimates being set forth in Exhibit B-1 hereunto attached; and WHEREAS in order to provide for the acquisition and construction of the system by the county and the financing of the cost thereof by the issuance of county bonds, and for other related matters, it is necessary for the parties hereto to enter into this contract. THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PREMISES AND THE COVENANTS OF EACH OTHER, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The parties hereto do het...by approve and agree to the establishment, acquisition, construction and financing of the Bingham Farms Water Supply System, as herein provided, under and pursuant to Act 342. The village by way of compliance with Section 29, Article VII, Michigan Con- stitution of 1963, consents and agrees to the establishment and location of the system within its corporate boundaries and to the use by the county of its streets, highways, alleys, lands, rights-of- way or other public places for the purpose and facilities of the system and any improvements, enlarge- ments or extensions thereof, and the village further agrees that, in order to evidence and effectuate the foregoing agreement and consent, it will execute and deliver to the county such grants of ease- ment, right-of-way, license, permit or consent as may be requested by the county. 2. The Bingham Farms Water Supply System shall consist of the water supply facilities shown on Exhibit A-I which is hereunto attached and which is hereby made a part hereof, and as are more particularly set forth in the preliminary plans which have been prepared and submitted by the consulting engineers, which plans are on file with the County Agency and are hereby approved and adopted. The system shall be acquired and constructed substantially in accordance with the said preliminary plans and in accordance with final plans and specifications to be prepared and submitted by the consulting engineers, but variations therefrom which do not materially change the location, capacity or overall design of the system, and which do not require an increase in the total estimated cost of the system, may be permitted on the authority of the County Agency. Other variations or 495 Commissioners Minutes Continued. Septembei 16, 1W6 changes may be made if approved by the County Agency and by resolution of the Village Council and if provisions required by Paragraph 8 hereof are made for payment or financing of any resulting increase in the total estimated cost. The estimated cost of the system and the estimate of period of usefulness thereof as set forth in Exhibit B-1 are likewise hereby approved and adopted. 3. The County Agency shall take or cause to be taken all actions required or necessary, in accordance with Act 342, to procure the issuance and sale of bonds by the County, in one or more series, in whatever aggregate principal amount is necessary to be so financed to defray that part of the total cost of the county system which is in excess of funds available from Federal and/or State grants or other sources. Such bonds shall be issued in anticipation of, and be payable primarily from, the payments to be made by the village to the county as provided in this contract, and shall he secured secondarily, if so voted by the Board of Commissioners of the county, by the pledge of the full faith and credit of the county, and the said bonds shall be payable in annual maturities the last of which shall be not more than forty years from the date thereof. 4. The County Agency shall proceed to take construction bids for the system and, subject to the sale and delivery of said bonds, enter into construction contracts with the lowest responsible bidder or bidders, procure from the contractors all necessary and proper bonds, cause the system to be constructed within a reasonable time, and do all other things required by this contract and the laws of the State of Michigan. All certificates for required payments to contractors shall be approved by the consulting engineers before presentation to the County Agency and the latter shall be entitled to rely on such approval in making payment. The County hereby agrees that it will secure, or cause to be secured, and maintained during the period of construction adequate property damage and public liability insurance covering all facilities to be constructed pursuant to this contract. All policies and memorandums of insurance shall provide that the county and the village shall be insured parties thereunder and shall contain a provision requiring that the village be notified at least ten days prior to cancellation thereof. One copy of each policy and memorandum of insurance shall be filed with the village. 5. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the system is to serve the village and not the individual property owners and users thereof, unless by special arrangement between the County Agency and the village. The responsibility of requiring connection to and use of the system and or providing such additional facilities, as may be needed, shall be that of the village which shall cause to be constructed and maintained, directly or through the county, any such necessary additional facilities. The county shall not be obligated to acquire or construct any facilities other than those designated in paragraph 2 hereof. 6. The village shall pay to the county the total cost of the system (less such funds as may become available from Federal and/or State grants or from other sources), which total cost for this purpose shall include, in addition to the items of the nature set forth in Exhibit B-1 (represented by the principal amount of the bonds to be issued by the county plus such funds as may become available from Federal and/or State grants or other sources), all interest payable by the county on said bonds and all paying agent fees and other expenses and charges (including the County Agency's administrative expenses) which are payable on account of said bonds (such fees, expenses and charges being herein called "bond service charges"). Such payment shall be made to the county In annual installments which shall be due and payable at least thirty days prior to the date of the month specified in the county bonds as the annual principal maturity dote thereof. Such an annual installment shall be so paid in each year, il any principal and/or non-capitalited it, tote', on .,aid bonds falls due during the twelve-qunth period beginniug on such principal maturity date in said year and the amount of each installment so due and payable shall he at least sufficient to pay all such principal and/or interest thus falling due and all bond service charges then due and payable. The County Agency shall, within thirty days after delivery of the county bonds to the purchaser, furnish the Village Treasurer with a complete schedule of the principal and interest maturities thereon, and the County Agency shall also, at least thirty days before each payment is due to be made by the village, advise the Village Treasurer of the amount payable to the county on such date. If the village fails to make any payment to the county when due, the same shall be subject to a penalty of 1% thereof for each month or fraction thereof that such amount remains unpaid after due. Failure of the County Agency to furnish the schedule or give the notice as above required shall not excuse the village from the obligation to make payment when due. Such payments shall be made by the village when due whether or not the system has then been completed or placed in operation. In the event that additional county bonds shall be issued under the authority of this contract, to defray a part of the cost of the system, the foregoing obligations shall apply to such part of the cost and to said additional bonds insofar as appropriate thereto. 7. The village may pay in advance any amount payable to the county pursuant to this contract and in that event shall be credited therefor on future-due amounts as may be agreed by the parties hereto. The village may also pay in advance any one or more installments or any part thereof (a) by surrendering to the county any of said county bonds of like principal amount with all future- due coupons attached thereto, or (b) by paying to the county in cash the principal amount of any county bonds which are subject to redemption prior to maturity, plus all interest thereon to the first day upon which such bonds may be called for redemption, and plus all applicable call premium.. and bond service charges, and in such event the County Agency shall call said bonds for redemption at the earliest possible date. The installments or parts thereof so prepaid shall be deemed to he the installments or parts thereof falling due in the same calendar year as the maturity dates of the bonds surrendered or called for redemption and bonds and coupons so surrendered or redemed shall he cancelled. Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 496 8. In the event that it shall become necessary to increase the estimated cost of the system as hereinbefore stated, or if the actual cost of the system shall exceed the estimated cost,. whether as the result of variations or changes permitted to be made in the approved plans or other- wise, then (without execution of any further contract or amendment of this contract) the Village Council may, by resolution adopted within fifteen days after the receipt of construction bids, direct that a portion of the system be deleted sufficient to reduce the total cost to an amount which shall not exceed the total estimated cost as hereinbefore stated by more than 5Z, provided that such deletion shall not materially change the general scope, overall design, and purpose of the system, or in the absence of the adoption of such a resolution the village shall pay or procure the payment of the increase or excess in cash, or county bonds in an increased or additional amount shall (upon adoption of an authorizing resolution therefor by the Board of Commissioners) be issued to defray such increased or excess cost, to the extent that funds therefor are not available from other sources: Provided, however, that no such increase or excess shall be approved and no such increased or additional county bonds shall be authorized to be issued, nor shall the county enter into any contract for acquisition or construction of the system or any part thereof or incur any obligation for or pay any item of cost therefor, where the effect thereof would be to cause the total cost of the system to exceed by more than 55: its total estimated cost as hereinbefore stated, unless the Village Council shall have previously adopted a resolution approving such increase or excess and agreeing thal 1Fic same (or such part thereof as is not available from other sources) shall be paid or its payment procured by the village in cash or be defrayed by the issuance of increased or additional county bonds in anticipation of increased or additional payments agreed to be made by the village to the county in the manner hereinbefore provided: Provided, further, that the adoption of such resolution by the Village Council shall not be required prior to or as a condition precedent to the issuance of additional bonds by the county, if the county has previously issued or contracted to sell bonds to pay all or part of the cost of the project and the issuance of the additional bonds is necessary (as determined by the county) to pay such increased, additional or excess costs as are essential to completion of the project according to the plans as last approved prior to the time when the previous bonds were issued or contracted to be sold. 9. In the event that the actual cost of the system is less than the total estimated cost, then any surplus available to the county from the sale of county bonds shall, at the option of the Village Council, be used either to improve, enlarge or extend the system, or to apply upon future payments due to the county, or to redeem bonds or to purchase the same on the open market, provided that such surplus shall be used to improve, enlarge or extend the system only if authorized by the Board of Commissioners. Any such surplus may, for the purpose of improving, enlarging or extending the system, be supplemented by cash payments to be made by the village, or such improvements, enlarge- ments or extensions may be financed entirely from such cash payments, where authorization by the Village Council. Where any such surplus is used to redeem or purchase bonds, the same shall he cancelled, and the payments thereafter required to be made by the village to the county shall be reduced so as to reflect the resulting saving of interest and the payment required to be made in the calendar year of the stated maturity of said bonds shall be reduced by the principal amount thereof. 10. Should the village fail for any reason to pay the county at the times specified, the amounts herein required to be paid, the village does hereby authorize the State Treasurer or other official charged with the disbursement of unrestricted state funds returnable to the village pursuant to the Michigan constitution to withhold sufficient funds to make up any default or deficiency in funds. If the full faith and credit of the county is pledged for the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds to be issued by the county and if the county is required to advance any money by reason of such pledge on account of the delinquency of the village, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to notify the State Treasurer to deduct the amount of money so advanced by the county from any unrestricted moneys in the State Treasurer's possession belonging to the village and to pay such amount to the county. The foregoing shall not operate to limit the county's right to pursue any other legal remedies for the reimbursement of moneys advanced on account of the default of the village. 11. The village, pursuant to the authorization of Section 5a of Act No. 342, does hereby pledge its full faith and credit for the pronptand timely payment of its obligations expressed in this contract and shall each year levy a tax in an amount which, taking into consideration estimated delinquencies in tax collections, will be sufficient to pay its obligations under this contract becoming due before the time of the following year's tax collections: Provided, however, that if at the time of making its annual tax levy, the village shall have on hand in cash other funds which have been set aside and pledged or are otherwise available for the payment of such contractual obligations falling due prior to the time of the next tax collection, then the annual tax levy may be reduced by such amount. The Village Council shall each year, at least 90 days prior to the final date provided by law for the making of the annual village tax levy, submit to the County Agency a written statement setting forth the amount of its obligations to the county which become due and payable under this contract prior to the time of the next following year's tax collections, the amount of the funds which the village has or will have on hand or to its credit in the hands of the county which have been set aside and pledged for payment of said obligations to the county, and the amount of the village taxes next proposed to be levied for the purpose of raising money to meet such obligations. The County Agency shall promptly review such state and, if he finds that the proposed village tax levy is insufficient, he shall so not the Village Council, and the village hereby covenants and agrees that it will thereupon increase its levy to such extent as may be required by the County Agency. 12. No change in the jurisdiction over any territp-y in the village shall in any manner impair the obligations of this contract or affect the obligations of the village hereunder In the 497 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 event that all or any part of the territory of the villie is incorporated as a new city or village or is annexed to or becomes a part of the territory of another municipality, the municipality into which such territory is incorporated or to which such territory is annexed shall assume the proper proportionate share of the contractual obligations (including the pledge of full faith and credit) of the village, which proper proportionate share shall be fixed and determined by the County Agency and shall be binding upon all parties concerned unless only part of the village is incorporated or annexed and, within sixty (60) days after such incorporation or annexation becomes effective, the governing body of the municipality into which such territory is incorporated of to which such territory is annexed and the Village Council shall by mutual agreement and with the written approval of the County Agency fix and determine such proper proportionate share. The County Agency shall, prior to making such determination, receive a written recommendation as to the proper proportionate share from a committee composed of one representative designated by the Village Council of the village, one designated by the governing body of the new municipality or the municipality annexing Such territory, and one independent registered engineer appointed by the County Agency. Each govern- mental unit shall appoint its representative within fifteen (15) days after being notified to do so by the County Agency and within a like time the County Agency shall appoint the engineer third member. If any such representative (other than the appointee of the County Agency) is not appointed within the time above provided, then the County Agency may proceed without said recommendation. If the committee shall not make the recommendation within forty-five (45) days after its appointment or with any extension thereof by the County Agency, then the County Agency may proceed without such recom- dation. 13. This contract is contingent upon the county issuing its negotiable bonds as herein provided, to defray such part of the total estimated cost of the system as is necessary to be financed, which bonds shall be issued under the authorization provided in Section 5a, 5b and 5c of said Act 342. Interest on the bonds shall be capitalized and paid from the bond proceeds for a period not exceeding the estimated construction period and one year thereafter. In the event that the bonds are not issued within three years from the date of this contract, then unless extended by mutual agreement it shall become null and void, except that the village shall pay all engineering, legal and other costs and expenses theretofore incurred and shall be entitled to all plans, specifica- tions and other engineering data and materials. 14. Upon completion of the system the county does hereby lease the same to the village to operate and maintain the same upon the following terms and conditions: (a) The system shall be used only to serve areas in the village. (b) The village shall maintain the system in good condition. (c) The village and the county shall not permit the inter connection of the system to any other source of water. (d) The village shall appropriate in each year such sums as shall be sufficient at least to pay the cost of operating and maintaining the system, and to establish a fund for replacement, improve. ments, and major maintenance of the system. In addition, the village may make and collect such service charges, connection charges or special assessments to individual users as shall be deemed desirable to help to pay the operating costs of the village and to provide such other funds for water supply purposes as are deemed desirable. The village shall enforce prompt payment of all such charges and assessments as the same shall become due. The village hereby accepts the lease of the system upon the terms and conditions herein set forth. It is further agreed with respect to the system that at all times during the operation there. of by the village, as lessee, that it will obtain and maintain in effect adequate property damage, public liability and workmen's compensation insurance covering all facilities leased to the village under any contract with the county now or hereafter in effect. All policies and memorandum of insurance shall provide that the county and the village shall be insured parties thereunder and shall contain a provision requiring that the county be notified at least ten days prior to cancellation thereof. One copy of each policy and memorandum of insurance shall be filed with the County Agency. 15. The county shall have no obligation or responsibility for providing water or water supply facilities except as herein expressly provided with respect to the acquisition of the system or as otherwise provided by contract. The village shall have the authority and the responsibility to provide such other facilities and shall have the right to expand the Facilities of the system by constructing or extending water lines or related facilities, connecting the same to the system, and otherwise improving the system. It is expressly agreed, nevertheless, that no such connection (other than individual tap-ins) shall be made to the system and no improvements, enlargements or extensions thereof shall be made without first securing a permit therefor From the County Agency. Any such permit may be made conditional upon inspection and approval of new construction by the County Agency. It is further agreed that the system shall be used for receiving and distributing City of Detroit treated water only and the village shall take all necessary action to prevent entry into the system of other waters. 16. All powers, duties and functions vested by this contract in the county shall he exercised and performed by the County Agency, for and on behalf of the county, unless olherwise provided by law or in this contract. 17. The parties hereto recognize that the holders from time to time of the bonds to be issued by the County under the provisions of Act 342, and secured by the full faith and credit pledge of the village to the making of its payments as set forth in this contract, will have contractual rights in this contract, and it is therefore covenanted and agreed that so long as any of said bond shall remain outstanding and unpaid, the provisions of this contract shall not be subject to any alteration or revision which would in any manner adversely affect either the security of the bonds Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 or the prompt payment of principal or interest thereon. The right to make changes in this contract, by amendment, supplemental contract or otherwise, is nevertheless reserved insofar as the same do not have such adverse effect. The parties hereto further covenant and agree that they will each comply with their respective duties and obligations under the terms of this contract promptly, at the times and in the manner herein set forth, and will not suffer to be done any act which would in any way impair the contract of said bonds, the security therefor, or the prompt payment of the principal and interest thereon. It is hereby declared that the terms of this contract and of any amendatory or supplemental contract and any contract entered into pursuant hereto, insofar as they pertain to said bonds or to the payment of the security thereof, shall be deemed to be for the benefit of the holders of said bonds. 18. In the event that any one or more of the provisions of this contract shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions hereof, but this contract shall be con- strued as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision has never been contained herein. 19. This contract shall become effective upon its execution by each party hereto and the expiration of 45 days after the date of publication of the notice required by Section 56 of Act 342; Provided, however, that if, within the 45 day period, a proper petition is filed with the Village Clerk of the Village of Bingham Farms in accordance with the provisions of said Section 5h of Act 342 then this contract shall not become effective until approved by the vote of a majority of the electors of the village qualified to vote and voting thereon at a general or special election. This contract shall terminate forty (40) years from the date hereof or on such earlier date as shall be mutually agreed: Provided, however, that it shall not be terminated at any time prior to the payment in full of the principal of and interest on the county bonds together with all bond service charges pertaining to said bonds. This contract may be executed in several counterparts. The provisions of this contract shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed and delivered by the undersigned, being duly authorized by the respective governing bodies of such parties, all as of the day and year first above written. VILLAGE OF BINGHAM FARMS COUNTY OF OAKLAND By By President County Drain ComIssioner (County Agency) . 498 ! ! I :Iprab I L TrtmEEEN r _ I I I 11 STALE, 120E1' "VILLAGE OF E3INGHAM FARMS" NOTE. EXISTING WATER wore n • 4-• 7 T—; qaJ7.1..it NOTCEXISTINS VtATERmAIN" 499 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 - . • 1:. .. • -5,i / _.. .1 — EXHIBIT A —I BINGHAM FARMS WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM JUN, iv; s Total Estimated Project Cost $1,025,686.00 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 500 July, 1976 BINGHAM FARMS WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM Estimate of Cost 406 L.F. 16" Water Main 16,137 L.F. 12" Water Main 16,295 L.F. 8" Water Main 72 L.F. 16" Road Bore 17 Ea. 12'' G.V. & W. 22 Ea. 8' G.V. & W. 1 L.S. 8" x 6" T.S . V. , Box & Hydrant 63 Ea. Fire Hydrants @$ 27.00 $ 10,962.00 @ 20.35 ,--- 32t1,187.9, @ 13.75 = 224,056.25 @ 110.00 = 7,920.00 @ 1,200.00 = 20,400.00 @ 880.00 = 19,360.00 @ 1,850.00 = 1,850.00 @ 950.00 = 59,850.00 Total Construction Cost = $672,786.20 Engineering Consulting Engineer (Design) $46,289.00 Consulting Engineer (Staking & Layout) , , 16,586.00 Soil and Material Testing 3 000 00 Soil Borings 600.00 66,475.00 Project Administration 28,257.00 Inspection 31,621.00 Easement Acquisition 75,000.00 Act 347 Permit 1,273.00 Financial Consultant 3,127.00 Bond Counsel 3,564.00 Bond Prospectus 1,405.00 Bond Printing 180.00 Publishing Oakland Press 400.00 Michigan Contractor & Builder 35.00 Bond Buyer 265.00 Local Publication 250.00 950.00 Contingency 65,315.68 Acquire existing systems (Telegraph Road, Bingham Lane & Fromm School) 75,732.12 Deduct Village of Bingham Farms Cash Payment 90,000.00 Total Estimated Bonded Cost - $ 935,686.00 I hereby estimate the period of usefulness of this facility to be forty (40) years and upwards. GIFFELS-WEBSTER ENGINEERS,.INC. Franklin P.E. #11302 (ATebs ter Exhibit "B-1" 501 Commissioners Minutes Continued, September 16, 1976 Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7697 By Mr. Daly IN RE: EVERGREEN SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - BINGHAM FARMS EXTENSION NO. 2 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Village of Bingham Farms and Village of Franklin are in urgent need of the sewage disposal improvements and facilities which are described in the form of proposed contract hereinafter mentioned as constituting the "Evergreen Sewage Disposal System - Bingham Farms Extension ko.2"(hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "county system" or the "system"), in order to abate pollution of the waters of the Villages and thus to promote the health and welfare or the residents thereof, which improvements and facilities would likewise benefit the county and its residents, and the parties to said proposed contract have concluded that such improvements and facilities can he most economically and efficiently provided and financed by the County through the exercise of the powers conferred by Act 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, and especially Sections 5a, 5b and Sc thereof; and WHEREAS the County Drain Commissioner (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "County Agency") has accordingly caused to be prepared a proposed contract between the county and the Village of Bingham Farms and Village of Franklin, dated as of July 1, 1976, providing For the acquisition, construction and financing of said county system and has also caused to be prepared by the county's consulting engineers, plans for the construction thereof and estimates of $1,789,314 as the total cost thereof and forty (40) years and upwards as the period of usefulness thereof, all of which have been submitted to this Board of Commissioners for its approval and adoption and have been placed on file in the office of the County Agency, a description of such facilities and said estimates being respectively set forth in Exhibit A and B attached to said proposed contract; and WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners desires to proceed with the establishment of said system and the acquisition, construction and financing of said system as provided in said contract; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, as follows: I. That this Board by majority vote of its member-elect does hereby authorize and direct that there be established, and there is hereby established, under and pursuant to Act No, 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, a system of sewage disposal improvements and services to serve the Village of Bingham Farms and Village of Franklin, Oakland County, Michigan, to be known as the "Evergreen Sewage Disposal System - Bingham Farms Extension No. 2", which system shall consist of sewage disposal facilities to serve the Village of Bingham Farms and Village of Franklin, as specified and to be located as stated in the form of proposed contract above mentioned; that the Oakland County Drain Commissioner is hereby designated and appointed as the "County Agency" for said County system; that the said County Agency shall have all the powers and duties with respect to said County system as are provided by law and especially by said Act 342; and that all obligations incurred by the County Agency with respect to said system, unless otherwise authorized by this Board, shall be payable solely from funds derived from State and/or Federal grants or payments to be made by the Village of Bingham Farms and Village of Franklin as provided in the said contract. 2. That the actions of the County Agency in causing the plans and estimates for the system to be prepared are hereby ratified and confirmed and said plans and estimates are hereby approved and adopted. 3, That the proposed contract between the County of Oakland and the Village of Bingham Farms and Village of Franklin, dated as of July 1, 1976, is hereby approved and adopted, and the Oakland County Drain Commissioner (as the County Agency for the system) is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver said contract for and on behalf of the county, in as many counter- parts as may be deemed advisable. 4. That the copy of said proposed contract as submitted to and approved by this Board be identified by endorsement thereon by the County Clerk of the statement "Approved by Board of Conn's- sioners on September 16, 1976", and be attached to the minutes of this fleeting. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman ADOPTED: YEAS: Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Pernick, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot. (21) NAYS: None. (0) ABSENT: Houghten, Kasper, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Price. (6) CONTRACT EVERGREEN SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - BINGHAM FARMS EXTENSION NO. 2 THIS CONTRACT, made as of this 1st day of July, 1976, by and between the COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan county corporation (hereinafter called the "county"), by and through its Drain Commissioner, party of the first part and the VILLAGE OF BINGHAM FARMS and the VILLAGE OF FRANKLIN, municipal cor- porations in the County of Oakland (hereinafter collectively called the "villages and individually called "village"), parties of the second part: W1TNESSET H: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Supervisors by Resolution, Miscellaneous No. 3269, Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 adopted on August 12, 1957, as amended by Resolution, Miscellaneous No. 3435, adopted on Ot.toleo 13, 1958, did approve of establishment of the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System to serve the Ev•rgte•e Sewage Disposal District; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Supervisors by Resolution, Miscellaneous No. 4115, adopted March 6, 1963, did enlarge the Evergreen Sewage Disposal District to include all of the Village of Franklin and all of the Village of Bingham Farms within the area to be served by the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System; and WHEREAS pursuant to the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System Agreement, dated November 10, 1958, as amended by amendatory agreements dated December 22, 1958 and February 9, 1959, all between the County of Oakland and the Cities of Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills, Lathrup Village, Troy and South- field, the Village of Westwood (now Beverly Hills) and the Townships of Bloomfield and Pontiac, municipal corporations in said County of Oakland, the said County, acting through its Department of Public Works, did acquire the original Evergreen System and did finance such acquisition by the issuance of bonds in anticipation of payments to be made by said municipal corporations to the County in accordance with the provisions of said agreement, as amended (herein referred to as the "Base Agreement"); and WHEREAS the Villages have entered into agreements with the county, with ihe approval of the aforesaid municipal corporations who are parties to the Base Agreement, entitled Agreemeet Relative to the Addition of Areas to the Evergreen Sewage Disposal District and the Assumption of a Portion ol the Cost of Acquiring the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System and Arms and Extensions Thereto, dated as of October I, 1962, in the case of the Village of Bingham Farms, and dated as of April 1, 1970. in the case of the Village of Franklin, (herein called the "Addition Agreements") by which each of the said villages agrees to pay its proportionate share of the cost of acquisition of the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System and such parts of the Southfield-Rouge Arm and North Extension thereto then in being or under construction and of the operation and maintenance thereof in accordance with the terms and provisions of said Base Agreement; and WHEREAS the county and the City of Southfield and the Village of Bingham Farms have entered into an Agreement, Evergreen Sewage Disposal System, Southfield-Rouge Arm, dated as of April 15, 1964, as amended, concerning the construction of and payment for the Southfield-Rouge Arm and the North Extension thereto (herein called the "Southfield-Rouge Arm Agreements"); and WHEREAS the county and the villages have entered into an Agreement, Evergreen Sewage Disposal System - Bingham Farms Extension No. 1, dated as of April I, 1971, and an Amendment to Agreement, dated as of October 1, 1971, and a Second Amendment to Agreement dated as of September 1, 1972, which amended said Agreement of April 1, 1971, all of which provided for extent ions of said Evergreen Sewage Disposal System to provide services and facilities for said villages; and WHEREAS pursuant to Act No. 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended (hereinafter sometimes referred to as "Act 342), the Board of Commissioners of the county has heretofore, by majority vote of its members-elect, authorized and directed that there be established a county system of sewage disposal improvements and services to serve the villages, said system to be known as "Evergreen Sewage Disposal System - Bingham Farms Extension No. 2" (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "county system" or as the "system"), and has designated the Oakland County Drain Commissioner as the County Agency for the system with all powers and duties with respect thereto as are provided by Act 342 (said Drain Commissioner being hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "County Agency"); and WHEREAS under and subject to the terms of Act 342, the County is authorized, threugh the County Agency, to acquire and construct the sewage disposal huprovements and facilities hereinolter described as constituting the county system, the county and the villages ore oulhorired to enter into a contract, as hereinafter provided, for the acquisition and construction of the system by the county and for financing all or part of the cost thereof by the issuance of bonds by the county secured by the pledge of the full faith and credit of each of the villages to pay its respective share of such cost with interest to the County in installments extending over a period not exceeding forty (40) years, and the county is authorized to issue such bonds and, if authorized by majority vote of the members-elect of its Board of Commissioners, to pledge its full faith and credit for the payment of such bonds and the interest thereon; and WHEREAS the villages are in urgent need of such sewage disposal improvements and facilities to provide the means of collecting and disposing of sanitary sewage of the villages, in order to abate pollution of the waters of the villages and thus to promote the health and welfare of the residents thereof, which improvements and facilities would likewise benefit the county and its residents, and the parties hereto have concluded that such improvements and facilities can be most economically and efficiently provided and financed by the county through the exercise of the powers conferred by Act 342, and especially Sections 5a, 5b and 5c thereof; and WHEREAS the County Agency has obtained preliminary plans for the county system and also an estimate of $1,789,314 as the total cost of the system and an estimate of forty (40) years and upwards as the period of usefulness thereof, all of which have been prepared by Giffels-Wpbster Engineers, Inc., (hereinafter some referred to as the "consulting engineers") and have keen submitted to and approved by the Board of Commis5ioners of the county and the Village Couec11 of each of thy villages and placed on file in the office of the County Agency, said estimates being set forth In Exhibit B hereunto attached; and WHEREAS in order to provide for the acquisition and construction of the system by the county and the financing of the cost thereof by the issuance of county bonds, and for other related matters, it is necessary for the parties hereto to enter into this contract. 503 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PREMISES AND THE COVENANTS OF EACH OTHER, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The parties hereto do hereby approve and agree to the establishment, acquisition, con- struction and financing of the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System - Bingham Farms Extension No. 2, as herein provided, under and pursuant to Act 342. The villages by way of compliance with Section 29, Article VII, Michigan Constitution of 1963, each consent and agree to the establishment and locaiine of the system within its corporate boundaries and to the use by the county of its streets, hiahways, alleys, lands, rights-of-way or other public places for the purpose and facilities of the system and any improvements, enlargements or extensions thereof, and the villages each further agree that, in order to evidence and effectuate the foregoing agreement and consent, it will execute and deliver to the county such grants of easement, right-of-way, license, permit or consent as may he requested by the county. 2. The Evergreen Sewage Disposal System - Bingham Farms Extension No. 2 shall consist of the sewage disposal facilities shown on Exhibit A which is hereunto attached and which is hereby made a part hereof, and as are more particularly set forth in the preliminary plans which have been prepared and submitted by the consulting engineers, which plans are on file with the County Agency and are hereby approved and adopted. The system shall be acquired and constructed substantially in accordance with the said preliminary plans and in accordance with final plans and specifications to be prepared and submitted by the consulting engineers, but variations therefrom which do not materially change the location, capacity or overall design of the system, and which do not require an increase in the total estimated cost of the system, may be permitted on the authority of the County Agency. Other variations or changes may be made if approved by the County Agency and by resolution of each Village Council and if provisions required by Paragraph 8 hereof are made for payment or financing of any resulting increase in the total estimated cost. The estimate of cost of the system and the estimate of period of usefulness thereof and the respective shares of cost for each village as set forth in Exhibit B are likewise hereby approved and adopted. 3. The County Agency shall take or cause to be taken all actions required or necessary, in accordance with Act 342, to procure the issuance and sale of bonds by the County, in one or more series, in whatever aggregate principal amount is necessary to be so financed to defray that part of the total cost of the county system which is in excess of funds available from Federal and/or State grants or other sources. Such bonds shall be issued in anticipation of, and be payable primarily from, the payments to be made by each village to the county as provided in this contract, and shall be secured secondarily, if so voted by the Board of Commissioners of the county, by the pledge of the full faith and credit of the county, and the said bonds shall be payable in annual maturities the last of which shall be not more than forty years from the date thereof. 4. The County Agency shall proceed to take construction bids for the system and, subject to the sale and delivery of said bonds, enter into construction contracts with the lowest responsible bidder or bidders, procure from the contractors all necessary and proper bonds, cause the system to be constructed within a reasonable time, and do all other things required by this contract and the laws of the State of Michigan. All certificates for required payments to contractors shall be approved by the consulting engineers before presentation to the County Agency and the latter shall he entitled to rely on such approval in making payment. The county hereby agrees that it will secure, or cause to be secured, and maintained during the period of construction adequate property damage and public liability insurance covering all facilities to be constructed pursuant to this contract. All policies and memorandums of insurance shall provide that the county and the villages shall be insured parties thereunder and shall contain a provision requiring that the villages be notified at least ten days prior to cancellation thereof. One copy of each policy and memorandum of insurance shall be filed with each village. 5. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the system is to serve the villages and not the individual property owners and users thereof, unless by special arrangement between the County Agency and each village. The responsibility of requiring connection to and use of the system and or providing such additional facilities, as may be needed, shall be that of each village which shall cause to be constructed and maintained, directly or through the county, any such necessary additional facilities. The county shall not be obligated to acquire or construct any facilities other than those designated in paragraph 2 hereof. 6. Each village shall pay to the county its respective share of the system as set forth on Exhibit B (less such funds as may become available from Federal and/or State grants or from other sources), which total cost for this purpose shall include, in addition to the items of the nature set forth in Exhibit B (represented by the principal amount of the bonds to be issued by the county plus such funds as may become available from Federal and/or State grants or other sources), all interest payable by the county on said bonds and all paying agent fees and other expenses and charges (including the County Agency's administrative expenses) which are payable on account of said bonds (such fees, expenses and charges being herein called "bond service charges"). Such payment shall be made to the county in annual installments which shall be due and payable at least thirty days prior to the day of the month specified in the county bonds as the annual principal maturity date thereof. Such an annual installment shall be so paid in each year, if any principal and/or non-capitalized interest on said bonds falls due during the twelve-month period beginning on such principal maturity date in said year, and the amount of each installment so due and payable shall be at least sufficient to pay all such principal and/or interest thus falling due and all bond service charges then due and payable. The County Agency shall, within thirty days after delivery of the county bonds to the Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 504 purchaser, furnish each Village Treasurer with a complete schedule of the share of each village of the principal and interest maturities thereon, and the County Agency shall also, at least thirty days before each payment is due to be made by the villages, advise the Village Treasurer of each of the amount payable to the county on such date. If a village fails to make any payment to the county when due, the same shall be subject to a penalty of 1Z thereof for each month or fraction thereof that such amount remains unpaid after due. Failure of the County Agency to furnish the schedule or give the notice as above required shall not excuse either village from the obligation to make payment when due. Such payments shall be made by each village when due whether or not the system has then been completed or placed in operation. In the event that additional county bonds shall be issued under the authority of this contract, to defray a part of the cost of the system, the foregoing obligations shall apply to such part of the cost and to said additional bonds insofar as appropriate thereto. 7. A village may pay in advance any amount payable to the county pursuant to this contract and in that event shall be credited therefor on future-due amounts as may be agreed by the parties hereto. A village may also pay in advance any one or more installments or any part thereof (a) by surrendering to the county any of said county bonds of like principal amount with all future-due coupons attached thereto,or (b) by paying to the county in cash the principal amount of any county bonds which are subject to redemption prior to maturity, plus all interest thereon to the first date upon which such bonds may be called for redemption, and plus all applicable call premiums and bond service charges, and in such event the County Agency shall call said bonds for redemption at the earliest possible date. The installments or parts thereof so prepaid shall be deemed to be the installments or parts thereof falling due in the same calendar year as the maturity dates of the bonds surrendered or called For redemption and bonds and coupons so surrendered or redeemed shall be cancelled. 8. In the event that it shall become necessary to increase the estimated cost of the system as hereinbefore stated, or if the actual cost of the system shall exceed the estimated cost, whether as the result of variations or changes permitted to be made in the approved plans or other- wise, then (without execution of any further contract or amendment of this contract) either Village Council, may, by resolution adopted within fifteen days after the receipt of construction bids, direct that a portion of its part of the system be deleted sufficient to reduce its share of the total cost to an amount which shall not exceed its share of the total estimated cost as herein- before stated by more than 5, provided that such deletion shall not materially change the general scope, overall design, and purpose of the system, or in the absence of the adoption of such a resolution a village shall pay or procure the payment of the increase or excess in cash, or county bonds in an increased or additional amount shall (upon adoption of an authorizing resolution therefor by the Board of Commissioners) be issued to defray such increased or excess cost, to the extent that funds therefor are not available from other sources: Provided, however, that no such increased or excess shall be approved and no such increased or additional county bonds shall be authorized to be issued, nor shall the county enter into any contract for acquisition or construction of the system or any part thereof or incur any obligation for or pay any item of cost therefor, where the effect thereof would be to cause the total cost of the system to exceed by more than 5% its total estimated cost as hereinbefore stated, unless each Village Council shalt have previously adopted a resolution approving such increase or excess and agreeing that its share of the same (or such part thereof as is not available from other sources) shall be paid or its payment procured by the village in cash or be defrayed by the issuance of increased or additional county bonds in anticipation of increased or additional payments agreed to be made by the village to the county in the manner hereinbefore provided: Provided, further, that the adoption of such resolution by a Village Council shall not be required prior to or as a condition precedent to the issuance of additional bonds by the county, if the county has previously issued or contracted to sell bonds to pay all or part of the cost of the project and the issuance of the additional bonds is necessary (as determined by the county) to pay such increased additional or excess costs as are essential to completion of the project according to the plans as last approved prior to the time when the previous bonds were issued or contracted to be sold. 9. In the event that the actual cost of the system is less than the total estimated cost, then any surplus available to the county from the sale of county bonds shall, at the option oi each Village Council, be used either to improve, enlarge or extend the system or the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System, or to apply upon future payments due to the county, or to redeem bonds or to purchase the same on the open market, provided that such surplus shall be used to improve, enlarge or extend the system only if authorized by the Board of Commissioners. Any such surplus may, for the purpose of improving, enlarging or extending the system, be supplemented by cash payments to be made by the villages, or such improvements, enlargements or extensions may be financed entirely from such cash payments, where authorized by each Village Council. Where any such surplus is used to redeem or purchase bonds, the same shall be cancelled, and the payments thereafter required to be made by the villages to the county shall be reduced so as to reflect the resulting saving of interest and the payment required to be made in the calendar year of the stated maturity of said bonds shall be reduced by the principal amount thereof. 10. Should a village fail for any reason to pay the county at the times specified, the amounts herein required to be paid, said village does hereby authorize the State Treasurer or other official charged with the disbursement of unrestricted state funds returnable to the village pursuant to the Michigan constitution to withhold sufficient funds to make up any default or deficiency in funds. If the full faith and credit of the county is pledged for the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds to be issued by the county and if the county is required to advance any money by reason of such pledge on account of the delinquency of a village, the County Treasurer is 505 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 hereby authorized to notify the State Treasurer to deduct the amount of money so advanced by the county from any unrestricted moneys in the State Treasurer's possession belonging to the village and to pay such amount to the county. The foregoing shall not operate to limit the county's right to pursue any other legal remedies for the reimbursement of moneys advanced on account of the default of a village. II. Each village, pursuant to the authorization of Section 5a of Act No. 342, does hereby pledge its full faith and credit for the prompt and timely payment of its obligations expressed in this contract and shall each year levy a tax in an amount which, taking into consideration estimated delinquencies in tax collections, will be sufficient to pay its obligations under this contract becoming due before the time of the following year's tax collections: Provided, however, that if at the time of making its annual tax levy, a village shall have on hand in cash other funds which have been set aside and pledged or are otherwise available For the payment of such contractual obligations falling due prior to the time of the next tax collection, then the annual tax levy may be reduced by such amount. Each Village Council shall each year, at least 50 days prior to the final date provided by law for the making of the annual village tax levy, submit to the County Agency a written statement setting forth the amount of its obligations to the county which become due and payable under this contract prior to the time of the next following year's tax collections, the amount of the funds which the village has or will have on hand or to its credit in the hands of the county which have been set aside and pledged For payment of said obligations to the county, and the amount of the village taxes next proposed to be levied for the purpose of raising money to meet such obligations. The County Agency shall promptly review such statement and, if he finds that the proposed village tax levy is insufficient, he shall so notify the Village Council and each village hereby covenants and agrees that it will thereupon increase its levy to such extent as may be required by the County Agency. 12. No change in the jurisdiction over any territory in a village shall in any manner impair the obligations of this contract or affect the ohligations of that village hereueder. In the event that all or any part of the territory of a village is incorporated as a new city or village or is annexed to or becomes a part of the territory of another municipality, the municipality into which such territory is incorporated or to which such territory is annexed shall assume the proper proportionate share of the contractual obligations (including the pledge of full faith and credit) of the village, which proper proportionate share shall be fixed and determined by the County Agency and shall be binding upon all parties concerned unless, within sixty (60) days after such incorporation or annexation becomes effective, the governing body of the municipality into which such territory is incorporated or to which such territory is annexed and the Village Council shall by mutual agreement and with the written approval of the County Agency fix and determine such proper proportionate share. The County Agency shall, prior to making such determination, receive a written recommendation as to the proper proportionate share from a committee composed of one representative designated by the Village Council of the village, one designated by the governing body of the new municipality or the municipality annexing such territory, and one independent registered engineer appointed by the County Agency. Each governmental unit shall appoint its representative within fifteen (15) days after beim - notified to do so by the County Agency and within a like time the County Agency shall appoint the engineer third member. If any such representative (other than the appointee of the County Agency) is not appointed within the time above provided, then the County Agency may proceed without said recommendation. If the committee shall not make the recommendation within forty-five (45) days after its appointment or with any extension thereof by the County Agency, then the County Agency may proceed without such recommendation. 13. This contract is contingent upon the county issuing its negotiable bonds as herein provided, to defray such part of the total estimated cost of the system as is necessary to be financed, which bonds shall be issued under the authorization provided in Section 5a, 56 and Sc of said Act 342. Interest on the bonds shall be capitalized and paid from the bond proceeds for a period not exceeding the estimated construction period and one year thereafter. In the event that the bonds are not issued within three years from the date of this contract, then unless extended by mutual agreement it shall become null and void, except that each village shall pay its share of all engineering, legal and other costs and expenses theretofore incurred and shall be entitled to its share of specifications and other engineering data and materials. 14. Upon completion of the system the county shall operate and maintain the same upon the following terms and conditions: (a) The system shall be used only to serve areas in the villages. (6) The county shall maintain the system in good condition. (c) The villages and the county shall not permit the discharge into the system of any storm water. (d) Each village shall appropriate in each year such sums as shall be sufficient at least to pay its share of the cost of operating and maintaining the system, and to establish a fund for replacements, improvements, and major maintenance of the system. In addition, each village may make and collect such service charges, connection charges or special assessments to individual users as shall be deemed desirable to help to pay the operating costs of the system and to provide such other funds for sewage disposal purposes as are deemed desirable. Each village shall enforce prompt pay- ment of all such charges and assessments as the same shall become due. It is further agreed with respect to the system that at all times during the operation thereof by the county, that it will obtain and maintain in effect adequate property damage, public liability and workmen's compensation insurance covering all facilities in operation under any contract with the county now or hereafter in effect. All policies and memorandums of insurance VILLAGE OF BINGHAM FARMS By VILLAGE OF FRANKLIN By Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 506 shall provide that the county and each of the villages shall be insured parties thereunder ond shall contain a provision requiring that the insured parties be notified at least ten days prior to cancellation thereof. One copy of each policy and memorandum of insurance shall be filed wiih the County Agency and each village. 15. The county shall have no obligation or responsibility for providing sewers or sewage disposal facilities except as herein expressly provided with respect to the acquisition of the system or as otherwise provided by contract. Each village shall have the authority and the responsibility to provide such other facilities and shall have the right to expand the facilities of the system by constructing or extending sewers or related facilities, connecting the same to the system, and otherwise improving the system. It is expressly agreed, nevertheless, that no such connection (other than individual tap-ins) shall be made to the system and no improvements, enlarge- ments or extensions thereof shall be made without first securing a permit therefor from the County Agency. Any such permit may be made conditional upon inspection and approval of new construction by the County Agency. It is further agreed that the system shall be used for collection and conveyance of sanitary sewage only and that each village shall take all necessary action to prevent entry into the system of storm waters and also to prevent entry of sewage or wastes of such a character as to be injurious to the system or to the public health and safety. 16. All powers, duties and functions vested by this contract in the county shall be exercised and performed by the County Agency, for and on behalf of the county, unless otherwise provided by law or in this contract. 17. The parties hereto recognize that the holders from time to time of the bonds to be issued by the County under the provisions of Act 342, and secured by the full faith and credit pledge of each village to the making of its payments as set forth in this contract, will have contractual rights in this contract, and it is therefore covenanted and agreed that so long as any of said bonds shall remain outstanding and unpaid, the provisions of this contract shall not be subject to any alteration or revision which would in any manner adversely affect either the security of the bonds or the prompt payment of principal or interest thereon. The right to make changes in this contract, by amendment, supplemental contract or otherwise, is nevertheless reserved insofar as the same do not have such adverse effect. The parties hereto further covenant and agree that they will each comply with their respective duties and obligations under the terms of this contract promptly, at the times and in the manner herein set forth, and will not suffer to be done any act which would in any way impair the contract of said bonds, the security therefor, or the prompt payment of principal and interest thereon. It is hereby declared that the terms of this contract and of any amendatory or supplemental contract and any contract entered into pursuant hereto, insofar as they pertain to said bonds or the payment of the security thereof, shall be deemed to be for the benefit of the holders of said bonds. 18. In the event that any one or more of the provisions of this contract shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions hereof, but this contract shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision has never been contained herein. 19. This contract shall become effective upon its execution by each party hereto and the expiration of 45 days after the date of publication of the notice required by Section 5b of Act 342; Provided, however, that if, within the 45 day period, a proper petition is filed with either Village Clerk in accordance with the provisions of said Section 5b of Act 342 then this contract shall not become effective until approved by the vote of a majority of the electors of that village qualified to vote and voting thereon at a general or special election. This contract shall terminate forty (40) years from the date hereof or on such earlier date as shall be mutually agreed: Provided, however, that it shall not be terminated at any time prior to the payment in full of the principal of and interest on the county bonds together with all bond service charges pertaining to said bonds. This contract may be executed in several counterparts. The provisions of this contract shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed and delivered by the undersigned, being duly authorized by the respective governing bodies of such parties, all as of the day and year first above written. COUNTY OF OAKLAND By County Drain Commissioner (County Agency) President President By By _ -- Village Clerk Village Clerk i. 507 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 -1 --• •,...,L,- •.iy- .4..,,t •:A7 1 -1...... ,-.., 1-r ... i I .. , --....1 r. -1:,.:7-... , .... ' • .._ , 7________, 'i-n=:.;. 7 ..• :_„....-.,..- . ,...., -...___ -- \* --IL - i• i __ ____..,.. .7,-- . -- i ----1 \,/` . I . 1.7.H..„... 1\ '—i'-r I r , ,,..:1---- • -___s r",- -.-=—ZZ --z.=. _ .„. .. t. ..:-.=---•-_±,-_,=.4.-_,-L-...--.-.I 1 • 1 , , 1.•-,..:•.n:.•oa 1 cA•nE I I ---- T711 i I I I ! _____, SCALE* 1.0 1200. "VILLAGE OF BINGHAM FARMS .' - I I I - _ .2. NOTE., 'EXISTING SANITARY SEWER' NOTE.. -EXISTING SANITARY SERER' EXHIBIT A EVERGREEN SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM BINGHAM FARMS EXTENSION NO, 2 JuNC I9TS EVERGREEN SEWAGC DISPOSAL SYSTEM Bingham Farms Extension ,No. 2 July, 1976 @$ 29.70 = 24.00 = 22.00 = 35.50 = 22.50 = 12.00 = @ 150.00 = @ 150.00 = @ 140.00 = @ 125.00 = @ 1,010.00 = @ 1,040.00 = 9.00 = @ 550.00 = @ 40,000.00 = @ 21,116.00 = $ 5,643.00 62,424.00 77,836.00 195,001.50 542,047.50 60,588.00 15,000.00 40,500.00 8,400.00 20,250_00 145,440.00 11,040.00 13,770.00 550.00 40,000.00 21,116.00 508 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 Estimate of Cost Share of Project Cost: Village of Franklin = 12,9659% Village of Bingham Farms = 87,0341% 190 L.F. 18" Sanitary Sewer 2,601 L.F. 15 1' Sanitary Sewer 3,538 L.F. 12" Sanitary Sewer 5,493 L.F. 10" Sanitary Sewer 24,091 L.P. 8" Sanitary Sewer 5,099 L.F. 6" House Leads 100 L.F. 15" Road Bore 270 L.F. 12" Road Bore 60 L.F. 10" Road Bore 162 L.F. 8" Road Bore 144 Ea. Manholes 6 Ea. Drop Manholes 1,530 L.P. 4" D.I. Force Main 1 Ea. 4" C.V. & Box 1 L.S. Pump Station 1 L.S. Storm Sewer & Appurtenances Total Construction Cost = Engineering Consulting Engineer (Design) Consulting Engineer (Staking & Layout) Soil and Material Testing Soil Borings $1,259,606.00 $ 77,787.00 28,288.00 5,000.00 4 100 00 115,37.00 49,384.00 55,410.00 152,000.00 1,860.00 5,593.00 6,356.00 2,295.00 293.00 Project Administration Inspection Easement Acquisition Act 347 Permit Financial Consultant Bond Counsel Bond Prospectus Bond Printing Publishing Oakland Press 700.00 Michigan Contractor & Builder 65.00 Bond Buyer 435.00 Local Publication 400.00 Contingency Acquire existing system (Bingham Villas &Fromm School) Total Estimated Project Cost Deduct Village of flinqla ni Farm:; Cash Payment Deduct Village of Franklin Cash Payment Total Estimated Bonded Cost I hereby estimate the period of usefulness of ails facility to be forty (40) years and upwards. 1,600.00 114,622.56 . 75 ,1 )q 46 $1,789,3)4.00 160,000.00 105a 000 .00 $1,5;1.4,3)4.00 e, --Fran,Jio Exhibit "B" GIFFEJ,V-:;;EriSTER ENGINETR, , Werister- P.E. 41- 11302 509 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7698 Recommended by Drain Commissioner, County Agency IN RE: EVERGREEN SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - BINGHAM FARMS EXTENSION NO. 2 AND BINGHAM FARMS WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM Submitted by Mr. Daly BOND RESOLUTION Mr. Daly offered the following resolution which was approved by the Drain Commissioner, County Agency: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Supervisors by Resolution, Miscellaneous No. 3269, adopted on August 12, 1957, as amended by Resolution, Miscellaneous No. 3435, adopted on October 13, 1958, did approve of establishment of the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System to serve the Evergreen Sewage Disposal District; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Supervisors by Resolution, Mi.,crIlaneous No. 4115, adopted March 6, 1963, did enlarge the Evergreen Sewage Disposal Districi le include all id the Village of Franklin and all of the Village of Bingham Farms (herein called the "villages") within the area to be served by the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System; and WHEREAS pursuant to the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System Agreement, dated November 10, 1958, as amended by amendatory agreements dated December 22, 1958 and February 9, 1959, all between the County of Oakland and the Cities of Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills, Lathrup Village, Troy and Southfield, the Village of Westwood (now Beverly Hills) and the Townships of Bloomfield and Pontiac, municipal corporations in said County of Oakland, the said County, acting through its Department of Public Works, did acquire the original Evergreen System and did finance such acquisition by the issuance of bonds in anticipation of payments to be made by said municipal corporations to the County in accordance with the provisions of said agreement, as amended (herein referred to as the "Base Agreement"); and WHEREAS the Villages have entered into agreements with the county, with the approval of the aforesaid municipal corporations who are parties to the Base Agreement, entitled Agreement Relative to the Addition of Areas to the Evergreen Sewage Disposal District and the Assumption of a Portion of the Cost of Acquiring the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System and Arms and Extensions Thereto, dated as of October 1, 1962 in the case of the Village of Bingham Farms, and dated as of April 1, 1970, in the case of the Village of Franklin, (herein called the "Addition Agreements") by which each of the said villages agrees to pay its proportionate share of the cost of acquisition of the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System and such parts of the Southfield-Rouge Arm and North Extension thereto then in being or under construction and of the operation and maintenance thereof in accordance with the terms and provisions of said Base Agreement; and WHEREAS the county and the City of Southfield and the Village of Bingham Farms have entered into an Agreement, Evergreen Sewage Disposal System, Southfield-Rouge Arm, dated as of April 15, 1964, as amended, concerning the construction of and payment for the Southfield-Rouge Arm and the North Extension thereto (herein called the "Southfield-Rouge Arm Agreements"); and WHEREAS the county and the villages have entered into an Agreement, Evergreen Sewage Disposal System - Bingham Farms Extension No. 1, dated as of April 1, 1971, and an Amendment to Agreement, dated as of October 1, 1971 and a Second Amendment to Agreement, dated as of September 1, 1972, which amended said Agreement of April I, 1971, all of which provided for extensions of said Evergreen Sewage Disposal System to provide services and Facilities for said villanes; and WHEREAS Act No. 342 of the Michigan Public Acts Of 1939, as amondr.(1, grants to any Lonniy having a County Agency designated by its Board of Commissioners the power to establish and to acquire water supply and sewage disposal systems and to extend any system established and acquired by the county; and WHEREAS the county and the villages have entered into a Contract, dated as of July 1, 1976, to extend further said sewage disposal system by construction of the so-called Evergreen Sewage Disposal System - Bingham Farms Extension No. 2 (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Extension No. 21 in said Village of Bingham Farms to the said Village of Franklin under the provisions of Act No. 342 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1939, as amended, for the purpose of collecting and disposing of sewage originating within that part of the said district located in said villages, and to issue bonds to finance such Extension No. 2 in anticipation of the collection by the county of amounts to become due under said contract between the county and the municipalities, parties thereto, whereby the said villages agree each to pay a certain sum towards the cost of such Extension No. 2 including the use of S105,000 of cash on hand and surplus bond proceeds from the Extension No. I project by the Village of Franklin and the uw of $160,000 of cash on hand and surplus bond proceed', from the Extension No. I project by the Village of Bingham Faims; and WHEREAS no other municipoliiy in the Evergreen Sewage Di ,..posal enlat,vgl, 1.. to participate at this time in the con.,t ,uctinn of said Fxtensiun No. 2; and WHEREAS construction plans and specifications for the Evelerce ,11 Sewage Dkposol System - Bingham Farms Extension No. 2 as prepared by Giffels-Webster Engineers, Inc., registered professional engineers, and an estimate of $1,789,314, as the cost of said Extension No. 2 and an estimate of forty (40) years and upwards as the period of usefulness thereof, as prepared by said registered professional engineers, have been approved by the County Agency and by the governing bodies of the Village of Bingham Farms and Village of Franklin and by this Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland, by Board of Commissioners Resolution, Miscellaneous No. 6691, adopted June 6, 1974, established the Bingham Farms Water Supply System (herein called the "System"), which system is to consist of water supply facilities in the village to be planned, constructed and Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 510 financed in one or more stages in accordance with a master plan and program of financing to he developed by the village and the County; and WHEREAS pursuant to the terms of said act the County and the Village of Bingham Farms have entered into the Bingham Farms Water Supply System Contract, dated as of July I, 1976, for the acquisition, improvement, enlargement or extension of a water supply system and for the payment of the cost thereof by the Village, with interest, in cash in the amount of $90,000 and the balance over a period of not exceeding forty (40) years, and the County has agreed, pursuant to appropriate action of its Board of Commissioners, to issue its bonds to provide the funds therefor, secured by the full faith and credit contractual obligations of the Village and if the bond resolution so pro- vides, by the full faith and credit of the County; and WHEREAS the County, through the County Agency, has caused plans and an estimate of cosi of the System to consist of village writer supply facilities necessary to serve adequately the Village. to be prepared by Giffels-Webster Engineers, Inc., consulting engineers of Pontiac, Michigao (here- inafter sometimes referred to as the "Consulting Engineers"), which said estimate of cost is in the amount of $1,025,686 and has been approved by the Village Council, County Agency and hy this fun ii of Commissioners; and WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of said two Contracts of July 1, 1976, the aggregate amounts of the several annual installments to be paid by the Village of Bingham Farms for water and sewer and by the Village of Franklin for sewer, exceed the annual bond maturities aggregating $2,460,000 hereinafter set forth, and the amounts of said bonds and of other funds heretofore and hereby appropriated to said water and sewer projects are in an aggregate amount equal to the aggregate estimated cost thereof; and WHEREAS under said Contracts of July 1, 1976, and the exhibits thereto, each of the said villages is to pay annually the amount of each annual installment to the County and in addition thereto is to pay semi-annually interest and paying agent fees and other bond handling costs as determined pursuant to said Contracts; and WHEREAS the County is desirous of issuing bonds in anticipation of the payments to be made by the said villages under said Contracts of July I, 1976; and WHEREAS the County Agency has approved this resolution and recommended its adoption by the Board of Commissioners. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, as follows: I. That the bonds of said County of Oakland, aggregating the principal suni of Two Million Four Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($2,460,000) be issued for the purpose of defraying part ol the cost of acquiring said Evergreen Sewage Disposal System Bingham Farms Extension No. 2 and said Bingham Farms Water Supply System. The balance of the aggregate cost of the two systems ($2,815.000) to be defrayed by the use of surplus bond proceeds from the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System - Bingham Farms Extension No. 1 project, which use is hereby approved and the surplus funds are hereby appropriated as provided in the Agreement of April 1, 1971, as amended October 1, 1971 and September I, 1972, pertaining thereto, and by the appropriation thereto by each village of cash on hand, the totals so appropriated being as follows: Village of Franklin $105,000 for Extension No. 2 Village of Bingham Farms $160,000 for Extension No. 2 Village of Bingham Farms $ 90,000 for Water System TOTAL $355,000 That said bonds shall be known as "Oakland County Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Bonds - Evergreen and Bingham Farms Systems"; shall be dated September 1, 1976; shall be numbered consecutively in the direct order of their maturities from 1 upwards; shall he in the denomination of $5,000 each; shall bear interest at a rate or rates to be hereafter determined not exceeding ten per cent (102.) per annum, payable on April 1, 1977 and semi-annually thereafter on the first days of April and October in each year; and shall mature on the first day of October in each year as follows: 1977 - $70,000 1986 - $50,000 1995 - $125,000 1978 - 90,000 1987 - 50,000 1996 - 125,000 1979 - 25,000 1988 - 75,000 1997 - 150,000 1980 - 25,000 :289 - 75,000 1998 - 150,000 1981 - 50,000 1990 - 75,000 1999 - 175,000 1982 - 50,000 1991 - 75,000 2000 - 175,000 1983 - 50,000 1992 - 100,000 2001 - 200,000 1984 - 50,000 1993 - 100,000 2002 - 200,000 1985 - 50,000 1994 - 100,000 Bonds maturing prior to October I, 1992, shall not be subject to redemption prior to maturity. Bonds maturing on or after October I, 1992, shall be subject to redemption in inverse numerical order at the option of the County prior to maturity on any one or more interest payment dates on and after October 1, 1991. Bonds so called for redemption shall be redeemed at the par value thereof and accrued interest plus a premium on each bond computed as a percentage of the face amount thereof in accordance with the following schedule: 3% if called to be redeemed on or after October 1, 1991, but prior to October 1, 1995 2% if called to be redeemed on or after October 1, 1995, but prior to October 1, 1998 1% if called to be redeemed on or after October 1, 1998, but prior to maturity. Notice of redemption shall be given to the holders of the bonds to be redeemed by publication of such notice not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for redemption, at least once in a 511 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 newspaper or publication circulated in the Stale of Michigan, which carries as a part of its regular service, notices of the sale of municipal bonds. Bonds so called for redemption shall not bear interest after the date fixed for redemption, provided funds are on hand with the paying agent to redeem the same. All bonds shall have proper coupons attached thereto evidencing interest to their respective dates of maturity. 2. That the principal of said bonds and the interest thereon shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America, at such bank and/or trust company which qualifies as a paying agent under Federal or Michigan law and which shall be designated by the original purchaser of the bonds. Such purchaser shall have the right to name a similarly qualified co-paying agent. 3. That the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, the County Clerk, and the Drain Commis- sioner, as County Agency of the County of Oakland are hereby authorized and directed to execute said bonds for and on behalf of the said County and to affix the seal of said County thereto, and to execute the interest coupons to be attached to said bonds by causing to be affixed thereto their facsimile signatures; and that upon the execution of said bonds and attached coupons, the same shall be delivered to the Treasurer of said County who is hereby authorized and directed to deliver said bonds and attached coupons to the purchaser thereof, upon receipt uf the purchase price 1hr-reit-rt. 4. That the said bonds are to be issued pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 342 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1939, as amended, in anticipation of the payments to become due to the County from the Village of Bingham Farms and Village of Franklin under said Contract of July 1, 1976, and from the Village of Bingham Farms under said Contract of July 1, 1976, which payments exceed the principal amount of the bonds with interest thereon as therein provided. As provided in said Act No. 342, the full faith and credit of each the Village of Bingham Farms and Village of Franklin is pledged to the making of the said respective payments when due, and in addition there is hereby pledged, as authorized in said Act No. 342, the full faith and credit of the County of Oakland to the payment of the bonds, both principal and interest, when due. 5. That all moneys paid to the County by the Village of Bingham Farms and the Village of Franklin pursuant to said Contracts of July 1, 1976, shall be set aside by the County Treasurer in a separate fund and bank account to be used solely for the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds issued in anticipation thereof except that $265,000 payable pursuant to the sewage disposal Contract and $90,000 payable pursuant to the water supply Contract shall be placed in the Construction Fund for each respective project.. 6. That the obligation of said Village of Bingham Farms to make the payments set forth in the Contracts as to sewers and water and the obligation of the Village of Franklin to make the pay- ments set forth in the Contract as to sewers, in anticipation of which these Oakland County Sewage Disposal and Water Supply Bonds - Evergreen and Bingham Farms Systems, dated September I, 1976, in the amount of $2,460,000 are issued, is separate but equal and on a parity as a pledge of full faith and credit with the obligation of said villages to make the payments set forth in the Base Agreement, Additions Agreements, Southfield-Rouge Arm Agreements and the Agreement for Extension No. I, in anticipation of which the several issues of Oakland County Sewage Disposal Bonds - Evergreen System, are issued. The Pledge by the County of Oakland of its full faith and credit to payment of any series of bonds issued to finance any facilities of the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System or of the Bingham Farms Water Supply System as authorized in said Act No. 342, applies equally and without preference and priority to the bonds of each ,eries. 7. That said bonds and attached coupons shall be substantially in the following form: UNITED STATE OF AMERICA STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND Number $5,000 OAKLAND COUNTY SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND WATER SUPPLY BOND - EVERGREEN AND BINGHAM FARMS SYSTEMS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the County of Oakland, Michigan, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received, promises to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS on the first day of October, A.D. 19 , together with interest thereon from the date hereof until paid, at the rate of ( ) per centum per annum, payable April 1, 1977, and there- after semi-annually on the first days of April and October in each year. Both principal and interest hereof are payable in lawful money of the United States of America at , in the City of , upon presentation and surrender of this bond and the coupons hereto attached as they severally ,nature. This bond is one of a series of bonds of like date and tenor except as to maturity , numbered consecutively in the direct order of their maturities from I to maturity_____ inclusive, aggregating the principal sum of Two Million Four Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($2,460,000, issued under and pursuant to and in full conformity with the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Michigan, and especially Act No. 342 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1939, as amended, for the purpose of defraying part of the cost of the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System Bingham Farms Extension No. 2 and Bingham Farms Water Supply System in the Village of Bingham Farms and the Village of Franklin. Bonds of this series maturing prior to October 1, 1992, are not subject to redemption prim to maturity. Bonds maturing on or after October 1, 1992, shall be subject to redemption in inverse numerical order, at the option of the County prior to maturity on any one or more interest payment dates on and after October 1991. Bonds called for redemption shall be redeemed at the par value thereof and accrued interest plus a premium on each bond computed as a percentage of the face amount (FACSIMILE) (FACSIMILE) Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 1.,12 thereof in accordance with the lollowing schedule: 3% if called to be redeemed on or after October I, 1991, but prior to October 1, 1995 2% if called to be redeemed on or after October 1, 1995, but prior to October 1, 1998 1% if called to be redeemed on or after October I, 1998, but prior to maturity. Notice of redemption shall be given to the holders of bonds called for redemption by publication of such notice not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for redemption, at least once in a newspaper or publication circulated in the State of Michigan, which carries as a part of its regular service, notices of the sale of municipal bonds. Bonds so called for redemption shall not bear interest after the date fixed for redemption, provided Funds are on hand with the paying agent to redeem the same. This bond as to both principal and interest, is payable from moneys to be paid lo ihe County of Oakland by the Village of Bingham Farms pursuant to a certain Contract dated July 1, 19/6, and by the Village of Bingham Farms and Village of Franklin pursuant to a certain Contract dated July I, 1976, between the County of Oakland and said Villages whereby each of the said Village ,. agrees to pay to the said County its share of the cost of Bingham Farms Extension No. 2 to the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System along with the cost to be paid by the Village of Bingham Farms of the Water Supply System, in annual installments in the same amounts as the annual maturities of the bonds of this issue and semi-annually to pay the amount of the interest and bond handling charges, such payments to be made at least thirty (30) days prior to the respective due dates specified in this bond. The full faith and credit of each of said Villages is pledged for the prompt payment of its respective obligations pursuant to said Contract and Agreement and in addition, by affirmative vote of a majority of the members elect of its Board of Commissioners, the full faith and credit of the County of Oakland is pledged to the payment of this bond, principal and interest, when due, on a parity and without priority with the bonds of the County of Oakland issued for other facilities in the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System and the Bingham Farms Water Supply System. It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all acts, conditions and things required to exist, happen and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of the bonds of this series, existed, have happened and have been performed in due time, form and manner as required by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Michigan, and that Lhe total indebtedness of said County. including this series of bonds, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County of Oakland, Michigan, by its Board of Commissionet%, caused this bond to be signed in its name by the Chairman of said Board of Commissioners, by the County Clerk of the County, and by the Drain Commissioner, as County Agency, and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto, and has caused the annexed interest coupons to be executed with the facsimile signatures of said Chairman, County Clerk and County Agency, all as of the first day of September, A.D. 1976. COUNTY OF OAKLAND, MICHIGAN By Chairman of its Board of Commissioners By Its County Clerk (SEAL) By Drain Commissioner, as County Agency (COUPON) Number $ On the 1st day of , A.D. 19 , the County of Oakland, Michigan, will pay In the bearer hereof the sum shown hereon in lawful money of the United States of America, at the , in the City of , same heing the iniere%t due on that day on its Oakland County Sewage Disposal and Water Supply Bond - Evergreen and Bingham Farms Systems, dated September 1, 1976. No. County Clerk Chairman of the Board of Commissioners (FACSIMILE) Drain Commissioner. as County Agency 9. That the said bonds shall not be issued until the Municipal Finance Commission of the State of Michigan shall have first issued its order granting permission to so do, as provided in Act No. 202 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1943, as amended, and the County Agency is hereby authorized and directed to make application to said Commission for the issuance of such order. 10. The County Agency is hereby authorized to sell said bonds at not less than par and accrued interest in accordance with the laws of this state and to do all things necessary to effect the sale and issuance of said bonds, subject to the provisions of this resolution. 11. All resolutions and parts of resolutions, insofar as the same may be in conflict here- with, are hereby rescinded. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that sealed proposals for the purchase of $2,460,000 of Oakland County Sewage Disposal and Water Supply Bonds - Evergreen and Bingham Farms Sysiew., to he dated September 1, 1976, be received up to a time to he later detelmined by the County Agency, and that notice thereof be published in accordance with law in the (New York) Daily Rood Buyer and In 1 lie Oakland Press, which notice shall be substantially in the following form: 513 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 OFFICIAL NOTICE OF SALE $2,460,000 OAKLAND COUNTY SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND WATER SUPPLY BONDS COUNTY OF OAKLAND STATE OF MICHIGAN EVERGREEN SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - BINGHAM FARMS EXTENSION No. 2 BINGHAM FARMS WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM SEALED BIDS for the purchase of the above bonds will be received by the undersigned at the office of the Oakland County Drain Commissioner, County Agency, One Public Works Drive in the Charter Township of Waterford, Pontiac, Michigan, on • the day of 19 , until o'clock .M., Eastern Time, at which time and place said bids will be publicly opened and read. Sealed bids will also be received, in the alternative, on the same date and until the same time by an agent of the undersigned at the office of the Municipal Advisory Council of Michigan, 2150 First National Building, Detroit, Michigan, where they will simultaneously be publicly opened and read. Bidders may choose either location to present bids and good faith checks as above provided, but not both locations The bonds will be awarded to the successful bidder by the undersigned at o'clock _,M., on that date. BOND DETAILS: Said bonds will be coupon bonds of the denomination of $5,000 each, dated September 1, 1976, numbered in direct order of maturity from 1 upwards and will bear interest from their date pay- able on April 1, 1977, and semi-annually thereafter. Said bonds will mature on the 1st day of October, as follows: 1977 - $70,000 1986 - $ 50,000 1995 - $125,000 1978 - 90,000 1987 - 50,000 1996 - 125,000 1979 - 25,000 1988 - 75,000 1997 - 150,000 1980 - 25,000 1989 - 75,000 1998 - 150,000 1981 - 50,000 1990 - 75,000 1999 - 175,000 1982 - 50,000 1991 - 75,000 2000 - 175,000 1983 - 50,000 1992 - 100,000 2001 - 200,000 1984 - 50,000 1993 - 100,000 2002 - 200,000 1985 - 50,000 1994 - 100,000 PRIOR REDEMPTION: Bonds maturing on and after October 1, 1992, shall be subject to redemption prior to maturity, at the option of the County, in inverse numerical order, on any one or more interest pay- ment dates on or after October 1, 1991, at par and accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption, plus a premium as follows: 3% of the par value of each bond called for redemption on or after October 1, 1991 but prior to October 1, 1995 2% of the par value of each bond called for redemption on or after October 1, 1995, but prior to October 1, 1998 r.t. of the par value of each bond called for redemption on or after October 1, 1998, but prior to maturity Thirty days notice of redemption shall be given by publication, at least once in a newspapet or publication circulated in the State of Michigan, which carries as a part of its regular service, notices of sale of municipal bonds, and in Case of registered bonds thirty days notice shall he given by mail to the registered holder at the registered address. Bonds called for redemption shall not bear interest after the redemption date, provided funds are on hand with the paying agent to redeem the same. INTEREST RATE AND BIDDING DETAILS: The bonds shall bear interest at a rate or rates not exceeding 10% per annum, to be fixed by the bids therefor, expressed in multiples of 1/8 or 1/20 of 1%, or both. The interest on any one bond shall be at one rate only, all bonds maturing in any one year must carry the same interest rate and each coupon period shal! be represented by one interest coupon. The difference between the highest and lowest interest rate on the bonds shall not exceed two percentage points. No proposal for the purchase of less than all of the bonds or at a price less than 100% of their par value will be considered. PAYING AGENT: Both principal and interest shall be payable at a bank or trust company located in Michigan qualified to act as paying agent under State or United States law, to be designated by the original purchaser of the bonds, who may also designate a co-paying agent, which may be located out- side of Michigan, qualified to act as paying agent under the law of the State in which located or of the United States, both of which shall be subject to approval of the undersigned. PURPOSE AND SECURITY: The bonds are to be issued pursuant to the provisions of Act 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, to defray part of the cost of acquiring and constructing the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System - Bingham Farms Extension No. 2, consisting of sewage disposal facilities to serve the Village of Bingham Farms and Village of Franklin and to defray part of the cost of acguitinr and constructing Bingham Farms Water Supply System consisting of water supply facilities to serve the Village of Bingham Farms. The bonds are to be issued in anticipation of, and are primarily payable from, payments to be made by the Village of Bingham Farms and Village of Franklin pursuant to two Contracts each dated July 1, 1976, with the County of Oakland wherein each of said Villages agrees to pay to the County of Oakland its share of part of the cost of said sewage disposal and water supply facilities in installments equal to the annual principal maturities and the semi-annual maturities Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 of interest on the bonds of this issue. The full faith and credit of each of said Villages has heen pledged for the making of said payments on a parity with payments to be made pursuant to other Agreements or Contracts with respect to bonds heretofore issued to pay all or part of the cost of sewage disposal or water supply facilities provided by the County in or for said Villages. FULL FAITH AND CREDIT OF COUNTY: Pursuant to resolution adopted by its Board of Commissioners, the County of Oakland has pledged its full faith and credit as additional security for the payment of principal of and interest on the bonds. GOOD FAITH: A certified or cashier's check in the amount of $49,200, drawn upon an incorporated bank or trust company and payable to the order of the Treasurer of the County must accompany each bid as a guarantee of good faith on the part of the bidder, to be forfeited as liquidated damages if such bid be accepted and the bidder fails to take up and pay for the bonds. No interest shall be allowed on the good faith checks and checks of the unsuccessful bidders will be promptly returned to each bidder's representative or by registered mail. The good faith check of the successful bidder will be immediately cashed and payment for the balance of the purchase price of the bonds shall he made at the closing. AWARD OF BONDS: The bonds will be awarded to the bidder whose bid produces the lowest interest cost computed by determining, at the rate or rates specified in the bid, the total dollar value of all interest on the bonds from , 19 to their maturity and deducting therefrom any premium. LEGAL OPINION: Bids shall be conditioned upon the unqualified approving opinion of Dickinson, Wright, McKean, Cudlip & Moon, attorneys of Detroit, Michigan, a copy of which opinion will be printed on the reverse side of each bond, and the original of which will be furnished without expense to the purchaser of the bonds at the delivery thereof. CUSIP: CUSIP numbers will be imprinted on all bonds of this issue at the issuer's expense. An improperly imprinted number will not constitute basis for the purchaser to refuse to accept delivery. DELIVERY OF BONDS: The County will furnish bonds ready for execution at its expense. Bonds will be delivered without expense to the purchaser at Oetroit, Michigan, Chicago, Illinois, or New York, New York. The usual closing documents, including a certificate that no litigation is pending affecting the issuance of the bonds, will be delivered at the time of the delivery of the bonds. If the bonds are not tendered for delivery by twelve o'clock noon, Eastern Time, on the 45th day following the date of sale, or the first business day thereafter if said 45th day is not a business day, the successful bidder may on that day, or any time thereafter until delivery of the bonds, withdraw his proposal by serving notice of cancellation, in writing, on the undersigned in which event the County Treasurer shall promptly return the good faith deposit. Payment for the bonds shall be made in Federal Reserve Funds. Accrued interest to the date of delivery of the bonds shall be paid by the purchaser at the time of delivery. (FINANCIAL CONSULTANT: Further information with respect to said bonds may be obtained from Shannon and Company 2012 City National Bank Building, Detroit, Michigan, 48226. Telephone: (313) 965-1855.) THE RIGHT IS RESERVED TO REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS. ENVELOPES: containing the bids should be plainly marked "Proposal for Sewage Disposal and Water Supply Bonds". 1,1 4 DATED: 197_. APPROVED: , 197_. STATE OF MICHIGAN MUNICIPAL FINANCE COMMISSION ADDENDUM Supported by Mr. Roth AYES: McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Pernick, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Lennon. (21) NAYS: None. (0) ABSENT: Houghten, Kasper, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Price. (6) Motion carried. Misc. 7699 By Mr. Daly IN RE: DRAIN AND LAKE LEVEL ASSESSMENT REPORT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS your Planning and Building Conunittee has reviewed the Assessment Rolls, as prepared by the Drain Commissioner for the year 1976; and WHEREAS such Assessment Rolls have been prepared and submitted in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended, and Act No. 146 of the Public Acts of 1961, as amended; and WHEREAS your Planning and Building Committee concurs in the figures as established by the Drain Commissioner for the various drains and lake level projects in the County, a copy of which is attached hereto; and WHEREAS a summary of such Assessment Roll is as follows: Current Year - At Large - $ 3,087.34 Current Year - Property - $143,841.03 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Oakland, State of Michigan, that there be assessed, levied, and collected for the year 1976 for the purpose of establishing, constructing, maintaining, cleaning-out, deepening and extending County Drains and 515 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 establishing and maintaining the normal height and level of various lakes in Oakland County within and by the several political subdivisions, the aggregate sum of $146,928.37, which sum represents the total amount of assessments for said year and which are contained in the several Drain and Lake Level Assessment Rolls as heretofore determined by the said Oakland County Drain Commissioner. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Niles E. Olson, Kenneth E. Roth, Betty J. Fortino, Fred D. Houghten, Joseph R. Montante, Lawrence R. Pernick, Mary M. Dearborn Richard R. Wilcox, Henry W. Hoot The Chairman announced pursuant to Rule XI-E the matter shall be laid over to the next regular Board meeting. Misc. 7700 By Mr. Daly IN RE: PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYMENT ACT - AUTHORIZATION TO FILE GRANT APPLICATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Public Works Employment Act of 1976 became effective July 23, 1976; and WHEREAS the above Act provides 100% Federal funding to local units of government for approved public works projects that can be started within 90 days of project approval; and WHEREAS your Committee has reviewed projects for which grant applications could be made and has determined that a Law Enforcement Training Center and the Children's Village School are the only projects for which grant applications should be filed. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby authorize the filing of Federal Grant applications for the funding of the above described capital projects, with the following priorities: PRIORITY NO. PROJECT ESTIMATED COST Law Enforcement Training Center $1,515,000 2 Children's Village School $1,260,000 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict with this resolution are hereby rescinded. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Dearborn the resolution be adopted. Moved by Olson supported by Patterson the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Simmons Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the mm ion corried. Moved by Wilcox supported by Montante tn resolution be amended lollowing Priority No. 2 to include the following: "(I) Remodeling for a Health Center Office in the West Oakland Office Building (75-9) - $75,000 (includes furniture and equipment). This work would result in an increase monthly cost of about $300 plus some additional staff for the Health Department. (2) Recreational Wing at Trusty Camp (75-27) - $65,000 (trusty labor couldn't be used for construction) (3) Administrative Annex I Alterations (74-8) - $150,000 (to include additional security requirements) (4) Social Services Building Air Conditioning Renovations (76-11) - $160,000 (1976 Capital Program) (5) Parking Lot Paving (Phase II) - Social Services Building (76 -9) - $210,200 (1976 Utility Capital Program) (6) Alterations and Remodeling - Social Services Building (75-37) - $120,000 (1976 Capital Program) (7) Utility Tunnel Repairs (75-25A g B) - $104,000 (1976 Utility Capital Program) (8) Hospital Road Relocation (76-7) - $121,000 (1976 Utility Capital Program) (9) Detention Unit Relocation and Elevator Alterations - Court Tower (75-22) - $200,000 (partially in 1976 Capital Program) Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16, 1976 516 (10) Window Replacement at Social Services Building - $90,000 (should be done in conjunction with Air Conditioning Renovations) (11) Emergency Generator - Oakland-Pontiac Airport (74-20) - $60,000 (12) Waterford Oaks Park fence $120,000 (13) Starter building for Red Run Golf Course $180,000 (14) Groveland Oaks campground renovation $300,000". Mr. Hoot requested a ruling from the Chair as to whether the amendnmnt was proper. The Chair ruled the amendment was in order. Discussion followed. Vote on amendment: A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion lailvd. Moved by Wilcox supported by Montante the resolution be amended by adding after Prioriiy #2, "ALSO BE IT RESOLVED that as each project meets Federal requirements, the application be Ii led". Discussion followed. Vote on amendment: AYES: Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Patterson, Wilcox, Button, Dunleavy, Gabler, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt. (12) NAYS: Olson, Pernick, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Hoot, Lennon. (12) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Vote on resolution: AYES: Olson, Pernick, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Lennon. (14) NAYS: Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Patterson, Wilcox, Dunleavy, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald. (10) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7701 By Mr. Daly IN RE: APPROVAL OF INITIAL FUNDING FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER PROJECT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS your Committee has recommended that the Law Enforcement Training Center Project, be the number one priority in applying for a Federal grant, under the Public Works Employment Act of 1976; and WHEREAS drawings and specifications must be prepared and ready for bidding with 45 to 60 days, if construction is to start within 90 days of project approval; and WHEREAS soil borings should be taken at the proposed site of the Law Enforcement Training Center. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that $25,000.00 be and is hereby allocated to the Department of Central Services for the purpose of obtaining soil borings, preparing necessary topographical data and the preparation of schematic site and floor plans. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, MDWS the adopiion 01 the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. Moved by Dearborn supported by Fortino the rules be suspended for immedicate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Olson, Pernick, Roth, Simamos, Wilson, Aaron. Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Hoot, Lennon. (IP NAYS: Nowak, Patterson. Wilcox, Dunleavy, Gabler, Houghlen, Kasper, McDonald, Montante, Murphy. (11) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. The Vice Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Mr. Button presented the following resolution for Mi. Perinoff. 51' Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 16. 1976 Misc. 7702 By Mr. Perinoff IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM - ACT 342 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS there are now pending several studies and an approved County plan for solid waste collection and disposal improvements in Oakland County which are vitally necessary for the protection of the public health and it is therefore, essential to continue the development and implementation of such a Solid Waste Program; and WHEREAS the terms of Act 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, permit the acquisition, construction and financing of systems of solid waste collection and disposal improve- ments and services and provide for the County's ability to issue bonds pursuant to the provisions of Act 342 to finance the acquisition and construction of solid waste and refuse disposal improve- ments and facilities. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, as follows: I. This Board of Commissioners does hereby authorize and direct that there be established, under and pursuant to, and for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred by, Act No. 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, a county-wide system of solid waste and refuse disposal improve- ments and services to be known as the Oakland County Solid Waste and Refuse Disposal Authority. 2. The Oakland County Drain Commissioner is hereby designated the County Agency or the said Oakland County Solid Waste and Refuse Disposal Authority and shall have all of the powers conferred upon the County agency by the terms of said Act 342. Alexander C. Perinoff. Commissioner -District 1121 The Vice Chairman referred the resolution to the Planning and Building Committee. There were no objections. Moved by Pernick supported by Daly the Board adjourn until September 30, 1976 at 9:30 A.M. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Board adjourned at 12:35 P.M. Lynn D. Allen Alexander C. Perinoff Clerk Chairman 1,18 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING September 30, 1976 Meeting called to order by Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff at 9:55 A.M. in the Court House Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by Henry W. Hoot. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll called: PRESENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson. (25) ABSENT: Houghten, Simmons. (2) Quorum present. Moved by Roth supported by Murphy the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as printed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Clerk read letter from John P. Woodford, Director, Department of State Highways and Trans- portation regarding Miscellaneous Resolution #7683, concerning 11-59 from US-23 easterly to west of Bogie Lake Road. A public hearing for this project has been scheduled to be held in Highland. Michig, on September 28, 1976. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from Jack E. Morgan, Manager, Public Involvement Section, Department of State Highways and Transportation acknowledging receipt of resolution relating to the proposed M-59 improvements. (Placed on file.) Clerk read resolution adopted by the Cheboygan County Board of Commissioners opposing 58-985, 986 and 987 regarding Emergency Medical Service and said Board urges the House of Represen- tatives to reject said bills unless provisions are written into the bills allowing county exemption from the provisions of said bills, by a majority vote of the County Board of Commissioners. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from the State of Michigan, State Committee on Geographic Names regarding the name of Commerce Lake located within the County of Oakland and situated on sections 10 and 15, township number 2 north, range 8 east be changed from Commerce Lake to North Commerce Lake and the names of Commerce Lake located within the County of Oakland and situated on sections 15 and 16, town- ship number 2, range 8 east be changed from Commerce Lake to South Commerce Lake has been approved by the State Committee on Geographic Names and by the United States Geographic Board. (Placed on file.) Moved by Daly supported by Moffitt the Supplemental Agenda be approved to consider reports from the Finance and Planning and Building Committees. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Misc. 7703 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: REASSESSED TAXES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS your Finance Committee on Local Taxes respectfully reports that it has examined the list of 1975 and prior years tax rejections by the County Treasurer, that were approved by the State Treasurer, as of August 24, 1976, which is being reported to this Board for its approval for reassess- ment. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the reassessment of taxes in accordance with the following schedule: 101.39 132.39 27.02 196.42 519 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 30, 1976 REASSESS AT LARGE Co.Sp.Ed. Comm. Coll. Township School City Village- Drain Total TOWNSHIPS Avon $ 54.10 554.55 $ 209.03 5 $ $ .35 318.03 Brandon 18.32 6.55 59.68 84.55 Highland 12,47 5.01 49.56 67.84 Oakland 33.67 12.24 131.37 177,28 White Lake 7.52 1.30 26.28 35.10 CITIES Farmington Hills Ferndale Hazel Park Keego Harbor Pontiac Royal Oak Southfield Wixom VILLAGE Holly Oxford TOTAL 94.38 65.74 8.07 9.72 61.8o 8.12 6,015.51 53.86 $6,443.28 401.5i 68.05 106,39 183.22 79.15 15.88 1,531.15 64.05 172.90 172.90 419.74 419.74 M7174- $1,334.71 $2,047.89 -T7(TIT3TT77 $10,510.76 564.00 11.44 77.18 215.85 192.94 273.34 51.02 7,546.66 314.33 Mr. Chairman, the Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman The Chairman announced pursuant to Rule XI-E the matter shall be laid over to the next regular Board meeting. Misc. 7704 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: COUNTY GENERAL FUND TAX AND PARKS AND RECREATION TAXES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The following is a report of the distribution to the various Cities and Townships of Oakland County of $36,863,881.86, which amount represents that portion of the 1977 County Budget to he raised by taxation, 5.26 mills on the County's 1976 Equalized Valuation of $7,008,342,559, together with the voted 1/4 mill for the purpose of acnuiring, developing, operating and maintaining Parks and Recreation areas: $1,752,085.64 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that each Supervisor of the several Townships and Assessing Officers of the several Cities of Oakland County be and they are hereby authorized and directed to spread on their respective Township or City Tax Rolls for the year 1976, the sums set opposite the name of their Township Or City as shown on the following distribution report as their portion of the County General Fund Tax to be raised by taxation for the year 1976, together with the voted millage for Parks and Recreation as detailed below. Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 30, 1976 ".,20 TOWNSHIPS Addison Avon Bloomfield Brandon Commerce Grove land Highland Holly Independence Lyon Milford Novi Oakland Orion Oxford Pontiac Rose Royal Oak Southfield Springfield Waterford West Bloomfield White Lake TOTAL TOWNSHIPS CITIES Berkley Birmingham Bloomfield Hills Clawson Farmington Farmington Hills Ferndale Hazel Park Huntington Woods Keego Harbor Lathrup Village Madison Heights Northville Novi Oak Park Orchard Lake Pleasant Ridge Pontiac Rochester Royal Oak Southfield South Lyon Sylvan Lake Troy Walled Lake Wixom TOTAL CITIES 1976 EQUALIZED VALUATION 34,555,289 226,167,650 470,902,434 45,719,615 147,864,750 27,905,690 72,150,295 40,047,800 119,285,350 46,051,750 67,362,025 5,081,000 59,456,850 110,242,250 58,369,093 76,991,611 26,048,850 30,452,750 151,537,046 42,309,932 338,294,000 324,121,575 104,906,250 2,629,843,855 1976 EQUALIZED VALUATION 83,456,500 204,922,260 69,728,102 79,712,288 86,090,605 407,743,800 130,037,700 97,169,350 50 '710,900 12,767,900 39,924,378 225,359,700 18,246,100 148,314,600 178,164,590 24,192,300 19,902,250 487,187,4m 57,622,400 416,049,600 808,598,900 23,225,100 13,642,450 596,857,535 27,712,223 71,159,553 4,378,498,704 1976 GENERAL TAX LEVY 181,760.82 1,200,267.04 2,476,946.80 240,485.17 777,768.59 146,763.93 379.510.55 210,651.43 627,440.94 242,232.21 354,324.25 26,726.06 312,743.03 579,874.24 307,021.43 404,975.87 147,536.95 160,181.47 797,084.86 222,550.24 1,779,426.44 1,704,879.48 551,606.88 13,832,978.66 1976 GENERAL TAX LEVY 436,981.19 1,077,891.19 366,769.82 419,266.63 452,836.58 2,144,732.39 683,998.30 511,110.78 266,739.33 67,159-15 210,002.23 1,185,392.02 95,974.49 780,135.85 937,145.74 127,251.50 104,685.84 2,562,605.72 303,093-83 2,188,420.90 4,253,230.21 122,164.03 71.759.29 3,139,470.63 145,766.29 374,299.25 23,030,903.16 VOTED FOR PARKS AND RECREATION 8,638.83 57,046.92 117,725.61 11,429.90 36,966.19 6,976.42 18.037.57 10,011.95 29.821.34 11,512.94 16,840.51 1,270.25 14,864.21 27,560.56 14,592.27 19,247.90 7,012.21 7,613.19 37,884.26 10,577.48 84,573.50 81 ,03O.39 26,226.56 657,460.96 VOTED FOR PARKS AND RECREATION 20,864.13 51,230.57 17,432.03 19,928.07 21,522.65 101,935.95 32,509.43 24,292.34 12,677.73 3,191-98 9,981.09 56,339-93 4,561.53 37,078.70 44,541.15 6,048.07 4,975.56 121,796.85 14,405.60 104,012.40 202,149.72 5,806.27 3,410.61 149,214.38 6,926.05 17,789.89 1,094,624.68 TOTAL COUNTY 7,008,342,559 36,863,881.86 1,752,085.64 The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman The Chairman announced pursuant to Rule XI-E the matter shall be laid over to the next regular Board meeting. Misc. 7705 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: THREE MONTH EXTENSION ON FUNDING FOR BACKUP COMPUTER To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Hiscellaneous Resolution #7385 of December 18, 1975, the Oakland County 521 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 30, 1976 Board of Commissioners transferred $120,440 of Data Processing equipment rental charges for the last nine months of 1976 to the Contingency Fund in order to further review programs; and WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution #7484 and #7581 the Oakland County Board of Commissioners allotted an amount of $80,290 to fund the Backup Computer for the second quarter and third quarters of 1976; and WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution #7628 of July 22, 1976, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners reallocated data processing funds of which $99,300 was allocated to the Computer Services Division to provide the equipment and capacity necessary to complete projects already undertaken; and WHEREAS an amount of $40,150 is necessary to fund the Backup Computer for the last quarter of 1976. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Finance Committee recommends that the Backup Computer be leased for the last quarter of 1976 and that the $40,150 necessary for funding be transferred from the Contingency Account and made available to the Computer Services Division of the Department of Central Services. The Finance Coflnittee, by Lawrence R. Peinitk, Chaii man, moves the adoption of the fovreoinn resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Gabler the resolution be adopted. AYES: Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Douglas, Gabler, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak. (17) NAYS: Pernick, Price, Dearborn, Fortino, Hoot, Lennon, Olson. (7) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7706 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: ACCEPTANCE OF SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTAL FUND PROGRAM FOR WOMEN, INFANTS AND CHILDREN GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution #7689 of September 16, 1976, the W.I.C. Program Grant application was filed; and WHEREAS the grant application was in the amount of $1,388,836 of which Oakland County's matching share of said funding is $1,000; and WHEREAS the grant application has been approved by the State of Michigan in the of $1,388,836. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Finance Committee in concurrence with the Human Resources Committee hereby recommends the acceptance of the W.I.C. Program Grant in the amount of $1,388,836, consistent with the attached budget. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds funds of $1,000 available in the 1976 Budget-Contingent line-item to be transferred to a Non-Depart- mental line-item Federal and State Grants Matching Funds. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. Moved by Murphy supported by Roth the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the . resolution. AYES: Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on resolution: AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas. Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 30, 1976 522 REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: GRANT APPLICATION FOR CENTRAL OISASTER WARNING SYSTEM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed the subject Central Disaster Warning System grant application for Oakland County. Per the attached schedule, the Finance Committee finds that this warning system plan is in be implemented over a five (5) year period beginning in 1976 with a County cash contributinn n1 twenty five percent (25) each year. Included in the County contribution is IOW of the personnel its related to one full-time position. The following summarizes the financial implications of this grant over the five year period (See attached schedule for detail), if the local units do indeed provide twenty five percent (25T.) of matching funds. If not, the County share in each of these years would be double that as indicated. SOURCES OF FUNDING 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 Federal 502i 144,121 12878-TT 143,055 1587107 17575T County 252 72,060 64,416 71,527 79,403 87,900 Local 255 72,060 64,415 71,527 79,403 87,900 TOTAL 288,241 257,662 286,109 317,613 351,601 The Finance Committee also finds that this program grant must be applied for each year over the five year implementation plan. Federal funds can be applied for beyond the five year plan. County costs beyond the planned five year implementation period will include salary, fringe benefits and maintenance costs related to the subject warning system program, amounting to approx- imately $37,000. The Finance Committee recommends filing of subject grant application. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman FINANCIAL ANALYSIS UNTRAI DISASTER WARNING SYSTEM GRANT APPLICATION Total Quart. 1976 1 977 1978 1979 1980 1-0 FM Sirun Equipment 120 1003A SireriT24/yr) 5128,208 $141,029 $155,132 51/0,645 $18/,/10 S 182,/24 12U !IICMIA Panel(24/yr) 16,152 17,767 19,544 21,498 23,648 98,6IN 120 ;,RCM3 Aux.Panel(24/yr) 4,020 4,422 4,864 5,350 5,886 24,542 120 !,ARC2 Receiver(24/yr) 16,140 17,754 19,530 21,482 23,630 98,536 I orElo Tone Encoder 425 -- -- -- -- 425 rAb Total-Siren Equipment $164,945 $180,972 $199,070 $218,975 $240,874 $1,004,836 Base Station 2 lone Control-C73R0B3106 $5,240 5 -- $ -- $ -- $ -- $ 5,240 2 Antenna System 1,732 __ __ -- __ 1,732 I Tone Remote Con-T1605M 914 -- -- -- -- 914 S'uh Total-ease Station 5 7,886 $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- 5 7,886 Installation 20 Sirens (24/yr) 5 50,700 5 55,770 $ 61,34/ $ 67,482 $ 14,230 $ 309,529 2 Base Station re,ote control consoles __1_,600 -- -- -- -- I 600 '2..ub Total-Installation $ 52,300 S 55,770 $ 61,347 $ 67,482 $ 74,230 $ 311,129 Addition to Existing Sirens 72 2 Receivers-Timer Dec $48,420 -- -- -- -- $ 48,420 72 Installation or ARC? 14 400 -- -- -- -- 14,400 'Job Total-Addition to Existing Sirens $ 62,820 $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- $ 62,820 Miscellaneous Hot Line-Sheriff to State Police-Pontiac: Installation $ 100 $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- $ 100 (3) Annual Charge by M7(:h. Bell ($15.130/Mo) 190 209 230 253 278 1,160 Sub fol7al-Miscolloneou; 5 290 5 209 5 730 $ 253 $ 778 5 1,260 Source of Funding Federal 5n County 25% ** Local 25% TOTAL 523 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 30, 1976 Personnel 1 Sr. Maint.Mcchimic Electrician $ -- .. 12,069 $ 13,290 $ 14,600 $ 15,330 $ 55.289 Fringe Benefits -- 3,802 4,186 4,599 4,829 17,416 (3 1% of salary cost) Seb Total-Personnel 15,871 $ 17,476 $ 19,199 $ 20,159 $ 72,705 Maintenance 22 County owned Sirens each yr-$10D/siren as Base-I976 $ 4,840 S 7,986 $ 11,704 $ 16,060 $ 40,590 TOTAL $288 741 257 ,662 $286 ,109 $317 ,613 $351 ,601 $1 501 226 $144,121 .128,831 $143,055 $158,807 $175,801 $ 750,613 /2,060 64,416 /1,527 79,403 87,900 375,301 /2 ,060 64 1415 71 577 _72i93 8 7.900 _ 375.306 $288 241 57662 $286 ,109 $317 613 $351 ,601 $1 2 501,226 Additional County Cost not Allm/cd by Federal Government 1 TE-10 Encoder $ 425 $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- $ 475 1 T1605M Tone Remote Con 914 -- -- -- -- 914 Leased Land Line: Installation 75 -- -- -- -- 75 Annual Chg(Mich.Bol1)_522 _ 574 632 69c 765 3 188 Total Additional County Costs$ 1 936$ 574 $ 632 S 695 $ S 4 6o2 (1) All Costs, (Excluding Personnel), beyond 1st year (1976) reflect a 10% Annual Inflationary Factor per year. (2) Salary Costs reflect 52 increase per year using 1976 as base. (3) Can apply for Federal Money beyond the 5 years. ** -- County Funding includes 100% salary and fringe benefit costs. Moved by Pernick supported by Moffitt the report be amended by deleting the last sentence and inserting "The Finance Committee Report on behalf of the grant application for Central Disaster Warning System recommends the report be forwarded to the Public Services Committee". AYES: Pernick, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on Report as amended: AYES: Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Gabler Hoot, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murph y , Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick. (23) NAYS: Fortino, Lennon. (2) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. REPORT By Mr. Aaron IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7693 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - TO CREATE ONE FULL-TIME STENOGRAPHER II POSITION AND DELETE ONE STUDENT POSITION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution #7693 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Commissioners Minutes ContinJed. September 30, 1976 “misc. 7693 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - TO CREATE ONE FULL-TIME STENOGRAPHER II POSITION AND DELETE ONE STUDENT POSITION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS there is a need for full-time stenographic clerical support to provide relief in the event of sickness and annual leaves of Committee Clerk reporters; to provide full-time office back-up support and stenographic services for the County's Cultural Council meetings and ni her speciol meetings as deemed appropriate; and WHEREAS the use of a part-time Student position has been helpful in providing some rolief, the half-time availability of the Student and the necessity to train a new Student with each semester change has made this alternative inefficient in terms of the increasing complexities of the workload demands, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (1) full-time Stenographer II position be established, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one (1) Student position be deleted from the office of the Committee Clerk. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7693 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - TO CREATE ONE FULL-TIME STENOGRAPHER II POSITION AND DELETE ONE STUDENT POSITION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #7693 and finds that the additional cost of a Stenographer II position for 1976 is $1,906 for Salaries and $600 for Fringe Benefits. Further, the Finance Committee finds funds available of $2,506 in the 1976 Budget - Salary Reserve - Class Changes, to be transferred to the Board of Commis- sioners' 1976 Budget - Salary line-item and the appropriate Non-Departmental line-items. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Fortino the report be accepted and resolution #7693 be adopted. Moved by Gabler supported by Murphy the resolution be amended by striking the "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED paragraph". Moved by Gabler supported by Lennon the Fiscal Note be amended by including in the Fiscal Note, "the amount of $725 for the Student position for the balance of the year". Discussion followed. Vote on second amendment: AYES: Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Lennon, McDonald, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (22) NAYS: Fortino. (I) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on first amendment: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on resolution as amendtd: AYES: Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (22) NAYS: Hoot, Roth. (2) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution #7693 as amended, was adopted. Misc. 7707 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: THE SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTAL FOOD PROGRAM FOR WOMEN, INFANTS AND CHILDREN - HEALTH DEPARTMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children (W.I.C.) was approved for grant application by the Board of Commissioners on September 16, 1976 in Miscellaneous Resolution #7689 for funding through the United States Department of Agriculture; and 524 525 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 30, 1976 WHEREAS the program is designed to provide supplemental nutrition to needy Oakland County residents by helping families, especially those with young children living in poverty or near poverty to acquire knowledge, skills and the change in behavior to achieve adequate diets; and WHEREAS the program would be administered through the Human Services Health Division and requires establishment of eleven and one-fifth (11-1/5) positions in the Health Division and three (3) positions in the Public Services Cooperative Extension Division with the fourteen full-time positions funded with grant monies and the part-time (1/5) position lunded through a contract Irom the Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED to establish, contingent upon availability of grant Itiil,, the following eleven (11) "Other Sources" full-time positions in the Health Division of the Human Sc Department and three (3) "Other Sources" positions in the Cooperative Extension Division of the Public Services Department: DIVISION NUMBER CLASSIFICATION Health 1 P.H. Nutritional Consultant Health 4 Dietician Health I Account Clerk II Health 4 Actount Clerk I Health 1 Typist I Coop. Extension 3 Nutrition Aide BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to establish a part-time (1/5) "Other Sources" Public Health Nutritional Consultant position in the Health Division, contingent upon availability of funds through a contract with the Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Murphy the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7708 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: MODIFICATION TO CLERICAL EXAM VALIDATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners had authorized FY'76 C.E.T.A. funds to conduct validation studies for the Patrolman and Clerical entry level Merit System examinations; and WHEREAS the C.E.T.A. FY'76 funds for two (2) Personnel Trainees to carry on the basic research on these studies will soon be exhausted; and WHEREAS there is sufficient research yet to be completed on these projects to justify con- tinuation of these positions; and WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners, in Miscellaneous Resolution #7686, has allocated an additional $30,000 in the FY'77 C.E.T.A. budget to continue such Validation Studies, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that $4,596.10 of the FY'77 C.E.T.A. allocation be approved to continue two (2) Personnel Trainee positions through December 31, 1976, the projected completion date of the Clerical Validation Study. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaiun, Chairwan, ruve!, the adoption of the Corefloing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Murphy the resolution be adopted. AYES: Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price Roth. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Aaron IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7694 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL JAIL INFIRMARY STAFFING To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7694 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 30, 1976 526 'Misc. 7694 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL JAIL INFIRMARY STAFFING To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Sheriff's Department has requested the Medical Care Facility supply an additional R.N. position for the Jail Infirmary; and WHEREAS in preparing for the new Jail opening, the 1972 budget contained monies for five (5) Medical Detention Officers and one (1) Nurse position to staff the Infirmary as well as a line item amount for physicians' services; and WHEREAS following some discussion the Hospital, Sheriff, Board of Auditors and the Health Department agreed it would be most appropriate to have the Hospital supervise the Jail Infirmary as well as provide pre-employment medical examinations for the Personnel Department; and WHEREAS on July 6, 1972, Miscellaneous Resolution #6035 was passed by the Board which established one (1) Staff Physician position in the Hospital to handle the Jail Infirmary and Personnel Department pre-employment medicals, transferred one (1) R.N. position from the Sheriff's Department to the Hospital for their use at the Infirmary and transferred funds from the Personnel Department and Sheriff Department to fund these positions; and WHEREAS the Infirmary has been operating basically with the same staffing as originally established except for a reduction in allotted physician time and an offsetting increase in nursing time (nursing time was increased from one position to one and two-fifths to provide a nurse on the day shift for each day of the week); and WHEREAS the Jail population has nearly doubled since 1972 with a corresponding increase in workload for the Infirmary; and WHEREAS in its 1977 budget request, the Medical Care Facility indicated a net possible reduction of nine (9) positions, but action on this is uncertain at this time due to current overspent conditions in the Medical Care Facility budget for 1976, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a three-fifths General Staff Nurse position be established for the Medical Care Facility for use at the Jail Infirmary in order to raise the current nurse staffing assigned to the Infirmary to the equivalent of a full two positions. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7694 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL JAIL INFIRMARY STAFFING To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #7694 and finds that the salary and fringe benefit costs for three-fifths of a General Staff Nurse position for the remainder of 1976 are $1,899 and $581 respectively. Further, the Finance Committee finds said funds available in the 1976 Budget-Contingency Line-item to be trans- ferred to the Medical Care Facility Budget-Salary Line-item and to the appropriate Non-Departmental Line-items. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Pernick the report be accepted and resolution #7694 be adopted. Discussion followed. AYES: Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox. (21) NAYS: Gabler, Hoot, Patterson. (3) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution 87694 was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Aaron IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7675 - APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR AUDITORIUM CLOAKROOM RENOVATIONS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7675 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman "Misc. 7675 By Mr. Daly IN RE: APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR AUDITORIUM CLOAKROOM RENOVATIONS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS minor renovations to the Auditorium cloakroom will provide an additional small 527 Commissioners Minules Continued. Seplerd.A 30, PIA meeting room for Commissioners and stall, and WHEREAS such space will be alsu utilized for needed storage area; and WHEREAS such alterations will result in the Following expenditures: Electrical Alterations $ 300 Carpeting 345 Enclosing Alterations 575 Miscellaneous and Contingency 280 TOTAL 51,500 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that $1,500.00 be and is hereby allocated to the Department of Central Services to perform the above described alterations. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION ;!7675 - APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR AUDITORIUM CLOAKROOM ALTERATIONS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #7675 and finds $1,500 available in the recommended 1976 Capital Improvement Fund - Auditorium Improvement Project. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Roth the report be accepted and resolution #7675 be adopted. AYES: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution #7675 was adopted. Misc. 7709 By Mr. Daly IN RE: TEMPORARY USE OF OLD HOSPITAL SPACE BY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES FOR AUTOMOBILE STRIKE FOOD STAMP PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the State Department of Social Services has requested temporary space for the distribution of food stamps to striking workers of the Ford Motor Company; and WHEREAS there is vacant space available at the old Hospital as the result of the move to the new Medical Care Facility. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that 1,760 square feet of space at the old Hospital be allocated to the Department of Social Services for the life of the automotive industry strike. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7710 By Mr. Daly IN RE: RELOCATION OF BASSETT DRAIN AND RETURN OF EASEMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS a portion of the Bassett Drain located in the South 1/2 of Section 14 in the City of Novi, Oakland County, Michigan, has been relocated; and WHEREAS the relocated drain has eliminated the necessity of the easement which had been granted to the County of Oakland in 1901; and WHEREAS Act 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended, provides that if a drain or a port ioi thereof ceases to be a public utility and is no longer necessary for the public health, convenience and welfare, said drain shall be vacated; and WHEREAS the owners of the South 1/2 of Section 14 in the City of Novi, have requested Ihat the County deed back to them the abandoned and vacated portion of the Bassett Drain; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends that the County of Oakland convey by quit-claim deed the premises which have been vacated. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Oakland County Board of ComilikNiorust.. Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 30, 1976 Hl .14' be and he is hereby authorized to execute a quit-claim deed on behalf of the County 01 Odklohd, 1 SOS CONSOLIDATED, INC., covering the following described premises: A 68' wide (maximum) strip of land in part of the S.W. 1/4 of Section 14, T 1 N, R 8 E, City of Novi, Oakland County, Michigan, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point which is 670' measured due north and 100.38 measured N 85° W from the S 1/4 corner of said Section 14, thence N 85 ° W 157.02; thence N 1° w 513.48'; thence N 44 ° E 238.07' to the point of ending. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Lennon the resolution be adopted. AYES: Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Lennon, McUonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron. (24) NAYS: None. (o) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7711 By Mr. Daly IN RE: SELECTION OF ARCHITECTURAL FIRM FOR THE LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS in conformance with Miscellaneous Resolution 117488, a Selection Committee evaluated six (6) architectural firms for the Law Enforcement Training Center Project; and WHEREAS upon the recommendation of the Selection Committee, your Planning and Building Committee hereby recommends the retention of the architectural firm of Swanson Associates, Inc. of Bloomfield Hills. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the firm of Swanson Associates, Inc. be selected as the architectural firm for the Law Enforcement Training Center Project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if a satisfactory contract cannot be negotiated with Swanson Associates, Inc., the negotiation procedure as out in Miscellaneous Resolution #7488 shall be implemented with the second choice firm of Frederick Stickel Associates. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if a satisfactory contract cannot be negotiated with Frederick Stickel Associates, the negotiation procedure as outlined in Miscellaneous Resolution #7488 shall be implemented with the third choice Firm of Giffels Associates, Inc. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. AYES: Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button. (21) NAYS: Murphy. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7712 By Mr. Daly IN RE: LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER - APPROVE CONTRACT WITH SWANSON ASSOCIATES, INC. To the Oakland County Board of Commicsioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners has approved the selection of Swanson Associates, Inc. as the first choice architectural firm for the Law Enforcement Training Center Project; and WHEREAS in conformance with Miscellaneous Resolution #7488, contract negotiations have been completed with Swanson Associates, Inc. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the architectural services contract be awarded to Swanson Associates, Inc. in an amount not to exceed S84,000 and that the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners be and he is hereby authorized to execute the agreement with this firm on behalf of the County. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Dearborn the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. 529 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 30, 1976 AYES: Dearborn, Fortino, Hoot., Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Montante, Olson, Page, Pattor%on, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly. (19) NAYS: Murphy, Nowak. (2) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7113 By Mr. Daly IN RE: PROPOSAL TO REDUCE FEE SCHEDULE APPLICABLE TO ACT 1.47 SOIL EROSION CONTROL PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commiy,ioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlerk.n. WHEREAS on November 18, 1974 this Board dtlopted d leo ..chetlnle lo cover ant it ithited to administer the State mandated erosion control program; and WHEREAS the experience gained during 18 months of actual performance plus the increase in base and efficiency resulting from consolidation of Department of Public Works projects with the Drain Office under Act 342 allows a responsible reduction in these fees, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Board of Commissioners adopts the following revised schedule with an effective date of January 1, 1977 as follows: A. Flat fee for any single family dwelling... $10.00 B. Other construction projects: I. 1/5 of Iii on 1st $100,000 of earth disrupting activities 2. 1/10 of I% on that between $100,000 and $1,000,000 3. 1/20 of I% on that over $1,000,000 C. Fees to be determined as above or at $10.00 per disrupted acre, whichever is greater. D. Minimum fee... $10.00 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Board of Commissioners acknowledges with commendation the national award winning model program established by the Drain Commissioner in this new and ecologically important field. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. AYES: Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn. (23) NAYS: None. (0) PASS: Price. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7714 By Mr. Daly IN RE: PAINT CREEK FLOOD HAZARD ANALYSIS PROJECT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Township of Oakland has requested Oakland County to be a participant in a joint Federal, County, and Local project for 'Iood-plain delineation of Paint Creek; and WHEREAS the total first year cost of the Paint Creek project is $45,950.00; and WHEREAS the Federal Soil Conservation Service shall contribute for the first year of the project S35,000.0S or 76.167 of the total project cost; and WHEREAS the townships of Oakland, Orion, and the City of Lake Orion shall contribute for t-e f irst year Or the project $9,500.00 or 20.682 of the total project cost; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland lanring Division has contributed in kind services in the form of aerial photos and -aps; and WHEREAS Oakland Township has requested the County of Oakland participation in the project with a first year $700.00 cash contribution or 1.522, cash and 1.63t. in kind of the total project cost; and WHEREAS the result of the flood hazard analysis in the Paint Creek project would enable three Oakland County communities to take measures to prevent future flooding problems. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Oakland County appropriate $700.00 for the County of Oakland's first year contribution to the joint Federal, County, and Local Paint Creek project. The Planning and Building Committee, by the Chairman, Patrick K. Daly, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 30, 1976 530 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: FLOOD PLAIN DELINEATION, PAINT CREEK, OAKLAND TOWNSHIP To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed the request to participate in a project for flood plain delineation of Paint Creek, the West Branch of Stoney Creek, and the McClure Drain, primarily within Oakland Township. The Project will be a joint effort between Oakland Township, the U.S. Soil Conservation Service and the Clinton River Watershed Council. At one time Oakland County contributed funds to the Clinton River Watershed Council or specific flood plain projects. The Board of Commissioners by Resolution #6498 dated November 29, 1973, took action to hold County dues to a minimum of $500 annually to Watershed Councils. The Clinton River Watershed Council has not accepted the $500 contribution subsequent to 1972 since they are governed by a State Statute which prohibits representation on the governing Board of the Council without contributing required dues as established by the Watershed Council. It has been determined that funds contributed the Oakland County to the Clinton River Water- shed Council and earmarked for specific projects has been expended, thus not available for the Paint Creek Project. It has also been determined that any funds committed to the Paint Creek Project can be pro- vided to the U.S. Soil Conservation Service or the Clinton River Watershed Council. Total participated in this project for 1976 is $700. The cost requirements for future years consists of $700 per year for 1977 and 1978 for a total of $2,100 over the three (3) year period. However, participation in this project in 1976 does not commit Oakland County to future commitments in 1977 and 1978. The Finance Committee moves the acceptance of this report. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7702, OAKLAND COUNTY SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SYSTEMS - P.A. 342 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee reports Miscellaneous Resolution #7702 with the recommendation that said resolution be adopted. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman "Misc. 7702 By Mr. Perinoff IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM - ACT 342 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS there are now pending several studies and an approved County plan for solid waste collection and disposal improvements in Oakland County which are vitally necessary for the proection of the public health and it is therefore, essential to continue the development and implementation of such a Solid Waste Program; and WHEREAS the terms of Act 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, permit the acquisition, construction and financing of systems of solid waste collection and disposal improve- ments and services and provide for the County's ability to issue bonds pursuant to the provisions of said Act 342 to finance the acquisition and construction of solid waste and refuse disposal improve- ments and facilities. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, as follows: 1. This Board of Commissioners does hereby authorize and direct thai there he established, under and pursuant to, and for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred by Act No. 342, PublIt Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, a county-wide system of solid waste and refuse disposal improve- ments and services to be known as the Oakland County Solid Waste and Refuse Disposal Authority. 2. The Oakland County Drain Commissioner is hereby designated the County agency for the said Oakland County Solid Waste and Refuse Disposal Authority and shall have all of the powers conferred upon the County agency by the terms of said Act 342. Alexander C. Perinoff, Commissioner - District #2I" Moved by Daly supported by Patterson the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Daly supported by Aaron that resolution #7702 be adopted. 531 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 30, 1976 Daniel T. Murphy, County Executive requested the Board refer the resolution back to the Planning and Building Committee so the/ can get the Executives position on this issue. Moved by McDonald supported by Patterson the resolution be referred back to the Planning and Building Committee. Vote on referral: AYES: Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Wilcox, Douglas. (13) NAYS: Fortino, Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn. (12) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was referred to the Planning and Building Committee. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7701 - APPROVAL OF INITIAL FUNDING FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER PROJECT To the Oakland County Board of Cwmuissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Colvittee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, reports Miscellaneoos Resolution No. 7701 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE 1 Patrick K. Daly, Chairman "Misc.- 7701 By Mr. Daly IN RE: APPROVAL OF INITIAL FUNDING FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER PROJECT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS your Committee has recommended that the Law Enforcement Training Center Project be the number one priority in applying or a Federal grant, under the Public Works Employment Act of 1976; and WHEREAS drawings and specifications must be prepared and ready for bidding with 45 to 60 days, if construction is to start within 90 days of project approval; and WHEREAS soil borings should be taken at the proposed site of the Law Enforcement Training Center. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that $25,000.00 be and is hereby allocated to the Department of Central Services for the purpose of obtaining soil borings, preparing necessary topographical data and the preparation of schematic site and floor plans. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7701 - APPROVAL OF INITIAL FUNDING FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER PROJECT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #770I and finds funds available in the amount of $25,000 in the recommended 1976 Capital Improvement Fund. Said funds to be made available to the Facilities and Operations Division of the Department of Central Services. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Roth the report be accepted and resolution #7701 be adopted. AYES: Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Montante, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas. (21) NAYS: Murphy, Nowak. (2) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution #7701 was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: HEALTH DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR TEMPORARY USAGE OF SPACE AT OLD HOSPITAL BUILDING To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County Health Department has requested the assignment of temporary space, due Commissioners Minutes Continuec. September 30, 1976 517 to additional programs and crowded conditions in their building; and WHEREAS there is currently vacant space available at the old Hospital as the result ol the move of the new Medical Care Facility; and WHEREAS your Committee has reviewed this request and recommends the following allocations: PROGRAM SPACE REQUIRED LENGTH OF TIME NEEDED WIC-Administration sq. ft. Approximately two (2) years or whenever space can be provided elsewhere. Swine Flu-Administration 1,000 sq. ft. October, 1976, thru January 30, 1977. E.M.S. 500 sq. ft. Until permanent space is provided elsewhere. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Health Department be allocated the temporary usage ol 3,000 square feet in the old Hospital, for the purpose as indicated above, until such time as the programs dissolve or when space becomes available elsewhere. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, nxives the adoption or the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Price the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the report. AYES: Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino. (23) NAYS: None. (0) PASS: Lennon. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Dearborn supported by Fortino the report be amended by deleting under "PROGRAM - EMS., SPACE REQUIRED - 500 square feet, LENGTH OF TIME NEEDED - Until permanent space is provided elsewhere"; - and this be referred to the Public Services and Planning and Building Committees. Further, under the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph by deleting "3,000 square feet and substituting 2,500 square feet". Vote on amendment: AYES: Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino. (11) NAYS: Hoot, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Wilcox, Dunleavy, Gabler. (12) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Discussion followed. The Chairman stated the report has been accepted. Mr. Nowak gave notice that, at the next meeting of the Board, he will make a motion to discharge the Planning and Building Committee from further consideration of Resolution #7684 - PROPOSED ROUTE OF M-275. REPORT By Mr. Price IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7687 - ADULT WORK EXPERIENCE - O.J.T. PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7687 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman "Misc. 7687 By Mr. Dunleavy IN RE: ADULT WORK EXPERIENCE - O.J.T. PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution 0546 applied For and was granted the desionation by the U.S. Department of Labor as Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of Title I of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS Adult Work Experience is a component in Oakland County's approved Manpower Program; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #7615 approved the Adult Work E/perience - O. 1.T. Program for the period July I, 19/6 to June 10, 1977 in the total 533 Commissioners Minutes Continued. SepteHber 30, 19/6 budget amount of $366,281; and WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #7615 in part authorized the Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency, as sub-contractor to the County, to place adult work experience enrollees in 23 approved private non-profit agencies; and WHEREAS the Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency wishes to add an additional 10 private non-profit agencies as potential additional work experience work sites. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the additional work sites consistent with the attached schedule with no change to the total budget of $366,281. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Public Services Committee will review the performance objectives of the Adult Work Experience - O.J.T. Program on a quarterly basis. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairnmn, moves the adoption ol foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE James W. Dunleavy, Vice Chairman" See Page 479 for copy of schedule. Moved by Price supported by Douglas that resolution #7687 be adopted. Moved by Hoot supported by McDonald the resolution be amended by adding: "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the sub-contractor (OLHSA) shall solicit from all participating agencies, written job classifications and descriptions, which shall include, but not be limited to, satisfaction of the CETA limitations on political activities and lobbying as set forth in the June 25th, 1976 edition of the CETA regulations. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Prime Sponsor shall hold responsible all involved sub- contractors for avoiding all possibility of the appearance of political and lobbying activities during normal working hours". Discussion followed. The Chairman vacated the Chair. The Vice Chairman took the Char. Vote on amendment: AYES: McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Page, Patterson, Wilson, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper. (11) NAYS: Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas. (I0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on resolution as amended: AYES: McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon. (21) NAYS: Gabler. (I) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution 7687 as amended, was adopted. Misc. 7715 By Hr. Price IN RE: APPLICATION FOR GRANT - OAKLAND COUNTY PLAN FOR CENTRALLY ACTIVATED SIREN SYSTEM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners finds that the citizens of Oakland County are subject to an increasing hazard of loss of life and property from tornado occurrences; and WHEREAS the present signals for warning the citizens of Oakland County are not uniform and have different meaning from commJnit/ to community; and WHEREAS the Oakland Court' Tas% Force for the Imulenentation of a Central Disaster Warning Sistem has found that outdoor puLlic siren warning system centrally activated by the National Weather Service to alert citizens to tornado wa ,rings could save precious seconds and minimize loss of life in the County of Oakland. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the filing of a federal grant application with the office of Defense Civil Preparedness Agency for the first two years of the proposed program consistent with the attached budget. Mr. Chairman, the Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., moves the adoption ol the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman Commissioners Minutes Continued, September 30, 197h Copy of Finance Comwittee Repoli ond 'inane( ..ee Pones 577 and 523. Moved by Dearborn supported by Page the rule., he suspended for imnrdiate of the resolution. AYES: Moffitt. Montarte, Murphy, Olson, Page, Price, Roth, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald. (17) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Price supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted. Vote on resolution: AYES: Montante, Murphy, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Gabler, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt. (18) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7116 By Mr. Price IN RE: VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor of Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of Title I of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS Oakland County's C.E.T.A. Title I Grant Application has been filed and approved by the U.S. Department of Labor; and WHEREAS the Vocational Rehabilitation pilot program for Title III funds has been approved by Resolution #7665; and WHEREAS the Vocational Rehabilitation Program becomes a component for directly serving target group clients as set forth in the approved 1977 planning program. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that an annual budget of $80,700. be approved for the period of October 1, 1976 to September 30, 1977, consistent with the attached budget. NOW BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Public Services Committee will review the performance objectives of the Vocational Rehabilitation Program on a quarterly basis. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION FISCAL YEAR 1977 BUDGET Budgeting considerations are as follows: A. Case Services - These funds will be expended directly on goods and services to client. • Sheltered Workshop Services $25,000 2. Related rehabilitation costs i.e. medicals, physical restoration, tools, equipment, etc. $2b ,000 TOTAL $50,000 $50.orm B. Salaries - These funds will provide two V.R. counselors needed for the program. Clerical needs will be born by the V.R.S. office. Salary Fringe Benefits Total Salary Counselor 12,792 2,558 15,350 Counselor 12,792 2,558 15,350 TOTAL 25,584 5,l1 30,700 $37,000 C. Travel - Travel expenses for program staff will be carried by V.R.S. D. Administration - Administrative cost involved in managing the program will be carried by V.R.S. GRAND TOTAL 00,700 I. VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM DESCRIPTION A. Legal Mandate: Vocational Rehabilitation Service has the legislative mandate to provide those services necessary to render the handicapped employable either in competitive employmeni or to maximum capability which could mean homebound or sheltered employment. In order to receive vocational rehabilitation services, an individual must be determinec to be legally eligible for such services. This involves establishing the existence of the followinu criteria: 1. Existence of a physical, mental or emotional disability (medically documented). 2. Existence of a substantial handicap to employment. 3. Reasonable assurance that the services of Vocational Rehabilitation Service can render the person employable. B. Services Provided by_ V.R.S.: Clients served under this agreement will be provided the full range of rehabilitation services. These services are provided with the mutual consent of the client and are coordinated under standard operational procedure by the V.R.S. counselor. The services are as follows: 535 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 30, 1976 1. Diagnostic services to determine eligibility for further rehabilitation service% and to indicate the nature of service% to be provided. They include medical examinations as well as social, psychological and vocational evaluations. 2. Vocational guidance and counseling. 3. Physical restoration and other medical services: i.e. speech therapy, physical therapy, prosthetics, orthotics. 4. Financial assistance or training in busIness, vocational trade and technical schools or for further academic education. 5. Occupational requirements such as tools, licenses, initial stocks and supplies, etc. 6. Sheltered workshop evaluation, training and employment. 7. Job placement services including interpretation of disability to employer. 8. Follow-up to make sure the client has been suitably placed on the job. 9. Limitation of Workmen's Compensation liability for heart, back, epileptic and diabetic patients through Second Injury program. 10. Homebound training and employment. C. Examples of Disabilities - All - (blood pre ,.wre, diobefe5, epilep%y, cerebral palsy, polio, heart, back new ological, speech, hearing 01 vision disorders, amputation, stroke, arthritis, orthopedic disabiliLes, mental retard.ttion, psychiatric, etc) II. PURPOSE OF PROPOSAL Since CETA has identified the handicapped as a target group and since V. R.S . is the prime resource for vocational rehabilitation services to the handicapped, it is natural that CETA and V.R.S. establish a formal working agreerent designed to meet the needs of this population. Vocational Rehabilitation Services draws its clientel of handicapped citizens from a variety of resources. This population, in many instances, meet [ETA eligibility and represent other prime target populations that CETA has identified, such as recipients of Public Assistance, Supple- mental Security Income, Disabled-disadvantaged public offenders, persons from mental health facilities, etc [ETA has recently initiated a request for a formal program proposal from Vocational Rehabilitation Services. What follows is a proposal from the State Vocational Rehabilitation Service, Pontiac District Office to CETA for a joint program effort to better service the handicapped popu- lation of Oakland County. This proposal should serve to: I. Expand services to the handicapped as a [ETA target population. 2. Establish a more accurate census of CETA eligibles now being served. 3. Provide V.R.S. with a voice in [ETA programming and services to the disabled. 4. Create service options for the disabled [ETA clients especially in sheltered work- shops. 5. Improve integration and coordination of CETA/VRS services for classroom-OJT and Title I and IV opportunities. 6. Develop better understanding of CETA's demands for V.R. services. Ill. POPULATION TO BE SERVED As indicated, previously Vocational Rehabilitation Service has a legal obligation to serve the entire handicapped population with regard to its vocational needs. Since the demand has always been greater than our ability to respond, not all potential clients find their way onto our caseloads. This proposal should allow us to better penetrate this mutual target population with emphasis on those with the following characteristics: I. Public Assistance recipients. 2. Mentally and Emotionally ill. 3. Latino disabled. This, however, will not be the exclusive range of our involvement since disabling and personal characteristics are cross-sectional and various. In line with congressional mandate and the established direction of the agency. overall emphasis will be placed upon serving severely_ disabled in all aspects of this program. IV. WORK LOAD ESTIMATES At a minimum, 100 VRS/CETA clients will be served during the first program year. (Correspondingly, it is expected that 60 clients will be placed in employment and successfully re- habilitated by both agencies standards. Monthly reports will be prepared to Indicate the number of clients being served by CETA funds and the number of successful rehabilitations of such clients. Since the scope of services and cycle thue of some clients may exceed the parameters of this proposal, VRS will assume the responsibility for providing any and all ongoing appropriate services as deemed necessary for the client unlessthe project is extended an additional year in whitil case CETA funding will again be used. V. PROGRAM PROCESS The following is an outline description of the client flow-thru process: 1. Identification and referral of CETA eligible candidates. 2. V.R. intake and diagnostic evaluation. 3. Statement of eligibility. 4. Program initiation (See I-B to include classroom training, OJT, sheltered workshop, job placement and follow-up). 5. Closure. 536 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 30, 1976 Moved by Price supported by Button the resolution be adopted. AYES: Murphy, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborr, Fortino, Gabler, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante. (19) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7717 By Mr. Price IN RE: COUNSELING INTAKE AGENCIES-SCHOOL DISTRICTS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor of Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of Title I of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS the Counseling Intake Agency will provide additional skill training sites for CETA enrollees during fiscal year 1977; and WHEREAS the Counseling Intake Agencies are not in competition with MESC, but rather place emphasis on the Youth component of the Title I Plan; and WHEREAS there are obiectives for direct placement of enrollees, O.J.T. referral., and classroom training classes which must be completed within the minimum of 307 of the total objectives for contract compliance; and WHEREAS each Counseling Intake Agency will receive $62,500. for a total program tost of $625,000. for ten school districts as represented by the attached budgets. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the CETA Counseling Intake Agency program for the period of October 1, 1976 to September 30, 1977, con- sistent with the attached information and budgets. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that quarterly progress reports for this contract will be presented to the Public Services Committee. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman COUNSELING INTAKE AGENCIES The counseling intake agencies will be administered by ten school district. The districts will provide an opportunity for young adults (17 years of age and older) who have been permanently excluded from school, recent graduates, unemployed and underemployed adults, seeking occupational guidance, counseling, and placement. The program emphasis will be in the area of acquiring "Job Readiness Skills" for the day to day activities in the world of work. Assistance will be given to members of young adult organizations and community groups in selecting occupational training goals and classes to reach those goals. The agencies will assist in recruitment for classroom training but will not duplicate the existing employment services functions. They will add a new dimension to our existing on-the-job training program by referring persons for placement and the names of employers interested in pursuing the possibilities of an on-the-job training contract with our existing unit. The agencies performance will be measured monthly against goals and performance standards. Failure to meet the minimum objectives of thirty (30) percent referral of job ready clients for placement within two consecutive months will constitute non-compliance of contract. PHOTOTYPE BUDGET FOR EMPLOYMENT TRAINING AGENCY POSITION ANNUAL WAGES TOTAL WAGES I. Director/Administrator $15,000 $16,000 2. Conselor/Job Developer 12,000 24,000 I. Secretary 10,000 10,000 WO70-017 Fringe benefits @ 25 12,500 TOTAL BUDGET SCHOOL DISTRICT CLASS TOTAL COSTS TOTAL ENROLLEES Berkley Clerk/Typist $ 24,264.00 25 Berkley General Office Clerk 24,264.00 25 Berkley Remedial Training 42,389.00 50 Birmingham Clerk/Typist 28,706.35 25 Birmingham Stenographer 28,706.35 25 Ferndale Clerk Typist 22,500.00 25 Ferndale Medical Assistant 22,500.00 22 Ferndale Stenographer 22,500.00 25 Ferndale Welding 22,500.00 16 Oak Park Clerk Typist 21,381.00 25 Oak Park Nursing Assistant 22,500.00 25 Pontiac Auto Mechanics 27,334.00 15 Pontiac Medical Assistant 9,892.00 15 Pontiac Stenographer 24,390.00 25 Pontiac Welding 16,512.00 15 537 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 30, 1976 SCHOOL DISTRICT CLASS TOTAL COSTS TOTAL ENROLLEES Royal Oak Nursing Assistant $ 16,815.00 45 Royal Oak Welding 35,770.00 45 Southfield Clerk/Typist 19,000.00 20 Southfield Medical Secretary/Transcriptionist 19,000.00 20 Southfield Remedial Training 19,000.00 20 Troy Clerk/Typist 20,458.00 25 Troy Medical Assistant 24,909.00 30 Troy Stenographer 22,480.00 25 Troy Nursing Assistant 24,909.00 30 Walled Lake Auto Mechanics 25,635.59 20 Walled Lake Clerk Typist 17,253.00 20 Walled Lake Management Training 16,090.09 20 Waterford Auto Mechanics 30,140.00 25 Waterford Welding 32,375.00 25 awicip(uunli codiPimit:Nsill EMPLOYMENT A:;1111tAINIPE, Arr. 197s Trill.: OCCNSE1.196 Atql iriA.101 tiGINCY CONTRACT WHEREAS, the County of Oakland, a constitutional corix;rat Lon, htTeinatter refereed to as the Oaaractor, has entered into a contract, said contract designated as Contract taurta .r 26-5053-10 with the United States Deparbrent of Labor to provide for the planning and delivery of manpower services under its authority as a prime sroneur under the Oxrprehensive Deployment andTcaining Act of 1973 for the jurisdiction of fbirland County and; WHEMAS, it has teen determined that delivery of iictivit les authorimd in the prime sponsor's grant requires the oxipetent perfotmance of supportive services as an activity under the Contractor's minpower systese, an agreement Is entered into between the Contractor, as represented by the Contracting officer, executing this agreement in behalf of Oakland County as prime sponsor and as an agent of the Secretary of labor and Name and Address of Agency STATEHENT OE' PURP3SE - PRCGRAM DESCTLITTICh Daring the first year the activities fonaed within this performance contract will provide for the intake assess- ment and screening for a minimum of 50 classroan training enrollees, 49)direct placements and the referral of both clients and employers to the OJT .`:-.ction of the Deployment and Training Division, which will have the poten- tial for 52 contracts. All of these arlt vit ies are funded for the primary purpose of developing a local carrunity agency which can be responsive to the uncrrployed citizens of the crmeunity. All enrollees included in these activities will canply with the eligibility standards set forth in Attactment A. All forms and PRIRs (Participant Registrat U.: and Information Record) concerning claserryan training should he directed to Mr. Steve Jackson, Client Services Supervisor, in accordance with the procedures set forth in Attar:Wawa B. All forms, contracts and PRIRs concerning CUT and direct placement should be forwarded to the Sr. Job Developer, 111r. Philip Chenoweth, in accordance with the procedures set forth in Attachrent C. In no 1/181.1111Ce will expendi- tures be approved without prior revlex by the prime sponsor's staff and resolution of the Oakland County Dowd of Ccurnissioners, when necessary. COLPENSATICti The contractor will reimburse the subgrantee for identifiable costs and Mantxmer services in the amount not to exceed $62,503.00, contingent upon receipt by the contractor of the C.S. Department of labor fund- The costs aI haled for rebrbursernent include wages and fringi, benefits ;aid exclude training, Employment service and administrative costs as recorded in the Occupational Statuary, Attachment D. 11w costs incurred by the sultgrantee before October 1, 1976, or after September 30, 1977, are not eligible. Payment under this contract shall be made monthly to the subgrantee upon receipt of the subgrantee's reimbursement request and progress report. These documents are to be received by the 3rd working day of each month and no later than the 10th working day of each month. All costs requests received after the 10th working day will be reviewed the subsequent month. CENERAL PROVISIONS The subgrantee will abide by all applicable terms and conditions inposed and required by any such contract between the Contractor and the United States Department of Labor, to be known as the prime contract, further, will abide by all subsequent revisions and modifications of the prime contract, as published, to set forth administrative and statutory changes imposed on or by the United States Department of Labor. The sulleTantee agrees to perform as a sulirrantee ciii icknowledges that she Contractor is not free to divest resronsilit Ii ty for the per formuice eat I al for by t ic' r !lust , mint tact . This Cast in no manner effects the ,,,iligrantee's ,11,Israt ionI , eriply WI Ii ill alas] icable laws, ordlnancos, and codes ,if the federal. stale, or iElDIFIGTIONS All modifications to this contract shit; I.- in writ ing Raglan tS from the subgrantise for int e rip n at ions, lib Ali 4,11 ill's n•a• vliolvr,s Shut I nu,a,. Iii wri tine aDllt raCitir • In the event of any failure of the supgrantee tie auli tel., Iii,. W9 l'Olinalico 011,jvil forth or the Ulnae:I:11 goals as set forth the Contractor tsr ii the right to require replanning sir nr.li Ficut Or 01 her correct iv,- action within ten (10) business days of receipt of writ b mai; e fur; the Dint ritetor The subcontractor shall cooperate fully tiet prompt ly ii uch afortenent lontid program midi ttcatimet as may be required by the Contractor. 538 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 30, 1976 00rMACTOR HELD HARSILISS I. The subgraritee agreeia to indemnify, defend and save harmalet,s Lilo Contractor, its officers, agents, and traployees freen any and all claims and losses accruing or resulting 10 the subcontractor in connect ion with the! performance of this contract, and inn any and all claims and losses aceraiag or resulting to any laid-son, tiro or corporation who may be injured UV CIZirct,2-e I by the submintee in the performance of this trintract. Such indemnity shall include, tali not neecssari Iv be limited to, attorneys fees and aSt» n ist ra [lye. costa. 2 The federal government, ruprosential by the United tit:iris Department of Labor, is not a party heret.i, and thai no legal liability on the part of Inc federal gnvermimo is hairied undor the term; and auditions of this krintract RErCE26 AND REPORT'S 1. The sibgrantee must maintain such n-.cords as are r1-91L11.11•51 by CEPA legislation, the United Stales of labor, and the Contractor to insure the integrity if financial tranaactions, to provide the ability for . [hi Contractor to evaluate the effectiveness of program activities, and to meet federal reporting requirmentm. 2. The subgrantee rust maintain financial records as a. The subgraritee must maintain a special account for this supportive service program and identify expenditurestay the appropriate cost categories for each service activity provided under this contract. b. The subgrantee shall record all costs incurred in the discharge nf this a.grrernent, as incurred, and report these costs !tenthly, on or before the third business day of the subsequent !tenth, in the Mil- ner and format prescribed by the Contractor and in conformance with applicable CETA requirements. C. Upon tertnination of this subcontract, the subgrantee wilt provide the Contractor with a final ac- counting of all expenditures node in performance of this contract within thirty {30) calendar days of the termination of this agreement. d. The suit:grantee agrees to maintain bouas,records, docunents, and other evidence pertaining to all costs and expenses of this subountract to the extent and in such detail as will properly reflect all costa and expenses of whatever nature for which payment is claimed under the provisions of this contract. at. The subgrantee's accounting procedures and Internal financial controls mist be determined to he ac- ceptable to the Contractor, and said procedures and controls must !orifeam in generally ar.ottpted ac- counting practices la order that the coats properly applicable to this contract can be readily as- certainable therefrom. f. The subgrantee shall maintain applicant and enrollee records and other records consistent with (2iTA requirements. Such records shall be open to the inspection and audit, by the Contractor and/or Con- tractor's representative, and the United States Deprartreent of Labor. g. The subgrantee shall preserve and make available its records for a period of three years or a period of time established by the United States Deparbeent of Lather from the date of the final accounting submitted by the subgrantee to the Contractor after cranpletion of the work under this contract and designated by the sulag-rantees as the final accounting. 3. The subgrantee will review all =TA applications with the prime sponsor prior to enrolling individuals in the program and incurring accts. 4. The sulagrantee agrees to provide a centralized identifiable of lice housing the employees listed in Attachment E which will be a a:amenity source of information for unemployed Oakland County Residents. This office will maintain hours f rem 8:31 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday throtall Friday. 5. Subgrantee agrees to coordinate the training schedule set forth in Attachment E with the Iliployment Service Agency so that intake assessment counselling will be available fnr classroom training enrollee:a.. 6. The sutarrantee agrees to attend the necessary training simatiuns eatndortcal by ihe Prim- Spontor ito Insure that the eligibility standards and appropriate Departmoit of Labor guidelines are recognived. 7. The Subgrantee agrees to recruit and train enrollees consistent with the target group clutranterintins tint forth in Attachment F. B. The sulagrantee agrees to operate consistent with Department of labor policy as set forth in the Ahaurtancort and Certifications in Attachment G. liCINITORCNG AND CORRECTIVE ACTION Performance by the subgrantee will be measured monthly against goals and performance standards as described. Yeasured performance which does not rreet allowable CETA variance criteria (33 within two consecutive !moths) will constitute fion-compltance with the term; of this contract. However, , it is the responsibility of the Contractor, ineediately upon receipt of such a monthly performance report, to bring any performance not within the atiowable variance to the attention of the subcontractor, and to request in writing that the subcontractor either develop a corrective action plan or provide a written report that Justifies modification of goal and performance standard, within ten (10) bosinetat days of receipt of the written notice. If an adjustment in staadards or goals In deemed appropriate by the Contractor. such nudification will be trade in accordance with the rtntli!icatioe sect al this nontruct. TERMINATICal This aantraat alay terevoiated for .iefaidt or non-onati lance tql the part tol the talligranit, and laid termination nay be fr.•friStai 1,1: the fontractor uhenever the suhirminive ..inall rirlasii Lii perforrhince !lilt contrnel lit sc-• cordance with Its term, and shall fail to ornotty such deloul I within a period fa Ipn (10) buttlnerts clays after receipt inn, the Contr.:ulna-of a notice sr'i tying default or tion-en opt INSLIPLNCE The subarantee is hound to maintain WelrIUTILICS Ctraamisat ion for al l ',art icipants. The subgran tee shal I inaredi It t e• I y notify the contractor if this insurance pit icy is cancelled hy the insurer or discontinued by the insured. Authorized Signature Ackert E. Chisholm Authorized Slalature Witness Witness 539 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 30, 1976 CMCERREN:li OF ODUECTIVE BARGAINING AGENT The classi ftcatiors in which work experience is being offered are not subject to a oollective bargaining agreement. If occupations are subject to a collective bargaining agreement, attach to this subcontract a list containing the =re., of tense unions and the occupatiorvi covered. The name, title, and union affiliation of the bargaining representative (s) for each occupation and ompioyer are as fellows Nan* Actress IN WITN.MSS WHEFLEDF. the foregoing pr-r> . is ruts 01 the s-ulx,ntrict have t, ,'n n-.x:unitnitl by thi' undersigned and ftv• parties lia‘e cau.sed this sutEtintrai t I4. b.• oxec ,..itect duly .11eni,„ Typed `..arre if Authiri7rid Officer Nun., an! I titilvnliol litt i Nigiud - wItner..s Oakland Ciumtv Board of C.inii,liont.rs 1200 North Tolegraph. Pontiac . Mich. .18053 Date Signed Moved by Price supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. AYES: Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7118 By Mr. Price IN RE: ACQUISITION OF UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE FUNDS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #6546 applied for and was granted the designation by he U.S. Department of Labor of Prime Sponsor to adminisicr the provisions of Title I of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS Unemployment Insurance costs can be accrued by CETA employers after the Grant lunds are obligated; and WHEREAS the addition of $100,000. will provide the funding to process these claims, if identified, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the Employment and Training Division to file for a grant addition of $100,000. Title I funds for fiscal year 1976 for the exclusive use of honoring Unemployment Insurance claims, consistent with the attached Title I budget. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price. Jr., Chairman 26-5053-60 1.7 DI. In rifOM I., fopTO. r - — oat I. - ' Marion C. Sni th Marion C. Snith -- A Grant Officer 7.11..01n11.11-i;7 — Alex:0)(1,T PrTinoff 1.111 C01111.ty R M.N51WW Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 30, 1976 540 VI 1.0117.11 r or I A11014 ".1.1.ep GRANT SIGNATIME SHUT =1.1c.partn)ont or & Training Administration 230 South Dartorn Stro(01 Chicago, Illinois 6060 ] 0001VICINT 1.,.0 n 1,...1 ... _. 006 Wnd County 1200 N. Telc_l=raph Road Pontiac, Michigan 48053 This vent in colts-red into hy the Uaitod Stays or Antelka, Ort”rItitert of 1,..tt.ot, Mar jiry,,,f stsation1 hereinafter reforrod to as Gteotor ettd (XII( I and CA)%; L y hereimsfror referred to ;Is Grantee. The Grano.. •:grees to op:rale a Co -c.:ehon..i.to Training Program in aCCOnheoce 1Y1111 the p,t.rri-.ions or this agtternenr, 1-.7t,ding the Compte!,:.:ave Planpo.er Plan and wch yererat otsurances as ate A. GRANT PER:OD Jan. 10, 1975 Dec. 31, 1 976 This Grant .nrc.,rnrrni Co,'IS the period 1 . 1071 10 .... B. OBLIGATION This action Vi inLrna.}-.7.(,n, U6trna'es iii dors not elpitft.;91A ,f!../,.);.81 ohhgatkin for this grant by trhf, prrionj $ . i '' ta. In," kwIl S. C. TITLE AND FISCAL YEAR *See. Ci.B.U.SC below - --- I. ISCAL YE A11 TITLE TITLE I Sale i IlKet$11.e. I DIWItlionazy *100,000 100,000 TITLE II Base Wicretioaa,y . TITLF. lit lit•paot Other • — — . --- ------- --. 7111.17 VI Base l8,106,630 18,106 630 mwekm,ry 714,963 714 g6S TOTAL 18,821,59S] 100 00C 111..P.2 .fg _ D. GRANT ALLOTMENT q (This Is the annottored arcom,ni whfsh is ,I,Ic'eor to aelitahi:::, of funds and does no( co,,c4itrito. recurm! orm.o!km.„1 yolk 7. 1.0 arit pmv id. tO Field Mrnywan.1.1111 R9• the paymolit. of U.T. for Irtrticipanu; who 1.v.Ts! Iturrnplel ,under tho condition!-; of thi:; r;rnut. Di:.;crot imilftry Ti IN-1G SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. These funds can only be used for payment of direct unemployment insurance cost .; ft participants under this grant. No funds can be used for administrative or other program cost .„ except as stipulated in Region V, ETA CETA Letter #46, Change #I. 2. The Prime Sponsor shall forward, within fifteen (15) days of the receipt any documentation and/or billing information not now contained in this modification, which was required by CETA Letter #46, Change #1 for which the grantee will have received funds by this action. Moved by Price supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. 117 ,1 Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. 541 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 30, 1976 AYES: Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on resolution: AYES: Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, W'Ison, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Olson. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7719 By Mrs. Moffitt IN RE: REPLY TO STATE BOARD OF HEALTH - RE: POSSIBLE LOSS OF FEDERAL FUNDS IN COUNTY MEDICAL FACILITY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS nearly all of the Oakland County Medical Care Facility's revenues are received through federal Medicare/Medicaid; and WHEREAS this funding may amount to $2 million in the first year of the facility's operation; and WHEREAS any threatened cut-offs of this funding is a serious matter of concern for all citizens of Oakland County; and WHEREAS the State Department of Public Health has informed Oakland County that these funds may be interrupted due to numerous deficiencies at the Medical Care Facility; and WHEREAS tomorrow, October 1, is the deadline for explaining to the Department of Public Health how these deficiencies will be corrected; and WHEREAS the Board of InstituCons has not met and apparently will not meet to discuss ways to solve this problem before the deadline. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Institutions submit a copy of the report to the State Department of Public Health to each member of the Board of Commissioners by October 8. 1976, and explain what positive steps have been taken to prevent the interruption of federal funding. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Lillian V. Moffitt, Commissioner - District /115 Moved by Moffitt supported by Montante the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Patterson, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Page. (9) NAYS: Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino, Lennon, Olson. (I i) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. The Vice Chairman referred the resolution to the Human Resources Committee. There were no objections. Moved by Pernick supported by Patterson the Board adjourn until October 12, 1976 at 9;30 A.M. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Board adjourned at 12:15 P.M. Lynn D. Allen Alexander C. Perinoff Clerk Chairman 54 2 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING October 12, 1976 Meeting called to order by Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff at 9:30 A.M. in the Court House Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by Henry W. Hoot. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll called: PRESENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson. (26) ABSENT: Simmons. (1) Quorum present. Moved by Daly supported by Fortino the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as printed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Douglas supported by Roth the Journal for the June Session be approved and closed and the June Session stand adjourned sine die. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. OCTOBER SESSION October 12, 1976 Meeting called to order by Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff. Roll called: PRESENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson. (26) ABSENT: Simmons. (1) Quorum present. Moved by Gabler supported by Roth the Supplemental Agenda be approved and to place the Report from the Planning and Building Committee as the first item of business. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Clerk read letter from John L. Grubba, Managing Director, Oakland County Road Commissioners regarding the minutes of the Board of Commissioner's Meeting of September 2, 1976, page 463, Finance Committee Report Re: Miscellaneous Resolution #7662 contains a serious misstatement of the position of the Road Commission. The statement is: "The Finance Committee also finds that the Oakland County Road Commis- sion no longer desires to have the Road Commission Office Addition Project as a priority for funding under this Act at this time." That is not the position of the Road Commission, they do and continue to want that project on the priority list. (Referred to the Planning and Building Committee.) The Chairman vacated the Chair to present plagues to George N. Scrubb, Director, Planning Commission honoring him on the Bike Route Manual and George W. Kuhn, Drain Commissioner honoring him on the Anti-Sedimentation Program. 543 Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 12, 1976 REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 117699 - DRAIN AND LAKE LEVEL ASSESSMENT REPORT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7693 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman "Misc. 7699 By Mr. Daly IN RE: DRAIN AND LAKE LEVEL ASSESSMENT REPORT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS your Planning and Building Committee has reviewed the Assessment Rolls, as prepared by the Drain Commissioner for the year 1976; and WHEREAS snchAnnonment Rolls have been prepared ond nuhmilled in accordance with I hr. pro- visions of Act No. 40 of the Public Act'. of 1956, on amended, oild At I NO. 146 ii,. P4lid if. A( I. 1961, as amended; and WHEREAS your Planning and Building Committee concurs in the figures as established by the Drain Commissioner for the various drains and lake level projects in the County, a copy of which is attached hereto; and WHEREAS a summary of such Assessment Roll is as follows: Current Year - At Large - $ 3,087.34 Current Year - Property - $143,1341.03 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Oakland, State of Michigan, that there be assessed, levied, and collected for the year 1976 for the purpose of establishing, constructing, maintaining, cleaning-out, deepening and extending County Drains and establishing and maintaining the normal height and level of various lakes in Oakland County within and by the several political subdivisions, the aggregate sum of $146,928.37, which sum represents the total amount of assessments for said year and which are contained in the several Drain and Lake Level Assessment Rolls as heretofore determined by the said Oakland County Drain Commissioner. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Niles E. Olson, Kenneth E. Roth, Betty J. Fortino, Fred D. Houghten, Joseph R. Montante, Lawrence R. Pernick, Mary M. Dearborn, Richard R. Wilcox, Henry W. Hoot" Moved by Daly supported by Douglas that resolution #7699 be adopted. AYES: Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution #7699 was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7703 - REASSESSED TAXES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7703 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman "misc. 7703 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: REASSESSED TAXES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS your Finance Committee on Local Taxes respectfully reports that it has examined the list of 1975 and prior years tax rejections by the County Treasurer, that were approved by the State Treasurer, as of August 24, 1976, which is being reported to this Board for its approval ho reassessment. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the reassessment of taxes in accordance with the following schedule: 101.39 132.39 27.02 196.42 Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 12, 1976 544 REASSESS AT LARGE Co. Sp. Ed. comm. Cal I. Township School City_ Village Drain Total TOWNSHIPS Avon $ 54.10 $54.55 $ 209.03 $ $ $ .35 S 318.03 Brandon 18.32 6.55 59.68 84.55 Highland 12.47 5.81 49.56 67.84 Oakland 33.67 12.24 131.37 177.28 White Lake 7.52 1.30 26.28 35.10 11.44 CITIES Farmington Hills Ferndale Hazel Park Keego Harbor Pontiac Royal Oak Southfield Wixom VILLAGE Holly Oxford TOTAL 94.38 65.74 8.07 9.72 61.80 8.12 6,015.51 53.86 $6,443.28 401.57 68.05 106.39 183.22 79.15 15.88 1,531.15 64.05 564.00 77.18 215.85 192.94 273.34 51.02 7,546.66 314.33 172.90 172.90 419.74 _ 419.74 $80.4 5 $1,334.71 $2,047.89 $WEiRiTIT77 q67Td7r6 Mr. Chairman, the Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman" Moved by Pernick supported by Roth that resolution #7703 be adopted. AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Olson, Patterson. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution #7703 was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7704 - COUNTY GENERAL FUND TAX AND PARKS AND RECREATION TAXES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7704 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman "Misc. 7704 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: COUNTY GENERAL FUND TAX AND PARKS AND RECREATION TAXES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The following is a report of the distribution to the various Cities and Townships of Oakland County of $36,863,881.86, which amount represents that portion of the 1977 County Budget to be raised by taxation, 5.26 mills on the County's 1976 Equalized Valuation of $7,008,342,559.00 together with the voted 1/4 mill for the purpose of acquiring, developing, operating and maintaining Parks and Recreation areas: $1,752,085.64 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that each Supervisor of the several Townships and Assessing Officers of the several Cities of Oakland County be and they are hereby authorized and directed to spread on their respective Township or City Tax Rolls for the year 1976, the sums set opposite the name of their Township or City as shown on the following distribution report as their portion of the County General Fund Tax to be raised by taxation for the year 1976, together with the voted millage for Parks and Recreation as detailed below. 545 Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 12, 1976 TOWNSHIPS Addison Avon Bloomfield Brandon Commerce Grove land Highland Holly Independence Lyon Milford Novi Oakland Orion Oxford Pontiac Rose Royal Oak Southfield Springfield Waterford West Bloomfield White Lake TOTAL TOWNSHIPS CITIES Berkley Birmingham Bloomfield Hills Clawson Farmington Farmington Hills Ferndale Hazel Park Huntington Woods Keego Harbor Lathrup Village Madison Heights Northville Novi Oak Park Orchard Lake Pleasant Ridge Pontiac Rochester Royal Oak Southfield South Lyon Sylvan Lake Troy Walled Lake Wixom TOTAL CITIES 1976 EQUALIZED VALUATION 34,555,289 228,187,650 470,902,434 45,719,615 147,864,750 27,905,690 72,150,295 40,047,800 19,285,350 46,051,750 67,362,025 5,081,000 59,456,850 110,242,250 58,369,093 76,991,611 28,048,850 30,452,750 151,537,046 42,309,932 338,294,000 324,121,575 104,906,250 2,629,843,855 1976 EQUALIZED VALUATION 83,456,500 204,922,280 69,728,102 79,712,288 86,090,605 407,743,800 130,037,700 97,169,350 50,710,900 12,767,900 39,924,378 225,359,700 18,246,100 148,314,800 178,164,590 24,192,300 19,902,250 487,187,400 57,622,400 416,049,600 808,598,900 23,225,100 13,642,450 596,857,535 27,712,223 71,159,553 4,378,498,704 1976 GENERAL TAX LEVY 181,760.82 1,200,267.04 2,476,946.80 240,485.17 777,768.59 146,783.93 379,510.55 210,651.43 627,440.94 242,232.21 354,324.25 26,726.06 312,743.03 579,874.24 307,021,43 404,975.87 147,536-95 160,181.47 797,084.86 222,550.24 1,779,426.44 1,704,879.48 551,806.88 13,832,978.68 VOTED FOR PARKS AND RECREATION 8,638.83 57,046.92 117,725.61 11,429.90 36,966.19 6,976.42 18,037.57 10,011.95 29,821.34 11,512.94 16,840.51 1,270.25 14,864.21 27,560.56 14,592.27 19,247.90 7,012.21 7,613.19 37,884.26 10,577.48 84,573.50 81,030.39 26,226.56 657,460.96 VOTED FOR PARKS 1976 GENERAL TAX LEVY AND RECREATION 438,981.19 20,864.13 1,077,891.19 51,230.57 366,769.82 17,432.03 419,286.63 19,928.07 452,836.58 21,522.65 2,144,732.39 10 1 ,935.95 683,998.30 32,509.43 511,110.78 24,292.34 266,739.33 12,677.73 67,159-15 3,191.98 210,002.23 9,981.09 1,185,392.02 56,339.93 95,974.49 4,561.53 780,135.85 37,078.70 937,145.74 44,541.15 127,251.50 6,048.07 104,685.84 4,975.56 2,562,605.72 121,796.85 303,093.83 14,405.60 2,188,420.90 104,012.40 4,253,230.21 202,149.72 122,164.03 5,806.27 71,759-29 3,410.61 3,139,470.63 149,214.38 i45,766.29 6,928.05 374,299.25 17,789.89 23,030,903.18 1,094,624.68 TOTAL COUNTY 7,008,342,559 36,863,881.86 1,752,085.64 The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTIF Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman" Moved by Pernick supported by Button that resolution P7704 he adopted. AYES: Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution 117704 was adopted. Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 12, 1976 546 Misc. 7720 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: APPROVAL OF 1976 LOCAL TAXES REPORT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS your Finance Committee on Local Taxes has examined reports from the various town- ships and cities having taxes to be spread upon the County Tax Roll; and WHEREAS your Committee has checked these reports with the pertinent law (Sec. 37 General Property Tax Law), made corrections where necessary and held a public hearing on October 7, 1976; and WHEREAS your Committee has tabulated the total amount of estimated tax levies, which tabulation is attached hereto; and WHEREAS your Committee has prepared tax certificates showing the Equalized Rate.. atitNtrized to be spread against State Equalized Valuations, which certificates arc submitted herewith and which are the basis for the tabulation above mentioned, and it is recommended that your Honorably Body authorize the Clerk to sign these certificates. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners adopt this report of the Finance Committee with the recommendation herein contained as part of the permanent records of the Board. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk be authorized and directed to sign the several tax certificates on which the attached tabulation was based, thereby authorizing and directing the various assessing officers to spread the rates against the State Equalized Valuation set forth therein for 1976. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman es s.ri 3 1976 CERTIFIED TAX RATES IN OAKLAND COUNTY PER 61000 OF STATE EQUALIZED VALUATION .... ,.. in TOTAL LOCAL SCHOOLS COLLEGES INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLS TOWNSHIP COUNTY TOTAL 0 3 ro Voted Voted Voted Voted --; in Allocated Operating Debt Operating Debt Allocated Operating Debt Allocated Operating Debt Allocated Voted Debt Total -. ADDISON TOWNSHIP 3 C 4, 150-Lake Orion Comm. Sch. 8.21 20 00 8.19 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 1.32 .50 .50 5.26 .25 47 59 49 1.41 200-Oxford Area Comm. Sch. 844 16.80 1.69 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 1.32 .50 .50 5.26 .25 38.12 irt 400-Almont Comm. Sch. (Lapeer Col 8.38 12.00 81 .22 3.30 .08 1.32 .50 .50 5.26 _25 32 62 0 = 401-Almont Comm. Sch. (Lapeer Co I Trans 1971 8.38 12.00 1.69 _22 3.30 .08 1.32 .50 50 5.26 .25 33.50 r-r _. 700-Romeo Comm. Sch. (Macomb Co.) 8.58 2000. 7.07 .23 1.00 .345 132 .50 .50 5.26 .25 45 055 z C ro _ AVON TOWNSHIP cr 010-Avondale Sch. 8 13 24.10 7.00 1 00 40 21 1.50 .25 1.40 460 1_38 526 25 55 48 220-Rochester Comm. Sch. 9.53 19 80 6.50 1.00 .40 21 1 50 .25 1.40 4.60 1.38 5.26 .25 52.08 221 Rochester Comm. Sch 1 tans 1965 953 19_80 6 504 1.00 40 21 1 50 25 1 40 4.60 1 38 526 .25 52 084 222 R,,rihest, Comm. SCh -II& s. 1958 953 19130 6.79 1.00 40 21 1.50 .25 1.40 460 1 38 526 .25 52.3/ BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP 010 Avondale Sch. 813 24 10 7.00 1.00 40 .21 1.50 .25 1.40 10.00 153 5.26 .25 61.03 030 B.rmmyham City Sch. 8.13 27.30 3.30 1.00 .40 21 1_50 .25 1 40 10.00 1 53 5.26 .25 60.53 040.8loomfietcl Hills Sch, 8.13 23.40 5.00 1.00 40 .21 1.50 .25 1.40 10.00 1 53 5.26 25 58.33 041 Bloomfield Hills Sch.-Trans. 1957 8.13 23.40 5.50 1.00 .40 .21 1_50 .25 1 40 10.00 1.53 5.26 .25 58.83 210-Pontrac City Sch. 8.13 18_25 5.15 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 1.40 10 00 1 53 5.26 .25 53.33 BRANDON TOWNSHIP 050 Brandon Sch Dist_ 8.53 16.50 7.00 1.00 40 .21 1 50 25 1.26 675 526 25 48 91 05: Brandon Sch. Dist Trans 1957 8.53 16.50 7_61 1.00 .40 21 1.50 25 1.26 6 75 526 25 49 52 200-Oxford Area Comm. Sch Dist 844 16.80 1.69 1.00 .40 21 1 50 25 1 26 6.75 5.26 .25 43.81 202 Lapeer Public Sch.-Trans. 1974 8.44 16.80 3.93 1 00 40 .21 1 50 25 1 26 6.75 526 25 46 05 COMMERCE TOWNSHIP 140-Huron Valley Sch. 8.53 24.00 7.17 1.00 .40 .21 1_50 .25 1 40 5.26 25 49.97 270-Walled Lake Consolidated Sch. 8.13 2400 3_75 1.00 40 21 1.50 .25 1.40 5.26 .25 46.15 271-Walled Lake Consolidated Sch.-Trans. 1967 8.13 24.00 3.05 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 1.40 5.26 .25 45.45 272-Walled Lake Consolidated Sch.-Trans. 1969 8.13 24.00 3.05 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 1.40 5.26 .25 45.45 GROVELAND TOWNSHIP 050 Brandon Sch. 8.53 16.50 7.00 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 1.00 3.00 5.26 .25 44.90 130-Holly Area Sch. 8.53 18.47 2.19 1.00 .40 21 1.50 .25 1.00 3.00 . 526 .25 42.06 500-Goodrich Rural Agricultural (Genesee Co I 8.11 20.50 7.30 1.30 .60 .17 2.00 .10 1.00 300 5.26 25 49 59 9L61 ' zl Jaq0130 HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP 140 Huron Valley Sch. 141-Huron Valley Sch.-Trans. 1959 HOLLY TOWNSHIP 130 Holly Area Sch Dist. 550-Grand Blanc No. 2 FRL (Genesee Co I INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP 070-Clarkston Comm. Sch, 150-Lake Orion Comm. Sch, 280-Waterford Township Sch. 071 Lake Orion Transfer LYON TOWNSHIP 240-South Lyon Comm. Sch. 650-Northville Public Sch. (Wayne Co.) Commissioners Minutes Continued. 1976 CERTIFIED TAX RATES IN OAKLAND COUNTY PER $1000 OF STATE EQUALIZED VALUATION TOTAL LOCAL SCHOOLS COLLEGES INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLS TOWNSHIP COUNTY TOTAL Voted Voted Voted Voted Allocated Operating Debt Operating Debt Allocated Operating Debt Allocated Operating Debt Allocated Voted Debt Total 8.53 24.00 7.17 1 00 40 .21 1 50 .25 1 11 3.00 5.26 25 52.68 8.53 24.00 7.17 1.00 40 .21 1 50 .25 1 11 3.00 5.26 .25 52.68 853 18.47 2_19 1.00 .40 .21 1 50 .25 1_00 1.50 5.26 25 40_56 8.11 21 30 5.50 130 .60 17 2.00 10 100 160 526 .25 47 09 8.21 17.00 2.94 100 .40 21 1.50 .25 1.32 200 526 25 40 34 8.21 20.00 8 19 1 00 _40 21 1 50 25 1 32 2.00 5.26 .25 48.59 cr n 813 22.25 700 1.00 40 _21 1.50 .25 1.32 200 526 .25 49 57 g 8.21 17.00 8.19 1 00 .40 21 1.50 .25 1.32 200 5.26 .25 45.59 u- m n - N) 9.53 17.50 5.336 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 1.00 1.50 526 .25 43.736 - 8.90 23.90 7.19 1.77 36 .03 1.00 .06 1.00 1 50 526 25 51 22 Lo ---.1 ai. MILFORD TOWNSHIP 140-Huron Valley Sch. 853 24.00 7.17 1.00 40 21 1.50 _25 1.40 1 00 626 .25 50_97 144-Huron Valley Sch. Trans. 8-8-72 8.53 2400 6.842 1 00 .40 .21 1 50 25 I 40 1.00 5.26 25 50 642 240-South Lyon Comm. Sch. 9 53 17.50 5.336 1.00 40 21 1.50 25 I 40 100 526 .25 43 636 Nov, TOWNSHIP 180-Novi Comm. Sch. 240-South Lyon Comm. Sch. 270-Walled Lake Consolidated Sch 650-Northville Public Sch. (Wayne Co.) 8.53 22.50 7.75 1.00 .40 21 1.50 25 1 00 1.50 5.26 .25 50.15 9.53 17.50 5.336 100 40 .21 1.50 .25 1.00 1_50 5.26 .25 43 736 8.13 24.00 3.75 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 1.00 1.50 5.26 .25 47.25 8.90 23.90 7.19 1.77 .36 .03 1.00 06 1.00 1.50 5.26 .25 51.22 OAKLAND TOWNSHIP 150-Lake Orion Comm. Sch. 821 20.00 8.19 1.00 .40 21 1.50 25 1.21 .75 5.26 25 47.23 720-Rochester Comm. Sch. 9.53 19.80 6.50 1.00 40 .21 1 50 .25 1.21 .75 5.26 25 46.66 700-Romeo Comm. Sch. (Macomb Co.1 8.58 20.00 7.07 .23 1.00 .345 1.21 .75 5.26 .25 44 695 701-Romeo Comm. Sch.-Trans. 1956 8.58 20.00 8.00 .23 1.00 .345 121 .75 5.26 .25 45.625 CO ci v-i ci x-- 1976 CERTIFIED TAX RATES IN OAKLAND COUNTY PER S1000 OF STATE EQUALIZED VALUATION 9 ' ... ,p TOTAL LOCAL SCHOOLS COLLEGES INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLS TOWNSHIP COUNTY TOTAL 6- = dr Voted Voted Voted Voted -, Allocated Operating Debt Operating Debt Allocated Operating DiAd Allocated Operatir_ig. Debt Allocated Voted Debt Tidal X OR ION TOWNSHIP -. m c 150-Lake Orion Comm. Sch. 8.39 20.00 8.19 1 00 .40 21 I 50 25 1 14 1 00 526 25 47 59 dr 210-Pontiac City Sch. 813 18.25 5.15 1.00 .40 21 1 50 25 1.14 1 00 526 25 42 54 '-" 220-Rochester Comm. Sch. 9.53 19.80 6.50 1 00 .40 .21 1 50 25 1.14 1 00 526 .25 46 84 (1 0 D 1-1 OXFORD TOWNSHIP 150-Lake Orion Comm. Sch. 8.21 20.00 8.19 1.00 .40 _21 1.50 .25 1.09 1.75 526 _25 48.11 fa ci. 200-Oxford Area Comm. Sch. 8.44 16.80 1_69 1 00 40 21 1 50 .25 1 09 1.75 526 _25 38.64 201-Oxford Area Comm. Sch.-Trans_ 1967 8.44 16.80 2 51 1 00 40 .21 1 50 25 1 09 1 75 526 25 39 52 PONTIAC TOWNSHIP 010 Avondale Sch. 210-Pontiac City Sch, 220 Rochester Comm. Sch. 0 ri g cr ro 8.13 24.10 7.00 1 00 .40 21 1 50 25 1.40 6.00 526 25 55.50 --, 8 13 18.25 5.15 I 00 40 .21 1 50 25 1.40 6.00 526 25 47 80 - r-a 953 19.80 6 50 1.00 .40 21 1.50 .25 1 40 6.00 576 25 52 10 - ROSE TOWNSHIP 130-Holly Area Sch 450-Fenton No 1 FRL. (Genesee Co.) 853 18 47 2.19 100 40 21 150 75 8.60 20 40 7.00 1.30 60 17 2 00 10 100 526 25 39 06 1.00 5 26 25 46.68 CIS ROYAL OAK TOWNSHIP 020-Berkley City Sch 110-Ferndale Cit y Sch 190 Oak Park Sch. SOUTHFIELD TOWNSHIP 030-Birmingham City Sch. 250-Southfield Public Sch 036-Birmingham City Sch.-Traus. 1974 9_53 25.00 1.60 1 00 .40 .21 i 50 25 200 2 4595. 5 26 25 49.4595 9 53 2385 3 50 1.00 .40 _21 i 50 25 200 2 4595 526 25 50 2095 9_53 22.50 4 77 1 00 .40 21 1 50 25 200 2 45Q5 5 26 25 50.1295 813 27.30 3.30 1.00 40 .21 1.50 25 1.00 526 .25 48 60 8.53 23.04 2.4186 1.00 40 21 1 50 25 100 5 26 25 43.8586 8.13 27.30 2.4186 1.00 .40 21 1 5C 25 1.00 5 26 25 47.7186 SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP 050-Brandon Sch. 8.53 16 50 7.00 1.00 .40 21 1,50 25 100 200 526 25 43 90 070-Clarkston Comm. Sch. 821 17.00 794 1.00 .40 21 1 50 25 1.00 200 5 26 25 40.02 130-Holly Area Sch. 8.53 18 47 2.19 1.00 40 .21 1 50 25 1.00 200 526 25 41.06 131 Holly Area Sch.-Trans, 5-23-72 8.53 18 47 294 1.00 40 .21 1 60 25 1.00 2 00 526 25 41.81 1976 CERTIFIED TAX RATES IN OAKLAND COUNTY PER $1000 OF STATE EQUALIZED VALUATION Voted Allocated Operating Debt Voted Voted Voted Operating Debt Allocated Operating Debt Allocated Operating Debt Allocated Voted Debt Total TOTAL LOCAL SCHOOLS COLLEGES INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLS TQWNSHiP COUNTY TOTAL Commissioners Minutes Continued. 0 (1 Cr (0 +.1 WATERFORD TOWNSHIP 070-Clarkston Comm. Sch. 210-Pontiac City Sch. 280-Waterford Township Sch. WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP 030-Birmingham City Sch, 040-Bloomfield Hills Sch. 100-Farmington Public Sch. 210-Pontiac City Sch. 270-Walled Lake Consolidated Sch, 280-Waterford Township Sch. 281.Waterford Township SO.-Trans. 1965 290-West Bloomfield Sch. 291 WestBloomfield 5th -Trans. 1965 WHITE LAKE TOWNSHIP 070-Clarkston Comm. Sch. 130-Holly Area Sch. 140.Huron Valley 5th. 270-Walled Lake Consolidated Sch. 273-Walled Lake Consolidated Sch.-Trans. 7 1-67 274-Walled Lake Consolidated 5th-Trans. 13-3.68 275-Walled Lake Consul-Prior to Dublin-7-1-67 280-Waterford Township Sch. 8.21 17.00 2.94 1.00 40 .21 1.50 .25 6.50 5.26 .25 43.52 813 18.25 515 1.00 40 .21 1.50 .75 6.50 5.26 .25 46.90 813 22.25 7.00 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 6 50 526 .25 52.75 8.13 27.30 330 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 25 1 40 400 1 50 5.26 25 5460 8.13 23.40 500 1.00 .40 21 1.50 25 1 40 4.00 1 50 5.26 .25 52 30 8.13 26.00 4.37 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 1 40 4 00 1 50 5.26 .25 54 27 8.13 18.25 5.15 1.00 .40 21 1.50 .25 1 40 400 1 50 5.26 25 47.30 8.13 24.00 3.75 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 25 1.40 4.00 ISO 5.26 .25 51.65 8.13 22.25 7.00 1.00 40 .21 1.50 .25 1.40 400 1 50 5.26 25 53.15 8.13 22.25 5.883 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 1 40 4 00 1 50 5.26 .25 52.033 8.13 26.00 7.30 1.00 .40 21 1.50 .25 1 40 4 00 1.50 5.26 .25 57.20 8.13 26.00 8.417 1.00 40 .21 1.50 .25 140 4 00 1.50 5.26 .25 58.317 8.21 17.00 2.94 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 1.00 1.30 .50 5.26 25 39.82 8.53 1847 2.19 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 25 100 1.30 50 5.26 .25 40.86 8.53 24.00 7.17 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 1.00 1.30 50 5.26 25 51.37 8.13 24.00 2.10 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 25 1 00 1.30 50 5.26 .25 45.90 8.13 24.00 3.918 1.00 40 .21 1.50 .25 1 00 1 30 50 5.26 25 47.718 8.13 24.00 3.05 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 25 1 00 1.30 50 5.26 .25 46.85 8.13 24.00 3.75 1.00 AO .21 1.50 .25 1.00 130 .50 5.26 .25 47.55 8.13 22.25 7.00 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 1.00 1.30 .50 5.26 .25 49.05 CITY OF FARMINGTON 100-Farmington Public Sch. 13,13 26.00 437 1.00 40 21 1 50 25 11 00 5.26 25 58.37 N-r1 0 V, 3 -- 1976 CERTIFIED TAX RATES IN OAKLAND COUNTY PER $1000 OF STATE EQUALIZED VALUATION TOTAL LOCAL SCHOOLS 1:01.1.t CIES INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLS CITY COUNTY TOTAL S ft Voted Vott-d Voted Voted ' Allocated Operatinq Debt Opei.iiing Debt Allocated Operating Debt Allocated Operatrig Debt Allocated Voted Debt Total -. CITY OF BERKLEY = c 020-Berkley City Sch. 9.53 25.00 1.60 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 16.80 1 72 5.26 .25 63.52 'e• i , ' 230 Royal Oak City Sch. 9.53 2000 2.90 1.00 .40 21 1.50 _25 16.80 1.72 5.26 .25 68_82 rt 0 CITY OF BIRMINGHAM = i-t _. 030-Birmingham City Sch. 8.13 27.30 3.30 1.09 _40 .21 1_50 .25 19 50 5.26 .25 67.10 _. Fs 0_ CITY OF BLOOMFIELD HILLS 030-Birmingham City Sch. 040-Bloomfield Htls Scti 041-Bloomt41 HIk Sth Trans 1957 CITY OF CLAWSON 080-Clawson City Sch 8.13 2/30 330 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 25 16 74 1 10 526 25 65 44 8.13 23.40 5.00 1.00 .40 .21 1 50 .25 16 74 1 10 5.26 .25 63.24 813 23 40 550 1.00 40 .21 1.50 25 16.74 1 10 526 25 63 74 9.53 18.47 375 1.00 .40 .21 1 50 25 1600 526 .25 55 67 `zi Jacio130 CITY OF FARMINGTON HILLS 060-Clarenceyille Sal 100-Farmington Pubtic Sch. 101-Farmington Public Sch Trans. 1957 270-Walled Lake Corsolidaterl Sch CITY OF f-ERNDALE 110-Ferndale City Sch 120 Hazel Park City Sch. CITY OF HAZEL PARK 120 Hazel Park City Sch. CITY OF HUNTINGTON WOODS 020-Berkley City Sch 021-Berkley City Sch -Trans. 1974 230-Royal Oak Sch. 25.00 7.00 1.77 .36 .21 1.50 .25 800 5.26 .25 58.50 26.00 4 37 1.00 .40 .21 7 50 25 8.00 5.26 25 55.37 26.00 4.12 1.00 .40 21 1 50 .25 800 526 25 55.12 24.00 3 75 1_00 .40 21 1 50 25 8.00 5 26 25 52 75 9_53 23.85 3.50 1.00 40 21 1.50 .25 22.77 1 45 5.26 .25 69.97 9.53 18.50 600 1.00 40 21 1.50 25 22 77 1 45 526 .25 67.12 9.53 18.50 6.00 1.00 .40 .21 1_50 .25 17 75 3.65 5.26 .25 64.30 9.53 25.00 1.60 1_00 .40 21 1.50 25 16.43 3.06 5.26 .25 64.49 9.53 25.00 1.40 1.00 40 21 1.50 25 16.43 3.06 5.26 .25 64.29 9.53 29.00 2.90 1.00 40 21 1.50 .25 16.43 3.06 5.26 .25 69.79 8.90 8.13 8.13 B t3 250 Southfield Public Sch. CITY OF MADISON HEIGHTS 160, Lamphere Public Sch. 170-Machson Sch 230-Royal Oak City Sch. CITY OF NORTHVILLE 650-Northville Public Sch. (Wayne Co.) Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 12, 1976 1976 CERTIFIED TAX RATES IN OAKLAND COUNTY PER $1000 OF STATE EQUALIZED VALUATION TOTAL LOCAL SCHOOLS COLLEGES INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLS CITY COUNTY TOTAL Voted Voted Voted Voted Allocated Operating Debt Operating Debt Allocated Operating Debt Allocated Operating Debt Allocated Operating Debt Total 8.13 26.00 7.30 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 17 58 2.36 5.26 .25 70.24 CITY OF LATHRUP VILLAGE 9_53 23 04 2.4186 1.00 .40 21 ISO .25 11.53 3_71 526 .25 59.1586 953 23 00 700 1.00 .40 21 I SO 25 1241 157 526 25 62 44 953 22 00 460 1.00 .40 .21 ISO 25 12 47 15/ 5.26 25 59 04 9.53 29.00 290 1.00 40 .21 150 .25 12 47 1 57 5.26 .25 64.34 8.90 23.90 7 19 1.77 36 .03 1.00 .06 10 80 5.26 25 59 52 CITY OF NOVI 180-Novi Comm. Sch. 9_53 22.50 7.75 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 10 40 5.26 .25 59.05 181-Novi Comm. Sch. Dist.-Trans. 1965 9.53 22 50 800 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 10.40 5.26 25 59.30 182-Northville-Novi•Trans.7-7-74 9.53 22.50 7 19 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 10 40 5.26 .25 58.49 183 Northydie to Novi-Trans. 7-1-76 953 22 50 7.19 1.00 .40 21 1 50 .25 10 40 5.26 .25 58.49 240 South Lyon Comm. Sch. 9.53 17.50 5 336 1.00 .40 .21 1 50 25 10 40 5.26 .25 51.636 270-Wailed Lake Consolidated Sch. 8.13 2400 3.75 1.00 40 .21 1.50 .25 10 40 5.26 .25 55.15 650-Northle Public Sch. Mayne Co.} 8.90 23_90 7.19 1.77 .36 .03 I 00 .06 10 40 5.26 .25 59.12 CITY OF OAK PARK 020-Berkley City Sch. 9.53 25 00 1 60 1.00 .40 .21 1 50 .25 23 89 1 48 5 26 25 70.37 110-Ferndale City Sch. 9.53 23.85 3.50 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 23.89 1.48 5.26 .25 71.12 190-Oak Park Sch. 9.53 22.50 4.77 1.00 .40 .21 1 50 .25 23 89 1 48 5.26 .25 71.04 CITY OF ORCHARD LAKE 040-Bloomfield Hills Sch. 8.13 23.40 500 1.00 .40 .21 1 50 .25 13.Frl 5.26 .25 58.90 270-Walled Lake Consolidated Sch. 8.13 24.00 375 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 5.26 .25 58.25 290-West Bloomfield Sch. 8.13 26.00 730 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 13,50 5.26 .25 63.80 CITY OF KEEGO HARBOR 290-West Bloomfield Sch. CITY OF PLEASANT RIDGE 110-Fer-dale City Sch. 9.53 23.85 350 1.00 .40 21 1.50 .25 23.00 1 00 5_26 .25 69.75 CITY OF PONTIAC 210 Pontiac City Sch CITY OF ROCHESTER 220 Rochester Comm. Sch CITY OF ROYAL OAK 021 Berkley Transfer 8-22 74 080 Clavvson City Sch. 230-Royal Oak City Sch CITY OF SOUTHFIELD 030-Birmingham City Sch 035 Birmingham City Sch.-1rans 1971 190-Oak Park Sch Dist. 250 Southfield Public Sch. 64 15 59 970 69 650 64 630 63./486 62_7000 60.8886 9L61 'it JacioiDo CITY OF SOUTH LYON 240-South Lyon Comm. Sch. 9.53 17.50 5.336 1 00 40 21 1.50 25 12.75 .25 526 .25 54 236 m us 1 1976 CERTIFIED TAX RATES IN OAKLAND COUNTY PER $1000 OF STATE EQUALIZED VALUATION 0 0 _. 0 TOTAL LOCAL SCHOOLS COLLEGES INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLS CITY COUNTY TOTAL (7, -, u, Voted Voted Voted Votiiil x Allocated Operating Debt Operating Debt Allocated Operating Debt Allocated Opei Mimi Debt Allocated Voted Debt Total - m C tr; 9.53 18.25 5_15 1 00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 13 50 113 23 5.26 .25 65.53 in ri ci m i--, 9.53 1980. 6.50 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 13.00 5.26 25 57.70 - = C CD C. 9 53 25 00 1.40 100 40 21 1.60 .25 11 00 2 35 526 25 953 18 47 375 1.00 .40 21 1.50 .25 17 00 235 526 25 9 50 29 00 2 90 1 00 40 21 150 25 11 00 2 35 5 26 25 8 13 27 30 330 1_00 40 21 1.50 25 14.766 2 244 576 25 8 13 27.30 2.4186 100 40 21 1.50 25 14.786 2 244 5.26 .25 953 22.50 4.77 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 14.786 2 244 526 25 953 23.04 2.4186 100 40 .21 1.50 25 14.786 2.244 5.26 .25 CITY OF SYLVAN LAKE 210-Pontiac City Sch 8 13 18 25 5.15 1 00 40 .21 1 50 25 12 50 75 526 25 53.65 290 West Bloomfield Sch. 8.13 26.00 7 30 1 00 40 21 I 50 25 12.50 .75 5.26 .25 63 55 CITY OF TROY 010-Avondale Sch. 8.13 24.10 7.000 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 13_20 525 _25 030-Birmingham City Sch. 8.13 27.30 3.300 100 40 .21 1.50 .25 13.20 526 25 031 Birmingham City Sch.-Trans. 1957 8.13 27.30 2.984 1.00 40 .21 1.50 25 13.20 5.26 .25 032-Birmingham City Sch.-Trans. 1960 8.13 27.30 2.921 1.00 40 .21 1_50 25 13.20 526 .25 033-Birmingham City 5th-Trans. 1968 8.13 27.30 1.956 1.00 40 .21 1.50 .25 13.20 526 .25 040-Bloomfield Hills Sch. 8.13 23.40 5.000 1 00 40 .21 1.50 25 13.20 5.26 .25 160-Lamphere Public Sch. 9_53 23.00 7.000 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 13.20 5.26 .25 230-Royal Oak City Sch. 9.53 29.00 2.900 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 .25 13.20 5.26 .25 260-Troy City Sch. 9.53 18.80 7.20 1 00 40 .21 1.50 .25 13.20 5.26 .25 261-Troy City Sch.-Trans. 1960 9.53 18.80 7.579 1.00 .40 .21 1.50 _25 13.20 5.26 .25 750-Warren Consolidated Sch. (Macomb Co.i 9.58 19.42 5.500 .23 1.00 .345 13.20 526 _25 61.3000 60.8000 60.4840 60.4210 59.4560 58.6000 61.6000 63.5000 57.6000 57.9790 54.7850 Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 12, Cr, 1976 CERTIFIED TAX RATES IN OAKLAND COUNTY PER 61000 OF STATE EQUALIZED VALUATION TOTAL LOCAL SCHOOLS COLLEGES INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLS CITY COUNTY TOTAL Voted Voted Voted Voted Allocated Operating Debt Operating Debt Allocated OperatIng Debt Allocated Operating Debt Allocated Voted Debt Total __.. CITY OF WALLED LAKE 270-Walled Lake Consolidated Sch. 8.13 24.00 3.75 1.00 40 21 1.50 .25 11 00 1140 5.26 25 67 15 CITY OF WI X00,1 180-Novi Cori-i-r. Scl-i 9.53 7250 7.75 100 40 21 1 50 .25 681 4 118 526 25 59 378 240-South 1_,, ci- O..0-nm Sch 953 17.50 5.336 1 00 .40 .21 150 .25 661 4 118 526 25 51 9640 270-Walled la•re Co-solidated Sch. 8.13 24 00 3.75 1 00 40 .21 1 50 25 6 61 4 118 5 76 25 55 4780 555 Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 12, 1976 Moved by Pernick supported by Houghten the resolution be adopted. AYES: Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING GRANT CONTINUATION APPLICATION To the Oakland County Board of Cormissinners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed the subject Criminal Justice Planning Grant Continual ion Application for the period of October I, 1976 through September 30, 1977. This application is or the continued funding of three (3) positions and related operating costs. The total program cosi is 592,158 of which the County portion would be $4,608 or (5). The remaining S87,550 or (954) would come from Federal and State sources. The salaries of the three (3) positions reflect an anticipated 5/ salary adjustment of the beginning of 1977 with the exceptior of the Planning Technician. This position reflects an additional equity salary adjustment of 8. It should be noted that the processing of this grant application does not automatically authorize the subject salary increases. Rather, the salary for each position will be subsequently reviewed and revised by the Personnel Practices Committee and the Board of Commissioners. In addition, the Oakland County Office of Criminal Justice Planning proposes to initiate a program of printing and mailing of documents among sixty three local units of Oakland County Government at the added expense of approximately 51,800. Included in the total program cost of $92,158 is $10.408 which represents indirect cosi ,. (15.77i,; of salaries and fringe benefits). Oakland County is in the process ol negotiating wiih Ihr Federal and State Governments an acceptable indirect cost rate which would allow recovery of such costs from these units of government. The Federal Government has acted favorably (thru FMC 74-4) to this indirect Cost concept with the State taking no immediate action as of this time. The State Office of Criminal Justice Planning has indicated to the Oakland County Office of Criminal Justice Planning that 568,832 of Federal Funds have been set aside for Oakland County prior to the submission of this Grant Continuation Application. If Oakland County is unsuccessful in negotiating this application as presented, the amount of County participation required to maintain the program at existing levels (excluding Indirect Cost) would increase by $4,222, from 54,608 to 58,830, which compares favorably to the $13,248 appropriated from Contingency last year for this program. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report and its referral to the Public Services Committee. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Fringe Benefits: Grant Positions Account II 14,252 (257) 16,000 (37X) (1,748) 1 137 1,137 TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS 15,389 16,000 (611) 8,383 58,037 66,420 (75%) Federal: 1974-75 Monies 1975-76 Monies 1976-77 Monies TOTAL FEDERAL 8,383 58,0 37 82.r9142 (82,9142) 82,942 (90%) (16,522) 465 465 3,225 4.608 State: 1974-75 Monies 1975-76 Monies 1976-77 Monies 1,225. T.I_JJ°4 556 Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 12, 1976 FINANCIAL COMPARISON CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING GRANT 1975 Budget/1976 Application Grant 7n/75-9/30i/6 15 Months Application Variance 1011/76-9/30/77 Favorable 12 Months (Unfavorable) Salaries: Planning Coordirt,,r 26,016 23,000 3,016 Planning Technici ,n 17,523 17,000 523 Typist II 11,03', 10,000 1,034 Anticipated Salary Adjustment 2,433 -- 2,433 (1) Accountant 11 14,658 -- 14 ,658 TOTAL SALARIES 61,664 50,000 11,664 TOTAL SALARIES & FRINGE BENEFITS 77,053 66 ,000 11 ,053 Operating: Communications 1,275 1,300 (25) Memberships & Dues 600 600 -- Printing 600 2,400 (1,800) Transportation 8,250 7,000 1,250 Travel & Conference -- 1,700 (1,700) Office Supplies 750 1,450 (700) Postage 625 700 (/5) Xerox -- 600 (600) TOTAL OPERATING 12,100 15,750 (3,6 50) (2) Indirect Cost: 15.77% of Salary & Fringes -- 10 408 (10,408) TOTAL INDIRECT COST -- 10,408 (10,408) TOTAL 89 ,153 92 ,158 (3,005) Funding Sources: TOTAL STATE 3,690 (4"M 4,608 (5%) (918) c2IIILY 1 1974-75 Monies 466 -- 466 1975-76 Budgeted Monies 5,795 __ 5,795 1975 Contingency 12,782 -- 12,782 1976-77 Monies -- 4 608 (4,608) TOTAL COUNTY 19,043 OM 4,608 (54) 14,435 TOTAL FUNDING 89 1 53 92,158 I3,00 5) (1) Accountant 11 was transferred out or Criminal Justice Piduning nffr.rtivo 10/24/7'., (2) Indirect Cost as established are the costs associaled with the operation% of thi% program (i.e. Accounting Service, Utilities, el.c.---) not included in this reone.,t, such costs are acknowledged and recoverable from the Federal Government. OakInod County's Indirect Cost is 15.777, of the Salary and Fringe Benefit costs. 557 Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 12, 1976 Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the report be accepted. The Chairman referred the report to the Public Services Committee. There were no objections. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION ,'7714 - PAINT CREEK FLOOD HAZARD ANALYSIS PROJECT FUNDING To the Oakland County Board of Cornmissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentleren: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this 8oard, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #7714 and finds funds available totaling $700 in the 1976 Budget-Contingency Line-item to be transferred to the appropriate Non-Departmental Line-item. The release of funds will be contingent upon other loLal units of government meeting their financial commitment to the project. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman "FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION -7714 - FLOOD PLAIN DELINEATION, PAINT CREEK, OAKLAND TOWNSHIP To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed the request to participate in a project for flood plain delineation of Paint Creek, the West Branch of Stoney Creek, and the McClure Drain, primarily within Oakland Township. The project will be a joint effort between Oakland Township, the U.S. Soil Conservation Service and the Clinton River Watershed Council. At one time Oakland County contributed funds to the Clinton River Watershed Council for specific flood plain projects. The Board of Commissioners by Resolution #6498 dated November 29, 1973, took action to hold County dues to a minimum of $500 annually to Watershed Councils. The Clinton River Watershed Council has not accepted the 5500 contribution subsequent to 1972 since they are governed by a State Statute which prohibits representation on the governing Board of the Council without contributing required dues as established by the Watershed Council. It has been determined that funds contributed by Oakland County to the Clinton River Water- shed Council and earmarked for specific projects has been expended, thus not available for the Paint Creek Project. It has also been determined that any funds committed to the Paint Creek Project can be provided to the U.S. Soil Conservation Service or the Clinton River Watershed Council. Total participated in this project for 1976 is $700. The cost requirements for future years consists of $700 per year for 1977 and 1978 for a total of $2,100 over the three (3) year period. However, participation in this project in 1976 does not commit Oakland County to future commitments in 1977 and 1978. The Finance Committee moves the acceptance of this report. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick. Chairman" "Misc. 7714 By Mr. Daly IN RE: PAINT CREEK FLOOD HAZARD ANALYSIS PROJECT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Township of Oakland has requested Oakland County to be a participant hi a inini Federal, County, and Local project for Flood- plain delineation of Paint Creek; and WHEREAS the total first year cost of the Paint Creek project is $45,950.00; and WHEREAS the Federal Soil Conservation Service shall contribute for the first year of the project $35,000.00 or 76.16% of the total project cost; and WHEREAS the Townships of Oakland, Orion, and the City of Lake Orion shall contribute for the first year of the project $9,500.00 or 20.68"i of the total project cost; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland Planning Division has contributed in kind services in the form of aerial photos and maps; and WHEREAS Oakland Township has requested the County of Oakland participation in the project with a first year $700.00 cash contribution or 1.52"? cash and 1.632 in kind of the total project cost; and WHEREAS the results of the flood hazard analysis in the Paint Creek project would enable three Oakland County communities to take measures to prevent future flooding problems. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Oakland County appropriate S700.00 for the County of Oakland's first year contribution to the joint Federal, County, and Local Paint Creek project. The Planning and Building Committee, by the Chairman, Patrick K. Daly, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman" Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 12, 1976 558 Moved by Pernick supported by Murphy the report be accepted and resolution 117714 be adopted. AYES: Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution 117714 was adopted. Misc. 7721 By Mr. Price IN RE: ACCEPTANCE OF CIRCUIT COURT COMPUTERIZATION GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution #7622, the County of Oakland filed a grant application for the County Circuit Court Computerized Court Management System; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Circuit Court has been notified of a Federal grant award in an amount of $109,027 plus $6057 in State matching funds and $6057 in County matching funds for a total grant funding of $121,141 for the County Circuit Court Computerized Court Management Systeah NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland hereby authorizes the acceptance of the Federal grant funds in the amount of $121,141 for the County Circuit Court Compnierirrd Court Management System. The Public Services Committee by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption ol the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman Moved by Price supported by Button the resolution be adopted. AYES: Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee for a Fiscal Report. There were no objections. Misc. 7722 By Mr. Houghten IN RE: INEQUITY IN THE TAX DOLLARS RECEIVED BY THE STATE OF MICHIGAN FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS an recent economic study of the flow of tax dollars from the states to Washington, D.C. and back shows Michigan is receiving less for its federal tax dollars than any other state - $.65 of every $1.00 paid; and WHEREAS other Great Lakes States (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin) are also big losers in this federal tax flow and counter-flow; and WHEREAS a 30-year trend shows that this flow of money from the industrial state ,. of the Midwest and Northeast is accelerating annually and may become an even more severe economic strain on the citizens of Oakland County. of Michigan and the Great Lakes States. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on this 12th Day of October, 1976, implores the Governor of the State of Michigan to form a coalition with the governors of our neighboring states for the purpose of seeking redress in the Congress, or, if necessary and possible, in the courts, to the end that this economic injustice be relieved; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the governing bodies of municipalities and townships in Oakland County be advised of this action and encouraged to join in a coalition to correct this inequity; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Michigan State Legislature, Michigan Association of Counties, the Michigan Municipal League and the Michigan Township Association, be apprised of this injustice and encouraged to join in an effort to seek relief and that the members of the U.S. Congress representing Oakland County be hereby petitioned to seek remedies appropriate to the needs of the People of the County. Mr. Chairman. I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Fred D. Houghten, Commissioner - District 116 Moved by Houghten supported by Dunleavy the resolution be adopted. Moved by Houghten supported by Roth the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. 559 Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 12, 1976 AYES: Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox. (26) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, he molion in I Vote on resolution: AYES: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, tollino, Gable', Hoot, Houghten. Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Montarte, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patter ,,on, Perinoll, Pernikl, Pike, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor,, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7723 By Mrs. Moffitt IN RE: PATIENT CARE - MEDICAL CARE FACILITY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS some members of the Board of Commissioners strongly believe that the patients in the County Medical Facility should have good medical care; and WHEREAS it has come to our attention that in the past several weeks two patients have received injuries and were not given the proper medical attention. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Institutions submit a written reply to every member of this Board on the following questions: 1. Why patient with broken am n did not receive doctor's care for 12 hours? 2. Why patient with broken nose did not receive doctor's care for 14 hours? 3. Why the assigned "Medical Doctor' on weekend call did not respond to nurse's request? Why was medical doctor paid the "on call" fee of $200 for not performing assigned duties? Why wasn't the medical doctor reprimanded or fired lor neglecting to be "on call"? Lillian V. Moffitt. Colimlissioner - District WI Mrs. Moffitt requested the resolution be referred to the Human Resources Committee. There were no objections. Moved by Lennon supported by Douglas the Board adjourn until November 4, 1976 at 9:30 A.M. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Board adjourned at 10:15 A.M. Lynn D. Allen Alexander C. Perinoff Clerk Chairman 560 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING November 4, 1976 Meeting called to order by Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff at 9:30 A.M. in the Court How.e Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by Henry W. Hoot. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll called: PRESENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. (27) ABSENT: None. (0) Quorum present. Moved by Roth supported by Patterson the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as printed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Clerk read letter regarding the recent appointment by the Probate Court of the members of the Soldiers' Relief Commission. The Commission has met and is organized as follows: Douglas H. Hoard, Chairman Chester G. Burton, Vice-Chairman George E. Halter, Secretary The Chairman requested this Commission be included in a future edition of the Directory under the Veterans' Services heading. Daniel T. Murphy, Oakland County Executive presented the Recommended 1977 Budget. To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of Public Act 139, I hereby submit my budget recommen- dations for 1977. Although total departmental requests to fund existing programs, program improvements and new programs exceeded available resources by $14.0 million, your County Executive is recommending a balanced budget for 1977 that maintains County employment and program service delivery at existing levels with no resultant increase in the current tax levy or 5.26 mills. After a comprehensive review of the present array of mandated and discretionary services currently provided by Oakland County and a thorough examination of anticipated revenues necessary to fund those services, total requests were reduced from $69.9 million to $65.9 million and, although 123 new positions were requested, for the second consecutive year none are recommended. Allowing for an accounting change which incorporates the Sheriff's Township Contracts into the budget for the first time, the 1977 Recommended Budget represents an 8.3% increase over the 1976 Adopted Budget, identical to the previous year's percentage increment of 8.3%. This "Hold-The-Line" budget recommendation is being submitted at a time when the economic prognosticators are characteristically divided in their assessments of the short and intermediate term direction our economy is going to take. The business community is confident that, despite present signs of faltering, the economy will grow at a balanced sustainable pace in 1977. Their relative optimism is in sharp contrast with some of the undisguised pessimism coming out of the government bureaucracy these days. The bureaucrats seem to feel that the slowdown is ominous and, naturally, have a simple cure: more government spending. It is noteworthy that the nature of businessmen is to think optimistically: you can't run a business on gloom and doom. On thr other hand, it is also the nature of government bureaucrats to regard government spendinq thr cure for everything. The truth is, the current pattern and prospect', of the economy probably fall somewhere between the businessmen's optimism about sales and the bureaucrats' brooding over fiscal policy. Earlier this year, economists had warned that the rate of expansion in the first quarter of 1976 (9.2t annually) could not be sustained all year. But after a drop-off to 4.5t in the second quarter, many expected some pickup. It didn't happen. In fact, there was a further dip to 42i in the third quarter. 561 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 4, 1976 Although this relative pause in the growth of our economy may give some cause for concern, the chief economic menace at the moment remains inflation - not recession. From an anti-inflationary point of view, the economic data in recent months is not at all discouraging, in fact, it is encourag- ing. Inflation may well decline next year below the current 5.75% annual rate, good news for the County Treasury and the pocketbooks of all waae earners whether they are publicly or privately employed. While the State Legislature is currently deliberating on the merits of establishing an "Economic Stabilization Fund", Oakland County, by adopting this budget recommendation, will once again provide the needed leadership by embracing the concept of accumulating surplus revenues derived from an economic upturn, such as the one experienced during 1976, to be used to stimulate the local economy during periods of little or no growth, such as the period we are just now encountering. In recognition of the fact that change in our community is accelerating, people's needs are more complex and their demands that government services meet these expanded needs are ever growing, this proposed budget includes a recommendation to use one million dollars ($1,000,000) from prior year's fund balance to supplement current revenues anticipated for 1977 rather than cut back essential services. Although, it is recognized that financing the current year's operation with savings from prior years does not represent a healthy situation, your County Executive believes that this action is necessary and justified so as not to aggrevate an already critical unemployment situation in our community and instead attempt to alleviate that condition through implementation of our own County Economic Stabilization Fund. In addition to the foregoing comments, the following highlights summarize the various components of your County Executive's 1977 budget recommendation. Revenues (Total $65,955,269) The major source of County Revenues (57%) is derived from the Property Tax Levy which will generate $36.9 million in 1977. Even though the millage rate has remained constant from year to year, revenues from this source are projected to be less than in 1976 due to the implementation of the Single Business Tax which removed inventories from the Personal Property Tax Rolls. Revenues derived from intergovernmental sources, including Federal Revenue Sharing, State Shared Income Tax, Child Care Subsidy, and other miscellaneous subsidies, account for 22% of total revenues amounting to over $14 million. This amount'represents a 29;' increase over the $10.9 million included in the 1976 Budget as a result of enactment of Public Act 280 which liberalized State Sharing of costs incurred by the Child Care Fund and Public Act 228 which provided for State reimhur%ement of revenues lost on inventories. It should be noted that the formula for determining the amount of reim- bursement is based on the value of those inventories at the end of 1974 with no adjustment for growth or inflation included nor contemplated, In other words, the State has once again pulled the financial rug out from under the County with no attendant reduction in mandated services. The next major category of revenue is Charges for Services which amounts to $9.5 million and accounts for 14% of County Revenues. This category has experienced a significant year to year increase (13%) primarily due to the inclusion of the Sheriff Township Patrol Contracts in the Budget for the first time. Miscellaneous Revenues account for the remaining 7% of total County revenues which include interest earned and charges for use of County properties, as well as, the carryover of the anticipated one million dollars of Year End Balance. A projected increase of one-half of one percent (.5%) in the interest rate translates into increased interest earnings of approximately $200,000. Revenues derived from the Use of Property are forecasted to increase by $130,000 due to the State Department of Social Services reimbursement for the use of County owned facilities. The Year-End Balance is not a revenue in the true sense of the word but an additional resource that is available for funding current operations. Availability of these monies is directly related to the effectiveness of the administration's cost control program, i.e., review and justification of all proposed operating expenditures including Personal Services, Contractual Services, Commodities, Travel and Conference, Capital Outlay and Overtime. The County's budgetary process is not made up of separate elements, but is a constant and continuing flow of planning, decision making, accomplishment and control. The development of the annual budget document is only one part of the process for each fiscal year and, because of its intensity and Focus, should not detract from the continuing aspects of the overall process, especially cost control. Appropriations (Total $65,955,269) In previous years, the first allocation of revenues to the expenditure budget was the Building Fund Appropriation. The Building Fund Appropriation was reduced by 75% in the 1976 Budget and is eliminated altogether in the 1977 Recommended Budget because sufficient funds are currently available in that fund to complete work in progress, such as the marble corrections on the East Wing of the Courthouse, and to initiate new projects, such as the renovation of the vacated County Hospital for additional office space. The Appropriations Budget consists of four major categories which parallel the service package provided by the County including, Law Enforcement and Justice, General Government and Legislative, County Executive Administration and Non-Department Appropriations, Twenty-six Percent (26%) of the Recommended Budget amounting to $16.9 million is allocated to the Administration of Law Enforcement and Justice program area which includes the Sheriff's Department, Prosecuting Attorney's Office, District, Probate and Circuit Courts. This amount equates to a 16% increase over 1976 or $2.3 million, primarily attributable to implementation of the Prosecutor's Organized Crime Strike Force, incorporation of the Sheriff's Township Contracts and full County funding of the Youth Assistance Grant Program. Commissioners Minutes Continued, November 4, 1976 562 Three million dollars ($3,000,000) or 521 of the total Budget is recommended to fund the General Government and Legislative Departments, including the County Treasurer, Drain Commissioner, Clerk/Register and the Board of Commissioners. This amount represents a $250,000 decrease from the 1976 allocation due to fewer expenses in the Clerk's Election Budget as a result 01 1977 being a non-election year. The programs over which the County Executive exercises direct control, which constitute Public Services, Human Services, Planning and Physical Development, Central Services, Personnel, Management and Budget and Administration, account for 4221 of the Total Budget or $27.5 million. Although the County Executive's proportion of the Total Budget remains virtually unchanged from 1976, specific priorities have changed as follows: Department 1976 1977 Change Human Services TY Central Services 2221 25';' 3 Management and Budget Public Services 4"4 4% -- Planning and Physical Development 3 32 -- Personnel -- Administration 12. 11. -- Total County Executive 10M 100,' The decrease in Human Services is attributable to increased State funding of Community Mental Health Services and decreased caseload for the Department of Social Services. The increase in Central Services is attributable to sky-rocketing utility costs for County Buildings and full implementation of the CLEMIS Program at Computer Services. Non-Departmental appropriations amount to $18.5 million and represent 252' of the total budget. Comparing 1977 recommendations to the 1976 adopted budget, this category has experienced a 23..Y. increase. The significant changes include inflationary pressures on employee Fringe henefils ($1.7 million) and Liability Insurance (5.2 million), as well as, a reasonable ommint in So1.11 Reserve for negotiated wage increases and equity adjustments. General Federal Revenue Sharing Oakland County is pleased to note that the Federal Revenue Sharing Program has been renewed for 3 3/4 years thru September 30, 1980. The renewal legislation maintains the allocation formula essentially the same and the priority categories of allowable expenditures have been removed which permits local government to weave these monies into the fabric of their own financial plans taking into account locally established priorities. Therefore, I respectfully recommend that the $3,280,000 of 1977 Revenue Sharing Funds be fully allocated to the Sheriff's Department to partially fund that departments 56.6 million budget. CETA Funded Personnel At the present time there are approximately 191 positions in the County under the provisions of the Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA) at an annual cost of S2.3 million including Fringe Benefits. No provisions are made in the Budget to absorb any of these positions if Federal funds cease. All departments have been informed of this fact and instructed that they should attempt to place these people in regular budgeted positions as soon as vacancies occur. While it is recognized that these employees are performing a necessary service, without additional Federal monies the County cannot afford to fund these positions under the current and contemplated financial conditions. In closing, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the membership of the Board, individually and collectively, for your efforts and cooperation in the implementation of a Unified Form of Government in Oakland County. With your help, significant progress has been made to date and I am looking forward to working with you to meet the challenges of the future. Respectfully submitted, Daniel T. Murphy /s/ Oakland County Executive The Chairman referred the Recommended 1977 Budget to the Finance Committee and Personnel Committee. There were no objections. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION ;'7682 - OPPOSITION TO FEDERAL HOUSE RESOLUTION 10210 - COMPULSORY UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE PLAN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee reports that it has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution ,te7682, Re: Opposition to Federal House Resolution 10210, and finds that adoption of this resolution would be in the best interests of this County. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman 563 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 4, 1976 "Misc. 7682 By Mrs. Moffitt IN RE: OPPOSITION TO FEDERAL BILL HOUSE RESOLUTION 10210 - COMPULSORY UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE PLAN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS House Resolution 10210 seeks to incorporate county government employees into the regular 26-week Federal-State Unemployment Insurance Program; and WHEREAS the present law permits county government and municipalities to determine their own plan and criteria for paying unemployment benefits to their employees; and WHEREAS House Resolution 10210 could mandate that all employees of county government and municipalities be incorporated into the Federal-State Unemployment Insurance Program including the Federal Extended Benefit Program; and WHEREAS such a mandate would put a tremendous financial hardship on county governments, municipalities and the overburdened tax-paying property owners. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners opposes any provisions in House Resolution 10210 which would deny the county government or municipalities the right to determine their own Unemployment Insurance Program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners opposes any provisions in House Resolution 10210 which would shift the financial burden of benefit provision and the Un- employment Insurance related administrative costs from the federal government to the county or the municipalities; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to our Michigan United States Senators, the United States Congressman representing Oakland County and to the Executive Director of NACO urging them to support the position of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Lillian V. Moffitt, Commissioner - District #15" Moved by Button supported by Houghten the report be accepted. Moved by Moffitt supported by Houghten the resolution be tabled indefinitely. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Misc. 7724 Submitted by Commissioner Daly IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM FOR AVON TOWNSHIP EXTENSIONS NO. 2 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County Drain Commissioner reports the receipt of certified copies of a resolution adopted by the Township Board of the Township of Avon and reading as follows: REQUEST TO EXTEND OAKLAND COUNTY WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR AVON TOWNSHIP At a special meeting of the Township Board of the Township of Avon, Oakland County, Michigan, held in the Town Hall in the said township on the 7th day of October, 1976, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., Eastern Daylight Time. PRESENT: Supervisor Borden, Clerk Spencer, Treasurer Knudsen, Trustees Trimble, Nowicki, Healy, Schmittel ABSENT: None. (0) Quorum present. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Healy and seconded by Mrs. Spencer: WHEREAS the Township of Avon desires to provide additional water supply and sewage disposal services to certain areas in said township; and WHEREAS in order to provide such water supply and sewage disposal services it is necessary to extend the Oakland County Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Systems in said township; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland has heretofore established the Oakland County Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Systems for Avon Township pursuant to Act No. 185 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1957, as amended, to serve the areas in the Township of Avon, but because of the abolition of the Act No. 185 Board of Public Works in Oakland County, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners has designated the County Drain Commissioner as the County Agency to act pursuant to Act No. 342 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1939, as amended, and the provisions of said Act No. 342 provide for the establishment and acquisition of water supply and sewage disposal systems and the extension, enlarge- ment and improvement thereof by the County acting through the County Agency; and WHEREAS the County has surplus funds on hand representing proceeds of its Oakland County Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Systems for Avon Township Bonds, Series A and Series B, and it is provided in the contracts between the County and the Township that such surplus bond proceeds may be expended at the request of the Township Board and with the approval of the County Board of Commis- sioners for extensions, enlargements and improvements of the water supply and sewage disposal systems in the Township, the amount of which surplus funds at this date is in excess of $850,000.00; and WHEREAS there may be made available to the County and the Township, upon application by the County, Federal and State grants pursuant to U.S. Public Law 92-500 and State Act No. 329 of 564 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 4, 1976 Public Acts of 1966, as amended, which may be used to study, plan and acquire ewage disposal facilities in the Township; and WHEREAS there exists a need in the Township for sewer extensions as shown on Exhibit "A- Sewer" and for water extensions as shown on Exhibit "A-Water", each of which is attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, with respect to which the making of studies and preparation of plans is required; and WHEREAS it appears most practical and desirable for the County of Oakland acting through its County Agency under said Act No. 342, to extend the Oakland County Water Supply and Sewage Disposal System for Avon Township and to finance the cost of the same by the use of available funds from earlier County projects in the Township, from Federal and State grants and from the issuance of bonds by the County in anticipation of the collection of amounts to become due under a contract between said Oakland County and this township whereby this township will agree to pay the cost of extending the said Systems. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF THE TOWNSHIP OF AVON, MICHIGAN, as follows: I. That the County of Oakland is hereby requested to make studies and obtain plans to extend and enlarge the Oakland County Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Systems to serve areas in the Township of Avon as shown on the said Exhibits "A" and to estahlish the systems and projects to include such extensions and enlargements, all pursuant to Act No. 342, Michigan Public Acts of 1939, as amended. 2. That the Oakland County Board of Commissioners is hereby requested, pursuant to the previous Act No. 185 Contracts to approve the transfer temporarily of $850,000.00 from the surplus funds now remaining after providing for payment of all costs incurred in acquiring the Oakland County Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Systems for Avon Township to a fund to be created and administered by the County Agency pursuant to the said Act No. 342. 3. That the funds so transferred be used temporarily by the County Agency to carry out Facilities Planning, to apply for and receive Federal and State grants for the extensions and study and plan for the sewer and water extensions to provide sewer and water services in the areas shown on the said Exhibits "A". 4. That the County of Oakland is requested and authorized to reimburse its general or special funds heretofore expended, for studies and planning, grant processing and for processing this request, from the surplus funds so transferred, and, if and when Federal or State grant proceeds are received, to reimburse to the surplus funds temporarily advanced pursuant hereto such grant proceeds as may lawfully be so used, it being understood that expenditures for water extensions or sewer extensions which are not grant eligible will not be reimbursed to the surplus funds until bonds are sold. 5. That the County of Oakland and the Township of Avon shall hereafter enter into an appropriate contract with respect to the acquisition, financing and operation of said extensions and enlargements of said Oakland County Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Systems herein designated "Sewer Extension No. 2" and "Water Extension No. 2" and also enter into an appropriate contract with respect to the operation and maintenance of said extensions and enlargements. 6. That this township hereby agrees to reimburse the said County of Oakland for all reasonable engineering and administrative costs (in excess of the $850,000.00 of surplus funds transferred) hereafter actually incurred by its Department of Public Works or its County Agency in connection with the acquisition of said extensions and enlargements of said water supply and sewage disposal systems in the event, that for reasons beyond the control of said County, the same are not completed or the proceeds of grants or of bonds to finance the same are not received. ADOPTED: YEAS - Borden, Spencer, Knudsen, Trimble, Nowicki, Healy, Schmittel. Nays - None. Absent - None. STATE OF MICHIGAN ) ) ss: COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) 1, the undersigned, the duly qualified and acting Township Clerk of the Township of Avon, Oakland County, Michigan, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Township Board at a special meeting held on the 7th day of October, 1976, the original of which is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official signature this 8th day of October, A.D. 1976. Thelma G. Spencer Avon Township Clerk ; and WHEREAS it will be advantageous to the Township of Avon and the County of Oakland if a water supply and sewage disposal system is established pursuant to Act No. 342 of Public Acts of Michigan of 1939, as amended, and the County Drain Commissioner is named as the County Agency therefor and if a transfer of funds is authorized by this Board of Commissioners in accordance with the request of the Township; and WHEREAS the County Agency and the Planning and Building Committee has each recommended adoption of this resolution. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, as follows: 565 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 4, 1976 1. That the request resolution set forth in the preambles hereto be received and filed and that this Board, by majority vote of its members-elect, does hereby authorize and direct that there be established, and there is hereby established, under and pursuant to Act No. 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, a system of water supply and sewage disposal improvements and services to serve the Township of Avon, Oakland County, Michigan, to be known as the "Oakland County Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Systems for Avon Township - Extensions No. 2" which systems shall consist of water supply and sewage disposal facilities to serve the Township of Avon, as specified and to be located as stated in the form of Township Board resolution above mentioned: that the Oakland County Drain Commissioner is hereby designated and appointed as the "County Agency" for said County system; that the said County Agency shall have all the powers and duties with respect to said County systems as are provided by law and especially by said Act 342; and that all obligations incurred by the County Agency with respect to said system, unless otherwise authorized by this Board, shall be payable solely from funds derived from surplus funds transferred, grant or bond proceeds or payments to be made by the Township of Avon as provided in the said resolution. 2. That the actions of the County Department of Public Works or of the County Agency in processing the grant applications, making studies and plans and requests for the systems to be established are hereby ratified and confirmed and obligations Incurred or expenditures made therefor are hereby approved and the terms and conditions of the request resolution of the Township Board of the Township of Avon are hereby approved and accepted. 3. That this Board of Commissioners does hereby approve and authorize the temporary trans- fer, pursuant to the provisions of the previous Act No. 185 Contracts for the Oakland County Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Systems for Avon Township of $850,000,00 from the surplus funds now remain- ing after providing for payment of all costs incurred in acquiring said Systems pursuant to said previous Contracts to a fund to be created and administered by the County Agency pursuant to the said Act No. 342. 4. That the funds so transferred be used temporarily by the County Agency to carry out Facilities Planning, to apply for and receive Federal and State grants for the extensions and study and plan for the sewer and water extensions to provide sewer and water services in the areas shown on the said Exhibits "A". Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution, which motion was supported by Mr. Houghten. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman ADOPTED: YEAS: Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron. (25) NAYS: None. (0) ABSENT: Dunleavy, Price. (2) Pk.,PriSED WATERMAIN DEOUINDR Cf MCI r Minutes Cont inued. November 14, 1976 566 M 59 BLVD Oakland County Pater Supply And Sewage Disposal Systems For AVON TOWNSHIP Water Main Extension No. 2 Exhibit "A-Water" Sheet /of/ 9L6 l 'fi JaquIAON In 0 7 lb 7 ro 0 Ct n-n• —• 7 ; • :ftdInsE , la NMI _ 13 ,1 IIMII!111111 11111 3 1111 111111E jllw I • t _ !FA": ..„ i -L !ti irl I :II .1.! II:I a II ' i" L, : - -7:41 millimuasi. eig nraWMOU7'C'AMOINOViilmjiliftAilfmmmrnflhi Elg_ Infutin . wino II .is lusuu roussissamillrasim =nein=iii ar, n1197 aogiin 11P111111 E__74L5 IIMH111 'trig EI1111111 111 Mialt=r1 1n11,•10 CLINTON - 014XLAND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM 'wok 1011K514P EX1ENgoN NO 2 EXHINT SIIFET 1 LIFE mc- Ifl“ Comm ss loners Minutes Continued. November ti , 1976 568 I II Vfr ; • :0 e.11 :=Pgig4 -171 NEM num n • impw I onclo MI M. I= MUM M MM. WNW .41,1111 5 .....4,005.4 owe 4.m0.104 !k iul - , t 569 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 1,, 1976 Misc. 7725 Submitted by Mr. Daly IN RE: EVERGREEN SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP TRUNK ARMS - STAGE TWO AND STAGE THREE AMENDMENTS TO BOND RESOLUTION Mr. Daly offered the following resolution which was approved by the County Agency and the Planning and Building Committee. 4HEREAS there is herewith submitted a substitute Official Notice of Sale in which the maximum rate of interest to be borne by the 51,700,000 Oakland County Sewage Disposal Bonds - Ever- green System - Bloomfield Township Trunk Arms - Stage Two and Stage Three is reduced from 103 per annum to 83 per annum; and WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners, by miscellaneous resolution No. 7660, dated on August 19, 1976, did approve a Bond Resolution providing for the issuance and sale of said $1,700,000 of Oakland County Sewage Disposal Bonds, to be dated September 1, 1976, and approving a form of Official Notice of Sale, and it is now necessary to amend paragraph 5 of said resolution to change the amount of interest to be capitalized and payable from the proceeds of said bonds at the revised rate of interest of FI% per annum for the period of twelve months; and WHEREAS the County Drain Commissioner as County Agency has approved this resolution and recommended its adoption by the Board of Commissioners. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, that paragraphs 5 and 10 of the Bond Resolution heretofore adopted by this Board on Auou ,,t 19, 1976, he and each hereby is amended to read as follows: 5. That all moneys paid to the County by the Township of Bloomfield pursuant to said Contract of August 1, 1976, shall be set aside by the County Treasurer in a separate fund and bank account to be used solely for the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds herein authorized. Interest payable on the bonds for the period of twelve months from the date thereof is capitalized and is payable from the proceeds of said bonds. 10. That sealed proposals for the purchase of $1,700,000 of Oakland County Sewage Disposal Bonds - Evergreen System - Bloomfield Township Trunk Arms - Stage Two and Stage Three to be dated September I, 1976, be received up to a time to be later determined by the County Agency, and that notice thereof be published in accordance with law in the Bond Buyer and in the Oakland Press, which notice shall be substantially in the following form: OFFICIAL NOTICE OF SALE SI,700,000 COUNTY OF OAKLAND, STATE OF MICHIGAN OAKLAND COUNTY SEWAGE DISPOSAL BONDS - EVERGREEN SYSTEM - BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP TRUNK ARMS - STAGE TWO AND STAGE THREE SEALED BIDS for the purchase of the above bonds will be received by the undersigned at the off ice of the Oakland County Board of Public Works located at I Public Works Drive, Waterford Township, Pontiac, Michigan, on , the day of . 1976, until o'clock _.M., Eastern Daylight Time, at which time and place said bids will be publicly opened and read. BOND DETAILS: Said bonds will be coupon bonds of the denomination of $5,000 each, dated September 1, 1976, numbered in direct order of maturity from 1 upwards and will bear interest from their date pay- able on May 1, 1977, and semi-annually thereafter. Said bonds will mature on the 1st day of May, as follows: 1979 - 525,000 1986 - 525,000 1993 - 575,000 2000 - $100,000 1980 - 25,000 1987 - 50,000 1994 - 75,000 2001 - 100,000 1981 - 25,000 1988 - 50,000 1995 - 75,000 7007 - 100,000 1982 - 25,000 1989 - 50.000 1996 - 75,000 2003 - 100,000 1983 - 25,000 1590 - 50,000 1997 - 100,000 7004 - 100,000 1984 - 25,000 1991 - 50,000 1998 - 100,000 2005 - 100,000 1985 - 25,000 1992 - 50,000 1999 - 100,000 PRIOR REDEMPTION: Bonds maturing on and after May I, 1991, shall be subject to redemption prior to maturity, at the option of the County, in whole or in part, on any one or more interest payment dates on or after May 1, 1990, at par and accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption, plus a premium as follows: 3% of the par value of each bond called for redemption on or after May 1, 1990, but prior to May I, 1995 21 of the par value of each bond called for redemption on or after May 1, 1995, but prior to May 1, 2000 I% of the par value of each bond called for redemption on or after May 1, 2000, but prior to maturity. Thirty days notice of redemption shall be given by publication, at least once in a newspaper or publication circulated in the State of Michigan, which carries as a part of its regular service, notices of the sale of municipal bonds. If less than the whole of outstanding bonds is to be redeemed, the county shall choose and shall specify, by number and maturity, the bonds to be redeemed on the date specified in the notice to be published. Bonds called for redemption shall not bear interest after the redemption date, provided funds are on hand with the paying agent to redeem the same. INTEREST RATE AND BIDDING DETAILS: The bonds shall bear interest at a rate or rates not exceeding V per annum, to be fixed by the bids therefor, expressed in multiples of 1/8 or 1/20 of IZ, or both. The interest on any one bond shall be at one rate only, all bonds maturing in any one year must carry the same interest rate and each coupon period shall be represented by one interest rnunon. The Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 4, 1976 570 difference between the highest and the lowest rate of interest borne by any of said bonds shall not exceed two percentage points. No proposal for the purchase of less than all of the bonds or at a price less than 100 of th ,ir par value will be considered. PAYING AGENT: Both principal and interest shall be payable at a bank or trust company located in Michigan qualified to act as paying agent under State or United States law, to be designated by the original purchaser of the bonds, which shall be subject to approval of the undersigned. A co-paying agent similarly qualified and located anywhere may also be so designated. PURPOSE AND SECURITY: The bonds are to be issued pursuant to the provisions of Act 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, to defray the cost of acquiring and constructing the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System - Bloomfield Township Trunk Arms - Stage Two and Stage Three, consisting of sewage collection, transmission and disposal facilities to serve the Township of Bloomfield. The bonds are to be issued in anticipation of, and are primarily payable from, payments to be made by the Township of Bloomfield pursuant to a certain Contract dated August 1, 1976, between the County of Oakland and the Township of Bloomfield wherein said Township of Bloomfield agrees to pay to the County of Oakland the cost of said Trunk Arns in installments equal to the annual principal maturities a Id the semi-annual maturities of interest on the bonds of this issue. The full faith and credit of said Township of Bloomfield has been pledged for the making of said payments. FULL FAITH AND CREDIT OF COUNTY: Pursuant to resolution adopted by its Board of Commissioners, the County of Oakland has pledged its full faith and credit for the payment of principal of and interest on the bonds. GOOD FAITH: A certified or cashier's check in the amount of S34,000, drawn upon an incorporated bank or trust company and payable to the order of the Treasurer of the County must accompany each bid as a guarantee of good faith on the part of the bidder, to he forfeited as liquidated damages if such bid be accepted and the bidder fails to take up and pay for the bonds. No interest chill he allowed on the good faith checks and checks of the unsuccessful bidders will be promptly returned hi each bidder's representative or by registered mail. The good faith check of the successful hiddel will be imrediately cashed and payment for the balance of the purchase price of the bonds shall by made at the closing. AWARD OF BONDS: The bonds will be awarded to the bidder whose bid produces the lowest interest cost computed by determining, at the rate or rates specified in the bid, the total dollar value of all interest on the bonds from , 19 to their maturity and deducting therefrom any premium. CUSIP: CUSIP numbers have been applied for and will be imprinted on all bonds of this issue at the issuer's expense. An improperly imprinted number will not constitute basis for the purchaser to refuse to accept delivery. LEGAL OPINION: Bids shall be conditioned upon the unqualified approving opinion of Dickinson, Wright, McKean, Cudlip and Moon, attorneys of Detroit, Michigan, a copy of which opinion will be printed on the reverse side of each bond, and the original of which will be furnished without expense to the purchaser of the bonds at the delivery thereof. DELIVERY OF BONDS: The County will furnish bonds ready for execution at its expense. Bonds will be delivered without expense to the purchaser at New York, New York, Chicago, Illinois, or Detroit, Michigan. The usual closing documents, including a certificate that no litigation is pending affecting the issuance of the bonds, will be delivered at the time of the delivery of the bonds. If the bonds are not tendered for delivery by twelve o'clock noon, Eastern Time, on the 45th day following the date of sale, or the first business day thereafter if said -V5th day is not a business day, the successful bidder nay on that day, or any time thereafter until delivery of the bonds, withdraw his proposal by serving notice of cancellation, in writing, on the undersigned in which event the County shall promptly return the good faith deposit. Payment for the bonds shall be made in Federal Reserve funds. Accrued interest to the date of delivery of the bonds shall be paid by the purchaser at the time of delivery. FINANCIAL CONSULTANT: Further information with respect to said bonds may be obtained from Shannon and Company, 2012 Penobscot Building, Detroit, Michigan, 48226. Telephone (313) 965-1855. THE RIGHT IS RESERVED TO REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS. ENVELOPES: containing the bids should be plainly marked "Proposal for Bloomfield Township Evergreen System Bonds". /s/ George W. Kuhn Oakland County Drain Commissioner, County Agency DATED: 1976. APPROVED: 1 976. STATE OF MICHIGAN MUNICIPAL FINANCE COMMISSION BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all resolutions and parts of resolutions, insofar as the same may be in conflict herewith, are hereby rescinded. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE By Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Mr. Daly moved the adoption of the foregoing resolution, which motion was supported by Mr. Murphy. On roll call, the resolution was adopted by the following vote. YEAS: Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button. (26) NAYS: None. (0) ABSENT: Dunleavy. (1) 571 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 4, 1976 Misc. 7726 By Mr. Daly IN RE: LYNN D. ALLEN DRAIN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS proceedings have been taken by the Statutory Drainage Board for the construction of the Lynn D. Allen Drain under the provisions of Chapter 20 of Act No. 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended, pursuant to a petition filed with the Oakland County Drain Commissioner; and WHEREAS the said Drainage Board by resolution adopted on October 13, 1976, authorized and provided for the issuance of bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $345,000 in anticipation of the collection of an equal amount of special assessments against the Township of Bloomfield, and the County of Oakland, said special assessments having been duly confirmed by said Drainage Board; and WHEREAS said bonds are to be designated Drain Bonds, are to be dated November 1, 1976, will bear interest at a rate not exceeding 8,9', and will not be subject to redemption prior to maturity; and WHEREAS said Drainage Board deems it advisable and necessary to obtain from this Board a resolution consenting to the pledge of the Full faith and credit of the county on the aforesaid bonds; and WHEREAS the said drainage project is immediately necessary to protect and preserve the public health and therefore it is in the best interest of the County of Oakland that said bonds be sold. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: 1. That pursuant to the authorization provided in Section 474 of Chapter 20 of the Drain Code of 1956, as amended, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby irrevocably pledge the full faith and credit of the County of Oakland for the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the said Drain Bonds, and does agree that in the event any public corporation assessed shall fail or neglect to account to the County Treasurer of the County of Oakland for the amount of any special assessment installment and interest, when due, then the amount thereof shall be immedi- ately advanced from County Funds, and the County Treasurer is directed to immediately make such advancement to the extent necessary. 2. That in the event that, pursuant to said pledge of full faith and credit the County of Oakland advances out of County Funds, all or any part of said installment and interest, it shall be the duty of the County Treasurer, for and on behalf of the County of Oakland, to take all actions and proceedings and pursue all remedies permitted or authorized by law for the reimbursement of such sums so paid. 3. That all resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as the same may be in conflict with the provisions of this resolution be and the same hereby are rescinded. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman DISTRICT LIMITS 1 L P 1/.:" ....„..11- LYNN D. ALLEN ( DRAIN ROUTE SODA RE NORTH SCALE: DISTRICT LIMITS 79. 9908% 12.8365% 7 . 1667% 100.0000% APPORTIONMENT OF COST Township of Bloomfield County of Oakland State of Michigan I\ HTCKORY GWAVE RD Commissioners Minutes Continued. Novemher 4, 1976 572 LYNN D. ALLEN DRAIN I \ t, PONTIAC CITY LTMITS BLOOMFIELD TOWNSDIP LIMITS 1-4 I DISTRICT LIMITS 573 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 4, 1976 LYNN D. YI. DI'AT71 1. Construction 2. Engineer's Desicn Fe.2 $21,0411.00 Soil & Material Tef.tinc. 8011.00 Soil Borings 500.00 Resident Engineer 956.00 3. Inspection 4. Staking & Layout 5. Publishing Oakland Press Michigan Cont. & Builder Mich. Investor Observer Newsp -tv.r:: 6. Bond Printing 7. Righis-of-Way 8. Bond Counsel 9. Financial Consultant 10. C.P.A. for Prospectus 11. Bond Prospectus 12. Drainage Board Meeting Costs 13. At 347 Permit 14. Capitalized Intere:-t (12 months 11%) 15. Continrencies $ 2h4,411.00 23,300.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 908.00 hoo.mi ,)(18.(m 3,h50.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 . 3,000.00 300.00 649.00 ?7,600.00 _25 238.00 100.00 300.00 no - _ mo:ec by Daly supported by Lennon the resolution be adopted. YEAS: Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pcrinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Uilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly. (26) NAYS: None. (0) ADOPTED. Misc. 7727 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION ON THE 72ND WEDDING ANNIVERSARY OF CHARLES AND EVELYN HARMES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Charles and Evelyn Harmes of 1038 LaSalle, Pontiac, Michigan, were married on November 10, 1904; and WHEREAS Charles Harmes is a retiree of the Yellow Cab Company; and WHEREAS they are the parents of four children, Evelyn Peckels of Drayton Plains, Michigan, and C. B. Names of Denver, Colorado, and two other children who are now deceased: and WHEREAS they have 12 grandchildren, 27 great grandchildren, lnd 5 great, great nrandchildren and have lived in this area since 1942. Commissioners Minutes Continued, November 4, 1976 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Conmissioners wishes to commend Mr. and Mrs. Harmes on this milestone in their lives and wishes them every continued happiness. Attested to this 4th day of November, 1976. Betty J. Fortino, Commissioner - District 115 Moved by Fortino supported by Dearborn the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Olson. Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on resolution: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Misc. 7728 By Mr. Price IN RE: MENTAL RETARDATION PREVENTION MONTH To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Pontiac, Michigan is the home of the Oakland County Association for Retarded Citizens, in the United Way of Pontiac-North Oakland Building at 50 Wayne Street; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Association for Retarded Citizens, the Pontiac Civitan Club, and the North Oakland Civitan Club have embarked on a campaign aimed at reducing the incidence of mental retardation, and this most worthwhile effort will he observed throughout Oakland County, Michigan during National Retarded Citizens Month; and WHEREAS this campaign is aimed at bringing at hi the IACI Ihai mndical knowl.'dqv exists today that can cut mental retardation in half - it. and .nly if, that information utilized by the public; and WHEREAS the thrust of this campaign is to spread this iniportant message across Oakland County, Michigan as never before, getting the word to expectant parents aod others, that crucial information does indeed exist that can be of great benefit to them in preventing mental retardation; and WHEREAS the ultimate effect of such a campaign hopefully will be the reduction in the number of mentally retarded children born in this country, this is a worthwhile campaign deserving of the support of all public officials, the news media, and the citizens of Oakland County, Michigan; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby proclaim the ,month of November as "MENTAL RETARDATION PREVENTION MONTH" in Oakland County, Michigan. Hubert Price, Jr., Commissioner - District A Moved by Price supported by Gabler the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, tht. notion carried. Moved by Price supported by Gabler the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majorit',. having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Moved by Lennon supported by Daly the Board adjourn until November 18, 1976 at 9:30 A.M. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Board adjourned at 10:07 A.M. Lynn D. Allen Alexander C. Perinoff Clerk Chairman OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING November 18, 1376 Meeting called to order by Chairman Alexander C. rrt it 10:2n A.M. in the coin I Itonw Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by Henry W. Hoot. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Hoot, Houghlen, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. (25) ABSENT: Dunleavy, Gabler. (2) Quorum present. Moved by Murphy supported by Douglas the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as printed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Button supported by Roth the Supplemental Agenda with an additional item from the General Government Committee, Miscellaneous Resolution r76135, be approved. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Clerk read letter from Roger L. Wood, Department of Natural Resources regarding proposed watercraft controls for Sylvan and Otter Lakes. Robert P. Allen, Civil Counsel stated this had been terminated by the Department of Natural Resources. Clerk read letter from John T. Dempsey, Depart ment 01 Social Services regar4ing the le- appointment of Anne Rumsey to the Oakland County Social Services Board for a three-year term beginning November 1, 1976 and ending October 31, 1979. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from C. Hugh Dohany, Chairman of the Oakland County Library Board informing the Board of Commissioners that they had accepted on November 10, 1976, a $700.00 W. K. Kellogg Foundation grant. Moved by Dearborn supported by Lennon that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the W. K. Kellogg Foundation grant of S700.00. A sufficient nwrjority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Mr. Perinoff stated members of the Judiciary have requested that they be allowed to present "The State of the Judiciary Message and it will be delivered by the Honorable James S. Thorburn. Also present were the following: The Honorable William J. Beer, The Honorable Frederick Ziem, The Honorable Robert B. Webster, The Honorable Robert L. Templin and the Honorable Steven A. Andrews. The Honorable James S. Thorhurn addressed the Board. Misc. 7729 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: PARKS AND RECREATION REQUEST FOR CASH LOAN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Parks and Recreation has undergone an intensive construction program the past two years; and WHEREAS expenditures for these capital programs are estimated to exceed cash receipts for the months of November and December, 1976 to the degree that a substantial cash flow problem will exist (per the attached schedule); and 576 Commioner% Minute ,. Conlinued. November 1976 Al/PW, Ipp., lime of Lnllection r fund ,-, due from several government grants and the antici- puted collection., on next year's millage in December is uncertain at this time; and WHEREA; this uncertainty makes it difficult to determine exactly when the cash advance will he needed. HOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County advance, from its general fund to Parks and Recreation, an amount not to exceed $125,000. Such amount to be advanced as needed on an interest free basis and be repaid in full by March 1, 1977. The Finance Commitee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick. Chairman OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION Cash Flow Projection For November and December 1976 November Cash Flow Estimated Fund Balance 10/31/76 $ 218,000 Add: Probable Cash Receipts in Nnvember: Estimated Parks Revenue s 2n,000 Reimbursement for Title X Expenses 7,500 DNR Grant - Wave Pool 60,000 87,500 305,50a Less: Estimated Cash Payments in November: Parks Operating Expenses (1) 115,000 Payments for Capital Programs 225,000 340,000 Estimate of Advance Needed in November (1) (34,500) December Cash Flow Estimate of Cash Receipts in December: Park Revenues 5,000 Title X Reimbursement 10,000 Estimated Collection in next year's millage 190,000 205,000 Less: Estimate of Cash Payments in December: Park Operating Expenses (1) 120,000 Payments for Capital Programs 175,000 295,000 Estimate of Advance Needed in December (1) (90,000) Total Estimated Need $ (124,500) (1) These amounts do not include payments to any Oakland County Units except payroll. Moved by Pernick supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. AYES: Fortino, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7730 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: APPRAISAL FEES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland has been requested to participate in both the cost of litigation and in obtaining an appraiser for a current property appeal filed on behalf of the Ford Motor Company with the State Tax Tribunal; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland will stand to lose substantial amounts of tax dollars if the appeal is lost; and WHEREAS the City of uixom has decided to obtain an independent appraisal at an estimated cost of Twenty Two Thousand (522,000.00) dollars; and WHEREAS the City of Wixom has asked the Walled Lake Consolidated Schools, the Oakland Community College and the Oakland Intermediate School District to assist and share the cost of the appraisal and such other costs exclusive nf attorney fees; and WHEREAS if they are successful in defending the assessed value, the balance of the County will share in their efforts and investment; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland does hereby agree to participate with school districts, cities and townships in the payment of appraiser fees and other costs exclusive of attorney fees in connection with property tax appeals before the Michigan State Tax Tribunal, as initiated by taxpayers. i,) ki Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds an amount not to exceed 10.12: of the final appraisal fee or $2,200, whichever is less, avail- able in the Contingent Account of the 1976 Budget and a transfer should be made to the Equalization Division's 1976 Budget line item Professional Services. The Finance Committee, ny Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Fortino the resolution he adopted. AYES: Hoot, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Douglas, Fortino. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7731 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION FOR OAKLAND COUNTY TOURIST AND CONVENTION BUREAU To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Tourist and Convention Bureau has been established to encourage increased use of various County businesses; and WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution #7269 of October 2, 1975, $40,000 was appropriated to the Bureau, $20,000 in 1975 and 1976 respectively; and WHEREAS Oakland County and the Tourist and Convention Bureau operate on differvni liscal years; and WHEREAS the Tourist and Conveniion Bureau has indicated a need for an additional ',."20,00D appropriation to cover operating costs for the period July I. 1976 to December 31, 1976. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that an additional 520,000 be appropriated to the Oakland County Tourist and Convention Bureau for the first half of their 1976-77 fiscal year. Such funds to be transferred from the Contingent Fund line-item to the Non-Departmental line-item - Oakland County Tourist and Convention Bureau in the 1976 Budget. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Hoot the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. Mr. Price requested that Mrs. Smith, Director of the Oakland County Tourist and Cinnvention Bureau be allowed to address the Board. There were no objections. Mrs. Smith addressed the Board. AYES: Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Price, Wilcox, Daly, Fortino, Hoot. (12) NAYS: Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Dearborn. (11) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the resolution was not adopted. Misc. 7732 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: 1977 MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES DUES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Michigan Association of Counties has requested that $15,000 be appropriated in the 1977 Oakland County Budget; and WHEREAS this 515,000 request For the County's 1977 dues is the same amount as paid in 1976; and WHEREAS a cash shortage exists in the 1976 Michigan Association of Counties Organization necessitating a request to pay the 1977 dues in 1976. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 1977 Michigan Association of Counties dues be paid in 1976 and that $15,000 be transferred From the Contingent Fund line-item to the Non-Departmental line-item - Michigan Association of Counties in the 1976 Budget. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that no funds be appropriated for the Michigan Association of Counties Organization in the 1977 County Budget. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman 577 57 2, Cor4.iv,ioner'. Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 Moved by Pernick supported by rortino the resolution be adopted. AYES: Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino, Hoot, Kasper. (21) NAYS: Olson. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolJtion was adopted. Misc. 7733 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: DESIGNATION OF PAYING AGENT GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX NOTES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the National Bank of Detroit was the low bidder for 522,840,000 County or Oakland, Michigan, General Obligation Tax Notes, Series 1976, dated April 1. 1976, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the National Bank or Detroit, Detroit, Michigan, be and is hereby appointed Paying Agent for 522.840,000 County of Oakland. Michigan, General Obligation Tax Notes, Series 1976, dated April 1, 1976, as more fully described on attached Exhibit A. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the National Bank of Detroit shall be paid, as compensation for its services, fees on the following basis: Account Maintenance Fee - To be billed semi-annually S50.00 rer annum For Payment of Interest Coupons - 50.14 per coupon Prior to Maturity When All Outstanding Bonds are to be Redeemed - $1.50 per Bond. On Redemption Prior to Maturity When Less Than All Outstanding Bonds are to be Redeemed - 51.75 Per Bond. Plus Out-of-Pocket Expenses, (e.g. postage, registered mail. surcharge, etc.) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all statements of account and, unless cremation has been authorized by separate Agreement, all cancelled obligations shall be forwarded by the Paying Agent to C. Hugh Dohany, Oakland County Treasurer, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan, Telephone: 858-0623. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, roves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernic, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Lennon the resolution be adnpled. AYES: McDonald, Moffitt. Murphy. Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7734 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: CREMATION AGREEMENT ON TAX NOTES AND COUPONS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the National Bank of Detroit has been appointed Paying Agent for $22,840,000 County of Oakland, Michigan, General Obligation Tax Notes, Series 1976, dated April 1, 1976; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland and the National Bank of Detroit desire to cremate the tax notes and coupons above described; and WHEREAS it is necessary that the County and the National Bank of Detroit enter into an agreement to provide for the cremation ot the tax notes and bonds, a copy of which is attached hereto, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be and he is hereby authorized to execute the Agreement to cremate tax notes and coupons on behalf of the County of Oakland. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick. Chairman AGREEMENT TO CREMATE TAX NOTES AND COUPONS THIS AGREEMENT between the COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, having its offices at 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan, (hereinafter called "Obligor"), and NATIONAL BANK OF DETROIT, a National Banking Association, duly organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America, having its principal place of business at 611 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48232 (hereinafter called "Agent'). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS the Obligor has heretofore duly authorized and issued various issues of tax notes for which Agent has been designated Principal Paying Agent for principal (hereinafter referred to as "Obligations") and interest (hereinafter referred to as "Interest Coupons"); and WHEREAS the Obligor may, from time to time in the future, duly authorize and issue certain Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 additional new series or issues of tax notes for which Agent, at such time, may be designated Principal Paying Agent for Obligations and Interest Coupons; and WHEREAS the Obligor is desirous of appointing Agent to dispose of said Obligations and Interest Coupons pertaining thereto by cremation thereof, and Agent is desirous of acting a-. such Agent. NOW THEREFORE THE PARTIES AgREE AS FOLLOWS: I. National Bank of Detroit is hereby appointed Agent to cremate all Obligations and Interest Coupons paid by Agent or by any Co-Agent on and after the effective date of this Agreement or paid and in the hands of the Agent or Co-Agent on the effective date of this Agreement, and to deliver cremation certificates with respect thereto to the Obligor; and Agent accepts such appoint- ment. 2. Semi-annually as of each interest date of each Obligation, or such other dates as may be agreed upon, Agent will prepare and deliver an unexecuted copy of cremation certificates to the Obligor covering all cancelled Obligations and Interest Coupons received and paid by Agent or Co- Agent during the preceding period, to ge the r with cash statements covering such period. Each of such cremation certificates shall include all the detailed information specified in Act No. 56, Public Acts of 1962, State of Michigan, or any amendment thereof (hereinafter referred to as "Bond Cremation Act"). 3. Said cancelled Obligations and Interest Coupons shall be held in custody by Agent or a minimum of five (8) months after the end of the period referred to in the preceding paragraph, or for such period of time as may be agreed upon provided, however that such period of time shall nut be permitted to conflict with any limitation prescribed in the "Bond Cremation Act" as originally enacted or as amended. During such period, such Obligations and Interest Coupons will be available at the office of the Agent during regular banking hours, for inspection or audit by an authorized representative of the Obligor. In the event an audit or inspection is made, an additional charge other than listed below will be made in an amount to be agreed upon by the parties. At the appropriate time, Agent will destroy said Obligations and Interest Coupons, by burning, and will execute and deliver appropriate cremation certificates evidencing such destruction to the Obligor and to the Municipal Finance Commission of the State of Michigan or such other agency or body as may hereafter have power over the issuance of Obligations by public corporations. The Obligor agrees to pay the following fees of the Agent: For each issue of Obligations and related Interest Coupons for which a cremation certificate is ussed l-3/4c per coupon cremated 5c per bond cremated Subject to a minimum of 515.00 for each cremation for each issue. The foregoing fees are subject to revision by mutual agreement. 4 • This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon giving thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. 5. This Agreement may be amended at any time by mutual consent of the parties. 6. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. 7. The parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their corporate names and attested as of the date which shall be inserted in the following paragraph by the Agent when it signs this Agreement, which date shall be the effective date of the Agreement. Witness the due execution hereof this day of . 1976. Attest: By: (Title) and 579 Attest: (Title) NATIONAL BANK OF DETROIT By The execution and deliver.,, of the foregoing Agreement was authorized by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, by resolution adopted at a regular meeting held on the day of , 1976. Dated: Moved by Pernick supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7735 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: AMENDMENT TO COUNTY CAR POLICY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7393 of December 18, 1975, the Oakland 580 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 County Board of Commissioners adopted a "County Policy on Assignment of County Vehicles"; and WHEREAS the sub-committee on County Car Policy, established on August 26, 1976 by the Finance Committee, recommended to the Finance Committee that all overnight assignment of vehicles be approved by the FinanceCommittee and Board of Commissioners and that the sub-committee be responsible for recommending the eligibility of vehicles within the County Vehicle Fleet, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the present County Vehicle Policy as approved by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7393 be amended by adding the following section: ''VEHICLE ASSIGNMENT RESPONSIBILITIES' "A sub-committee appointed by the Chairman of the Finance Committee shall be responsible for determining eligibility for assignment of County vehicles and determining eligibility of home- to-work use of such vehicles in accordance with the nuidelines established in this policy. The sub- committee's recommendations shall be approved by the Finance Committee and the Board of Commissioners." The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman The Chairman announced pursuant to Rule XI-E the matter shall be laid over to the next regular Board meeting. Misc. 7736 By Mr. Button IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY SUPPORT OF THE PROPOSED MICHIGAN PUBLIC HEALTH CODE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the first Public Health Code (HB6306 - 5B1484) in the history of the State of Michigan is presently proceeding through the state legislature; and WHEREAS the code is all encompassing in its approach to the health care system including articles responding to licensure of occupations, facilities, the environment, administration, prevention of disease and disabilities, substance abuse, controlled substances, supportive personal health services and anatomical gifts; and WHEREAS contained in the provisions of this bill there are essential concepts that will favorably impact on the citizens of Oakland County and the state; and WHEREAS your Committee concurs with the Human Resources Committee recommendation that the Proposed Michigan Public Health Code be supported. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby supports the Proposed Michigan Public Health Code, SBI484 - H86306, as being in the best interests of the citizens of Oakland County and the State of Michigan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of the foregoing resolution be forwarded to the County Legislators and the County Legislative Agent. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the adoption of the Foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman Moved by Button supported by Montante the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7737 By Mr. Button IN RE: RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION FOR MILO J. CROSS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Milo J. Cross has devoted a lifetjme in the interests of his fellowman, community and profession; and WHEREAS he has been a leading banker in Southeastern Michigan and recently retired as Chairman of the Board of the Pontiac State Bank: and WHEREAS Milo J. Cross has been president of many major organi:ations, including the Chamber of Commerce, the Michigan Bankers Association, United Way of Pontiac, Pontiac Rotary Club, Traffic Safety Club of Michigan and the Oakland County Chapter of the American Red Cross, and additionally is past treasurer of the Michigan Children's Aid and past trustee of the First Presbyterian Church of Pontiac; and WHEREAS he serves currently as Chairman of the Oakland County Building Authority and has guided the implementation and construction of many County government facilities such as the Law Enforcement Complex, Children's Village Expansion, addition of the East Wing to the Courthouse Complex and the Mental .Retardation Center; and WHEREAS Milo J. Cross is a member of the Advisory Committee or the Clinton Valley Council of the Boy Scouts of America and is being honored as the 1976 recipient of the Distinguised Citizen Award for Oakland County. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby extends Jtx 581 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 commendation to Milo J. Cross for his community involvement and congratulations on this occasion of honor as the 1976 recipient of the Boy Scouts of America Distinguised Citizen Award for Oakland County. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman Moved hy Button supported hy Pic' the rules he -.11.,pended for imedicate ioh the resolution. AYES: Montante, NoAl., Olson, Plge, Perinoff. ''rick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Buttor supported by Page the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was unanimously adopted. REPORT By Mr. Button IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION "7685 - PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT IN LABOR NEGOTIATIONS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee reports that it has reviewed Resolution 117685, Public Involvement in Labor Negotiations, and recommends the adoption of said resolution. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman "Misc. 7685 By Mr. Wilcox IN RE: PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT IN LABOR NEGOTIATIONS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS citizens in recent years have demanded a more active role in government affairs; and WHEREAS conscientious, responsible, citizen involvement in governmental deliberation has had a generally beneficial effect wherever attempted; and WHEREAS the openness of Oakland County government has improved the operation of county government; and WHEREAS totally secret private negotiations are not in keeping with the spirit of our new government. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports the concept of public involvement in negotiating sessions between the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees and the county government bargaining team. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners agrees that such public involvement should begin with the designation of two private citizens to be present at all bargaining sessions, as private citizens, not as members of the respective bargaining teams; that each party to the negotiations should name one of these individuals; that these citizens should be free to report their opinions of the proceedings to the public, the press, and the Board of Commis- sioners, with the understanding that such reports would be delayed temporarily at times when their issuance would work against the Public interest by unnecessarily upsetting delicate negotiations. I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Richard R. Wilcox, Commissioner - District NI James W. Dunleavy, Commissioner - District g2" Moved by Button supported by Hoot the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Button supported by Nowak the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Dearborn, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper. McDonald, Moffitt, Montante. (20) NAYS: Pernick, Price, Lennon, (3) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Button supporred by Dearborn that resolution g7685 be adopted. 582 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 AYES: Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Urarhorn, Fortino, Hoot, Houghtrn, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Mnntante, Murphy. (20) Petnick, Price, Lennon. (3) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution •7h85 was adopted. The Chairman vacated the Chair. Vice Chairman Bernard F. Lennon took the Chair. REPORT By Mr. Aaron IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION ii7681 - AmENDMENT TO RULE 10(A), SECTION V OF THE MERIT SYSTEM RESOLUTION To the Oakland County Board of ComHssioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen; The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution #7681 with the recommendation that the resolution not be adopted, The Personnel Committee,by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman "Misc. 7681 By Mr. Hoot IN RE: AMENDMENT TO RULE ID, SECTION V OF THE MERIT SYSTEM RESOLUTION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: . WHEREAS it is desirable to have different perspectives and points of view on the Oakland County Personnel Appeal Board; and WHEREAS such differing perspectives and points of view will he best sought by encouraging a variety of individuals to participate as members. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that with the passage of this resolution Rule 10, Section V of the Merit System Resolution is amended as follows! B. Members of the Personnel Appeal Board shall be restricted to serving no more than two, one-year terms, and members having served two terms shall be considered ineligible for appointment or election to the Personnel Appeal Board. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Henry W. Hoot, Commissioner - District 1114" Moved by Aaron supported by Button the report be accepted. A sufficient majority haviny voted therefor, the motion carried. Misc. 7738 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: SUBMISSION OF CHANGES IN MERIT SYSTEM RULES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Section IV, Subsection A of the Merit System Resolution requires that all changes in the rules and regulations of the Merit System shall be submitted to the Board of Commissioners at a regular meeting of the Board and shall become effective thirty days after such meeting unless objection it received in writing by the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, in which case the objection shall become a matter of business at the next meeting of the Board; and WHEREAS it has become desirable to make certain changes in the wording of Rule 22, as spelled out in the attachment to this resolution; and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee reviewed and approved these changes at its meeting of November 18, 1976, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the reading of this notice and the distribution of this notice and attached forms labeled "Proposed Changes in Merit System Rule", to all the Commissioners present and absent to be considered as the official submission to the Board of Commissioners, of the described changes in Rule 22. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman 22 RULE TITLE ELIGIBILITY FOR FRINEE BENEFITS RULE NUNGBER 3 OF 2i Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 Oakland County Merit System PROPOSED CHANGE IN iCiRIT SYSTEM RULE 593 SECTION TO BE CHANGED II, B, 1, e and f ON PAGE PROPOSED WORDING e. None (section to be deleted). PRESENT WORDING *e. Earn County paid benefits (Croup Life Insurance premiums, Hospitalization Insurance premiums, etc.) on n pro-rated basis each pay period; based on the ratio of hours worked compared to the normal 80-hour pay period. Such hpuetit payments require the employee to pay any difference between pro-rated County payments and the total cost of the individual benefit. *f. Earn pro-rated Tuition Reimbursemenl payments; based on the time actually worked by the employee during the life of the course tuition is requested for compared to the normal 80-hour pay periods during the life of the course. *Section II, B, e and f added by Board of Commissioners Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7327, November 6, 1975; added effective December 6, 1975. f. None (section to be deleted). REASON FOR CRANEE See.tions e and f added in 1975 in antieTpation ot cost savings and to effecl equity between full-time and part-time employees. Union grievances and increased COStfl to administer the change have resulted in no cost savings as anticipated and adding the potential for in- creasing costs to administer the changes. Because the rhange hoe resulted in no cost benefit. or any other benefit, it is recommended that the Rule he amended to delete the changes. Change Submitted by: Personnel Date:8/23/76 County Executive: DE Approved F-1 Disapproved by: Daniel T. Morph/ Date: 8/23/76 Personnel Committee: F1 Approved ri Disapproved by: Date: 11/18/7 Introduced to Board of Commissioners: Date: 11/18/76 Section IV Subsection A of Merit System Resolution c'ere of the t.ulc.: b:! Pcmonnf:1 Committee and n11 eleze,:e.! iv .7.1 7:: m?cr ny:?1,1ticutr hr Nobmitted to the' Roord of ee17-..7 : oe hiV'e e :nreh e,•opd i n opi.ting by th !Ac (4.:07,!ti)n nhall hor,m, a rs ,- t if !n :0 1 1:c of Ow iT... i- of C.amrinai on:Pa. 584 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 Misc. 7739 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: DELETION OF BICENTENNIAL COORDINATOR CLASSIFICATION AND TERMINATION OF BICENTENNIAL STAFF POSITIONS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution ,7024, adopted March 20. 197'1" established the Oakland County Bicentennial Commission and called for the establishment of two staff positions; and WHPREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 7053, adopted April 9, 1975, established one Bicentennial Coordinator position and one Stenographer position, to be paid From C.E.T.A. Title VI funds: and WHEREAS the purpose and intent of the establishment of said positions has been accomplished and the phase-out activities of the Bicentennial program will 110 konclnded nn later than December U. 1976. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the classification and po.;.ition of Bicentennial foordinal.n and the one Bicentennial Stenographer posit ;op he terminated effeclive at the end of the business doe. December 31, 1976. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoine resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Button supported by Olson the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Olson, Page, Patterson, Price, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Dearborn, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Aaron supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. AYES: Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Dearborn, Fortino, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon; McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7740 By Mr. Daly IN RE: AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS ON COURTHOUSE ALTERATIONS - RELOCATION AND EXPANSION OF DETENTION AREA To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the prisoner detention area, located in the Courthouse, is no longer of adequate size to house the number of prisoners awaiting court hearings; and WHEREAS the prisoner count has more than doubled since the original detention area was constructed; and WHEREAS the present detention area consists of 1,035 square feet, with two (2) 7-person cells, which will be expanded to 1,755 square feet: with one (1) 10-person cell, two (2) 8-person cells, one (I) 4-person cell, and one (1) 2-person cell: and WHEREAS the design of a new detention area has been approved by the Sheriff's Department and the Michigan Department of Corrections. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Central Services Department be and is hereby authorized to receive bids for the above described project and a report thereon be made to this Board after receipt and tabulation of such bids. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION COURTHOUSE ALTERATIONS - PHASE II PROJECT 75-22 (11) October 27, 1976 As listed in the original and revised Capital Improvement Program Project Request for Miscellaneous Remodeling (copies attached), the relocation and expansion of the Sheriff's Detention Unit in the Courthouse is proposed. Since 1972 the total prisoners brought through the Courthouse detention operation has more than doubled from 3,675 to 8,804 this year. Recognizing the Detention Unit was originally designed and constructed in the late 1950's (almost 20 years ago) and has not been expanded or altered in that period, it can be easily determined that the present area is very inadequate for current needs. (See attached letter from Sheriff's Department dated March 31, 1976.) Commissioners Minutes Continued. Novemher IR, 1976 The present area has. about 1,035 ..cinari feel of area on Ole Ground Floor wi lI 2 / cells available. The proposed area would he in the ho.spment at the entranie to !bp pti%qeer !wine! to the Jail and have about 1,755 square feet of area with 1 - 10 person cell, 2 - im,r!om Letk, 1 - 4 person cell, and 1 - 2 person cell available. The design has been reviewed and approved by the Sheriff's Department and the Michigan Department of Corrections. Also, schedule for consideration as soon as possible will be alterations to the Courthouse elevator system to avoid potential security problems when transferring prisoners on the elevators to the courtrooms. The present detention area will be used for storage without any alterations except for removal of the stairway from the basement (for security reasons). The other work involved will be thL relocation of the central custodial unit in the basement to allow for expansion of the Detention Unit. The preliminary cost estimate for all these alterations is about $90,000. CAPITAL 11,01PROVENIINT PlIOGRAIVI 585 PROJECT REQ .11EST Oakland County EXECUTIVE — Titre Miscellaneous Remodeling - 1976 — LOC) tion Varies . PART I. • • • . Department di Central ServiceJ No_ . 75-22 & 75-37 Date December, 1915 Date 1st. Listed Cnttsory thilory 0 Priority 1975 Airamq 0 Buildolg Description and Function - Three — — - The completion of the North Office Building in early 1976:-Will p.rmit the relocation of Circuit Court Prodtion, Criminal Justice, . • Printing, Stationery Stock, and Purchasing to that building from the . Courthouse Complex. The space vacated will be used for the Prosecuting ' Attorney, Jury Commission, County Executive, Community Develppmenj-,and Sheriff's departments. • The closing of the Clothing Store at the Social Services Building will provide an area that can be used for in expdnded Senior Citizen . Program, Storage, Lunchroom, and expanded Prosecuting Attorney and :2. • Health department programs. . _ . . _ • • - Also, it is anticipated that during 1976 some additional • remodeling work may be required since all special project funding.has-:: been eliminated from the County Budget and some funding for this miscellaneous minor alterations will probably he required: ' -urrent St]tus (Show 7, or Date)_ . ' •• --•• • . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . -.... • . .._ . PLANNING 5°74 6LIILDING PROGRAM - N — - A • '.... safiEniAtIC •DESIG14 -------- , .- 7 - -:.- •.-- — FINAL DESIGN - -- READY FOR CONSTROCTIthst- -----7----------7-7' ---- •-.- - Disposition o.t.: Existisig Facility and Land Varies C]ndC2,.....? EXECUTIVE Co;.: Eszirr2! in 19 76 Doilars Dep.:rlirient ofCentraI -Serviced .$17 o„imoo::: .T1 .30,600 , $2oMoo .. TOTAL PROJECI 0,75.4_;.n Consulcmt ---------------- D.C.S: Facilities Engineoring Previou, Furcfmg None -...2.-ERn • 586 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGIl A PTIOJECT fl EQUEST PART II " Construction (Preliminary) - Courthouse Complex Alterations - (Project 75-22„) . Social Services (2:--oject 75-37) Other t.80,000 70,000 20,00U Building 7.1terations TOTAL Engineering 110,000 Administrative 2,000 Equipment and Furniture 10,000 •Contingency . . • 8,000 Possibl.s. Ou-ide Construction Funds lone -• Moved by Wilcox supported by Olson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Patterson, Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Dearborn, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, i c1firt, Montante, Murphy. Nowak, Olson, Page. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority :Lavine voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7741 By Mr. Daly IN RE: AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS - COURTHOUSE ALARM SYSTEM To the Oakland County Board of Commissinoorr, Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlenen: WHEREAS the Circuit and Probate Judge., have expressed o• n over the ,,ecurify and safely of personnel in the Courts and Court office areas: and WHEREAS a specialized alarm system car be installed which will provide for immediate response to the calling area, by either Sheriff's Deputies in the detention area or by Security Officers patrol- ling the Courthouse; and WHEREAS the proposed alarm system can also be adapted to provide immediate response to crisis calls from the County Treasurer and the County Clerk/Register of Deeds. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Central Services Department be and is hereby authori7ed to receive bids for the above described project and a report thereon he made to this Board after receipl . - Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 and tabulation of such bids. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION COURTHOUSE ALARM SYSTEM PROJECT 74-11 OCTOBER 29, 1976 The Circuit Court has requested, several times over a period of years, that an alarm system be provided for the protection of judges and court employees. The type of system desired would allow the judge or his staff to push a button activating an alarm panel at Security, and as presently proposed at the Sheriff's Detention Unit in the Courthouse, indicating that immediate as is needed at that location. The alarm button locations would be at each judge's secretary desk and in each courtroom. This type of alarm system has also been reviewed with the Probate Court and they also are desirous of this system in their courtrooms, office areas, and for the referee hearing rooms. Besides the court areas, it is also proposed that alarm buttons be installed at the Treasurer, Clerk/ Register of Deeds, and information counters in the lobbies. The alarm when activated would immediately indicate visually on a display panel an alarm condition at a specific location. The pushing of the button at the specific location is silent and sounds no alarm at the location. At the display panel, besides a visual indicating light, an audio horn will also sound. Indicating lights can also be installed over the courtroom or office door to assist the officers responding to the alarm find the area quickly. Listed below is a budget price for two display panels and 38 alarm stations. The display panels can be used for up to 50 alarm stations. OPTION I (Using leased lines from Michigan Bell Telephone Company) Purchase Cost $13.500 Telephone Installation Cost Indicator Lights in Staff Corridors 2,100 Miscellaneous 550 Contingency 900 TOTAL $18,400 .:.Additional cost of about 5900/year for telephone service would also be required. OPTION II (Installing communication lines directly) Purchase Cost $18,000 Indicator Lights in Staff Corridors 2,100 Miscellaneous 900 Contingency 2,000 TOTAL $23,000 Under either option, additional stations can be added for about 5275 per station, up to the 50 stations. Moved by Wilcox supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Pernick. Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson. (18) NAYS: Price, Dearborn, Murphy, (3) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7742 By Mr. Daly IN RE: AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR UTILITY TUNNEL IMPROVEMENTS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS utility tunnels are used to enclose the steam and condensate lines which are used to heat and cool the majority of buildings on the Count ,/ Service Center; and WHEREAS many of the older tunnels are cracked and allowing seepage of water and deteriorat - ion of the tunnel walls and ceilings; and WHEREAS improvements are necessary to avoid the possible collapse of such tunnels: and WHEREAS this project is included in the 1976 Capita! Program-Utility Section. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Central Services Department be and is hereby authorized to receive bids for the Utility Tunnel repairs and that a report thereon be made to this Board after receipt and tabulation of such bids. The Planning and Building Comrilttee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman 587 !Estimo.ted Cost Actual Cost Remarks Project N.A. Proj(-t to he delayed until Telegraph Road is improved County Center Drive Northwest Extension 515,000 Work completed Under design - ready for bidding in spring, 1977 Scheduled for bidding Octolipr, 1976 N.A. U. A. 553,000 Under construction Order design by Road • Conmi • s i nii- work to h e done in spring, 1977_________ N.A. $40,000' 1-.kii progreSs • • I 588 Connissioners Minutes Continued. Nov,r1ber IP., 1976 CoUUTY FXLCOTIVI OF ClkIRAL SERVICES FCTI :TIES ENGINFERING DIVISION 17,76-'60 CAPITAL PROGRAM UTILITY SECTION STATUS TPORT OCrOBER 12, 1916 • Children's Village Road Improvements Social Services Building Site Wor',.. - Phase II .lity Tunnel Improyerents Utility Tunnel Reconstruction Reconstruction of Hospital Drive County Center Drive East - Resurfacing IOTAL 1976 S 33,000 5210,200 510 4 ,000 93,000 5121,000 5 84,000 _ 5910,200 ftpaummitol Central Services & It _ _ OS rtl!) Oakland Ccionty EXHUTIVI Tide Utility Tunnels Improvements Coca Service Center Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 511 9 CfPIl 1., l ll.IHflVlN1LNI I' I( ()Ci A M PRO,ILC:T REWII PART Date 1st. I. kted aiteguly tn,[ny (A hlowy 1974 A irpvrt I I S,dril.1 :1 r Description and Function Utility tunnels are used to enclose thr steam and condensate lines whit ara us2d to he ard c.00l the ieioritv of huildinu on the County Service Center. The steam is producd at the Central Healing Mant then -transmitted to the various buildings through these underground structures. Besides steam and condensate lines these structures in some cases also contain other utilities. At the present time, many of the older tunnels are cracked and allowing leakage of water into the tunnels. Lack or maintenanie on these cracks could eventually result in total collapse of the tunne1%. improved ventilation is needed hecau!.r during the summri month ,. the temperatures are so high in some of the tunnels that it is impossible to work ill these areas. Constant inspection and maintenance qf the utilities in the tunnels is needed to assure proper working etivironment in County buildings. 11 h Current Status (Show % or Date' PLANNING —_?_t_ — FINAL DESIGN Disposition or Existing Facility and Land BU N DI NG Plit.IGHAM SCIIEMAa IC DESIGN 11EADY lk .:01`J;•:I RLICTION N .11. Servicv!, $6,,0011.w.) 25 00n n11 ?,(11)11.ifil }Oil He, 9 OPl-1 _ 1;rio,(100:00 NO lin 59C Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 CAPIIA! 11,.1Pli01/1.1VILNI PlIOCHIA10 1'HO,ILiC1 lif 01.11:ST EXECUTIVF. PAIII 11 Constrti_ctionjPr.plincrY) Tunnel Repairs Ventilation Improvements TOTAL COTRDC.IfON Construction Supervision Administrative Maintenance Charges Contingency - TOTAL PROOECI COST 14,000,00 $104,000.06 Curr,,Iltant D.C.S. _ Pre F u•din9 Po .dNe 0,1 id- CwsAriv.tion Moved by Wilcox supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. AYES: Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Dearborn, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Miscellaneous Resolution 7743 By Mr. Wilcox IN RE CLINTON-OAKLAND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - WATERFORD EXTENSIONS PHASE III To the Oakland County 3oard of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Charter Township of Waterford is in urgent need of the sewage disposal improve- ments and facilities which are described in the form of proposed contract hereinafter mentioned as constituting the "Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System - Waterford Extensions Phase III (herein- after sometimes referred to as the "county system" or the "system"), in order to abate pollution of the waters of the township and thus to promote the health and welfare of the residents thereof, which improvements and facilities would likewise benefit the county and its residents, and the parties to said proposed contract have concluded that such improvements and Facilities can be most economically and efficiently provided and financed by the County through the exercise of the powers conferred by Act 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, and especially Sections 5a, 5b and 5c thereof; and WHEREAS the County Drain Commissioner (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "County Agency") has accordingly caused to be prepared a proposed contract between the county and the Charter Township of Waterford, dated as of September 1, 1976, providing for the acquisition, construction and financing of said county system and has also caused to be prepared by the county's consulting engineers, plans for the construction thereof and estimates of the cost and the period of usefulness thereof, all of which have been submitted to this Board of Commissioners for its approval and adoption and have been placed on file in the office of the County Agency, a description of such facilities and Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 and said estimates being respectively set forth in Exhibits A and B attached to said proposed contract; and WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners desires to proceed with the establishment of said system and the acquisition, construction and financing of said system as provided in said contract; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, as follows: 1. That this Board by majority vote of its members-elect does hereby authorize and direct that there be established, and there is hereby established, under and pursuant to Act No. 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, a system of sewage disposal improvements and services to be known as the "Clinton-Oakland Sewaee Disposal System - Waterford Extensions Phase Ill", which system shall consist of enlargements, additions and improvements to the existing sewage treatment facilities and sanitary sewers and related facilities, as specified and to be located as stated in the form of proposed contract above mentioned; that the Oakland County Drain Commissioner is hereby designated and appointed as the "County Agency' for said County system; that the said County Agency shall have all the powers and duties with respect to said County system as are provided by law and especially by said Act 342; and that all obligations incurred by the County Agency with respect to said system, unless otherwise authorized by this Board, shall be payable solely From funds derived from State and/ or Federal grants or payments to be made by the Charter Township of Waterford as provided in the said contract. 2. That the actions of the County Agency in causing the plans and estimates for the system to be prepared are hereby ratified and confirmed and said plans and estimates are hereby approved and adopted. 3. That the proposed contract between the County of Oakland and the Charter Township of Waterford, dated as of September I, 1976, is hereby approved and adopted, and the Oakland County Drain Commissioner (as the County Agency for the system) is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver said contract for and on behalf of the county in as many counterparts as may he deemed advisable. 4. That the copy of said proposed contract as submitted to and approved by this Board be identified by endorsement thereon by the County Clerk of the statement "Approved by Board of Commis- sioners on November 18, 1976, and be attached to the minutes of this meeting. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman ADOPTED: YEAS: Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Dearborn, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price. (21) NAYS: None. (0) ABSENT: Daly, Douglas, Denleavy, Gabler, Perinoff, Roth. (6) CONTRACT CLINTON-OAKLAND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM WATERFORD EXTENSIONS - PHASE III THIS CONTRACT, made this 1st day of September, I976, by and between the COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan county corporation (hereinafter called the "county"), by and through its Drain Commis- sioner (hereinafter referred to as the "County Agency"), party of the first part, and the TOWNSHIP OF WATERFORD, a Charter township corporation in the County of Oakland (hereinafter called the "Municipality"), party of the second part: WITNESSET H: WHEREAS pursuant to Act No. 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended (hereinafter sometimes referred to as "Act 342"), the Board of Commissioners of the county has heretofore, by majority vote of its members-elect, authorized and directed that there be established a county system of sewage disposal improvements and services to serve the municipality, said system to be known as the "Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System - Waterford Extensions Phase III" (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "county system" or as the "system"), and has designated the Oakland County Drain Commissioner as the County Agency for the system with all powers and duties with respect thereto as are provided by Act 342; and WHEREAS under and subject to the terms of Act 342, the county is authorized, through the County Agency, to acquire and construct the sewage disposal improvements and Facilities hereinafter described as constituting the county system, the county and the municipality are authorized to enter into a contract, as hereinafter provided, for the acquisition and construction of the system by the county and for financing all or part of the cost thereof by the issuance of bonds by the county secured by the pledge of the fell faith and credit of the township to pay such cost with interest to the county in installments extending over a period not exceeding forty (40) years, and the county is authorized to issue such bonds and, if authorized by majority vote of the members-elect of its Board of Commissioners, to pledge its full faith and credit for the payment of such bonds and the interest thereon; and WHEREAS the municipality is in urgent need of such sewage disposal improvements and facilities to provide the means of treating and disposing of sanitary sewage of the municipality, in order to abate pollution of the waters of the municipality. county and State of Michigan, and thus to promote the health and welfare of the residents thereof, which improvements and facilities would 591 592 Commissioners minutes Continued. Noverber 1-3, 1976 likewise benefit the county and its resident-. and the parties hereto have concluded that such improve- ments and Facilities can be most economicallv and efficiently provided and financed by the county through the exercise of the powers conferred by Act 342, and especially Sections 5a, 5b and 5c thereof; and WHEREAS the County Agency has obtained preliminary plans for the county system and also estimates of the cost of the system and the period ol usefulness thereof, all of which have been prepared by Johnson and Anderson, Inc. (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the consulting engineers) and have been submitted to and approved by the Board of Commissioners of the county and the Township Board of the monicipality and placed on file in the office of the County Agency, said estimates being set forth in Exhibit B hereunto attached; and WHEREAS in order to provide for the acquisition and construction or the system by the county and the Financing of the cost thereof by the issuance of county bonds, and for other related matters, it is necessary for the parties hereto to enter into this contract. THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PREMISES AND THE COVENANTS OF EACH OTHER, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The parties hereto do hereby approve and agree to the establishment, acquisition, con- struction and financing of the Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System - Waterford Extensions Phase Ill as herein provided, under and pursuant to Act 342. The municipality by vay of compliance with Section 29, Article VII, Michigan Constitution of 1963, consents and agrees to the establishment and location of the system within its corporate boundaries and to the use by the county of its streets, highways, alleys, lands, rights-of-way or other public places For the purpose and facilities of the system and any improvements, enlargements and extensions thereof, and the municipality further agrees that, in order to evidence and effectuate the foregoing agreement and consent, it will execute and deliver to the county such grants of easement, right-of-may, license, permit or con ,ent as may be requested by the county. 2. The Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System - Waterford Extensions Phase III shall Consist of enlargements, additions and improvements to the existing sewage treatment facilities and sanitary sewers and related facilities as shown on Exhibit A which is hereunto attached and which is hereby made a part hereof, and as are more particularly set forth in the preliminary plans which have been prepared and submitted hy the consulting engineers which plans are on File with the County Agency and arc hereby approved and adopted. The system shall be acquired and constructed substantially in accordance with the said preliminary plans and in accordance with final plans and specifications to be prepared and submitted by the consulting engineers, but variations therefrom which do not materially change the location, capacity or overall design of the system, and which do not require an increase in the total estimated cost of the system, may be permitted on the authority of the County Agency. Other variations or changes may be made if approved by the County Agency and by resolution of the Township Board and if provisions required by Paragraph 8 hereof are made for payment or financing of any resulting increase in the total estimated cost. The estimate of cost of the system and the estimate of period of usefulness thereof as set forth in Exhibit B are likewise hereby approved and adopted. 3. The County Agency shall take or cause to be taken all actions required or necessary, in accordance with Act 342, to procure the issuance and sale of bonds by the County, in one or more series, in whatever aggregate principal amount is necessary to be so financed to defray that part of the total cost of the county system which is in excess of funds available from Federal and/or State grants or other sources. Such bonds shall be issued in anticipation of, and be payable primarily from, the payment to be made by the municipality to the county as provided in this contract, and shall be secured secondarily, if so voted by the Board of Commissioners of the county, by the pledge of the full faith and credit of the county, and the said bonds shall be payable in annual maturities the last of which shall be not more than forty years from the date thereof. 4. The County Agency shall proceed to take construction bids for the system and, subject to the sale and delivery of said bonds, enter into construction contracts with the lowest responsible bidder or bidders, procure from the contractors all necessary and proper bonds, cause the system to be constructed within a reasonable time, and do all other things required by this contract and the laws of the State of Michigan. All certifici-tes for required payments to contractors shall be approved by the consulting engineers before presentation to the County Agency and the latter shall be entitled to rely on such approval in making payment. The county hereby agrees that it will secure, or cause to be secured, and maintained during the period of construction adequate property damage and public liability insurance covering all facilities to be constructed pursuant to this contract. All policies and memorandums of insurance shall provide that the county and the municipality shall be insured parties thereunder and shall contain a provision requiring that the municipality be notified at least ten days prior to cancellation thereof. One copy of each policy and memorandum of insurance shall be filed with the municipality. 5. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the system is to serve the municipality and not the individual property owners and users thereof, unless by special arrangement between the County Agency and the municipality. The responsibility of requiring connection to and use of the system and/or providing such additional facilities, as may be needed, shall be that of the municipality which shall cause to be constructed and maintained, directly or through the county, any such necessary additional facilities. The county shall not be obligated to acquire or construct any facilities other than those designated in paragraph 2 hereof. 6. The municipality shall pay to the county the total cost of the system (less such funds as may become available from Federal and/or State grants or from other sources), which total cost for this purpose shall include, in addition to the items of the nature set forth in Exhibit B (represented by the principal amount of the bonds to be issued by the county plus such funds as may become available Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 593 from Federal and/or State grants or other sources), all interest payable by the county on said bonds and all paying agent fees and other expenses and charges (including the County Agency's administrative expenses) which are payable on account of said bonds (such fees, expenses and charges being herein called "bond service charges"). Such payment shall be made to the county in annual installments which shall be due and payable at least thirty days prior to the day of the month specified in the county bonds as the annual principal maturity date thereof. Such an annual installment shall be so paid in each year, if any principal and/or non-capitalized interest on said bonds falls due during the twelve-month period beginning on such principal maturity date in said year, and the amount of each installment so due and payable shall be at least sufficient to pay all such principal and/or interest thus falling due and all bond service charges then due and payable. The County Agency shall, within thirty days after delivery of the county bonds to the purchaser, furnish the Township Treasurer with a complete schedule of the principal and interest maturities thereon, and the County Agency shall also, at least thirty days before each payment is due to be made by the municipality, advise the Town- ship Treasurer of the amount payable to the county on such date. If the municipality fails to make any payment to the county when due, the same shall be subject to a penalty of 1Z thereof fur each month or fraction thereof that such amount remains unpaid after due. Failure of the County Agency to furnish the schedule or give the notice as above required shall not excuse the municipality from the obligation to make payment when due. Such payments shall be made by the municipality when due whether or not the system has then been completed or placed ;n operation. In the event that additional county bonds shall be issued under the authority of this contract, to defray a part of the cost of the system, the foregoing obligations shall apply to such part of the cost and to said additional bonds insofar as appropriate thereto. 7. The municipality may pay in advance any amount payable to the county pursuant to this contract and in that event shall be credited therefor on future-due amounts as may be agreed by the parties hereto. The municipality may also pay in advance any one or more installments or any part thereof (a) by surrendering to the county any of said county bonds of like principal amount with all future-due coupons attached thereto, or (b) by paying to the county in cash the principal amount of any county bonds which are subject to redemption prior to maturity, plus all interest thereon to the first date upon which such bonds may be called for redemption, and plus all applicable call premiums and bond service charges, and in such event the County Agency shall call said bonds for redemption at the earliest possible date. The installments or parts thereof falling due in the same calendar year as the maturity dates of the bonds surrendered or called for redemption and bonds and coupons so surrendered or redeemed shall be cancelled. S. In the event that it shall become necessary to increase the estimated cost of the system as hereinbefore stated, or if the actual cost of the system shall exceed the estimated cost, whether as the result of variations or changes permitted to be made in the approved plans or other- wise, then (without execution of any further contract or amendment of this contract) the Township Board may, by resolution adopted v,ithin fifteen days after the receipt of construction bids, direct that a portion of the system be deleted sufficient to reduce the total cost to an amount which shall not exceed the total estimated cost as hereinbefore stated by more than 5%, provided that such deletion shall not materially change the general scope, overall design, and purpose of the system, or in the absence of the adoption of such a resolution the municipality shall pay or procure the payment of the increase or excess in cash, or county bonds in an increased or additional amount shall (upon adoption of an authorizing resolution therefor by the Board of Compissioners) he issued to defray such increased or excess cost, to the extent that funds therefor are not available From other sources: Provided, however, that no such increase or excess shall be approved and no such increased or additional county bonds shall be authorized to be issued, nor shall the county enter into any contract For acquisition or construction of the system or any part thereof or incur any obligation for or pay any item of cost therefor, where the effect thereof would be to cause the total cost of the system to exceed by more than 5% its total estimated cost as hereinbefore stated, unless the Township Board shall have previously adopted a resolution approving such increase or excess and agreeing that the same (or such part thereof as is not available from other sources) shall be paid or its payment procured by the municipality in cash or be defrayed by the issuance of increased or additional counLy bonds in anticipation of increased or additional payments agreed to be made by the municipality to the county in the manner hereinbefore provided: Provided, further, that the adoption of such resolution by the Township Board shall not be required prior to or as a condition precedent to the issuance of additional bonds by the county, if the county has previously issued or contracted to sell bonds to pay all or part of the cost of the project and the issuance of the additional bonds is necessary (as determined by the county) to pay such increased, additional or excess costs as are essential to complet i on of the project according to the plans as last approved prior to the time when the previous bonds were issued or contracted to be sold. 9. In the event that the actual cost of the system is less than the total estimated cost, then any surplus available to the county from the sale of county bonds shall, at the option of the Township Board be used either to improve, enlarge or extend the system, or to apply upon future payments due to the county, or to redeem bonds or to purchase the same on the open market, provided that such surplus shall be used to improve, enlarge or extend the system only if authorized by the Board of Commissioners. Any such surplus may, for the purpose of improving, enlarging or extending the system, be supplemented by cash payments to be made by the municipality or such improvements, enlargements or extensions may be financed entirely from such cash payments, where authorized by the Township Board. Where any such surplus is used to redeem or purchase bonds, the same shall be cancelled, and the payments thereafter required to be made by the municipality to the county shall be reduced so as to reflect the resulting saving of interest and the payment required to be made in the calendar year of the stated maturity of said bonds shall he reduced by the principal amount thereof. 594 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 10. Should the municipality fail For any reason to pay the county at the times specified, the nmnunts herein required to be paid, the municipality does hereby authorize the State Treasurer or other official charged with the disbursement of unrestricted state funds returnable to the municipality pursuant to the Michigan constitution to withhold sufficient funds to make up any default or deficiency in funds. If the full faith and credit of the county is pledged for the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds to be issued ey the county and if the county is required to advance any money by reason of such pledge on account of the delinquency of the municipality, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to notify the State Treasurer to deduct the amount of Teney so advanced by the county from any unrestricted moneys in the State Treasurer's possession belonging to the municipality and to pay such amount to the county. The foregoing shall not operate to limit the county's right to pursue any other legal remedies for the reimbursement of moneys advanced on account of the default of the municipality. 11. The municipality, pursuant to the authorization of Section 5a of Act No. 342, does hereby pledge its full faith and credit for the prompt and timely payment of its obligations expressed in this contract and snail each year levy a tax in an amount which, taking into consider- ation estimated delinquencies in tax collections, will be sufficient to pay its obligations under this contract becoming due before the time of the following year's tax collections. Provided, however, that if at the time of making its annual tax levy, the municipality shall have on hand in cash other funds which have been set aside and pledged or are otherwise available for the payment of such contractual obligations falling due prior to the time of the next tax collection, then the annual tax levy may be reduced by such amount. The Township Board shall each year, at least 90 days prior to the final date provided by law for the making of the annual township tax levy, sub- mit to the County Agency a written statement setting forth the amount of its obligations to the county which become due and Payable under this contract prior to the time of the next following year's tax collections, the amount of the Funds which the municipality has or will have on hand or to its credit in the hands of the county which have been set aside and pledged for payment of said obligations to the county, and the amount of the township taxes next proposed to be levied for the purpose of raising money to meet such obligations. The County Agency shall promptly review such statement and, if he finds that the proposed township tax levy is insufficient, he shall so notify the Township Board, and the municipality hereby covenants and agrees that it will thereupon increase its levy to such extent as may be required by the County Agency. 12. No change in the jurisdiction over any territory in the municipality shall in any manner impair the obligations of this contract or affect the obligations of the municipality here- under. In the event that all or any part of the territory of the municipality is incorporated as a new city or village or is annexed to or becomes a part of the territory of another municipality, the municipality into which such territory is incorporated or to which such territory is annexed shall assume the proper proportionate share of the contractual obligations (including the pledge of full faith and credit) of the municipality, which proper proportionate share shall be fixed and determined by the County Agency and shall be binding upon all parties concerned unless, within sixty (60) days after such incorporation or annexation becomes effective, the governing body of the municipality into which such territory is incorporated or to which such territory is annexed and the Township Board shall by mutual agreement and with the written approval of the County Agency fix and determine such proper proportionate share from a committee composed of one representative designated by the Township Board of the municipality, one designated by the governing body of the new municipality or the municipality annexing such territory, and one independent registered engineer appointed by the County Agency. Each governmental unit shall appoint its representative within fifteen (15) days after being notified to do so by the County Agency and within a like time the County Agency shall appoint the engineer third member. If any such representative (other than the appointee of the County Agency) is not appointed within the time above provided, then the County Agency may proceed without said recommendation. If the committee shall not make the recommendation within forty-five (45) days after its appointment or within any extension thereof by the County Agency, then the County Agency may proceed without such recommendation, 13. This contract is contingent upon the county issuing its negotiable bonds as herein provided, to defray such part of the total estimated cost of the system as is necessary to be financed, which bonds shall be issued under the authorization provided in Section 5a, 5b and 5c of said Act 342. Interest on the bonds shall be capitalized and paid from the bond proceeds for a period not exceeding the estimated construction period and one year thereafter. In the event that the bonds are not issued within three years from the date of this contract, then unless extended by mutual agreement it shall become null and void, except that the municipality shall pay all engineering, legal and other Costs and expenses theretofore incurred and shall be entitled to all plans, specifi- cations and other engineering data and materials. 14. Upon completion of the system the county does hereby lease the same to the municipality to operate and maintain the same upon the following terms and condiiions; (a) The Facilities shall be used and operated by the municipality in compliance with all contractual and legal obliaatiens applicable to the municipality, ,ind the municipality expressly covenants and acrees to comely with the provisions of U.S. Public Lae 92-500, the Federal rules and regulations thereunder, and the rules, eeettlations and orders oF the 'lichieen Department of Natural Resources all of which are applicable to the system hy reason of 'rederal and State grants made and received to finance part of the cost of tale facilities hereby leased. (b) The municipality, at its own expense, shall maintain said facilities in good condition ;el Commissioners Minutes Continued, November 18, 1976 595 and repair to the satisfaction of the County Agency. The County Agency shall have the right to in- spect the said facilities at any time and if said facilities or any part thereof are not in a state of good condition and repair, then the County Agency shall notify the municipality in writing as to any deficiency. If the municipality shall fait to restore the facilities to a good condition and repair within a reavieahle time thereafter, then the County Agency shall have the right to perform the necessary work and Furnish the necessary materials, and reimbursement for any expense incurred by the county shall be made by the municipality to the county within thirty (30) days after the expense has been incurred. (c) The municipality shall adopt and continue in existence and shall enforce an ordinance ol ordinances concerning the connections of premises in the municipality to the facilities dud cou- cerning the use of and the payment of charges for the use of the facilities. (d) The municipality shall make and collect from the individual users or the facilities such charges for sewage disposal service as shall be sufficient to pay the cost of the operation and maintenance of the facilities, the cost of sewage disposal charges required to be paid by the municipality, and to establish suitable reserves for operation and maintenance. Such charges may also include an amount determined by the municipality to be used to meet the obligations of the municipality to the county under this contract and other contracts with the county for sewage dis- posal services and facilities. The municipality shall enforce prompt payment of all such chatges as the same shall become due. (e) The municipality shall secure and maintain adequate property damage and public liability insurance covering all facilities hereby leased to it by the county. All policies of insurance shall provide that the township and the county shall be insured parties thereunder and shall contain a provision requiring that the County Agency be notified at least ten days prior to cancellation there- of. One copy of each policy of insurance shall be filed with the County Agency. The municipality agrees to lease the project from the county upon the foregoing terms and conditions and for the period of this contract and agrees to pay the sum of $1.00 per year on January 1st of each year commencing January 1, 1978, and in addition to perform its covenants and agreements set forth in this contract as a rental for said project. 15. The county shall have no obligation or responsibility for providing sewers or sewage disposal facilities except as herein expressly provided with respect to the acquisition of the system or as otherwise provided by contract. The municipality shall have the authority and the responsi- bility to provide such other facilities and shall have the right to expand the facilities of the system by constructing or extending sewers or related facilities, connecting the same to the system, and otherwise improving the system. It is expressly agreed, nevertheless, that no such connection (other than individual tap-ins) shall be made to the system and no improvements, enlargements or extensions thereof shall be made without first securing a permit therefor from the County Agency. Any such permit may be made conditional upon inspection and approval of new construction by the County Agency. It is further agreed that the system shall be used for collection and conveyance of sanitary sewage only and that the municipality shall take all necessary action to prevent entry into the system of storm waters and also to prevent entry of sewage or wastes of such a character as to be injurious to the system or to the public health and safety. 16. All powers, duties and functions vested by this contract in the county shall be exercised and performed by the County Agency, for and on behalf of the county, unless otherwise provided by law or in this contract. 17, The parties hereto recognize that the holders from time to time of the bonds to be issued by the County under the provisions of Act 342, and secured by the full faith and credit pledge of the municipality to the making of its payments as set forth in this contract, will have contractual rights in this contract, and it is therefore covenanted and agreed that so long as any of said bonds shall remain outstanding and unpaid, the provisions of this contract shall not be subject to any alteration or revision which would in any manner adversely affect either the security of the bonds or the prompt payment of principal or interest thereon. The right to make changes in this contract, by amendment, supplemental contracts or otherwise, is nevertheless reserved insofar as the same do not have such adverse effect. The parties hereto further covenant and agree that they will each comply with their respective duCes and obligations under the terms of this contract promptly, at the times and in the manner herein set forth, and will not suffer to be done any act which would in any way impair the contract of said bonds, the security therefor, or the prompt payment of the principal and interest thereon. It is hereby declared that the terms of this contract and of any amendatory or supplemental contract and any contract entered into pursuant hereto, insofar as they pertain to said bonds or to the payment of the security thereof, shall be deemed to be for the benefit of the holders of said bonds. 18. In the event that any one or more of the provisions of this contract shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions hereof, but this contract shall be con- strued as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision has never been contained herein. 19. This contract shall become effective upon its execution by each party hereto and the expiration of 45 days after the date of publication of the notice required by Section 56 of Act 342; Provided, however, that if. within the 45 -day period, a proper petition is Filed with the Township Clerk of the Charter Township of Waterford in accordance with the provisions or said Section 5r of Act 342 then this contract shall not become effective until approved hy the vote of a majority of the electors of the township qualified to vote and voting thereon at a general or special election. This contract shall terminate forty (40) years from the date hereof or on such earlier date as shall be mutually agreed: Provided, however, that it shall not be terminated at any time prior to the payment in full of the principal of and interest on county bonds together with all bond service 596 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 charges pertaining to said bonds. This contract may be executed in several counterparts. The pro- visions of this contract shalt inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed and delivered by the undersigned, being duly authorized by the respective governing bodies of such parties, all as of the day and year first ahnve written. TOWNSHIP OF WATERFCRO COUNTY OF OAKLAND By By Supervisw- County Drain Commissioner (County Agency) By Township Clerk - • 1 In , "";?"' • ‘10/44. 14 • • NI 4 :- '" e• ! - `4.7's I tR,-.1t• • ' I - -i -4- ".,:• ..... 11." ' - >6 - . • • • CLINTON -OAKL AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM WATERFORD TOWNSHIP EXTENSIONS PHASE I SEPTEMBER 1976 EXHIBIT "A" PREPARED BY OAKLAND COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LEGEND PROPOSED SEWERS •••••• EXISTING SEWERS Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 597 N • 1 rIA 0 ' /,!--P-1-11 4 .-..,..,-_. .!,4i, -..,..;., ,..7.7.-,--.17-7t,-- ,L _..7.:::,\ ..::-,,i, ,o,i7i..___ ,,..•,?:,-1. -4 Ii. .--...", „..• • L.,e-_._.'%_.-.,-.- , .., - .r-7_1;.-".,--, t II '.0.-0.7.":',..4, ''. .1"...,."--'-- i...r.., ..... ,i. ,i---. -i .z---„:_-..-,:il.,:, %,.....it:_, ., t; """""" _-_-_1_!.:1„...,. :,...... 0 . f \ :1::" • .... 4 - ..... . i ,... • ,-, 1.- . . fr,e'‘' • .ir. ; -47:9 1 - , -1.......,•,...: i ,4 .t...... 0 .,.., • - .4.,.._.:: ---.....:•-•\,--,-,=,'Ii10 4., r7- -3•1k. STLVOM 598 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 13, 1976 September 7, 1976 • CLINTON-OAKLAND E 1)MPOSAT, SYSTI3,1 WATEIWORD EXTENF:P 11-1/161: III 1:DLit ;qi,t, To I'd: At.:.quilyci Estimate of Cost Construction Cost $ 6,329,000.00 (Contracts 24A, 24B, 26A, 260, 27, 27A 28B) Acquisition of Existing System '1,035,061.01 (Contracts 22, 23, 23A, 25 & 28A) Total Construction Cost $13,364,061.01 Engineering Consulting Engineer .(Design) $482,000.00 Consulting Engineer (Staking & Layout) 229,000.00 Soil Borings 20_,(100 . 00 730,000.00 • Project Administration 300,000.00 Inspection -600,000.00 Easement Acquisition 450,000.00 Act 347 Permit 6,929.00 Financial Consultant 16,910.00 Bond Counsel 27,200.00 Bond Prospectus 3,200.00 Bond Printing 300.00 Publishing Oakland Press $ 200.00 Michigan Contractor & Builder . 150.00 Bond Buyer 600.00 Local Publication 200.00 1,150.00 Contingency 1,066 249.99 Sub-Total $14,566,000.00 Capitalized Interest 1,776,000.00 Total Estimated Project Cost $16,342,000.00 Less Transferred Surplus Funds (-) -5,242,000.00 Total $11,100,000.00 I hereby estimate the period of urefulnens of facility to be forty (40) years and upwards. JOHNSON AND ANDERSON, INC. , • P.E. .1/ EXHIBIT "B" J Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7744 By Mr. Wilcox IN RE: CLINTON-OAKLAND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM WATERFORD EXTENSIONS PHASE IV To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Charter Township of Waterford is in urgent need of the sewage disposal improve- ments and facilities which are described in the form of proposed contract hereinafter mentioned as constituting the "Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System - Waterford Extensions Phase IV" (herein- after sometimes referred to as the "county system" or the "system"), in order to abate pollution of the waters of the township and thus to promote the health and welfare of the residents thereof, which improvements and facilities would likewise benefit the county and its residents, and the parties to said proposed contract have concluded that such improvements and facilities can be most economically and efficiently provided and financed by the County through the exercise of the powers conferred by Act 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, and expecially Sections 5a, 56 and Sc thereof; and WHEREAS the County Drain Commissioner (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "County Agency") has accordingly caused to be prepared a proposed contract between the county and the Charter Township of Waterford, dated as of September 1, 1976, providing for the acquisition, construction and financing of said county system and has also caused to be prepared by the county's consulting engineers, plans For the construction thereof and estimates of the cost and the period of usefulness thereof, all of which have been submitted to this Board of Commissioners for its approval and adoption and have been placed on file in the office of the County Agency, a description of such facilities and said estimates being respectively set forth in Exhibits A and B attached to said proposed contract; and WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners desires to proceed with the establishment of said system and the acquisition, construction and financing of said system as provided in said contract: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, as follows: I. That this Board by majority vote of its members-elect does hereby authorize and direct that there be established, and there is hereby established, under and pursuant to Act No. 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, a system of sewage disposal improvements and services to be known as the "Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System - Waterford Extensions Phase IV", which system shall consist of the enlargements, additions and improvements to the existing sewage treatment facilities and sanitary sewers and related facilities, as specified and to be located as stated in the form of proposed contract above mentioned: that the Oakland County Drain Commissioner is hereby designated and appointed as the "County Agency' for said County system; that the said County Agency shall have all the powers and duties with respect to said County system as are provided by law and especially by said Act 342; and that all obligations incurred by the County Agency with respect to said system, unless otherwise authorized by this Board, shall be payable solely from funds derived from State and/ or Federal grants or payments to be made by the Charter Township of Waterford as provided in the said contract. 2. That the actions of the County Agency in causing the plans and estimates for the system to be prepared are hereby ratified and confirmed and said plans and estimates are hereby approved and adopted. 3. That the proposed contract between the County of Oakland and the Charter Township of Waterford, dated as of September I, 1976, is hereby approved and adopted, and the Oakland County Drain Commissioner (as the County Agency for the system) is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver said contract for and on behalf of the county in as many counterparts as may be deemed advisable. 4. That the copy of said proposed contract as submitted to and approved by this Board be identified by endorsement thereon by the County Clerk of the statement "Approved by Board of Commis- sioners on November 18, 1976, and be attached to the minutes of this meeting. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman ADOPTED: YEAS: Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Dearborn, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Simmons. (21) NAYS: None. (0) ABSENT: Daly, Douglas, Dunleavy, Gabler, Perinoff, Roth. (6) CONTRACT CLINTON-OAKLAND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM WATERFORD EXTENSIONS - PHASE IV THIS CONTRACT, made this 1st day of September, 1976, by and between the COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan county corporation (hereinafter called the 'county"), by and through its Drain Commissioner (hereinafter referred to as the "County Agency"), party of the first part, and the TOWNSHIP OF WATER- FORD, a Charter township corporation in the County of Oakland (hereinafter called the "municipality"), party of the second part: WITNESSET H: WHEREAS pursuant to Act No. 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended (hereinafter 599 600 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 sometimes referred to as "Act 342'1, the Board of Commissioners of the county has heretofore, by majority vote of its members-elect, authorized and directed that there be established a county system of sewage disposal improvements and services to serve the municipality, said system to be known as the "Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System - Waterford Extensions Phase IV" (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "county system" or as the -system"), and has designated the Oakland County Drain Commissioner as the County Agency for the sistem with all powers and duties with respect thereto as are provided by Act 342; and WHEREAS under and subject to the terns of Act 342, the county is authorized, through the County Agerirv, to acquire and construct the sewage disposal improvements and facilities hereinafter described as constituting the county system, the county and the municipality are authorized to enter into a contract, as hereinafter provided, for the acquisition and construction of the system by the county and for Financing all or part of the cost thereof by the ksoance of bonds by the county secured by the pledge of the full faith an credit of the townshin to pay such cost with interest to the county in installments extending over a period not exceeding forty lio) years, and the county is authorized to issue such bonds and, if authorized by majority vote of the members-elect of its Board of Commissioners, to pledge its full Faith and credit for the payment of such bonds and the interest thereon; and WHEREAS the municipality is in urgent need of such sewage disposal improvements and facilities to provide the means of treating and disposing of sanitary sewage of the municipality, in order to abate pollution of the waters of the municipality, county and State of Michigan, and thus to promote the health and welfare of the residents thereof, which improvements and facilities would likewise benefit the county and its residents, and the parties hereto have concluded that such improvements and facilities can be most economically and efficiently provided and financed by the county through the exercise of the powers conferred by Act 342, and especially Sections 5a, 5b and 5c thereof; and WHEREAS the County Agency has obtained preliminary plans for the county system and also estimates of the cost of the system and the period of usefulness thereof, all of which have been prepared by Johnson and Anderson, Inc. (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the consulting engineers) and have been submitted to and approved by the Board of Commissioners of the, county and the Township Board of the municipality and placed on file in the office of the County Agency, said estimates being Set forth in Exhibit B hereunto attached; and WHEREAS in order to provide for the acquisition and construction of the system by the county and the financing of the cost thereof by the issuance of county bonds, and for other related matters, it is necessary for the parties hereto to enter into this contract. THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PREMISES AND THE COVENANTS OF EACH OTHER, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The parties hereto do hereby approve and agree to the establishment, acquisition, con- struction and Financing of the Clinton-Oakland Seuage Disposal System - Waterford Extensions Phase IV as herein provided, under and pursuant to Act 342. The municipality by way of compliance with Section 29, Article VII, Michigan Constitution of 1963. consents and agrees to the establishment and location of the system within its corporate boundaries and to the use by the county of its streets, highways, alleys, lands, rights-of-way or other public places for the purpose and facilities of the system and any improvements, enlargements and extensions thereof, and the municipality further agrees that, in order to evidence and effectuate the foregoing agreement and consent, it will execute and deliver to the county such grants of easement, right-of-way, license, permit or consent as may be requested by the county. 2. The Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System - Waterford Extensions Phase IV shall consist of enlargements, additions and improvements to the existing sewage treatment facilities and sanitary sewers and related facilities as shown on Exhibit A which is hereunto attached and which is hereby made a part hereof, and as are more particularly set forth in the preliminary plans which have been prepared and submitted by the consulting engineers which plans are on file with the County Agency and are hereby approved and adopted. The system shall be acquired and constructed substantially in accordance with the said preliminary plans and in accordance with final plans and specifications to be prepared and submitted by the consuiting engineers, but variations therefrom which do not materially change the location, capacity or overall design of the system, and which do not require an increase in the total estimated cost of the system, nay be permitted on the authority of the County Agency. Other variations or changes may be made if approved by the County Agency and by resolution of the Township Board and ;f provisions required by Paragraph 8 hereof are made for pay- ment or financing of any resulting increase in the total estimated cost. The estimate of cost of the system and the estimate of period of usefulness thereof as set Forth in Exhibit B are likewise hereby approved and adopted. 3. The County Agency shall take or cause to be taken all actions required or necessary, in accordance with Act 342, to procure the issuance and sale of bonds by the County, in one or more series, in whatever aggregate principal amount is necessary to he so financed to defray that part of the total cost of the county system which is in excess of funds available from Federal and/or State grants or other sources. Such bonds shall he issued in anticipation of, and be payable primarily from, the payment to be made by the municipality to the county as provided in this contract, and shall be secured secondarily, if so voted by the Board of Commissioners of the cnunty, by the pledge of the full faith and credit of the county, and the said bonds shall he payable in annual maturities the last of which shall be not nnre than toity years Irom the date thereof, Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 601 4. The County Agency shall proceed to take construction bids for the system and, subject to the sale and delivery of said bonds enter into construction contracts with the lowest responsible bidder or bidders, procure from the contractors all necessary and proper bonds, cause the system to be constructed within a reasonable tine, and do all other things required by this contract and the laws of the State of Michigan. All certificates for required payments to contractors shall be approved by the consulting engineers before presentation to the County Agency and the latter shall be entitled to rely on such approval in making payment. The County hereby agrees that it will secure, or cause to be secured, and maintained during the period of construction adequate property damage and public liability insurance covering all facilities to be constructed pursuant to this contract. All policies and memorandums of insurance shall provide that the county and the municipality shall be insured parties thereunder and shall contain a provision requiring that the municipality be not at least ten days prior to cancella - tion thereof. One copy of each policy and memorandum of insurance shall be filed with the munici- pality. 5. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the system is to serve the municipality and not the individual property owners and users thereof, unless by special arrange- ment between the County Agency and the municipality. The responsbility of requiring connection to and use of the system and/or providing such additional facilities, as may be needed, shall be that of the municipality which shall cause to be constructed and maintained, directly or through the county, any such necessary additional facilities. The county shall not be obligated to acquire or construct any facilities other than those designated in paragraph 2 hereof. 6. The municipality shall pay to the county the total cost of the system (less such funds as may become available from Federal and/or State grants or from other sources), which total cost for this purpose shall include, in addition to the items of the nature set forth in Exhibit B (represented by the principal amount of the bonds to be issued by the county plus such funds as may become available from Federal and/or State grants or other sources), all interest payable by the county on said bonds and all paying agent fees and other expenses and charges (including the County Agency's administrative expenses) which are payable on account of said bonds (such fees, expenses and charges being herein called "bond service charges"). Such payment shall be made to the county in annual installments which shall be due and payable at least thirty days prior to the day of the month specified in the county bonds as the annual principal maturity date thereof. Such an annual installment shall be so paid in each year, if any principal and/or non-capitalized interest on said bonds falls due during the twelve-month period beginning on such principal maturity date in said year, and the amount of each installment so due and payable shall be at least sufficient to pay all such principal and/or interest thus falling due and all bond service charges then due and payable. The County Agency shall, within thirty days after delivery of the county bonds to the purchawr, furnish the Township Treasurer with a complete schedule ci the principal and interest maturities thereon, and the County Agency shall also, at least thirty days before each payment is due to be made by the municipality, advise the Township Treasurer of the amount payable to the county on such date. If the municipality fails to make any payment to the county when due, the same shall be subject to a penalty of 1%, thereof for each month or fraction thereof that such amount remains un- paid after due. Failure of the County Agency to furnish the schedule or give the notice as above required shall not excuse the municipality From the obligation to make payment when due. Such pay- ments shall be made by the municipality when due whether or not the system has then been completed or placed in operation. In the event that additional county bonds shall be issued under the authority of this contract, to defray a part of the cost of the system, the foregoing obligations shall apply to such part of the cost and to said additional bonds insofar as appropriate thereto. 7. The municipality may pay in advance any amount payable to the county pursuant to this contract and in that event shall be credited therefor on future-due amounts as may be agreed by the parties hereto. The municipality may also pay in advance any one or more installments or any part thereof (a) by surrendering to the county any of said county bonds of like principal amount with all future-due coupons attached thereto, or (b) by paying to the county in cash the principal amount of any county bonds which are subject to redemption prior to maturity, plus all interest thereon to the first date upon which such bonds may be called for redemption, and plus all applicable call premiums and bond service charges, and in such event the County Agency shall call said bonds for redemption at the earliest possible date. The installments or parts thereof falling due in the same calendar year as the maturity dates of the bonds surrendered or called for redemption and bonds and coupons so surrendered or redeemed shall be cancelled. 8. In the event that it shall become necessary to increase the estimated cost of the system as hereinbefore stated, or if the actual cost of the system shall exceed the estimated cost, whether as the result of variations or changes permitted to be made in the approved plans or other- wise, then (without execution of any further contract or amendment of this contract) the Township Board may, by resolution adopted within Fifteen days after the receipt of construction bids, direct that a portion of the system be deleted sufficient to reduce the total cost to an amount which shall not exceed the total estimated cost as hereinbefore stated by more than 52, provided that such deletion shall not materially change the general scope, overall design, and purpose of the system, or in the absence of the adoption of such a resolution the municipality shall pay or procure the payment of the increase or excess in cash, or county bonds in an increased or additional amount shall (upon adoption of an authorizing resolution therefor by the Board of Commissioners) be issued to defray such increased or excess cost, to the extent that funds therefor are not available rrom other sources: Provided, however, that no such increase or excess shall be approved and no such increased or additional county bonds shall be authorized to be issued, nor shall the county enter 602 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November IB. 1976 into any contract for acquisition or constraction of the system or any part thereof or incur any obligation for or pay any item of cost therefor, where the effect thereof would be to cause the total cost of the system to exceed by more than 5Y its total estimated cost as hereinbefore stated, unless the Township Board shall havr previously adopted a resolution approving such increase or excess and agreeing that the same (or such part thereof as is not available from other sources) shall be paid or its payment procured by the municipality in cash or be defrayed by the issuance of increased or additional county bonds in anticipation of increased or additional payments agreed to be made by the municipality to the counts in the manner hereinbefore provided: Provided, further, that the ado,tion of such resolution by the Township Board shall not he regoired prior to or as a condition precedent to the issuance of additional bonds by the county, if the county has previously issued or contracted to sell bonds to pay all or part of the cost of the project and the issuance of the additional bonds is necessary as determined by the county) to pay such increased, additional or excess costs as are essential to completion of the project according to the plans as last approved prior to the time when the previous bonds were issued or contracted to be sold. 9. In the event that the actual cost of the system is less than the total estimated cost, then any surplus available to the county from the sale of county bonds shall, at the option of the Township Board be used either to improve, enlarge or extend the system, or to apply upon future pay- ments due to the county, or to redeem bonds or to purchase the sane on the open market, provided that such surplus shall be used to improve, enlarge or extend the system only if authorized by the Board of Commissioners. Any such surplus may, For the purpose of improving, enlarging or extending the system, be supplemented by cash payments to be made by the municipality or such improvements, enlargements or extensions may be financed entirely from such cash payments, where authorized by the Township Board. Where any such surplus is used to redeem or ipurchase bonds, the same shall be cancelled, and the payments thereafter required to be made by the municipality to the county shall be reduced so as to reflect the resulting saving of interest and the payment required to be made in the calendar year of the stated maturity of said bonds shall be reduced by the principal amount there- of 10. Should the municipality fail for any reason to pay the county at the times specified, the amounts herein required to be paid, the municipality does hereby authorize the State Treasurer or other official charged with the disbursement of unrestricted state funds returnable to the municipality pursuant to the Michigan constitution to withhold sufficient Funds to make up any default or deficiency in Funds. If the full faith and credit of the county is pledged for the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds to be issued by the county and if the county Is required to advance any money by reason of such pledge on account of the delinquency of the municipality, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to notify the State Treasurer to deduct the amount of money so advanced by the county from any unrestricted moneys in the State Treasurer's possession belonging to the municipality and to nay such amount to the county. The foregoing shall not operate to limit the county's right to pursue any other legal remedies for the reimbursement of moneys advanced on account of the default of the municipality. 11. The municipality, pursuant to the authorization of Section 5a of Act No. 342, does hereby pledge its full faith and credit for the prompt and timely payment of its obligations expressed in this contract and shall each year levy a tax in an amount which, taking into consid- eration estimated delinquencies in tax collections, will be sufficient to pay its obligations under this contract becoming due before the time of the following year's tax collections: Provided, how- ever, that if at the time of making its annual tax levy, the municipality shall have on hand in cash other funds which have been set aside and pledged or are otherwise available for the payment of such contractual obligations falling due prior to the tine of the next tax collection, then the annual tax levy may be reduced by such amount. The Township Board shall each year, at least 90 days prior to the final date provided by law for the making of the annual township tax levy, submit to the County Agency a written statement setting forth the amount of its obligations to the county which become due and payable under this contract prior to the time of the next following year's tax collections, the amount of the funds which the municipality has or will have on hand or to its credit in the hands of the county which have been set aside and pledged for payment of said obliga- tions to the county, and the amount of the township taxes next pr000sed to be levied for the pur- pose of raising money to meet such obligations. The County Agency shall promptly review such state- ment and, if he finds that the proposed township tax levy is insufficient, he shall so notify the Township Board, and the municipality hereby covenants and agrees that it will thereupon increase its levy to such extent as may be required by the County Agency, 12. No change in the jurisdiction over any territory in the municipality shall in any manner impair the obligations of this contract or affect the obligations of the municipality here- under. In the event that all or any part of the territory of the municipality is incorporated as a new city or village or is annexed to or becomes a part of the territory of another municipality, the municipality into which such territory is incorporated or to which such territory is annexed shalt assume the proper proportionate share of the contractual obligations (including the pledge of full faith and credit) of the municipality, which proper proportionate share shall be fixed and determined by the County Agency and shall be binding upon all parties concerned unless, within sixty (60) days after such incorporation or annexation becomes effective, the governing body of the municipality into which such territory is incorporated or to which such territory is annexed and the Township Board shall by mutual agreement and with the written approval of the County Agency fix and determine such proper proportionate share from a committee composed of one representative designated by the• Township Board of the municipality, one designated by the governing body of the new municipality or Commissioners Minutes Continued. November IS, 1976 fdt3 the municipality annexing such territory, and one independent registered engineer appointed by the County Agency. Each governmental unit shall appoint its representative within fifteen (15) day., after being notified to do so by the County Agency and within a like time the County Agency shall appoint the engineer third member. IF any such representative (other than the appointee of the County Agency) is not appointed within the time above provided, then the County Agency may proceed without said recommendation. If the committee shall not make the recommendation within forty-five (45) days after its appointment or within any extension thereof by the County Agency, then the County Agency may proceed without such recommendation. 13. This contract is contingent upon the county issuing its negotiable bonds as herein nr-vided, to defray such part of the total estimated cost (IF the system as is necessary to be financed, which bonds shall be issued under the authorization provided in Section Se, 5b and ir of said Act 342. Interest on the bonds shall be capitalized and paid from the bond proceeds for a period not exceeding the estimated construction period and one year thereafter. In the event that the bonds are not issued within three years from the date of the contract, then unless extended by mutual agreement it shall become null and void, except that the municipality shall pay all engineering, legal and other costs and expenses theretofore incurred and shall be entitled to all plans, specifi- cations and other engineering data and materials. 14. Upon completion of the system the county does hereby lease the same to the municipality to operate and maintain the same upon the following terms and conditions: (a) The facilities shall be used and operated by the municipality in compliance with all contractual and legal obligations applicable to the municipality, and the municipality expressly covenants and agrees to comply with the provisions of the U.S. Public Law 92-500, the Federal rules and regulations thereunder, and the rules, regulations and orders of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources all of which are applicable to the system by reason of Federal and State grants made and received to finance part of the cost of the facilities hereby leased. (b) The municipality, at its own expense, shall maintain said facilities in good condition and repair to the satisfaction of the County Agency. The County Agency shall have the right in inspect the said facilities at any time and if said facilities or any part thereof are not in a state of good condition and repair, then the County Agency shall notify the municipality in writing as to any deficiency. If the municipality shall fail to restore the Facilities to a good condition and repair within a reasonable time thereafter, then the County Agency shall have the right to per- form the necessary work and furnish the necessary materials, and reimbursement for any expense incurred by the county shall be made by the municipality to the county within thirty (30) days after the expense has been incurred. (c) The municipality shall adopt and continue in existence and shall enforce an ordinance or ordinances concerning the connections of premises in the municipality to the facilities and con- cerning the use of and the payment of charges for the use of the facilities. (d) The municipality shall make and collect from the individual users of the facilities such charges for sewage disposal service as shall be sufficient to pay the cost of the opetation and maintenance of the facilities, the cost of sewage disposal charges required to be paid by the municipality, and to establish suitable reserves For operation and maintenance. Such charm's may also include an amount determined by the municipality to be used to meet the obligations ol the municipality to the county under this contract and other contracts with the county for sewage disposal services and facilities. The municipality shall enforce prompt payment of all such charges as the same shall become due. (e) The municipality shall secure and maintain adequate property damage and public liability insurance covering all facilities hereby leased to it by the county. All policies of insurance shall provide that the township and the county shall be insured parties thereunder and shall contain a provision requiring that the County Agency be notified at least ten days prior to cancellation thereof. One copy of each policy of insurance shall be filed with the County Agency. The municipality agrees to lease the project from the county upon the foregoing terms and conditions and for the period of this contract and agrees to pay the sum of $1.00 per year on January 1st of each year commencing January 1, 1978, and in addition to perform its covenants and agreements set forth in this contract as a rental for said project. 15. The county shall have no obligation or responsibility for providing sewers or sewage disposal facilities except as herein expressly provided with respect to the acquisition of the system or as otherwise provided by contract. The municipality shall have the authority and the responsi- bility to provide such other facilities and shall have the right to expand the facilities of the system by constructing or extending sewers or related facilities, connecting the same to the system, and otherwise improving the system. It is expressly agreed, nevertheless, that no such connection (other than individual tap-ins) shall be made to the system and no improvements, enlargements or extensions thereof shall be made without first securing a permit therefor from the County Agency. Any such permit may be made conditional upon inspection and approval of new construction by the County Agency. It is further agreed that the system shall be used for collection and conveyance of sanitary sewage only and that the municipality shall take all necessary action to prevent entry into the system of storm waters and also to prevent entry of sewage or wastes of such a character as to be injurious to the system or to the public health and safety. 16. All powers, duties and functions vested by this contract in the county shall be exercised and performed by the County Agency, For and on behalf of the county, unless otherwise provided by law or in this contract. 17. The parties hereto recognize that the holders from time to time of the bonds to be issued by the County under the provisions of Act 342, and secured by the full faith and credit pledge 604 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 of the municipality to the making of its payments as set forth in this contract, will have contractual rights in this contract, and it is therefore covenanted and agreed that so long as any of said bonds shall remain outstanding and unpaid, the provisions of this contract shall not be subject to any alteration or revision which would in any manner adversely affect either the security of the bonds or the prompt payment of principal or interest thereon. The right to make changes in this contract, by amendment, supplemental contracts or otherwise, is nevertheless received insofar as the same do not have such adverse effect. The parties hereto further covenant and agree that they will each comply with their respective duties and obligations under the terms of this contract promptly, at the times and in the manner herein set forth, and will not suffer to be done any act which would in any way impair the contract of said bonds, the security therefor, or the prompt payment of principal and interest thereon. It is hereby declared that the terms of this coniract and of any amendatory or supplemental contract and any contract entered into pursuant hPrvlo, in;nfar as they pertain to said bonds or to the payment of the security theleof, shall be deemed In hr. for the benefit of the holder.. of said bonds. 18. In the event that any one or more of the provisions of this contract shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions hereof, but this contract shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision has never been contained herein. 19. This contract shall become effective upon its execution by each party hereto and the expiration of 45 days after the date of publication of the notice required by Section 5b of Act 342: Provided, however, that if, within the 45-day period, a proper petition is filed with the Township Clerk of the Charter Township of Waterford in accordance with the provisions of said Section 5b of Act 342 then this contract shall not become effective until approved by the vote of a majority of the electors of the township qualified to vote and voting thereon at a general or special election. This contract shall terminate forty (40) years from the date hereof or on such earlier date as shall be mutually greed: Provided, however, that it shall not he terminated at any time prior to the pay- ment in Full of the principal of and interest on county bonds together with all bond service charges pertaining to said bonds. This contract may be executed in several counterparts. The provisions of this contract shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed and deliver- ed by the undersigned, being duly authorized by the respective governing bodies of such parties, all as of the day and year first above written. TOWNSHIP OF WATERFORD COUNTY OF OAKLAND By By Supervisor County Drain Commissioner (County Agency) By Township Clerk Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 605 ..... r - N - - -I* SCALE 1"= I : Prepared by Johnson a Anderson, Inc EXHIBIT "A" $ 556,800.00 1,485,700.00 1,319,500.00 1,036,000.00 1,251,000.00 1,108,500.00 2,284,200.00 3,110,240.00 427,600.00 $12,587,540.00 606 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 13, 1976 September 23, 1976 CLINTON-OAKLAND SEV.rAG!: DISPOSAL SYSTEM WATERFORD EXTENSIONS - PHASE IV Estimate of Cost Contract 29 Contract 30 Contract 31 Contract 32 Contract 33 Contract 34 Contract 35 Contract 36 Contract 37 Total Construction Cost = Engineering Consulting Engineer (Design) $765,000.00 Consulting Engineer (Stakino & Layout) 195,000.00 Soil Borings . 25 000,00 985,000.00 320,000.00 630,000.00 700,000.00 13,200.00 26,500.00 44,400,00 3,200.00 3,500.00 300,(10 Project Administration Inspection Easement Acquisition . . Act 347 Permit Financial Consultant Bond Counsel Bond Prospectus C.P.A. Report Required for Bond Prospectus Bond Printing Publishing Oakland Press Michigan Contractor & Builder . . Bond Buyer Local Publication 200.00 150.00 600.00 200.00 Contingency Sub-Total Capitalized Interest Total Estimated Project Cost = 1,150.00 1,233 210.00 $16,548,000.00 ___1 ,15_?../_000 00 $19,700,000.00 I hereby estimate the period of u:.efulness of thi-, facility to be forty (40) years Ind upwards. jolINIION AN1) ANDLIMON, Thic„ P.E. # / EXHIBIT "B" 607 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7745 By Mr. Wilcox IN RE: CLINTON-OAKLAND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - WATERFORD EXTENSIONS V To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Charter Township of Waterford is in urgent need of further sewage disposal improvements and facilities which are described in the form of Charter Township Board resolution hereinafter mentioned as constituting the "Waterford Extension V to the Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "county system" or the "system"), in order for ,her to abate pollution of the waters of the township and thus to promote the health and welfare of the residents thereof, which improvements and facilities would likewise benefit the county and its residents, and the Charter Township Board in said resolution have concluded that such improve- ments and facilities can be most economically and efficiently provided and financed by the County through the exercise of the powers conferred by Act 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, and expecially Sections 5a, 5b and Sc thereof which resolution reads as follows: At a regular meeting of the Township Board of the Charter Township of Waterford in the County of Oakland and State of Michigan held in the Township Hall in said Township on the 18 day of October, 1976, at 9:00 o'clock P.M., Eastern Daylight Time, PRESENT: Seeterlin, Griffin, Schell, Richards, Deni, Scott, Ritter ABSENT: None The following resolution was offered by Scott and seconded by Den': WHEREAS certain areas of the Charter Township of Waterford have a need for saniIovy qewacie disposal facilities, said areas being substantially as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof; and WHEREAS it appears both practical and desirable for the County of Oakland to provide sanitary sewage disposal facilities for said areas and to connect the same to the Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System (herein called the "System") as heretofore established, located and extended by said County in the Charter Township of Waterford (herein called "Waterford Extensions") through the further extension of said System in the Charter Township of Waterford (herein called the "Water- ford Extensions V"), all as shown on said Exhibit "A". NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the said County of Oakland, acting thru its Drain Commis- sioner as County Agency designated pursuant to Act No. 342 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1939, as amended, is hereby requested to acquire sewers, and other facilities further extending the Waterford Extensions, as necessary, to relieve the sanitary sewage disposal problems of said areas shown on Exhibit "A" and to finance all of the cost of said facilities shown on Exhibit "A" by the issuance of one or more series of bonds under the provisions of said Act 342 of 1939, as amended, in antici- pation of the collection of amounts to become due under a contract with this Township whereby this Township will agree to pay the cost of acquiring such facilities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said County of Oakland and this Township shall, at an appropriate time hereafter, enter into a contract with respect to the payment by this Township of the cost of the acquisition by the county of said facilities and with respect to the operation and main- tenance of said facilities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Township hereby agrees to reimburse the said County of Oakland for all reasonable engineering, legal and administrative costs hereafter actually incurred in connection with the planning, design, financing and acquisition of the several stages of said sewage disposal facilities in the event that, for reasons beyond the control of said county, the said system is not completed or the bonds to finance the same are not sold. ADOPTED: YEAS: Seeterlin, Griffin, Schell, Richards, Deni, Scott, Ritter NAYS: None STATE OF MICHIGAN ) ) SS COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) I, the undersigned, the duly elected and qualified Clerk of the Charter Township of Waterford, Oakland County, Michigan, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution made and adopted by the Township Board of the Charter Township of Waterford, at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 18 day of October, 1976, the original of which is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official signature this 18th day of October, A.D. 1976. Naomi F. Griffin /s/ Township Clerk \\•... 1 , c • f • . - "i• 7n - 1 ..... • • . ••, ,.1,: • ..; I .• • • • • . • . . .. • • . • • • • /0,'•• : • t !"-• • 1 ••••• joy: .; CLINTON -OAKLAND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM WATERFORD TOWNSHIP EXTENSIONS PHASE V . . ••••• "-I • "“, • • • • • An.. :1 • ' \ • ^.L.'•• 1 . ''''' ''.' 71 I, ' ' .. . sli 1 , r , : • 11/4 \ -1, ....' • - . " i. ...1'. ' •,.. ' . :4; ,. 1 . ,.: -.' - I 1 / / r t • ' • • • ' ' I .. r . .• . ; .'1 -;,•-,- 1 - .r., . •Il '...• ...... . -.?".i. • .r. :. - .r. . •. I - I. 3 . v3 • r 4..: : I - i ..... -,, i I./ • • • ,.. ' . , i , .: ,r".. .. ,.......! •. - ..,.. 1! . -..„ •••,..41. -,,, i .., .' L V A NI 608 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 • " T : I 'e l • •( •• , . "." ..... „ I v,` • - 1 • ..... • .14 I • L ,1" "S"....ALE ' I. . • ' T. t PREPARED BY aco<LAND COUNTY SEPT. 197'6 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORMS EXHIBIT "A" .10 \ 4 • I , •nr.;•,... • - ' • ;, • "•••\ i • . * •I. ' • , • Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 609 ; and WHEREAS the County Drain Commissioner (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "County Agency") will accordingly cause to be prepared a proposed contract between the county and the Charter Township of Waterford providing for the acquisition, construction and financing of said county system and will also cause to be prepared by the county's consulting engineers, plans for the construction thereof and estiootes of the cost And the period of usefulness thereof, all of which will be submitted to this Board of Commissioners for its approval and adoption; and WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners desires to proceed with the establishment of said system and the acquisition, construction and financing of said system as provided in said resolution: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, as follows: 1. That this Board by majority vote of its members-elect does hereby authorize and direct that there be established, and there is hereby established, under and pursuant to Act No. 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, a system of sewage disposal improvements and services to be known as the "Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System - Waterford Extensions V", which system shall consist of enlargements, additions and improvements to the existing sewage treatment facilities and sanitary sewers and related facilities, as specified and to be located as stated in the Form of resolution above mentioned; that the said system shall serve the Charter Township of Waterford; that the Oakland County Drain Commissioner is hereby designated and appointed as the "County Agency" for said County system; that the said County Agency shall have all the powers and duties with respect to said County system as are provided by law and especially by said Act 342; and that all obliga- tions incurred by the County Agency with respect to said system, unless otherwise authorized by this Board, shall be payable solely from funds derived from State and/or Federal grants or payments to be made by the Charter Township of Waterford as provided in the said resolution. 2. That the actions of the County Agency in causing plans and estimates and a contract for the system to be prepared are hereby authorized and approved. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman ADOPTED: YEAS: Wilson, Aaron, Button, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilcox. (19) NAYS: None. (0) ABSENT: Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Gabler, Kasper, Perinoff, Roth. (8) Misc. 7746 By Mr. Daly IN RE: AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS - EXPANDED ALTERATIONS FOR ADMINISTRATIVE ANNEX I To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the CLEMIS Security and Privacy Advisory Committee has reviewed the present security of the Computer Services Division in Administrative Annex I; and WHEREAS the above Committee recommends that certain security measures be taken to comply with the state and federal security requirements which must be completed to interface with the Law Enforcement Information Network (LEIN); and WHEREAS such security measures will involve building alterations and alarm systems which will protect the privacy of records and eliminate the possibility of record destruction. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Central Services Department be and is hereby authorized to receive bids for the expanded alterations to Administrative Annex I and that a report thereon be made to this Board after receipt and tabulation of such bids. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLAICING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE - DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES - FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE ANNEX I ALTERATIONS PROJECT 74-8 OCTOBER 14, 1976 By R3solution 7645 dated July 29, 1976, this office was authorized to 'eceive bids for alterations at the Administrative Annex I to improve security and provide for expansion of the data processing operation. The estimated cost for this work was about $70,000. By memo dated August II, 1976 (copy attached), this office was notified that a CLEMIS Security and Privacy Advisory Committee had reviewed the proposed work and requested many additional items be added to the scope of the project. These additional items as summarized below will double the estimated cost of the project and, thus, needs review and evaluation by the Board of Commissioners on need and availability of funding. The revised estimated cost is listed below: Original Alterations Proposed $ 60,000 Building Alarm System (Fire and Security) 6,000* 610 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 Door Control Access Devices (High Security Areas) Exterior Lighting - Building Parking Lot Lighting Fire Chemical Sprinkler System for Vault and Computer Room Dual Primary Electrical Service Additional Building Alterations TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION Engineering Services $13,000 Acministrative 500 Contingency 7,500 $ 9,000 7,000 5,000 20,000 30,000 15,000 $152,000 S 21,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $173,000 *Alt.o, a monthly service charge of about $25 Alternate to be provided as soon as funding is available. Uninterruptable Power System, estimated at $160,000. Representatives from the CLEMIS Committee and Data Processing will be available to review the need of these additional items. CLEMIS SECURITY & PRIVACY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting - 8-11-76 Place: Oakland County Computer Services Conference Roon, Administrative Annex 1, Pontiac, Michigan Present: Mr. Richard Thompson (Chairman) 0.C. Prosecutor's Office Lt. Lewis M. Doyle (Co-Chairman) 0.C. Sheriff's Department Chief Philip L. Leonard Wixom P.D.. Sgt. Jerry McClure White Lake Twp, P.D. Excused Absence: Chief William C. Stokes Waterford Twp. P.D. Attendance (Non-Voting): Mr. Jack P. Shoemaker (Executive 0.C.C.S. Secretary) Mr. Thomas Davis 0.C.C.S. Ms. Mary Elcar 0.C.C.S. The committee reviewed the Floor plans of the computer site and administrative offices. Discussion ensued regarding areas that require radical changes or simple modification. It was the unanimous opinion of the committee members that the computer room be made totally secure even it it inconveniences 0.C.C.S. personnel. Sgt. Jerry McClure submitted a list of security suggestions for the committee's considera- tion (see attached). Several points were incorporated into the committees recommendation. The Security and Privacy Committee makes the following Site Security Recommendations to 0.C.C.S. Management: I. General A. DOORS - The main entrance will be at the Northwest door, and all visitors or delivery men should come to this door to gain entrance. All other doors including the Northeast door used for deliveries should remain locked at all times. B. ALARMS 1.The doors and windows should be wired with an alarm system that will send a sign'al to the guard on duty when they are open or tampered with. 2. Fire alarms should be installed, in critical areas, that will notify the guard and the 0.C. Sheriff in the event of a fire. C. OUTSIDE LIGHTING Additional lights should be installed to illuminate the building. The lighting should be adequate enough to handle future T.V. monitoring. D. POWER Backup power such as an on site generator should be secured, E. IDENTIFICATION BADGES 1. 0.C.C.S. personnel should wear badges with their picture at all times. 2. Visitors should be issued badges and logged in and out of the building by security officer. F. SECURITY OFFICER 1. On duty 24 hours a day. 2. Stationed at main entrance. 3. All visitors or deli verymen should report to him for entrance to building. 4. He should monitor all alarms. 5. Perform patrol of building and punch watch boxes. 6. Work in concert with Sheriff and Waterford P.D. G. FIRE PREVENTION I. Smoke Detectors and Co2 in critical areas. 2. Have Waterford Twp. Fire Department conduct survey to determine adequacy of Fire Hydrants, Fire Extinguishers, etc. H. POLICE PATROL I. O.C. Sheriff, Waterford Twp, P.O., and County Security. 2. Patrol efforts to he coordinated by Lt. Doyle. Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1876 611 I. CLOSED CIRCUIT TV An effort should be made to gain funds for the installation of CLOSED CIRCUIT TV that will monitor all critical areas. 11. Specific Locations A. COMPUTER ROOM 0107) 1. OUTSIDE WALL should be completely enclosed with no windows to prevent outside access or sabotage. 2. Inside wall dividing hallway should be completely enclosed eliminating existing windows. 3. CO2 FIRE PREVENTION EQUIPMENT SHOULD BE INSTALLED in addition to existing smoke detection equipment. 4. DOOR leading to executive office (113) should be walled in to prevent access from hall door leading to this office. 5. AIR CONDITIONER CONDENSER ON ROOF should be secured through shields or fencing. B. COMPUTER ROOM DOORS 1. DOOR FROM PRODUCTION CONTROL SHOULD BE CONSIDERED ENTRANCE AND ACCESS SHOULD BE CONTROLLED BY INSTALLATION OF A FINGER PRINT SCANNER OR SIMILAR DEVICE, 2. DOOR TO HALLWAY SHOULD BE KEPT LOCKED AND CONSIDERED AN EXIT ONLY UNLESS FINGER PRINT SCANNER CAN BE INSTALLED. 3. DOOR TO OPERATION MANAGER CAN REMAIN OPEN IF WINDOWS ARE ELIMINATED. C. COMPUTER OPERATION MANAGERS ROOM (8108) Windows must be walled in as this room gives direct access to computer room. D. 3704 SITE, ROOM (B111) - I. SECURED DOOR. 2.. ACCESS LIMITED TO CLEMIS APPROVED PERSONNEL. • 3. INSTALL CO2 AND SMOKE DETECTION EQUIPMENT. E. EXECUTIVE OFFICE, (B113) 1. Window should have security screens as room has access to hallway leading to Computer Room. 2. Door to computer room walled in. F. STORAGE AND SUPPLIES ROOMS (8101 and 8103) I. Windows walled in. 2. Doors to hallway kept locked. G. PRODUCTION CONTROL ROOMS (8105 and 8130) - I. Windows walled in. 2. Door to hallway secured at night by punch combination device. H. HALLWAY OUTSIDE COMPUTER ROOM Install walls with steel doors to secure each end of hall. One wall to extend across the hall immediately west of Room 0104's entrance. The second wall to be installed at the west end of room BI13. Limited access during the day, and doors locked at night. I. SOUTHWEST ENTRANCE TO BUILDING I. Plate glass windows to be walled in. 2. Glass doors to be replaced with one steel door, J. LIBRARY VAULT - ROOM (E11120 I. Enclose with masonry walls. 2. Install one fireproof door leading into hall. 3. Security punch combination lock. 4. Access controlled by Librarian. 5. Install CO2 Fire Prevention an smoke detection equipment. K. DELIVERY ENTRANCE - NORTHEAST DOOR 1. Replace glass with double metal doors. 2. Brick in side windows. 3. Doors locked at all times. 4. Access gained through security officer. L. TRANSFORMER ROOM 1. Secured with metal door that is locked at all times. 2. Install guard watch box. M. TELEPHONE LINE ROOM 1. Effort be made to relocate within setured areas. 2. Install metal door that is locked at all Linos. 3. Install guard watch box (common box for telephone line and transformer if they remain in the same location). N. DATA CONTROL ROOM (B112) Install Security Screens on Windows. • O. DATA PREPARATION ROOM (8110) Install Security Screens on Windows. P. LUNCH ROOM (8108) Install Security Screens on Windows. Q. DOOR TO PRESENT COMMUNITY HEALTH BUILDING Kept locked and used as exit only once 0.C.C.S. officially takes over building. • .';") • - ..."-...., .- ._. -, •-,.' -1... , ' ----.. . u., el. I. I 3 1. .....0 .. "I 14 1.1 1,1 ',... J.,..— A \ 1.1.1 .".... 10. ,,,..'0",--_,--, r‹.. Z-7 g_T, ,,,.. ....... L.) / -----_____ V") v.. - ....- ' .1-.. 1 1.1 ''''-, 1,-.!) 1U (7.9 1,3 7 Th t:-•-) 11.-1 71. 11,5 \ 4 • t`) [1-1 z_N • .) z c.) .),17) v•1 • k$,3 , --1 I .• I 612 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18 , 1976 . t.,--..... , t 1 '-- ......_ . I.) r^4 11..1.1 L r k-C1 t.•,•r V. .1 to. %-••=, J • • ;.$ r \\;.. - \ S t•,..1. • tZ) ..,,,...... cs• . ::.„.,..... ks..,...:: ...... . I 1 . ,• .".... I nC..:,.. '''. .1:141 I i. /V- i. 10 .1 i — - - V.— - I c\ 3 . \ . Vid ••-• "Z5 :. - 1 ; ,... .,. I- . t - 1, r,cE . 1/4•1 • tie • • I ---- 0 0 - i 1 'Z. Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 613 CLEMIS SECURITY OUTLINE CLOSED CIRCUIT T.V.: - Outside of building and inside. Not only hallways, but computer room and vault area. ALARM SYSTEM FOR DOORS: Some type of lighting system tellinn guard when doors with restricted area are ajar or opened. INDEPENDENT ELECTRICAL POWER SOURCES: PI for computer 12 for air conditioners !I for closed circuit T.V. g4 for alarm system g5 for general power system BACKUP POWER SUPPLY: In case of major power failures. This should be checked on a regular basis, to insure that it will perform, - should be in limited access area. AIR CONDITIONER: Should have back-up air conditioner for computer room alone, should main system fail. *PHONE CABLES ROOM: Should have a steel door on the entrance. Door should be alarmed and have a two key type lock. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM: Warning alaru, pin pointing point of origin of alarm, and a sprinkling . system of some type. Alarm to automatically dial into Fire Dopartment. OUTSIDE_ WINDOWS: Brick in all windows leading in1_,) tostricted area. VENTILATION SYSTEM: Alarm sy5tem on larger duck work leading into restricted area. *PHONE_ LINES: Check to see if feasible of moving phone lines. PERSONNEL: Security check and back ground check on all personnel under clemis operation and each with limited duties and availability to records. COMPUTER ROOM: Only authorized personnel allowed. SECURITY GUARDS: Possible of having own security people, or permanently assigned personnel from other agency. OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE ANNEX I REMODELING PROJECT 74-3 JUNE ft, 19/6 • The relocation of Cooperative Extension Service dud Veterans Services from the Admini ,.- trative Annex I to the North Office Building in April of 1976 was part of an overall space plan to provide additional facilities and space For Data Processing. In the 1976 Capital Program, the Administrative Annex I Remodeling was listed with a priority of six and an estimated cost of $100,000. The proposed alterations and remodeling at the Administrative Annex I would involve the following items: (I) Improvement of the electrical service (present service is marginal and additional capacity is needed for safety). (2) Security and fire protection improvements, including a vault for storage of tapes. and disc packs. (3) Improvement in the location of the various units of the Data Processing Division to improve work flow and provide then with proper space. The estimated cost of the project is about S80,000. The last major remodeling in this building took place in 1969-70 and at that time Data Processing had about 35 employees. Presently they have about 94 employees. Data Processing originally was using about 9,700 net square feet of floor area and after this proposed work is complete, they will be using 15,200 net square feet of floor area. It should be noted that a considerable amount of their space is used by. equipment and storage. At this time it i5 requested that approval be granted to advertise and receive bids for this work or allocate the sum of 580,000 and assign the project to the Maintenance Division. 02<krid County EXECUTIVE -- • — - Administrative Annex I Remodeling PART I ,,rCentral servicc! . . Tire Priority Six 614 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 CAPITAL 1:1PROVEMENT.PROGRAM PROJECT REQUEST L.5 Ljtion I Dam Service Center 'December, 1975 Date 1. Li;ted 1972 Ca EeSOry AL-von 0 Dtscription and Function _ . . Upon completion of the North Office Building RenovatiOns,'-CooPerEitive Extenlion and Veteraos Affairs row loi:Ated a 1 dministrativAnnex -I will be relocated. Their present space will be converted for the.expandirig - needs of the Computer Services Division. Presently, Computer .Services- uses about 14,000 square feet in the building and at the completion of this project will use about 21,000 square fet. There are 9) employees _assigned to this department at the present time. - . ,•. • • The work involves providinc secure fire-vool- stori;q(,.exparided - electrical capability, remodeling to provide additional offices for programmers and additional space for computer eguipmeec.-. Also, as part of this project, some additional securty proviOons will he provided. • vor the overall building. . ' ".urrerrt Scarto (Sperp• % or Dar') -10- A • - ;-,- • ..-1Ancf 1°Y4 Bill:LC:NG PFIOCr!Aryi . SCIIEMATR; DESIGN FINAL DESIGN fitADY FOR..00.19S Dirposition cEE it,ri Fatility and N.A. Depatment of Central -Service!. $84,00o 4,01)0 5 ,000 •1U0 n ." $100,000 TOTAL PROJECT .•: CommisT,ioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT REQUEST - PARTR . • • 615 0A1.nrai Cnty EXECUTIVE Cot Es:irnetia in 19 76 Dollars Co'nstructi on (Prel imi nany_) - • 21 ,000 sq.ft. @_ $4_ • Construction Supervisi on Engineering • Administrative • • Contingency • Cl.-s;Trt .Consulzant Previous Fundnril • .None $12,000 (4-725), $27,600 (1,1-7/6) Possible Outsids Corrstruction Funds None • 616 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 Moved by Wilcox supported by Murphy the resolution be adopted. AYES: Wilson, Aaron, Button, Dearborn, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilcox. (20) NAYS: None. (0) - A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Price IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7721 - ACCEPTANCE OF CIRCUIT COURT COMPUTERIZATION GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Public Service Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7721 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman "Misc. 7721 By Mr. Price IN RE: ACCEPTANCE OF CIRCUIT COURT COMPUTERIZATION GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution #7622, the County of Oakland filed a grant application for the County Circuit Court Computerized Court Management System; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Circuit Court has been notified of a Federal grant award in an amount of $109,027 plus $6057 in State matching funds and 56057 in County matching funds for a total grant funding of $121,141 for the County Circuit Court Computerized Court Management System. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland hereby authorizes the acceptance of the Federal grant funds in the amount of S121,141 for the County Circuit Court Computerized Court Management System. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr„ Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7721 - ACCEPTANCE OF THE OAKLAND COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT COMPUTERIZED COURT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution N772I and finds that the County's matching funds of 56,057 are provided for in the existing Circuit Court Data Processing Budget. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Price supported by Patterson the report be accepted and resolution #7721 be adopted. AYES: Aaron, Button, Dearborn, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution 117721 was adopted. Misc. 7747 By Mr. Price IN RE: ACCEPTANCE OF CRIME PREVENTION BUREAU GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS on June 17, 1976, the Board of Commissioners by Resolution N76I2, approved the grant application for the Crime Prevention Bureau Grant, as requested by the Sheriff's Department; and WHEREAS said grant application has been approved by the Law Enforcement Assistance Adminis- tration, and funds in the amount of $53,038 nave been awarded. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the LEAA award for the Crime Prevention Bureau Grant in the amount of 558,088. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman Commissioners Minutes Continued. November IS, 1976 617 Moved by Price supported by Moffitt the resolution he adopted. Mr. Pernick requested the resolution be referred to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7748 By Mr. Price IN RE: C.E.T.A. TITLE 1 ON-THE-JOB TRAINING CONTRACTS (RHASE 1A) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners M•.. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor of Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of Title 1 of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS Oakland County's C.E.T.A. Title I Grant Application has been filed and approved by the U.S. Department of Labor; and WHEREAS On-The-Job Training represents a major component in Oakland County's approved Manpower Program; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Manpower Advisory Council recommends the contract included herein as Phase IA of Oakland County's C.E.T.A. Title I On-The-Job Training program. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the award of Phase IA of C.E.T.A. Title I On-The-Job Training contracts in the total amount of $156,727 consistent with the attached budget. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman NUMBER or conry.Ny POSITIoN TRAINEES _ ECiRl PARK MY (A1l' I.C. Iltil 1.lin [1.. il a.m I P,160.00 e Id DELTA PETROLEUM SLRVICE CO., I:1C. Service Flq:IIIVVI lrainue 1 3,600.00 Royal Oak . CORRIMTE0 OR• OF Store Manaur Trainee 1 2,600.00 Pontiac ALL CllY TV & APPLIANCES 1V Service & Rcpairman Appr. 1 2,860.00 Royal Oak BELCASTRO.PONTIAC, INC. Automobile Painter's Helper 2 3,600.00 Ferndale. • MOBIL OIL CORPORAlioN Servi,c ManJger 1 2,8:a1.00 Birminham MOBIL OIL CORPORATION Auto Mechanic A1.1 iii! 1 1 2,1.1'0.00 Birmingham WASHINGTON SO[HAM: CLINIC Medical 1tecIml ion i 1 2,1E0.00 Royal Oak AEPOLLOGER CORPORATION (3) Security Officr 2 l,214.00 Union Lake PAMET 1101.'jiS, INC. Secretary 1 2,3h0.00 . Bloomfield Hills SELESNY AND JOELSON, ArlY. Legal Asisianl trainee 1 3,740.00 Farmington Hills PETER PAPPAS, ATTORNEY Office Manager I . 2,660.00 Troy . . L 6 M HEATING, INC. Genera! Clerh 1 2,W1.00 Southfield ' PONTIAC PIPER, INC. Lino Servo.... TF;IiIICO . 1 2,040.00 Pontiac 4.41 618 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 NUM3ER OF COMPANY POSITION TRAINEES TOTAL TIECO PRODUCTS, INC. Draftsman 1 2,700.00 Troy EOUSE OF MAPLE (North) Corp. Furnitur, MAn 1 1,400.00 Clarkstu- Dr. D. HOLLOWAY Ophtlialmoloy 7,570.00 Pontiac OAKLAND OPHTIIALMOLOGY Ophthalmology Assi!;tan; 2 4,370.00 Rochester SUNSHINE STRIPPING Furniture Refinisher Apprent. 1 2,000.00 Ferndale REALTY WORLD Real Estate Clerk 1 1,920.00 Madison Heights BORING COMPANY Boring 1C11 OperatorTrainee 2 4,009.00 Hazel Park AMERICAN X-RAY & RADIOLOGICAL SERV. X-Ray Technician 2 4,200.00. Pontiac INDEPENDENCE AlUO PARTS Automobilc Parts Clcrk 1 2,010.00 Clarkston MOTOR CAMS, INC. Centerless Grinder Opr True 2 ' 3,250.00 Royal Oak CENTURY SUPPLY CORPORATION Designer 1 1,019.00 Berkley COUMUN1TY MANAGEMENT COMPANY General Clerk I 1,800.00 Southfield COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT COMPANY . Beokkeeper 1 2,240.00 Southfield THE FRAME SHOP Automobile Body Repair (1 ,r;;x,$) 2 4,160.00 Royal Oak R. T. AUTOMOTIVE Automobile Body Repairman 2 11,160.00 • Royal Oak SUBURBAN CONSTRUCTION Tradesman Trainees 2 8,320.00 Berkley UNIVERSAL POWER, INC. Power Tool Repairman 1 1,560.00 Madison Heights A. G. DAVIS GAGE ENGINEERING CO. Production Control Clerk 2 3,200.00 Hazel Park MEINER's INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS General Clerk 1 1,560.00 Walled Lake SOUTHFIELD CHAMBER OF COM:,ERCE (3) General Clerk 1 1,00.00 Southfield lEE GLANNAN COMPANY, INC. General Clerk 1 1,800.00 Berkley TOM HALBEISEN, INC. Auto Merhanic I 1,560.00 Birmingham TOM HALBEISEN, INC. Auto Reconditioner 1 1,000.00 Birmingham Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 619 COMPANY . . POSITION NUMBER OF TRAINEES TOTAL — — - — UNITED STIVIES DENTAL 1,.A1.1..W.A.1•;.111I Dcntal Technici.in 1 1,800.00 Troy 1CLIVERV SERVICE, INC.(FC1;) Furniture Mover - Semi Truck Dr 1 640.00. Punt STPMPPITE INDUSTRIES (FS) Machine Repairm:.n Trainci: 1 3,44c.00 STAn?RiTE INDUSTRIES (FCS) Punch-Tress Operator Trainee 1 • 2,160.00 Pontiac UNIVERSAL RECYCLING, INC. (E:S) Yardman 2 4,274.40 Pontiac SAM ALLEN & SON; INC. (ICS) Auto Salvage Yardman 2 4,274.40 PnItiac UNIVERSAL PROCESSING, INC. (FCS) Wrecking Mechanic 2 4,274.40 Pontiac CLEAN VATER TROPICAL FISH Store Manager Trainee 1 2,600.00 Clawsr,a AFC0 UNW]RWRITER's, INC. General Clerk 1 1,560.00 Farmiagi...on 1N0EX-0 GRIND, INC. MachinitA Trainee 2 4,160.00 Troy INTERCORP, INC. General Inspector 2 2,000.00 • Auburn Heights DOEUN, MAYHEW, GROB & McNXIARA Office Manager Trainee 1 3,120.00 (CAP AU) • • Ferndale . PONTIAC PIPER, INC. Pontiac CRANBROOK REALTY Farmington Hills MOREL J. ROTH, MD Birmingham NUCLEUS CORPORATION Madison Heights J. C. TIRES & AUTOMOTIVE,. INC. Union Lake BEAUMONT STANDARD SERVICE Southfield BEAUMONT STANDARD SERVICE Southfield SPORTS VILLAGE Union Lake D's INDUSTRIES Troy General Clerk 1 1,820-.00 Real Estate Clerk 1 2,160.00 Medical Trainvy 2 2,4W.00 Quality Control heirector 2 2,000.00 Automobile Mechanic Apprentice 1 1,820mo Asst. Station Manager Trainee 1 2,81(0.00 Auto Mechanic Apprentice 1 2,160.00 Assistant Store Manager 1 2,000.00 Machinist 2 620 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 Moved by Price supported by Button the resolution be adopted, AYES: Aaron, Button, Dearborn, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Kacper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Pattcrson, Pernick, Price, Simmon ,., Wilcox, Wilson, (21) (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7749 By Mr. Price IN RE: PRE-VOCATIONAL CLASSROOM TRAINING CONTRACT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor as Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of Title I of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS Oakland County's C.E.T.A. Title I Grant Application has been filed and approved by the U.S. Department of Labor; and WHEREAS the contractor has successfully completed performance objectives for Its previolo. contract with the Department of Labor; and WHEREAS the pre-vocational training provides the remedial improvement in basic skills necessary for vocational training; and WHEREAS pre-vocational training provides an important alternative for enrollees with basic skill levels less than those required for training or job placement. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the monies awarded for pre-vocational classroom training for the period of September 4, 1976 through September 30, 1977 not exceed the amount of $47,965.00. NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a quarterly report for review of performance. objectives be submitted to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price. Jr., Chairman C. ' . A . •T I '1' r I FY _ . . f ; « r,- 11 OBJECTIVES BUDGET BREAKDOWSN 1976 PROGRAM RESULTS PRE-VOCATIONAL CLASSROOM TRAINING OBJECTIVES In order to meet the imal of creatinr a Pre-Vocational Training Program whose prime objective is to raise student achievement to the appropriate job entry or training level, this proposal will focus on- the following oNcetives: 1. To provide training in maLhemati and arithmetic skills. -2.- To provide hasic hnd remedi:11 traittitm in readinr. 3. TO provide Geocrul Educational Devolopment Test Preparation for those sfudent:i ideatitied by intake and eounwling to need such preparation. NAYS: None, Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 621 PRE-VOCATIONAL CLASSROOM TRAINING 0;TPACT Pre-Vocational Funding FY-77 1. CETA - Title I - 47,965 2. State Aid Act - 30,471 7F1,436 Breakdown of Budget 1. Administration: Wages/Salaries 2,000 RenL/Uti_litier; 979 Indirect Costs 1 338 4,317 (916) 2. Training for Particip: Wages/Salarie; 4 tpacher, cleri(.11 Aidt. 33,727 Stn F Byno F i t 6,900 4:1,(14n . (91%) 3. All()mLne(,s 0 • 4, Services -t.) Participants 0 0 47,965 (100%) PRE-VOCATIONAL CLASSROOM TEANIN6 CONTRACT 1975/76 PROGRAM RE:iULTS Last Year 0 - - 11)7b06 o,t lunded under CETA 73,644 - - Funded under State Aid Act, Mich I Department of Education Time 3-5-75 Co 9-3-76 This year 47,963 Time. 9-4-76 [m 13 montlu-: 75 66 42 281 225 5. Grand Total 622 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 Results 1975/76 rt.7-77 (Projected) 1. Total Number of Positions 150 100 2. Total Number of Enrollees 281 225 3. Total Enrollees Plaaed in Jobs 42 2b 4. Referrals Referred Enroll(.d 11cferrod Enrolled ' . . _ _ . . . _ • a.• Placed in Jobs 42 42 25 b. Classroom Training 106 - 88 c. 0-J-T 42 - 34 d. Work-Experience 16 - 12 e. Other (Military,etc) — Total Positive Terminations 206 159 Total Non-Positive Terminations Note: Costs for Period 4-76 to 9-76 not included. BI-LINGUAL CLASSROOM TRAINING OBJECTIVES In order to meet the goal of creating a prevocational training program that is responsive to the special vocational needs of these adults, this proposal will focus on the follow- ing objectives: 1. To provide training in EogliNh no n!:ccond language for monolingual and bi-lingual 2. To provide training in knffliti and/or :Thanie:ii in preparation for tile C 3. To provide basic and remedial training in English and math skills in identified .pre-vocational areas for :;tudent::. The target population of thi'; proposal will be Spanish- dominant adults with limited Englih-!;peaking ability in the Pontiac community. Commissioners Minutes Continued. Novenher 18, 1976 623 The Vice Chairman announced pursuant to Rule XI-E the matter shall be laid over to the next regular Board meeting. Misc. 7750 • By Mr. Price IN RE: BI-LINGUAL CLASSROOM TRAINING CONTRACT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution 0646 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor as Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of Title I of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS Oakland County's C.E.T.A. Title I Grant Application has been filed and approved by the U.S. Department of Labor; and WHEREAS the contractor as successfully completed performance objectives for it's previous contract; and WHEREAS the bi-lingual c:assroom training contract provides a means of reducing unemployment caused primarily by the lack of proficiency in the English language, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the monies awarded for Bi-lingual remedial training for the period of December 1, 1976 through September 30, 1977 not exceed the amount of $83,644.00. • NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a quarterly report for review of performance objectives be submitted to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. ' • PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman C.E.T.A. TITLE I FY-77 BI-LINGUAL CLASSROOM TRAINING CONTRACT OBJECTIVES BUDGET BREAKDOWN FY-76 PROGRAM RESULTS $ 6,7oo. oo $ 5000.00 $ 1700.00 5.0 TOTAL COSTS (Sum of Lines 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 $83,644.00 624 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 BI-LINGUAL CLASSROOM TRAINING CONTRACT BUDGET BREAKDOWN tIrnIZED au0;PT INDIVIDUAL ITFM TOTAL 1.0 ADMINISTRATION $10,622.00 1.1 Administrative Wages $ 4,139.00 and Salaries (No more than 5% of Total Budget) • 1.5 Rent and Utilities to $ 4,000.00 P.O.I.C. 1.9 Other - Indirect Costs $ 2,483.00 (.030) 2.0 TRAINING FOR PARlICIPANTr $66,322.00 2.1 Wages and Salaries $50,287.00 2 Full-Time Teachers, 1 Sixteen (16) hour per week Teacher, 1 Diagnostician, 1 Teacher Assistant, 1 Clerical Aide 2.2 Fringe Benefits (Staff) $ 6,035.00 12% of Line Item 2.1 2.4 Books and Teaching Aids $ 4,000.00 2.5 Equipment $ 3,000.00 2.6 Supplies (Consumable) $ 2,000.00 2.7 Other (Staff In-Service) $ 1,000.00 3.0 ALLOWANCES TO PARTICIPANTS -0- (To be completed by Prime Sponsor Only) 4.0 SERVICES TO PARTICIPANTS 4.3 Evaluation 4.4 Repair of Equipment and estimated 100 GED Tests at $15.00 each Commissioners Minutes Continued. Nove-..ber 18, 1976 625 BI—LINGUAL CLASSROOM TRAINING CONTRACT FY-76 PROGRAM RESULTS Last year 49,718.29 Time 6-1-76 to 11-30-76 6 months This year 83,644.00 Time 12-1-76 to 9-30-77 10 months Results 40 positions serviced 73 clients 28 continued with present program 45 terminated 36 placed in jobs or training 16 jobs 20 skill ftraining The Vice Chairman announced pursuant to Rule XI-E the matter shall be laid over to the next. regular Board meeting. Misc. 7751 By Mr. Price IN RE: CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING GRANT CONTINUATION APPLICATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Public Services Committee has reviewed the Criminal Justice Planning Grant Application, and the Finance Committee's Report on said grant; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends the continuation of the Criminal Justice Planning Grant. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve: and authorizes the filing of the Criminal Justice Planning Grant Continuation in accordance with !he attached Finance Committee Report. The Public Services Connittee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman "REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING GRANT CONTINUATION APPLICATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed the subject Criminal Justice Planning Grant Continuation Application for the period of October I, 1976 through September 30, 1977. . This application is For the continued funding of three (3) positions and related operating costs. The total program cost is $92,158 of which the County portion would be $4,608 or (5). The remaining $87,550 or (952i) would come from Federal and State sources. The salaries of the three (3) positions reflect an anticipated 5 salary adjustment of the beginning of 1977 with the exception of the Planning Technician. This position reflects an additional equity salary adjustment of 80. It should be noted that the processing of this grant application does not automatically authorize the subject salary increases. Rather, the salary for each position will be subsequently reviewed and revised by the Personnel Practices Committee and the Board of Commis- sioners. 626 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 In addition, the Oakland County Of=ice of Criminal Justice Planning proposes to initiate a program of printing and mailing of documents among sixty three local units of Oakland County Govern- ment at the added expense of approximately 51,800. Included in the total program cost of $92,158 is S10,408 which represents indirect costs (15.77 of salaries and fringe benefits). Oakland County is in the process of negotiating with the Federal and State Governments an acceptable indirect cost rate which would allow recovery of such costs from these units of government. The Federal Government has acted favorably (thru FMC 74-4) to this Indirect Cost concept with the State taking no immediate actior as of this time. The State Office of Criminal Justice Planning has indicated to the Oakland County Office of Criminal Justice Planning that 568,832 of Federal Funds have been sit aside for Oakland County prior to the submission of this Grant Continuation Apolication. If Oakland County is unsuccessful in negotiating this 000lic.11 ion as presented, the anwminf of County participation required to maintain the program at exicting Icvel: (excluding Indirect Cost) would increase by $4,222, from $4,608 to $8,830, which compare., tovoiAly tu the SI3,748 lopropriatint From Contingency last year for this progral... The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chaiman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report and its referral to the Public Services Committee. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman" See Page 556 for copy of Budget. Moved by Price supported by Button the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. Aaron, Button. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the notion rri-d. Moved by Price supported by Button the resolution be adopted. AYES: Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Mur)hy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7752 By Mrs. Moffitt IN RE: OPPOSITION TO SENATE BILL 1191, TO AMEND SECTIONS 13i AND 42 OF ACT NO. 1 OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF THE EXTRA SESSION OF 1936, ENTITLED AS AMENDED "MICHIGAN EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ACT" To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Senate Bill 1191 seeks to delete local government's ootion to establish and administer a self-insured system of employment compensation in accordance with the 1974 amendments to P.A. 1970 (Public Acts of 1958); and WHEREAS the present law adequately provides economic security for those public employees who lose their jobs through no fault of their own; and WHEREAS Senate Bill 1191 will have a serious financial impact on Oakland County and its local units of government at a time when these jurisdictions are struggling to merely maintain current levels of employment and services; ard WHEREAS if Oakland County was required to become a contributing employer under the Michigan Employment Security Act it would increase our unemployment costs to approximately $1,386,404 in 1977 (2.7% of payroll-- $41,349,781); and WHEREAS such a mandate would put a tremendous financial burden on county government's municipalities. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners unalterably opposes Senate Bill 1191 , AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of the foregfing resolution be forwarded to the County Legislators and the County Legislative Agent. Mr. Chairman, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing resolution Lillian V. Moffitt, Commissioner - District 1115 Moved by Moffitt supported by Button the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, 01 ,on, Page, Patterson, Wilcox, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino. (15) NAYS: Lennon, Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilson. (5) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion foiled. q 1J Commissioners Minutes Continued. Nnve,lber 18, 1976 627 The Vice Chairman refe-red the resolution to the Personnel , and General Government Committees. There were no objections. misc. 7753 By Dr. Montante IN RE: OPPOSITION TO BILLS CONCERNING LOCAL ZONING CONTROLS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS House Bills 4893, 4894 and 4896, in their suhstitute form, are serious iniririqe- ,lents on the zoning .authority currently granted to counties, cities, villages and townships in Michigan; and • WHEREAS these bills wou:d permit special uses, in this case (I) adult foster care facilities and (2) child care organizations, to locate within all residential areas and be exempt from special or local conditional use permits; and WHEREAS House Bills 6094 and 6095 are companion hills which identify these permitted uses and establish the Director of the Michigan Department of Social Services as an arbitrator of disputes between the local commnity and licensed home operator: and WHEREAS these proposed measures are contrary lo sound zoning practice, and, if passed, would create a precedent which once followed could destroy the validity of all zoning in Michigan; and WHEREAS these bills are ill advised and are contrary to the concepts of local self deter- mination and as such are not in the interest of sound local government. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners call for members of the State Legislature to express their disapproval of these potentially destructive bills by opposing these measures in both committee and on the floor of the legislature. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Joseph R. Montante, Commissioner - District 1/26 Moved by Montante supported by Wilcox the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Lennon, McDonald, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Wilcox, Daly, Fortino, Hoot, Kasper. (13) NAYS: Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron. Button, Dearborn. (7) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. The Vice Chairman referred the resolution lo theTlannine and Building Committee and ihe General Government Committee. Thure welt., no objections. Misc. 7754 By Mr. Wilcox IN RE: NAMING TRIBUTARY OF THE THREAD CREEK "ROMAN VILLA RUN" To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS there exists in Sections 4, 9 and 10 of Groveland Township, Township 5 North, Range 8 East, Oakland County, an unnamed tributary of the Thread Creek, which originates in the vicinity of Phillips Lake (described on the United States Geological Survey Holly Quadrangle Map, 1920 edition, as "Phipps Lake"), and continues northwesterly into Genesee County; and WHEREAS said tributary continues through Sections 32 and 33 of Atlas Township, Township . 6 North, Range 8 East, in Genesee County until it flows into the Thread Creek; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Drain Commissioner has received a petition to name the above described tributary "Roman Villa Rur" in honor of Joseph M. Roman, deceased, who was the owner of the lands through which the above described tributary flows; and WHEREAS Mr. Joseph M. Roman as a resident of Grnveland Township cherished and protected the beauty of this natural stream for 25 years until his death in 1974; and WHEREAS it is desirable to have this tributary named officially so that it may appear on federal and state maps; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the above described tributary in Sections 4, 9 and 10 of Grove land Township be officially named "Roman Villa Run:" and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk forward certified copies of this resolution to Geographic Names, Geological Survey Division, Michigan Department of Natural Resources; Lansing, Michigan, and to the United States Board on Geographic Names, Washington, D.C. Mr. Chairman, I ask that this resolution be referred to the Planning and Building Committee. Richard R. Wilcox, Commissioner - District #1 G.[" 1\1. ! I A 'A 1 0 V. NI r...; 1 P • • ) 1-.! , • 6 A •• I I c, • Cr t I • L tr/ lk r. •c-f} 0 1 , ••-." ! I > 11 `,-." • Of.• / *h.; ) 1 g'•( • --• 0:•1 . I I I 0 0 k v ii L F 1.11 ROA I F 1..1', I; 0 A f• _•1:1•••. 628 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November iB, 1976 i2 I F f AA! •1 - ) 14 ) 9 • . • CC' (.11' ();•:.1 i'r 1:tir• IS) • 110.1T...tin V, I CHI C IF (;:' C.; ,Cr I ...';1 ()') I CH r.: ..! "I .0 r i " i ll'" • \ ) r . , • ,I I 1. , •••••0, • . r, II I • !...... 1 • I' :•:, 1 " ; r ' •,"!1" 7.. ' '• ' ' • r. nre — s Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 18, 1976 629 i • . • ' I I • / • ... n I , .1 L• / 11,1 III .1 ' • ' . • 1 ' . ... , I I • I . . . ' I ' ' , I . .,.1 — . v • ( • . ' - . . , ...,..;‘ . • ss r • • ' , ' - I • ''' ( • \ , • • • • -.1 ;. .• ik . , . ' Is.: •'\.! ' .\(,.... . r• > • , . „, . . ..,. n1 r.:q.e,• 4.n•••••.•.,../0 ',:..,,,,.. ,. .,„,..,•, ,, 1 . . • . ... . --.... -,,,• „.--...,„ A ., . ,.... 1 / `.-'‘''•,, _.; \' Nr...,,) - .r. c) • , • , r 1 1 I• ,,,- ,, ,,, . ', . b 1 . '' ..- s) (.. I . • - , '• .•)" .., • ;••:,,)::'•"(c;i: . 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A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Board adjourned at 12:20 P."- Lynn 0. Allen Alexander C. Perinnff Clerl rhairman 631 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING December 2, 1976 Meeting called to order by Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff at 10:15 A.M. in the Court Rouse Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by Henry W. Hoot. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. (26) ABSENT: Dunleavy. (I) Quorum present. Moved by Roth supported by Patterson the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as printed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Clerk read letter from Douglas H. Hoard, Chairman, Oakland County Soldier's Relief Commis- sion regarding their proposed Budget. (Referred to the Finance Committee.) Clerk read letter from the Department of State Highways and Transportation regarding a public meeting to be held to explain the recommendation for the reconstruction of M-59 between US-23 and Hill Road. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter From Mary M. Dearborn, Commissioner - District #22 regarding her resignation as a member of the Library Board effective December 1, 1976. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from Chairman Alexander C. Per inoff regarding the appointment of Virginia Solberg, to a three-year term on the Unemployment Compensation Appeal Board, term ending December 31, 1979. Moved by Pernick supported by Kasper the Board accepts the resignation of Mary M. Dearborn. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the Board concurs with the Chairman's appointment of Virginia Solberg. AYES: Montante, Murphy, Olson. Page, Patterson. Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons. Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Hutton, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Kasper, Lennon. (20) NAYS: Gabler. (I) PASS: Hoot. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Virginia Solberg declared elected a member of the Unemployment Compensation Appeal Board for a three-year term ending December 31, 1979. Moved by Page supported by Montante the Supplemental Agenda be approved to consider Reports from the Finance Committee and Public Services Committee. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Button supported by Moffitt the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of a Memorial Resolution and two Resolutions of Commendation. 632 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 2, 1976 AYES: Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion car, ied. Misc. 7755 By Mr. Aaron IN RE; MEMORIAL RESOLUTION HONORING MERTON COLBURN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Merton Colburn, a former member of the Oakland County Board of Supervisors for the years 1967-1968 and 1968-1969, passed away on November 25, 1976, at the age of 46. He was a member of the Oak Park City Council, having first been elected in 1965. He was re-elected in the years 1967, 1971, and 1975, and was also Mayor Pro Tern of the City of Oak Park from November 1973 to November of 1975. He is survived by his widow, Barbara; three children, Kim, Lori and Howard Colburn; and five stepchildren, David, Donald, Douglas, Denise and Deborah Hanfland. Merton Colburn's leadership and public involvement will be long remembered by all who were privileged to know him. Mr. Chairman, I move that the foregoing resolution be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and that a certified copy, affixed with the Seal of the County of Oakland, be forwarded to the surviv- ing wife, Barbara. Attested to this 2nd day of December 1976, A.D. Alexander C. Perinoff, Chairman Oakland County Board of Commissioners Bernard F. Lennon, Vice-Chairman Oakland County Board of Commissioners Dennis M. Aaron, Commissioner - District #19 Kenneth E. Roth, Commissioner - District 1/17 Lawrence R. Pernick, Commissioner - District 1/20 Moved by Aaron supported by Page the resolution be adopted. The resolution was unanimously adopted. Misc. 7756 By Mrs. Moffitt IN RE: RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION - VILLAGE OF FRANKLIN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the restoration of the 139 year old Daniel Broughton House in the Village of Franklin will preserve the architecture of the period; and WHEREAS careful planning and attention was given to achieving historical accuracy, the restoration was undertaken with the utilitarian objective of housing various departments and agencies of the Village government; and WHEREAS by majority vote of the Village Residents, tax funds were used to purhcase the build- ing and property, and additional funding was provided by the Franklin Historical Society, and the National Trust for Historic Preservation; and WHEREAS countless volunteer donations in services and moter;ms by patriotic, civic and community-minded citizens have been made to the project to restore the Daniel Broughten House. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Bonrd or Commissioners hereby extends commendation to the Village of Franklin for its patriotic spirit ond fm.--sighted action in implemeriling this historical preservation and restoration of the Daniel Broughton House; and, further extends appreciation to all of the Citizens of the community who participated in the project in order that all of Oakland County may enjoy and reflect in the heritage that made this Great Country, the United States of America. Attested to this 2nd day of December, 1976. Alexander C. Perinoff, Chairman Bernard F. Lennon, Vice Chairman Lillian V. Moffitt, Commissioner - District #15 Robert Page, Commissioner - District #13 Moved by Moffitt supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. The resolution was unanimously adopted. Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 2, 1976 633 Misc. 7757 By Mr. Nowak IN RE: RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION - BLANCHE CUMMINS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Blanche Cummins, having served the residents of Commerce Township for 20 years, retired from public service on November 19, 1976; and WHEREAS as Commerce Township Treasurer, she has been the chief financial officer and a member of the Township Board of Trustees since 1957; and WHEREAS Blanche Cummins, as a member of the Commerce Board of Trustees, has been a part of a team that has guided Commerce through its crucial, formative years as migrating families from the city sought out the Township; and WHEREAS she has been a dedicated public official, working diligently in the best interest of all of the citizens of the community. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners herehy comimends Blanche Cummins for her years of devoted public service and extends best wishes In her retirement and future success. Attested to this 2nd day of December. 1976. Alexander C. Perinoff, Chairman Oakland County Board of Commissioners Bernard F. Lennon, Vice Chairman Oakland County Board of Commissioners Patrick M. Nowak, Commissioner - District #25 Moved by Nowak supported by Murphy the resolution be adopted. The resolution was unanimously adopted. Moved by Button supported by Lennon that Eugene Kuthy be appointed to the Road Commission for a six year term ending December 31, 1982. Moved by Lennon supported by Olson that nominations be closed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The roll call vote was as follows: Montante Aaron - Eugene Kuthy Murphy Button - Eugene Kuthy Nowak Daly - Eugene Kuthy Olson - Eugene Kuthy Dearborn - Eugene Kuthy Page - Abstained Douglas - Eugene Kuthy Patterson - Abstained Fortino - Eugene Kuthy Perinoff - Eugene Kuthy Gabler Pernick - Eugene Kuthy Hoot Price - Eugene Kuthy Houghten Roth - Eugene Kuthy Kasper Simmons - Eugene Kuthy Lennon - Eugene Kuthy Wilcox McDonald - Abstained Wilson - Eugene Kuthy Moffitt - Abstained The result of the roll call vote was as follows: Eugene Kuthy - 14 Abstained - Mr. McDonald challenged the vote just taken, stating that one of the members may no longer reside in the District from which he was elected as required by Act 261 of 1966, As Amended. Also, I want my objection noted on the records. Mr. Kasper stated he had been informed Mr. Douglas no longer resides within the District. Also, in conjunction with the apparent violation or non-compliance with the Statute allowing his vote to be a valid vote for choosing and selecting these appointment and for the record there would be a continuing objection for any further votes, including the Road Commission vote which we just had. Mr. Lennon asked Mr. Douglas if he is a registered voter and a resident of the District that he was elected from. Mr. Douglas stated he is a registered voter and lives with his uncle at 100 Omar Street in the City of Pontiac. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Eugene Kuthy declared elected a member of the Road Commission for a six year term ending December 31, 1982. 634 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 2, 1976 Moved by Button supported by Lennon that Donald Deni be appointed to the Park, and Recreation Commission for a three year term ending December 31, 1979. Moved by Lennon supported by Pernick that nominations be closed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The roll call vote was as follows: Murphy Button - Donald Deni Nowak Daly - Donald Deni Olson - Donald Deni Dearborn - Donald Deni Page Douglas - Donald Deni Patterson Fortino - Donald Deni Perinoff - Donald Deni Gabler Pernick - Donald Deni Hoot Price - Donald Deni Houghten Roth - Donald Den i Kasper Simmons - Donald Deni Lennon - Donald Deni Wilcox McDonald - Abstained Wilson - Donald Deni Moffitt Aaron - Donald Deni Montante The result of the roll call vote was as follows: Donald Deni - 14 Abstained - 1 Mr. McDonald objected. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Donald Deni declared elected a member of the Parks and Recreation Commission for a three year term ending December 31, 1979. Moved by Button supported by Daly that William Clark be appointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission for a three year tern ending December 31, 1979. Moved by Olson supported by Aaron that nominations be closed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The roll call vote was as follows: Nowak Daly - William Clark Olson - William Clark Dearborn - William Clark Page Douglas - William Clark Patterson Fortino - William Clark Perinoff - William Clark Gabler Pernick - William Clark Hoot Price - William Clark Houghten Roth - William Clark Kasper Simmons - William Clark Lennon - William Clark Wilcox McDonald - Abstained Wilson - William Clark Moffitt Aaron - William Clark Montante Button - William Clark Murphy The result of the roll call was as follows: William Clark - 14 Abstained - 1 Mr. McDonald objected. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, William Clark declared elected a member of the Parks and Recreation Commission for a three year term ending December 31, 1979. Moved by Button supported by Dearborn that Howard Simmons be appointed to the Board of Institutions for a three year term ending December 31, 1979. Moved by Olson supported by Daly that nominations be Cosed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. •n• Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 2, 1976 635 The roll call vote was as follows: Olson - Howard Simmons Dearborn - Howard Simmons Page Douglas - Howard Simmons Patterson Fortino - Howard Simmons Perinoff - Howard Simmons Gabler Pernick - Howard Simmons Hoot Price - Howard Simmons Houghten Roth - Howard Simmons Kasper Simmons - Howard Simmons Lennon - Howard Simmons Wilcox McDonald - Abstained Wilson - Howard Simmons Moffitt Aaron - Howard S:mmons Montante Button - Howard Simmons Murphy Daly - Howard Simmons Nowak The result of the roll call vote was as follows: Howard Simmons - 14 Abstained - 1 Mr. McDonald objected. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Howard Simmons declared elected a member of the Board of Institutions for a three year term ending December 31, 1979. Moved by Button supported by Roth that Marilyn Hazel1 be appointed a member of the Board of Institutions for a three year term ending December 31, 1979. Moved by Olson supported by Dal./ that nominations be closed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The roll call vote was as follows: Page Douglas - Marilyn Mazell Patterson - Fortino - Marilyn Mazell Perinoff - Marilyn Mazell Gabler Pernick - Marilyn Mazell Hoot Price - Marilyn Mazell Houghten Roth - Marilyn Mazell Kasper Simmons - Marilyn hazel] Lennon - Marilyn Mazell Wilcox McDonald - Abstained Wilson - Marilyn Mazell Moffitt Aaron - Marilyn Mazell Montante Button - Marilyn Mazell Murphy Daly - Marilyn Mazell Nowak Dearborn - Marilyn Mazell Olson - Marilyn Mazell The result of the roll call was as follows: Marilyn Mazell - 14 Abstained 1 Mr. McDonald objected. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Marilyn Mazell declared elected a member of the Board of Institutions for a three year term ending December 31, 1979. Moved by Button supported by Roth that David ubow be appointed to the Building Authority for a three year term ending December 31, 1979. Moved by Olson supported by Simmons that nominations be closed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. - David Gubow - David Gubow - Abstained - Ddvid Gubow 636 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 2, 1976 The roll call vote was as follows: Patterson Fortino Perinoff - David Gubow Gabler Pernick - David Gubow Hoot Price - David Gubow Houghten Roth - David Gubow Kasper Simmons - David Gubow Lennon Wilcox McDonald Wilson - David Gubow Moffitt Aaron - David Gubow Montdnte Button - David Gubow Min phy - David Gubow Nowok Dearborn - David Gubow Olson Douglas - David Gubow Page The result of the roll call was as follows: David Gubow - 14 Abstained - 1 Mr. McDonald objected. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, David Gubow declared elected a member of the Building Authority for a three year term ending December 31, 1979. Moved by Button supported by Pernick that Leonard Baruch be appointed to the Library Board for the unexpired term ending August 24, 1979. Moved by Olson supported by Daly that nominations be closed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The roll call vote was as follows: Perinoff - Leonard Baruch Gabler Pernick - Leonard Baruch Hoot Price - Leonard Baruch Houghten Roth - Leonard Baruch Kasper Simmons - Leonard Baruch Lennon Wilcox McDonald Wilson - Leonard Baruch Moffitt Aaron - Leonard Baruch Montante Button - Leonard Baruch Murphy Daly - Leonard Baruch Nowak Dearborn - Leonard Baruch Olson Douglas - Leonard Baruch Page Fortino - Leonard Baruch Patterson The result of the roll call was as follows: Leonard Baruch - 14 Abstained - I Mr. McDonald objected. - Leonard Baruch - Abstained - Leonard Baruch A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Leonard Baruch declared elected a member of the Library Board for the unexpired term ending August 24, 1979. REPORT By Mr. Button IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 4'7753 - OPPOSITION TO BILLS CONCERNING LOCAL ZONING CONTROLS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee has reviewed Resolution 07753, Opposition to Bills Concerning Local Zoning Controls, and reports its recommendation that said resolution be adopted. The General Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 2, 1976 637 "Misc. 7753 By Dr. Montante IN RE: OPPOSITION TO BILLS CONCERNING LOCAL ZONING CONTROLS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS House Bills 4893, 4891: and 4896 in their substitute from, are serious infringements on zoning authority currently granted to counties, cities, villages and townships in Michigan; and WHEREAS these bills would permit special uses, in this case (I) adult foster care facilirie', and (2) child care organizations, to locate within all residential areas and be exempt from special or local conditional use permits; and WHEREAS House Bills 6094 and 8095 are companion bills which identify these permitted uses and establish the Director of the Michigan Department of Social Services as an arbitrator of disputes b.-tween the local community and licensed home operator; and WHEREAS these proposed measures are contrary to sound zoning practice, and if passed, would create a precedent which once followed could destroy the validity of all zoning in Michigan; and WHEREAS these bills are ill advised and are contrary to the concepts of local self deter- mination and as such are not in the interests or sound local oovernment. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners call for member:. of the State Legislature to express their disapproval of these potentially destructive bills by Opposing these measures in both committee and on the Floor of the legislature. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Joseph R. Montante, Commissioner - District #26" Moved by Button supported by Daly the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Button supported by Daly that resolution 117753 be adopted. Moved by Pernick supported by Dearborn the resolution be referred back to the General Government Committee for further study. Dr. Montante objected to the referral. The Chairman stated those in favor of sustainine the objection vote "yes" and opposed vote "no". AYES: Pernick, Price, Aaron, Dearborn. (4) NAYS: Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Button, Daly, Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff. (20) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the objection was not sustained. Vote on resolution: AYES: Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinorr. (22) NAYS: Price, Dearborn, Pernick. (3) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution 117753 was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION NO. 7735 - AMENDMENT TO COUNTY CAR POLICY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7735 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman 'Misc. 7735 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: AMENDMENT TO COUNTY CAR POLICY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7393 of December 18, 1975, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners adopted a "County Policy on Assignment of County Vehicles"; and WHEREAS the sub-committee on County Car Policy, established on August 26, 1975 by the Finance Commitee, recommended to the Finance Committee that all overnight assignment of vehicles be approved by the Finance Committee and Board of Commissioners and that the sub-committee be responsible for recommending the eligibility of vehicles within the County Vehicle Fleet; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the present County Vehicle Policy as approved by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7393 be amended by adding the following section: 638 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 2. 1976 "VEHICLE ASSIGNMENT RESPONSIBILITIES" "A sub-committee appointed by the Chairman of the Finance Committee shall be responsible for deter- mining eligibility for assignment of County vehicles and determining eligibility of home-to-work use of such vehicles in accordance with the guidelines established in this policy. The sub-committee's recommendation shall be approved by the Finance Committee and the Board of Commissioners." The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman" Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the report be accepied and resolution #7735 be adopted. Discussion followed. Moved by Page supported by Gabler the resolution he referred back to the Finance Commitire for further study. Mr. Pernick objected to the referral. The Chairman stated those in favor of sustaining the referral vote "yes" and those opposed vote "no". AYES: Wilcox, Gabler, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson. (11) NAYS: Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Hoot, Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (15) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the objection was not sustained. Vote on resolution: AYES: Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn. Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth. (18) NAYS: Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson. (8) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution #7735 was adopted. Misc. 7758 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: ADDITIONAL VEHICLES FOR PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7393 of December 18, 1975, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners adopted a "County Policy on Assignment of County Vehicles"; and WHEREAS the policy for additional vehicles requires the affirmative recommendation of the County Executive and the approval of the Finance Committee; and WHEREAS the policy also states that the Finance Committee shall recommend to the Board of Commissioners an appropriation sufficient to cover the acquisition cost plus monthly lease charges for the balance of the current year; and WHEREAS there are outside agencies which have in the past and are presently leasing cars from the Oakland County Garage; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners has no budgetary control over these out- side agencies; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Department has made a request to lease two additional vehicles (pick-up trucks) from the Oakland County Garage; and WHEREAS the Finance Committee feels that Section "G" of the County Car Policy should not apply in this instance. NOW THEREFORE BE 17 RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners authorize an expansion of the County Car Fleet for the two vehicles requested by Parks and Recreation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an exception be made to Section "G" of the County Car Policy and that the funds necessary for the acquisition of these two vehicles be taken from the Garage Fund. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the Forecjoinq resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE t_awrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. AYES: Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons. (21) NAYS: Murphy, Olson. (2) Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 2, 1976 639 A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Moved by Kasper supported by Patterson that the vote on Resolution #773I - Additional Appropriation for Oakland County Tourist and Convention Bureau be reconsidered. Discussion followed. AYES: Daly, Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot. Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Price, Roth, Wilcox. (1/) NAYS: Wilson, Aaron, Button, Dearborn, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick. (7) PASS: Lennon. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Kasper supported by Gabler that resolution #7731 be adopted. Mr. Kasper requested that Mr. Henry Hogan, Chairman of the Oakland County Tourist and Con- vention Bureau be allowed to address the Board. Moved by Pernick supported by Olson the resolution be referred back to the General Govern- ment Committee and Finance Committee for further study. Discussion followed. Vote on referral: AYES: Aaron, Button, Dearborn, Douglas, Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson. (12) NAYS: Daly, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Wilcox. (14) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Mr. Page moved the previous question. No support. Mr. Hoot requested that Mr. Hogan be allowed to address the Board. There were no objections. Mr. Hogan addressed the Board. The Chairman vacated the Chair to speak on the resolution. Vice Chairman Bernard F. Lennon took the Chair. The Chairman returned to the Chair. Mr. Pernick requested Mr. John King be allowed to address the Board. Mr. Page objected. The Chairman stated those in favor of sustaining the objection vote "yes" and those opposed vote "no". AYES: McDonald, Page. (2) NAYS: Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron. (24) A sufficient majority not having voted thereFor, the objection was not sustained. Mr. King addressed the Board. Vote on resolution: AYES: Daly, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Price, Roth, Wilcox. (16) NAYS: Dearborn, Douglas, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button. (9) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution #7731 was adopted. Misc. 7759 By Mr. Daly IN RE: AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE AN ALTERNATE BID FOR EXPANSION OF THE AUTO SHOP FACILITIES AT THE CHILDREN'S VILLAGE SCHOOL To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS on September 2, 1976, the Board of Commissioners, by approval of Miscellaneous 640 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 197() Resolution #7672, authorized the Administration to receive hid ,. on new Children's Village School; and WHEREAS the original concept of the Auto Shop program, in that facility, contemplated that space would be provided to serve eight (8) to ten (10) students per class hour; and WHEREAS the State of Michigan has indicated that they would first fund only those Auto Shop programs throughout the State, that will serve fifteen (15) students per class hour and programs providing for less than that amount might not be funded; and WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee recommends the increase of allocated space by 1,260 square feet to accomodate fifteen (15) students. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Central Services Department be and is hereby authorized to receive an alternate bid for an additional 1,260 square feet in the Children's Village School to support the above described program and that a report thereon he made to this Board after receipt and tabulation of such bids. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BrILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Ch.lirman Moved by Daly supported by Lennon the resolution be adopied. AYES: Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Price IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7747 - ACCEPTANCE OF CRIME PREVENTION BUREAU GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7747 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Chairman "Misc. 7747 By Mr. Price IN RE: ACCEPTANCE OF CRIME PREVENTION BUREAU GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS on June 17, 1976, the Board of Commissioners by Resolution #7612, approved the grant application for the Crime Prevention Bureau Grant, as requested by the Sheriff's Department; and WHEREAS said grant application has been approved by the Law Enforcement Assistance Admin- istration, and funds in the amount of $53,038 have been awarded. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the LEAA award for the Crime Prevention Bureau Grant in the amount of S53,038. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7747 - ACCEPTANCE OF THE CRIME PREVENTION BUREAU GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution ,t'7747 and finds that the Actual Grant Amount Award is $47,372 or $5,666 less than the Grant Application and the County Share is $2,493 or $299 less than originally anticipated. Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the amount of $2,493 avail able in the 1976 Contingent Fund. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman (1) $16,000 16 000 32,000 4,705 (297) 675 6,380 OPERATING Transportation $ 3,500 Telephone 600 Printing 3,000 Supplies 1,600 Equipment 8 750 TOTAL OPERATING $17 45o TOTAL BUDGET $5,830 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 2, 1976 641 CRImE PREVENTION BOREAN (Tiair COMPARISON GRANT APPLICATIOWCRANT AWARD 1976 1976 GRANT GRANT APPLICATION AWARD SALARY -- VARIANCE FAVORADL1/ IUNFAVORABLO Project Coordinator Overtime Sub Total Salary FRINGE BENEFITS Project Coordinator Retirement for Overtime Sub Total Fringe Benefits TOTAL SALARY 5 FRINGE (I) $16,000 14 Goo 30,666 4,705 (29Y) 6,225 $ 1,44o 44o 2,190 1,170 7,800 $.13.,o4o $10,865 $ 1121001 (1,400) __LK) (155) $(1.555) $(2,o6o) (160) (810 (43o) __(9501 $14 41 ,01. $38,380 $36_825 FUNDING SOURCE Federal 50,247 (902') 44,879 (90%) (5.368) State 2,791 ( 5'!) 2,493 ( 5%) (298) County 2,792 ( 51 2,493 ( W (299) TOTAL $.21L§30 $49 865 $(5.969 • Moved by Price supported by Lennon the report be accepted and resolution #7747 be adopted. Moved by Moffitt supported by Murphy the resolution be amended by adding the following, as a final paragraph: "NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Sheriff's Department submit a written quarterly status report to the members of the appropriate laison Standing Committee of the Board of Commissioners". Discussion followed. Moved by Pernick supported by Moffitt the amendment be amended to read: "That 4 copy of the quarterly report that is submitted to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council be submittcd to the appropriate Coordinating Commissioner's Committee". Vote on amendment: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on amendment to the amendment: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. 642 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 2, 1976 Vote on resolution as amended: AYES: Douglas, Fortino, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Olson, Page, Patterson, PerinofF, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, resolution 47747 as amended, was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Price IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION ,=7749 - PRE-VOCATIONAL CLASSROOM TRAINING CONTRACT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7749 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman "Misc. 7749 By Mr. Price IN RE: PRE-VOCATIONAL CLASSROOM TRAINING CONTRACT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor as Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of Title 1 of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS Oakland County's C.E.T.A. Title I Grant Application has been filed and approved by the U.S. Department of Labor; and WHEREAS the contractor has successfully completed performance objectives for it's previous contract with the Department of Labor; and WHEREAS the pre-vocational training provides the revwdial improvement in basic skills necessary for vocational training; and WHEREAS pre-vocational training provides an important alternative for enrollees with basic skill levels less than those required for training or job placement. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVE° that the monies awarded for pre -vocationalclassroom training for the period of September 4, 1976 through September 30, 1977 not exceed the amount of 547,965.00. NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a quarterly report for review of performance objectives be submitted to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman" See Pages 620, 621 and 622 for copy of Contract. Moved by Price supported by Button the report be accepted and resolution 117749 be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution #7749 was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Price IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION ;7750 - BI-LINGUAL CLASSROOM TRAINING CONTRACT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7750 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman "Misc. 7750 By Mr. Price IN RE: BI-LINGUAL CLASSROOM TRAINING CONTRACT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor as Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of Title I of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS Oakland County's C.E.T.A. Title I Grant Application has been filed and approved by the U.S. Department of Labor; and WHEREAS the contractor has successfully completed performance objectives for it's previous contract; and WHEREAS the bi-lingual classroom training contract provides a means of reducing unemploy- ment caused primarily by the lack of proficiency in the English language; Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 2, 1976 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the monies awarded for Bi-Lingual remedial training for the period of December 1, 1976 through September 30, 1977 not exceed the amount of $83,644.00. NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a quarterly report for review of performance obj.ctiv(7% be submitted to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoinq resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman" See Pages 623,624 and 625 for copy of Contract. Moved by Price supported by Patterson the report he accepted and resolution Y7750 ho adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution #7750 was adopted. Misc. 7760 By Mr. Price IN RE: C.E.T.A. TITLE I ON-THE-JOB TRAINING CONTRACTS (PHASE 24) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor of Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of Title I of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS Oakland County's C.E.T.A. Title I Grant Application has been filed and approved by the U.S. Department of Labor; and WHEREAS On-The-Job Training represents a major component in Oakland County's approved Man- power Program; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Manpower Advisory Council recommends the contracts included herein as Phase 2A of Oakland County's C.E.T.A. Title 1 On-The-Job Training program. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the award of Phase 2A of C.E.T.A. Title 1 On-The-Job Training contracts in the total amount of $71,024 consistent with the attached budget. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman 643 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 960.00 2,088.00 1,200.00 1,600.00 1,200.00 1,820.00 1,560.00 2,340.00 1,400.00 2,340.00 1,800.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 2,418.00 1,200.00 1,380.00 3,900.00 1,560.00 2,080.00 3,170.00 7,fft.r..10 1,560.00 1,!-,60.00 644 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 2, 1976 NUMBER OF COMPANY POSITION TRAINEES LAMP SHACK (FCS) Electrical Lamp Wircroan WeIt Uloomfield CREEM MAGAZINE (3) Editoriz41 Assistont Birmingham KING ENGINE SERVICE Stock Clerk Madison Heights KING ENGINE SERVICE Machinist Madison Heights TOWN & COUNTRY LEASING, INC. General Clerk Birmingham PAUL M INCBER, Attorney Secretary Southfield GREEN LAKE REALTY Real Estate Clerk Orchard Lake KAPSO• DESIGN SERVICE Draftsan Ortonville MIDWEST PARACHUTE SALES & SERV. Seamslress Novi PONTIAC TOOL COMPANY Draftn Ortonville PONTIAC TOOL COMPANY Machinist Ortonville JEWELS BY DONNA COMPANY General Clerk Southfield CENTER OF ATTRACTION Retail Salesperson Southfield FRANKLIN COLLECTION SERVICE, INC. Office Manager Trainee Southfield KORRECT LINE PRESS, INC. General Clerk Ferndale KORRECT LINE PRESS, INC. Stock Clerk Ferndale WORLD CAMERA & SOUND Camera Salesperson Birmingham DRS. BUSSEY, GOTTESMAN & WEISMAMS Optometric Assistant Pontiac ROGER's REALTY COMPANY Apartment Manager Pontiac ROGFR's REALTY COMPANY Tradesman Helper Pontiac WE'.',1FW! 1.116LR01fF"' FORP. In C 1 vr!, Soulhfield P.1 • '1 ! r r1,1! LOMPANY POSITION NUMBER OF TRAINEES TOTAL Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 2, 1976 645 RAMISHNI P1101-0, INC. Multiplc Photo Printer Opr 1 1,560.00 South He Id AMERICAN TROPICAL Fl 10flOIJkk'i, Stock Clerk 1 1,380.00 Pontiac MALI APPEARANCE SHOP Shoe Repairman Trainee 2 3,120.00 Troy GOODYEAR TIRE STORE Auto Mechanic ApprenticJ 1 2,008.00 Madison Heights GOODYEAR TI RE STORE Tire & Auto Service Salesperson 1 1,950.00 Madison 1-1,?ight'. GALLERY 555 - ART CONSJLTANTS Picture Frarrar (Matter) 1 1,330.00 Royal Oak GALLERY 555 - ART COI:StILTAkTS Secretary 2,050.00 Royal Oak OLSON's ELECTRONICS General. Clerk 1 1,0000 Madison Heights FENKELL AUTOMOTIVE PARTS CORP. Auto Parts Stud'. Clerk 2 . 2,760.00 Ferndale SEETS BROTHERS BARBER SHOP Apprentice Barber I 2,340.00 Pontiac THOMAS COACHES 5 COLL1SljN(FCS) Stock Clerk/Maintenance Man I 1,200.00 Pontiac DRAYTON UNIFORM RENTAL COMPANY(FCS) Machine Preser 2 2,600.00 Pontiac COYLE & ASSOCIATES (FCS) Technical Service Manager I 3,120.00 Hazel Park MARK TOOL & DIE, INC. (FCS) Tool & Die Maker 1 3,200.00 Walled Lake Moved by Price supported by Daly the resolution be adopted. AYES: Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Douglas. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7761 By Mr. Price IN RE: CRASH INJURY MANAGEMENT COURSE FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution #7244, the Oakland County Board of Commissioner approved of the Emergency Medical Services Plan for Oakland County; and WHEREAS a component of that plan calls for improved first aid training for law enforcement officers; and WHEREAS in the interest of providing such training the Oakland County Emergency Medical Services Division has secured $1500 for the development of such a program from the Michigan Depart- ment of Public Health; and WHEREAS the acceptance of said funds would not require any county funding either now or in the future. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the execution of a contract between the Oakland County Emergency Medical Services Division and the 646 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 2, 1976 Michigan Department of Public Health to implement a Crash Injury Management program for Law Enforce- ment Officers. Mr. Chairman, the Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman The Chairman announced pursuant to Rule XI-C the matter chall be laid over to the next regular Board meeting. Misc. 7762 By ;tr. Price IN RE: ACCEPTANCE PE OAKLAND COUNTY MEDICAL EMERGENCY RADIO SYSTEM GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution #7623 the Oakland County Medical Emergency Radio System grant application was filed; and WHEREAS the grant application has been approved and total funds of S10,430 have been allocated to the County of Oakland; and WHEREAS no county funds would be required now or in the fut,Jre as a result of this grant. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland hereby accepts the Oakland County Medical Emergency Radio System grant in the amount of S10,430 consistent with the attached budget. Mr. Chairman, the Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman CSS & i Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 2, 1976 1140.1antl Loonry . •MnJical Enercencv RAin Syst ,.1,1 . _ DaMand Cuunty - EMS Division - 1,Pv.10 (..•nn•j,1,.. 7 broc - To t.• .•••• . • • , t I .n11 " C.0,11 ,,,,, "1 Crolt•n•,,,t,te• T1. 4. i 3,cs Yean • t 647 Is I Ill Po•SOnal SCIrt,C1113 12, St•/...,es• (0‘, ,, ' :••n••• Lt to I tssts 14,900.00 . 14.900 DO 16C ;;;;-•ce ..s!:7,1cnidt _ — 1 i .; 10 430 00 :s I , I s i • -- 4,47000 . . I 701 Al __L 14,900.00 15 1:1-STS ..c..,•,--tTy HD, It.,0,-.F.••••te, -a Sr, 1 ,.... r ttr.-.:1•1....11: 5, , ••.,.• 4, Funds LD be allocat.2d by participatila.,; hospitals (sue Of cor.mitn2nt attochr..d). ...REVISED BY 01.1SP 1)11/16 - 14=jr... Aereounzs An/ In 1.Vnin Gfant Per•uct Ferfceol Funds WM Els L'sed For Tra.niebg Puopo,t, 17. STATE AGENCY BUDGET DE TAIL — For Sheaf Slats Agencies Only — Slate and Federal Shores Combine:: Coss Csorge.e I Line hem/ Grant Pviold 1st Year Cani..,VD6,111 2ttrt Y vat- 3,cl Year Tolol Patt:ttt P4•••,: end Wages LOnarvnty end I 111A, One. Rethormni T 648 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 2, 1976 The Chairman announced pursuant to Rule XI-E the matter shall be laid over to toe next regular Board meeting. Moved by Pernick supported by Lennon the Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget for the County of Oakland for the Year 1977 be held at 10:00 A.M. on December 16, 1976. A sufficient majority having voted 7herefor, the motion carried. Moved by Lennon supported by Patterson the Board adjourn until December 16, 1976 at 9:30 A.M. A su f ficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Board adjourned at 12:30 P.M. Lynn D. Allen Alexander C. Perinoff Clerk Chairman 61ig OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING December 16, 1976 Meeting called to order by Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff at 10:00 A.M. in the Court House Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by Henry W. Hoot. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll called: PRESENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. (27) ABSENT: None. (0) Quorum present. Moved by Roth supported by Daly Ole minutes of the previous meeting be approved a.. printed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Clerk read Receipt for Drain Assessment Rolls for the Sibley Drain and Taylor-Ladd Drain located in the City of Wixom and Township of Commerce. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letters from State Representatives Melvin L. Larsen, Wilbur V. Brotherton and State Senator Bill S. Huffman acknowledging receipt of resolutions. (Placed on file.) Clerk read card of thanks from Barbara Colburn. (Placed on file.) The Chairman made the following statement: At this time, in accordance with the requirements of State Law and the By-Laws of this Board, a Public Hearing is now called on the Proposed Budget for the Year 1977 for the County of Oakland. Legal Notice of this Hearing was published in the Oakland Press, Daily Tribune and the Detroit News, daily papers of general circulation in the County. A copy of the Budget was placed in the office of the County Clerk for public inspection. In addition, copies of the Budget have heen furnished to all members of the Board of Commissioners". The Chairman asked if any person wished to speak on the Budget. John H. King of Bloomfield Hills addressed the Board. The Chairman asked if any other persons desired to speak on the Budget. No other per ,.on requested to be heard and the Public Hearing was declared closed. Moved by Pet-nick supported by Daly the Supplemental Agenda be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Montante supported by Roth the Agenda be amended, Owre arts items under Personnel Committee and Planning and Building Committee that should be under Finance Conmiittee. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Chairman declared a 15 minute recess. The Board reconvened at 10:40 A.M. Clerk read letter from Eugene Kuthy resigning as a member of the Community Mental Health Board, effective December 15, 1976. 650 Commissioners Minutes Continued. Dece,her 16, IT/6 Moved by Pernick supported by Flu! ton the Bodrd accept I ¶i. ri, i gnat myth of I own', Kht hy. A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the motion carried. Clerk read letter from Daniel T. Murphy, County Executive regarding the veto of Miscella- neous Resolution R7735 - "Amendment to County Car Policy." Moved by Pernick supported by Lennon the Board override the veto of the County Executive of Miscellaneous Resolution £7735 - "Amendment to County Car Policy". The Chairman vacated the Chair to speak on the veto. Vice Chairman Bernard F. Lennon took the Chair. The Chairman returned to the Chair. Vote on veto: AYES: Hoot, Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino. (16) NAYS: Gabler, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson Dunleavy. (11) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion to override the veto failed. Clerk read letter from Howard R. Simmons resigning as a member of the Inter-County Highway Commission, Area Agency on Aging and the Traffic Improvement Association. Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the Board accept these resignations from Howard R. Simmons. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the notion carried. Clerk read letter from Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff appointing Betty J. Fortino to serve as the Board of Commissioners Delegate to the Area Agency on Aging for a one-year term. Also, the appointment of Kenneth Roth, to serve as Mrs. Fortino's alternate during the same term. Moved by Pernick supported by Lennon the Board ratify these appointments made by the Chairman. Mr. Kasper requested a roll call vote. AYES: Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino. (14) NAYS: Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Patterson, Perinoff, Wilcox, Dunleavy, Gabler. (12) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were approved. Clerk read letter from Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff appointing the following persons to two-year terms on the Oakland County Cultural Council for terms ending December 31, 1978: Lillian Moffitt - replacing herself Harriet Arnowitz - replacing herself Henry Hogan - replacing himself June Kotlarek Moved by Pernick supported by Lennon these appointments be confirmed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were approved. Clerk read letter from Chairman Alexander C. Perinoff on the following appointments to the Sanitary Code Appeal Board: Patrick K. Daly - three-year term ending December 31, 1979 John DiGiovanni - To fill the unexpired term ending December 31, 1977 Jack Douglas - three-year term ending December 31, 1975 Moved by Pernick supported by Lennon the Board ratify these appointments made by the Chairman. AYES: Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Belton, DA 1 Y, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino. (14) NAYS: Houghten, Kasper, McDonald. Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Now.ik, Paqe, Patlersou, Wilcox, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot. (13) Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 16, 1976 651 A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appnintment., were approved. Clerk read letter from Chairman Alexondor C. Pelinotf appointing Alexander C. Polhill!! and Robert Gorsline as the Commissioner members of the Personnel Appeal Board for one-yeat ivims. Moved by Pernick supported by Aaron the Board ratify these appointments. Mr. Kasper requested a roll call vote. Moved by Pernick supported by Lennon the question be divided to consider the vote for Robert Gorsline. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The roll call vote was as follows: Kasper - Robert Gorsline Roth - Robert Gorsline Lennon - Pass Simmons - Robert Gorsline McDonald - Robert Gorsline Wilcox - Robert Gorsline Moffitt - Robert Gorsline Wilson - Robert Gorsline Montante - Robert Gorsline Aaron - Robert Gorsline Murphy - Robert Gorsline Button - Robert Gorsline Nowak - Robert Gorsline Daly - Robert Gorsline Olson - Pass Dearborn - Robert Gorsline Page - Robert Gorsline Douglas - Robert Gorsline Patterson - Robert Gorsline Dunleavy - Robert Gorsline Perinoff - Robert Gorsline Fortino - Robert Gorsline Pernick - Robert Gorsline Gabler - Robert Gorsline Price - Robert Gorsline Hoot - Robert Gorsline Houghten - Robert Gorsline The result of the roll call vote was as follows: Robert Gorsline - 25 Pass - 2 A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointment was approved. Mr. Perinoff withdrew his name. Moved by Dunleavy supported by Button that Alexander C. Perinoff be appointed to the Personnel Appeal Board for a one-year term. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointment was approved. Moved by Button supported by Roth the following persons be nominated to the Airport Committee for a one-term ending December 31, 1977: James Doyon Lawrence R. Pernick Niles E. Olson Moved by Button supported by Lennon that. nominotions he closed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, thu motion carrird. AYES: Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. Roth, himmorn, Wilson, Aarmi, hut III, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino. (14) NAYS: McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Pane, Patterson, Wilcox, Dunleavy, Gabler, Kasper. (II) A sufficient malority having voted therefor, the appointments were approved. Moved by Button supported by Roth that Thomas Rana., he appointed to the Community Menial Health Board for the unexpired term ending December 31. 1978. AYES: Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Dutton, Daly, Dearborn Douglas, Fortino, Lennon. (14) NAYS: McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Wilcox, Dunleavy, Gabler. Hoot, Houghten, Kasper. (13) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointment was approved. 652 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 36, 1976 REPORT By Mr. Aaron IN RE: SALARIES PORTION OF 1977 BUDGET To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed the Salaries portion of the County Executive's 1977 Final Budget recommendations, as well as the recommendations of the Finance Committee; and WHEREAS the Personnel Committee concurs in the Finanace Committee recommendations that: (I) Funds in the amount of $60,000 should be earmarked for the Commissioners Salaries Budget for the purpose of creating a research staff For the Board of Commissioners; (2) One Probate Court Judge and staff moved from the Juvenile Division Budget In the Prokale Court budget should be returned to the Juvenile Division budget with appropriate line item adito,tmenl ,.; (3) The General Governmental Reference Librarian's salary should he reduced hy Ilte sum id $1,320 to reflect the contractual payment arrangement between the Reference Lihrarian md the Lihrary Board. The Personnel Committee recommends to the full Board the adoption of the Salaries portion ol the County Executive's 1977 Final Budget recommendation as shown by the salaries pages of the 1977 Final Budget Document and subject to the amendments recommended in this report. The Personnel Committee by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Lennon the report be accepted. AYES: Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Houghten, Lennon, McDonald. (23) NAYS: Page, Gabler. (2) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Misc. 7763 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: RECOMMENDED 1577 BUDGET To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of Public Act 139 of 1973, the County Executive submitted a proposed budget to the Board of Commissioners which was referred to the Finance Committee on November 4, 1976, for its review and recommendation to the Board of Commissioners. Early in 1976, the Finance Committee adopted a meeting schedule intended to allow a sub- stantial increase in the time available for preparation of a budget based on the County Executive's Recommendation. Our plans were diminished by the lateness of the Budget Recommendation, but your Committee met for many hours in an attempt to give each County Department an opportunity to be heard as respects their request and to respond to Committee questions. A review of the present budget -making process clearly demonstrates a need for a change in the present process. A budget that represents the combined thinking of the Board of Commissioners and County Executive must be developed jointly. We hope that the 1977 Finance and Personnel Committees will find a mechanism to accomplish such a joint budget-making operation. The Finance Committee has begun a zero-based budget approach in this budget as respects several departments; and, as a result, recommends the Board set new priorities for delivery of services by eliminating obsolete or low priority programs and improving and adding new programs that meet the needs of the people of Oakland County as determined by the Board of Commissioners. The total budget has increased over the County Executive's Recommendation mainly due to the addition of $1,100,000 of federal counter cyclical funds and a $225,000 increase in Year End Balance due to the carry forward of the remaining balance of Solid Waste funds bringing total revenue to $67,280,265. The budget presented by the Finance Committee includes the following variances from the County Executive's Recommenation, Program Improvements 1) Five thousand dollars is appropriated in the Friend of the Court budget for printing of a client information booklet. Four thousand dollars is appropriated for an improved telephone system. 2) Ten thousand dollars is appropriated in the Board of Commissioners budget For the develop- ment of a program with the Oakland County Cultural Council. 3) One hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) was added to the Health Department budget for program improvements. 4) The Social Services Administration budget was increased by $5,500. Four thousand dollars was for their annual Association dues and $1500 for an increase in their travel and conference expense allowance. Also, $8,800 of C.E.T.A. funds were designated for an emergency food coordinator position. 5) One hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) was added to the non-departmental appropriations section of the budget for an audit of the County by a C.P.A. firm. Commissioners Minutes Continued. DeLember 16, 1976 6) Fifty thousand dollars (550,000) was appropriated for the develo i mvto of lrriIl u, I rfi senior citizens. 7) Twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000) was appropriated for the development it uew nutrition programs. 8) Sixty thousand dollars ($60,000) was placed in the Board of Commissioners bud get for research assistance. 9) Twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000) was added to the Office of Management and Budget for staffing improvements. 10) The Soldiers' Relief line-item is increased by $5,000. 11) The Sheriff's Department budget is increased b y $125,000 for the development of a pro g ram of assistance to the Prosecutor's Or ganized Crime Strike Force. 12) Two hundred and fift y thousand dollars (S250,000) is made available for transfer to the Oakland County Road Commission to be used for matching local and Road Commission funds for road improvement prog rams. 13) County funds in the amount of S18,111 were rode avoilahle in lire Librar y budget lot continuation of Jail Librar y Services in the event that g iant fundin g i S discontin(1e(1. 14) Forty three other sources positions ore e.,toklislicti in II,r Drain Crmilmissionei ii in' to enable the Drain Conmnssioner to carf y out the responihilit les assigned In him by I hr Oodid id Commissioners. Program Reductions and Eliminations I) Funds in the amount of $30,000 for the Count y Executive's lobby ist have been eliminated from the various administrative bud gets. 2) Clerk/Register's budget line-item for printing of the County directory was reduced by $4400. 3) The Bicentennial Coordinator and related staff positions were deleted from the Board of Commissioners budget. 4) Membership dues and publications in the Purchasin g Oivision budget were reduced by $750. 5) The appropriation for the Oakland County Pioneer and Historical Society was reduced by $1,000. 6) The appropriation for the Tourist and Convention Bureau was reduced by $20,000. 7) The position of Public Information Officer was reduced to a part-time or contractual position at S10,000. 8) The Special Projects Director position was eliminated. 9) The Coordinator of Management Information Systems position was eliminated. 10) The Planninc Division bud get was reduced by four positions. 11) All vacant "other sources" positions in the D.P.W. are to be elimlnaied. 12) The salary of the director of Disaster Control and Civil Defense was reduced b y $9,000 to make it a part-time position. 13) The Summer Emplo yment Pro g ram was reduced by $25,000 thus keeping this pro g ram in line with prior years. 14) The Reserve for 1977 Salary Adjustments was reduced b y 5500,000. 15) The County 's car fleet .vas reduced b y 56 vehicles and the home-to-work use privile g es were suspended on an additional 106 vehicles. 16) The County garage operations were reduced b y 20 to reflect the reduction in activit y due to the changes in the car fleet. Revenue Changes and Cost Realignments 1) Revenues were increased b y $1,325,000. One million one hundred thousand dollars represents the anticipated counterc yclical anti-recession funds. Two hundred and twenty five thousand dollars comes from the 1976 Solid Waste fund transferred to the 1977 Bud get. 2) The Funds for one probate jud ge and related staff in the amount of $73,291 were trans- ferred from the Probate Court bud get to the Juvenile Court bud get in order to more accuratel y reflect the cost of the Juvenile Pro g ram. The variance in funds resulting from these chan ges are transferred to the Contingenc y Fund. The Board should note that some of these changes are not included in the individual department budgets. This results from refusal of the County Executive to set up the Budget in a form reflecting the actions of the Firionce Committee. Because the Board of Commissioners does not have the staff or funds to accomplish these changes independent of the County Executive, a review of adectute fundin g for an independent operation for the bud get-makin g process becomes obvious. However, the fact that the individual chan g es from the Executive's Recommendation have not been translated into line-item bud get amendments in the individual department bud gets should not be construed as their representing budget amendments. The chan ges in fact are incorporated into the individual bud get lino-items. As a further effort to monitor and control costs, the Finance Committee adopted the following as part of the Budget document. I) All Professional Services funds are not to be released until reviewed and approved by the Board of Commissioners. 2) Funds for the Cultural Council are not to be released until the Cultural Council presents a budget to the appropriate committee and the bud get is approved by the Board of Commissioners. 3) Funds under Central Services - Special Projects are not to be released until approved by the appropriate Committee and Board of Commissioners. 4) Health Department funds for program improvements are not to be released until the programs are approved b y the appropriate Committee and the Board of Commissioners. 654 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 16, 1976 5) Computer Services funds for computer program projects with departmnt priority status 7 and 3 are not to be released until the Computer Services Department presents each request for funding in line with the adopted policy statement, and the program is approved by the Board of Commissioners. 6) Tourist and Convention Bureau funds are not to be released until the Bureau brings in a report within six months as to what they have been doing and what other financial support they have generated. 7) Senior Citizens' funds For new programs are not to be released until the appropriate committee and Board of Commissioners approve each program. 8) Nutrition Program funds for new programs are not to be released until each program is approved by the appropriate committee and Board of Commissioners. 9) Board of Commissioners Research Staff funds are to be spent in accordance with the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Bi-Partisan Sub-Committee, if adopted by the Board of Commissioners. 10) Budget and Management increased funds for additional staff arc not to be released until the department's recommendation is approved by the appropriate committee and Board of Commissioners. 11) Soldier's Relief funds to bereleasodon approval of Human Resources Committee or sorcr ,...or committee. 12) The Road Commission funds are not io he relea%cd unl i I ro.1,1 improvemenl project% ore approved by the appropriate committee and the Boold ol C&uiiie is. ii iii I 13) Substance Abuse funds for satellite programs are not to he released until the progiams are reviewed by the Human Resources Committee or appropriate committee. 14) Solid Waste funds are not to be released until the programs are approved by the appropri- ate committee and Board of Commissioners. Revenues (S67,280,269) The major source of County revenues (56Z) is derived from the property tax levy which will generate $36.9 million in 1977. Even though the millage rate has remained constant from year to year, revenues from this source are projected to be less than in 1976 due to the implementation of the single business tax, which eliminated inventories rrom the personal property tax rolls. Revenues derived from intergovernmental sources including federal revenue sharing, counter cyclical funds, state-shared income tax, child care subsidy and other miscellaneous subsidies account for 23% of total revenues amounting to over $15.1 million. This amount represents 39Z increase over the S10.9 million included in the 1976 budget. This increase is the result of enactment of Public Act 280, which liberalized state sharing of costs incurred by the child care fund; Public Act 228, which provided for state reimbursement of revenue lost on inventories; and, enactment of Title IV of Public Works Employment Act of 1976. The next major category of revenue is charges for services which amount to $9.5 million and accounts for 14% of County revenues. This category has experienced a significant year to year in- crease (13%) primarily due to the inclusion of the Sheriff's patrol contracts in the budget. Miscel- laneous revenues account for the remaining 7% of total County revenues which include interest earned and charges for use of County property as well as the carry over of approximately $1.2 million of prior Year End Balance. Appropriations ($67,280,269) The $67.3 million Appropriation Budget represents a $6.9 million increase over last year's $60.4 million. The salient program improvements that account for the 11.4Z increase include imple- mentation of the Prosecutor's Organized Crime Strike Force, incorporation of the Sheriff's township patrol contracts, full County funding of the Youth Assistance Grant Program, as well as the Finance Committee's recommended program improvements previously enumerated in this Message. The balance of the increase is primarily due to inflationary pressures including a $1.7 million increase in the cost of employee fringe benefits and the provision of a reasonable reserve for negotiated wage increases and equity adjustments. Federal Revenue Sharing and Countercyclical Funds This Budget contemplates General Revenue Sharing receipts of $3,280,000 and Countercyclical Funds of $1,100,000. These funds will be earmarked for the following purposes. FEDERAL REVNUE SHARING Cultural Council S 10,000 Independent County Audit 150,000 Prosecutor's Organized Crime Strike Force 175,000 Tourist and Convention Bureau 20,000 New Senior Citizens' Programs 50,000 New Nutrition Program 25,000 New Sheriff's Organized Crime Strike Force 125,000 New Road Commission Program 250,000 Law Library 40,000 Circuit Court Defense Attorneys Fees 300,000 Juvenile Court Defense Attorneys Fees 175,000 Chapter 20 and 21 Drain Assessments 360,000 Medical Examiner 100,000 Planning Department 100,000 Youth Center 50,000 Summer Employment 100,000 Prosecutor's Department 350.000 Equalization Department 200,000 Friend of the Court 200,000 Circuit Court 200,000 Substance Abuse Departments 300,000 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 16, 1976 655 FEDERAL COUNTERCYCLICAL FUNDS Health Department Improvements $150,000 Management and Budget Department Improvements 25,000 Library Grant Continuation (if grant funding discontinued) 18,111 The use of the balance of these funds will be designated by the 1977 Board of Commissioners. Capital Improvement Program Although this Budget does not appropriate funds to the Capital Improvement Program, sufficient monies are currently available in that fund to complete work in progress such as the marble corrections in the East Wing of the Courthouse and to initiate new projects such as the renovation of the vacated County hospital for additional office space. In accordance with Rule X-A of this Board, the finance Cnmmittee will submit a revi:ed five year Capital Improvement Program Plan as a supplemeni to this Bndget upon cnmpleiion of ihr review and setting of priorities by the Planning and Building Committee. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing report and approval of the 1977 Budget in the form adopted by the Finance Committee. Respectfully submitted„ FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Fred D. Houghten, Vice Chairman Kenneth E. Roth, Bernard F. Lennon, Dana F. Wilson, Mary M. Dearborn, Betty J. Fortino, Hubert Price, Jr. Richard R. Wilcox, Wallace F. Gabler, Jr. Robert W. Page • SUMMARY - SALARIES PORTION - 1977 BUDGET Previously Approved Positions (1,923) $25,750,670 New Positions (0) 0 C.E.T.A. - Requested Position Continuations 0 Overtime Reserve 840,000 Summer Employment 225,000 Emergency Salaries 98,000 Tuition Reimbursement Program 70,000 Classification and Rate Changes 20,000 Children's Village Student Employment 10,000 Possible Salary, Equity, Fringe Benefit and/or Salaries Reserve Adjustments 1,358,524 Senior Citizens Summer Employment Program 0 TOTAL SALARIES RESERVE $28,372,194 JEPARTMENT OTHER SOURCES AMOUNT £0111171117 1.11110 1 i.a6K1 2.904 I 2.990 4r1f) 'WO 31,449 47.910 195 .1 74 15,718 17.140 212,924 21,467 49.427 50,097 30,721 148.920 1 74 1 44 244 7 IS III 517 211 319 14 36 15 18 57 656 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 16, 1976 SALARIES PORTION - 1977 FINAL BUDGET DISTRIBUTION TO DEPARTMENTS - -- TOTAL RECOMMENDED PERSONNEL TOTAL POSITIONS - - - PERSONNEL COSTS FINANCED FROM COUNTY SALARIES BUDGET PERSONNEL COSTS IN DEPARTMENTAL MIDGETS POSITIONS f. POSITIONS IN SALARIES RESERVE FUND SALARIES BUDGETED TOTAL I FINANCED FROM PREVIOUSLY APPROVED NED TOTAL COUNTY AMOONT OIENIER WIT SALARIES PESERVE SALARIES IOTA), COST COUNTY E2E6171I1+ ADMINIST11AT1O11 CEUTHAL sruillas Adolln(prrari6n Security PruhatIun cmultmet Services Facilities8 41perst1.111 Aci ,bur6.6ent lot 141.04ormont a 1 Fonds Altana,. Aorounte 9ANACE9ENT 6 ISCOEIET 4041414-Erstten Ihidecrine Arc•iunrIng Np-rhealna E4,4,11,4tInn HIGIAN SERVICES Asheinistrerlun II..' Medicl Coo, For llIty Csals 11014110 Children's 7111ame co.munliv Mental NeAlch • Lervieps PLA1,97151L PIANNINC A PHYSICAL OPAL AAmirilktr..tIon • WetAs ^arks 6 16.,r6,1.1, Alrpori P 1 ann 1 64. Properiv Nonseeffient 99111,1E SERVICES AdeinistrotIon lanpouvr Veterans 7,ervI,4 Library Cooperative Extension 114. Loot, A 1v. Goi. Lnercesiv Neeirel ▪ 7. I C4nrrol ' o, isforromanC Amsi,r. 1 14'4'7 ,114I3' Aer , ludo to i • 7,1 the Court Lay %1brmry 71111. '19INSEL CIAPF/REtJSPER coNDIS:IONERS 41E11111.1 COURTS 468I8 I1NNINSI4NER 01441811 rE011111 P1.1841E-904711.15 DIVISION PkoSKILIINE 871111121171 SHERIFF TREASURER 21 411.273 15 726,011 4 7,0,691 7 sn 494,731 24 251.2,5 50 717,1111 45 672,1111 94 1,244,954 113 1,441.72, 19 279,694 12 119,5541 12 119,514 112 744,1114 II 95,499 15 7n32,9'14 9i 155.984 2 61,6151 7' 44,415 11 164,915 131..005 48 952,917 44 041.217 27 743.7841 1 71,975 44 4118.75O .1' 575,929 7 69,119 141 4 ,R7-2,1115, 1 -.94 4.777,901 2.7: -115.759 295 2,115,7513 39 441.17'. 17 196,799 in 1.341.943 117 1.480.598 173 2.1149,740 • 16 101 .271 ' 17 474,917• 23 144.199 2 41.792' 11,660 ' . 511 2.411 ' 1,699. 47,514 4 119 1,491,7291 14 I 1/4,4221 79 42:,239 1 24 491,474 7 40,816 1 15.'19 i 14, 124 1 II, 'En 53 .11,416 72 24E1,776 19 :11.-24 5 48,067 2 21,4E5 /2 911,711, 5 0,1./127 50,997 4 59.097 10 2 ,721 13,721 2 14 /76.911 !11 " :.970 3 1 46.242 41 I 291,891 59 775,116 58 745,346 42 575,174 7 25.296 .. 25,296 71 215.795 1 II 215,795 AO 747,195 74 749,414 13 154,529 11 I 155,524 44 418,134 15 144.748 65 917,837 74 466,1511 IG 1 574.975 515,449 149 2.116,797 151 2,149,i24 Inc 1,711.411 . RN 1.510,940 386 !: 41 7,6115.107 481,193 791 4,,,43,1174 471,999 1 176,7111 55,447 751.:95 472,719 274.194 45,699 155,986 1.909 1.000 2,090 1,11111 20,000 211,o00 50,1974) snow :ova 2,nna 1,510 1.777 won 1.Sec 1,100 1,51)0 774,610 555,174 25,296 235,795 6,9719 4,105 713,614 1,009 • 1,0177 356,129 344.748 446,750 1,049 1,000 536,669 6,000 1 4,0119 2.153,524 1,519.990 3,1199 1,9911 4,448,875 SOO I 5(19 472.193 98,003 $5,2411 7.749 '41.526 44,451 1,146,954 1.1A4.511 649,115 7.171 17,n311 154,610 214,111 4 74m,421 7,971 442,984 14,167 47,135 2,949.709 101,271 71,552 11,042 2,638,671 3.092,229 170,022 27,044 41,190 17,1411 51 611,414 77.2117 26,445 411,404 8,011 46,242 2 15,274 14 190,192 4 I 211,751 73,788 446,082 40.30e 193,268 714,611 ¶81,267 10,01111 1,567 17,619,29111 TOTAL ! 1,490 41,444,954; 7.471 25,755,479 45.445 111,nns 741.747 52,575 577.824 49,014 4.224,401 2.135,258 404,298 1.5)8.898 . . -9,-Z-E1 7-5:1-3-4Z1-17-0 j- - 5 Ill 14 345,380' 440.1011 2.75,140 /0.000 :0,010 10,900 1.158.524 [,,TOTAL SALARIES RESERVE FUND 70741 .INANCED FROM OTHER SOURCES OVERIlmE RI:SERVE 040.099 linnown S111.,:S 12114.11YMENT :74.006 225.MA 111111oE 3EllflOHN7MENT 19,3710 74.040 71/402117M 17)8 ONO RATE CHANCES mono MOOD (14112.HEN'S VIEIALF STWONT EMPLOYMENT 10,4071 14.1100 75.5',EHEr SALARY, 134131E11 FRINGE REAFFlo 59E191 3'1,5.1E:7 ACSENVE AnI1741^91179 I • 158 "" I l'9 '7, • -- - 3,4911 45,990.474 TOTAL PROJECTED SALARTES COST 217,112,144 17.418,280 45,990.474 - TOTAL SALARIES BUNST Commiss;nners Minutes Continued. OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN 1977 BUDGET REQUEST DEPARTMENTAL SUMMARY 1974 1975 1976 1976 1977 Recommendation Department Page Actual Actual Adopted 6 Months Total County Finance No. Expenses Expenses Budget Expenses Request Executive Committee LAW ENFORCEMENT E. JUSTICE friend of the Court 1 571,017 635,918 663,669 408.329 769.270 748,614 757.614 Law Library 7 65,004 86.173 95.138 59,280 103,404 103,204 103.204 Administration 1 1 I 8;1 666 2,069,603 2,210.862 1„206,055 2,517,629 2.451,916 2.433.204 Circuit Court 2.507,687 2,791,694 2,969,669 1,673,664 1.190003 3,301.734 3,294,022 Division 1 16 145,044 1 92.983 217,307 116.536 335.824 255,0 19 250.037 Division II 21) 118,502 148,320 1 03,585 98,206 211,519 I 194,466 189,485 Division 111 23 137,672 179,967 214,443 111,979 279,155 j 240,099 235.11 8 District Court 421.318 521,270 615,315 326 .721 826.498 689,5114 674.640 Juvenile Court 27 2,029,933 2,298,522 2,401,444 1,215,064 2,749,448 2,611,051 2,629.008 Juvenile Maintenance 35 656,94 2 924.541 877,575 584,825 1.220.535 1.154.535 1,154,535 Administration 37_ 543,296 620,688 659.840 297,299 883,576 796.089 666,660 Probate Court 3,232,171 1,841.75 1 - 3,936.559 ' 2.097,188 4.853,559 4,562-.47 4,1.50,703 Prosecutor 42 1,174,429 1,162,985 1,481.280 896,324 2.234.399 1,777,490 1,177.490 Sheriff 47 5 497,796 , 6,404,918 5,606.931 , 1,397,384 6_,731,338 5,564.590 6,614.740 TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT 6. JUSTICE 12:033,453 14,924,618- 14,612,074 8,191,281 _1 8,338.097 16,137.873 16.811,095 -. GENERAL GOVERNMENT E. LEGISLATIVE Clerk/Re5ister 76 1,117,008 994,885 1,405,670 610,603 1.150,672 1,108.136 1,104.116 County 7 -easurer 91 505,036 545,057 68E1,096 312,383 722,472 717,914 675.812 Drain Colsmissioner 95 464,400 502,974 506.535 261,441 560.570 517.964 517.964 Civil Counsel 101 201,115 240,670 246,94 7 116,425 250,135 250,135 250.175 Board of Commissioners 104 175.314 418,952 414,231 210,020 412„543 412,254 481.754 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT E. LEGISLATIVE 2,683.671 2,722.538 , 3,261.79 , 3.096,392 3,007,003 1,030,001 - ADMINISTRATION Auditing 10E -. -. 104,128 62,026 1 51,101 108,956 108.956 Community I Minority Affairs 111 -- -- 19,762 9,531 2 ,,065 21.115 21.115 Public Information 113 -- -- 33.310 16,504 31,161 33•951 33.951 Special Projects 115 -- -- 28,612 13,542 29.212 28,212 28,212 Administration 117 224 ,379 313 687 i72„978 101-385 189004 178,979 173.979 County Executive 224,879 313,682 358.790 204-.988 423.443 371,213 366,215 mark,neme,5r E. Budget Budget Division 121 116,728 132,743 169,880 92.116 223.860 197.103 197.103 Accounting Division 125 849,737 859.555 897,685 490,340 952,267 947.133 900.368 Purchasing Division 129 65.735 78,418 68.735 39.171 66.557 64.015 63.265 Central Stores 133 (764,612) (997,507) 1855.357) (398.478) (732,734, (727.613) (727.6131 Stationery stores 135 (232,993 1 (346,906) (307,413) (145,402) (339.524) (31 4.297) (314.297) Equalization Division 137 590,623 685,410 718 •640 375.4 13 712,648 695.116 695.116 Administration 142 -- 46.818 16328 53.810 53.810 73,810 Management E. Oudget 1,622,821 1,756,126 1301,758 i.0/3„368 2.01 1 ,142 1,957,177 1,929.-662 Central Services Security 1 Probation 45 184,943 341.438 283.5r 196,115 379.036 315.760 115.760 150 563.612 656,590 711,117 349,113 940,026 736,088 716,088 Computer Services 154 69e,11.2 992,700 499,036 249,543 824 .322 1,039.927 1,019,927 Facilities E. Operations-Admin. 159 253,1 16 254,263 273,666 11 3.584 493.072 273,612 271,612 Telephone Exchange 16 7 ;29..5E 339.203 356,066 171,761 I 3'2.421 372,832 372,832 V ."aue I = rl = 3 is 0. 9161 ' I .10qu,4-rio 0, = Co OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN 1977 BUDGET REQUEST DEPARTMENTAL SUMMARY ---• 1974 1975 1976 1976 1977 Reconmendition Department Page Actual Actual Adopted 6 months Total County Finance No, Expenses Expenses Budget ,._ Expenses _ Request Executive Committee Central ServIces-(Continued) County Buildings 169 2,535.551 3,610,644 3,233,170 1,445,404 3.737,012 3,654,597 3,654,597 Reimbursement 204 129.049 137.308 144,757 72,895 149,646 136,002 136.002 Garage 27 (528,125) (651,021) (664,257) (309,0521 (719.666) (665,620) (665,620) Laundry 213 (264,952) (278.465) (288.921) (139,662) (3 1 8.807) (341.798) (341.798 Mailing 21; .- 48,748 42,970 30.196 28,2)2 36,564 36,564 Photocopy 717 (132,93 1 ) (150,605) (154,834) (80,162) (164,012) (163,648) (163,648) Print Shop 219 -- 13,046 13,886 6,523 21,904 13,239 13.239. Radio Communications 221 (54,4771 (40,416) (50,819) (5,020) (45,59 1 ) (1 3.083) (13.0831 Property Records (223 142,318 53 •070 52,613 28,613 55.408 47,056 47.056 Alimony !225- 279,902 290,513 309.293 152,076 320,080 319.775 319.775 Administration 1226 38,356 58,752 102 7 9 )5c59 69,830 69.235. 64 2 4 1 2,851,416 Central Services 5.1 35.367 6,796,275 6,622, 0 7,290,974 7,014,687 7.009,68 Planning E. Physical Devele-t i Public Works 1232 22,529 73,976 378,437 17,635 435,108 105,029 105,029 P!annIng i2.; 03,801 481,254 547,258 214,575 567,186 465.679 465.62 9 p,op.rc( management :21.P., .. 5 1 ,123 34,622 20,69) 37,574 37,678 37,678 Administration 12:3 -- 41.261 17,284 42,660 42,710 37,730 Planning 7. Physical Develop-ert 496,330-- 60,353 941 •578 290,185 1,087,528 651,116 646.116 Human Services Social 5erVICe5 205 3,304.559 5,03 1 ,391 3.920,000 2,071,147 3,674,708 3.255,000 3,260,500 Health Department 2" 1,575,951 3,852,868 4,288,116 2,066,826 4,634,8)0 4.447,612 4 .579 .900 Medical Examiner 252 338,505 459,852 174,961 208,118 445,613 398,081 398,081 Substance Abuse 292 401.912 466,220 665,275 246,771 505,962 485,305 485.305 Medical Care Facility 29/I 2,798,902 2,980,427 3,047,3311 1.526,777 2,976,543 2.938.355 2,919,643 Camp Oakland 35 614,107 624,528 608,486 328.406 660,784 632,043 632,043 Children's Village 017. 1 ,753,691 (,964,520 1.997,680 i.088.758 2,260,265 2,158.238 2,;58.238 ConmunIty Mental Health 115 2,154,202 2,087,405 1,677,000 386.934 1,231,100 1,031,100 1.031,100 Human Services Agency 1323 .. -- 325,075 -- 665,000 445,000 445,000 Administration 13244 -- 68,436 26,892 68,889 68 889 63 889 n,ynan Services 1.331,829 17,467,21 1 1 6,766-.31 7 7,950,623 1 7.123.624 1 5,859,623 15.972, 99 ovelic services , Veteran's Affalrs .2' )2!,294 354,415 386,915 189,279 424,954 416,749 421,749 Library 89,456 94,519 68,562 125,012 160,912 99.592 Cooperative Extension • 83,229 90,750 88,984 47,297 126,074 101,872 92,517 Disaster Control 1 59,095 58,845 69.599 30.358 339,468 70,407 70,407 Emergency Medical Service 31,383 41,174 14 •520 58,80) 39,446 39,446 Animal Control ."2 I 24 9,673 256,325 262,432 126,879 278,842 278,805 278,805 - Law Enf. Assistance Adminis. _IF' I 4,000 5,795 -- 17,054 5,000 5,000 Awrinistration E.= I .. 18,320 13,625 26,080 Tr 1.0 18,505 P.,b1ic Services i 71 3,291 885.174 967,738 490,520 1,396,285 1,03 , 96 26.021 Personnel 30&I 476,91 50!,545 , 52,164 293„791 678,294 631,227 547,721 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION ,23,630.610 28.326 .375 ' 27.471,335 13,094,851 30.026.840 27.522.439 27,491,119 GRAND TOTAL '1 5,1 17,736 45,973.5311 45.344 .888 23,017,044 51,161,329 47,427,315 47,339,215 /- % Page VII OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN 1977 BUDGET REQUEST NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES _ 1974 /975 1976 1976 1977 Recommendatign Description Actual Actual Adopted 6 Months Total County Finance Expenses Expenses Budget Expenses Request Executive Committee Airport 4,000 -- -- -- „ -- __ Ampulam7e 1,215 811 2,000 595 2,000 2,000 2,000 Area 1gency on Aging -- 2,500 3.100 3,100 9,900 9.900 9.900 3u1leing Authority 908,750 898,250 1,132,000 898,263 1,074,350 1,074,350 1,074,350 Building Fund 581,690 -- -- -- -- -- -- C.Pitel ()way 124,746 250,879 62,085 60,864 50,000 84.115 84,115 Clinton River Council -- -- 500 .- 500 500 500 Como. Health Planning Council 27,126 22,153 21,940 10,970 21,940 21.940 71,940 Zontingency 554,761 -- 566,070 -- 540,000 620,000 1.352,280 CCCC -- -- -- -- 1 4 ,972 -- -- Chapter 20 t. 21 Lrains 454,316 45,201 643,800 604,049 617,000 617.000 617.000 015Erict Ct. witness Fees -- -- 25,000 14 ,075 . 26,300 28,000 28.000 E ,lo.yees rental Plan -- -- 150.000 158,806 375,000 325,000 325,000 Employees Hospital Insurance 1,617,631 1,585,375 1,863.000 977,064 2,611.000 2 •611,000 2,611,000 Employees Life insurance 334,135 319,471 300,000 159,930 370,000 370,000 370.000 Employees Retirement Adminis. 34,505 37.352 18,000 3,844 41.000 41,000 41,000 Employees Retirement Fund 2,135,400 3,076,569 3,634,449 3,182,041 3,821,290 3,821,290 3,1371.290 Employees Salary Continuation Ins 119,340 139,815 143,910 88,517 144,000 144,000 144,000 Employees Sick Leave 66.382 113,365 100.000 -- 100.000 125,000 125,000 Employees Social Security 1 •518,118 1,676,329 1,750,000 1,405,425 2.260,000 7,260,000 2,260,008 EToloyees Unemployment Insurance -- 6,300 25,000 -- 50,000 100,000 100,000 Equipment Fund 100.000 -- -- -- -- -- -- Federal Project Match -, 15,704 92,637 18,800 100,000 100,000 140,000 4-H Fair Premiums 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,0100 Historical Society 8,250 8,500 15.000 15,000 9,500 9.500 8,500 Huron Clinton Authority 1,455,234 1,642,215 1,800,119 1,788,156 1,872,922 1,872,922 1.872,922 Huron River m'atershed 530 -- 500 -- 500 500 SOO MAC and NACO 20.472 20,472 20,475 25,919 26,000 26,000 26,000 management Study-Cost Allocation -- 23,600 -- 5,701 -- -- -- Police Academy Training -- 1,477 -- -- -- -, -- Radio Fund .. 4,777 -- -- -- -- -- Road Commission 150,000 150,000 -- -- -- -- -- SEMCOG 14,141 59,79 1 97.900 5309 1 20,0120 87.733 87,733 SoF1 Conservation 1,500 1.500 2,500 -- 2,500 2.500 2,500 SolFd Waste 24,425 54,158 -- -- -- -- -- S. E. michigan Tourfst Associatior 7 ,000 7,300 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7.800 State Audit Fees -- -. 28.000 1..788 30,000 30,000 30.000 Sundry 250,050 98.370 100,000 53.375 100,000 100,000 i00,000 Surety Bonds 51,709 65,928 97,600 86.006 300,000 300.000 300,000 Tax Allocation 5,727 5.275 5,000 5,050 5.000 6,000 6,400 T. B. Cases-OursIde n',264 1.8513 2,000 1,344 50,000 50,000 50,000 Tourist & Convention Bureau .. 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 40,000 27.000* Traffic Improvement Association 20,000 20,000 20,000 15,000 20.000 20,000 20,400 Utilities, Parking tots & Roads .5•2,.:3 500.000 450,000 ..._ 500.000 500,000 500,000 Water Rate Litigation Fees mm -- -- 2,500 -- -- -- Workman's Compensation 422,720 318,445 455,000 425,1 33 547.000 547,000 54',000 Youth Activity Center -- 105.017 40,000 -- 50,000 50,000 1 54.000 *Not to be releaSed until the Ilure,u erIngs in a repert within the FIrst six months, as in what the, nave been doing aid what other supoert they have generated. 1Ia '.ii 9L61 '91 )aqua.pao W CO r-• 5 0 3 0 CD C -'3.0 0. 3 A' 0.n CD - O 30, 0 Cr 3 rD CD O. w s 0 -1 0 CI • 015 CO. 7 - n C1' re -r s ro CU 14, (-1 M M co 1-11 CC, m -• 10 04 - n CD 3 0 Am • CD 0 • C ,1 CU -.0 - a 0 CD 3 00 04310. 2 Cl. Cr n O 0 M 'paal!wqns Recommendation Finance Committee el On 0 Cr. 30 3 CD IS ED 0. u, 0 ID 0 3 CT - Cr' OS Description Non-Departmental-Con't. palJoddns lo!uJad Aq pa/sow OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN 1977 BUDGET REQUEST NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 1976 Adopted Budget 13,916,585 -- 890,000 200 1100 80,090 20.000 86,874 15.013,459 45,344,888 60,358,347 1 ,196.874 100,000 10,000 1926 6 Months Expenses 9,696,806 31,505 ii;tb3 9.728,611 23,0 12,044 32,745,655 ssioners. SALARIES RESERVE Emergency Salaries Overtime Reserve Summer Employment F.Iti.n Pei,6.-sement Classification Z. gate Change New Positio,' Salary Adjustment Fringe Benefits Children's Village 57udent Employment Senior Citizens Summer Employmen TOTAL SALARIES RESERVE Less:Turnover Approved by the appropriate Lieison Committee and CPA County Audit Senior Citizens Program Nitrition Program Road Commission Solid Waste Program SUB-TOTAL Cr -< , O lSon 0- _1- -• m c, 3 -- n 01 2 nJ CD Co • C --310. D M • n ,-,. 0_ 2 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL M CO CT 0 APPROPRIATIONS a co n C W TOTAL OEPARTmENTAL REQUESTS o_ 113 2 rs GRAND TOTAL M 0 ri• Cy mr 9 M. W M < o 153 en ?X4C1:' CT X n - 9. a? • 447 0) ▪ 17 dl C CO et 0. 'no -. Q. LI, 04 -13 us rr O 0' 3t ••< • CD CD 9' 0- `C CD 1924 Actual Expenses 11,622,409 97,960 1,072,136 200,112 46,501 -- 322,458 1,220,224 4,871 3,01 4,3 11 14,636,720 39,117,736 51.7f4,456 1975 Actual Expenses ti,730 .603 100,000 1 ,023,984 273,284 50,942 7,734 135.336 200,910 9,742 1,732,437 13.463,035 45.971.53 1 59,436„566 the Board of Com, 1977 Total Request 15.794 .3 74 -- 840,000 225.000 /0,000 20.000 -- 1 ,296 .1 97 468,222 10,000 100 000 3 ,029,419 18,821.793 51j„161,329 69,965,_122 County EXeCUtirt 16,006,250 -- 840,000 225,000 70,000 20,000 -- 1,356,204 10,000 2,521.704 15,527,954 47,427,315 65,955,269 15E1.000 50,000, 25,000, 250,000'. 225,0)0 - fT,17530 840.000 225,000 7Q • 100 20,000 10,000 2.521,524 19,941,054 47m9,2i5 67,280 269 Page IX leAciJcide aql ou!lAoj se paldope aq 4a6pne Ltst • Programs developed for the uselof these funds must' be reviewed and Page 1 of 5 AMENDMENTS TO 1977 BUDGET PAGES AS DISPLAYED IN OAKLAND COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE Departmental Expenditures Department Page Account Recommendation Friend of the Court 4 Transportation $ 26,000 Circuit Court 14 Transportation 1,000 Probate Court 32 Transportation 62,700 Prosecuting Attorney 45 Transportation 50,000 . Sheriff 54 Transportation 429,170 Clerk/Register of Deeds 83 Transportation 1,400 Treasurer 95 Transportation 11,000 Drain Commissioner 99 Former DPW Projects (Act 185) and New Drain Act 342 Projects; 1 Chief Engineer $ 24,780 1 Asst. Chief Engl.. 22,890 • 6 Civil Engr. llt 133,560 1 Chief Const. Insp. 17,823 1 Civil Engr. ll 17,715 1 R/W Supervisor 16,628 1 R/W Tech. 15,432 4 Const. Insp. Suprs. 59,556 55r. R/W Agents 71,185 4 Engineering Tech. 56,512 6 Const. Insp. III 83,466 3 Engineering Aide II 39,123 2 RAW Agents 26,082 3 Const. Insp. ll 36,843 1 Const. Insp. I 10,760 3 Typist II 27,063 43 $659,418 Drain Commissioner 99 Salaries (Other Sources) 1,105,500 Drain Commissioner 100 Transportation 9,500 Civil Counsel 111 Transportation 1,100 Commissioners 114 Transportation 12,800 ALditing 119 Transportation 1,200 • PuElic Infarmotion 122 (1 ) Public Information Officer 10,000 Public Infcm-ation 123 Salaries Regular 19,981 Special Projects 124 (1) Director of Special Projects 12 Snez .7.1 P-;:e:, 125 Salaries Regular 12 Page 2 of 5 Department Page Account Recommendation County Executive Administration 126 Coordinator of Management Information System $ 0 County Executive Administration 127 Salaries Regular 7 15,689 County Executive Administration 127 Transportation 3,700 Budget 132 Transportation 600 Accounting 136 Transportation 300 Equalization 148 Transportation 16,350 Management and Budget 153 Transportation 400 Security 156 Transportation 2,600 Probation 161 Transportation 18,300 Computer Services 168 Transportation 6,500 Facilities and Operations 174 Transportation 1,900 Facilities and Operations 176 Transportation 640 Facilities and Operations 177 Transportation 1,760 ' Reinnaursement 220 Transportation 300 Central Services Administration 244 Transportation 480 Public Works 251 Transportation 650 Planning 259 (2) Engineering Aide II - Planning 27,899 Planning 259 (3) Associate P cnners - Operations 58,526 Plcnnirg 259 (2) Intermediate Planners - Partners in Planning 29,051 Planning 259 (0) Research Assistant - Partners in Planning Other Sources - 0 - Planning 261 Salaries Regular 350,808 Planning 261 Salaries Other Sources 17,064 Planning 261 Transportation 4,300 Planning and Physical Development Administration 281 Transportation 420 Social Services 285 (1) Emergency Food Coordinator Other Sources - 8,800 Health 295 Transportat;on 7,480 Substance Abuse 312 Transportation 1,000 Medical Care Facility 323 Transportation 4,800 Children's Village 362 Transportat'on 13,600 Community Mental Health 371 Transportation 36,925 Hi...,-an Services Administration 377 Transportation 600 Veterans Affairs 381 Transco-tat:on 11,000 1.-o-cry 385 Salaries Rec,...o• 34,637 Librc_try 385 Fringe Benefits 4,756 Library 385 Books 16,400 Library 385 Supplies 3,500 Disaster Control and Civil Defense 392 (1) Disaster Control & Civil Defense Director 8,063 41,097 900 ?20 29,300 1,300 Page 3 of 5 Department Page Account Recommendation Disaster Control and Civil Defense 393 Salaries Regular Disaster Control and Civil Defense 393 Transportation Public Services Administration 409 Transportation Animal Control 415 Transportation Personnel 415 Transportation Garage Operations C Budget Adjustment Contingency (133,124) Non-Departmental Expenditures Categories - Page Recommendation Contingency VIII S 2,058,700 Summer Employment IX 200,000 Salary Adjustments IX 856,704 Total Non-Departmental IX 18,001,134 Page 4 of 5 Departmental Expenditures Department Friend of the Court Circuit Court District Court Juvenile Court Friend of the Court Friend of the Covet Computer Services Computer Services Computer Services Computer Services Juvenile Court Juvenile Court Juvenile Court Juvenile Court/Probate Juvenile Court/Probate Juvenile Court/Probate Computer Services --Computer Services Sheriff's Department Clerk/Register of Deeds Computer Services Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioners Computer Services Computer Services Purchasing Computer Services Management and Budget Computer Services Social Services Social Services Social Services Health Department Computer Services 4 4 4 13 18, 21 32 32 32 33 39 39 39 39 —53.---- 53 83 95 113 114 114 114 132 136 140 148 152 768 286 286 286 292 292 Printing Communication Data Process - Develop: Data Process - Develop: 24 Data Process - Develop: Data Process - Develop: Salaries-Regular Memberships Travel fl Conference Sa ies-Regu far Travel & Conference Memberships Data Process - Develop: Probate Court Data Process -- Develop: Sheriff Organized Crime Strike Force County Directory Datc: Process - Develop: Treasurer Salaries - Other Sources Salaries - Regular Cultural Council Research Staff Daft? Process - Develop: Budge' Data Process - Develop: Acccng Membership Dues, Publication Data Process - Develop: Equalizarion Budset Adj. Contingency Budget Adj. Cont. Relief Admin. mern berchio & Dues Trove! o Conference BJclget Ad. Contingency Da'ta Process - Develoo: Health Deo-. 5,000 4,000 74,850 56,136 4,982 0 2,149, 523 2,470 4,285 535,670 2, 500 1,200 0 125,000 2,000 14,034 0 355, 529 1 0,000 60,000 37, 424 46,780 550 37,424 25, 000 (440,630) 3,000 4,000 3, 5("0 150,C.20 0 9,356 112,273 7, 500 500 Dep3ropent Substance Abuse Computer Services Soldier's Relief (Veteran's Affairs) Computer Services Computer Services Computer Services 312 Satellite Centers 323 Data Process - Develop: 381 Soldier's Relief 389 Data Process - Develop: 415 Data Process - Develop: Data Process - Develop: Page 5 of 5 294, 700 Medical Care Facility 6,500 Coop. Extension Personnel C.L.E.M.I.5. Professional Services Line Items 127 Professional Services; County Executive 152 Professional Services: Management & Budget 244 Professional Services: Central Services - Admin. 281 Professional Services: Planning & Phys. Dev. 377 Professional Services: Human Serv. - Admin. 409 Professional Services: Public Serv. - Admin. Non-Departmental Expenditures 8. Revenues Anti-Recession Funds Solid Waste I-U.-,c;-iccti County Audit Tourist 8, Convention Bureau Senior Citizens Nutrition Program Road Commission Solid Waste II Revenue: Countercyclical Funds I II Revenues: Year End Balance VIII Historical Society 1X CPA County Audit VIII Tourist 8. Cony. Bureau IX Senior Citizen's Prog. IX Nutrition Program IX Rood Commission IX Expenditures: Solid Waste Program 1,100,000 1,225,000 8,500 150,000 20,000 50,000 25,000 250,000 225,000 Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman FINANCE COMMITTEE Commissioners Minutes Continued. ni,cmhei 16, 1976 fard Discussion followed. Vote on amendment: AYES: Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Lennon. (14) NAYS: Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Wilcox, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt. (13) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Moved by Lennon supported by Montante the resolution be amended to read: "the salaries of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for the 1977 and 1978 terms be increased to $750.00". Vote on amendment: AYES: Murphy, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth. Wilcox, Wilson, Daly, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Montante. (15) NAYS: Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Simmons, Aaron, Button, Dearborn, Donglac, lloot, McDonald, Moffitt. (12) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amenilment cariied. Moved by Lennon supported by Dunleavy the salaries of the Oakland County Circuit Court Judges be increased 5% on their total salary which would be what they receive from the County and State. Moved by Kasper supported by Gabler the amendment be referred to Committee for proper consideration. Mr. Lennon objected to the referral. Discussion followed. Vote on referral: AYES: Nowak, Patterson, Pernick, Roth, Wilcox, Aaron, Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hooi, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt. Montante, Murphy. (16) NAYS: Olson. Perinoff, Price, Simuuns, Wilson, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, 1 (41 llf . (I CO A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The amendment was referred to the Personnel Committee. Moved by Lennon supported by Dearborn the Probate Judge's salary be increased by 5% up to the allowable limit that is allowed by State Statute that we can pay them on the County portion. Moved by Kasper supported by Patterson the amendment he referred to Committee for proper consideration. AYES: Patterson, Pernick, Roth, Wilcox, Aaron, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak. (14) NAYS: Olson, Perinoff, Price, Simmons, Wilson. Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Lennon. (12) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The amendment was referred to the Personnel Committee. Moved by Lennon supported by Houghten the other 6 elected County Officials (County Executive, Prosecutor, County Clerk, Treasurer, Sheriff and Drain Commissioner) salaries be increased 5"..r,. Moved by Kasper supported by Patterson the amendment be referred to Committee for proper consideration. Vote on referral: AYES: Patterson. Aaron, Douglas, Gahler, Hoot, Kanprr. (6) NAYS: Perinoff. Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Bution, Daly, Opatborn, Ounleavy, Fortino, Houghten, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson. (19) 662 Commissioners Minutes Continued, December 16, 1976 A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Vote on amendment: AYES: Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Daly, Dunleavy, Gabler, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak. (18) NAYS: Aaron, Button, Dearborn, Oouclas, Fortino, Hoot, Olson. (7) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Moved by Lennon supported by Montante that the salaries of all other County employees, not covered by Union Contracts, be increased by 5% across the board. Moved by Kasper supported by Aaron the amendment be referred to the Personnel Committee. Discussion followed. Vote on referral: AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Wilcox, Aaron, Button, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson. (19) NAYS: Price, Simmons, Wilson, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Lennon, Montante. (8) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment was referred to the Personnel Committee. Moved by Gabler supported by Fortino the Board reconsider the 6 Elected Officials (County Executive, Prosecutor, County Clerk, Treasurer, Sheriff and Drain Commissioner) salary increase of 5. AYES: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Patterson. (13) NAYS: Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Dunleavy, Houghten, Lennon, McDonald, Montante, Olson, Perinoff. (13) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Moved by Wilcox supported by Fortino the salary of the Reference Librarian be reinstated to what it was originally; providing the Library Board does reverse their decision to pay the Reference Librarian the extra money. AYES: Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick. (22) NAYS: Lennon. (I) PASS: Hoot. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Misc. 7764 By Mr. Wilcox IN RE: APPROPRIATION OF LOCAL PUBLIC WORKS ACT. TITLE II COUNTER-CYCLICAL FUNDS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Title II of the Local Public Works Act of 1976 provides funds to qualified local units of government; and WHEREAS the government of Oakland County qualifies to receive Title II, counter-cyclical funds; and WHEREAS the primary objective of the Act is to prevent lay-offs and maintain local community services; and WHEREAS the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, as amended, Title X grant award funds will soon be exhausted necessitating the termination of over 200 employees; and WHEREAS it is in the interest of Oakland County to continue to provide meaningful employ- ment for these individuals. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the expenditure of local Public Works Act Title II. counter-cyclical funds, in an amount not to exceed $440,375 for the purpose of providing continued meaningful employment for current Title X enrollees, consistent with the attached budget. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Richard R. Wilcox, Commissioner - District #1 ALLOCATION OF PUBLIC WORKS ACT TITLE 11 - COUNTER CYCLICAL FUNDS TOTAL NUMBER or EMPLOYEES currently funded under all Title X Programs 238 TOTAL TITLE X FUNDS AVAILABLE as of the pay period ending November 19, 1976 $331,376 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 16, 1976 CURRENT EXPENDITURE RATE based upon hi-weekly payroll draw against Title X Nods $10i,934 PROJECTED TERMINATION DATE of all TITLE X employees, taken as January 4,1977 a whole, based upon available TITLE X funds PUBLIC WORK ACT TITLE II funds available to supplement TITLE X funds $440,375 NEW PROJECTED TERMINATION DATE ,, based upon available TITLE II funds March 3,1977 ,These dates reflect projections based upon current payroll expenditures. As these payroll expenditure rates are adjusted to reflect possible turnover and salary increases, the program termination date will be adjusted to coincide with the exhaustion of funds. BACKGROUND, RE: PROPOSED USE OF TITLE 11 COUNTER-CYCLICAL FUNDS By Board of Commissioners Resolutions .7419 and 7420, dated January 22, 1976, grants for Public Works Improvement Projects under Title X were accepted in the total annunt of $1,198,896. Subsequent resolutions authorized hiring as wiry Maintenance Laborers as required to complete Projects and expend the funds by December 31, 1976. Currently, there are 238 people employed by . Oakland County under these grants. As of December 31, 1976, approximately $45,000 of these funds will be unexpended. fhe Federal Government has indicated that it will extend the periods of the grants beyond December 31, 1976 to permit use of unexpended funds. In the last few days, we have been informed that Oakland County will receive "couplet- cyclical" funds in the amount of $440,000 for the first two quarters of 1977 with an estimated $300,000 for the rest of the year. These funds are restricted in use with the main thrust being to preserve employment and avoid lay offs. Tile administration believes that the optimum use of these funds, consistent with the intent of the grant, is to continue the employnent of as many as possible of the people funded by the original Public Works Improvement grants. The counter-cyclical funds of 5440,000, plus the $45,000 of the unexpended funds, provide continued employment for aperoxinotely 238 people AI the out and assoming normal attrition and no replacement hiring, it should be possible hl r.ontinne employment al least nniil March I, 1977. The employees will be working on needed projects in addition Ii completing the wort, under- taken in the original grants. Examples of these are: beginning the restoration of the old hospital for eventual use as administrative offices, painting and clean-up of machine and equipment rooms in all County buildings, and fence repairs in County parks. Moved by Wilcox supported by McDonald the resolution be adopted. DiscusSion followed. The Chairman vacated the Chair. The Vice Chairman took the Chair. Moved by Pernick supported by Simmons the resolution he referred to the Personnel Dmonittee. Discussion followed. Vote on referral: AYES: None. (0) NAYS: Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Autton, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick. (26) PASS: Price. (1) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. KhY..d ley Nearixuli ..upp(0-1 ,d by Pernick the resolution be amended: "the proposed resolution he twirled throngh lelnaraty 1%1 moil reviewed by the Finance Committee and the Personnel Committee." AYES: Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Hoot, Perinoff, Pernick. (10) NAYS: Wilcox, Dunleavy, Gabler, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Roth. (15) PASS: .Simmons, Price. (2) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Vote on resolution: AYES: Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Simmons. (24) NAYS: None. (0) PASS: Page, Price. (2) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Moved by Fortino supported by Aaron that $50,000 be transferred from the Contingent./ Fund to the Social Services Budget, subject to the approval guidelines. 664 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 16, 1976 Discussion followed. AYES: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino, Lennon, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Simmons. (10) NAYS: Wilson, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Perinoff, Roth. (15) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Vote on 1977 Budget, as amended, including the Salaries Portion of the Budget: AYES: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Fimmons, Wilson. (14) NAYS: Dunieavy, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Wilcox. (13) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the 1977 Budget, as amended, including the Salaries Portion, as amended, was adopted. Misc. 7765 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT APPLICATION - PROSECUTOR To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed the Cooperative Reimbursement Grant-Prosecutors Grant Application for 1977; and WHEREAS this is the fifth year of a continuing grant; and WHEREAS total funding for the 1977 grant is $348,692 of which $1470 would be County funded and $348,222 would be State funded; and WHEREAS the Finance Committee recommends filing of said application. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the filing of the Cooperative Reimbursement-Prosecutors Grant Application. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT APPLICATION - PROSECUTOR To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed the 1977 Cooperative Reimbursement Grant Application - Prosecutor. This is the fifth year of a continuing grant for the purpose of establishing paternity for children receiving ADC and investigating cases of fraud directly related to child support. The 1977 grant application of $348,692 is $111,841 or 471; greater than the 1976 grant. Included in the $111,841 increase is $31,097 which represents anticipated personnel classification changes and 5% salary increase For the current (13) positions. It should be noted that the pro- cessing of this grant application does not automatically authorize the subject personnel classifi- cation changes and the 52 salary increases. Rather, the salary for each position will be sub- sequently reviewed and revised by the Personnel Committee and the Board of Commissioners. The frinqe benefit costs are decreased by $808 due to the withdrawing of attorney's out of the County retirement system. Indirect costs totaling $79,392 or 32.7 of total salary and fringe benefit costs are being requested in the 1977 application. .The County portion of this grant application is $470 which is recommended in the 1977 Prosecutor budget. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, recommends the acceptance of the foregoing report. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 16, 1976 665 OAKUM COUNTY COOPERATIVE RETMRURSEMENT PROGRAM PROSECUTOR Comparison 1976 Program - 1977 Program Application Salaries Sr. Trial Lawyer (I) Assis. Pros. III • Variance No. of No. of 1977 Variance Favorable/ Positions 1976 Positions Application Positions (Unfavorable) -0- -0- 1 29,765 (1) (29,765) 1 21,839 1 21,839 Assistant Pros. II 2 37,070 2 39,278 -0- (2,208) Prosecutor Investi. 3 47,600 3 48,903 -0- (1,303) Clerk It 2 17,403 2 17,600 (197) Typist II (1) 4 27,607 5 45,102 (1) (17,495) Clerk I 1 7,064 -0- -0- 1 7,064 Ant. Salary Adjustment -0- -0- -0- 9,032 -0- (9,032) 13 158,583 13 189,680 -0- (31,097) Fringe Benefits 53,918 (34%) 53,110 (28%) 806 TOTAL SALARY& FRINGE BENEFITS 212,501 242,790 (30,289) Indirect Cost 32.7% of Salary & Fringe Benefits -0- 79,392 (79,392) Operating Transportation (1) 5,600 6,500 (900) Travel & Conference 500 1,000 (500) Stationery Supplies 2,900 3,600 (700) Equipment -0- 8,770 (8 ,770) Communications 2,500 4,000 (1,500) Radio Rental -0- 1,440 (1,440) Memberships„Dues & Publics. -0- 300 (300) Postate 4,000 -0- 4,000 Out of State Processing -0- 400 (400) Miscellaneous -0- 500 (500) Rent 8,850 , -0- 8,850 'Dotal Operating 24,350 26,510 (2,160) TOTAL 236,851 348,692 (111,841) FUNDING SOURCES: County Cost -0- -0- -0- In-Kind 8,850 (41) -0- 8,4',0 Budgeted -0- 470 (470) Total County 8,850 (4%) 470 . 8,380 State 228,001 (96%) ' 348,222 (120,221) TOTAL 236,851 348,692 (111,841) (1) Requests reclassification of one (1) Assistant Prosecutor III to that of Senior Trial Lawyer and one (1) Clerk I to that of Typist It pof,ition. (2) Includes cost of 3 County vehicles. 666 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 16, 1976 Moved by Pernick supported by Button the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Pernick supported by Button the resolution be adopted. AYES: Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7766 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: FRIEND OF THE COURT - COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed the Friend of the Court-Cooperative Reimburse- ment Grant Application for 1977; and WHEREAS this is the sixth year of a continuing grant; and WHEREAS total funding for the 1977 grant is $563,503 of which $5,657 would be County funded and $557,846 would be State funded; and WHEREAS the Finance Committee recommends filing of said application. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the filing of the Friend of the Court-Cooperative Reimbursement Grant Application. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT APPLICATION - FRIEND OF THE COURT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed the 1977 Cooperative Reimbursement Grant application - Friend of the Court. This is the sixth year of a continuing grant under the Social Security Act Title IV, Section 4021A involving the enforcement of Child Support Payments - A.O.C. cases. The 1977 grant application of 5563,503 is $307,007 or 12N: greater than the 1976 grant. Included in the $307,007 increase is $76,183 which represents an anticipated 5% salary increase for the current (15) positions and the cost of (5) additional positions for 1977. It should be noted that the processing of this grant application does not automatically authorize the subject additional personnel and the 57 salary increases. Rather, the salary and personnel needs for this program will be subsequently reviewed and revised by the Personnel Committee and the Board of Commissioners. The fringe benefit costs are increased by $21,208. Indirect costs totaling $177,859 or 53.92% of total salary and fringe benefit costs are being requested in the 1977 application. The major increase in the operating budget is $27,712 for data processing costs. The county's portion of this grant application is $5,657 which is recommended in the 1977 Friend of the Court budget. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, recommends the acceptance of the foregoing report. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 16, 1976 OAK' AND COUNTY' OCOPENATIVE REIMBURSEMENT PRCGRAM FRIEND OF THE COURT Conparison 1976 Progrnin - 1977 Program Application 667 Number of Nurubor of Positions 1976 Positions 1977 Application Varialuip Nunillx!r or itni Variancli 1'avor:31,014V (Unfavornl!lo) SALARIES Attorney II 2 34,886 3 58/. 541 (1 ) (23,655) Attorney I 1 14,279 1 14949 0 ( 670) Court Service Officer 4 64,542 5 84:881 (1 ) (20,339) Typist II 2 15,487 4 35,150 (2) (19,663) Typist I 2 14,130 1 7,646 1 6;484 Clerk II 2 15,921 2 177802 0 ( 1,881) Clerk I 2 14,237 3 22,252 (1 ) ( 8,015) Account Clerk 0 0 1 8 444 -(1) ( B.,444) - Sub-Total Salary 15 173482 20 249,665 (5) (76 183) FRINGE BENEFITS 58,984 (34%) 80,192 (32.12%) (21 208) Total Salary: Fringe 232-466 329 857 (97 391) INDIRELT COST 53.92% of Sn1ary7 Fringo 0 • 177.859 £1774859) OPERATING Transportation (1) 97000 19 500 ( 10;500) Travel & Conference 300 350 ( 50) Stationery Supplies 1,500 1,600 ( 100) Deputy Supplies 0 212 ( 212) Equipment 180 1,151 ( 971) Postage & Oonnunication 2,700 2,862 ( 1(12) Data Processing Costs 0 27,712 (27,712) Radio Rental & Maintenance 1,950 2,400 ( 450) Rent ,8 400 0 8,400 Total Operating 24,030 55 787 (31:757) Total 256,496 563503 (307,007) FUNDING SOURCES County • . Cash 4,650 (21) -- 4,650 In-Kind 8,400 (3%) - -- 8,400 Budgeted -- 6657 (1%) (5,657) --_-__ Total County 13,050 5,657 7,393 STATE 243,446 (95%) 557,846 (99%) (314'.'400) TOTAL 256,496 635 (307 007) (1) includes cost of 4 county vehicles. 668 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 16, 1976 Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Pernick supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. AYES: Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron. (25) NAYS: None. (0) PASS: Houghten. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution wo ,. adopted. Misc. 7767 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: AWARDING OF CONTRACT FOR UTILITY TUNNEL IMPROVEMENTS, COUNTY PROJECT 75-25A To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to a Planning and Building Committee Resolution 117742 of November 18, 1976, bids were received on December 1, 1976 for the Utility Tunnel Improvement Project; and WHEREAS the County Executive's Department of Central Services, Facilities and Operations Division and the Planning and Building Committee recommend that a contract be awarded to Heineman and Lovett Company, Inc. of Detroit, Michigan, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $24,993, said recommendation concurred in by the Finance Committee. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED as follows: I. That the bid of Heineman and Lovett Company, Inc. of Detroit, Michigan in the amount of $24,993 be accepted and the contract awarded in concurrence with the Planning and Building Committee recommendation on December 9, 1976. 2. That funding be provided in the amount of $33,000 to cover the total project cost. 3. That the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute a contract with Heineman and Lovett Company, Inc. of Detroit. Michigan on behalf of the County of Oakland. 4. That this award shall not be effective until the awarder has been not in writing by the County Executive's Department of Central Services, Facilities and Operations Division. 5. That pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the total project sum for Project 75-25A of $33,000 available in tie recommended 1976 Capital Program-Utility Section, Utility Tunnel Improvements, to fund: Tunnel Repairs $24,993 Construction Supervision 4,000 Administration 200 Maintenance Charges 1,000 Contingency 2,807 TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING $33,000 The Finance Committee. by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, and with the concurrence of the Planning and Building Committee moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Montante the resolution be adopted. AYES: Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7768 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: AWARDING OF CONTRACT FOR RELOCATION OF DETENTION UNIT COURTHOUSE ALTERATIONS-PHASE II, COUNTY PROJECT 75-2211 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to a Planning and Building Committee Resolution 117740 of November 18, 1976, bids were received on December 7, 1976 for the Relocation of Detention Unit Courthouse Alterations-Phase II Project; and WHEREAS the County Executive's Department of Central Services-Facilities and Operations Division and the Planning and Building Committee recommend that a contract be awarded to K. Pemberton Construction Company. Inc. of Livonia, Michigan, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $64,980, said recommendation concurred in by the Finance Committee. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED as follows: I. That the bid of K. Pemberton Construction Company, Inc. of Livonia, Michigan in the Commissioners Minutes Continued. Decomhor 16, 1916 amount of S64,980 be accepted and the contract awarded in concurrence with the Planning And Nuilding Committee recommendation on December 9. 1976. 2. That funding be provided in the amount of $73,000 to cover the total Project cost. 3. That the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute a contract with K. Pemberton Construction Company, Inc. of Livonia, Michigan on behalf of the County of Oakland. 4. That this award shall not be effective until the awardee has been notified in writing by the County Executive's Department of Central Services-Facilities and Operations Division. 5. That pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the total project sum for Project 75-2211 of $73.000 available in the recommended 1976 Capital Program-Hiscellanc00% Remodeling, to fund: Corstrucliun $64.980 Construct;on Supervision 4,000 Administrative 500 'Start-up Expenses 800 Contingency 2,720 TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING $73,000 The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, and with the concurrence of the Planning and Building Committee moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. AYES: Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Hogghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Phtflitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick. Price, Roth, Sintmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron. Daly, Dearborn. (25) NAYS': None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7769 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: RESEARCH ASSISTANCE FOR THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Finance Committee has recommended that the Board of Commissioners be granted $60,000.00 in their 1977 Budget for a Research Assistance Program; and WHEREAS the Finance Committee appointed a sub-committee to study the development of such a research program, and that sub-committee has met and made its recommendation to Finance Committee as follows: That each Caucus of the Board of Commissioners be granted $30,000.00 for staff and expenses. Each Caucus is allowed to hire a research development person with a salary range of $14,°°0 to $17.500: and that person be allowed a secretary with a salary range of $7500 to $9500, with the balance of the $30,000 to be allowed for travel expenses and supplies. Each Caucus will determine their own personnel and will do their own hiring and that their personnel will report to their respective caucus. Travel expenses and supplies will be approved by the respective Caucus Chairman. WHEREAS the Finance Committee has approved the sub-committee's recommendation, and recommends same to the Board of Commissioners. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby establishes a program for Research Assistance for the Board of Commissioners in accordance with the above recom- mendation. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. Discussion followed. AYES: .Fortino, Hoot, Lennon, Olson, Pernick, Price, Wilcox, Wilson, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas. (11) NAYS: Dunleavy, Gabler, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Roth, Simmons, Aaron. (13) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. The Vice Chairman announced pursuant to Rule XI-E the matter shall be laid over to the next regular Board meetino. 669 670 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 16, 1976 Misc. 7770 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: VALIDATION STUDY GRANT - DETENTION OFFICER To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland is desirous of improving and validating all of the selection devices used to screen prospective employees in accord with the Merit System Resolution; and WHEREAS C.E.T.A. Title I funds in the amount of $25,403.90 have already been approved (Miscellaneous Resolutions #7686 and g7708) to finance a Detention Officer Validation study including consultant fees and staff salaries; and WHEREAS three consulting organizations (Arthur Young and Company, Michigan State University and the United States Civil Service Commission) have all submitted acceptable proposals for technical assistance on this project; and WHEREAS Michigan State University, with Neal Schmitt, Ph.D., as Project Consultant, has submitted the lowest bid (56,580.18) for such services, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED with the C.E.T.A. Title I funds available for the Detention Officer Validation Project that Michigan State University be awarded the professional consulting contract for this project in an amount not to exceed S6,580.18; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the balance of these Funds be used to continue two (2) Personnel Trainee positions to conduct the basic research on this project, these positions to be funded from the project's starting date, January I, 1977, through its completion, or the exhaustion of these C.E.T.A. funds, whichever comes first. The Personnel Commitee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted. AYES: Fortino, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Olson, Page, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy. (18) NAYS: Gabler, Hoot, Patterson. (3) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7771 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: ESTABLISHMENT OF ONE SUPERINTENDENT OF CAMP OAKLAND POSITION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS increasing administrative duties and responsibilities have reduced the supervision and treatment services for children at Camp Oakland, primarily the responsibility of the Program Director; and WHEREAS Camp Oakland deems the need for a Superintendent to perform administrative duties far more essential than the continuation of one (1) Tutor position, two (2) Social Work Student positions, and one (1) Remedial Reading Teacher position, all currently vacant part-time positions; and WHEREAS the deletion of the four (4) part -timc positions to hind the creation of the Superintendent of Camp Oakland position will result in an anticipated first year savings of $2,400.00;. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (1) Tutor position, two (2) Social Work Student positions, and one (I) Remedial Reading Teacher position be deleted from the Camp Oakland salaries budget; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one (1) Superintendent of Camp Oakland position be established in the Camp Oakland salaries budget with the following salary range: BASE I YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR SITE2 ST4-747.4 515,106 $13777— The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Moffitt the resolution he adopted. AYES: Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 16, 1976 671 Misc. 7772 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: ESTABLISHMENT OF A TECHNICAL SUPPORT CLERK CLASSIFICATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County Personnel Department has recently conducted seven (7) clerical classi- fication audits in the Friend of the Court Division of the Circuit Court; and WHEREAS the audits revealed that the current classifications of Typist II and Clerk li did not accurately reflect the duties and responsibilities of the positions audited; and WHEREAS it was further determined that no other appropriate classification currently exists for the positions audited; and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed the matter and recommends creation of the specialized classification of Technical Support Clerk to be utilized by employees performing specialize responsibilities greater than Typist II or Clerk II, but not performing group leadership responsibil- ities, or functioning as the sole clerical support for an entire section or division as is the case For Clerk III employees, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the classification of Technical Support Clerk be established with the following 1976 salary range: BASE 6 MONTH 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 87-gT 8,205 8,369 8,694 9.021 9,346 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the seven (7) clerical positions in the Circuit Court - friend of the Court audited by the Personnel Department be reclassified to Technical Support Clerk, retro- active to June I, 1976. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. AYES: Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7773 By Mr. Daly IN RE: COUNTY OF OAKLAND ENDORSEMENT OF THE STATE WIDE COALITION FOR BALANCED TRANSPORTATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS there is a growing demand for public transportation; and WHEREAS Michigan needs coordination between various modes; greater funding; and a new approach at the State level to plan and set priorities for all modes; and WHEREAS the State Wide Coalition for Balanced Transportation has requested the County of Oakland to join various interested groups to work together as a means of assuring that there is appropriate support for all modes; and WHEREAS hereto is at the statement adopred hy the SIAFr Wide Coalition for Balanced Transportation. NOW THEREFORE RE 11 RLSOLVED that the Couely ol Dokkuid ..uppott the State Wide fo.illihre for Balanced Transportation and endores the Coalition stAtempul. The Planning and Building Conoittee by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoptiou of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman STATEMENT ADOPTED BY THE STATEWIDE COALITION FOR BALANCED TRANSPORTATION There is a growing demand for public transportation. Governor Milliken and the Legislature deserve credit for providing leadership in acting to meet that demand. Michigan needs coordination between various modes; greater funding; and a new approach at the State level to plan and set priorities for all modes. We welcome the opportunity of working together with various interests as a means of assuring that there is appropriate support for all modes. We think the biggest winners in such coordination will be the people of this State. In order to accomplish these purposes, we: (I) support the creation of a unified transportation fund, (2) support the establishment of specific allocations for all modes of freight and passenger transportation in order to assure that no modes are denied a reasonable share of funding, (3) offer to work with focal road interests to explore their need for greater funds, (4) insist that the source of public transportation funding be assured and he derived Irom an expanding base, (5) support the establishment of a Connission and Department of transportation to assume the 672 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 16, 1976 functions of the current Commission and Department of Highways in order to move toward equity for all modes in the solution of total transportation needs. We believe it is not appropriate to have a single mode department administering a multi-modal program, and (6) support a strengthened role for the Public Transportation Council in the interim with a grant of specific authority and at least minimal staffing in order for it to be nsore effective as an advocate for transportation. The signers of this statement pledge to work cooperatively With each other in a spirit ol flexibility and compromise because that will best meet the needs of the people of Michigan. We solicit support from and endorsement from other groups. mocd by Daly supported by Dearborn the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 47702 - OAKLAND COUNTY SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM - ACT 342 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee, having reviewed MiscellAnrous Re%olution #7702, report., its recommendation that said resolution be adopted. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman "REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7702 - OAKLAND COUNTY SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM - P.A. 342 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee reports Miscellaneous Resolution #7702 with the recommendation that said resolution be adopted. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman" "Misc. 7702 By Mr. Perinoff IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM - ACT 342 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS there are now pending several studies and an approved County plan for solid waste collection and disposal improvements in Oakland County which are vitally necessary for the protection of the public health and it is therefore, essential to continue the development and implementation of such a Solid Waste Program; and WHEREAS the terms of Act 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, permit the acquisition, construction and financing of systems of solid waste collection and disposal improve- ments and services and provide for the County's ability to issue bonds pursuant to the provisions of said Act 342 to finance the acquisition and construction of solid waste and refuse disposal improvements and facilities. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, as follows: 1. This Board of Commissioners does hereby authorize and direct that there be established, under and pursuant to, and For the purpose of exercising the powers conferred by Act No. 342, Public Acts of Michigan, 1939, as amended, a county-wide system of solid waste and refuse disposal improve- ments and services to be known as the Oakland County Solid Waste and Refuse Disposal Authority. 2. The Oakland County Drain Commissioner is hereby designated the County agency for the said Oakland County Solid Waste and Refuse Disposal Authority and shall have all of the powers con- ferred upon the County agency by the terms of said Act 342. Alexander C. Perinoff, Commissioner - District #2I" Moved by Daly supported by Roth the report be accepted. A sufficient majority .having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Daly supported by Roth that resolution #7702 be adopted. AYES: Lennon, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Hoot. (12) NAYS: Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Wilcox, Wilson, Dunleavy, Gabler. (12) Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 16, 1976 671 A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the resolution was not adopted. Misc. 7774 By Mr. Daly IN RE: RANDOLPH STREET DRAIN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS proceedings have beer taken by the Statutory Drainage Board For the location, establishment and construction in the Counties of Wayne and Oakland of the RANDOLPH STREET DRAIN under the provisions of Chapter 21 of Act No. 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended, pursuant to a petition filed with the Director of Agriculture of the State of Michigan; and WHEREAS the said Drainage Board by resolution adopted on October 28, 1976, authorized and provided for the issuance of notes in the aggregate principal amount of $200,000 to be refunded by bonds to be issued hereafter in anticipation of the collection of an equal amount of special assess- ments against the City of Novi, aria the City of Northville, said special assessments having been duly ordered by said Drainage Board and said cities having agreed to underwrite payment of said notes, if said bonds are not issued or said assessments are not confirmed or paid: and WHEREAS said notes are to be designated Drain Notes arr to he dated January 15, 1977, will bear interest at a rate not exceeding 8 - per annum and will he sobject to redemption prim h , maturity in accordance with the provisions of said resolution; and WHEREAS said Drainage Board deems it advisable and necessary to obtain from this Board a resolution consenting to the pledge of the full faith and credit of the county on the aforesaid notes in support of the obligations of the City of Novi and the City of Northville in Oakland County; and WHEREAS the said drainage project is hnmediately necessary to protect and preserve the public health and therefore it is in the best interest of the County of Oakland that said notes be sold. . NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: I. That pursuant to the authorization provided in Section 526 of Chapter 21 of the Drain Code of 1956, as amended, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby irrevocably pledge the full faith and credit of the County of Oakland for the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the said Drain Notes, and does agree that in the event the City of Novi or the City of Northville shall fail or neglect to account to the County Treasurer of the County of Oakland for the amount of any special assessment installment and interest or other obligation to pay for the Randolph Street Drain, when due, then the amount thereof shall be immediately advanced from County Funds, and the County Treasurer is directed to imrediately make such advancement to the extent necessary. 2. That in the event that, pursuant to said pledge of full faith and credit, the County of Oakland advances out of County Funds, all or any part of said installment and interest, it shall be the duty of the County Treasurer, for and on behalf of the County of Oakland, to take all actions and proceedings and pursue all remedies permitted or authorized by law for the reimbursement of such sums so paid subject to the limitations set forth in said Section 526 of the Drain Code of 1956, as amended. 3. That all resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as the same may be in conflict with the provisions of this resolution be and the same hereby are rescinded. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman ADOPTED: YEAS: Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot. (24) NAYS: None. (0) ABSENT: Perinoff, Button, Houghten. (3) Misc. 7775 By Mr. Daly IN RE: HURON-ROUGE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - NOVI SEWER - AMEND SEWAGE DISPOSAL RATES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen; RESOLUTION WHEREAS the County of Wayne and the County of Oakland did enter into an agreement dated June I, 1962 to provide sewage disposal service for the "Huron-Rouge Sewage Disposal District" through Wayne County's "Rouge Valley District"; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland and the City of Novi did enter into an agreement dated April 20, 1962 to provide sewage disposal service for the Huron-Rouge Sewage Disposal District; and WHEREAS both above noted agreements provide for the establishment of sewage disposal charges; and WHEREAS the County of Wayne did notify the County of Oakland on October 21, 1976 that effective on water consumed subsequent to January 1, 1977 the charges for sewage disposal in the Rouge Valley District would increase from 51,0545 per 1,000 cubic feet to $1.316 per 1,000 cubic feet, an increase of 50.2615 per 1,000 cubic feet; and 674 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 16, 1976 WHEREAS the Oakland County Department of Puhlic Works administers both of the above noted agreements for Oakland County and operates and maintains the "Huron-Rouge Sewage Disposal System", and WHEREAS a review of the Huron-Rouge Sewage Disposal System's financial condition and anticipated revenues and expenditures indicates that the system is unable to sustain the increase without incurring substantial losses; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that effective on all water used subsequent to January 1, 1377 the Oakland County Department of Public Works sewage disposal rate for the "Huron-Rouge Sewage Disposal System" shall be increased S0.27 and is hereby amended and established to be $1.79 per 1,000 cJbic feet of equivalent master metered water consumption. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman VOTE ON MOTION: YEAS: Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick. Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas. Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper. (24) NAYS: None. (0) ABSENT: Perinoff, Button, Houghten. (3) Misc. 7776 By Mr. Daly IN RE: AUTHORIZATION FOR COUNTY EXECUTIVE TO ADVERTISE SALE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners WHEREAS the County of Oakland by and through its Department of Public Works, owned and operated the "Bloomfield Sites Subdivision" Water Supply System, a well water system, including the well site, located in the City of Bloomfield Hills; and WHEREAS the City of Bloomfield Hills received a "Detroit" water supply in 1970 and the wells and well site have been abandoned; and WHEREAS the Department of Public Works no longer has a need for the well site; and WHEREAS the well site is a good building site; and WHEREAS the Department of Public Works has received two (2) current real estate appraisals of the property, the values of which are $26,700.00 and $27,500.00. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning and Building Committee of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners that the County Executive is hereby authorized to advertise the sale of the following described property once each week for two successive weeks and receive sealed bids and to sell the property to the highest bidder, for a minimum price of $26,700.00. Lot :J42 and the South 30 feet of Lot g43 Bloomfield Sites, a subdivision of part of the Southeast quarter of Section II, T2N, R1OE, City of Bloomfield Hills, Oakland County, Michigan according to the plat thereof as recorded in Liber 71 of Plats, Page 21, Oakland County Records. Subject to restrictions of record. Subject to easements of record. Containing 1.35 acres. The Planning and Building Committee by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Simmons the resolution be adopted. AYES: McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7777 By Mr. Daly IN RE: APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO FILE GRANT APPLICATION - WATERFORD-OAKS, PHASE II - PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION To the Oakland County Board of Conmissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Comliissinn dosirous of filing an application for federal funding to help develop Phase II, Waterford-Oak ,, County Park; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends that such application be filed; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the filing of a grant application by Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission for development of Phase II, Waterford-Oaks County Park, be and is hereby approved. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Commissioners Minutes Continued, December 16, 1976 675 WATERFORD-OAKS MASTER PLAN FACT SHEET WHAT: WHERE: PURPOSE: A concept for a 165-acre park, designed for active recreation use and special attractions dealing with lifetime sports. The park will also have a day camp and environmental center. Waterford-Oaks County Park, 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford Township. Waterford-Oaks is the most centrally- located park for the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission -- just west of Pontiac, adjacent to the County Service Center. To have an active recreation area of quality character and design to accommodate day-to-day use as well as major tournaments and large crowds not available at municipal recreation facilities, PHASE I - (COMPLETED): ---Wave Action Swimming Pool. ---Bicycle Moto Cross Course. PHASE It (IMMEDIATE DEVELOPMENT): ---vehicle entry drive. ---parking for 140 cars. ---8 lighted tennis courts. ---4 lighted deck tennis courts. ---10 lighted shuffleboard courts. ---10 lighted horseshoe courts. --Comfort station and administrative building. ---landscaping. ESTIMATED COST - $600,000 $300,000 - Land & Water Conservation Fund $300,000 - 1/4 mill There are no County general fund monies required for this project. This is only a request to file for a grant. If approved by State and Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, approval to accept grant will be requested from County. There are no fiscal obligations to the County by authorizing permission to apply. Moved by Daly supported by Dearborn the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Moffitt, Mortarte, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, SHnrons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Lennon, 'icDonald. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Daly supported by Montante the resolution be adopted. 676 Commissioner Minutes Continued. December 16, 1976 AYES: Kontante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt. (22) NAYS; None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7778 By Mr. Daly IN RE: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PLANNING AND BUlLDING COMMITTEE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Hr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: In accordance with Section X, Rule "E", of the Rules for the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, your Planning and Building Committee has made an inspection of most of the County owned buildings and grounds; and found the County facilities satisfactorily maintained, cleaned and repaired. The conditions continue to speak well for the employees of the Department of Central Services, Facilities and Operations Unit. During the past year there have been many accomplishments in the County Capital improve- ment Program. The North Office Building renovations were completed and all departments were moved in by March of this year. The new Medical Care Facility was completed in the latter part of July, and the building dedication held on July 23 with the first patients moving in on August ll. Also, approval was finally received and the Building Authority bonds in the amount of $3,200,000 were sold this year for the Medical Care Facility Construction. The Committee by Resolution 7488 dated March 18, 1976, established a procedure and policy for selection of architects and engineers for County design work. This procedure was developed after a public hearing and was used satisfactorily to select design consultants for the new Children's Village School and the Law Enforcement Training Center. The Children's Village School project cost is estimated at $805,000 for Phase 1 and $490,000 For Phase II. The Law Enforcement Training Center project cost is estiRoted at $1,621,000. Baic design work on both projects has been completed and both they project% hdve been submitted for federal funding under the Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Program (P.L. 94-369). Other building related projects reviewed and approved by the Committee during 1976 included the relocation of the communication area for the Sheriff's Department at the Law Enforcement-Jail Complex ($23,000); remodeling for the establishment of a cancer screening program at the South Oakland Health Center (538,000); and some remodeling in the Courthouse ($17,200) and the Auditorium ($12,000). Presently, bids are being received For the relocation and expansion of the Detention Area at the Courthouse. Under the Utility Section, approval was given to the Road Commission to resurface ,.omp of the County Center Roads ($55,000) and a utility tunnel was renovated at the Admini:strative Annex 11 ($52,000). Before the end of the year, a contract should be awarded in regard to repair of concrete cracks in these utility tunnels. Additional investigation of the marble fasia on the Courthouse Complex indicated additional corrective work on the East Wing which was started in 1976. The project cost for this work is estimated at $200,000. A major study was conducted by the County Executive's Office on the County's administrative and judicial space needs for the next 10 years. This report is presently under review by the Committee, but the study does establish a plan for future expansion and remodeling of County Build- ings which will allow work to be done following a definite plan and not just for crisis solving for an immediate need. Your Committee continues to see a large task ahead to provide government facilities for our growing County. In 1977 we anticipate starting the major renovations of the former County Hospital for administrative offices and at least Phase I construction of Children's Village School. This year has been a busy year, but your Committee expects the years ahead to be even busier in order to provide and maintain an adequate physical plant in which to carry out County services. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move that the foregoing report be received and placed on file. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Roth the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante. (22) NAYS: None. (0) PASS: Gabler. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Daly supported by Patterson the report be received and placed on file. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 16, 1976 677 Misc. 7779 By Mr. Price IN RE VETERANS' SERVICES HANDICAPPED VEHICLE RETROFIT GRANT APPLICATION To the Oakland County Board of Comissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Public Services Committee has reviewed the Veterans Services Handicapped Vehicle Retrofit Grant Application; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends the filing of the Veterans' Services Handicapped Vehicle Retrofit Grant Application. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves and authorizes the filing of the Veterans' Services Handicapped Vehicle Retrofit Grant Application in accordance with the attached Finance Committee Report, The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, proves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES CCMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: VETERANS' SERVICES HANDICAPPED VEHICLE RETROFIT GRANT APPLICATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed the Veterans' Services Handicapped Vehicle Retrofit Grant Application. This is a one (1) year Grant with no obligation in the pursuing years. The total requirement for this Grant is $4,000, of which the County portion Is $600 hard cash and $200 in-kind cost. The balance of $3,200 is from Federal funds as indicated in the Followim schedule: FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 1st Year 9/30/76-9/30/77 2nd Year COUNTY CASH 600 (15%) -0- IN-KIND 200 ( 57) -0- TOTAL COUNTY —8313 (20%) -0- FEDERAL CASH 3,200 (80%) -0- TOTAL $4,000 -0- The in-kind cost of $200 is the cost of the salary for the driver of the van. It will he necessary to appropriate the WO installation cosi_ for the Conniy share. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairmian, moves the ar.cpplaece ol ihe foregoing report. FINANCE COMMITTIA Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Price supported by Roth the report be accepled and 1hr resolution he adonied. AYES: Nowak, Olson, Page. Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Sinmiou%, Wilcox, WIkon, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot. Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Price IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 117762 - ACCEPTANCE OF OAKLAND COUNTY MEDICAL EMERGENCY RADIO SYSTEM GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7762 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman "Misc. 7762 By Mr. Price IN RE: ACCEPTANCE OF OAKLAND COUNTY MEDICAL EMERGENCY RADIO SYSTEM GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution 117623 the Oakland Comity Medical Fmeigele y Radio System grant application was filed; and WHEREAS the grant application has been approved and total Fund.. or $10,430 have heen allocated to the County of Oakland; and 678 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 16, 1976 WHEREAS no county funds would be required now or in the future as a result of this grant. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland hereby accepts the Oakland County Medical Emergency Radio System grant in the amount of S10,430 consistent with the attached budget. Mr. Chairman, the Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman" See Page 647 for copy of Budget. Moved by Price supported by Montante the report be accepted and resolution H7762 he adopied. AYES: Olson, Page, Patterson, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution #7762 was .adopted. REPORT By Mr. Price IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #7761 - CRASH INJURY MANAGEMENT COURSE FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Prico, Jr., Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7761 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman "Misc. 7761 By Mr. Price IN RE: CRASH INJURY MANAGEMENT COURSE FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution #7244, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approved of the Emergency Medical Services Plan for Oakland County; and WHEREAS a component of that plan calls for improved first aid training for law enforcement officers; and WHEREAS in the interest of providing such training the Oakland County Emergency Medical Services Division has secured 51500 for the development of such a program from the Michigan Depart- ment of Public Health; and WHEREAS the acceptance of said funds would not require any county funding either now or in the future. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the execution of a contract between the Oakland County Emergency Medical Services Division and the Michigan Department of Public Health to implement a Crash Injury Management program for Law Enforce- ment Officers. Mr. Chairman, the Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman" Moved by Price supported by Montante the report be accepted and resolution 0761 be adopted. AYES: Page. Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox. Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt. tiontante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution 117761 was adopted. Misc. 7780 By Mr. Price IN RE: C.E.T.A., TITLE I ON-THE-JOB TRAINING CONTRACTS (PHASE 3A) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor of Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of Title 1 of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS Oakland County's C.E.T.A. Title 1 Grant Application has been filed and approved by the U.S. Department of Labor; and COMPANY DON GRAHAM ASSOCIATES, P.C. Southfield BETTY HAMIL PERSONNEL SERVICE Southfield NIEMIC, NEMES & GARWOOD Southfield NIEMIC, NEMES & GARWOOD Southfield PRIMEWAY TOOL & ENGINEERING CO. Madison Heights ALVIN's, INC. Waterford ALVIN's, INC. Waterford BAY TOOL & DIE COMPANY Pontiac BAY TOOL & DIE COMPANY Pontiac KNOPPOW INDUSTRIES, Ltd. Farmington KNOPPOW INDUSTRIES, Farmington HATFIELD & SULTAN Hazel Park ROBERT J. ADAMS, Attorney Berkley MICHAEL'S FAMILY RESTAURANT, INC. Novi DONALD G. SWINTECK, DOS Oxford REALTY WORLD Drayton Plains KOLTANBAR ENGINEERING CORP. Troy KOLTANBAR ENGINEERING CORP. Troy Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 16, 1976 679 WHEREAS On-The-Job Manpower Program; and WHEREAS the Oakland herein as Phase 3A of Oakland NOW THEREFORE BE IT award of Phase 3A of C.E.T.A. consistent with the attached The Public Services foregoing resolution. Training represents a major component in Oakland County's approved County Manpower Advisory Council recommends the contract included County's C.E.T.A. Title I On-The-Job Training program. RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the Title I On -The-Job Training Contracts in the total amount of $82,682.00 budget. Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman NUMBER OF POSITION TRAINEES TOTAL Physical Therapy Attendant 2 $2,000.00 Secretary 1 1,820.00 Office Manager Trainee 1 2,548.00 Accountant Trainee 1 1,600.00 Machine Operator 1 1,600.00 Distribution Trainee 1 2,100.00 Office Manager Trainee 1 2,400.00 Machinist 1 2,340.00 Machine Operator II 1 1,800.00 Store Manager Trainee 1 1,920.00 Cashier (Sales) 1 1,200.00 Receptionist/Typist 1 1,560.00 Secretary II 1 2,080.00 Manager Trainee 1 2,750.00 Medical Receptionist 1 1,560.00 Receptionist/Typist 1 1,560.00 Tool & Die Machine Apprent. 1 3,200.00 Electrician's Apprentice 1 3,520.00 680 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 16, 1976 COMPANY POSITION NUMBER OF TRAINEES TOTAL STANDISH ELECTRIC & SALES, INC. Maintenance 1 3,280.00 Farmington Hills STANDISH ELECTRIC & SALES, INC. Bookkeeper I 1,600.00 Farmington Hills WW1; AUTO RECONDITIONING (OLHSA) Auto Padded Products Finish. 2 3,120.00 Pontiac LOWE's AUTO RECONDITIONING (01.11SA)(3) Auto Padded Products Finish 2 3,120.00 Pontiac NOR:111MM( AGENCY, INC. Secretary 1 1,820.00 Southfield DOUGLAS H. SHERMETA Receptionist I 1,300.00 Bloomfield Mills :TLL OF TROY, INC. Employment Interviewer 2 3,864.00 —..,.. BLOOMFIELD UNION,76 SERV. CENTER (FCS) Auto Body Repairman 1 2,460.00 Bloomfield .T.:FIELD UNION 76 SERV. CENTER (FCS) Asst Service Station Mgr I 1,760.00 2.1oomfie1d nUN LANES & LOUNGE (FCS) Pinsetter Mechanic - Auto. 1 2,800.00 Oa'. LEP,BIA0 LANES (2) (FCS) Pinsetter Mechanic - Auto. 1 2,800.00 roy .-!ULZERBIRD LANES (2) (FCS) Maintenance Man - Machine 1 2,800.00 PONTIAC METRO NEWS (2) Editorial Assistant S 14,400.00 Pontiac Moved by Price supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Hoot, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Moved by Dunleavy supported by Gabler tne Board adjourn. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Board adjourned at 1:50 P.M. Lynn D. Allen Alexander C. Perinoff Clerk Chairman Resolution No. Page INDEX OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1 976 7556 Act 156 -Proposed Amendment -Section 12 (a) 253-254-424 4425 71.447 Act 170 -Public Acts of 1974 -Amendment 69-112-116 7560 Act 185 -Public Acts of i957 -Proposed Amendment 112-164-165-166-260-261-262 7560 Act 185 -Public Acts of 1957 -Veto of Resolution 138-270-341-390 Act 312 -Arbitration -Police or Fire Department Employees 340 7680 Act 342 -Authorization -Drain Commissioner as County Agent... .1471 -1485-1486 7702 Act 342 -Oakland County Solid Waste Collection and Disposal System 517-530-531-672-673 7113 Act 347 -Proposal -Reduce Fee Schedule -Soil Erosion Program 529 7530 Adam-Pratt Law Library 220-221 7548 Addison Township -Sheriff's Patrol Contract 248-249-250-264-265 AD HOC Zoning Committee -Appointment -Kenneth Roth 45 AD HOC Zoning Coordinating Committee -Appointments -Joseph R. Montante, Betty J. Fortino and Patrick K. Daly 20-21 7746 Administrative Annex I -Authorization -Receive Bids Computer Services 609-610-611-612-613-614-615-616 7610-7645 Administrative Annex 1 -Authorization -Receive Bids Electrical Alterations 317-318-319-320-404 7631 Administrative Annex 1 -Awarding Contract -Electrical 382 Airport Committee -Annual Report 1975 132 Airport Committee -Appointments -Niles E. Olson, Mary M. Dearborn and Wallace F. Gabler, Jr 5 Airport Committee -Appointments -James Doyon, Lawrence R. Pernick and Niles E. Olson 651 7576 Airport -Transfer -Capital Improvements Funds 278-279-321-322 7741 Alarm System -Court House 586-587 7726 Allen, Lynn D. -Drain 571-572-573 American Revolution Bi-Centennial Commission -Grants for Lake and Stream Improvement and Facility Beautification 18 7551 Animal Control -New Merit System Position 251 Animal Control -Request -Review Position of Director 209 7730 Appraisal Fees 576-577 7488 Architects -Selection 146-147-148 Area Agency on Aging -Appointment -Howard R. Simmons 45 Area Agency on Aging -Appointments -Betty J. Fortino - Kenneth Roth -Alternate 650 Area Agency on Aging -Resignation -Howard R. Simmons 650 Arnowitz, Harriett -Appointment -Oakland County Cultural Council 650 7398-7491-7675 Auditorium Improvements -Approval -Funding 84-85-86-150-151-152-200-201-467-468-526-527 7759 Auto Shop -Authorization -Receive Bids 639-640 Averill, Paul N. -Apointment -Community Mental Health Services Board 20-21 -B- Banas, Thomas -Appointment -Community Mental Health Board 651 7428 Banks -Depositories for Public Moneys -Designation 46 Baruch, Leonard -Appointment -Library Board 636 7710 Bassett Drain -Relocation -Return of Easement 527-528 Bell, D.R. -Appointment -Building Authority 24 7458 Berkley, City of -Lease of Vacant Property -Southfield Health Center -Recreation Purposes 83-24-209 7670 Si-Centennial Commission -Appropriation -Oakland County History Book..460 7739 Si-Centennial Commission -Deletion -Coordinator and Staff 584 Bi-Centennial Commission -Grants for Lakes and Stream Improvement and Facility Beautification 18 7669 Bi-Centennial Commission -Supplemental Appropriation 459-460 Big Fish Lake -Petitions -Set Lake Level 270-340 7696 Bingham Farms Water Supply System 493-494-495-496-497-498-499-500 7424 Boards and Commissions -Legislation -Re: Per Diem 42-43 7586 Boberitz, John H. -Memorial 290 Bonds, Full Faith and Credit -Debt Limitation 455 7467 Boys Club -Royal Oak City -Project G.A M I T 107 7442 Brandon Township -Sheriff's Patrol Contract 59-60-61-62-63 7448 Brandon Township -Sheriff's Patrol Contract -Amendment 72 8rater, Dr. Ernest F. -Report -Flooding -Clinton River -Dawson Dam... .201 7477 Brennan -Drain 123-124 7542 Brotheron -Drain 239-240-241-242-243-244 Brooks Plan -Selection -Architects and Engineers 1145 Resolution No, Page 7502 Budget - 1976 -Amendment -Additional Patrol Service -Highland Township 168 7471 Budget - 1976 -Amendment -Transfer -Unappropriate Surplus to Contingent Account 115 7469 Budget - 1976 -Amendment -Transportation 112-113 7536 Budget - 1976 -Priority Salary and Classification Changes 225-226-227-228-229-230-231-232 7628 Budget - 1976 -Reallocation -Data Processing 375-376-377 7763 Budget - 1977 652-653-654-655-656-657-658-659-660-661-662 7503 Budget - 1977 -Allocation 168-169-170-171-172-173 Budget - 1977 -Amendments -Follows Page 660 7763 Budget - 1977 -County Executive -Recommended 560-561-562 Budget - 1977 -Salaries Portion 652 Budget - 1977 -Public Hearing 648-649 7599 Budget - Child Care 298-299 7511 Budget Division -Reclassification -Typist 1 to Budget Trainee 191 7632 Budget fiemento -For Board of Commissioners 383-421 Building Authority -Appointment - D.R. Bell 24 Building Authority -Appointment -David Gubow 635-636 7642 Building Authority -Lease Back -Amendment 395 -396 Burton, Chester G. -Appointment -Solider's Relief Commission 560 7559 Burton, John F., M.D. -Commendation 259 7464 Busing -Forced -Advisory Vote on Question 106-142-143-165 7521 Busing -Forced -Opposition 206-207 Button, Robert A. -Appointment -Personnel Appeal Board 5 Button, Robert A. -Resignation -Personnel Appeal Board 257 Button, Robert A. -Changed Party Affiliations 2-3 7425 Byrd, Frederick E., Judge -Support 43-75-76 -C- 7771 Camp Oakland -Establishment -One Superintendent 670 7634-7635 Cancer, Breast -Approval -Contract -Modification Grant 386-387 7451 Cancer, Breast -Approval -Screening Program 76-77-117 -118 7626 Cancer, Breast -Budget Amendment -Screening Program. 365-366-367-368-369-370 7576 Capital Improvement Program -Transfer Funds to Oakland Airport 278-279-321-322 7668 Car -Additional -County Fleet -Probate Court Officer 456 7630 Car -Additional -County Fleet -Prosecutor Investigators 458-459 7735 Car -Policy -Amendment 579-580-637-638 7735 Car -Policy -Amendment -Veto 650 7528-7584 Car -Policy -Revision 219-287 7323 Census -Decennial -Cost Study on Updating 286-287 Chairman and Vice Chairman -Election of Alexander C. Perinoff and Bernard F. Lennon 2 Chairman, Temporary -Election of Lawrence R. Pernick I 7539 Child Care Budget 298-299 Children's Village -Advertising -Competitive Bids 45 7439 Children's Village -Authorization -Receive Bids on Architectural Design 56-57-145 7538 Children's Village -Creation -Children's Supervisor 1 233 7399 Children's Village -Funding -Preliminary Design 22-23 7439-7672 Children's Village School -Authorization -Receive Bids 56-57-464 7759 Children's Village School -Authorization -Receive Alternate Bid -Auto Shop Facilities 639-640 7574 Children's Village School -Selection -Architectural Firm 274-321 7429 Circuit Court Administrator's Office - Classification Changes 46-47 7721 Circuit Court -Computerization Giant -Acceptance 558-616 7622 Circuit Court -Computerized Court Management System 350-351-352-353-354 7413 Circuit Court -Judges -Salary Increase 21-661 Circuit Court -State of the Judiciary Message 575 Civil Defense Diaster Control Director 258-288 Clark, William -Appointment -Parks and Recreation Commission 634 7743 Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System -Waterford Extensions Phase III 590-591-592 -593 -594-555-596-597-598 7744 Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System -Waterford Extensions Phase iv 599-600-601-602-603-604-605-606 7745 Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System -Waterford Extensions Phase V 607-608-609 7643 Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System -West Bloomfield Extension No. 2 396-397-398-399-400-401-402-403 Resolution No. Page 7617 Clinton River Flooding 201-342-380 7755 Colburn, Merton -Memorial 632 7489-7490 Commerce Lake -Change of Name -Public Hearing 150-162-163-518 7592 Commissioner District #24 -Reimbursement -Election Costs 294-371-422 Commissioner District #24 -Special Election to Fill Vacancy Certification of Canvass 45-166 7398-7491-7675 Commissioners, Board of -Auditorium Improvements Approval of Funding 84-85-86-150-151-l52-200-201-467-468-526-527 7693 Commissioners, Board of -Create One Full Time Stenographer 11.490-523-524 7426 Commissioners, Board of -Proposed Cooperation Agreement between Drain Boards, Public Works Board and Road Commission 43-44-71 7594 Commissioners, Board of -Reconstitution 295 7769 Commissioners, Board of -Research Assistance 669 7632 Commissioners, Board of -Request -Memento Budget 383-421 7412 Commissioners, Board of -Smoking Prohibited in Auditorium 17-27 7424 Commissions and Boards -Legislation -Per Diem 42-43 7553 Committee Memberships -Restructuring 251-260 Community Development -Advisory Council -Appointments 70-108 7545 Community Development -Block Grant -Authorization to File Application and Enter Agreement 245-246 Community Development -Contingency Account 263-264 Community Development -Loans and Grants Program 103 -133 -155 -156 Community Mental Health Services Board -Appointments 20-21 Community Mental Health Board -Appointment -Thomas Banas . 651 Community Minority Affairs -Director -Appointment -Joan M. Newby 16 Community Service Agency FY-76 Recreation Grant -Acceptance 336-337-338-356-357 C.E.T.A. (Comprehensive Employment Training Act) C.E.T.A. -Bi-Lingual Classroom Training Contract 265-642-643 C.E.T.A. -Children's Village -Reclassification 233 C.E.T.A. -Offender Program Contract Renewal 349 -350 C.E.T.A. -Pre-Application for FY-I977 Funds 193-194 C.E.T.A. -Pre-Vocational Training Contract 620-621-622-623-642 C.E.T.A. -Reclassification -Library Aide to Library Clerk 191 C.E.T.A. -Reclassification -Typist 1 to Budget Trainee 191 C.E.T.A. -Sheriff's Department -Reclassification -Maintenance Laborer -Trusty Camp 233-293-294-304-305 C.E.T.A. -(SPEDY) Summer Program for Economically Disadvantaged Youth 250-265-266 C.E.T.A. -FY-76 -Classroom Training Contracts 66-67-267-268 C.E.T.A. -FY-76 -Community Service Agency Recreation Grant -Acceptance. 336-337-338-356 -357 C.E.T.A. -FY-76 -Funds for Non-Profit Agencies 28-29-30-31 C.E.T.A. -FY-76 -Reallocation -Funds for Private Non -Profit Agencies 67-68 C.E.T.A. -FY-77 -Bi-Lingual Classroom Training Contract 623-624-625-642-643 C.E.T.A. -FY-77 -Modification -Clerical Exam 525 C.E.T.A. -FY-77 -Title I -Plan 476-477-478 C.E.T.A. -Title 1 -Acquisition of Unemployment -Insurance Funds 539-540-541 C.E.T.A. -Title 1 -Counseling Intake Agencies -School Districts 536-537-538-539 C.E.T.A. -Title I -Ex-Offenders -Job Placement and Counseling Services 63-64-65-66 C.E.T.A. -Title 1 -On-The-Job Training -Adult Work Experience 330-331-332-333-334-335-336-478-479-480-532-533 C.E.T.A. -Title 1 -On-The-Job Training -Contracts -Phase lA 617-618-619-620 C.E.T.A. -Title I -On-The-Job Training -Contracts -Phase 2A...643-644-645 C.E.T.A. -Title 1 -On-The-Job Training -Contracts -Phase 3A...678-679-680 C.E.T.A. -Title I -On-The-Job Training -Contracts -Phase 8 57 -58 C.E.T.A. -Title I -On-The-Job Training -Contracts -Phase 9 196-197-198-199 C.E.T.A. -Title 1 -On-The-Job Training -Contracts -Phase 10 268-269 C.E.T.A. -Title 1 -On-The-Job Training -Contracts -Phase 11 347-348 C.E.T.A. -Title I -On-The-Job Training -Contracts -Phase 12 453-454 C.E.T.A. -Title 1 -Senior Citizens Work Experience Program 266-267 C.E.T.A. -Title II -Allocation -Supplemental, Transitional and Discretionary Funds 263 7564 7462-7495 7616-7624 7565-7750 7538 7621 7513 7749 7512 7511 7537-7591 7549-7566 7444-7568 7616-7624 7418 7445 7750 7708 7686 7718 7717 7443 7615- 768 7 7748 7760 7780 7441 7516 7569 7620 7666 7567 7563 Resolution No. Page 7613 C.E.T.A. -Title 11 -FY-76 -Discretionary Supplemental Allocation 328 7611-7688 C.E.T.A. -Title 11 and Title VI -FY-76 -Reallocation - Forfeited Funds 322-323-324-480-481-482-483 7665 C.E.T.A. -Title ill -Grant Application -Handicapped 448-449-450-451-452-453 7716 C.E.T.A. -Title 111 -Vocational Rehabilitation Program 534-535-536 7514 C.E.T.A. -Title VI -FY-1976 Funds for Subgrants 194-195 7537 C.E.T.A. -Title X -Deletion of One Maintenance Laborer and Creation of One Typist 1 -Parks and Recreation Commission Parks Beautification 233 7453 C.E.T.A. -Title X -Public Works and Economic Development Act -Approval -County Positions 77-78 -79 7484-7581-7705 Computer -Backup -Three Month Extension 141-284-285-520-521 7645-7746 Computer Services -Administrative Annex 1 -Authorization to Receive Bids 404-609-610-611-612-613-614-615-616 7598 Computer Services -Policy Statement 297-298 7721 Computerization Grant -Acceptance -Circuit Court 558-616 7622 Computerized Court Management System -Circuit Court 350-351 -352-353-354 7432 Conga Inc. -Addendum to Lease 48-49-50-51 7460 Cooperative Reimbursement Grant -1976 -Acceptance -Friend of the Court 93-94-95-96-97-98-99-133-134-232 7461 Cooperative Reimbursement Grant -1976 -Acceptance -Prosecutor's Office 99-100-101-102-103-134-135-232 County Airport Committee -Appointments -Niles E. Olson, Mary M. Dearborn and Wallace F. Gabler, Jr 5 7680 County Agent -Drain Commissioner 471-465-486 7630-7668 County Car Policy -Additional to County Fleet -Probate Court Officer and Prosecutor Investigators 456-458-459 7735 County Car Policy -Amendment 579-580-637-638 7528-7584 County Car Policy -Revision 219-287 County Car Policy -Veto by County Executive 650 7554 County Citizens -Employee Government Improvement Suggestion System 251-252 7776 County Executive -Authorization -Advertise Sale of Property 674 7560 County Executive -Veto -Act 185 - P.A. 1957 270-341 County Executive -Veto -Amendment to County Car Policy 650 7524 County Executive -Veto -Federal and State Aid Coordinator.256-258-270-341 7468 County Executive -Veto -Merger of Department of Public Works and Drain Commissioner 138 7526 County-Wide Cost Allocation Plan and Indirect Cost for Oakland County 211 7429 Court Administrator's Office -Deletion and Creation of Positions 80 7638 Court Clerk 1 and 11 -Establishment -Exempted from Merit System 389 7741 Court House -Alarm System 586-587 7456 Court House Complex -Alterations -Phase 1 81-82-233-234 7431-7646-7654 Court House -East Wing -Marble Displacement 46-66-87-404-405-420-421 7740 Court House -Relocation and Expansion of Detention Area 584-585-586 7430 Court House Tower -Marble -Termination of Litigation 46 7449 Coy, Lew L. -Appointment -Board of Institutions 72-73 Coy, Lew L. -Appointment -Sanitary Code Appeal Board 20-21 7761 Crash Injury Management Course -For Law Enforcement Officers. .61+5-646-678 7734 Cremation Agreement on Tax Notes and Coupons 578-579 7612 Crime Prevention Bureau Grant -1st Year -Application-286-325-326-327-328 7747 Crime Prevention Bureau Grant -Acceptance 616-617-640-641 Criminal Justice Coordinating Council -Appointments -W. Peter Kramer, Peter Webster and Judge James S. Thorburn 20-21-138 7751 Criminal Justice Planning Grant -Continuation -Application 555-556-557-625-626 7737 Cross, Milo J. -Commendation 580-581 7757 Cummins, Blanche -Commendation 633 -D- Daly, Patrick K. -Appointment -AD HOC Zoning Coordinating Committee.20-21 7449 Daly, Patrick K. -Appointment -Board of Institutions 72-73-74 Daly, Patrick K. -Appointment -Personnel Appeal Board 302 Daly, Patrick K. -Appointment -Sanitary Code Appeals Board.. 650 7600 Data Processing -Program for 52nd District Court 299-300 7628 Data Processing -Reallocation 375-376-377 Dawson Dam -Dr. Ernest F. Brater's Report on Flooding 201 Dearborn, Mary M. -Appointment -Board of Public Works 4 Dearborn, Mary M. -Appointment -County Airport Committee 5 Resolution No. Page, Dearborn, Mary M. -Changed Party Affiliations 3 7323 Decennial Census -Cost Study 286-287 Den 1, Donald -Appointment -Parks and Recreation Commission 634 Dent, John -Civil Defense -Disaster Control Director 288 7768 Detention Area -Awarding of Contract -Phase 11 ...668-669 7740 Detention Area -Relocation and Expansion 584-585-586 7395 -7509 Detention Officer -Sheriff's Department -New Position 8-9-21-22-176 7770 Detention Officer -Validation Study Grant 670 7478 Detroit Metropolitan Water Rates -Increases 125-149 7449 Dewan, John -Appointment -Board of Institutions 72-73-74 DiGiovanni, John -Appointment -Sanitary Code Appeals Board 650 7614 Disaster Assistance -Designation of Applicant's Local Agent 329 7715 Disaster Control -Civil Defense -Apolication for 61ant -Centrally Activated Siren Systom 533 -534 Disaster Control -Civil Defense -Dilector 258-285-288 7551 Disaster Control -Civil Defense -New Merit System Position 251 Disaster Control -Civil Defense -Review Position of Director 209 7552 Disaster Control -Function -Re-Assignment 251-263 Diaster Warning System -Grant Application 522-523 7600 District Court -52nd District -Data Processing Program 299-300 7540 District Court -52nd District -1st and 3rd Divisions Approval of Funding 235-236-237-238-281-282 District Court -52nd District -2nd Division -Appointment John W. McNally Magistrate 108 7455 District Court -52nd -2nd Division -Reclassifications 79-80 7540 District Court -52nd -3rd Division -Approval -Funding for Renovation 235-236-237-238-281-282 Douglas, F. Jack -Appointment -Sanitary Code Appeals Board 20-21 7476 Dohany -Drain 120-121-122 Doyon, James -Appointment -Airport Committee 651 7699 Drain and Lake Level Assessment Report 514-515-543 Drain Assessment Rolls -Sibley Drain and Taylor-Ladd Drain 649 7710 Drain -Bassett -Relocation -Return of Easement 527-528 7477 Drain -Brennan 123-124 7542 Drain -Brotherton 239-240-241-242-243-244 7476 Drain -Dohany 120-121-122 7664 Drain -Hobart 446-447 7619 Drain -Hudson Sanitary 343-344-345 7726 Drain -Lynn D. Allen 571 -572 -573 7774 Drain -Randolph 674 7520 Drain -Randolph Street 205-206 7663 Drain -Ten Mile Rouge Sanitary 443-444-445 7426 Drain Boards -Proposed Cooperation Agreement Between Board of Commissioners, Public Works Board and Road Commission 43-44-71 7435-7468-7500 Orain Commission -Merger with Department of Public Works 760 52-72-108-109-110-11I-112-138-149-158-163-164-260-261-262 7653 Drain Commission -Referendum on Merger with Public Works Department 419-462-463 Drain Commission -Veto -Merger with Department of Public Works 138 7505 Drain Commissioner -Appointment -Chief Deputy Robert H. Fredericks, II 174-175 7680 Drain Commissioner -Authorization -General Fund Advancements. .471 -1485-486 7643 Drain Commissioner -Designated County Agent 396-397-398-399-400-401-402-403-471-485-486-579-580-637-638 Dunleavy, James W. -Appointment -Personnel Appeal Board 5 -E- 7592 Election -Commissioner District #24 -Reimbursement 371 7422 Election -Presidential Preferential Primary 41-42 7449 Election Scheduling Committee -County -Appointments -Elizabeth Fletcher, Ferdinand Vetter and Donald Flavin 72-73-74 Election -Special -Fill Vacancy in Commissioner District #24 Certification of Canvass 45-166 Emergency Medical Services Council -Appointments 19 7406 Emergency Medical Services Council -Grant Application Modification..I2-13 7623-7762 Emergency Radio System 299-354-355-356-646-647-648-677-678 7554 Employee Government Improvement Suggestion System 251-252 7658 Employment Benefits -Michigan -Amendment 424 7488 Engineers -Selection 146-147-148 7529 Equalization Hearing on State Equalized Value for Counties 219 7527 Equalization Report -1976 211-212-213-214-215-216-217-218-219 Resolution No. Page 7416 Evans, Julie - Re: Southeast Michigan Transportation Authority 26 7674 Evergreen and Famirgton Sewage Disnosal Systems - Step 1 Facilities and Planr'nq Under J.S. Public Law 92-500 and State Act No.329.466-467 7698 Evergreen Sewage Disposal System-Bingham Farms Extension No. 2 and Bingham Farms 4oter Supply System 501-502-503-504-505-50 1,-507-508-509-510 -511 -512 -513 -514 7659 Evergreen Sewage Disposal System -Bloomfield Township Trunk Arms -Stage Two and Stage Three 427-428-429-430-431-432-433-434 7725 Evergreen Sewage Disposal System -Bloomfield Township Trunk Arms Stage Two and Stage Three -Amendment 569-570 7660 Evergreen Sewage Disposal System -Bloomfield Township Trunk Arms Stage Two and Stage Three -Bonding 435-436-437-438-439 7443 Ex-Offenders -Job Placement and Counseling Services 63-64-65-66 -F- 7538 Facilities and Operations -Deletion -Custodial 1 Position 233 7532 Family Focus Program 221 7519 Farmington Water Supply System -Northwest Section Exchange Easements. 205 7524 Federal and State Aid Coordinator -Elimination 207-208-252-256-258 7524 Federal and State Aid Coordinator -Veto 270-341 7545 Federal Housing and Community Development Act -Authorization -File Grant 245-246 Federal Revenue Sharing -Oakland County -Report on Examination 18 Feldman, Paul H. -Appointment -Community Mental Health Services Board 20-21 7449 Flavin, Donald -Appointment -County Election Scheduling Committee. 72 -73 7449 Fletcher, Elizabeth -Appointment -County Election Scheduling Committee 72-73 7617 Flooding -Clinton River -Dawson Dam -Report 201-342-380 Fortino, Betty J. -Appointment -AD HOC Zoning Coordinating Committee 20-21 Fortino, Betty J. -Appointment -Area Agency on Aging 650 Fortino, Betty J. -Appointment -Oakland County Tourist and Convention Board 138 Fortino, Betty J. -Appointment -Parks and Recreation Commission 4 7756 Franklin, Village of -Commendation 632 7505 Fredericks, Robert H. -Appointment-Chief Deputy Drain Commissioner 174-175 7583 Friend of the Court -Amendment -1976 Cooperative Reimbursement Grant 285-286 7460 Friend of the Court -1976 Cooperative Reimbursement Grant Acceptance 93-94-95-96-97-98-99-133-134-232 7766 Friend of the Court -Cooperative Reimbursement Grant 666-667-668 7772 Friend of the Court -Establishment -Technical Support Clerk 671 -G- Gabler, Wallace F., Jr. -Appointment -County Airport Committee 5 Gabler, Wallace F.- Resignation -Human Resources Committee 174-175 7572 Glass Recycling Center Relocation 272-273-320-321 Gorsline, Robert - Member - Personnel Appeal Board 651 7436 Grove land Office Building Lease 52-53 -87 7440-7606 Groveland Office Building -Sale of Property-57-88-89-309-310-311-312-313 Gubow, David -Appointment -Building Authority 635-636 7482 Guns, Hand -Conversion -Sheriff's Department 132-133-154-155 -H- Halter, George E. -Appointment -Soldiers Relief Commission 560 7727 Harmes, Charles and Evelyn -Commendation 573 -574 Harris, Fred -Summary -Road Construction and Finance Program 138 7451 Health Department -Breast Cancer Screening Program 76-77-117-118 7494 Health Department -Breast Cancer Screening Program -Reclassification.. 153 7689-7706-7707 Health Department -W.I.C. (Women, Infants and Children) 483-484-485-521-524-525 7452 Health Systems Agency -Designation 77 7502 Highland Township -Amendment -1976 Budget -Additional Patrol Service. .168 7496 Highland Township -Sheriff's Patrol Contract 156-157-158 7641 Highway Easement -Oakland County Road Commission 391 -392-393 -394 7480 Highways -Easement -Release to Michigan Department of State Highways 129-130-131-132 7518 Highway Safety -Traffic Improvement Association of Oakland County Project and Grant 203-204-205 Hoard, Douglas H. -Appointment -Soldiers Relief Commission 560 7664 Hobart Drain 446-447 Hobbs, Gordon L. -Letter of Appreciation 209 Hogan, Henry -Appointment -Oakland County Cultural Council 650 Resolution No. Page 7533 Homebound Meal Service -10%, State Limit 222-223 Hoot, Henry W. -Appointment -Oakland County Tourist and Convention Board 138 7522 Hospital -Continued Operation of 1957 Wing 207 7589 Hospital -Establish New Positions 291-292-306 7607 Hospital -Nursing Division -Reclassifications 313-314 Hospital -Old -Request by Health Department -Temporary Usage 531 -532 7709 Hospital -Old -Temporary Use -Social Services -Food Stamp Program 527 7507 Hospital -Pathologist -Transfer of Funds 175-222 Hospital -Proposed Changes 372 Hospital -TB. Patients 372-420 Houghten, Fred D. -Appointment -Delegate -Southeastern Michigan Council of Governments 24 HOUSE BILLS 7407 H.B. #4047 -Support -Lower Income Senior Citizens -Defer Payment of Special Assessments 74-75 7465 H.B. #4234 -Opposition -Land Use 106-143-144-270-271 7570 H.B. #4234 -Substitute -Support -State Land Use Planning Act 270-271 7473 H.B. 44394 -Support -Amendment -Mental Health Code 117 7753 H.B. #4893 -Opposition -Local Zoning Controls 627-636-637 7753 H.B. #4894 -Opposition -Local Zoning Controls 627-636-637 7753 H.B. #4896 -Opposition -Local Zoning Controls 627-636-637 7383 H.B. 05073 -Support -Possession -Firearms when a Felony is Committed.. .23 H.B. #5108 -Support -Board of Commissioners Become Public Employer of Circuit Court Employees 209-420 7544 H.B. #5439 -Substitute -Medium Density Roads 245 7655 H.B. #5463 -Support -Detroit Water Board 423 7655 H.B. #5465 -Support -Detroit Water Board 423 7410 H.B. #5498 -Support -Amending Michigan Liquor Control Act 6-7-18-27 7365 H.R. #5501 -Support -Restricted Speed Limit on Highways 7-26 7423 H.R. #5527 -Regional Planning and Development Agency 42-75 7485 H.B. #5685 -Support -Reinstatement -Department of Veteran's Affairs.. .144 7487 H.B. #6010 -Opposition -Tax Base Sharing 145 7633 H.B. #628I -Support -Property Tax Assessment -Real and Personal Property of Public Utilities 383 7736 H.B. #6306 -Support -Public Health Code 580 HOUSE RESOLUTION H.R. SS -Proposed Constitution Amendment 420 H.R. #5247 -Support -Authorize Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Program 18 7682 H.R. #10210 -Opposition -Compulsory Unemployment Insurance Plan 472-562-563 7601 H.R. #12972 -Support -Public Works Bill 302-303 7619 Hudson Sanitary Drain 343-344-345 7364 Human Rights Department -Establishment 7-8 7535 Hunger -Freedom From 223-224 Huron Clinton Metropolitan Authority -Appointment - Charles R. Shafer 258-259 Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority -Requesting Tax Levy 166 7775 Huron-Rouge Sewage Disposal System -Novi Sewer -Amend Sewage Disposal Rates 673-674 7416 Hyman, Allen Dr. -Resigned -Southeast Michigan Transportation Authority 26 7577 Independence-Oaks County Parks Grant -Phase II -Acceptance 279 7585 Independence-Oaks -Patrol Vehicle 287 -288 7691 Influenza -Acceptance of Funds 487 7449 Institutions, Board of -Appointments -Lew L. Coy, Patrick K. Daly and John Dewan 72 -73 Institutions, Board of -Appointments -Howard Simmons, Marilyn Mazell 634-635 7679 Institutions, Board of -Elimination 470-471 Inter-County Highway Commission -Appointment -Howard Simmons 108 Inter-County Highway Commission -Contract 1976-1977 166 Inter-County Highway Commission -Resignation -Howard Simmons 650 7587 Intergovernmental Fund Hiring Policy 290 7590-7636-7692 I.P.A. Grant -Personnel Administration, Labor Relations Training for Local Units 292-293-307-308-387-388-456-457-458-488-489-490 Resolution No. 7694 Jail Infirmary -Additional Staffing 490-525-526 7647 Jail Infirmary Rehabilitation -Acceptance of Grant 405-406-407-408 7515 Jail Inmate Rehabilitation -Program Grant 196-197-206 Jail Inmate Rehabilitation Program Report 141 7605 Jones, Clara Stanton -Commendation 309 7504 Judge -Probate -Additional for Oakland County 174-289-290-301-302 7413 Judges -Circuit Court and Probate Court -Salary Increase 21-661 Judiciary, State of -Message 575 7604 Jury Board -Secretary 305-306-341-342 Justice System -Grant Application Report 350-351 -352-353-354 -K- Kellogg, W. K. Foundation Grant -Acceptance -Library Board 575 Kelly, Frank -Attorney General -Opinion 476 Kotlarek, June -Appointment -Oakland County Cultural Council 650 Kramer, W. Peter -Appointment -Criminal Justice Coordinating Council 20-21 Kuthy, Eugene -Appointment -Community Mental Health Services Board. 20-21 Kuthy, Eugene -Appointment -Road Commission 633 Kuthy, Eugene -Resignation -Community Mental Health Services Board... 6149 -L- 7685 Labor Negotiations -Public Involvement 473-581-582 Labor Relations Training for Local Units 456-457-458 7557 Lakeland High School Band -Commendation 254 7570 Land -Support -Preserving 270-271 7651 Laundry Labor Agreement 414-415-416-417-418 7761 Law Enforcement -Officers -Crash Injury Course 645-646 7463 Law Enforcement Service Agreements -Township Deputies Establishment of Standard Cost 103-104-105-106-135-136 7501 Law Enforcement Services -Township Deputies -Re-Establish Retroactive Cost 166-167 7701 Law Enforcement Training Center -Approval -Initial Funding 516-531 7712 Law Enforcement Training Center -Approve -Contract with Swanson Associates, Inc 528-529 7711 Law Enforcement Training Center -Selection -Architectural Firm 528 7588 Law Librarian -Salary Increase 291-306-307 7530 Law Library -Commendation -Adams-Pratt 220-221 7642 Lease-Back -Amendment to Contract -Building Authority 395-396 Legislative Agent 373 Leib, Jeffrey M. -Appointment -Unemployment Compensation Appeal Board 108 Lennon, Bernard F. -Appointment -Board of Public Works Lennon, Bernard F. -Appointment -Delegate -Southeastern Michigan Council of Governments 24 Lennon, Bernard F. -Elected Vice Chairman 2 7558 Levinson, David -Memorial 254 -255 7588 Librarian -Reference -Salary Reinstated 291-662 Library Board -Appointment -Hope Tyrell 300-301 Library Board -Appointment -Leonard Baruch 636 Library Board -Kellogg Foundation Grant 575 7512 Library Board -Reclassification 191 Library Board -Resignation -Mary M. Dearborn 631 7579 Library, Reference -Approval -Funding for Improvements 283 7395 Library Services and Construction Act Title 1 8-9-21-22 7395 Library Services -Sheriff's Department 8-9-21 -22 Locey, Robert, M.D. -Appointment -Medical Examiner 24 7562 Lodge, L. Harvey -Memorial 262 -m- M-59 -Public Meeting -Reconstruction 631 7683 M-59 -US-23 -West Bogie Lake Road -Support -Modernization 472-473-518 7684 M-275 -Proposed Route 473 Manpower Planning Council -Suggested Membership 19-20 7430 Marble -Court House Tower -Termination of Litigation 48 7431-7646-7654 Marble Displacement -East Wing 48-86-87-404-405-420-421 Marcosky, John -Appointment -Unemployment Compensation Appeal Board.. .108 7415 Mathews, James -Appointment -Retirement Commission 25 Mazell, Marilyn -Appointment -Board of Institutions 635 McNally, John W. -Appointment -Magistrate -District Court 52nd District, 2nd Division 108 7690 Medicaid Cutback -Opposition 487 7475 Medical Care Facility -Lease and Lease Back Agreement -Amendment. .119 -120 7723 Medical Care Facility -Patient Care 559 Resolution No. Page 7719 Medical Care Facility -Reply -State Board of Health -Possible Loss of Federal Funds 541 Medical Care Facility -Sale of Bonds 372 7623 Medical Emergency Radio System 299-354-355-356 7762 Medical Emergency Radio System -Acceptance -Grant 646-647-648-677-678 Medical Examiner -Appointment -Dr. Robert Locey 24 7728 Mental Retardation Prevention Month 574 7638 Merit System -Exemption -Court Clerk I and 11 389 7681 Merit System Rules -Amendment -Rule 10, Section V 471-582 7510-7738 Merit System Rules -Changes 176-177 I78-179-180-181-182-183-184-185-186-187-188-189-190-582-583-584 7595 Merit System Rules -Political Activities 295 7732 Michigan Association of Counties -Dues 1977 577 -578 7480 Michigan Department of State Highways -Easement Release.. .129-130-131-132 7658 Michigan Employment Benefits -Amendment 424 7736 Michigan Public Health Code 580 7722 Michigan, State of -Inequity in Tax Dollars Received 558-559 Michigan Unemployment -Proposed Legislation 375 Milliken, William G., Governor -Commendation to Parks and Recreation Commission 210 Montante, Joseph R., M.D. -Appointment -AD HOC Zoning Committee 20-21 Murphy, Dennis L. -Commissioner District #24 -Introduced 162 -N- 7450 National Association of Counties (NACO) -Payment of Dues -Increase.76-220 Newby, Joan M. -Appointment -Director -Community Minority Affairs 16 7657 Nuclear Wastes Disposal 413-423-424 7533-7534-7535 Nutrition Plan Development 222-223-255-256 -0- 7642 Oakland County Building Authority -Amendment to Contract Lease Back 395-396 Oakland County Building Authority -Sale of Bonds 372 7554 Oakland County Citizen -Employee -Suggestion System 251-256 7506 Oakland County Community Coordinating Child Care Program (4 C's) 175-200 7526 Oakland County Cost Allocation Plan 211 Oakland County Cultural Council -Appointments 650 7415 Oakland County Employees Retirement Commission 25 Oakland County Federal Revenue Sharing -Report on Examination 18 7670 Oakland County History Book -Appropriation 460 7623 Oakland County Medical Emergency Radio System 299-354-355-356 7762 Oakland County Medical Emergency Radio System -Acceptance -Grant 646-647-648 Oakland County Social Services Board -Re: Appointment -Anne Rumsey....575 Oakland County Soldiers Relief Commission -Appointments 560 Oakland County Soldiers Relief Commission -Proposed Budget 631 7702 Oakland County Solid Waste Collection and Disposal System Act 342 517-530-531-672-673 Oakland County Tourist and Convention Bureau -Additional Appropriation 577 -639 Oakland County Tourist and Convention Bureau Board -Appointments 138 7361-7580 Oakland County Water, Sewer and Sewage Disposal System Act 342 9-10-283-284 7724 Oakland County Water Supply and Sewage Disposal System for Avon Township -Extensions No. 2 563-564-565-566-567-568 7578 Oakland County Water Supply and Sewage Disposal System for Avon Township -John R. Water Main Extension 283 Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency (OLHSA) -Appointments 70 7671 Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency (OLHSA) -Renewal -Purchase of Service Agreement 463-486-487 7608 Oakland Schools Administration Building Addition -Approval -Concept...3I4 Oakland Township -Flood Plain Delineation -Paint Creek 460-461 Olson, Niles E. -Appointment -Airport Committee 5 Olson, Niles E. -Appointment -Airport Committee 651 7555 Ordinance No. 16 -Amend Section 14 of Ordinance No. 12 253 7555 Ordinance No. 17 -Correction -Amend Section 14 of Ordinance No. 12 290 7676-7677-7695 Organized Crime Strike Force 468-469-470-475-476-491-492-493 7673 Orion Township -Lease of County Property -Fire Station Facility.. .1465-466 7446 Otter Lake -Public Hearing -Sylvan Lake -Watercraft Controls 69-115-116-166-340-474-575 Resolution No. Page Page, Robert W. -Appointment -Alternate -Southeastern Michigan Council of Governments 24 7714 Paint Creek Flood Hazard Analysis Project 529-530-557-558 Paint Creek Flood Plain Delineation 460-461 Pardee, Jeffrey -Budget Director 412 7758 Parks and Recreation -Additional Vehicles 638-639 7537 Parks and Recreation -Beautification Project -Reclassification 233 7704 Parks and Recreation -Taxes -County General Fund Taxes 544-545 7640 Parks and Recreation -Project Grans Under Title X Funding 390-391 7729 Parks and Recreation -Request for Cash Loan 575-576 Parks and Recreation Commission -Appointments -Betty J. Fortino Marjorie Walker and E. Frank Richardson 4 Parks and Recreation Commission -Appointments -Donald Deni and William Clark 634 Parks and Recreation Commission -Commendation from Governor Milliken. 210 7479-7497 Parks and Recreation Commission -Millage 129-158 7438 Parks and Recreation Commission -Sale -Waterford-Oaks Property 53-54 -55 -56 7507 Pathologist -Hospital -Transfer of Funds 175-222 7597 Patterson, Mabel -Congratulations 297 7596 Patterson, William -Congratulations 296-297 Perinoff, Alexander C. -Appointment -Delegate -Southeastern Michigan Council of Governments 24 Perinoff, Alexander C. -Elected Chairman 2 Perinoff, Alexander C. -Member -Personnel Appeal Board 651 Pernick, Lawrence R. -Appointment -Airport Committee 651 Pernick, Lawrence R. -Appointment -Delegate -Southeastern Michigan Council of Governments 24 Pernick, Lawrence R. -Temporary Chairman 1 7437 Perry Street Property (Old 4-H Grounds) 53-87-88 7590-7636-7692 Personnel Administration -Labor Relations Training for Local Units - IPA Grant 292-293-307-303-387-388 -456-457-458-438-489-490 Personnel Appeal Board -Appointment -Robert A. Button and James W. Dunleavy 5 Personnel Appeal Board -Appointment -Patrick K. Daly 302 Personnel Appeal Board -Members -Robert Gorsline -Alexander C. Perinoff 651 7778 Planning and Building Committee -Annual Report 676 7454 Plat Engineer, County -Appointment -James Smith 79 7648 Police Academy -Acceptance -Instructor Training Grant 409-410-411 7547 Police Academy -Approval -Application for Instructor Training Grant 247-248 Police Academy -Report -2nd Year Application for Instructor Training Grant 167-247-248 7456 Pontiac Stadium -Sheriff's Department Assistance -Traffic Contro1.246-247 7422 Presidential Preferential Primary Election 41-42 Price, Hubert, Jr. -Appointment -Alternate -Southeastern Michigan Council of Governments 24 Price, Hubert, Jr. -Appointment -Community Mental Health Services Board 20-21 7536 Priority Salary and Classification Changes 225-226-227-228-229-230-231-232-290-291 7668 Probate Court -Additional Vehicle 456 7504 Probate Judge -Additional 174-289-290-301-302 7413 Probate Judges -Salary Increase 21-661 7421 Prosecutor -Assistant -1975 -1976 Labor Agreement 37-38-39-4041-47-48 7461 Prosecutor -1976 Cooperative Reimbursement Grant -Acceptance 99-100-101-102-103-134-135-232 7582 Prosecutor -Cooperative Reimbursement Grant -Amendment 285 7765 Prosecutor -Cooperative Reimbursement Grant -Application 664-665-666 7630 Prosecutor -Investigators -Additional Vehicles 380-381-382-458-459 7676-7677 -7695 Prosecutor -Organized Crime Strike Force. .468 -469 -470-475-476 -491 -492 -493 7447 Public Act 170 -Amendment 1974 69-116 7489-7490 Public Hearing -Commerce Lake -Changing Name 150-162 Public Hearing -Merger of Department of Public Works and Drain Commission 52-72 7446 Public Hearing -Sylvan and Otter Lakes -Watercraft Controls 69-166-340-474 7764 Public Works Act, Title 11 Counter-Cyclical Funds 662-663-664 7453 Public Works and Economic Development Act -Title X County Positions -Approval 77-78-79 Resolution No. Page 7419 Public Works and Economic Development Act 1565 - Title X Grant Acceptance 31-32-33 7420 Public Works and Economic Development Act 1965 - Title X Through Michigan American Revolution Bi-Centennial Commission 33 7601 Public Works Bill -Support H.R. 12972 302-303 Public Works, Board of -Abolishment ..257 Public Works, Board of -Appointments -Bernard F. Lennon and Mary M. Dearborn 4 7426 Public Works, Board of -Proposed Cooperation Agreement -Board of Commissioners -Drain Board -Road Commission 43-44-71 7447 Public Works Commissioner -Amendment -Act 170, P.A. 1974 116 7662-7700 Public Works Employment Act -File Grant Application 443-463-464-515-516-542 7435-7468-7500 Public Works, Department -Merger with Drain Commission 7560 52-72-108-109-110-111-112-138-149-158-163-164-260-26I-262 7653 Public Works, Department -Referendum -Merger with Drain Commission 415-462-463 7637 Public Works, Department -Salary and Classification Changes Water and Sewer Division 389 7639 Public Works Division -Project Labor Modification -2 Grant Projects.. 390 -R- 7623-7762 Radio System -Oakland County -Medical.299-354-355-356-646-647-648-677-678 7774 Randolph Drain 673 7520 Randolph Street Drain 205-206 7433 -7572 Recycling Center -Relocation -Glass 51-272-273-320-321 7588 Reference Librarian -Salary Increase 291-306-307 7579 Reference Library -Approval -Funding Improvements 283 7423 Regional Planning and Development Agency 42 7652 Reimbursement Division -Classification and Salary Changes.418-419-426-427 Reimbursement Division -Mary Shanks -Presented Report 420 Revenue Sharing -Oakland County -Report on Examination 18 7415 Retirement Commission -Appointment -James Mathews 25 Richardson, E. Frank -Appointment -Parks and Recreation Commission 4 7403 Right-Of-Way Deed to Road Commission 10-11-12 7466 Road Commission -Abolishment -Referendum 106-107-346-375 7481 Road Commission -Annual Audit 132 Road Commission -Appointment -Eugene Kuthy 633 7641 Road Commission -Highway Easement 391 -392-393-394 7539 Road Commission -Lease Agreement -Satellite Treasurer's Office 234-235-279-280-281 7426 Road Commission -Proposed Cooperation Agreement -Board of Commissioners, Drain Boards, Public Works Board 43-44-71 7403 Road Commission -Right-Of-Way Deed 10-11-12 7561 Road Commissioner -Proposed Election 138-262 Road Construction -Finance Program -Summary 138 7609-7629 Road -Resurfacing 314-315-316-317-318-319-320-377-378-379-380 7754 Roman Villa Run -Proposed Name 627-628-629-630 Roth, Kenneth -Appointment -AD HOC Zoning Committee 45 Roth, Kenneth -Appointment -Alternate -Area Agency on Aging 650 7525 Rowley, Dorothy -Commendation 210 7467 Royal Oak, City of -Boy's Club -Project G.A M I T 107 7681 Rules -Merit System -Amendment -Rule 10, Section V 471-582 7510 -7738 Rules -Merit System -Changes 176 ..177-178-179-180-181-182-183-184-185-186-187-188-189-190 -191 -582-583-584 7595 Rules -Merit System -Political Activities 295 7408 -7409 Rules -Permanent -Amendment -Rules !X-C and XIII 5-6 Rumsey, Anne -Re-Appointment -Oakland County Social Services Board 575 -S- 7536 Salary and Classification Changes -Priority 225-226-227-228-229-230-231-232-290-291 Sanitary Code Appeals Board -Appointment -F. Jack Douglas and Lew L. Coy 20-21 SENATE BILLS 7486 S.B. 0181 -Opposition -Workmen's Compensation 144 7473 S.B. 4'335 -Support -Amendment -Mental Health Code 117 S.B. ;590 -Support -Raise Basic Grant to Counties -For Public Health Services 209 7498 S.B. #828 -Support -Patients with Contagious Disease be Admitted to Medical Care Facility 159-173-346-347-383-384 7483 S.B. #863 -Support -Prohibit Rate Increases -Public Utilities 136-137 Resolution No, Page. S.B. #985 -Opposition -Emergency Medical Service 518 S.B. #986 -Opposition -Emergency Medical Service 518 S.B. #987 -Opposition -Emergency Medical Service 518 7472-7752 S.B. #1191 -Oppose -Amending Michigan Employment Security Act 18-116-117-209-626-627 7531-7603 S.B. #I237 -Support -Revision Social Welfare Act 221-303-304-384-385 7486 S.B. #1259 -Opposition -Workmen's Compensation 144 7571 S.B. #1375 -Support -Mass Transit 271-272 7736 S.B. #1484 -Support -Public Health Code 580 7656 S.B. #1517 -Opposition -Amendment -General Property Tax Act 423 7550 Senior Citizens -Summer Employment Program 250 7567 Senior Citizens -Work Experience Program 266-267 7609 Service Center Roads -Authorization -Bids for Resurfacing.314-315-316-317 Shafer, Charles R. -Appointment -Huron Clinton Metropolitan Authority 258-259 Shanks, Mary -Report -Existence of Reimbursement Division 420 7405-7411-7508 Sheriff's Department -Communication Improvement Grant Application 13-14-15-16-176-176-224 7541-7631 Sheriff's Department -Communication Room -Relocation Authorization to Receive Bids 237-238-282-283-382 7482 Sheriff's Department -Conversion of Hand Guns 132-133-154-155 7612 Sheriff's Department -Crime Prevention Bureau Grant.. .286 -325 -326 -327 -328 7395-7509-7770 Sheriff's Department -Detention Officer -New Position.. .8-9-21-22-176-670 7678 Sheriff's Department -Helicopter Assembly -Additional Appropriation 470-474-475 7694 Sheriff's Department -Jail Infirmary Staffing -Additional 490-525-526 7647 Sheriff's Department -Jail Inmate Rehabilitation Grant 405-406-407408 Sheriff's Department -Jail Inmate Rehabilitation Program Grant... .196-197 Sheriff's Department -Jail Inmate Rehabilitation -Report 141 Sheriff's Department -Law Enforcement Agreement - Addison Township 248-249-250-264-265 Sheriff's Department -Law Enforcement Agreement -Amendment 59-60-61-62-63-72 7515 7548 7442-7448 7496-7502 7650 7391 7493 7492 7390 7463-7501 7591 Wri'41.' 7715- 4_ „ :NANI1g;911 T14 2 r- 7113 feet 7702 7427 7416 7627 7459 7457-7543 Brandon Township Sheriff's Department -Law Enforcement Agreement Highland Township 156-157-158-168 Sheriff's Department -Marine Deputy Position -Creation 413-468 Sheriff's Department -Marine Safety Grant 35-36-37-45 Sheriff's Department -Sergeant's Overtime Grievance 152-192-193 Sheriff's Department -Sixth Platoon Shift Premium Grievance. 152 -l91 -192 Sheriff's Department -Snowmobile Safety Program Grant 33-34-35-45 Sheriff's Department -Township Deputies -Establish Standard Cost Law Enforcement Service Agreements 103-104-105-106-135-136-166-167 Sheriff's Department -Trusty Camp Reclassification Maintenance Laborer 293-294-304-305 Simmons, Howard R. -Appointment -Area Agency on Aging 45 Simmons, Howard R. -Appointment -Board of Institutions 635 Simmons, Howard R. -Appointment -Inter-County Highway Commission 108 Simmons, Howard R. -Resignation -Area Agency on Aging 650 Simmons, Howard R. -Resignation -Inter-County Highway Commission 650 Siren System -Grant Application 533-534 Smith, James -Appointment -County Plat Engineer 79 Smoking -Prohibited in Auditorium 17-27 Soil Erosion Control Program -Proposal-Reduce Fee Schedule 529 Solberg, Virginia -Appointment -Unemployment Compensation Appeal Board 108-631 Soldiers Relief Commission -Appointment -Douglas H. Hoard, Chester G. Burton, George E. Halter 560 Soldiers Relief Commission -Proposed Budget 631 Solid Waste Collection and Disposal System Act 342—.517-530-531-672-673 Solid Waste Resource Recovery Implementation Program Pre-Application Grant 45-46 Southeast Michigan Transportation Authority (SEMTA) 26 Southeast Michigan Transportation Authority (SEMTA) County Withdrawal 373-461-462 Southeastern Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) -Appointments... .214 Southfield, City of -Recreational Lease 209 Spreen, Johannes F. -Nomination -Civil Defense -Disaster Control 258 Spreen, Johannes F. -Report -Law Enforcement in Oakland County Report 253 Springfield Oaks -Youth Activity Complex 125-126-127-128-129 Springfield Oaks -Youth Activity Complex -Amendment -Agreement 83-245 Resolution No. Page State highways and Tranportation -Property 80-81 7554 Suggestion System -Oakland County Citizens -Employee 251-252 7474 Summer Employment Policy -1976 118-119-153-154 7550 Summer Employment Program -Senior Citizens 250 7602 Swine Flu Vaccination Program -Approval 303-371-372 7446 Sylvan Lake -Public Hearing -Otter Lake- Watercraft Controls 69-115-116-166-340-474-575 -T- Tax - Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority -Requesting Tax Levy 166 7722 Tax - Inequity Received from State and Federal Government 558-559 Tax Commission -State - Hearing 257 7734 Tax Notes -Coupons -Cremation Agreement 578 -579 7733 Tax Notes -Designation -Paying Agent 578 Tax Property -Redistribution Plan 108 7470 Taxes -1975 -Authorization to Borrow Against 113-114-115 7720 Taxes -1976 -Approval 546-547-548-549-550-551-552-553-554-555 7704 Taxes -County General Fund -Parks and Recreation 519-520 -544 -545 7703 Taxes -Reassessed 518-519-543-544 7517 Telegraph Road -Widening 166-200-202-203 7573 Telegraph Road South -County Property 273 7523 Telephone -Emergency 207 Temporary Chairman -Lawrence R. Pernick 1 7663 Ten Mile-Rouge Sanitary Drain 443-444-445 Thorburn, James S. Judge -Appointment -Criminal Justice Coordinating Council 138 7754 Thread Creek -Naming Tributary -Roman Villa Run 627-628-629-630 7731 Tourist and Convention Bureau -Additional Appropriation 577 Tourist and Convention Bureau -Appointments -Henry W. Hoot, Betty J. Fortino 138 7516 Traffic Improvement Association -Continuation -Project Grant..203-204-205 Traffic Improvement Association -Grant -Report 138-139-140-141 Traffic Improvement Association -Resignation -Howard R. Simmons 650 7469 Transportation -Budget Amendment 112-113 7773 Transportation -County Endorsement -State Wide Coalition 671-672 7539 Treasurer's Office -Satellite -Lease Agreement -Road Commission 234-235-279-280-281 7618 Troy Street Offices -Approval -Funding for Expansion 342-343-377 7575 Tunnel -Authorization to Receive Bids 274-275-276-277-278-668 7625-7767 Tunnel -Awarding of Contract 358-359-360-361-362-363-364-365-668 7742 Tunnel, Utility -Authorization -Receive Bids 587-588-589-590 Tyrell, Hope -Appointment -Library Board 300-301 -U- Unemployment Compensation Appeal Board -Appointments -Virginia Solberg, John Marcosky, Jeffrey M. Leib 108 7499 Unified Form of County Government 159-160-161 7683 US-23 - M-59 To West Bogie Lake Road -Urge Support -Modernization.472-473 7742 Utility Tunnel Improvements -Authorization -Receive Bids..587-588-589-590 -V- VanBrook, Arthur -Appointment -Community Development Advisory Counci1.108 7668 Vehicles -Probate Court Officer -Additional 456 7630 Vehicles -Prosecutor Investigators -Additional 380-381-382-458-459 Veterans -Cemetery -Support 257-270 7779 Veterans -Handicapped Vehicle Retrofit Grant Application 677 7449 Vetter, Ferdinand -Appointment -County Election Scheduling Committee 72-73 -W- Walker, Marjorie -Appointment -Parks and Recreation Commission 4 7637 Water and Sewer Division -Salary and Classification Changes 425-426 7478 Water Rates -Increases -Detroit 125 7434 Water Supply System in Axford Acres and Heritage Farms Subdivision. .51-52 7649-7667 Waterford Historical Committee -Commendation 412-455-456 7777 Waterford-Oaks -Phase II -Approval -File Grant Application 674-675-676 7438 Waterford-Oaks -Property -Sale -Parks and Recreation Commission 53-54-55-56-89-90-91-92-93 Webster, Peter -Appointment -Criminal Justice Coordinating Council..20-21 7644 West Bloomfield Township Ext. No. 2 404 7661 West Bloomfield Water Supply System -Section 3 439-440-441-442-443 7706 Women, Infants and Children (W.I.C.) Acceptance -Grant Fund 521 7689 Women, Infants and Children (W.I.C.) Application -Program Grant 485 7707 Women, Infants and Children (W.I.C.) Program -Supplemental Food Program 483-484-485-524-525 Resolution No. Page -Y- 7459 Youth Activity Complex -Springfield Oaks Park 93-125-126-127-128-129 7457-7543 Youth Activity Complex -Springfield Oaks Park -Amendment to Agreement 83-245 7593 Youth Assistance Case Worker -Increased County Support 294-295-300 7417 Youth Assistance Program -Acceptance -of Grant 28